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PRAGUE KIEV Himberger Straße 50 | A-2320 Schwechat
P +43 1 70170-0
F +43 1 70170-88


Ke Kablu 278 | CZ-102 09 Praha 15
P +420 272 070-111
F +420 272 070-181



Dear customer,

We are pleased to enclose your copy of the joint Export Catalogue of PRAKAB PRAŽSKÁ
KABELOVNA, s.r.o. (PRAKAB), Prague/Czech Republic, and Schwechater Kabelwerke GmbH (SKW),
Schwechat/Austria, both subsidiaries of the SKB-Group.

We have taken great care to put together a selection of products from our broad product range that
we have sold successfully in our export markets over many years. We have, however, also included
many principal types in the catalogue to better fulfil your needs.

Our sales staff, working in close cooperation with the technical experts in our product development
departments, are of course always pleased to assist in developing and offering products tailored to
your exact requirements. After all, it is the overriding aim of both our companies to provide you with
perfect solutions and we endeavour to do so with absolute commitment and enthusiasm and with
the reliability that comes from a family business.

Please contact the sales staff at the relevant company for any pricing
information you may require. For any commercial queries, please
refer to our General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

The information in the catalogue as well as a range of other informa-

tion is of course also available on our websites and

We look forward to our continued cooperation.

Yours faithfully

The team at PRAKAB and the team at SKW




Cu ropes 2 N2XS(F)2Y 104
CuSn ropes 7 NA2XS(F)2Y 106
Cu braidings 9
without sheath 1–AES 108 2
H05V–U, H05V–K 10 E–A2Y / E–XA2Y 109
H07V–U, H07V–R 11 NFA2X 110
H07V–K 12 ABC–BS 112
FR–N 07 V–A–R 13 NFC 113
with sheath AsXSn 116
CYKY 14 PRALEX 118 3
CYKYLo 16 AXKA 119
H03VV–F / A03VV–F 17 AMKA 120
H05VV–F / A05VV–F 18 over 1 kV
AT–N07V3V3–F K35 20 25–ADX–K 121
XYMM K35 21 35–ADX–K 122
AT–N05VV–U, –R (YM) 22 CCX WK 20 kV 123 4
NYM 24
MMJ 450/750 V 27 CMFM 124
YDY 28 CMSM 126
YDYp 29 YSLY (SKW–Controlfl ex) 128 5
YSLCY (SKW–Controlfl ex–C) 131
H05RR–F 30 JE–Y (St)Y…Bd 135
H07RN–F / A07RN–F 31
Cu unscreened F–2YA2Y 138
1–CYKY 33 F–2YC2Y 140
E–YY 35 TK 59 GM 142
E–YY multi-core 38 A–2Y(L)2Y…Bd 144
NYY 40 A–2YF(L)2Y…Bd 146
NY2Y 43 J–Y(St)Y...Lg 148 7
N2XY 44
U–1000 R2V 47 A–2Y2YB2Y 150
YKY, YnKY 50 Sw–CLT 152
YKSY 52 TD 59–PT 154
CH–N1VV–R (TT–KABEL) 56 H05Z–U / H05Z–K 156
Cu armoured H07Z–U / H07Z–R / H07Z–K 157
YBY 58 NHXMH 159
YRY 60 9
Cu screened 11 HALOGEN-FREE ENERGY CABLES 0.6/1 kV
E–YCY 61 Cu unscreened
NYCY 64 N2XH 161
NYCWY 66 (N)2XH PLUS 164
FKKJ 68 (N)HXH FE180/E30 167
MCMK 69 (N)HXH FE180/E90 170 10
Al unscreened Cu screened
1–AYKY 71 N2XCH 173
E–AYY 73 (N)2XCH PLUS 175
E–XAYY 75 (N)HXCH FE180/E30 177
E–AY2Y 76 (N)HXCH FE180/E90 180
E–XAY2Y 77 Al unscreened 11
NAY2Y 80 FRNC–AL–S 184
NA2XY 81 FR–N1X1G1–AR 185
NA2X2Y 82 Al screened
U–1000 AR2V 83 FRNC–AL–SCW 186
TFXP 91 HSLH 190
AXMK 92 HSLCH 192 13
SE–N1XE–U, SE–N1XE–R 96 J–H(St)H...Bd 194
Al screened JE–H(St)H…Bd FE180/E30–E90 196
TFSP 101
AKKJ 103


Cu rope
Cu rope, soft, compressed


EN 60228
adapted to EN 50164
(for cross-section ≥ 50 mm2)
Bending radius (min.):
15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Outer diameter Direction of Max. conductor Total weight Standard
cross section wires (mm) ca. outer layer resistance max. lengths/
(mm²) in the rope (Ω/km) (kg/km) packing
(pcs) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) compressed
6 7 2.9 left (S) 3.080 55 500 D, 1,000 D
10 7 4.2 left (S) 1.830 90 500 D, 1,000 D
16 7 5.3 left (S) 1.150 145 500 D, 1,000 D
25 7 6.6 left (S) 0.727 225 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 7.9 left (S) 0.524 315 500 D, 1,000 D
50 7 8.2 left (S) 0.387 450 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 8.2 left (S) 0.387 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 9.9 left (S) 0.268 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 11.7 left (S) 0.193 850 500 D, 1,000 D
120 19 13.1 left (S) 0.153 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
150 19 14.4 left (S) 0.124 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 14.4 left (S) 0.124 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 16.1 left (S) 0.099 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
240 37 18.6 left (S) 0.075 2,150 500 D, 1,000 D
300 61 20.7 left (S) 0.060 2,680 500 D, 1,000 D
400 61 24.1 left (S) 0.047 3,570 500 D
500 61 26.9 left (S) 0.037 4,460 500 D

Subject to technical changes.



Cu rope
Cu rope, soft, non-compressed


Standard: 1
EN 60228
adapted to DIN VDE 48201 (construction)
EN 50164 (for cross-section ≥ 50 mm2)
Bending radius (min.):
15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Outer diameter Direction of Max. conductor Total weight Standard
cross section wires max. outer layer resistance max. lengths/
(mm²) in the rope (mm) (Ω/km) (kg/km) packing
(pcs) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) non-compressed
10 7 4.2 right (Z) 1.830 90 500 D, 1,000 D
16 7 5.3 right (Z) 1.150 145 500 D, 1,000 D
25 7 6.6 right (Z) 0.727 225 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 7.9 right (Z) 0.524 315 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 9.1 right (Z) 0.387 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 11.0 right (Z) 0.268 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 12.9 right (Z) 0.193 850 500 D, 1,000 D
120 37 14.5 right (Z) 0.153 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 16.2 right (Z) 0.124 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 18.0 right (Z) 0.099 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
240 61 20.6 right (Z) 0.075 2,150 500 D, 1,000 D
300 61 23.1 right (Z) 0.060 2,680 500 D, 1,000 D
400 61 26.1 right (Z) 0.047 3,570 500 D
500 61 29.2 right (Z) 0.037 4,460 500 D

Subject to technical changes.



Cu rope
Cu rope, hard, non-compressed


DIN VDE 48201

Bending radius (min.):

15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Outer diameter Direction of Tensile Total weight Standard

cross section wires (mm) ca. outer layer strenght max. lengths/
(mm²) in the rope min. (kg/km) packing
(pcs) (kN) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) non-compressed
10 7 4.1 right (Z) 4.02 90 500 D, 1,000 D
16 7 5.1 right (Z) 6.37 145 500 D, 1,000 D
25 7 6.3 right (Z) 9.72 225 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 7.5 right (Z) 13.77 315 500 D, 1,000 D
50 7 9.0 right (Z) 19.84 450 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 9.0 right (Z) 19.38 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 10.5 right (Z) 26.38 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 12.5 right (Z) 37.39 850 500 D, 1,000 D
120 19 14.0 right (Z) 46.90 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 15.8 right (Z) 58.98 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 17.5 right (Z) 72.81 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
240 61 20.3 right (Z) 97.23 2,150 500 D, 1,000 D
300 61 22.5 right (Z) 120.04 2,680 500 D, 1,000 D
400 61 26.0 right (Z) 160.42 3,570 500 D
500 61 29.1 right (Z) 200.38 4,460 500 D

Subject to technical changes.


Cu rope
Cu rope, soft, non-compressed


Standard: 1
adapted to BS 7884

Bending radius (min.):

15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Diameter of Outer Direction of Max. Total weight Standard

cross wires wire (mm) diameter outer layer conductor max. lengths/
section in the rope ca. (mm) ca. resistance (kg/km) packing
(mm²) (pcs) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) non-compressed
10 7 1.35 4.1 right (Z) 1.829 90 500 D, 1,000 D
14 7 1.60 4.8 right (Z) 1.303 125 500 D, 1,000 D
16 3 2.65 5.7 right (Z) 1.106 145 500 D, 1,000 D
16 7 1.70 5.1 right (Z) 1.154 145 500 D, 1,000 D
25 7 2.10 6.3 right (Z) 0.756 225 500 D, 1,000 D
32 3 3.75 8.1 right (Z) 0.552 285 500 D, 1,000 D
32 7 2.46 7.4 right (Z) 0.550 285 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 2.50 7.5 right (Z) 0.534 315 500 D, 1,000 D
50 7 3.00 9.0 right (Z) 0.371 450 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 1.80 9.0 right (Z) 0.382 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 7 3.55 10.7 right (Z) 0.265 625 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 2.10 10.5 right (Z) 0.281 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 2.50 12.5 right (Z) 0.198 850 500 D, 1,000 D
100 7 4.30 12.9 right (Z) 0.181 895 500 D, 1,000 D
120 19 2.80 14.0 right (Z) 0.158 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
125 19 2.90 14.5 right (Z) 0.147 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
150 19 3.20 16.0 right (Z) 0.121 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 2.25 15.8 right (Z) 0.126 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 19 3.55 17.8 right (Z) 0.098 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 2.50 17.5 right (Z) 0.102 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.


Cu rope
Cu rope, hard, non-compressed


BS 7884

Bending radius (min.):

15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Diameter Outer Direction Tensile Max. Total Standard

cross wires of wire diameter of outer strenght conductor weight lengths/
section in the rope (mm) ca. (mm) ca. layer min. resistance max. packing
(mm²) (pcs) (kN) (kg/km) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) non-compressed
10 7 1.35 4.1 right (Z) 3.75 1.829 90 500 D, 1,000 D
14 7 1.60 4.8 right (Z) 5.27 1.303 125 500 D, 1,000 D
16 3 2.65 5.7 right (Z) 6.19 1.106 145 500 D, 1,000 D
16 7 1.70 5.1 right (Z) 5.95 1.154 145 500 D, 1,000 D
25 7 2.10 6.3 right (Z) 9.07 0.756 225 500 D, 1,000 D
32 3 3.75 8.1 right (Z) 12.40 0.552 285 500 D, 1,000 D
32 7 2.46 7.4 right (Z) 12.44 0.550 285 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 2.50 7.5 right (Z) 12.86 0.534 315 500 D, 1,000 D
50 7 3.00 9.0 right (Z) 18.52 0.371 450 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 1.80 9.0 right (Z) 17.70 0.382 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 7 3.55 10.7 right (Z) 25.93 0.265 625 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 2.10 10.5 right (Z) 24.09 0.281 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 2.50 12.5 right (Z) 34.14 0.198 850 500 D, 1,000 D
100 7 4.30 12.9 right (Z) 36.54 0.181 895 500 D, 1,000 D
120 19 2.80 14.0 right (Z) 42.83 0.158 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
125 19 2.90 14.5 right (Z) 45.94 0.147 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
150 19 3.20 16.0 right (Z) 55.94 0.121 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 2.25 15.8 right (Z) 53.88 0.126 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 19 3.55 17.8 right (Z) 68.86 0.098 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 2.50 17.5 right (Z) 66.49 0.102 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



CuSn rope
CuSn rope, soft, non-compressed


Standard: 1
adapted to DIN VDE 48201 (construction)
EN 60228
EN 50164 (for cross-section ≥ 50 mm2)
Bending radius (min.):
15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Outer Thickness of Direction of Max. Total weight Standard

cross wires diameter the tin layer outer layer conductor max. lengths/
section in the rope (mm) ca. (µm) resistance (kg/km) packing
(mm²) (pcs) (Ω/km) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) non-compressed
25 7 6.5 2–3 right (Z) 0.734 225 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 7.5 2–3 right (Z) 0.529 310 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 9.0 2–3 right (Z) 0.376 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 10.5 2–3 right (Z) 0.270 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 12.5 2–3 right (Z) 0.195 850 500 D, 1,000 D
120 37 14.5 2–3 right (Z) 0.154 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 16.2 2–3 right (Z) 0.126 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 18.0 2–3 right (Z) 0.100 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
240 61 20.6 2–3 right (Z) 0.076 2,150 500 D, 1,000 D
300 61 22.5 2–3 right (Z) 0.061 2,680 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



CuSn rope
CuSn rope, hard, non-compressed


DIN VDE 48201

Bending radius (min.):

15 x ∅ of rope


Conductors are designed for connection of points with equal

electric potential or for high currents and low voltages.

Nominal Number of Outer Thickness of Direction of Tensile Total weight Standard

cross wires diameter the tin layer outer layer strenght max. lengths/
section in the rope (mm) ca. (µm) min. (kg/km) packing
(mm²) (pcs) (kN) (m)
Cu conductor stranded (class 2) non-compressed
25 7 6.5 2–3 right (Z) 9.72 225 500 D, 1,000 D
35 7 7.5 2–3 right (Z) 13.77 315 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 9.0 2–3 right (Z) 19.84 450 500 D, 1,000 D
50 19 9.0 2–3 right (Z) 19.84 450 500 D, 1,000 D
70 19 10.5 2–3 right (Z) 26.38 625 500 D, 1,000 D
95 19 12.5 2–3 right (Z) 37.39 850 500 D, 1,000 D
120 19 14.0 2–3 right (Z) 46.90 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
120 37 14.0 2–3 right (Z) 46.90 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
150 37 15.8 2–3 right (Z) 58.98 1,340 500 D, 1,000 D
185 37 17.5 2–3 right (Z) 72.81 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
240 61 20.3 2–3 right (Z) 97.23 2,150 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Cu braidings
Copper bare conductors


Standard: 1


Conductors are used for flexible connection of electrical

equipments and for earthing applications.

Nominal Max. Outer Width Thickness Total weight Standard

cross section conductor diameter of flat of flat max. lengths/
(mm²) resistance round braiding braiding braiding (kg/km) packing
(Ω/km) (mm) ca. (mm) ca. (mm) ca. (m)
Copper braidings from Cu wires ∅ 0.071 mm
6 2.870 5.0 8.5 0.9 60 50 R
10 1.720 7.0 11.5 1.2 100 50 R
16 1.080 8.5 15.2 1.4 160 50 R
20 0.860 10.0 16.8 1.7 200 50 R
25 0.690 11.0 19.0 1.9 245 50 R
35 0.490 13.5 21.5 2.4 345 50 R
Copper braidings from Cu wires ∅ 0.100 mm
10 1.720 7.0 11.2 1.3 100 50 R
16 1.080 8.5 15.5 1.5 160 50 R
25 0.690 11.0 20.0 2.0 245 50 R
35 0.490 13.5 24.0 2.2 345 50 R
50 0.340 17.0 28.5 2.8 490 50 R
Copper braidings from Cu wires ∅ 0.200 mm
25 0.690 11.0 22.0 1.6 245 50 R
35 0.490 13.5 24.5 2.4 345 50 R
50 0.340 17.0 31.0 2.7 490 50 R
70 0.250 20.0 35.0 3.8 690 50 R

Subject to technical changes.



H05V–U / H05V–K
Insulated wire


HD 21.3
EN 50525-2-31
Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 1 2 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, solid wire (–U) resp. fine wire (–K) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) operating temperature: –5 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of wire

Core identification:
black (bk), blue (bu), brown (bn), grey (gy),
violet (vt), green/yellow (gn/ye), green (gn),
yellow (ye), orange (or), white (wh), red (rd)
Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
For fixed and protected installation within appliances as well as in
and on luminaires. Permissible for installation in conduits on and EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria
under plaster but only for control and signal circuits.

Nominal Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/

cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
0.5 36.000 2.0 10 100 R
0.75 24.500 2.1 15 100 R
1 18.100 2.3 15 100 R
0.5 39.000 2.1 10 100 R
0.75 26.000 2.2 15 100 R
1 19.500 2.4 15 100 R

Subject to technical changes.



H07V–U / H07V–R
Insulated wire


HD 21.3
EN 50525-2-31
Rated voltage:
450/750 V 2

Test voltage:
2 1 2.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, solid wire (–U) resp. stranded wire (–R) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) operating temperature: –5 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ up to 16 mm2,
5 x ∅ 25 up to 50 mm2,
6 x ∅ above 50 mm2
Core identification:
black (bk), blue (bu), brown (bn), green/yellow
APPLICATION (gn/ye), grey (gy), violet (vt), green (gn), yellow
(ye), orange (or), white (wh), red (rd)
For fixed installation in conduits on or under plaster. Suitable
Fire properties:
for protected installation in and on lighting facilities or control flame retardant:
devices for voltages up to 750 V AC or 1,000 V DC against ground. EN 60332-1-2
EZÚ Czech Republic, EVPÚ Slovak Republic,
ÖVE Austria, LCIE France

Nominal Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/

cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
1.5 12.100 2.6 20 100 R
2.5 7.410 3.3 30 100 R
4 4.610 3.9 45 100 R
6 3.080 4.1 65 100 R
10 1.830 5.3 110 100 R
16 1.150 6.5 165 100 R
6 3.080 4.7 70 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
10 1.830 5.8 110 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
16 1.150 6.9 165 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
25 0.727 8.2 250 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
35 0.524 9.2 345 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
50 0.387 11.3 475 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
70 0.268 13.0 695 500 D, 1,000 D
95 0.193 14.5 915 500 D, 1,000 D
120 0.153 17.1 1,140 500 D, 1,000 D
150 0.124 19.1 1,390 500 D, 1,000 D
185 0.099 21.4 1,760 500 D, 1,000 D
240 0.075 24.4 2,290 500 D, 1,000 D
300 0.060 27.1 3,050 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.


Insulated wire


HD 21.3
EN 50525-2-31
Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
2 1 2.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–K) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) operating temperature: –5 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ up to 16 mm2,
5 x ∅ 25 up to 50 mm2,
6 x ∅ above 50 mm2
Core identification:
black (bk), blue (bu), brown (bn), green/yellow
(gn/ye), grey (gy), violet (vt), green (gn), yellow
(ye), orange (or), white (wh), red (rd)
Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
For fixed installation in conduits on or under plaster. Suitable Certificate:
for protected installation in and on lighting facilities or control EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria
devices for voltages up to 750 V AC or 1,000 V DC against ground.

Nominal Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/

cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
1.5 13.300 2.8 20 100 R
2.5 7.980 3.6 35 100 R
4 4.950 4.0 50 100 R, 500 Sp
6 3.300 4.7 70 100 R, 500 Sp
10 1.910 6.0 105 100 R, 500 Sp
16 1.210 7.1 165 100 R, 500 Sp
25 0.780 9.0 250 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
35 0.554 10.4 340 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
50 0.386 11.8 480 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
70 0.272 14.8 685 500 D, 1,000 D
95 0.206 16.4 910 500 D, 1,000 D
120 0.161 17.5 1,110 500 D, 1,000 D
150 0.129 19.0 1,370 500 D, 1,000 D
185 0.106 22.0 1,820 500 D, 1,000 D
240 0.080 27.0 2,320 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



FR–N 07 V–A–R
Insulated wire


adapted to HD 21.3
EN 50525-2-31
Rated voltage:
450/750 V 2

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
2 1
Temperature range:
1 | Aluminium conductor, stranded wire (–R) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) operating temperature: –5 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
5 x ∅ 25 up to 50 mm2,
6 x ∅ above 50 mm2
Core identification:
green/yellow (gn/ye), black (bk), blue (bu),
brown (bn), red (rd) and other colours on
Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2 
For fixed installation in conduits on or under plaster. Suitable Certificate:
for protected installation in and on lighting facilities or control EVPÚ Slovak Republic, LCIE France
devices for voltages up to 750 V AC or 1,000 V DC against ground.

Nominal Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/

cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
FR–N 07 V–A–R
25 1.200 8.6 110 500 D, 1,000 D
35 0.868 9.6 150 500 D, 1,000 D
50 0.641 11.4 190 500 D, 1,000 D
70 0.443 12.9 270 500 D, 1,000 D
95 0.320 15.0 365 500 D, 1,000 D
120 0.253 17.1 450 500 D, 1,000 D
150 0.206 16.4 545 500 D, 1,000 D
185 0.164 18.1 670 500 D, 1,000 D
240 0.129 27.2 880 500 D, 1,000 D
300 0.100 26.8 1,090 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


TP PRAKAB 01/03 –2. edition

Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2| Core insulation (PVC)
3| Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4| Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable for ∅ ≤ 15 mm
15 x ∅ of cable for ∅ > 15 mm
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- EN 60332-1-2
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed instal-
lation in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open air, in water Certificate:
– as permitted by the local building regulations – if no risk of any EZÚ Czech Republic, EVPÚ Slovak Republic,
mechanical damage is to be expected. CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Number of Max. Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x conductor in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross resistance (A) (A) packing
section (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.531 34 22 8.1 105 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 1.5 RE 12.531 28 18 8.6 120 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 1.5 RE 12.531 28 18 9.3 150 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 1.5 RE 12.531 28 18 10.1 175 100 R, 500 Sp
7 x 1.5 RE 12.531 18 11 11.0 225 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.531 13 9 14.6 390 1,000 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.531 11 8 17.0 565 1,000 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.531 9 7 20.1 720 1,000 D
37 x 1.5 RE 12.531 8 6 22.9 1,120 1,000 D
48 x 1.5 RE 12.531 7 5 26.6 1,310 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.520 45 30 8.9 140 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 2.5 RE 7.520 38 25 9.5 170 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 2.5 RE 7.520 38 25 10.3 210 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 2.5 RE 7.520 38 25 11.2 260 100 R, 500 Sp
7 x 2.5 RE 7.520 23 15 12.2 340 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 RE 7.520 17 12 16.3 570 1,000 D




Number of Max. Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x conductor in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross resistance (A) (A) packing 2
section (Ω/km) (m)
19 x 2.5 RE 7.520 14 10 19.3 835 1,000 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.520 12 9 22.5 1,080 1,000 D
37 x 2.5 RE 7.520 10 8 26.1 1,570 1,000 D
48 x 2.5 RE 7.520 9 6 29.8 2,000 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.700 59 40 10.6 215 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.700 48 34 11.2 255 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.700 48 34 12.2 315 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.700 48 34 13.8 380 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.700 29 20 15.0 485 1,000 D
12 x 4 RE 4.700 22 16 20.0 870 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.133 73 51 11.6 260 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.133 61 43 12.3 325 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.133 61 43 13.8 405 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.133 61 43 15.1 500 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.880 81 60 14.7 495 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.880 81 60 16.1 645 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.880 81 60 18.0 770 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE 1.175 105 80 16.7 720 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE 1.175 105 80 18.6 925 1,000 D
5 x 16 RE 1.175 105 80 20.4 1,140 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 01/03 –2. edition

Subject to technical changes.



Flat cable


TP PRAKAB 01/03 – 2. edition

Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. +5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
6 x cable height
or 6 x cable width
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
APPLICATION Certificate:
EZÚ Czech Republic, EVPÚ Slovak Republic
For fixed installation under plaster, in conduits and in trunkings.

Number of Max. Current rating Cable width Cable height Total weight Standard
cores x conductor in the air1) (mm) ca. (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross resistance (A) packing
section (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.531 22 6.7 3.9 60 100 R
3 x 1.5 RE 12.531 18 9.5 3.9 80 100 R
2 x 2.5 RE 7.520 30 7.5 4.3 85 100 R
3 x 2.5 RE 7.520 25 10.7 4.3 120 100 R

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 01/03 – 2. edition

Subject to technical changes.



H03VV–F / A03VV–F
Light flexible cable


HD 21.5
EN 50525-2-11
Rated voltage:
300/300 V 2

Test voltage:
3 2 1
2 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) operating temperature: +5 °C up to +50 °C
3 | Sheath (PVC grey) conductor temperature: max. +60 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
3 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Fire properties:

flame retardant:
Permissible for use in areas subject to low mechanical stress in EN 60332-1-2
households and office premises for light hand-held appliances
except cooking and heating equipment. Not suitable for outdoor Certificate:
use, in industrial premises or for professional power tools. ÖVE Austria

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
2 X 0.5 39.000 4.7 40 50 R, 100 R
3 G 0.5 39.000 5.0 50 50 R, 100 R
4 G 0.5 39.000 5.6 60 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2 X 0.75 26.000 5.2 50 50 R, 100 R
3 G 0.75 26.000 5.5 55 50 R, 100 R
4 G 0.75 26.000 6.1 70 50 R, 100 R
5 G 0.75 26.000 6.8 85 50 R, 100 R
2X1 19.500 5.5 55 50 R, 100 R
3G1 19.500 5.9 65 50 R, 100 R
4G1 19.500 6.5 75 50 R, 100 R

Subject to technical changes.



H05VV–F / A05VV–F
Flexible cable


HD 21.5
EN 50525-2-11
Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
3 2 1
2 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) operating temperature: +5 °C up to +50 °C
3 | Sheath (PVC grey) conductor temperature: max. +60 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
3 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:

Permissible for use in areas subject to moderate mechanical Fire properties:

stress in households, kitchens and office premises for household flame retardant:
appliances. Suitable also for cooking and heating equipment if EN 60332-1-2
contact with hot parts and heat radiation is avoided. Not suitable
for outdoor use, in industrial premises or for professional power
EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
section (Ω/km)
2 X 0.75 26.000 5.8 60 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 0.75 26.000 6.2 70 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 0.75 26.000 6.7 80 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 0.75 26.000 7.7 100 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2X1 19.500 6.2 65 50 R, 100 R
3G1 19.500 6.6 80 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
4G1 19.500 7.4 100 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
5G1 19.500 8.1 115 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
2 X 1.5 13.300 7.1 90 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 1.5 13.300 7.6 110 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.300 8.5 135 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.300 9.5 165 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
2 X 2.5 7.980 8.8 130 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 2.5 7.980 9.3 155 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 2.5 7.980 10.4 195 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 2.5 7.980 11.7 240 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp
4G4 4.950 12.0 285 50 R, 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
5G4 4.950 13.3 320 50 R, 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D



H05VV–F / A05VV–F

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
section (Ω/km) 2
4G6 3.300 14.7 380 50 R, 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
5G6 3.300 16.7 475 50 R, 100 R, 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 0.75 26.000 8.5 130 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 0.75 26.000 11.0 200 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 0.75 26.000 11.5 230 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 0.75 26.000 12.0 260 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 0.75 26.000 13.0 290 500 D, 1,000 D
19 G 0.75 26.000 14.0 340 500 D, 1,000 D
7G1 19.500 9.0 140 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 1 19.500 11.7 210 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1 19.500 12.1 235 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 1 19.500 13.0 300 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 1 19.500 13.9 310 500 D, 1,000 D
19 G 1 19.500 14.5 350 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 1.5 13.300 10.6 190 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
10 G 1.5 13.300 13.7 290 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1.5 13.300 14.2 325 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 1.5 13.300 14.9 365 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 1.5 13.300 16.0 480 500 D, 1,000 D
19 G 1.5 13.300 16.4 565 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 2.5 7.980 13.0 295 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 2.5 7.980 16.5 435 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 2.5 7.980 17.5 570 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 2.5 7.980 18.3 665 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 2.5 7.980 20.0 750 500 D, 1,000 D
19 G 2.5 7.980 21.0 850 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



AT–N07V3V3–F K35
Flexible cable, cold resistant



Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –35 °C
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) operating temperature: fixed –40 °C to +50 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC, cold resistant) moved –35 °C to +50 °C
3 | Sheath (PVC, cold resistant, yellow) conductor temperature: max. +60 °C
Printing according to customer specification possible short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
3 x ∅ of the cable (fixed installed)
5 x ∅ of the cable (free motion)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2
Fire properties:
As unprotected installable flexible cable under medium mechani- flame retardant:
cal stress for outdoor applications, e.g. on sites, in professional EN 60332-1-2
workshops but also in dry or wet rooms and fixed installations.
Allowed for direct installations on hoists, machinery etc. In Austria
ÖVE Austria
this cable is registered as official equivalent type for H07RN–F.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
(mm²) (Ω/km)
AT–N07V3V3–F K35
2 X 1.5 13.300 9.5 90 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 1.5 13.300 10.0 120 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.300 11.0 150 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.300 12.0 175 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 2.5 7.980 12.0 175 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 2.5 7.980 13.0 220 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 2.5 7.980 14.0 285 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
4G4 4.950 14.5 320 500 D, 1,000 D
5G4 4.950 16.5 360 500 D, 1,000 D
4G6 3.300 16.5 400 500 D, 1,000 D
5G6 3.300 18.0 500 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 10 1.910 22.0 770 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 10 1.910 24.0 895 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 16 1.210 25.0 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 16 1.210 27.5 1,260 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Building site cable, cold resistant


adapted to EN 50525-2-11

Rated voltage:
450/750 V 2

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –35 °C
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) operating temperature: fixed –40 °C to +50 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC, cold resistant) moved –35 °C to +50 °C
3 | Sheath (PVC, cold resistant, orange) conductor temperature: max. +60 °C
Printing according to customer specification possible short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
3 x ∅ of the cable (fixed installed)
5 x ∅ of the cable (free motion)
Core identification:

Suitable as flexible cable subject to moderate mechanical stress Fire properties:

in the open air e.g. on non-professional building sites as well as flame retardant:
in dry and damp premises. EN 60332-1-2

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
(mm²) (Ω/km)
3 G 1.5 13.300 7.7 100 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.300 8.7 120 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.300 9.9 160 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 2.5 7.980 9.8 160 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 2.5 7.980 10.4 185 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 2.5 7.980 11.6 225 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
5G4 4.950 16.0 410 500 D, 1,000 D
5G6 3.300 19.0 580 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 10 1.910 24.7 1,020 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 16 1.210 28.3 1,400 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



AT–N05VV–U, –R (YM)
Installation cable


ÖVE K 41-4,
ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8241-4
Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –10 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) resp. round stranded (RM) operating temperature: –40 °C up to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3| Inner covering (EPDM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
4| Sheath (PVC grey or special colour)
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
For fixed installation in dry and damp premises. Not suitable Certificate:
for unprotected installation in the open air or directly in tamped ÖVE Austria

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
section (Ω/km)
AT–N05VV–U, –R (YM)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7.0 95 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7.8 115 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8.3 135 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9.1 160 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10.1 205 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 8.6 135 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 8.9 160 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10.3 210 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10.7 235 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12.3 315 500 Sp, 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 9.4 175 50 R, 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 x 4 RE 4.610 10.0 225 500 Sp, 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 11.0 285 500 Sp, 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 12.4 330 500 Sp, 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 10.3 240 500 Sp, 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 12.3 325 500 Sp, 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 14.0 425 500 Sp, 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 14.2 455 500 Sp, 1,000 D



AT–N05VV–U, –R (YM)

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
section (Ω/km) 2
AT–N05VV–U, –R (YM)
2 x 10 RE 1.830 14.2 410 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 15.0 505 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 17.1 665 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 17.3 670 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 18.1 755 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.150 17.0 605 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 18.4 775 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 20.1 975 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 22.3 1,170 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Installation cable


DIN VDE 0250-204

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. +5 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) resp. round stranded (RM) operating temperature: –40 °C up to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3| Inner covering (EPDM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
4| Sheath (PVC grey) Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:

For fixed installation in dry and damp premises. Not suitable Fire properties:
for unprotected installation in the open air or directly in tamped flame retardant:
concrete. EN 60332-1-2

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8.5 115 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8.9 130 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9.5 170 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10.2 180 100 R, 500 Sp
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11.0 235 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 9.7 160 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10.2 195 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11.0 225 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11.9 265 100 R, 500 Sp
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12.8 335 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 11.1 220 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 11.7 265 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 13.0 330 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 14.5 405 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 12.1 215 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 13.1 350 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 14.6 445 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 15.8 525 1,000 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 15.4 450 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 16.3 550 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 17.7 670 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 19.3 800 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m) 2
2 x 16 RM 1.150 17.8 645 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 19.3 815 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 20.9 1,050 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 23.3 1,280 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 0.727 21.9 960 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 23.2 1,210 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 25.3 1,530 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 28.1 1,820 1,000 D
2 x 35 RM 0.524 24.8 1,270 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM 0.524 26.3 1,590 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 28.7 1,970 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 31.5 2,400 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



MMJ 300/500 V
Installation cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


SFS 2091

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3| Inner covering (EPDM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
4| Sheath (PVC grey) Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2
Fire properties:
For fixed installation in dry and damp premises. Not suitable flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
for unprotected installation in the open air or directly in tamped

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
MMJ 300/500 V
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9.0 120 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9.4 140 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10.2 165 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11.0 195 100 R, 500 Sp
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10.2 165 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10.7 190 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11.6 230 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12.7 270 100 R, 500 Sp

Subject to technical changes.



