Kamus Pembaharuan 2018

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EDISI II, 2018


No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

1 4S staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome

2 a Arteri
3 A/V/P arteri / vena / perifer
4 ABC Airway, Breathing, Circulation
5 Abd Abdomen
6 ABM alat bantu mendengar
7 ACA Anterior Cerebral Artery
8 ACE angiotensin converting enzyme
9 ACE-i angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
10 ACL anterior cruciate ligament
11 ACLS advance cardiac life support
12 ACM Arnold Chiary Malformation
13 ACS acute coronary syndrome
14 ACT Artemisinin Base Combination Therapy
15 ADH antidiuretic hormone
16 ADL activities of daily living
17 ADS antidiphteria serum
18 AF atrial fibrillation
19 AFP alpha –fetoprotein
20 AGD Analisis gas darah
21 AHA alpha hydroxy acid
22 AI aortic valve insuffiency
23 AIDS acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
24 AINS antiinflamasi nonsteroid
25 AKDR alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim
26 AKG angka kecukupan gizi
27 AKI acute kidney injury
28 Alb albumin
29 ALI Acut Lung Injury
30 ALL acute lymphoid leukaemia
31 ALP alkaline phosphotase
32 ALT alanine aminotransferase
33 AML acute myelogenous leukemia
34 Amp Ampul
35 AMT Abbreviated Mental Test
36 ANA antinuclear antibodies
37 Ant. anterior
38 AP antero-posterior
39 APC atrial premature complex
40 APD alat pelindung diri
41 APP apendisitis
42 APP A/K apendisitis akut/kronik

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

43 APP EA apendisitis eksaserbasi akut

44 AP-PA anterior posterior - posterior anterior
45 APR achilles pee reflex
46 APS Angina Pectoris Stabil
47 aPTT activated partial thromboplastin time
48 AR aortic regurgitation
49 ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
50 ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
51 ARF acute renal failure
52 ARMD age related macular degeneration
53 ARV antiretroviral
54 AS Aortic stenosis
55 ASA score American Society of Anesthesiologist score
56 ASD atrial septal defect
57 ASI air susu ibu
58 ATN acute tubular necrosis
59 ATP adenosine triphosphate
60 ATS antitetanusserum
61 AU Anestesi Umum
62 AV atrioventricular
63 AVM artery venous malformation
64 AVN avascular necrosis
65 AVNRT atrio-ventricular nodal recipprocating tachycardia
66 AVR atrio-ventricular regurgitation
67 AVRT atrio-ventricular reciprocating tachycardia
68 b.a.c bawah arcus costae
69 B3 bahan berbahaya dan beracun
70 BAB buang air besar
71 BAK buang air kecil
72 BB berat badan
73 BBB bundle branch block
74 BBLR bayi berat lahir rendah
75 BBLSR bayi berat lahir sangat rendah
76 BCC basal cell carcinoma
77 BE base excess
78 Bicnat Natrium Bicarbonat
79 Bil D Bilirubin Direk
80 Bil I Bilirubin Indirek
81 BH Brill Hematoma
82 BJ bunyi jantung
83 BKB batuk kronik berulang
84 BL borderline lepromatous
85 BMHP bahan medis habis pakai

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

86 BMI body mass index

87 BMK besar masa kehamilan
88 BMP bone marrow puncture
89 BMR basal metabolisme rate
90 BNO / KUB blass nier overzicht / kidney ureter bladder
91 BNO IVP blass nier overzicht - intravenous pyelography
92 BO Bloody Otore
93 BPH benign prostate hyperplasia
94 BPPV benign paroxysmal position vertigo
95 Bpx bawah procecus xiphoideus
96 BR Bloody Rhinorrhea
97 BS bubur saring
98 BSA body surface area
99 BSI blood stream infection
100 BT bleeding time
101 BTA basil tahan asam
102 BU bising usus
103 By. bayi
104 C sendok makan
105 c/p atau j/p cor/pulmo atau jantung/paru
106 CA carcinoma
107 CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate
108 CAD coronary artery disease
109 CAE canalis acusticus externus
110 CAMP cyclic adenosine monophoshate
111 CAP community acquired pneumonia
112 CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
113 CATHLAB catheterization laboratory
114 CBD common bile duct
115 cc Cubic Centimeter
116 CEA carcino-embryonic antigen
117 CFR Closed Fraktur
118 CHF congestive heart failure
119 CH Chirrhosis hepatis
120 CHL conductive hearing loss
121 CK creatine kinase
122 CKB cedera kepala berat
123 CKD chronic kidney disease
124 CKD on HD chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
125 CK-MB creatine kinase-mb fraction
126 CKR cedera kepala ringan
127 CKS cedera kepala sedang
128 Cl Chloride

