MCQS in Materia Medica - Homeopathy Resource

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MCQS in materia medica

 MCQS in Materia Medica

1. If vertigo and headache be very persistent or prostration be prolonged after Nat Mur , — will relieve:
(A) Gels            (B) Apis                        (C) Glonoine      (D) Nux-vom

2. Believes that she is going to die soon that she cannot be helped:
(A) Aconite        (B) Hydrastis     (C) Agnus-C      (D) Hell

3. Irritable; pains are accompanied by excitement

(A) Aconite        (B) Cham          (C) Coffea         (D) Causticum

4. Convulsions of single muscle

(A) Ignatia         (B) Cup-Met      (C) Mag-phos    (D) Bufo

5. Which one of the following is the treatment of choice for recurrent / sub-acute appendicitis ?
(A) Belladonna   (B) Rust tox      (C) Lycopodium (D) Iris tenax

6. 4-8 P.M. aggravation in Bowel nosodes:

(A) Morgon gartner (B) Morgon pure (C) Proteus (D) Bacillus-7

7. Morning diarrhoea and evening constipation:

(A) Aloes           (B) Sulph           (C) Bryonia        (D) Nat-Mur

8. Match List-I (Medicine)with List-II (Keynote) and select the correct answer using the codes below

List-I                             List -II

A. Camphora                 1. Leucorrhoea preventing pregnancy
B  Caulophylum             2. Sequelae of measles
C. Thuja occ.                            3. Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina
D. Lycopodium                          4. Coition prevented by extreme dryness of vagina
Codes :
(A) A B C D      (B) A B C D      (C) A B C D      (D) A B C D
2 1 3 4              2 1 4 3              1 2 4 3              4 3 1 2
9. Aversion to mother:
(A) Raphanus    (B) Silicia          (C) Caust          (D) Thuja

10. Backache is relieved by lying on abdomen. One drug is Acetic Acid; another is:
(A) Nat-Mur       (B) Medo           (C) Kalicarb       (D) Tuber

11. Slow in learning to walk and talk due to sluggish development of mind:
(A) Agaricus      (B) CaI-carb      (C) Aethusa       (D) Bar-carb

12. Marasmus with retracted abdomen:

(A) Abrotinum    (B) Nat-Mur       (C) Cal-carb      (D) Cal-phos

13. Angry at trifles and perfectly harmless things, but is soon sorry for it:
(A) Nat-Mur       (B) Ignatia         (C) Cham          (D) Mez

14. Asthma worse in foggy weather as per Boerricke:

(A) Nat-Sulph    (B) Dulc.           (C) Rhus-Tox    (D) Hypericum
15. Complaints from eating melons and drinking impure water as per Boerricke:
(A) Zingiber       (B) Pyrogen       (C) Dulc.           (D) Nat-Sulph

16. Cal-carb and Bar-carb – Drug relation:

(A) Concordant (B) Incompatible (C) Antidote      (D) Complementary

17. All Acid drugs are thirstless except:

(A) Acid-pic       (B) Lac-Acid      (C) Oxalic Acid (D) Acitic Acid

Directions: – The following item consists of two statements; one labeled as the ‘Assertion (A)’ and the other as ‘Reason(R)’. You are to examine
these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below:
(A) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.

18. Assertion (A) : Thuja is the king of antisycotic remedies.

Reason (R)   : Thuja can cure each and every type of warts at each and every locations.

19. Cough is better by lying down and aggravated in day time:

(A) Hyos           (B) Medo           (C) Puls                        (D) Manganum

20. The pains are tearing and aching – the seat of the disease is:
(A) Serous membranes (B) Mucus membrane      (C) Tendons      (D) Muscles

21. Which one of the following is the correct order that matches with the sequential order of ‘amelioration from coffee’, ‘aggravation from coffee’
and ‘desire for coffee’ ?

(A) Ignatia, Angustura, Chamomilla         (B) Angustura, Ignatia, Chamomilla

(C) Ignatia, Chamomilla, Angustura         (D) Chamomilla, Ignatia, Angustura

22. A child suffering from acute tonsillitis is presented with the symptoms of throat pain associated with pain in ears which got aggravated by
warm drinks and better by cold drinks. Which one of the following is the likely remedy ?
(A) Merc. Sol.    (B) Belladonna   (C) Arsenic album          (D) Phytolacca

23. Blue Leucorrhoea — in Kent Repertory:

(A) Ambra grisea            (B) Sepia           (C) Hydrastis     (D) Alumina

24. Which of the following symptoms is not peculiar to Antim. crud ?

(A) Loss of voice from becoming over-heated.
(B) Craving for cold bathing.
(C) Constant discharge of flatus up and down, for years ; belching tasting of ingesta.
(D) Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes.

25. “Extraordinary craving for apples” is found in :

(A) Aloes, only.                   (B) Ant-tart. only.      (C) Aloes &  Ant-tart.    (D) Ant-tart. & Ant-crud.

26. “Vomiting in any position except lying on right side” is a characteristic feature of:
(A) Ars. alb    . (B) Ipecac.          (C) Bismuth.    (D) None of these drugs.

27. Which of the following symptoms is common to Kali bich. Apis mel. and Lac can ?
(A) Shifting nature of pain           (B) Thirstlessness with dry tongue.
(C) Obsessiveness with forgetfulness.
(D) Delayed, scantly, painful menses with increased sexual desire and weeping disposition.

28. Match List-I (Medicine) with List-II (Source of Medicine) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists :
List-I                             List-II
A. Aranea Diadema        1. Orange Spider
B Mygale Lasiodora       2. Spanish Spider
C Tarentula Hispanica    3. Papal-cross Spider
D. Theridion. c               4. Black Cuban Spider
42. Which of the following medicines is fastidious :
(A) Lycopodium.   (B) Aconite nap.          (C) Carcinosin.     (D) Tuberculinum.

43. In which of the following medicines, “aversion to company” is found :

(A) Nat. mur.     (B) Bismuth.      (C) Lac. can.     (D) Kali carb.

44. Calc. phos., Baryta carb. and Gelsemium have the following symptom, in common :
(A) Amelioration of complaints when thinking of them.
(B) Aggravation of symptoms when thinking of them.
(C) Aggravation of symptoms when lying on the left side
(D) All symptoms are worse during mense mental labour and at night.

45. Complementary to Psorinum” is :

(A) Sulphur only.                            (B) Tuberculinum only.
(C) Both Sulphur and Tuberculinum. (D) Neither Sulphur nor Tuberculinum.

46. According to William Boericke, Psorinum patient does not improve while using :
(A) Coffee.     (B) Cigarette.                    (C) Tea.         (D) Opium.

47. “Alternate diarrhoea and constipation” is not found in :

(A) Abrotanum.     (B) Croton tig.             (C) Antim. crud.   (D) Sulphur.

48. “Bleeding from warts” is the characteristics symptom of:

(A) Nit.acid.        (B) Calc.carb.              (C)- Dulcamara.  (D) Nat. mur.

49. “Urticaria after violent exercise” indicates :

(A) Sepia.          (B) Nat. mur.                 (C) Rhus tox. (D) Arnica.

50. “Itching without eruptions” belongs to the pathogenesis of:

(A) Graphites.     (B) Dolichos.    (C) Nat.mur.       (D) Sarsaparilla

Prepared by Dr. R. Rejikumar

Medical Officer, Department of Homoeopathy. Govt. of Kerala

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