Nassar Pencils PVT - LMT.: Submitted To Prof .Kusum Pawar

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Submitted to Prof .Kusum Pawar

By: Neha Himmatramka
Aisha Shaikh
Surabhi Kedia
Swarali Kadam
Alka Venugopal
Rajshree Khanal

1) Introduction to HR Policies and Audit

2) Introduction to Company
3) Safety Policies
4) Recruitment and Selection Policies
5) Audit in Safety
6) Audit in Recruitment
7) Conclusion
8) References


 Human Resource policies are continuing guidelines on the approach of

which an organization intends to adopt in managing its people. They
represent specific guidelines to HR managers on various matters concerning
employment and state the intent of the organization on different aspects of
Human Resource management such as recruitment, compensation training,
selections etc. They therefore serve as a reference point when human
resources management practices are being developed or when decisions
are being made about an organization’s workforce.

A good HR policy provides generalized guidance on the approach adopted

by the organization, and therefore its employees, concerning various
aspects of employment. A procedure spells out precisely what action should
be taken in line with the policies.

 Each organization has a different set of circumstances and so develops an

individual set of human resource policies. The location an organization
operates in will also dictate the content of their policies


 They provide clear communication between the organization and their

employees regarding their condition of employment.
 They form a basis for treating all employees fairly and equally.

 They are a set of guidelines for supervisors and managers.

 They create a basis for developing the employee handbook.

 They establish a basis for regularly reviewing possible changes affecting


 They form a context for supervisor training programs and employee

orientation programs.


 They help managers at various levels of decision making to make

decisions without consulting their superiors. Subordinates are more
willing to accept responsibility because policies indicate what is
expected of them and they can quote a written policy to justify their
 They ensure long term welfare of employees and makes
for a good employer-employee relationship as favoritism
and discrimination are reduced. Well-established policies
ensure uniform and consistent treatment of all employees
throughout the organization.

 The guidelines pursued in the organization and thereby minimizes the

personal bias of managers.They ensure prompt action for taking
decisions because the policies serve as standards to be followed. They
prevent the wastage of time and energy involved in repeated analyses
for solving problems of a similar nature.
 An audit is a systematic and independent examination of books,
accounts, statutory records, documents and vouchers of an
organization to ascertain how far the financial statements as well as
non-financial disclosures present a true and fair view of the concern.
It also attempts to ensure that the books of accounts are properly
maintained by the concern as required by law.

 Auditing is a safeguard measure since ancient times (Loeb &

Shamoo,1989). Audits provide third party assurance to various
stakeholders that the subject matter is free from material

 The term is most frequently applied to audits of the financial

information relating to a legal person. Other areas which are
commonly audited include: secretarial & compliance audit,
internal controls, quality management, project management, water
management, and energy conservation.


 A Human Resources Audit (or HR Audit) is a comprehensive method to

review current human resources policies, procedures, documentation
and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the
HR function as well as to assess compliance with ever-changing rules
and regulations. An Audit involves systematically reviewing all aspects
of human resources, usually in a checklist fashion.
 The purpose of an HR Audit is to recognize strengths and identify any
needs for improvement in the human resources function. A properly
executed Audit will reveal problem areas and provide
recommendations and suggestions for the remedy of these problems.
Some of the reasons to conduct such a review include:

1. Ensuring the effective utilization of the organization’s human


2. Reviewing compliance in relation to administration of the


3. Instilling a sense of confidence in management and the human

resources function

4. Maintaining or enhancing the organization and the department’s

reputation in the community

5. Performing “due diligence” review for shareholders or potential


6. Establishing a baseline for future improvement for the function.


 Identify policies and procedures that need to be updated for changes

in the law or compliance rules
 Identify policies and procedures that are not followed and find out
 Find out about unwritten practices and whether there are an legal
risks associated with those practices
 Gauge whether procedures and practices are user friendly

and what changes can be made to help assure broad compliance

 Identify opportunities for new policies or procedures that will help
minimize risk
 Determine whether record-keeping practices are being followed
 Identify where additional training or communication would be helpful
for compliance.


