Liddel and Scott Intermediate Κ

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men, II. ; the sound of the lyre, Od. ; of the wind, of king Agenor, brother to Kuropa, founder of Boeotian
a fire, II. Thebes. Cadmus brought from Phoenicia the old
lt;KTJ, ^j (StwKo?) rout, pursuit, II. :
'Iw/oj is personified Greek alphabet of sixteen letters, hence called Kodjuque
Ib. :
metaplast. ace. 1fwa {as if from lta% , Ib. t or 4>ow/tK^ia7pa/i/ioTa 'Hdt.) ; which was afterwards in-
'l*v, wj^os, o, /6/2, the son of Xuthus or Apollo^ and creased by the eight so called) Ionic, i70^>xfl4'*
C re iisa, from whom, sprung the Ionian race, Hdt. : ot KaSos [a], <J, jtaSeTv ?\ a jar or vessel for 'water or
"itoves the lonians, etc. Hence mne, Lat. cadits, Hdt., etc. 2. a liquid measure,
uuvya, Boeot. for e-ywye. = afjLKpopeds., Anth. II. an urn or box for collecting
Unaa, as, y, (fay)a violet-bed, Lat. violariitrn, Ar. the votes, like /coStcr/cos, Ar.
ItoVLsco?, -^, Ionic, Ionian, i. e. effeminate, Ar.
<jly? !
KoSos, Dor. for KTJ&OS.
IwTa, A* letter iota, proverb, of anything very small, I, ij, fem. from Kap, a Carian woiaii f II. H.

+ J">
smallest letter, a jot (the Hebr. yod , X. T. \ Adj. fem.
= Kapi/C7j, Carian, Hdt.
' r
-j, 6,
= !aK-fi, IL, Hes. j
>cacCs> aor. 2 pass. part, of icaia? ;
caiffivat, Ep, for
Kcnjj/ai, inf.
Adv., for naff a} according as, just as, Xen. :~-
K<i0ck [a],

soKa0aTTp, Ion. KaraTrep, Hdt.,Ar.,etc.: strengthd.,

Ka0dirp el, Ion. Kara-rep et, 7^ as if, exactly as, Hdt.,
K. Plat. ; Ka0a-srp &y Dem. ; co0xirp &v el Plat., etc.
Ka0-a*yi<i>, f. Att. ia> Ion. Krr- to demote, dedicate,
: :

J^L, K, Kttirira, T(J, indecL, tenth letter In Gr. alphabet : offer to a god,, ri rivi Hdt., Ar., etc. :- of a burnt
as numeral K' ZQ, but t K 20,000 K. is the tennis :
oifering, Hdt. sto make offerings to the manes, Lat.
guttural mute, related to the medial 7 and the aspir. %. parentare, Luc. II. generally, to burn, /coraytfo-
Changes of K in the Gr. dialects 1. Ion. K re* : fj.vov rov Kopwov Hdt, : to burn a dead body, and
places x> as KiQtav SeKOftat KvBpvj for yjLT&v S^o^uat even to hury, Plut. so, H<nay tnropay/iar fy *ci!W$

%*rrpa:~ it represents w, as /cou /core lews, etc., for TCQV KaOyyitfav whose mangled bodies dogs have buried,
TTOT irces, etc. ; so, ftnce = Hffirev, ITTTTOS Lat. equus* 2. i. e. devoured,
Soph. Hence
Dor. K is interchanged with T, as $/ta #AAoKa TTJJ/OS for Ka0tryi-<Tu,osj 5, funeral rites, Lat. pareniaHa y Luc.
$re &AAore KeTVos. ca0-aYv^c3 > f . Att. t<, fo purify, kallow f Luc. Pass.., :

ica,Dor. for Ion. we, Att. &>, Ar., etc. jiujTTjp irvpl KoB^iyviffrai "$, i, e. has been burnt on
c, Ep. for /carcjSaXe, 3 sing aor. 2 of Ka.ra&aX\<a.
, the funeral-pyre, Eur. II. to offer as an expiatory
s, Ep. for Kara&ds, aor. 2 part, of Kara^aivcc. sacrifice, Id.
poi., at, the Cabeiri, divinities worshipped in Lemnos Ka0auLa>cTos, bloodstained, bloody, Eur.
oj/, From
and Samothrace, reputed to be sons of Hephaestus or Ka8-cuft<cr<rbj, 5 jfo wa^^ bloody, sprinkle or szfwiw
f. |
Vulcan, from their skill in working- metals, Hdt. w/YA blood, Aesch., Eur.
xtry,Ep. for Kard before y, Kary y6vv for /cara *yovv, II. Ka0-ai.(iaTOto,
= foreg., Eur v Ar.

KayKavos, ov, Kai<a fit for burning, dry, Hom.,Theocr. Ka0-aip.o$, ov, (atfjict, bloodstained, bloody, Eur.
* later form for Kax^fo), Babr. Ka0a{peort.s, eons, ^,KaBoupeto) a pulling' down, rasing-
laugh aloud, Lat. cachinnari, in Ep. to the ground, Thuc., Xen.: destruction, N.T.
forms, 3 pi. K:eryxoA<faxn II. ; part. Kayxako&v, ~6cacra Ka0aipTos s a, ov, verb. Adj. of a0cupe6>, fo 6^ /^
Horn. (Like Kax&Cte, formed from the sound, down, Thuc.
Kayxpvs, late form of Kc^xpws. Ka0aipcT7)s > ot/, ^, a.
putter down, ffuerthroiser,, Thuc.;
scayo) [a], crasis for ol cycS. and
KolS,Ep. for3 Kara before 5, K&5 5<^/utTa Od. ; icaS Svva/itr Ka0Li,pTOS, 4i 3 6v, to be taken or achieved, Thuc. From
Hes. ; KaS 5* l^aAc by tmesis for icarj3aA 5, Od. icad-aipcw, Ion. icar : f . fato : f. 2 icaAS : aor. 2
xaSairava, crasis for /cew oSaTroya. /co^etXox, inf. KoBeXfiv : Pass., aor. i jcafejpefejy : pf .

Ep. for KareSpaBenQV, 3 dual aor. 2 of |7p7j/M to take down, jKa0elA.OjU.ey lorla
: ^ lowered
sail, Od. 5 K. #x0o$ to take a load down, i.e. off one's
i, Ep.for KaTa5S<rot,aor.2 part, f em. of /c shoulders, Ar. : Med., icaraifietff&fu, ra r0|a to take
XC.SICTKOS, 6, Dim. o a5oy, aw urn or <?.# ; there were d<mn one's bo\v ? Hdt. 2. f<? ji>zi^ down or r/as^ the
two, in which the dicasts placed their votes of guilty or eyes of the dead, Horn. 3. of sorcerers, to bring
not guilty, Ar. down, Lat. caelo deducere, o'eA^yij*' Ar., Plat. 4.
KcSfictos, a, ov, Cadmean, Hes., Trag. ; poet. KaS- Kara /te weSoy *ya$ A.oi (in tmesi) may earth swallow
|A,etas Find., Soph., Ion. for KaSjx-qios, Ka5- 17, ov : me ! Eur. II. to put down by force, destroy 9 Od. s
jueTai, ot, 2?A^ Cadmeans or ancient
inhabitants of Trag. : simply to kill, slay, Eur. 2. in a milder
Thebes. Horn., etc. ; also Kt8jtta>v$, II. y Ko5/tia : sense, to put down, reduce, Hdt., Dem., etc. : tv
the citadel of Thebes* Xen. proverb., Ka5/iia vita] a
depose, dethrone, Hdt. ; K. -rb XyarriKfo to remove It
dear-bought victory (from the story of the ^iraprol, or utterly, Thuc. 3. to rase to the ground* pull
that of Polynices and Eteocles), Hdt. down, ras irfaeis Id. ; r&v Tei%y a part of the walls,
Ka8jtT]is, ifios, fern, of KaS/teTo^ h. Horn., Hes. ; also Xen. 4. to cancel, rescind, rJ> i|4^wj* Thuc. 5,
in Att., Thuc. \ as Att. law-term, to condemn. Soph. 6* to reduce
S> *^j ("yl-yj/o/uu) Cadmus-born Trag. ,
in flesh, Plut. HI, to overpower seize* icAS Si #aK ',

s, $, Cadmus, Od., Hes. : son of the Phoenician farms ypi in tmesi, Od. ; KO&. Tiyk IF eu$*fwtjr$v$ to
catch in the act of folly. Soph. c. gen. partis, /c. rS>v :
Ka6aptOTi|S, TJTOS, TJ, cleanliness, purity., Hdt., Xen,
&TWV to 'seise by the ears, Theocr. TV. to fetch Ka9apuo-p.d<;, 6, later form for
Ka.6apfj.6s, N. T.
down as a reward or prize,, Kadcupetv oywra or oycc- Ki0appia, arcs, TO, (KaBaipu) that which is thrown away
vt(Tfj.a Plut. to achieve, Find.; so in Med., in cleansing; in pi. the offscourings, refuse
of a sacri~
<$>6v(p KaQcupi(r& , ov Koyy, ra irpayfjiara Eur. ; in Pass., fice, Aesch. 2. metaph. a castaway, outcast,
Hdt. "V". more rarely like the
simple cwpecu, to take Dem., etc. II. in pl.
= /ea0op(m, purification,
and carry off, seize, Id. Eur. III. purified ground, evrbs Ka0ap/taroy
KaOcupco f Ka8ap5>
: aor. i eKdBrjpa
Med., f Ka&a-
: : . within the hallowed space, Ar.
pozJjUtu : aor. I
^Kadujpdfj.Tjj/ : Pass., aor. i SKo-BapS-riv :
jca0-app.6u, f. o-w, to join or fit to, ri rivi Eur.
(tcadapos) : : I. of the person or Ko.0app.ds, a cleansing, purification from
6, (KaQatpoi)
thing purified, to make pure or clean, cleanse, clean, guilt, Soph. hence, a means of purification, puri-

purge, KaOfipavres xp a #5cm Od. to purge, clear :

fying sacrifice, atonement, expiation, Ka^ap^y TTjy
a land of monsters and robbers, Soph. 2. m )(j&pr)$ voistcrQai riva to make him an atonement for
religious sense, to cleanse, purify, [SeTs-os] eicdB-^pe his country, Hdt.; /ivtros Aat/j/t*> Ka&apjULOts by puri-
Qeeicp purified by fumigating with sulphur,
it II. ; ica6.
fying rites, Aesch. ; Bov vvv Ka6apfj.ov aiftoi>a>j/ avert
Tij/ct cpovov to purify him from blood, Hdt. ; AT)AGJ/ K. their wrath ^>' purification. Soph. ; KaQap^v Oveiv to
Id. : Med. to purify oneself get purified., Id. j ',
ot offer a purifying- sacrifice, Eur. 2. applied to rites
<jn\o<ro(j)iq Ka8rtpd[j,<evoi Plat. : so Pass., KeKaQapfievos ofw initiation, Plat., Dem.
Id. 3. to prune a tree, i. e. clear it of superfluous KA eATO'I, a, fo 1. clear of dirt, clean, spotless,

wood, N.T. 4. metaph., = /Acww'yJaj, like our vulgar unsettled, Od.^ Hdt., Eur. 2. clear, open, free, ly
phrase to rub down, Theocr.
II. of the thing Kadapip (sc. r<Mrj>) in clear, open space, II. ; ey Ka8ap<p
removed by purification, to purge away, wash off or firivai to leave the way clear, Soph. ; 5i& KaBapov peeiv,
away, \v/u.ara II. ; frirtca Od. ; tylvov Aesch. Ill, c. of a river whose course is clear and open, Hdt. ; rb c^u-
dupl. ace., alfjia KaQrjpov ^apTnjSoya cleanse Sarpedon iroS&v yy6v KaBapov the hindrance was cleared away f
of blood, wash the blood off him, II, Pass., $6vov : Id. : -c. gen., yXSxrcra KaBaph TWV (rrj^Tittajf clear of the
Ka9ap0ts Hdt. marks, Id. 3. in moral sense, clear from shame or
tcaO-dXXojxai, f. -aAov/tai aor. i -7?Aa/7J/ Dep. to : : :
pollution, pure, KaOapcp davdrtp Od. esp. clear of guilt :

leap down,, Xen. metaph. of a storm, to rush down, II.

: or defilement, clean, pure, Theogn., Aesch. ; Ka9apb$
Kafl-awav, Adv. on the whole ; divisim fca0* aVcw. Hdt. so, of persons purified after pollution,

Ka6-aira, Adv. once for all, Od., Dem. then, like :

7rpo<r7?A0 K. Aesch. of things, ftcauoi, flu/mra,

cbrX&Jy, once for all, absolutely, Dem. fieXaQpa, Id., Eur. c. gen. clear of or from a

KaOairep, tcaOa-rrepei, KaOaircpaveC, v. sub /ca0a. charge, K. &yKX.r}fj.dT<av 3 aSucias, Katctav, etc., Horace*s
KaOairros, ii, dv, bound with, equipt with a thing, c. sceleris purns, Plat., Xen. 4. opp. to 8o\ep6s f
dat., An
From clear of admixture, clear, pure, of water, Hdt., Eur. ;
icaO-airTto, Ion. KWT3 f. ^a> to fasten, fix or put :
so, /c.
(jxios, tyeyyos Pind. ; K. fyrros xpvffos Hdt. ;
upon, ri nvL Soph. ; so, K. a.fjL<pt nvi
Eur. ; Ti n n apyvpioy Theocr. 5. of birth, opp. to ^cvos, pure,
Xen. : Pass., Ppoxq? fca^/t/xevos (pf. part.) fastened genuine, Pind., Eur.; rfov A&fjval(av Sirep 6(TTpaTue
with a halter, 2. to dress* clothe,
i, e. hung, Soph. KaQap'bv ej-yXOe, i. e. who were citizens of pure blood,
in Med., cncfvy Eur. 3. intr.
<r/t* ^juibv KaQa^ofJiai Thuc. : KcuBapdv a real, genuine saying, Id. 6.
in sense of Med. (n), to lay hold of, TIV&S N. T. II. without blemish, T& KaBaphv rov trrparov the sound
Med., KaOdTrrearOai TWO. cTrceaw, in g"ood or bad sense, portion of the army, Hdt. 7. clear, exact, kv Kaflopol
as, tri> rov y eTreWo-t Ka6dTrreffdcu /xaXcwcotcri or /ietA.i- &<riv adT$/TJ<pot
if the accounts are clear, exactly bal*

X.IOLS do thou accost or address him with gentle words, anced, Dem. II. Adv. Ka6ap&s, Hes. ; KoQapus
Horn, ; or, aynfttois KaOairrofJivos assailing or
eTreecra't yeyoueycu to be of pure blood, Hdt. 2. with clean
attacking' . .
, Od.
also without qualifying words, to
hands, honestly, Theogn., Plat. 3. clearly, plainly,
accost or assail, yepovra Kada7cr6fJLVos irpocreetirfv Xyiv Ar. ; yv&vai, eldevai. Id., Plat. Hence
Id. 2. c. gen. to assail, attack, upbraid, Hdt., tcoL0apoTq$, fjros, %, cleanness, purity, in moral sense,
Att.; also, like Lat. antestari, Qe&v K0frairrdfj.vo$ Plat.
appealing" to them, Hdt. 3. to lay hold of, rvpay- KaO-apirdta, f. a or a<rw, to snatch
down, Eur.
vlSas Solon; Pp4<j>eos Theocr. cleansing from guilt or defile-
Ka.0apcrt.os, QV> (/ca&j/peo)
KoLOapeios* and KaOaptos, ov, (ica&apds) of persons, ment, purifying, Hdt., Soph. of sacrifice, effect, :

cleanly 9 neat, nice, tidy, Lat, mundus, Arist. : Adv. Aesch.; -rrwp, ^>Xo| Eur. 2. c. gen., KO&* fy&vov
-etws or las, Xen., etc. cleansing or purifying from blood, Aesch. ; but, jc.
KaOape-uTlov, one must keep oneself clean, Luc. offceav purifying them, Eur. II. as Subst., /co#-
Kadapeva, f. crw, (ra6ap^y) to be clean or pure, Plat. : efp<no^ (sc. tep6v), TO, a purifying sacrifice, Aeschin. :- -
c. gen. to be clean or
free from guilt, Flut.; also, hence, purification, Hdt.
K. COT* OUTOU (sc. rovtrcS/wcTOs) Plat. ; also, KO.&. yjfta^y >ca8ap<ru5, ecus, , (tcoBaip&i) a cleansing from guilt or
to be pure or clear in mind, Ar, defilement, purification, Lat. lustratio, Hdt., Plat.
Ka6apCO, f. Att. w, (Kodapts) to makeclean> to cleanse, jca0ap-njs, ov, 6, (/ca^a/p) ^s cleanser from guilt or
N. T. Pass, to be or become clean from disease,
Ib. ; defilement, purifier, Soph., Ar., etc. H^nce
and of the disease, to be purged away, Ib. or purifying, Plat.
KaBaprtscos, 4\ 9 v, for cleansing
ica.6OG uu,ai. 5 fut.
hare's seat or form,
a seat, K. rov Kayw a wet she was found in the act of adorn-
icod-cSpo, T},

Xen. II. the posture of sitting, eV rfj KadfSpa. ing, Soph.

while they 'mere sitting idle, Thuc. ,
K<x0-e\j?iaof2,ai, Dep., to mock at, Lat. illudere, c. gen. Od. ,

to boil down, Ar. H. metaph.

xaMtopoi : impf faa$c(6/joiv 'as if the Verb were not
tca0-etjici>, f. ~$rif)(T(0,

a Xen. : f Kad$ovuai : aor. i part. :a0- to soften, temper, Xen.

compd.), .

<r0& to sit down, take one's seat, Horn., itd0ig, Att. for Ka9rj<7ai, 2 sing, of Kaltyfwu.
Dep.: :

Trag. 2. to sit as suppliants, Eur., Thuc. 3. ; jca^-tj-ye^wv, 6vo$, 6, TI, a leader, a guide, Hdt.
Ka0-Y|*yeo}JrCu > Ion. caT-7jY
to go be-
to s# down in a country, encamp, Thuc.
f- ^ffofiat : Dep. :

KoBeqica, Ep. for KO&TJKO., aor. i of Kadiy/M. fore, act as guide, lead the way, absol., Hdt., Thuc. ; ot
c. dat. to guide a

Ko0taTO, Ep. for M6j]vro, 3 pi. impf. of KaTTpye^/iej'Gt the guides, Hdt. :

person, Id. 2. c. ace. rei, to go before and teach

v, aor. 2 of Ka6atpew.
, pf. pass,
of KaBiyjju. a thing, to explain, expound, Id. 3. c. gen., o0.
used impers. zY is ordained to rov \oyov to begin the discourse, Plat. 4. to be the
KaOcipaprai, pf. pass.,
one*$ ruin, Pint., Luc. first to do, to establish, institute, Hdt. ; ov KarTryT}-
aor. to shut in, ffofjuu T&y j'o'fto*' roVSc Tt$ts
/ ?z7/ not begin establishing
Ka0~eCp'yiaijJU, Ion. KCLT- : i KoQetpl-a :

this law, Id.

enclose, confine, imprison, Od., Hdt., Att.
Ka0els, for icaff ts, one by one, ets Kadets, for eis
KO& KaS-ij&viraS&^f.^tr&j to squander in luxury ,\en. f Pint,
N.T, KaStjica, aor. i of Jca0tyjUi.
Ka0i<ra, aor. i of Ka8ifa. II. KaQeicray, 3 pi. aor. 2 Ka0-?}K6>, Ion. Kar-iJKw, f. -^, to Jte'tf r<o? or 8;z*

of Ka6iv)fju. down, esp. to fight, Aesch. 2. to OHM* down

to, come or reach to, Hdt. 3. to have come to
ica0Kacnra, v. JEKacrros.
K0.0ieTOv, verb. Adj. of Kar6%w, 0?w ??M^ <?*?/ back, any one, Ka07jKy es ^/wss <S
A.<yos the turn of &f>eak~
Plut. ing came to us, Aeschin. 4. of Time, 3 xP&yos
KoSriKGi the time t* c0fe*, Xen. ^TOF IK raw tdfaay
Ka0-KTos, 77, 6v, ^car-e'xw) to be held back or checked, ;

Dem. to be retained, Plut.

: Ka&fjKri when appointed by the law comes,
[/Aff time']

KoOcXeiv, aor. 2 of Kadcupso}. Dem/ II. to <fe meet, fit, proper, rov KMfrorros
Ka0-eXi<ror<a, Ion. Kar-ciXicrcw,f. fto, wrap with XpoVou Soph. ; a/ Ka$. %fi4pi the regular, proper days,
Pass., ras KV^/JMS Dem. 2. impers., jcai^/tci /tot // belongs to me,
bandages, enfold, scathe, Hdt. :

oK<n Kari\ix*ro (Ion. 3 pi. plqpf.}> they hove their beseems me, c. inf., ofs ttft|i &8polf<r&cu whose /fu^X
// /jr to assemble, Xen. in part., r"b Koi^KQy, T
legs swathed in rags, fd. :

KoBrjKQvro,, Ion. ra :aT^icQiT<t, ^A^zjf tskich

is meet, fit
Ka0-cXic<i}, f . -*A<y Ar. and -eAJcv<r<w : aor. i /ca0iA/ciio"a :

: Pass., aor. i -eiXKvcrQriv : pf . -d\KVff- or proper, one's due or duty, Hdt., Xen. ; also tt<?
fjuu : of ships, to <^a) them # ^Av? sea, launch
1. present state of things, circumstances, Hdt.
Ka0-TjXu!> f. <r, to 6r/^ the sun down upon,
2. fo ^ra-ro down to il-
them, Lat. deducere, Hdt., Att.
or depress the scale, Ar. luminate, Anth.
to or to, Plut.
72flz7 o?t
tcaScXouro, Dor. for-ou(ra, aor. 2 part. fern, of Ka8-r;Xcto, f. <tf<Tw,

KafieXwy, aor. 2 part. Ion. icar- 2 sing. Kaftrjcrai or fca% 3 Ion.

w, fut. 2 of KaBaipcoo : Ka0-tj]&ai, ;

v, Ep. i pi. aor. 2 o 3 pi. Karearat :

irnper. Kat.B^<ro or Ka0ou, 3 sing. ica0^-
v, for :aO* Iy, <?

impf. tKafrfifjaiv, Ion. 3 pi. ^KOTCOTO 5 but

also with-
ica0cwv)i.i, to clothe, . .

holding, retention, Thuc. out augm., KaBTlffro or ICO^TO^ Ion. Kar^^ns, Ep.
xa0e|ts, ews, ^, (Karexw)
xaBc'ijco, fut. of Karex' 3 pi., Ion. jcareWo : to seated, Horn.,
Xen. etc. 2. to be seated in court, Ar. ; 01 tcaB^^evoi
*ca0-pirw, aor. i ica0//ri}<ra, ta rr^/ ^cw?z, Ar., 3. to sit still,
the judges, the court, Thuc., etc.
x:a0cs, imperat. aor. 2 of xaQirifu*
sit quiet, Lat. desidere, Horn., Hdt. : in bad sense,
Ka0o-cra, poet, for KaQeitra, aor. i of tcaBifc-
to sit or lie idle, II., etc. 4. of a besieging army,
xe0<rTap.v, sync, for KoBwrtiKa^cv, i pi. pf. of ica0-
to sit down or /i> before a place, Eur., Thuc. 5. to
lead a sedentary Hdt., Aesch., etc. . of
Ka0o-niieoTw5, Adv. part. pf. act. of Kati'urnipi, steadily, life,

calmly, Arist. people, to be settled, Hdt.

, fut. 3 of KaBia-r-qpi, with intr. sense. jca0-^p.pios, Dor. Ko.0-aj4.-5 a, oy, dtay Ay ^ay, <fa//y
Tjfjdpav), Eur.: later also
, wy, ra, syncop. for a0<rT7?Koro, pf. part. (a0*
neut. of Kaffio'Tii/j.i.
Plut. II. on this day, Soph.
j inf. and part, of
xa0CT0s, <w, (fca^^/it) /^ C?<?OTW, of fishing-line, *c5,0-i|p<U3 ica0tjpas, aor.
a0nS7iTov verb. Adj. <?<? n<s^ 5/^, Plat. From Ka0i]o-o, imper. of KaByfua
ica0i|crTO, 3 sing, impf,

xa0-vSu>, Ion. Kcw-^5<tf ;

impf. /ca0v5of, Att. also o^-
and Iita0v5oy : f . KaB*i&h<rt0 lie down to ito Ka0-tSpvca, f. u<r [u], Causal of Ka&(ofjaaf to m-ake
CK rov KoBefoovros (part, sit down, Od., Eur. : Pass, to sit down, settle,
deep, sleep, Horn., etc. : **
H. metaph. to K. Is 'Apy^ to take one*s seat in Argos, Tfeeocr.
neut.) from a sleeping state, Plat. med.
also of things, to to consecrate) dedicate : so in aor. I
lie asleep, lie idle, Aesch., etc. :
at rest, lATrtfos- Ka&v$ovo-iv Eur. and pf. pss. i&pvfuu, Eur.
sleep, lie still, be
f. -ev^<rw, to discover, Luc.: Pass., ca0-upVG> f . <rw, ^ sacrifice, ffery Ptot. Arist.
390 Kudiepoo>
xo.8-tpoco, Ion. Kar-ipow, f . axrw : to dedicate, de-rote, run 'with horse, Hdt. 2. to ride do-tun,
hallow, Hdt., Att. Hence under foot, Ae&ch
Ka0iep<D<ris, cos, TJ, a dedication, Aeschin., Plut. jca0-MnrTiw, L era?, = /ca^iTrxafo/iai 2, Eur.
Ka0-itav<o [a], to sit down, B&Kovde Ka.Qifa.vov they Ka0i<rrdvw, = KoBtcrrTj/j-i Lys. also Ka0icrrd<i>, Is,'. T.

went to the council and took their seats, Od. ; pdvris xa0ioTT7j}Jii, A. in Causal sense; of Act., pre*.,
es Bpoyovs K. Aesch. impf., fut. ; of Med., the aor. i, and sometimes pres. :
Ka0-i&>, Ion. Kar- impf. Kaffi&y or Kad^ov, Att. GKaQi&y
: to set down, place, II. VTJO. Kardo'TTfjaoy stop it,

to land, Od. $i(j>pov to station it, before

(as if the Verb were not a compd.) f. Att. Kafftto Xen., it A:.
bring- ,*

Dor. Ka0i& aor. i eKddt<ra, Ep. Ka&i&a II., Att. also

starting for the race, Soph. Med., [\ai<pos] KaTeo-nj-

Kaffi<ra, Ion. Karlffa, Ep. part. KaBiffffas, Dor. tca&ij-as : travro steadied the sails, h. Horn. 2. to or i tig
another aor. i is KaBeicra or -0cr<ra: Med., impf. ^/ca- doivn to a place, Od., etc. : to restore, cs $>$ <rbv KO.T,

Btf6fL^y : f KaBigfiffofiai, later KaBiarop.a.1

. aor. i Ka- : &(ov Eur. : Pass., OVK &v -^apis KaBicrrcuro would not
BitfdfjL'riv : I. Causal, make to sit down, seat, II., be returned, Thuc. 3. to bring- before a magistrate
Hdt. ; KoBiffai riva els 6p6vov Xen. 2. f# 5^ or place, or king, Hdt. II. of soldiers, to set in order, i^j
Horn. ; tcadicrai <rrpar6y to encamp it, Eur., Thuc. b. set as guards, Xen. 2. to ordain, appoint, Hdt.,
fo $/ or place for ay
purpose, post, Od. ; tcaQiffat etc. : in aor. i raed. to appoint for oneself, establish,
b. esp. of political consti-
$V\OKOVS, $v\oKas to set guards, Hdt., Xen. 3. to institute, Hdt., Aesch.
set up, avSpidyra KaBeffffay Pind. 4. to make an tutions, to settle, establish, vopovs Eur., etc. ; /COT.
assembly take their seats, Od. ; rb SiKacrr-fjptay to .
TroAiTcfay, Lat. constituere rempublicam, Plat., etc. :

hold the court, Ar. 5. to put into a certain con- \ so in Med., <poup7^ta yr}S Ka0i<rra/uu Aesch. ; KadforaTQ
dition, K\aLoyrd riva K. to set him a- weeping, Plat. ; TO, irepl TTjy Mirv^-fivyy Thuc. 3. to bring into a
also, K^aiety nvh K. to make him weep, Xen. II. certain state, KO.T. STJfiov ^s {wvap^iav Eur. ; K. rtva es
/ccc0eb/u, to sit down, be seated, take one's
intr., like airovoiav, es <j>ofiov, ts ctTropiayThuc. ; so, K. rows <pi\ovs
seat, sit, Horn., etc. : c. ace., KaQ, rpiiroSa, j8o>/toV, v oKiySw^Xen. also, K. eavrby Is Kpicrw to present

(as \ve say 'to sit a horse'), Eur. 2, to sit at himself for trial, Thuc. 4. to -make or render so and
meals, Lat. discumbere, Xen. 3. to sit as judge, so, K. riva ^euSiJ Soph. ; amffToy Thuc. : rarely c. inf.,
Hdt., Dem. 4. to sit doivn in a country, en- a0. riva, <f>vjiv to make him fly, Id. : Med., r^v vav-
camp, Thuc. 5. to settle, sink in, Plat. HI. j
j&axia.v 7T^ofta%iaj/ KaQiffraffQcu. Id. 5. TT/V ^77^
the Med. is also used in intr. sense, II., Theocr., etc. ; Karaffr^ffacfBai far epycav a,voari<t)Ta,r<av to get one's
tcaQi(e<r8ai to take their seats (in the theatre), Dem. living by most unhallowed deeds, Hdt. 6. to make,
sca8-tTjjjLt, Ion. Kar-: f. KafrfiffGa: aor. i KaBiJKa, Ep. KaQ4- continue, Aesch. ; so in Med., Id.
pf. Kciflewca :
rjKct,; to send down, let fall, Lat. demit- B. and plqpf. of Act. (also in
intr. in aor. 2, pf.,

tere, Horn., etc. ; [icrria] &

vyas KaBefjLV (i pi. aor. 2, fut. a>tTT77|&);, and in all tenses of Med. ^except aor.
we let down, lowered the sails, Od. ; K. fayKvpav i), and all of Pass. : to be set, set oneself down, settle,

Hdt.; K. K<x,rctTripr)Tnpi'rjv to let down a sounding-line, arrive, $ TQTFQV Hdt., Soph. b. to come before
Id. ; KaBiwai to sound, Plat. ; KaOyKe ra tTK\7) let down another, stand in his presence, Hdt. ; Karcurras &rl ri
his legs, of one who had been lying down, Id. ; K. Sopv 7rA.i|00$ <?A7 Thuc. 2. to be set as guard, Hdt., etc. :
to let down one's pike, bring it to the rest, Xen. ; K. to be appointed, Eur., etc. 3. to stand quiet, be calm,
rets K<*ntas to let down the oars, so as to stop the ship's of water, Ar. ; so, -rvcvfta KaBearrTiKos Id. ; 6 Qdpv&os
way, Thuc. rarely of striking, 5t* o^a\ov Ka^Kev
: Karearrrj abated, Hdt. ; so, of persons, Karacrrds com-
67^0 Eur. ; j6vv KaBeiffay sank on their knee, Id.
sr :
posedly, Aesch.; % KaBfcrrTfjia/ia ^A.i/cia middle age,
Pass, to come down, of a cow's udder, Hdt. ; KaBfiro Thuc. 4. in pf to come info a certain state, to become,

ra, reixy the walls were carried down to the water, and in aor. 2 and plqpf. to be, Hdt., etc. ; Karaffrdvrcaif
Thuc. 2. to send down into the arena, enter for u ruv TTprufidruy being in a good state, Id. ; rivt rpcnrfp
racing, a/>/tara, Cevyri Id. ; rovrov r&y Kayov tcadeiK* KoBeffrarc ; in what case are ye ? Soph. ; apdfj.vo$
has entered this plea, Dem. 3. to set at, Lat. im- evQiis KodiffrafJievov (sc. rov iro\.ejj.ov) from its first com-
mittere, Luc. : Pass, to be put in motion, T) (rrpanj- mencement, Thuc. 5. to be established or insti-
Xturit\ Kariero es rty 'EAAoSa Hdt. II. seemingly tuted, to prevail, exist, Hdt., etc. : in pf. part., ex-
intr. (sub. eavrov), to swoop down like a wind, Ar. ; of isting, established, prevailing, r^v vvv KarecrreOora
rivers, to run down, Plat. ; K. eh ydyv to sink on the KOffpov Id.; ot KaBeffruTfS vdpoi Soph.; ra, KaBsffTfera,
knee, Plut. the present state of life, Id. ; so, ret KarcffTeorra, ex-
KaOCiceo [f], 2 sing. aor. 2 of isting laws, customs, Hdt. 6. Pass, to stand
ica0-ucTcv5 Ion. KUT , f. &&, to beg earnestly, against, oppose, Ttrfivecrcri KareffraJBey Hes.
Eur. 2. to offer earnest prayers, Hdt. xa6o, Adv. for KoJf? 8, = Kaj9d, in so far as, according
tcaO-ncvcofKu, f. -a/u, aor. 2 tKAfn/iv. Dep. : to as> Lys., etc. II. so that, Plat.
come down to : metaph. to reach, touch, /tc KaBlKero jca0-o$7jYw, f . ^o"w, to guide, Plut.
irfvBos Od. ; KaBlxeo Bvptv hast touched my heart, K (8-0805, Ion. Kar-oSos, rj, a going down, descent,
II. ;
Kapa pov KaBlKfro came down upon my head, Luc. : a 'way down. Id. H. a coming back*
Soph. return, Eur., Thuc. ; of an exile, Hdt., Thuc.> [f], f. ifcrta, to let down by a rope, Ar. Ko0-oXov, (SAos) as Adv. on the 'whole, in general,
~'"w, Dor. aor. i subj. of KaJBifw: jca0Cfas, part. for tcatf Q\QV, Aribt., etc.; ov KaQ6\QV, not at all,
,i, f. dffOfj(,at r Dep. to ride down, over* Dem.
f. 4\ff<&, to conciliate by daily intercourse, ica0-verTepw, f. 7}ffd>, to come far behind, Pint. : absof,
to win the favour of, Arist.
to be behind-hand, Menand-
Ka0-op,oXtry*, f . jjffw, to confess or allow, esp. to one's Ka0-o;<fui)}ju, f. -u^Tjcrctf, to give up treacherously, Dem.;
II. to promise, vow, Luc. 2. Ko.8. rhv aySava. to conduct it treacherously , compromise
detriment, Plat.
to betroth, Plut. it, Dem. ; so also in Med., with pf. pass., Id. II.

Ktt0-o<jrXC|>, f. Att. i5>, to equip or arm fully, rf iravo- Med., Kadvtpifo-Qai rivi to gme way to any one, Xen.
xAia Aeschin. : Pass, to be so armed, Xen. II. Ka0-ws, Adv., = KaBd, Hdt., N.T. II. how, X.T.
TO ft-Jy KaXbv KaBoTrXiffcura having taken arms against Kal, crasis for /col at.
dishonour, Soph. Hence KAl', Conjunction, used in t\\o principal senses, either
Ka06*irXun.$, moJ*? of arming, armour, Xen.
s, ^, <a copulative, to join words and sentences, and, Lat. ei ;
or making a single word or clause emphatic, also, ewen t
Ka0-opafe), Ion. impf. Ka0f6pwj% Ion. 3 sing. Ka-
xar- :

also from the Root Of!, f. Lat. etiam.

rtapai pf. KodfdpoKa :

Kontyoftcu pf Karfopiifu : aor. i Kard><p9T]V

: . for the : A. copulative, and, merely joining words or sen-
aor. 2, v. Karelfiov -.-to look down, II., Hdt.; so in tences, Lat. et 9 while Tf answers to qtie t Horn., etc. : to
Med., II. II. c. ace. to 0<2& down upon, OTtoffovs combine more closely, re , /cal . . are used, apjcrot
. .

TJ&IOS Ka6op$ Theogn., etc. 2. to have within T /cal Afovrcs both bears and lions, etc. ; often to add
epithets after woXvs, TroAAa /cal eV0Aa II. ; -aroAAa
3. to look to, icai
view, to perceive, Hdt., Ar., etc.
observe, Pind., Ar. 4. to explore, ra oAAa Hdt. /t7<xAa Dem., etc. 0ol KO! Zeus all the gods, and

= opfLata, Anth. above all Zeus, Aesch. ; oAAoi re /cat . . , aAAws re
Ka0-op}i<i, f. Att. i, to &rm- a ship into harbour, /cat . .
, v. aXAos, aX\as :- oAt-you Ttyos a^ta /cal ou5j'd's
worth or nothing, Plat. II. in questions, to
bring to anchor, Plut. : Pass., with aor. i med., to little

come into harbour, put in, Thuc. 2. metaph., 4s introduce an objection, /col ifSis . ; but how . . ? nay .

rdVfc (raw-by tnifiuovhs KaBtappuras hast brought thyself how can it be? Eur., etc. : also = /carrot, and yet,
to such miseries, Aesch. Ar. HI. after words implying sameness or like-
jca9-ocrs.oop.Gt, Med. to dedicate, 0< Eur. Pass., : ness, /cai must be rendered by as, like Lat. atqiie or ac
KaBatnt&dirj Ar. 2. K. v6\iv KaBappo'is to purify, Plut. after aeque, perinde, simul, yycaf&Ttfft 5/to%0*t icoi <rv
ca0o<rov, for Kaff ftcroy, in so far as, inasmuch as, the same opinion as you, Hdt. ; foov or Tra /cat . .

Thuc. Soph., etc. : in Att., /cat . . , /cat . . answer to the Lat.

Ka0<rt, Ion. KaroTt, for Kaff 5 rt, in ushat manner, cum, turn, not only, but also, Plat., etc.
Hdt., Thuc. B. influencing single words or clauses, also, even,
tcadov, aor. 2 med. imper. of jcofffrftui. II. imper. Lat. etiam, enreiTa /A /cal Ai-n-oi alijy then let life also
of /ca0?y/u. forsake me, i. e. life as well as all other goods, II. ; teal
avroi they also, they likewise, Xen.; TIS *cal
Ka0-vpp(<*>, Ion. KO.T-, f. Att. *<, to treat despitefully, etVep
to insult or affront wantonly, nyd Soph., etc. j also aAAos Plat., etc.
TLv6s Id. :
Pass., absoi., to wax wanton, Id. xaE-dSas, gen. ov Dor. a, o, a pit at Sparta, into which
Ka0--uSpo$ [i], ov, ($$up)full of water, KcvBvSpos Kpdryp, criminals were thrown, like the Athen. &dpaBpw, Thuc.,
poet, for water itself, Soph. Plut. (Lacon. word.,
Ka0-V7repaKovTt|ci>, f . (To?, fo overshoot completely, Ar. Kai ya.p 9 for truly, to confirm a proposition, Lat. etenim^
Ka0-virp0e poet, before a vowel -0fv : Ion. icarw- Horn., etc. : also ical ykp $$ for of a surety, II. ; /cal
/cal yap rot, Lat. etenim pro-
7rep0 : Adv. i from above, down from above, Hora., yap pa Ib. ; /cal y&p ovv,
etc. : c. gen., K, neXaQptifyiv Od. 2. on the top or fecto, Plat., etc.
tipper side, above, Ib. /cod. $ictpptt floats atop, II. :
Kai 8e, but also, Horn.
to denote geographical position, pvyii] KaBfaepQe Ib. ; Kai ftjf, nay further, Hdt.
c. gen., Kadvftp6 Xiov above, i.e. north of, Chios, Kai f I, by crasis icft^ even if, although^ Hom.
Od. ; ri K. the upper country, i. e. further inland, Tek xatxa, crasis for /col ol/ca.
TTJS \iiun\s Hdt. ; KauBva-fpe^ yfycrQat rtv&s, properly,
ie. x:as.cias, ou, 6, the north-east wind, Ar.
of a wrestler who falls atop of his opponent ; hence, Kai JXTJV, v. sub /t-^v II. 2.
to have the upper hand of, Id. II. of Time, Kaua<i$ f. Att. iw, (jcaiyoX /o via^e wew hence, /cat .*

rt /caty(ft <TTey7j and the house has something- strange

before, c. gen., Id.
jca0-vjrpTpos, a, ov, Ion. K<rr-vir-, TJ, OK, Comp. Adj.: about it, Soph.; Kaivuroy vyov try on thy new yoke,
above : metaph. having the upper hand, handsel it, Aesch.; /c. evx* to ojff^r w^w, strange
(ica0v7rp0) :
superior, K. yvyvfcrQai Hdt., Thuc., etc. : c. gen., ir6\is prayers, Eur.
K. rtov avrtTT(i\(ev Xen. neut* KaBweprepov as Adv.,
: Kaiv<$v, r<f, J^Ae New Court, at Athens, Ar.
= tcadvvtpQc, Theocr. : Sup. KafruWpraros, 17, ov, Kaivo-ircUhjS) $, (ra0Z>') newly suffered : unheard ofy
highest, JK T^ KarvrcfpraTri r^s y^s Hdt. Soph.
tca0-vn-iorxvoVai, strengthd. for vxi<rx-, Luc. Kaivo-irtiY*!^* ** (iHj*y*a'/a) w&wly Pu ^ together, new-
Ka0-virvow, Ion. leaT-, f. <r, to /5^ asleep, fall ^ made, Aesch.
Kaivo-rrrjfUtfv, ov, (ir^/t) w^w to misery,
asleep, Hdt., Xen. : Pass., pf. part. Karwv^yos
asleep, Hdt. ^o*, to
Kaivo-iroicfc), f . ?a^
new? to bring about nen
Ka0-vtrojcptyojiai [*], f . -Kplyovjuu, Dep. suMiie by ^ things, to make changes, innovate? Luc.
:~~ Pass., rl

histrionic arts, Dem. II. c. inf. /<? pretend to K<uvovoii}0v \*ycis ; what n&m~famgl$d strange words
be some one else, Luc. art thou using ?
Soph. Hence
392 /ca/ca-yyeAoj.
, ov, h, an inventor of new pleasures, Xen. Thuc. 2. lasting- but for a season, Anth. 3,
KAIN01, TJ, 6v, new, fresh, Lat. recens, novus, Katvk Adv. -picas, in season, seasonably, Aesch. :
vaXoua fpya Hdt. ; K&IVOVS \.6yovs fyepeiv to bring'
ftol -e0T=p<kjs Xen. : so also, vpbs T^ xaipioy Soph.
news, Aesch. A*yTa( ri K&tv6v ; Dem. , K KCUVT)S KArPOl (A), o, the row of thrums in the loom,, to

(sc. apXTjs) anew, afresh, Lat. novo, Thuc. esp. : which the threads of the warp are attached, Lat. licia*
of dramas produced for the first time, Aeschin.; SCAIPO1 B), 6, due measuref proportion,

Dem. II. newly-invented, iieuu-fangled y novel, Hes., etc. ; Kcupov ircpa beyond measure, unduly^
Eur., etc, ; Qsot strange gods, Plat. ; KCUJ/(
. in- Aesch., etc. ; peifav rov Katpov, Lat. justo major*,
novations9 Xen. ; oiiHev tcaivdrfpov rwy Xen. II. of Place, a vital part of the
4<F<j!>epe Ibody
&AAa>jy he introduced as little of anything new as like T}> Kcdpiov, Eur. HI. of Time, the right
others, Id. ; ri) Kcuvbv rov iro\fwv the unforeseen turn point of time, the proper time or season of action, the
which war often takes, Thuc. IH. K* &v6ptoiros~ exact or critical time, Lat. opportunitas, Kcupbs f$pax&
novus homo, Plut. fierpoy %x l
^ me an ^ ^cl e wait for no 1
man, Find. ;
0^ a ?2^sy ft?3$, Anth. Kaipov vapUyai to let the time go by, Thuc. ; iccu/xrir
TJTOS, TJ, (aWs) newnessf freshness, fv%LV Eur.; Kaipbv Xapfiavsiv Thuc.; ex^iv Kcupdy
Plut. 2. novelty 3 Thuc., etc. to be in season, Id. Kaipos Icrn, c. inf., it is time to

scatvoTojicoi, f. ^<r(0, (refivta) to c^it fresh into, in do, Hdt., etc. 2. adverbial usages, eh or ^s
jfa ^ew # vein, Xen. U. metaph. in season, at the right iime, opportime, Hdt., etc.;
ta begin something new, institute anew, Ar. : absol. so, eiri Kaipov Dem. ; Kara Katp6v Hdt. ; vpbs Kcupoy
to make innovations in the state, Lat. res novare, Soph., etc. ; and, without Preps., Kcuptp or Koupoy in.
Arist. ; also, K. vepl ra dew Plat. ; and season, Att. ; all these being opp. to OITT^ KaipoS,
KcuvoTofjua, 77, innovation, Plut. 2. novelty, Id. Plat. ; irapa KcupAv Eur. ; vpb Kcupov prematurely,
tcatvo-rojios, oy, (refjivw) innovating, Arist. Aesch. 3. pi. , ey rois jucyurrois K. at the most
K<uvoup*y<i>, begin something new, ri Kcuyovpye?s ',
critical times, Xen., etc. IV. advantage,, profit.,
what M-m j&/w fl?"i 2?/z0 meditating ? Eur. ; rc. \6yov fridi> <rivo$ of QT from a thing, Pind. ; ri Kaipbs icara-
& speak new, strange words, Id.: &? make innovations, Aet/Sct*' ; what avails it to ? Eur. ; o5 K.
^77 where it
. .

Xen. ; and was convenient or advantageous > Thuc. ; /tcra /tc-yi-

^, innovation, Isocr. From o-rftjy tcaLp&v with the greatest odds, the most critical

(*^/yy<) producing changes : ri K. a results, Id.

novelty, Luc. KcupocreW, a fern. gen. pi. in Od. 7. 107, ftaupotreuy
tetiuv6b> } f. ttf(Tw, (ati/(Js) #<? make new, innovate: oQovewv owroXcfjSeTcu \atov from the closg-'woven Knen
Pass., of political changes, Thuc. ; Kaiyov<rQat r&s 5to- trickles off the oil ; i. e. the linen is so well-
woven, that
v&tas to have their minds revolutionised, Id. II. does not ooze through.
oil It seems to be for jccupoccr-
= oiyf<, to use for the first time, to handsel, Hdt. Ep. gen. pi. of an Adj. Katpoeis, from Kcupos A.
*cU vv K aw<^ now perhaps , Horn. Kai.p0-.$vXciic<tt s f. ^<rw, ($>6\a) to 'match for the right
S) 3 sing. impf. ^/COWJWTO pf Kacr/wu, Dor.
: .
time, Dem. : also, to attend on y Luc*
(as pres. : 3 sing-, plqpf . IKCKCUTTO sas impf.) :
jctu TOI or jcaCroi, and indeed, and further* Horn.,

0ep. : to surpass9 excely ^xcdwro <^uA* avBpt&w&y vya Eur. U. and yet, to mark an objection, Kairos.
Kv$epini(r<u he surpassed mankind in steering-, Od. ; ri tpTf]fit ; Aesch. ; Kairoi ri <p<ava ; Soph, : also,
^7X % & fafKcurro THayeXXTjyas he excelled all the strengthd. Kairot ye Ar.
Hellenes in throwing- the spear, Ib. ; 5/JL7fXtJc/7jv fKfKourro KAI'il, old Att. K< [d] : iinpf. ittaiov, old Att. doy
yv&v&i surpassed them all in knowledg-e, Ib. esp. in- :
Ep. Katov : f . Kavffa) and /cawro/icu : aor. i ejcouora, Ep.
part., $6\ot<ri KKaff/j.y excellent in wiles, Ib. : T^v^fTt K7ja or Kia and without augm, icya, imper. je-Jjoy, i pi.
KfKcuffAeyos Hes. j tppovpcus KKourra,t is 'well furnished subj. KJjOfjiev; opt. K^eu, icficuev ; inf. /CTJCU; Att. part.
with, Eur. as, KeayrS : pf. Kexavita : Med., aor. i ^KavaroLfjaiif,
KCU vvv, and now, even now, Horn. Ep. 3 pi. KJ}<tvro : Pass., fut. 2 Ka^ffofMu. : aor. i
KAi'MG, f. Kctvoj : aor. 2 fyoj/, inf. /cdycty Dor. /co^j/: ^Kavdjjy, aor. 2 eKaTjv [_&\, Ep. inf. Ka'rjfj.eyat ; pf.
pf. KKOva : collat. form of KretFw, 3?<? ^z7/, 5-/^jK, Trag-., KKavfict.L : I. f<?
light, kindle, Trvpa iroKXid II, ;
Xen. Trvp /cijcu Od. ; Med., irvp icffayro they lighted them, a
tcaCirep, although* albeit, mostly with a part., Kakrep fire, Horn. : Pass, to be lighted, to burn, II., Hdt.,
Od. ; often divided, itol ov/c oyofl^F trc/)
iroAAek iraQuy etc. set on fire, burn up, burn, Horn. 2,
efcra ;II.Kol uparepos frep edv Ib. ; in Trag .,, with 1

to burn, scorch, of the sun, Hdt. : also of extreme

S/0s added, <cot re/> ou crr4py(0v cJ/iojs Id., etc.

Cold (as Virg. penetrabile frigus adurit), Xen. 3.

KOI p, Ep., to make a transition, aw? ^, II. Pass., of fever-heat, to be burnt or parched up* Thuc. :
tcaipios, a, OK, and o^, ov ; (Kaip&s B) : I. of metaph. of passion, Pind., etc. IH. to burn
Place, mor at the right place, hence of parts of the and destroy (in war), rejjLjffiv iced ic., K. icol -?rop#eiV to
body, V Koipttp, Kara Kaipiov in a vital part, II. ; also, waste with fire and sword, Xen. XV. of surgeons,
of wounds, WrA.irXJttai Kcupiav trlupyfiv, Katpias ir\iry^^ - to cauterise, repjceiv icol Kaeiv to use knife and cautery j
TW%A Aesch. ; sometimes omitted, Hdt. :
irXiryJ} is Plat.,* Xen.
Adv. -fas,- mortally, Aesch, U. of Time, icpx, for icora before ic, as KOUC Jte^a^s" Homv
in Season, seasonable^ timely, opportune, Hdt. Tragv, scatc, crasis for /coi e/c.
etc. ; T Koipta timely circumstances, opportunities, oy, bringing ill tidings, Aesch. .
s, ov, 'ay7AAa. caused by ill tidings, out fame, unknown, Theogn. 2. infamous, dis-
Soph. creditable, Eur., Xen.
Kaxtryopos, Dor. for Kaxyyopovs, ace. pi. of /coKTj-yopos. 77, (5pOjU0y) a bad passage by sea
, Anth.
tca*c-ay$pia, f}, unmanliness, Soph., Eur. ov, gen. ovos, (cfjua) ill-clad, Od.
jcaxct, Kaxeiticy, xaKcXvos, Att. erases for ical e/cel, etc. xaxo-cpyoS) Ep. for KOK-avfyyta y -jos.
xax-carxaTos, oy, extremely bad, Menand. unhappy imitation, affectation, Luc.

ttaKTj, 7j y (/Kajc6s wickedness, 'vice, Eur., Ar., etc.

; 2. Kaxo-7|Xos> ov, imitating unhappily.
baseness of spirit, cowardice, sloth, Aesch., Eur. xaxoTjdcia, Ion. ttj, ^f, badness of disposition, -malig-
KafrCTjvopew, &? speak ill of, abuse, slander, Plat. 5 and nity, Plat., etc. II. bad manners or habits.,
xaxTiYopio, 7), evil-speaking, abuse, slander, Find., Xen. ; and
Plat. :
KaKTjyopias ditty an action ybr defamation, KaKO^6cu}j.a, arcs, TO, a malicious deed, Plut. From
Dem. ; also xaKtjYopiou 5/Kr?, ap. Dem. From KttKo-Tj0t|Sj $, ^00^' ill-disposed } 'malicious, Ar.,
Kaic-'jj-yopos, oj/, ayoptvat evil-speaking, abusive, Dern. 2. as Subst., TO ica/co7|0S wickedness, an II!
slanderous, Pind., Plat. habit or j"fc& /<?r ^{w^- a thing, Plat. H. <jf
KaxT|-XoYos, ov, (AeyoT; evil-speaking, Menand. diseases, malignant Adv. - 0ws, ap. Dem.