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

129 CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia

130 cm compos mentis
131 CME cystoid macular edema
132 CML chronic myelogenous leukemia
133 CMML chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
134 CMV Cytomegalovirus
135 CNS central nervous system
136 COB Cedera otak berat
137 COD cause of death
138 Cont. Contusional
COPD/PPOK chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ penyakit paru obstruktif
139 kronik
140 COR cedera otak ringan
141 COS Cedera otak sedang
142 COX Cyclooxyangenase
143 CP cerebral palsy
144 CPA Cyclophosphamide
145 CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
146 CPD Cephalopelvicdisproportion
147 CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
148 CPZ Chlorpromazine
149 Cr Creatinine
150 CRF chronic renal failure
151 CRO cairan rehidrasi oral
152 CRP c-reactive protein
153 CRT capillary refill time
154 CSME clinically significant macular edema
155 CSE Combine Spinal Epidural
156 CSR central serous retinopathy
157 CSWS Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome
158 CT computed tomography
159 CTA CT angiography
160 CTC completion of treatment cure
161 CTEV congenital talipes equino varus
162 CTG Cardiotocography
163 cth sendok teh
164 CTM Chlorpheniramine maleat
165 CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
166 CVA cerebrovascular accident
167 CVC central venous catheter
168 CVD cerebrovascular disease
169 CVI chronic venous insufficiency
170 CVP central venous pressure

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

171 CXR chest X- ray

172 D/ Diagnosis
173 D10 dextrose 10%
174 D40 dextrose 40%
175 D5 dextrose 5%
176 DA dermatitis atopic
177 DADR diare akut dehidrasi ringan
178 DADRS diare akut dehidrasi ringan sedang
179 DAP duktus arteriosus persisten
180 DAI Diffuse Axonal Injury
181 DB demam berdarah
182 DBD demam berdarah dengue
183 dbn dalam batas normal
184 DC dower catheter
185 DCR Dacryocystorhinostomy
186 DF dengue fever
187 DD diagnosis banding / differential diagnosis
188 DDS diaminodifenil sulfon(dapson)
189 DES Diethylstilbestrol
190 DHF dengue haemorrhagic fever
191 DI Diabetes Insipidus
192 DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation
193 Diet RG diet rendah garam
194 Diet RL diet rendah lemak
195 Diff count differential counting
196 DIH drug induced hepatitis
197 DJ denyut jantung
198 DJ Stent double J stent
199 DJJ denyut jantung janin
200 DKA dermatitis kontak alergi
201 DKF dermatitis kontak foto
202 DKI dermatitis kontak iritan
203 DL darah lengkap
204 DLE discoid lupus erythematosus
205 DM diabetes mellitus
206 DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
207 DNR do not resuscitation
208 DOA death on arrival
209 DOC drug of choice
210 DOT Death on the table
211 DOTS directly observed treatment strategy
212 DPJP dokter penanggung jawab pelayanan pasien
213 DPT difteria, pertusis, tetanus

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

214 DPTP difteria, pertusis, tetanus, polio

215 DR demam reumatik
216 DS dermatitis seboroik
217 DSS dengue shock syndrome
218 DT ICH Delayed Traumatic - Intracranial Hemorrhage
219 DTT desinfeksi tingkat tinggi
220 DUB dysfuctional uterine bleeding
221 DVI Diffuse Vascular Injury
222 DVT deep vein thrombosis
223 DWM Dandy Walker Malformation
224 Dx Diagnosis
225 E.coli Escherichia coli
226 EBV estimated blood volume
227 ec et causa
228 ECCE extracapsular cataract extraction
229 ECG/EKG Electrocardiography
230 ECHO Echocardiography
231 ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy
232 ED eye drop
233 EDH epidural hematoma
234 EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
235 EDV end-diastolic volume
236 EEG Electroensephalografi
237 EF ejection fraction
238 EHDI early hearing detection intervention
239 EHEC enterohemorrhagicE.coli
240 EIA enzyme immunoassay
241 EIEC enterohemorrhagic E.coli
242 ELISA enzyme-linkedimmunoassay
243 EM eritema multiforme
244 ENL eritema nodosum leprosum
245 EO eye ointment
246 EOA erupsi obat alergik
247 EPO Erythropoietin
248 EPS Extra Pyramidal Syndrome
249 ER estrogen receptor
250 ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
251 ERG Elektroretinografi
252 Eri Eritrosit
253 ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
254 ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
255 ETEC enterotoxigenic Escherichiacoli
256 ETF early treatment failure

