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# ==== preprosser command

stdio- standard input output = taking for prining output

stdlib- standard for compling functon = part of the main

int main === entry point of the function { int == interger }

return 0 [ sucees for the program }

printf == to part of stdio file .. [ to print the string terminal ]

{ in their inside require a double bracket

every function stard or end with a semicolum

it does not require any backspace to

compileration== it helps us to to convert human readable language into the

computer readable language...

it also checks that our program correct or not correct..

printf (“%d”,32)

%d here == placeholder { %d
====hold the place for the interfer}

For decimal values

Printf (“the number is = %d”,32);

For multiple values increadses the placeholder

Printf(“%d %d %d “,32,58,35);

For the decimal valurs

Printf(“%f”,32.5); f == float
For larger float ............%lf lf == large float

%d == floaat

%ld === large f;loat

For single character ... printf (“%c”, ‘a’); =char

For string ..... printf(“%s”,”hello world”);

For hexa ................ printf(“%x”,13); ==hex

{{{ if we does not put === \n }}}
Than words are put in same line order

Puts (

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