 Policies and Audit are important part of an organization, without which

achieving organizational goals will be difficult.

 Implementing right policies and doing audits will lead to organizational


 Companies who have sound policies and implement audit practices are
far more successful than those companies who don’t.


NASSAR Pencils Pvt. Lmt. like pencils, writing materials and other
stationery items like staplers, rulers, erasers, sharpeners, sketch pens, etc.
It was established in the year 2007 i.e. 12 years ago. Our company
headquarters in Mumbai, India. We have 10 factories and 14 sales units
throughout the globe. NASSAR group employs a staff of approximately
6000 members and does business in more than 77 countries. Our company
is like family and continues to exercise leadership within the corporation.
About 1.3 billion pencils are produced and distributed over 90 countries.
Recently we have started with luxury pens like fountain pens, ballpoint
pens and other art materials. We have currently 4,500 employees working
(2019).Our revenue is 500 million (2019).


To be the best stationery manufacturer in the world that delivers innovative

quality products with superior consumer services.


To aspire to be the top global pencil manufacturing industry and benchmark

for its value creation.


1) Empathy for Customers/Users:

We offer superior products that fill real needs and provide lasting value. We
deal fairly with competitors and meet customers and vendors.

2) Positive Social Contribution:

We build products that extend human capability to showcase their skills and
enjoy learning and writing.

3) Quality/Excellence:

We care about what we do. We build in for the level of quality, performance,
and value that will earn the respect and loyalty of our customers. Quality
management is critical to our continued success.

4) Commitment /Safety:

We are committed to manufacture and market quality products of

international standards. Also, we are following safety norms. Our products
have non-toxic ingredients.


The purpose of this document is to ensure that a standard approach is

adopted for the recruitment of all vacant positions.


Nassar is committed attracting and recruiting the best possible candidates

for available positions. Nassar is further committed to providing equality in
employment for all people employed or seeking employment.

Nassar is committed to ensuring that fair and effective procedures and

processes are implemented and adhered to when selecting and deploying
people to meet organizational needs.

Nassar is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing a

work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.


All recruitment, selection procedures and decisions will reflect Nassar’s

commitment to

providing equal opportunity. All potential candidates will be assessed

according to their skills, knowledge, qualifications and capabilities. Regard
will not be given to factors such as age, gender, marital status, race,
religion, physical impairment or political opinions.

Elements of the recruitment policy

 Equal employment opportunity (EEO)

Indian constitution encapsulates social safeguard measures for all

citizens of India in Article 15 and Article 16. Article 15 mandates
prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or
place of birth. Article 16 mandates equal opportunity in matters of
public employment. Article 16(2) further states that no citizen shall on
grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth,
residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in
respect of, any employment or office under the State.

 Blind Recruitment policy

Blind hiring is an HR practice that aims at reducing biases during the

hiring process. The idea is to promote talent acquisition based on a
transparent method and hire eligible candidates regardless of their
name, gender, mother tongue, religion, and socioeconomic


An organization’s safety policy is a recognized, written statement of

its commitment to protect the health and safety of the employees, as
well as the surrounding community. The safety policy also details the
measures the company takes and will take to protect the life, limb,
and health of their employees, often surpassing the requirements set
out by the laws or by the standard practices of the industry.To
succeed, a safety policy requires both a commitment and
endorsement from the employer and buy-in from the employees.