MMJ 450/750 V
Installation cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


SFS 2091

Rated voltage:
450/750 V 2

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1| Copper conductor, round stranded (RM) operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3| Inner covering (EPDM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
4| Sheath (PVC grey) Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2
Fire properties:
For fixed installation in dry and damp premises. Not suitable for flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
unprotected installation in the open air or directly in tamped con-

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
MMJ 450/750 V
2 x 6 RM 3.080 13.0 335 1,000 D
3 x 6 RM 3.080 13.8 400 1,000 D
4 x 6 RM 3.080 15.0 490 1,000 D
5 x 6 RM 3.080 16.3 575 1,000 D
2 x 10 RM 1.830 15.6 485 1,000 D
3 x 10 RM 1.830 16.6 590 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 18.3 735 1,000 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 20.6 885 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.150 17.6 660 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 18.7 810 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 21.0 1,020 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 23.0 1,210 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 0.727 21.3 1,030 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 22.8 1,300 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 25.0 1,610 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 27.6 1,950 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Installation cable



Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3| Inner covering (EPDM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
4| Sheath (PVC grey)
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:

For fixed installation in dry and damp premises. Not suitable Fire properties:
for unprotected installation in the open air or directly in tamped flame retardant:
concrete. EN 60332-1-2

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 22 8.5 120 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 18 9.0 140 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 18 9.8 165 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 18 10.6 195 100 R, 500 Sp
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 30 9.3 155 100 R, 500 Sp
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 25 9.8 185 100 R, 500 Sp
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 25 10.7 220 100 R, 500 Sp
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 25 11.7 260 100 R, 500 Sp
2 x 4 RE 4.610 40 10.7 210 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 34 11.3 255 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 34 12.5 315 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 34 13.7 370 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 51 11.9 280 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 43 12.6 340 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 43 13.7 415 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 43 15.0 500 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to PN-87/E-90056

Subject to technical changes.



Installation cable



Rated voltage:
450/750 V 2

Test voltage:
2.5 kV/50 Hz
3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3 | Sheath (PVC grey) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
6 x cable height
or 6 x cable width
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Fire properties:

flame retardant:
For fixed installation under plaster, in conduits and in trunkings. EN 60332-1-2

Number of Max. Current rating Cable width Cable height Total weight Standard
cores x conductor in the air1) (mm) ca. (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross resistance (A) packing
section (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 22 5.7 8.8 85 100 R
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 18 5.7 11.8 120 100 R
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 25 6.1 13.0 160 100 R

1) basic rated current acc. to PN-87/E-90060

Subject to technical changes.



Light flexible cable


HD 22.4
EN 50525-2-21
Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
3 2 1 2 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) laying temperature: min. –25 °C
2 | Core insulation (EPR-rubber) operating temperature: –25 °C up to +50 °C
conductor temperature: max. +60 °C
3 | Sheath (EPR-rubber black)
short-circuit temperature: max. +200 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:

For use with light to moderate mechanical stressing in house-

holds and office premises for light electrical equipment.
Not suitable for continuous use in the open air or for use in
premises used industrially.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
(mm²) (Ω/km)
2 X 0.75 26.700 7.0 65 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 0.75 26.700 7.5 75 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 0.75 26.700 8.0 90 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 0.75 26.700 8.5 110 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2X1 20.000 7.7 75 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3G1 20.000 8.0 85 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4G1 20.000 8.5 105 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5G1 20.000 9.5 140 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2 X 1.5 13.700 8.5 110 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 1.5 13.700 9.0 125 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.700 10.0 160 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.700 11.5 195 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2 X 2.5 8.200 10.5 150 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 2.5 8.200 11.0 180 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 2.5 8.200 12.0 240 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 2.5 8.200 13.0 290 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp

Subject to technical changes.



H07RN–F / A07RN–F
Heavy flexible cable, oil resistant


HD 22.4
EN 50525-2-21
Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
3 2 1 2.5 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, tinned or bare fine wire (–F) laying temperature: min. –25 °C
2 | Core insulation (EPR-rubber) operating temperature: –25 °C up to +50 °C
conductor temperature: max. +60 °C
3 | Sheath (Chloropren-rubber), black, oil and abrasion resistant
short-circuit temperature: max. +200 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable
Core identification:
For mains supply, flexible cords designed for electrical appliances HD 308 S2
and equipment used for the construction industry and agriculture
when there is high mechanical stress, and in various environ- Fire properties:
ments, i.e. ordinary, cold, hot and damp. H07RN–F cables also flame retardant:
have good performance in hard climatic conditions and are oil EN 60332-1-2
resistant. Suitable also for outdoor application.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
(mm²) (Ω/km)
3G1 20.000 9.5 120 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
1 X 1.5 13.700 6.5 55 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 1.5 13.700 9.5 130 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 1.5 13.700 10.5 150 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.700 11.5 190 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.700 12.5 230 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
1 X 2.5 8.210 7.0 85 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 2.5 8.210 11.5 190 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 G 2.5 8.210 12.5 220 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
4 G 2.5 8.210 14.0 280 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
5 G 2.5 8.210 15.5 340 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 D
1X4 5.090 8.0 105 500 D, 1,000 D
2X4 5.090 13.5 240 500 D, 1,000 D
3G4 5.090 14.5 305 500 D, 1,000 D
4G4 5.090 16.0 390 500 D, 1,000 D
5G4 5.090 17.5 470 500 D, 1,000 D
1X6 3.390 9.0 140 500 D, 1,000 D
2X6 3.390 15.0 290 500 D, 1,000 D



H07RN–F / A07RN–F

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
(mm²) (Ω/km)
3G6 3.390 16.0 495 500 D, 1,000 D
4G6 3.390 17.5 520 500 D, 1,000 D
5G6 3.390 19.0 640 500 D, 1,000 D
1 X 10 1.950 11.0 210 500 D, 1,000 D
3 G 10 1.950 22.0 880 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 10 1.950 24.0 950 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 10 1.950 26.0 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
1 X 16 1.240 12.0 290 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 16 1.240 27.0 1,400 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 16 1.240 30.0 1,700 500 D, 1,000 D
1 X 25 0.795 13.5 410 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 25 0.795 32.5 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 25 0.795 36.0 2,400 500 D, 1,000 D
1 X 35 0.565 16.0 560 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 35 0.565 37.0 2,700 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 35 0.565 38.0 3,000 500 D, 1,000 D
1 X 50 0.393 17.6 740 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 50 0.393 42.0 3,600 500 D
5 G 50 0.393 50.0 4,390 500 D
1 X 70 0.277 21.0 1,050 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 70 0.277 49.5 4,900 500 D
1 X 95 0.210 23.0 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 95 0.210 55.5 6,200 500 D
1 X 120 0.164 25.0 1,560 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 120 0.164 60.0 7,800 500 D
1 X 150 0.132 28.0 2,000 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 150 0.132 65.0 9,700 500 D
1 X 185 0.108 31.0 2,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 X 240 0.082 34.0 3,000 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 1.5 13.700 15.5 330 500 D, 1,000 D
9 G 1.5 13.700 17.0 430 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1.5 13.700 20.0 470 500 D, 1,000 D
19 G 1.5 13.700 23.0 620 500 D, 1,000 D
24 G 1.5 13.700 27.0 870 500 D, 1,000 D
27 G 1.5 13.700 27.0 1,080 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 2.5 8.210 17.5 470 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 2.5 8.210 23.0 650 500 D, 1,000 D
19 G 2.5 8.210 28.0 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
24 G 2.5 8.210 32.5 1,260 500 D, 1,000 D
7G4 5.090 20.0 705 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 4 5.090 26.5 1,020 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


TP PRAKAB 01/03 – 2. edition

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
4 3 2 1 conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM) 15 x ∅ of cable
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Core identification:
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) HD 308 S2
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
EZÚ Czech Republic, EVPÚ Slovak Republic,
APPLICATION CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 25 RE 0.752 134 101 22.4 1,350 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.752 134 101 23.8 1,360 1,000 D
5 x 25 RE 0.752 134 101 24.5 1,630 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.752 134 101 26.1 1,740 1,000 D
3 x 35 + 25 RE/RE 0.537/0.752 161 126 22.4 1,650 1,000 D
3 x 35 + 25 RM/RM 0.537/0.752 161 126 23.8 1,780 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.537 161 126 24.8 1,770 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.537 161 126 26.2 1,810 1,000 D
5 x 35 RE 0.537 161 126 27.1 2,150 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.537 161 126 28.8 2,240 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 35 SM/RE 0.387/0.537 191 152 30.4 2,170 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 35 SM/RM 0.387/0.537 191 152 30.4 2,060 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 50 RM 0.387 191 152 31.3 2,590 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 191 152 30.4 2,360 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 50 SM/RM 0.268/0.387 236 196 33.6 2,800 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.268 236 196 35.8 3,510 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 236 196 34.9 3,140 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 50 SM/RM 0.268/0.387 280 238 37.5 3,600 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 70 SM/RM 0.198/0.268 280 238 39.3 3,940 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.198 280 238 41.3 4,730 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.198 280 238 39.3 4,210 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 50 SM/RM 0.157/0.387 317 276 40.0 4,270 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.157/0.268 317 276 43.0 4,430 500 D
4 x 120 SM 0.157 317 276 43.0 5,250 500 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.124/0.268 359 319 46.8 5,350 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 359 319 46.8 6,620 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.102/0.198 401 364 49.8 6,780 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.102 401 364 49.8 8,030 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.078/0.157 464 430 56.4 8,570 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.078 464 430 56.4 9,690 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 01/03 – 2. edition

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
4 3 2 1 conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +140 °C/5 s 4
(> 300 mm2)
resp. max. +160 °C/5 s
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), (< 300 mm2)
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria,
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa- CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (m)
(A) (A)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 32 20 8.4 120 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 9.1 140 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 9.7 160 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 19 14 10.5 190 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 42 27 9.6 150 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 9.8 185 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 10.4 215 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 25 19 12.0 265 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
2 x 4 RE 4.610 54 37 10.5 250 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
3 x 4 RE 4.610 46 34 11.2 260 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
4 x 4 RE 4.610 46 34 13.0 325 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
5 x 4 RE 4.610 32 25 14.5 390 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (m)
(A) (A)
2 x 6 RE 3.080 68 48 11.6 265 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
3 x 6 RE 3.080 58 43 12.5 340 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
4 x 6 RE 3.080 58 43 14.0 425 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
5 x 6 RE 3.080 41 32 15.7 510 500 Sp. 1,000 Sp
1 x 10 RM 1.830 83 64 8.8 155 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 90 66 13.5 390 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 78 59 15.6 510 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 78 59 17.0 635 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 55 44 19.0 780 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 78 59 17.0 655 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 55 44 19.0 795 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 16 RE 1.150 107 84 9.4 220 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 107 84 9.8 225 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RE 1.150 116 89 17.1 590 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE 1.150 101 78 17.5 720 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE 1.150 101 78 19.3 915 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RE 1.150 71 59 21.0 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 101 78 18.9 765 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 101 78 20.2 960 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 71 59 22.2 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 138 114 11.3 330 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 132 105 21.5 1,190 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RE 0.727/1.150 132 105 22.5 1,370 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 132 105 24.7 1,430 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 132 105 28.4 1,770 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 164 139 12.4 435 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 SM 0.524 159 129 22.5 1,240 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 + 16 SM/RE 0.524/1.160 159 129 23.9 1,420 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.524 159 129 24.5 1,610 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 159 129 30.0 2,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 195 169 14.9 575 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 SM 0.387 188 157 25.9 1,690 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 25 SM/RM 0.387/0.727 188 157 28.2 1,980 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 188 157 28.5 2,150 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 RM 0.387 188 157 36.5 3,200 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 238 213 17.0 795 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM 0.268 232 199 29.5 2,450 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 35 SM/RM 0.268/0.524 232 199 31.9 2,720 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 232 199 32.2 2,950 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 70 RM 0.268 232 199 43.0 4,340 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 286 264 19.0 1,090 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM 0.193 280 246 33.0 3,210 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (m)
(A) (A)
3 x 95 + 50 SM/RM 0.193/0.387 280 246 35.8 3,630 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 280 246 37.5 4,110 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 95 RM 0.193 280 246 50.0 6,090 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 325 307 20.0 1,320 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 SM 0.153 318 285 36.0 4,050 500 D, 1,000 D 4
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.153/0.268 318 285 40.0 4,500 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 318 285 41.0 5,010 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 120 RM 0.153 318 285 51.0 6,580 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 366 352 22.5 1,580 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM 0.124 359 326 40.3 4,880 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.124/0.268 359 326 43.0 5,510 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 359 326 45.0 6,070 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 413 406 24.5 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 SM 0.099 406 374 44.0 6,200 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.099/0.193 406 374 48.0 6,810 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 406 374 49.0 7,560 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 479 483 28.0 2,560 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 SM 0.075 473 445 52.0 8,300 800 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.075/0.153 473 445 54.0 8,820 800 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 473 445 57.0 10,150 800 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 539 552 30.0 3,170 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 614 646 35.0 4,120 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 693 747 38.5 5,130 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



E–YY multi-core
Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, multi-core


ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-627 (HD 627)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2| Core insulation (PVC)
3| Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4| Sheath (PVC black, UV resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2
Fire properties:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- flame retardant:
tions and switchgears. For fixed installation underground, in inte- EN 60332-1-2
rior premises, cable ducts, in the open air, in water – as permitted Certificate:
by the local building regulations – if no risk of any mechanical EZÚ Czech Republic,ÖVE Austria
damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 16 12 12.0 255 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE 12.100 13 10 14.2 370 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 10 14.4 385 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 9 16.5 455 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 9 17.5 510 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 9 18.0 580 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 8 20.1 760 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 7 21.4 850 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 7 24.0 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
44 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7 6 26.5 1,210 500 D, 1,000 D
48 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7 6 28.4 1,320 500 D, 1,000 D
61 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7 6 31.5 1,800 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 21 17 14.1 360 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE 7.410 18 14 17.3 520 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 RE 7.410 17 13 17.8 630 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 13 18.6 705 500 D, 1,000 D



E–YY multi-core

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
16 x 2.5 RE 7.410 15 12 20.1 830 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 2.5 RE 7.410 14 11 21.1 945 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12 10 23.0 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 9 26.1 1,380 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 9 28.0 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D 4
44 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10 8 31.0 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
48 x 2.5 RE 7.410 9 8 33.0 2,070 500 D, 1,000 D
61 x 2.5 RE 7.410 9 8 38.0 2,630 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.610 27 22 16.5 570 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 RE 4.610 23 18 21.1 740 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 4 RE 4.610 21 17 21.7 910 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 4 RE 4.610 20 17 23.0 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 4 RE 4.610 18 15 27.0 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 4 RE 4.610 16 13 29.0 1,550 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 4 RE 4.610 15 12 35.0 2,070 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 6 RE 3.080 35 28 19.0 705 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 10 RE 1.830 47 38 22.1 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-627 (HD 627)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV resistant) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2
Fire properties:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- flame retardant:
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa- EN 60332-1-2
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open Certificate:
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 30 21 11.5 160 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 12.0 205 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 12.8 240 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 14.7 280 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 39 28 12.3 235 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 12.5 260 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 13.8 310 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 14.8 345 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 50 37 14.1 315 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 47 34 14.5 355 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 47 34 15.8 425 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 47 34 16.2 495 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 62 47 15.1 390 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 59 43 15.5 430 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 59 43 17.1 525 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 59 43 18.5 615 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
1 x 10 RE 1.830 83 64 9.7 175 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 10 RM 1.830 83 64 10.0 185 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 83 64 17.0 550 1,000 D
2 x 10 RM 1.830 83 64 18.0 575 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 79 59 17.5 600 1,000 D 4
3 x 10 RM 1.830 79 59 18.2 650 1,000 D
3 x 10 + 1.5 RM/RE 1.830/12.100 79 59 18.2 665 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 79 59 19.0 740 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 79 59 20.5 790 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 79 59 20.6 885 1,000 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 79 59 21.5 940 1,000 D
5 x 10 + 1.5 RM/RE 1.830/12.100 79 59 21.5 955 1,000 D
1 x 16 RE 1.150 107 84 10.6 230 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 107 84 10.9 245 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE 1.150 107 84 19.0 810 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 107 84 21.4 940 1,000 D
3 x 16 + 1.5 RM/RE 1.150/12.100 102 79 21.4 960 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE 1.150 102 79 22.0 1,040 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 102 79 23.0 1,060 1,000 D
5 x 16 RE 1.150 102 79 24.5 1,230 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 102 79 24.8 1,310 1,000 D
5 x 16 + 1.5 RM/RE 1.150/12.100 102 79 24.8 1,330 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 138 114 12.6 350 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 0.727 138 114 23.1 1,100 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 24.5 1,330 1,000 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RE 0.727/1.150 133 106 26.7 1,400 1,000 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RM 0.727/1.150 133 106 26.7 1,410 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 26.7 1,550 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 29.9 1,920 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 164 139 13.8 455 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 159 129 29.6 2,010 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.524 159 129 27.6 1,900 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 159 129 33.1 2,610 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 195 169 15.4 595 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 25 SM/RM 0.387/0.727 188 157 34.4 2,330 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 188 157 34.4 2,450 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 238 213 17.0 800 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 35 SM/SM 0.268/0.524 232 199 43.0 3,060 500 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 232 199 43.0 3,290 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 286 264 19.1 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 50 SM/SM 0.193/0.387 280 246 42.8 4,160 500 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 280 246 46.6 4,550 500 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
1 x 120 RM 0.153 325 307 20.6 1,350 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/SM 0.153/0.268 318 285 46.6 5,150 500 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 318 285 46.6 5,570 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 365 352 22.2 1,610 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/SM 0.124/0.268 359 326 50.4 6,090 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 359 326 50.4 6,720 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 413 406 24.6 2,060 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/SM 0.099/0.193 406 374 54.4 7,460 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 406 374 57.0 8,560 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 479 483 27.6 2,590 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/SM 0.075/0.153 473 445 60.8 9,900 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 473 445 63.2 11,140 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 541 557 30.5 3,260 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 614 646 34.3 4,210 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 693 747 37.7 5,210 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and HDPE sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations –
under severe mechanical stress during installation and operation.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 26.7 1,480 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 29.9 1,830 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 159 129 29.6 1,910 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 188 157 34.4 2,330 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 232 199 43.0 3,130 500 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 280 246 46.6 4,320 500 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 318 285 46.6 5,290 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 359 326 50.4 6,390 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 406 374 57.0 8,140 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 473 445 63.2 10,590 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 1
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
1 x 10 RE 1.830 136 99 8.9 190 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 16 RE 1.150 176 131 10.0 230 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 22.0 1,065 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 229 177 12.1 350 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 26.7 1,580 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 275 217 13.1 445 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 29.3 2,060 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 326 265 14.6 575 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 206 197 34.4 2,470 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 400 336 16.5 780 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 38.1 3,330 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 480 415 18.2 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 43.2 4,500 500 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 548 485 19.9 1,280 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 348 359 46.6 5,510 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 616 557 22.1 1,560 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 150 SM 0.124 392 412 48.6 6,690 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 698 646 24.2 1,920 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 444 475 50.4 7,340 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 815 774 26.9 2,500 500 D, 1,000 D 4
4 x 240 SM 0.075 517 564 55.2 9,610 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 927 901 29.4 3,100 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 1,064 1,060 32.6 3,920 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 1,227 1,252 36.4 4,970 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 630 RM 0.028 1,421 1,486 41.1 6,400 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 1
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round stranded (RM),
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations –
under severe mechanical stress during installation and operation.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 22.0 1,020 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 26.7 1,510 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 29.3 1,960 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 206 197 34.4 2,340 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 38.1 3,160 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 43.2 4,280 500 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 348 359 46.6 5,240 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 392 412 48.6 6,360 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 444 475 50.4 6,980 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 517 564 55.2 9,130 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



U–1000 R2V
Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath


NF C 32-321

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp.round stranded (RM) conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2| Core insulation (XLPE) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
3| Inner covering (EPDM)
4| Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Bending radius (min.):
15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
U–1000 R2V
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 37 27 9.3 125 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 9.8 145 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 10.5 170 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 11.3 195 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 18 15 12.1 235 500 D, 1,000 D
8 x 1.5 RE 12.100 17 14 12.9 265 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE 12.100 15 13 14.9 315 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.100 14 13 15.3 360 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 1.5 RE 12.100 13 12 16.0 405 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 11 17.6 505 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10 10 20.4 625 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 9 21.5 735 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 9 23.2 870 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 50 38 10.1 160 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 10.6 185 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 11.4 220 500 D, 1,000 D



U–1000 R2V

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
U–1000 R2V
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 12.3 255 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 24 21 13.3 320 500 D, 1,000 D
8 x 2.5 RE 7.410 22 19 14.2 360 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE 7.410 20 18 16.4 435 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 RE 7.410 19 17 17.0 500 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 2.5 RE 7.410 18 16 17.7 560 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 14 19.6 715 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.410 14 13 22.8 885 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2.5 RE 7.410 13 12 24.1 1,090 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12 11 25.9 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 4 RE 4.610 82 57 6.8 85 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 64 50 11.1 205 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 11.6 245 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 12.6 295 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 13.6 350 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.610 30 28 14.7 440 500 D, 1,000 D
8 x 4 RE 4.610 28 25 15.8 495 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 RE 4.610 25 23 18.3 605 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 4 RE 4.610 24 22 18.9 700 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 4 RE 4.610 23 21 19.8 780 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 4 RE 4.610 20 19 22.0 1,010 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 6 RM 3.080 102 72 7.6 115 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 80 64 12.7 295 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 13.3 345 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 14.4 420 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 15.6 500 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 10 RM 1.830 136 99 8.5 160 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 16.2 540 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 17.6 655 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 19.2 780 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 176 131 9.4 215 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 18.4 755 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 20.0 940 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 21.9 1,130 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 229 177 11.3 320 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 22.7 1,220 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 24.8 1,450 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 27.2 1,750 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 275 217 12.1 415 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 24.6 1,480 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 26.9 1,850 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 29.7 2,270 500 D, 1,000 D



U–1000 R2V

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
U–1000 R2V
1 x 50 RM 0.387 326 265 13.6 550 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 RM 0.387 206 197 28.3 2,010 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.387 206 197 31.2 2,500 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 RM 0.387 206 197 34.7 3,070 500 D, 1,000 D 4
1 x 70 RM 0.268 400 336 15.5 760 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 RM 0.268 254 250 32.8 2,800 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.268 254 250 36.1 3,470 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 480 415 17.4 1,010 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 RM 0.193 305 308 37.2 3,690 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.193 305 308 40.9 4,640 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 548 485 19.1 1,250 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 RM 0.153 348 359 41.2 4,610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 RM 0.153 348 359 45.3 5,780 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 616 557 21.2 1,540 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 RM 0.124 392 412 50.5 7,060 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 698 646 23.3 1,900 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 RM 0.099 444 475 50.9 7,030 500 D
4 x 185 RM 0.099 444 475 56.1 8,870 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 815 774 26.2 2,460 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 RM 0.075 517 564 57.0 9,080 500 D
4 x 240 RM 0.075 517 564 62.8 11,470 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 927 901 28.9 3,050 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 300 RM 0.060 585 649 62.8 11,220 500 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 1,064 1,060 32.3 3,920 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 1,227 1,252 36.1 4,960 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 630 RM 0.028 1,421 1,486 40.6 6,360 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to NF C 32-321

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
4 | Sheath (YKY – PVC black, UV-restistant) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Sheath (YnKY – PVC black, higher flame retardation,
UV-restistant) Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- reduced flame propagation:
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa- EN 60332-3-24 (only YnKY cable)
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open Certificate:
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if EZÚ Czech Republic (only YKY cable)
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 11.6 210 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 12.4 245 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 27 19 13.3 280 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 12.5 260 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 13.4 305 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 36 25 14.4 355 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 47 34 14.3 360 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 47 34 15.4 425 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 47 34 16.6 500 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 59 43 15.3 445 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 59 43 16.6 535 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 59 43 18.0 630 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 79 59 15.3 610 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 79 59 18.4 740 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 79 59 20.0 885 1,000 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 160 107 10.9 225 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
3 x 16 RM 1.150 102 79 20.2 845 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 102 79 22.0 1,030 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 102 79 24.0 1,260 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0,727 208 144 11.8 335 500 D, 1,000 D 4
4 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 25.4 1,490 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 133 106 28.0 1,850 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 250 176 13.0 465 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.537 159 129 26.4 1,650 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.537 159 129 31.2 2,510 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 296 214 14.6 610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 188 157 31.2 2,230 1,000 D
5 x 50 SM 0.387 188 157 36.0 3,200 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 365 270 16.4 815 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 232 199 34.8 3,070 1,000 D
5 x 70 SM 0.268 232 199 40.8 4,360 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 438 334 18.7 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 280 246 40.0 4,180 1,000 D
5 x 95 SM 0.193 280 246 38.4 5,230 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0,153 501 389 20.2 1,380 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 318 285 43.6 5,200 500 D
5 x 120 SM 0.153 318 285 41.9 6,510 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 563 446 22.0 1,610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 359 326 46.8 6,310 500 D
5 x 150 SM 0.124 359 326 46.3 7,970 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 639 516 24.6 2,020 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 406 374 53.2 7,830 500 D
5 x 185 SM 0.099 406 374 51.5 9,900 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 746 618 27.6 2,610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 473 445 58.7 10,280 500 D
5 x 240 SM 0.075 473 445 57.7 12,860 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 845 711 30.4 3,260 500 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 975 843 34.2 4,220 500 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 1145 994 37.5 5,230 500 D
1 x 630 RM 0.028 1304 1180 41.7 6,650 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to PN-93/E-90401, PN-93/E-90400

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, multi-core


Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
3| Inner covering (EPDM)
4| Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:

Power and control cables in power stations, industrial installa- Fire properties:
tions and switchgears. For fixed installation underground, in inte- flame retardant:
rior premises, cable ducts, in the open air, in water – as permitted EN 60332-1-2
by the local building regulations – if no risk of any mechanical
damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 16 12 13.9 330 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE 12.100 13 10 17.1 430 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 9 18.4 550 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 9 20.2 695 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 8 23.4 845 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 7 24.7 1,010 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 7 27.1 1,170 500 D, 1,000 D
48 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7 6 31.2 1,460 500 D, 1,000 D
61 x 1.5 RE 12.100 7 6 34.0 1,970 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 21 17 15.1 450 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE 7.410 18 14 18.7 565 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 13 20.1 735 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 2.5 RE 7.410 14 11 22.2 930 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12 10 25.8 1,140 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 9 27.4 1,420 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 9 30.1 1,710 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.610 27 22 17.7 605 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 RE 4.610 23 18 22.5 795 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 6 RE 3.080 35 28 19.2 770 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 10 RE 1.830 47 38 21.9 1,160 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to PN-93/E-90403, PN-93/E-90400

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath



Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 1
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial instal-
lations and switchgears. For fixed installation underground, in
interior premises, cable ducts, in the open air, in the ground or
concrete, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 10.8 180 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 16.8 630 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 229 177 11.8 325 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 23.6 1,380 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 26.3 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 275 217 13.0 430 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.524 174 162 23.7 1,530 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 29.6 2,190 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 326 265 14.4 580 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 206 197 27.1 2,180 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 SM 0.387 206 197 30.7 2,560 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 400 336 16.2 785 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 31.0 2,950 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 35.0 3,560 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 480 415 17.9 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 35.3 3,830 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
5 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 39.8 4,850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 548 485 19.6 1,290 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 348 359 39.1 4,810 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 120 SM 0.153 348 359 43.5 6,080 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 616 557 21.2 1,620 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 392 412 43.2 5,880 500 D
5 x 150 SM 0.124 392 412 48.2 7,470 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 698 646 23.6 1,980 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 444 475 48.7 7,400 500 D
5 x 185 SM 0.099 444 475 53.0 9,230 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 815 774 26.6 2,440 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 517 564 54.3 9,620 500 D
5 x 240 SM 0.075 517 564 59.5 12,050 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 927 901 29.1 3,100 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 1,064 1,060 32.7 3,940 500 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 1,227 1,252 36.3 4,970 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 13/03

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath


HD 603.5A

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 18.8 730 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 21.9 1,040 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 26.9 1,580 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 28.8 1,980 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.387 206 197 32.9 2,630 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 37.2 3,250 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 41.0 4,250 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.5A

Subject to technical changes.