KaKL<&, 3], (KOKOS) badness in quality, opp. to aper-Tj Ko.KO'.6i]p.ooruv'V|, 77, ^i-^Tjfttj disorder! iness, Hes.
excellence ., Theogn., Soph. jcccjcfau
pi. defects,:
Kaxd-6poos, ov, contr. -pots, GUI/, evil-speaking,
Luc. 2. cowardice, sloth, Thuc., Plat. 3. slanderous, Soph.
moral badness, wickedness, vice, Plat., Xen. II. Kaxo-0iifj,ia, 7), (&vfj.6s) malevolence^ Plut.
ill-repute, Thuc. HI. <?w7 suffered, N. T. KaK-otXios, 77, ("IAJO*) rz7 or unhappy Ilium, Od.

xaxici>, f. Att. iS>, (KOKOSJ to, reproach., accuse,

sel(rve0fgazn,'Theogn. From
Hdt., Thuc., etc. H. to "make cowardly, Eur. : sjS making base gain*
y, (wejo^oyi
Pass, to play the coward, II., Eur. ; Kajcifea-Bou rvxy ;, Dor. -icvajios, oj/, (/CJ^JUTJ) weak-legged^
to be worsted by fortune alone., Thuc.
thin-legged, Theocr.
KaKiorcov, verb. Adj. one must bring reproach an, nvd Kaxo-KplkcrCa, TJ, (Kpl&is) a bad judgment, Anth.
Ka.KoXoY<&> ^o speak ill of, to resile, abuse, Lysias,
v, xaxio-Tos, irreg-. Comp. and Sup. of KO.KOS. N.T.; and
o), (KOKKTJ) cacare, Ar. xaxoXovCa, 77, evil-speaking, reviling", Hdt., Xen., etc.
xaxxetcu or /ra/c/o?<u, Ep. for /c<rrcucat)crai, aor. inf. of
Kaxo-XoYos, oy, (\eyto) evil-speaking, Pind., Att.
Ka.Ko-)j.avTLs, ecus, d, T], prophet of ill or evil, Aesch.
*cax:jceovTs, Ep. for KaraKfiovres, part, of K KaKo-fiax&>>> ^ ^0*"> to behave ill in fight, Luc.
xaxK<|>aXi?]$, for KOK /c6<>aA7}$, i. e. Kar Kaxo-fieXcTos, ov, (ji4\ofuu) busied with evil, Aesch.
KA'KKH, 77, ordure, dung, Ar.
icaKK-qai, v. KOKKeicu. Kaico-|i.iJTTjs, ov, d, foregf., Eur.
Katctcopv^iiv, for KG,KO}iTjxi>v ^a> ^,a Practising of base arts Luc. From
KaKKOpvOa, /ca/c i. e. fcara K6pv6ct, t

Ka*co-}J/)JxcLVo$, Dor. KO.KQ^O^-^ -or, (/t^x a!^) mischief-
KUKKp-VlTTW, Ep. for KCtTCUfp-. plotting., mischievous, baneful, Horn.
crasis for
KaKo>}&ijp.T|Tos [i], ov, (jjtifjLoiJuuj imitating HI ; Adv.
KaKKvvt|-yTw /cal KKvv7jy*Tfe.
s, or, living ill or poorly, Hdt., Xen. -Ttwy., Arist.
tvofiai, aor. i eKOKO&ovtevdrjV) Pass. 2f<? 6e ///- Kaico-jAoi.pos, oy, (fultpa) ill-fated, Anth.
advised, Eur. From icascovoia, ^f, ill-will, malignity, malice, Xen., Dem.
,oy, .^oi/X^j ill-advised, Eur., Ar. xaxovofiia, ^, a bad system of laws and government,,
s 7<os, distress/i?r ^<?r wretched brother- a bad constitution, Xen. From
in-Za'Wy Eur. xax6-.yop.os, ov, with bad laws, ill-governed, Hdt.
KaKo-^ajitov 5tK7?, ^, (;ya/ios an action for forming an KotKo-voos, oy, contr. -yots ov^ : Att. pi. KoucSvoi -.ill-
unlawful marriage, Plut. (No nora. -Ycifuoy. } disposed, disaffected, Ar., Thuc., etc. ; bearing malice
KaxoYCiTuv, ov, j^en. oi/os, bad neighbour or <a neigh- against, nvi Xen. : Sup. KOKoyowrraros Dem.
bour to his misery 3 Soph. xaKO-w^4>o?, oy, sd/jLtfyij ill-married, of unhappy
icaK<$--yX<i>crcro$, ov, (yX&cKra. ill-fongued, &o*i K. a cry wedlock, Eur. II. as Subst. an ill or unhappy
of misery, Eur. bridegroom, Id.
KaKoSatpovdto, #o &^ tormented by an evil genius, be Ka.K<5|evoSj Ion. -fetvcs, oy, unfortunate in guests,
like one possessed, Ar., Xen., etc. ; and in irreg. Ep. Comp. KaKo&ivt&repos, Od. II.
jcaicoSa.L}j,ovf'tD, to be unfortunate, Xen. ; and unfriendly to strangers, inhospitable, Eur., Anth.
KajcoSai^ovia, Ion. -ttj, fj, unkappiness, misfortime, KiKo-$vvTo$ oi>, tvisefor evil, Thuc.
Hdt., Xen., etc. II. possession by a demon, Ko.Koira.6eia, %, ill plight, distress, Thuc. ; and
raving- madness, Ar., Xen. From xi.KOira0e<i, f . ^o-w, 5wjf<?r iY/, to be in ill flight, be

tcoLKo-8cup,wv, ov, gen. oj/os, possessed by an evil genizis, in distress, Thuc., Xen., etc. From
ill-fated, ill-starred, miserable, Eur,, Ar. : Adv. Koteo-ircUhjs, s, {ir&ffx suffering- ill, in ill pligkt ;

s, Luc. IX. as Subst. an evil genius, Ar. Adv. -fiwy, miserably, Arist.
to be in bad repute, Xen. ; and
Kaxo-irdpOevos, oif, unbecoming a motet, Aah*

i), bad repute, infamy, Xen,, Plat. From jcaxo-irarpLS, *5o^, ^, ^r, (flrar^)) kamng"tt mean father,
a>co-So|os, oy, (5<fa) in ill repute : 5. e., 1. vritk- low-born, Theogn.
S } (vivos)
.5, exceeding filthy, loathsome, , ov,'.ffirka.yx y o yj fo-i nt-heart, ^c.
Sup. KctKoviveffTaros Soph. KaKo-cnropia, ^, (cnropoi} a bad sow ing or crop, Anth
Ka.K07roj.eaj, f.fou, to do ill, play the knave, Ar. to :
KaKO-<rT6jAoLxS oy,untk bad stomach,fastidious, Anth.
manage one's affairs ill, Xen. II. trans, to do KaKo<TTou,W, /# ^a^ ff/
o/, abuse, rivd Soph. From
mischief to, maltreat, Id.,- and Kia.Ko.crTop.os, oy, (orr^/xa) evil-speaking Eur. -,

tcaxoiroiia, ^, evil-doing, injury, Isocr. From KaKO-crrpwTos, oj/, ill-spread, i. e. rugged, Aesch.
Kaxo-irotds, ov, ill-doing, mischievous, Pind.
(jrotfca) Kasco-o-uv0To<s, oy, /// j&z^z^ together, Luc.
Ka.KO-'jrovtiTiKos, 4 <y, (nweaO unfit for foil, Arist. KttKO-crxoXos, oy, (ffxoX-fi) using one's leisure ill, in-
P.OS, o^ ill-fated, ill-starred, Aesch., Eur. dolent, lazy, Anth. II. act., K. irvoai winds that
s, , TI, bad feet, Xen.
TTQVV, TO, -with wear men out in idleness, Aesch.
.-yew, f. i]<r<w, (7rpa7os) to fare ill, fail in an Ko-Korcxvew, f. -770-6?, (KOKorexvos) to use base arts, act
enterprise, to be in ill plight, Thuc. Hence basely or meanly, deal fraudulently, Hdt., Dem.'
tcascoirpa^ia, %, misadventure, failure, Thuc. KCLKOTCXVirjS, 65, V. /COKOTXJ/0$ fin.
KOKo-irp&ypUdy, OK, (Trpdcr<rca)=KaKowoi6s, Xen. Ko.KOTxvia, ^, 5c^ <zr# I. often in pi,

jeaKop-pa(f>ta, Ion. -it], 7), ^aTrrco) contrivance of ill, falsifications, Plat., Dem. II. bad, base
tnischievousness, Horn. Luc. From
Kaicop-pifjjjLwy,<}x, (7]/ia) telling of ill, ill omened, Ae&ch. Jtaxo-Tcxvos, ov, (rex*"?) s*^ ^^
^^ or evil prac-
KaKop-poOeco, f. 7?<ra>, ($6Qos} to speak evil abuse, tices, artful, wily, SoAos II. :
of, irreg. Comp. -rsyyi-
revile, Eur., Ar. <rrpos, as from KOKorexyns, Luc.
jcaKd"p-pwnra, very filthy, Babr. KaK<$TT]S Tjroy, TJ, '[icaKos] badness :
: I. of charac-
KA"KO'2, 77, Jy, ^^d", Lat. malus : , of
persons, 1. ter, baseness, weakness, cowardice, Horn., Thuc. 2.
opp. to Ka\6s, mean, ugly, II. 2. opp. to cfyoflos, badness, wickedness, IL, Hdt., Att.,- KO/COTTTTI Xct^vat
e<r9\6s, ill-born, mean, ignoble, Horn., Soph. 3. to have been absent by malice prepense, Hdt. H.
craven,^ cowardly, base, Horn., Hdt., Att. 4. bad of condition, evil condition, distress,
misery, Od., Hdt.
of his kind, i. e. ^worthless, sorrv, poor, K, a.X^Tijs a
sorry KOLKOTpoiria, 7j, badness of habits, mischievotisness,
Degg^fj Od. Aesch. ; K. yaur-qs Eur. ; Trdvra
K. tarpos
maliciousness, wickedness, Thuc. From
KOKfc dad in things, Od. ; Katcbs
c. inf., Kcutbs jj.ayQdvtv bad at
Soph. ; yv&wv , ov, mischievous, malign ant,

learning, Id. 5. in ^Wj to be unfortunate, Thuc. From

moral sense, bad, evil, wicked, Od., Att. II. of > S, (TVXTJJ unfortunate, Eur.
death, disease, etc., bad, evil, baneful, Horn., Att.; icaKovp-y, f .
<f)CTQ>, (feaKovpyos) to do evil, work wicked-
of omens, bad, unlucky, Att. ; of words, evil,
abusive, ness, deal basely, Eur., etc. ; of a horse, to be vicious,
Soph.; K. Troij^v, i. e. the storm, Aesch. Xen. II. c. ace. pers. to do evil or
B. KOKOV, TO, and Kaxd, TO, as Subst. evil, ill, mischief to one.
to maltreat, Eur., Plat.: to ravage a country, Thuc.:
Od., Hdt., etc. ; Svolv tnroicpivas Kaxolv having chosen to corrupt, falsify, rovs vopovs Dem. Hence
the least of two evils, Soph. KOKOV tpfaiv or $&iv
: n Ko.Kovp7irifi.a, CITOS, TO, an ill deed, fraud, Plat.
Tivd. to do evil or ill to
any one, II. ; Kcucbv (or KOKO.} xaicovp^ia, Ep. KaKocpyi-q [r],^, /A*> character and
iroicTy TLVO. Att.; Kcucct. KatcS>v = Ta. KOKLffra, Soph. 2. conduct of a Katcovpyos, ill-doing, wickedness, villany,
Kaxd, TO, also evil words, reproaches, Hdt., Trag. malice, Od., Thuc., etc.; of a horse, viciousness*
C. degrees of Comparison : 1. Xen. H. in pi. malpractices, Id.
regul. Comp.
KOK&Tepos Od., Theocr. ; but never in Att. :
irreg, KctKovp-yucos, 4i, Iv, malicious, Arist. From
KOKttov, ov, [with Horn., [with i], Att.
i], 2. Sup. Ko.K-ovp<yo$, Ep. KdKO-cpYOSj ov, (*Gpyci)) doing ill,
KOKtcrros, Horn., but x e fywj'j X P tffr ^> a^d
etc. : /t
mischievous, knavish, mllanous, yaffrfyp KOKoepyos
%ffffcav, ^KICTTOS, are also used as Comp. and Sup.
importunate, Od. ; Koxovpyoi xXw-jres Hdt. ; oa^ip
B. Adv. KOK&S, Lat. male, ill, II., etc. KOKWS :
Soph. ; KcucovfrYoraros \6yos Dem. 2. as Subst. a-
iroiiv TWO. to treat one ill ; KUK&S iroteiv Tivd TI to do
malefactor, criminal, Thuc., etc. : esp. a thief, robber,
one any evil, Att. ; KOKUS Trpdo-crety to fare ///, Aesch. Dem. H. doing harm, hurtful, c. gen., K. dvai
KOK&S irdffxeiv Id. ; KOK&S yiyyercu TIVI Hdt. ; KOKUS rivos to hurt any one, Xen.
eKTt&ptvya., Lat. mx
demnnt effugi, Dem. :
Comp. jcac-ouxui> -h, (X) ill-treatment, ill-conduct, Plat.;
KOMIOV, Hdt., Att.: Sup. KOKiffTa, An, etc. K. devastation of it, Aesch.
E. in Compos., when added to words already Tis, ill-sounding, ill-omened, Aesch.
iSos-, TJ,
signifying something bad, it increases this property, *taKo-<f>paSi)S, ey, (^pafo/iat) bad in counsel, II.
as in Kcuco-vtrfis but added to words
signifying some- jcaxo<|)paS(a, Ion. -Crj, ^, badness of counsel, folly, h.

thing good, it implies too little of this property, as in Horn.

Jawcd'-Soos. Once or twice it stands merely as an Adj. jcaico4>povw, f. -fiarta y to bear ill-will, Aesch. From
agreeing with the Subst. with which it is compounded, OKO-$p0v, ov, (typhv) ill-minded, malicious,
as malig-
KaKot\ios for KOKTJ "l\to$, KaK6wfj.<bos for U.
nant, Aesch., Eur. imprudent, thoughtless,
heedless^ Soph., Eur.
O y,
, eating badly, \. e.
having no appetite, aKo-4>vfe, e$i ($>V7}) of bad natural qualities, Plat.
fastidious, Plat. jcaxo-xap-ros, ov, (x<^/>) rejoicing in men's ill$t Hes.
K&ico-o-KeXijs, &, (<rAoy) with bad legs, Xen. axo-xpTJcr^^ Dor. -xpeurpwv, oy, (xpdofuu) difficult
teuco~<ncTjyT)s, , (<ria)yas) of a bad, mean body, Anth. to li'ue with, Theocr.
, ov, (birpn) ill-smelling, Ar. ov, malignantly blaming, Theogn.
KCIKOW KCt\\t~-.
Kaico, f. <r, '^Ktucosj of person^, ^^ fmir ///, maltreat, KaXojiQ-err<ijsj S, (<rr^; covered with reeJ, Batr.
Horn., Aesch., etc.:
afflict, distress,
Pass, to suffer ill, )caXa}iQ-<j>0Q-yY o s> o*s played on a reed, of tunes, Ar.
be in be distressed, Horn., etc. ; Ke/ca/co^ieVos
ill plight, ;, es, 'cl&os*; like reed, full of reeds ^ Anth.

aAfa? befouled with brine, Od. 2. of thing's, to roSos, o, KaKov, a shoemaker's last, Plat.
spoil, ruin, Hdt., Thuc. tos, T), a long garment, with fringe at

of /cara- bottom, Hdt. II. the KoAocrffucs were a branch of

jcaKTajtcvai, Ep. for /cara-/tTweu', aor. 2 inf.
KTeivo) :
KoticTave, Ep. for KaraKrave, aor, 2 imperat., the military caste in Egypt, Id. (Egypt, word.)
and for KorrKrav 3 indie. K<KTI.V, Ep. for /care-
:aXa-po^, OTTOS, 77, a shepherd's staff, which was threw n
KTIV, 3 sing. impf. so as to drive back the cattle to the herd, II., Anth.

xaKww [v],to damage:- Pass., in moral sense, to become (Deriv. unknown.

bad, behave badly, act basely, Eur. of soldiers, to be: :aXeovTi,j Dor. for /caAeoiun, KaAovtn.
mutinous, Xen. II. Pass, also, to be reproached, Eur. :aXtvTCH, Dor. for Ka\ovvrat.
jcaicxvai, Ep. for Karaxfvai, aor. I inf. of /caroxecu- raXctivTo, Dor. for IwaAeovro, 3 pi. impf. pass, of jq.
KaKyvSriv [y~], poet, for KaraxvSijv. CATAE'G, Ep. inf. Ka.XTijj.evai : Ion. impf. xaAeWfco? ;

KO.KWS, Adv. of KOKOS (D). fut. Ion. KaXeta, Att. fcaA< (waAca'w is aor. i subj v :
KGLKOXTLS, s, T), (/coK(ta) ill-treatment, TOV ??*ye/i&/os aor. i i/caA0"a, Ep. lraA<ro"a, KaAecrcra : pf . /cJcA7?Ka :
Xen. a distressing, harassing, r&v TT\7jp<afMr(ay of
: Med., f. Att. KaAoiJftai 'also in pass, sense , later KoA*?-
the crews, Thuc. 2. in Att. law, Kcwe6<r0$ SLKTJ an trofuw : aor. fKaXeardju.^, Ep. /coAccrtra/iTj^
i Pass., :

action jfor ill-usage or neglect of parents, Dem., f. KK\"ficrofj,at aor. i ^KX'/jOtjy : pf. KK\irjfJMi, Ion. 3 pi.

etq. II. damage, misfortune, Thuc. KK\arai ; Ep. 3 pi. plqpf- KeKX-fjaro ; opt. Ketchy/jnty,
tcaX.a0icrKO$, (5, Dim. of KaXaBos, Ar. From KK\yo: I. to call, summon, Horn., etc.t Med./tf
KA'AA~0O! [/ca], <5, a vase-shaped basket, Lat. ca/a- ra// fa?
oneself, Id. 2. #<? r// ^ ^ repast, to invite,
fhus, Ar. II. a cooling-vessel, cooler, Virg-.
KaXcuvos or KaXXaTivos, 77, o*>, /ztf z^t<? /caAcus, of change- lilted to his house, Dem. 3. >?/, invoke, ravs ft? ffl//

ful hue, of the cock, Anth. From deo6s Hdt., Att. j so in Med., Aesch., etc. : but apcts-,
KaXal, 7), a precious stone of a greenish blue (v. ay <roi AraAou/icu curses, which / <M// dou^n on thee,
in Pass., of the god, to be invoked, Aesch . 4.
foreg.}, the turqtwise or chrysolite, Plin. Soph. :

jcaXajicua, 77, (wroXa/M}) a kind of grasshopper, Theocr, as law-term, of the judge, to cite or summon before
KoXajie-uTijs, ot), 6, (as if from */caAa/xv) # reaper, the court, Ar., Dem. vplv TTQV IJUTJJ/ {Siicrjy'] KoAt-

mower, Theocr. II. an angler, Anth. crdai before it is called on, Ar. b. of the plaintiff,
in Med., KaXsiffQai nva to sue at law, Lat. vocare
KaXapr] [d], ^, (v. KoAa/xos) //z<? s/#/ or straw of corn :
metapfi., oBj/a <t>A<fari5os WAercu KOpos, 3)$ T irXelff'r'rjv in jus, Id., etc. II. to call by name, to call,
f&v KaXdfjiTjy X^ OJ^ XO^K&S %X VV> fywos 5* o\ljtorras name, II., Trag: oyofACt, /caAcTj/ nvd to call him a
men are soon satiated with battle, where the sword throws name (i. e. by name], , Od. j so, without ovop.a, rt yiv J

much straw on the ground, and there is little harvest, i. e. KaXovffa Tv%0tfc' &y ; Aesch. Pass., TVjU.$y 5 ft-vo^a,

ffff KK\-fi(rTou a name

much slaughter and little profit, II. K. Trvp&v wheat- ;
shall be given to thy tomb,
sfraiy, Hdt. 2. the stalk without the ear, stubble; Eur. 2. in pf. pass. je&Aitybuu, to have received a
metaph. of an old man, KaXa^v y4 <? oiofjiai eiffopotavra. name, to bear it, often = efyJ, zto ^^, olrve/ca CTT) irapaKOiTiy
jiyy(&(rKiv thou mayst still, I ween, perceive the /ce/cATj^tai because / awz thy wife, II.; iroo-ts /ceKATj/xeWs
stubble (i. e. the residue) of former strength, Od. ; ^77 w^r^ /o 5^ my spouse, Od. ; rarely in pres., ^s-
cbr& TTJS KaXaftfis reKpodpecrQcu to judge from the re- yap&pbs Ka\<r9ai Ib. 3. poet. *AAMrfow cr0o KoX&Wi

mains, Luc. KeK\7jrat where /5 the hill called the hill of Aleisios,
y, (refjivta) a reaping, Anth. II. b. foil, by a dependent clause, icaAi /MF, irAwrr^s
KaXajiTj-^a^os [a], ov, (^xryc?^) devouring stalks, i. e. &s eltjy "Kdnroi, i. e. /coAc? /t wAooTOj', calls me a sup-
cutting them, Anth. posititious son, Soph.
K&Xaptt}-4opo$, ov, (<#>/>) carrying reeds, Xen. Ep. for KaXeiv, inf. pres. act. of KoAeo?.
KaXapubvos, i\, ov, (/coAajUoy) made of reed, Hdt. II. t;
with fortunate days, Anth.
made of cane, Id. , Aeol. for
icaXafxCs, f5os, f), (xaAa/ios) a reed fishing-rod, Anth. KaXi]Twp, opos, rrzVr, Lat. calator, II.

KaXau-LO-Kos, 6, Dim. of /caAa/toy, a bit of reed, used as KaXt,a } Ion. ~wj a -wooden dwelling, hut, barn,
a phial, Ar. Hes. a bird's
: , Theocr. [i Hes. ; t
KaXajJUTts, t5o5, 17, /caAa/xaia, Anth. y, TJ,
= foregf., a hut, Anth.: a chapel,
scaXapoets, corcra, ev, of reed, Eur. From Plut.
KA'AA"MOI [ic&], <5, a r^^, larger than the 5<W, Lat. , Dep. only in pres.
and impf., to lie rolling
arundo, being used for thatching houses or even for about or 'wallowing, Lat. votittari, Hdt., Thuc.;
making the walls, Hdt. ; for making mats or crates, hence, to be constantly engaged in a thing, Lat. ver-
Id., Thuc. II. anything made of reed or cane: 1. sa ri in aliqua re, Xen. etc.
a reed-pipe, flute, Pind., Eur. 2. a fishing-rod, jcaXXcuov, TO, a cock's comb: pL KaAAoAO,, ra,f the
Theocr. 3. cm arrow, Horat. IH. collectively, wattles, Lat. palea, Ar,
of plants, which are neither bush (#Aiy), nor tree (JSev- xaXXeitrto, Ep. for KaTaAearar.
Spov), Xen. 2. a mat of reeds, Plat. IV. - KaXX%- t the first part in compels., where the notion of
ij, the stalk of wheat, Xen. beautiful is added to the simple notion : oA- is later
and less common. 2. sometimes like a mere Adj. KaXXi-'ffcus, iratBos, d } T), with beautiful children,
with Subst., as KoAAfoncus
its = KM\)J waif. blessed with fair children, Aesch., Eur. II. a

KaXXi-(3Xc4apoSj ov, (&\<j>apov] with beautiful eyelids, beautiful child, Eur.; v. /caAAt- 2.
beautiful-eyed, Eur. KaXXi-irapijos, ov, Trapeia) beautiful-cheeked, Horn.
Syov,o, 'j8oaa>) beautiful-sounding, Soph., Ar. KaXXt-TTcLpOevos, ov, with beautiful nymphs, Eur. ; Sepji
s, v, beautiful-clustering, Soph. . necks of beauteous maidens, Id.
with fine, rich soil, Eur.
j8a?Aov) KaXXXire, Ep. for KaT\iir, 3 sing. aor. 2 of /caraAetx&j :

3,ov, (yaATjvT?) beautiful in calm, Eur. KaXXi/jriv, Ep. inf.

KaXXi-ir^SlXos, o, y, ir&tXov with beautiful satidaly,
ioaAXi-Ya|A0s, ov, happy in marriage, Anth.
h. Horn.
icaXXi-7Viet, 7), ;yevos} bearer of a fair offspring,
name of Demeter at the Thesmophoria, Ar. icaXXi-ireirXoSj o, ^, with beautiful robe, Pind., Eur.
Eur. KaXXi-ireTTjXos, ov TrerTjAoj/) with beautiful leaves,
icaXXi-'Y^>vpos,ov, ^<$>v paj with beautiful bridges, 3

*KaXXi-yuvaii [y~], 6 } y, (yvHj) wzV/z beautiful 'women,
only in the obi. cases, 'EAAaSo /coAArywawca *A%a"Sa KdXXi-Trqx^S, ^j gen. <ws, wzVA beautiful elbow, Eur.
K., 2i7rapT7}v K. Horn. jcaXXt-TrXoicaftos, 5, ^, w/M beautiful locks, Horn., Eur.
icc.XXi,-8Crqs [l], ov, 6, (Sivy) beautifully flowing,
Eur. KaXXi-irXovros, ov, adorned with riches, Pind.
KaXXC-8i4>pos, ov, with beautiful chariot,
Eur. jcaXXC-iroXts, <as, r}, fair-city, Plat.
ccs.XXt.-8oyai, o, 17, auYA beautiful reeds, Eur. KO-XXiTTOV, Ep. for KareAtTrov, aor. 2 of KaraXfivfa,
KaXXi-eWojxai, 7ros; Med. to say infinephrases^Thuc.
KaXXi-iroTcLjAos, o^, <?/ beautiful rivers, Eur.
to use fine language, Arist. Pass., \6yoi /ce/caAAi7T7?-
: KaXXC-irpttspos, oy, (irptfpd, with beautiful prow, Eur. :

fjivot 'p-fjfJLacri T Kal ovo/'i decked out with verbs and metaph. with beautiful face, beautiful > Aesch.
nouns, Plat. KaXXv-iriJXos, ov y -jruATj) -zi'zYA beautiful gates, Anth.
KaXX-tcpeo), Ion. tcaXX-Iplw :
pf KKa\\iepT]Ka
. :
fjepo'v :
jcaXXi-Trvp-yos, oy, wzY/z beautiful towers, Eur. j /c. ero-

to have favourable signs in a sacrifice, to obtain ^>ta high-towering, Ar.

= foreg., Eur.
good omens for an undertaking, Lat. I tare, perl if are, 'i icaXXi.-'TnSpYtoTos, ov,
Xen. ; so in Med., Hdt., etc. 2. c. ace. to sacrifice KaXXi-irwXos, ov, OTM beautiful steeds, Pind.
imth good omens, Theocr. so in Med., Ar.
: II. KaXXi-p0pas,oj', (fieeBpovj beautiful-flowing, Qd.yE.Mr.
of the offering, to give good omens, be favourable, KaXXipea), Ion. for /caAAiepeaj.
/coAAipTjo-cu OVK ctivvaro [ret ipa\
the sacrifices would not KaXXtpoos, ov, poet, for Ka&\ippoos.
give good omens, Hdt. ; &s <f<pi e/coAAipro [TO /pcfj KaXXtpp-qfiooTuvt], ^, elegance of language, Luc. II.
Id. ;also c. inf., OVK 1/caAAipee diafiaivsiv IJLIV the sa- braggart language, Id. From
crifices ivere not favourable for his crossing, Id. in :
KaXXip-p-ijjAwv, ov, ,p??M, elegant language.

Med., ws ou5 TCH/TO l/coAAiepeTro Xen. xaXXip-poos, ov, poet, also KiXXi-poos s beaut iful-
\vy6v} beautifully yoked, Eur.
Kcz.XXi-^iJ'Y'qs, ey, ftowing, Horn., Aesch. : metaph. of the flute, Pind.
Fern. KoAAiporj, one of the Oceanids, h. Horn., Hes. :
KaXXC-tcoyos, (tyvn) with beautiful girdles, Horn.
o, -fj,

but KaAAipo&7, also, a spring at Athens, later 'Evvca-

KaXX-6pi* rpixos, 5, 77, with beautiful manes, of
horses, Horn. of sheep, with fine wool, Od.
; Kpovvos 'but now again KaXXippfaj], Thuc.
>caXXt-ftvTw, f. V<0, Mv A) /<? <?/"<?r in auspicious KaXXi-<rraStos,ov, a*ra5tov with a finerace-course ,.UY.
sacrifice, jcawpov Anth. tcdXXwrTa, Adv. Sup., v. KoAos C.
KoXXb-Kapiros ov, with beazttiful fruit, Aesch., Eur. KaXXioTctov, ;:aAAto-reu&j) the prize of beauty,
Eur. II. in pi. = apLcrreta, the meed of valour, Soph.
KaXX-Kp6>$, 6 3 f} } \Kepai) 'with beautiful horns, Anth.
Eur. II. the
j, 77, Fair-kill, a place near Troy, II. jcaXXCcprc-ujAa, aros, TO, exceeding beauty,
o, =sq., Eur. first-fruits of beauty or the most beautiful. Id. From
S, 6, 77, fcdnyj beautiful-haired, of women, KaXXi<rriJW, f. era, {icdkXicrros} to be the most beauti-
Horn., Hes., Ar. ful, Hdt., Eur. ; c. gen., K<xAAi<rTz5(m 7racr6>v TWV
with beautiful head- yvvauK&v Hdt. :
-also in Med., 5<p* a KaAAto'TeueTat Eur.
KdXXt*Kpi)8ef&voSj o, 77, (/cp^Seftvov)
band, Od. *caXXi-o"T<}>avos, ov, beautiful-crowned, h, Horn., Eur.
KaXXt-XoYCOjJuu, Med. to use specious phrases, Luc. KoLXXurros, 77, oy, Sup. of KaXos v. KaX6$ B. :

>caXXi-p.op4>os, ov, (juop^ beautifully shaped or KoXXwrroi, ous, ^, Most-beatttiful, daughter of Lycaon,
formed, Eur. Eur., in voc. KoAAitrToI.
KaXXXfios, ov, Ep. for KaAo'y, beautiful, Od. j

JcaXXi<r<|>vpos, o; TJ, (fftf>vp6v) beautiful-ankled,

caXXt-vaos, ov, beautiful-flowing, Eur. caXX-Ticvas 9 ov, TKVOV) with fair children, Plut., Luc.
KaXXi-vIicos, ov, (V^KIJ) with glorious victory, KV$OS K. >caXXi-Txvia, i] 9 (rexwi) beauty of workmanship, Plut.
the glory of noble victory ^ Pind. c. gen., ?x0pwv : TV KaXXi-Tofj;o$, o, 17, (TO|OV) with beautiful bow, Eur.
triumphant over one's enemies, Eur. II. xaXXuf)*, i. e. /caAAr, Ep. for KareAwre, 3 sing. aor. 2
adorning ennobling victory, S/AVOS, ^5^, ftovo*a Pind., of /caToAeiww.
Eur. TO KO\\ivtKov the glory of victory. Pind. ; so,
: icaXXt-<|>yfis, s, ($*yyos) beautiful-shining, Eur.
KaXXlvLKQS (sub. tffJLVOS) Id. xaXXt-^Soyyos, o^ (&9oyyo$) beautiful-sounding> Eur.
KoLXXlov, neut. of /caAAfwv, used as Adv., v. /eoAo's c. KaXXv-4>Xo|, ^, Tj y atispiciously burning, Eur.
KaXXi-^tnr), TJ, .'^) Calliope, the beautiful-woicedycMizi j
KaXXt^viOy i}, beauty of sound, Luc, From
of the nine Muses, the Epic Muse, Hes., h. Horn. : 1
icaXXt-4*vos> ^j i?j ($x0v$) with a fine voice, Plat.
also KaXXtOTTeio, Anth. I
KaXXi-xPS* oy > ^P- ^or aAA^x wP oy> w^A beautiful
places, as evpvxopos for eupuxpos, epith. of large cities, of sacrifices, goody auspicious, Aesch., etc. HI.
Od., Pind. EC. (x<>poy, of or for beautiful dances, in moral sense,
beautiful, noble, KoAor [eVrxl c.
Eur., Ar. 6 K. a spring near Eleusis, the fount
of inf., Horn., etc.; KoAa e/yy/xotro noble deeds, Pind.,
goodly dances, h. Horn., Eur. 2. 'beautiful in the etc. 2. rb waAoV moral beauty, virtue,
dance, of Apollo, Eur. to T& cuVxpoV (Cicero's honestum and
turpe), Xen.,
KaXXCwv [r], oy, gen. ovos, Comp. of KaXts : v. KaXos B. Plat. IV. in Att. not seldom ironically, like Lat.
tcaXXovij, 7) 9 (/caAAos) beatify, Hdt., Eur. praeclarzis, admirable, speciousy fair, K. yap
KaXXos, eo$, Att. owr, T(f, (/cccAJs) beauty, Horn., etc. :

$ KaXXos with an eye to beauty, so as to set off her B. Degrees of Compar. :

Comp. icoAAiW [t] t ov,
beauty, Eur. ; hut, is K. f^v for pleasure, Xen. 2, Sup. JcaAAiCTTos, 17, ov, Horn., etc.
of persons, a "beauty., Id., Luc. 3. in pi. also C. Adv. : KoAoV as Adv., K<z\bv dci$i^ etc., Horn. ;
rich garments and stuffs, Aesch., Plat. ; arciAAea s.o/caAa II. ; rb /caAoV Theocr.
Ki?poi) II. reg-ul. Adv.
beautiful 'works of wax, i. e. honeycombs, Anth. tcaXws, mostly in moral sense, well, rightly, Od. ; KoAws
KaXXoonuvtj, ^, poet, for /caAAos, Eur. f7Jy,TBv7jKyai, etc., Soph., etc. ; ou waA^s rapfiets Id. ;
icaXXwTpov,To,<2M implement or cleaning, broom,Plut. f often in phrase /caAws ;al eS, KaAcSs re /cai e5 Plat. 2.
KaXXwo [u], f. vvco, (roAos) fo beautify :
metaph. to of good fortune, w<?/Y,, happily, K. Trpdcrcretv = e5
TT^. to
2. Med. z?0 pride
gloss over. Soph. oneself in a fare w^//, Aesch., etc.; /c. exety to be well, Id.; K.
thing, Plat. Ixei, c. inf., 'tis well to . , , Xen. 3. KaXs =
KaXX-wrriJIfe}, f . krar, (^) properly, ft? make the face iravv, right well, /c. eoi5a Soph, ; so in Comp., KaAAiw
beautiful ; hence, to beautify, embellish, Plat.: Pass., tlSsvai Plat.; and in Sup. JcaAAtcrra, Soph., etc. 4.
K:aAAamcrjueV<tt rJ>
xp^ a j i- e. painted, Xen. II. K. Troitov, as Adv., rightly,
deservedly, Lat. meriio, K.
Med. /<? adorn
oneself, make oneself fine or smart, iroiuv airoAAurat Ar. 5. in answers, to approve the
Plat. :
metaph. fo pride oneself in or <m a thing, riyt words of the former speaker, 'well said! Lat. euge,
or 7Ti rxyi Id. absol. to -make a display,, skew
off, of Eur., Dem. : but, also, to decline an offer courteously
a horse, Xen. fo coy, play the prude,, TLVI or
2. ft? or ironically, thank you ! Lat. benigne, Ar. ; and in
wp^ nva towards another, Plat. ; c. inf., K. Trapcure?- Sup., /coAAz<rr*, <i7rcuw Id. 6. ironically, finelv*
<r8a.L to
affect to deprecate, Plut. Hence Lat. belle, Soph., Eur.
KaXXwirurp-a, TO, ornament, embellishment., Plat. ; and D. Quantity : d in Ep. Poets : a in Att. ; in later
KaXXtoTTLorfids, 6, an adorning' oneself, making a dis- Poets a or a, as the verse requires.
play, Plat., Xen. II. ornamentation, d$ K. for KA'AniX, t$os, TJ ace. KoAirty and /caA-juSa: a vessel for

ornament, Xen.; KraAAajirior/iolxept rb cr{/ajj.a Plat. drawing" wafer, a pitcher or ewer, Od., Att.: an
KaXo-SiSdcrtcaXos, &, a teacher of virtue, N.T. urn for drawing lots or collecting- votes, Anth., Luc, :

tcaXoKoiYaOia, TJ, the character and conduct of a Ka\.bs a cinerary urn, Anth.
tear/ados, nobleness, goodness, Xen., Dem. ; and KaXrios, 6, Sicil. form of Lat. calceus, a shoe, Plut.
KaXoKayaOiKos* 4\, 6v, beseeming- a KaXbs KayaQos, KOL\V$T\ [0], TJ, '>aAu7rrojj a hut, cabin, cell, Lat. iit-
honourable: Adv. -/ce5s, Plut. 2. inclined to a- g-urtum, Hdt., Thuc., etc. II. a cover, screen, Anth.
\OKayaQia, Id. From KaXtSpiov, TO, Dim. of foreg., Plut.
KaXoxayaOos, 6v, in good writers written divisim KaXbs KaXvKo-oTT4>avos, oy, crowned with flower-buds, Anth.
tcayaOo's, beautiful and good,
and good, used in noble icaXvicw'Tris, tSo^, -7, (^^) ^"^^ budding flo-aser in face*
earlier times of the nobles or
gentlemen, lit. opti- i. e.
blushing,, roseate, h. Horn.
mafes, Hdt., Att. ; later, Ka\b$ KayaBos was a perfect KaXvfLfJia, a-ros, T(J, 'KaAuTrraj, a head-covering used by
man, a man as he should be, also applied to qualities women, a ^<?<?<tf or -y^//, II. ; worn by brides, Aesch. ; a
and actions, Plat., Xen. ; to an army, Xen,, etc.
covering put over the face of the dead, Soph, 2.
icaXov, W, 'mood, but only used in pi. jcaAa, logs for a grawy Anth.
burning (prob. from Kcdai), h. Horn. : seasoned wood, tcaXvf [a], VKOS, %, (KaAwmra?) a covering, used only of
for joiner's work, ica/n/Aa K. Hes. flowers and : 1. the shell or pod of plants,
KaXo-ircStXa, TO,, OeSAoj/) 'wooden shoes, used to keep a Hdt. ; KaXvKos ev \o%Vfioun, I. e. when the fruit is
cow still while milking, Theocr. 2. the calyx of a flower, a bi-td, a
/ setting, Aesch.
KaXo~iroi o>, f. ^crcu, to do good, N. T. rose-bud, h. Horn., Theocr. U. in 11. 18. 401,
KaXos, d, Ep. ^and Ion. for icaAws, a rope. KoXvKes seem to be earrings like flower-cups.
KAAO1, 4 ^j/* beautiful, beaufeozis,fair, Lat. pulcher, jcaXvirrcipa, TI,
= /caAvmrpa, a veil, Anth.
of outward form, Horn., etc.; icoAoy beautiful KaXvifTOs, ^, 6v, verb. Adj. of xaXinerto II, put round
of form, Od. ; so, eTSos Koi\Xicrros Xen. ; KaXbs rJ> so as to cover, enfolding, enveloping, Soph.
orS/ta Id. ; c. inf., /c. tVopaa<r0at Horn. 2. r& KoAo?/, KaXvirrpa,, Ion. -Trrptj, TJ, a woman's veil, Horn,,
beauty, Eur., etc. ra icaAc ^Af decencies,
like /caAAos-, : Aesch. :
metaph., Sw^epa K. the dark veil of night,
proprieties, elegancies of life, Hdt., etc. II. in Aesch. 2, of land given to queens as weil-moitey
reference to use, beautiful, fair, good, K. Ai/tV Od. ;
(cf. Cdvii 1.2% Plat. H. the' cover or lid of a
KaA&y cfe Tt Xen.; trp&s ri Plat.; c. inf., KoAAtcrros quiver, Hdt.
Tpex^y Xen. ; esp. in the foil, phrases, ly KOA<$ [T^TT^] KaXvirrca (lengthd. from Root JCAAYB, v. ita\&if) :
zw a good place, Thuc.; ^r icoA^ TOV jc^Airov, TT^S-
Ep. impf. KdAwTOv: f. ijw: aor. 2 iicdkw$t&, Ep.
TT^ACWS- Xen.; iv K. (sub.
xptvtp), in. good time, in KA-: Med., aor. i iKoAw^oW' : Pass., fut. jco\u-
season, Eur. ; so, KaXdv <m, c. inf., Soph. 2. aor. i lroAw4>ftf^ : pf wcKoAwftuat ; 3 sing.
: .
to cover with & thing, Ep. for /ca/*, aor. 2 of KOJUJ/W. II.
plqpf. Ke/caAwrTo: I.
crasis for KCU /i.
Kafxeitv, aor. 2 inf. of fca/ivco.
simply, to cover, p.4\a.v 5e I KVJJ.O, Ka\w^v Ib. ; ir*Tpov j

med. of /ca/ij/a?.
raAinJ/ej/ his hand covered, grasped sing-, f.
X*lp a stone, Ib. j j Kap,iTai, 3
of death, reAoy Ka\vfyv o<f>6a\fju>v$ Ib., etc, KQ}X7]Xos [a], o and y, a camel, Hdt., etc. K. a/tvos a ;

of grief, ray 5* &x fOS vsty*^ ^KaXvfye Ib. ; K. camel-lamb, i.e. young camel, Ar. 2. 77 K. like
'/TTTTOS) f^^
camels in an army, as one might say the
jma, i. e. to be buried, Pind. ; also, xQovi, ra<^ K. 7-f

ta bury another, Aesch. :---Med. to cover or veil one- camelry, camel-brigade, Hdt. Cf. Hebr. gamal.
Pass., ao-7r5t /ce/caAuft^tcyos &JULOVS II. ; 2v icafxivevTsjp, ijpos, d,
= foreg. auAbs . the pipe cf a
self, Horn. : ;

KaA. Ib., etc. 2. like KpvTTTw, to cover smith's bellows, Anth. ; and
or conceal; K. Kapoia. TL Soph.; Pass., KC/coAv/i/ievot KajJuvVTi(]<5 ) ov, 6, /co/xivevr, Luc.
carry concealed in the horse, Od. 3. to cover ivith Kapuvvci>, f. <rw, to heat in a furnace, Arist. From
Kaplvos, ^, /cm<u aw oven, furnace, kiln, for baking,
3 '

dishonour, throw a cloud over, <rv ph waAvTrre A.6J)~

vas Soph. II. to put over as a covering, Lat. cir- smelting metals, for burning bricks, Hdt. Hence
cumdare, of -rrcVAoio TrTiry/A 1/eaAtnf'ej' II. ; of aViv Kadv- KcL}j,iv&>, ovs, r}, a furnace-'woman, Od.
TCfpde KaAt/il/w / 'will put mud over him, Ib. ; ap.<$\ M-
jforrtaST; ff&Kos vpv /caA&J/as Ib. Kap.p,cs, crasis for KCU ^/x5, Aeol. for /c

KaXutlrw, Joy, contr. ous, rj, Calypso, a nymph, daughter

of Atlas, who lived in the island Ogygia ; so called be- cajji}jkt|as, Ep. for Kovrapias, aor. part, of /cara/u-yiar/u. i

cause she hid ^eKaAv^-e) Ulysses there, Od. x:ap.p,oviTj, ^, Ep. for /caret/to i^, /A<? reward of endur-
itttXx<uvw, (aAx">7 properly, to make purple : metaph. ance, II.

to make dark and troublous like a stormy sea, to Kap.}j,opos> o^, Ep. for Ka.Toifj.Qpos, subject to destiny,
ponder deeply, Soph., Eur. Hence i. Od.
e. ill-fated,

ICaXxas, aj/roy, 6, Calchas the Greek Seer at Troy, Kappuu, Ep. and poet, for Karapvof,
properly the Searcher. xajivcj, (lengthd, from the Root KAM) :
a^ao{J/iai :

KA'AXH, f}, the murex purple limpet, w aor. 2 Ka.p.ov, inf. Kauflv, Ep. subj. redupl. /cc/ca^tw,

KoX*Su>v, TQ, Dim. of /caAwy, a small cord, Ar., Thuc. 3 sing. KKdjii7)Q~i, 3 pi. Ka/ia>trt :
pf . tc^Kp^Ka -, 3 pi.
k.><, Adv. from K<xX6s v. /caAos C. ; plqpf. KJc/U72/C<ray ; Ep. part, /ce/cfujcljs, /CC/C/X^WTI, /CCK-

[*]? 3 & en KC^AW, ace. KoXoov

Ep. and Ion. :
fj.TjSn-a, ace. pi. KKfjarj6ras : Med., Ep. aor. 2 KO/IO-
I. trans. /<? m>r, of smith's work, crKyTrrpov,
tcaXos, ov, 6, a reefing rope, reef, Od., where the /MJJ/ :

jcaAoi are distinguished from iroSey (sheets) and inrepat TO uev "HtyaiffTos jcct/ie which he 'wrought, II. ; /c. ^)as
KoAcuy Qlevcu to let out the reefs, i. e. to set Od. II. Med. ^tf -OJ/H; i.v f<?i7, Tas (sc. yw/cukas
braces) ;

all sail, Eur. TTV.VTQ. 5?? KaXtay avrol KOfji6jj.crQa II. 2. fo work or 2?z7/ ^y labour,
; metaph., tyBpoly&p Qlturi

are letting out every reef, i. e. using every effort, Id. ; Od. TTT. intr. /<? -z0^r/&, labour, Thuc. : then, to be
fyovtov Qiei KaAwv give a loose to slaughter, Id.; so, -weary, cwUpl 5e tt*Kpii&ri p.4vos olvos ae^et II. ; ouSc TI
jrdVra I|i6vat K^A.0v Ar. II. generally, a rope, line, 7v?a Kap.vL nor zs Ae weary in limb, Ib. ; Trepi 5* lyx *
jcoAwy KOTieyai to let down a sounding-line, Hdt. 2. Xetpa /caftiTu A? wz7Z Aw
AJ> hand wrary in grasping
Eur. 5 cbrb the spear, Ib. c. parr., /ca/tyet wo\ef*.i(&v, IXavvuv is
a, cable, Id. ;
Trpi/ftiHjr^y /c. a stern cable,

jtoAw Trapa-jrAeTy to be towed along shore, Thuc. weary of fighting, rowing, Ib. ; OVK Kap.ov Tavvtav Ifound
KaX<t)-crTpo<!>o9, 6, a rope-maker, Plut.
no trouble in stringing the bow, i. e. did it without
KOJJL, Ep. for Kara before as KajU, ftcV for /cara jUtV,
p., trouble, Od. ; ofrroi \tyova-a I shall never be
tired o sa\-ing, Aesch., etc. 2. to be sick or ill,
jca/x lAfcrov for /cara p.crov, Horn.
the sick, Hdt., etc. j
xajjiaKivos, ov, ,fcd[j.a made of reed or cane, Xen. suffer under illness, ol Kduvovres
ICA'MAE [/cd], a/coy, 7] and ^, vine-pole, vine-prop, IL, so, Kap.viv voffov Eur. ; #. TOVS o^OoA/touy Hdt. 3.
or afflicted, ffTparov
Hes. 2. jfA^ shaft of a spear, Aesch., Eur. 3. generally, to suffer, be distressed
the filler of the rudder, Luc. KapovTos Aesch. ; ov /ca/te? will not have to complain,
tCATMA'PA, Ion. -ptj jjaa], T\, Lat. camera, anything Soph. ; OVK iffov KCLfjikv fyol \VVTJS not having borne an
'with an arched cover, a covered carriage, Hdt. equal share of grief with me, Id. 4. of jca/ioVrey (aor.

scajjidcrT|v9, &v, of, J&iwd^ <?/ fishy Anth.

(Foreign part.} those 'who have done their work, Lat. defuncti,
i. e. the dead, Horn. ; so, KfKfj.tjKOTS Eur., Thuc.
o'v, toilsome, troublesome, wearisome^. KajjL-jnrj, TJ, (Ka/A7rr(tf)
a betiding, winding, of a river,
Ka{j.aTT)p6s, a,
II. pass, boomed Hdt. it. the turning in a race-course, turning-
Horn. :
tiring, exhausting, Luc.
down with toil, broken down, worn out, Hdt. From post, Ar. metaph., pvQov s /ca/wrV ayctv to bring a

X43Lp,aroS) ^, wajuvo?) #<?z7, trouble, labour, Od., Soph.,

speech to iY.s middle or turning point, Eur, /ca/wras ',

Eur. 2. &<? effects of toil, distress, weariness, wotto*6cu Plat. Hence

Horn. ; ihrvtf Ktd /ca/LtaT^j apTjpevos (so Hor., ludo fati~ , 17, ov, bent, turning, Eur.
gatumque somno , Od. II. that which is earned forc^, an angle, Xen.
os, d, (Kd>irr<w) II.

by toil, 7j/u,(Tfposour hard-won earnings,

/caftaroy /A<? turning-point in the SfawAos-, A<? ^a/ 3 Arist.:
Ib. ; aAAoVptoy a/zaroy the earnings of other men's metaph., iriS/uwos lifers /<Z5# 2?wrw or course, Anth.

toil, Hes. 2. /A<? result of labour, a work, a ajiirrw, (lengthd. from Root KAMr^v.Ka^wrij): f.a/t^>
thing wrought by~~ the lathe, Anth.
Ep. inf. -ever : aor. i fKafj^a Pass., aor. r ^Ka^Bijv: :

>y7 toilsome, 'wearisome) Hes.} Pind. to bend, curve} o<f>pa fovv K&pfai that he may bend
it into a chariot-rail, bend the knee so
II. ; yovv K. to Athen. women took with them when they went out
as to sit down and ; ou Ka/nrr<uj> y6vv, i. e.
rest, Ib. Lex Solonis ap, Plut.
never resting-, Aesch. ; so, KwXa Soph. ; then, icd/jar-
cevq4>opc, f. 4\ffo), to carry the sacred basket in
Teiv alone, to sit down, rest. Id. ; also, yovv K. to cession, Ar. ; and
bend the knee in worship, N.T. II. to turn or Jcavr]4>opia, 7), the office of KavTqtpdpos, Plat. From
guide a. horse or chariot round the turning-post Kayij-$opo$, QV y (<f>ep<0) carrying a basket: Kan^pot,
K&jjarfi ii ; hence, of the horse or chariot, Ka/jtyat at. Basket-bearers, at Athens, maidens who carried on
$tav\ov OdTfpov K&Xoy Trdktv to double the post {Ketfar- their heads baskets
containing the sacred things used at
rfipj and return along- the second half of the SiauAos, the feasts of Demeter, Bacchus and Athena, Ar.
Aesch.; Ka/jarroirros IhnTQv as the horse TV as turning, KA'NOA^POI, 6, Lat. cantharus, a beetle worshipped in
Soph. : metaph., K, &iov to make the last turn in the Egypt, Aesch., etc. II. a Naxian boat, Ar. HI.
course of life, Id. ; j8/ov r/Xos Eur.
. 2. so also a mark or knot like a beetle, on the
tongue of the
of seamen, to double a headland, &Kptjv K. Hdt. ; also, Hdt.
Egyptian god Apis,
K. vepl titjcpw Ar. , K. K6\irov to wind round the bay, Kav0v, crasis for /col ivBev.
Hdt. 3, absol., vaXiv K. to turn back, Eur. ;
yyvs Kay0T]Xia, rd, Lat. clitellae, a pack-saddle, or the
TWV <E/A#J> Ka/JLirrcis (ppevSov thoii contest near my mean- panniers at the sides of a pack-saddle, Ar.
III. metaph. , like Lat. ftectere, jceCjUTrrew
ing, Id. Kay0VJXios, &, KavOwv, a large sort of ass for carrying
riva to bend or bow one down. Find. : Pass, to be burdens, a pack-ass, Xen., Plat., etc.
bowed down, Aesch., Thuc. ; Kcfyarrojucu / submit, Plat. = Kcwfl^Tuoy, a pack-ass, Ar,, Anth.
Kav9ouv, tavos, a,
KafrrruXocts, *<r<ra, *v, poet, for Ka/wrvAos, Anth. Kayuivoaos, crasis for *cal cyiavartos.
Kafj/nruXos [v], ij, OK, (jtc/urra>) fowz?, crooked, curved ', Kay is, crasis for /col &M$ = /eal foev.
of a bow, II. ; of wheels, Ib. ; of chariots, Ib. KA'NNA or Kotyytj, ijs, TJ > a reed, Lat. canna : In pi. a
(eajtil/i-irovs, <5, % wow, r6, bending thefoot., i. e. swift- reed-fence, railing, Ar.
running, Aesch. Kavvaplyos, t\, ov, hempen, of hemp, like it, Anth. From
aor. 2 part, of
scajicSv, Ka.jj.vca. KA'NNAHBIZ, 17, gen. tosf ace. icdvvafiiy or Koyyd&tSa :

icav, poet, for Kara before y, as KO.V y^ov Pind. hemp, Hdt., etc. 5 it was burnt, so as to medicate
icav, crasis for teal eV. vapour-baths. Id.
av, t crasis, I. for nal &v, Hes., Att. ; KOKOJ/ Sc K&V
xdvvapos, rj, Kava&os.
v ^lepc: yyotV fuaSoph. later, K&.V came to be used,
Kayvevo-as, Ep. for Karavevcras, aor. i part, of jcorovevw.
even when the Verb in apodosi was of a tense that
KavvewtroicrSaL, crasis for KO! cwcu'ftaff&G'Saii.
could not be joined with &/, as, K&V ci TroAAal for K&V e.
[at aperat] Kayyopioy, (i. Kara,; yof&ov.
eifftv, for &<ri, Plat. II. for icol &v or /cai cw>, w^
Kavoy^ra, crasis for /col aj/o*^ra.
f^w z/, although, Soph., Ar., etc.
7/, KayoyC^a, f. icrsa, Kaveay], to measure by rule, Longin. :

scavaptvos, 17, ov, <3/ or /or a block-figure, crai/m :. a to regulate, square, Arist., Anth.
body so lean as to be a mere skeleton, Anth. From JCO.VOVLS, iS os, 73, a ruler, Anth.
a wooden block round 'which artists
icavo-pos, 6, KayoyMrjjia, aros, TO, =Kav<av I. 3, Anth.
moulded wax or clay, a block-figure. tcavTaS0a, crasis for Kal evravQa.. or rather icavvaOpov, TO, (wowa) a cane or Kavrlpas, crasis for ical at^rtjSas.
wicker carriage, Xen. KoLvW. fut. of KG,ilS(&.
xavaKoxvcras, crasis for /col ayaKWKu<ras-. Kavwpos or KavoMrros, 6, Canopus, a town in lower
teavacnrpov, r(J, =avoy, a dish, Ep. Horn. Egypt, Hdt., etc.; famed for its tempk of Serapis,
Kavaxea), f . ?jr<0 Ep. : aor. i /cava%T?orct
: ^? ring, who was called Kaywpt-njs, Anth. : the Westernmost
clash, clang, of metal, Od. From mouth of the Nile was called the KayeajBucbv tn&f&a, Hdt.
KAWNA*'XH', 7), a sharp sound : the ring or clang of tcavwvj aor. 2 part, of Kaivtv.
metal, II., Soph. ; Kayaxft 5* 3)V yfudvottv loud rang- (Kavya} any straight rod or bar ;
JCGLV&JV, 0Vo$j, d, 1.
their tramp, Od. ; oS^wy Kavax'h a gnashing of teeth, in Horn, the KtwdVes of a shield seem to have been t'wo
II. 5 /cawxa au^w^ ^^ sound of flutes, Pind. (For rods running across the hollow of the shield,
Verb jccu/acrcra) v. ey-/cayao*o*ft).) which the arm was passed. 2. a rod used in
Kavax^So, Adv. w/zfA *a s^a>-^ /oz^cf not^, of water, waving, the shuttle or quill, by which the threads
Hes. of the woof (wjjj/W; were passed between those of the
Kavax"ns, of water, plashing, Aesch.
$, 3. a rule used by masons or car-
warp (/tiros-}, II.
avaxCi, only in impf ., = Kaya^ta, to ring, Horn. b. a ruler, Anth.
penters, Eur,, Xen., etc. c.
cav&us, vos, o, a Median cloak with sleeves, Xen. metaph., wcrls 7JA.ov, KO.V&V ffatjy^s, Milton's
xavslv, fut- inf. of jcafrft?. levelled rule of light/ Eur. 4. the beam or tongue
jcdveov [a], r^, Ep. also tcavciov, Att. icavovv
(ways/a) : :
of the balance, Anth. 5. in pL the keys or stops of
a basket of reed or m<?, bread-basket, Lat. cants- the flute, Id. II. metaph., like Lat. regulet^
tritm, Horn., Hdt., Att. 5 also made of metal, Horn. : norma, a rule, standard of excellence, Eur. ;-r-in Chro-
it was used for the sacred
barley at sacrifices, e^ey nology, icavoves -^QviKoi were chief epochs or era$f .Plut.
av\as 4v Kaveq> Od.
Ka|, crasis for KO! |.
icavTm>c, crasis for xol o^eWuc. K<ir9 Ep. for Kard before ic, <$>, as *caw w&W>
iwbr i$m-
JcavTjv, Dor. for icoy2V, aor. 2 inf. of oW, \ctpa 11.

^, (icdvva) a mat of reeds such as the Kairaye, crasis for teal i


KaTta^tovios, crasis for oi or tcaravvpifa, to catch, take fire, aor. i

icatreiTa, crasis for /cctl ^Tretra. part. Ka.TrKvpiffa.ffa Theocr.

KoLircTov, Dor. for KarsirG&Qv, Find. tcairpa<i2, ^coarposj metaph. to be le^ad or lecherous, Ar.
Ka,itTOs f), (for aKaireros, from cr/caTrrw), a ditch, Kairpios, <5, poet, for Kavpos, a wild boar, II. ; also, trvs
trench, II. : &#/<?, grave, Ib., Soph. Katrpios Ib. II. as Adj. xdvpios, ov, like a wild
KAT1H [a}, 77, Ep. dat. pi. KCWTTJCTI : (v. KCCWTOJ) : a crz^ tor, Hdt.
for the food of cattle, manger, Horn. KA'flPOZ [a by nature], 6, the boar, wild boar, Lat.
KamrjAeia, 7), retail trade, tavern-keeping, Plat. ; and aper, also, (rus Koarpos Ib.
II., etc. ;

KairTjXetov, r6, the shop of a /ccnnjAos, esp. a tavern, KCLTrpo-4>6yos, oy, *<pV(a killing 'wild boars, Anth.
Lat. caupona, Ar. From Kairr (lengthd. from Root KAH, v. /caxTj) f.
/c|w: :

KaTnrjXevw, f. evcru>, (/ccwnjAos) fo & a retail-dealer , to gulp do'wn, Ar., etc. cf KKa<fn}t&s. : .
Hdt. ; 5t* a^v%ou #opas crtroij Kcnr^Xev' drive trade, ! KA nY"PO'2! , a, oy, dried by the air, dry, Theocr. 2.
chaffer with your vegetable food, Eur. II, c. act.dry ing, parching, Id. II. metaph. of

ace. to sell by retail, Hdt. : metaph., Kav-rj^eveiv jj.dxnv Kawpov y\av to laugh loud, Anth. ; /c. cTT^jua a /oa^d?
to make a trade of war, Lat. cauponari helium, Aesch.; clear-sounding voice, Theocr., Mosch. K. (ruptfew to -,

Katrri\vovcra rbv filov playing' tricks with life, cor- play clearly on the syrinx, Luc.
rupting it, Anth. ; K. rbv Xoyov rov Qeov N. T. Kair4>aXapa, for /ccbr (i. e. /cara) $aAapa.
scairriXtKos, 17, 6v, (Ka-nyXoi) of or for a retail dealer : Kap, for /cara before , as /cop (W, /cop /So II.
77 KamiXitrf) 'sc. rexrf) KomiXda, Plat. 2. like KA'P, hair cut off, a lock of hair, (cf /ceipw, a-Jcop^s , .

a petty trader, knavish, Anth. : Adv., Kav^XiKcas Tio> Se jttiy ej/ Kapbs af<ri? I value him but at a hair's
e^eiy to be vamped up for sale, Ar. worth, flocci eumfacio, II. U. also ~ /capa, Kaprj,
sca-TnjXts* t'5os, TJ, fern, of /taTTTjAos, Lat. copa, Ar. head, exl /cap /z^W-long, Ib.
retail-dealer, huckster, hawker,
o, Kap, d, gen. Kapos, pi. Kapes, a Carian, II., etc. ; fern.
peddlar, higgler, Lat. institor, Hdt., Att. ; opp. Kaeipa, Ib. the Carians hired themselves out as

to the merchant (ejnvopos), Xen., etc.; applied to mercenaries, and were used to spare the lives of the
Darius because of his finance-regulations, Hdt. : . citizen-soldiers; hence, &
T< Kapt Kivfivvevfiv to make
atfiriSav, fiirKtav a dealer in . .
, Ar. 2. a tavern- the risk, not with one's own person, but with a Carian,
keeper, publican, Lat. caupo, Id., etc. 3. metaph., Lat. experimentum facere in corpore vili, Eur.
K. vovyplas a dealer in petty roguery, Dem. xapa, Ion. Kap-q [a], r6, (on the forms and Root, v.
Kairipo*, crasis for from exij3<a)
/cai Zirifrto i^contr. .
infr.) poet, for /ce^oA^ the head, II., etc.
jccMTL0Trj, j\, a -measure containing two xoiVuces, Xen. the head or top of anything, as of a mountain, Hes. ;
(Prob. a Persian word. the edge or brim of a cup, Soph. 3. in Att. Poets,
Ka/rrLKLp.ycu, crasis for /col it is used like
/ce^oA^, periphr. for a person, Qifiivov, crasis for al Kapa., i. e. OltitTTovs, Soph. ; 8> KatriyvTirov K., for 8>
Jcairi<rr]}iav0TJcrofiaij crasis for /col Kcucri'yjnjre, Id., etc. Horn, used /capTj only in nom.
tcairvt|, TJ,
= Ka.irvo$6~xTi, Ar. and ace. sing, and pi.,- and supplied the obi. cases
icairvitw, f. Att. iw : aor. i 4/ccwwcra, Ep. 3 pi. KcarvLOf- from decl. 5, gen. and dat. Kaptjros, fcaprjri, also /eopTj-
(Ktnrvfc}: to make smoke, i.e. to -make afire, O.TOS, Kaplan ;pi. Kap^ara (formed as if from a nom.
II. II. to smoke, blacken isaitk smoke, Dem. 2. jcopTjop or KapTjas; later Poets inflected /capij as of

intr. ^ 55 ^/aryfe wzYA smoke, Ar. Hence decl. i, viz. KdpySy Kapy, Kapyv Trag. dat. K&p%. ',

Kainacrfia, arcs, T^, incense, Anth. KapajSo-TTpocrtoiroSs ov, with the face of a /cdpa$0s,
later -Sox^, ^,
ieairvo-8oieTj, (Scxojuat) properly, # Luc.
smoke-receiver, i.e. a hole in the rooffor ike smoke to KA'PA'BOI [jca-], o, the stag-beetle, Arist.
pass through, Hdt. Kapa-So~Kci>, f. Tjcrca, to watch 'with outstretched head,
cairvooji,at, Pass, to be turned into smoke, burnt to i.e. to -watch eagerly or anxiously, Hdt., Eur., Xen. :
ashes, Pind., Eun From also, K:. els Ttva to look eagerly at one, Ar.
KAHNO'J, 6, smoke, Horn., etc. ; proverb., Koatvov crittd KapajcaXXov, r6, a hood, Lat. caracalla, Anth.
shadow of smoke, of things worth nothing, Soph. ; vepl Kapdvicnnjp, ypos, 6, beheading, capital, Aesch.
tcawov crrevoXecrxfiv to quibble about smoke, Ar. ; Kapavicrnjs, ov, 6 f = foreg., Eui*.
jpafifidrwy Kcnrvoi learned trifles, Eur. Kapdvov, TO, v. Kapyvov.
jc<rn-os, Dor. for Kyvos. Kapdvos, 6, (/ccipa) a chief, Xen.
jcdinra, r6, v. sub K K. jcapdvotj, f. 6ff&, (Kapavovj to achieve, Aesch.
Ka-mraSoKcu, ol, the Cappadocians, notorious as knaves Kapdrojicca, f . 4\<f(a y to cut off the head, behead, Eur.
and cowards, Hdt. Hence Kapa.rap.os [pa], ov, (TC/I^W) beheaded, Eur. ; K. Iprj/tta
KaTTiraSoKitw, f. ffa>> to favour the Cappadocians., veavfowv, i. e. their slaughter, Id. 2. cut offfrom
Hdt. : Pass, to play the Cappadocian, Anth, the head, K. x^ one's shorn locks, Soph.
tcd-nrirapts, ca$, f), the caper-plant, or its fruit, the Kappdvos, ov, ==&dpfiapof, outlandish, foreign, Aesch.
caper, Lat. capparis, Arist. (Deriv, unknown.) (Foreign word.)
KairtrcSiov, for KO.V (i. e. /tari) vetitov. Kapf3cm.yai, of, s&o&s of undressed leather, brogues,
jc<iinrc<rov,Ep. for Karfiretroif, aor. 2 of /caTCMrwnraj. Xen. (Deriv. unknown.)
caTriro-<|)Opo5, oy, \<f>fpa>) marked with a /awnra, KA'PAA^MON, T<{, a kind of cress, Lat. nasturtium, or
Luc. ", wliicfe was eaten like mustard by the Persians,
Xen. ; in pi. cresses, XT. $ nietaph.., /JAeVciv Kcip$a,ju.a, 5. e. be fulfilled, Aesch. ; yX.da'cr^s fiaraias K., i. e,
I. e. look sharp and stinging, Id. curses, Id. ;K. tirewy ov Ka.T<pQtv 3 i. e. poesj', Find. ;

KAPAS'A, TJ, Ion. JcapSt-q, Ep. also Kpa8iT| : the heart, /c.
$pv<av wisdom, Id.
V GTtpvoun tcpwSir} sraTcwrcra II. ; KpaStTj |aj crr-f)&os KAPnO'2 (B), 6, the wrist, Horn., etc.
etcdp&cTKei, of one panic-stricken, Ib. ; olSdverat KpaS'nt] KapTTo-TOKos, ov, (rtKTto) bearing fruit , Anth.
XOA.^ Ib., etc. ; TTJS Kopfitas <piX"iv Ar. ; Tcbrb /capSias
e/c Kapiro-^aYos, oy, (^ayerv) living on fruit , Arist.
\eyew, Lat. <?^r animo, to speak freely, Eur. II. Kap-7ro-<j)0opos, oy, (<j>6ip<a) spoiling fruit, Anth.
f/z/f stomach, Thuc. Kapiro$op6>, ^o bear fruit, Xen. From
jcap8to-YVcl<m]5, ov, $, knower of hearts, N.T. Kapiro-4>opo$, oj/, (^>epco) fruit-bearing, fruitful,, of
Kap8io-&7]KT0$j or, 'Sc&ejw; gnawing the heart, Aesch. trees, Hdt., Xen. of lands, Find., Eur. ; of Demeter, Ar.