There are generally three sections in a safety policy, which include:

 Statement of the policy :
The employer’s commitment to managing health and safety and the
goal of the policy
 Responsibility :
Stating who is responsible for implementing, enacting, and tracking
each element of the policy
 Arrangements or procedures :
Outlines the details of procedures including the reduction of hazard

It may also include details about the following:

 Employee training
 Use of administrative controls, hazard isolation, locking, warnings,
signs and symbols marking hazards, etc.
 Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
 Removing hazardous materials or replacing them with less harmful
 Improved lighting and working environment
 Prevention of slip, trip, and fall incidents


Workplace safety is very important for each and every employee in

the industry because all the workers desire to work in a safe and
protected atmosphere. Health and safety is the key factor for all the
industries in order to promote the wellness of both employees and
employers. It is a duty and moral responsibility of the company
to look after the employee’s protection

1) Aware about the surroundings:

There are many employees who doesn’t bother about their
surrounding hazards. But it is important to observe your co-
employees working circumstances. Once you get to know about
the hazards that occur at your workplace, then it will help you in
reducing the risk and allow you to take the precautionary steps.

2) Reduce workplace stress:

Most of the employees are not fit and healthy because of their busy
schedule, which includes long working hours, work-pressure and
conflicts occur with co-workers or with the boss of the organization.
And, all these can lead to some illness or depression to the
employees. Also, this not only affects their professional life but also
creates the nuisance in their personal lives too. So, instead of waiting
to get unfit, it is better that you start take care of your health, by
taking regular breaks, sit in an appropriate posture with appropriate
diet. It will be better for you to schedule your work accordingly and
manage the things to reduce your workplace stress.

3. Use tools appropriately:

Take appropriate precautions while using machinery or any other

tool, instead of taking any shortcuts. Taking shortcuts is one of the
biggest reasons behind workplace loss. It’s a biggest safety risk to
use scaffolding as a ladder or one tool instead of another for a
particular job. So, it is always recommended to use the correct tools
and reduce the opportunity of workplace injury.

4. Keep crisis exits which are easily accessible:

In case there is an emergency, you will need quick access to the
exits. It is also advised to keep clear usage of equipment shutoffs
which might stop you from performing at emergency.

5. Update Your Supervisor about the unsafe conditions:

It is important that you keep updating your supervisor about the

hazards or risks occur at workplace. They should be legally obligated
to ensure that their employees are working a safe environment or not.
And, in case, if the employees are not working in safe conditions,then
it is the responsibility of the supervisor to listen and understand their
condition and create safe working environment for employees.

6. Use mechanical assistance:

Whenever, you want to carry or lift up some heavy equipment’s then

you should use a conveyor belt, crank or forklift. There are lot of risks
involved, if you try to lift something which is heavier, it can affect your
weighing capability and can lead to some muscle displacement. So,
make sure that use the appropriate tools for not harming yourself.

7. Stay Alert:

There are many employees who usually compromise or ignore the

alerts of advance warning and due to this, a number of workplace
injuries or fatalities occur.

8. Reduce Workplace Environment Stress:

Stress to any employee or to any co-worker, can lead into

depression and into concentration problems. And the main reason
includes, extended working hours, excess of work, insecurity of job
and issues which occur at co-workers or professionals. So, instead of
taking stress on your
Shoulders, you should discuss it with your supervisor and ask him/her
to look after your problems which you are facing in the organization.
Safety is one of the biggest issues and it is completely the
responsibility of the mangers and the business owners to make sure
that their employees are working in safe environment or not. The
management should make sure that they keep on
motivating and boosting the employees to make them active in the
working process.

1. Alcohol and drug policy company is committed to providing a safe,

healthy and productive working environment for all employees,
contractors, customers and visitors involved in its operation. This
policy sets out the company’s aims in reducing and managing
alcohol and drug problems in the workplace.
Alcohol and drug problems are prevalent in society and are
associated with a wide variety of costs for both employers and
employees. These costs include ill-health sickness absence, reduced
work performance and accidents. The consumption of alcohol and
drugs has implications for health and safety at work
since these substances impair co-ordination, judgement and decision
making; as such this is a policy matter.