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

257 ETN erythema toxicum neonatorum

258 ETT endotracheal tube; ekokardiografi transthoracal
259 Extr Extremitas
260 FAM fibroadenoma mammae
261 FBC Fraktur Basis Cranii
262 FC Functional class
263 FDE fixed drug eruption
264 FEES flexible endoscopic evaluation on swallowing
265 FESS functional endoscopic sinus surgery
266 FFP fresh frozen plasma (plasma segar beku)
267 FFT free field test
268 FiO2 Fraksi inspirasi oksigen
269 fl fles (botol)
FM Face Mask
271 flc Flacon
272 FNAB fine needle aspiration biopsy
273 Fr. Fraktur
274 FTSG full thickness skin graft
275 FTT failure to thrive
276 FUO fever of undertermined origin / fever of unknown origin
277 g Gram
278 g% gram persen
279 G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
280 GA general anesthesia
281 GABA gamma amino butyric acid
282 GBM glomerular basement membrane
283 GBS Guillain-Barre syndrome
284 GCS Glasgow coma scale
285 GDD global delayed development
286 GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
287 GDP gula darah puasa
288 GDS gula darah sewaktu
289 GE Gastroenteritis
290 GEA gastroenteritis akut
291 GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
292 GFR glomerular filtration rate
293 GGA gagal ginjal akut
294 GGK gagal ginjal kronik
295 GGT gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
296 GH growth hormone
297 GIR glucose infusion rate
298 GMO gangguan mental organic
299 GMP Gangguan Mental dan Perilaku

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

300 GIT gastro-intestinal track

301 GNA glomerulonefritis akut
302 GNK glomerulonefritis kronik
303 GnRH gonadotropinreleasing hormone
304 GO Gonore
305 GP Gangren Pulpa
306 GPA gravida – partus – abortus
307 GR Gangren Radix
308 GTT Gutatae
309 GUT genito-urinary tract
310 GV ganti verban
311 H I – IV Hodge I – IV
312 H2O2 Hidrogen peroksida
313 HAART highly active anti retroviral therapy
314 HAI hospital acquired infection
315 HAP hospital acquired pneumonia
316 HAV hepatitis A virus
317 Hb Hemoglobin
318 HBV hepatitis B virus
319 HCM hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
HC Hydrosefalus Communiting
321 HCT Hidroklorotiazid
322 HCU high care unit
323 HCV hepatitis c virus
324 HD Hemodialysis
325 HDL High Density Lipoprotein
326 HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets
327 HHD hipertensive heart disease
328 HHS Hyperosmolar Hyperglicemic State
329 HIV human immunodeficiency virus
330 HL Hodgkin Lymphoma
331 HMD hyalin membrane disease
332 HN Hydronephrosis
333 HNC Hydrosefalus Non Communiting
334 HNP hernia nukleus pulposus
335 HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
336 HONK hyperosmolar non-ketotic
337 HP Hiperemia Pulpa
338 HPHT hari pertama haid terakhir
339 HPP haemorragia post-partum
340 HPV human papiloma virus
341 HR heart rate/ laju jantung
342 HSV herpes simplex virus

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

343 Ht Hematokrit
344 HZ herpes zoster
345 I:E inspirasi : ekspirasi
346 I/O intake output
347 IABP Intra-aortic balloon pump
348 IBD inflammatory bowel disease
349 IBS irritable bowel syndrome
350 IC Intra cutaneus
351 ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction
352 ICD International Classification of Diseases
ICH intra cerebral haemorrhagic traumatic/ non traumatic
354 ICS Intracostal Space
355 ICU intensive care unit
356 IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
357 IDL Intermediate Density Lipoprotein
358 IFN (a,y) Interferon
359 Ig Immunoglobulin
360 IgA imunoglobulin A
361 IgE imunoglobulin E
362 IGF (1,2) insulin-like growth factor
363 IgG imunoglobulin G
364 IgM imunoglobulin M
365 IHD ischemic heart disease
366 ILO Infeksi Luka Operasi
367 IM Intramuscular
368 IMD inisiasi menyusu dini
369 IMS infeksi menular seksual
370 IMT indeks massa tubuh
371 INH Isoniazid
372 INJ Injeksi
373 INOS infeksi nosokomial
374 INR international normalized ratio
375 IOL intraocular lens
376 ION ischaemic optic neuropathy
377 IOOA inferior oblique over action
378 IP iritasi pulpa
379 IPCN infection prevention control nurse
380 IPPS International Prostate Symptom Score
381 IRIS immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
382 ISDN isosorbid dinitrat
383 ISH EBER in situ hibridisasi (Ebstein-Barr encoded RNA)
384 ISK infeksi saluran kemih(N39.0)

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

385 ISMN isosorbid mononitrat

386 Isotret Isotretinoin
387 ISPA infeksi saluran pernapasan akut
388 ISR infeksi saluran reproduksi
389 ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(D69.3)
390 ITS idiopatic thrombocytopenic syndrome
391 IU/ UNT unit internasional
392 IUD intra uterine contraseptive device
393 IUFD intra-uterine fetal death(P95)
394 IUGR intra-uterine growth retardation
395 IV Intravena
396 IVC inferior vena cava
397 IVFD intravenous fluid drip
398 IVH Intraventrikel Hemmorrhage
399 IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
400 IVP intravenous pyelography
401 IWL insensible water loss
402 J/P jantung/paru
403 JVP jugular venous pressure
404 K Kalium
405 KAD ketoasidosis diabetikum
406 Kal Kalori
407 Kaps Kapsul
408 KB keluarga berencana
409 KCI kalium chloride
410 KEK kekurangan energi kalori
411 Kel. ut keluhan utama
412 KEP kekurangan energi protein
413 KET kehamilan ektopik terganggu
414 Kg Kilogram
415 KGB kelenjar getah bening
416 KI Kontraindikasi
417 KIE komunikasi - informasi - edukasi
418 Kkal Kilokalori
419 KLB kejadian luar biasa
420 KMK kecil masa kehamilan
421 KNC kejadian nyaris cedera
422 KOH kalium hidroksida
423 KPC kondisi potensi cedera
424 KPD ketuban pecah dini
425 KPR knee patella reflex
426 KS/CS kompartemen sindrom/ compartment syndrome
427 KSB karsinoma sel basal

