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Jack and the Bean Stalk Construction

Introduction Design Brief

Year 2’s I have a challenge for
you! It is up to you to design and construct a way
for The Giant to get up the beanstalk.
After Jack and his Mum cut
down the beanstalk there was
no way for The Giant to get 1. Using the Challenge Resource, you will draw what your plan
home to his castle. It is your looks like.
challenge to construct a way 2. You will then have 15 minutes to use the materials to create
for The Giant to get back up your idea.
the bean stalk in the 3. I will time if your construction can balance for 10 seconds
classroom. without anyone holding it.
4. Next you will draw your final product.
Good luck! 5. You will then describe if your construction held together or
whether it fell apart.
6. Write a sentence on how you would build it differently next

Project specifications Evaluation

I have one rule…you cannot use sticky tape!
Is your construction:
You have access to the collage table and the extra - Long enough?
materials that I have provided. They include:
String - Strong enough?
Pipe Cleaners - Wide enough?
Rubber bands - Can it balance on its own?
Rope - Is it balancing on anything?

When you have finished your construction,
you must test that it balances without anyone You will have 15 minutes to
holding it or it balancing on anything.
complete your construction.
I will then get my timer and Use this time wisely!
see if it holds for 10 seconds.

Links to the
Resources/support materials
- Participate in guided
investigations to
explore and answer
questions (ACSIS038)
- Represent and
observations and ideas
in a variety of
ways (ACSIS042)
Building a way home for the Giant Challenge Resource

Draw your plan What you created

Did your plan work? Did it not work?

How would you build it differently next time?


Draw a picture:

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