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Q1. MATLAB stands for what?

Q2.What is the application of MATLAB? Or List the areas of applications for MATLAB?

Q11.What is the latest version of MATLAB?

Q12.Define Stem, Plot, Plot3, fplot, ezplot, linspace, flyplr, grid, mesh and legend.
Q11. Define impulse signal, ramp signal, unit step signal, exponential signal.

Q12. Define sinusoidal signal.

Q13. Define C.T.S & D.T.S.

Q14. Compare C.T.S & D.T.S.

Q15. Draw the C.T.S & D.T.S diagrams.


1. Write program to get Discrete time Sinusoidal Signal.

2. Write program to get Fourier Transform of Sinusoidal Signal.

3. Write program to get Inverse Fourier Transform of Sinusoidal Signal.

4. Write Program for the following Function

Y=exp (-2*_*f*t) +exp (-8*_*f*)

Y= ((exp (-1.56_f)*Sin (2_f) +cos (2_f)

Q1. State Sampling Theorem.

Q2. What is meant by Nyquist rate and Nyquist criteria?

Q3. Explain scaling and superposition properties of a system.

Q4. What is meant by linearity of a system and how it is related to scaling and superposition?

Q5. What is impulse function?

Q6. What is meant by impulse response?

Q7. What is energy signal? How to calculate energy of a signal?

Q8. What is power signal? How to calculate power of a signal?

Q9. Differentiate between even and odd signals.

Q10. Explain time invariance property of a system with an example.

Q11. What is memory less system?

Q12. When a system is said to have memory?

Q13. What is meant by causality?

Q14. List the errors which arise due to quantization process.

Q15. Discuss the truncation error in quantization process.

Q16. Write expression for variance of round-off quantization noise.


Q2. What is the requirement for convolution?

Q3. What is the difference between convolution & correlation?

Q4. What is meant by impulse response?

Q5. Is it possible to represent any discrete time signal in terms of impulses? If yes,

represent by using example.

Q7. Draw the h (2n-k) & h (n-2k) for the following sequence h (n) = {4 3 2 1} assume
(i) k= 3 (ii) k =5.

Q8. Write the expressions for LTI system convolution formula & causal LTI system

Convolution formula.

Q9. What us the length of linear convolution if length of input & impulse responses
are N1 & N2 respectively?

Q10. What is the difference between continuous and discrete convolution?

Q1. Why we need circular convolution?

Q2. What is the difference between circular & linear convolution?

Q3. What is the length of output sequence after circular convolution if the lengths of input impulse

responses are M1 & M2 respectively?

Q4. State the circular convolution property of DFT?

Q6. Where we required convolution property?

Q7.What does zero padding mean? Where we required this concept?

Q8. What is difference between linear shifting & circular shifting of signal? Show with example.

Q9. What is difference between linear & circular folding of signal? Show with example.

Q10. How to perform linear convolution using circular convolution?


Q1. What are Fourier series and Fourier transform?

Q2. Differentiate between DTFT and DFT. Why it is advantageous to use DFT in computers rather

than DTFT?

Q3. State any two DFT properties

Q4. What is the difference between continuous time & discrete time Fourier transform?

Q5. What is the condition for convergence of Fourier transform?

Q6. What is the difference between discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) & DFT?

Q7. What is the difference between Z transform & DFT?

Q8. State convolution property of the DFT? Where we could use the convolution property?

Q9. State Parseval’s theorem.

Q10. State correlation property of the DFT.?

Q11. What is the difference between radix 2 & radix4 FFT algorithms?

Q12. Why we need FFT?

Q13. What is the difference between decimation in time (DIT FFT) & Decimation in frequency

(DIFFFT) algorithms?

Q14. Which properties are used in FFT to reduce no of computations?


Q1. What are Fourier series and Fourier transform?

Q2. Differentiate between DTFT and DFT. Why it is advantageous to use DFT in computers rather

than DTFT?

Q3. State any two DFT properties

Q4. What is the difference between continuous time & discrete time Fourier transform?