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

428 KSS karsinoma sel skuamosa

429 KTC kejadian tidak cedera
430 KTD kejadian tidak diharapkan
431 KTS Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome
432 KU keadaan umum
433 KV kapasitas vital
434 l Liter
435 LA left atrium
436 LAB Laboratorium
437 LABA long acting beta -2 agonist
438 LACI lacunar anterior circulation infarction
439 LAD linear IgA dermatosis
440 LAD - cath left anterior descending
441 LAD - EKG left axis deviation
442 LAO left anterior oblique
443 LASA Look alike sound alike
444 LASER light amplification stimulation emission radiation
445 L-ASP Leunase / L-asparaginase
446 L-Asp l-asparaginase
447 LBBB left bundle branch block
448 LBHB left bundle branch hemiblock
449 LBP low back pain
450 LC Laringektomi
451 LCOS low cardiac output syndrome
452 LCx left circumflex artery
453 LDH lactic dehydrogenase
454 LDL low density lipoproteins
455 L-dopa Levodopa
456 LED laju endap darah
457 LES Lupus Eritematosus Sistemik
458 Leu Leukosit
459 LGK leukemia granulocytic kronik
460 LGV lymphogranuloma venerium
461 LH limfoma Hodgkin
462 LHF left heart failure
463 LI laringoskopi indirek
464 LILA lingkar lengan atas
465 LIO laser intraocular
466 LK lingkar kepala
467 LL Lepromatous
468 LLD Left Lateral Decubitus
469 LLK leukemia lymphositik kronik
470 LLM low lactose milk

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan
LLQ left lower quadrant=daerah abdomen kuadran kiri bawah
472 LM lymphoma malignum
473 LMA laryngeal mask airway
474 LMN lower motor neuron
475 LMNH limfoma maligna non-Hodgkin
476 LMWH low molecular weight heparin
477 LNH limfoma non Hodgkin
478 LOLA L-ornitin-L-Aspartat
479 LP lumbar puncture
480 LPA left pulmonary artery
481 LPI laser perifer iridectomy
482 Lpm liter per menit
483 LPR laryngopharyngeal reflux
484 LPT luas permukaan tubuh
485 LRI linear relaxing incision
486 LSK liken simpleks kronis
487 LUTS lower urinary track synptoms
488 LV left ventricle
489 LVAD left ventricular device
490 LVB laser v-beam
491 LVEDD left ventricular end-diastolic diameter
492 LVEDS left ventricular end-systolic diameter
493 LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction
494 LVF left ventricle failure
495 LVH left ventricular hypertropy
496 MAP mean arterial pressure
497 MAS meconium aspiration syndrome
498 MBD metastatic bone disease
499 MBO mati batang otak
500 MC makanan cair
501 MCA MiddleCerebral Artery
502 MCI myocardial infarction
503 MCL medial cruciate ligament
504 MDR multi-drug resistance
505 MDS myelodisplasia syndrome
506 MDT Morfologi darah tepi
507 ME MeningoEnsefalitis
508 mEq mili-ekuivalen
509 MG miastenia gravis
510 mg miligram
511 MH morbus hansen
512 MI mitral insufficiency

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

513 mI mililiter
514 MLS Midline Shift
515 mm milimeter
516 mmHg milimetres of mercury
517 MMR mumps, measles, rubella
518 MMSE mini mental state examination
519 mnt menit
520 MNT Multiple Nodul Tiroid
521 MO medula oblongata
522 MOD multiorgan dysfunction
523 MOF multiorgan failure
524 mol Molaritas
525 MP-ASI Makanan pendamping ASI
526 MR mitral regurgitation
527 MRI magnetic resonance imaging
528 MRM modified radical mastectomy
529 MRSA methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
530 MS mitral stenosis
531 MT membran timpani
532 MTX Methotrexate
533 MVP mitral valve prolapse
534 N Nadi
535 N/A not applicable
536 Na Natrium
537 NaCl natrium chloride
538 NARES non-allergic rhinitis eosinophilic syndrome
539 NCB neonatus cukup bulan
540 ND Nefropati Diabetikum
541 NEC necrotizing enterocolitis
542 NET nekrolisis epidermal toksik
543 NGT naso-gastric tube
544 NHL Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
545 NGU Non gonococcal urethritis
546 NICU neonatal intensive care unit
547 NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes melitus
548 NK Nasal Kanul
549 NKB neonatus kurang bulan
550 NL nasi lunak
551 NLB neonatus lebih bulan
552 NNRTI non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
553 NO nitric oxide
554 NORUM nama obat rupa mirip
555 NPC nasopharingeal carcinoma

