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Artikel Belajar atau Tugas Bahasa Inggris- Dibawah Ini adalah Beberapa contoh Teks Procedure
Pendek dan sangat singkat dalam bahasa inggris, beserta gambar nya, silahkan di baca dan di
pahami, siapa tau aja kamu bisa bikin teks prosedur sendiri.

How To Make Fruit Ice

Materials :

 Mango
 Avocado
 Sugar water
 Milk
 Ice
 Apple
 Strawberries
 Wine
 Jackfruit

Steps :

1. First, Cut the fruit round or dice.

2. Then, Scratching the flesh of a melon.
3. Then, Boil sugar with water until cooked for about 30 minutes.
4. Next, Put in serving glasses that have been cut round pieces or dice.
5. Then, to taste Pour the sugar water, put ice cubes and put milk on ice fruit.
6. Last, put the decorations on the glass with a piece of strawberry on it.
How To Make Egg and Lemon Soup

 3 pints chicken stock

 Juice of 2 Lemons
 3 oz rice
 salt and pepper
 4 eggs, well beaten


1. Put stock into a pan and heat until boiling.

2. Add rice and cook on low heat for fifteen minutes.
3. Mix together egg and lemon juice.
4. Add three tablespoons of stock to the mixture and stir.
5. Stir this mixture into the remaining stock in pan.
6. Add a little of salt and pepper.
7. Cook gently for three minutes.

How To Make Orange Juice


 125 ml sugar
 5 ml Vanilla extract
 1 handful ice cubes
 165 ml orange juice concentrate
 250 ml milk
 250 ml water

1. Combine all ingredients in blender except ice cubes.
2. Add ice cubes and blend until smooth
3. Pour in a glass

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