Q5. What is the condition for convergence of Fourier transform?

Q6. What is the difference between discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) & DFT?

Q7. What is the difference between Z transform & DFT?

Q8. State convolution property of the DFT? Where we could use the convolution property?

Q9. State Parseval’s theorem.

Q10. State correlation property of the DFT.?

Q11. What is the difference between radix 2 & radix4 FFT algorithms?

Q12. Why we need FFT?

Q13. What is the difference between decimation in time (DIT FFT) & Decimation in frequency

(DIFFFT) algorithms?

Q14. Which properties are used in FFT to reduce no of computations?


Q1. Why we need circular convolution?

Q2. What does zero padding mean? Where we required this concept?

Q3. What is the difference between circular & linear convolution?

Q4. What is the length of output sequence after circular convolution if the lengths of

input & impulse responses are M1 & M2 respectively?

Q5. What is the advantage with sectioned convolution?

Q6. State the algorithm of Overlap add method.

Q7. State the algorithm of Overlap save method.

Q8. State the difference between Overlap add method & Overlap save method.


Q11. What is meant by ROC?

Q12. What are the properties of ROC?

Q13. What are the conditions of stability of a causal system?

Question Bank

SET: 1
1. What is the necessity of sectioned convolution in signal processing?
2. Define Correlation of the sequence.
3. State any two DFT properties
4. Differentiate IIR filters and FIR filters.
5. Write the characteristics features of Hanning window.
6. Define pre-warping effect? Why it is employed?
7. Give any two properties of Butterworth filter.
8. When a FIR filter is said to be a linear phase FIR filter
9. Write the characteristics features of rectangular window.
10.Write the expression for Kaiser Window function.
11.What are the advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters?
12.Write the characteristics features of Hamming window
13.Why mapping is needed in the design of digital filters?
14.What are the effects of finite word length in digital filters?
15.List the errors which arise due to quantization process.
16.Discuss the truncation error in quantization process.
17.Write expression for variance of round-off quantization noise.
18.What is sampling?
19.Define limit cycle Oscillations, and list out the types.
20.When zero limit cycle oscillation and Over flow limit cycle oscillation has
21.Why? Scaling is important in Finite word length effect.
22.What are the differences between Fixed and Binary floating point number
23.What is the error range for Truncation and round-off process?
24.What is the need for spectral estimation?
25.How can the energy density spectrum be determined?
26.What is autocorrelation function?
27.What is the relationship between autocorrelation and spectral density?
28.Give the estimate of autocorrelation function and power density for
random signals?
29.Obtain the expression for mean and variance for the autocorrelation
function of random signals.
30.Define period gram.
31.What are the factors that influence the selection of DSPs?
32.What are the advantages and disadvantages of VLIW architecture? What is
pipelining? And what are the stages of pipelining?
33.What are the different buses of TMS 320C5x processor and list their
34.List the various registers used with ARAU.
35.What are the shift instructions in TMS 320 C5x?
36.List the on-chip peripherals of C5x processor.

Question Bank

SET: 2
1. What is MATLAB?
2. What are the applications of MATLAB?
3. State sampling theorem.
4. What is meant by Nyquist rate and Nyquist criteria?
5. Explain scaling and superposition properties of a system.
6. What is meant by linearity of a system and how it is related to scaling and
7. What is impulse function?
8. What is meant by impulse response?
9. What is energy signal? How to calculate energy of a signal?
10. What is power signal? How to calculate power of a signal?
11. Differentiate between even and odd signals.
12. Explain time invariance property of a system with an example.
13. What is memory less system?
14. When a system is said to have memory?
15. What is meant by causality?
16. Explain linear convolution and circular convolution.
17. What is the length of linear and circular convolutions if the two sequences
are having the length n1 and n2?
18. What are Fourier series and Fourier transform?
19. What are the advantages and special applications of Fourier transform,
Fourier series, Z transform and Laplace transform?
20. Differentiate between DTFT and DFT. Why it is advantageous to use DFT in
computers rather than DTFT?
21. How to perform linear convolution using circular convolution?

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