Installation cable


SEV 1101

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: –5 to +50 °C
operating temperature: –20 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1| Copper conductor, round stranded (RM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2| Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3| Inner covering (EPDM) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
4| Sheath (PVC grey RAL 7035) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Installation cable for fixed installation in dry, damp or wet interior
premises or in cable ducts in domestic and industrial installations
as permitted by the local building regulations.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 10 RM 1.830 18.4 610 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 19.8 760 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 22.0 975 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 23.5 1,170 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 10.6 315 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 25.7 1,470 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 27.3 1,760 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 11.9 420 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 27.8 1,920 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 30.2 2,390 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 13.5 555 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.387 30.5 2,590 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 RM 0.387 34.3 3,140 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 15.6 785 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.268 35.0 3,580 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 70 RM 0.268 40.5 4,410 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 17.6 1,060 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.193 41.3 4,970 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
5 x 95 RM 0.193 47.0 6,050 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 19.3 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 21.2 1,580 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 23.9 2,000 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 27.4 2,610 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 30.1 3,240 500 D, 1,000 D 4

Note: This cable is also available in the version TT-CLT (steel tape armouring and black sheath) on special request.
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, steel-tape armoured


IEC 60502-1

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
6 5 4 3 2 1
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM),
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 15 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape)
4 | Sheath (PVC black) Core identification:
5 | Armouring (galvanized steel tape) HD 308 S2
6 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if high protection against mechanical damage is required.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 19 11.5 200 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 26 19 12.0 225 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 26 19 13.0 250 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 18 14 14.0 285 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 41 26 12.3 240 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 35 24 12.5 270 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 35 24 13.6 305 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 24 19 15.5 370 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 52 36 15.0 420 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 44 33 15.5 460 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 44 33 16.0 530 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 31 25 18.0 625 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 66 46 16.0 475 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 56 41 17.0 555 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
4 x 6 RE 3.080 56 41 18.0 655 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 40 31 19.5 760 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 87 64 18.0 630 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 75 57 19.0 745 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 75 57 20.2 940 500 D, 1,000 D 4
5 x 10 RE 1.830 53 42 21.6 1,090 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 75 57 20.5 975 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 53 42 22.0 1,110 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RE 1.150 112 86 19.0 845 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE 1.150 98 75 21.3 985 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE 1.150 98 75 23.2 1,240 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RE 1.150 69 57 25.5 1,520 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 98 75 22.0 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 98 75 24.0 1,290 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 69 57 26.0 1,500 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 128 102 27.5 1,830 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.524 154 125 28.7 2,040 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 25 SM/RM 0.387/0.727 182 152 32.0 2,460 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 35 SM/RM 0.268/0.524 225 193 36.0 3,350 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 50 SM/RM 0.193/0.387 272 239 39.0 4,200 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.153/0.268 308 276 44.0 5,250 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.124/0.268 348 316 49.0 6,290 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.099/0.193 394 363 56.0 7,720 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.075/0.153 459 432 59.0 9,830 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to IEC 60502-1

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, steel-wire armoured


IEC 60502-1

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
1 | Copper conductor, round stranded (RM), resp. sector-
shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 15 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape)
4 | Sheath (PVC black) Core identification:
5 | Armouring (galvanized steel wires) HD 308 S2
6 | Outer covering (plastic tape)
7 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if high protection against mechanical damage is required.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (A) (m)
3 x 35 + 16 SM/RM 0.524/1.150 154 125 31.0 2,480 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 25 SM/RM 0.387/0.727 182 152 35.7 3,420 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 35 SM/RM 0.268/0.524 225 193 39.6 4,400 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 50 SM/RM 0.193/0.387 272 239 46.0 6,050 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.153/0.268 308 276 49.0 7,250 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 95 SM/RM 0.124/0.193 348 316 54.5 8,760 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.099/0.193 395 363 59.8 10,320 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.075/0.153 459 432 68.9 12,830 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to IEC 60502-1

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603),
ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-627 (HD 627)
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp. round stranded (RM) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C 4
2| Core insulation (PVC) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
3| Inner covering (EPDM and PVC) Bending radius (min.):
4| Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix 12 x ∅ of cable
(copper tape) and plastic tape
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution and control cables in power stations, industrial EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria,
installations and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan
installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in
the open air and in water – as permitted by the local building
regulations – if protection against shock hazard in the event of
mechanical damage or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 32 20 10.8 185 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 1.5 RE/16 12.100 32 20 12.1 315 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 27 19 11.2 205 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/16 12.100 27 19 12.5 330 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 27 19 11.7 230 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/16 12.100 27 19 14.0 365 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 19 14 12.8 255 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/16 12.100 19 14 14.1 375 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1.5/2.5 12.100 16 12 14.4 335 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1.5/16 12.100 16 12 17.8 460 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1.5/2.5 12.100 13 10 16.9 470 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1.5/16 12.100 13 10 18.1 590 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5/2.5 12.100 12 10 16.2 480 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5/16 12.100 12 10 17.6 615 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
14 x 1.5/16 12.100 12 9 19.2 680 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 1.5/4 12.100 11 9 20.0 585 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 1.5/16 12.100 11 9 21.0 720 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 1.5/4 12.100 11 9 20.1 705 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 1.5/16 12.100 11 9 20.9 810 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1.5/6 12.100 9 8 24.0 935 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1.5/16 12.100 9 8 24.2 1,050 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1.5/16 12.100 8 7 25.5 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 1.5/16 12.100 8 7 27.8 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
44 x 1.5/16 12.100 7 6 33.0 1,500 500 D, 1,000 D
48 x 1.5/16 12.100 7 6 31.0 1,610 500 D, 1,000 D
61 x 1.5/16 12.100 7 6 33.4 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 42 27 11.9 230 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 25 12.1 250 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/16 7.410 36 25 12.5 380 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 25 13.0 285 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/16 7.410 36 25 13.4 415 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 25 19 14.4 340 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/16 7.410 25 19 15.4 465 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5/2.5 7.410 21 17 15.4 450 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5/16 7.410 21 17 16.3 575 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2.5/16 7.410 18 14 19.9 745 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 2.5/16 7.410 17 13 20.4 850 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 2.5/16 7.410 16 13 21.4 925 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 2.5/6 7.410 15 12 22.0 830 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 2.5/16 7.410 15 12 23.0 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
19 x 2.5/16 7.410 14 11 24.2 1,190 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 2.5/16 7.410 12 10 27.4 1,310 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2.5/16 7.410 11 9 28.7 1,670 500 D, 1,000 D
37 x 2.5/16 7.410 11 9 31.2 1,970 500 D, 1,000 D
48 x 2.5/16 7.410 9 8 34.4 2,440 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE/4 4.610 54 37 13.9 340 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE/16 4.610 54 37 14.7 445 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE/4 4.610 46 34 14.7 360 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/4 4.610 46 34 15.7 430 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/16 4.610 46 34 16.0 530 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE/16 4.610 32 25 17.9 605 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE/6 3.080 68 48 15.5 390 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE/16 3.080 68 48 16.0 480 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 58 43 16.2 460 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 58 43 17.5 550 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE/16 3.080 58 43 17.6 635 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
5 x 6 RE/16 3.080 41 32 19.3 730 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 10 RE/16 1.830 90 66 17.5 600 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE/16 1.830 78 59 19.6 850 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM/16 1.830 78 59 20.6 875 500 D, 1,000 D 4
5 x 10 RM/16 1.830 55 44 23.7 1,020 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RE/16 1.150 116 89 19.5 805 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE/16 1.150 101 78 21.0 940 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE/16 1.150 101 78 22.2 1,140 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM/16 1.150 101 78 23.9 1,190 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM/16 1.150 71 59 26.0 1,380 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 132 105 25.0 1,420 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 132 105 28.1 1,640 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603), ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-627 (HD 627)
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2| Core insulation (PVC)
3| Inner covering (EPDM and PVC) Bending radius (min.):
4| Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix 12 x ∅ of cable
(copper tape) and plastic tape
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution and control cables in power stations, indus- CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan
trial installations and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For
fixed installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts,
in the open air and in water – as permitted by the local building
regulations – if protection against shock hazard in the event of
mechanical damage or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 32 27 13.0 210 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 27 19 14.0 220 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 27 19 14.0 260 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 27 19 15.0 325 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 15 12 16.0 350 1,000 D
8 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 15 12 17.0 460 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 13 10 19.0 420 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 11 9 20.0 480 1,000 D
14 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 11 9 21.0 530 1,000 D
16 x 1.5 RE/4 12.100 10 8 22.0 700 1,000 D
19 x 1.5 RE/4 12.100 10 8 23.0 670 1,000 D
24 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 9 7 26.0 870 1,000 D
30 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 7 6 27.0 1,250 1,000 D
40 x 1.5 RE/10 12.100 7 6 30.0 1,560 500 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 43 31 14.0 260 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 26 15.0 290 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 26 15.0 340 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 26 16.0 390 1,000 D 4
7 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 20 16 17.0 450 1,000 D
8 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 20 16 18.0 570 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 17 13 21.0 610 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 15 12 22.0 670 1,000 D
14 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 15 12 23.0 750 1,000 D
16 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 13 11 24.0 900 1,000 D
19 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 13 11 25.0 950 1,000 D
24 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 12 10 28.0 1,420 1,000 D
30 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 10 8 30.0 1,600 1,000 D
40 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 10 8 33.0 2,000 500 D
2 x 4 RE/4 4.610 56 41 16.0 350 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE/4 4.610 47 34 16.0 400 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/4 4.610 47 34 17.0 470 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE/4 4.610 29 20 20.0 600 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 59 44 18.0 500 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 59 44 19.0 590 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires applied with changing
direction of lay) and counter helix (copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
VDE Germany, CU-TR Russia, Belarus and
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical
damage or electrical screening is required. The concentric cean-
der conductor can be used as PE or PEN conductor and needs
not be cut when assembling branch joints.

Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 10 RE/10 1.830 95 72 19.0 645 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE/10 1.830 79 60 21.5 855 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE/10 1.830 79 60 22.0 915 1,000 D
2 x 16 RE/16 1.150 122 95 22.0 890 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE/16 1.150 102 80 24.0 1,020 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE/16 1.150 102 80 25.5 1,310 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 108 26.0 1,440 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM/25 0.727 133 108 26.5 1,530 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 108 28.0 1,710 1,000 D
3 x 35 SM/16 0.524 160 132 28.0 1,590 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
3 x 35 SM/35 0.524 160 132 29.0 1,950 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM/16 0.524 160 132 31.5 1,990 1,000 D
3 x 50 SM/25 0.387 190 160 32.0 2,120 1,000 D
3 x 50 SM/50 0.387 190 160 32.5 2,330 1,000 D 4
4 x 50 SM/25 0.387 190 160 36.0 2,690 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM/35 0.268 234 202 36.0 2,940 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM/70 0.268 234 202 36.5 3,260 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM/35 0.268 234 202 40.5 3,650 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/50 0.193 280 249 40.5 3,870 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/95 0.193 280 249 41.5 4,320 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/50 0.193 280 249 46.0 5,010 500 D
3 x 120 SM/70 0.153 319 289 44.0 4,780 500 D
3 x 120 SM/120 0.153 319 289 46.0 5,260 500 D
4 x 120 SM/70 0.153 319 289 50.0 6,740 500 D
3 x 150 SM/70 0.124 357 329 48.5 5,870 500 D
3 x 150 SM/150 0.124 357 329 50.0 6,610 500 D
4 x 150 SM/70 0.124 357 329 56.0 7,990 500 D
3 x 185 SM/95 0.099 402 377 52.5 8,120 500 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.099 402 377 59.5 9,310 500 D
3 x 240 SM/120 0.075 463 443 59.0 9,320 500 D
4 x 240 SM/120 0.075 463 443 66.0 12,110 500 D
1 x 300 RM/35 0.060 518 504 34.3 3,760 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


SS 424 14 18
HD 603.3L
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 12 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (EPDM)
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
Core identification:
(copper tape)
HD 308 S2
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical
damage or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current Current Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross (Ω/km) ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (A) (A) (m)
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 26 15.4 355 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 36 26 16.4 410 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 59 44 18.4 565 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 59 44 19.7 655 1,000 D
3 x 10 RM/10 1.830 79 60 21.5 820 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM/10 1.830 79 60 23.1 965 1,000 D
3 x 16 RM/16 1.150 102 80 23.5 1,110 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM/16 1.150 102 80 25.4 1,310 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 108 28.0 1,580 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 108 30.3 1,880 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM/16 0.524 160 132 29.7 1,930 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM/16 0.524 160 132 28.9 1,870 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to SS 424 14 18, HD 603.3L

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


HD 603.3F, SFS 4880

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –15 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed instal-
lation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical
damage or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) 2) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 26 18.5 13.5 240 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 26 18.5 14.0 260 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 26 18.5 14.5 295 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 35 25 14.0 285 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 35 25 15.0 315 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 35 25 15.5 365 1,000 D
2 x 6 RE/6 3.080 57 43 17.5 480 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 57 43 18.5 545 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 57 43 19.5 635 1,000 D
2 x 10 RE/10 1.830 77 60 19.5 640 1,000 D




Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) 2) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
3 x 10 RE/10 1.830 77 60 20.5 745 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE/10 1.830 77 60 22.0 875 1,000 D
3 x 16 RE/16 1.150 100 80 22.5 1,020 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE/16 1.150 100 80 24.0 1,220 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 130 102 26.5 1,560 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 130 102 28.5 1,890 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM/16 0.524 160 126 29.5 1,820 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM/16 0.524 160 126 28.0 1,820 1,000 D
3 x 50 SM/25 0.387 190 153 27.5 1,960 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/25 0.387 190 153 31.5 2,520 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM/35 0.268 240 195 31.5 2,680 500 D
4 x 70 SM/35 0.268 240 195 36.5 3,450 500 D
3 x 95 SM/50 0.193 285 236 35.5 3,590 500 D
4 x 95 SM/50 0.193 285 236 41.5 4,590 500 D
3 x 120 SM/70 0.153 325 274 38.5 4,500 500 D
4 x 120 SM/70 0.153 325 274 45.0 5,760 500 D
3 x 150 SM/70 0.124 370 317 42.5 5,370 500 D
4 x 150 SM/70 0.124 370 317 49.5 6,920 500 D
3 x 185 SM/95 0.099 420 361 47.5 6,830 500 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.099 420 361 55.5 8,760 500 D
3 x 240 SM/120 0.075 480 427 52.5 8,740 500 D
4 x 240 SM/120 0.075 480 427 62.0 11,420 500 D
3 x 300 SM/150 0.060 550 492 58.0 10,880 500 D
4 x 300 SM/150 0.060 550 492 68.5 14,010 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3F (SFS 4880)

2) Method C of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath



Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM),
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 15 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape)
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- EZÚ Czech Republic, EVPÚ Slovak Republic,
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 25 RE 1.238 103 78 22.4 750 1,000 D
5 x 25 RE 1.238 103 78 24.4 880 1,000 D
3 x 35 + 25 RE/RE 0.885/1.238 125 96 24.7 910 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.885 125 96 24.7 940 1,000 D
5 x 35 RE 0.885 125 96 27.1 1,110 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 35 RE/RE 0.641/0.885 147 117 28.9 1,220 1,000 D
4 x 50 RE 0.641 147 117 28.9 1,280 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 147 117 30.4 1,090 1,000 D
4 x 70 RE 0.443 183 150 32.2 1,620 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 50 RE/RE 0.443/0.641 183 150 32.2 1,560 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 50 SM/RM 0.443/0.641 183 150 33.6 1,320 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 183 150 35.4 1,820 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 183 150 33.6 1,350 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 70 SM/RM 0.326/0.443 216 182 39.3 1,750 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 95 SM 0.326 216 182 39.3 1,840 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RE 0.258/0.443 245 212 43.0 2,000 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.258/0.443 245 212 43.0 2,060 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.258 245 212 43.0 2,230 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RE 0.206/0.443 278 245 46.8 2,420 500 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.206/0.443 278 245 46.8 2,460 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 278 245 46.8 2,740 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RE 0.167/0.326 313 280 49.8 2,950 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.167/0.326 313 280 49.8 3,010 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/SM 0.167/0.326 313 280 49.8 3,000 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.167 313 280 49.8 3,370 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RE 0.129/0.258 359 330 56.4 3,730 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.129/0.258 359 330 56.4 3,810 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.129 359 330 56.4 4,220 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 02/08

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- Certificate:
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa- EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
5 x 16 RM 1.910 78 60 22.6 720 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 1.200 106 87 11.3 175 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 102 81 24.0 845 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 81 24.0 770 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 1.200 102 81 27.8 1,110 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.868 127 107 12.4 235 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.868 122 99 27.0 960 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 122 99 26.8 1,060 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.868 122 99 30.1 1,330 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 151 131 13.8 300 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 28.0 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 26.9 970 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 32.2 1,280 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 185 166 15.8 375 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 32.0 1,350 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 179 152 30.9 1,310 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 35.9 1,680 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 222 205 17.6 485 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 36.5 1,810 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 35.8 1,680 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 40.8 2,210 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 253 239 19.1 580 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 36.0 1,830 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 41.8 2,230 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 245 216 37.8 2,000 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 44.1 2,640 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 284 273 22.5 740 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 40.3 2,040 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/SM 0.206/0.443 275 246 43.0 2,340 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 45.0 2,610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 40.8 2,490 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 49.9 3,310 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 322 317 25.1 895 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 44.0 2,760 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/SM 0.164/0.320 313 285 50.0 3,040 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 48.0 3,250 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 54.4 4,040 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 375 378 26.5 1,060 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 52.0 3,280 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/SM 0.125/0.253 364 338 53.0 3,760 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 56.0 4,220 500 D
5 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 61.3 5,290 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 423 434 30.7 1,350 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


adapted to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 2 1 3 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM),
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 12 x ∅ of cable
3 | Signalling core (single copper wire, max. 7.41 Ω/km,
with red PVC insulation) as central element Core identification:
4 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) HD 308 S2
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 16 RE + 2.5 RE 1.910 78 60 21.0 590 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM + 2.5 RE 1.910 78 60 21.5 675 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM + 2.5 RE 1.200 102 82 24.0 875 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM + 2.5 RE 0.868 122 99 25.0 810 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM + 2.5 RE 0.641 144 119 28.0 1,050 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM + 2.5 RE 0.443 179 152 31.4 1,360 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM + 2.5 RE 0.320 215 186 36.5 1,840 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM + 2.5 RE 0.253 245 216 41.0 2,320 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM + 2.5 RE 0.206 275 246 44.0 2,640 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM + 2.5 RE 0.164 313 285 51.0 3,260 500 D
4 x 240 SM + 2.5 RE 0.125 364 338 55.7 4,170 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and HDPE sheath


ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid Bending radius (min.):
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) 12 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) Core identification:
4 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- EZÚ Czech Republic, ÖVE Austria
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed
installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the
open air, in water – as permitted by the local building regula-
tions – under severe mechanical stressing during installation and

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 81 25.0 690 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 102 81 26.0 700 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.868 122 99 24.5 730 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 26.5 900 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 27.0 930 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 179 152 31.0 1,250 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 31.2 1,240 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 33.5 1,580 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 35.0 1,640 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 245 216 41.0 1,900 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 44.5 2,070 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 40.0 2,320 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 43.3 2,460 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 53.0 3,110 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/SM 0.125/0.253 364 338 52.0 3,510 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 54.5 3,990 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.


Underground cable with PVC insulation and HDPE sheath


adapted to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 2 1 3 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM),
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (PVC) 12 x ∅ of cable
3 | Signalling core (single copper wire, max. 7.41 Ω/km,
with red PVC insulation) as central element Core identification:
4 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) HD 308 S2
5 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant)
EZÚ Czech Republic


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations –
under severe mechanical stressing during installation and opera-

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(A) (m)
4 x 16 RE + 2.5 RE 1.910 78 60 21.0 550 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM + 2.5 RE 1.910 78 60 21.4 590 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM + 2.5 RE 1.200 102 82 23.0 900 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM + 2.5 RE 0.868 122 99 24.5 740 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM + 2.5 RE 0.641 144 119 28.0 1,050 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM + 2.5 RE 0.443 179 152 31.0 1,270 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM + 2.5 RE 0.320 215 186 36.0 1,690 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM + 2.5 RE 0.253 245 216 40.0 2,120 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM + 2.5 RE 0.206 275 246 43.5 2,470 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM + 2.5 RE 0.164 313 285 50.0 3,120 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM + 2.5 RE 0.125 364 338 55.0 3,960 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1 operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped Bending radius (min.):
solid (SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
stranded (SM) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
Core identification:
3 | Inner covering (EPDM)
HD 308 S2
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
APPLICATION Certificate:
EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x conductor in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross resistance (A) (A) packing
section (Ω/km) (m)
1 x 25 RM 1.200 160 110 12.6 210 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 25.5 990 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 102 82 26.7 1,040 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.868 193 135 13.6 260 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 123 100 27.8 1,130 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 123 100 29.3 1,180 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 230 166 15.3 335 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 31.9 1,300 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 34.4 1,360 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 283 210 16.9 425 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 179 152 36.1 1,740 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 38.0 1,820 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 340 259 19.1 540 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 40.3 2,240 1,000 D




Number of Max. Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x conductor in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross resistance (A) (A) packing
section (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 43.0 2,340 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 389 302 20.6 610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 245 216 43.5 2,660 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 46.6 2,780 1,000 D 4
1 x 150 RM 0.206 436 345 22.3 745 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 47.7 3,120 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 50.4 3,260 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 496 401 24.6 925 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SE 0.164 313 285 52.7 4,170 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 57.0 4,360 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 578 479 27.5 1,210 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 364 338 58.2 5,150 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 63.2 5,380 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 656 555 30.6 1,440 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.078 756 653 33.2 1,850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.061 873 772 37.7 2,190 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 630 RMn * 0.047 1,011 915 43.5 2,700 500 D, 1,000 D

* conductor is non-compressed
1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and HDPE sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Certificate:
EZÚ Czech Republic
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed
installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the
open air, in water – as permitted by the local building regula-
tions – under severe mechanical stressing during installation and

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 25.5 925 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 102 82 26.7 990 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 123 100 27.8 1,120 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 123 100 29.3 1,200 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 31.9 1,230 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 34.4 1,340 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 179 152 36.1 1,590 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 38.0 1,700 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 40.3 2,090 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 43.0 2,230 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 245 216 43.5 2,540 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 46.6 2,700 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 47.7 3,010 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 50.4 3,190 500 D
4 x 185 SE 0.164 313 285 52.7 3,580 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 57.0 3,990 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 364 338 58.2 4,700 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 63.2 4,980 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.


Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Fire properties:

flame retardant:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- EN 60332-1-2
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open Certificate:
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RE 1.200 112 102 25.5 885 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 112 102 26.7 895 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 135 126 27.8 950 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 135 126 29.3 1,010 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 158 149 31.9 990 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 158 149 34.4 1,100 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 196 191 36.1 1,380 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 196 191 38.0 1,440 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 234 234 40.3 1,750 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 234 234 43.0 1,810 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 268 273 43.5 2,080 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 268 273 46.6 2,180 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 300 311 47.7 2,710 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 300 311 50.4 2,750 500 D
4 x 185 SE 0.164 342 360 52.7 3,290 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 342 360 57.0 3,470 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 398 427 58.2 4,090 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 398 427 63.2 4,290 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.

Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Certificate:
EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed
installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the
open air, in water – as permitted by the local building regula-
tions – under severe mechanical stressing during installation and

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RE 1.200 112 102 25.5 730 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 112 102 26.7 750 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 135 126 27.8 885 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 135 126 29.3 940 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 158 149 31.9 910 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 158 149 34.4 1,010 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 196 191 36.1 1,280 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 196 191 38.0 1,340 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 234 234 40.3 1,640 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 234 234 43.0 1,690 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 268 273 43.5 1,950 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 268 273 46.6 2,040 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 300 311 47.7 2,440 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 300 311 50.4 2,580 500 D
4 x 185 SE 0.164 342 360 52.7 3,100 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 342 360 57.0 3,260 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 398 427 58.2 3,870 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 398 427 63.2 4,050 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.


U–1000 AR2V
Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath


NF C 32-321

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C 4
1| Aluminium conductor, round stranded (RM)
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
2| Core insulation (XLPE)
3| Inner covering (EPDM) Bending radius (min.):
4| Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Fire properties:

flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
U–1000 AR2V
4 x 16 RM 1.910 91 77 20.0 550 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.910 91 77 21.9 645 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 112 102 24.8 845 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RM 1.200 112 102 27.2 1,000 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 135 126 26.9 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.868 135 126 29.7 1,240 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 252 205 13.6 265 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.641 158 149 31.2 1,370 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 RM 0.641 158 149 34.7 1,660 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 310 260 15.5 345 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 196 191 36.1 1,850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 372 321 17.4 445 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.320 234 234 40.9 2,410 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 425 376 19.1 525 500 D, 1,000 D



U–1000 AR2V

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
U–1000 AR2V
4 x 120 RM 0.253 268 273 45.3 2,990 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 476 431 21.2 660 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 RM 0.206 300 311 50.5 3,650 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 541 501 23.4 800 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 RM 0.164 342 260 56.1 4,460 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 631 600 26.2 1,010 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 240 RM 0.125 398 427 62.8 5,620 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 716 696 28.9 1,200 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.078 825 1060 32.3 1,530 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.061 952 971 36.1 1,890 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 630 RM 0.047 1,102 1,151 40.6 2,420 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to NF C 32-321

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C 4
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped solid (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
4 | Sheath (YAKY – PVC black, UV-restistant) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Sheath (YnAKY – PVC black, higher flame retardation,
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
reduced flame propagation:
The cables are intended for distribution of electrical energy. EN 60332-3-24 (only YnAKY cable)
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. Current Current Outer Total weight Standard

nominal cross section conductor rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (A) (m)
4 x 16 RE 1.910 81 61 20.9 595 1,000 D
5 x 16 RE 1.910 81 61 22.3 705 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 25 RE 1.200 160 110 11.6 195 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 24.5 885 1,000 D
5 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 26.4 1,110 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 35 RE 0.868 193 135 12.6 235 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 123 100 26.9 1,095 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.868 123 100 31.3 1,380 1,000 D, 500 D
5 x 35 SM 0.868 123 100 28.3 1,020 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 230 166 14.3 305 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 29.5 1,060 1,000 D
4x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 28.8 1,150 1,000 D
5 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 34.2 1,380 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 283 210 16.1 390 1,000 D, 500 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current Outer Total weight Standard

nominal cross section conductor rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (A) (m)
4 x 70 SE 0.443 179 152 30.5 1,400 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 32.5 1,400 1,000 D
5 x 70 SM 0.443 179 152 39.2 1,790 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 340 259 18.4 505 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 35.1 1,810 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 37.4 1,830 1,000 D
5 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 45.6 2,350 500 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 389 302 20.0 590 1,000 D, 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.253 245 216 41.0 2,050 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 245 216 38.5 2,160 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 41.0 2,320 1,000 D
5 x 120 SM 0.253 245 216 49.4 2,830 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 436 345 21.8 730 1,000 D, 500 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.206/0.443 275 246 45.5 2,380 500 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 42.5 2,540 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 45.5 2,670 500 D
5 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 55.0 3,450 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 496 401 24.3 890 1,000 D, 500 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.164/0.320 313 285 50.4 2,990 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 50.4 3,330 500 D
5 x 185 SM 0.164 313 285 61.6 4,260 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 578 479 27.2 1,160 1,000 D, 500 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.125/0.253 364 338 57.1 3,810 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 57.1 4,520 500 D
5 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 69.3 5,390 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 656 555 30.3 1,390 500 D
1 x 400 RM 0.078 756 653 35.5 1,770 500 D
1 x 500 RM 0.061 873 772 37.6 2,160 500 D
1 x 630 RM 0.047 1,011 915 42.6 2,890 500 D
1 x 630 RM + 2 x 2.5 RE2) 0.047 1,011 915 42.6 2,970 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to PN-93/E-90401, PN-93/E-90400

2) aluminium conductor round stranded (630 RM) with two control copper insulated wires (2,5 RE) in the outer layer.
Marking: YAKY-zp 1 x 630 RM + 2 x 2.5 RE
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath



Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), sector-shaped solid short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
(SE), round stranded (RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears. For fixed installation underground, in
interior premises, cable ducts, in the open air, in the ground or
concrete, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores x Max. Current Current Outer Total weight Standard

nominal cross section conductor rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (A) (m)
4 x 16 RE 1.910 85 73 19.0 495 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RE 1.910 85 73 20.6 580 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 25 RE 1.200 177 136 11.3 175 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE 1.200 112 102 22.5 710 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 25 RE 1.200 112 102 25.5 840 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 35 RE 0.868 212 166 12.4 220 1,000 D
4 x 35 RE 0.868 135 126 23.7 910 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 35 RM 0.868 135 126 29.5 1,080 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 252 205 14.5 290 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 158 149 25.5 865 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 158 149 27.5 890 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 50 SM 0.641 158 149 31.9 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 310 260 16.1 360 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SE 0.443 196 191 29.2 1,170 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current Outer Total weight Standard

nominal cross section conductor rating in the rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (A) (m)
4 x 70 SM 0.443 196 191 31.4 1,190 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 70 SM 0.443 196 191 37.5 1,500 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 372 321 18.0 470 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 234 234 32.4 1,470 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 234 234 35.2 1,590 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 95 SM 0.320 234 234 42.3 1,900 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 425 376 19.5 555 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.253/0.443 268 273 39.0 1,800 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SE 0.253 268 273 36.5 1,880 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 268 273 39.0 1,900 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 120 SM 0.253 268 273 47.4 2,330 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 476 431 21.2 680 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.206/0.443 300 311 43.1 2,100 500 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 300 311 40.1 2,210 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 300 311 43.1 2,350 500 D
5 x 150 SM 0.206 300 311 52.5 2,930 500 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 541 501 23.6 810 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.164/0.32 342 360 48.6 2,690 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 342 360 48.6 2,980 500 D
5 x 185 SM 0.164 342 360 59.6 3,590 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 631 600 27.0 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.125/0.253 398 427 54.4 3,380 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 398 427 55.5 3,670 500 D
5 x 240 SM 0.125 398 427 67.1 4,590 500 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 716 696 29.5 1,250 500 D
1 x 400 RM 0.078 825 821 32.5 1,540 500 D
1 x 500 RM 0.061 952 971 37.0 1,970 500 D
1 x 630 RM 0.047 1,102 1,151 42.4 2,640 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 13/03

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath


HD 603.3E

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1 operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), resp. sector-
12 x ∅ of cable
shaped solid (SE)
2 | Core insulation (PVC)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) Core identification:
4 | Sheath (PVC grey) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 16 RE 1.910 81 61 22.3 710 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 26.0 975 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 30.0 1,030 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 37.8 1,730 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 45.0 2,570 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 364 338 55.1 4,040 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3E

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath


HD 603.5B

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
4 3 2 1 operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), resp. sector-
12 x ∅ of cable
shaped solid (SE)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) Core identification:
4 | Sheath (HDPE grey) HD 308 S2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed
installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the
open air, in water – as permitted by the local building regula-
tions – under severe mechanical stressing during installation and

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RE 1.200 112 92 21.6 485 1,000 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 158 133 27.8 770 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 234 205 35.2 1,350 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 300 271 43.2 2,050 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 398 372 52.9 3,350 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.5B

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation, HDPE sheath and PVC protective cover


HD 603.5M

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
5 4 3 2 1
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C 4
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
1 | Aluminium conductor, round stranded (RM), resp. sector- Bending radius (min.):
shaped stranded (SM) 12 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) Core identification:
4 | Sheath (HDPE) HD 308 S2
5 | Protective cover (PVC green)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed
installation underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the
open air, in water – as permitted by the local building regula-
tions – under severe mechanical stressing during installation and

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RM 1.200 112 92 25.8 680 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 158 133 30.1 990 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 234 205 38.3 1,710 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 300 271 44.5 2,440 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 398 372 56.1 3,820 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.5M

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath


HD 603.5D, SFS 4879

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –15 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
(RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 15 x ∅ of cable (single-core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
4 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgear, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. Current Current Current Outer Total weight Standard

cores x conductor rating in the rating rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal resistance ground1) 2) in the air1) 3) in the air1) 4) (mm) ca. packing
cross (Ω/km) 70 °C 70 °C 90 °C (m)
section (A) (A) (A)
1 x 35 RM 0.868 127 147 179 13.0 235 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 151 179 218 14.5 290 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 185 230 282 16.5 370 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 222 281 345 18.0 460 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 253 326 402 20.0 555 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 284 377 466 21.5 665 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 322 431 536 24.0 780 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 375 511 635 26.5 1,000 1,000 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 425 590 736 29.0 1,210 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.078 487 711 890 32.0 1,510 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.061 558 821 1,030 36.5 1,900 1,000 D
1 x 630 RMn* 0.047 635 954 1,200 41.5 2,500 500 D




Number of Max. Current Current Current Outer Total weight Standard

cores x conductor rating in the rating rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal resistance ground1) 2) in the air1) 3) in the air1) 4) (mm) ca. packing
cross (Ω/km) 70 °C 70 °C 90 °C (m)
section (A) (A) (A)
4 x 16 RE 1.910 78 62 80 19.0 500 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 100 77 101 24.0 765 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM 0.868 125 95 125 26.5 690 1,000 D 4
4 x 50 SM 0.641 150 117 152 27.0 870 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 185 148 196 31.0 1,240 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 220 180 236 35.0 1,550 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 255 209 274 39.0 2,010 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 280 240 316 43.5 2,340 500 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 330 274 361 48.5 2,970 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 375 323 425 55.0 3,840 500 D
4 x 300 SM 0.100 430 372 490 60.0 4,800 500 D

* conductor is non-compressed
1) Basic rated current acc. to HD 603.5D (SFS 4879)
2) Method D of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52 (for single core is recommended basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3G)
3) Method G of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52 (single-core)
Method C of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52 (multi-core)
4) Method G of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52 (single-core)
Method E of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52 (multi-core)
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath



Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1| Aluminium conductor, sector-shaped solid (SE) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
2| Core insulation (XLPE)
3| Swelling tape Bending radius (min.):
4| Inner covering (EPDM) 12 x ∅ of cable
5| Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Longitudinal watertight:
DIN VDE 0472-633

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgear, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open air, in water
– as permitted by the local building regulations – if no risk of any
mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 50 SE* 0.641 165 150 29.5 1,250 1,000 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 245 230 37.5 1,940 1,000 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 315 300 46.0 2,860 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 420 425 56.5 4,550 500 D

*adapted to HD 603.5A
1) basic rated current acc. to 603.5A
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath


HD 603.5O

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
4 3 2 1
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
1| Aluminium conductor, sector-shaped stranded (AS)
2| Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3| Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 12 x ∅ of cable
4| Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgear, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations –
under severe mechanical stressing during installation and opera-

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 50 SM 0.641 158 149 27.0 820 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 234 234 35.0 1,440 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 300 311 43.0 2,170 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 398 427 54.0 3,570 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.5O

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath


HD 603.5O

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4.5 kV/50 Hz

4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (U), resp. round stranded (R) conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2| Core insulation (XLPE) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
3| Inner covering (EPDM)
4| Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant) Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgear, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations –
under severe mechanical stressing during installation and opera-

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 18.0 640 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 20.0 760 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 20.0 960 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 21.5 1,150 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.5O

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires applied with
changing direction of lay) and counter helix (copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- VDE Germany
tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical
damage or electrical screening is required. The concentric cean-
der conductor can be used as PE or PEN conductor and needs
not be cut when assembling branch joints.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 35 SM/16 0.868 123 101 30.5 1,270 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM/16 0.641 230 166 19.5 620 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/25 0.641 145 121 35.0 1,700 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM/35 0.443 180 155 38.5 2,170 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/50 0.320 216 189 44.4 2,790 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/35 0.253 389 302 25.0 1,070 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM/70 0.253 246 220 49.0 3,870 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/35 0.206 436 345 26.5 1,230 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM/70 0.206 276 249 53.0 4,030 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/35 0.164 496 401 29.0 1,410 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.164 313 287 59.0 5,050 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/35 0.125 578 475 32.0 1,680 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM/120 0.125 362 339 66.5 6,200 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-603 (HD 603)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


MSZ IEC 502, MSZ 146-6

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), resp. sector- short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires applied with
changing direction of lay) and counter helix (copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical
damage or electrical screening is required. The concentric cean-
der conductor can be used as PE or PEN conductor and needs
not be cut when assembling branch joints.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 16 RE/10 1.910 76 63 23.0 850 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE/10 1.200 99 83 26.7 1,160 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/25 0.641 142 124 35.3 1,680 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/35 0.320 211 190 45.4 2,780 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM/50 0.206 270 252 53.6 3,750 500 D
4 x 240 SM/50 0.125 308 289 64.6 5,720 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to MSZ IEC 502 , MSZ 146-6

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened



Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
(RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (plastic tape) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Screen (bare aluminium tape)
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises , cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
no risk of any mechanical damage is to be expected.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 16 RE 1.910 76 63 21.2 505 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 99 83 24.9 725 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 118 102 27.5 900 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 142 124 31.2 1,170 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM 0.443 176 158 35.7 1,540 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 211 190 41.2 2,040 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM 0.253 242 220 44.8 2,610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 270 252 47.7 3,020 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM 0.164 308 289 55.0 3,680 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 363 339 59.5 4,730 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to MSZ IEC 502

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


HD 603.3J

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), resp. sector- short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape and PVC) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC grey) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical dam-
age or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
3 x 16 RE/10 1.910 81 61 23.3 770 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE/10 1.910 81 61 25.0 870 1,000 D
3 x 25 RE/10 1.200 102 82 26.0 995 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE/10 1.200 102 82 27.9 1,130 1,000 D
3 x 50 SM/16 0.641 144 119 25.5 955 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/16 0.641 144 119 29.5 1,160 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/35 0.320 215 186 33.2 1,620 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/35 0.320 215 186 38.7 2,110 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM/50 0.206 275 246 40.0 2,510 500 D
4 x 150 SM/50 0.206 275 246 46.8 3,030 500 D
3 x 240 SM/70 0.125 364 338 49.9 3,850 500 D
4 x 240 SM/70 0.125 364 338 58.8 4,730 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3J

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath, screened


HD 603.3J

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), resp. sector- short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s 4
shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape and PVC) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC grey) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical dam-
age or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
3 x 16 RE/10 1.910 91 77 22.7 740 1,000 D
4 x 16 RE/10 1.910 91 77 24.3 825 1,000 D
3 x 25 RE/10 1.200 112 92 26.0 955 1,000 D
4 x 25 RE/10 1.200 112 92 27.9 1,080 1,000 D
3 x 50 SM/16 0.641 158 133 25.5 880 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/16 0.641 158 133 29.5 1,070 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/35 0.320 234 205 33.2 1,510 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/35 0.320 234 205 38.7 1,970 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM/50 0.206 300 271 40.0 2,340 500 D
4 x 150 SM/50 0.206 300 271 46.8 2,810 500 D
3 x 240 SM/70 0.125 398 372 49.9 3,590 500 D
4 x 240 SM/70 0.125 398 372 58.8 4,400 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3J

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


HD 603.3F, SFS 4880

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –15 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
(RM), resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (PVC) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2


Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air and in water – as permitted by the local building regulations
– if protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical
damage or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) 2) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
4 x 16 RE/16 1.910 78 62 24.0 815 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM/16 1.200 100 77 30.5 1,320 1,000 D
4 x 35 SM/16 0.868 125 95 28.0 1,070 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/25 0.641 150 117 31.0 1,300 1,000 D
4 x 70 SM/35 0.443 185 148 35.5 1,720 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/50 0.320 220 180 41.0 2,250 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM/70 0.253 255 209 44.0 2,750 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM/70 0.206 280 240 48.0 3,270 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.164 330 274 52.5 4,030 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM/120 0.125 375 323 59.5 5,160 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3F (SFS 4880)

2) Method C of installation acc. to IEC 60364-5-52
Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with PVC insulation and PVC sheath, screened


HD 603.3L S1

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –15 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1| Aluminium conductor, sector-shaped stranded (SM) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s 4
2| Core insulation (PVC)
3| Inner covering (EPDM or plastic tape) Bending radius (min.):
4| Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix 12 x ∅ of cable
(copper tape)
5 | Sheath (PVC black, UV-resistant) Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
reduced flame propagation:

Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa-

tions and switchgears, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa-
tion underground, in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open
air, in water – as permitted by the local building regulations – if
protection against shock hazard in the event of mechanical dam-
age or electrical screening is required.