KapSt,-ot;Xicc<i>, .eA/ctt to draw the heart out of the Kap-n-o-cfuiJXat [i/], a/cosr, 5, watcher offruit, Anth.
victim, Luc. Kapiroci), f dJcrw, (/eapWs A) jfo 6^ar fruit or ^ar as

SCA'PAOnOZ, f}, a kneading-trough, Ar. fndt9 Aesch. II. Med. to get fruit for oneself ',

Kapif], TO, Ion. for Kapa, the head. i. e., 1. to reap crops from land, Hdt., Aesch. :

^icdpiqap, assumed norn. of the Ep. forms KapTjaros, metaph. to exhaust or drain, TTJV 'EAAoSo Ar. 2.
yan, yard,, v. Kapa. ^<9
enjoy the interest of money, Dem. 5 so in pf. pass.,
KapT3-Kop.dwvTs, 01, \KOfidoo) 'with hair on the head, rb HpyaffT-Jipiov KKafyiru>jjLj/os enjoying- the profits of
long-haired, of the Achaians, who let all their hair the shop, Id. absol. to make profit, An
: 3. to
grow (whereas the Abantes, who wore theirs long only reap the frttits of, enjoy the free use of, Thuc., etc. :
at the back of the head, were called oVtflej/ KQ^WVTHS) , II. then, 4. simply, to enjoy, Soph., Eur., etc. :

Kopt)vai,, aor. 2 pass. inf. of Kelpca. sometimes in bad sense3 icapvovff'&at rfyv ajuapTiW Aesch. j
Kapirjvov, T, Dor. icapavov, (/cap>j) the head, mostly in vei/Q-rj Eur. Hence
pi., uv$p&v Kaprjva, periphr. for frvfipcs, II. ; vtKixav K,, KapTrasgris, ews, %, use or profit, Xen.
for veKvss, Od. fio&v K, y as we say, so many head
KOLppeoi}0u, Ep. for fcaTapp-., part. fern, of Karapp4(w.
of cattle, II. 2. raetaph. of mountain-^>m&?, Ov- KapTa, (rcdpros =*= Kpdros) , Adv. very, very much, ex-
XirfjLiroio K. Ib. ; and of towns, a citadel, Ib. tremely, Lat. yalde, admodutn. 2, beyond measure,
KaprjTO$, icdpif|Ti, gen. and dat. of Kdpij, v. /eaoce. in good earnest, K. eyx^P 105 a thorough native, Aesch.;
JCdpiJcos, 77, ov, Carian, Soph. ; K. auA.7jiaTa dirges, Ar. /c. &v eircovvfios true to thy name, Id. ; ic. 5* elfd rot?

Kaptvrj jr], 7}, a Carian 'woman, Phan. ap. Plut. varpo's all on my father's side, Id. B. KO! Kc^rra, used
Kdpios [a], a, ov, = KapiK6s, Hdt. to increase the force of a previous statement, really and
KA'PfX, gen. Kapifios [i], -7, a shrimp or fir awn, Ar. truly, -most certainly, Hdt., Soph. ; so, rib adpra, with
KapicaCpo, to quake under the feet of men and horses, iron, sense, in good sooth, 'with a vengeance* Hdt.
Lat. tremere, II. (Formed from the sound.) KapTpo>, f 4i<r&9 (fcapTp<k) #0 be steadfast, patient,

Kaptcivos [I], b, with heterog. pi. KapKiva, a crab, Lat. staunch, Soph., etc. ; with a Prep., irp^s- rt to AoW r

cancer, Batr., Ar., Plat. :

proverb., o&rrore irot'fjo'Gts tip against a thing, Xen., etc. : with a part, to per-
rbv tcapKivov opQa $a$ietv Ar. II. a pair of severe in doing, Eur. absol., rot, :8*ty e/coprepow was
tongs, Anth. : KctpKtva compasses, Id. strangely obdurate or obstinate, Soph. II. c.
KapKiv<-x L P 5> tov* 'with crab's claws for hands, Luc. ace. rei, to bear patiently, Eur., Xen.: Pass., jce/capre-
Kapveta, poet. Kdpvea, TO., a festival held in honour of prircu rap.d my time for patience is wer, Eur. Hence
Apollo Kapmos by the Spartans, during nine days KapTpT]jj.G, aros, T^ fi;w ac of patience, Plat. ; and
of the Att. month Metageitnion, called by them Kap- KapTpij<n,$ ecus, ^, a bearing patiently, patience,
vetos jjL-fjv, Eur., Thuc. Plat. 2. c. gen. patient endurance of a thing-, Id.
Kdpirados, Ep. Kp&jra&os, fj, an island between Crete Kaprepia, TI, (iKttprep^s) patient endurance^ patience,
and Rhodes, Horn. opp, to fiaXcufcta., Xen., Hat.
Kapircua, 77, a mimic dance of the Thessalians, Xen. KaprpiKos ^, 0V, (Kctprepds) capable of endurance*
(Perh. from aprr-a^btj.) patient, Xen., Arist.
KapirdX.ip.os, ov, (v. KpaLirv6s} swift, Lat. rapidus, II. : xapTcpo-Oxfja-os, oy, stout-hearted, Horn., Hes. gener- :

Adv. -fuas, swiftly, rapidly, Ib. 2. in Pind., yewes ally, strong, mighty, &/jaot Hes.
K. eager jaws. jcapTpos, a, 6v, (Kaproi)
= KpaTp6s,
strong, staunch f
KapTTL^to, f . trey, (icapTr^s) jfo makefruitful, fertilise, Eur. stout, sturdy ; c. inf., xaprephs ivaipfiv strong to kill,.
II. ; T^ the strongest, Soph. 2. c. gen*
xdpTTifios, ox, fruit-bearing, fruitful y Aesch., Eur., Kaprepiarara
etc. :
/capTTi/ta, Ta, fruit-trees or corn-fields, Ar. ; possessed of a. thing, lord or master of it, Theogn.,,
ap7TijLta yields a produce, opp.
ayaBd property /^az^ Theocr. 3. like Kaprepucos, steadfast, patient, fpbs
to &cap7ra, Arist. : metaph., leva?*/ TOUS :. TV
rich Trdirra Xen. : obstinate, Plat. 4. of things, strong,
foreigners /3r0z 'whom money can be 'wrung, Ar. mighty, potent, op/coy II. ; K. Ipya deeds of -might, Ib. ;
Kap7TO--ylve8Xos, ov, fruit-producing, Anth. K. jud%i?strongly contested, desperate, Hdt., TTbtic. ;
KAPFIO'X (A), ^ fruit, icap^ros fcpovpys, i. e. corn, II. ; TO Koprp6v, r6\jjn)$ TO K. #z# extremity of daxing^,
so, /c. Af}fJL7}Tpos Hdt., etc.; of trees, Od., etc. H. Eur. : Karb rb Kttprepov by force, Hdt., Ar., etc. ;
generally, produce, returns, profits, Hdt., etc. ; ot so, icpbs TO Kaprepdv Aesch. ; rb Kaprep4irx absol.,
KctpTTol &c Twf arye&uv the produce of the herds, Theocr. 5. of place, like oxvpds, strong* Tfeuc. ;
Xen. HZ. of actions, fruit, result, profit , ct TO Kaprep&repov rav %apou Id. U, Adv. -pate,
f<rrcu Qefftyarotcrt if his oracles shall bear fruit, strongly, etc. } fc. farvovff&at to sleep soundly , Hdt. EH.
4O2 Kara.
the common Comp. and Sup. are Kpcurcrwy and Kpdri- etc. :In more general sense, a cousin, II. H. ^
O-TOS (qq. v.) : but the regular forms Kaprtpdrfpos, Adj., Kacriyvriros, rj, ov, brotherly, sisterly, Soph., Eur.
-cSraTos, occur now and then, Find.., Att. KA'iilX [a], Kocrios, voc. fcdcrt, 5, a brother, Aesch.
scxpTpo-uvT&>s Adv. of KapTpo?, strongly, stoutly, Plat. Soph. 7), a sister, Eur.

ic<xpTpo-xLp} X L P OS> &> %> strong-handed, h. Horn. K.acrcrtTpi8S, aw, cd, the Cassiterides or Tin-islands
icdpTierros, Ep. for Kpdrtffros. prob. the Scilly islands and Cornwall, Hdt. From
scdpTOS, os, r6, Ep. for Kpdros, dat. Kaprei, strength, Kcuro-u-epos [*] Att. Karr-, 6, fin, Lat. stannum, II.
vigour; courage, Horn., Hes. It was melted, and then cast upon xo^os, hence
icapTWw [t5], Ep. for Kpan&vca. Kaffffiripoio a plating of tin, Ib. (A foreign word.)
Kap-Jai, a?y 3 cw, <7 place in Laconia with a famous icacrcnjjia, Att. Karr , aros, TO', anything stitched, esp.
temple of Artemis, Thuc. hence, II. Kaplans,
: the sole stitched under a shoe or sandal, a shoe-sole
TI, a name of Artemis : whence KapuarC^w, to dance Ar. * metaph.. fi^mKtiffaJTfint ^vfinSiv irrrn* riitfin^-,, .,__ - f.

the Caryatic dance, Luc. /j.ara to put on shoes made by an enemy, Id. From
Kap-uKT) [0], 7), a Persian dish, composed of blood and Kao*<rvo> [u], Att. jcarr-, prob. for Kara-crvca
rich spices, Luc. Hence ffda only occurs in Lat. suo), to stitch or sew together
KapuKivos, TI, ov, dark-red, Xen. like a shoemaker,
Plat. II. metaph. to stitch
KapuKo-iroieci), f . fj<rca,to
make a K&PVKTJ or rick sauce, Ar. up a plot, like Lat. dolos suere, Ar.
Kapu|, Dor. for jnjpv. KocrraXCa, Ion. -i^, 17, the famous spring of the Muses
KA'PYON [a], TO, any kind of nut, Ar., Xen. ; distin- on Mt. Parnassus, Hdt., Soph., etc. (Prob. akin to
guished into various kinds, as /c. jSewnAi/ca or Ilc/xn/ca, tcaffapos, Lat. casttis?)
walnuts, also called simply icdpva, Batr. ; /c. KaarravcuKd jcaorriv, crasis for /ecu effrlv.
or /caorTaycua chestnuts, etc. KOOTOV, crasis for /col efrdv,
KaptJO-va-uTTjs, ou, 6, <?<? -si/w &z//s z nut-shell, Luc Kaoropcios, oy, of or for Castor; TO K. /icXoj, ^
Kap-uorma, Dor. for KTjpvo'a'to. martial song, set to the flute, z/s< zn
Kap$aXcos, a, 0y, (/cap<co) <fry, parched, Od. : of victories in the chariot-race (Castor being the Inventor
sound, Kap<j>a\ov acrirls $vo*e the shield rang" ^^y } i. e. of the j-vvapis), Find., Plut. ; 6 K. vpvos Find.
hollow, II. xacr-TopCSes, cd, a Laconian breed of hounds, first reared
Kap^t], ?j, (/cap0ft?) dry grass, hay, Xen. by Castor, Anth. : also KGurropica /etWy Xen.
tcap4>t)pos a, oV, of dry straw, Eur.; and Kacrrwp, opos, <5, Castor, son of Zeus (or Tyndareus)
cap4>tTns, ov, 7<5, teYtf c*/ c?ry straws, Anth. From and Leda, brother of Pollux, Horn.
K<p<f>os, eos, TO , a rfrj/ $&z/, Lat. palea, stipula, a chip KA'ITQP, opos, 6, the beaver, Hdt.
of 'wood, Ar. in pi. the dry sticks of cinnamon, Hdt. j
Kci<rx0ov, Ep. for /coT0"X60oy, poet. aor. 2 of /caTe^w.
dry twigs, chips, straws, bits of 'wool, such as birds tear, for /caTa before T, v. sub tcarrd.
make nests of, Ar. From Kara [/caTa], Prep, with gen. or ace. Radical sense
dry up, wither, Kdp-fya xp^a KA0V
KA'P<teCt, f . Kdptyto, to down, downwards.
I will wither the fair skin, wrinkle it, Od. ; yeXios A. WITH GENIT., I. denoting motion from
XP< K<p<i Hes. above, down from, fry $ JCOT* OuAti/tTroto Kapjfvwv II.,
Kapx&Xc'os, o, ov, rough, 5^ry /copxoXeoi
throat with thirst, Virgil's $*"# aj^f^ II.
w^A zn ^Ae etc. H. denoting downward motion, 1. down
(Deriv. un- upon or wer, /carat x^ ov^ s oufiara -rrfj^as 11.; of the
certain.) dying, KOT* o<j>6d\fjLuy KXUT* a%A?5s a cloud settled
Krapx^p-oSovs, d, %, -ovv, r6, with sharp, Jagged teeth, z^tow the eyes, Ib. ; so, #5a>p /CCTO %ip<Js-, v. x*ty
of dogs, II. ; applied to Cleon by Ar. 5 and 2. down Kara ft way
II. 6. into, veicrap <rrd Qd.;
Ka^xap-oSwv, ovros, 6, ^, foreg., Theocr. From so, Kara ^floj/os (or 7^5) 5wai Trag. ; Kara.
KA'PXA"PO], ov, sharp-pointed, jagged, 'with sharp Kpvirreiv to bury, Soph., etc. 3. el?xe0'0 u or *

or fagged teeth, Koipxapov fieLS-ffffas, of the wolf, Babr.: Kard TWOS to vow or swear 5y a thing (because one
metaph. sharp, biting, of language, Luc. calls down the vengeance of the gods upon it), Thuc.,
KapxT}Sovil>, f. icru, to side with the Carthaginians, Dem. also to make a vow towards something, i. e.

Plut. From make a vow of offering it, Ar. 4. in hostile sense,

Kapxt|Swv Carthage, Hdt. : Adj. Kapx^So-
&vos, y, against, Aesch., etc. ; esp. of judges giving sentence
vtos, a, ov, Carthaginian, Id. against a person, Id.; Ao'-yos tcard TWOS a speech
Kapxil<riov,Dor.-acnov [d],T^ <z drinking-cup narrower against one accused, Lat. in aliquem; \6yos irp4s
in the middle than the top and bottom, II. nva an answer to an opponent, Lat. adverstis ali-
Sappho, etc.
the mast-head of a ship, Find., etc. ; in
pi., Eur. quem. 5. Lat. de, upon, in respect of, concerning,
s, crasis for KO! els or icl Is. ffKov^iv Kard nvos Plat.; Jswaivos Hard TWOS praise
), f . <rw, f<? * a65
harlot fashion, Ar. From bestowed upon one, Aeschin., etc.
eC^os, t), like /ce^rtra, a courtesan, harlot, Ar. B. WITH Accus., I. of motion downwards,
Kacras, ou, or tccuras, ov, 6, a carpet or skin to sit Kara fifoy down stream, Hdt. ; KCIT* ovpov levca,
upon, a saddle, Xen. (Prob. a Persian word.)
to $v
saildown (i. e. with*) the wind, Aesch. 2. of motion,
icao-ta, Ion. -iij, T\, cassia, an Arabian spice like cinna- on, over, throughout a space, Horn., etc. ; ;ea0* *EAAc&a
mon, but of inferior quality, Hdt. (A foreign word.) Aesch. ; Jtarts yyir teal QdXaffffav by land and sea, etc. :
Ktt0vyvi]Tr|, fi, fern, of KcuriyvTjros, a sister, Horn., etc. also to hit upon the shield, II. 3. opposite, over
d, (xd<ns, ylyvo^ai), a brother, Horn., against, Kara 'Siv^injy ir6Xiv Hdt.; avijp war* avtya
Kara 403
Aesch. 4. Kara rb irpodcrrfiov somewhere in the I

disappears, as in Kacrropvvo~a, Kacrx^e, Kcurffvca, as also

suburb, Hdt. H. distributmely, of a whole divided in Doric forms Kafiaivcav, Kawerov.

into parts, Kara <pv\a, Kara (pp-frrpas by tribes, by clans, Kara, Ion. for Kaff a.
II. ; Kara K&fias KartpKTja'Qat to live in separate villages, Kara, crasis for Kal elra.
Hdt.; /car* avfipa man by man, Id. 2. so of parts :aTaj3a, for Kardj3r)8L t aor. 2 Imp. of Karaftaivo).
of Time, Kaff ypepav, Kar ^ap day by day, daily, v. ;aTa|3a8irjv [j8a], Adv. going down or downstairs:
jj/i^pa in, ^f-ap.
3. of numbers, #.y so many # cf. aj/aj8afo}j/.

time, Kaff tVa one ^2^ a time, Hdt.; Kara ras irevre KaTaf3a0p,o$, Att. Pacrfxos, 6, a descent, name of the
Kal efKQffi pvas vevroKOffias 5paxM s elff$4piv to pay steep descent from Nubia to Egypt, Aesch.
III. cara-patvw : f. -^cro/uat : pf. -@&r)Ka: aor. 2 Jtctre
500 drachmae on every 25 minae, Dem., etc.
of direction towards an object, TrAeTv Kara 7rp7?/ on ^77^, poet. 3 pi. Karefiay; imper. KarafiyBt or jcarajSa;
a business, for or after, Od. ; /cara Xrfttiv in quest of Ep. subj, Kara&eiofMev (for -f&ftev)
pi. Med., Ep. :

booty, Hdt. ; Kara 8eav TJKetv to have come for

the 3 sing. aor. i KaTejSTjtreTo ; imperat. Kara/J^ereo : to

purpose of seeing, Thuc. 2. o pursuit, Kar i^y 05 step down, go or come down, Lat. descender?, e| opcos
on the track, Soph. IV. according to, Kara Qv^6v from the mountain, II. ; K. v6\tos to go do'mn from
Horn.; Katf ^fteVepov voov after our liking, II.; Kara the city, Ib. ; K. 5<jt>pou to dismount from the chariot,

fwtpav as is meet and right, Horn.; so, Kar aJarav,

Ib. ; c. ace. loci, BdXa^v Kare^o'ero she came down
Kara Koff^ov Id. ; Kaff 7i$ovtiv so as to please, Aesch. ; to her chamber, Od. : but also c. ace., Karefiatv* z>x-
Kara Svvap.iv to the best of one's power, etc. 2. pca'ia she came down
from the upper floor, Ib. ; /cAi-
in relation to, concerning, ra Kar avOp&n-ovs^ra av~ juo/ca Karep'fi<TTo came d&wn the ladder, Ib. ; absol.
to come down stairs, Ar. ; hence in Pass., tWos Kara-

dpoaTnvd, Aesch. ; so, rb KaB as far as concerns

you, Hdt. ; Kara rovro according to this way, in this fiaiverat the horse is dismounted from, Xen, 2. to
\iew; Kara ravrd in the same way, Kaff *6rt so far go do*wn from the inland parts to the sea, esp. from
as, etc. 3. implying comparison, Kara Xoirbv central Asia (cf. avafraivta II. 3), Hdt.; K. Is Jlipaia3
3. to come to land, get safe ashore, Pind. 4.
Kpopvoio like the coat of a leek, Od. ; Kara Miflpct- Plat.

Sdrrjv answering to the description of him, Hdt. ; togo down into the arena, K. &r* Ue0AaHdt. ; and absol.,
/cara im-yea very like an oven, Ar. ; KTjSevcrcu Katf like Lat. in certamen descende-re, Soph., Xen. 5.
eavrov to marry in one's own rank of life, Aesch. ; of an orator, to come down from the tribune, aarajSa"
r avQpasvov like a man, as befits a man, Id. ; Kar answer, KarafififfOjaai Ar. 6. -sn&nreu Karefia roi
[the robe] come down

fir] B<$V Id. : after a Compar., peifcv fy Kar a<f>

"lo~ra> ; at what price did
from the loom ? Theocr. II. metaph., Kara&aivetv
avOp&irov greater than befits a man, Hdt. ; peife fy
Kara SoKpva too great to weep for, Thuc. V. by cfo TI to come to a thing in the course of speaking,
the favour of a god, Kara $aip.ova, Lat. non sine arj8au/ es Xirds he ended with prayer, Hdt.; c.
numine, Pind. ; Kara Qetv Hdt. VI. of loosely part., Karefiaivev irapair0fj.vos ended in begging,
stated numbers, nearly, about, Kara ^r}K6ffia erect Id. ; K. eVl
TAur^j/ Plat.
600 years more or less, Id. VII. of Time, during, B. trans, to bring down, Pmd.
sometime in a period, Kara rbv Tr6xe(juov in the co^trse, tjBa/cx 05) P^SS- t be full of Bacchic
KaTaj3a/cxioi/<r0e Spubs KXaSois
in oak-wreaths
of the war, Id.; KO& ^uepcw by day, Aesch. 2. fren&y,
about, Kara rbv avrbv XP^VOV Hdt. ; Kara ''AfLoa'tv ytf ratu? with Bacchic fury, Eur.
fiaffihevovra about the time of Amasis, Id. VHI. KaTa-paXXw, f. -aA
aor. 2 warcjSoAor, Ep. 3

used periphr. for Adverbs, as, Kaff ^<ri;%i^v, Kara sing. /caj8aA : throw down, overthrow, Horn.,

rdxos, etc., for jjffvxus, raxews, Id.; Kara fiepos etc.; K. els rb jiojScV to bring down to nothing,

partially / Kara fyvffiv naturally / etc. Hdt, 2. strike down with a weapon, to slay,
C. POSITION: when Kara follows its case it is II., Hdt., etc. 3. to throw or bring info a certain
written with anastr. Kara. state, Eur., Plat. 4. to ,as down or away, cast
D. absol. as ADV. like Katrw, downwards, Horn. off, reject, Xen.
II. in milder sense, to let fall,
E. Kara in COMPOS., I. downwards, down, drop down, Horn. 3 i<rra to &raer sail, Theogn. ; ros

as in Kara$aiv<a. II. in answer to, in accordance c<p0$ K. Eur. 2, to Zoy do^son, set down, Lat. dte-
'with, as in /caraScc, Karadvp-ios. III. against, in ponere, II., Ar. 3. ^0 bring or carry ^0n, esp. to
hostile sense, as KarayiyvucrKa, KaraKptvta. IV, the sea-coast, Hdt. 4. to pay down, yield or bring
often only to strengthen the notion of the simple word, in f Id. ; to jtazy down, pay^ Thuc., etc. : Med. to
as KaraK^Trrta, Karatpayetv, cause to be deposited, Dem. 5. to put in, render,
F. Kara as a Prep, was sometimes shortened, esp. Id, 6. to throw down seed, sow, Id. ; ic.
in Ep. into Kayy KO.K, Kap., KOV, Kane, Kap, Kar, before
(parif, Lat. spargere voces,
Hdt. 7. to /ay <fosr ^
7, K, ft, yy -JT (or <), f>, r (or 0), respectively ; see these a foundation, mostly in Med., Eur.: Pass., Karate-
forms in their own places. Mss* and the older Edd. A??/Vos /<ziW down, ordinary, Arist.
join the Prep, with the following word, as Kayyoyv, icaTo-pairTw, f. ^w> to ^jfr down into, Luc.
jcoSSe, KOKK<j>a\i)s, KamreSiov, KO3n]t>aAapa,, Kappoov, Kara-papcw, f. ^cras, #0 -zu^A down, overload^ Luc.
KarrdSe, Karroy, etc. In compd. Verbs, Kara some- tcarapias, aor. 2 part, of Kara&aivw.
times changes into /co/3, <coA, Kap 3 Kar, before j8, A, p, '

down, descent, Hdt., Att. ; cf . tcarali&saris* 2. te

By respectively, as Ktj8j8aA, KaV^ayc, KoAAiTre, Kt
{bucra; and before err, cr^, the second syll. sometimes descent from Central Asia, Xen*
f. eA.<, 2^0 denounce, betray, Xen.
KCLTaj3aerp.ds> 6, Att. for K< KaT-ayyeXXw, 2.
KarapaTeov, verb. Adj. of Karafiaiyco, one must descend, declare, Tr6\^ov Lys. Hence
Ar., Plat. II. one must attack, Ar. jcaTaYycX-ros, or, denounced, betrayed, Thuc.
Kara-Pa*u(i>, f. a?, to bark at, riv6s Anth. KaTa-yeios, Ion. KaTa-yatos, ov, (yTj) in or under the
Kara-pcpaioofxai, Dep. to affirm strongly, Plut. earth, underground, subterranean, Hdt., Xen., etc.
Karapeiofiev, Ep. for /carajSa^ey, i pi. aor. 2 subj. of Kara-yeXa, ^f, Comic name of a supposed town, with a
KaTapTrjjJivai, for Kara&rivat., aor. 2 inf. :
play on the Sicil. Gela, TeAa Kal KararyeAa Ar.
icaTapifj<ro, for Kard^trtu, aor. i med. imper.

KaraycXacrros, ov, ridiculous, absurd, Hdt., Ar. : Adv.

-rtas, Sup. -rorara, Plat. From
4cara-pido}, f . dffofj.a.1, Dep. z?0 constrai 7z,Thuc. II. jcotra-yeXaw, f. acrojtuu Pass., pf. -yeyeXacrfjuu
: to :

Pass, to be forced, Plut. laugh at, jeer or mock at, c. gen., Hdt., Ar., etc. ;
Kara-ptpdo>, f. Att. -*,
Causal of Kara&aiycD, to also c. dat., Hdt. absol. to laugh scornfully, Eur.,

make to go down, bring down, Hdt., Plut. 2. to Ar., etc. 2. c. ace. to laugh down, deride, Eur, :
bring down by force, Xen. Hence Pass, to be derided, Aesch., Ar., etc.
KaTapXpcurrcos, a, OP, verbal, ft? be brought down, Plat. KaTa-yeXws, wros, 6, mockery, derision, ridicule, Lat.
Kara-pippucnctt, f. -j$p(> : aor. 2 -efrpcov :
pf pass.
. ludibrizim, CJU.OVTOV KaToyeXcuTa ra5e ; these ornaments
j8e$p<wjucu : aor. i e/foctSOTjv : tfo 2fj!>, devour, Hdt.-, which bring ridicule upon me ? Aesch. ; K. irXarrvs
Plat. sheer mockery, Ar. ; 4 K. rfjs vpd&us the crowning
f. c&oro/j.a.i
: aor. 2 Kareftiuv, later aor. i abszirdity of the matter, Plat.
-zto bring life to an end, Plat. KOLTa-y7]pao"K<o and -yirjpacd : f. -yripa.ffofj.oLL [a], and
f. il/w,, fo Az^T-zf greatly, damage, h. dffw : aor. i -eyfipdcra to :
grow old, Lat. senescere?
Homi, Plat. Od., Hdt.
Ka/ra-pXerrw, f. ^cy, /<? /<9C>^ down at, Plut. Kara-ytyvoftat, Ion. and later -yivopai [t] : to abide ,
JcaTapX-j]Tov, verb. Adj. of Kara&dXXea, Plat. dwell, ap. Dem.
horseback, Xen.
T], 6v, (/caraj3aAA.w) ^ /<?r throwing off icaTa-yiyvtiio'Kto, Ion. and later ylvcocriaa : f.
^o remark, discover, esp. something fo
<?n<?'5 :

.1, Dep. to bleat loudly, Theocr, prejudice, OVK evir^ea Kara TWOS K. having formed
a, to go down through a place, c. ace., Od. unfavourable prejudices against one, Hdt. ; Karayvobs
tcara-podcd, f. -0o^<rofic, Ion. -j3c5<ro/iat, to cry down, TOV yspovTos TQ^JS Tp6iTovs having observed his foibles,
cry out against, c. gen., Hdt. ; . rwSjy on ras (rirovtias Ar. II. c. ace. crimmis, to lay as a charge against
KeXvK^res flev Thuc.; c. ace. to bawl down, outcry, a person, Kaic'iav, adiKiav K. nv6s Plat. :
Pass., pf part. .

Ar. K.a.Tyv<affiJ.vo$ condemned, N.T. 2. c. gen. crimmis,

Kara -J3 07], jj$ f y y an outcry against, c. gen., Thuc. irapav6/j.(0v K. rw6s Dem. 3. c. inf., K. eavrov afiuceTv
Karapoir]<n$) <as, T), a crying out against, Plut. to charge oneself with wrong-doing, Aeschin. ; so, K.
tcarapoXij, TJ, (/cara/SaXXw) a throwing or laying down, GOUTOV /jd) Treptea-eo-Qai he passed sentence of non-sur-
N.T. II. metaph., 1. a foundation, begin- vival against himself, Thuc. : Pass., KarayvcacrQels vec-
ning, Pind., N. T. 2. paying down, by instal- Tpa being suspected of doing, Hdt.
TTpriffffetv III.
ments, Dem. HE. a periodical attack ofittness^ c. ace.poenae, to give asjudgment or sentence against
a fit, access, Plat. a person, K. rtvbs Qavarov to pass sentence of death on
Kara-pocricw, f. -^offtc^ffw, to feed flocks upon or in a one, Lat. damnare aliquem mortis, Thuc. : Pass.,.
place, Lat. depascere, x& rav Sa/ucw Kcera$6<rK(0v the Bayards vivas Kareyywffro ap. Dem. 2. of a suit,
shepherd of Samos, Theocr. to decide it against one, 5f/ciyy Ar. Pass, to be de- :

KaTCL"PocrTpl)xOS, 0^, 7^2% flowing locks, Eur. cided, Aesch.

jcaTa-ppaj3eij(ij, f . o-w, zfi?
^"zV^ judgment against, c. Kar-cLyC<i>, Ion, for KaQ-oylfa.
ace., N.T. : Pass, to have judgment given against KaT-ayZvea, Ion. for Kcmrya?, to bring down, Od. II.
one, Dem. to- recall, Hdt.
bring back,
Kara-Ppexo, f. 00 :
Pass., aor. i
Kare^pex^v - to wet jcaT-ayXat<i>, to glorify, Anth.
through, drench
metaph., /tcAm /cara^pexety Pind. KaTa-yXwTT^optai, pf. KareyXcirrri(r/tcu, Pass, to be
Kara-Ppiftu [f], f . -ftpta-a pf -&&pl&a : intr. &? ^6-
: . talked down, Ar.
heavily laden or weighed down by a thing, c. dat., Karayfia, aros, r6, (/carcxyw) wool drawn or spun out,
Hes., Theocr. H. trans. /^ weigh down, to out- worsted. Plat. : a flock of wool, Soph.
KaTa-yvafiTTTO), f. tya, to bend down, Anth.
Kara-yva<fKi>, to comb away, lacerate, Hdt.
tea, to gulp down, Ar, KaT-ayviJ|iL, inf. vvcu, [y], or (carayvvw f. Kara^ai :

, fa ^zYe- in pieces, eat up, Anth. aor. i JcaToa, part. Kard^as : Pass., aor. 2 KaTedyyv
late, form for K<xra&i&p&ffK(a, Babr.
, {_a\ 3 opt. KaTayefyv
pf tcareaya, Ion. /car^ya(in pass,

ai, fut. of Kara&ifipd><rK(0. sense) : to break in pieces, shatter, shiver, crack,

co, f 6<rft>, /o ^^?^ gz^{^ wfjf/i hides, Thuc.
Horn., Att. 2. to break up, weaken, enervate,
, Ion. for -jSo^cro^at, fut. of araj8ocCa?. Eur., Plat. n. Pass, with pf. act. to be broken,
s, o*>, Ion. for icarciyeias. $6"para Karerryo'Ta Hdt. ; Kareayevcu. or Karayrivat r^v
e-us, ew^, 6, N.T. Ka,-rayy\o$, Ke<j>a\.^v to have the head broken, Ar., etc. ; c. gen., TIJS
KarayycXia, -TJ, proclamation, Luc. From s Kareaythe has got a bit of his head broken, IcL
*caT<ryv(><m, teas, %, (KarayiyveaffKw) a thinking ill of, f. -Sdtrofuu
[a], Med. to divide among
a low or contemptuous opinion of, c. gen., Thuc. II. themselves, tear and devour, II.
judgment given against one, condemnation, Id., aTaSeijs, e's, (/caraSca) BJ wanting or failing in, lack-
Dem. ; rov davdrov to death , Xen. ing a thing, c.^ gen.,, Hdt. absoL, needy, Dem. 2. :

caTa-yvw<TTOV, verb. Adj. of KarayiyvdxrKv, one must Comp. /caraScrTpos, weaker, inferior, Id., etc. II.
condemn; TLV&S Luc. Adv. -Sews-, mostly in Comp.,
KaTaSccoW/ws fx* 43 '

Kara-YO-qrc-uw, f. ara>, to enchant, bewitch : to cheat or be 'very ill off in a thing, Id.
blind by trickery, rivd Xen.
impers. ^A^w is wanting, v. Kare&cw B.
f. acroo, to buy up, 0opria Dem. w, f . -SfiVw : aor. i inf. -T<rai : to fear
KaT-a-yopc-uw, f. <r&j, to denounce, ri TLVI Ar,, Thuc. ,*
greatly, n Ar., Thuc.
rt irpos TIVO. Xen.
KaTa-8eitcvu|ii and--w&s, f. 5i|o) Ion. aor. i Kare5|a : :

KaTaYpa<f>os oy, embroidered, Luc. From Pass., Ion. 3 sing, piqpf. KareS&eiero: to discover and
xaTa-Ypacfju; [a], f. tyu>, to scratch away, lacerate, make known, Hdt.., Plat,, etc. ; c. inf. to give notice
Hdt. 2. to engrave, inscribe, v6{j.ovs Plut. 3. that . . , Aeschin. c. KarcS&cjcro
Pass., part.,;
to paint over, Luc. II. to fill tablets with writing,
XpWrJ) had been proved to be good, Hdt. 2, to
Eur. 2. to write down, register, record, Plat. invent and teach, introduce, exhibit, Ar., Plat. , c.
KaTa-Yvjxvdw, to exercise much,
discipline, Luc. inf. to shew how to do, Hdt., Ar.
: f. a>, Ep. inf. ~a^4p.ev (in aor. sense) : aor. I
KQ.r-a.yto KaTCuSciXtoLca, f .
52^5 offear, Xen.
dffea [a], to 5/x^a;
Kar-fiy&joy :
pf. /caTayfaxa : to lead down, Lat. *&-, Dep. to intreat earnestly, Lat. deprecuri,
ducere, Od., etc. ; esp. wto the nether 'world, Ib. ; els c. gen. pers., Plat.
"AfSao Ib. 2. fo bring" down to the sea-coast, II.,
Kara-ScpKOfiat, : aor. i
Kare$p%8T]v :
Dep. : to look
Xen . 3. to bring down from the
high seas to land, down upon, Od., Soph.
Od. ; Kar. vavv to bring a ship into port, Hdt., Att. : a /z>, ^flwc? a magic
xcLTci-SeQ-jios, 6, :
knot, Plat.
Pass, to come to land, land, opp. to
cb'ayco'flcw, Od,, Kara-Sc-uo}, f. ff&, to -wet through, II, Hes, : of a river,
Hdt., Att. b. Kardyea-OaL icapd. TIVL to turn in and to -water, -jreS/a Eur.
lodge in a person's house, Lat. deversari apud aliquem, KaTa-8cxo|A<u -5|o^t, Dep, to receive, admit. Plat.,
Dem. 4. to draw down or out, spin, Lat. deducere etc. 2. to receive back, take home again, Oratt. :

filum, Plat. 5. to reduce to a certain state, es aor. i pass. K.a.raBe-^Q^va.L in pass, sense, Luc.
KLvbvvov K. TTJV trtixw Thuc. 6. K. dpiapfiov, Lat. Kcn-cuSc*) (A), f -S^o-w, to bind on or to, bind fast*

deducere friumphum, Plut. to escort, like TrojLurevw, Horn., Hdt. :

Pass., KaraSfSefji&os TOVS 0$$aAft.v$ s
Id. 7. K. y4vos to derive a pedigree, Id. 8. having his eyes bound, Hdt.; ev <>o$$i /caraSee^icra
KT. podv to lower the voice, Eur. to bring XL Eur. ; tfaraSeircu TJ/VX^ ^"^ T0 ^ crfic/taros Plat. : Med.
back, Lat. rediicere, Od. to bring home, recall,
to bind to oneself, Eur. 2. to put in bonds, im-
Hdt., Att. generally, to restore, Hdt.
: : Pass, to re- prison, Hdt., Thuc., etc. , K. T^V &rt Qava,T<p sc. Sea-Mf)
turn, Plat., Xen. Hence to fo"?z<f him for execution, Hdt. 3. to convict and
KaraYWY !* %> a bringing down from the high sea
a : condemn of a crime, /c. nva. tptapa zivai Id. U. to
landing, landing-place> Thuc. : generally, a halting- tie do'wti) stop, check, a,v[L(av Kcwe^Tjere KAjJOous Od. ;
place, inn, Lat. statio, Hdt., Plat. ; and /caT8i7<r /ceXcu0a stopped course, Ib. my
KaTaYY lov > r6, a place to lodge in, an inn, hotel, Kara-Sew "^B), f. -5e^or<, to want, lack, needy c. gen.,
Thuc., Xen., etc. esp. of numbers, /caraSeei TrevrefccdSsKct GTo&itav &y jtt^
KaT~aYa>vio|Aeuf. Att. IQV}JMI, Dep. to struggle against, clyat TTfvraKoa-iuv it wants 15 stadia of
being- 500, Hdt*
prevail against, conquer, Luc. : as Pass., Karaywytcr- jcaTa-Si|Xos, ov, quite -manifest, plain., visibley Hdt.,
Bels inrd nvos Id. Thuc. ; KarctJ^Aoy xotc??' to make known, discover,
sccLTa-Saty-ufAou, f. -Satcro/wu, Dep. to devour, Theocr. Hdt., Soph. ; K. clvaj. to be discovered, Hdt., Plat.
KaTa~$atcva>, f. -S-figofjuu, to bite in pieces, Batr., KaTa-S*r}}A,a*y&>Y<* f . ^o-&?, to conquer by the arts of a
demagogue : Pass, to be so conquered, Pint.
Kara-SaKpvo), .
era, to bewail, T^V rvyriv Xen. : absol. Kcrra-STjp.opope'w, f. ^crw, (Sij/iojS^poy) to cotisi&me pub"
to bitterly, Eur.
weep II.
licly,}, aor. i inf. -$ais.a.<ra.ffQa.i, Med. to, f, ^craj: pf. -5e$i7yT7?Ka, (v. Simrciw^ to
subdue utterly, Thuc. decide as arbitrator against., give judgment against
Kara-SajJivafun, foreg., h. Horn. c. gen., Dera. Pass, to & decided against one, Id.

f. ^crw, to
Kara-Sairavaw, squander, lavish, Xen. : Kara-StaXXacrcro, f |aj, to reconcile again, Ar.

Pass., [T& xjrfi/j,ara] KaraScSairdvTiTd <r<f>t Hdt. II. Kara-Si8ci>p.L, f . 56crec, zfo
^"fiJ^ au'O)
, intr. to ^ef2 info^
to consume entirely, of an army, Xen. ^ TIpOTToyrls aToSi5ot es Tbi/ 'EXA.Tja'xoj'TOj' Hdt.
Kara-SairTfd, f. -^/<a, to rend in pieces, devour, Horn. : KaTa-Slxa, f . dffa> :
Pass., aor. i KarreSiKacrfriiv :
metaph. in Med., KaraSdirTfrat %rop Od. Kara^^lKcurfj,cu, : to give judgment against
peisoa, a
KaTa-8ap6avw, aor. 2 -fSapdov metaph. -&paQov, 2 pi. pass sentence upon him, condemn him, opp, to o*
KcfipaBeniv : pf. -SeJa^/co : to fall asleep, in aor. to Swcctfft?, c. gen. pers. et ace. rei, K. nybs Qdvmw t& pass
be asleep, sleep, Od. : in pres. to be just falling sentence of death upon him, Hdt. ; c. inf., je. rwbs ri lr-
asleep, Plat, ; pf /caToScSctp^/c^s having fallen asleep,
XOT TraBeiv to condemn him to suffer ex:treiij! penakies,
Id. 2, simply to pass the nighta Xen. Med. to get sentence given against ooe,
KareHapOov ev :

ovXois Thuc. TWOS Thuc. : Pass.,

demned, Plat. KaraSiKci^rai a.iroBaviv Luc. ;
; c. inf., Kara-ScopoSoKeca, f. yjcra), to take presents or bribes, Ar. 5

of the sentence, avreXeyov Stxaius ff$<av /cara55i- ^ so in Med., Id.

KaffQai they contended that judgment had been given Kar-aeCSw, Ion. for Karafito.
against them unjustly, Thuc. II. to declare by KaraetfAcvos, T?, oy, part. pf. pass, of Kara-wwiii.
express judgment, Xen. KaTaCvvov, Ep. impf. of /cara-OTv/if.

Kara-SCKTj [i], 7], judgment given against one : the KaracitraTo, Ep. 3 sing , aor. I of /carei/a.
damages awarded, Thuc. KaTa-ewCjja or -etviJw, only in impf., aor. i and pf.
KaTa-SuiiKoj, f . (a or ojucu, to pursue closely, Thuc. pass. : to clothe, cover, 6pij-l VGKVV Karaeivva-av II. :

KaTa-8oK<*, f. *-86%as, to sitppose a thing to any one's Pass., opos KaraeifJievov vXr) Od.
prejudice, c. inf., K. nva iroieiv n to s^tspect one of KaT-a|aCvo>, to make quite dry, parch quite up, Kara-
aor. i), Od.
doing so and so, Hdt. K. ericas elvai K\wjras to sitspect
; ^Tjjt/acr/ce 5e ^at^cav (Ion.

them of being thieves, Id.; also, OVK &v Kore KareSoj-a Kara-taw, f. -f-fjcrea, to live on y Eur., Plat.
Iv6ev -fiv should never have guessed whose son he was, Id. KaTa-^TJ"yv"C|Ji.t and vc*, f . Cev^ta, to yoke together,
KaTa-$oda>, f. dffca, =KaraSofceca, Xen. yoke, Pind. : Pass, to be united, Plat. 2. Pass.,
Kara-8oi>X6a>, f. (&&&, to reduce to slavery, enslave, also, to be straitened, confined, imprisoned, Hdt.,
Hdt., Thuc. : Pass., Karo5e5ovA<uvro, Kar0"ov\.fa6iicrav Soph. Hence
Hdt. 2. to make a slave to oneself, to en-
Med. KaT<xviis, (s, T], a yoking together :
opp. to avd-
slave, Id., Xen. : so in pf. pass., Eur., Plat. II. to ^V^LS, encamping, Plut.
enslave in mind : Pass., Xen., Plat. Hence scaT-a^TJvaorKC, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of Kar-aaivu.
KaraSo-uXwcn.?, cats, 77, enslavement, subjugation, Thuc. KaTa-|wwi}fi.t and -vo), f. -f&ffw, to gird fast ; Med.
KaTa-Sovjreto, f. ^cr&>, to fall with a heavy sound, Anth. to gird for oneself, Eur.
KttTaSoviroi,, u>y, at, the Cataracts of the Nile, Hdt. KOLTa-6aa3eo}, Pass, to be astonished at, c. ace., Plut.
(Commonly derived from KaraSovireci}, as if Do^onroars^j KaTa-0a-n*T&, f, ^cy, / bury, II., Aesch.
aor - 2 subj. of Kara$apQdva>. jcaTa-6apcnjvca [u], f. vviS, &? embolden or encourage
v, aor. 2 inf. of rara-Tp%a>. against, riva vpbs TO jaeAAor Plut. : Pass., in form
rrw, f. tya), to strip of from, ri TLVQS Hdt. Ka ra8pao"uvo}, Luc.

KaraSpofiT], ?], (/caraSpa/ieTi'j an inroad, raid, Thuc., Kara-Oedoftai, f. d< [a], Dep. if<? /<3<?^ ^-zi'?z upon,
etc. :
metaph. a vehement attack, invective., Aeschin. -watch from above, Xen. :
g-enerally, to contemplate,
KardSpoftos, ov, (Kara$paf*.eiv} overrun, wasted, Eur. Id.

KaTa.SpiifJ.fJXL, arcs, r6,

a tearing or rending, Eur. From KaraOcivat, aor. 2 inf. of Kara-riO'rjfjLL.
KaTaSpviTTw, f -if/a?, to tear in pieces, rend, Anth.
. : xaTadeio, 2 sing", aor. 2 med. opt. of Kg.ra-ridr]fj,i.
Med., Hes., Ep. for KaTa-06<wyuai, -Qfo^at, aor. 2 med.
KaTa-Svvao-TCvw, f (To?, to exercise power over, Xen.
subj. of Kara-TiQT]fj.i : KaTa0iop.v, for Kara-Qeta^v,,
-Qapev, i pi. aor. 2 subj.

KaTaSv<rL$, &>y, ^, ./caTaSiWj a going dcmn into, Kara-OcX-yaj, f. |GJ, to subdue by spells or enchantments,
descent, Luc. Od. Hence
xaTa-S-uo-arn-eo), f , i\ff(a, to put to the bhtsh by earnest ws, ^, enchantment, Luc.
intreaty, Luc. ,
= oya^e/taT^aj, #0 curse, N. T.
KaraSva or -Svvw \v\ : I, intr., in act. pres. KaraSvvta .
-Bevtroficu, to run down, Thuc., Xen. : of
and nied. KaraSvofjuii : f. Svero/tcu : aor. I med. e$u- ships, to run into port, Xen.
in- II. to make
Ep. 2 and 3 sing . -SiHTeo, -Svcrero aor. 2 act. roads, Id. : c. ace. to overrun a country, Thuc., Xen.
tcareSw :
pf KaraSeSvKa
. to go down, sink, set, of :
KaTa-66>pECi>, f. Tjffw, to contemplate from above, Plat.
the sun, T]\IOS KareSv II. ; es ^eXiov KaraSvvra till sun- KaTtt-8-iiYw, f. ]-ca, to sharpen, whet, Anth.
5^#, Od. ; of ships, to be sunk or rather to be disabled KaTa-OtjA/uvw [u], f. vvea, to make "womanish, Luc.
(v. infr. Il), Hdt., Thuc. of persons, KaraSeSvK&s :
*jcaTa0i]7r<a, obsol. pres. of /carare^Tra.
having" popped dovin, Ar. 2. to go down into, Kar-aOXew, f. T?(T, z^<? exercise oneself much,, ijdXriKores
plunge into, c. ace., KaraSvvai ftfj-iXov, fji^rjv, S6fju>y, 'well-trained, of soldiers, Plut.
Tf6\iv Horn. ; foil, by a Prep., KardSvcro/jieB* els 'AfSao KaTa-6XCpa> [t], f. t|/6), ^
press down, press out : aor.
$6fwv$ we will go down into . . , Od., etc. : with a 2 pass. part. Kara&Xlfteis, Plut.
notion of secresy, Co insinuate oneself, steal into, icaTa-Ovirjoricci), f. KaTa-davovfjuu, sync. : aor.
Plat, 3. to slink away and lie kid t KaraSvofjuu VTTO 2 Karetiayov, Ep. Kvr8avov : pf. -re6tnjKa : fo <f?V
rrjs oT(T%^vi7S Xen. 4. to get into, put on, revxea aw<2y, be dying, and in aor. 2 and pf. zfo <? dead, II.,
Horn. II. Causal, to 'make to sink,, Lat. sub- Trag". 2. zfo dfrV away, disappear, Mosch., Bion.
mergere, ^/t roraS^ou<rt rtjp &XCL Xen. ; mostly in aor. i, icara-OvTjTos, ^, oy, mortal, II.
robs yavX.ovs KaraSvcfas Hdt. ; KaraSva"cu vavv to cut it Ka.Ta0opiv > aor. 2 inf. of KaraQpe&ffKb}*
down to the water's edge, disable It, Id., Thuc. pvpeci}, f. ^crw, fo ry doivn, Plat.
KctT-aSoi, Ion. -acCSw, f. -^cro/tat, to sing to, Lat. 0m"- acruv&j, v. KaraBapcrvvca.
nere, and so, I. trans, to charm or appease by f. (r<a, f? break in pieces, shatter, Plat.

singing, Luc. ; c. dat. to sing a sell or incantation icctTo-Opijvcw, f. 470*0?, 2^0 bewail, lament, mourn, Eur.
(&r<p&j) to another, Hdt. 2. ft? deafen by singing, Kara-Op<ocTKOj, f. -^opoujuai : aor. 2 KareQapov : to leap
Luc. : Pass. /mi^ another sing before one., Id. U. down, II. ; c. ace., *c. TTJV at^affiTjv to leap down the
<2y of incantation, fiap&apa jj.\i) Eur. wall, Hdt.
Acw, f. ^cra>, fo be quite cast down, lose all pass. KarairtaQeis is used in pass, sense, an accused
heart, Xen. person, defendant, Id., Xen.
KGLTa-0u(Juos [u], a, ov, (6vfi6$) in the mind or thoughts, KardiTug, 13705-, ^, a low helmet or skull-cap of neat's
Od. ; jtojSe ri roi /car, ecrra> let not death sit leather, II. (Deriv. uncertain.)
heavy on thy heart, II, II, according to one's Ka.T-aui>, Pass, to hang down, Karri&psvvrQ Ion.
mind, satisfactory, Theogn., Hdt. impf.) Hes.
Kara-Ova, f. crce, to sacrifice, Hdt., Xen. 2, zto <?$vr, KaTa-Kayx*S w > <r&> to laugh aloud at, rivets Anth.
dedicate, rfy ScKarijv Xen. II. Med., <pi\rpois KaTa-KCH}iV, Ep. for Kaieiv, inf. of KaroKaia).
Karadvcrofj,cu. I 'will compel by magic sacrifices., Theocr. oKrsivta, only in aor. 2 Korexavov, Xen.
KaTa-0<DpdKLo|ui.i, Pass, to be armed at all points, Anth.
Xen, >, Att. -> Kaipias,
[a], Ep. inf. Ka.raicat4fj.ev : f .

Ka.TaL-j3a.cris, ews, ^, poet, for /carajSatrw, Anth. : aor, i KareKavara.,

subj, Ep. fcareioja, i
KaTcupaTns [a], poet, for KarafSarys, ov, 6, ( or -/eeio/icj/ (for -it^a>/Aj^, inf. KaTO/aJcu,
a name of Zeus as descending in thunder and light- syncop. KOKKTJat: pf. -KCKavica. : Pass., f -Kaufl^crd/itti . :

ning, Ar. also of his thunder, descending, hurled

: aor. i KarsKavQyv, aor. 2 KoreKa^v : pf : (cf . .

down, Aesch. 2. of 'Axpw^ that to 'which one /cctiw', : zto burn down, burn completely., Horn., II.,
descends, downward, Eur. Hdt.; K. TOUS- /uajricts ft? 6wr?z. them alive, Hdt.;
KaraipaTOS, 4\, 6v y poet, for Kara&ar6s, Qvpai K. gates by fitjozra KaraKavdrivat Id. H Pass., of fire, in
which men descend, downward-leading, Od. tmesi, Karrk irvp 1/eaij ^^ burnt down, burnt out, II.

Kar-aiyCci>, f. Att. lu, to rush down like a storm, Ka.Ta-tca.Xeci), f. eo*<, zfo z// down, summon, invite?
Aesch. : generally, to be tempestuous, Anth. Thuc. :
Med., Plut.
Kar-aLSfopiat, Dep. with fut. med- -cu5e<rojiuu, aor. i Kara-icaXiJirTWy f ^cy, /o cover .
up s II., Hdt., Att, :

pass. SecrflTp'; to feel shame or reverence before Med., in tmesi, Kara, Kpara /caAu^a/teyos having"
another, stand in awe of him, Hdt., Soph,, etc. c. : covered his head, Od. ; so -KaXv^fdfievos alone, having
inf. fo be ashamed to do a veiled oneself, Hdt. ; and -KKa\nfifji4yos Id., Plat.
thing, Eur.
Kar-cudaXoa, c^xrea, to burn to ashes, Eur., Ar. :
KaTa-KapLirTa), f. \f/ca, #o &^^2fi? do^sn, so as to be con-
Pass., [Tpoias] irupl /caTTjflaActytet'Tjs Eur. cave, Plat. : metaph., ju. ^X-jrio'as to bend down, over-
KaT-aid-ucrcrw, f. fa, to wave or float adown, irXdKajwi. throw hopes, Eur. : Pass, to be bent (by intreaty),
vSrrov KaraiQv<r(rov Find. ; Kdcrrtop /eaTai0v<ra'ei kffriav Aeschin.
Castor sheds his lustre down upon the hearth, Id. KaTa-Kap<J>o}, Pass, to wither a'suay, Aesch.
KaT-ai0a>, to burn down, burn to ashes, Aesch., Eur. :
Karaiccuicras, aor. i part, of Karcuccuw.
metaph. of love, Theocr. KaTa-Kavx^o^o-i, f ^crojuat, Dep. fo boast against one,

KaT-aucC^tt, f . Att. i&> :

Pass., pf ,
Kerry Kicrftai : to exult over him, TWOS or Kara TWOS N.T. : #<? /?? no
wound severely, to spoil utterly, Od. \ so Med., Eur. fear of, nvos Ib.
KaraivecrLS, ea>s, TJ, an agreement ; a betrothal, Plut. tcaTascciai,, Ep. aor. i inf. of KaraJicdas.
KCLT-aLvcb), f. <ra, poet. ^CTCD, to agree to a thing, KO.T43L-KCi},, Ep. 3 pi. KOTOKeiarai, Ion. -fcearai ; subj.
approve of it, c. ace. rei, Hdt. ; also c. dat. rei, ~/cew/icu Pass., only in pres. and impf. with fut. med.

Thuc. 2. to agree or promise to do, c. inf., Pind., -Ketflro/xaz : to lie down, lie outstretched, Horn,,
Soph. ; also, K. rovrov j6cnA.a fftyiari elj/a: to agree Ar. 2. to lie hid, lurk, Horn. 3. &? lie stored
that he should be king, Hdt. 3. to grant, pro- up y Lat. reponi, II., Hes. 4. ft? &> sick, Hdt. :
mise, Soph. : to promise in marriage, betroth, Eur. also to lie idle, Xen. 5. to recline at meals, Lat.
jcar-aipew, Ion. for /ca0-ai/>e6>. accumbere, vive, KarraKeuro Ar. 0. of land, to lie
KaT-aip<i, f -af>, intr, to come down,
. make a swoop, sloping to the sea (so Horat. Usficae cubanti$) 9 Pind.
of birds, Ar. ; of persons, Eur., etc. II. of ships, ', Ep. for -*ceft>/tF, aor. i. subj. of or-
to put into port, put in, Thuc. U.
KaruKcl. also stibj. of
KaT-atcr6avojj,ai, f. -aurB'fia'Ojjuju., Dep. to come to full ', Med., K. r&s K^>a-
-/>S, to shear off :
perception of, Soph. to crop their heads close, Hdt. U. metaph.
icaT-aurt.o$, ov, all righteous, Aesch. to cut away, destroy, squander, Od.

icaT-ai<r)^uvTT]p, ypos, &, a dishonourer, Aesch. Kara-Keu*, used as fut. of Ka.raKetp.tii, Karaxeiere otkoS
KaT-awrx"uv<> [o], f . vv5>, to disgrace, dishonour, put I6vres Od. ; (Hreiffayres Karaxsioft.? (Ep. for K.GI&P&V}

to shame, Od., Hdt., Att. ; TTJK <r^v ov icar. Qfariv I Ib. ; KoucKelovres ejSoy (Ep. part.) they went to lie
put not thy nature to shame, i. e. show myself not un- down, Horn.
worthy of thee, Soph. ; /caTai<rxw "Xjp&QS covered KaTaKCKpatcTt]$ au, voc. -/ce/cpa/cra, 5, cw^ OT/IO rrfejr

me with dishonour in that debt remained unpaid,
my ^ww, a bawler, Ar.
Pind. II. Med. to feel shame before, 0oi5s Soph. ; KaraKCKXXcro, 2 sing, plqpf . pass, of KaToicTuw.
so in aor. i pass., Karraiff-xvvQrivoLL, STTWS jufy $a|et , . to xaTa-KcXe-uw, f era?, #<? command silence, Ar. : gener-

be ashamed of being thought, Thuc. ally, to command^ c. inf., Plut. U. of tie iccA
KaTa-i<rxu, Ep. for KaT-icrx, Od. to give the time in rowing, Ar.
KaT-aiTj.aopat, f. dwra/tcu [a], Dep. to accuse, arraign, KaTa-xpScuyw, f. SySt, to make gain of & I

reproach, Hdt.,, Dem. : Med. to accuse one another, fully, Xen. ^

Hdt. 2, c. ace. rei, to lay something to one's KctTa-Kp|s,aTi{<i> > f . Att* i #<? change into small coin :

charge, impute, oLfiaBicn/ Thuc. U. part. aor. i

generally, to divide into small parts* to cut up, Plat.
f. Tjffoy, fa rail violently, Hdt. I Aesch. II. to -wash down or away, Pind. 2.
KaTa-K qXw,f.^c a>,^ charm away, Lat.

delinire, Soph. |
to wash out, wash away, Xen.
-K^^V, I pi. aor. i subj. of a deluge, inundation metaph., Dem.
v, Ep. for j
KaTcucX-uo-fAos, ft,

jcara-Kvaw, f. -Kirf}o"(a, to scrape away, make a'way

f. cJjcrw, to cover with wax, Hdt. with, Ar.
or com- = foreg-. Pass., Ar.
Kara-KTjpiScrcrw, Att. -TTW, f. |<w, to proclaim KaTa-KVi|0&), :

mand by public crier, Xen. II. in an auction, KaTa-KVif>, f. Att. , to pull to pieces, shred small,

K. TL %s riva to order it to be knocked down to one., Luc. II. to tickle Pass, to itch, Ar. ;

Plut. teaTa-Koifidb), f. ^(Tw I. intr. to sleep through, K.


