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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Objectives: at the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

a. Explain biodiversity and its three components.

b. Appreciate the importance of species diversity; and
c. Make a slogan that shows the importance of species diversity.

Subject matter: Species diversity

Reference: Science learners module 8

Materials: marker, Manila paper

Strategy: Collaboratrive, inductive

III. Procedure

Teachers activity Learners activity

a. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Attendance
c. Review
Class, before we proceed to our
discussion let’s have a review first.
Class in your previous year what you
have learned about ecosystem? Sir?
Yes_____? Ecosystems are the foundation of the
biosphere and they determine the
health of the entire earth system.
Very good.
Class, there are many types of
ecosystem but there are major classes
of ecosystem, sometimes referred as
biomes which are the following: fresh
water, terrestrial and ocean Yes, sir!
Am I clear class?

B. Developmental activity
a. Motivation
Class this time we will have an
activity. I have a bowl here which
contains several questions all you
have to do is to sing a song “leron Yes, sir
leron sinta” and if I will say stop the
person who holds the bowl will pick
one question and answer. If he/she
can’t answer he/he can ask for help.
Am I clear class?

Q1. It is a branch of science that deals Biology
with the study of life?
Q2. An organism that lacks of spinal Invertebrates
Q3. A part of the body such as heart Organ
or liver that has a particular function?
Q4. It is also known as DNA
deoxyribonucleic acid?
Q5. Having the same number of Isotope
protons but different number of
Q6. It is usually known as an action Verb
Q7. It is a physical strength that Energy
allows you to do things?
Q8. It is where water flows and across River
into the ocean?
Q9. Another term used to apologize? Sorry
Q10. It is the second to the last letter I
of the name of your teacher?
Q11. The 20th letter of the alphabet? T

Q12. Complete the sentence “I LOVE You


C. lesson proper
Class, our topic for today is all about
biodiversity and its 3 components.
Class who can define biodiversity? Sir
Yes___? Biodiversity is the variability among all
living organisms
Very good. Biodiversity is the variety of
life in earth and the essential
interdependence of the living things.
The three components of biodiversity
are genetic, species and ecosystem

Species diversity – is the variety of

species within a habitat or a region.

Genetic diversity –is the variety of

genes within a species.

Ecosystem diversity – is a variety of

ecosystem in a given place.

Class, let us talk about species

diversity. Species diversity is defined
as the number of species and
abundance of each species that live in
a particular location
Class, how many species do you
think live on earth? Sir
Yes ___? 1 million

That’s right! It can be.

Class, let us also discuss the
biological concept of species, the
significance of species diversity,
activities of human that affects species
diversity and why we should prevent
loss of species diversity .
Class, species are group of
interbreeding natural populations that
are reproductively isolated from other
such group.
(1) Interbreeding (genetic unit)
-member of same species
resemble each other because
they are related.
(2) Natural population
-organisms derive their
properties from the group.
(3) Reproductively isolated
-inability of a species to
bread successfully with related species
due to geographical, behavioral,
physiological or genetic barriers or

Am I understood class? Yes, sir

Class, what is the significance of
species diversity? Sir
Yes___? The composition of species in a given
ecosystem is the result of everlasting
evolution. Each species has adapted to
its niche which enabling the species to
reproduce and thus maintain its
Very good!
Class, how do human activities effect
species diversity? Sir
Yes ___? Over exploitation, pollution and
habitat conversion are the main
threats to the species diversity.
That’s right!
Class, why we should prevent the loss
of species? Sir
Yes ___? It should have become clear that the
loss species diversity is accompanied
by a loss of functionality, some of
which directly affect human life in a
severe way.
Is it clear class? Yes, sir

IV. Generalization
Class, what is biodiversity? Sir
Yes ___? Biodiversity refer to the variety of
plants, animals and microorganisms
that exists.
Very good!
What are the 3 components of
biodiversity? Sir
Yes ___? Genetic, species and ecosystem

V. Application
Class this time we will have an
activity. I well divide you into 4 groups
and all you have to do is to make a
slogan that shows the importance of
species diversity .You will write it on
the provided manila paper. I will give
you 5 minutes to brainstorm with you
group and choose I representative to
present your output to the class.
Am I understood class?
Class, yours times start now. Yes, sir
Class, times up! Past your work.
VI. Evaluation
Class, get ¼ sheet of paper and
answer the following question.

Direction: in a ¼ sheet of paper

identify the following.

Biodiversity 1. Refers to the variety of

plants , Animals, microorganisms that
Exist in a particular area?
Ecosystem 2. Refers to the variety of
ecosystem diversity in a given place.
Species is the variety of species
within diversity habitat.
Genetic 4. A variety genes within a
species diversity
species 5. The number of species
that live in richness a center location.

VII. Assignment
In a short bond paper. Draw a
picture that shows a healthy

Criteria 20 15 10
Mastery The reporters The reporters The reporters
demonstrates demonstrate knowledge demonstrate knowledge
total mastery of of the important of some contents of their
the contents contents of their report report
Delivery The group delivers The group delivers a The group delivers the
a very creative creative presentation of topic orally with visual
presentation of the topic aid.
the topic
Instructional The instructional The instructional The instructional
materials materials used are materials used are materials used are not
very innovative innovative extraordinary
Cooperation All members One or two members Three members become
participate become in active in the in active in the
actively preparation and preparation and
presentation presentation

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