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

556 NPDR non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy

557 NPH neuralgia pasca-herpes
558 NRM Non Rebreathing Mask
559 NRTI nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
560 Ns Nurse
561 NSAIDs non-steroid antiinflamatory drugs
562 NSTEMI Non ST elevation myocardial infarction
563 NTG nitrogliserin
564 NVP nevirapin
565 OA Osteoarthritis
566 OAD Obat Anti Diabetes
567 OAM Obat Anti Malaria
568 OAINS obat anti-inflamasi non-steroid
569 OAT obat antituberkulosis
570 Obs Observasi
571 OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
572 OD Oculi Dextra
573 ODHA orang dengan HIV-AIDS
574 OED otitis eksterna Diffusa
575 OFR Open Fraktur
576 OGT oral gastric tube
577 OGTT oral glucose tolerance test
578 OH oral hygiene
579 OHO obat hipoglikemik oral
580 OK operatie kamer (kamar operasi)
581 OMA otitis media akut
582 OME otitis media efusi
583 OMI old myocardium infarction
584 OMSK otitis media supurativa kronik
585 Op operasi
586 ORIF open reduction & internal fixation
587 OS Oculi Sinistra
588 OSA obstructive sleep apnea
589 PA patalogi anatomik
590 PACG primary angle closure glaucoma
591 PaCO2 pressure arterial carbondioxide
592 PAD peripheral artery disease
593 PaO2 pressure arterial oksigen
594 PAP pintu atas panggul
595 PASI pendamping air susu ibu
596 PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
597 PB panjang badan
598 PBA Pupil Bulat Anisokor

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

599 PBI Pupil Bulat Isokor

600 PCA Posterior Cerebral Artery
601 PCI percutaneous coronary intervention
602 PCL posterior cruciate ligament
603 PCO Posterior Cataract Opasity
604 PCO2 oxygen partial pressure
605 PCR polymerase chain reaction
606 PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
607 PDA patent ductus arteriosus
608 PDMO pemeriksaan dalam di meja operasi
609 PE pericardial effusion
610 PEB preeklampsia berat
611 PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
612 PER pre-eklamsia ringan
613 PERIOD Periodontitis
614 PF pemeriksaan fisis
615 PHS penyakit akibat hubungan sexual
616 PID pelvic inflamatory disease
617 PIP peak inspiratory pressure
618 PITC provider initiated testing and counseling
619 PJB penyakit jantung bawaan
620 PJK penyakit jantung koroner
621 PJR/ RHD penyakit jantung rematik/ rheumatic heart disease
622 PJT pertumbuhan janin terhambat
623 PMK/ KMC perawatan metode kangguru/ kangaroo mother care
624 PMN polimorfonuclear
625 PMT pemberian makanan tambahan
626 PMTCT prevention mother to child transmision
627 PNB Perifer Nerve Block
628 PND post nasal drip
629 PO peros; peroral
630 PO2 carbon dioxide partial pressure
631 POAG primary open angle glaucoma
632 PPI proton-pump inhibitor
633 PPOK penyakit paru obstruktif kronik
634 PPT placenta previa totalis
635 PR pulmonic regurgitation
636 PRC packed red cell
637 Premed Premedikasi
638 PS pulmonary stenosis
639 PSA prostate specific antigen
PSIMV pressure synchronized intermitttent mandatory ventilation

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

641 PST Persistensi

642 PSV positive support ventilator
643 PT prothrombin time
644 PTE Post Traumatic Epilepsi
645 PTH parathiroid hormone
646 PTS Post Traumatic Seizure
647 PTU Propiltiourasil
648 Puka punggung kanan
649 Puki punggung kiri
650 PUVA psoralen dan ultraviolet A
651 PV pityriasis versicolor
652 PZA Pyrazinamide
653 R/ Recipe
654 R/H/Z/E/S Rifampisin, Isoniazid, Pirazinamid, Ethambutol, Streptomisin
655 RA rheumatoid arthritis
656 RAD right axis deviation
657 RAPD relative afferent pupilary defect
658 RBBB right bundle branch block
659 RC refleks cahaya
660 RCA right coronary artery
661 RCC renal cell carcinoma
662 RCL refleks cahaya langsung
663 RCTL refleks cahaya tak langsung
664 RDS/HMD respiratory distress syndrome/hyalin membrane disease
665 RF rheumatoid factor
666 RL Ringer’s Lactate
667 RLD Right Lateral Decubitus
RLQ right lower quadrant = daerah abdomen kanan bawah
669 RM Rebreathing Mask
670 ROM range of motion
671 ROP retinopathy of prematurity
672 RPD riwayat penyakit dahulu
673 RPS riwayat penyakit sekarang
674 RR Recovery Room
675 RT rectal toucher
676 RTA renal tubulus acidons
677 RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
RUL Left upper quadrant=daerah abdomen kuadran kiri atas
679 RUQ right upper quadrant=daerah abdomen kanan atas
680 RV right ventricle
681 RVH right ventricular hipertrophy
682 S Suhu