Number of cores Max. Current rating Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
x nominal cross conductor in the ground1) in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance (A) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (m)
3 x 50 SM/15 0.641 144 119 28.1 1.130 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM/21 0.443 179 152 31.9 1,450 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/29 0.320 215 186 35.1 1,800 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM/41 0.206 275 246 42.4 2,570 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 603.3L S1

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath, longitudinally water-proof


DIN VDE 0276-620 (HD 620)

Rated voltage:
6/10 12/20 18/30 kV

Test voltage:
18 36 48 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
1| Copper conductor; round stranded compressed (RM) 15 x ∅ of cable
2| Inner semi-conductive layer (conductive XLPE)
3| Core insulation (XLPE)
4| Outer semi-conductive layer (conductive XLPE), taped with
a conductive tape
5 | Screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix (copper tape)
6 | Swelling tape under and over screen
7 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant)


For fixed installation for high requirements in interior premises, in

the ground subject to external effects of moisture, in the open air
and in cable ducts for industrial and distribution mains – as per-
mitted by the local building regulations – under severe mechani-
cal stressing during installation and operation.

Number of cores Mutual Max. Current Current Outer Total Standard

x nominal cross capacitance conductor rating in the rating diameter weight lengths/
section/cross (µF/km) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (A) ca. (m)
N2XS(F)2Y 6/10 kV
1 x 35 RM/16 0.24 0.524 187 197 26.0 915 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM/16 0.26 0.387 220 236 27.0 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM/16 0.30 0.268 268 294 28.0 1,330 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM/16 0.31 0.193 320 358 30.0 1,620 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/16 0.34 0.153 363 413 32.0 1,870 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/25 0.39 0.124 405 468 33.0 2,260 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/25 0.42 0.099 456 535 35.0 2,630 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/25 0.47 0.075 526 631 38.0 3,220 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 300 RM/25 0.51 0.060 591 722 40.0 3,810 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM/35 0.57 0.047 662 827 43.0 4,850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM/35 0.63 0.037 744 949 46.0 5,800 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores Mutual Max. Current Current Outer Total Standard

x nominal cross capacitance conductor rating in the rating diameter weight lengths/
section/cross (µF/km) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (A) ca. (m)
N2XS(F)2Y 12/20 kV
1 x 35 RM/16 0.16 0.524 189 200 30.0 1,075 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM/16 0.18 0.387 222 239 31.0 1,270 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM/16 0.20 0.268 271 297 33.0 1,520 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM/16 0.22 0.193 323 361 35.0 1,780 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/16 0.24 0.153 367 416 36.0 2,090 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/25 0.26 0.124 409 470 37.0 2,460 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/25 0.27 0.099 461 538 39.0 2,840 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/25 0.31 0.075 532 634 42.0 3,400 500 D, 1,000 D 5
1 x 300 RM/25 0.33 0.060 599 724 44.0 4,150 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM/35 0.37 0.047 671 829 47.0 5,190 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM/35 0.41 0.037 754 953 50.0 6,170 500 D, 1,000 D
N2XS(F)2Y 18/30 kV
1 x 50 RM/16 0.14 0.387 225 241 36.0 1,520 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM/16 0.15 0.268 274 299 38.0 1,790 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM/16 0.17 0.193 327 363 40.0 2,070 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/16 0.18 0.153 371 418 41.0 2,360 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/25 0.19 0.124 414 472 42.0 2,760 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/25 0.21 0.099 466 539 44.0 3,170 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/25 0.23 0.075 539 635 47.0 3,860 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 300 RM/25 0.25 0.060 606 725 49.0 4,490 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM/35 0.27 0.047 680 831 52.0 5,580 500 D
1 x 500 RM/35 0.30 0.037 765 953 55.0 6,600 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620 (HD 620)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable with XLPE insulation and HDPE sheath, longitudinally water-proof


DIN VDE 0276-620 (HD 620)

Rated voltage:
6/10 12/20 18/30 kV

Test voltage:
18 36 48 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
1| Aluminium conductor; round stranded compressed (RM) 15 x ∅ of cable
2| Inner semi-conductive layer (conductive XLPE)
3| Core insulation (XLPE)
4| Outer semi-conductive layer (conductive XLPE), taped with
a conductive tape
5 | Screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix (copper tape)
6 | Swelling tape under and over screen
7 | Sheath (HDPE black, UV-resistant)


For fixed installation for high requirements in interior premises, in

the ground subject to external effects of moisture, in the open air
and in cable ducts for industrial and distribution mains – as per-
mitted by the local building regulations – under severe mechani-
cal stressing during installation and operation.

Number of cores Mutual Max. Current Current Outer Total Standard

x nominal cross capacitance conductor rating in the rating diameter weight lengths/
section/cross (µF/km) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (A) ca. (m)
NA2XS(F)2Y 6/10 kV
1 x 35 RM/16 0.24 0.868 145 153 26.0 650 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM/16 0.26 0.641 171 183 27.0 750 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM/16 0.30 0.443 208 228 28.0 850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM/16 0.31 0.320 248 278 30.0 950 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/16 0.34 0.253 283 321 32.0 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/25 0.39 0.206 315 364 33.0 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/25 0.42 0.164 357 418 35.0 1,450 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/25 0.47 0.125 413 494 38.0 1,600 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 300 RM/25 0.51 0.100 466 568 40.0 1,850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM/35 0.57 0.078 529 660 43.0 2,350 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores Mutual Max. Current Current Outer Total Standard

x nominal cross capacitance conductor rating in the rating diameter weight lengths/
section/cross (µF/km) resistance ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (A) ca. (m)
NA2XS(F)2Y 12/20 kV
1 x 35 RM/16 0.16 0.868 146 155 30.0 850 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM/16 0.18 0.641 172 185 31.0 900 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM/16 0.20 0.443 210 231 33.0 1,050 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM/16 0.22 0.320 251 280 35.0 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/16 0.24 0.253 285 323 36.0 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/25 0.26 0.206 319 366 37.0 1,500 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/25 0.27 0.164 361 420 39.0 1,650 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/25 0.31 0.125 417 496 42.0 1,850 500 D, 1,000 D 5
1 x 300 RM/25 0.33 0.100 471 569 44.0 2,100 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM/35 0.37 0.078 535 660 47.0 2,550 500 D, 1,000 D
NA2XS(F)2Y 18/30 kV
1 x 50 RM/16 0.14 0.641 174 187 36.0 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM/16 0.15 0.443 213 232 38.0 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM/16 0.17 0.320 254 282 40.0 1,450 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM/16 0.18 0.253 289 325 41.0 1,550 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM/25 0.19 0.206 322 367 42.0 1,800 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 185 RM/25 0.21 0.164 364 421 44.0 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 240 RM/25 0.23 0.125 422 496 47.0 2,200 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 300 RM/25 0.25 0.100 476 568 49.0 2,500 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM/35 0.27 0.078 541 659 52.0 3,000 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-620 (HD 620)

Subject to technical changes.



PE insulated bundled overhead line


TP PRAKAB 02/03 – 2. edition

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor with increased breaking load, round short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
stranded compressed (RM)
2 | Core insulation (PE black, UV- resistant); 2 or 4 cores of Bending radius (min.):
18 x ∅ of cable
equal cross section are stranded together in right-hand lay,
additionaly 1 or 2 cores of reduced cross section can be
co-stranded Core identification:
1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the
surface of the cores. The surface of the neutral
conductor is smooth and marked with earth
Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines EZÚ Czech Republic
up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
2 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 64 15.5 145 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 64 17.9 290 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 94 17.6 105 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 94 16.0 210 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 94 21.2 435 1,000 D
4 x 25 + 25 RM/RM 1.200/1.200 4.0/4.0 94/94 24.6 315 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 5.5 113 24.1 525 1,000 D
4 x 35 + 25 RM/RM 0.868/1.200 5.5/4.0 113/94 27.6 630 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.641 8.0 140 27.8 740 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 25 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 8.0/4.0 140/94 29.6 845 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 2 x 16 RM/RM 0.641/1.910 8.0/5.5 140/64 32.2 880 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 10.7 178 31.8 1,030 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 25 RM/RM 0.443/1.200 10.7/4.0 178/94 33.3 1,150 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 2 x 16 RM/RM 0.443/1.910 10.7/5.5 178/64 35.6 1,180 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.320 13.7 220 37.2 1,350 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 25 RM/RM 0,320/1.200 13.7/4.0 220/94 38.1 1,450 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 2 x 16 RM/RM 0.320/1.910 13.7/2.5 220/64 40.6 1,510 1,000 D
4 x 120 RM 0.253 16.5 265 40.6 1,680 1,000 D
4 x 120 + 25 RM/RM 0.253/1.200 16.5/4.0 265/94 41.6 1,770 1,000 D
4 x 120 + 2 x 16 RM/RM 0.253/1.910 16.5/2.5 265/64 45.5 1,810 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 02/03 – 2. edition

Subject to technical changes.


E–A2Y / E–XA2Y
PE insulated bundled overhead line


ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-626 (HD 626)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
2 1 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –40 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor with increased breaking load, round short-circuit temperature: max. +120 °C/5 s
stranded compressed (RM)
2 | Core insulation (PE black, UV-resistant); 2 or 4 cores of Bending radius (min.):
18 x ∅ of cable
equal cross section are stranded together in right-hand lay,
additionaly 1 or 2 cores of reduced cross section can be
co-stranded Core identification:
1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the
surface of the cores; the 4. core is showing
fine longitudinal grooves (75 % of surface)
APPLICATION and is printed with the type designation 6

Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines

up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
2 x 16 RM 1.910 2.74 56 14.2 135 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.910 2.74 56 17.1 275 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 1.200 4.05 80 17.2 200 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 4.05 80 22.0 410 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 5.60 100 24.3 535 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.641 7.70 125 28.0 705 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 25 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 7.70/4.05 125/80 30.0 830 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 10.95 160 31.0 955 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 25 RM/RM 0.443/1.200 10.95/4.05 160/80 33.8 1,090 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.320 15.15 185 36.0 1,280 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 25 RM/RM 0.320/1.200 15.15/4.05 185/80 39.0 1,400 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8200-626

Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated bundled overhead line


DIN VDE 0276-626 (HD 626)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
2 1 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +80 °C
conductor temperature: max. +80 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +130 °C/5 s
1 | Aluminium conductor with increased breaking load, round
stranded compressed (RM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (XLPE black, UV-resistant); 2 or 4 cores of 18 x ∅ of cable
equal cross section are stranded together in left-hand lay,
additionaly 1 or 2 cores of reduced cross section can be Core identification:
co-stranded 1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the
surface of the cores. The surface of the
neutral conductor is smooth.
EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany

Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines

up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
NFA2X – According to DIN VDE 0276-626
1 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 107 9.0 110 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 107 21.2 430 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.868 5.2 132 10.0 135 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 5.5 132 24.1 555 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 8.0 165 11.8 185 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.641 8.0 165 27.8 750 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 10.2 205 13.4 255 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 10.7 205 31.8 1,010 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 35 RM/RM 0.443/0.868 10.7/5.5 205/132 36.2 1,150 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 2 x 35 RM/RM 0.443/0.868 10.7/5.5 205/132 40.1 1,290 1,000 D
NFA2X – Adapted to DIN VDE 0276-626
1 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 72 8.0 75 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 72 15.6 150 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 72 18.8 290 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 107 18.0 210 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
NFA2X – Adapted to DIN VDE 0276-626
2 x 50 RM 0.641 8.0 165 23.5 365 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 25 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 8.0/4.0 165/107 31.9 815 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 35 RM/RM 0.641/0.868 8.5/5.5 165/132 31.9 845 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 25 RM/RM 0.443/1.200 10.7/4.0 205/107 36.0 1,110 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 13.7 240 15.4 335 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM/RM 0.320 13.7 240 37.8 1,340 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 25 RM/RM 0.320/1.200 13.7/4.0 240/107 41.8 1,440 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 35 RM/RM 0.320/0.868 13.7/5.5 240/132 41.8 1,470 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 2 x 25 RM/RM 0.320/1.200 13.7/4.0 240/107 42.0 1,550 1,000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 18.6 290 17.0 410 1,000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 23.2 334 19.0 505 1,000 D 6
1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-626
Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated bundled overhead line


BS 7870-5

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
2 1 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +80 °C
conductor temperature: max. +75 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +130 °C/5 s
1 | Aluminium conductor with increased breaking load, round
stranded compressed (RM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (XLPE black, UV-resistant); 2 or 4 cores 18 x ∅ of cable
of equal cross section are stranded together in left hand
lay, additionaly 1 core of reduced cross section can be co- Core identification:
stranded 1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the
surface of the cores. The surface of the
neutral conductor is ribbed around the
precimeter In the case of five core bundles
the surface of the protective core should be

Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines up to

1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
2 x 25 RM 1.200 4.1 107 18.0 210 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 4.1 107 21.2 430 1,000 D
2 x 35 RM 0.868 5.6 132 20.0 280 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 5.6 132 24.1 555 1,000 D
2 x 50 RM 0.641 7.6 165 23.5 365 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.641 7.6 165 27.8 750 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.641/1.200 7.6/4.1 165/107 31.9 815 1,000 D
2 x 70 RM 0.443 11.0 205 25.4 505 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 11.0 205 31.8 1,010 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.443/1.200 11.0/4.1 205/107 36.0 1,110 1,000 D
2 x 95 RM 0.320 15.3 240 30.3 670 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.320 15.3 240 37.8 1,340 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.320/1.200 15.3/4.1 240/107 41.8 1,440 1,000 D
4 x 120 RM 0.253 19.4 290 54.4 1,640 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to BS 7870-5

Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated bundled overhead line


NFC 33-209

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
3 1 2
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor (phase conductor), round stranded conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
compressed (RM) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
2 | Alloy aluminium conductor (neutral conductor, AlMgSi), Bending radius (min.):
round stranded compressed (RM) 18 x ∅ of cable
3 | Core insulation (XLPE black, UV resistant), 3 cores and the
neutral conductor stranded together in right-hand lay, Core identification:
additionally 1, 2 or 3 cores of reduced cross section can be load-bearing/ neutral core – marked with
co-stranded standard and producers
phase cores – marked with digits 1, 2, 3
cores of street lightning – combination of 6
letters and digits EP1, EP2, EP3


Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines

up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Min. Current Outer Total Standard

nominal cross section resistance breaking rating diameter weight lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) load of in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
conductor (A) ca. (m)
2 x 10 RM 3.080 1.5 75 12.8 95 1,000 D
4 x 10 RM 3.080 1.5 75 15.4 185 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.910 2.3 100 14.8 130 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 1.910/12.100 2.3 100 14.8 180 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.910 2.3 100 17.8 260 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 1.910/12.100 2.3 100 17.8 305 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 1.200 3.8 130 18.0 205 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 1.200/12.100 3.8 130 18.0 250 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 3.8 130 21.7 405 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 1.200/12.100 3.8 130 21.7 455 1,000 D
2 x 35 RM 0.868 5.2 160 20.8 270 1,000 D
2 x 35 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 0.868/12.100 5.2 160 20.8 320 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 5.2 160 25.1 540 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 0.868/12.100 5.2 160 25.1 590 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Min. Current Outer Total Standard

nominal cross section resistance breaking rating diameter weight lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) load of in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
conductor (A) ca. (m)
2 x 50 RM 0.641 7.6 195 23.4 355 1,000 D
2 x 50 RM + 2 x 1.5 RE 0.641/12.100 7.6 195 23.4 400 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 25 RM 0.630/1.200 3.8 130 21.7 510 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 25 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.630/1.200/1.910 3.8/2.3 130/100 24.3 575 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 25 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.630/1.200/1.910 3.8/2.3 130/100 29.7 640 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 25 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.630/1.200/1.910 3.8/2.3 130/100 31.1 705 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 35 RM 0.630/0.868 5.2 160 25.1 615 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 35 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.630/0.868/1.910 5.2/2.3 160/100 28.1 680 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 35 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.630/0.868/1.910 5.2/2.3 160/100 34.3 750 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 35 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.630/0.868/1.910 5.2/2.3 160/100 35.9 815 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 35 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.630/0.868/1.200 5.2/3.8 160/130 28.1 715 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 50 RM 0.630/0.641 7.6 195 28.2 745 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 50 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.630/0.641/1.910 7.6/2.3 195/100 31.6 810 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 50 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.630/0.641/1.910 7.6/2.3 195/100 38.6 875 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 50 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.630/0.641/1.910 7.6/2.3 195/100 40.4 940 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 50 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.630/0.641/1.200 7.6/3.8 195/130 31.6 845 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM 0.630/0.443 10.2 240 33.0 950 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.630/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 240/100 37.0 1,020 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.630/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 240/100 45.2 1,090 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.630/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 240/100 47.3 1,150 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.630/0.443/1.200 10.2/3.8 240/130 37.0 1,050 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 2 x 25 RM 0.630/0.443/1.200 10.2/3.8 240/130 45.2 1,150 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 3 x 25 RM 0.630/0.443/1.200 10.2/3.8 240/130 47.3 1,250 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 95 RM 0.630/0.320 13.5 300 37.4 1,180 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 95 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.630/0.320/1.910 13.5/2.3 300/100 41.9 1,250 1,000 D
1 x 54.6 RM + 3 x 95 RM + 1 x 25 RM 0.630/0.320/1.200 13.5/3.8 300/130 41.9 1,280 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 70 RM 0.500/0.443 10.2 240 33.0 990 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.500/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 240/100 37.0 1,060 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.500/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 240/100 45.2 1,130 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 70 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.500/0.443/1.910 10.2/2.3 240/100 47.3 1,190 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 95 RM 0.500/0.320 13.5 300 37.4 1,220 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 95 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.500/0.320/1.910 13.5/2.3 300/100 41.9 1,280 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 95 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.500/0.320/1.910 13.5/2.3 300/100 51.2 1,350 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 95 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.500/0.320/1.910 13.5/2.3 300/100 53.5 1,420 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 120 RM 0.500/0.253 16.5 340 41.0 1,430 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 120 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.500/0.253/1.910 16.5/2.3 340/100 45.9 1,510 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 120 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.500/0.253/1.910 16.5/2.3 340/100 56.1 1,580 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 120 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.500/0.253/1.910 16.5/2.3 340/100 58.7 1,640 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 150 RM 0.500/0.206 21.9 380 43.6 1,680 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 150 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.500/0.206/1.910 21.9/2.3 380/100 48.9 1,750 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Min. Current Outer Total Standard

nominal cross section resistance breaking rating diameter weight lengths/
(mm²) (Ω/km) load of in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) packing
conductor (A) ca. (m)
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 150 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.500/0.206/1.910 21.9/2.3 380/100 59.7 1,820 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM + 3 x 150 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.500/0.206/1.910 21.9/2.3 380/100 62.4 1,880 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 120 RM 0.343/0.253 16.5 340 41.0 1,530 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 120 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.343/0.253/1.910 16.5/2.3 340/100 45.9 1,600 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 120 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.343/0.253/1.910 16.5/2.3 340/100 56.1 1,670 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 120 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.343/0.253/1.910 16.5/2.3 340/100 58.7 1,730 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 150 RM 0.343/0.206 21.9 380 43.6 1,780 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 150 RM + 1 x 16 RM 0.343/0.206/1.910 21.9/2.3 380/100 48.9 1,840 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 150 RM + 2 x 16 RM 0.343/0.206/1.910 21.9/2.3 380/100 59.7 1,910 1,000 D
1 x 95 RM + 3 x 150 RM + 3 x 16 RM 0.343/0.206/1.910 21.9/2.3 380/100 62.4 1,980 1,000 D
1) basic rated current acc. to NFC 33-209
Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated bundled overhead line, flame retardant



Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
2 1 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +80 °C
conductor temperature: max. +80 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor with increased breaking load, round short-circuit temperature: max. +130 °C/5 s
stranded compressed (RM)
Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (XLPE black, UV-resistant, flame retardant).
18 x ∅ of cable
2 or 4 cores of equal cross section are stranded together
in right-hand lay, additionaly 1 or 2 cores of reduced cross
section can be co-stranded Core identification:
1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the
surface of the cores. The surface of the
neutral conductor is smooth and marked
APPLICATION with earth markings.
Fire properties:
Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines flame retardant:
up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial. EN 60332-1-2

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
2 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 64 14.4 150 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.910 2.5 64 17.4 290 1,000 D
1 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 94 8.8 110 1,000 D
2 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 94 17.6 210 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 1.200 4.0 94 21.2 430 1,000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.868 5.5 113 9.8 135 1,000 D
2 x 35 RM 0.868 5.5 113 19.6 275 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.868 5.5 113 23.6 555 1,000 D
4 x 35 + 1 x 25 RM/RM 0.868/1.200 5.5/4.0 113/94 26.5 640 1,000 D
4 x 35 + 1 x 35 RM/RM 0.868/0.868 5.5/5.5 113/113 26.5 670 1,000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 8.0 140 11.5 185 1,000 D
4 x 50 RM 0.641 8.0 140 27.7 750 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 1 x 25 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 8.0/4.0 140/94 31.1 815 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 2 x 25 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 8.0/4.0 140/94 34.5 945 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 1 x 35 RM/RM 0.641/0.868 8.0/5.5 140/113 31.1 845 1,000 D
4 x 50 + 2 x 35 RM/RM 0.641/0.868 8.0/5.5 140/113 34.5 1,010 1,000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 10.7 178 13.1 255 1,000 D
4 x 70 RM 0.443 10.7 178 31.6 1,010 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
4 x 70 + 1 x 25 RM/RM 0.443/1.200 10.7/4.0 178/94 35.4 1,010 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 1 x 35 RM/RM 0.443/0.868 10.7/5.5 178/113 35.4 1,150 1,000 D
4 x 95 RM 0.320 13.7 220 36.4 1,340 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 1 x 25 RM/RM 0.320/1.200 13.7/4.0 220/94 40.8 1,440 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 1 x 35 RM/RM 0.320/0.868 13.7/5.5 220/113 40.8 1,470 1,000 D
4 x 120 + 1 x 25 RM/RM 0.253/1.200 19.1/4.0 265/94 45.9 1,790 1,000 D
4 x 120 + 1 x 35 RM/RM 0.253/0.868 19.1/5.5 265/113 45.9 1,910 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 2 x 25 RM/RM 0.443/1.200 10.7/4.0 178/94 39.3 1,200 1,000 D
4 x 70 + 2 x 35 RM/RM 0.443/0.868 10.7/5.5 178/113 39.3 1,290 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 2 x 25 RM/RM 0.320/1.200 13.7/4.0 220/94 45.9 1,530 1,000 D
4 x 95 + 2 x 35 RM/RM 0.320/0.868 13.7/5.5 220/113 45.9 1,610 1,000 D 6
4 x 120 RM 0.253 19.1 265 41.0 1,660 1,000 D
4 x 120 + 2 x 25 RM/RM 0.253/1.200 19.1/4.0 265/94 51.0 1,920 1,000 D
4 x 120 + 2 x 35 RM/RM 0.253/0.868 19.1/5.5 265/113 51.0 1,990 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 17/03

Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated bundled overhead line


HD 626 S1

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
3 1 2
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C to +90 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor (phase conductor), round stranded conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
compressed (RM) short-circuit temperature: max. +130 °C/5 s
2 | Alloy aluminium conductor 70 mm2 (neutral conductor, Bending radius (min.):
AlMgSi), round stranded compressed (RM) 18 x ∅ of cable
3 | Core insulation (XLPE black, UV-resistant), 3 cores of equal
cross section stranded around neutral conducter in left Core identification:
hand lay, additionally 1 or 2 cores of reduced cross section 1, 2 resp. 3 raised longitudinal ribs on the
can be co-stranded surface of the cores. The protective core is


Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines

up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Max. Current Outer Total weight Standard

nominal cross section conductor conductor rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
– phase – neutral (A) (m)
conductor conductor
(Ω/km) (Ω/km)
3 x 35 + 70 RM 0.868 0.500 132 30.0 670 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 + 70 + 2 x 16 RM 0.868/1.910 0.500 132/72 35.0 790 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 70 RM 0.641 0.500 165 33.0 795 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 70 + 2 x 16 RM 0.641/1.910 0.500 165/72 37.0 920 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 70 RM 0.443 0.500 205 35.0 990 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 70 + 2 x 16 RM 0.443/1.910 0.500 205/72 39.0 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 + 70 + 2 x 25 RM 0.443/1.200 0.500 205/107 41.0 1,180 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 626 S1

Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated bundled overhead line with bare neutral conductor


HD 626.6D

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –40 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
1 | Aluminium conductor (phase conductor), round stranded
compressed (RM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Bare alloy aluminium conductor (neutral conductor, 18 x ∅ of cable
AlMgSi), round stranded compressed (RM)
3 | Core insulation (XLPE black, UV-resistant), 3 cores of equal Core identification:
cross section and the neutral conducter stranded together Raised longitudinal ribs on the surface of
in right-hand lay, additionally 1 core of reduced cross sec- the cores, the surface of one core is smooth
tion can be co-stranded with type designation.


Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines

up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
3 x 50/50 RM/RM 0.641 8.0 165 27.5 685 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 25/50 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 8.0/4.0 165/107 31.0 790 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 35/50 RM/RM 0.641/0.868 8.0/5.5 165/132 31.5 820 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95/95 RM/RM 0.320 13.5 240 37.0 1,280 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 25/95 RM/RM 0.320/1.200 13.5/4.0 240/107 41.3 1,390 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 + 35/95 RM/RM 0.320/0.868 13.5/5.5 240/132 42.0 1,420 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 626.6D

Subject to technical changes.



PE insulated bundled overhead line with bare neutral conductor


HD 626.5D

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –20 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
1 | Aluminium conductor (phase conductor), round stranded short-circuit temperature: max. +135 °C/5 s
compressed (RM)
2 | Bare alloy aluminium conductor (neutral conductor, Bending radius (min.):
AlMgSi), round stranded compressed (RM) 18 x ∅ of cable
3 | Core insulation (PE black, UV-resistant)
Core identification:
Raised longitudinal ribs on the surface of
the cores, the surface of the core with least
APPLICATION ribs bears type designation.
Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines EZÚ Czech Republic
up to 1,000 V inclusive. Not suitable for direct burial.

Number of cores x Max. Min. breaking Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor load of in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance conductor (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) strand (m)
1 x 16/25 RM/RM 1.910 7.4 75 14.8 140 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 16/25 RM/RM 1.910 7.4 70 17.8 275 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16/25 RM/RM 1.910 7.4 70 20.0 345 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25/35 RM/RM 1.200 10.3 95 21.7 415 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25/35 RM/RM 1.200 10.3 95 24.3 520 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35/50 RM/RM 0.868 14.2 115 25.1 560 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35/50 RM/RM 0.868 14.2 115 28.1 700 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50/50 RM/RM 0.641 14.2 140 28.2 675 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 + 25/50 RM/RM 0.641/1.200 14.2 140/95 31.6 785 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50/70 RM/RM 0.641 20.6 140 28.2 720 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50/50 RM/RM 0.641 14.2 140 31.6 850 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50/70 RM/RM 0.641 20.6 140 31.6 895 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70/95 RM/RM 0.443 27.9 180 33.0 1,010 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 70/95 RM/RM 0.443 27.9 180 37.0 1,250 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120/95 RM/RM 0.253 27.9 250 41.9 1,510 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120/95 RM/RM 0.253 27.9 250 47.0 1,920 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 626.5D

Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated medium voltage overhead line



Rated voltage:
22 kV

Test voltage:
30 kV/50 Hz
2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –10 °C
1 | Bare alloy aluminium conductor (AlMgSi), round stranded
operating temperature: –50 °C to +90 °C
compressed (RM)
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2 | Core insulation (XLPE, black, UV-resistant) short-circuit temperature: max. +200 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
18 x ∅ of cable


Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines. Not 6

suitable for direct burial.

Nominal Max. Number Min. Current Outer Total weight Standard

cross conductor of wires in breaking rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section resistance conductor load of in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) conductor (A) (m)
35 RM 0.967 7 10.5 170 12.2 145 1,000 D
50 RM 0.690 7 15.0 210 13.4 195 1,000 D
70 RM 0.507 19 21.0 255 15.1 250 1,000 D
95 RM 0.358 19 28.5 320 16.9 335 1,000 D
120 RM 0.285 19 36.0 365 18.3 415 1,000 D
150 RM 0.227 37 45.0 425 19.5 505 1,000 D
185 RM 0.184 37 55.0 490 21.4 635 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 10/03

Subject to technical changes.



XLPE insulated medium voltage overhead line



Rated voltage:
35 kV

Test voltage:
40 kV/50 Hz
2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –10 °C
1 | Bare alloy aluminium conductor (AlMgSi), round stranded
operating temperature: –50 °C to +90 °C
compressed (RM)
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2 | Core insulation (XLPE, black, UV-resistant) short-circuit temperature: max. +200 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
18 x ∅ of cable

GOST-R Russia
Can be used for fixed installation as overhead power lines. Not
suitable for direct burial.

Nominal Max. Number Min. Current Outer Total weight Standard

cross conductor of wires in breaking rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section resistance conductor load of in the air1) (mm) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) conductor (A) (m)
35 RM 0.967 7 10.5 170 14.4 200 1,000 D
50 RM 0.690 7 15.0 210 15.6 255 1,000 D
70 RM 0.507 19 21.0 255 17.3 320 1,000 D
95 RM 0.358 19 28.5 320 18.8 430 1,000 D
120 RM 0.285 19 36.0 365 20.5 490 1,000 D
150 RM 0.227 37 45.0 425 22.0 620 1,000 D
185 RM 0.184 37 55.0 490 24.3 740 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 18/03

Subject to technical changes.