Kara-KXaiw, Att. -icXaw [a] :AcK5<ro/x<u to bewail : . : T^V <f>v\aK-f}v to sleep out the watch, i. e. sleep all the
loudly., lament, An; so In Med., Eur. 2. absol. time of one's watch, Hdt. ; so, /caroKot/i^crat TT\V yftepav
tvaz'Z aloud, Id. Xen. : absol. to go to sleep, Hdt. H. in Causal
>ca.Ta-x:Xaao-6ai, Dor. for -KXrjffaffdai, aor. i med. inf. sense, to put to sleep, Soph. : Pass., aor. i Kara-
of Karo/cAei&j. Tjj'cu, to go to sleep, sleep, II., Hdt.
KaTa-KAdcj [a], Att. for KaroacXaita. ij f. ff(a,
= KaraKOLfjuio} II, Plat., Luc.
Ka.Ta-K Ad w [<xj, impf . KareKXwv : aor. i -ejcAotra : o), f . ^crcu, to make one a partaker, Dem. ;

Pass., aor. i ~K\d(r6riy :

pf. -fceKAacrjucu : fo break K. ra TTJS rr6\(os to share the public property among
down, break short, snap off, II., Hdt. II. metaph. themselves, Aeschin.
ft? break down, ov<5ew ftvriva, ov /care/cAacre &" broke us KaT-aicoXov8w, f. ^<rw, to follow after, obey, Plut.

all <?0wn, r0*? // our hearts, Plat. :

Pass., KaT/tAao-07j Ka,Ta-JcoXm<>,i. Att. iu>, (ic6\iros\ to run intoabay,Tliuc.
tyiXov iJTOp Od. ; <ppvas /caTe/eAa<r077 Eur. w, f. TJCTW, to dive down, Thuc.
Kara-icXeCs, eT5os, ^, flw instrument for fastening , 7),
a bringing down to the sea-shore for
doors, a key, Ar. exportation, Thuc. From
Kara-icXeia), Ion. -tcXTjiw, old Att. -KX-gw: fut. Ion. KaTa-KojAifc>3 f. Att. iu, to bring down, esp.from the
inland to the coast, Thuc. 2. K. vavv to bring it
-KA?7<raj,Dor.tfaTa/cA<3&w : Med., aor. i Karetcteiordp-nv,
Dor. KareKXai-dfJLViv : Pass., aor. i KareKteicrByv, Ion. into harbour, Dem. 3. metaph. to bring into a
ar/cAi7i<T077y : pf Kara-KK\tuai or -/ceAeicr^.at :
. I. place of refuge, Id.
c. ace. pers. fo sAw /?z, inclose a mummy in its case, Kara-xop-os, ov, (tttiinf. 'with long falling hair, Eur.
Hdt. ; roi/s ^EAATjvas Is r^v y7?ow /c. <ra# &<?w KaraKovd, TJ, (/caraKraiva?) = 5ia<p6opd, destruction, Eur.
into the island am
Aw# them up there, Thuc. : Med. KaTa-KovSvXifu, (KOV$V\O$) to buffet sharply, Aeschin.
to shut oneself up, Xen. ; KaraKXaj-affBai to shut up KaT-aKOVTiw, f. Att. -m, to shoot do'wn, Hdt., Dem.
the bride with oneself, Theocr. 2. metaph., voptp K. KaTtt-KOTTTw, f. tyca, to cut down, cut in pieces, cut up,
to shut up, i. e. to compel, oblige, Dem. ; also, els K.W- Hdt., Ar., etc. : Pass., aor. 2 part. KaraKo-jrets cut in
ftvvov /jLeyiffTOV KaTcuce/eAeTo'flcu to be reduced, Id. H. pieces, Hdt. 2. to Mil, slay, Id., Att. 3. in a

c. ace. rei, to shut up, close, rns irv\t$as Hdt. j

ra ipd military sense, to cut in pieces, cut up, Dern. ; Pass.,
Id., etc. aor. 2 inf. Kewa/eoTnjj'cu Xen. 4. generally, to break
Kara-icX-ripo-Sorea, (/tA^pos-, 5i5wfti), f. ftflrw, ^ distri- in pieces, destroy, Dem. H. to coin into money,
bute by lot, N. T. Hdt., Xen.
icaTa-KXijpovofi,w,f.^<r<B, to obtain by inheritance, Plut. $, ^Kop&vvui) satiated, glutted metaph.
tcara- tcXijp <<>>, f. c<ra>, to portion out : Med. to receive insatiable, excessive, 'wearisome, Plat.
as one's portion, Plut. Kcrrascopos, ov, = KarcucopTjs
: Adv. -pas, to excess, in-
s, aor. i pass. part, of naraKXivca : Kara- temperately, ap, Dem.
, aor. 2. KaTa-Kocrjxew, f. 77<rcc, to set in order, arrange, Od. (in
js, es, sloping, Anth. From Med.) ; r!
vevpy /coraKoV/tei blffr^v was fitting it on

[r], -K\IV&
Pass., aor. i /caT-/cAi0??j>
f. : the string, II. 2. to fit out completely, adorn, Ar.,
[t] : aor. 2 Kar-K\ifnjy [x], part. K\tveis : f. ~KX ivy- Plat. II. to reduce to order, Plut.
ffOjjMi : &? /ay down, \jSopv] KarraKXivas eirl yairj Od. ; *caT-aK<ru<0, f. trofiai, to hear and obey, be subject to
KOT. roi5 Tlepcras els \t]Maya having made them another, Hdt. ;
c. dat., c. gen., nvos Dem. 2. to
recline (for dinner) in a meadow, Hdt. /c. riy& ts -,
hearken or give ear to one, Id. 3. to hear
"AcrA7prtov to lay a sick person in the temple of Aescu- plainly, TL or rwa,, Eur., Thuc., etc. ; nvos Ar.
lapius, that he might sleep there and so be cured, Ar. : jcara-Kpa^cj, f. -/cewp^o/icu, to cry down, outdo in cry-
Pass, to lie at table, sit at meat, Lat. accumbere, ing, Ar.
Hdt., Ar., etc. II. metaph. to lay prostrate, KaTa-icpa,T0, f . Tjtra*, to prevail over, nv6s : absol. to

overthrow, Theogn. Hence prevail, gain the mastery, Hdt., Aesch. j of a name,
tcaTaicXtcris, eo>s, fj, a -making one to lie down, seating to prevail, become current, Hdt.
him at table, Plat.; T? K. rov ydfjiov the celebration Ka/ra-Kpcpapai, Pass, to hang down, be suspended, Hdt.
of the marriage feast, Hdt. II. (from Pass.) a KaTa-Kpejiavwjii, f. -Kpefjuurta, to hang up, Od., Hdt.
lying at table, sitting at meat, Plat. 9caraKpT]8ev, Adv. better Kara KpyOev, v. Kpds 1 1*
Kara-xX-u^ca : f. -tcXvcrta [i;], poet. -K\vffff(a, to dash vafAav, Pass.,
= Karaxpefiafjiat, Ar.
over, flood, deluge, inundate, Hdt., etc. : metaph. vL^ct), f. &&, to throw down a precipice, -Dem.,
to deluge, overwhelm, Eur., Plat. : Pass., jcvftori Plut. 2. generally, to throw headlong down, /c
KaraK\va&T]v (aor. i inf., poet, for -K\v<r0jjvui), Xen. : Pass, to be so thrown down, Id.
KaTa~Kp?]p'O$, oy, steep and rugged, Batr. up with, rovs <f>vyovras Hdt. : of mischances, to
KaTatcpijs, Adv., better ar' &Kpvi$, v. &cpa. overtake, befall, Id. 2. to surprise, catch,
Karate ptfjia, rcJ, condemnation, judgment, N. T. From find, Lat. deprehendo, with a partic., K. rtva (Qvra
Kara-Kpivw [r], f. -KpivS> to give as sentence against,
: Id. ; KaraXap,$dvi rovs &p%ovra$ $i6yra$ Dern.,
TLVOS : Pass., Toiffi KaraKeKptrat sentence of etc. 3. impers.j Ka,raXa}j.J3dyi rwd, c. inf., like the
death has been passed upon them, Hdt. ; KaraKKptfjLfvtav Att. ffvpfiaiyfL, it happens to one, it is one's fortune
ot rovrtay when this sentence has been given against to do so and so, rovrov tcarcXafie Keicrdat Hdt. 4,
him. Id. impers., $v KaraKpWf} JLLOI if sentence be given
absol., TO, KaraXaftdyra ret ffv^dyra., what hap-

against me, Xen. 2. c. ace. pers. to condemn, KCL- pened, the circumstances, Id. ; %v w6Xfjuu)s
TKpivdy fj,iy ecSoTOV fryccrQai Hdt. ; K. riva Baydrcp Thuc. IH. to repress, arrest? check, -

N.T. : Pass, to be condemned, Eur., Xen. Kvpov Hdt. ; K. rb vvp to get it under, Id. ; K. 10
Id. K. ras Sicupopds to put an end to them, Id.
KaTa-Kp-uTTTto, poet. part. KaKKpvjrrwv, f. ij/w, to cover ,- Pass., 5 :

over, hideaway, conceal, Horn., etc. II. absol. to Ka.TaXafjc.<p&ls ^ffi"yj\Qri inquiries about the death
use concealment, to conceal oneself, of the gods, Od. being checked, Id. 2. to bind, K. viffri, vptciois,
Hence Lat. jurejurando adstringere, to bind by oath, Id. 3
KaTaicpv^nj, f], concealment : a subterfuge, Soph. Thuc. 3. to force or compel one to do, c. inf.,

jca.Ta-Kpoja), to croak at, croak down, like jackdaws, Ar. ayajKaivj juty K. <f>aiyeiy forces him to bring out the
icaTa-KTajAev, -KTajACvat, Ep. for -KTayziy, SLOT. 2 inf. truth, Hdt. :
Pass., K<zraXafji^ay6fj.yos being con-
of KO,raKTiv(a. strained, Id. Hence
tcaTa-KTaop,ai, f -/cTTjoxtytcu, Dep. to get for oneself en-
KaTaXajJUTTTeoSj a, ov, Ion. for KaraXTjTrrfos, to be ar-
tirely, gain possession of, and in past tenses, to have rested, Hdt.
in full possession, Soph., etc. Kara-XajATTw, . xdfjLi^xa, to shine upon or ^wr, c. gen.,
jcara-KTas, Ep. aor. 2 part, of sq. -KTap,evos, med, : Plat. :
ace., K. rovs crreytavovs to light them,
jcara-KTeivw : f. -KTevw, Ion. -K.TO.V&, Ep. -Kravew : Plut. II. absol. to shine, Eur. ; so in Med., Id.
a6r. i KaTe/CTe/a : aor. 2 KarfKTavov, Ep. imperat. f ^<r<w, to suffer muck, feel sore pain, Soph.
> .

KaKTave, poet. KareKray, as, a, Ep. inf. KaKrd^eyou, f. |ftj, to lay down Med. and Pass, to lie

Ka.ra.KT 4JJ.GV, part. Karcucrds pf /care/cTOVo Pass.,

: . : down, go to bed, aor. i KttreXQaro Horn. ; Ep. syncop.
fut. med. in pass, sense /eaTcwcTaz/eeorfle aor. i KareK- : aor. 2 pass. KareXeicro II., etc. ; part. KaTaXeypeyos and
rdOrjv [a], 3 pi. -Bey ; part. med. Karcucrdfieyos (in pass. inf. Ka.raXxOai Od. ; f KaraXe^fiat Hes. . H. to '

sense) to kill, slay, imirder, Horn., Hdt.

pick out, choose out of many, Hdt.: to choose as
jcaraKToSj TJ, ov, (/cara'y&j) to be sunk or let down, Ar. soldiers, to enrol, enlist, Ar., Thuc. , Med. to choose for
KaTa-idipc-vtt, f. act), to lose In dicing: Pass, to be himself, Hdt., Thuc., etc. : Pass, to be enlisted or
gambled away, Aeschin. enrolled, Lat. conscribi, Hdt., etc. HI. to recount,
ott, f . cacrca, to encircle ; in Med., Plut. tell at length or in order, in fut. or aor. i, raura
or -K-uXia>, f. -KuXtcroj [r] : aor. 2 pass. KoraXe^U) II. y iraffav aX'^&ei'rjy KardXe^oy Ib. : Pass.,
to roll down : Pass, to be rolled down rovrav 8% rav KaraXe^fyrtay of those which have
or thrown off, Hdt., Xen. been recounted, Hdt. 2. to reckon up, Od., Hdt., etc.
KaTa-icvirrw, f . ^a>, to bend
down, stoop ,11. : bend Kara-XeifSto, f i|/w, zfo pour doixtn ; absol. to shed tears,

down and peep into a thing-, Luc. Eur. : Pass, to drop down, II., Eur. Hence
Kara-Kvpicvoi, to gain dominion over, c. gen., N. T. KdT-aXeiirros* oy, anointed, Ar.
scara-Kvpow, f. d><ra>, to confirm, ratify, Soph. Pass., : KaTO-XeCirojj Ep. also KaXXcCiroi, .
leoAAcifyw, aor. 2

tyj\<pcp Bcvydrov KaraKvpwSeis,

= KaToicpiQeis, condemned KaXXliroy} Ion. impf. KaraXeiTrefficoy : Med* and Pass.,
to death, Eur. fut. med. (in pass, sense), also fut. K&raXt<$>&JriffofMi :
KCLTa-KooX-uu), f. v<rw [v], to kinder from doing, Ar. : to leave behind, II. ; esp. of persons dying or going
fo detain, keep back, Xen. Pass., c. gen. rei, Kare-
: into a far country, of6v fuv TpoiyySe Kifov KareX^ivev
K<a\v6ri rou ir\ov Dem. *O8v<rtrv$ Od.; K. rtva fi&my Soph., etc.; so in Med.,
Kara-K(t)}JLd^ci), f. crta, to burst riotously in upon, rb KaraXeiirea'dai ircuSas to leave behind one, Hdt., etc. :
SaifiovLoy KaTfKt&fJiaffe dc&paa'iv Eur. Pass., KaraXeXeijjLfifVos rov &XXov trrparov being' part
2. to leave as an
iccLTaKttx1!* caTaicwx L HLOS incorrect forms for aTOKft>X" 7>
1 of the array left behind, Id.
heritage, Od., Att. ; /caraAef^et ou5 ratpyvai will leave
v, aor. 2 inf. of / not enough to be buried with, Ar. 3. in Med.,

Kar-aXa^, Dep. &> 6oas^ or 5r^ largely, Dem. simply, to leave in a certain state, Hdt. H. 2fff/br-
Kara-XaXea), f. ^crw, to talk loudly, to blab, Ar. sake, abandon, leave in the lurch, Horn., Att. HI.
KaraXaXia, ^, ^Z
report, slander, N.T. From to leave remaining, OKT^J fi&vov Xen. : Med. to reserve
Kara-XaXos, 6, a slanderer, N. T. for oneself, Id. : Pass., KoraXeiverou. /iaxi yet r~e~
xara-Xafipavw, f. -A^o/toi, Ion. Xajjufyofuu : pf. -t/\.7]~ mains to be fought Id. 2. to leave alone. Id.

^>a Ion. plqpf. -AcXa^jxce :

: Pass., Ion. aor. i KaTa-XcLTOvpY^cd, . ^(n>, to spend all one's svt&sance
^^TJV : &> ^<?j>^ upon, lay hold of, Lat. occupare, Od., in bearing the public burdens (A-etroi^yJcax), Dtera,
Hdt., Att. : Med. to seize for oneself, Lat. capesso, (KaraXelw) a leaving belund9 Plat.
jcaTcLXeuj/is, eois, y,
Hdt. 2. #o seisey overpower, of death and fatigue, KttTa-XTrroXoY> f . "hff(a, to waste in sn&fle talk, Ar.
Horn. 3. fo mW
with the mind, apprehend, jcara-Xcvw, f crw, to stone to death, Hdt., Ar., etc.
comprehend^ Plat. II, to catch, overtake*, come scc.T-c.Xto>, f. <raj, to grind down, Od., Hdt.
Kara-Xifyw, f.
&, to leave off, end, stop, Aesch. ; vol
Kara\'fi^i; at what point mill it cease f Id. ra KCL-
u 11} a^ /,
lodging,* N.T.
K0,, Dep. to rzfm utterly, destroy Xen."
ToA^Fyoj/ra the limits of a district, Plut. KaraXvcrtp-os, ov, to ^^ dissolved or c?<w# away, Soph,*,, Dep. to forget utterly, rtvos II scaraXvo-ts, s, ^, (/caTaXva) ^z dissolving, dissolution
KaTaXrjiTTeoSj a, ov, verb. Adj. of KaraXa^dva), to be of governments, Thuc., etc. 2. jf^^ dismissal or
seized or occupied, Plut. of a body of men, crrpaTias- Xen. ; ets a-
ToX-uffiv till dismissal, of soldiers at a review, Id. 3.
or check, c. gen., Ar. K. TOU vo\fj,Qv an e-nding of the war,
KaTaXtjirTOS, 17, oV, verb. Adj. of /caraAajUjSaycw, to ? Thuc., Xen. 4. g-enerally, an end,
U. act. seizing suddenly ; termination,
achieved, Thuc. Xen. U. a resting, lodging, rest, Eur. 2. =x
irevdos Qe6Qw Kara.\ijvr^y
grief that falls on us from KaraAu/ta, # resting-place, guest-chamber quarters, -,
the gods, Eur.
lodging, /caraAvcrtes- (Ion. for -Xu<T6is\ Hdt., Plat.
KaraXirjiJas, ecus, T], (WaTaAa/i/Sai'cc) a seising, *v Kara- Jcara-Xvw, f -Auora? [u] Pass., f . -\vfrfjffofJMt pf. -Af-
. : :

A^et within one's grasp, Thuc.: an assaulting, Au/xoi: to^wz* ^own, destroy, II., Eur. 2. of govern-
Ar. 2. a taking possession,
occupation, Plat., ments, to dissolve, break up, put down, Hdt., Ar.,
Dem., etc. /c.
Tvpavvov to put down, to depose, Thuc. K.
etc.^ ;
TIVO. TTJS bpxn s Xen. :
Pass., ru>v ^AAwy KaraXeXvpev&v
Kc.TCL-AJ.uoG), f. (aff<i), to stone to death, Dem. ffTparTjy&y having been dismissed, Hdt. b. to dis-
to make into a lake or swamp, Byz, solve, dismiss, disband a body, KtxraX^iv r^v ftovA^i/
= /caraAetTraj, Thuc. Id. ; rb VOUTIK^V Dem. c. r^v fyvXatt^v K. to
f . r\G<a, to
entreat earnestly, Luc. the watch, Ar.
KaTa-Xljraj>w, 3. to end, bring to an end, friorov
KaraXXayq, exchange, esp. of money the profits
TJ, :
Eur.; 'rbv $iov Xen. b. K. r^v *lpi\vT\v to break
of the money-changer, Dem. U. a change the peace, Aeschin. e. K. T&V iroK^ov to end the
from enmity to friendship, reconciliation, Aesch., war, make peace, Thuc., Xen., etc. ; and absol. (sub.
etc. 2. reconciliation of sinners with
God, N. T. t'bv TToAejuov) /taraAweif r*y( or vpos TIVO. to make peace
KUTaXXaicTiKos, TJ, 6v, easy to reconcile, placable, Arist. 'with him, Thuc. : so in Med., Id., etc. ; /caraAiW-
caT-aXXd<rcrto,Att.-TTw,f. a|a>, to change money, Plut., eat ra$ %0pa$ Hdt. to unloose,
and so 11.^ unyoke,
etc. ; in Med., Dem. : Med.
exchange one to Imrovs Od. rb <T&fj.a TOU aSeA^eou /c. to to^ it down

thing/or another, Plat. II. to change a person from the wall, Hdt. 2. intr. to tae up one's
from enmity to friendship, reconcile, Hdt., N. T. ;
quarters, to lodge, Trap" l/iol /caroAuei he fs my guest,
Med., KaToAA<i(rcre<r0ai r^v Ixfywjj/ Tivi to make up Plat. ; K. irapd TWO, to and
go lodge with him, Thuc. :
one's enmity with any one, Hdt. Pass., esp. in aor. i
absoL to take one's rest, Ar. ; Med., OavdTy Kara-
JcarjjAAoxfoj*' or aor. 2 /eaTTjAAayrj*/ [a], to become re- Autrai/tay may I take my rest in the grave, Eur.
conciled, Soph., Eur., etc. Kara-Xto^aw, Ion. - f. to rest a^a-w, c. from thing,
KC-T-aXodoj, f. JifftD, to crush in pieces, make an end gen., Od.
of, Xen., Aeschin. KaTa.p.5.7vw, to bewitch, Luc.
f. <ra>,
JcaTaXcryaOirjv \jz\, Adv. (*caTaAeya>) by 'way of conversa- KaTa-p.a8etv, aor. 2 inf. of Kara-fjiayQdva>.
tion, in prose, Plat. TO^
KaTa-p.aXaKt|;, L Att. i&5, to soft or effeminate,
Jo. Chrys. : Pass, to fo or become so, Xen.
icaTa-XoYtop,eu, Dep. to count up, num-
f. Att. lovftai,
KttTa-p,aXa<r<r, Att. -TT&?, f. ^cw, to soften much,
ber, reckon, Xen. ; K. T& VpjTy)ja.a irp6s TWO. to put Luc. ; metaph. to appease, Id.
it down to his Dern.
account, ; KaraXoyigeffdca fwjfiels
KaTa-p.av0dva, f . -padycrofJicu
aor. 2 Kar-efidOoy :
Tovff vfttv ey
apery let no one impute it to you as a observe well, examine closely, Hdt., Xen. 2. to
virtue, Aeschin. II. to count or reckon /<?arn thoroughly, TI Plat., etc.
among, 3. to perceive, un-
Lat. annumerare, TO^S
axapiffrovs TOLS WLKQIS Xen. & derstand, Id., etc. 4. to discover, find, c. part.,
KardXcryos, ^, (/caToAcyw) an enrolment, register, list, Kara,[ia.BovTS piv a.yopdovra Hdt.; K. TWO. Bvovra,
catalogue, Plat.; K. ye>y the catalogue of ships in Xen. 5. to learn &ow
II. 2, 2. at Athens, the
thoroughly, and in pf. to
register of citizens, Ar., learnt, to be aware, Id. 6. to consider, TI Id.
etc. OrAtTcu] IK Kard\6yov soldiers on the list for

Kara-fiavrevofjiat, Dep. to divine, surmise, Arist.

service, Thuc., etc. ; ol iv T$ KarGXtycp Xen.
TOU K., or, 01 Mp
T}>V K., the

superannuated, Lat.
|a? -,
KaTa-jiap^dw, Ion. ~cX f - ^<rft>, to &? star&
Kara-p-dpirrw, f. ^w, to catch, Lat. deprehendo, II. ;
Hdt. w^
emeriti, Id. ; KoroA^yois xpWrois ticKpiQev, of picked esp. to catch
troops, Thuc.
^on& running away, Horn., Pind.
Kara-fiapTvpew, f. TJO-W, to 6ear witness against,
KaT-aXoKi<i>, f. <ra?, to cut into furrows, Eur. TIVQS icarct TWS Oratt. ; c. ace.
or^ pers. et inf., Kara-
(caTa-Xoopai, v, Aouo/xat. ftapTvpova-tv avrbv Xaftetv Dem. : Pass, to have evi-
Kara>Xovop,at., Med. /<? spend in bathing, Kara\6ei dence given against one, Id. 2, Pass, also of the
[metri grat. pro -Aowet] Ar. evidence, to be given against one, Id.
KaTa-Xo<j>aoei.a, Adv. = fcarA T^y A({^oy, <?;z zfA^ neck,
KaTa-p.dxoF-o-1, f. -/MXOVJJ.CU, Dep. to subdue, conquer ,
icaTa-Xoxi|u> f. to distribute into A<X<H, and
crta, used by Horn, only once in Ep. aor. i med.
generally to distribiite, Plut. Hence KOT-acraro, to scrape over, pile up, heap up, II. II.
d, distribution into bodies, Plut., Luc. in Act., to cut down,
reap like corn (cf. a uaa)),Soph. j
Vuv&> to blunt or dull, Soph. aor. i
[i>], :
pass. Kara-yap tea co, f. ^crw, to be slothful toward ^ t pr?^^
foByv Anth. heavily upon, c. gen., N. T.
fcaTa-jjL0vcricc0, aor. i -e/40i)<ra, Causal, to 7>za&? ywzfe Kara-vacro-to*, f. w, to stamp or beat down firmiv^ Hdt.
drunk, Hdt., Plat. *caTa-vav}ia)(ci, f. ^ercc, to conquer in a sea-fight Xen., ^
scaTa}iiv<u,, aor. i inf. of
Kara/leva*. etc. : Pass, to ^ so conquered, Luc.
icar-a^eXIcD, f. 4]<ra>, #o toj<? 720 w* o/", c. gen., Xen. : KaTa-vejiCD, -z//ia>, to distribute, allot* assign, esj>.
absol. to pay no heed, be heedless,
Soph., Xen. as pasture-land, Hdt., Dem. 2. to distribute,
Kara-jjicXtTow, f. deau, to spread over -with honev, divide into separate bodies, Xen. : of a
single per-
metaph. of the nightingale's voice, Ar. son, K. rtj/a els T%V raiy to assign him to his post,
KaToLjAefiirTos, blamed by all, abhorred, Soph. :
ov, Aeschin. II. Med. or Pass, to divide amon%
neut. pi. as Adv. so as to have cause to find fault II. , themselves, Thuc., Plat. 2. to om^j? with cattle,
KaTa-p.p.4>opaL, f ^ofieu . : aor. i
-e^e/t^a/ATjy or -/*,/&<- to -m#<? /o!7z^ 5 Lat. depasci, Isocr. :
metaph. / .

07jy : to find great fault with, blame greatly, accuse, plunder, Babr.
Thuc., Plat. Hence tcaTa-vT5o: f. aor.
vevcrojuai :
xar^cvira, Ep. part.
ca,Tdjx}iiJas, ecus, ^, a blaming, finding fault, Thuc. 5 tcaweva-as : to nod assent, : c. ace. rei, to grant,
ou/c exet rirl /carcc/t
/wjuv it leaves him no ground for promise, Ib. so c. inf., generally, to wa^e
censure, Id.
^w bv
nodding the head, Od.
Kara-fievo), -/icwS: aor. i :
AzW, s/ay, Hdt., Att.
f. to stoty fo-
2. to remain fixed, continue
X Ion. -VT]to, aor. i
-y7?cra, to /z<?> M^, Hdt.
', f. iffUj to 5z^rw to cinders, Anth.
in a certain state, Xen.
oofiau, Pass, to be burnt to cinders, pf. part .

KaTa-p.epia>, f . Att. *, to cztt in pieces, Luc. 2. to >fj.vo$ Soph, j aor. i KanjvQpciKd&QTjv Eor.
distribute, Xen. f- rw^r onYA 5^?v Ar.
[f]> -J^w, 2?<? :

icaTa-|i,Tpw, measure out to, Hdt.,, Xen.

f. ^cra, to
metaph. to sprinkle as with sno^t Luc. II.
put in a probe metaph., /oj/iby
KaTa-jATjXoa), f . c6<rco, to :
absol., Karavtipei if /eel K/M/iyct?Ty
K. ft? MS* the ballot-box as- a
probe, \. e. ftza? a peculator even -a)^^ zY to as meal, Ar.
sK<ra? thick
disgorge what he has stolen, Ar. xaTa-voo>, f, ^<rw, to observe -welly to understand^
KaTa-jAKivvco [y], f. tea, to point out, make known, in- Hdt., Plat. 2. to perceive, Thuc. 3. to /*<zr,
dicate, Hdt. 2. &? inform against, rw6s Xen. Id. 4. to consider, wept TWOS Xen. Hence
KaTa-jjuaivw, f. -cb<S, to fain*, <foZ<?, Find., Plat. : KaTavoT]<ris> cws, ^, observation : means of observing\
Pass, to wear squalid garments as a
sign of grief,
wear mourning (cf. Lat. sordidatus}, Hdt. Pass. (2^0) to be used zip or wasted, Od,

1 o r -^j f*
-ft(| : Ep. aor. i part, /ca^a-
to mia: 2f, mingle the
ingredients, II., Ar.
X<r,' to bedew, Eur.

icaT-avra, down-kill, II.

KaTraC<ryw, = foreg-. : Med. in pass, sense, h. Horn. Kar-avTTjs, ey, (jJ^To) down-hill 9 dofssnward 9 sf&ep, Ar. ;
*caTa-jjucr0o<|)opw, f. fato, to $/>?w< z
paying public ets rb Karafrcs downwards, Xen. II. metaph,
servants or soldiers, Ar., Aeschin.
prone, inclined,, irp&s TI Eur.
icaTdp.op.<f>o$, ov, Zza&Z* to blame, in-
(/cara/teju^o/iat) KaTdvTT3<rriv, Adv., better xar' ^vrTjcrTij/, 50 as tvface,
auspicious, Aesch. right opposite, Od.
?, Adv. better divisim Kara /ji6yas, v. pSvos.
icaT-avTlicpv [lAtt.], Prep, with gGn.straigkf downfrom ,
o|xaxw, to conquer in single combat, Plut. Od. 2. =
aj/TlKpu, rfgrA# opposite, Is Ta K. KvfMipwv
an d -tcrxw, to encompass, K. ev Tt//ij8$>, to the parts opposite
Cythera, Thuc. ; /cor. f ciV/?l
i. e. to &wry him, Eur.
exactly opposite to the point at which it flows in,
KarapvorLS, 17, (/cara/^Jaj) a closing of the eyes, Plut. Plat. II. as Adv. of Place, right opposite, $
f. |>, to tor,
scratch, Theocr. : Med., fyreipos ft K, Thuc. ; K rov K. from the opposite side,
%t/>a she scratched her hand, II. Plat. 2. straightfor-ward, downright, Thuc.
OH-e-uca, f <ro>, to wz/2^^
. mincemeat of, Ar. Kar-evrCov, Adv. <wer against, right opposite, facing,
, f. vffca aor. i ^Kafji/jLvara, Ep. inf. tcafifiva-at
: c. gen., Hdt. ; c. dat., Id. ;
absol., Soph.
to sA or" ^Ae eyes, Xen., N. T. hence to : =
KttT-avTt.irpas, icaTayTtK|)iJ n, c. gen., Xen.
drop asleep, dose, Batr., Ar. icar-avrXiw, f. ^<r&>, to ^towr water <wy metaph. ft> ;

KaT-aft^iKaXiSirTa), f ^ Wj to _^wzf a/Z round, Od.

pour a flood of *mords over, TWOS Ar.
Kara-jjLWKttonai, Dep. 2?o wacyfe at, rivos Plut. KaraFwIvs, etas, 73, stupefaction, slumber, N.T.
KaT-avaYKaw, f. <ra>, to
overpower by force, confine, KttTa-vvq-Qrojiat, aor. 2 -evvyyv [i5], Pass, to ^^ sorelv
Eur. 2. to coerce, TWO, $$ ^o^futyiw Thuc.
pricked, Karevvy^crav ry /copSioc N.T.

II. <j be
KaT-avadcpa, ^r^, N. T. Hence stupefied, to slumber, Lxx. Hence
xaTa.va6ejj.aTtf>, f. trw, to curse, N.T. icar-avvw, Att. --UTW ; f . -owo-oj to bring- to
[iJ] [5] :

KaTavaiw, to w^^ to dwell, settle,

used in aor. i only quite an end; esp., 1, to accomplish a certain
Karevaffffa Hes. : Med., aor. i KOTaycwrcrajuei^ Aesch. :
distance, 5po/io^, <55oV Hdt., Xen. 2. (the ace. being
Pass, to tfa&? w^> ^?^'^ abode, dwell, in aor. i only omitted) intr. to arrive at a place, Hdt., Soph*,
v, Eur.; poet. 3 pi.
w, f -avaX&arta : aor.
KarcvarQev Ar. etc. H. to accomplish, perpetrate* Ear. ; *. ^a
. i ~^j/oAwo"a : Pass., to murder) Id,
aor. i -caraXsaQrivai : to use up, spend, lavish, Xen., Karct-laCvu, -^ayS, to card or a>wi& wrf/ ; to tear in
Plat. :
Pass., with pf. act., to be lavished, Plat. pieces, rend in shreds, Eur. ; Kmrfy&VW Ttjra els cww-
vuciSa to pound him to red rags, Ar. Pass., Kara- :
LTcttreTrnrjma, Ep. for -ircimj/ciua, pf. part. fern, of
|ai/0is crushed to atoms, Soph.; irplv Karel-avQai
Eur. 2. to wear or 'waste away, Lat. atterere, jcaTaircp, Ion. for
Aesch. Pass., Ka.T^o.vQ'riv ir6vois, <5oKpi>ot.$ Eur.
: Ka.Ta~7rep$<i>, mostly in Med. irepSojuwu ; aor. 2 Kare-
Kard|L, 3 sing-, aor. i opt. of Kctrdyvv/jLL. irapfiov pf . KaraveTtoSpa :
: to mz aj/nc? fl/, nvos Ar.
Kara-fcyoopat,, (levJw) Pass, to be received as a guest, jcaTa-ireo-o-cu, f. -TT^OJ, to <?z7 down, to
digest food,
pf. part.*vos Aesch. Arist. : metaph. to digest, keep from rising, Lat.
Kar-a|j.os, ov, quite or very worthy of, c. gen., Soph. ; concoquere, K. ^(Q\ov II. ; /c.
p.iya,v oXftov, i. e. to &<?#/-
absol., Eur. Adv. -itos, Id. great fortune meekly, Pind.
*caT-a.iott, f. <a<r(a, to deem worthy, Plat. : Med. to Kara-'jreTavviJjJU and -iJca, f . -TreTacrou [a], to spread out
hold in high esteem, Aesch. II. fro\Xa xcupew over, IL, Eur. II. to spread or W<?r TI nvi

v/j.<popcus KarafrS I bid a long farewell to calamities, Ar., Xen. Hence

Id. ; (TV rot KarriJ-icacras thou 'mould''st have it so, Soph. KaTairTao"}i.a, aros, TO, curtain, veil, N. T.
jcaraopos, ov, Dor. for KctTyopos. Ka.Ta-7rTO}iai, f TrTr ffojp.oLL : 3 sing. aor. 2 KaT^irraro,

K<rra-7r<ua>, f. -Trd^ojucu, to mock at, rtv6s Anth. part. KaTaTTTajUcvos, subj. KardTrrfafiat : also aor. 2
KaTttiraKTOS, i\, 6v, (/eaTcwr^yj/v/u) shutting down- act. KaTTrryv: toj#y down, Hdt., Ar., etc.
wards, Ka.TQ,TraKT7) Qirpa a trap-door, Hdt. KaTa-ireTpo<i), f. c6<r, to stone to death, Xen.
Kara-TraXaiw, f. era, to throw in wrestling, Ar. : tcaTaTre^fl-n, aor. i pass. subj. of /taTcwreWcy.
metaph. to overthrow, Eur., Plat. KaTair<j>vwv, part, of KaTGicefyvov.
Kara-iraXXofxat, Pass, to vault or leap down, ovpca/ov KaTairc^povTfiKOTWs, Adv. part. pf. act. of Karaippovev,
K KaTTraXro (Ep. syncop. aor. 2 for KareTrd\To), II. contemptuously, Dem.
KaTa-iracrcrw, Att. -TTCD, f. -wdarca, to besprinkle or KaTairi|rr|, 3 sing. aor. i subj. of KaTcwreffcrftj.
bespatter, Ar. : Pass., /caraWrTOyUej/os Id. II. jcaTa-tnj-yviJjJH, and -i3w : f . -ir^|a>, to stick
fast in
c. ace. rei, to sprinkle or strew over, Id. Hence the ground, plant firmly, IL, Hdt., etc. II. Pass.,
Ka.To.'WQ.(rTQSyOj',despruikled} Ar. 2. embroidered, Id. with pf. and plqpf. act., to standfast or firm in, 11. ;
icc.Ta-iraT, f. f}&<a, to trample down, trample under absol., CTT^AT? /caTcrareTnTyma Hdt.
foot, Thuc., etc. ; K. vo*l r2> oWp/ia to trample down KaTa-TnrjSaw, f. ', to leap down, Xen.
the seed fj. e. have it trampled down} by swine, Hdt.: KeTa-tri|Jt'7rXT]p.t, f. -TrX-fivea, to fill full of a thing, c.
Pass., Id., Thuc., etc. 2. metaph. in tmesi, Kara, gen., Plat.
5* o'p/aa Triorra ndrriffav II.
KaTa-TrtjJiirpirjpLi, f. -irp-fiffta, to burn to ashes, Anth.
KaTaira',, Ep. for -trcLVivy inf. of /ecmwrajta. KaTa-mvw [t], f . -TTIOJUCU, later -Tnovpai : aor. 2 KOT-
means of stopping, II. j and
jcarairaviia, aros, TO, firiov,Ep. /cctTTTrtoj/ : to gulp or swallow down, Hes.,
KaTaira-ucTLs, a putting to rest : a putting
ws, ??, Hdt., Att. H. metaph., /c. Evpnrio'Tiv to drink in
down, deposing, Hdt. II. a cessation, calm, Euripides, i. e. imbibe his spirit, Ar. 2. to swallow
N.T. up, consume, Id. 3. to spend in tippling, Aeschin.
tcara-iravw, poet, jcair-iravw, f. <ra>, Ep. inf. -irav<re- w, to sell outright, Karavpadels Luc.
/tv, to /ay #o rest, put an end
to, Horn., Hdt. :
, f. -orccroGftcu : aor. 2 KaT-crreow, poet.
Med., Eur. H, c. ace. pers. to lay to rest, i. e. , 3 dual tcair-irecreTTiv pf. TreirruKa,: to :

kill, II. make one

stop from a thing, hinder
2. to <?^> down, Horn., Hdt., Att. ;
used as Pass.,
or check from, c. gen., Horn. and c. ace. only, to :
Kare^\^6if}, Aesch. 2. metaph., /ccnrTrecre
stop, keep in check, Id., Hdt. 3. like KarcL\vea, to their spirit fell, II. ; AT. els oarLcrriav Plat. II.
put down or depose from power, K, Ttva rys apx^s, to have the falling sickness, Luc.
TTJS jBacritoii'ns Hdt. ; K. roi/s rvpdvvovs Id. :
Pass., KaTa-iricrcrow, Att. -TTOW, f ctxrca, to cover with pitch,

TTJS &ao~i\.7)1:7)$ KaTCTravQij Id. b. to put dovm, to pitch over and burn (as a punishment), Plat.
rty Kvpov Svya/jLiv Id. :;
rbv STJJJ.OV Thuc. III. KaTa-Triorrc-uo), f. <TQJ, to trust, Plut.
Pass, and Med. to leave off from, cease from, TWOS JcaTa-7rXa<r<rc>, Att. TTW, f. -TrAacroij [a], to plaster
Hdt., etc. 2. absol. to leave off, cease, Ar., etc. 3. over with clay, etc., Hdt., Ar. : Med., KoraTrAcKrcretrflcu
the Act. is also used intr. like Med., Eur. TJJJS Ke^aX.'fjv to plaster one's own head, Hdt. TOVTO ~,

KaTcuircScuo, f. ^cT, to fetter , hamper, Horn. KarairXdcrcroyTOu 5\ov TO <r&>/*a this they plaster over
KaTa-TTetOoi, f, -irfiffdD, to persuade, Luc. their whole body, Id. Hence
icaT-airciXco, f. ^crao, to threaten loudly, war. eir?? to KarairXacrros, &v> plastered over, KaraTrXaa-r^v <pdp-
use threatening words, Soph. ; T& KarTjvfiKTjfjifva the juLcucoy a plaster, Ar.
threats uttered, Id. KaTaTrXournJs, *5os, TJ, Ion. for KaraTrAacr/ia, Hdt.
KaTa-ireipaT^pia, Ion. --irei,pTjT7jptt], TJ, (Trctpaw) a KaTa-irXcKt*, f. |w, to entwine, plait, Hdt. 2. me-
sounding-line, Hdt. taph. to implicate, TIVO; TrpoSocriq. Id.
:. II. zf^
KaTaTreXra^w, f. dffojjuu, to overrun with light-armed finish twining : metaph. to bring to an end, r^v ^i\v,
troops (ire^raarrcd}, Ar. T$)V fftjcriv Id.
icaTaireixTTTcos, a, oy, verb. Adj. zfo be sent down, Luc. KaTa-irXcos, oj/, Att. -irXews, cay, gen. a>, quite full,
Ka.Ta-Wjj.-rru, f. tyw, to send down, Hes. ; esp. from nvos of a thing : fouled or stained with a thing,
the inland to the sea-coast, Xen. II. to send from yijs KaTOJrA&>y Ktd ctffjLaros Xen.
head-quarters, to dispatch, Dem. Kara-irXew, f. xrAevcro^uu : Ion. -irXwca: to sflz7
KaTa-irev6c<*>, f. 4j<ra>, to mottrnfor, bewail, Anth. ; i. e., 1. to sail from the high sea to shore,
sail to land, put in, Od., Hdt., Att. ; veaarrl Karave- rey, Id. ov roi roAAa Ar.
; Karavpoi^et fc\eijoas :

ir\evK<a$ having lately come ashore, Plat. 2. to sail absol., cKeivovs oil he said that
Karcnrpoii-eG'&aL <^>ij
down stream, /car. rbj> Eu<|>p7?T7?r Hdt. II. to sail they should not <?
off scot-free, Hdt. 2. c. gen.
back, Id. pers., otf rot ifjiov Karairpoij-ei you mill not escape for
KaTaTrXews, y^, gen. a?, Att. for /cara-TrAccs. this despite done to me, Ar.
icaTaTrXql, Tjyos, with amazement,
6, TJ, stricken KarairTaJccuv, poet. aor. 2 part, of Karavr^ffffO}.
astounded) Lysias. and 2. shy,, bashful, Arist.j Kara-Tire p os, ov, (VTepoV) ringed, Aesch., Eur.
jcaTairXTjfjiSj $, 7^, amazement, consternation, Thuc, jAai, fut. of /caraTreVo^uai,
Kara-ir Aijcraxi), Att -TTW, f <w, ft? strike down : metaph .
. .
3 dual Ep. aor. 2 Karmrrrj'
oru, f. -vrfifa :

to strike with amazement, astound, terrify, Thuc.;, poet. part. KaTaTrraK&v

, :
pf. /careVrTJxa, Ep. part.
Xen., etc. : Pass, to be panic-stricken, amazed, crouch down, to lie crouching or
c5s' : f9
astounded,, Ka.TtirXy'Yn (aor. 2) II. j Att. aor. 2 inf., cowering, Horn., Hes. 2. c. ace. to cower beneath,
Thuc. ; 2 pi. pf. Kara7re7rAi7x0 Id. j c.
JcaTa7rAa77)i/ai Plut.
ace., KaTttTrAa-ycVres T^V QiXnnrov Dem. KaTairTOjAOU, Ion. for
Kara-irXoosj contr. rrXovs, (5, (/ccnraTrAea/) & sailing KaTaTTTvcTTos, oj/3 (/caTaTTTvcy) ft; Z>^
upon, abomin-
down to land, a putting ashore, putting z",Thuc. II. able, despicable, Aesch., Eur., Dem.
a sailing back, return, Xen. KaTa-TTTvx'nSf G$, {jfrtixn} with ample folds, Theocr.
Kartt-TrXovTi^w, f ia>, &> enrich greatly, Hdt., Xen.
Kara-ir-ruto, f. vcrw [y], to spit upon or at, esp. as a
jcaTo.-'TrX'uvco [o], ifo wash by mark of abhorrence, c. gen.., Dem., Aeschin.
pouring over, to drench,
Xen. II. to wash out : Pass., metaph., TO irpajfAa KCLTa-irTtoO'crw,
= /cara-TTT^crcroj, II.
KaraJTfTrXvrat the affair is -washed out, i. e. forgotten, KaTa-TTTtoxevw, f. reduce to beggary, Plut.
<r&, to
Aeschin. Hence TJ, brutal lust, Ar. From
KaTairXvo%s 5 f), a bathing in water, Xen. KaTa-irtrywv, o, (wvyf)j a lewd fellow, Ar.
jcaTa-rrXwo), Ion. for /cara-jrAea?. nara-iriJOo) [u], f. vtrta, to make ratten, h. Horn. :

9caTa-irv<i> Ep. -irvetco : f. -"jrveva' : to Breathe Pass, to become rotten, II.

upon or 07>er, c. gen., Eur. 2. zfo

inspire, Aesch. Kara-TTUKvos, ov, very thick, Theocr, Hence
060$ /caTaTTj/e? <re Eur. Kara/iTU KVOW, f. d><rw, to stud thickly with a thing,
KaTOMrvoij, TJ, (KOLTanrviu) a blowing, Pind. Plut.
KaTairoSa, -irdSas, less correct forms for Kara Trdda,
Kara iro'Sas.
Kar-apa [op"], Ion. -api|, ^, curse, KarapTjy TrotstfrQai
run to lay a curse upon one, Hdt. 5 5t5oWi rw& /carapat

xaTairo0i, 3 sing , aor. i subj. pass, of Karwrivto.

Ka.Ta-7roXejj.ea>, f. ^<r6), #0 OT^?- down, i. e. exhaust Eur.
by war, subdue completely, reduce, Lat. debellare, KaT-apaLpT|{XVos> Ion. for Ka0-, pf. pass. part, of Koc.6-

Thuc., Xen. in pres. to attempt to subdue, Thuc. :

Pass., iH\Tri(oyres [rrfv ir6Xiv~\ KaraxeTroAe/^orflai Id. jca.T-apdou.eis. [dp Horn., ap Att.], Ion. -apeOjttai : f.
KaTtt-TroXlTcvoptai, Dep. to subdue by policy, Dem. aerosol, Ion. ^oro^ai : Dep. : to call down curses upon,
KaTairoXv, less correct form for Kara TroAv. imprecate upon, ri TWI Horn., Hdt. : c. inf., fcara-
icaTa-irovew, f . Tjcra), to subdue after a hard struggle : pcavrai aTroAcVfiat they pray that he may perish,
Pass, to be so subdued, Aeschin. *Theogn. dat. pers. only, to curse, execrate, Hdt.,
: c.
KaToUirovos, ov, tired, wearied, Plut. Ar.,etc. | N.T. 2. absoL to
later, c. ace. pers., Plut.,
KaTa-irovTt^ojj f. <rcu, to throw into the sea, drown utter imprecations, Ar. 3. pf. pass. part. KVT-i\p&p.i~
therein, Dem. Hence vos in pass, sense, accursed, Id.
caTairovTi,oTi]s, ov, o, one 'who throws into the sea, Dem. Kar-apacrcrci), Att. TTQ, f. ^, to dash down, break in
KCLTa-TrovTooD, f . &ff&, Plat. = KCLTairovri^y Hdt.j pieces, robs Xofaovs Karrffpagev Is- rbv KiScupwya drove
scaTa-iropve-uw, f . ffu, to prostitute, Hdt. them shattered to Cithaerae, Hdt. ; TO o"TpoTu/ia
KaTa-irpaoxro*, Att. -TTW, f . |<w, to accomplish^ execute, Kartjpdx&TJ fls TO Tefx^or aara Thuc. II. intr. to

Xen. 2. to achieve, gain, Id. : Med. to achieve y/z//down, fall headlong, Pint.
for Pass., ra KOfraveTrpayfjieya Id.
oneself, Id. :
Karaparos, oy, (icarapdo^iat) accursed, abominable*
Kara-Trpa-uvQ [u], vvw, to soften down, appease, Plat.
f. Eur., Ar. ; Comp. orepos Dem. ; Sup. -^rarosr
KaTa-TrpiqvijS} e$, down-turned, of the hand as used Soph.
in striking or grasping, X el /^ Karraarprivei with the flat Kar-apyltt, unemployed or zWfe, Eur. ;
f. -^<ra>, ^<? /^ai'ff

of his hand, II. ; %efy><r<rt Karcwpfivecrori, Od. ic. T^/K to occupy the ground uselessly, cumber it,
KaTa-irprjvow, f. <6<ra>, to throw headlong d<ywn, Anth. N.T. II. to make of none effect^ Ib. : Pass,,
Kara-irptw [f], f, -irpiot/juai, #<? 50 w M^>J Hdt. 2. jfo Ka.rcLpj7jQ7}va,i
to be abolished, cease, Ib. ; K. avb TOW
cwf or bite into pieces, Theocr. r^jttou ro be set free from the law, Ib.
KaTa-TrpoSiScopLi, f. -irpoo'&tTG), to betray utterly, leave fcar-ap-yttw, m&& 2f<? tarry, v. sub aTrapT^a.
in the lurch, Hdt., Att. TO, (Krarapx^ II) only in pi. Kwrapy/tara, /Ap
6caTa-irpolo}icu, Att. -Trpoi|o}Aai, (irpa?^) a fut. with- !f
offerings, Eur. 2. #z# purifications made by
out any pres. in use, to do a thing without return, such offerings, Plut.
i.e. with impunity, used with a negat., OVK 4/i f. c&<r&;, to cover mik silbffr ; Pass.,
Karrcnrpoij-ercu he shall not escape for
Xca0y<rdfjivos: Kwrapyvpcefievos (Ion. for /corTjpy-) silvered, Hdt.
zto 5^" or bribe with silver , fccw^Fpywp<jttFoy Soph.
having insulted me, Hdt. ; ov /caTflMr/>of0jTat cbwrar-
Kar-dpSii}, f. apffaj, to water :
metaph. to besprinkle KaTap-po<f><i>,f. fjO'<a, to gulp or swallow down, Xen.

ivith praise, Ar. KaTapp-UTjvai, inf. aor. 2 pass, of /caroppew.

Karappviis, 5-, '/cccTappew) falling away, Soph."
Ka/rapcojjLcu, Ion. for /carapao/xaf, Hdt. KaTap-pTJTos, oy, irrigated, watered, Eur. U,
KttTa-pIyrjXos, rj, ov, making one shudder, horrible, carried down by water, alhtmal, of the Delta, Hdt.
Od. Ka-r-appodScci), Ion. f or /caroppwSeaj, to fear, dread, Hdt.
K&T-api0p.<t), ^crw, to count or reckon
f. among, Eur., KaTapptS^, cayoSy <5, ^, \fcarappriy vv^i) jagged, broken,
Plat. 2. #o recount in detail, Plat. : in Med. to Soph.
recount, enumerate, Id. Karapo-is, &>s, ^, (/carafpa) <z landing-place, Thuc.
Kar-apKe'oi), f. crco, to be fully sufficient, Hdt., Eur. Kar-aprad), f . TJCTW, 2f<? hang down from, hang on or
append, Plut. H. adjust, XP^M a Karijpr-j]-
KaT-apvO{xai, f .
^<rojuai, /# deny strongly, persist in ILSVQV a well-adjusted or convenient thing-, Hdt.
denying, Soph. Kar-apT^w, f . iffvy to adjust or J&M^ in order again,
tear-apod), f. -(force, to plough up, T^V -ft\v Ar. restore, Hdt. ; /c. 5t/crua 2ft? jJii^ nets rights, mend, TJCTW, to lose from carelessness, Xen.,
them, N. T. metaph. to restore to a right mind,

Dem. Pass., ra KaTeppaQvjjnjfjLeva thing's lost through

: Ib. II. to furnish completely : pf. pass. part.
negligence, Dem. II. intr. to be very careless, Karyprio'jMevQs, abso!., well-furnished, complete, Hdt.,
Kc,TapptQvfji7)<ra,vTS through carelessness, Xen. N. T. Hence
Karap-paicoci), to tear into shreds : pf. pass. part. KarapTicris, <as, if, restoration, N. T. H. a train-
Ka,TppaKa>fj.eyos in rags or tatters, Soph. ing, education, discipline, Plut. ; and
Karap-pdicTYjs, ov, (jtarrap-pjrywfjLi), or *caT-apdicTif|S KaTapTicrrTjp, Tjpos, o, one who restores order, a medi~
(<zT-apao"<7<y) I. as Adj. down-rushing, rbv
ator, Hdt.
KarappaKryv odov (Att. for ou5<&/) to the downward Kar-apTvw, f. vcra [S], to prepare, dress, of food,
entrance [of Hades], Soph. II. as Subst. Luc. 2. g-enerally, to train, educate, discipline:
broken water, a waterfall, Lat. cataracta, Strab, 2. Pass, to be trained, disciplined, Solon, Soph. 3.
a kind of portcullis, Plut. a sea-bird, so called 3. c. inf., K. uohfiv to procure his coming Soph. II.


from rushing down upon its a gull, Ar. prey, KarTjprvK&s faerys, metaph., a com-
intr. in part, pf.,
icarappaicTos, 77, ov, foreg., K. Qvpa, a trap-door, Plut. plete suppliant, one who has done all that is required,
Karap-poLTTTw, f. i|/w, to stitch on or over, Ovpy /carcp- Aesch.
pa/j.juiVT] piirei* KaXdfMav a frame lashed to a crate of Karo-pvTOS, ov, poet, for Karappirros, Eur.
reeds, Hdt. II. to stitch tight, Plut. 2. KaT-apx<upcri.a<i>, f. ffw, to defeat in an election, esp.
metaph. to devise, compass, Aesch. From by unfair means, Plut.
Ka.Tdppcuf>os, ov, sewn together, patched, Luc. icarapxas, less correct form for /car* apx^-

KaT<xp-pcb>, f. a>, to pat with the hand, to stroke, KaT-apx<>>, f. , to make beginning of a thing-, c. gen.,
caress, like Lat. mulcere, %etpl 5e fuv Karr(p% (Ep. Aesch. ; <5So9 tfa?rapx*w to lead the way, Soph. :
for /coTpp-) Horn.; also Kappefovcra (Ep.for /carapp-) II. rarely c. ace. to begin a thing, Plat. ; c. part, to begin
Karap-peirw, f. -fyta, to make to incline downmards, doing, Xen, 2. to honour, Eur. U. Med. to
make to fall, Soph. make a beginning, to begin, like Act., c. gen., Id.,
KaTap-peoj, f. pev(j"Ofj,ai and pu7}cro/icu :
pf. eppvyjKa i Plat. also c. ace., Eur. : absol., Kardpx^rat U\QS is
aor. 2 in pass, form -eppvyv : &? ^OTO down, II., Hdt., beginning , Id.

2. in religious sense, to begin the

Att. 2. of men, 2to stream or rwsA down, Ar., sacrificial ceremonies, Necrrcap x*pvt && T ov\oxfaras re
Thuc. 3. of fruit, leaves, etc., 2f0// Xen. 4. ^, KarfipXTO Nestor began [the sacrifice} with the
to fall in ruins, Dem. 5. /c. e& TWO. to come to, washing of hands and sprinkling the barley on the
fall to the lot of, Theocr., Bion. II. K. fyovtp to victim's head, Od. , Kardpxoj^at I begin the function^
run down with blood, Eur. ; so in Med., Plut. Eur. c. gen., Kardpx^crBat TOV rpdyov to make a

Karap-pifJY^p 1 and vw, f. -pijw, to break down, rfyy beginning of the victim, i. e. consecrate him for sacri-
ycepvpav Hdt. peXafipa Eur.
:; 2. to tear in pieces, fice by cutting off the hair of his forehead, Ar. ; ircas
rendy Dem. Med., Karepp^avTO TOVS Ki&wvas they
: 5* cu? Kardp^eL Qv^dr<av; Eur. b. to sacrifice, slay,
rent their coats, Hdt. 3. in Soph. Ant. 675 rpo^as Id. Pass., ffbv Kar^pKraL crapa hath been demoted,

KaTappJiyvvfri [% cucopxta] breaks up armies and turns Id. c. simply, to strike, Plut.
them to flight. H. Pass., aor. 2 Kareppdfnv [a], Kara^crpcvvvfLi or -vw f. -arfisffca, to put out, quench,
with pf act. Karepporya,
. to be broken down, to be ; Lat. extinguere, IL, Eur., etc. : metaph., tffriv 0oA-
thrown down and broken, Hdt. 2. to fall or rush affffa, ris 5e viv KaracrjSccrei who shall dry it up ?

down, to break or burst out, of storms, Id. ; of tears, Aesch. ; AT. fifrfjv, %oiv to quell noise, strife, Soph. II.
Eur. :
ymetaph., o iro'XefjLos Kwrtppdytj Ar. 3. to be Pass., aor. i Kor-ea-jS^^y, with intr. aor. 2 act. KO.T-
broken in pieces, Alfyvnroy fj&\dyyatcs TC /col /corc/jpiyy- o-j8^mf.Kewa-<r#77*w,pf. act. /ear-etr/fyfca : to go out,
}*V7) with black and crumbling soil, Hdt. be quenched, Hdt. : metaph., KXavfidrcev irrryal Kart-
icarap-plvdw or -i'a>, f ^trw, (finf) to file down ;.
<r& fjKcun Aesch.

metaph., KaTcppLvrjfjLevov polished, elegant, AT. n KOLTo-oreCca, f. -tre'iffta, to shake down, throw down,
icaTap-piTTTw, f. tya, to throw down, overthrow, Aesch. Thuc. H. Korcumo-tu r$\v X 6 *JP* to shake or make
KardppooS) contr. -pov$, o, (oTappew) a running from a -motion of the hand; so, K. ra ifjudna, by way of
the head, a catarrh, Plat. signal, Plut. but * oeckon with the
; also, K. ry x l
P /l
4I 5
band, N. T. absol., Kara&eiftv rtvL to beckon to
buildings, fixtures, Id. ; but also, like iraparacv^, any
another, as a sign for him to be silent, Xen. furniture, Hdt., Thuc. Ill, the state, condition,
tcaTcur-uo|Aai, Pass., to rush back into, c. ace., KVJAO. constitution of a thing, Eur., Plat. IV. a device,
KartffffVTQ (Ep. aor. 2) fi&Qpa, II. trick, Aeschin.
KO,Ta-<n]}j,aiy<>,f. av<, to seal
up ; Med. to have a Ka-r-ao-Kew, f. to practise muck
Tjcrtu, : part. pf. pass.
thing- sealed up, Plat. KctTTjo'/ojjuej'os", regular, ascetic, Plut.
Kara-OTrj'jrw, to make rotten, let rot, Xen. : Pass., tcara-crKTf|Faw, f . 7j<rey, Karcuriajy^fi}, Xen.
aor. 2 KaT-orcwnjj> [a], Ep. 3 sing-, subj. craTrf)ri } with 3

jcaTa-o-tojvow, f . ^cra, to ^z'ltak 0w*? s z* or &?, &z&?
pf . act. Kara-ffecrriTra, to grot rotten, rot away. j{>
o;z<?'s quarters, encamp, Xen. ; generally, to rest,
jcaT-acr06V&), f. -ficrca, toweaken, Anth. lodge, settle. Hence
KaT-acr6{juxiva>, to pant and struggle against a thing, scaTa<rici]vw|j.a, euros, r<, a covering, veil, Aesch. ; and
c. gen., Aesch. KaTao-xtjvttxns, eajs, TJ, an encamping of birds, a

Kara-crl-yaw, f. Tjcro/icu, to become silent, Plat. resting-place, nest, N. T.