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

683 S 1-8 Schuffner 1-8

684 SA sino-atrial
685 SAB Sub Arachnoid Block
686 SAH subarracnoid hemorrhage
687 SaO2 saturasi oksigen arterial
688 SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
689 SBP spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
690 SC sectio caesaria
691 SCC squamous cell carcinoma
692 SCLE subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
SCVN/SVKS superior caval vein syndrome/ sindrome vena kava superior
694 SDH Subdural Hematoma
695 SF sulfas ferrosus
696 SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
697 SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
698 SH Stroke Haemorrhage
699 SIADH Syndrome Inappropriate Anti Diuretik Hormone
700 SIAS Spina Iliaka Anterior Superior
701 Simetris +/+ Simetris untuk sisi kanan dan kiri
702 SIMV synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
703 Sin Sinistra
704 SIO surat ijin operasi
705 SIRS systemic inflammation response syndrome
706 SLE systemic lupus erithematosus(M32.9)
707 SMK sesuai masa kehamilan
708 SN sindrom nefrotik
709 SNAD sepsis neonatorum awitan dini
710 SNAL sepsis neonatorum awitan lambat
711 SNH Stroke Non Haemorrhage
712 SNHL sensory neural hearing loss
713 SNM Syndrom Neuroleptic Maligna
714 SNT Single Nodul Tiroid
715 SOL/SOP space occupying lesion/process
716 SOM Spheno Orbita Meningioma
717 SP Syringe Pump
718 SPN Sinus paranasal
719 SS Sitostatika
720 SSJ sindrom Stevens Johnson
721 SSS sick sinus syndrome
722 SSSS staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
723 STEMI ST-elevation myocardial infarction
stqa status quo ad antem; artinya ‘sama dengan sebelumnya’

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

725 STSG split thickness skin graft

726 Sup Supositoria
727 Susp Suspect
728 SVC superior vena cava
729 SVCS superior vena cava syndrome
730 SVO2 saturasi oksigen mixed venous
731 SVT supraventicular tachycardia
732 TA tonsillo-adenoidektomi
733 Tab Tablet
734 TAK tidak ada keluhan / tidak ada kelainan
735 TAPP OFF tappering off
736 TB tinggi badan
737 TBC Tuberculosis
738 TBJ taksiran berat janin
739 TBW tension band wiring
740 TD tekanan darah
741 TE Tonsilektomi
742 TF Thypoid Fever
743 TFA tonsilofaringitis akut
744 TFP Trifluoperazin
745 TGA transposition of the great arteries
746 Th/ Terapi
747 THD thyrotoxicosis hypertyroidism
748 THR total hip replacement
749 TI tricuspid insufficiency
750 TIA trancient ischemic attack
751 TIK tekanan intrakranial
752 TIO tekanan intraocular
753 TIVA total intravenous anesthesia
754 TKR total knee replacement
755 TKTP tinggi kalori tinggi protein
756 TLIF Trans Lumbar Interbody Fusion
757 TMJ Temporo-mandibular joint
758 TNM tumor node metastasis
759 TOF tetralogy of fallot
760 TON traumatic optic neuropathy
761 TOS thoracic outlet syndrome
762 TP taksiran partus
763 TPHA Treponema pallidum hemaglutination assay
764 Tpm (ma) tetes permenit makro
765 Tpm (MI) tetes permenit mikro
766 TPN total parenteral nutrition
767 TR tricuspid regurgitation

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

768 Tr. Trauma

769 Tromb Trombosit
770 TT Toxoid tetanus
771 TTA trauma tumpul abdomen
772 TTH tension type headache
773 TTN transistory tachypnea neonatus
774 tts Tetes
775 TTV tanda vital
776 TV tidal volume
777 TW terapi wicara
778 UAP unstable angina pectoris
779 UL urine lengkap
780 UNS uretritis nonspesifik
781 URI upper respiratory infection
782 URS Ureterorenoscopy
783 URTI upper respiratory tract infection
784 USG Ultrasonography
785 USG Doppler ultrasonography doppler
786 UTI urinary tract infection
787 UUB ubun ubun besar
788 UUK ubun ubun kecil
789 UV Ultraviolet
790 VAP ventilator-associated pneumonia
791 VAR vaksin antirabies
792 VB vaginosis bacterial
793 VC vital capacity
794 VCR Vincristine
795 VCT voluntary counseling and testing
796 V.Exc Vulnus Excoriated
797 VE varises esofagus
798 VEGF vascular endhotelium growth factor
799 VeR visum et repertum
800 VES ventricular extrasystole
801 VF ventricular fibrillation
802 Vit Vitamin
803 V.Lac Vulnus Lacerated
804 VLDL very low density lipoprotein
805 Vol volume
806 VOD Visus Oculi Dextra
807 VOS Visus Oculi Sinistra
808 VP.Shunt ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
809 VSD ventricular septal defect
810 VT ventricular tachycardia

