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Peru Ritual (religion)

1.-Danza de las Tijeras: Is celebrated in December and is also practice in the provinces of
Huancavelica, Apurimac and the north of Arequipa. The dance is accompanied by musical
instruments like violins, harps and rattles (sonaja) made with metal plates that resemble.
Western scissors.
2.-Pago a la tierra: It is an Andean ceremony in which it is paid tribute to mother earth and
the spirits of the hills. This tradition is a tribute to the ancient Peruvians who depended
exclusively on what the earth produced and provided, reason why they expressed their
devotion to the earth as a source of life.
3. - Festival del caballito de totora: This is a big event that is developed every April in the
public beach of Pimentel in Chiclayo. Its objective is to valorize the caballito of totora,
craft boats of Mochica origin that are still used today by the local fisherman. During the
celebration the most delicious dishes of the north Peru and also tested.
4. - Tejedores de la isla taquiles: On the island of taquile, a tradition is main trained
extends to men, women and children who have developed one of the finest textiles in the
country. The inhabitants of the island are expert in practice of traditional we has. That was
considered the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by Unesco.

Jamaica Ritual (religion)

1. - Rastafarian doctrine: This movement began with a willingness of independence on the
part of the black people of Jamaica towards the white settlers and served in particular to
return the pride to the black people, the descendants of the slaves brought to the island.
The Rastafarian doctrine is not rigid and several practitioners adapt it according to how
they are feeling in personal level.
2. - Bar y bat Mitzvah: If is coming of age ceremony for boys and girls of the Jewish community can
be held in Jamaica both local and foreign Jews. Are welcome for the spiritual services and
celebration of occasions like bar y bat mitzvah.

3. - Nine nights: One of the main customs in Jamaica is around the dead and life after death. Take
the family, friends and acquaintances of people who are on their death bed when this is going to
take the step towards the afterlife. The propose of this ritual was to help. The soul to find peace so
that it does not return to earth and frighten the living.
Peru traditions:
1. - celebración de los carnavales: they are celebrated the mounts of February, is
accompanied by people disguised in very colorful clothes and cheerful music.
2. – Proceción del señor de los Milagros: this tradition is only made in Lima, all devotees of this
saint, is considered the most numerous traditions of the world.

Jamaica traditions:
1. – Anniversary of Bob Marley: On February 6 is celebrated the birth one of the biggest
icons of Jamaica, Jamaica is dressed in gala and reminds Bob Marley to the rhythm of the
chords of reggae music and Rastafari rhythm.
2. - Jamaica independence party: From august 1 to 6, the festivities attract hundreds of
visitors and Jamaicans living outside to participate in activities including musical
entertainment, dance, costume parades, culinary presentations, art and film exhibits
contest of drama and singing.

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