KaTa-<rLKXCa> rvpov, to Sicilise (i. e. to consume} the jcaTa-encTj-TrTttf, f. ^cu, to rush down or fall upon, c.
cheese (in allusion to the peculations of Laches in dat., of lightning and storms, Hdt. ; of divine wrath,
Sicily), Ar. Id. 5 of the plague, Thuc.
rarely, Kcpreunapl/ad rtva to

tcaTa-cvrcojAcu, Dep. to eat up, feed on, Hdt.

f. TjffOjucu,
fall on one, Eur. II. K. \ITCUS to storm or
KaTa-crtwTraw, f. ^<ro/xai, ft? fo silent about a thing, importune with prayers, Soph.
Dem. II. Causal, to make silent , silence> Xen. ;
Kara-cncia^cd, f . -<r/aa<ra>, contr. onuSo, to o^ershado'm,
Med. &? cause silence, Id. cover over, Hes. ; K. KV*I to bury one, Soph.
KaTa-oncoLiTTci), t^w, to fc*g* do'mn^ destroy utterly,
tcaTa-o"K;iaa>j poet, for KareMTKidfa), impf . Kcvr-fffKiaoy, Od.
rase to the ground, overthrow, Hdt., Soph., etc. : Kara-omos, OK, (CTKU) shaded or covered 'with some-
Pass., olfc'ia ot /caretr/ta^ (aor. 2) Hdt. Hence thing, Hes., Hdt,, Aesch. H. trans, overshadow-
Ko.Tacnca4>ij, i}, a rasing to the ground, destruction, ing, Aesch., Eur., Ar.
Trag. H. yys Ka.ra<rKa<f>aia. grcwe deep dug in KdTa0"Koir6), f. ~07ee^0/iai : aor. i *-crtctydjjL7)v : to
earth, Aesch.; 6av6vT<av *$ Ka.racrKa<f>ds, i.e. to the mew closely, spy out, Eur. : to reconnoitrey Xen. :

grave, Soph. ; and also in Med., Id. Hence

KttTcuriceUfnfe, &, <^,g- cfosim, K. ofayo-is the deep-dug Karacrico'inij, TJ, a viewing closely, spying, Soph., Eur. ;
dwelling, the grave, Soph.
i. e. vl KarcurKowf}, KaraffKOTnjsfyeKa Xen.
ieara~<rKC$ayyijjju and -vw, f . -o-K$a<rw [a], to scatter, KaTa-crKoiros, 6, one ixiko keeps a look out, a scout,
or pour %t>pon or over, ri Kara rtvos Ar. ; also TI TWOS, spy, Hdt,, Eur. : in Thuc., a person sent to examine
Dem., etc. 2. K. fyjipxiv to spread a report against and report, an inspector.
one, Plat. 3.Med. to pour or sprinkle about, Xen. icaTa-OTcwirniJ, f. <nc|/oju.oi, to make jokes upon,, to, Pass, to become a skeleton, -wither or jeer or mock, Hdt.
jz" away, Aesch. : so in pf. act. KrareV/cAtjKa and KaTa-<rp.ucpt^tt, f .
ffw, to
disparage, depreciate, Arist.
plqpf. KarcffKX.'fjKei, Babr. KOTa-orjJitJxw [w] burn with a slow fire, burn
f. |&>, to
KaTa<ncirro}, a late form,KaTacr/c07r<*>, q. v. up, II. ;
metaph. of love, Theocr. ; In Pass., of a lover,
KaTa-<rjcv<<j, f ~a7Ci/a<ra> : to eQ u iP
. r furnish to smoulder away, Id.
fully, Dem. ; so in Med., Xen. Pass., crtaiv^ xp v<f $ :
scaTa-<ro'c}>o|iaij i<roju;at, Dep. to conquer by

KarrffKvao'iJLV7] Hdt., etc. 2. to get ready, make, sophisms or fallacies, to outwit, Luc. : also as Pass.
build, Id., Plat., etc. hence, to prepare, ar- : to be outwitted, Id.
range, ^fWKparlay Xen. ; ffv^iromov Plat., etc. :,, f. eCcrojucw, Dep. to embrace, Plut.
Med. to make for oneself, esp. to build a house KaTa-cnrapcurcrw, Att. -wo, f . #, to tear damn, pull
and furnish it, Thuc. to pack up, also opp. to ewco-
: to pieces, Ar.
fftcevd&crdai, Xen. 3. of fraudulent transactions, to Kara-cnraTaXato, to live manto nly, to 'mantcm, Anth.
j i

get up, trump up, Id., etc.; of persons, to suborn, jcaTa-o"iraj > f, derw [a], to dra'w or pull d&mn,, K, TQ.S
Arist. make so and so, with a second ace., ei
4. to vyas to haul ships d&wn to the sea, Hdt. ; K. <n?/ia
/t$? Necrropa TiJ/a Kara<rttt;<W unless J^<?w
rop-yi!co> to pull the flags down (in token of defeat), Thuc. ;
make Gorgias a kind of Nestor, Plat. : also, to represent K. riya cbrJ> TOV fnrov Xen. II. to quaff or -STOtf//ew
as so and so, K. riv& irdpotvov, Dern. 5. in Logic, down, Lat. deglutire, Ar.
to construct an argument, Arist. 6. absol. in Med. Kara-ore p, f. -<rxp, to sow thickly: metaph.,
to make ready for doing, us iroXe/t^a-oyres Thuc. ; ws arfas K. to 5^-m a cro^ of sorrows, Soph. 2. io
oiKJiff&v Xen. Hence beget, TKva, Eur. II. to scatter over, as in
KaTacrKijacrfia, etros, ?6, that which is prepared or sowing, gen., Plut.
c. III. to besprinkle, Anth.
made, a building, structure, edifice, Dem. II. KaTcUnri<ri> $, TJ, self-demotion, Plut. From
an arrangement, contrivance, device, Id, ; and
6, contrivance, Dem. ; and Lat. libare, Eur., Ar. : absol. to pour drink-offerimgSy
one must prepare or make, Xen, Hdt. II. c. ace., K. riyk SetKp&ots to
with offerings of tears, Eur. ; K. TtreC to Immenf -

preparing for it, Thuc. ;equipment of ships,

jfA<? tears, Anth. XII. to consecrate^ I^lHfc.y ^
engines, etc., Id. II. any kind of furniture |o, to t^r^ ^m, Ar y ab
that is fixed, opp. to what is movable fpXoy urgent, pressing, causing anxiety, Thuc.
KaTa-cmr uS<i,f
trta, to press, urge, or hasten on, Aeschin. wjY/z a ri nvi II.
thing-, II. #<? spread upon,
scaTa-cnroScw, f. ijtrw, to thro-m down in the dust : Od. III. &> throw down, lay lorn, Hdt. ; Karaa-r,
Pass., pf. part. Kar<TtroBrj{j.evoi Aesch. Kv{j.ara, Lat. sternere aequor, Anth.

KaTa-<rir<n>, Dep., with aor. i and pf. pass., KaT-acTTpa-TTTW, f. i|/a?, to hurl dovon lightning, Kara
to be very earnest orseriozis, Hdt. ; ovSapSis Karetrirov- r^TToy upon a place, Soph. ; absol., Karaa'TpdwTei it
lightens, Plut. II. trans, to strike 'with lightning,
f. I. of persons, 1. to let dazzle, ras- otyets Id.
Kara-crrdfjw, :

fall in drops upon, pour upon, shed over, ri TLVOS KaTa-tTTpaToircScijift), f. <ra?, to put into cantonments,
Eur. 2. c. dat. rei, to run down with a thing, encamp, Xen. : to station a fleet, Id. II. Med.
v6ar(p K. W5a to have one's foot running with a sore,
to take up
quarters, encamp, Id.

Soph. , K. a<j>p<p to Tim down with foam, Eur. II. KaTa-<TTp<|>w, f. fyto, to turn down, trample on, h.
of the liquid, 1. intr. to drop down, drip or trickle Horn. : to turn the soil, Xen. II. to upset, over-
do'wn, Eur., Xen. 2. trans, to drop down over, wet, turn, Ar. 2. Med. to subject to oneself, to subdue,
ttip&s Karatrrd^et 5e/os Soph. Hdt., Thuc., etc. ; Karecrrpe^aro &r <f>opov ajrayfay^y
KaTa-cnraOeCs, aor. i pass. part, of KadiffTrj/j.i. szibdued and made them^tributary, Hdt. ; so, ^IdaviTjy
KaTa-oTa<rioi.>, f. der<o, to form a. counter-party in KareffTpefyaTO acr]jLO<p6pois clvai Id. 3. Pass., in
the state, Plut. II. Pass, to befactiozisly opposed aor. i and pf., to be subdued, Id. ; oKoteiv <rov /care-
or overpowered, Xen., Dem. <rTpafJLfLat am
constrained to hear, Aesch. : but the
JcaTa-crTacris, <as, f), I. trans, a settling, pf. pass, is also used in sense of Med*, Hdt.,
appointing, appointment, institution, Aesch., Dem. ; Dem. III. to turn back, bring back, icaTeo"T/>e^
Sa.ifj.dvav Kar. their ordinance, Eur. 2. appointment A.OJOVS ets <}>i\aydpQ}Triav Aeschin. XV. to turn
of magistrates, Plat. 3. a bringing of ambassadors round, bring to an end, Aesch. : absol. to come to
before the senate or assembly, an introduction, pre- an end, die, Plut. V. to twist up : metaph.,
sentation, Hdt. 4. K. eyywjT&v a bringing one's A.eis KaTeffTpafifievT} a close periodic style, opp. to a
bail forward, Dem. 5. a putting down, calming, loose running style (eipopLeviq) Arist.
Arist. II. intr. a standing firm, a settled con- jcaTa-crrp^viaw, to behave -wantonly towards, TLVQS
dition, fixedness, Soph. 2. a state, condition, N.T.
Hdt., Eur., etc. 3. aconstitiitionjSystem^fa.^lsLi. KaTa<TTpo<j>i], TJ, (K.araffrpi<pa}\ an overturning,
KaTacnrareov, verb. Adj. of KaOiarrijfu, one Aesch. 2. a subduing, subjugation, reduction,
appoint, Plat., Xen. Hdt., Thuc. II. a sudden turn or e^^d, a close,
KaTaoTdTtjs [a], ov, o, (/ea0/0"T77/u) an establisher, conclusion, Aesch. ; of death, Soph., Thuc. : in drama,
restorer, Soph. the catastrophe, Luc.
KaTao-TaTiicos, -ft, 6v, \KaQi(TTT]fjt.i) fitted for calming: jcaTa<TTp(tf|j.a, euros, T, that 'which is spread over .-

TO K. a power to calm, of music, Plut. in a ship, the deck, Hdt., Thuc. ; ol atro TWI/ Kara-
u, f erw, to cover over, Hdt., Plat.
. Hence ffrpwjjuiTcw the marines, opp. to the rowers, Thuc. From
arcs, TO, a covering, Hdt.
Kara-err pwvvvjA i and -vw : f. -orrp^oa'd} : aor. i pass.
>s, ov, (crreyTri) covered in, roofed, Hdt., Plat. : to lay low, Eur., Xen. :
Pass., Kcrre-
w f . -fy<o, to tread down, K. irefiov to tread oi fiapfiapoi Hdt.
the ground, Soph. w, f. ^CTOJ, aor. 2 KatreffTvyov : to shudder
at, abhor, abominate, Horn.
KaTa-crreXXw, f. -orreXw, to put in order, arrange, KttTa-crniK^cXos [u], ov, very hard or rugged, Hes.
Eur. II. to keep down, repress, check, Eur., N.T. icaTacrTi5<|>o> [uj, to make sour : Pass., pf part., T& Kar- .

KaTa-<rTva>, to sigh over or lament f Ttvd Soph., Eur. ; sourness, harshness, Plut.
V7T/> TIVQS Eur. , Dep. to chatter ; pf. part. ore-
icaTa-crTe^avow, f. tiaffw, to crown, Anth. os a chattering fell ov), Ar.
KaTacrT<^iis, $, crowned, Soph. , of suppliant branches, [v~\t f . ffvpca, aor. i effvpa : to pull down,
wreathed with 'wool, Eur. From lay waste, ravage, Hdt. 2. to drag away, N. T.
icaTa-o"T<|>a>, f. ^&?, to deck "with garlands, crown, xaTa-trcj>d&j, later cr4>aTTw : f. |a? : to slaughter,
'wreath, Eur. ; K. veKp6v (with libations), Id. ; K. nvd to murder, Hdt. : Pass., aor. 2 Krarecr^ayijr [a], Trag.
supplicate him, Id. : Pass., pf. inf., KaTfcrrfyOai Kara-ox^etv, inf. of /car<r%e0oj/, poet. aor. 2 of
Aeschin. Jtarexw to hold back, Od., Soph. ; Ka(r%e0e (Ep. for

Karolcrrqtfca, aros, r6, (/caStora/tai) a condition or state Karetrx^Oe), II. II. intr., opiK&'&e Kareffx^ov
of health, Plut. Hence they held on their vsay to Thoricum, h. Horn.
aTa<mq}iaTiKos, ^, &v, established : sedate, Plut. KaTa<rxTO$, ov, poet, for K&roxos, held back, Soph.
jcaTa-oTt&>, f, |w, to cover with punctures* Hence icaTa-oxilH *T*'t* > f- Att. to), to dress up or invest with
> |

, ov, spotted, speckled, brindled, Eur. a certain form or appearance, Isocr,, Plut. : Med. or
Pass, to be brilliant, Greg.
Pass, to conform, oneself, Plut,
, f. ^, to send beaming forth, creAas h. KaTa-<rxtfc>, f. -<rx((rw, to cleave asunder, split up,

Horn. XI. intr. to beam brightly, Anth. Ar. Med., Kare&xia'fe rb fidicos Id. ; Karacrx- TO5

caTa-crrovax<i>, f. ^<ra>, to bewail, Anth. arvXas fo burst them c^^z, Xen.

part. fern. KoufTopvvffa (as if from jcaTa-crxoXd|w, f. ffa>, to pass the time in idleness,
) : f. -ffropeva : to over-spread or v TI K. to tarry somewhat too long, Soph.
part. aor. 2 rned., in pass, sense, v. to lay up a store or favour, Lat. collocare
of gratitude
C. II.
gratiam apud aliqitem, Id., etc. ; so, evepye&tay K.
t pi. aor. 2 subj. of
Karexa. Thuc., etc. 5. to deposit in a
place of safety, Id.^
rub in pieces, grind down, Hdt.
0, to Xen. 6. to lay 2tp in
Dor. for
memory or as a memoriaL

Karar^Kca. Theogn., Plat.

u, Ion. and Dor. for /carare/ww. , f. -jivca, to make
dirt o^er, c. gen,, Ar,
w [v^^KcLTaT^ivca, h. Horn.
crjcw., f. -Tpc^croi, wotind severely, Xen,
a, Att. -TTW, f. &, to draw up in order, L^a), to beggar by usurious interest Pass. :

arrange, TTJV crrpandv Xen. 2. to appoint,, eVi rt to be thus beggared, Arist.

to do a thing, Dem. II. Karard^a.a'Ba.i nvi to make
KararofM],, 4 (/carare/zj/a}} abscission, concision, as
arrangements with one, Id.
opp. to true circumcision, N. T.
icaTa-T@Kws, Ep. -ijws, pf. part, of Ka.Ta.8vf,0K(a. KdTa-Togc-uw, f. r<o, to strike down with arrows, skooi
dead, Hdt., Thuc., etc.
KO/rtt-TCivti) : f -Tez/ey aor. i -4reiv a : pf . -reratfa
. : :
KaTarpaYCiv, aor. 2 inf. of Kararptoyu.
to stretch or draw tight , II,, Hdt. ; /c. TO; <JirAa draw 5cara-Tpat)fi.aTi^w 3 Ion. -TpcojtaTifX f Att. tw, to cover .

the cables fczwtf, Hdt. 2. to stretch so as to mtk wounds, Hdt., Thuc* :- of ships,
3. to stretch or draw in a
torture, disable ^
Dem., etc. straight utterly, cripple, Thuc.
line, Hdt. 4. to hold tight down, Plut. II. Jcaro-Tpexw : f. aor. 2 tfa*r-e$pa/oy :~fo

intr. to stretch I. to extend or run rww fl?dw, Hdt., Xen.

oneself,- hence, 2. of seamen, to run to
straight towards, Lat. tendere, Hdt.* Xen. : absol. to land, to disembark in haste, Xen. : metaph., K.
extend., Hdt. 2. to strive against, strive <rrv to come to a haven in . .
be vehement, Eur., Xen.
earnestly, , Pind. H. trans.
aor. i part., wzYA a// one's :
to overrun, ravage, x^pay Thuc.
might, Xeyca /car aretvas Plat.
Kara-rptpw M> f-
^ pf. -rerptya, ita rub down or
KttTcuT|jivtt : f. aor. 2 KaTCTa/toy :
-T6/4ai : zfo # 2*72 away ; hence, 1. of clothes, to 'wear out,
Tfieogn. ?
pieces, cut itp, Hdt., Ar., etc. : so in Med., Eur. : Plat. 2. of persons, to wear out, exhaust, Thuc. t
Pass., reActjiwocn Kararer^^yois with regularly cut Pass. #0 ^zafe ^
-zoor^ e?MZ?, Ar., Xen. 3. of Time,
bandages, Hdt. ; ffir\d<yx va KararerMjueva Ar. 2. to -wear it away,
K. X&priv & $i&pvxa$ to cut it
get rid of it, Lat. diem terere* Dem.,
w^> into ditches or canals, Aeschin. : K. rt>v 0iov to employ it fully , Xen. ; so in
Hdt. ; KaTerer^vTO rd<ppoi exl r^y
x<&pav Xen. S. pf. pass, to pass one's whole time, KaTareTpi/i/iai ffrpa,-
c. dupl. ace., /c. Ti^i /carTv/ictTct &? cw^ him 2^^
strips, 13. 4. of property, to squander, Id.
Ar. :
Pass., KaTarfjLijdeiriv ^4-jra^ya may I be cut up #o squeak or scream Batr.
into straps, Id. 4. K. rbv Ueipata. to lay it out for 2fo chatter against, Tiv6? Anth.
building, Pass., $\ ir<&us Kar^r^rai rets
[5], f- ^w, to w^ar outy exhaust, Horn.,
streets cut straight, Hdt,
&>ot>s- l^efas Aa:s zYs 5. to Theocr. :
Pass., Ka,TaTpv-^6p,vot Eur.
cw &? the
ground, Ka.rererjji'rjj/ro rdippot there were jcaroTp-uw, =* foreg. :
Pass., pf . inf. iMwaTTp3<r0cu, Xen.
trenches cut, Xen.
icaTa^Tpw-yii), f , -rp^Ojuai, aor. 2 Kor-erporyov, to gnce
KttTa-<n]Ktt, Dor. -raKw [a], f. -T7?|cc, trans, to melt in pieces> eat up> Ar. ; c. gen., Plut.
away, to make^ to fall away, Hdt. II. Pass., with lfc), Ion. for Kararpavfi-.
pf, act. KarareryKa, to melt or be melting away, Od.,
Hdt., Att. successful, Dem.
KaTCUTitnrjf&i, f . --#7?<ra? : aor. 2 /car-e^Tf*' : Ep. forms, pi. ar-a-uY^tw, f. <rw ? Med.
-upon .-

K^T-fle/iey, KdtT-0gTe, Kar-Oecray, inf. Ka.r-8efj.eVy i pi. seey Anth. Hence

subj. Kara-Qeiofj.*? (for Kara~6a>jjiv) : Med. /caT-0ju0a, o, a shining- brightly, Plut.
KaT-64<r6'r)v, for KOTO0</icu, ^(r, to speak out, speak plainly* Soph,
^part. KaTaBelo^ai., subj.
part. Kan--$jnvos to place, put, of /<2jx damn, Kar-a-uXew, f . ^orc, to ^/izy upon the flute to y rir&s

Horn. 2. to propose as a
prize* Id. ; K, &-0A0P to Plat. :
Pass., of persons, to have it played to one,
propose a contest, Od. ; /c. rt 5 /icVov to j5wz? it ^ron Id. : Pass, to resound with flute-playing, Plut, H.
in the midst, i. e. for common use, Eur. ; but, es petroir c. ace.pers. to overpower by flute-playing : gen-
ra vp^yfjiara. to communicate power to
Hepcrrfffi K. erally, to overpower, strike dumb, Eur.
them, give them a common share of it, Hdt. 3. to KaT-avXiJofias,: aor. i Kar-nvXlffQ^y, later
K.a.T~(ivKi<r&pv}v ;
put down as payment, pay down, Id., Ar., etc. : Dep. : to ^^ under shelter of a htdl9 house* tent,,
to redeem, a promise, & 5' vxe<r%o -wo? icaraO^ets ;
Soph., Eur.
Soph. 4. to /#y , /y By, Theogn., Hdt. ; so in "hv, to exult in a thing, c. dat., Aesch.

Med., v. infr. n. 4. II. Med. to lay down from

serving as aor. 2 to Kor-eo^fw, to detxrnr,
oneself, put off, lay aside., Lat. deponere, of arms or eat up, II., Hdt. 2. to spend in eating* waste*
clothes, Horn., etc. 2. metaph. to put an, end to, devour, Od,, Aeschin.
arrange, settle, v>>v v6\e}wv Thuc. b. to put aside, KaTa-^aivco, f. -$&v&} to declare, -make Jemrmny
treat negligently, Xen. 3. to lay down in a place, Pind. O. Pass., f. -^a^cTOjiwa, aor. 2 rar-$aFj|r
Hes., etc. of the dead, to bury, Od. to deposit [fi], to become visible, appear, h. Hom.^ Hdt,
4=. 2.
Jor oneself, lay up in store (v. supr. I.
4), Ib., etc. : to &# g^zVe c-^ar or plain> Hdt., Plat. ; Kxere^y^ Ttj[
metaph,, /fceroT^e<r^ca KAe'os to lay
up store of glory,
Hdt. j x*P ira or X^P iy KarariBearQai rtvt or
Aap^ TexycCfeu' it was apparent to Darius that he was
irpds riva playing tricks, Hdt. Hence


Iv Kara- aTa-<j>oj3>:> f- 4]tw, #<? strike
with fear, Thuc. :
KaTa<j>ayris, 4s, clearly seen, in sight, Xen.

(bavet in an open place, Id. 2. manifest, evident, Pass., c. fut. med. to be greatly afraid of, Ar. ;

Xen. ; Karatpav- Thuc.

Kara<$>aves iroisiv or iroieiffQai ri Hdt., absol.., KarafyofByQeis
Ion. -<a, f. come down con-
o-Tpo$ eTvai KaKovpycav Thuc : Adv. -v&$, evidently, KaTa-<J><HTcUi>, 'fjcrcc,

stantly or regularly, as wild beasts from the moun-

plainly, Ar. ; Ka.ra<pav'e'ffrepov % &<rre XavQavew
tains to prey, Hdt.
manifestly to escape detection, Thuc.
Kc,Ta-<|>ovvto, . era), to slaughter, Hdt., Eur., etc.
'with drugs or of Karwpepoj, of a river,
fAaKC-uw, f. <r, to anoint KaTa-<|>opa>, f. -J7<rw, Frequent,
to carry down gold dust, Hdt. 2. to poitr like a
charms, to enchant, bewitch, Plat.
KaTct-4>ap|jidcr<r6> f. |cu, to bewitch with drug's,
Hdt. stream o^er, ri TWOS Plat.
f . ffu>, to protest, promise, Plut. KctTa-^pa-i^j f.declare, Pind. :
era?, Med., with
aor. to consider, think ztpon,
and med.,
era, to depreciate, Plut.
i pass,
KaTa-<j>a'uXi, f.
KaTa-4>piqs, $, (<epoju<u) going down, eiJre "av K. yiwr}- ponder, Hes. ; KarafypaffBeis observed, Hdt.
ra t 6 T^AIOS when the sun is near setting, Hdt. ; of
f KaTa<t>pascTos, old Att. -4>apKTos 5 ov,
shut up, confined,
II. irKoia. K. decked Thuc. From
ground, sloping downwards, Lat. declims, Xen. Soph. -,
to cover with mail;
inclined, Lat. proclivis, promts, irpbs otvov Piut. Kara-<|>pa<ro-w, Att. -rrca, f. |w,
'/TrTroi KaraTT<ppa'YfJ,yoi Plut.
bring^ down,
KaTa-<f>p&)j f. /ear-ouRo, Ep. -oiVojuat to :

me KaTa-<j>pov<a, f . i]<ra?, to think down upon,

i.e. to look
a%osr jue Karoicrerat "Ai'Sos eftrw grief OTZ"//' bring
/rfo-aw to the grave, II. j /cara^epo? 7ro5&s a/cftaj/ / bring down upon, think slightly of, nvds Hdt., Eur., etc. 2.
down my foot, Aesch. Pass, fo 5ff brought down by
: c. ace. to regard slightly, despise, Hdt., Att. : Pass.
2. of a storm, to drive to be thought little of, despised, Xen., etc. 3.
a river, of gold dust, Hdt.
4. absol. to be disdainful? deal contemptuously,
ships to land, Thuc. 3. to pay down, Plut.
Pass. #(9 be weighed down by sleep, N.T. II. to Thuc. 4. c. inf. to think contemptuously that, to
Karcttppovfia'avTes /cpeVo-oi/es elvai Hdt. /cara-
carry home, Ar. Pass, to return, Id.
: presume, ;

KaTa-<f>VYO>, f- flee for refuge, Hdt. ; c.

-<>euoftai, rfo <ppovovvT$ K&V 7rpocuo-0<r0ai Thuc. U. c. ace,
rei, only in Ion. writers (cf. Karavoeca),
to fix one's
ace., tf. fitapfo to flee for refuge to the altar, Eur. ;
/C. ev rfatp to flee and take refuge In a place, Xen. : thoughts upon, aim at, Lat. affectare, T}\V rvpavvfea
to flee for protection, t>$ Uv Kara^iryf es rovrovs Hdt. : Hdt. also to observe with contempt,
: Id. Hence n
so, /c. fat rtva, irp6s TWO, Dem. 2. e -rifc fidxys contempt of others, ^7? (ppovyfjia,
KaTa<j>povT)fia, aros, TO,
K. to escape from . . , Hdt. 3. to have recourse p.6vov, dXXa Kara^p. not only spirit, but a spirit of
to, ds robs X&yovs Plat. TT! rbv SiKaffT-fjv Arist.
4. disdain, Thuc. ; and
is rfyv TOV fiiov fjLTpi6rt]Ta to fall back upon, appeal KaTa<f>povi(]cris, ecas, %, contempt, disdain, Thuc.,
to, Dem. Hence Plat. 2. without any bad sense, opp. to au^T^a,
KaTa4vtcTov, verb. Adj. one must have recourse to, Thuc.; and
Luc. ; and KCLTac|>povT]Ti]$, ov, o, a despiser, Plut. 5 and
contemptuous, Arist. Adv.
KaTa4>ev|i.s ews, TJ, flight for refuge, Thuc. II. jcaTa<j>povir}TiKos, -ft, 6v,
a place of ref^tge, Id.'s, Xen.
KaTa-<j>povTici>, Att. f. i&, ro t/j.drioy
OVK aTroA^Ae/c*,
Ka.Ta-$'q|JU, to say yes, assent, Soph.
KaTa-<j>i)}iCt<), f. era
: aor. I cjrfifuara, Dor. -e$<,(ua : aAAa Kara7re<pp6vritca I have not lost it, but I've
f<? spread a report abroad, announce, PInd. thought it away, lost it in the schools, Ar.
Ka.Ta-<f>p-uY< [v\, f- &> to burn
/? take first possession of, to ashes, Ar.
Kara-<{>0aTOjjLaL, {<pQ&v<a ?)
Aesch. =
Kara^vyyavci), /cara^cuyw, Hdt., Aeschin.
'yTJv Ka.Ta<f}daTovjj,evr]
KaTa<f>"UY ^v aor 2 ^ n ^- ^ KaTafyevyw.
Kara-<|>@Lpcj, f. <p0pj } to destroy or spoil utterly, -

to etc. KaTa<j>vyq, ^, a refuge, place of refuge, Hdt.,

Eur. :
bring naught, Aesch., Soph.,
Kara-((>0tvv6(i) [u],
= KaraQQito., h. Horn. c. gen., K. Kojccav refuge from evils, Eur., Thuc. H.
KaTa<j>0Cva) [f\, to 'waste away, decay, perish, Hdt., away of escape, excuse, Dem.
Trag-.; K. v6(Tcp, yfipa Soph., Eur. icaTa-tfnJXaSov, (<pv\ov) Adv. in tribes, by clans, II.

KaTacf>0La), Causal in fut. Kara-QQicrw [f], aor. i

I. icaTa-4>vXXopoa>, f. face, to shed the leaves metaph. .-

to ruin, destroy, Od., Aesch. II. Pass., to lose its splendour, Pind.
Ep. aor. 2 KaT-efyQipnv [i], inf. Kara<pQio-6ai ; poet. KaTa-4>vTT;Iw, f <rcy, to plant, Plut., Luc.

Kav-<p8lfJivo$: to be ruined, to waste away, perish, ^la, K<XTa-4>vo}ju, Pass., with aor. 2 act. Kter-fyw, pf.
irdvra Kar<f>8iTO the provisions were all consumed, "~ir<pvKa, to be produced, Plut.
Od. i &s teal orb Karatpdt(r6(u <f>e\.es oh that thou hadst Kara^-uTos, ov9 all planted with a thing, c. dat., Luc.
perished,, Ib. ; ffeto KaTatpOipevQio if thou wert dead, KaTa-(f)topdco, f ao" [a], to catch in a theft : to catch

II. ; l/eei
KaretyBiTo there A<? dffec?, Aesch. ; fyeyyos
in the act, detect, discover, Thuc., Xen.
7]\lov /caT<#>0iro the sun s light OT^ ^^, KaTa4>fc>pos, ov, detected : manifest, Plut.
destruction, death } <a>, f. ffo},
to illuminate, light up, Anth.
Kara<j)0opa, j\, (icaTcupdelpca)
) to exult over, c. dat., Hdt. j absol.,
Eur. 2. metaph. confusion, <ppffav Aesch. Kara-
to let slip down, Karyipiei (tmpf.) Plat, with malignant joy , Id.
f i\ff<a, to kiss tenderly, to caress, Xen. aTa-x<*Xa-<ia>, f -jjcrco, to shower down like hail upon9

fa, to burn down, burn up, consume, ri rtyos Luc.

II. , Hes.., etc. Pass, to be burnt down, Thuc. oyy overlaid with brass or copper, Eur, j
wvpl :
TT&LQV acfrpaTTret the plain flashes with gleaming

arms, Id, ; SpaKosy K. a serpent lapt in mail, i. e. Pass, to be stained, Eur.

scales, Id. rcaTaxij<rjj.a,aros, r6, that which is poured over,
Ko.Ta-xa ^-Ko<*>> f. c50*w, brass, Hdt.
to cover 'with, sauce, Ar. 2. in pi. handfuls of nuts, Jigs, etc.;, f. Att. tov/xai, Dep. to Jtf or ^V<? / Lat. bellaria, which used to be showered over a bride
a thing- out of courtesy, Aeschin. ; K, ra Sifcaia to give or a new slave on entering the house (c. Virg.
judgment by private interest, Plat. 2. to skew marite, mtces), Ar., Dem.
favour to a person, c. dat., Dem. KaTa-xwveuca, f. crca, to -melt do'wn, Dem.
icaTaxa PF a > ar os, T 4 (Karraxcdpao) a mockery, Theogn. KaTa-xwvy-5|j.i,
f ~x&cra), to cover with a heap, & PO'TQS

KaTaxew> aor. i Kar-e^ecra : to befoul, riv6s Ar. /cctTex<y<re o-<j)a$ the South wind buried them in sand,
8caTa-x>poTovCi>, f. 7}0"&j, fo wto against, to vote in Hdt. ; K. TWO. XiBoLS Ar.
condemnation of, rw6s Dem. ; c. inf., aSi/ceTv Evcw/- KaTa-xapta>j f, Att. iw, to set in a place, place in
Spou KarexsipoTo'vTio'GV & SyfMos Id. Pass., Kara^ci- :
position, Xen. : Pass, to take up a position, Id.
poTQVTjBkv avrov al ravra ao*&LV a isote of con-
demnation having been passed against him, and KaTa-tl/ascatw, Att. for fcara-^e/cafw.
that for sacrilege, Id. Hence ., Pass, to resoiind with music, Plut.
KaTax^ipoTovta, r), a i)ote of condemnation, Dem. 9 f. T^crco, to stroke with the hand, to stroke,

Karax^aL, Ep. for -%ecu, aor. i inf. of /cara%e<y. caress, /cara^cStra avrov TTJV /ce^aA-j^ Hdt. ; Kara^Siy
Kara-xcvw, Ep. for sq. Ep. impf. med., rerrtg,-
: avrbv [TOP fcdvOapoy], f&cnrep Tr<a\iov Ar.
XeiW' aotS'fjv Hes. KaTa-tffKaci>, Att. -tyaKafca, L (Tea, to wet by con-
jcaTa-xew, f -%aJ . aor. I Karex^a, Ep. /tare'xeva
: : tinual dropping, Aesch., Plut.
Pass., 3 sing", and pi. Ep. aor. 2 /care^Cro, tfare%wr0 :
KttTa-t|/l58op,ai, f. med. -fyevtropicu, pf,
Dep., with
to pour down upon, pour over, ri rivi Horn. ; also, pass, -a^eucr/im, aor. i
-efyevcrByy : #0 <?// /2>5 against9
/car. ri nvos Hdt., Att. : Pass., /car& rcuv Kopaiv speak falsely of, TWOS Ar., Plat., etc. 2. to allege
itTrvov n KaraxeTrcu a bit of sleep is poured over the falsely against, ri TWOS Plat., Dem. 3. to ^ary
eyes, Ar. 2. to pour or shower down, Horn. : to falsely, pretend y Eur. : to feign, invent, TL Dem. XI.
throw or cast do'wn, Id. ; irsirXav /coTe%vey ehr* otiSet also as Pass, to be falsely reported : of writings, to 5e
let the robe fall upon the pavement, II. 3. Pass. spurious, Plut.
to be poured over the ground, lie in heaps, o OS > XP KaTa-\|r^8op.apTTjpit>j f. -^crcy, to &#<2r false witness
eV $ at tfucavQai \jSov otyi&v] KaraKexdarat (Ion. 3 pi. pf. against, TLV&S Xen. j so in *\Ied., Dem. Pass, to e :

pass.), Hdt. II. to melt down, xpvo~bv es tridovs borne down by false evidence, Plat.
Id. ; and in Med., xP v(r^ y Karaxeacrtfcu to have it KaTa-^j>i^op,ai, f. Att. tov/tai, Med. to i)ote against
melted do'wn., Id. or in condemnation of, rtvos Plat,, Xen. ; K. Tiros-
$caTa-x]vir], (xa^elV) derision, mockery, Ar.
*n /cAoTr^y to jfozd? him guilty of theft, Plat. ^ so in
KaTa-x*jp"u&>, f. <7"<w, to pass in widowhood, Dem. pf. pass., /car6^^>4O"jU.eyot atToi' Qavarov Xen, 2.
KaT-ax^S) 6S-, Dor. for rcaT-7iX'h$> sounding, Theocr. Pass., in pf. and aor. i pass., to be condemned, Plat.,
jcara-x^ovios, ov, subterranean, Zebs Karax^ovios, i. e. Dem. : of the sentence, to be pronounced against,
Pluto, II. ; 5ai/toyes /c. Dzz Manes, Anth. 5t/C7j Kare^Tj^io'/teFT? TII/OS Thuc. ; KaretyTjqucrjJLeyQs ^v
jcaTa-xopSe-uw, f crai, zfc> mince tip as for a sausage, Hdt.
IJLQV 6 davaros Xen. II. to Wife zw affirmation,
KaTa-xopti^yew, f . ^crco, to lavish as xP^i7 os gener-
Arist. Hence
ally, to spend lavishly, squander, Plut. KaTat|nrj4>icrrOv, verb. Adj. tf?2^ must condemn, Xen.
Kara-xpaCvoixat, Dep. to besprinkle, Anth. KaTa-ijn^x^j ^ * Ifa^ ^
^^^ down.} pound in d mortar ~
Ka/ra~xP<*o|j,av, f. -x^jjcro/icu pf, -Kexpr?M ai kfcn in: Pass, to crumble away, pf . Kara^/crai Soph. U.
act, and pass, senses : aor. i -cxp^crQ'tiy :
Dep. : to z?o stroke down, caress, Lat. mulceo, %WTFQVS Eur.

make full use dat.> Plat., Dem.

of, apply, 2. c. ~y], f. |w^ to cool, chill, Arist.
Pass., pf.
to use to the uttermost , use up, c. ace., Dem,

to misuse, abuse, c. dat., Plat. 4. of persons, to 'fe chilled, became cold, of persons, Id., Plut. 3X
to make away with, destroy, kill, c. ace., Hdt. ; so Pass., of a country, to 0> dried or parched up, Plut.
aor. i KaraxfncrBiqvai, in pass, sense, Id. II. to :aTaY<x, intr. pf. of tcarayyv^t : icaTcoyrjv [a], aor.
pretend, allege; Dem. 2 pass., 3 pi. subj. KareaySfffiy : icaTeafa, aor. i act*
B. Act. KttTaxpaw only in Ion. writers in 3 sing., :ctTpa 9 Dor. for -^1877, 3 sing. aor. 2 of
avrl \6<p>ov % Xo<j>t7} KwrexP a the mane sufficed them Karcpav, Dor. 3 pi. for -e^ffav.
for a crest, Hdt. :
impers., o&Se ol KaTaxp^ffet vpeciov laT-epXaKe-upLevwSj pass. part, of aai
o7rfcXfr0cu nor will it suffice him to keep his hands off (^Aa|) slothfully, tardily, Ar., Anth.
you, Id.
KaTa-xpci^of&ai) (XP^ OS) Pa-ss* to be illtreated, pf. betroth, TrcaSa TW Eur. H. as Att. law-term*
part. tfaTijxpiaytj>7/ Anth. to wa# responsible, to compel to gwe security Dem. y s

KaTa-xpeH-TrToffLat, Dep. to spit upon, nvos Ar. Med. or Pass, to gwe or find securityf Id. 2* io
Kara-xpvcros, ov, overlaid 'with gold-leaf, gilded, seize as a security, Id.
Luc. :aT-YYW}> ^, bail or security given, Dem.
KaTa-xpvcr^w, f. &<TO>, to cover 'with gold-leaf, gild, iar-cSwj. Ep. pres., /careo-^ft), to eat 9p9 des-our^ IL;
Hdt. II. to make golden (i. e. splendid), Plut. metaph., otttov, Kr^ntriv KanreSeiv fa eat np house*
Ee 2
goods, Od. ; $>v Bvp.'by Ka eating one's heart for | KQ.T\Q.$QV, aor. 2
grief, II. KdT-eXaww, to draw down, Plut.
KareTjyws, Ion. for Karearyfas, intr. pf . part, of Kardyvvpi. KaT-eXeYX -'*
^ Tl^^ ^
convict of falsehood, to belie,
jcar-eipw, poet, for /cara-Aei;8ai, to let flow down, shed, Hes. II. zfo disgrace, Pind.
Od. : Med. to ficm apace, Horn. ; metaph., Kareifiero Kar-cXeew, f. Tjcro!, zf<? Aa'z?^ compassion upon, nvd Plat.
ai&y life ebbed, passed away, Od. KaTX-uo"o|j.a,5 fut. of /eaTep%o/j:cu.
KarciScycu, inf. of /caroiSa. 4>0Tqv, aor. i pass, of KaTaAa/tjScxya?.
jcar-eiSov, inf. Kar-lSeTy, part. Karid&v, aor. 2 with no iv, aor. 2 inf. of /carep^o/icu.
pres. in use, Kadopdca being used instead

to look :
ca), Ion. for /caSeA/cw.
down, 11. , Hdt., etc. II. c. ace. to look down ,
f . <ra>, jf<?
/za^^ or expect confidently, Hdt.
upon, AT. simply to behold, regard, perrm;<?,Theogn.,
Karep-ev, Ion. i pi. aor. 2 of /ca^tTj/u.
Aesch.; /ccmSew' $(ov to live, Aesch. Also in aor. 2 KaT-pirirp7||Ai, f. -fnrp^}ffca 3 to burn ^lp, Eur.
med. Kari8dfj,7iy, inf. KaTi5eV0at, Hdt., Soph. Kar-evoipofiai,, aor. -evypd/jyv, Dep. ^o Az7/, slay,

KaT-fiiSoaXos, ov, (ef5a)\oy) full of idols, given to murder, Od. : an aor. 2 act. Kar^yapov occurs in
idolatry, N.T. Soph., Anth.
KaT-eiicd<i>, . creu, to liken: Pass., aor. I Kar~tKdcr67]y, KaT-cvavTi, Adv., = sq., c. gen., N.T.
to be or become like, Soph. H. guess, sur- KaT-evoyrioy, Adv. over against, opposite, before, rtyi
mise, Hdt. : &? suspect evil, Id. II., Hes. ; nv&s Hdt., etc.

KaT-eiXfo>, f. ^0*0), to force into

space, to coop a narrow KttT-cvapitJw, crto, to kill outright : aor. i pass. KarTj-

up, GS rb T?XOS, es rb a&rv Hdt. : Pass., /careiAiq^h?- yapicrdyy Aesch. ; pf. part. Ka.T7jvapicrfj.evos Sopb;
cfa,v ey At&s /pov Id. ; eV oAi-yy X&PW ^oAAal jj.vpido'es jcaTcVacrcra, aor. i of /caraj/atcu.
Ka,Tt\.7}fJ.VCU Id. KaTvxetS, aor. i pass. part, of Kara^epoa.
KaTciXirjjjLjxat, -iXi]<f>a, pf. pass, and act. of Kara,' KaT-VT]Vo6, V. V1lVOdG II.
Acc//3 ct vto KaTVT]paTo, 3 sing. aor. i of Kareyaipo/J.a.1.
ncaT-iXior<rc, Ion. for /ca0-eAtV<r<w. KaTv97jv 9 Dor. for KareXdeiv, aor. 2 inf. of /eaTep%o/xcu.

Ka.Te<,Xx&T0 3 Ion. for /cafletAiy/ieVoi i)a a>', 3 pi. plqpf. K.a.Tvvyf]a'Q.v [iJj, 3 pi. aor. 2 pass, of Karavvffcrea.
of KaQeXifffffa. KaT-vwira or -evwira, Adv. (eVcy-mr;; rf^-A# c^^-r against,
Kar-ciXuo>, f. vffw pf], to cover up, II. : Pass., opos right opposite, c. gen., II.
$dfj.fAcp KaTi\.vfj.eyoy (pf. part.) Hdt. jcaT-fivwmov, = foreg., N.T.
KaT-eijju, Ep. aor. i /caraeicraro : (l,cu ibo) : to go or KaT-|aycrTa|Jtat, Pass, with aor. 2 act. Kar-e^avea-rTjy :

come down, Horn,, etc. : esp. to go down to the grave, to rise up against, struggle against, Tiv6s Plut.
II. ; of a ship, to sail down to land, Od. ; of a wind,
KaT-e|vo>jjLvos, pf. pass. part, of /cara-|eWa?.
to come sweeping down, Thuc. II. to come KaT-e|ov<n.a(i>, f. (rou, jfo exercise lordship over, nv6s
back, return, Od.; of exiles, to ret%trn home, Hdt., Att. N.T.
tcarctvai, Ion. for tcaBetvcu, aor. 2 inf. of, Med. with pf . pass. -eTnJTyeAjUcu,
jf<? make
scaT-iy\J}ju, Ion. for Ka6~vvvfjit. promises or engagements, rtyi with one, Dem.;
icaT-iiroy, inf. Kartiiretv, used as aor. 2 to ffp^ riva Aeschin.
(/carpa being the f ut.) : also in form jcaretira : to Kar-CTrayw [a], f. &>, ^ 6rz^ one thing quickly upon
speak against or to the prejudice of, accuse, denounce, or another, to repeat quickly, Ar.
TWOS Hdt., Eur., etc. U. c. ace. to speak out, subdue by charms, nvd Plat.
KaT-errqL 8<w, f . -%<ropai, to
tell plainly, declare, report, Eur., Ar. 2. absol. jcaT-eirdXfAeyos, v. sub ttaT-<aAAo/xai but for Kar- :

to tell, Hdt., etc. ; Kdreure poi tell me, Ar. c-waXTO, v. sub KaTOTraAAw.
poet. aor. 2 med. of Acareipyw. KaT-cireCyw, f. |w, to press down, depress, II. 2. jfo
Ion. 3 pi. -etpyvcri, sq., Hdt.
= ^&r(?55 -much, press hard,
drive on, urge on, impel, Hdt.,
Ion. -p*yw : f. -eipi-co, Ion. -pa> : z?f7
Thuc., etc. H. intr. to hasten, make haste, Xen.
rf^'w into, shut in, Hdt. :
generally, to press hard, icaTeirccroy, aor. 2 of KaTairivru.
reduce to straits, Id. : Pass, to be hemmed in, kept KaTeirecrrrjy, aor. 2 of Kade<piffrTf]/Jii.
down, Thuc. ; rb KareLpyofj-evov what is done under KaT-eire<(>yoy, aor. 2 with no pres. in use (v. *<J>VQJ), to
necessity, Id, II. to hinder, prevent, Eur. kill, slay, Horn., Soph.
Kar-ipvo>, Ion. for Karep^w. KareinrjicTo, 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of Kar&irfiyvvjjLL.
KaT-Lpwve-uo}, Dep. to use irony towards, to dis- KaT-ejnrjia, aor. I of /cara-Triryj/ujtu.
semble, Plut., Med. to effect by perjury, Dem.
Kar-eicraYw, f, | 3 to betray to one's own loss, Anth. KaTirXayi|v [a], Ep. -'n:X'i*vT|v > aor. 2 pass, of /cara-
Karejcetpa, aor. i of Ararcwcefpcw. urA^crorw.
KareKTja, aor. i of Kanrcuccda. KaTCTrXeucra^ aor. i of /coraTrAecy.
KaretcAacra, aor. i of Kara/cAcCo? :
KareicXdi^rOtjv, aor. i Kar-epyd^o^aL, f.,a<ro^ai: aor. i -elpyaa'djj.Tjv, and (in
pass. pass, sense) -pya.ff9i\v : pf. efp'yao'/uu both in act.
KaTK\ajy, Impf. of Kara-KAaai. and pass, sense: Dep.: to effect by labour, to achieve,
KaTKpL0T]v [i], aor. i pass, of Kara-Kp'tyo). accomplish, Hdt., Soph,, etc. : so pf. Kareipyaa'fjLai,
icarcKTa, 3 sing. aor. 2 of KaTa^fcreiyfa : Kar-eKTOv, Xen. ; but in pass, sense, to be effected or achieved,
3 pi. icaT-cKTaOev, Aeol. and Ep. 3 pi. aor. i pass.
Hdt., Eur, b. to earn or gain by labour, to
v, aor. 2 of tcaraKTelvw* achieve, acquire, rfyv Trye/j.ovi'tjy Hdt.; arGOTypiav Eur.; in
?. j. 21
pass, sense, aperri faro cro^i^s rcare/ryacTjueyj] Hdt. c. 1

3 sing . Ep. aor. 2 of Karcure^ojucu.

absol. to be successful, Id. 2. c. ace. pers,, like Kct.T(rTcl0v 9 Aeol. for effrd.Qriffay 3 pi. aor. i pass, of
Lat. conficere y to make an end of, finish, kill. Id.,
Soph., Eur. b. to overpower, subdue, conquer,, XjAat, pf. pass, of KaracrreAAcp.
Hdt.;, Ar., Thuc. pf. pass, to be overcome, Thuc. ;
ws, Ion. for -eerTTjftttJS', pf, part, of fta^urnjiu.

Karcipyaffrai ir&ov is subdzied, brought under culti- rjv, aor. 2 of KaOiCTTTjjut KarecrTTicriXj aor. i.:

vation, Aesch. c. to prevail upon, Hdt., Xen. : aor. i of Karacr-ropeWu/u.

aor. i pass., OVK $VVOTO Karep'yaa'Qriva.i could not , Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. pass. o KaTouTTpe^aj.
be prevailed vtpon, Hdt. XI. to work up for use, , aor. 2 of Karaomryeca.
Lat. concoquere, /c. jieAi to make honey,, Id. 5 poet. aor. 2 of Kare^-

Karepyrup.!,, ica-TCp-yca, Ion. for ftrareip-. jcaTT(XK:TO, Dor. for -er^/cero, 3 sing. impf. pass, of
KaT-6pLKTOs, v. KarepiKT^s. /caTa-Hj/ou.
Kar-cpcLKb), f. |co, to grind down metaph., :. 8v[j,6v :
ica.TVY|Aa, always in pi. vows, Aesch.
r<J, votive :

to fritter it away, smooth It down, Ar. Med. to :

offerings, II. imprecations, curses, Aesch ., Eur.
Soph .

rend one's garments., in token of sorrow, Hdt., Aesch. KaT-ev7]jAp'<B, f ^fw, to be quite successful, carry one's

KaT-epeCirwj . if/a, to throw or cast down, Orac. ap. Point, Aeschin.

Hdt. : Pass, to fall in ruins^ of Troy, Eur. II. Kar-e-ud-u, Adv. straight forward, Xen.
intr. in aor. 2 Kasr-Jipiirov, to fall down, fall prostrate, KaT-t>0vvci> [c], f. i5^, to make or straight, to &^
II., Theocr. ; so in pf ., relxos /caT-ep^pnrey II. set right, gtiide aright. Plat. II. intr. to make
I of Karappefa. straight towards a point, Plut.
, aor. 2 -Jjpvyov, to belch over, nv6s Ar. Ka.T-t>va<>, f a(ra}, to put to bed, hill to sleep, Soph. ;

f. -fya, to cover over, roof, Plut. : Med. to of death, Id. ; l/cr&s edtrbv rdj-<av KaTfivynffey assigned
roof over for oneself or what is one's own, Ar. him quarters outside the army, Eur. ; /c. TIVQL /i^%0<wF
Kar-cpltt, Att. /car-epaj, serving- as fut. of the aor. 2 to give one rest from .
, Anth. : Pass, to lie down to

Kareiirov : pf . KardprjKa : to speak against, accuse, sleep, II. Hence

Tiv6s Xen., Plat. 2. c. ace. to denounce, Hdt. II. KaTwacrnfJ5, ov, d, <9^ A<? conducts to bed, a cham-
to say or tell plainly, speak out, Id., Eur., etc. : berlain., Plut.
Pass., Ka.Tip'f)ffTcu it shall be declared, Hdt. ,
KctT-cwdo, f .
^<TB, /<? put to deep, II. :
metaph. /0 /M//
Pass, to be asleep, Od.

KaTepijpXire, 3 sing , pf. intr. of Karepeiirec. pain f<? sleep, Soph. :

icaT-epir)Ti5a>, {icrw [y~\, to hold back, Horn., Soph.

. f . ^crca, to swear solemnly, Gorg ap. Arist.

teaT-cpLKTos or -cpCLK-nSs, 6*v, (/car-epet/coa) bruised, w f. ^o"cw, ifo 5^ gwf#<? successful, Plut.
ground, of pulse, Ar. , f . iw, /<? put in order again, Xen.
Kar-epiiKdvo) [a],
= sq., II. ^flf'Wj ^ ^^ quite successful, prosper,
Kar-puKo> [u], f. ,
to hold back, detain, Horn., Plut.
Theogn,, Ar. :
Pass., KarepvKerai evpet irtyrq) Od. : a> > f. ^jcrty, f> applaud, extol, Plut.
KttT-cptjo), Ion. -ctp-uo), f ticra*
[v], to draw or hauldo'wn,
. a prayer, vow, Aesch.

of ships, Lat. deducere naves, Od., Hdt. : Pass., vyvs ii f -6tJ|ofiat., Dep. ^o _^ry earnestly, Hdt.,

re Kareipvcrrai Od. 2. K. r<|a to drat a bow, Anth. Trag. ; ^o pray to one, Aesch., Eur. 2.
KaT-pxop,<u, f. :aTA.6vcra/iai (but in
good Att. jec&ra/u) : absol. ifo W&&? a prayer or vow, Hdt., Aesch., etc. II.
aor. 2 Ka.TJi\vQov, Kctr^XBov, inf. KareAfletV : Dep. : zto in bad sense, 1. c. gen. pers. to pray against one,

^<? down from a place, c. gen., II. ; to go down to the imprecate curses on one, Lat. imprecari, Plat. ; also,
grave, K. "AXdos efcrw, ; also from hig-h
At5(Jcr5e Ib. KO.T. ri Tim Aesch.; c. ace. et inf., Soph. 2. absol.*
land to the coast, Od. 2. of things, /eaT/>%OjueV7j$ Eur. HI. to boast that . . 9 Theocr.
VTTO TcVpTis- by the descending- rock, Ib. ; of a river, Dep. to feast and make merry , Hdt.
KaTpx rcu & NelXos TrX.ij^iJajj' comes down in flood,
Hdt. II. to come back, return, WA/5 Od. : esp. xaT-<f>, Dep. to spring dtmn upon f rusk upon*,
to come back from exile, Hdt., Att. ; in pass, sense, KetrevdXuevos (aor. 2 part, syncop.) IL, Anth. II.
inr6 TLVOS KareXQetv to be brought back by him, Thuc. for /car-gTroATO, v. fcarawzAAaj.
v. /car-epa>.
tcciT-cpcii), icaT-<)>0tTo, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 pass, of KarcupBioa.
tca.Tepa>Ta, Aeol. for /cal erepvOe, Sappho. KaT-4>icrTap.c.L, Pass.,with aor. 2 act. to rise up against,
Karecr^ecra, aor. i of KaracrjS eWv/^i: Ka/recrpT) Ka, . N.T.
KaT-cr6ta>, f. /careSo/iai : aor. 2 KaTctyaryov (v. KarcKpa- KaT-exw, f. KaQQto and ara(TX^<rw : aor. 2 Karrftrxw,
^-* trans.
*fiv) :
pf .
Ep. KaT57j5a pf. pass, /care-
Karetiritioka, :
poet. KareVxetfoj/, Ep. 3 sing. K<X<TX ^
^^efffJMj. : ft? # w/>, devour, of animals of prey, ^ A0W /a^, Hes. 2. #<? hold back, withhold,
Horn, j of men, fo ea# /, Od., Hdt. 2. /<? eat up Horn. : to check, restrain, control, bridle, Hdt., Att. :
or devour one's substance, Ar., Dem. 3. A&oi Pass, to be held down, to be bound, kept under*
Kar$Tjl)e(rfivoi furl) (rnveSdvos corroded, Plat. Hdt. 3. to detain, Id., Xen. : Pass, to be de-
icaT-<r0a>, poet, for foreg'.", Anth. tained, to stay, stop* tarry f Hdt., Soph. L to
have in possession, possess, occupy, Trag. 2.
Kareo-JcajAfie'vos, pf. pass. part,
KaTcrKcvacr}iai. pf. pass, of /ea of sound, to fill, oAoAijrqJ iccHlov jcorexowrt IL; K.
caTaric\j/afi,i|V, aor. i med. of /carcKT/coirecw. o-TpoT(fjr8oF tiv&QTjutaLs to fill it with feis grievous cries,
pf. of KaraffKf\\o/j.(u. Soph. 3. jSioT&y :. &? continue a life, Id, 4=,
to occupy', be spread over, cover, vv Kare ovpav&v KaTTqv*yKa, pf. of Kara<f>ep<a.
Od. ; 7]fj,4pa ycuav Aesch.
fcareorxe in Med., :
Karrjopos or KaT-gopos, Dor. -aopos or -aopos s oy,
Trpocr&nra covered her face, Od. 5. of the grave, to (,tp) hanging- do'wn, hanging- on their mothers
confine, cover, Horn. 6. of conditions and the like, neck, of children, Eur.
to hold down, overpower, oppress, afflict, Od., Soph. :
KaT-TjirLaw, fo assuage, allay Ep. 3 pi. impf. pass.,
of circumstances, to occupy or engage one, Hdt. 7. /caT7]irt^<wvro II.
to occupy, in right of conquest, Id., Soph., etc. 8. KaTiqpajJievos, pf. part, of /carapao/zai.
[a], 2 sing aor. I of

to 'master, understand, Plat. 9. in Pass., of ,

persons, to be possessed, inspired, Xen., Plat. III. aTO, 3 impf. of

to follow close upon, press hard, Lat. urgere, KaT-Tf3pjj.Cto>5 f. iff(a, to calm, appease, Xen.
Xen. IV. to bring" a ship to land, bring it in or KaT--qp<fn]s, 4s, (!pe<>a>) covered over, vaulted, over-
to, Hdt. hanging, Horn., Hes. ; K. virpos, of a cave, Soph. :
B. intr. 1. (sub.
avr6vj to control oneself, of trees, thick-leaved, Theocr. : K. iroSa ndevai to

Soph.j Plat. : to hold, stop, cease, of the wind, keep the foot covered, of Pallas when seated, and the
AT. 2. to come from the high sea to shore, put in, robe falls over her feet, opp. to opdbv it-oSa r., when
h. Horn., Hdt., Att. 3. to prevail, 6 \6yos /cartel she steps fonvard, Aesch. 2. covered by a thing,
the report prevails, is rife, Thuc. $ tmcr/ioi /car. earth- c.dat., a"jros a<>i/77o"i Kartjpe(p4s shaded by laurels,

quakes prevail, are frequent, Id. 4. to have the embowered in them, Od. ; rvfiftcp /c., i.e. buried, Soph. :
upper hand, Theogn. 3 Arist. also c. gen., covered 'with or by a thing, Eur.
C. Med. to keep back for oneself, embezzle, Ka-nqpTjs, es, (*apw) fitted out or furnished with a
Hdt. 2. to cover oneself, v. supr. A. n. 4. 3. thing, c. dat., Eur. : of ships, furnished with oars,
to hold, contain, Polyb. II. the aor. med. is also irXotov KarTJpes a rowing boat, Hdt. ; but, rdptros K.
used like a Pass., to be stopped, to stop, Od. Kara- : a well-fitted oar, Eur.
subdued, Pind.
(rx&fJ-Gvos KaTijpi0f!,T]jxcu, pf. pass, of K
KOT^YO-YOV, aor. 2 of Kardyca. KaTJJptirov, aor. 2 intr. of Ka
K<XT-i]-y|j,v, Kar-TjYeojJiaj., Ion. for KaB~. Kanj pTitrfJiai, pf. pass, of
Ka-nj-yeTo, 3 sing. impf. pass, of Kardyca. w, 2 sing. aor. i med. of Karaprt
xaT-T]-yopew ? f. TJCTCO, (ayopeiiw] to speak against, to 9 Ion. and Ep. ~tt] or -LTJ [r], f), (Kar

accuse, nv6s Hdt. ; Kara. TWOS Xen. 2. /c. ri nvos, dejection, sorrow, shame, II., Thuc.
to state or bring as a charge against a person, accuse Kern] <$*!>, f. T}ff<a, to be downcast, to be mute with
Mm of Hdt., Soph., etc.
it, 3. c, ace. rei only, to horror or grief, Horn., Eur. From
allege in accusation, allege, Lat. objicere, Eur., Xen., KaT~Tr}4nis> 4s, with downcast eyes, downcast, mute,
etc. : Pass, to be brought as an accusation against, Od., Eur. 2. metaph. dim, obscure, dusk, Anth.
Soph., Thuc., etc. : impers., c. inf., <r<$>4(av Kanfjyoprjro (Deriv. uncertain.)
fuj$tetv a charge had been brought against them that KaTrj<j>uiw,
= K:aT77<!>ea), Anth.
they favoured the Medes, Hdt. ; so, Kanrryopzirai nvos KaTK]<f>ui [f], 7], Ep. for Kar'fjfyeia.
ws jSapjSapffei Xen. 4. absol. to be an accuser, KaTT]<j)ciSv3 6vos, 6, (/caT9j^)w) one who causes grief or
appear as prosecutor, Ar., Plat. H. to signify, shame, as Priam calls his sons Kanrj(p6vs, dedecora, II.
indicate, prove, Lat. arguo, c. ace. rei, rt Xen. : c. KaT-t|X<>> ^CTOJ, to sound a thing z
. one*s ears, to
gen. to tell of, Aesch. Hence teach by word of mmith, to instruct, Luc. Pass, to :

KaT-i] yoptjjAa, aros, r6, an accusation, charge, Plat., Dem. be informed, N. T. 2. in Christian writers, to in-
jcaTTjyopta, Ion. -wj, f}, an accusation, charge, Hdt., struct in the elements of religion, Ib.
Thuc., etc. KOTTJx0i'|v> aor. i pass, of Kardyu.
KaTtjyopos, ov, an accuser, Hdt., Soph. : a betrayer, JCttT-Oavov, Ep. for Kar-eQavov, aor. 2 of KaraQv^itrKce.
Aesch. KaT-OouJ/cu, Ep. for Kara-dctyai, aor. i inf. of KaraQairru),
KCLT-fl'Si], plqpf. of KaroiSa. Ka,T-0M]V, poet, for /cara-^e^y, aor. 2 opt. of Kara-
KCLTI^KOOS, ov, (Karattovw) listening : as Subst. a ri&T.i.
listener , eaves-dropper, Hdt. II. hearkening to, eOa, -0<r0-qv, Ep. 2 and 3 pi. aor. 2 med. of
obeying, obedient, subject. Id., Soph. ; rw6s to
another, Hdt.; also c. dat., Kvpy K. Id. III. K<IT-&|J,V Ep. for Kara-Q4jj.ev, i pi. aor. 2 of /caret-

giving ear to, evxwAjftrt Anth. rtdjjfu but

: II. KaT-0}Ji,V, for Kara-Betvat, inf.

