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What is POVERTY in the Philippine setting? A scenario where poor Filipino

families only eat once, usually porridge or have nothing to eat at all in a day. This situation
is a common feature not just in the rural but also in the urban areas. These families are
having hard time surviving in such a difficult condition, more and more, till they become
extremely poor thus falling into extreme poverty.

Given this scenario, what is poverty…. is it not having enough material

possessions or income for a person’ s needs or the state of being extremely poor of which
a person do not have anything at all? I think its interpretation or meaning depends on the
kind of situations or difficulties we humans’ experiences especially those who belong to
the extreme poverty line.

In the country, poverty is the main culprit of more problems, small or even in a
large scale. Unemployment, illiteracy, armed conflict, inequality, climate change, and
corruptions are some of the problems that can be identified because of poverty. Poverty
may include social, economic and political elements. This innate issue if remained
unresolved may lead to absolute poverty, a complete lack of the means necessary to
meet even the basic personal needs, such as food, clothing and shelter.

With all the related problems I mentioned above, I will try to explain them further
one by one. For unemployment, rural poor has a limited chance to be employed in a more
decent job with high wage salary even though they are qualified and skilled. Why?
Opportunities are so limited compared to urban areas where job openings are higher. It
is considered as one of the indicators of an economy’s status and if remain unresolved,
this will full down the economic growth of the country.

The majority of poor Filipino households have only achieved basic level of
education. Younger generations who belong to these families, mostly the male ones, do
not even have the opportunity to finish it because they are force to do hard labor at an
early age. Others, able to finish the tertiary education but unable to attend college level
because of poverty. They ended on the so-called “blue-collar” job. Their talent, skills,
ideas and intelligence can be used even more to the advantage of the nation if only they
have the opportunity to finish their education. These generations are a great source of
manpower thus helping our country’ economic growth as well.

Armed conflict in some areas of our country leads also to poverty. The livelihood
of the affected populations is definitely affected. They are force to leave their homes to
save their lives. The infrastructures within that locality were likewise devastated even all
the government support system suffered. These group need to start anew, hence the
government needs to spent millions of pesos to support even their basic needs. If this
does not happen, this amount can be used for the additional country’s developmental
program and projects that could also address the problem of unemployment for it may
create additional jobs for Filipinos.

Even up to this time, inequality among regions have also continued to increase
hindering the reduction of poverty. Country’ s economic growth is more focus to Manila.
It prevents distant provinces from sharing the benefits of prosperity thus its population are
greatly affected. They are the ones who suffered most, for they are the direct recipients
for whatever benefits it may generate. As a result, poor households typically moved to the
city from other provinces in search for economic opportunity and livelihood.

Climate change also affects the poverty level. It has a big impact especially when
it comes to the agricultural side of which farming and fishing is the main source of income
of our rural communities. Decline in agricultural productivity, unsuccessful small
landholders, farming operations and unsustainable practices have caused deforestation
and weakened fish stocks of which Filipinos below the poverty line are affected.

There are so many causes of poverty in the Philippines and some of them are only
a few that I mentioned, but I considered corruption as the MOTHER of all the major
causes of poverty. Why? Base on my observations and what I heard in the television and
articles read, news related to corruption is everywhere. Without corruption in the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, peace and order could have been in place a long time ago.
Without fertilizer scam, our farmers could have had a better yield. Without corruption in
Land Transportation Office and traffic enforcers, public transport drivers could have been
more disciplined thus earning more for his family. Lastly without corruption, the nation
could have provided better education to the youth. They could have been a factor in nation
building. They are the hope of the future. More so, without corruption, the nation could
have put up more industries that could produce more products and generate more
employment and of course could have help to address poverty.

Despite all these odds, the country, through our government leaders with the
support of the private sectors has made and continuously exerted all efforts to address
and make possible solutions. Programs and projects more focused on improving poverty
related issue is a must.

Some of the initiatives of our government are improving infrastructures with new
roads, bridges and airports to help our farmers deliver their products where there are
good markets. The government also utilizes social protection programs to provide poor
families with direct assistance. One of the programs related in it, is the conditional cash
transfer program. Families who belong to the below extreme poverty line are the identified
recipients. In return, these families have to abide in the conditionalities set within its policy.
Some of the conditionalities are; they need to send their children in public school, be
vaccinated with government provided immunization and to attend the family development

Creation of jobs tailored to fit Filipinos’ skills and abilities must also be given utmost
attention. A well-paying job is the best pathway out of poverty. The government must
invest in job creation strategies such as rebuilding our infrastructures and developing
renewable energy resources, that in return, will boost national economy.

The Philippine Development Plan of 2017- 2022 is considered as the most

effective measures to address poverty. It is through the initiatives of the government. Its
efforts are focus mainly to reduce this problem. It aims to improve the living conditions of
the poor families. In order to achieve this goal, it is recommended that these policies will
work in creating major jobs, improving productivity in all sectors and educating Filipinos
with necessary skills for work in today’s economy.

Regardless of all the government initiatives, these all will be useless, if we, the
citizens of our nation will not be cooperative and supportive. The government cannot do
it alone. We must act as one, with common aspiration and desire to uplift our economic
status. Our dreams will always remain dreams if we will not turn this into action. It is the
responsibility of ALL.

Submitted by:


Grade X – St. Augustine

Submitted to:


Teacher, English 10

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