CCX WK 20 kV
XLPE insulated medium voltage overhead line


EN 50397-1

Rated voltage:
20 kV

Test voltage:
20 kV/50 Hz
2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
1 | Bare alloy aluminium conductor (AlMgSi), round stranded operating temperature: –40 °C to +80 °C
compressed (RM). Longitudinally watertight by dry filling. conductor temperature: max. +80 °C
2 | Core insulation (XLPE, black, UV resistant) short-circuit temperature: max. +130 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
18 x ∅ of cable


Suitable for AC high-voltage overhead power lines. Provide 6

protection against accidental contact with other life covered over-
head conductors and with grounded parts. Since these cables are
unscreened they are not touch proof and shall be treated as bare
conductors in respect to electric shock.

New marking Old marking Max. Min. Current Outer Total weight Standard
Number of Number of conductor breaking rating diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
cores cores resistance load of in air1) (mm) ca. packing
x nominal x nominal (Ω/km) conductor (A) (m)
cross cross strand
section section (kN)
(mm²) (mm²)
CCX WK 20 kV
34-AL3 1 x 35 RM 1.047 9.64 169 11.9 175 500 D, 1,000 D
49-AL3 1 x 50 RM 0.700 13.87 210 13.3 225 500 D, 1,000 D
66-AL3 1 x 70 RM 0.528 18.44 255 14.7 280 500 D, 1,000 D
93-AL3 1 x 95 RM 0.372 26.14 320 16.7 375 500 D, 1,000 D
117-AL3 1 x 120 RM 0.297 32.79 365 18.1 450 500 D, 1,000 D
147-AL3 1 x 150 RM 0.237 41.23 425 19.8 560 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic current acc. to EN 50397-1 resp. EN 50182

Subject to technical changes.



Control cable, screened


TP PRAKAB 08/03 – 2. edition

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1| Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) operating temperature:
2| Core insulation (PVC), cores stranded in layers – fixed: –60 °C to +70 °C
3| Inner covering (plastic tape) – in motion: –25 °C to +65 °C
4| Braided screen (copper wires) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
5| Sheath (grey PVC)
Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
Cables for electricity distribution in flexible installations, for con- EZÚ Czech Republic
trolling or supplying electric and electronic devices.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross resistance in air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 X 0.5 39.000 11 5.8 50 100 R
3 G 0.5 39.000 9 6.1 60 100 R
4 G 0.5 39.000 9 6.7 70 100 R
5 G 0.5 39.000 9 7.3 80 100 R
7 G 0.5 39.000 6 7.9 100 100 R
12 G 0.5 39.000 5 10.4 160 1,000 D
19 G 0.5 39.000 4 11.4 240 1,000 D
24 G 0.5 39.000 4 13.2 300 500 D
37 G 0.5 39.000 4 15.3 420 300 D
2 X 0.75 26.000 14 6.0 55 100 R
3 G 0.75 26.000 12 7.0 65 100 R
4 G 0.75 26.000 12 7.3 80 100 R
5 G 0.75 26.000 12 7.6 95 100 R
7 G 0.75 26.000 7 8.2 120 100 R
12 G 0.75 26.000 6 10.9 190 1,000 D
19 G 0.75 26.000 5 12.1 300 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross resistance in air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
24 G 0.75 26.000 5 14.3 380 500 D
37 G 0.75 26.000 4 16.5 545 300 D
2X1 19.500 16 6.5 65 100 R
3G1 19.500 14 6.9 80 100 R
4G1 19.500 14 7.5 95 100 R
5G1 19.500 14 8.2 110 100 R
7G1 19.500 8 8.9 145 100 R
12 G 1 19.500 7 11.8 235 1,000 D
19 G 1 19.500 6 13.1 360 1,000 D
24 G 1 19.500 5 15.4 460 500 D
37 G 1 19.500 4 17.8 665 300 D
2 X 1.5 13.300 21 7.7 90 100 R
3 G 1.5 13.300 18 8.1 110 100 R
4 G 1.5 13.300 18 8.9 135 100 R
5 G 1.5 13.300 18 9.5 160 100 R
7 G 1.5 13.300 11 10.7 205 1,000 D
12 G 1.5 13.300 9 13.5 345 1,000 D
19 G 1.5 13.300 8 15.5 515 500 D
24 G 1.5 13.300 5 18.2 650 500 D
37 G 1.5 13.300 4 21.0 940 300 D
2 X 2.5 7.980 28 8.5 125 100 R
3 G 2.5 7.980 25 9.0 150 100 R
4 G 2.5 7.980 25 10.7 190 100 R
5 G 2.5 7.980 25 11.0 225 1,000 D
7 G 2.5 7.980 17 12.8 300 1,000 D
12 G 2.5 7.980 13 17.4 520 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 08/03 – 2. edition

Subject to technical changes.



Control cable, unscreened


TP PRAKAB 08/03 – 2. edition

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
1| Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) laying temperature: min. –5 °C
2| Core insulation (PVC), cores stranded in layers operating temperature:
3| Inner covering (plastic tape) – fixed: –60 °C to +70 °C
– in motion: –25 °C to +65 °C
4| Sheath (grey PVC)
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
Cables for electricity distribution in flexible installations, for con- EZÚ Czech Republic
trolling or supplying electric and electronic devices.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross resistance in air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 X 0.5 39.000 11 4.8 40 100 R
3 G 0.5 39.000 9 5.0 45 100 R
4 G 0.5 39.000 9 5.7 55 100 R
5 G 0.5 39.000 9 6.2 65 100 R
7 G 0.5 39.000 6 6.7 85 100 R
12 G 0.5 39.000 5 9.0 145 1,000 D
19 G 0.5 39.000 4 10.4 185 1,000 D
24 G 0.5 39.000 4 12.4 240 500 D
37 G 0.5 39.000 4 14.3 350 300 D
2 X 0.75 26.000 14 5.2 45 100 R
3 G 0.75 26.000 12 5.4 55 100 R
4 G 0.75 26.000 12 6.2 70 100 R
5 G 0.75 26.000 12 6.8 85 100 R
7 G 0.75 26.000 7 7.3 105 1,000 D
12 G 0.75 26.000 6 9.9 185 1,000 D
19 G 0.75 26.000 5 11.3 245 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross resistance in air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
24 G 0.75 26.000 5 13.3 310 500 D
37 G 0.75 26.000 4 15.5 465 300 D
2X1 19.500 16 5.5 55 100 R
3G1 19.500 14 5.9 65 100 R
4G1 19.500 14 6.5 80 100 R
5G1 19.500 14 7.2 100 100 R
7G1 19.500 8 8.0 130 1,000 D
12 G 1 19.500 7 10.8 225 1,000 D
19 G 1 19.500 6 12.1 300 1,000 D
24 G 1 19.500 5 14.4 385 500 D
37 G 1 19.500 4 16.8 580 300 D
2 X 1.5 13.300 21 6.3 70 100 R
3 G 1.5 13.300 18 6.6 85 100 R
4 G 1.5 13.300 18 7.3 105 100 R
5 G 1.5 13.300 18 8.2 135 100 R
7 G 1.5 13.300 11 8.9 170 1,000 D
12 G 1.5 13.300 9 12.0 295 1,000 D
19 G 1.5 13.300 8 14.5 440 1,000 D
24 G 1.5 13.300 5 17.2 560 500 D
37 G 1.5 13.300 4 20.0 840 300 D
2 X 2.5 7.980 28 7.6 110 100 R
3 G 2.5 7.980 25 8.1 135 100 R
4 G 2.5 7.980 25 9.0 170 100 R
5 G 2.5 7.980 25 10.1 215 1,000 D
7 G 2.5 7.980 17 11.2 275 1,000 D
12 G 2.5 7.980 13 15.1 475 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP PRAKAB 08/03 – 2. edition

Subject to technical changes.



YSLY (SKW–Controlflex)
Control cable, unscreened


SKW – internal standard

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
3 2 1

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) laying temperature: min. –5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC), cores stranded in layers operating temperature:
3 | Sheath (PVC grey RAL 7001 or blue RAL 5012 for –fixed: –50 °C to +70 °C
– in motion: –5 °C to +70 °C
intrinsically safe installations), partially oil resistant
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable
Core identification:
For the electrical connection of components of production ma- black with number printing, protective
chines and machine tools. Shows some resistance to all-purpose conductor green/yellow (outer layer)
mineral oil and is not designed for permanent usage in oil baths. Fire properties:
The cable is designed for use in buildings and should be installed flame retardant:
with mechanical protection. EN 60332-1-2

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
YSLY (SKW–Controlflex)
2 X 0.5 39.000 4.8 40 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 0.5 39.000 5.0 45 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 0.5 39.000 5.7 55 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 0.5 39.000 6.2 65 100 R, 500 Sp
7 G 0.5 39.000 6.7 85 100 R, 500 Sp
10 G 0.5 39.000 8.8 130 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
12 G 0.5 39.000 9.0 145 100 R, 500 Sp
14 G 0.5 39.000 9.5 160 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
16 G 0.5 39.000 10.0 180 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
18 G 0.5 39.000 10.7 205 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
21 G 0.5 39.000 11.3 230 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 0.5 39.000 12.9 285 500 D, 1,000 D
30 G 0.5 39.000 13.5 330 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 0.5 39.000 14.5 375 500 D, 1,000 D
40 G 0.5 39.000 15.0 410 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 0.5 39.000 17.0 520 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 0.5 39.000 19.5 620 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 0.75 26.000 5.2 45 100 R, 500 Sp



YSLY (SKW–Controlflex)

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
YSLY (SKW–Controlflex)
3 G 0.75 26.000 5.4 55 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 0.75 26.000 6.2 70 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 0.75 26.000 6.8 85 100 R, 500 Sp
6 G 0.75 26.000 7.0 100 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
7 G 0.75 26.000 7.3 105 100 R, 500 Sp
10 G 0.75 26.000 9.6 165 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
12 G 0.75 26.000 9.9 185 100 R, 500 Sp
16 G 0.75 26.000 11.4 240 500 D, 1,000 D
18 G 0.75 26.000 11.9 270 500 D, 1,000 D
21 G 0.75 26.000 12.8 305 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 0.75 26.000 14.3 380 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 0.75 26.000 16.3 500 500 D, 1,000 D
41 G 0.75 26.000 18.3 620 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 0.75 26.000 19.2 700 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 0.75 26.000 20.5 790 500 D, 1,000 D
80 G 0.75 26.000 23.0 1,000 500 D, 1,000 D
2X1 19.500 5.5 55 100 R, 500 Sp
3G1 19.500 5.9 65 100 R, 500 Sp
4G1 19.500 6.5 80 100 R, 500 Sp
5G1 19.500 7.2 100 100 R, 500 Sp
7G1 19.500 8.0 130 100 R, 500 Sp
10 G 1 19.500 10.0 200 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1 19.500 10.8 225 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 1 19.500 11.3 250 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 1 19.500 12.0 290 500 D, 1,000 D
18 G 1 19.500 12.7 320 500 D, 1,000 D
21 G 1 19.500 13.6 370 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 1 19.500 14.5 460 500 D, 1,000 D
30 G 1 19.500 16.4 530 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 1 19.500 17.4 595 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 1 19.500 20.9 855 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 1 19.500 24.0 1,050 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 1.5 13.300 6.3 70 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 1.5 13.300 6.6 85 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.300 7.3 105 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.300 8.2 135 100 R, 500 Sp
6 G 1.5 13.300 8.5 160 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
7 G 1.5 13.300 8.9 170 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 1.5 13.300 11.6 265 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1.5 13.300 12.0 295 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 1.5 13.300 12.8 340 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 1.5 13.300 13.5 380 500 D, 1,000 D



YSLY (SKW–Controlflex)

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
YSLY (SKW–Controlflex)
18 G 1.5 13.300 14.4 430 500 D, 1,000 D
21 G 1.5 13.300 15.2 490 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 1.5 13.300 17.5 615 500 D, 1,000 D
32 G 1.5 13.300 18.5 700 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 1.5 13.300 19.7 795 500 D, 1,000 D
42 G 1.5 13.300 22.2 1,000 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 1.5 13.300 23.6 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 1.5 13.300 27.0 1,450 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 2.5 7.980 7.6 110 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 2.5 7.980 8.1 135 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 2.5 7.980 9.0 170 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 2.5 7.980 10.1 215 100 R, 500 Sp
7 G 2.5 7.980 11.2 275 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 2.5 7.980 14.4 420 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 2.5 7.980 15.1 475 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 2.5 7.980 17.1 620 500 D, 1,000 D
18 G 2.5 7.980 18.0 690 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 2.5 7.980 22.1 995 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 2.5 7.980 30.0 1,390 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 2.5 7.980 32.5 1,860 500 D, 1,000 D
3G4 4.950 9.9 205 500 D, 1,000 D
4G4 4.950 11.2 265 500 D, 1,000 D
5G4 4.950 12.6 335 500 D, 1,000 D
7G4 4.950 13.7 425 500 D, 1,000 D
3G6 3.300 11.2 280 500 D, 1,000 D
4G6 3.300 12.6 360 500 D, 1,000 D
5G6 3.300 14.1 455 500 D, 1,000 D
7G6 3.300 15.6 590 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 10 1.910 16.5 620 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 10 1.910 18.4 780 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 10 1.910 20.1 1,010 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 16 1.210 19.6 940 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 16 1.210 21.9 1,180 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 16 1.210 23.9 1,520 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 25 0.780 27.0 1,590 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 25 0.780 30.0 2,000 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 25 0.780 38.0 2,560 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 35 0.554 29.0 2,110 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 35 0.554 33.0 2,640 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 50 0.368 35.0 2,950 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 70 0.272 40.0 4,260 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



YSLCY (SKW–Controlflex–C)
Control cable, screened


SKW – internal standard

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1| Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) operating temperature:
2| Core insulation (PVC), cores stranded in layers –fixed: –50 °C to +70 °C
3| Inner covering (plastic tape) – in motion: –5 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
4| Braided screen (tinned copper wires)
short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
5| Sheath (PVC grey RAL 7001 or blue RAL 5012 for
intrinsically safe installations), partially oil resistant Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
black with number printing, protective
conductor green/yellow (outer layer)
Fire properties:
For the electrical connection of components of production ma- flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
chines and machine tools if a certain level of electronic screening 7
is required. Shows some resistance to all-purpose mineral oil
and is not designed for permanent usage in oil baths. The cable
is designed for use within buildings and should be installed with
mechanical protection.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
YSLCY (SKW–Controlflex–C)
2 X 0.5 39.000 5.8 50 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 0.5 39.000 6.1 60 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 G 0.5 39.000 6.7 70 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 0.5 39.000 7.3 80 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
7 G 0.5 39.000 7.9 100 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
10 G 0.5 39.000 10.0 145 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
12 G 0.5 39.000 10.4 160 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
14 G 0.5 39.000 11.0 180 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
16 G 0.5 39.000 11.5 205 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
21 G 0.5 39.000 12.8 255 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 0.5 39.000 14.5 320 500 D, 1,000 D
30 G 0.5 39.000 15.3 365 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 0.5 39.000 16.3 420 500 D, 1,000 D
40 G 0.5 39.000 17.3 465 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 0.5 39.000 19.6 575 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 0.5 39.000 20.8 675 500 D, 1,000 D



YSLCY (SKW–Controlflex–C)

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
YSLCY (SKW–Controlflex–C)
2 X 0.75 26.000 6.0 55 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 0.75 26.000 7.0 65 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 0.75 26.000 7.3 80 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 0.75 26.000 7.6 95 100 R, 500 Sp
7 G 0.75 26.000 8.2 120 100 R, 500 Sp
8 G 0.75 26.000 9.0 135 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
10 G 0.75 26.000 10.5 170 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
12 G 0.75 26.000 10.9 190 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
16 G 0.75 26.000 12.1 245 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
18 G 0.75 26.000 12.7 270 500 D, 1,000 D
21 G 0.75 26.000 13.7 320 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 0.75 26.000 15.2 380 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 0.75 26.000 17.0 500 500 D, 1,000 D
44 G 0.75 26.000 19.2 600 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 0.75 26.000 20.6 695 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 0.75 26.000 23.0 720 500 D, 1,000 D
2X1 19.500 6.5 65 100 R, 500 Sp
3G1 19.500 6.9 80 100 R, 500 Sp
4G1 19.500 7.5 95 100 R, 500 Sp
5G1 19.500 8.2 110 100 R, 500 Sp
7G1 19.500 8.9 145 100 R, 500 Sp
10 G 1 19.500 11.4 205 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1 19.500 11.8 235 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 1 19.500 12.4 260 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 1 19.500 13.0 305 500 D, 1,000 D
18 G 1 19.500 14.2 345 500 D, 1,000 D
21 G 1 19.500 15.0 390 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 1 19.500 17.0 465 500 D, 1,000 D
30 G 1 19.500 17.6 530 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 1 19.500 19.1 605 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 1 19.500 22.6 850 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 1.5 13.300 7.7 90 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 1.5 13.300 8.1 110 100 R, 500 Sp
4 G 1.5 13.300 8.9 135 100 R, 500 Sp
5 G 1.5 13.300 9.5 160 100 R, 500 Sp
7 G 1.5 13.300 10.7 205 100 R, 500 Sp
8 G 1.5 13.300 11.7 230 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 1.5 13.300 12.8 310 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 1.5 13.300 13.5 345 500 D, 1,000 D
14 G 1.5 13.300 15.3 390 500 D, 1,000 D
16 G 1.5 13.300 16.1 440 500 D, 1,000 D
18 G 1.5 13.300 17.1 490 500 D, 1,000 D



YSLCY (SKW–Controlflex–C)

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
YSLCY (SKW–Controlflex–C)
21 G 1.5 13.300 18.1 555 500 D, 1,000 D
25 G 1.5 13.300 20.6 670 500 D, 1,000 D
32 G 1.5 13.300 22.3 820 500 D, 1,000 D
34 G 1.5 13.300 23.2 875 500 D, 1,000 D
44 G 1.5 13.300 26.5 1,140 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 1.5 13.300 27.8 1,270 500 D, 1,000 D
61 G 1.5 13.300 29.4 1,490 500 D, 1,000 D
2 X 2.5 7.980 8.5 125 100 R, 500 Sp
3 G 2.5 7.980 9.0 150 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 2.5 7.980 10.7 190 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 2.5 7.980 11.0 225 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 2.5 7.980 12.8 300 500 D, 1,000 D
10 G 2.5 7.980 16.8 455 500 D, 1,000 D
12 G 2.5 7.980 17.4 520 500 D, 1,000 D
18 G 2.5 7.980 20.6 750 500 D, 1,000 D
50 G 2.5 7.980 32.9 1,900 500 D, 1,000 D
3G4 4.950 10.9 210 500 D, 1,000 D
4G4 4.950 12.0 255 500 D, 1,000 D
5G4 4.950 13.5 340 500 D, 1,000 D
7G4 4.950 14.8 445 500 D, 1,000 D
4G6 3.300 14.3 385 500 D, 1,000 D
5G6 3.300 15.7 475 500 D, 1,000 D
7G6 3.300 17.3 605 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 10 1.910 20.0 685 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 10 1.910 22.1 825 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 10 1.910 24.4 1,080 500 D, 1,000 D
4 G 16 1.210 22.0 930 500 D, 1,000 D
5 G 16 1.210 26.2 1,210 500 D, 1,000 D
7 G 16 1.210 28.8 1,590 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Motor power supply cable, screened


TP ICS 01/2007

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz
6 5 4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
operating temperature:
1| Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) – fixed: –50 °C to +70 °C
2| Core insulation (PE), cores stranded in layers – in motion: –5 °C to +70 °C
3| Inner covering (plastic tape) short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
4| First screening (plastic laminated aluminium tape)
Bending radius (min.):
5| Second screening (tinned copper wires)
7 x ∅ of cable (fixed)
6| Sheath (PVC, transparent or black and UV-resistant)
15 x ∅ of cable (in motion)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

APPLICATION Fire properties:

flame retardant:
These cables are especially suitable for the EMC-optimized EN 60332-1-2
connection between frequency converters and motors. For use
under medium mechanical stress, for fixed installation resp.
occasionally moved, for indoor and outdoor applications but not
for underground installation.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
4 G 1.5 13.300 18 10.6 215 1,000 D
4 G 2.5 7.980 26 12.3 280 1,000 D
4G4 4.950 34 14.5 450 1,000 D
4G6 3.300 44 16.4 585 1,000 D
4 G 10 1.910 61 20.1 795 1,000 D
4 G 16 1.210 82 23.4 1,190 1,000 D
4 G 25 0.780 108 27.0 1,720 1,000 D
4 G 35 0.554 135 30.7 2,410 1,000 D
4 G 50 0.386 168 36.1 2,720 1,000 D
4 G 70 0.272 207 42.3 3,640 1,000 D
4 G 95 0.206 250 47.7 4,980 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to TP ICS 01/2007

Subject to technical changes.



Control cable for industrial electronics


DIN VDE 0815

Rated voltage:
max. 225 Vss

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature
2 | Core insulation (PVC), cores pair stranded, pairs stranded – fixed: –30 °C to +70 °C
in groups – in motion: –5 °C to +50 °C
3 | Inner covering (plastic tape) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Screen (plastic laminated aluminium tape with drain wire) 7.5 x ∅ of cable
5 | Sheath (PVC grey RAL 7032)
Core identification:
DIN VDE 0815

Fire properties:
APPLICATION flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
For use in the electronics of control and regulating equipment.
Preferably for use in interior premises but also for fixed installa-
VDE Germany 7
tion on exterior walls of buildings. Not suitable for power installa-
tion purposes and direct burial.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.8
Loop restistance, max. at 20 °C (Ω/km) 73.2
Insulation resistance, min. at 20 °C (MΩ.km) 100
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (nF/km) 100
Capacitance unbalance K, max. at 800 Hz (pF/100 m) 200

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
2 x 2 x 0.8 7.0 60 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2 x 0.8 9.0 100 500 D, 1,000 D
8 x 2 x 0.8 11.5 165 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 2 x 0.8 14.0 245 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 2 x 0.8 15.5 305 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 16.0 360 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 2 x 0.8 17.0 440 500 D, 1,000 D
32 x 2 x 0.8 21.0 560 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 23.0 675 500 D, 1,000 D
80 x 2 x 0.8 31.0 1,300 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable, screened, longitudinally water-proof


TP PRAKAB 08/97 – 3. edition

Rated voltage:
250 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
core/screen: 1 kV/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: –10 °C to +60 °C
operating temperature: –40 °C up +70 °C
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE)
10 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (foam skin PE), cores star quaded and
quads stranded in groups, core stranding petrol jelly filled
3 | Inner covering (paper tape) Core identification:
EN 60708
4 | Screen (copolymer laminated aluminium tape which is
welded to the PE sheath)
5 | Sheath (PE black, UV resistant) Certificate:
EZÚ Czech Republic


These waterproof cables are suitable for external telecommunica-

tions networks which are installed underground, in cable ducts or

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 300 133.2 73.6
Resistance difference. (%) – – 2
Insulation resistance, min. /tested (MΩ.km) 1,500/10,000 1,500/10,000 1,500/10,000
Mutual capacitance, average, max. (nF/km) 42 42 42
Mutual capacitance, single value, max. (nF/km) 49 49 49
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. (pF/500 m) 250 250 160
Specific attenuation at 16 kHz, max. (dB/km) 6.7 3.8 3
Specific attenuation at 80 kHz, max. (dB/km) 10 6 5

Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
1 x 4 x 0.4 8.6 60 2,000 D
3 x 4 x 0.4 10.4 90 2,000 D




Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
5 x 4 x 0.4 11.0 105 2,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.4 11.8 160 2,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.4 14.0 210 2,000 D
20 x 4 x 0.4 14.5 240 2,000 D
25 x 4 x 0.4 15.8 295 2,000 D
35 x 4 x 0.4 17.8 390 2,000 D
50 x 4 x 0.4 20.1 505 1,000 D
75 x 4 x 0.4 23.8 740 1,000 D
100 x 4 x 0.4 27.0 910 1,000 D
150 x 4 x 0.4 32.2 1,370 1,000 D
200 x 4 x 0.4 36.2 1,780 500 D
300 x 4 x 0.4 43.3 2,590 500 D
1 x 4 x 0.6 9.0 65 2,000 D
3 x 4 x 0.6 11.0 110 2,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.6 12.5 155 2,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.6 14.0 240 2,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.6 16.4 350 2,000 D
20 x 4 x 0.6 18.9 435 2,000 D
25 x 4 x 0.6 21.0 505 1,000 D
35 x 4 x 0.6 23.0 685 1,000 D 8
50 x 4 x 0.6 26.5 930 1,000 D
75 x 4 x 0.6 32.0 1,370 1,000 D
100 x 4 x 0.6 36.4 1,890 1,000 D
150 x 4 x 0.6 42.9 2,710 500 D
200 x 4 x 0.6 50.1 3,580 500 D
1 x 4 x 0.8 9.6 85 2,000 D
3 x 4 x 0.8 13.0 165 2,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.8 14.5 235 2,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.8 18.0 380 2,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.8 21.5 555 2,000 D
20 x 4 x 0.8 23.1 730 1,000 D
25 x 4 x 0.8 27.0 810 1,000 D
35 x 4 x 0.8 30.0 1,140 1,000 D
50 x 4 x 0.8 34.3 1,660 1,000 D
75 x 4 x 0.8 43.0 2,460 500 D
100 x 4 x 0.8 51.3 3,490 500 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable, screened


adapted to Telekom-Austria Standard X 5019

Rated voltage:
max. 200 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) laying temperature: min. –20 °C
2 | Core insulation (PE), cores star quaded and quads operating temperature:
stranded in layers –in motion: –20 °C to +50 °C
3 | Inner covering (plastic tape) –fixed: –20 °C to +70 °C
4 | Screen (plastic laminated aluminium tape with drain wire) Bending radius (min.):
5 | Sheath (PE black, UV-resistant) 10 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
colour code with trace quad in each layer
(TA standard)


Underground cable for use in telecommunications installations

and related installations. Suitable for installation under ground,
in water, cable ducts etc.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 130 73,2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 10,000 10,000
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (nF/km) 55 55
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 800 800
Capacitance unbalance K9–12, max. at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 300 300
Capacitance unbalance E1–E2 at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 800 800

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
2 x 2 x 0.6 7.7 50 500 D, 1,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.6 10.2 95 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.6 12.0 125 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.6 13.2 200 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.6 15.5 280 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.6 17.1 355 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 19.0 435 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.6 21.0 520 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
80 x 2 x 0.6 23.0 675 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.6 24.6 800 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.8 8.5 60 500 D, 1,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.8 11.0 135 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.8 14.0 190 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 16.5 325 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.8 18.0 435 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 22.0 570 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.8 26.0 685 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.8 28.0 805 500 D, 1,000 D
80 x 2 x 0.8 31.0 1,060 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.8 34.0 1,320 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable, screened


adapted to Telekom-Austria Standard X 5019

Rated voltage:
max. 200 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) laying temperature: min. –20 °C
2 | Core insulation (PE), cores star quaded and quads operating temperature:
stranded in layers –in motion: –20 °C to +50 °C
3 | Inner covering (plastic tape) –fixed: –20 °C to +70 °C
4 | Screen (copper tape) Bending radius (min.):
5 | Sheath (PE black, UV-resistant) 10 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
colour code with trace quad in each layer
(TA standard)


Underground cable for use in telecommunications installations

and related installations. Suitable for installation under ground,
in water, cable ducts etc.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 130 73,2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 10,000 10,000
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (nF/km) 55 55
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 800 800
Capacitance unbalance K9–12, max. at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 300 300
Capacitance unbalance E1–E2 at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 800 800

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
2 x 2 x 0.6 7.0 55 500 D, 1,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.6 10.2 115 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.6 13.0 150 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.6 15.0 245 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.6 16.5 325 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.6 17.7 405 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 20.0 485 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.6 21.0 560 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
80 x 2 x 0.6 23.2 730 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.6 26.0 880 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.8 8.5 75 500 D, 1,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.8 11.5 150 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.8 13.4 225 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 17.0 375 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.8 18.5 515 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 21.4 635 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.8 24.5 755 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.8 25.6 885 500 D, 1,000 D
80 x 2 x 0.8 29.4 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.8 34.0 1,410 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



TK 59 GM
Underground cable, screened, longitudinally water-proof


SKW-internal standard adapted to JUS

Rated voltage:
max. 225 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up +50 °C
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE)
10 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (foam skin PE), cores star quaded and
quads stranded in groups (G), core stranding petrol jelly
filled (M) Core identification:
EN 60708
3 | Inner covering (paper tape)
4 | Screen (copolymer laminated aluminium tape which is
welded to the PE sheath)
5 | Sheath (PE black, UV-resistant)


Underground cable for use in telecommunications installations

and related installations. Suitable for installation under ground, in
water, cable ducts etc.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 300 130 73.2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 5,000 5,000 5,000
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (nF/km) 38 42 42
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (95 % of values) (nF/km) – 40 40
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (90 % of values) (nF/km) 36 – –
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (80 % of values) (nF/km) – 38 38
Capacitance unbalance K1, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/300 m) 800 800 800
Capacitance unbalance K1, at 800 Hz (95 % of values) (pF/300 m) 400 400 400
Capacitance unbalance K9–K12, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/300 m) 300 300 300
Capacitance unbalance K9–K12, at 800 Hz (95 % of values) (pF/300 m) 100 100 100
Capacitance unbalance E1–E2, at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 800 800 800



TK 59 GM

Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
TK 59 GM
3 x 4 x 0.4 9.6 90 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.4 13.0 140 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.4 15.0 200 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.4 17.5 270 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 4 x 0.4 21.0 385 500 D, 1,000 D
35 x 4 x 0.4 25.0 515 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 4 x 0.4 27.7 670 500 D, 1,000 D
75 x 4 x 0.4 33.8 990 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 4 x 0.4 38.1 1,270 500 D, 1,000 D
150 x 4 x 0.4 42.6 1,700 500 D, 1,000 D
200 x 4 x 0.4 49.8 2,280 500 D
250 x 4 x 0.4 52.4 2,780 500 D
3 x 4 x 0.6 11.5 135 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.6 14.0 195 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.6 17.0 305 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.6 19.5 380 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 4 x 0.6 23.0 555 500 D, 1,000 D
35 x 2 x 0.6 27.0 765 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 31.0 1,020 500 D, 1,000 D
75 x 4 x 0.6 37.0 1,510 500 D, 1,000 D 8
100 x 4 x 0.6 41.5 1,940 500 D, 1,000 D
150 x 4 x 0.6 50.0 2,870 500 D
200 x 4 x 0.6 57.5 3,720 500 D
3 x 4 x 0.8 13.3 175 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.8 16.4 240 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.8 20.4 405 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.8 23.7 540 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 4 x 0.8 29.1 800 500 D, 1,000 D
35 x 4 x 0.8 33.9 1,090 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 4 x 0.8 39.9 1,480 500 D, 1,000 D
75 x 4 x 0.8 47.7 2,210 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 4 x 0.8 54.5 2,890 500 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable, screened


DIN VDE 0816

Rated voltage:
225 Veff (peak value)
150 V (peak value) for ∅ 0.4 mm
Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –40 °C to +70 °C
2 | Core insulation (PE), cores star quaded and quads Bending radius (min.):
stranded in groups 10 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (paper tape)
4 | Screen (copolymer laminated aluminium tape which is Core identification:
welded to the PE sheath) DIN VDE 0816
5 | Sheath (PE black, UV resistant)
VDE Germany


Underground cable for use in telecommunications installations

and related installations. Suitable for installation underground, in
cable ducts etc.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 300 130 73.2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 5,000 5,000 5,000
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (nF/km) 50 52 55
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (95 % of values) (nF/km) 48 50 53
Mutual capacitance, at 800 Hz (80 % of values) (nF/km) – 48 50
Capacitance unbalance K1, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/300 m) 800 800 800
Capacitance unbalance K1, at 800 Hz (98 % of values) (pF/300 m) 400 400 400
Capacitance unbalance K9, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/300 m) 300 300 300
Capacitance unbalance K9, at 800 Hz (98 % of values) (pF/300 m) 100 100 100

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
6 x 2 x 0.4 9.7 85 2,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.4 11.0 110 2,000 D




Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
20 x 2 x 0.4 13.4 165 2,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.4 13.7 200 2,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.4 15.3 250 2,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.4 16.2 295 2,000 D
70 x 2 x 0.4 19.1 380 2,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.4 20.6 495 1,000 D
150 x 2 x 0.4 24.1 710 1,000 D
200 x 2 x 0.4 28.7 925 2,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.6 8.8 85 2,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.6 10.8 115 2,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.6 12.3 155 2,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.6 14.8 245 2,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.6 16.5 325 2,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.6 19.6 420 2,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 21.5 505 1,000 D
70 x 2 x 0.6 23.0 650 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.6 25.9 890 1,000 D
150 x 2 x 0.6 30.3 1,300 1,000 D
200 x 2 x 0.6 37.0 1,760 1,000 D
300 x 2 x 0.6 43.5 2,530 1,000 D 8
2 x 2 x 0.8 9.8 100 2,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.8 13.7 175 2,000 D
10x 2 x 0.8 15.0 235 2,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 18.9 390 2,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.8 21.5 535 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 24.8 700 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.8 26.7 835 1,000 D
70 x 2 x 0.8 29.8 1,110 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.8 34.5 1,550 1,000 D
150 x 2 x 0.8 46.6 2,390 1,000 D
200 x 2 x 0.8 44.3 2,930 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Underground cable, screened, longitudinally water-proof


DIN VDE 0816

Rated voltage:
225 Veff (peak value)
150 V (peak value) for ∅ 0.4 mm
Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –20 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature: –40 °C to +70 °C
2 | Core insulation (foam skin PE), cores star quaded and Bending radius (min.):
quads stranded in groups, core stranding petrol jelly filled 10 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (paper tape)
4 | Screen (copolymer laminated aluminium tape which is Core identification:
welded to the PE sheath) DIN VDE 0816
5 | Sheath (PE black, UV resistant)
VDE Germany


Underground cable for use in telecommunications installations

and related installations. Suitable for installation underground,
in water, cable ducts etc.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 300 130 73.2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 1,500 1,500 1,500
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (nF/km) 50 52 55
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (95 % of values) (nF/km) 48 50 53
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (80 % of values) (nF/km) – 48 50
Capacitance unbalance K1, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/300 m) 800 800 800
Capacitance unbalance K1, at 800 Hz (98 % of values) (pF/300 m) 400 400 400
Capacitance unbalance K9, at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/300 m) 300 300 300
Capacitance unbalance K9, at 800 Hz (98 % of values) (pF/300 m) 100 100 100

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
10 x 2 x 0.4 11.5 130 2,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.4 14.2 205 2,000 D




Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
30 x 2 x 0.4 14.5 235 2,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.4 16.3 300 2,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.4 17.3 350 2,000 D
70 x 2 x 0.4 20.5 475 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.4 22.1 600 1,000 D
150 x 2 x 0.4 25.9 850 1,000 D
200 x 2 x 0.4 30.9 1,170 1,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.6 8.0 80 2,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.6 12.0 140 2,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.6 13.5 190 2,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.6 16.5 310 2,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.6 19.5 430 2,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.6 21.5 545 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 23.5 660 1,000 D
70 x 2 x 0.6 27.0 895 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.6 31.5 1,230 1,000 D
150 x 2 x 0.6 36.3 1,730 1,000 D
200 x 2 x 0.6 40.3 2,210 1,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.8 9.0 105 2,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.8 13.5 230 2,000 D 8
10 x 2 x 0.8 15.5 330 2,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 22.0 560 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.8 25.0 740 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 27.0 900 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.8 30.0 1,100 1,000 D
70 x 2 x 0.8 33.0 1,420 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.8 41.0 2,000 1,000 D
150 x 2 x 0.8 52.6 3,280 500 D
200 x 2 x 0.8 60.4 4,360 500 D

Subject to technical changes.