KanrJKo, Ion. for Kod^Kta. jcoT-0p.vos Ep. aor. 2 med. part, of Ka

Ka-ri]X0ov, aor. 2 of Kar4pxfjj(u' KxT-0T, 0<rav, Ep. 2 and 3 pi. aor. 2 of
Kar-ijXiilr* t^osj TI, the upper story of a house,, or a Ka,T-0co, Ep. aor. 2 med. imper. of Kar
stair-case or ladder , An (Deriv. uncertain.) Kar-tdiTTw, \l/ca, to harm, hurt, Od., Mosch.
[a], ~tjXXdx0iiv, aor. 2 and i pass. o /car- Kariacri, 3 pi. of ttarci/u (el/x,t iio).
KaTtacri, Ion. for /cafltatn, 3 pi. of /caflfoj/u.
, f. ^<ra>, (aX0y) to make of small accounty KariSetv, aor* 2 inf. of Kar^ov : KariSecrOai, aor 2
take no account of, neglect, Hdt. inf. med.
xaTT]XvOov, impf. of KaTpxojaai. Hence Kar-CSpva-LS, Ion. for /ca0-.
KaTtjXiJcris, <ws-, 17, <2 going down, descent, Anth. w, xaTL-epcjcrL?, Ion. for /ca0-.
xa.Tr]|Acu, Ion. u], Ion. for Kar-i/0t5v&>, Hdt.
KaT-oijj.ww 3 c|Qjum, to bewail, lament, Eur.
Kar-tX-uw, . vcrco [u], to fill with mud or ^zVif, Xen. KaTOiarcTcu, 3 sing. fut. med. of /cara^epco.
xar-iu.v p], Ep. inf. o (^i ido;.
/car-t/it Ka,T-oC)(o}j.<u, Dep. to have gone down, oi Karoi^^tvot
KaT-nrird^optai, KaT-Ipow, caT-icrT7|}j,i, Ion. for Ka0-. the departed, dead, Dem.
icaT-torOt, imperat. of KarotSa. Kar-OKVcw, ft? shrink from doing- or undertaking, c.
KaT-t<rx<ivc), Ep. for /ccmVxctf, Od. Soph., Thuc. ; absol. to shrink back y Aesch,, Thuc.
ncaT-t(rxvatv&>, f . a^, to make to pine or 'waste away, KaroKwx^j % j Att. for /caT0%7?, a being possessed, posses-
Aesch. fut. med. K.ario-^va.v^tffQa.i in pass, sense, Id.
sion e. Hence
(i. inspiration). Plat.
KaT-to"X"UG>5 vafw [u], fo /^i;^ power over, overpower,
17, oy, capable of being possessed, Arist.
prevail against one, c. gen., N.T. II. ft? cc?me to ', f .
-oAicr07j(F&!, s/z/> or szwA down, Luc.
one's full strength, Soph. *
destroy utterly .Pass., with pf. act..,
Kar-Ccrxw, collat. form of Kartxai, to hold back, Lat. to perish utterly, Aesch.
detinere, II. , Hdt. Med. &? y ow^, II.
: II. >

Kd-r-oXoX^cij, f. |w, to shriek over a thing, c. gen.,,

to occupy : Pass, to be occupied, Od. III. to Aesch.
direct or sftrer to a place, Ib., Hdt., etc. IV. to bewail, c. ace., Eur., Xen,.
KaT-oXo<j>, Dep.
intr., to come down, Hdt. K<XT-0fj.{3pOjAai, Pass, to be rained on, drenched } Anfch.
fcdr-oiSa, -oiff&a, inf. -eiSeVai, part. -ei5cs, pf. (in Kar-ojxyujXL, f * ojuovjULai ; aor. 3 -e^/wxra ; to confirm
pres. sense), plqpf . icarijty (in impf. sense) : know by oath, ri rivi Ar. ; c. inf. to swear that . . , Dem. 2.
well, understand, Aesch., Soph. 2. c, ace. pers. c. ace. to call to witness, s'wear by, rfyv ^{JLTJV
to know by sight, recognise, Soph., Eur. 3. absol. Eur. : so in Med., Dem. 3X in Med. also,
ov Ka.Tfto'&s unwittingly, Eur. 4. c. part, to know c. gen. to take an oath
against, accuse on oath, Hdt.
well that, Soph. ; c. inf. to know how to do, Id.
scaT-oV0jj,cu, aor. i Ka,r-<av6<rQi}v, Dep. to censure bit"
Kar-oiKo>, . dwell in as a KO.TQLKOS, to settle
^<r, to
terly, depreciate, abzise, Hdt.
in, colonise, Hdt., Eur. : generally, to inhabit, Soph., KCLTO|VS very sharp, piercing, of sound, Ar.
e:a, v,
Eur., etc. 2. absol. to settle, dwell, Soph., Eur., icaT-oTra<w, to followhard upon, Hes.
etc. : so in pf. and plqpf. pass, to have been settled, icaT-dmv, Adv. (OWLS), by consequence, behind, after,
to dwell, Hdt. H. in Pass., of a state, to be Theogn., Att. ; c. gen., Ar., Plat. II. of Time,
administered, governed, Soph., Plat. Ill, intr. after, Plat.
of cities, to lie, be situate, Plat. Hence icaT-oincr0v, in Poets also -8e, Adv. behind, after, in
KaTotKirjtris, <*>$, 7\, a settling in a place, Thuc. 5 and the rear, Hom. ; c. gen., Od. II. of Time, here-
Ko.TOLJCTj'njpLov, T<, a dwelling-place, abode, N. T.; and after, afterwards, henceforth, Ib.
KaroLKia, 7), a settlement, colony the foundation of
KaT-OTTTCvo), f. (Tea, (fcaTOTTTT}!?) to spy out, reconnoitre,
a colony, Plut. Xen. : Pass, to be observed, Soph.
Ka/r-oiKiSios, ov, living in or about a hoiise, domestic, KaT-oirrrjp, %os, d,=sq., Aesch.
oi KOTOiKtStoL home birds, Luc.
Kar-oirnqs, ov, a, (ofyopat, fut. of dpaca] a spy, scout, h.
Kar-oiKi<i>, f. Att. f<: to remove to a place, plant, Horn., Hdt., Aesch., etc. II. an overseer, T&V
settle or establish there as colonists, K. rtva els r&irov
irpayfAaT&j' Aesch.
Hdt., Ar. 5 yvvcuKas ly <f>as 7)X.lov KO.T. Eur. : also, icaTOTTTOSy ov, (jo'fyo/, f of &pdtiij to be seen, visible,

ic. Tivk. v r6irq> to settle or plant one in, Soph. ; k\- Thuc. II. c. gen. in view of or looking domn
irfoas & rtvi K. to plant them in his mind, Aesch. 2. over, Aesch.
c. ace. loci, to colonise, people a place, Hdt., Aesch., KaTOTTTpLJ^o, f. (Tea, to shew as in a mirror: Med.
etc. II. Pass., 1. o persons, to be placed or KttTQirrpi^/iej/oi T^y Sdi^ay beholding as in a mirror,
settled, Iv rfatp Hdt.; $ r6irov Thuc. 2. of or rather reflecting as a mirror, N. T. From
places, to have colonies planted there, to be colonised, KO,T-oiTTpov9 r6, (ftyopcUf f. o <5p*&?) a mirror, Lat.
Id. HI. to bring home and re-establish speculum, Eur. II. metaph. a -mere reftexi&n
there, to restore to one's country, Aesch. Hence (not a reality), Aesch.
TJ, a planting 'with inhabitants, found-
KttToiKicrts, etas, icaT-opyclvii>, to sound with, music through, Anth.
ation of a state, colonisation, Thuc., Plat. jcaT-opyas, ados, T\, (opyia) celebrating- orgies, Anth.>, . ^crco, to build upon or in a place, Hence
Xen. II. to build away, i. e. to squander in
KaT-op-yia*> to initiate in orgies, Plut.
building, Plut. KaT-op0<5a> > . dcr<a, to set upright, erect, Eur. : metaph.
KaT-oucovop.<i>, f . 4jerw, to -manage well, Plut. to keep straight, set right, Soph* 2. to accomplish
Ko/r-oiKos, 6, a settler, Aesch. successfully, bring- to a successful issue, Plat., Dem, :
xaT-oiKo4>9opewj f ^aru>, to ruin utterly, Plut.
. Pass, to succeed, prosper, Hdt,, Eur. ; fipav K&T&P-
Kar-oiKTcCpw, f. cpco, to have mercy or compassion on, G<a<rai thou hast rightly purposed to do, Aesch. 3JL
Tivd Hdt., Soph., Eur., etc. II. intr. to feel or intr. as in Pass, to go on prosperously, succeed, Thnc.
shew compassion, Hdt. Xen. ; T\ KwropQovv success, Dem. Hence
Kar-oiKTC<D, f. era?, *= Karoucrdpw, Soph. Med. to be- :
scaTopSoxris, <*>$, 13, a setting straight: smcessful
wail oneself, utter lamentations, Hdt., Aesch. ; so in accomplishment of a thing, success, Arist. j and
aor. i pass. Ka.r^K.ricrB^v, Eur. ; c. ace. rei, as in Act., K<$S , SP* likely or able to succml, Arisi.
Aesch. H. Causal, to excite pity, Soph. Hence , f. era*, to rush downwards, k..Hom*
( <y, TJ, compassion, Xen. Ion. *ctT^ipp-> f. 4^*1 ^ fe dismay&i
424 KaTOpvo-<ru>
at, dread greatly, c. ace., Hdt. II. absol. to be , TJ, ov, Sup. Adj. from tcdrco, lowest, Xen.:

afraid, be in fear, Id. neut. pi. as Adv., Hdt.

KaT-opvcrcrw, Att. -TT&S : f. <w : ut. pass. Kar<i>-$Q.yQ.<$, ov or a, 6, (<$>a.y*Lv) eating with the head
to bury in the earth, Hdt. j e^rl K(f>a\T]V down to the ground, gluttonous, Ar.
buried head downwards, Id. ; eV TT? KG^xxXf Ar. scaTG>-<|>pT]S} S,
KaTca (ppo/jivos 9 sunken, Xen.

KaT-opx^ojiat, f. ^troyiiai, Dep. 2^0 dance in triumph Ka-vacuS) Ep. for Kar-fd^as, 2 sing. aor. i opt. of Kar-
over, treat despitefully , Lat. insultare, Hdt. dyvvfiL.
scaT-ocrcrojAcu, Dep. zfo contemplate, behold, Anth. Ka-uKacros, d, Mi, Caucastis between the Euxine and
nar-OTt, Adv., Ion. for KaQ-6n or /ca0* o rz. Caspian, Hdt. ; a gen. KavKdvios (as if from KavKocris^
scaT-ouSaios> o*', (o^Sas) under the earth, h. Horn. Id. rb KavKao-Lov opos Hdt.

KaT-otAoojxcu, Pass. &> cicatrise, heal over, Anth. KatiKivos, f\, ov, (KQjuAJs) made of a stalk or stick, Luc.
Ka.T-ovpi w j f (o"a>, to bring into port with a fair 'wind :
fcauXo-}i-i5K7]TS5 o/, stalk-fungi, Luc.
metaph., rdtf op6us e/wre^a Karovpifei the oracle brings KAYAO1, b, the shaft of a spear, II. the hilt of a :

these things safe to port or to fulfilment, or intr. these sword, Ib. II. the stalk of a plant, Ar., etc.
things 0w<? to fulfilment, Soph. ^ Katip-a, a-ros, r<, \Kaica) burning heat, esp. of the sun,
tcaToxM> Ocarexw) ^ holdingfast, detention, Hdt. II. KatfJiaros in the sun-heat, II. ; /caC?^ 0aA.7re Soph. 2.
possession by a spirit, inspiration, Plut. fever-heat, Thuc. : metaph. of love, Anth. Hence
icaroxoSj 0*^ (/carexcw) holding down, holding fast, Ka-ufJ.aTici>, f. <rw, to burn or scorch up, N.T. : Pass.
tenacious, Plut. II. pass. &?j& down, held fast, &? be burnt tip, Ib.
overpowered, overcome, Aesch., Soph. ; icdroxos sub" KavvaKTjs [a], ov, <5, a ^fc^ cloak, Ar. (Prob. a
ject to him, Eur. Persian word.)
KttT-otJnos, ov, (ofyis) in sight of, opposite, rivos ica'ucrXjj.oS} ov, (tcaloi) fit for bzirning, combustible, 'Ken.
Eur. xavcris, etas, fj, (/cafw) a burning, Hdt. : in surgery,
Ka,T-otj/o<f>aYc>, f. ^crw, to spend in eating, Aeschin. cautery. Plat.
KaTTa, Dor, for Kara rd, and KarraSe for Kara rdSe, Kcuxroopiai, Pass. &? 5wrw with intense heat, N. T.
ap. Thuc. Kavcros, 4=
KavfjLa, burning heat.
KO.T-Tdvi5<rav, Ep. for Kar-erdvvffav, 3 pi. aor. i of #ara- scavcrrcipa, (/catcy) fern. Adj. burning hot, raging, in
gen. KavffTelpTjs ftdxns II.

KO,rrLrpos, Ka/rriTepivos, Att. for /caor<r-. jca-ucmrjpia^ei), KaucrTi^ptov, v. KO.VT .

, KaTTiJw, Att. for Kdcrcrvpa, Kacrcrvca. Ka-uorros or Ka-uTos, ^^ <^y, (/catcu) burnt, red-hot, Eur.
Kavarptos, a, ov, 0^ or /ww zfA^ rzV^r Cayster (in
Ion. for KO.Q-. Lydia), Ar.
icarca. Adv.
(ycara) I. with verbs of Motion, down,
Kavcrco, fut. of Kaica,
downwards, Horn., Hdt., Att. II. with Verbs of Kavcrwv, <wj/os, o, (icald)) burning heat, N. T.
Rest, beneath, below, underneath, opp. to &?<, Hes. : KOVTirjp, ypos, d, (fcafw) a burner, Pind.
esp. in the world below, Soph. 5 Plat. b. geo- KOVTTJ pia^u, f. to-o), jf<? cauterise, brand:
metaph. in
graphically below, southward, Hdt. ; but also, on the Pass, N.T. 7
coast, Thuc. III. as a Prep. c. gen. under, , ro , (jcafo) a branding iron, Luc., N. T.
below, Trag. IV. Comp. Karcarepto, lower,further, ou, 6,
= KavT^p, Anth.
downwards, Ar. ; c. gen. lower than, below, Hdt. 2. scavros, ^, ^j/, another form of Kavffros.
Sup. KarwrdrQ), at the lowest part, Id. j crasis for Kal OVTQS.
icarcoOcv, (Karoo) Adv. from below, up from below, 2 sing. Kau%ao"oi in late Gr. : f . ^o"o/*at
Aesch., Plat.: also,front the low country , from the aor. I :
pf . KKav%r)fjt.a.t
iKat/x^tJo/ofj' (akin to auxcoj, :

coast, Hdt. II. below, beneath, where /carcy would euxojuat) zto
speak loud, be loud-tong^ted, Pind. : to

be required by our idiom, Soph., Plat., etc. boast or vaunt oneself, c. inf., to boast that, Hdt. :
KaT-o>06>, aor. i -ewcra, to push down, II. c. ace. to boast of a, thing, c. ace., N. T. From
xaTco-Kapa [/ca], Adv. head downwards, Ar. avxt], ^=
sq., Pind.
Kar-ttf&dSios [a], a, ov, (3>tws) from the shoulder, avx^lH-a, O.TOS, TO, (/cav%c{o/iai) /z boost, vaunt, Pind. 2.
tilffKos K. a quoit thrown
from the shoulder, i. e. from <z
subject of boasting, N. T.
the upturned hand held above the shoulder, II. j cf. a.v^-qiJ.tiav, ov, (/eav%ao/icu) boastful, Babr.
sq. II. worn or borne on the shoulder, Anth. o.v^t\criSy ews-, ^, ( reason to boast, N. T.
KttT-W|JLa8<Jv, Adv. (&IJLOS) from the shoulders, with the a^aYicrrcvoras, crasis for /col e^ayto'Te^o'as.
arm drawn back to the shoulder, 11, cLx^o), Dor. fut. /ca%aa), 2f<3 laugh aloud, Soph.,
Kar-wfjiocria, Ion. Cij, ^, (fyua/jui) an accusation on Theocr. (Formed from the sound, cf. Lat. each-
oath, Hdt. innarl?)
KaT-ft>pcLtofi,<u, Ion, for /ca0-a>|?affo/tat.
jcarwp-uf , i/xo^ o, T\, (Kuropva-a-ot) sunk or imbedded in , ^, (c|ts) a bad habit of body, opp. to veta,
the earth, ayop^j Xdeavi ?
KaTtapv^4e(fa apapvia (as if Plat.,
from Kar<apvx'f)$), Od. II. underground, in ov, (fujLepct) living bad days, wretched,
caves, Aesch. ; l/c Kan&pvxos crr&yys, L e, from the Anth.
grave, Soph. III. as Subst., KarSopv^, -fj,
a pit, Kax^a^Wj redupl. form of x^&i
only used in pres. and
cavern, Id. 2. a buried treasure, Eur, impf ., 2fo plash, of wine poured into a cup, Pind. ; of

the sea, Aesch., Theocr. : c. ace. cogn., /o)/j veXeBpa lay stretched over nine plethra, Od. ; Kftpevip
KaxAaCoy a wave frothing with foam, Eur. to kick Hw
-wA^w ^<? 5 doivn, Ar, 2. ^<?

KG-x^ll? i)Kos, by & pebble in the beds of rivers : collec- asleep, repose, Horn., etc, : also., to lie idle, lie

tively, gravel,, shingle, Thuc. (Prob. akin to %d\i%, still, Id.; faro yaffrep" eXvffQels Kfijxriv of Ulysses

Lat. calx, calculus.} under the ram's belly, Od. ; K.a.Kbv Keifj-evon/ a sleeping"
3. to lie sick or wounded, lie in misery,
jcax-op^tcrta, i), (fpfuffts) unhicky harbourage, Anth. evil.Soph.
KA'XPYI, Eos, 7], parched barley, from which pearl- Horn.., Soph., etc.; to lie at the mercy of the con-
queror, Aesch. 4. to lie dead, like Lat. jacere,
barley (A<ira) was made, Ar.
Plat. Hom.j Hdt., Trag. 5. to lie neglected or un-
KoLx.-v'Tro'TrTos, oyj suspecting evil, suspicious,
foreg., Plat.
cared for, of an unbtiried corpse, II. ; so also of
Kax-vTr^Toiros, 0**,,

Kotw [d], Att. for Kcrfca, to burn. places, to lie in ruins, Aesch. 6. of wrestlers, to
and before a vowel KCV, Ep. and
Ion. for &/, Aeol. have a fall, Id., Ar. II. o places, to lie, be
and old Dor. tea; always enclitic. situated, Od., Hdt., Att. III. to be laid up, be
fCEAIQ, Ep. aor. i /ce&ra, Keaffffa, e'/cecwrcra: Pass., in store, of goods, property, Horn. ; also of things
Ep. aor. i Kacr8r}V :
pf. part, /ce/ceacr/ce/os'
: fo 5/lzf, dedicated to a god, Hdt. ; of money, Keifteva deposits,
cleave wood, Od. ; of lightning., to shiver shatter, ',
Id. IV. to be set up, proposed, Keirai tUfiAQF II. ;

Ib. ; of a
spear, /cea<r<re 5e ocrrea Aeitfcct II. ; [/ce^a/vfy] oirXwy KiT aycijv Trept Soph. 2. of laws, fcerrcu

&j/5ix<* K<kr0ij was cloven in twain, Ib.

the law is laid down, Eur., Thuc. ; ol POJJ.OI o!
Keap, cbntr. *%, q. v. the established laws, Ar.; Keercu (fliiitt the
K&LT<LL, KCCLTO, Ep. for Keivrai, zKeivro, 3 pi. pres. and penalty is fixed by law, Thuc. 3. of names, jeeTrcu

impf . of jcetjuat. ^ro/ta the name is given 9 Hdt. 3 Xen. V. metaph.,

Ar. vvQos eVl typecrl Kcercu grief lies heavy on my
tccpXij-Trvpis, (irup) & redcap, redpoll }
a grain of Od. ; ravra 6eS>y Iv youva,<Ti tcetrai, i. e. these things
Kyxp<-atos a, op, (ic&yxpos) of the size of
are yet in the power of the gods, to give or not, II. 2.
millet, Luc.
KeiffBai %v nvi to rest entirely or be dependent on kirn,
KCYXP "?^^ 01 ? ^ (^aAAcu) millet-throwers} Luc.
Find. 3. to be so and so3
KETXPO2, 6, 7^, Hes., Hdt., etc. ; of a single grain, ; Be<p Ktl/jLtQa Soph.
Hdt. II. anything in small grains, as the spawn Hdt., Aesch. :
simply, to be, mlKQs a. run there is
offish, Id. Hence strife between them, Soph.
KeYXP ^ftaTa mv9 r<*> things of the size of millet- jcctp.ijXi.0v, itp as valuable,
r69 (ier/tot) anything- stored
grains : m
Eur., eyelet-holes in the rim of the shield, a treasure, heirloom, Horn., Hdt., Soph., Eur.
through which a soldier could view his enemy without Ki|iav, Dor. and poet, for i/ce^v, impf. of Keijiva.
exposing- his person. Ktvos 5 17, o, Ion. and poet, for I/C?TOS KGIVTI by that :

KeSavvxifi.!, poet, for ffK^cLVVvpn, Ep. aor. i e/ce'Sao-ou, way, Od. Kcivas in that manner, Hdt.

Kej,v<5s, i}, 6v, Ion. and poet,

: to break asunder,, break up, scatter, for woos.
pass. !/ce5acr077Z'
Horn. : Pass., /ceSacrOeiVijs vcr^iv^s when the battle SCetos, v. Keos.
KtptcL, ^, the cord or girth of a bedstead,
was broken up, i. e. when the combatants were no Lat. instita,
Ar. II. in pi. svoathings, grave-clothes, N.T.
longer in masses, II.

K.EANO1, 77, sage, trusty, Horn.,

6v, careful, diligent, lpvXoS 3., V. HTTJpuAOS.
Aesch., Eur. S. pass, cared for., cherished, dear, ErPil, f. Kp, Ion. iccpeor: aor. i Kipa, Ep. eKepcra;
Horn. II. of things, K&V* eltivTa knowing her pf. KeKapKa Med., fut. Kzpovpai : aor. i tK*ip4jLaprt

duties, Od.; tf. typovris, ftovhetfjLara sage, 'wise, Aesch. ; Ep. iKepcrojUT?*' : Pass.^ aor. i part* K^pGets ; aor. 2
o news, good, joyful, Id. subj. /ccipp, inf. Kapyvai, part. Kapeist pf. KeKopfias,
/ the hair short, shear, clip, IL, Hdt., Eur.
KeSpCa, Ion. Ctj, y, cedar resin or oil, Hdt. ; and
/o :

iceSplvos, TJ, ovy of cedar, II., Eur. From

Med. fo ^
^w^'s nair or have it cwf rj^, as in deep
Pass., jSotfTpvxous Ke-
KE'APOX,^, the cedar-tree, Lat. cedrus,Od., Hdt. mourning, Horn., Eur., etc. :
locks rw^ -q^f, Eur. ; KZKOJP&O.I rks
hawing one's
anything -made of cedar-wood ; & cedar-coffin, Eur. ; Kapjj.j>o$
a cedar-box, for a bee-hive, Theocr. III. cedar-oil, e^>oX(is ^air^ their heads shorn, in sign of mourning,

Luc. Hence Hdt. : of the hair? to be cut off, Pind. H. ^

or A HI. #o rawa^ a
iceSpwTOS, #, 6v, made of OT inlaid with cedar-wood, ft^v Soph.
Eur. OT*^, II. ;

K<r0cu, KTai, Ion. for Kelo-Scti, K?Tai, inf. and 3 sing- country, ^y cutting down the crops and fruit-trees,
Of K?JUCU. Hdt., Thuc. Pass., of a country, to be ravaged,

KCiafj.cvos, Ep. aor. i Med. part, of Kaica : Thuc. Med., *Ap7js srAcka Kepffdjue^os having had

aor. i act, part. pi. the plain sw

c/z# (by destroying the men%
K0v Ki0t, Ion. and Ep. for thence, faeiQi there,tfceiQev Aesch. IV. generally, to destroy, and so, I.

KEfMAIj Ketffaij /ceTrai, Ion, Kecrcu; pi., K&vrtu } Ion. to tear, eat greedily, Lat. depasci, of beasts, Horn. ;
e. he slaughtered many a
Kearou, Ep. also tceovrta imperat. K?O*G, K<r0o> : Ifcetpe iro\vKfK*>j' <p6vov, L
inf., horned beast, Soph. 2. of the suitors, fo consum t
subj., 3 sing, /cojrca, Ep. AC^Tat
opt. Kcolfjniv :
Kfto-Bcu, Ion. Kff8cu ; part, wlperos: impf., iKef/w^. waste one's substance, Od.
Ep. Kttnipr* Ep 3 si n "* ^TO^
Io n - 3 Pl - earo, Ep, Kl$, crasis for /col is.
Kearo, Ketaro : fut. Kelcro/tcu,, Dor. KrcicretJjaoi. Radica Kctorc, Adv., Ion. and Ep. for liceurc, thither.
fut. of it&ftM,
sense, /<? 5^ /a?W (used as a Pass, to r/07j/u), and so ft, Dor. for Ket<rofjuou 9
7i>, ^ s
eutstretched, Horn., etc. j ^ 8 eV &rect Kctr KCUTO, icei<r0, 2 and 3 sing, baper, of xe^uu.
.1', Desiderat. of /ceT/icu, $7? 8' 1/j.ej/ai Keicav he went hence II. Adj. KKp<57rios, a, ov,
to lie down, went
to bed, Od. ; fo/tev Keiovres II. Athenian, irerpa K. the Acropolis, Eur. ; ^also simply
ICEl'Q, to cleave, radic. form of Kedfa, Od. KewpOTrfa, 7], used for Athens itself. Id.); K. x^v
KCicaS-qcrofAcu, Ep. fut. pass, of /ojSou. Attica, Id. 5 Ke/cpoTTioi, ot, ^
Athenians3 Anth. 2.
Ktca87Jcroo, Ep. fut. of X&&' fern. Kexpoms, name of a tribe, Ar. 3.
KCKaSp-evos, Dor. pf. part, of, iriSat-, 04 5 the Athenians, Hdt., Eur.
KeicaSov, Ep. aor. 2 part, of w xC '
KKp-U|AJJLO.l, pf. paSS. of KpVTTTCa.
Kca8ovTO [a], 3 pi. Ep. aor. 2 of %afoucy:. KKpi5<j)aXos [5], 6, (-pu7TTj) a woman's head-dress of
KKaXvjjL[Aat, pf pass, of tfoAv-Trrw
KeKaXvirro, 3 sing. :
net, to confine the hair., Lat. reticulum, II., Anth. 2.
Ep, plqpf.
Kicap,ov, Ep. aor. 2 of /cajuvw : KeicajAW, subj. ; 3 pi.
part of the headstall of a bridle, Xen.
pouch or fe#y a
of hunting-net, Id., Plut.
II. ^
KKap.b)Q"l. KKpij<|>aTaL [u], Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of Kpinrrta.
KKap0cu, pf. pass. inf. of Keip&o :
Keicap|j,evos, part. KKT7]}ACU, pf. of KTaO/Jiai.
JceKo.o-p.aL, pf . of Ka.ivvp.aL :
3 sing. Ep. plqpf. KCKacrro : KeK-wSwcn. [u], 3 pi. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 subj. of Keu0a?.
part. KKtt,arfj.vos. KKvXicrjJuai 3 pf. pass, of KuAiy^w.
sceKa-u^ai, pf . pass, of /cafw. jceXaBeivos, 17, Jy, sounding, noisy, II. ; epith. of
JCKa<f>7]a>s, an Ep. pf. part, with no pres. in use, only Artemis, from the noise of the chase, Horn. : Dor.
found in phrase Ke/ca^Tj&s $vju.6v breathing forth one's KcXaSeyvos, Find.
life, Lat. animam agens, Horn. Commonly referred KcXaSeu, f. -^CT&J :
poet. aor. i /ceAaSTjo'a : :
tO KCtTTTW. #o sound as rushing water, Orac. ap. Aeschin. : to
KKv0ei, 3 sing-. Ep. plqpf. of Kevda. shout aloud, in applause, II. ; K. ireuava to sound the
u5 pf. pass, of /cAao>. loud paean, Eur. 2, of various sounds, to utter a
Tai, Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of KaXeu. cry, cry aloud, Aesch., Ar., etc. ; of bells, to ring,
jxcu and K&XcKrfiai, pf. pass, of /cAeiw (to shut}. tinkle, Eur. ; of the flute, K. <f>66yyov KaAA:crroy
O, 3 sing-. Ep. aor. 2 of /ceAo^uat. Id. II. trans, to sing of, celebrate loudly, TWO.
, Ion. 3 pi. plqpf. of /caAea. Find., Eur., etc. Hence
pf. of /cAdw : part. jceKX^-ycos, with Ep. pi. KcXo.S'qfLa, O.TOS, TO, a rushing sound, Eur., Ar.
KcXaSTJTis, tSos, 7), loud-sounding, Find.
. act. of /caAew :
KKX7], pf. pass. ; opt. KLE'AAAOl, d, a noise as of rushing- waters : a loud
noise, din, clamour, II. II. a loud clear voice,
KocXia/rai, Ion. for /ce/eAii/Tcu, 3 pi. pf. pass, of K\(v(a. a shout, cry, Aesch., Soph., etc. IH. the sound
KxXIica, pf of K\LVCC . :
Ke'icXXjxai, pass. : KeicXiTo, Ep. 3 of music, Eur.
sing, plqpf. pass. KXa8&>, Ep, form of /ceAa5=X used in part, only, sound-
KctcXop-cvos, Ep. aor. 2 part, of /ceAo/icu. ing, roaring, Horn., Theocr.
K|icXo<{>a, pf. of KAeWcy. KeXaiv-eyxiijs, e's, with black (i. e. bloody} spear, Find.

KeicXvTc, poet. 2 sing, and pi. aor. 2 of KA^w.

iceicXtiOi., KXai-v<j>T]s, es, sync, for KeAouvo-ve^s, (vetyos] black
KejcXuorjjuu,, pf. pass, of /cAufw. 'with clouds, of Zeus, shrouded in dark clouds, cloud'
KCK}Ai]Ka, pf. of KafjLVd) : Ep. part. KKpir]WS, faros. wrapt, Horn. :
generally, dark-coloured, ofjua Id.;
KKO[J.}, pf. pass, of /COTTTW. black, rich soil, Find.

xeicovtafxat, pf. pass, of KOVLOLW. ppWTOs, ov, black and bloody 'with gna wing}

KeKovijievos, pf pass. part, of KOJ/W :

sing, plqpf. iccXaivoojiai, Pass, to grow black or dark, Aesch.
KCKOTTWS, pf. part, of K^TTTOJ. KEAAINO'Jj'j], ov, black, swart,dark, murky, Horn., tic.
Kex:opi], Ion. for KtKopsfffj.a.i, pf. pass, of /copeWv/u. KXatvo-4>aijs, es, tydoi) black-gleaming, K.
3CcopT|oSs, dual -TJOTC, pf. act. intr. part, of Kopivvvpu. murky twilight^ Ar., Ep. pf. pass, of Kopvo-crca. KXcuvo-<}>p<v, black-hearted, Aesch.
oy, (<pp^v]
KKOT|cas, Ep. pf. part, of /coreV KeXaivo-xpws, black-coloured, Anth.
<aros, 6, y,
KCKpaavrai, -avro, Ep. 3 pL pf. and plqpf. of /cpaiVw. KcXcLv-ooTva?, a, 6, {&fy black-faced, swarthy, gloomy,
, pf. of Kpafa. Hence Soph. fern.,
: /ceAcuywirts Find.
, a scream, cry, Ar.
aros, r6, 5 and KcXatv-w^, Shros, d, ^,=foreg., Find.
, ^^foreg., Eur. KcXapv^<>) : Dor. aor. i /ccAapu|a : to murmur, of run-
s, ov, 6, a bawler, Ar. ning water, Horn. ; Dor. 3 sing, impf . /ceAapvotfe Theocr.
KKpap,ai, pf. pass, of Kepdvwftt. KcXefSt], 7), a cup, jar, pan, Theocr.
cKpa^L-8a|ias, ounos, 6, (/ceVpaya, Safuito) he 'mho con- iceXeovTcs, a?v, of, the beams in the upright loom of
quers all in bawling, the blusterer, Ar. the ancients, between which the web was stretched,
KKpaoficu, Att. fut. of Kpdfo. Theocr. (Deriv. unknown.)

KeKpao"n c8cdcr6ai, pf. pass. inf. of /cpocrireSoo/tat. , ov, o, a wayfarer, Anth.

tceKpaxdi, irnper. of /ce/cpaya, pf. ios, w, (voiGai) road-making, Aesch.
KtKplya, pf. of tcptfa. po?, d, a wayfarer, Anth,
KcKptKa, KeKptfjtav, pf. act. and pass, KE'AEYGOI, 7), heterog. pi. K\ev6a, a road, way,
Dor. pf. pass, of /cporew.
JC*, track, Horn., etc. ; vypa. /ceAevOa, txBv^evra. /ceAewda,
J;, OTTOS, 6, a mythical king of Athens, Hdt. : of the sea, Od. avfyuv weAev^a or xc'Aevfloi Horn, j
eyyvs jap war 6s T Kal Tjfiaros elcn /ceAevSo: i.e. night mere affidavit-husks, Ar. ; of an
and day follow closely, Od. ; apfcroii <rrpo<j>a.5s K. their old man's boat, which served as his coffin, Anth. 'Jjeriv.
paths or orbits, Soph. II. a journey, voyage, uncertain..
Horn. ; TTOAA^ i. e. a
great distance, Soph.
2. :Xu>p, capos, <5, son, Eur. '^
Deriv. unknown v
*m expedition, Aesch. III. a- way of going, walk, :p,a$, dSos, 7}, a young deer, a pricket, I!.: also
gait, Eur, metaph. a "way o life, Aesch., Eur.
:, Anth. (Deriv. unknown.)
KeXevcrp.a or KeXcvjxa, aros, TO, (KCACVOJ)
<m 0n&?r, WMW- ;v, before a vowel for /ce.

mand, behest, Aesch., Soph., etc. ; a call, summons, cey-ayyrjs, es, (Kv6$, &y~yos}

emptying vessels ; breed-

Aesch. the word of command In battle, Hdt. ; also
: ing' famine, Aesch.
the call of the Ke\vcrr7)s (q. v. , which gave the time to Kvav8pCa, T], lack of men, dispeopled state, Aesch. From
the rowers, ebrb svas /ceAeycr^aros all at once, Thuc. , e/c Kv-avopos 7 ov s {cLvt}^ empty of men, dispeopled, Aesch.,
/ceAevcr/xaros- at the word of command, Aesch. Soph.
KcXevo-jAOS, <, (reeAevoj) *m order, command,
Eur. :y-at>xi]S9 es, v.
= KV~a.vxfa, Anth.
KcXeucqxoo-uvTi, T), Ion. for /ceAeutr^a, Hdt. :V-cuj)(7js, es, (au%^j wain-glorious, II.
KcXevarn]?, ou, <5, (/ceAevw) #z signalman on board Keyeppctoss ov,~vtKpi/ji,cuos, dead: Keve&petcL, rd, car-
ship, CT/ZO vaw & ZT to ^<? rowers, Eur., Thuc. ion, dog's-meat, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.
KeXe-ucTTOS, 17, 6v, (/ceAeucy) ordered, commanded, Luc. Kv-fi.paT&>, f. Tfjo-w, to ste <w emptiness, step into <n
jceXevri-aw, Frequentat. of KeXevw, as irvevffridu from hole, Plut., Luc.
TiWaj, only used in Ep. part., /ceAevrifWre (dual) C0#- KVo-<f>p<uv, ov, ^<p>frf)v) empty-minded, Theogn., Find.
tinually urging on [the men], II. ccycwv, &vos, 6, (Key6s) the hollow delow the ribs, the
K\IJW, Ep. impf. K&evov : f. -ffu, Ep. inf. -<r4p.evan flank, Horn., Xen. II. any holloas, a glen, Anth,
aor. i e/c/Aevcra, Ep. /ceA- : pf. /ce/ceAeu/ca Pass., : KCv-oSoyrCs, iBos, T\, (oSovsj toothless, Anth.
aor. i KeAeu(T072V :
pf . fCKeAei/<r/xai :
(/teAo/tai) :
KvoXoYWj f. ^o"<a, to talk emptily, Arist. From
to zirg-e- or dW<r> 0ra, wrg^, exhort, bid, command, Kcvo-Xoyos, QV, (A.ey) talking" emptily, prating.
order, Horn., etc. c. ace. pers. et inf. to order one
: KEHO'l, Ion. and poet. KCIVOS, $, oV ; Ep. also Keveos,
to do, II. ; (also c. dat. pers., Horn.) c. ace. pers. et : d, 6v :I. of things, empty, opp. to 7rAeo*s or xATj^s,

rei, Tt jtte ravra KeAcueis (sc. -jroteiv) ; also c. ace. pers. Horn., Hdt., Att. 2. metaph. empty, vain, Kern
only, 6vfj.6s /ie KeAevei (sc. <>ei5e<r0cu) Od. ; e/ceAeucre etryjjLara Od. ; A:. eA-jrfs Aesch., etc. in adverbial :

TOVS cVSe/ca ITT! r&f &^pafj.vr)v ordered them [to go] usages, neut. pi., Ke^eas irvevffas Find.; 5ia KCJ^S fj
against him, ordered them to seize him, Xen. ; c. ace. no purpose, in vain, Ar., Thuc. H. of per-
I. c. gen. W2W, destitute, bereft, rov you,
rei only, to command a thing, Aesch. : Pass., ro sons,
d>pVW Soph. ; crvfjLjMX&is Eur. 2. einpty-handed,
Ke\ev6fj,vov, ra -va, commands, orders, Xen.
JceXcwv, 6, obsol. sing, of /ceAeovres, q. v. Horn., Hdt., Att. : bereft of her mate, Aecum Soph. :
KeXtjs, rjros, b, (wreAAw) a courser, riding-horse', Od., empty of wit, empty-headed, Id., Ar. HI.
Hdt., etc. II. a fast-sailing yacht with one Comp. and Sup. KCj/coTepos, -cararos, Plat., etc.
bank of oars, a light vessel, Lat. celox, Hdt., Thuc. KVO-TCUJJ S f. 7}(T, (rd^os^i to kojiour -with an ernpt\
KXt]O"O}xaij f ut. of KeAojuat. tomb, Eur.
iceX-qrc^to, f. iVw, (/ceAijs) to rz'cfe, of one who rides one Kvo-Ta4>toyjT^, (rd<|>os an empty tomb, cenotaph, \QU^
or more horses, leaping from one to the other, II. KyoTK|$, TJTOS, 77, (/ce^os emptiness, vanity, Plat.

jccXiJTiov, r<J, Dim. of K\TJS n, Thuc, Kyo<|>pocrwTj, ^, emptiness of mind, Plut. From
KE'AAil, f , KeAcrw, aor. i e/ceAo"a ; to fra; <?w, VT\Q. Kyo-<f>p(y, OK, (<pV) empty-minded, Aesch.
Ke\ffcu to run a ship to land, pzit her to shore, Lat. Kfvo-tficovia, -^, (<yeV) ^am talking, babbling, N. T.
appellere, Od. : metaph., "Apy* 1 K - E^r. II. *&* Ktvoaj, Ion. and poet. Kty- 5 f . ci5crw : aor. i &
or seamen, to put to shore or into har-
intr., of ships Pass., aor. I Ksv6&nv : pf. KfKevt&fJUii, Ion. j

bour, Od., Aesch., etc. : metaph., va TTOT iceAtrayr /tat :

(jcp&) : to empty out, drain, opp. to :

; c. gen. to empty of
a thing :
having reached what port ? Aesch. ; TT eA(Ty ; where Aesch., Eur., etc.
shall I find a haven ? Eur. Pass, to be emptied, made or /tf/if empty, Soph. ; Is T^
KE'AOMAl, Ep. 2 sing. /ceAecu; imperat. /ceAecrfla), e<r0e, Kvo&t*.yov into the space continually left empty,
opt. -o(/t7j^,inf . -<T0ot: Ep. impf. K*\6priVy Dor. 2 sing. Thuc. ; c. gen., KfCtvaf*.ejfo$ -xa&T&v stripped, of all
^/ccAev, Ep. 3 /ceAero : .
KeX^ffOfJLai : aor. i e/teA^eraro, things, Hdt. 2. to make a place empty by leaving
o, Find. : Ep. 3 sing. aor. 2 e/cereAero, /ce/c- it, fos*r it, Eur. H. metaph. to 7a^- empty,
to wr^ to make of no account or of no effect, N. T. : Pass.
opt. KKKoi^v ; part. KK\6jj,Vos i
f?n, exhort, command, in Horn. ; constructed like to be or become so, Ib.
/ceAevco. II. much like /cccAe&>, to ca/Z, ra/Z to, Kcycrcu,Ep. aor. i inf. of Keyrea.
II. :
also, to call on for aid, Soph. 2. to #W #j KlvTdcre, Dor. and poet. 3 sing. aor. i of Korea.
Kcvra-upetos, a, OK, Centaurian, of Centaurs,
name, call, Pind.
KcXTMrrC, Adv. m the language of the Celts, Luc. KevravpCSifjSj ov, ^> ojf or from Centaurs,
frsrw K. a
KeXroC, ot, #A^ ^/to or Celts, Hdt., Xen. : hence Thessalian horse, Luc.
brnial :
KcXriicos, 4\ y 6v, Celtic, Gallic, fern. KeXrCs, (5os, Anth. KevTaupucos, r^, ^r, like a Centaur, i. e. $a<g<s>
teeX-ityavoy [u], T^,
= K\wj>o$, Luc. Adv. -KWS, Ar.
a sheath, battle of Centaurs, Plat.
KeXv<j>os, coy, T<(, case, pod, shell, Arist. : the Kevravpo-fiaxCa, ^, (Atx^)
hollow of the eye, Anth. KcvravpQ-'irX'i0T]s, is, full cf Centaurs,
2. metaph. of old dicasts,
the Centaurs were
a Centaur : never agree, Hes. II. KepajJicts, Att.
s, 6, (ftrevrew) ]

a savage Thessalian race, between Pelion and Ossa, !

01, name of an Attic deme, Ar., etc.

extirpated in a war with their neighbours the Lapithae, Kpa|j.-u&j, f. ff(a, (KepajjLCvs} to be a potter, "work in
Horn. II. in later Poets they are monsters of earthenware, Plat., etc. 2. c. ace., K. rov Kepauea

double shape, half-man and half-horse, Find., etc. to make a pot of the potter. Id.

KVT1J<J>, = /Ce^TeOJ 3, Hdt. epap-iKos, T?, 6v3 (wepa/tos) of or for pottery, Xen., etc.
cpafxityos, TI, ov, -Kpa/j.ov$, Hdt.,
KEMTE':Q,f. faca SLOT, i gKGvryffct, Ep. inf. Kevffai (as if

from KeWw) : to prick, goad, spur on, II., Ar. 2. of scpa|xiov, ro, (Kepa/aos) an earthenware vessel, a jar,
bees and wasps, to sting, Ar., Theocr. 3. generally, Lat. testa, Hdt., Xen.
to prick, stab, Find., Soph., etc. to torture, Xen. :
KCpap.Cs, ri, foos If] and -iSos (Kepa/jios),
a roof-tile or
metaph., stab In the dark, Soph.
crvv $6Xq> K. to coping tile, Ar., Thuc.
K.E'PtfMO?.,6,potter>s earth, potter's c/oy,Plat. II.
KevTp-Tjveicqs, cs, (*&frytcw) spurred or goaded on,
1. an earthen
KVTpi, f. l(Tto, = Kvra), to prick, goad or s/r on, anything^
made of
this earth, as,
Xen. ; metaph., Ipcos /c. Id. vessel, 'mine-jar, II., Hdt. also in collective sense, pot-

or spur- tery, Ar. K. effdyercu 7rA7fp7?s tftvov jars full of wine,

KVTpo-f*.anfe, es, (jjicdv'opcuj madly spurring, -,

to madness, Anth. Hdt. 2. a tile, and in collective sense, the tiles,

I. a horse- tiling, Ar., Thuc. ITT, a jar, used to confine a
KevTpov, TO, (Kevrew) any sharp point :
goad, Lat. stimulus, II. , etc. also an ox-goad. Plat. ;
: person in, II.
proverb., irpbs Kevrpa XaKri^eiv, v. A.ceKTi&j 2. b. Kpawt5}jU, and -vw :
impf. eKepavvvv : f .
Kepa<rco : aor.

metaph. a goad, spur, incentive, Aesch., Eur. 2. I

Kpa,(Ta, poet, /cepcwra, Ep. Kepaffffa: Med., aor. i
an instrument of torture, Hdt. : metaph. in pi. /cpao-a^7jy, Ep. 3 sing. Kepdo^ffaro
: Pass.,f .
tortures, pangs, Soph. 3. the sting of bees and aor. i eKpdd-rjy [d], also Kpdff&r)v :
pf . KeKpduat,
to mix, mingle, (cf.
wasps, Ar. ; of a scorpion, Dem. ; metaph. of the im- also KeKepaffuat : :
1. mostly of diluting wine with water,
pression produced by Socrates, Hxrircp /te/Urra T& /c. Kpaffii) :
4. the stationary point of a Od., Att. so in Med., ore olvov Kepcavrai
tyKaraXLTrciiv Plat. ; Trep

pair of compasses, the centre of a circle, Id. when they mix their wine, II. ; KpTjrijpa Kt-pdo-ffaro he
KVTpo-Tt5mjs, es, (rvTrnwl struck by the goad, Anth.
mixed him a bowl, Od. Pass., Kt;Aii iffov Tcr^ e/cpa-

f. ctjcro), (Kevrpov) to furnish with a sting : a. cup mixed half and half, Ar. 2, to temper
KCVTpow, ju.ev'ij

Pass, to be so furnished, to sting, Plat, 2. to or cool by 'mixing, flityajpes- Kepd(ra<ra having mixed
strike with a goad, Hdt. (the water) to an agreeable ternperattire, Od. 3.

generally, to mix, blend, temper, regulate, Lat.

KCVTpwv, wvos, 6, one that bears the 'marks of the KSV-
rpov, a rogue that has been put to the torture,
Ar. pero, of climates, Sipai /id\to"Ta KeKpctfJLGvai most &?/-
v, UVQS, 6, the Lat. Centurio, N. T. " perate seasons, Hdt. ; o TTjpas tceKparai yeveS. no
a goader, driver, II. old age zs mingled with the race, i. e. it knows no
p, opos, 6, (Kevr4u)
an emptying, Plat. old age, Pind. of tempers of mind, Plat.
: II.
etas, i\, (Kev6oi)
e/c nvos
v, opt. of KetfiaL. generally, to mix, compound, Lat. attempero,
ICCOVTO, Ion. 3 pi. of Ki/uu. of a thing, Id.; <$wv% /j-eragv rys re Xa\Ki$4(ov /col
KETl^OI, o, a sea-bird: metaph. a booby? Ar. AojptSos Kpd9ij Thuc.
Kcpcua, 17, (/cepa?) awy thing projecting like a horn ; Kcpao-foos, ov, (|ea)) polishing or working horn, esp.
a yard-arm, (as Lat. cornua antenna-rum), Aesch., for bows, II.
Thuc., etc. 2. the projecting beam of a crane, Kepaos, a, ^y, Ocepas) horned, Horn., Theocr. H.
Thuc. 3. a branching stake of 'wood, Plut. :
of horn, made of horn, Anth.
Kpa-oiJ)(OS> ov> \*X a}
= Kpovx os> Anth.
of the forked ends of the ancilia, Id. 4. the apex ')

of a letter, dot, tittle, N. T. 5. &* projecting KE'PAI, TO: gen. Ktparos, Ep. rcepaos, Att. also Kepas ;
II. a bow of horn, dat. Kepdn, rcepat, Kepa dual /cepae, /cepd, Kzpdoiv
spur of a mountain, Anth. : :

Id. pi. nom. Kpcav, dat. /cepouri

/cepaa, icepd, gen. Kepdeav,
(/cepacrt in Hom.i, Ep. /Cpaeo*(n:
the Ion. decl. is
>cepattt, Ep. impf Kepai'fbj' : aor. i eitepouffa,
: :
to ravage, despoil, plunder, Horn., Hdt, 2. of I. //z Aorn
Kepas, Kepeos, KpeT, pi. Kepea, /cepecov :
ships, to sink or disable them, Hdt. 3. of living q^^w animal., as of oxen, II. ; btyQaXpol 5* <5?o-el /cepa
II. &TTaeraj> his eyes stood fixed and stiff like horns,
beings, to assailfiercely, to slaughter, II., Hdt.
zfo carry off as plunder, Hdt. Hence Od. H. A0rw, as a material, ou /t^ yap [al -TruXai]
Kepdeo-ffi TT6uxarcu, of the A<?rn doors, through
Kpotcrri)S, oS, 5, a raiiager, robber, h. Horn.
KCpaCco, Ep. for fcepaw, faporepov Kpat mix the wine the true dreams came, Ib, IH. anything made
II. of horn, 1. a bow, II. , Horn., Theocr. 2. of
KepapeCa, 17, (/cepa^etJs) ^^ potter's art or era/2, Plat. musical instruments, a horn for blowing, Xen. a :

Kpet}ii.K<s, 5, ^^ Potter's Quarter : in Athens two flute, Luc. 3. a drinking-horn, Xen.
K. a horn guard or pipe to which the lead-
places were called Cerameicus, one within and the jSoos
other without the Dipylon orThriasian Gate, Thuc., etc, weight (po\6faiva] of a fishing-line was attached,
Horn. V". Kcpara the horn points with which
Kcpoj&cioy, ro, a potter* $ work-shop, Aeschin.
the writing-reed was tipped, Anth. "VT. an
KCpafLcovs* a, ovv, (KfpafjLos^ of clay, earthen, Plat.
KpafJLvs, eu>$, 6, (] a potter, Lat. figulus, II. : arm. or branch of a river, Hes., Thuc. "VII,
proverb., Kpauvs Kepafj.e't Koreei two of a trade the wing of an army or fleet, Hdt., Att. j Kara /cepay
Kepacrcre 429
attack in flank, Thuc.,
tTrnciirrsw to Posit, in formed from
, use, ep5os), more profitable s
Xen. ; &al Kepas &yiv to lead towards the wing., i. e. Horn., etc. U. KepSicrros, y, ov, Sup. most cun~
in column, not with a broad front, Lat. agmine longo, ning or crafty, II. 2. of things, most profitable,
Hdt., Att. VIII. any projection, e. g, a moun- Aesch., Soph.
tain-peak, Xen. KE'PA02, eos, rd, gain, profit, advantage, Lat.
Kepacrcre, Ep. fore/cepcure, 3 sing", aor. I of Kepdwvjju. lucrum, Od. ; iroizicrdai n
ev KepSei, Horace's lucm
Kcpacrrqs, ov, voc. KepdtoTci, 6, horned^ eA.a<f>os- Soph.,, apponere, Hdt. ; so, /cep5os yyeta-Qai or vofdfcnr n.
Eur. : fern. Kpacrrs, i8os, of lo, Aesch. Eur., Thuc. 2. desire of gain, love of gain, Find.,
KCpacrros, 77, oi/, (/cepayvt^t) mixed, mingled, Anth. Trag. U. in pi. cunning arts, "miles, tricks, Horn.
Kpacr-4>opos, ov, (<J>ep) horn-bearing) horned, Eur. Kp8ocruvTr}, -ft, like KepSaAeemjs,
cunning, craft : dat.
Kcparca or -Ca, $}, the carob or locust-tree (Arab. KGpSoa-vvy as Adv., by craft, cunningly, Horn.
(kharoo&j its fruit Kepdria, rd, is called 5V. John's
Kp8ca, 6os, contr. ovs, rj, '^/cepSos], #Ae wi"/y one, L e, tfAe?
bread, from a notion that it was the fruit he ate in the /<y^: Find., Ar.

wilderness, N.T. KepSwos, a, ov, (rep5os)

bringing gain, Hermes, Luc., of
acepartvos [a], 77, ov, (Wpas) of horn, Xen. etc. II. (/cepSdS) foxlike, wily, Babr.
Kepanov [a], TO, Dim. of /cepas, v. sub /ccparea. Kpa, ra, Ion. for Kcpaa, Kspdra, pi. of icepas.
jcepartov, 'made of horns, Plut.
>vos, 6, (/cepas) tccpecw, Ep. for icepa;, f ut. inf. of fcefpw.
Kpawios, (Kpavv6s) wielding the thunder, Anth.
ov, KepKX8o-7TouK7| (sc, Te'x^), ^, ^^ arf ?/" &# shuttle-
icepawios, a, ov, and os, ov, of a thunderbolt* Aesch.., maker (iccp/ciSoiroi^sr), Arist.
Eur. 2. thunder-smitten, Soph., Eur. iVA zf/z^ Kepds, Plat.
Kpawo{3oXc<i>, to hurl the thunderbolt, Anth. II. the loom,, &<? r<?(C? or comb
eKta ?) in
trans, to strike therewith, II. From by which the threads of the woof were driven home,, so
Kepa-uvo-poXos, ov, (j9c{AA) htirling the thunder, as to make the web even and close, Horn., Soph.,
Anth. H. proparox. /cepawo-jSoAos, ov, pass. etc. II. any rod, a measuring-rod, Anth,

thunder-stricken, Eur. the great bone of the leg, the tibia, Plut.
icepa-uvo-ppovnrjs, ov, ft, (fipovrdw) the lightener and KE'PK.02, 7), the tail of a beast, Ar., Plat., etc.
thunderer, Ar. KepKoupo? or KpKo\>po5, 6 3 a light vessel, boat, esp. of
Kpa-uvo-jxaxi]S, 6, fighting 'with thunder, Anth. the Cyprians, Hdt.
KEPAYN01, Q, a thunderbolt, Lat. fulmen, Horn., KepKvpa, T), the island Corey ra, now Corfu., Hdt., etc. :
etc. : generally, thunder: but thunder properly was Adj. Kcpsajpoios, a, ov, Corcyraean, Id., etc. ;
&povrj\, Lat. tonitru ; lightning was crrcpox^, Lat. T& Kepic-upa'Ctca, the affairs of Corcyra, Thuc.
fulgur. II. metaph., Kspavvbv ev yAdo~ffr) <f>peiv, KepK-utj;, ctfTros, 6, (/cep/cos) the Cercapes were a kind

of Pericles, Plut. of men-monkeys, Hdt. 2. rnetaph. a, mischievous

Kpa-uvo-4>CL-r]<5., es, (<pdos}flashing like thunder, Eur. fellow, knave, Aeschin.
jcpauvo-<j)6pos, ov, wielding the thunderbolt, Plut. KepjJLa, CLTOS, ro, (Keipcc} a slice: hence, a small coin,
icepavvooj, f . dcroj, to strike with thunderbolts, Hdt. : mite, in pi. small coin, small change, Ar. 2. gener-
Pass., Kepavvwdeis Hes., Plat., etc. ally, small wares, Anth. Hence
KEPA'il, Ep. radic. form of Kepavvvjut-t, part. Kpu>v Od. ; Kpp.o,T<> s f. Att. iS> 9 to cut small y mince, chop up,
Med., in imper. KepdcurQe (lengthd. from -a&Be*) Ib. j Plat. II. to coin into small money, Anth.
3 pi. impf. Kp6aovro II. KepjiGLTtov, r&y Dim. of tcepjjLa, Anth.
KE'PBEPOI, o, Cerberus, the fifty-headed do^ of Hades, KCpjxaTitrnjs, ou, &, (/cepjuartfiu) a money-changer, N, T.
which guarded the gate of the nether world, Hes. ; Kepvos, cos, r6, a large earthen dish, in which fruits
later, with three heads or bodies, Eur. were offered to the Corybantes, borne by a priest or
JcepSaivcD, f . -avoa 3 Ion. -avcta, also Kp$'f}a'ca > and Kp- priestess called iccpvas, Anth.
S^crofuu : aor. I tKepSava, Ion. -Tjva, also ^Kcptiiio'a : Kpo~j3aTT}S [a], cu, o, (teepees, $odvwj horn-footed,
pf . /c/cep577:a :
(KepSos) : to gain, derive profit or hoofed, Ar.
/ca/ca K. to 'make unfair gains, Hes. ; K. %K
advantage, Kpopaas ou, 6 3 (jSocwoj horn-sounding, of a horn
or dwo ri^os Hdt., Att. ; ri ^pScwca;
irptisrivos Soph. ; flute, Anth.
what shall I gain by it ? Ar. : c. part, to gain by KCpa-Scros, ov, bound -with or made of horn, Eur.
doing, ovfev eKjuaQovcra KepSaveis Aesch., etc. 2. scpoL$5 <Jecr(ra (contr. ovcrffaj, -oev, (jcspas) horned,
absol. to make profit, gain advantage, Hdt., Att. : Eur. II. of horn, of a flute, Anth. m
to traffic, make 'merchandise, Soph. ; ic. l-an? to receive Kp**oCa|, a/cos, 6, a rope belonging to the sailyards,
fair words, Id. II. like cbroAatJw, to gain a loss, Luc.
reap disadvantage from a thing, as, Sdwpua K., Eur. ; K, Kpo--niTreci), (TUTTTW) to butt with the horns; Pass.,, of
(njudvN. T. ships in a storm, buffeted, Aesch.
KCpSaXeos, a, ov, (jcepSos) having an eye to gain, wily, Kcp-o-uXicos, -ft, oy, (eAKCtij dra'wn by the horns* pass, of
crafty, cunning, Horn. : of the fox, Archil, ap. a bow, because tipped 'with horn, Eur,
Plat. EC. of things, gainful, profitable, JtepSoAeeiJ- Kcpovnaw, (pas) to toss the horns, "Lzt.cornna toller ;

repov Hdt.:rJ> K. = AtfpZf os Aeschl, Thuc,: Adv. metaph. of persons, to toss the head^ giwe oneself
\(0s, to one's advantage, Thuc. airs, Ar.
Kp$aXc6-<f>p<i>v, ov, (<j>pfiv) crafty-minded, II. jccpovv (9, iSos, fern, of sq., Theocr.
ov [T Ep., I Att.], gen. ovos, Cornp. (with no , ov, (ex<w) hamng horns, horned^ Babr.
Kpo-<|>dpo$, ov, (<>6pw)
Kpaff<p6pos, horned, Eur. Ke4>a.Xat<o}j.a, arcs, TO, ,
e^>aAat<>aj)&# 5t^m total, Hdt.
Kcpora, Ep. aor. of Keipw. I <j>dX-aX7T]S) es, (aAyea?) causing headache, Xen.
KepTojxew, f. ^tr&j, (/cepro/tos) to taunt or sneer at,
c. Hence
ace. pers., Od., Aesch., Eur. : absol. to sneer, Od. : K<f>aXaXyta, ^, head-ache : later -ap-yia, ^, Luc.
Pass, to be scoffed at, Eur. Hence H', T), zfAfi- Ae^ of man or beast, Horn., etc. ; Kara
KpTop.T]crts, ews, T], jeering, mockery. Soph. j
Kcprojjua, 7j,
= foreg. 5 in pi., Kepro/Jiias: ffi ctftrvAa /u;0^- on the head, II. : es irdSas e/c K<pa\ijs from head to foot,

cracrdat II. ; Kepro]j.ia$ Kal X ?P as a<}>^(a Od. Ib. : Ctrl Kt<$>aXT}V head foremost, head do^n^ards,
2. the head, put for the
KCpTOfJttos and KepTOfxog, oi/, (eap, reftvw) headlong, Hdt., Plat., etc.

ting, stinging3 reproachful, Od. ,-

Afa KepTopiots whole person, Horn. ; Iffov K<paXy like myself, II. ; fj.y

eTre'ecnn Horn. ; <>i\7] K., Lat. carum caput, Ib.

in bad sense, KaKcd : >
also, /cepro/tiotert (without eveearcn}
Id. j /cepTO/ia jSafeiz/ Hes.
abusive, ; X^P 0i Keprofioi K(pa\ai Hdt. ; & /xmpa /c. Ar. 3. the head, i. e. the
Hdt. II. mocking, delusive, /cepro/tos %apa Eur. life, TtapdefjLevoi Ke<f>aXd$ setting
their heads on the

iccpxvt], ^> # kind of hawk, the kestrel; also Kpxvir]ts cast, Od. in imprecations, is K(j>aX7}v rpeiroir <=/zot

contr. Kepxvt)'s, jpSosr, ?), Ar. on my head be it Ar., etc. II. generally, K.

