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Energy utilization
• Reaction in the cell can be grouped into 2
– Anabolic reaction
A + B  AB [ +ΔG]
The synthesis of large molecules from smaller
Energy is used in this process  endergonic
– Catabolic reaction
AB  A + B [ -ΔG]
the breakdown of large molecules to smaller/simpler
molecules, which can be used for biosynthesis again
Energy was released in this process  exergonic
Note: not every catabolic reaction liberates energy

Catabolism + anabolism  metabolism Metabolism in heterotrophic organisms

The steps.
• Ingestion: taking food within the body (although
as the figure shows, it is still topologically in the
external world, not the internal).
• Digestion.
The enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of
– polysaccharides (e.g., starch) to sugars
– proteins to amino acids
– fats to fatty acids and glycerol
– nucleic acids to nucleotides
• Absorption into the body and transport to the
– Absorption into cells

• Within cells, these molecules are further degraded into • Catabolic reaction  yield energy
still simpler molecules containing two to four carbon
atoms. These fragments (acetyl-CoA for example) face – Respirasi anaerob pada sel otot
one of two alternatives:
– They may proceed up various metabolic pathways and serve as
– Fermentation
the building blocks of, for example, sugars and fatty acids. From C6H12O6  2CO2 + 2 C2H5OH
these will be assembled the macromolecules of the cell:
• polysaccharides organic compound act as electron donor &
• fats
• proteins
• nucleic acids – Aerobic respiration
– Or the molecules in this pool of two- to four-carbon fragments
may be still further degraded - ultimately to simple inorganic C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O
molecules such as carbon dioxide (CO2), H2O, and ammonia
(NH3). oxygen  terminal electron acceptor
• This phase of catabolism releases large amounts of energy (in the
form of ATP). One use to which this energy is put is to run the
– Anaerobic respiration
anabolic activities of the cell.
C6H12O6 + 12KNO3 6CO2 + 6H2O + 12KNO3
inorganic compounds exclude O 2  terminal
electron acceptor


Respiration ATP
• Definition:
• ATP is composed of:
– Any process that liberates chemical energy – Adenine
(ATP) when organic molecules are oxidized
– Ribose
– Oxidation of substrates (carbohydrates, fats, – 3 phosphate groups
proteins) to yield chemical energy
• Universal energy carrier  found in all living
• Cell respiration  the process occurs cells
within cells • ADP may be rephosphorylated to ATP p 323:
• Based on the requirement of oxygen: – Respiratory activity
– Aerobic respiration – In the muscle cells
– Photo-phosphorylation
– Anaerobic respiration:

Substrates in respiration:
Biological oxidation
• Carbohydrates: starch/glycogen  
• Direct oxidation by molecular oxygen glucose
– Glucose as substrate oxidation can be
A + O2  AO2 divided into 3 phases:
• Dehidrogenation • Glycolysis (the Embden Meyerhof Pathway) 
AH2 + B  A + BH2
• Oxidative decarboxylation (Krebs/TCA cycle) 
• Electron transfer matrix mitochondrion
Fe2+  Fe3+ + e- • Oxidative phosphorilation  cristae
• Fats  β-oxidation
 Aerobic respiration • Proteins  transamination, deamination


• Acetyl-CoA is generated in the

mitochondria primarily from two sources:
– the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) reaction
– fatty acid oxidation

ATP yield in aerobic respiration

Stage in Aerobic ATP Produced ATP Used NADH + H+ FADH2 produced

Respiration produced

Glycolysis 4 2 2 0

Link Reaction 0 0 2 0

Krebs Cycle 2 0 6 2

Electron Transport 30(NADH +H+) - - -

System 4(FADH2)

Total 40 2 10 2


Regulation of the PDH Complex Krebs cycle

Acetyl coenzyme A from Link Reaction is
used to make:
Pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ------> 3 molecules of NAD+ reduced to NADH + H+
CO2 + acetyl-CoA + NADH + 1 molecule of FAD reduced to FADH2
H+ 2 molecules of CO2
1 molecule of ATP by phosphorylation
The reactions of the Oxaloacetate is regenerated to start cycle
PDH complex serves
• For each glucose molecule, Krebs Cycle
to interconnect the turns twice as 1 Glucose molecule = 2
Pyruvate molecules
metabolic pathways •
• The most important part of the Krebs
of glycolysis, Cycle is the release of hydrogen ions to
be used in the Electron Transport System
gluconeogenesis and for generation of ATP

fatty acid synthesis to Occur in matrix mitochondrion

the TCA cycle.

Electron Transport System

Anaerobic respiration
• Occurs on the inner membrane of mitochondrion (crista)
• Converts energy in form of hydrogen to ATP

• The hydrogen ions received from the Krebs Cycle are attached to hydrogen
• Glucose  2 piruvic acids
carriers (NAD and FAD) which are reduced.
– In animals:
• As reduced NAD and FAD are passed along the electron transport chain, • 2 piruvic acids  2 lactic acids
the hydrogens are removed and the hydrogen atoms split into:
Hydrogen ion – H+ (proton) – In plants:
Electron – e-
• 2 piruvic acids  2 CO2↑ + 2 ethanal  2 ethanol
• At the end of the system, the hydrogen ions and electrons recombine and
are then used to reduce oxygen to form water.

Oxidative Phosphorylation
• The formation of ATP through the oxidation of hydrogen atoms

Energy conversion efficiency:

• Aerobic respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O +38 ATP ΔG=-2880kJ/mol
efficiency= 38 x -30.6 =40.37%
• Anaerobic respiration
– Yeast:
C6H12O6  2CO2 + 2 C2H5OH +2 ATP ΔG=-210kJ/mol
efficiency= 2 x -30.6 =29.14%
– muscle
C6H12O6  2 CH3CHOHCOOH + 2 ATP ΔG=-150kJ/mol
efficiency= 2 x -30.6 =40.80%

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