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

811 VTP ventilasi tekanan positif

812 VZV varicella zoster virus
813 WB whole blood (darah lengkap)
814 WBC white blood (cell) count
815 WPW Syndrome Wolf Parkinson White syndrome
816 YTT yang tidak terinci
817 WSD water sealed drainage
818 ZDV Zidovudin
819 ZN ziehl neelsen


No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan

1 Acc accepted/ disetujui
2 An. Anak
3 ATK Alat Tulis Kantor
4 BAKORDIK Badan Koordinasi Pendidikan
5 BTK banyak terima kasih
6 DUK Daftar Urut Kepangkatan
7 DRM Dokumen Rekam Medis
8 Gilut Gigi dan Mulut
9 HCU High Care Unit
10 Humas Hubungan Masyarakat
11 IBS Instalasi Rekam Medis
12 ICCU Intensif Coronary Care Unit
13 ICU Intensive Care Unit
14 IGD Instalasi Gawat Darurat
15 IPPL Instalasi Pengamanan dan Penertiban Lingkungan
16 K Kembali (Dokumen dari Poliklinik)
17 k/p kalau perlu
18 K3RS kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja rumah sakit
19 KIB Kartu Inventaris Barang
20 KLPCM Ketidak Lengkapan Pengisian Catatan Medis
21 KPA Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran
22 Lansia Lanjut Usia
23 MCU Medical Check Up
24 NICU Neonate Intensive Care Unit
25 Nn Nona
26 No. Nomor
27 Ny. Nyonya
28 ODC One Day Care
29 PA Pengguna Anggaran
30 PPA Profesional Pemberi Asuhan
31 Peri Perinatologi
32 PICU Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
33 PKRS promosi kesehatan rumah sakit
34 PONEK Pelayanan Obstetri Dan Neonatal emergency Komprehensif
35 PPHP Pejabat Penerima Hasil Pekerjaan
36 Rajal Rawat Jalan
37 Ranap Rawat Inap
38 RM Rekam Medis
39 Ro Rontgen
40 RR recovery room
41 RSDS Rumah Sakit Doris Sylvanus
42 SJP surat jaminan pelayanan

No. Singkatan Makna / Kepanjangan
43 SKTM surat keterangan tidak mampu
44 SMRS sebelum masuk rumah sakit
45 SPO Standar Operasional Prosedur
46 TAB tidak ada bahan
47 TAK Tidak ada kelainan
48 TAP tidak ada persediaan
49 TDP Tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan
50 Tgl Tanggal
51 THT Telinga Hidung dan Tenggorokan
52 TK Tidak Kembali (Dokumen dari Poliklinik)
53 TL Tindak Lanjut
54 Tn. Tuan
55 TS teman sejawat
56 TTD Tertanda
57 Tumbang Tumbuh Kembang
58 u/ Untuk
59 UM-PEG Umum-Kepegawaian
60 UM-RTP Umum-Rumah Tangga & Perlengkapan
61 UM-TU Umum-Tata Usaha
62 VCT Voluntary Conseling and Testing
63 w/ With
64 w/o with one



1 A Alpha
2 B Bravo
3 C Charlie
4 D Delta
5 E Echo
6 F Foxtrot
7 G Golf
8 H Hotel
9 I India
10 J Juliet
11 K Kilo
12 L Lima
13 M Mama
14 N November
15 O Oscar
16 P Papa
17 Q Quebec
18 R Romeo
19 S Sierra
20 T Tango
21 U Uniform
22 V Victor
23 W Whiskey
24 X X-Ray
25 Y Yankee
26 Z Zulu



1 ⁰C Derajat Celsius
2 AA Asisten Apoteker
3 Alkes Alat Kesehatan
4 APD Alat pelindung diri
5 Apt Apoteker
6 ASKES Asuransi Kesehatan
7 BLUD Badan Layanan Umum Daerah
8 BM Belum mutasi
9 BMHP Bahan medis habis Pakai
10 BPJS Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial
11 BPOM Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan
12 CPO Catatan Pemberian Obat
13 CPOB Cara pembuatan obat yang baik
14 DH Darma Husada
15 DM Dosis maksimal
16 DS Cutting ( Benang )
17 ED Expired Date
18 EK E-Katalog
19 EPO Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat
20 ETT Endo Trakheal tube
21 FARKLIN Farmasi Klinik
22 FEFO First Expired First Out
23 FIFO First In First Out
24 FORNAS Formularium Nasional
25 FP Free Powder
26 HA High Alert
27 HR Tapper ( Benang )
28 IO Interaksi Obat
29 JAMKESDA Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah/SKTM/K3G
30 K3G Kelas 3 gratis/ jamkesda/SKTM
31 KPO Kartu pemberian obat
32 Krd Kerudung
33 Krt Karet
34 LASA Look Alike Sound Alike
35 ME Medication Error
36 MESO Monitoring Efek samping obat
37 MSDS Material safety Data Sheet
38 NGT Nasogastrik tube
39 NORUM Nama Obat Rupa Ucapan Mirip
40 ODD One Day Dose
41 PIO Pelayanan Informasi obat