(TKopoSov a head of garlic, Id. the top or brim of a

KTKTO, Ion. 3 sing-, impf of .

KCOTTOS, 4], oV, (/ceiJTeoo) stitched, embroidered, Kecrrbs vessel, Theocr. the coping of a wall, Xen.
: in pi. :

the head or source of a river, Hdt. III. metaph.,

t(j.ds of Aphrodite's charmed girdle,
II. 2. later,
like Kstyakaiov, the cro^n, completion of a thing, Plat.
/cecrTo's, GJ as Subst., Lat. cestus, Anth., Luc.
and dat. of K(f>a\-f}.
icccTTpa, T), (/cez/reaj) a fish held in esteem among
the Ke4>aXT]<!>i., -t]4>L, Ep. gen.
Ke^aXivos, 6, a sea-fish, &Kzfyia.s, Doric ap. Ath.
Greeks, Ar.
Kv0dv, poet, for KevGca, II. K<j>aXiov [a], TO, Dim. of K(paX.T], Plut.
c-u8[xos> o',
= sq., II. K<j>dXis, i5os, 7], Dim. of K.t$aXi\,
II. ^y^ <^ ^
HI- a head, chapter, N.T.
Ki>0[iwv, a^os, <5, (KevBca) a hiding place, hole, corner, s/zo<?, Arist.

Od.; Kv6juo>ves opeW the hollows of the mountains, KcxavSa, pf. of xaySavco.
Find., Eur. 2. of the nether world, the abyss, Hes., pf . pass, of xapao-crw.
Aesch. 3. in Aesch. Eum. 805 = tifivrov, a sanctuary. exd-pTjjjLai [a], pf. act. and pass, of xaipd*.
fut. inf. of xaipo).
Ki56oura, Dor. for -ovcra, part. fem. of nevQa. , Ep.

Kt>0os, eos, T6, KvQjj.&v} V7rb /cev#6<n yaiys in the , 3 sing. Ep. fut. med. of X a/iP>'
depths of the earth, Horn. ; in sing., K. VCKV&V Soph. ; [a], -T^VTO, Ep. 3 sing, and pi. plqpf. pass.
K. otKaw the innermost chambers, like pvx6s, Eur.

KEY'il, f. /cevcrou: aor. I e/cevera: Ep. redupl.aor. 2subj. , Ep. pf. part, of
JLa t-
pf. pass. part, of x&p' Cl
KeKvQca: pf. KGKevQa: plqpf. iKeftevdtw, Ep. Kenevfatv: ,

^o coi/^r gzYi? ^/>, cover, hide, of the grave, STTOU

zfo , 3 sing, plqpf. pass, of /**
KiJOe 7a?a where earth covered him, Od. ; so, &z> ouSe <ajxvo?, pf. pass. part, of x aP iTO(a

Ka.rQav6vra. ycua K. Aesch.; also, dv6r &v ere 5(J/toi aro, Ep. for -oivro, 3 pi. plqpf. pass, of
KcKvBcDCTL, i. e. when thou hast entered the house, Od. : TO [d], 3 pi. Ep. redupl. aor. 2 med. of
Soph. pf. to contain, Horn., Soph.
: 2. to conceal, pf of .
x u>'KQ}

and in pf. to keep concealed., Horn.; OVKSTL KsvQere ioi, wv, ol, Comic word for A07jva?ot, Gapenians
&P&TVV ou5e TroTTJra no more can ye disguise } Our
for Athenians, Ar.
eating and drinking-, Od. ; /c. Tt &$ov Kaptiias Aesch.; , poet, redupl. aor. 2 of
K. [ATJvw to cherish anger, Eur. 3. c. dupl. ace., ws, pf. part, of
o&Se ere never [ravra] nor will / keep them secret from pf.

thee, Od. H. in Trag. sometimes intr. to be con- ws, pf part, of .

, needy, pf. pass. part,

of XP^ W c *
cealed, lie hidden, esp. in pf., Aesch,, Soph.
K4>aXdSiov, T(J, Dim. of K(pd\aiov. , pf. pass. inf. of x ^-
K<|>dXatos, a, QV, (KeQaXri) of the head : metaph., like ai, fut. 3 pass, of x ^^-
Lat. capitalis, principal, Ar. II. as Subst., eVos, pf . pass. part, of w xpW^C
/ce^xxAcuoK, r6, the head, Id. 2. the chief or main pf . pass, of %(.

point, the sum of the matter, Find., Thuc., etc. V ,* -WTO, 3 sing, and pi. Ep. plqpf. of
K<paXa,icp, or &$ &
K,, elireiv to speak summarily, Xen., Kx<>pt8aTcu Ion. 3 pi. pf. pass, of x&>piCo>.
etc. ; ey Ke(jxxXaioi$ vjrofjLWjo'at, avo^ei^cu, wcpiAajBctV TI KexwpicrfxeVws, Adv. (xa>pf<y) separately, Arist.
Thuc. 3. of persons, the head or chief, Luc. 4. Kcxwcrjjtevos, pf . pass. part, of x^>vvvlj '1 '

of money, the capital, Lat. caput, opp. to interest, Plat., subj. of /cel/icu.
etc. the sum total, Dem.
: 5. &tf crown, completion Kcwv, part, of /ceo; /cefew, q. v. =
of a thing, a crowning act of wrong, Id. ; /c. ewirtQevai KOJS, Ion. Kcos, TJ, Ceos, one of the Cyclades, Hdt., etc. :
ITTI rij/i, Lat. corollam imponere rei, Plat. Hence hence Ketos, Ion. Kijtos, d, a Ceian, Id., etc. ; ov
jce<f>aXcuooo, f. <^(T6), /<? bring under heads, s^tm up, Xios, a\Xk Kibs not a (roguish) Chian, but an (honest)
state summarily> Thuc. II. to smite on the Ceian, proverb in Ar.
id}, Ion. for irfj or -rot: but /crj enclit. for TTT;
or TTOU, Hdt.
head, N. T.
Ke4>aXai-(aSt]s, es, (cUoy) capital, principal, chief, Kijai, (Ep. aor. i inf. of Kalai) 3 sing. opt. H. Ktjcu,
Luc. : Adv. ~5wy, summarily, Arist. 3 sing. opt.
77< KH'P.
or Ktjywv, Dor. crasis of Kal e-yctJ.
K. ipovov oozing blood, Id. ; fjLv$&<ra K., of the juices
y, (K.TI^OS\ connexion by marriage, alliance, drawn by fire from a sacrificial victim, Soph. H.
Lat. affinitas, Eur., Xen. the dye made from sap oozing from the gall-nut, Dem. ;
KTiSeios, ov, (/cTjSos) cared for, dear, beloved, II. 2. K. irop<pvpas the dye of the purple-fish, Aesch.

careful of, or caring for, c. gen., Eur. II. 0/ # cir]iaas, only

in pres. and Ep. impf. K-T\KWV, /nf/as" to

funeral or tomb, mourning, sepulchral, Aesch., Eur. gush or ooze, Od., Soph. Pass., CUJJMS /cTjJciQjuew :

as, 5,
= K7}0*G/j.<&v, Anth . sXKeav Soph. [I Ep. ; I Att.]
(/cTpScfictfj/) c&r^, solicitude, Plat.; and cilXcos, ov, (icahi) burning, II. : so KijXeiosj Ib.
"fl, ov, provident, careful : Adv. -K&S, CHAE'il, f. 77ro3, ^o charm, bewitch, enchant, beguile^
Luc. From fascinate, esp. by music, Lat. mulcere, Eur., Plat.
KTjScjjiwv, Jyos, 6, (K7jJ>&j) 0?z w/z0 2S 2?z charge, esp. for :-J}XT], Att. KaXifj [d], ^,
a tumor, esp. a rupture, Lat*
burial, II. 2. generally, a protector, guardian, hernia, Anth.
Theogn., Soph., etc. : also of a female, Soph. II. :7jXir]0jjio<S5 <5, (K7j\; enchantment, fascination, Od.
= /o}SeaT7js, Eur., Ar. Ki]X7|jJia, aros, TO, a magic charm, spell, Eur.
K-qSeos, ov,
= K*f)0~eios } given in charge for burial, II. KifXtjcrts, ews, ^, a enchanting, fascination, Plat.
icqSccrcu, aor. i med. imper. of /d?5o). rjX srjTi]pi.os, a, oz/, better os, oj^, charming, appeasifig,
< >

Eur. rb ==
K^SCCTKOV, Ion. impf. of /c$8 Kirj8(rKTO, 3 sing. :
; /c. /djA^a, Soph.
impf. med. ^fcfi\ifj one who ruptured, Anth.
:^XTJTi|S 9 ou, ^,
KT]8ccm]s, ov, o, (tfTjSos) a connexion by marriage, Lat, :-qXl8ow, f . cScrw, to stain, sully, soil, Eur. From
affinis, Xen., etc. : esp. a son-in-law, father-in-law, KHAI'Z [t], *5os, ^, fl: stain, spot, dejilement^ esp. of
a step-father, Dem. : a brother-in-law, Eur. Hence blood, Trag. 2. metaph. ^ stain, blemish, dis~
icqSccTTCa, TJ, connexion by marriage, Xen. honour, Soph., Xen.
fajScvpia, aros, r6, connexion or alliance by marriage, CrTAONj TO, a shaft, an arrow, IL, Hes.
Lat. affinitas, Eur. 2. poet, for KTj^eo'r'^s, one who ICH'AQN, ooyos, o, a swipe or swing-beam, for drawing
is so connected, Soph., Eur. water, Lat. tolleno so, KTiXtovetov, Ion. rjtoVj rtJ, Hdt.

, <5,
= /CTjSc/idjjf, Anth. T]|xoi 9 Dor. crasis for Kal 6/iiroF, seal

E-UG>, f . crew, (i&jSos) to take charge of, attend to, tend,

Soph., Eur. 2. esp. to attend- to a corpse, close the 6, a muzzle, put on a led horse, Xen..,
eyes, bury, mourn, Eur., etc. II. to contract a Anth. II. the fzmnel -shaped top to the voting-
marriage, ally oneself in "marriage, Aesch., Eur. j urn (/caSos, KaSicTKos) in the Athen. law-courts, through
K. A%O$- to marry, Soph. Pass, to be so allied,
: which the ballots tyrfaoi,' were dropt, Ar.
Eur. 2. c. ace. pers. to make one's kinsman by iQjio&>, (/CTJ^S) ^o muzzle a horse, Xen.
marriage, Id. 3. absol., ot KijSevcravTes those who TJV,Dor. crasis for al eV: but KTJV for /col ay.

formed the marriage, Id. -qviavTOSj Dor. crasis for /ecu Is'iauToV.
TjvoSj Aeol. for KZIVQS, efcetvos.
KTiSicrros, 77, ov, Sup. formed from KTJO*O$, most worthy ^VSTOS, 6, Lat. census, registration of taxation,
N. T. :

of our care, most cared for, Horn. II. nearest the tax itself, Ib.
allied by marriage, Od. KH3, mjK<fc, ^, a sea-bird that dashes into the sea to
KTjSos, Dor. xaSos, eos, TQ, (KT^&J) care for others, c. seize its prey, perh. the tern or gannet, Od.
gen., Od. 2. trouble, sorrow; mostly in pi. J Dor. crasis for seal l|.

troubles, Horn. 3. esp. cares for the dead, mourn- , Dor. crasis for Kal eamyyi$.
of /colw.
ing, Id., Aesch., etc.; also in sing., KaSos $0ijUei iojiv, Ep. for KTi<a^ev, i pi. aor. i subj.
Pind. ; a/j.a K'ffO'ei when there is a death in the family, ', Dor. crasis for /col elwe.
Hdt. ; Is T& K. UVO.L to attend the funeral, Id. C, jcTJireiTo, Dor. crasis for
ol Arec, /coi ereira.
an object of care, a care, Aesch. II. connexion aros, TO", (inprc^tf) ^x
garden-flower, Ar.
by marriage, Lat. affinitas, Hdt., Att. s, d, (K^TTOJ) a gardener, Anth.
scTjSocrwos, ov, anxious, Eur. .
Ta>, (K^TTOS) #<? r^ar in
a garden, Luc. :

K?]8c> impf. /oj5oz/, Ion. K$$Q~KQV

: f KTyS^tra) (from a : .
metaph. to tend, cherish, freshen, Eur.
form /o?8eo>) Med. and Pass., Ep. impf. KTjSeenceTO f
: : .
icq-irC, Dor. crasis
for ml M.
Ke/eaS^crojiuu (for /ceKa<$7?<T, /ce/caSop-, v. %afco B; : aor. I
KTjmov, r<{, Dem. of IOJTOS : a parterre : metaph. a de-
Imper. r^5(Tat: p. KK7j5a (in pres. sense): I. Act. coration, appendage, Thuc.
to trouble, distress, vex, Horn. II. Med. and Pass. Boeot. crasis for icol lv%cptcrcu.
to be troubled or distressed for others, c. gen. pers. Kt|iro-XoY 5> oy? (^7^ teaching in a garden, Anth.
H., etc. : also c. gen. rei, To>y a\<plrcav Ar. : absol. in K.rTnOI, Dor. KOLTTOS, 6, a garden, orchard, planta-
part. Kytio'fievosy i\, ov, caring for a person, anxious, II. tion, Od. of any fertile region, 'A^poS/TTjy /cobras,

KTJ8<oK, Dor. crasis for Kal 8a>Ke. i. Cyren6, Find. ;v Aibs K., i.
e. e. Libya, Id., etc. : m
lojev, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i
of tcala. *A.6vi$os KTiiroL, v. A5eem 2.
KT]6apLov, r<J, a vessel into 'which the ^^>ot were cast
in ictjirovpiic^s, 4
r for gardening, Plat. From
<t>v> of
voting, Ar. (Deriv. uncertain.) of a garden, a gardener,
ictjir-oupos, <, keeper
idjK, Dor. crasis for KOLK, i. e. /cal /c. KHT, 17, K7?p^, ace. K%a, the goddess &f deafk, hence
Dor. crasis for Kal afaa, i. e. Kal of K. doom, fate, Horn.; in full, eotgrwo Od. j K%
> ^K

[l], *5oy, ^, anything oozing forth, ooze, Aesch.

II. :
generally, bane, ruin, pap&a pfar
43 2 KHT
rb fJL^j vL0ff6ai grievous ruin it were not to obey, (sc. o KypvQ he gives notice, proclamation is made,
Aesch. K^p ov Kah.7] an unseemly calamity, Soph.
-, Xen. ace. pers. to summon by "voice of
II. c.
iCH~P, r<, contr. from Keap (as $p from eap), the heart ^ herald, Horn., Ar. 2. to proclaim, as
Lat. cor, Horn. ; dat. ftijpi as Adv., with, all the heart, Xen., etc. : to extol, Eur. 3. to call upon, invoke
heartily, Id. In Trag. always Keap.
Aesch,, Eur. III. c. ace. rei, to proclaim, an-
jajpcuvca, f. avQ, (%) to be sick at heart, to be dis- nounce, ri nvi Trag-. : to proclaim or advertise for
quieted, anxious, Eur. sale, Hdt. ; K. uTroiKiav to proclaim a colony, i. e.
Kir]pe<rcri-<f>opi'jTos, ov, K 'hp> <j>opGca) urged, on by the
(. to invite people to join as colonists, Thuc. 2. to
s, II. proclaim or command publicly, Lat. indicere, Aesch.,
osj rj, ov, ^KTjpdi) of wax,, waxen. Plat, :
metaph. Soph., etc. ; ra Kujpvx&evra the public orders, Soph.
pliable as wax
(Horat., cereus in mtium ftecti} , Id. KT]p<sJTos, ^, 6v, (K^p6u>) covered with wax : KTjpary, y,
jorjpio-KXeirnqs, ov, 6, stealer of honeycombs, Theocr. a cerate or salve, Ar.
icjjpiov, T<, (/oypo's) a honeycomb, Lat. favus, Hes., Klfsj Dor. crasis for al is.
Hdt., etc. ; also, Kijpiov a-fyyiccav Hdt. 2. a 'm ., contr. from Ke'Tjrcu,

3 sing subj. of /C?/tm. ,

tablet, Anth. a, ov, (jxqrQs) of sea monsters, Mosch.

c-qp,-Tp4nis, born to misery, Hes.
6S-, (rp<j>ca) , cos, TO, any sea-monster or huge fish, Horn.,
Dor. KTjpoSeras, = sq., Eur.
rtjs, ou, 6, Hdt. II. an abyss, hollow, cf. K^rweis.
TO?, Dor. Kap-, ov, (Sea?) wax-bound, f&eAt Anth. KTJTO-<|JOVOS, ov, (*</) killing sea-monsters, Anth.
Adv. (K%>; in the heart, with all the heart, K7]Tts, ecrcra, ev, (tnjros n), as epith. of Lacedaemon,
heartily, Horn., Hes. full of hollows or ravines, Horn, 3 cf p.eya.K'f)T7i$. .

io]poo[icu, Pass, (fcrjpts) Med. to form for oneself of KTJV, Dor. crasis for /ecu e.
'wax, Anth. K.r\$a 9 Dor. crasis for /cal ^77.
s, es, (vftyrufu) fastened with wax, Anth. KH4>H'N, rjvos, 6, a drone, Lat. fucus : metaph. a
-Tos, or., moulded of wax, waxen, Anth. 2. drone, a lazy fellow, Hes., Ar.
sf Aesch.
Ktj^v-wS-qs, $, (eTSos) /zjfeg a drone, Plat.
KHPO1, bees-wax, Lat. ?m, Od., Plat.
KTjcj>0a, Dor. crasis for Kal %<pd7} from airropcu.
K7]po-TxvTjs, ou, 6, a modeller in 'wax, Anacreont. Ki]<j>Icros, Dor. Ka<js-5 6, the Cephisus, a river of Phocis,
icqpo.Tpo4>osoz', (rptyw) producing -max, waxen, Anih. II.: fern. Ai/i^ Ky<pt<ri$ Ib. 2. the more famous
clad in wax, Anth.
[3Q, cavos, 6, j\, river of Athens, Soph., etc.
to make -waxen cells, Anth. From
G>, KTrjAiS^s, es, (KTJCU, aor. i inf. of Kaica) smelling as of
os, ov, moulded of wax. incense, fragrant, II.
ICI)pO<i), V. KT)p6opat.
KT]weis, emra, v, =
fcij(&S7)s, II.
icijpv'Yp.a, aros, r<{, (/CTjptWw) & wAfefe is cn ^j/a lapSifjXcvto, (Ki&dyXos) to adulterate coin, Ar., etc. II.
herald, a proclamation, public notice, Hdt .
, Att. 2 .
metaph. ft? palm off, Eur.
a reward offered by proclamation, Xen., Aeschin.
KtpS-jjXCo, ^, adulteration, trickery^ dishonesty, Ar.
ici]pvKia, Ion. -qfij, ^, (/cTjpu^) 2fAe o/ Affra/rf or o^^ From
r, Hdt., Plat.
KipSijXos, oi/, adulterated, spurious, base, of coin,
[5], Ion. -T]tov, Dor. icapviceiov, rJ, (7?pu^) Theogn., Eur. II. metaph. base, false, spurious,
a herald's wand, Lat. caduceus, Hdt., Thuc.
fraudulent, of men, Theogn., Eur.; of oracles, de-
[u], aros, r6, a proclamation, -message, Aesch. ceitful, Hdt. ; eV Ki&Sfaq Eur. From
w, f. (ry,
(/rijpwQ zf(? # herald or crier, fulfil KS'BAOI, 6, dross, alloy.
the office of one, Plat. II. trans, fo proclaim, ^ ^ocA, OT/^, Hes. (A Cyprian word.)
[/ex], ^,
notify, ri nvt Aesch., Eur. v, ro, Dim. of KL$WTQS, Ar.
ICTJpVKTJtT], ~TJtoV9 Ion. for Kt]pVKLa, -eiov. wooden box,
j ^, chest, coffer, Ar. (Deriv.
KT|pvKiKds ^, 4 (%u|) of heralds, Plat. uncertain.)
K-qpvXos [u]j, 5, zfA^ halcyon. The form KcCpuXos is a KiyicX^w, (KiyKKos) to wag the tail: metaph. to
joke in Ar., the barber Sporgilos being; called (from change constantly, Theogn.
rcpa), rasor-bird. KIFKAl'l, tSos, TI, mostly in pi. KiyKKfocs, the latticed
KnPv i> Dor. Kapv|, VKOS, <5, a herald, pursuivant, gates in the law-courts or council-chamber, through
marshal, public messenger, Horn., etc. In Horn. which the members passed, Ar. ; metaph.., means
they summon the assembly, separate combatants, waitings at the bar, the law's delays, Pint. ; in sing-.,
have charg-e of sacrifices, act as
envoys, and their vrbs TTjs KLyfcXfoos Siarpi&eLV to live in court, Luc.
persons were sacred. After Horn., Hermes is called KITSCAO2E, <5, prob. a kind of wagtail, Theogn.
the *c%w of the gods, Hes., etc. 2. at Athens, a KiYXoLvc* [a], v. sub [a].
crier, who made proclamation in the public assemblies,
KiSvajtai, Pass.
= (
only in pres. and impf .,
Ar,,, etc. From to be spread abroad or over, of the dawning day, II. ',

II. fAtt. -TTW, Dor. Kap-uowo : f. - : aor. inn/os ITT* offffois K. Eur.
Pass., f /oj/w/x^ero/iot ; f ut.
. med.
in pass. Kr0A'PA, Ion. -pTj [6d], ^, the Lat. cithdra
sense /cTjpufo^ai: aor. i e/ojpt/x^y: pf. Keicfjpvy/jju: to guitar), a kind of lyre or lute, h. Horn., Hdt.-, Att. :
beaherald,offidateasherald,\\.", Xabviajpvffa'ovresa.yei- it was of triangular with seven
shape, strings, Eur.
pJvrtDV let them convene the people by voice of herald, Cf. sq.
Ib. ; K^puo-(i,
tcripv% Aesch., etc. : io (/c0apis) to play the cithara,
irapers., Kijpixrfrei dOapittoj f. ,
II., Hes. ; Xvpr) eporby KiQapifav
h. Horn. ; (so T), lust, Aeschin., Luc. From
that there can have been no great difference between [t], 6, Lat. cinaedus, a lewd fellow, Plat.
the KLddpa, Avpa, and (p6pfj.iy) ; KiQap't&iv OVK cViVrarcu, xa [u], aros, T6, (K.ivWv<a} a risk, hazard?
of an uneducated person, Ar. venture, bold enterprise, Soph., Eur.
*ct0apis, iosj TI, ace. Ki8apiy,^=Ki6dpa, Horn., etc. II. Ktv8i3vVTOv, verb. Adj. one must venture, Eur. ; and
= KtOaptarrvs, Id. javSvvevnjs, ov, 6, a daring, venturesome person*
Ki0dpuris [a], ecos, rj, (icidapifoa)
a playing on the Thuc. ; and
cithara, Plat. ; and KLv8i3vtmKos, 4\, 6v, adventurous, Arist. From
Ki0apicrp.a [a], arcs, TO, (Ki8apito) that which is played or tceKivfiv-
KLvB-uvevw, f, 0*0? :
Pass., f. KivSvvevQyffofjicu
on the cithara, a piece of -music for it, Plat. vetftro/uu : to be daring, to make a venture, fake the
KT0api<rrijs, ov, 6, (KiBaptfta) a player on the cithara, risk, do a daring thing, Hdt., Ar., etc. be in :to
Hes., Att. Hence danger, Thuc. 2. that in respect of \\hich danger is

Kt0apt<rriKOs, T\> &> skilled in harp-playing) Plat. incurred in dat., K. T$ cn^ucm, ry tyvxy Hdt.; /c. irdcry rf

T] -KT] (sc. Tx^)=sq. ? Id. 'EAAaS* to run a risk 'with all Greece, i. e. endanger it
Ki0api<rrus, vos, 7), (KiSaplfw) the art of playing the all, Id.,etc.; so, K. irpl rys tyvxys Ar., etc. 3. c.
cithara, II. ace. cogn. to venture, hazard, KW$VVVJJ.(Z Plat, ;

KL0apa>8e<i>, . to sing to the cithara, Plat. ; and

^<r<a?, Aeschin, Pass, to be risked or hazarded, jue

xi0apb>$ia, ?}, a singing to the cithara, Plat. ; and KivSvvevfrat. there is risk of change, Thuc. ra / *,

tutfapttSiKO?, %, 6v3 of or for harp-playing, Ar. 2. Ku>dvvverai are endangered, Dem. 4. c. inf. to
ft -icy (sc. rexvff)
= Ki&apy&ia., Plat. From run the risk of doing or being, Hdt., Thuc., etc. :

xfi6ap-ip8os, <, (ttiQapa., 0.01865) one who plays and sings then, implying a chance of success, Kivfivveiw (c. inf.)
to the cithara, a harper, Hdt., Plat., etc. is used to express what may possibly or probably

cX0c5v, Ion. for ^iTc&f. happen, KivSwedovcrt ol &vQpt&RQi yoifrcs elvai they run
KnCS, r6, the castor berry, Hdt. a risk of being reputed conjurors, Hdt.; KivSvvevffets
KIKLVVOS [/Cij> <5j # ringlet, Lat. cincinnus, Ax.,
Theocr. e7rt5?^i xp^ffrlbs eTyai you 'will have a chance of
KiKKcLpcui, onomatop., a cry in imitation of the screech- showing your worth, Xen. ; KivSwewi wyaffbv yeyovevai
owl's note, toowhit, toowhoo, Ar. it is very likely to prove good, Plat. then impers., :

poet, redupl. form of /caAeo?, only in pres.

KLy$vvVi it may be, possibly, Id. 5. Pass, to be
and impf . Ep. inf. KLKXyo-Kcuev : Ep. impf KiK\rjffKov :
: .
endangered or imperilled, Thuc., Dem. From
to call, summon, Horn. 2. to call on, invoke, KI'NAVNOl, 6, a danger, risk, hazard, venture, enter-
implore, II., Aesch., etc. II. to accost, address, prise, Lat. periculum, Pind., Ar., etc.; ttivfivvov cb/ap-
II. III. to name, call by name, Aesch., Eur. :
Ib., piirreiv to run a risk, Hdt., etc. ; KivSvvov or Kiy^wovs
Pass., vTJcrds ris "2,vpiti /a/cATjovceTcu there is Sin island a.vaXa.^ff&a.i, V7ro5ver0cu, otfp<r8at, U7roft?yai, etc., Att.
called Syros, Od. ; cf. KMJ& li. iclvcv, Dor. for KIVQV, imper. pass, of KIVGW.
Kticuvva, TJ, Cicynna, an Attic deme : KiKuvveiJs, 6, a KI~NE'H, f. -fjffca aor. i 6/cvjj<ra, Ep. fctvyara: Med.

Cicynnian, Att. ; pi. Kwcvwijs, Ar. ; Kiicwvo0V from and Pass., /aj-^o-o/ncu and -TjQ^o' aor. i e/aj/^njy, :

Id. Ep. 3 pL fKivy&ev pf Kefc'iyy/nai : to set in motion,

. :
to move, Horn., Att. 2. to move or remove a thing
KTKYI, 77, strength, vigour, Od., h. Horn.
*K,rJCQL, a verb only found in Dor. aor. i /aa, == %veyKa, from its place, Hdt. ; K. TO aKtvrjra to meddle "with
Anth. :in Ar. we have air-eKi^ar, sent away, shook off. things sacred, Id., Soph. ; K. ra xpi7/wra Is &AAo to n
KiXi-f [i], IK.OS, 6, a Cilician, II. fern. KCXicrcra, Aesch. : :
apply them to an alien purpose, Hdt. ; it. rb 0"rpr<J-
TTC^OV, Lat. castra movere, Xen. : to change, inno-
Adj. KtXtKios, a, ov, Cilician, Id.; ^ KtXiKia (sc.
Hdt. vate, rh yfacua Hdt, II. to rouse* disturb, of a
77?;, Cilicia,
KtXXi-pas, KiXXt&arres, a three-legged
aj/ros, 5, in pi. wasps* nest, II. to stir up, arouse, urge on, Trag.,

stand for supporting- any thing, KL\Xtfiavre$ acrwfoos etc. III. to set agoing, cause, call forth, Soph.,
a shield-^/o:w^, Ar. Hence etc. :
proverb., /c. icav X/"7Ma to turn every stone, try
KKAAO2, <5,
an ass. every way, Hdt.
Kijj-ps,^, IKOS, ^,
^ niggard, Arist, (Deriv. unknown.) B. Pass, to be put in 'motion, to be moved, move,
^A^ Cimmerians, a people dwelling beyond stir, II., Hdt v Att. 2. to move forward , of soldiers,,
KififUpioi, ol,
the Ocean in perpetual darkness, Od. : in later geo- Soph., Xen., etc.
graphy, a people about the Palus Maeotis, Hdt. Adj. :
KlvT]0tiv, Ep. for CKW-, aor. i pass, of foreg.
K.i|jLfieptK09, 17, 6v, Cimmerian,
K. IffQp&s the Crimea, (KIV^J = Kivyais, motion, Pind.
ctvT|0|j.<$s, o,
KivTjfia [fj, or os, r6, (/cij/ew) a motion, movement,
Aesch. ;,|Xpios> a, ov, Hdt.
cas, y, (ici^ew) movement, motion, Plat.,
KtficaXCa (sc. 7^), fj, Cimolian earth, a white clay, from KtVTjcrts [r],
Cimolus in the Cyclades, which was used by way of etc. a dance, Luc.
: 2. movement, in a political

soap in the baths, Ar. sense, Thuc. ; of the Peloponn. war, Id. '

KivajSpa, 7j, the rank smell of a he-goat, Luc. Hence Kiv-qreos, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Kivew, to be moved f
II. KivTjTeov, one must call into playy Id.
Ktvappaaj, to smell like a goat, Ar. Plat.
Kivaoos [t], fos, r6, a fox: hence of a cunning rogue, ypos, &, KivyTfa, h. Horn., Pind.
ov, 5, (fctyew) one that sets agoing, an author,
Soph., Ar., etc. : in Theocr. the voc. Kivafie implies a
masc. form KivaSos, ou, 6. (Sicilian word.) S, ^, 6v, (wet*) of or for putting in
motion ,
motion, rustling, as of wings, Aesch.
tctva0i<r|&a [a], r6,
434 KLvvafj.wjj.ov KAAI O.>jiov, TO, cinnamon, a word borrowed from the KtTTOS, KtTTO<|>OpOS, Att. for Kiffff-.
Phoenicians, Hdt. tcXx** vw W* m
pf- tKkxjSaiovi the other moods are formed

KtwyjjLa [r], arcs, r6, (Ktj>i>( anything

moved from *Kt%7?^i, Ep. subj. Kix^i^x^o^v, opt. /cixetTjy;

2 sing. e/c(-
about, aW4ptov K. a sport for the winds of heaven, Aesch. inf. /ax-Tjvcu, part. KiX impf. eidxnv
t/5 :
In pres. and impf., to Ep, I pi. tdxmw, 3 dual Kr^r-nv : the Att. pres.
jcivvp-ai [l], Dep.=KW0/u, only %eis,
Tr6X/j.ov Klwvro (Ep. impf.) they were isKiyxayw [*] : Me^L (in act. sense), Kixdvo/jiat, part.
go, move,
marching to battle, II. ; Kiyvjievoto as he moved, Ib.
f. Ki-xficropai Ep. 3 sing.
Kixfawos (from */c/%?j/tt) : :

KivvpofjiaL [if], Dep., only in pres. and impf.,

to utter a aor. i Kixfjcraro reach, hit, or /ig-Aif upon, meet
: ft?

plaintive sound, lament, wail, Ar. : c. ace. cogn., with, find, Horn. : &? overtake, II. : 2f<? reach, arrive
XaAzvol Kwvpovrai. <p6vov the bridles ring or clash mur- at, Ib.; <T Soupl taytfiffoiLaL shall reach thee, Ib.; rcAos
derously, Aesch. From flavaroio KL-^^VOV death fAa^ *s /? r^rA ow^, ^r
inevitable, Ib. 2. rarely c. gen., like riryxavw, Soph.
SCrNYTQI, d, ov, wailing, plaintive, II.

Kivuor<, Pass. = /e'o^,cu, to sway backwards and Kix^Xa, -^, Dor. for Kix^}>
forwards, Aesch. Ki\i\y.i 9 v. K-iXjavto.
Kio-Kpavov, T&, (play, Kpdviov) the capital of a column, Kl'XAH by nature], ^, a ^ArwsA, Lat. turdus, Od., Ar.
Xen. Dor. 3 pi. Kix\lcro'ovTL: f. Att. i<, to chirp
KIOV, Ep. for Kiov, impf. of KOJ. like a thrush: hence, to titter, giggle, or to eat
Kioau, dat. pi. of tcifay. K^x^ai, to /zVi? luxuriously, Ar.
KipKi),7], Circe, an enchantress, dwelling-
in the island Kl'&, imperat. /c/e, 2 sing. subj. K%S, Ep. i pi. KLO^V
Aea, who changed Ulysses* companions into swine, Od. (for Klo)fj,Vj :
opt. /cot/u ; part. KI&V, Kiovcra :
to go, Horn., Aesch.
KTPKOl, 6 9 a kind of hawk or falcon, so called from Kio)/, Ep. Kiov:
its wheeling flight, lf]^ teipKos (where ?p7? is the generic KfflLN [r], ovos, & or 7i, pillar, Lat. columna, Od. a :

term, KipKos the specific, like jSous ravpos), Od. II. a flogging-post, Soph., Aeschin.; proverb., tcr^ie roi>s
a ring, circle, mostly in form KP'LKQS. Hence M.eyaK\ovs Kiovas eat z^A^ pillars of his hall, for being
KipKotD, f. <aff(a, to hoop round, secure with rings, a spendthrift, he had nothing else left to give, Ar. 2.
Aesch. in pi. the pillars guarded by Atlas, which keep heaven

Kipvao) and TJ|J.I, =Kpdvvvfu, only in pres. and impf. : and earth asunder, Od. ; whereas in Hdt. Mount Atlas
to mix wine with water, in 3 sing. impf. eKipva, and is 6 Kltav rov ovpavov. II. a columnar grave-stone,

Kipvrj, part. Kipvds, Od.; in Hdt., 3 sing. pres. Kipva,

i pL KXayycuvoi or -avw, (/cActfcy) of hounds, to give tongue,
K.I'X, gen. Ki6s, ace. K'W, a worm in wood or in corn,
<5, only in pres., Aesch., Xen. From
the 'weevil, Lat. curculio, Pind. icXcry/ii* ^j (K\dfu>) any sharp sound, such as the twang
Kicrqpis [r], <ws and i$os, T\, the pumice-stone, Lat. of a bow, II.; t}fe scream of cranes, Horn.; the grunting
pumex, Arist., Luc.
(Deriv. unknown.) of swine, Od. ; the hissing of serpents, Aesch. ; the
barking of dogs, Xen. also of song, K\. Sucr-
KnEEA", Att. KiTTol, 7), a chattering, greedy bird, the :
Soph. ;

jay or magpie, Ar. II. a false appetite. Hence tyaros, of Cassandra-prophecies, Aesch.
KKrcrao), Att. KITT-, f . ^trcu, to crave for strange food, KXayy^Sov, Adv. with a clang, noise, din, II.

of pregnant women : metaph., K. rys etp-fivys Ar. ; c. icXa*ypos, a, 6v, (/cA.acy) screarning> of cranes, Anth.
inf. to long to do a thing, Id. jcX<ryas, aor. i part, of KXa^ca.
K:tcr<r-ijpTj, es, (/a<r<r<fe, *&/>&>) ivy-clad, Soph. icX8a, Dor. for K\ri$a, KXeiSa, ace. of /cAely.
correct form of Kicrvjpts. icXaSt, metaplast. dat. of K\db~os but II. cX%8i,
ttur<nrjpi.s, less

Kicnrlvos, Tjy ov, (Kiffff6s) of ivy, Eur.

Dor. dat. of K\is.
JCioxnos, a, ov, of or from, Cissia in southern Persia, KXaSiov, TO, Dim. of /cAaSos, Anth.
Hdt. ; Kia-ffia 7Ae/VT/>ia a Cissian mourner, Aesch. tcXaSicncos, 5, Dim. of sq., Anacreont.
Kioxro-KOfujs, ov, ivy-crowned, h. Horn.
6, (ic6fj,ti}
KXdSos a young slip or shoot broken
[a], ov, 6, (K\d(a)
Kicrcro-iroCijTos, ov, (TTOICO)) made of ivy, Luc. off: esp. an olive-branch wound round with wool and
KlIIO'I, Att. KITTOS, 6, ivy, Lat. hedera, Soph., Eur., etc. resented by suppliants, Hdt., Aesch., Soph.
Kicr<ro-<rr!4avo$> ov, ivy-crowned, Anth. s, T(,
= foreg., dat. sing, and pi. K\ao'i,K\.d8(ri 3 Ar.
KLcro-o-orT4ijs, S, (<TT<f>ca)
= foreg., Anacreont. KAA'Za, f K\dya} aor. i ^K\ay^a aor. 2 K\ayov
. : : :

Kicro-o4>opoj, Att. KITT-, to be decked with ivy, Anth. KK\dyyta, Ep. part. KK\7}y<&$, pi.
pf. /ce/eAoyya, subj.
Att. KK\7)y0TS Pass., f, KK\.dyopai
: to OT^<? <z sharp :
Kicrcro~<|>6po$, KITT-, ov, (^po>) ivy-wreathed,
Pind. luxuriant with ivy, Eur.
: piercing sound, of birds, to scream, screech, II., Soph.,
Kicr<r<JG>, f . &cr<o, (Ktcr<r6s) to wreathe with ivy, Eur. etc. of dogs, to bark, bay, Od., Ar. ; of things, as of

KLo-crupiov [i/], T<(, (/ct(rcr&) a rustic drinking-cup, prob. arrows in the quiver, to clash, rattle, II. ; of the wind,
with an ivy-wreath carved on it, Od. to whistle, Od. ; of wheels, to cwz^, Aesch. ; c. ace.
2. of
KLcrcrcaTosj ^, or, {Ki(rff&(>o) decked with ivy, Anth. cogn., /cAofbucri <po$ov ring forth terror, Id.
KI1TH, a box, chest, Lat. cista, Od., Ar.
2. a men, to shout, scream, II. : the nearest approach to
writing-case, desk, Ar. articulate sound is in Aesch., fidvns 6/eAoy> #AAo
KKTTIS, iSoS, T], Dim. Of KiffTIJ, Ar. f^X ? shrieked forth another remedy ; Zijva eTriviicia
KAidfav sounding loudly the victory-song of Zeus, Id.
KtcrTo-4><>poS, ov, (tciffrfi, <f>pa>) carrying a chest in
mystic processions, Dem. KXalcnrpov, r6, Dor. for K\iffrpov.
j Att. for Aco"cra, KitrcTaaj. Att. icXaw [a]; Ep. 2 sing. opt. jc
Att. K\aov, Ep. K\a?ov, Ion. KXaitffKov:
impf. f.
keys, having charge of a place, Eur. ; of Aeacus s as
K\avcrQ/, Dor. /cXai/croS/icu, Att. also KXcu^cru) or judge of the dead, Anth.
KXd^crw : aor. i cKrAawa, Ep. KXatJ<ra: Pass., f . KG- jcXct^w, f. KAi&j, Dor. for Kfrpfa, KXTjV&j.
K\av(Tofj.ou : aor. I t-fcXavcrffyj' : pf . KK\av/jLai : I. scXciOpCa, ?}, a keyhole ; or, generally, # cleft,chink,Luc.
intr. to weep f lament, 'mail, Horn., etc. ; avrbv RXaiovra,
KXeiepov, Ion. KXijiQpov, Att. JcX-0pov, T^ S (icXeiw" a
I shall send him home 5ar for closing a door, h. Horn. : mostly in pi., like
a<prfi<Tcv weeping, i. e. 'well beaten,
hence KXauorercu he shall weep, i. e. he shall
II. ; Lat. daustra, Trag., etc.
repent if, Ar. ; K\avffei /mKpa Id. ; KXaa>j/ to yovir sor- KXeivos, ii, 6v, (icXeos) famous, renowned, illustrious,
row, at your peril, Soph., Eur. ; K\ ere Xe-ycw or Solon, Pind., Trag. ; ol TOVTO KXeivov avrov is well-
KeXevaj, Lat. plorare te jitbeo, Ar. IX. trans, f<? known of him, Luc.
weep for, lament, Horn. : in Pass, to be lamented, KXet|cu, Dor. for teXwai, aor. i inf. of K\"ffte.
Aesch. :
Impers.j P.CLTTIV fj.ol /ce/cXazi<rTcu I shall mourn rcXcis, 7], gen. :Xi5os ; Att. ace. KXetV, later KXeTScr; pi.
in vain, Ar. Med. to bewail oneself, weep
III. Xu?es, Xi5as, contr. fcXeTs, dat. icXetcriV : Ion.
aloud, Aesch. ; so pf part, pass., KK\avfjLyos bathed
KXiji<s, KXTjTSos, KXTjtSa, etc. : Dor. icXcus, fcXai'Sos :

in tears, all tears, Id., Soph. 2. trans, to bewail old Att. icXi^s, KX??Sos, ace. KX5j6a : (jcXezaj) t/za^ :

to oneself, Soph. 'which serves for closing : 1. a 6ar or do/f, drawn

KXaL-ujJuXia, 7), (6fjt,iXia) fellowship in tears, Anth. or undrawn by a latch or thong (&ias), Horn. 2.
KXap-jBos, <}], 6v, mutilated, Hippiatr* a key, or rather a kind of catch or A<9?^,, by which the
icXa|, O.KOS, 7i, Dor. for /cXeis. bar (oxevs) was shot or unshot from the outside,
tcXa|b>, Dor. fut. of K\fico, to shut, 3. a key (unknown to Hom.^ , Aesch.,
KiXapos, icXapoa), Dor. for KX.yp-. Eur. 4, metaph., A<n/xa ftovKav r Kcd waXffiav
tcXcurc, Ep. for e/cXacrc, 3 sing. aor. i of /eXaco. KXalSas %oi(ra Pind. ; KX-fs iiirl yXc^croaj j3e$rjK 3 of
icXacrl-ptSXaf , OKOS, 6, y, (K\d&] breaking clods, Anth. enforced silence, Soph. ; so, KaQapav ava'tgcu KXptia,
icXocris [a], eus, y, (/cXaw) a breaking, N. T. (ppevSiv Eur. II. ike kook or tongue of a clasp,
jcXacrfxa, O.TOS, T6, (tfXc<w) that 'which is broken off, a Od. HE. the collar-bone, so called because it
fragment, morsel, N.T., Plut. locks the neck and breast together I!., Soph., etc. IV.
x:XacrroLb>, . CTOJ, (/cXaa?) to dress vines :
metaph. /cX. a rowing bench, which locked the sides of the ship to-
nvd to give him a dressing, Ar. gether, Od. "V. a narrow pass,
the key "
of a
icXa<rros, -f), 6v, (Xaco) broken in pieces, Anth. country, Hdt. ; a strait, Eur.
Xcu>0p.os, 6, (/cXoiw) a weeping, Horn., Hdt., Aesch.
icXai>0}i,vpi<i), f. ffct), to make to weep : Pass, to 'weep, , Ion. JcXt|iO"Tos, Att. fcXn<rrds, *^, ov, that can
Plat. Hence be shut or closed, Od., Thuc.
KXav0fuipi,<rjJtos,f>, like a crying
child, Plut. a Xelcrrpov, r^,
= KK^tBpov, Lat. claustrum, Luc.
xXauifia, r6,arros,
(fcXa(a>) a weeping; -wailing, XiiTos, T?, oV, (/cXetw B; = K:Xei^s, Horn., Pind.
Aesch. II. a trouble, misfortune, Soph., Ar, o)

A) : f /cXeicrw . aor. i ejcXeicra :

Pass., f icX- .

xXatJcrapa, crasis for /cXav<m &pa. and KKA.elcro^cu : aor. i tKteicr&Qv : pf. e-
icXav<r, Ep. for eKXau<T6, 3 sing. aor. i of KXaify. or rceKXeicr/iai Ion., scXirjCcij
: ; aor. i eKA^icra,
KXavcrcTapa, crasis for KKaiifferai pa. Ep. KX-^rcra, inf. KXtfiffaii Pass., aor. i a.-w-eKXjiiff&^w ;
-Laon, Desiderat. of KXcuco, to 'wish to weep, TO pf. /ee/eXTji/uca :
3 pi. plqpf. c-nceicX-jjiaTO : old Att.
v <j>QeyY6p,Gvov \\w$ /cXaucri^ the door is like to KXgw: f . KXrJcrct} : aor. i
pf. KefcXrjKa : Med.,
(i. e. shall sztffer) for creaking without cause, aor. i Pass., aor. i IjcA.p'crftp' : pf .
inf. K\jj<rao-da.L

Ar. KKXr} Dor., f. *cXo|c3 : aor, imper. and part. &tro~


[I], o, smiles mixed with tears, Xen. K.Kaovs ~/cX^|os : to shut, close, bar, i&diurev Si ft/p-os
, ov, (/tax7?) Rue-the-Jight, a parody on barred the doors, Od. > laX^KTev o^os sA*?# the bars,
the name of La-machus
{Ready-for-jtghf)., Ar. so as to close the door, Ib. ; *cX7?iF orr^/to Ear. 2.
K\ax), Dor. K\, f . of /cXa/a. to shut up, close, block, 'Bdfrvapoy KXytrm Aesch. ;
KXaucrros or icXavTOS, "h, &v, (KXa(a?) mept, bewailed :
/cXj?<T6j/ TO^S eorwXovy vavKfl Thuc.
: Pass, to be shut
to be bewailed, mournful, Aesch., Soph. up*, Hdt. H. to confine, Eur,
KAA'Sl [a] impf. l/cXaji/ : : f. K\dffca : aor, i eKXatra, tcXeCo> (B), Ep. for /cXew, ft? celebrate.
Ep. 3 sing. KXaore, KXaaffe :
Med., Ep. 3 sing. aor. i KXeici, ovs, ^, C/w, one of the Muses, Hes., etc. j esp.
ttXacrcraro :
Pass., aor. i /cXao-0T?y :
pf. Kre:Xa<r/<iai : the Muse of Ep, Poetry and History. ^From KXew,
to break, break off, Horn., etc. /cXeiw, to celebrate.}
xXaco [a], Att, for K\atco, to weep, as Kaca for Kaiu. aros, TO, (KXe-n-rw} a theft, Eur., Ar.
icXea, Ep. for K\ea, pi. of /cXeos. a stratagem in 'war, Thuc. : a fraud, Dem., Aeschin.
or icXeciyos, ^, <^j/ ? form of KXeivds, Pind,
lyr. icXeos, r6, only in nom. and ace. sing, and pi. : Ep. pL
v, Avos, 6, Ion. and Ep. for K\r}S(av. KXea, KXeta : (x\ea>) : a rumour, report, news, Lat*
Ep. contr. from /cXeca, pi. of KXeos. fama, Horn. ; <rly KXeosr news of thee, Od. j c. gen*,,,
jcXciSiov, ?6, Dim. of K\eis, a little key, Ar. /cXeos *Axtc5y fAe report of their coming, II. ; a mere
KXetSovxco*, Att. charge of the
*cX-jj8~, f. ^fff6, to ham report, opp. to certainty, icXeos ofw ofiroAj/ieF, 0A9/ rt
keys, tc\. &as to be her pries fess, Eur. II. Pass. ffifiev we hear a rumour only, but know na
to be closely watched, kept in check. Id. From Ib. II. ^fi<f report, fame, gloryt Horn, j
s, Att. icX-flS-, ov, (/cAefc, %w) holding the oupaf^y ?/Ct Od. j X. \trBatf e&pearBas. Find, j X
F f 2
436 K\7TTOV
Soph. ; up store el glory, Hdt., etc.
A. KaraBeffSai to lay :

&i$e K\ea avSp&v (shortd. from KXeea), was h. Horn.

in pi., icXi]i.0pov, TO, Ion. for K\yQpov,

singing the lays of their achievements,

II. 2. in J KXtjCs, ISos, ^, Ion. for /cAets Ep. dat. pi, :

bad sense, $fo<fyrjfJLav K\eos ill repute, Find. ;^ alffxpbv KATjicrTos, Ion. for /cAcicrros-.
KK. Eur. ; both senses combined in Thuc., %$ &v CTT' KX-rjiw, Ion. for /cAcfa (A;, f<? shut.

^Xa^Lffrov apery? ire pi ty tyoyov /cAeosr y of

whom there aroy, T<^, (fcAafw) <z vine-twig, vine-branch, Lat.
is least talk either for praise or blame. palmes, Ar., Plat. : generally, <2 cutting, slip, Xen. :
K\TTTov, verb. Adj. of KXewraj, one must conceal, Soph. metaph., avarefJLvew TO. /cA. ra rou S^/xoi; Dem. :

KXeimjs, ov,(/cAeWw) a thief,

o, II., Aesch., etc. : the vine-switch of the Roman centurions, Lat. vitis,.

generally, a cheat, knave, Soph.

Plut. Hence
KXe-TTTticds, $, 6v, (/cXeirrw) thievish : ^ -K-J? (sc. T%VT?) , of vine-twigs, Theogn.
-)?, ov,

thieving, Plat. aTts, Dim. of KATJ/JCC in pi. brush-wood,

iSos, ^, :

jeXeirricrTaTOs, 17, 0y, Sup. Ad], formed from KAeTrrTjs, fagot-wood, Thuc.
fe most arrant thief, Ar. KXijpCov, r<i, Dim. of K\7Jpo$, Anth.
JcXcTTTOV, V. KAeTTTW 1.2. KXtjpovojJuew, f. Tjcrcw,
(/cA^poyo/tos) f<? receive a share of
K.AET1T& : Ion. impf . KXsirrsffKov : f. /cAafw and an inheritance, to inherit a portion of property, c.
aor. I
e/cAe^a : pf . /cefcAo^a Pass., aor. i :
gen., Dem. also c. ace. rei, to inherit, Luc.
: II.
aor. 2
IK\&WT\V [a] : pf K6icA.qu/uu fo . : to be an inheritor or heir, rtv6s of a. person, Id. also :

$&/, /rA, purloin, Horn,, etc. ; r^s 7y7?s e/cAc^e c. ace. to sttcceed one, Plut., Anth. Hence
from that breed Anchises stole, I. e. stole foals of that O.TOS, TO, an inheritance, Luc. ; and
breed, II. ; crcS/to /cA. zfo /<?/ it down secretly, Eur. 2. an inheritance, Dem.
, generally, K\. :

in part. act. thievish, KXeirTOV jSAerci he has a thief's Tw6$ to take possession of , Arist. From
. .

look, Ar. II. /o cozen, cheat, deceive, beguile, icXTrjpo-vojxos, 6, (vefjLOfJLai

one who receives a portion
II., Hes., etc.: Pass.jTrpojSa/j'ei KXeirrofjievos he goes on of an inheritance, an inheritor, heir, Dem., etc.
blindfold, Hdt. III. like Kpinrra, to conceal, KXTqpo-iraXtjsj S3 (xaAij distributed by shaking the
keep secret, disguise, Pind., Soph., Eur., etc. IV. lots, h. Horn.
to do secretly or treacherously, A. a-cpaycis to perpe- KXtjjpoSj Dor. JcXapos, ov, d, a lot / in Horn., each man
trate slaughter secretly. Soph. ; /cA. pvOovs to whisper marks his own lot, and they are thrown into a helmet,
malicious rumours, Id. ; K\Trrcav fy &ia6fj,vos by fraud and the first which came out was the winning lot. 2.
or force, Plat. 2. to seise or occupy secretly, Xen. a casting lots, drawing lots, Eur. ; many officers at
deceiving, dissembling, h. Horn.
icXx|ri-<f>p<av,oy, (ipp'fiv)
Athens obtained their offices by lot, as opp. to election
icXtj/-i58pa, Ion. -iiSpTi,
TJ, (fiScap)
a water-clock, like (xciporovia, aXpecris}, Xen., Arist. ; cf . 1 1 . II.
our sand-glasses, used to time speeches in the law- an allotment of land assigned to citizens (cf K\rjpovx.i^ f .

courts, Ar. II. name of an ebbing well in the Hdt., Thuc., etc. 2. any piece of land, a portion,
Acropolis at Athens, Id. farm, Horn., etc. III. in Eccl. the clergy, as
KAE'Sl, Ep. icXciw Pass., Ep. 2 sing. impf. ejtAeo for
: ,

opp. to the laity.