Installation cable, screened


DIN VDE 0815

Rated voltage:
max. 300 Vss (∅ 0.8 briefly max. 600 Vss)

Test voltage:
5 4 3 2 1 core/core: 800 V/50 Hz
core/screen: 800 V/50 Hz
Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) laying temperature: min. –5 °C
2 | Core insulation (PVC), cores pair stranded, pairs stranded operating temperature
in layers – fixed: –30 °C up to +70 °C
3 | Inner covering (plastic tape) – in motion: –5 °C up to +50 °C
4 | Screen (plastic laminated aluminium tape with drain wire)
Bending radius (min.):
5 | Sheath (PVC grey)
7.5 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
DIN VDE 0815

APPLICATION Fire properties:

flame retardant:
Installation cable for use in telecommunications installations EN 60332-1-2
and related installations. Preferably for installation in interior
premises but also for fixed installation on exterior walls of build-
VDE Germany
ings. However, not suitable for power installations or direct burial.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 130 73.2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 100 100
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (until 4 pairs) (nF/km) 120 120
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (nF/km) 100 100
Capacitance unbalance, max. at 800 Hz (80 % of values) (pF/100 m) 300 300
Capacitance unbalance, max. at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/100 m) 500 500

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
2 x 2 x 0.6 5.2 45 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 x 2 x 0.6 5.9 50 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 x 2 x 0.6 6.9 60 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 x 2 x 0.6 8.0 85 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
6 x 2 x 0.6 8.5 90 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
10 x 2 x 0.6 9.5 130 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
12 x 2 x 0.6 10.0 145 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
16 x 2 x 0.6 12.0 200 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp




Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
20 x 2 x 0.6 13.7 225 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.6 14.6 310 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.6 17.5 385 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 19.8 490 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.6 21.9 575 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.6 25.1 900 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 2 x 0.8 5.5 40 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
2 x 2 x 0.8 7.0 60 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
3 x 2 x 0.8 8.5 85 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
4 x 2 x 0.8 9.2 105 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
5 x 2 x 0.8 10.3 135 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
6 x 2 x 0.8 11.5 155 100 R, 500 Sp, 1,000 Sp
10 x 2 x 0.8 12.4 210 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 2 x 0.8 14.4 260 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 2 x 0.8 16.7 340 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 17.0 365 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.8 20.0 565 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 24.0 755 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.8 26.2 910 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.8 30.0 1,110 500 D, 1,000 D 8
100 x 2 x 0.8 39.0 1,750 500 D, 1,000 D

Note: construction in groups (Bd) on request

Subject to technical changes.



Signalling cable, unscreened, armoured


Dt. Bundesbahn-Standard
Dlk 1.1013.107y, Dlk 1.013.108y,
Dlk 1.013.109y
Rated voltage:
max. 300 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 2.5 kV/50 Hz
6 5 4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –10 °C
operating temperature: –40 °C up to +60 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE) Bending radius (min.):
2| Core insulation (PE), cores stranded in layers 10 x ∅ of cable
3| Inner covering (plastic tape)
4| Sheath (PE black)
Core identification:
5| Armouring (galvanized steel tape)
colour-less with tracer core (blue in each layer)
6| Sheath (PE black, UV-resistant)


Safety and control cable for fixed installation in railway


Conductor diameter (mm) 0.9 1.4 1.8
Conductor resistance, max. (Ω/km) 28.9 11.9 7.2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 10,000 10,000 10,000
Mutual capacitance, max. (nF/km) 115 145 145

Number of cores x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
2 x 1 x 0.9 9.2 100 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1 x 0.9 9.9 125 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1 x 0.9 11.0 160 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1 x 0.9 12.7 205 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 1 x 0.9 13.4 250 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 1 x 0.9 14.5 310 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1 x 0.9 16.2 360 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1 x 0.9 16.9 415 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 1 x 0.9 18.0 505 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 1 x 0.9 20.3 610 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
60 x 1 x 0.9 21.4 700 500 D, 1,000 D
80 x 1 x 0.9 23.9 885 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 1 x 0.9 26.8 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
120 x 1 x 0.9 27.9 1,240 500 D, 1,000 D
140 x 1 x 0.9 33.8 1,440 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1 x 1.4 12.7 205 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1 x 1.4 14.4 285 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1 x 1.4 17.3 380 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 1 x 1.4 18.5 475 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 1 x 1.4 20.2 610 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1 x 1.4 23.1 725 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1 x 1.4 23.7 845 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 1 x 1.4 26.0 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 1 x 1.4 29.6 1,310 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 1 x 1.4 32.2 1,550 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1 x 1.8 13.9 260 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1 x 1.8 15.9 375 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1 x 1.8 19.3 510 500 D, 1,000 D
14 x 1 x 1.8 20.7 650 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 1 x 1.8 22.7 850 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 1 x 1.8 26.1 1,020 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 1 x 1.8 27.7 1,220 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 1 x 1.8 29.7 1,540 500 D, 1,000 D
Note: in addition the product groups A-2Y2YV, AJ-2Y2YDB2Y, A-2Y(L)2YB2Y and AJ-2Y(L)2YDB2Y can be offered.
Subject to technical changes.



Signalling cable, unscreened, armoured


SBB-Standard CFF FFS 3001.82.1000

Rated voltage:
max. 500 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 2 kV/50 Hz

6 5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –10 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C to +60 °C
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) 10 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (PE), cores star quaded and quads
stranded in layers Core identification:
3 | Inner covering (plastic tape) SBB-Standard CFF FFS 3001.82.1000
4 | Sheath (PE black)
5 | Armouring (galvanized steel tape)
6 | Sheath (PE black, UV-resistant)


Safety and control cable for fixed installation in railway


Conductor diameter (mm) 1.0 1.5
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 47.0 20.9
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 10,000 10,000
Mutual capacitance, max. (nF/km) 42 52
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. at 800 Hz (pF/300 m) 400 400

Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
1 x 4 x 1.0 12.7 205 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 4 x 1.0 18.8 405 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 x 1.0 20.2 455 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 x 1.0 21.8 530 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 1.0 22.6 640 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 4 x 1.0 25.8 800 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 1.0 32.2 1,030 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 1.0 36.4 1,330 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
20 x 4 x 1.0 39.2 1,670 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 4 x 1.0 47.8 2,080 500 D
30 x 4 x 1.0 50.0 2,360 500 D
1 x 4 x 1.5 12.9 235 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 4 x 1.5 20.7 495 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 x 1.5 22.5 650 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 x 1.5 23.4 735 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 1.5 24.7 855 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 4 x 1.5 26.7 1,040 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 1.5 35.8 1,530 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 1.5 39.3 2,170 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 4 x 1.5 45.2 2,640 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 4 x 1.5 50.0 3,270 500 D
30 x 4 x 1.5 54.0 3,760 500 D

Subject to technical changes.



TD 59–PT
Signalling cable, screened, armoured


SKW-internal standard adapted to JUS

Rated voltage:
max. 225 Veff

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –40 °C to +70 °C
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) 10 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (foam skin PE), cores star quaded and
quads stranded in groups, core stranding petrol jelly filled Core identification:
3 | Inner covering (paper tape) EN 60708
4 | Screen (copolymer laminated aluminium tape which is
welded to the PE sheath)
5 | Sheath (PE black)
6 | Armouring (galvanized steel tape, two layers)
7 | Sheath (PE black, UV-resistant)


Safety and control cable for fixed installation in infrastructure

signalling installations (e.g. railway installations, motorways).
Suitable for fixed installation in the open air or in cable ducts.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.8 0.9 1.2
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 73.2 56.6 31.8
Resistance difference (Ω/km) 0.6 0.6 0.6
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 10,000 10,000 10,000
Mutual capacitance, max. (nF/km) 35.7 35.7 36.7
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. at 800 Hz (pF/426 m) 100 100 100
Capacitance unbalance K9–12, max. at 800 Hz (pF/426 m) 100 100 100
Capacitance unbalance E1–E2 at 800 Hz (pF/426 m) 550 550 550

Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
TD 59–PT
3 x 4 x 0.8 20.2 655 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.8 22.2 810 500 D, 1,000 D



TD 59–PT

Number of quads x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
TD 59–PT
10 x 4 x 0.8 27.3 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.8 31.8 1,490 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 4 x 0.8 36.2 2,140 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 x 0.9 24.2 840 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 0.9 26.7 1,040 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 0.9 32.8 1,470 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 0.9 38.2 1,910 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 4 x 0.9 43.5 2,740 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 4 x 1.2 29.0 1,170 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 x 1.2 32.0 1,440 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 4 x 1.2 39.4 2,040 500 D, 1,000 D
15 x 4 x 1.2 45.8 2,650 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 4 x 1.2 52.2 3,810 500 D

Note: This type is also available with additional protection against interference, other dimensions on request.
Subject to technical changes.



H05Z–U / H05Z–K
Insulated wire


HD 22.9, EN 50525-3-41

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 1 2 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, solid wire (–U) resp. fine wire (–K) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
2 | Core insulation (halogen-free polymer compound, operating temperature: –5 °C to +90 °C
cross-linked) conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
black (bk), blue (bu), brown (bn), green/yellow
APPLICATION (gnye), grey (gy)
Fire properties:
For fixed and protected installation within appliances as well as flame retardant:
in and on luminaires. Permissible for installation in conduits on EN 60332-1-2
and under plaster but only for control and signalisation circuits. halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground railways, airports etc. EN 50267-2-2
to protect people and technical building equipment in the event low smoke emission:
of fire. EN 61034-2

Nominal cross section Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
(mm²) resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (m)
0.5 36.000 2.0 10 100 R
0.75 24.500 2.2 15 100 R
1 18.100 2.4 15 100 R
0.5 39.000 2.2 10 100 R
0.75 26.000 2.4 15 100 R
1 19.500 2.6 15 100 R

Subject to technical changes.



H07Z–U / H07Z–R / H07Z–K

Insulated wire


HD 22.9, EN 50525-3-41

Rated voltage:
450/750 V

Test voltage:
2 1 2 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
1 | Copper conductor, solid wire (–U), stranded wire (–R) laying temperature: min. +5 °C
or fine wire (–K) operating temperature: –5 °C to +90 °C
2 | Core insulation (halogen-free polymer compound, conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
cross-linked) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
black (bk), blue (bu), brown (bn), green/yellow
APPLICATION (gnye), grey (gy)
Fire properties:
For fixed installation in conduits on or under plaster. Suitable for flame retardant:
the protected installation in and on lighting facilities or control EN 60332-1-2
devices for voltages up to 750 V AC or 1,000 V DC against halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
ground. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground railways, EN 50267-2-2
airports etc. to protect people and technical building equipment low smoke emission:
in the event of fire. EN 61034-2

Nominal cross section Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
(mm²) resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (m)
1.5 12.100 3.0 20 100 R
2.5 7.410 3.5 30 100 R 10
4 4.610 4.0 45 100 R
6 3.080 5.0 65 100 R
10 1.830 6.5 110 100 R
16 1.150 7.5 175 100 R
25 0.727 9.0 275 500 D, 1,000 D
35 0.524 10.0 365 500 D, 1,000 D
50 0.387 12.0 490 500 D, 1,000 D
70 0.268 14.0 700 500 D, 1,000 D
95 0.193 16.5 920 500 D, 1,000 D
120 0.153 18.5 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
150 0.124 20.5 1,400 500 D, 1,000 D
185 0.099 22.5 1,760 500 D, 1,000 D
240 0.075 25.5 2,300 500 D, 1,000 D



H07Z–U / H07Z–R / H07Z–K

Nominal cross section Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
(mm²) resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (m)
1.5 13.300 2.9 20 100 R
2.5 7.980 3.6 31 100 R
4 4.950 4.4 50 100 R
6 3.300 4.7 69 100 R
10 1.910 6.0 110 100 R
16 1.210 7.5 170 100 R
25 0.780 9.5 255 500 D, 1,000 D
35 0.554 11.0 345 500 D, 1,000 D
50 0.386 13.0 490 500 D, 1,000 D
70 0.272 15.0 700 500 D, 1,000 D
95 0.206 17.0 930 500 D, 1,000 D
120 0.161 18.5 1,150 500 D, 1,000 D
150 0.129 21.0 1,400 500 D, 1,000 D
185 0.106 23.0 1,840 500 D, 1,000 D
240 0.080 27.0 2,400 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free installation cable


DIN VDE 0250-214

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. +5 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp. round stranded (RM) operating temperature
2| Core insulation (XLPE) – fixed: –40 °C to +70 °C
3| Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compound) – in motion: +5 °C to +70 °C
4| Sheath (halogen-free polyolefin compound, grey) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
APPLICATION halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
As installation cable for fixed installation over, on, in and under reduced flame propagation:
plaster, in dry, damp and wet premises and in masonry and also EN 60332-3-24
in the open air but not for direct burial. Since they are free from low smoke emission:
halogens and exhibit enhanced fire performance, these cables EN 61034-2
are used in those applications where in the event of fire, the
negative effects on concentrations of people and valuable mate-
VDE Germany
rial goods must be minimised.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9.1 125 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9.5 140 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10.1 165 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10.8 190 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11.6 230 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE 12.100 14.0 325 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.100 15.0 365 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 9.9 160 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 10.3 180 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11.1 215 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11.9 250 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 14.0 340 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
3 x 4 RE 4.610 11.8 255 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 13.1 315 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 14.5 385 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 13.3 345 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 14.7 430 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 15.9 490 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 15.8 520 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 17.1 625 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 18.2 735 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 20.3 950 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 22.5 1,120 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 25.1 1,440 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 28.5 1,880 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable


DIN VDE 0276-604 (HD 604)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 3 2 1 4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free tape and halogen-free polymer
Bending radius (min.):
12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, black)

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
reduced flame propagation:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 60332-3-24
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations low smoke emission:
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground EN 61034-2
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical building
equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is not required. EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
Not allowed for installations underground or in water.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 29 11.5 180 1,000 D 11
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 12.0 200 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 13.0 230 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 14.0 270 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 14 14.0 310 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 18.0 460 500 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 21.0 650 500 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10 22.0 760 500 D
30 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 24.0 900 500 D
40 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 28.4 1,300 500 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 38 12.0 210 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 13.0 250 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 14.0 290 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 15.0 340 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 20 15.9 400 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 RE 7.410 17 19.0 600 500 D
19 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 22.0 840 500 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.410 13 25.0 1,050 500 D
30 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12 27.0 1,230 500 D
40 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 31.7 1,820 500 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 51 13.0 270 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 42 14.0 330 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 42 15.0 380 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 42 16.0 450 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.610 28 18.5 620 500 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 64 14.0 340 500 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 53 15.0 410 500 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 53 16.0 490 500 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 53 17.0 560 500 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 86 16.0 450 500 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 74 16.0 550 500 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 74 18.0 670 500 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 74 19.0 790 500 D
1 x 16 RE 1.150 131 9,8 230 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 131 10,1 235 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.150 110 18.1 635 500 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 98 19.2 750 500 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 98 20.8 960 500 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 98 22.7 1,085 500 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 177 11.8 345 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 133 24.0 1,200 500 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RM 0.727/1.150 133 26.0 1,360 500 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 133 26.0 1,450 500 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 217 13.2 445 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM 0.524 162 27.0 1,600 500 D
3 x 35 + 16 SM/RM 0.524/1.150 162 28.4 1,640 500 D
4 x 35 SM 0.524 162 28.4 1,850 500 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 265 14.6 600 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 RM 0.387 197 29.0 1,800 500 D
3 x 50 + 25 SM/RM 0.387/0.727 197 34.4 2,170 500 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 197 34.4 2,410 500 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 336 16.4 810 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 RM 0.268 250 34.6 2,550 500 D
3 x 70 + 35 SM/RM 0.268/0.524 250 37.8 2,960 500 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 250 37.8 3,340 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 415 17.9 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
3 x 95 RM 0.193 308 38.1 3,360 500 D
3 x 95 + 50 SM/RM 0.193/0.387 308 42.8 3,840 500 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 308 42.8 4,380 500 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 485 19.4 1,330 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 RM 0.153 359 41.7 4,160 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.153/0.268 359 46.2 4,790 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/SM 0.153/0.268 359 44.8 4,750 500 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 359 46.2 5,420 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 557 21.2 1,620 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 RM 0.124 412 45.4 5,180 300 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.124/0.268 412 50.0 5,840 300 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/SM 0.124/0.268 412 48.5 5,810 300 D
3 x 150 + 95 SM/RM 0.124/0.193 412 50.0 5,980 300 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 412 50.0 6,690 300 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 646 23.6 1,990 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 RM 0.099 475 51.0 6,240 300 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.099/0.193 475 56.6 7,020 300 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/SM 0.099/0.193 475 54.9 6,980 300 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 475 56.6 8,270 300 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 774 26.6 2,570 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 RM 0.075 564 57.0 8,290 300 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.075/0.153 564 62.8 9,240 300 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/SM 0.075/0.153 564 61.1 9,190 300 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 564 62.8 11,110 300 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 901 29,1 3,180 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 1,060 32,9 4,160 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 1,252 36,4 5,130 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-604 (HD 604)

Subject to technical changes.




Underground halogen-free energy cable


TP PRAKAB 02/12,
adapted to DIN VDE 0276-604
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 3 2 1 4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor round solid (RE), round stranded (RM),
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compound and eventu-
ally with halogen-free fabric tape) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound black, UV-resistant) 12 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
reduced flame propagation:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 60332-3-24
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations low smoke emission:
underground, in open air or in concrete. Suitable for hotels, hos- EN 61034-2
pitals, underground railways, airports etc. to protect people and
technical building equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity Certificate:
is not required. Not allowed for installations in water. VDE Germany

Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 10.9 175 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 11.4 190 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 12.2 220 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 31 24 13.0 250 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 11.7 210 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 12.2 240 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 13.1 275 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 40 32 14.1 320 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 12.7 265 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 13.3 305 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 14.2 360 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 52 42 15.3 415 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 13.7 325 500 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 14.3 385 500 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 15.5 455 500 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 64 53 16.7 540 500 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 15.2 440 500 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 15.6 515 500 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 17.3 645 500 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 86 74 18.8 770 500 D
2 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 16.4 500 500 D
3 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 17.3 595 500 D
4 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 18.8 720 500 D
5 x 10 RM 1.830 86 74 20.4 860 500 D
1 x 16 RE 1.150 176 131 11.0 260 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RE 1.150 112 98 17.0 605 500 D
3 x 16 RE 1.150 112 98 18.0 740 500 D
4 x 16 RE 1.150 112 98 19.5 910 500 D
5 x 16 RE 1.150 112 98 21.3 1,100 500 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 176 131 11.4 270 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 18.4 670 500 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 19.4 815 500 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 21.2 995 500 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 112 98 23.1 1,200 500 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 229 177 13.3 400 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 22.3 1,170 500 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RM 0.727/1.150 145 133 24.4 1,330 500 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 145 133 24.4 1,440 500 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 275 217 14.1 475 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM 0.524 174 162 23.9 1,410 500 D
3 x 35 + 16 SM/RM 0.524/1.150 174 162 25.9 1,390 500 D
4 x 35 SM 0.524 174 162 25.9 1,560 500 D 11
1 x 50 RM 0.387 326 265 15.6 620 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 RM 0.387 206 197 27.3 1,890 500 D
3 x 50 + 25 SM/RM 0.387/0.727 206 197 28.9 1,920 500 D
4 x 50 SM 0.387 206 197 28.9 2,110 500 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 400 336 17.5 830 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 28.9 2,190 500 D
3 x 70 + 35 SM/RM 0.268/0.524 254 250 33.1 2,600 500 D
4 x 70 SM 0.268 254 250 33.1 2,890 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 480 415 19.2 1,070 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 32.5 2,880 500 D
3 x 95 + 50 SM/RM 0.193/0.387 305 308 37.1 3,440 500 D
4 x 95 SM 0.193 305 308 37.1 3,820 500 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross section conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
(mm²) resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
(Ω/km) (A) (m)
1 x 120 RM 0.153 548 485 20.9 1,320 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 SM 0.153 348 359 34.9 3,570 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 SM/RM 0.153/0.268 348 359 40.3 4,350 500 D
4 x 120 SM 0.153 348 359 40.3 4,900 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 616 557 22.8 1,600 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM 0.124 392 412 38.9 4,400 250 D
3 x 150 + 70 SM/RM 0.124/0.268 392 412 44.9 5,500 250 D
4 x 150 SM 0.124 392 412 44.9 5,880 250 D
1 x 185 RM 0.099 698 646 24.9 1,960 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 SM 0.099 444 475 42.7 5,490 250 D
3 x 185 + 95 SM/RM 0.099/0.193 444 475 49.1 6,530 250 D
4 x 185 SM 0.099 444 475 49.1 7,270 250 D
1 x 240 RM 0.075 815 774 27.8 2,520 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 SM 0.075 517 564 47.5 7,100 250 D
3 x 240 + 120 SM/RM 0.075/0.153 517 564 55.1 8,480 250 D
4 x 240 SM 0.075 517 564 55.1 9,500 250 D
1 x 300 RM 0.060 927 901 30.5 3,120 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 400 RM 0.047 1,064 1,060 34.1 3,970 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 500 RM 0.037 1,227 1,252 37.9 5,050 500 D, 1,000 D
1 x 630 RM 0.028 1,421 1,486 42.6 6,520 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-604 (HD 604)

Subject to technical changes.



(N)HXH FE180/E30
Halogen-free energy cable with insulation integrity FE180 and circuit integrity E30


adapted to DIN VDE 0266

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp. round stranded (RM) conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2| Core insulation (silicone rubber) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
3| Inner covering (halogen-free fixation tape) Bending radius (min.):
4| Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, orange) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases :
EN 50267-2-2
reduced flame propagation:
low smoke emission:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 61034-2
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations insulation integrity FE 180:
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground IEC 60331-21, DIN VDE 0472-814
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical build- circuit integrity E30:
ing equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is required DIN 4102-12
(circuit integrity is only maintained if these cables are installed Certificate:
with specified supporting elements). Not allowed for installations EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
underground or in water. These cables are not UV-protected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m) 11
(N)HXH FE180/E30
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 29 8.1 110 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 8.6 125 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 9.3 140 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 10.1 175 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 14 11.0 220 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE 12.100 13 13.9 295 500 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 14.5 345 500 D
14 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 15.2 385 500 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 16.9 500 500 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10 20.0 635 500 D



(N)HXH FE180/E30

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
(N)HXH FE180/E30
30 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 21.2 750 500 D
40 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 23.5 980 500 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 38 8.9 140 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 9.4 165 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 10.3 200 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 11.2 235 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 20 12.4 310 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE 7.410 18 15.6 415 500 D
12 x 2.5 RE 7.410 17 15.9 475 500 D
14 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 17.0 545 500 D
19 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 19.1 725 500 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.410 13 22.6 910 500 D
30 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12 23.9 1,090 500 D
40 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 26.3 1,410 500 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 51 10.5 195 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 42 11.1 240 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 42 12.3 295 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 42 13.5 355 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.610 28 14.7 450 500 D
10 x 4 RE 4.610 25 18.9 630 500 D
12 x 4 RE 4.610 23 19.5 730 500 D
14 x 4 RE 4.610 22 20.6 830 500 D
19 x 4 RE 4.610 22 23.2 1,100 500 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 64 11.5 250 500 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 53 12.4 315 500 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 53 13.5 390 500 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 53 14.8 470 500 D
1 x 10 RE 1.830 86 7.8 150 500 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 86 13.2 360 500 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 74 14.0 455 500 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 74 15.4 570 500 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 74 16.9 690 500 D
1 x 16 RM 1.150 131 8.9 210 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.150 110 15.4 520 500 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 98 16.4 670 500 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 98 18.3 845 500 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 98 20.1 1,040 500 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 177 11.2 340 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 133 22.2 1,090 500 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RM 0.727/1.150 133 24.5 1,280 500 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 133 24.5 1,400 500 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 133 27.2 1,740 500 D



(N)HXH FE180/E30

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
(N)HXH FE180/E30
1 x 35 RM 0.524 217 12.0 415 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 35 RM 0.524 162 23.9 1,310 500 D
3 x 35 + 16 RM/RM 0.524/1.150 162 26.6 1,520 500 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 162 26.6 1,720 500 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 162 29.5 2,000 500 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 265 13.9 570 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 RM 0.387 197 27.8 1,780 500 D
3 x 50 + 25 RM/RM 0.387/0.727 197 31.0 2,120 500 D
4 x 50 RM 0.387 197 31.0 2,340 500 D
5 x 50 RM 0.387 197 34.4 2,910 500 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 336 15.6 765 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 RM 0.268 250 31.6 2,430 500 D
3 x 70 + 35 RM/RM 0.268/0.524 250 35.1 2,840 500 D
4 x 70 RM 0.268 250 35.1 3,200 500 D
5 x 70 RM 0.268 250 38.8 3,950 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 415 17.7 1,020 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 RM 0.193 308 36.4 3,230 500 D
3 x 95 + 50 RM/RM 0.193/0.387 308 40.5 3,830 500 D
4 x 95 RM 0.193 308 40.5 4,250 500 D
5 x 95 RM 0.193 308 45.0 5,280 500 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 485 19.4 1,270 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 RM 0.153 359 39.7 4,000 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 RM/RM 0.153/0.268 359 44.0 4,780 500 D
4 x 120 RM 0.153 359 44.0 5,230 500 D
5 x 120 RM 0.153 359 48.9 6,520 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 557 21.2 1,540 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 RM 0.124 412 43.6 4,860 500 D
3 x 150 + 70 RM/RM 0.124/0.268 412 48.6 5,670 500 D
4 x 150 RM 0.124 412 48.6 6,390 500 D
5 x 150 RM 0.124 412 54.0 7,980 500 D
1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0266
Subject to technical changes.