1. To ensure the company complies with appropriate legislation

2. To minimize the risks associated with alcohol and drugs in the
3. To have clear rules regarding alcohol and drugs in the workplace
4. To provide employees with an education programme on the
adverse health effects
of alcohol and drugs
5. To encourage the early identification of employees who may be
experiencing alcohol or drug problems
6. To provide support for employees experiencing alcohol and drug
7. To provide training and support to line managers to ensure they
are equipped to support employees experiencing problems
The company requires all employees to report for duty free from the
effects of alcohol and drugs. Employees found in possession of illegal
drugs or using illegal drugs whilst at work will normally be reported to
the police. In some cases, the legitimate use of prescribed drugs can
affect a person’s ability to do their job.
6. Education

1. The company is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles to

employees via the Healthy Working Lives programme. Alcohol and
drug issues will be incorporated into the staff health programme and
employees will be provided with information on the current health
guidance in relation to safe and sensible drinking and the risks
associated with using drugs. This information will be disseminated by
means of written material, email communication.

2. Training will be provided for managers to outline their

responsibilities for enforcing this policy and additional support can be
sought from the Human Resources Advisor.
New managers will be made aware of their responsibilities in relation
to this policy via the company induction programme.


This policy is primarily concerned with ongoing alcohol and drugs

problems which are classed as capability issues, i.e. where the
problem impacts on the person’s ability to do their job.

1.Voluntary Referral for Support:

Employees who suspect or know they have a drug or alcohol problem
are encouraged to seek support at an early stage. Employees may or
may not wish to inform their line manager in such instances.

2. Confidentiality:
The company aims to ensure that the confidentiality of all employees
experiencing alcohol or drug problems is maintained by appropriate
3. Equal Opportunities:
This policy will apply equally to all staff regardless of grade,
experience or role within the company.
FIRE safety policy

Policy includes
 In the event of fire, the safety of life will override all other
considerations, such as saving property and extinguishing the fire.
 If a fire is discovered, the alarm will be raised immediately. This
should be the first action taken upon discovery of any fire, however
 All employees are empowered to take this action if they believe there
is a fire and no authority should be sought from any other person.
The practice will always support employees who operate the fire
alarm system in good faith, regardless of whether it is ultimately
determined that a fire existed.
 The practice does not require persons to attempt to extinguish a fire,
but extinguishing action may be taken if it is safe to do so. Guidance
on the circumstances under which firefighting should be avoided or
discontinued will be included in staff fire safety training.
 Immediate evacuation of the building must take place as soon as the
alarm sounds
 Staff should remain as calm as possible and help any patients,
visitors, disabled persons or contractors on the premises to evacuate
 Where possible and safe to do so, check all rooms (toilets) to ensure
no patients or staff remain in them or are trapped.
 Re-entry of the building is strictly prohibited until the fire brigade
officer in charge declares it is safe to do so. Silencing of the fire alarm
system should never be taken as an indication that it is safe to re-
enter the building.
 Employees should report any concerns regarding fire procedures, so
the practice can investigate and take remedial action if necessary.

Preventive measures
In order to control fire safety risks, this practice has developed safe
systems of work. We are committed, as an organisation, to ensuring
that these safe systems of work are effective in controlling our risks.

Our policy, therefore, is to:

1) Identify, in carrying out our normal risk assessment procedure

those activities that require a safe system of work

2) Identify safe methods of work for these activities; where necessary,

these will be written formal safe systems of work

3) Implement these systems using the expertise of our employees

involved in the work activities

4)Monitor the workings of the safe systems through workplace

inspections and reviewing accident/incident statistics derived from our
accident reporting procedure.

The aims of the fire risk assessment will be to:

 Identify any fire hazards

 Reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to as low a level as
reasonably practicable.
 Decide what physical fire precautions and management
arrangements are necessary to ensure the safety of people in the
building if a fire does start.

Protective measures

The practice will, in consultation with employees and their


 Ensure any deaf or hearing-impaired persons on the premises are

aware of the activation of the fire alarm, and that disabled persons
are given assistance to evacuate the building.
 Appoint persons to be responsible for specific procedures in the
event of fire, including:
1. The person responsible for summoning the fire brigade
2. Fire wardens
3. Those responsible for carrying out roll calls or supervising
evacuation assembly points

Recruitment and selection Audit


In order to verify the proper implementation of that policy within the

organization, two approaches will be used for auditing this policy. The
approaches selected are statistical approach and Management by
objectives (MBO).

