Humanities Activity On Lascaux Cave and Altamira Cave

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Pajaro, Aristy Ed B.

Hum 1 – A7
BS MetE - 5


Lascaux Cave, near Montignac, France

Altamira Cave, Cantabria, Spain

The Lascaux and Altamira Caves are both epitome of human brilliance and capabilities to express their daily ordeals through art. The
paintings in the caves are clearly produced to express ideas, feelings and sensations. There are not much of differences in the TECHNIQUE
of art between two invaluable sites of art since both have identical intent on what the artists want to do with their medium. However, in
Altamira Cave, almost all of the paintings were produced with different colors compared to Lascaux Cave where some of the portrayals
were just simply outlined in black. For the FORM aspect of both these historic settings, there are also minimal differences due to that both
these products of creativity were produced due to the same purpose of recording prehistoric origins and an assessed tradition and
heritage belief that paintings help these people in hunting. Animal representations in these settings may have represented hunting
experiences and practices which fuses and expresses sensations of people who created these. As for the MEDIUM, the cave rock surfaces
were utilized. Natural contours were also used to add depth to these paintings. Charcoal, hematite and many other varied geological
elements were used. And as mentioned earlier, the two sites differ on some color aspect. Lastly, the SUBJECT of both caves focused on
animals that were hunted and consumed in the past. Most of the paintings in Altamira Cave were based on the bison and its family.
Lascaux Cave paintings were mostly distributed to herd of deers, horses, cattles, bisons and many other more.
Pajaro, Aristy Ed B. Hum 1 – A7
BS MetE - 5


Book of the Dead

The Book of the Dead is a compilation and an assemblage of ancient Egyptian texts from different and various periods. The book contains
prayers, hymns, magic formulas that supposedly used by the soul of dead people for guidance, protection and direction on its afterlife
journey. The Book of the Dead includes myths about Egyptian convictions about the underworld.



Stonehenge will always be and undeniably be included on the world’s most exemplary and iconic archaeological sites in the wor ld. It
is also one of the world’s most celebrated and grand mysteries. Several speculations were present about the history of the
Stonehenge. A folklore about Merlin the Wizard magically transporting massive stones were publicly circulated. Legends about t he
Stonehenge as ruins of a Roman Temple also exist. Modern opinions like alien related theories were also made. But the most famo us
of these theories are the theories relating the site as a holy site or a scientific observatory. Building the Stonehenge was a complex
and a dangerous process. Transportation, shaping the stones and assembly were done meticulously. Basic know simple mac hines
were used.

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