(N)HXH FE180/E90
Halogen-free energy cable with insulation integrity FE180 and circuit integrity E90


adapted to DIN VDE 0266

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C to +90 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp. round stranded (RM) conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
2| Primary core insulation (silicone rubber) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
3| Secondary core insulation (silicone rubber) Bending radius (min.):
4| Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compound) 15 x ∅ of cable (single core)
5| Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, orange) 12 x ∅ of cable (multi-core)
Core identification:
HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
reduced flame propagation:
low smoke emission:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 61034-2
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations insulation integrity FE 180:
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground IEC 60331-21, DIN VDE 0472-814
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical build- circuit integrity E90:
ing equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is required DIN 4102-12
(circuit integrity is only maintained if these cables are installed Certificate:
with specified supporting elements). Not allowed for installations EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany,
underground or in water. These cables are not UV-protected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
(N)HXH FE180/E90
2 x 1.5 RE 12.100 29 13.0 225 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 13.6 250 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 14.5 290 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE 12.100 24 15.5 335 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE 12.100 14 16.6 400 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE 12.100 13 20.2 535 500 D
12 x 1.5 RE 12.100 12 20.7 605 500 D
14 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 21.6 670 500 D
19 x 1.5 RE 12.100 11 23.7 835 500 D
24 x 1.5 RE 12.100 10 27.3 1,020 500 D



(N)HXH FE180/E90

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
(N)HXH FE180/E90
30 x 1.5 RE 12.100 9 28.8 1,210 500 D
40 x 1.5 RE 12.100 8 32.0 1,570 500 D
2 x 2.5 RE 7.410 38 13.8 270 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 14.4 305 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 15.5 355 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE 7.410 32 16.6 410 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE 7.410 20 17.8 510 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE 7.410 18 21.7 685 500 D
12 x 2.5 RE 7.410 17 22.4 780 500 D
14 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 23.4 870 500 D
19 x 2.5 RE 7.410 16 25.7 1,100 500 D
24 x 2.5 RE 7.410 13 29.9 1,370 500 D
30 x 2.5 RE 7.410 12 31.7 1,680 500 D
40 x 2.5 RE 7.410 11 35.0 2,180 500 D
2 x 4 RE 4.610 51 14.8 330 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE 4.610 42 15.4 380 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE 4.610 42 16.6 450 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE 4.610 42 17.9 525 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE 4.610 28 19.2 650 500 D
10 x 4 RE 4.610 25 23.6 895 500 D
12 x 4 RE 4.610 23 24.3 1,030 500 D
14 x 4 RE 4.610 22 25.5 1,140 500 D
19 x 4 RE 4.610 22 28.1 1,490 500 D
2 x 6 RE 3.080 64 15.8 400 500 D
3 x 6 RE 3.080 53 16.5 470 500 D
4 x 6 RE 3.080 53 17.8 560 500 D
5 x 6 RE 3.080 53 19.2 660 500 D
2 x 10 RE 1.830 86 17.7 565 500 D
3 x 10 RE 1.830 74 18.6 680 500 D
4 x 10 RE 1.830 74 20.0 815 500 D
5 x 10 RE 1.830 74 21.6 965 500 D 11
1 x 16 RM 1.150 131 12.1 310 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 16 RM 1.150 110 19.5 750 500 D
3 x 16 RM 1.150 98 20.5 625 500 D
4 x 16 RM 1.150 98 22.2 1,110 500 D
5 x 16 RM 1.150 98 24.1 1,340 500 D
1 x 25 RM 0.727 177 13.7 425 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 25 RM 0.727 133 23.8 1,370 500 D
3 x 25 + 16 RM/RM 0.727/1.150 133 27.1 1,560 500 D
4 x 25 RM 0.727 133 27.1 1,680 500 D
5 x 25 RM 0.727 133 30.4 2,010 500 D
1 x 35 RM 0.524 217 14.7 535 500 D, 1,000 D



(N)HXH FE180/E90

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (A) (m)
(N)HXH FE180/E90
3 x 35 RM 0.524 162 29.8 2,030 500 D
3 x 35 + 16 RM/RM 0.524/1.150 162 27.6 1,930 500 D
4 x 35 RM 0.524 162 27.6 2,200 500 D
5 x 35 RM 0.524 162 32.9 2,590 500 D
1 x 50 RM 0.387 265 16.5 680 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 50 RM 0.387 197 31.5 2,370 500 D
3 x 50 + 25 RM/RM 0.387/0.727 197 34.4 2,680 500 D
4 x 50 RM 0.387 197 34.4 3,030 500 D
5 x 50 RM 0.387 197 37.8 3,450 500 D
1 x 70 RM 0.268 336 18.3 910 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 RM 0.268 250 36.7 3,560 500 D
3 x 70 + 35 RM/RM 0.268/0.524 250 40.1 3,510 500 D
4 x 70 RM 0.268 250 40.1 4,430 500 D
5 x 70 RM 0.268 250 43.1 4,710 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.193 415 20.4 1,190 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 RM 0.193 308 41.6 4,510 500 D
3 x 95 + 50 RM/RM 0.193/0.387 308 46.0 4,750 500 D
4 x 95 RM 0.193 308 46.0 5,680 500 D
5 x 95 RM 0.193 308 49.3 6,230 500 D
1 x 120 RM 0.153 485 22.1 1,450 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 RM 0.153 359 45.5 5,470 500 D
3 x 120 + 70 RM/RM 0.153/0.268 359 49.8 5,810 500 D
4 x 120 RM 0.153 359 49.8 6,840 500 D
5 x 120 RM 0.153 359 53.4 7,630 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.124 557 25.3 1,740 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 RM 0.124 412 48.6 6,420 300 D
3 x 150 + 70 RM/RM 0.124/0.268 412 54.5 7,100 300 D
4 x 150 RM 0.124 412 54.5 7,650 300 D
5 x 150 RM 0.124 412 59.3 9,400 300 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0266

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable, screened


DIN VDE 0276-604 (HD 604)

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM) Bending radius (min.):
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) 12 x ∅ of cable
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compound)
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
Core identification:
(copper tape) and halogen-free plastic tape
HD 308 S2
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymere compound, black)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
reduced flame propagation:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 60332-3-24
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations low smoke emission:
EN 61034-2
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical building Certificate:
equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is not required. EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
Not allowed for installations underground or in water.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
N2XCH 11
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 29 13.0 260 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 13.0 240 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 14.0 260 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 14.8 295 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 14 15.0 360 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 12 19.0 530 500 D
19 x 1.5 RE/4 12.100 11 22.5 720 500 D
24 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 10 24.0 850 500 D
30 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 9 25.0 1.020 500 D
40 x 1.5 RE/10 12.100 8 32.8 1.370 500 D
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 38 13.0 270 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 14.0 290 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 15.0 330 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 15.9 365 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
7 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 20 17.0 450 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 17 21.0 700 500 D
19 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 16 24.6 985 500 D
24 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 13 26.0 1180 500 D
30 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 12 28.0 1400 500 D
40 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 11 31.5 1930 500 D
2 x 4 RE/4 4.610 51 14.0 320 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 15.0 380 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 16.0 440 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 17.9 525 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE/4 4.610 28 18.0 595 500 D
2 x 6 RE/6 3.080 64 15.0 410 500 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 16.0 470 500 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 17.0 550 500 D
5 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 18.2 650 500 D
2 x 10 RE/10 1.830 86 17.0 550 500 D
3 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 18.0 640 500 D
4 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 19.0 760 500 D
5 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 20.2 840 500 D
2 x 16 RM/16 1.150 110 20.6 785 500 D
3 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 21.7 829 500 D
4 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 22.8 1,070 500 D
5 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 23.6 1,210 500 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 25.4 1,290 500 D
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 28.0 1,700 500 D
3 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 28.2 1,730 500 D
4 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 31.0 2,150 500 D
3 x 50 SM/25 0.387 197 31.3 1,990 500 D
4 x 50 SM/25 0.387 197 34.0 2,600 500 D
3 x 70 SM/35 0.268 250 37.0 2,830 500 D
4 x 70 SM/35 0.268 250 40.0 3,550 500 D
3 x 95 SM/50 0.193 308 40.8 4,350 500 D
4 x 95 SM/50 0.193 308 45.0 4,800 500 D
3 x 120 SM/70 0.153 359 44.6 5,270 500 D
4 x 120 SM/70 0.153 359 51.0 6,500 500 D
3 x 150 SM/70 0.124 412 48.0 5,450 300 D
4 x 150 SM/70 0.124 412 56.0 7,950 300 D
3 x 185 SM/95 0.099 475 53.0 6,800 300 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.099 475 60.4 9,970 300 D
3 x 240 SM/120 0.075 564 60.0 8,900 300 D
4 x 240 SM/120 0.075 564 68.0 12,900 300 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-604 (HD 604)

Subject to technical changes.



Underground halogen-free energy cable, screened


TP PRAKAB 02/12,
adapted to DIN VDE 0276-604
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor round solid (RE), round stranded (RM), short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
resp. sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compound and even- 12 x ∅ of cable
tually with halogen-free fabric tape)
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix Core identification:
(copper tape) and halogen-free plastic tape HD 308 S2
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound black, UV-resistant)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
APPLICATION reduced flame propagation:
EN 60332-3-24
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- low smoke emission:
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations EN 61034-2
underground, in open air or in concrete. Suitable for hotels, hos- Certificate:
pitals, underground railways, airports etc. to protect people and VDE Germany
technical building equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity
is not required. Not allowed for installations in water.

Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
(mm2) 11
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 31 25 14.6 275 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 31 25 15.6 295 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 31 25 15.8 330 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 31 25 16.7 370 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 40 33 15.4 330 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 40 33 15.9 360 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 40 33 16.8 405 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 40 33 18.8 530 1,000 D
2 x 4 RE/4 4.610 52 43 16.9 405 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE/4 4.610 52 43 17.5 450 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/4 4.610 52 43 18.5 510 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE/4 4.610 52 43 19.6 575 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. Current Current rating Outer Total weight Standard
nominal cross conductor rating in the in the air1) diameter (kg/km) ca. lengths/
section/cross resistance ground1) (A) (mm) ca. packing
section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
2 x 6 RE/6 3.080 65 54 17.9 495 500 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 65 54 18.6 560 500 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 65 54 19.7 640 500 D
5 x 6 RE/6 3.080 65 54 21.2 735 500 D
2 x 10 RE/10 1.830 87 75 19.9 660 500 D
3 x 10 RE/10 1.830 87 75 20.7 755 500 D
4 x 10 RE/10 1.830 87 75 22.7 910 500 D
5 x 10 RE/10 1.830 87 75 24.2 1,040 500 D
2 x 16 RE/16 1.150 113 100 21.7 885 500 D
3 x 16 RE/16 1.150 113 100 22.9 1,040 500 D
4 x 16 RE/16 1.150 113 100 24.4 1,220 500 D
5 x 16 RE/16 1.150 113 100 26.1 1,420 500 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 146 136 28.4 1,660 500 D
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 146 136 30.9 1,990 500 D
3 x 35 RM/16 0.524 176 165 30.4 1,960 500 D
4 x 35 SM/16 0.524 176 165 29.9 1,960 500 D
3 x 50 RM/25 0.387 208 201 34.5 2,670 500 D
4 x 50 SM/25 0.387 208 201 33.9 2,830 500 D
3 x 70 SM/35 0.268 256 255 35.2 3,060 500 D
4 x 70 SM/35 0.268 256 255 40.4 3,980 500 D
3 x 95 SM/50 0.193 307 314 40.0 4,080 500 D
4 x 95 SM/50 0.193 307 314 44.2 5,110 500 D
3 x 120 SM/70 0.153 349 364 42.4 5,080 500 D
4 x 120 SM/70 0.153 349 364 47.4 6,370 500 D
3 x 150 SM/70 0.124 391 416 47.2 6,130 250 D
4 x 150 SM/70 0.124 391 416 52.4 7,720 250 D
3 x 185 SM/95 0.099 442 480 51.0 7,560 250 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.099 442 480 57.4 9,610 250 D
3 x 240 SM/120 0.075 509 565 54.4 9,460 250 D
4 x 240 SM/120 0.075 509 565 64.2 12,700 250 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0276-604 (HD 604)

Subject to technical changes.



(N)HXCH FE180/E30
Halogen-free energy cable with insulation integrity FE180 and circuit integrity E30, screened


adapted to DIN VDE 0266

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp. round stranded (RM) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
2 | Core insulation (silicone rubber) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free fabric tape and halogen-free 12 x ∅ of cable
polymer compound)
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
Core identification:
(copper tape) and halogen-free plastic tape
HD 308 S2
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, orange)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
reduced flame propagation:
low smoke emission:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 61034-2
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations insulation integrity FE180:
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground IEC 60331-21, DIN VDE 0472-814
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical build- circuit integrity E30:
ing equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is required DIN 4102-12
(circuit integrity is only maintained if these cables are installed Certificate:
with specified supporting elements). Not allowed for installations EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
underground or in water. These cables are not UV-protected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard 11
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
(N)HXCH FE180/E30
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 29 11.6 185 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 12.1 205 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 13.0 235 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 13.8 265 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 14 14.7 330 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 13 17.5 425 500 D



(N)HXCH FE180/E30

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
(N)HXCH FE180/E30
12 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 12 18.2 475 500 D
14 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 11 18.9 525 500 D
19 x 1.5 RE/4 12.100 11 21.2 660 500 D
24 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 10 24.5 835 500 D
30 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 9 25.7 970 500 D
40 x 1.5 RE/10 12.100 8 28.4 1,245 500 D
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 38 12.4 230 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 13.1 265 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 14.0 305 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 14.9 345 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 20 15.9 415 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 18 19.9 575 500 D
12 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 17 20.4 635 500 D
14 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 16 21.3 705 500 D
19 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 16 23.4 910 500 D
24 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 13 27.2 1,155 500 D
30 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 12 28.8 1,365 500 D
40 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 11 31.4 1,710 500 D
2 x 4 RE/4 4.610 51 14.7 315 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 15.4 365 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 16.4 420 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 17.6 485 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE/4 4.610 28 19.0 600 500 D
10 x 4 RE/6 4.610 25 23.2 820 500 D
12 x 4 RE/6 4.610 23 23.8 920 500 D
14 x 4 RE/6 4.610 22 24.9 1,030 500 D
19 x 4 RE/10 4.610 22 27.8 1,350 500 D
2 x 6 RE/6 3.080 64 15.7 395 500 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 16.4 460 500 D
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 17.8 550 500 D
5 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 19.1 630 500 D
2 x 10 RE/10 1.830 86 17.9 555 500 D
3 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 18.7 655 500 D
4 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 20.1 770 500 D
5 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 21.6 905 500 D
2 x 16 RM/16 1.150 110 20.1 775 500 D
3 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 21.1 930 500 D
4 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 22.8 1,110 500 D
5 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 24.8 1,320 500 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 27.4 1,410 500 D



(N)HXCH FE180/E30

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
(N)HXCH FE180/E30
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 29.0 1,655 500 D
5 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 31.7 1,995 500 D
3 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 28.6 1,600 500 D
4 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 31.1 1,980 500 D
5 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 34.2 2,420 500 D
3 x 50 RM/25 0.387 197 32.4 2,155 500 D
4 x 50 RM/25 0.387 197 35.7 2,700 500 D
5 x 50 RM/25 0.387 197 39.1 3,285 500 D
3 x 70 RM/35 0.268 250 37.5 2,930 500 D
4 x 70 RM/35 0.268 250 41.0 3,650 500 D
5 x 70 RM/35 0.268 250 45.1 4,475 500 D
3 x 95 RM/50 0.193 308 42.5 3,895 500 D
4 x 95 RM/50 0.193 308 46.6 4,850 500 D
5 x 95 RM/50 0.193 308 51.3 5,950 500 D
3 x 120 RM/70 0.153 359 45.8 4,870 500 D
4 x 120 RM/70 0.153 359 50.5 6,105 500 D
5 x 120 RM/70 0.153 359 55.6 7,450 500 D
3 x 150 RM/70 0.124 412 50.3 5,845 300 D
4 x 150 RM/70 0.124 412 55.4 7,345 300 D
5 x 150 RM/70 0.124 412 61.7 9,010 300 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0266

Subject to technical changes.




(N)HXCH FE180/E90
Halogen-free energy cable, with insulation integrity FE180 and circuit integrity E90, screened


adapted to DIN VDE 0266

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

6 5 4 3 2 1 Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1| Copper conductor, round solid (RE), resp. round stranded (RM) short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
2| Primary core insulation (silicone rubber)
3| Secondary core insulation (silicone rubber) Bending radius (min.):
4| Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compounds) 12 x ∅ of cable
5| Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) and halogen-free plastic tape Core identification:
6 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, orange) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
reduced flame propagation:
low smoke emission:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- EN 61034-2
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations insulation integrity FE 180:
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground IEC 60331-21, DIN VDE 0472-814
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical build- circuit integrity E90:
ing equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is required DIN 4102-12
(circuit integrity is only maintained if these cables are installed
with specified supporting elements). Not allowed for installations
EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
underground or in water. These cables are not UV-protected.

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
(N)HXCH FE180/E90
2 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 29 16.0 385 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 16.5 430 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 17.4 500 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 RE/1.5 12.100 24 18.4 560 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 14 19.4 675 1,000 D
10 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 13 22.7 875 500 D



(N)HXCH FE180/E90

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
(N)HXCH FE180/E90
12 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 12 23.3 975 500 D
14 x 1.5 RE/2.5 12.100 11 24.1 1,080 500 D
19 x 1.5 RE/4 12.100 11 26.9 1,370 500 D
24 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 10 30.7 1,710 500 D
30 x 1.5 RE/6 12.100 9 32.1 2,010 500 D
40 x 1.5 RE/10 12.100 8 35.5 2,590 500 D
2 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 38 16.8 450 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 17.4 515 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 18.4 595 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 32 19.4 675 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 RE/2.5 7.410 20 20.6 815 1,000 D
10 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 18 24.9 1,090 500 D
12 x 2.5 RE/4 7.410 17 25.5 1,220 500 D
14 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 16 26.5 1,350 500 D
19 x 2.5 RE/6 7.410 16 28.9 1,730 500 D
24 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 13 33.6 2,190 500 D
30 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 12 35.6 2,630 500 D
40 x 2.5 RE/10 7.410 11 38.8 3,310 500 D
2 x 4 RE/4 4.610 51 18.3 545 1,000 D
3 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 19.0 625 1,000 D
4 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 20.1 725 1,000 D
5 x 4 RE/4 4.610 42 21.3 825 1,000 D
7 x 4 RE/4 4.610 28 22.6 1,020 500 D
10 x 4 RE/6 4.610 25 27.0 1,370 500 D
12 x 4 RE/6 4.610 23 27.7 1,550 500 D
14 x 4 RE/6 4.610 22 28.8 1,740 500 D
19 x 4 RE/10 4.610 22 31.2 2,210 500 D
2 x 6 RE/6 3.080 64 19.3 645 500 D
3 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 20.1 750 500 D 11
4 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 21.3 875 500 D
5 x 6 RE/6 3.080 53 22.7 1,020 500 D
2 x 10 RE/10 1.830 86 21.3 835 500 D
3 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 22.2 990 500 D
4 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 23.6 1,170 500 D
5 x 10 RE/10 1.830 74 25.2 1,370 500 D
2 x 16 RM/16 1.150 110 23.5 1,120 500 D
3 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 24.5 1,330 500 D
4 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 26.3 1,580 500 D
5 x 16 RM/16 1.150 98 28.4 1,870 500 D
3 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 29.6 1,730 500 D



(N)HXCH FE180/E90

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
section/cross (Ω/km) (A) (m)
section of screen
(N)HXCH FE180/E90
4 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 21.1 2,080 500 D
5 x 25 RM/16 0.727 133 35.1 2,470 500 D
3 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 31.7 2,040 500 D
4 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 34.4 2,470 500 D
5 x 35 RM/16 0.524 162 38.0 3,000 500 D
3 x 50 RM/25 0.387 197 35.2 2,680 500 D
4 x 50 RM/25 0.387 197 39.6 3,360 500 D
5 x 50 RM/25 0.387 197 43.1 4,000 500 D
3 x 70 RM/35 0.268 250 41.4 3,680 500 D
4 x 70 RM/35 0.268 250 44.9 4,450 500 D
5 x 70 RM/35 0.268 250 49.7 5,410 500 D
3 x 95 RM/50 0.193 308 46.6 4,830 500 D
4 x 95 RM/50 0.193 308 51.1 5,910 500 D
5 x 95 RM/50 0.193 308 56.1 7,110 500 D
3 x 120 RM/70 0.153 359 50.3 6,010 500 D
4 x 120 RM/70 0.153 359 55.2 7,320 500 D
5 x 120 RM/70 0.153 359 60.6 8,800 500 D
3 x 150 RM/70 0.124 412 55.0 7,160 300 D
4 x 150 RM/70 0.124 412 60.0 8,720 300 D
5 x 150 RM/70 0.124 412 66.8 10,650 300 D

1) basic rated current acc. to DIN VDE 0266

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable


HD 604.5F
IEC 60502-1
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1 operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s

1 | Aluminium conductor, round solid (RE), resp. sector-shaped Bending radius (min.):
stranded (SE) 12 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape or halogen-free Core identification:
polymer compound) HD 308 S2
4 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, grey)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
APPLICATION reduced flame propagation:
EN 60332-3-24
For fixed installation in interior premises and in the open air and low smoke emission:
for direct burial in cable ducts and conduits. Since they are free EN 61034-2
from halogens and exhbit enhanced fire performance, these ca-
bles are used in those applications where in the event of fire, the
negative effect on concentrations of people and valuable material
goods must be minimised.

Number Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
of cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
(mm²) 11
5 x 16 RE 1.910 81 61 22.0 640 500 D
4 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 21.6 485 500 D
5 x 25 RE 1.200 102 82 25.0 840 500 D
4 x 50 SE 0.641 144 119 27.8 770 500 D
4 x 95 SE 0.320 215 186 35.2 1,350 500 D
4 x 150 SE 0.206 275 246 43.2 2,050 500 D
4 x 240 SE 0.125 364 338 52.9 3,350 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 604.5F, IEC 60502-1

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable


HD 604.5F
IEC 60502-1
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
4 3 2 1 operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s

1 | Aluminium conductor, round stranded (RM), Bending radius (min.):

resp.sector-shaped stranded (SM) 12 x ∅ of cable
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape or halogen-free Core identification:
polymer compound) HD 308 S2
4 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, grey)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
APPLICATION reduced flame propagation:
EN 60332-3-24
For fixed installation in interior premises and in the open air and low smoke emission:
for direct burial in cable ducts and conduits. Since they are free EN 61034-2
from halogens and exhbit enhanced fire performance, these ca-
bles are used in those applications where in the event of fire, the
negative effect on concentrations of people and valuable material
goods must be minimised.

Number Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
of cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section (m)
4 x 25 RM 1.200 102 82 23.7 895 1,000 D, 500 D
5 x 25 RM 1.200 102 82 26.0 1,050 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 50 SM 0.641 144 119 27.8 770 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 340 259 19.2 550 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 95 SM 0.320 215 186 35.2 1,350 1,000 D, 500 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 436 345 22.8 785 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 150 SM 0.206 275 246 43.2 2,050 500 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 578 479 27.8 1,180 1,000 D, 500 D
4 x 240 SM 0.125 364 338 54.6 3,310 500 D
4 x 300 SM 0.100 419 400 60.1 4,610 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 604.5F, IEC 60502-1

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable


NFC 32-323

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –50 °C up to +90 °C
4 3 2 1 conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
1 | Aluminium conductor, round stranded (RM), 15 x ∅ of cable
resp.sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE)
Core identification:
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape or halogen-free
HD 308 S2
polymer compound)
4 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, grey)
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
reduced flame propagation:
EN 60332-3-24
low smoke emission:
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec-
EN 61034-2
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical building
equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is not required.
Not allowed for installations underground or in water.

Number of cores Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
x nominal cross resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
section (Ω/km) (A) (m)
1 x 25 RM 1.200 136 12.5 205 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 35 RM 0.868 166 13.5 235 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 50 RM 0.641 205 15.0 295 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 70 RM 0.443 260 16.5 375 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 95 RM 0.320 321 18.5 475 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 120 RM 0.253 376 20.5 570 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 150 RM 0.206 431 22.5 690 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 185 RM 0.164 501 24.5 830 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 240 RM 0.125 600 27.5 1,050 500 D, 1000 D
1 x 300 RM 0.100 696 30.0 1,280 500 D, 1000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to NFC 32-323

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable, screened


HD 604.5F
IEC 60502-1
HD 603.5G
Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
5 4 3 2 1 operating temperature: –50 °C up to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +160 °C/5 s
1| Aluminium conductor, sector-shaped stranded (SM)
2| Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3| Inner covering (halogen-free polymer compound) 15 x ∅ of cable
4| Concentric screen (bare copper wires applied with changing
direction of lay) and counter helix (copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, grey) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
reduced flame propagation:
For fixed installation in interior premises and in the open air EN 60332-3-24
and for direct burial in cable ducts and conduits. Possible for low smoke emission:
underground installation. Since they are free from halogens and EN 61034-2
exhbit enhanced fire performance, these cables are used in those
applications where in the event of fire, the negative effect on
concentrations of people and valuable material goods must be
minimised. The concentric ceander conductor can be used as PE
or PEN conductor and needs not be cut when assembling branch

Number Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
of cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section/cross (m)
section of
3 x 50 SM/16 0.641 145 121 29.5 1,210 500 D
4 x 50 SM/16 0.641 145 121 33.5 1,460 500 D
3 x 70 SM/25 0.443 180 155 33.1 1,600 500 D
3 x 95 SM/35 0.320 216 189 38.4 2,130 500 D
4 x 95 SM/35 0.320 216 189 43.3 2,570 500 D
3 x 120 SM/50 0.253 246 220 40.8 2,580 500 D
4 x 120 SM/50 0.253 246 220 46.9 3,240 500 D
3 x 150 SM/50 0.206 276 249 45.9 2,750 500 D




Number Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
of cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section/cross (m)
section of
4 x 150 SM/50 0.206 276 249 52.0 3,640 500 D
3 x 185 SM/70 0.164 313 287 50.4 3,460 500 D
4 x 185 SM/70 0.164 313 287 56.6 4,650 500 D
4 x 185 SM/95 0.164 313 287 56.6 4,890 500 D
3 x 240 SM/70 0.125 362 339 55.4 4,150 500 D
4 x 240 SM/70 0.125 362 339 63.6 5,420 500 D
4 x 240 SM/95 0.125 362 339 63.6 5,700 500 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 604.5F, IEC 60502-1, HD 603.5G

Subject to technical changes.




Halogen-free energy cable, screened


HD 604.5D

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
3.5 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
1| Aluminum conductor sector stranded (SM)
2| Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3| Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape) 12 x ∅ of cable
4| Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) and halogen-free plastic tape Core identification:
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound black, HD 308 S2
Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
APPLICATION halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
These cables are intended for the stationary distribution of elec- reduced flame propagation:
trical energy in dry or damp premises and for fixed installations EN 60332-3-24
in air or concrete. Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground low smoke emission:
railways, airports etc. to protect people and technical building EN 61034-2
equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is not required.
Not allowed for installations underground or in water.

Number Max. conductor Current rating Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
of cores x resistance in the ground1) in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/
nominal cross (Ω/km) (A) (A) packing
section/cross (m)
section of
3 x 50 SM/16 0.641 159 152 25.0 860 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/16 0.641 159 152 29.0 1,100 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/35 0.320 236 239 34.5 1,620 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/35 0.320 236 239 38.0 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM/50 0.206 302 316 40.0 2,300 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM/50 0.206 302 316 46.5 2,830 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 SM/70 0.125 397 430 49.5 3,500 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM/70 0.125 397 430 57.0 4,390 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 604.5D

Subject to technical changes.



Halogen-free energy cable, screened


HD 604-5I

Rated voltage:
0.6/1 kV

Test voltage:
4 kV/50 Hz

Temperature range:
5 4 3 2 1 laying temperature: min. –15 °C
operating temperature: –30 °C up to +90 °C
conductor temperature: max. +90 °C
1 | Alluminium conductor, round stranded (RM), sector short-circuit temperature: max. +250 °C/5 s
shaped-stranded (SM)
2 | Core insulation (XLPE) Bending radius (min.):
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free tape) 12 x ∅ of cable
4 | Concentric screen (bare copper wires) and counter helix
(copper tape) Core identification:
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound black, UV-resistant) HD 308 S2

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
reduced flame propagation:
Power distribution cables in power stations, industrial installa- EN 60332-3-24
tions and switchgear, as well as in local mains. For fixed installa- low smoke emission:
tion in interior premises, cable ducts, in the open air. EN 61034-2

Number of cores x Max. conductor Current rating Outer diameter Total weight Standard
nominal cross section/ resistance in the air1) (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. lengths/packing
cross section of screen (Ω/km) (A) (m)
3 x 50 SM/15 0.641 152 26.3 980 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 50 SM/15 0.641 152 30.5 1,110 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 70 SM/21 0.443 194 31.7 1,200 500 D, 1,000 D 11
4 x 70 SM/21 0.443 194 34.6 1,500 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 95 SM/29 0.320 239 32.9 1,600 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 95 SM/29 0.320 239 38.7 1,960 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 120 SM/41 0.253 278 40.1 1,950 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 120 SM/41 0.253 278 43.8 2,400 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 150 SM/41 0.206 316 41.3 2,240 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 150 SM/41 0.206 316 48.3 2,860 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 185 SM/57 0.164 365 45.4 2,850 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 185 SM/57 0.164 365 53.2 3,520 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 240 SM/72 0.125 430 50.4 3,610 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 240 SM/72 0.125 430 59.4 4,550 500 D, 1,000 D

1) basic rated current acc. to HD 604

Subject to technical changes.



Flexible control cable, unscreened


SKW – Internal standard

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) operating temperature:
2 | Core insulation (halogen-free polymer compound), – fixed: –20 °C to +70 °C
cores stranded in layers – in motion: –5 °C to +70 °C
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape) conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
4 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, grey, oil resistant) short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
one core yellow-green, others black
with number printing
APPLICATION Fire properties:
flame retardand:
For the electrical connection of components of production ma- EN 60332-1-2
chines and machine tools. Shows some resistance to all-purpose halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
mineral oil and is not designed for permanent usage in oil baths. EN 50267-2-2
The cable is designed for use in buildings to protect people and low smoke emission:
technical building equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity EN 61034-2
is not required and should be installed with mechanical protec- reduced flame propagation:
tion. EN 60332-3-24
CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 0.75 26.000 5.7 55 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 0.75 26.000 6.0 65 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 0.75 26.000 6.5 80 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 0.75 26.000 7.1 95 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 0.75 26.000 7.5 120 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 0.75 26.000 10.2 190 500 D, 1,000 D
18 x 0.75 26.000 11.9 285 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 0.75 26.000 13.9 400 500 D, 1,000 D
2x1 19.500 6.1 65 500 D, 1,000 D
3x1 19.500 6.4 75 500 D, 1,000 D
4x1 19.500 7.0 95 500 D, 1,000 D
5x1 19.500 7.6 115 500 D, 1,000 D
7x1 19.500 8.1 140 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1 19.500 11.1 235 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
18 x 1 19.500 13.4 335 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 1 19.500 15.4 465 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 1.5 13.300 6.9 85 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 13.300 7.3 105 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 13.300 7.9 125 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 13.300 8.9 155 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 13.300 9.8 195 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 13.300 13.2 325 500 D, 1,000 D
18 x 1.5 13.300 15.9 480 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 1.5 13.300 18.5 680 500 D, 1,000 D
34 x 1.5 13.300 22.0 925 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 7.980 8.5 125 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 7.980 9.0 155 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 7.980 10.0 190 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 7.980 11.0 235 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 7.980 12.7 310 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 2.5 7.980 16.0 510 500 D, 1,000 D
4x4 4.950 12.8 305 500 D, 1,000 D
5x4 4.950 14.0 355 500 D, 1,000 D
4x6 3.300 14.6 380 500 D, 1,000 D
5x6 3.300 16.4 490 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 10 1.910 22.4 840 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.




Flexible control cable, screened


SKW – Internal standard

Rated voltage:
300/500 V

Test voltage:
2 kV/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, fine wire (–F) operating temperature:
2 | Core insulation (halogen-free polymer compound), – fixed: –20 °C to +70 °C
cores stranded in layers – in motion: –5 °C to +70 °C
conductor temperature: max. +70 °C
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape)
short-circuit temperature: max. +150 °C/5 s
4 | Braided screen (tinned copper wires)
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, grey, oil resistant) Bending radius (min.):
4 x ∅ of cable

Core identification:
one core yellow-green, others black
with number printing
APPLICATION Fire properties:
flame retardand:
For the electrical connection of components of production ma- EN 60332-1-2
chines and machine tools if a certain level of electronic screening halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
is required. Shows some resistance to all-purpose mineral oil EN 50267-2-2
and is not designed for permanent usage in oil baths. The cable low smoke emission:
is designed for use in buildings to protect people and technical EN 61034-2
building equipment in the event of fire if circuit integrity is not reduced flame propagation:
required and should be installed with mechanical protection. EN 60332-3-24
CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
2 x 0.75 26.000 6.7 55 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 0.75 26.000 7.0 65 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 0.75 26.000 7.5 80 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 0.75 26.000 8.1 95 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 0.75 26.000 8.7 120 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 0.75 26.000 11.4 190 500 D, 1,000 D
18 x 0.75 26.000 13.3 285 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 0.75 26.000 16.0 400 500 D, 1,000 D
2x1 19.500 7.1 65 500 D, 1,000 D
3x1 19.500 7.4 75 500 D, 1,000 D
4x1 19.500 8.0 95 500 D, 1,000 D
5x1 19.500 8.7 115 500 D, 1,000 D
7x1 19.500 9.3 140 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1 19.500 12.3 235 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of cores x Max. conductor Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/
nominal cross section resistance (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. packing
(mm²) (Ω/km) (m)
18 x 1 19.500 14.7 335 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 1 19.500 17.7 465 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 1.5 13.300 8.0 85 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 1.5 13.300 8.4 105 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 1.5 13.300 9.1 125 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 1.5 13.300 9.9 155 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 1.5 13.300 11.1 195 500 D, 1,000 D
12 x 1.5 13.300 14.7 325 500 D, 1,000 D
18 x 1.5 13.300 17.3 480 500 D, 1,000 D
25 x 1.5 13.300 21.0 680 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2.5 7.980 9.7 125 500 D, 1,000 D
3 x 2.5 7.980 10.2 155 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2.5 7.980 11.1 190 500 D, 1,000 D
5 x 2.5 7.980 12.1 235 500 D, 1,000 D
7 x 2.5 7.980 13.9 310 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.




Installation cable, screened


DIN VDE 0815

Rated voltage:
max. 300 Vss

Test voltage:
core/core: 800 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 800 V/50 Hz
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) operating temperature
2 | Core insulation (halogen-free polymer compound), – fixed: –30 °C to +70 °C
cores star quaded and quads stranded into groups – in motion: –5 °C to +50 °C
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Screen (plastic laminated aluminium tape with drain wire) 7.5 x ∅ of cable
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymere compound, grey)
Core identification:
DIN VDE 0815

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
APPLICATION halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
For use in telecommunications installations. Suitable for inte- reduced flame propagation:
rior applications in dry and damp premises, as well on or under EN 60332-3-24
plaster. Not suitable for power installation purposes and for direct low smoke emission:
burial. Since they are free from halogens and exhibit enhanced EN 61034-2
fire performance these cables are used in those applications
where in the event of fire the negative effects on concentrations
CU-TR Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan
of people and valuable material goods must be minimised.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.6 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 130 73.2
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 100 100
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (up to 4 pairs) (nF/km) 144 144
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (nF/km) 120 120
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. at 800 Hz (80 % of values) (pF/100 m) 300 300
Capacitance unbalance K1, max. at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/100 m) 500 500
Capacitance unbalance K9–K12, max. at 800 Hz (90 % of values) (pF/100 m) 100 100
Capacitance unbalance K9–K12, max. at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/100 m) 300 300

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
2 x 2 x 0.6 6.5 55 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2 x 0.6 9.0 90 500 D, 1,000 D




Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
6 x 2 x 0.6 9.5 105 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.6 11.0 145 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.6 13.0 220 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.6 15.5 315 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.6 17.0 380 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.6 19.0 475 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.6 21.0 575 500 D, 1,000 D
80 x 2 x 0.6 24.0 680 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.6 26.5 890 500 D, 1,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.8 7.5 70 500 D, 1,000 D
4 x 2 x 0.8 11.0 125 500 D, 1,000 D
6 x 2 x 0.8 11.5 155 500 D, 1,000 D
10 x 2 x 0.8 13.5 215 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 16.0 340 500 D, 1,000 D
30 x 2 x 0.8 19.5 490 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 22.0 625 500 D, 1,000 D
50 x 2 x 0.8 25.0 790 500 D, 1,000 D
60 x 2 x 0.8 27.0 925 500 D, 1,000 D
80 x 2 x 0.8 30.5 1,220 500 D, 1,000 D
100 x 2 x 0.8 34.0 1,500 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.