42 PKOD Pemantauan kadar obat dalam darah
43 PTO Pemantauan terapi obat
44 ROTD Reaksi obat yang tidak diinginkan
45 SKTM Surat Keterangan tidak mampu/Jamkesda/K3 Gratis
46 SM Sudah Mutasi
47 SPO Standar Operasional Prosedur
48 SS Sudah stok ( khusus Faktur )
49 TAP Tidak ada persediaan
50 TB Tuberculosis
51 UDD Unit Dose Dispensing



1 aue Ad usus Externum Untuk pemakaian luar

2 a,aa Ana dari masing-masing

3 a.c ante coenam sebelum makan

4 a.d Auris Dextra Telinga kanan

5 a.l Auris Leava Telinga kiri

6 ad Adde tambahkan

7 ampul Ampulla ampul

8 aq Aqua air

9 aq biddest aqua bidestilata air bidestilata

10 aq dest aqua destilata air suling

11 aq steril aqua sterilata air steril

12 bks Bungkus Bungkus

13 Btl Botol Botol

14 c Cochlear sendok makan 15 ml

15 Cap Capsula Kapsul

16 Cit-o Cito segera

17 cm Centimeter Centimeter

18 cp Cochlear pultis sendok bubur 8 ml

19 CPZ chlopromazine chlopromazine

20 cream Cremor krim

21 cth Cochlear thea sendok teh 5 ml

22 CTM Chlorpheniramine maleat Chlorpheniramine maleat

23 d Dies hari

24 D 10 % Dextrose 10 % Dextrose 10 %

25 D5% Dextrose 5 % Dextrose 5 %

Dextrose 5 %+ ¼ Natrium
26 D 5 % + ¼ NS saline Dextrose 5 %+ ¼ Natrium saline
Dextrose 5 %+ ½ Natrium
27 D 5 % + ½ NS saline Dextrose 5 %+ ½ Natrium saline

28 d.c durante coenam sementara makan

29 d.t.d Da tales dosis dengan dosis demikian

30 da.det da, detur berikan

31 dd de die setiap hari

32 FC Folley Cateter Folley Cateter

33 g Gram gram
GG Glyceril guaiakolat Glierilsulfoguaiakolat

35 gtt Guttata tetes

gut aur guttae auricularis tetes telinga
gut nas guttae nesales tetes hidung
gutt ophth guttae ophthalmicae tetes mata
HCT Hidroklorotiazid Hidroklorotiazid
I.D Intra dermal disuntikan dibawah kulit
I.M Intra Muscular disuntikan dibawah otot
i.m.m in manus medici serahkan ke dokter
I.P Intra peritoneal disuntikan dibawah selaput
I.V Intra Venous disuntikan dibawah sendi
INH Isoniazid isoniazid
inj Injekction suntikan
ISDN Isosorbide Dinitrate Isosorbide Dinitrate
iter Iterati diulang
KCl Kalium klorida Kalium klorida
liq Liquor solution

lsn Lusin lusin
m Meter meter
M Misce campur
mane Mane pagi hari
mf misca fac campur,buatlah
MgSO4 Magnesium Sulfat Magnesium Sulfat
ml Mililiter Mililiter
mm Millimeter milimeter
NaCl 0,9 % Natrium klorida 0,9 % Natrium klorida 0,9 %
ne det ne detur belum diberikan
No Numero jumlah
o.d.s Oculus dextra sinistra mata kanan dan kiri
o.h Ommi hora tiap jam

64 O₂ Oksigen Oksigen

65 OBH Obat batuk hitam Obat batuk hitam

66 OBP Obat batuk putih Obat batuk putih

67 p.c Post coenam sesudah makan

68 p.r.n pro renata jika diperlukan

69 PTU Propylthiouracil Propylthiouracil

70 pulv pulvis,pulveres serbuk terbagi,serbuk tidak terbagi

71 q.s Quatum statis secukupnya

72 RL Ringer laktat Ringer Laktat

73 S Signa tandailah

74 s.u.c signa usus cognitus tandailah tahu pakai

75 s.u.e signa usus eksternum tandailah obat luar

76 Supp Suppositoria Suppositoria

77 Syr Sirup Sirup

78 Tab Tablet Tablet

79 Tab Vag Tablet Vagina Tablet Vagina

80 IU Internasional Unit Internasional unit

81 ungt unguentum salep

82 SA Sulfat Atropin Sulfat Atropin

83 mcg Microgram microgram


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