 Statistical approach: The diversity of the people chosen by the

organization will be measured in this approach. The demographic
data that are present in the past are compared to those that are
 MBO: This approach establishes specific objectives for measuring the
performance of choosing a suitable candidate for the particular job.


Three methodologies will be used for the audit of this policy. It helps to
understand the

employer and the point of view of employees. The methodologies are

Interviews,Observation and Questionnaire.

 Interview: Individual and group interview will be conducted to get a

better understanding of the culture.
 Observation: To determine if selected employees are in harmony with
the organization.
 Questionnaire: To check the set expectation from the organization
and employees.


 Review the process of receiving the requisitions and whether these

are supported by business needs.
 The process of interview, evaluation, and recruitment. Review the
parameters looked into.
 Do a manpower budgeting and recruitment policy exist? If not, what is
the control of the need-based method followed currently
 Analysis of the recruitments made vis-a-vis the business
requirement, requisition, and approval. Review the key considerations
taken. Are these consistent
 Review the recruitment made or in the process – Are they routed
through proper channel. How the requirement is assessed. How the
skill set requirement is finalized. Any specific observation to the
 Take a certain number of new recruitment details and verify the
process followed. Does the process differ significantly? Whether a
properly structured and approved process exist for recruitments? If
not, how is it done now?
 Has requisition forms been filled up for all the recruitments?
 Verify the evaluation sheet and assess whether all relevant
credentials were evaluated
 Cross check whether credentials have been verified & market
intelligence made for some critical cases
 What are the parameters referred to while selecting a recruitment
 Are the terms and conditions put in the agreement complied with by
the consultants?


All new staff should be encouraged to read the policy on fire safety as part
of their induction process. All members of staff should be aware of the
procedures in case of a fire.

All new and existing staff should know:

 Who is responsible for ensuring the correct fire procedure is carried

 Who the fire wardens are.
 The location and usage of all fire extinguishers and where special
extinguishers (e.g. those suitable for use on electrical equipment) are
 The location of “break glass” fire alarm points
 The emergency fire evacuation procedures
 How to use the practice communication systems to make
 How to use the internal telephone systems to call for the fire brigade.
 In-house training sessions for existing staff should be arranged so
that all relevant staff can attend a session.


A safety audit is a structured process whereby information is collected

relating to the efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability of a company's
total health and safety management system.

Safety audits serve two broad purposes:

 They are routinely conducted in order to determine whether the

company is in compliance with safety legislation. These can be
performed by representatives of a regulatory body or by the company
 They are used to identify weaknesses in their safety programs and
processes. These audits are then used as a guide for designing
safety plans or to identify corrective actions that should be

A safety audit is a more thorough process than technical inspections or

spot-check inspections.

In addition to ensuring compliance, safety audits also review the company’s

safety documentation and determine whether their record-keeping systems
are adequate or need to be more robust. They will also look beyond the
current activity in the workplace and evaluate the company's safety

A safety audit can involve a walk-through of the facility, interviewing

management or employees, and reviewing company documentation.

Safety audits are beneficial because they:

 Promote constant review of systems to ensure that they do not

become weakened by habit
 Facilitate planned improvements to programs, policies, and
 Help to identify weaknesses in human resources departments
 Help to demonstrate management’s dedication to employee health
and safety

Why Are Safety Audits Done?

Safety audits are performed for a variety of reasons. Each company will
have their own specific list of reasons for completing a safety audit. The
following are just a few of the most common reasons:

 Legislative Requirements - There are many local, state, and federal

laws in place that require facilities meet certain safety standards. A
safety audit can help ensure those standards are met.
 Safety Concern - Keeping employees and the workplace safe is
ethically very important.

