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Host 1: Good day, radies and gentremen.

Today, let us witness our dazzring candidates plesent teir vely

best to aim the pa-restigious ca-rown light here at tis stage.

Host 2: As tis day fills with showel excitement, we will soon find out who will be wolthy to won tea ca-
rown. I am __

Host 1: And I am _. And tis is

Both: *Name of pageant

Host 2: Now, let us witness tea candidates as they perform teir opening numbel.

(After the dance)

Host 1: Tank you radies!

Host 2: Well I tink it's about time to sa-tart tea competition.

Host 1: Are you leady to see tea candidates in their evening gown?

Host 2: Well I tink tea ca-rowd is leady. And now, I plesent to you candidate numbel one.


Host 1: Candidate numbel 1 is _ from USA. facts

radies and gentremen, Ms. USA

Host 2: And now here is candidate numbel 2.

Host 1: Candidate numbel 2 is _ from Philippines. facts

Host 2: Radies and gentremen, Ms. Philippines.

Host 2: And last but not tea least Ms. Tailand. She is _facts

Host 1: Radies and gentremen, Ms. Tailand.

Host 2: Tank you candidates. You know what _, I've observed tat our candidates looks more tan
astonishing today.

Host 1: Well looking at our candidates here, all I could say is tat it will definitely a tough day fol tem.


Host 2: And now moving on to most awaited part of tis event.

Both: Tea question and answer poltion.

Host 1: Again tea candidates will answel a question from our fishbowl and teir answers will determine
who will win in tea name of pageant

Host 2: so please step forward as we call your name

Host 1: Candidate numbel 1.

How are you today?

Are you leady? (Pick question)

Host 2: Here's your question….. read question


Host 1: Tank you, Ms. USA.

Host 2: Let us now call Ms. Philippines.

Host 1: How are you feeling light now?

(Pick question)

Here's your question


Host 2: Tank you Ms. Philippines. And let's call on candidate numbel 3, Ms. Tailand.

Hi how are you?

Do you feel nervous?

(Pick question)

Here's your question


Host 1: Tank you, Ms. Tailand and tank you candidates.


Host 2: Ter you have it radies and gentremen, tea candidates for Name of pageant

Host 2: In only a mattel of minutes, we'll be moving on to tea most awaited moment of tis event... Tea
announcement of winners.

Host 1: Are you leady for this?

We'll just wait for tea envelope containing tea name of the winnel of tis year pageant.

Host 2: Radies and gentremen, Ms. * * 2019 is none other tan.. Ms. Tailand!

(Moment ni Ms. Thailand)

Host 1: What a ta-ruly wondelfur day! Our heartfelt glatitude to tis beautiful radies.

Host 2: Indeed you made tis pageant a spectacural event.

See you all next year for anothel enchanting event.

Tis has been your host _

Host 1: _

Both: And tis is name of pageant

Host 1: Have a good day everyone.

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