LP Digestive System

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Objectives: at the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

a. identify the organs in digestive system and its function.

b. describe how digestive system break down food; and
c. trace up the pathway of the digestive system.

Subject matter: digestive system

Reference: Science learners module 8

Materials: marker, Manila paper

Strategy: Collaboratrive, inductive

III. Procedure
Teachers activity Learners activity
a. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Attendance
c. Review
Who can recall our topic last meeting? Sir
Yes___? Our topic last meeting was all about
Very good. materials cycle in the ecosystem.

What are the three cycles? Sir

Yes___? Oxygen, water and nitrogen cycle.
Very good.
What do plants produce that animals
use? Sir
Yes___? Oxygen
Very good.
How about animals? Sir
Yes___? Carbon dioxide
Very good.

b. Developmental activity
a. Motivation
This time class, I will show you a video
related to our topic and while the
video is playing I want you to watch
properly and listen carefully as much
as possible.
Am I clear class? Yes, sir

b. Unlocking of difficulties
Class for the clarification of the word
meaning here are the definition of
DIGESTION- the process by which
foods changed to simpler form after it
is eaten.
PERISTALSIS- successive waves of
involuntary contraction passing along
the walls of a hollow muscular
structure as the esophagus and
INGESTION- a process of taking food,
drink, or another substance in the
body by swallowing or absorbing.
ENZYMES- a chemical substance in
animals and plants that helps to
cause natural processes.

c. lesson proper
a. activity
class this time we will have another
activity. I will group you into 5 groups
all you have to do is to answer the
task given and choose your
representative to present your output.
I will give you 5 minutes to do the
Am I clear class? Yes, sir

G1- define digestive system

G2- main parts of the digestive system
G3- function of each parts of the
digestive system
G4- pathways of the digestive system
G5- processes in digestive system

Times up. Post your output.

Let us start to group 1,2,3,4 and 5. Group 1 reporting……
Very good. Give 5 claps
Group 2 reporting……
Awesome. Give 5 claps
Group 3 reporting…….
Expectacular. Give 5 claps
Group 4 reporting……
Excellent. Give 5 claps
Group 5 reporting…….
Very good. Give 5 claps

b. Analysis
How does digestive system process? Sir
Yes____? Digestive system process through the
organs present on it, like mouth,
esophagus, stomach, small and large
intestine, rectum and anus and
through ingestion, digestion,
absorption and elimination.
Very good.

Where does digestion start? Sir

Yes____? mouth
Very good.
What will happen to the food when it
enters to the stomach? sir
Yes____? your stomach breaks down the food
even more, your stomach is like a bag
muscles that release digestive juices
that helps to break down food and the
food will turns into liquid, into a
chemical called fats, proteins, starches
and sugar, it takes about 4 hours to
do its job.
Very good.
What will happen to the food when it
reached to the small intestine? Sir
Yes___? If finally digested through the
presence of enzyme, pancreatic juices
and bile released by pancreas and gall
bladder and absorption of nutrients.
Very good.

c. Abstraction
What is digestive system? Sir
Yes___? A system which responsible for
digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Very good.

Who can trace the pathway of food

during digestion? Sir
Yes____? The food goes to the mouth to the
throat. It then slides down to a tube
called esophagus, by means of severe
muscular contraction called
peristalsis. After that it goes from the
stomach, small and large intestine,
rectum and anus.
Very good.

d. Application
In order to show the importance of
digestive system, let’s have another
activity, this activity is called ”eat me,
I’m tasty”
Q1. Why is it important to chew up
food before it swallowed?
Q2. How important is digestive system
in our life?

IV. Evaluation
In a ½ sheet of paper. Answer the
following question.

____1. I chew up the food into small

pieces and mix it with saliva?

____2. I’m a muscular tube that makes

sure food gets from the mouth down to
the stomach?

____3. Im a bag that blends food

together and state if for use by the

____4. I’m a long curly tube with a

shaggy lining, that breaks down food
more thoroughly pass on any food that
isn’t used to the large intestine.

____5. I’m a large tube that removes

water from undigested food.

V. assignments
In a ½ sheet of paper for 10 points.
How the nutrition choice will affect the
proper functioning of the human
digestive system?

Criteria 20 15 10
Mastery The reporters The reporters The reporters
demonstrates demonstrate knowledge demonstrate knowledge
total mastery of of the important of some contents of their
the contents contents of their report report
Delivery The group delivers The group delivers a The group delivers the
a very creative creative presentation of topic orally with visual
presentation of the topic aid.
the topic
Instructional The instructional The instructional The instructional
materials materials used are materials used are materials used are not
very innovative innovative extraordinary
Cooperation All members One or two members Three members become
participate become in active in the in active in the
actively preparation and preparation and
presentation presentation

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