 Injuries - If someone has been injured in a specific area of the

workplace, it is often necessary to perform a safety audit of that area
to determine whether the injury was a one-time occurrence or there is
a risk of it happening to someone else.

 Bottom Line - While safety improvement in the workplace is often

looked at as an expenditure, in the long run it can positively improve
a company’s bottom line.

 Safety Culture - Employers that want to promote a safety-focused

culture need to set the tone by engaging in safety-related activities
such as a safety audit.

Performing a Safety Audit:

When planning a safety audit, it is important to follow a set process. Start by

forming a safety audit team or teams. Some companies choose to hire
outside consultants to perform the audit, which can be very effective. If using
existing employees, make teams that include 3-5 people and always ensure
employees do not inspect their own work environment. Those on the safety
audit teams should be trained on the current safety standards so they know
what to look for.

When ready, the safety audit teams need to look at any incident reports for
the area they are auditing. These reports can give key insight into where
potential problem areas exist. They can then go to the physical location of
the area being audited and watch work being done.They can ask questions
of the employees in that work in the area and get as much information as

Finally, teams should take all the information and analyze it for potential
safety concerns. Some safety issues will be quite obvious, but others may
be hidden in the data. Once the audit is completed, either the same audit
team or another team should begin making plans for what can be changed
in the facility to improve safety based on the information that was gathered
during the audit.


Fire!!! One of the serious threats faced by all the individuals and
organizations. Having been symbol of civilization and its development ,fire
turns to be a serious hazard for life and property once it goes out of
proportion and control. It looks amazing, how, an item of utility turns into a
source of devastation but it is a fact.
Fire can occur irrespective of time and place. Being unexpected always, it
can occur at your any part of the factory.The most effective tool for
determining fire safety standards at any facility is fire safety audit. Safety
audits are carried out so that the faults can be identified and required steps
for improvement can be taken. From developing an action plan,emergency
preparedness and mock drills are some of the important steps,necessary
for an EHS audit.

It is well said by Peter Drucker “You can’t manage what you can’t

Measuring is important part of ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ management process.

EHS audit is as much part of a health & safety management system
as service delivery,financial or production management. Main motto of
measuring EHS performance is to provide information on the improvement
and current status of the activities,strategies, processes deployed to control
health and safety risks.

When we talk particularly about fire safety audit, it is a comprehensive,

well-structured and systematic examination which helps an organization to
identify all the possible hazards from fire. From components, services,
equipment, it provides recommendations for the regulatory compliance as
per the existing building codes, rules, standards and regulations.

Fire safety plays an important role in industrial safety audits. It mainly

covers –

 Fire safety awareness training for employees

 Emergency exit plan
 Fire safety management
 Fire/Mock drills
 Do’s and dont’s in case of fire
 Ventilation, sprinkler and emergency lighting system
 Equipment’s for fire fighting
Findings of fire safety audit is then published as a report which has some
recommendations for any sort of non-compliance identified. The review
presented identifies remedial actions as well which plays a key role for
decision makers,helping them to organize for improvements. Periodic fire
safety audits thus help in preventing loss of property and human lives to a
great extent.



1 Portable fire extinguishers: appropriate type, readily available

and inspected
2 Fire exit doors: in good repair, unlocked and free from
obstruction (both sides)

3 Fire/emergency alarm systems operational; fire exit signs lit

4 Fire and evacuation plan is posted

5 Workers know the plan (ask a worker)

6 Are drills held regularly? (ask a worker)

7 Are no smoking regulations clearly posted and being

followed in “NO SMOKING” areas?


• Do you have a DOT-compliant written substance abuse policy?

• Have Supervisors received DOT-compliant Reasonable Suspicion


• Have employees received educational materials about substance abuse?

And can you prove it?

• Are your covered employees enrolled in a random drug testing program?

• Do you have a negative pre-employment test result for each employee?

• Does each employee have a valid medical card?

• Did you request drug test records from employees’ previous employers?

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