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Submitted For Middle Test Examination of Semester 3

By :
ARVIN M. YAFIZ (21030116120041)
International Undergraduate Program Class



CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Presentation of Data
CHAPTER 3 Modelization of Equation
a. Tangen Method
b. Linearization of Equation
c. Least Square Method
CHAPTER 4 Solution of Equation By Trial and Error
CHAPTER 5 Graphical Integration
CHAPTER 6 Mean Value
CHAPTER 7 Lever Arm Rule
CHAPTER 8 Mathematical Modelling for Physical Problem

Chemical Engineering is a discipline of science that changes one material in to

other material that more useful or have on higher economic value. Studying about
producing from raw material to product. Basic subject of chemical engineering is
around physics, mathematics, chemistry, also in economic value. Where mathemathics
is main subject and keyword for all knowledge that will be studied in chemical
engineering subject. Chemical Engineering Mathematics II is continuation of
Mathematics I and Mathematics II that studied in two last semester.
In this sessions Chemical Engineering Mathematics I will be talk about
presentation of data, modelization of equation which is tangen method, linearization
equation, and Least Square method, solution of equation by trial and error, graphical
integration, mean value, Lever Arm Rule, and mathematical modelling for physical

Data can be presentated in three general form :

1. Table Form
Data will be came from experiment and observation usually presentate on
table. Table can be plotted to x and y variable. Where x is dependent variable, and
y is independent variable. This is an example of data :
Table 2.1 Data in table form
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y 2.5 5.6 10.5 12.5 16.4 24.6 33.1 37.1 42.6
Table can be have more than one dependent variable.
2. Graphical Form
Representation data in graphical form can be explained on two dimension
graphical form with x and y gridline (axis) and three dimension of graphical form
with x, y and z gridline (axis). Exact graphics usually have a regression equation
that will help to find more variables or to find out what relationships between
variables or sets of data. Graphical form also can explain the data with have more
than one dependent variables. In this case graphic will be have more than curve,
which curve explain one dependent variable. This Example below describe the data
from table 2.1 in graphical form with have one dependent variable.

Y = 5.203X - 5.47



0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 2.1 Data in graphical form
3. Equation Form
In mathematics, an equation is a statement of an equality containing one or
more variables. Solving the equation consists of determining which values of the
variables make the equality true. Variables are also called unknowns and the values
of the unknowns which satisfy the equality are called solutions of the equation.
There are two kinds of equations: identities and conditional equations. An identity
is true for all values of the variable. A conditional equation is true for only particular
values of the variables.
Data can be transformed in to empirical equation through equation modelling.
This example below is the general function of linear equation.
y = mx + c
Linear equation means that data can be plotted in linear line. With y is independent
variable that function of x, m is gradient, x is dependent variable and c is y intercept.
In chemical engineering there are so many data of phenomena that should be
solved with equation form. For example :
Cp = A + BT
Cp = A + BT + CT2
Vapor pressure is function of T (Antoine eq.) with Log P = A – B/(C+T).
Equation form can be used for complicated problem simultaneous equation,
differentiation, and integration.

Modelization of equation is about how we construct the equation. The data can be from
linier line or non linier line such as parabolic, curve, hyperbolic, etc. Equation
modelling can be separated by three models, tangen methods, linearization of equation,
and Least Square method.

A. Tangen Method
Giving an example :
General equation of straight line is
y = mx + c. This equation is unusable if a and
b is unvaluable or we don’t know exactly what
is value of a and b. So we should assume that :
x = 0 ; y = b (intercepet) ; and dy/dx = a
and we will know the value of a and b
𝑑𝑦 𝑚 If x is the corner between hypotenuse and n line,
= = 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 = tan 𝑥
𝑑𝑥 𝑛 we can define m/n as tan x.

The definition or general form of dy/dx is :

dY Y Y
 lim Y  Y

dX X 0 X
Representation of dy/dx in graphical form :
From that graphic and general form of dy/dx. We can
conclude that :

𝑑𝑦 ∆𝑦
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
In engineering mathematics we know two types of scale such as linear scale and
logarithmic scale . In linear scale, vertical and horizontal scale is linear and have same
preposition (proper) scale that we usually called “same distance” of scale. The example
is scale in millimeter block. Linear scale starts from zero.

While Logaritmic scale is the scale that contains linear and logarithmic scale. Each
linear devided by subscale and the distance of scale is different.

Semilog scale contains linear and logarithmic scale

Log-log scale contains logarithmic and logarithmic scale
Numbering of logarithmic scale start from one (1) and then 10, 100, 1000 an so on.
So, how to make a logarithmic scale ?
1. Make a graph that have x axis N and y axis log N
2. Plot them in to graph relationships between N and log N
3. Make a projection points to vertical line
4. Logaritmic scale is done

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