JE–H(St)H…Bd FE180/E30–E90
Installation cable with insulation integrity FE 180 and circuit integrity E30–E90, screened


adapted to DIN VDE 0815

Rated voltage:
max. 225 Vss

Test voltage:
core/core: 500 V/50 Hz
5 4 3 2 1 core/screen: 2 kV/50 Hz
Temperature range:
laying temperature: min. –5 °C
operating temperature
1 | Copper conductor, round solid (RE) – fixed: –30 °C to +70 °C
2 | Core insulation (silicone rubber), cores pair stranded, pairs – in motion: –5 °C to +50 °C
stranded in groups
3 | Inner covering (halogen-free plastic tape) Bending radius (min.):
4 | Screen (plastic laminated aluminum tape with drain wire) 7.5 x ∅ of cable
5 | Sheath (halogen-free polymer compound, orange)
Core identification:
DIN VDE 0815

Fire properties:
flame retardant:
EN 60332-1-2
halogen-free, non-corrosive combustion gases:
EN 50267-2-2
reduced flame propagation:
low smoke emission:
Intended for the use in measurement and control systems in dry EN 61034-2
or damp premises and for fixed installations on or under plaster. insulation integrity FE 180:
Suitable for hotels, hospitals, underground railways, airports IEC 60331-21, DIN VDE 0472-814
etc. to protect people and technical building equipment in the circuit integrity E 30 resp. E90:
event of fire if circuit integrity is required (circuit integrity is only DIN 4102-12
maintained if these cables are installed with specified supporting
elements). Not allowed for installations underground or in water.
EZÚ Czech Republic, VDE Germany
These cables are not UV-protected.

Conductor diameter (mm) 0.8
Loop resistance, max. (Ω/km) 73.2
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (up to 4 pairs) (nF/km) 144
Mutual capacitance, max. at 800 Hz (nF/km) 120
Capacitance unbalance, max. at 800 Hz (80 % of values) (pF/500 m) 200
Capacitance unbalance, max. at 800 Hz (100 % of values) (pF/500 m) 400
Insulation resistance, min. (MΩ.km) 100

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
JE–H(St)H…Bd FE180/E30–E90
1 x 2 x 0.8 6.6 60 100 R, 1,000 D
2 x 2 x 0.8 7.3 85 100 R, 1,000 D



JE–H(St)H…Bd FE180/E30–E90

Number of pairs x Outer diameter Total weight Standard lengths/packing

nominal diameter (mm) ca. (kg/km) ca. (m)
JE–H(St)H…Bd FE180/E30–E90
4 x 2 x 0.8 10.4 130 100 R, 1,000 D
8 x 2 x 0.8 12.9 205 100 R, 1,000 D
12 x 2 x 0.8 15.1 280 500 D, 1,000 D
16 x 2 x 0.8 17.0 350 500 D, 1,000 D
20 x 2 x 0.8 19.1 430 500 D, 1,000 D
24 x 2 x 0.8 20.6 505 500 D, 1,000 D
28 x 2 x 0.8 21.9 575 500 D, 1,000 D
32 x 2 x 0.8 23.2 665 500 D, 1,000 D
36 x 2 x 0.8 24.8 735 500 D, 1,000 D
40 x 2 x 0.8 26.0 805 500 D, 1,000 D

Subject to technical changes.




Flexible insulated wires and cables

according to client requirements


1 | Copper conductor according to DIN EN 60228 / VDE 0295 / IEC 60228 Class 5 or Class 6
Diameter of wire from 0,07 mm. Conductor from cross-section 0,25 mm2 up to 240 mm2.
2 | Core insulation – all kind of thermoplastics materials like PVC, PP, PE, TPE, FRNC and PUR.
Core identification according to client requirement.
3 | Cores stranded in layers. Max. 61 cores (using backtwist up to 25 cores).
4 | Braided screen (bare copper wires or tinned copper wires, ALPET tape, Cu tape).
5 | Other separations (PET tape, non-woven tape).
6 | Inner sheath.
7 | Outer sheath (PVC, PUR, FRNC, TPE) up to 4 x 95 mm2. Max. diameter of cable 50 mm.
8 | Printing according to client requirements.


• Drag chain cables for moving automation involving the transfer of energy (and) data.
• Motor supply cables for frequency converter controlled AC drives.
• Servo Cables and Servo Drag Chain Cables for power supply and, at the same time, as motor
control cable.
• 400 Hz power supply airport cables.
• Earthing and short circuiting cables providing protection during repairs.
• Photovoltaic cables and conductors.
• Cables suitable for wind power plants providing renewable energy.
• Cable for connection of truck cab and trailer in road vehicles.
• Cable suitable for spiralization for moving application.
• Control cables special design for aplication in lifts, crane ropes, passenger ropeway and
• Flexible Cable according UL – Underwriters Laboratories and CSA – Canadian Standards
• Flexible Cable according to EU Standards and other national standards.







Basic design elements for insulated wires and cables 201

Common insulation and sheathing materials (polymers) and their use 202

Properties of insulation and sheathing materials of cables and wires 203

Type codes for harmonised insulated wires 204

Type codes for power cables 205

Type codes for telecommunication cables 206

Terms for cables relating to their behaviour in case of fire 207

Core identification 208

Colour codes for insulated wires and power cables according to HD 308 S2 208

Colour codes for installation cables JE–LiYCY and JE–Y(St)Y ... Bd according to VDE 0815 208

Colour code for telecommunications cables according to VDE 0815 209

Colour code for telecommunication cables according to EN 60708 210

Packing 211

Drum capacity 211

Standard delivery drums 212



Basic design elements

for insulated wires and cables

Consists of one or more metal wires and is used for transportation of electric current.

Round, solid (RE)

For small and medium diameter or cross-sections, made of copper (bare or tinned) up to 16 mm2 and of
aluminium up to 35 mm2. Used in single- and multi-core cables and wires for fixed installation.

Round, stranded (RM)

For medium and large cross-sections of copper-conductors from 6 mm2 and aluminium conductors from
25 mm2. Used in single- and multi-core cables and wires for fixed installation.

Round, stranded, compressed (RM)

For particularly compact conductors of medium and large cross-section made of copper from 6 mm2 and
aluminium from 16 mm2. For use in single- and multi-core cables and wires for fixed installation.

Fine or superfine-wire (F)

For all cross-sections of copper-conductors (bare or tinned). Used for flexible cables.

Sector-shaped, solid (SE)

For medium and large cross-sections of aluminium conductors from 50 mm2 up to 240 mm2. Used for 3-,
31/2-, 4- and 5-core cables.

Sector-shaped, stranded (SM)

For medium and large cross-sections of copper and aluminium conductors from 35 mm2 up to 300 mm2.
Used for 3-, 31/2-, 4- and 5-core cables.

Core insulation
Covers the conductor and is used for electrical separation from the surroundings. Mainly made of extruded polymers but also of
paper, glass or minerals, varnish etc or a combination of several of these materials. Conductor and insulation together form the

Inner covering, taping

Covers the stranded core consisting of several or many cores and is used for filling the interstices between the stranding-
elements, maintaining a round shape of the cable. The inner covering has mostly no electrical function and consists usually
either of extruded polymers, of one or more layers of tape or a combination of those elements.

Prevents electrical influences (electric fields) from reaching elements within the screen or electric fields generated by these
elements from penetrating outside by conductance. Consists of metallic tapes (e.g. copper or aluminium), laminated metallic
tapes, wires, wire braids or a combination of these elements.

Usually arranged over the jacket, the armouring provides mechanical reinforcement of the cable jacket. The armouring protects
the interior of the cable from damage which may arise from radial forces (e.g. running over by vehicles or pressure of stones
in the cable bed etc.) Under certain circumstances, the armouring can take over or assist the electrical function of the screen.
Tapes as well as round or flat wires made of galvanized steel or aluminium are usually used as armouring material. If protection
against chewing damage by rodents is merely required, thin, bare steel tapes are usually used. Non-metallic designs as
protection against chewing damage by rodents or termites are provided by reinforcing the jacket with HDPE and PP.

Sheath, outer covering

Functions as the outermost cover of a cable or insulated wire and is used as mechanical protection, as protection against
water penetration and as protection against chemical influences. Mostly made of extruded polymers, but also of metal (lead,
aluminium), impregnated fabric tapes etc.



Common insulation and sheathing

materials (polymers) and their use

Polymers Designs Examples of usage

Thermoplastics Polyvinyl chloride PVC Cables and insulated wires for fixed installation and
Non-cross-linked plastics which undergo flexible cables, low-voltage cables for utility networks
reversible plastic deformation at higher
temperatures, i.e. which do not harden after Thermoplastic polyethylene PE Low-voltage cables for utility networks subject to
cooling and remelting. fairly high mechanical stressing, insulated overhead

Polypropylene PP Environmentally friendly clad leads

Fluoropolymers ETFE, FEP Cables for fixed installation under particularly

unfavourable ambient conditions, cables in turbines

Polyamide PA

Thermosets Cross-linked polyethylene PE Low-, medium- and high voltage cables, insulated
Cross-linked plastics which are no longer (XLPE) overhead lines
deformable at higher temperatures and
exhibit certain thermoelastic properties
Cross-linked polyvinyl chloride VPVC Heat-resistant insulated wires, e.g. for connecting
at this temperature and which are re-
established after cooling and re-melting.

Thermoplastic elastomers Thermoplastic polyurethane Control cables in cable drag chains

Blends of polyolefins and rubber having elastomer TPE-U
amorphous and crystalline regions which
undergo reversible plastic deformation at
higher temperatures and exhibit rubber- Thermoplastic polyester elastomer Cables for particular thermal and mechanical
elastic properties without cross-linking at TPE-E stresses
usage temperatures.

Thermoplastic polyolefin elastomer Cables for particular thermal and mechanical

TPE-O stresses

Elastomers Ethylene propylene rubber (EPR): Flexible cables for low- and medium voltage, low- and
Cross-linked rubber-like polymers which EPDM, EPM medium-voltage cables
exhibit rubber-elastic properties at usage
temperatures and are no longer plastically
deformable at higher temperature. Silicone rubber SiR Heat-resistant insulated wires for temperatures up to
180 °C (up to 250 °C for a short time)

Natural rubber NR

Polychloroprene CR Sheathing material e.g. for flexible cables

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) Heat-resistant insulated wires for temperatures up to

110 °C

Duroplastics Polyurethane (PUR) Casting resins for cable fittings

Cross-linked shape-stable plastics produced
from curable resins.
Epoxy resin EP

Special compounds Flame-retardant, halogen-free polymer Flame-retardant, halogen-free safety cable for
compounds, non-cross-linked HFFR protecting high concentrations of people and material

Flame-retardant, halogen-free polymer Flame-retardant, halogen-free safety cable for

compounds, cross-linked HFFR protecting high concentrations of people and material

Material Abbre- Abbre- Operating Dielectric Specific Tensile Elongation Water ab- Weather Fuel Oil Flammability

viation viation tempera- constant insulation strenght at break sorption resist- resist- resist-

according ture (10-3) resistance N/mm2 % (20 °C) ance ance ance
to VDE (°C) (Ω x cm) MPa %
Bio-oil resistant -40
P4/11 – 2.4 1015 10–20 450–550 1–2 very good good resistant flammable
Material +120
very good
Polyvinyl chloride PVC Y 4.0 1012–1015 10–25 150–300 0,4 moderate moderate good self-extinguishing
Polyvinyl chloride -20
PVC Y 3.5 1012–1015 10–25 150–300 0,4 moderate moderate good self-extinguishing

heat-resistant +90
Low density -50
LDPE 2Y 2.3 1017 20–30 500 0,1 good low moderate flammable
polyethylene +70

High density -50

HPDE 2Y 2.3 1017 30 800 0,1 moderate low moderate flammable
polyethylene +100
-40 self-
Polyurethane PUR 11Y 4.0–6.0 1012 30–45 300–600 1,5 very good good good
+90/100 extinguishing*
Polyamide PA 4Y 3.5–7.0 1014 50–180 200–300 1–2 good moderate good flammable
Polybutylene -60
PBTP – 3.0–4.0 1016 50–100 50–300 0,5 good good good flammable
terephthalate +110
materials of cables and wires

Polytetrafluoro- -190
PTFE 5Y 2.1 1018 14–40 240–400 0,01 very good very good very good non-flammable
ethylene +260
Fluorinated ethylene -100
FEP 6Y 2.1 1018 20–25 250–350 0,01 very good very good very good non-flammable
propylene +200
Ethylene -100
ETFE 7Y 2.6 1016 40–50 100–300 0,01 very good very good very good non-flammable
tetrafluoroethylene +150
Perfluoroalkoxy -190
Properties of insulation and sheathing

PFA – 2.1 1015 30 300 0,01 very good very good good non-flammable
polymer +260
Polychloroprene CR 5G 6.0–8.0 1013 25 450 1 very good low good self-extinguishing
Silicone rubber SI 2G 2.8–3.2 1015 5–10 200–350 1 very good low moderate flame retardant
Ethylene vinyl acetate EVA 4G 5–7 1013 5 200 0,01 good low low flammable
Ethylene Propylene EPM/ -30
3G 3.2 1014 2–25 200–450 0,02 good low low flammable
rubber EPDM +120
Thermoplastic -40
TPE-O – 2.7–3.6 5 x 1014 ≥6 ≥ 400 1,5 very good moderate moderate flammable
polyolefin elastomer +120
Thermoplastic -70
TPE-E 12Y 3.7–5.1 1012 3–25 280–650 0,3–0,6 very good good very good flammable
polyester elastomer +125
Styrenic block- -75
TPE-S – 2.2–2.6 1016 9–25 500–700 1–2 moderate good low flammable
copolymer +105/140

* Only with additional flame retardants


Type codes
for harmonised insulated wires

Code for standard Conductor cross-section

Harmonised standard H
Recognised national type A
Protective conductor
X Without protective conductor
Rated voltage U0/U G With protective conductor
100/100 V 01
300/300 V 03
300/500 V 05 Number of cores
450/750 V 07
0.6/1 kV 1

Conductor design
–U Solid wire
Insulation material –R Stranded wire
PVC V –K Fine wire (for fixed installation)
Natural and synthetic rubber R –F Fine wire (for flexible cables)
Silicone rubber S –H Super-fine wire
(for flexible cables)
–Y Tinsel wire
Flame-retardant, halogen-free Z
polymer compounds, cross- –D flexible (for welding cables)
linked –E Super-flexible (for welding
Flame-retardant halogen-free Z1 cables)
compounds, non-cross-linked

Jacketing material
Natural and synthetic rubber R
Chloroprene rubber N
Chloroprene rubber N2
(special compound)
Glass fibre braid J
Textile braid T
Textile braid, mass T2
impregnated, flame retardant

Special design
Flat, separable H Example: H03VV-F 3G1.5
Flat, non-separable H2 Light PVC flexible cable,
Central element D5 fine-wire 3 x 1.5 mm2



Type codes
for power cables

Design- / code element Energy cables Halogen-free energy Cables according to

according to cables according to DIN VDE and ÖVE
Standard TP Prakab 01/03 and TP Prakab 02/99, DIN VDE 0266, 0276 ÖVE/ÖNORM
02/08 02/04, 01/05, -603, -604, -620, E 8200-603, -604,
and 03/05 -627 -620, -626, -627
Standard type - - N -
Power cable - - - E-

Special design - - - X

Rated voltage U0/U

300/500 V 05 05 - -
0.6/1 kV 1 1 - -

Cu C C no code no code
Al A A A (only 0276) A
Tinned conductor - - V
Conductor covered (taping) - no code no code F

PE - - 2Y 2Y
VPE - X 2X 2X
Halogen-free polymer compounds, non cross-linked - H - NY
Halogen-free polymer compounds, cross-linked - - HX NG, 3G

Special structural features

Cable, unscreened K K - -
Cable, flat with web M - - -
Cable, aluminium tape screened - F - -
Cable, flexible - T - -
Cable, flexible screened - TF - -

Screen, concentric conductor

Concentric conductor (Cu, conventionally stranded) C - C C
Concentric conductor (Cu, wave-form) - - CW C
Cu screen F - S C
Cu screen (longitudinally water-proof) - - S(F) CJ
Individual Cu screen over each core - - SE CE

Sheath, inner covering

Pb - - K M
PE 2Y - 2Y 2Y
Halogen-free polymer compounds, non cross-linked - - H NY
Halogen-free polymer compounds, cross-linked - H HX NG

Armouring/cable structure
Steel tape P D1 B B
Steel flat wire - - F F
Steel round wire D D R R
Steel tape (counter helix) - - G G
Cable, flat Lo - - -
Cable, self-supporting Z - - -

Outer covering
PE 2Y - 2Y 2Y
Halogen-free polymer compounds, non cross-linked - H H -

Protective conductor
With protective conductor -J -J -J -J
Without protective conductor -O -O -O -O

Insulation / Circuit Integrity

Halogen-free, without insulation/circuit integrity - -R - FRH
Halogen-free, with insulation integrity ...minutes - -V ... FE ... FE ...
Halogen-free, with circuit integrity ...minutes - - E .. E ..

The complete cable code consists of (according to each standard different composition and structur):
- Code for the type - Code for the conductor design - Code for core identification
- Code(s) for the cable design - If necessary after a slash: Nominal cross-section of - Code for rated voltage
- Number of cores x nominal conductor cross-section the screen or concentric - Code for additional information
- Code(s) for core identification conductor
Example: NHXCH 4 x 2.5 RE/2.5 0.6/1 kV FE180/E30, 1-CXKH-V180 -J 4 x 25 RM



Type codes
for telecommunication cables

Design- /code element Telecom. cable according to TP PRAKAB Telecom. cable according to DIN VDE
Telecommunication cable - -
Outdoor cable T A-
Outdoor cable with protection against interference - AJ-
Installation cable S J-
Installation cable for industrial electronics - JE-
Switchboard cable - S-

Special design - -

Cu C no code
Tinned conductor - -
Paper - P
Foam-PE - 02Y
Foam-PE with skin of solid PE EP 02YS
Halogen-free polymer compounds, non cross-linked H H

Design of core
No filling of cable cavities K -
Jelly filling of cable cavities KP F

Static screen, laminated Al-tape F (St)
Cu screen - C, K
Individual screen - -

Sheath, inner covering

Pb - M
Al-tape, taped F -
Al laminated sheath, longitudinallly applied FL (L)2Y
PE E -
Halogen-free polymer compounds, non cross-linked H H

Steel tape - b
Steel flat wire - -
Steel round wire D -
Steel tape (counter helix) - -
Steel wire braid - Q
Al round wire Z -

Outer covering
Mass-impregnated jute - c

Strain-bearing element
Strain-bearing element, supporting element S T

Stranding elements
Pairs - P
Pairs, individually screened with metal tape - PiMF
Star-quads - St
Star-quads in long distance cables - St I
Star-quads in local cables - St III
Multiple-twin quad cables - DM
Stranded in layers - Lg
Stranded in groups - Bd

Insulation / Circuit integrity

Halogen-free, without insulation/circuit integrity -R FRH
Halogen-free, with insulation integrity ...minutes -V ... FE ...
Circuit integrity ... minutes - E ...
The complete cable code consists of (according to each standard different composition and structure):
- Code for the type - Number of elements x number of cores per - Codes for the stranding elements and the
- Code(s) for the cable design element x conductor diameter kind of stranding
- Codes for additional information
JE-H(St)H Bd 2x2x0.8 FE180/E30, TCEPKPFLE 50 x 4 x 0.8



Terms for cables relating to

their behaviour in case of fire

Halogen free, non-corrosive combustion gases

This property ensures that cable materials will generate zero or only small quantity of corrosive gases in case of fire. These
gases can cause damage to machinery and other equipments without direct effect of fire. Cables with this property must
comply with standard EN 50267.

Flame-retardant (“self-extinguishing”)
This property ensures that a single cable will extinguish itself within a certain time after the ignition due to the use of almost
non-flammable materials. Cables with this property must comply with standard EN 60332-1-2.

Enhanced flame-retardant (“reduced flame propagation”)

This property ensures that there will be no spread of fire beyond the local source of ignition on bunched cables. Cables with this
property must comply with standard EN 60332-3 series.

Low smoke emission

This property ensures that a cable will generate only a minimum quantity of smoke in case of fire. Cables with this property
must comply with standard EN 61034-2.

Insulation integrity (e.g. FE 180)

This property ensures that a single cable will maintain insulation integrity for a certain time in case of fire. Cables with this
property must comply with standards IEC 60331-21 or DIN VDE 0472-814.

Circuit integrity (e.g. E30, E90)

This property ensures that a cable installation will maintain circuit integrity for a certain time in case of fire. It is important that
in this case the entire cable system is considered, i.e. including installation materials (trays, ladders, clamps, etc.). Cables with
this property must comply with standard DIN 4102-12.




Cores in cables and insulated wires (except insulated overhead lines) are identified by the colour of the insulation and/or printed
colours (numbers, rings) or longitudinal colour stripes. The following colour abbreviation are used:

Colour Abbreviation Colour Abbreviation

blue bu orange or
brown bn pink pk
yellow ye red rd
grey gy black bk
green gn violet vt
natural nat white wh
In case of insulated overhead lines, the cores are identified by longitudinal ribs on the insulation surface.

Colour codes for insulated wires and power cables according to HD 308 S2
Number Cables Flexible With green-yellow core Cables Flexible Without green-yellow core
of cores for fixed cables for fixed cables
installation installation
1 –J 1G –O 1X and other colours
2 –O 2X

3 –J 3G –O 3X
4 –J 4G –O 4X
5 –J 5G –O 5X
6 or –J nG –O nX with printed numbers
more other cores
with printed numbers
These rules are not valid for cables, which are exclusively used for internal wiring of electrical devices and control cabinets.

Colour codes for installation cables JE–LiYCY and JE–Y(St)Y ... Bd according to VDE 0815

Basic Colours

core Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4

The pairs within a group are identified by the basic colours of the insulation. These colours are repeated in each unit in the same
order. In cables with 2 pairs (stranded as star-quad), the a-core (physical circuit 1) is bu, the b-core (physical circuit 1) is rd, the
a-core (physical circuit 2) is gy and the b-core (physical circuit 2) is ye.
Ring-type I
Ring-type II
Group identification by printed helical tapes (“BdZ”) Ring-type III
Groups are identified by helical plastic tapes which carry the printed group number. Ring-type IV

Group identification by colour rings (“BdSi”)

For the identification of groups, the cores contained therein are marked with colour rings.
In cables with more than 12 groups, the additional groups are identified with coloured
helical plastic tapes.

Number of group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ring colour
4 cores I I II II
Ring group
in group







Colour code for telecommunications cables according to VDE 0815

J–Y(St)Y ... Lg

core Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4

a 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

1) The colour of the a-core of the first pair in each layer (counting pair) is red, in all the other pairs it is white.

For more that 5 pairs the colour code is repeated in the same sequence. In cables with 2 pairs (stranded as star-quad),
the a-core (physical circuit 1) is rd, the b-core (physical circuit 1) is bk, the a-core (physical circuit 2) is wh and the b-core
(physical circuit 2) is ye.

Number Number of pairs per layer

of pairs 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 2 1)
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
10 2 8
12 3 9
16 5 11
20 1 6 13
30 4 10 16
40 1 7 13 19
50 4 10 15 21
60 1 6 12 18 23
100 2 8 14 20 25 31

1) In star quad stranding.

A-2Y(L)2Y, A-2YF(L)2Y, J-H(St)H...Bd

In order to identify the group, a group (tracer group) is identified with a helix of red plastic tape in each layer. The quads in each
group are identified by the basic colour of the core insulation. The colours are repeated in each group in the same sequence.

Quad 1 Quad 2 Quad 3 Quad 4 Quad 5

To distinguish the individual cores of each quad these are identified by colour rings. a-core physical circuit 1
b-core physical circuit 1
a-core physical circuit 2
b-core physical circuit 2



Colour code for telecommunication cables

according to EN 60708
b d Star quad
Colour code for cores in basic groups
Core insulation colour 0,4 mm
Quad number (XN) a-core b-core c-core d-core 1x4x 0,6 mm
c a 0,8 mm
1 white blue turquoise violet
2 white orange turquoise violet
3 white green turquoise violet
4 white brown turquoise violet
5 white grey turquoise violet
Spare quad white blue turquoise violet
0,4 mm 0,4 mm
3x4x 0,6 mm 5x4x 0,6 mm
0,8 mm 0,8 mm

(view of the cable beginning, from the centre of the drum)

Colur code for basic groups 5 XN
Sub-group number Colour of
in each layer the marking Example: 1
plastic tape
1 – Counting red
25 x 4 x 0,4
is equivalent to
5 2
2 – Guiding green
other + cable core white
5 x 5 XN x 0,4
4 3
Note: The centre of 35 XN cable core has
a red marking tape.

0,4 mm 0,4 mm 0,4 mm

10 x 4 x 15 x 4 x 20 x 4 x
0,6 mm 0,6 mm 0,6 mm
(2 x 5 XN) (3 x 5 XN) (4 x 5 XN)
0,8 mm 0,8 mm 0,8 mm
Star quad can be marked
by the symbol XN

0,4 mm 0,4 mm 0,4 mm

25 x 4 x 35 x 4 x 50 x 4 x
0,6 mm 0,6 mm 0,6 mm
(5 x 5 XN) ((1 + 6) x 5 XN) ((3 + 7) x 5 XN)
0,8 mm 0,8 mm 0,8 mm

(view of the cable beginning, from the centre of the drum)

Colour code for main groups 25 XN
and super groups 50 XN
Sub-group number Colour of
the marking
plastic tape
1 blue
2 orange
0,4 mm 0,4 mm 0,4 mm
3 green 75 x 4 x
0,6 mm
100 x 4 x
0,6 mm
150 x 4 x
0,6 mm
(3 x 25 XN) (4 x 25 XN) ((1 + 5) x 25 XN)
4 brown 0,8 mm 0,8 mm 0,8 mm

5 grey
6 white
7 red
8 black
cable core white

Note: Control wire by non-filled cables: a-core:

red, b-core: white. 0,4 mm 0,4 mm 0,4 mm
200 x 4 x 300 x 4 x 400 x 4 x
0,6 mm 0,6 mm 0,6 mm
((1 + 7) x 25 XN) ((1 + 5) x 50 XN) ((1 + 7) x 50 XN)
0,8 mm 0,8 mm 0,8 mm




Type of packing
R ........... Ring
Sp ......... Plywood reel
D ........... Wooden or steel drum

Drum capacity
Cable Length in m per standard supply drum and cable diameter Cable
Ø DA 06 DA 07 DA 08 DA 10 DA 12 DA 14 DA 16 DA 18 DA 20 DA 22 DA 24 DA 25 Ø
6 1451 2277 3560 6
7 1054 1617 2622 7
8 811 1288 1993 4213 8
9 618 1020 1515 3244 9
10 523 806 1309 2668 10
11 396 667 1048 2149 11
12 356 560 877 1872 12
13 297 479 768 1615 2287 13
14 243 404 645 1278 1973 2891 14
15 232 336 552 1217 1721 2556 15
16 185 322 466 1039 1487 2195 16
17 175 261 448 901 1304 1950 17
18 143 249 371 772 1132 1817 18
19 135 207 315 726 1069 1595 2488 19
20 127 196 301 632 915 1387 2375 3389 20
21 159 287 590 858 1312 2111 3054 21
22 149 238 506 746 1159 1862 2736 22
23 149 226 487 720 1091 1764 2608 2913 23
24 213 468 618 951 1583 2316 2777 24
25 183 393 595 920 1538 2256 2516 25
26 172 377 572 859 1327 1985 2390 26
27 360 480 736 1286 1781 2148 2488 27
28 295 460 709 1131 1679 2032 2426 28
29 281 440 682 1093 1629 1809 2302 29
30 281 420 597 1056 1446 1756 2053 2477 30
31 267 343 573 916 1400 1548 1996 2408 31
32 253 343 549 882 1230 1500 1762 2144 2507 32
33 211 326 525 848 1188 1451 1711 2081 2435 33
34 199 326 450 754 1145 1403 1659 2018 2167 34
35 199 309 429 724 1145 1219 1607 1777 2101 35
36 187 257 409 694 992 1176 1400 1720 2035 36
37 243 409 664 954 1176 1353 1663 1850 37
38 243 389 581 954 1006 1306 1445 1791 38
39 229 389 554 814 968 1161 1445 1731 39
40 229 307 554 780 968 1120 1393 1671 40
41 214 307 528 780 929 1078 1342 1504 41
42 214 290 528 746 890 1078 1193 1450 42
43 172 290 430 746 779 1037 1147 1397 43
44 160 290 430 623 745 907 1147 1397 44
45 160 273 407 623 745 871 1101 1194 45
46 160 273 407 594 711 835 1055 1194 46
47 256 407 594 711 835 923 1146 47
48 205 385 564 677 798 883 1098 48
49 205 385 564 581 798 883 1098 49
50 205 385 564 581 798 883 1098 50
51 191 302 458 552 653 843 919 51
52 191 302 458 552 653 843 919 52
53 191 302 433 523 622 803 877 53
54 177 283 433 523 622 688 877 54
55 177 283 433 523 622 688 836 55
56 177 283 407 493 591 654 836 56
57 264 407 411 591 654 836 57
58 264 407 411 560 619 680 58
59 264 339 387 467 619 680 59
60 264 318 387 467 619 680 60
61 318 387 467 619 645 61
62 318 387 441 585 645 62

For flat cables: thickness of flat cable is cable diameter

Cable length: length according to table x cable thickness/cable width


Standard delivery drums

d1 d2

Wooden drums
New drum Size Flange diam. Max. winding Barrel diam. Winding width Weight
designation d1 mm diam. d2 mm mm “b” kg
DA06 without helix 6 600 540 300 330 12
DA07 without helix 7 700 640 350 370 20
DA08 without helix 8 800 740 400 430 33
EA08 with helix 8 800 740 400 405 36
DA10 without helix 10 1,000 940 550 600 65
EA10 with helix 10 1,000 940 550 580 68
DA12 without helix 12 1,200 1,120 700 650 105
EA12 with helix 12 1,200 1,120 700 620 110
DA14 without helix 14 1,400 1,320 850 750 170
EA14 with helix 14 1,400 1,320 850 720 175
DA16 without helix 16 1,600 1,500 900 850 230
EA16 with helix 16 1,600 1,500 900 800 240
DA18 without helix 18 1,800 1,700 1,000 950 320
EA18 with helix 18 1,800 1,700 1,000 900 330
DA20 without helix 20 2,000 1,880 1,250 1,000 400
EA20 with helix 20 2,000 1,880 1,250 920 415
DA22 without helix 22 2,200 2,000 1,300 1,100 450
EA22 with helix 22 2,200 2,000 1,300 1,020 465
DA24 without helix 24 2,400 2,200 1,450 1,100 620
EA24 with helix 24 2,400 2,200 1,450 1,020 635
DA25 without helix 25 2,500 2,300 1,500 1,150 800
EA25 with helix 25 2,500 2,300 1,500 1,070 820

Steel drums
New drum Size Flange diam. Max. winding Barrel diam. Winding width Weight
designation d1 mm diam. d2 mm mm “b” kg
10MC 100(3k) 1,000 940 600 575 56
12MC 120(4k) 1,200 1,120 600 660 82
15MC 150(5k) 1,500 1,400 750 940 150
18MC 180(6k) 1,800 1,700 1,150 895 280
20MC 200(7k) 2,000 1,800 1,200 895 380
22MC 220(8k) 2,200 2,000 1,450 965 475
25MC 250(ZF) 2,500 2,300 1,600 1,250 780



Dear customer,

We are pleased to enclose your copy of the joint Export Catalogue of PRAKAB PRAŽSKÁ
KABELOVNA, s.r.o. (PRAKAB), Prague/Czech Republic, and Schwechater Kabelwerke GmbH (SKW),
Schwechat/Austria, both subsidiaries of the SKB-Group.

We have taken great care to put together a selection of products from our broad product range that
we have sold successfully in our export markets over many years. We have, however, also included
many principal types in the catalogue to better fulfil your needs.

Our sales staff, working in close cooperation with the technical experts in our product development
departments, are of course always pleased to assist in developing and offering products tailored to
your exact requirements. After all, it is the overriding aim of both our companies to provide you with
perfect solutions and we endeavour to do so with absolute commitment and enthusiasm and with
the reliability that comes from a family business.

Please contact the sales staff at the relevant company for any pricing
information you may require. For any commercial queries, please
refer to our General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

The information in the catalogue as well as a range of other informa-

tion is of course also available on our websites and

We look forward to our continued cooperation.

Yours faithfully

The team at PRAKAB and the team at SKW




PRAGUE KIEV Himberger Straße 50 | A-2320 Schwechat
P +43 1 70170-0
F +43 1 70170-88


Ke Kablu 278 | CZ-102 09 Praha 15
P +420 272 070-111
F +420 272 070-181


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