<foAeeo) :to tell of, celebrate, Od., Hes., Eur. : -Pass. scXir|povx<>> f. 7?<r, (/cA7?pouxo<r) to obtain by allotment,^
to be famous, Od., Pind. ; %vff ayopal KrAeoyrw where to have allotted to one, esp. of lands divided among
are held the famous meetings, Soph. conquerors, Hdt., etc. Hence
KA'fjScs, Att. nom. pi. of KAefe. KXt|povxi 7], the allotment of land to citizens in a

Adv. (/caAeo?) by name, II. foreign country, Arist. 2. collectively, = of /cAi?-

cXif S-qv,
jeXTj8ot>x6w> KXtjSoiJxoSs old Att. for ArAeiS-. povxotf the body of citizens who receive such allot-
KXTjSwv, tij'oy, v\, Ep. KXeirjScSv and xX-]T]8tov, (/cAew^ :;z ments, Thuc., Plut. An Athenian /tAi7pou%(a differed
omen or presage contained in a word or sound, Od., from a colony (cbrof/c/a), in that the KXypovxot were still
Hdt., Aesch. II. # rumour, tidings, report, citizens of the mother country, instead of forming an
Hdt., Trag. ; /cATj^Scbv irarpo's news of my father, independent state ; and
Od. 2. glory, repute, Trag. III. tf calling xX^povx^Kos, 'h, 6v, of or for a /cA?7poux/a, 717 A. land
on, appeal, Trarpcpat /cATjJSoves- Aesch. 2. # name, for allotment, Ar. ; ra /cA7?pou%ia (sc. xp^fJLarat Dem.
icXijp-cnSxos, 6, (/cATjpos , ex a ) one w ^ held an allot-

appellation, Id.
icX-Q^w, Ion. KXtji^oj : f. rcfafcrca, Dor. /cAe'i|w: aor. i ment of land, esp. to citizens in a foreign couiitry (v.
fcA|70*a, Dor. cvicAct^cu : Pass., pf. /ce/cA77a'fiai :
: an allottee, Hdt., Thuc., etc. : metaph.,
ro make famous, to celebrate in song, laud, h. TroAAwv GTU>V KA7;pov%ov having old 3.gefor her
Horn., Pind., Eur. : Pass, to be spoken of, talked lot, Soph.
of, Aesch., Eur. II. to name, call, Soph. : KXripoo*, Dor. icXapofc), f. c5<raj, (tempos) to appoint to
Pass., %v9a KAT/ferot ovfjws KtQcap&v where is Cithaeron an office by lot, opp. to cupeio-6a.L or xeiporo^Ti/, Hdt.,
called mine, Id. ; cf. KiJcA-V/ccc fin. Att. : of the lot, to fall on, Lat. designare, Eur. :
tcX-p^oj, in late writers for K\eiw, /cA]fo>, to shut. Pass, to be appointed by lot, Dem., etc. 2. to cast
KXtjirjSwv, <Jyos, 97, Ep. for KATjfoijv. lots, draw lots, Plat. so in Med., Aesch ., Dem.

KXij6t)vai, aor. i pass. inf. of /coA&>. in Med. also, KXripovffBad n

to have allotted one, obtain
KAH'GPA, Ion. -prj, ^, /A^ alder, prob. alnus, still called by lot, Eur., Aeschin. ; also c. gen., Dem. II.

K\Qpa in Greece, Od. to allot, assign, Pind., Thuc. 2. rA. o/jupdv fa

KXi0pov, Att. for KXeidpov. deliver an oracle, Eur. Hence

ecus, ^, a choosing by lot, Plat.

; irifcpa A.
turned the tide of war, Ib. 2. to make
of a choice of evils, Eur. ; and one thing lean against another, i. e. 0-oice' &/ioi<n &xi-
^, 6v, appointed by lot, opp. to alptrtis and mvres, i. e, raising their shields so that the tipper rim
poroyj)]j,yos (elected), Plat,, etc. rested on their shoulders, Ib. 3. to turn aside,
]?8<fc, ^, old Att. for KXfis. offffe TraXw KXlvacra
having turned back her e}*es 3
Sj es, T), (/caAew) a calling, call, Xen., etc. 2. Ib. 4. to make to recline, V KXlvp KX. rtvd to
catting into court; /#/ summons, prosecution, Ar., make him lie down at table, Hdt. :
rnetaph., Tj/iepa
Xen., etc. 3. a;z invitation to a feast, Xen., KXivet 'dvcLvra puts to rest, lays low all things,
Dem. U. fl name, appellation, Plat. Soph. II. Pass, to be bent, bend, eKXiy&yj he
KX"Q<ris, ecus, -37, (K\TQ&J
a shutting up, closing, Thuc. bent aside, of a pan, "kfy erep&ff*
swerved, II. ;

TOS, Old Att. for KAei0"T<fe. eKXidirj it was tipped over

to the other side, Od. 2.
w, Att. f ut. of /cAT/co, K\e((t3. II. fut. of K\y(ca. to lean or stay
oneself upon or against a thing, c. dat.,
s, a, OP, verb. Adj. of /caAea>, to be calledy named, Horn, i so in Med., fcXwdfievos Od. : -also, K,KXLU.VOS
Plat. II. KXijr4ov, one must call, Id. eirdxj-tcriv seeking safety in them, II. 3. to lie
jcXijTcvw, f tr&jj to summon into court or give evidence
down, lie, Horn., etc. ; to lie on a couch at meals,
that a summons has been served (v. KXtjr^p), Ar. Hdt., etc. 4. of Places (in pf.}, to lie sloping to-
KATjTqp, %os, 6, (/caA<=&>) <? CT&0 OZ//S., tf summoner, wards the sea, a.Xl KKXtju.ev7] Od. ; vijffbi, alff aXl K-
or rather a witness who gave evidence that the legal KXiarai 'Ep. for KeKXivrai), Ib. 5. to wander from
summons had been served fcf. Horace's licet antes- the fight course, Theogn. III. Med. to decline,
tan), Ar., Dem. II. generally, = KTjpv^, Aesch. of the day, Hdt. ; so, intr. in Act., 77 Tj/iepa
KX-nroSj^, 6y, (/caAeo?) called, invited, welcome, Od. 2, KXivetv N. T. : metaph., KX. &r2 TO x^poy to fall off,
called out, chosen, II. degenerate, Xen.
icXTJTwp, opos, o,
= KXv)riip, Dem. -uj, 77, (#A/zW) <2 j/3tf<? /5?r lying down
KXTorictj Ion. -,

xXirja), old Att. for /cAefw (A). hence^ I. & hut, cot, cabin, such as
besiegers lived
jcXlpayi-rns, KXipavos, v. sub Kpt&av~. in during long sieges, II. : that they were not tents,
KXX0-i)vat, aor. i pass. inf. of /cAb/&>. but wooden huts, appears from II. 24.448 sq; and
teXipia [f], aros, r^, (/cA/j/a>) aw inclination, slope : esp. when an army broke up, it burnt them on the spot, Od.
the supposed slope of the earth towards the pole : hence S. 501. IE. a couch oreasy chair, Od. s Pind. 2.
a region or zone of the earth, clime, Pint., Anth. a bed, nuptial bed, Eur. HI. a company of
fcXijidtaov [a], r6, Dim. of /cA?jaa, Ar. people sitting at meals, N.T. 3TV", a reclining or

eXZfJs.aien]p, -JJpos, 6, the round of a ladder, Eur. From lying, Plut.

KXifiaf , aKos, 77, (K\ivc0) a ladder or staircase (because KXuriaSeSj of, KXiyoi] folding" doors or gates, Plut. :

of its
leaning aslant], Od., etc. a scaling-ladder,
metaph. a means of entrance, access, Hdt.
Thuc.,, Xen. ; KXiju,aKos ?rpoo'a u.j8ao"eis Aesch. :
a ship's icXicriirjfley, Adv. <?z// <5/" or from a, hut, II.
ladder, Eur., Theocr. II. a frame 'with cross-bars, KXl<riir)v8, Adv. f/0 or to /A^ hut, II.
on which persons to be tortured were tied,, Ar. III. jcXt<riov [At], T<5, (KAt^cc) f^^ outbuildings round a
in Soph., KXlfj.aKs a^ivX^Kroi intertwining ladders, to herdmaifs cot, Od.
express the entanglement of the limbs of wrest* t)S, r), (jcAivw) fl
bending, inclination, ro9
lers. IV. a climax, i. e. a gradual ascent from iu Plut. II. a lying down, lying, Eur.
weaker expressions to stronger, l^i,gradatio, as Cicero's ;, <5, (KA^W) a couch, Horn.
abiit, evasit, eruplt. r6,
= K.Xl^a u, a clime, Anth.
xXiva [f\, Ep. for K\tva, aor. i of KXivos. *, 77, ace. pi. /cAtrw, (icA/y<) s slope, hill-side,
jcXtvetos, a, ov, of or for beds, Dem. From Lat* climis, Horn., Soph.
icXivtj [?], ?), (K\lifta) that on which one lies, a couch or ttXoios, ^, old Att. >cXa>6s, \KXfiw] a dog-coll ars esp. a
bed, Hdt., Ar., etc. : also, a bier, Thuc. large 'wooden collar, put on mischievous dogs, Ar.,
cXiLVT|vat, aor. 2 pass. inf. of K.\lvu>. Xen. 2. a sort of pillory, Eur. 3. xp*fffls K ^-~
tcXZv-TJpir]S, es, (*^pa>) bed-ridden, Lat. lectoaffixus, Plut. a collar of gold, Id., Anth.
Ep. for HKXivdyv, aor. i pass, of KXivm,
KXCv0irjv, xXove'w, f. ^cro>, {KXOVOS^ to drive in confusion, drive
xXlvCStov, r6, Dim. of KXivi}, Plut. before one, IL, Hes. 2. generally, to ruffle, Soph.,
KXiviKo%, 4\, 6v, (KXivi}) 6, Lat. clinicus, a physician Ar. H. Pass, to be driven in confusion, rush
that visits his patients in their beds, Anth. wildly, II., Pind. 2. to be beaten by the 'mawes, Soph.
kXlvo-7rTr|S, *$, (TT/WTW) bed-ridden, Xen. KAO'NOl, o,any confused motion, the press of battle,
KXZvo-Troios, ^, (TToiew) making beds or bedsteads, an battle-rout, turmoil, II. ; KX&VOI tw^^apiica throngs
^lpholsterer, Plat., Dem. of fighting horsemen, Aesch.
tcXlv-oupyos, o, (*%pya) = KXivo'iroi6$, Plat. icXoiraios, a, &v, 'jtA<irT) stolen, Aesch,, Eur.
KXiv-njp, TJpos, 6, (K\IVQO) a couch, sofa, Od., Theocr. icXoirevSj cws, <5, =
KX&fy, a thief, steal er, Soph. 2.
KAl'NQ, [?], f. KXtva>: aor. i e/cAwi: pf . /ce/cAtKa Med., :
generally, a secret doer, perpetrator, Id.
f. /cAij/ou/tai : aor. i ^KXTvdfja^y : Pass., f . fcAt^tro/xcw icXoinj, (A7r-Tw) theft, Lat. furtnm, Aesch.,
or K\ivf}<roneu : aor. i &eAftty3c [T] or %KXivfaiv : aor. 2 Eur. H.
a secret act, fraud, Eur., Aesdbln. ;

[:], to make to bend, slope, or slant, Lat. zwc/f- by stealth or fraud3 Soph. ; o$a&
Xlveiy raXavra to incline or /MW the scale, II. j :,
i.e. to steal away, Id. III.
stcXivav made them ^/w way, Tb. ; %KXiv /$* of a military post, Xen.
438 KNHKO'E.
a, ov,
= K\OTTLO^, Luc. KMTZQ, f. -^a, f<9 ^ w^,
of jackdaws then, In sign :

KXomos, a, ov, (ttXeV-rw) thievish, artful, jjivQoi Od. of disapprobation, to hoot, Dem.
d,=K\(&$, a thiefy h. Horn.
cX<nr<$s, KXw05, coy, at, the Spinners, a name of the Parcae or
icXoToire-uw, deal subtly, to spin out time by false Goddesses offate, Od.
pretences, II. it seems;
to be a lengthd. form of KA&'&, f. KX&ffo), to twist by spinning, spin, Hdt.,

JCAeTTT&J, K\fi}TTVCa. Luc. Pass., TO. KXcaaBevra one's destiny, Plat.


icXuSwv [], ojs/os > 6, (/cAvfw) a wave, billow, and col- KXo>0oi, ovs, TI, Spinster, one of the three Mo?pcu or
lectively Od., Trag.
II. metaph,, /cA. KaKcav Parcae, who spins the thread of life, Hes. ; Lachesis
a sea of troubles, Aesch. ; /cA. %vfj.<f>opas Soph. ; /cA. had charge of the past, Clotho of the present, Atropos
etpnnros a flood of horsemen. Id., etc. of the future, Plat., Luc.
tcXi;Sci>yiofxcu, Pass, zfo &<? tossed like waves, N. T. KXcujiaicociS) effffa, ev, stony, rocky, II. From
tcXi)Swviov, T(J, Dim. of /cAtJSeuj/, & /zY/ wave, ripple, , OKOS, 6,
a heap of stones. (^Deriv. unknown.)
Eur. j generally, a OTaw, Aesch. as collective noun,
: wv, gen. K\uv6s } 6, (/cAaa?) a twig, spray, Soph.,
the surf, Thuc. II. metaph., fcA. ^oA^s Aesch. Eur.
KLAY'Zil, f K\v<rca [u], Ep. K\vffff(0
-Pass., aor. I eKAu-
: j ro, Dim. of KX<av, Anth.

crflTjv ; pf. K/eAvo>tflu : to dash over, of a wave, h. os, 6, old Att. for K\OIOS.
Horn. dash like a wave, Aesch. : Pass, to be era, /cAe&J/ to steal, Xen.

: .

dashed up, of the sea, Horn. ; to rise in waves, , ^, ov, (icX&tyj thievish, clandestine,
Hes. II. to wash off or away, Eur. 2. to 'wash , to cluck like a hen.
or rinse Q2t.t, Xen. 3. eis ^ra /cA. zto j5w water KXwcmrjp, %os, 6, (/cA&j&W; , a spindle, Theocr. II.
into the ears awrf so cleanse them, Eur. 4. Ke/cAv- a thread, yarn, line, Ar. ; xivov K\. the flaxen thread,
(r/j-evos Kapcp washed otter or coated with wax, Theocr. i. e. the net, Aesch.
icXvOt, aor. 2 imper. of Ai/w. KXaxTTt]?, ov, 6, a -web, Eur.
KXvjxcvos [iJ], 17, OV,=ZK\VT 6s, famous, Theocr. xXoity, KX&TTOS, o, (/cA7T-T6?) thief, Hdt., Eur., Xen.
aros, TO, (/cAufa/, a liquid used for "washing
icX-ucrjJLa, KVO.KOS, Kvaicwv, Dor. for KV^KOS, KvfjKwv.
out esp. a clyster, drench, Hdt.
: II. a place Kvdjj,a, fj, Dor. for wfiftT}.
mashed by the waves, the sea-beach, Plut., Luc. , Dor. for KVTUJLOS.

icXvorqp, ripos, d, a clyster -pipe, syringe, Hdt.

KXvTai-jxvijcTpa, 7), (K\vr6s, fj.vdofj.a.1) the queen of KVCLTTTO, (K.VO,(O) to card or dress cloth, ^which was
Ag-amemnon, II. done either with a prickly plant, the teasel, or with a
icXim, 2 pi. aor. 2 imper. of /cXu&?. comb) : of torture, to card, lacerate, Aesch., Soph.
icXvTO-SevSpoSj ov, (jSevSpov*) famous for trees, Anth. KVcUrw, Kvacrcu, Dor. for KJ/TJCTW, KVTJ(Tai, fut. and aor. i
icXvTO-cp'yos, 6v, (^epyca) famotis for -work, Od., Anth. inf. of KV&U.
icXvTO-Kapiros, ov, glorious with fruit, Pind. Kvd<(>aXXov [a], T&, KV<f>aXXov.
KXvTo-fJiif|Tis, *, gen. LOS, famous for skill, h. Horn. Kva<j>iov, Ion. -ijtov, ro, a fuller* $ shop, Hdt. From
icXvTo-jJuoxOoSj ov, famous for toils, Anth. Kvcwj>evs, etas, 6, Att. pi. Kvafyfis, (KV&JTTG*) a fuller,
icXt>TO-voos s ov, famous for wisdom, Anth. i. e. a cloth-dresser, clothes-cleaner, Hdt., Ar.

^, with famous children, Anth. Kvaie-uco, f. era?, =

Kvairrca, to clean cloth, Ar.
s, ov, 'with noble steeds, II. icvcwjnjiov, 16, Ion. for Kvafyeiov.
ov, and As* 6v, (/cXv^) heard of, : i. e. Kvaiog, 6, (KVOOS) the prickly teasel, a plant used by

famous, renowned, glorious, of persons, Horn. 2. fullers to dress cloth. a carding-comb, alsoH.
of things, noble, splendid, beauteous, Id., etc. used as an instrument of torture, Hdt.
cXvTO-Txvt]S, ov, 6, (TCXVT?) famous for his art, re~ KNA'ilj Att. 2 and 3 sing. KV^S, Kvy, inf. Kvyv, Ion.
nowned artist, Horn. Kvav f. KVTjffci) : aor. I eKvycra 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2
: :

icXvTO-ToJ;os ov, (r6j-ov) famous for the bow, renowned /on} (as if from KVTJ/J.LJ Med., Att. inf. KvrjcrQcu: aor. i

archer, Horn. eKvijerdfjLTiv f<? scrape or grate, Lat. radere, II. ; rbv

ICAY'ii, aor. 2 &cAuor, Ep. K\OV; imper. (as if from KTjpov K.VO.V to scrape it 0jf, Hdt.
II. to scratch:
/eAw/u) K\vBt, K\VT, Ep. redupl. KKXv9i, /ceKACre : Med. z?<? scratch oneself, Plat. III. fo tickle, Id. ;
to hear, Horn., etc. ; K\vetv ri TWOS to hear a thing Med., Kvavdai ra d>ra 2fo /zV^/^ o?z^ 5 ears, Luc.
from a person, IL, etc. ; then, /cAuctv TWOS to hear KV4>d<i> f . xo*(, (KV<pas) to cloud over, obscure*, Aesch.
him, Ib.; /cA. TI jf<? Ae^r It, Od., etc. : c. gen. object!, KV<j>aio$, a, ov, and os, ov, (icvfyas) dark, dusky, Aesch.,
to hear of a. person or thing, Soph. 2. to perceive Eur. 2. in the dark, early in the morning, Ar.
generally, know, Od., Hes. H. to give ear to, KNE'^AT, r6, dat. icvfyq, but also gen. Kve<povs dat. :

attend nv&s Horn., etc. ; the Imperat. is esp. used

to, KV<f>i (as if from KV<f>os) darkness, evening dusk,

In prayers, give ear to me, hear me, Av0/ /tev, 'Ap- twilight, II., Aesch. ; also, T& /caret 71)^ KTV. Eur. 2.

yvp6TO$- IL j KKXw fjicv, 00i Ib. ; also c. dat. to later, &e morning twilight or dcmn, Lat. diluculum,
listen to, obey, Hes., etc. HI. In Trag. like KveQq at dawn, Xen.
cwcovw v, zfo ^^ called or spoken of so and so, with an KVT|, Att. 3 sing, of /o>a<w.
Adv., d/ or KaK&s KXvetv. Kvijdft), f. KVJjcrw, (KVOLCO) later form of Kvdce, to scratch,
5, a bird-cage, Anth. tickle .Pass, to itch, N. T.
X(i}or|xos, 6, (Ac5cr<rw) M^ clucking of hens :

#z# chicking sound by which w<? zfrg*^ on a horse, Xen. ICNHKOIS, ^, oi/, Dor. KVOLKOSI a, 6v, pale yellow,

tawny , Theocr., Anth. hence the goat is called
: f. toff, to disfigure the eyes, make dim and
o, Theocr, ; and the wolf KVT) tacts, Babr. (Deriv. uncertain.)
KvrjfA-ap-yos* ov, 'white-legged, Theocr, -, TO, any dangero^t$ animal, from a lion to a

KNH'MH, y, the part between the knee and ankle, the serpent or worm, a monster, beast, Od., Hes., Trag. :

leg, Lat. tibia, Horn., Hdt., Eur., etc. of persons, as a term of reproach, %> irarro/ifcrTj KV&-
KV7|p.iSo-4opos, ov, ($pca) wearing" greaves, Hdt. SaAa Aesch. (Deriv. uncertain.)
KVTjfiCs, "tSos, T], (Kvfjfjiri) a greave or piece of armour jcvw8ov, ovros, 6, (oSous) in pi. KVtaSovres, two pro-
from knee to ankle, Lat. ocrea, -repl Kv^i^rjffiv HOijKcv jecting teeth on the blade of a hunting spear, Xen. j
II. ; the KvrujuSes were fastened at the ankle with clasps l^ous SnrAoZ K.V c65ovTs-, i. e. a two-edged sword, Soph. :

(esna^upia) &6etai KVTjfjuSes are ox-hide leggings, used

: also Kvd>8a>v alone for a sword, Id.
by labourers, Od. KNUTJil, to slumber, sleep, Od. 3 Pind.
KvijfAos, 6, the projecting limb or (as we say) shoulder KodXp.os [o], o, a stupid fellow, booby y Ar. (Deriv.
of a mountain., Horn. uncertain.)
KVTjo-idw, Desiderat. of Kva.<a, to wish to scratch, to feel Kod|, Comic word, to express the croaking of frogs*
an itching, to itch, Plat. ia Ar.

KVTi<rC-xp^o"os, ov, scraping or gnawing gold, Anth. a knavish trick, Ar. From

KVTj(rp.a, euros, r6, a sting, bite, Xen. i,

aw impudent rogue, arrant knave, Ar. :
KvqcrjjLovi], r], KvrjcrfJLds, o, Anth. K(fy3aA0i were mischievous goblins, invoked by
icvi]crp.os, o, (Waj) an itching, irritation, Plut. rogues, Id. II. as Adj., knavish tricks,,
KVTJCTTI.S, <a$ and LOS, TJ, (wata) a knife for scraping rogueries, Id. (Deriv. uncertain.)
cheese, II. (in contr. dat. KVT\ffrt). SCOTXH, 7), a muscle or cockle, Lat. concha, Xen. H.
KvCSt] [r], T], (iciftfoa) a nettle, Lat. urtica, Theocr., the case round a seal attached to diplomas or docu-
Anth. ments, Ar.
KvtSios (jQ, a, ov, (KviSos) of or from Cnidos; ot Kv&iot X.TJ, Anth.
the Cnidians, Hdt. a], ov, 6, full of shells, \iOos KOJX* shelly
fCN I'Z&, Dor. icvicrSw f Miff [I] aor. I eKviffa, Dor.
: . : marble, Xen.
Kvi%a :
Pass., aor.
i Kviff6rjv to scrape OT grate : :
KoyyvXiov, T&, Dim. of Koy^vAr), a small kind of
to tickle metaph., of love, to nettle, chafe, irritate,
: muscle or cockle, Arist. 2. its shell, any bivalve-
Hdt., Eur. ; of satiety, Pind. ; of anxiety, Hdt., etc. ; shell, Hdt.
ov Kviffw TO ffifA Kao~rov "will not attack every word, KoSpdvTTjs, ou, 6, the Lat. quadrans, =-J of an as, N. T.
Ar. Pass., xvlfaffBai rtvos to be stung- (with love) for
KOE'Qt, contr. KOW, to mark, perceive, hear, Anacr.
one, Theocr. II. KV. opydv to provoke anger, Pind. KoOev, Ion. for W#ej>.
KVtTros, 6v, niggardly, Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.) Ko9opvo9, Q, Lat. cothurnus, a. buskin or high boot,
KVitra, Ep. jcvionrjj T\S, TJ, Lat. nidor, the steam and reaching to the middle of the leg, Hdt., etc. The K%J-
odo^i,r which exhales from roasting meat, the savour vos was worn by tragic actors, its heels serving to add
and steam of burnt sacrifice, which ascends up to height to the figure : thus it became the emblem of
heaven as a gift to the gods, Horn. II. that Tragedy, as the socctis of Comedy. 2. since the
which caused this smell and steam, i. e. the fat, in buskins might be worn on either foot, 6 K^fiopws was
which the flesh of the victim was wrapped and burnt, a nickname for a trimmer or timeserver, such as
[j,7jpovs T* eferetjuoj/ Kard
re Kvlffrj ^KaXufyav II. Theramenes, Xen.
Kvlcrdeis, Dor. for KVLcr^eis : contr. dat. Kvitfavri* Ko0-oT;pos, ov, of drones, dock-tailed, i. e. without a
Kvlcraa), f . i}ffo), ^KVLffa) to fill with the steam or savour sting, Hes. (Prob. from tco0to 5 oGs, T}, an old word
of burnt sacrifice, Eur., Ar. for j3Ac#7?, and oupci tail.}
icvurSw, Dor. for Kvica. icof, Comic word, to express the squeaking of young

KvZcrtjeis, efftra, V, (KVLCTO) full of the steam- of burnt pigs, Ar.

sacrifice, steamy, Od. icot|>, to cry Koi, squeak like a young pig, Ar.
KvCarjta, aros, r6, (KVI(U>) in pi. scrapings, Plat. II. KOLTJ, Ion. for voitx,, dat. sing, of TTO?OS,
used as
Ion. KoTosr,
scratches, Anth. quarrels, Id. :
Adv., &0W / fw 'mhat 'may ? in what respect ? Hdt.
KVUTJJIOS, 6, an itching of the skin, tickling, Ar. Kos.Xo.CvWj f. orw : aor. i enotXriva, Att. Koi\.dva :

fcvtcrow, f. d>ff(a, (jcvLffa) to reduce to vapour, Luc. (icoiKos} : to make

hollow, scoop out, Hdt. ; K. x^/ta,
KVMTO-O, KVk<rordb), Kvicrcnijeis, incorrect forms of Kvtffa, i. e. to
dig a grave, Theocr.
etc. KoiXds, ados, T}, (/cotAos) a hollow, deep 'valley, Anth.
KyCoroqg, 3 sing. poet. subj. of Kvifa. KoX7|, 7), fern, of /cotAos, name of a STJJUQS in Attica, Hdt.
a sacrifice, Aesch. icoiXCa, Ion. -Ci|, z?Ae /ar^ cawzfy of the
icvIo-wTos, 4\, 6v, (KvurdoJ) steaming, of 7j, (wroTAoy)
body, the belly, Lat. venter, Hdt., Ar., etc, 2. Me
JChH'ty, ^,gen. Kvlv6s, nom. pi. Kvtirss, like ffKvty, a
small insect 'which gnaws figs, Ar. intestines3 b&wels, Hdt.; K. fofa pig's rze, Ar.; in
KVUCL, , poet, for K&wa, Theocr. pi. n^ and puddings, Id. Hence
Kv\ftaF al an(^ "^ofiat, Dep. (v0) properly of a dog, icoiXio-TTcSXTis, ou, d, (Ta>Aa?) a tripe~s&ller9 Ar.
to whine, whimper. Soph,, Ar. KoiXo-ydcrTwp, opos, 6, r\ 9 ("yowrr^p) hollQ/w-b&llied,
Kwt vvTai Dor. for -ovvrat, 3 pi. of fcywfeo/tat. hungry,, Aesch. : metaph. a hollfm shield,, Id.
scvvtTj6p-os> ^, (Kwfdofj.ou) a whining, whimpering', Od, KoiXo-7re8os, ov, (v&ov) lying in a kalian9 Knd.
kvv{i))i.a, r6,
= Kvvfr)dfji6s, of infants, Lat. vagitus, Hdt.

,^ ^ oy fon^ hollowed, epith-of ships, whwA

in early times were hollcnved out of trees, Horn. 5 later, common, shared in common, opp. to tSios* H&>.,
of the ship, Hdt., Xen. ; so, 73
was the hold Att. proverb., Koivbv TV^TJ Aesch. KOIV& TO. T&y
KoiX-ri vavs ; ;

tpiXuv Eur. 2. c. dat., K. TIVI common to or with

KoiXn alone, Theocr. : of the Trojan horse, K. Xoxos,
K. Sopv Od. ; K. Ka-n-fTos, of a grave, II. K. Soviet, of ', another, Aesch. ; also c. gen., irdvTwv K, <oos Id. II.
the bed when no one is in it, Soph. 2. of Places, common to all the people, common, public, general,
Aa/te5a- Hdt., Thuc., etc. ITT. T& K.oiv6v the state, Lat.
lying in a hollow or forming a hollow, KO[ATJ
ecrcraAi'a Hdt. ; w. "kpyos Hdt., Att. 2. the government, public
ptov the vale of L., Od. ; K. respublica,
the valley authorities, Thuc., Xen. ; cbrb TOV KOIVOV by public au-
Soph. TO, KoIXa TT?S EujSoias Hdt. ; ^ KotX-fj

of the Ilissus, Id. : K. XL^V of a harbour /y/flg" #- thority, Hdt. ; &yev TOV T&V iravTuv KOLVQV without con-
tween high cliffs, Od. ; K. alyiaXSs an embayed beach, sent of the league,Thuc. 3. the public treasury, Hdt.,

Ib. : K. 6tids a hollow way, II. K. a river

: Thuc. 4. TO KOLVO. public affairs, Oratt. ; irpbs TO.
Koivk TrpoffeXQeiy, irpoffievai to enter public life, Dem.,
nearly empty of water, Thuc. (so Virgil, cava flumina) :

etc. 5 also the public money, Ar. I"V. common,

metaph. of the voice, hollow, fj.vKoiffa.TO KolXoy Theocr. ;
"V". of Persons,
tyBeyyeo'Bai KOL\OV Luc. II. as Subst. KOL\OV, TO, ordinary, usual, Plat., etc. of
a hoi low, cavity, ravine, Plat. ; like KoiXio., of the cavi- common origin or kindred, esp. of brothers and
ties in the body, T& K. yaffTp6s Eur. ; also, sv r$ K.oiXq> sisters, Find., Soph. 2. like KOIVWVOS, a partner,
Kol jUvX'? TOV Xificvos Thuc. Soph., Ar. 3. lending a ready ear to all, impar-
tial, Thuc., Plat. : courteous, affable, Xen.^ 4. of
xoiX-o<|>8a.Xp.os, ov, hollow-eyed, Xen.
icoiXo-x"Xir]S, es, (%iAos) hollow-rimmed, Anth. events, Kotv6Tpai TVX^ more impartial (i. e. more
hollow-like, cavernous, equal} chances, Thuc. VI. of meats, common,
KoiX-6>$7j5, s, (el<50s)
Babr. profane, N.T.
a hollow, cavity, Babr., etc. B. Adv. Kotveos, in common, jointly, opp. to iSujt,
KoiXcajxa, arcs, TO*,
2. publidy, Thuc., etc. 3. sociably,
KoiX-aHn]S> (ty) hollow-eyed : fem.
es, w-TriSji^oSjAnth. Eur., etc.
hollow, Eur. like other citizens, Arist., Plut. 4. in common
KOLX-OJTTOS, ov, ((S)i|/) hollow to look at :

or fashion, Plut. II. so fern. dat. Koivrj,

Koi{xab>, Ion. -ecu f T^crco, Dor. acrw [a]
: . : aor. I eKo'i^ffa, language
Med., 3 sing. Ep. aor. I Koiju^craTO : in common, by common consent, in concert, Hdt.,
Ep. KoifM)(ra :

to lull or AzwA to Soph., Eur. 2. publicly, Xen. III. so with

Pass., aor. i l/coi^^y : (/cei]u,cu) :
sleep, put to sleep, Horn. 2. metaph. &? /zJ to Preps., es Kotvfo in common, Aesch. ; els rb K. for
rest, still, calm, arduous, /cu^tara Id. ; o5uj/as II.
Kol- ;
common use, Plat.
faiffov ^<pt]fj.ov <TT6fJM lay thy tongue asleep
in silence, jcoLvoTt|s, TITOS, 7], a sharing in common, community,
Aesch. U. Med. and Pass, to fall asleep, go or partnership, Plat., etc. II. affability, Xen.
Zz> abed, Horn., Hdt., etc. 2. of the sleep of death, KOLVO-TOKOS, ov, (rtT<y) of or from- common parents,
eXirlSes K. hopes in one born of the same parents, i. e.
-)(&\KOV vtryov he slept an iron sleep, II. :
absol. to fall asleep, die, Soph., N.T. 3. to keep a brother, Soph.
watch at night, Lat. excubare, Aesch., Xen. icoivo-^iXiQS, es, (<tA6#) loving in common, Aesch.
JCOLvo-<j>p<DV, ov, \<ppJ}v)
like-minded with, Ttvt Eur.
eKoivwffa f. KQiv&ffo-
tercourse of the mother with her own child, Soph. icoivooj, f. K0iyc6<rci : aor. i :
TJ, a lying down to sleep, Plat.,
N. T. ftat, Dor. : aor. i eKoiva>ffd}J.Tiv : Pass., aor. i
KoCp-jcris, ews,
KO4i.i<o, f. Att. t&,~KOLfjicia>, to put to sleep, Eur.; ZKOIV&QIIV : to make common, communicate, impart a
&7i/j.a Koifj.La" VOVTOV, i. e. the winds suffer the sea to thing to another, /c. T TIVI Aesch., Eur., etc. ; rt es Tiva
rest (cf. Virg. straveruni aequora venti"),
Eur. 2. to make common, to defile, profane, N. T. :
by ceasing
Med. to deem OT pronounce profane, Ib. II. Med.
Soph. metaph., fj.eyaXTjjopiay K. to lay pride asleep,

to communicate one to another, Aesch., Soph. b.

Eur. ; so, K. Tas Xinras Xen. Pass., vats KOLfj.tfeTO.1

Eur. 2. of the sleep of death, Soph., Eur. ; also in to cause to be communicated, T( TIVI Plat. 2. to

Med., Eur. Hence take counsel with, TIVI Xen. 3. to be partner or

Koip.t<rTrjs, ov, 6, one who puts to bed,

Anth. partaker, TWOS of a thing, Eur. 4. c. ace. rei, to
take part or share in, Id., Thuc. III. Pass, to
icoivav, aa/os, o, Dor. for KOLV&V.
Koivavco), Dor. for Kotvuveta. have intercourse with, Eur.
KOLvaaop-at, jcoLvafras, Dor. for Kaiv(*>ff-~. KOIVWV, Stvos, Dor. icoivav, avos, d, =Koiv<av6s, Pind., Xen.
f. (/cowaWs) to
KOLV0, dat. fem. of Kotvfe, used as Adv., v. KOLVOS B. 1 1.
Koiv&jvecs), ffo'd) :
pf . KeKOLVc^jnjKa, :

Koivo-povXeoj, (fiovXf) to deliberate in common, Xen. have or do in common with, have a share of or take
KOtvd-XescTpos, ov, (XeKTpov) having a common bed, a part in a thing with another, TLV&S TIVI Xen. 2, K.

bedfellow., consort, Aesch,

TLV&S to have a share of or take part in a thing, Trag.,
KQivo-Xextjs, es-,
KoivtXeKTpos, a paramour, Soph. Xen. 3. K* TIVI to have dealings with or inter-
f. -7j<ro/toi: aor. i tKOLvoXoyyj&dfiTiv: pf. course, Ar., Plat. 4. rarely c. ace. rei, K. <f>6vov TIVI
KKQivoX6yyfiai (Xoyos) : : to commune or take counsel to commit murder in common with him, Eur. 5.
with, TIVI Hdt., Att. -Kpos Ttva Thuc. ',
absol. to share in an opinion, to agree, Plat. :~-to form
tcoivo-irXoos, OP, contr. -irXovs, ovv, 'irAea) sailing in a community, Arist. Hence
common. Soph. Koivfa>VT]p.a, aros, TO, in pi. acts of communion, com-
Kmvo-irovs, (5, 7), vow, TO, of common foot, K. irapovffia, munications, dealings between man and -man, Plat.
I. e. the arrival
of persons all together, Soph. jcoLvo>v7]Te'ov, verb. Adj. one must give a share, Plat.
BCOIVOS, 4\, 6v, rarely 6s, ov. ffrom guvffvv, cf. %wo's? : communion, association, part-
KO\\Vf)lOl>, 441
^ersMp, fellowship, Find., Thuc., etc. 2. c. gen, flattery, fawning, Plat., Aeschin.
, 11,

ubjecti, communion with, partnership in, Eur., etc. ; a, aros, r6, a piece of flattery, Xen.
TLS BaXacriTfis fiovicdXois K, ; what communion have KoXaKi>Tos, ovy verb. Adj. zfo be flattered, Luc. 5 and
herdsmen with the sea ? Id. II. a common gift, KoXoxe-vTiicos, disposed to flatter, flattering,,
-ij, hv,
contribution, alms, N.T. fawning, Luc. rj tch (sc. TC^T?) =KO\cufetay Plat,

KOLVWVIKOS, 77, 6v, held in common , social, Arist. II* KoXo-Kcvw, f. crw, (/c^Aa|) ^
flatter, Ar, ? Xen., etc. :
giving a share, nvos of a, thing-, Luc. From Pass, to be flattered, be open to flattery, Dem.
Kotvfejvos, 5 and TJ, (Kow6s) a companion, partner, KoXaKLXOS, ^, 6^3 ==KO\aKVTlK6s, Plat.
TWOS in a thing-, Aesch., etc. ; 6 TOV KO.KOV K. accomplice KoXaK-wviJiAos, ^ (avojjia) parasite-named, Comic dis-
in the evil, Soph.; also, nvi in a thing, Eur. 2. absol. tortion of the name KKe-<0vvjj.os, Ar.
a partner, felloe, Plat., Dem, II. as Adj = KQIVOS, . KO'AAE, a flatterer, fawner, Ar., Plat., etc.
a/cos, 6,
Eur. KoXairTVjp, %os, 6, a chisel-, Luc.
KOW&S* Adv. Of KQlv6$ } V. KQIVJS B. KOAATITil, f.-ij/w, of birds, to peck at, Luc., Anth. : of
KOIOS, 7], ov, Ion. for TTOLOS, a, ov, Pegasus, ft? strike the ground with his hoof, Anth, 2.

Koipave'w, f. TJCTOJ, (Koipcaros) to be lord or master, to 2fo oz?w or chisel, Id.

rule, command, Horn. II. c. gen. to be lord KoXcuris, eo>$, i), ^/coAd^iw) chastisement, correction,
of; Hes., Aesch. ; also, c. dat., Aesch. punishment, Plat., etc.
Kotpavia, Ion. 17, TJ, sovereignty,, Anth. KoXacrjjta, aro^r, ro, (/coAaftf) chastisement, Xen.
KOipayiSrjS [yi] 9 ov, Koipavos, Soph.
fit KoXacrfAos, <5, K-oAacri-r, Plut.
Kcupavos, 6 f (KVOOS) a ruler, commander, Horn., Trag. KoXdorrctpa, ^, fern, of roAa<rr^ Anth.
Koi/rao>, (jcotrij) to put to bed: Med., Dor. aor. i coXaareoSj Adj. of *coAa<Ja?, /o #- chastised,
a, or, verb.
lK0iTacju7ji', to go to bed, sleep. Find, Plat. II. no\a<frlov, one must chastise, Id.
Koi/ralos, a, ov, (/com?) in bed, ap. Dem. 2. as icoXacrnfjpioy, rJ, (/coAafcu) <2 house of correction,
Subst., KQircuw, r6 y the lai-r of a wild beast, Plut. Luc. II. = A^AtttTjua, Ko'Xaa'LSy Xen.
KotTT], 7} y ^/celjucu)
= KQLTQSy Hdt.., Att. ; the marriage-bed, KoXao-njs, <w, 4, (woAafw) a chastiser9 punisher, Tra^.
Soph., Eur. 2. the lair of a beast, Tz^sif of a bird, KoXacrrncos, ^, d>v, (KoAa^iw) corrective. Plat.
Eur. IX, the act of going to bed, ryjs fcoirrjs &py KoXa<|>Cw, f. o-ftj, #o buffet, N.T. From
bed-time, Hdt. ; Tpairefrf teal Koiry Senegal to entertain KoXa<j>os, <5> (/coA^Trra)} z buffet.
*at bed and board,' Id. III. e%iv Koiryv l/c KoXcov, Ion. xoTjXcw, r(5, a sheath, scabbard of a sword,
TWOS to be pregnant by a man, N. T. in bad sense, : Lat. citleus, Horn., Att.
chambering, lascimousness, Ib. KoXcrpaw, ^ trample on, TWO. Ar. i^Deriv. unknown.}
KotTos>o, (/ceijucu) a place to lie on 3 bed, Od. II. KoXXa, 175, ^, ^*/i?, Lat- ghiten 9 Hdt.
/coAAo^, Luc. II. a kind of ra& or
sleep, Ib., Hes.
KOITCOV, tovos, <5, (KOiTT?) a bed-cha^nber, 5 ^TT! rov Ar.
KOLT(ovo$ a chamberlain, praefecttts cubiciili, N. T. , (/coAAa) f<? ^z^e, cement, Ar., Plat.
f. Tjtrw, 2,
KOKKIVOS, t\,ov, scarlet, Lat. coccineus, Plut.,, N.T. to y'oz'w one metal to another, K. %pu<rbi/ iXe^ayra T,
KO'KXOI, 5, ^-rflzw, ^^,
h. Horn., Hdt. II. i. e. ;7m^ [a crown] inlaid with gold and ivory,
the kermeslerry, used to dye scarlet, Theophr. Find. II. generally, zfo join fast together .- -
KOKKV, properly cuckoo ! the bird's cry, used as an ex- Pass, ifo cleave to, /ce^r^AA^rax wp^s ^r^ is indissohtbiy
clamation 3 now ! quick ! KQKKV} ire5/o^5e Ar, ; K^KKV, bound to woe, Aesch. 3 so, o persons, K. rivi to cleave

tt6err quick let go, Id. to another, N. T. ; and of things, Koytoprbs & oAA7?- <

Kotcicuca, Dor. --ucrS&iy f . u<rw :

pf . xeK^KKiJKa : (KO"K- ^s rit't Ib. III. to put together, build, Plod.
KvQ : to cry cuckoo, Hes. ; of the cock, to crow, =
K0XX*Ji$, tsarffct,, *v3 (w^AAa) KoAA^Wr,, II, Hes.
Theocr. H, to cry like a cuckoo, give a- signal ic<>XX7j<ri,5 es, ^, (/coAAa&j)
a glueing or 'melding, K.
by such cry, Ar. (rtti'fipov
a welding of Iron, "Ls&.ferrttittiinati& 9 or per-
tcoKK-ui, vyoSy 6, a cttckco, so called from its cry K^KKV, haps zfA^ r/ ^
inlaying or damasking iron, Hdt.,
Lat. cticulus, Hes., Ar., etc.; l^Lpor6vJ)ffa.v jw.e KOKKiry4$ Theophr.
ye rpeis I was elected by three cuckoo-voices, i, e. by jcoXXTjTds, ^, rfv, (KOX\&U) glued together,, closely joined,,
three who g-ave their votes over and over again^ Ar. well-framed, Horn., Eur., etc. H. uiroKpiiTTjpt-
KOKKvcrSo), Dor. for Ko/c/cvfo?. 5io^ KoXto]r6v a stand welded to the /cprjT^p, Hdt.
tcotctcwv, d, a pomegranate-seed, Solon. coXXiKo-^ayos, oy, (<pary&v) roll-eating, Ar. From
KOK-uat, oi3 ancestors, Anth. (Deriv. unknown.) KO'AAIH, IKOS-, 6, a roll or <?<?#f of coarse bread,
KoXd^oj, f. KoXacrw: aor. i K.6\a.ffa,: Med.,. KO'AAO4>, oiros, <5, jfA^ ^>^ or 5rr by which the
Att. 2 sing. /toA^part. KoAe^jueyoy: aor. i ^K strings of the lyre were tightened, Od., Plat. : raetaph.,
Pass., f . -cur&ficropcu: aor. I &coA,acr07jj/ : pf. TTJS opy?ls rbv K^XAOTT* wiivai to let down the strings
^Prob. from icfaos, akin to /coAouw.)^ Properly, ^a of your passion, Ar.> dock, prune ; then, like Lat. castigare, to KoXXvpwrrifc, ov, 4, (/oJAAu/Sos) a small moneychanger,
keep within bounds, check, correct, Plat. : pf. pass, N.T. From
2. to chastise, punish, tcoXXvpos, d, a small coin, /coAA^j&w/w a dmtf Ar.
part, chastened, Arist.
Soph., Eur., etc. Med. to get a person punished ,
: in pi. /c^AAv^a, rti, small rmind cake$t Ici.
Pass, to be punished, Xen. a [u],
u ~ /c<jAAi,
/c<jAAi Ar.
Ar., Plat. : ^f,

i$os, fi, obscure epith. of Artemis, Ar, KoXXvptov [0], r Dim. of tye-salve^ Lat.
collyrium. II. a fine clay, in which a seal can Mosch. ; KoXirovrai Zf<pvpos i*o0ovas Anth. ; of a bay,
be impressed, Luc. to curve, Polyb.
KoXofSoS) 6v, (feoAos) docked, curtailed, c. gen., KoXoftbs KoX-Tr-wS-j]?, e$, (elSos) embosomed, embayed, Eur.
KepaLTtov, Lat. trunciis pedum, Plat. ; K.x/xSj> Anth. 2. KoXTrwaa, aros, r 6, a folded garment, Plut.
absol. maimed, mutilated, Xen. KoXvjxpaw, f. Tjo'to, plunge into the sea, N. T.

KoXo|3o6>, f, dor, to dock, curtail, shorten, N. T. KoXvfipij0pa, 7J, a swimming-bat/i, Plat, j and
KoXoUapxoSs ov, 6, a chief of jackdaws, jackdaw- KoX-up-pTjinQSj ov, 6, a di-ver, Thuc., Plat., etc. ; and
general, Ar. From, fSos, ^, a sea-bird, # diver, Ar. From
KOAOI01, &, a jackdaw, daw, La.t.graculus, IL, Pind., KO'AYMBOI, d, a Aver, Ar.
Ar. proverbs KoA.oibs irorl tco\oi6v birds of a feather
: :
, 5, a Colchian, Hdt., etc. Adj. KoX)(iKo$, ^,

flock together,' Arist.; Ko\oibs aXXorpioLs irrepots ayd\- Colchian, Id. : fern. KoX)(is 5 tSos , and as Subst.

Aercu a jackdaw in borrowed plumes,' Luc. Ko\X (sub. 71)},

/iS Colchis, Id.; (sub. yvvif), Eur.
KoXoKvfjia, arras, r6, a large heavy wave before it breaks KoXo)do>, (KQ\(#6s) to drawl, scold, II.
(n:6\Qv Kvfj.0), the swell that foreruns a storm, Ar., Att. for /coAocro/ttti, fut. med. of /coAa^iw.
jcoXotcuvdi] or -TT], T?S, i\, a pumpkin, Lat. cucurbit a. KOA&'NH, ^, *2 Az7/, -mound, II. esp. <z sepulchral :

KoXoicuvdtds, vj, made from pumpkins, Anth. ; and mound, barrow, Lat. tumul-us, Soph.
KoXoicwOivos, fi, ov, made from p^i mpki ns, irAoTa Luc. KoXwvt|0v, Adv. from the deme KoXeavos (q.v.), Dem.
KoXov, r6, the colon or lower intestine, Ar. From KoXwvta, ^f, the Lat. colonia, N. T.
KO'AOX, ov, docked, curtal, Lat. cztrtus, II. ; of oxen, KoXcovoS) O,
= KO\&VT], a hill, h. Horn., Hdt.; K. Xtdow
stump-horned or hornless, Hdt. ; so, ^ /coAe, addressed a heap of stones, Hdt. II. Colonus, a deme of
to a he-goat, Theocr. Attica lying on a hill, about a mile N W. of Athens,
jcoXocrcros, 6, a colossus, of the huge statues in the immortalised by Sophocles, who was a native of it, in
Egypt, temples, Hdt. generally a statue, Aesch.,
: his Oed. Col.
Theocr. The most famous Colossus was that of Apollo KoX&>o$, ov, 6, a brawling, wrangling, II.
at Rhodes, 70 cubits high, made in the time of Deme- KojAapos, the strawberry-tree, arbutus, Ar.
7], Hence
trius Poliorcetes, Luc. ( Deriv. uncertain.) ov, (tpcryeiv) eating the fruit of the
KoXocrvpros, 6, poet, word, a noisy rabble, IL, Ar. arbutus, Ar.
(Deriv. uncertain.) KOfJtdw, Ion. -ecu, Ep. part, /co/ioouj/ : f . ^ar<o : (/etfyo?) : to
KoX-ovpos, ov, (K^AOJ, ovpa) dock-tailed, Plut. let the hair grow long, 'wear long hair, IL ; /co/teeiy
KoXovcris, eas, f], a docking, cutting short, Arist. From TV K<pa\"f)v Hdt. In early times the Greeks wore
KoXovo), f . -ova-tit : aor. i l/coAovcra : Pass., aor. i FKO- their hair long, whence /cap?} KOfidcavres "Axtoi in Horn.
\ov6rfy or vcrBviv : pf . K^K^XOV^MLI : (K&XOS) to cut
: At Sparta the fashion continued. At Athens it was
short, dock, curtail, Hdt. II. metaph. to cut off, so worn by youths up to the iSth year, when they
disappoint, rb /x/ reAcet, rb 5e /coAouet part he brings offered their long locks to some deity; and to wear
to pass, part he cuts off, of the threats of Achilles, II. ; long hair was considered as a sign of aristocratic habits :

/rrjJJe KoAouere curtail them not, Od.

ret 5o>pa of per-
: hence 2. KOfiav meant to plume oneself, give
sons, T& vxepe'xoi/ra K. to cut down, degrade, those who oneself airs, be proud or haughty, like Lat. cristam
are exalted above others, Hdt. : Pass, to be cut short tollere, Ar. ; euros W/tTjcre eirl rvpavvfot he aimed
or abridged, Aesch. ; irt5ov Ko\ovQ>ffi when they at the monarchy, Hdt.; e-rrl T KO/JL^S; on what do
suffer abatement, Thuc. you plume yourself ? Ar. II. of horses, XP V~
xoXocf)ojv, Sjyos, d, a summit, top, finishing, Ko\o<f>&va cfsyffiv 6eip7}(riy Ko^cavre decked with golden manes,
eirindevai, to put the finishing stroke to a thing, Plat. IL TLL. metaph. of trees, plants, foliage, h.
(Deriv. uncertain.) Horn., etc.
KoXirias, ov, 6, swelling infolds, Aesch. From KOfxew, Ion. impf. Kopcto'Kov, to take care of, attend to,
KO'AnOI, 6, Lat. simts: I. the bosom, IL 2. tend, Horn.
the womb, Eur. II. the fold formed by a loose gar- KO'MH, T), the hair, hair of the head, Lat. coma, Horn.,
ment, as it fell over the girdle, II . : this fold sometimes etc.; also in pi., Id. K6fj.j\v rpe^eiy to let the hair

served for a pocket, Od., Hdt. ; tctx-rrov aviefjtenj let- grow long, Hdt. ; Kop^y Keipeffdcu to shave off the hair,
tingdown her robe so as to form a fold, i. e. baring in mourning, Od., etc. ; Ko^ai Trpdffderoi false hair, a
her breast, IL ; /ofAmp irevXtafjuaros under the deep- wig, Xen. II. metaph. the foliage, leaves of
folded robe, Aesch. ; ^xl er^upcfc /C^ATTOV aveTercu having trees, Od.
let their folded robes fall down to their ankles, Comic adaptation of the name
Ko|JW|T-afi,vFias, ov, 6,
Theocr. III. any hollow, as 1. of the sea, Amynias, Coxcomb-amynias (cf. /co/tcwu), Ar,
first, in a half-literal sense, Berts tbre8ear0 oA7np Koji/iij'rqs, ov, 6, (icofJidto) 'wearing longhair, long-haired ,
received him in her bosom, II. ; then, of the deep hollo's} a feathered arrow,
ap. Hdt., Ar. 2. metaph., Ibs K.
between waves, Horn* 2. a bay or gulf of the sea, Soph.; XeifjL&v K. a. grassy meadow, Eur. II. as
IL, Aesch. 3. a vale, /c. 'Apyeios Pind. ; *K\ev<rivia$ Subst. a comet, Arist.
Atjovs v Kdtorots Soph. xopuSTj,<fi, (jcojulfw) attendance, care, in IL, always of
KoXtrow, f. <&<reo } to form into a swelling fold; esp. to care bestowed on horses in Od., of care bestowed on

make a sail belly or swell, Lat. sinuare, &vfios K. r^v 'men, by means of baths, etc.; also, care bestowed
o&oyijv Luc. ; 'YITQQVQLS KO\"jf{><fctVTS TtS cc.vcu.cs) KaOo,irD on a garden, Od. 2. provision, supplies, Ib. II.
iVria Id. : Pass, to bosom or swell out, of a sail,
carriage, conveyance, importation, Thuc. : a gather-
KOjULLOrj KOVia. 443
(from Med. also) a fem. of a dresser, tire<z:<nra}:*
ing in of harvest, Xen. 2. ,, 7], KQjULfJicar'fjs,

carrying away for oneself) a recovery, Hdt. the :

Ar'., Plat.

recovery of a debt, payment, Dem. 3. (from Pass.) cojA<5ci>vTs, Ep. part. pi. of Ko/xaw.
a going or coming, Hdt. : an escape, safe return. Id. KojAowri, Dor. for Ko/u&jcrt, 3 pi. of Ko/zaw.
=, to vaunt, boast, ortfg,
KojJutBfl or KojuSt), Adv. (dat. cojj/irdo), f . co*aj,
of KO/JLI^} exactly, just,
Plat., Dem. 2. like irdw, absolutely, altogether, Trag. ; c. ace. cogn., K. Koyov to speak big words,
ov KOfiL$$ not fltf fl#, Plut. 3. in Aesch. 2. to boast of, K, jpas to boast one's office,
quite, Plat.;
answers, KOfjuSf) p^v o^v just so, yes certainly, Ar., Plat. Id.: Pass, to be renowned, Eur.; <f)6$Q$ KOfardferou
KOMl'ZQ, aor. Ep. &6*- fear is loudly spoken, Aesch. ; TWOS $ vats varpbs KOLI-
f. ico/uw, later KOfj-icrca: I fatfuffa, or KJfUffffa,, Dor. &<fyu|a :
pf .
fte/co'/u/ca : Med., Trafcrai; of what father is he said to be the son? Eur.
Ion. -lev/MU : aor. I eKojMcrdfj,v)v,
f., Ep. *o- 6, Com. word, one of
Copiracreus, the Kofjuros-deme, a

jio-(r- or Kopio-cr- Pass., f. -icfQ^ffo^ai : aor. I <lo-

: Bragsman, Ar.
fjdffOrjv : pf KKOfiLo" (often
. in rned. sense) : to foz& cojxiraCT'jJLa, t6, in pi. boasts, braggart 'words, Aesch., Ar.
c<2r o/, provide for, Horn. : to receive hospitably, to KojJ.iraarp.os, 6, K(JjU7rao"/ia, Plut.

entertain, Thuc. ; more commonly in Med., Horn. 2. KojAiracrnqS, ov, 6, (KOfjLicd&) a braggart, Plut.
of things, to give heed to, Id., etc. j
mind, attend to, KOfXTTW, (/C<fyros) to rmg", dash, KOfJL1Tl XA/C0S II.
eeo Kopt&iv irr}\ov iro'Sa to tej one's foot out of the metaph., like Ko/jLirafa, to speak big, boast, brag, Taunt,
mud, Aesch. II. to carry away so as to preserve, Hdt., Eur. ; c. ace. cogn., K. fJivBov to speak a boastful
2. c. ace. to boast of, Aesch. Pass.,
carry home, carry safe away, II., etc. ; simply, to
speech, Soph.
save, rescue, nva l/c Bavdrov Pind. ; but, venpov K. to to be boasted of, Thuc.
fo^, be an empty braggart,
carry out to burial, Soph., Eur. 2. to carry off as cofJiiro-XaKito, to to/
a prize or as booty, II., Pind. : Med. to
self, receive in full, acquire, gain, Soph.,
/or one-
etc. 3.
^ KO'MnOI,
<5, clash, as of a boar's tusks
# woz>, k,
he whets them, II.; the stamping of dancers"
to carry, convey, bear, Horn., etc. Pass, to be con- : feet, Od. II. metaph. a boast, vaunt, Hdt., Aesch. ,

veyed, to journey, travel, Hdt. ; efrw Kopi&v get thee etc. 2. rarely in good sense, praise, Pind.
in, Aesch. ; so in f ut. and aor. i med., Ko/uev/tefla s

4. to owzg- to a place, 6 ffd de-

2ipiv Hdt., etc. hither, , -j-aKcXop-piJiAwv, ov, pomp-bundle-word ',

bring in, Kaptrbv K. to gather in corn, Id., etc. so in : risive epith. of Aeschylus in Ar.
Med., Id., Soph. ; and pf pass, in med. sense, robs Kap- (eJSos) boastful, vainglorious,
. :ofJtir-wSTjs, es,
TTOVS- KeKdfJLurQ* you have reaped the fruits, Dem. 5. to ro KOfnrS&es boastfulness, Id.
conduct, escort, Soph., Plat., etc. ; K. vavs Thuc. 6. KO|xiJ;ia, f), refinement, esp. of language,
to get back, recover, Pind., Eur., Plat., etc. : Med. KOjJujf-e-upT'rn.Kws,
Adv. aVA Euripides-pettinesses
to get back for oneself, recover, Eur., Thuc. ; K0fj.l~ (shortened from KOfjt$vpnri$tKw$),
Dem. Pass, to to refine upon, quibble upon, KOW-
fccrOoLL xpfifJMTa to recover a debt, K0{ju|>evto, (K0fj$6$)

come or go back, return, Hdt., Att. 7. like Lat. t|/eue j/vv rfyv wl-av aye, quibble
on the word 50"<x V re "
Hence ferring to the previous line), Soph.
Med. to deal in
affero, to bring, give, Aesch.
Kopu<7T08, a, oy, verb. Adj. to be taken care of, to
be refinements or subtleties, Plat.
II. KOfjuffreoy, one must Ar.
gathered in, Aesch. KOjAtj/o-TTpeTn^s, eY, (Troeiroj) dainty-seeming,
KOH^OS, 7'], ov, (/co/z,ew) well-dressed, Lat. comptus
bring, Plat. 2.
Kojjucrrnp, ijpos, 6,
= sq., Eur., Plut. hence, a pretty fellow, Lat. bellus homo, Ar.

Kojucmfc, oiJ, <5, (Kofil&i) one 'mho takes care of, Eur. II. accomplished, elegant, exquisite, refined, dainty,
clever, witty, of persons or their words and acts,
Id. ;
a bringer, condzictor, Id.
like ffwffrpa, reward for K. Tep TI r/CT^r about a thing, Plat. ; of a dog's in-
ieop.icrrpov, TO*, (jco/ifa>) in pi.,
II. reward for bringing, Eur. stinct, exquisite, acute, Id. ; in a sneering sense,
saving, Aesch.
KOfUci}, Att. fut. of KOfJiifa. Sophists who refine overmuch, studied, affected, Eur.,
TT Adv. Kopfy&s, elegantly, prettily, daintily,
aroy, T^, (K^TTTW) #A^ staw^ or impression of a
2. Kopfytrepov c^ew to be better h:
coin, Ar. : proverb., -jroyrjpov Kd/j-ftaros of bad stamp, Ar., Plat., etc.
Id. 2. = yofn<Tju,a, coin, coinage, Id. H. a short health, N. T.
clause of a sentence, Lat. comma, Cic. Kovafk'w, f. ^0-aj, (/co^ajSos) to resound, clash, ring,
consisting of short echo, Horn., Hes. Hence<5s, 77, 0V, (jcrf^fta n)
clauses, puepa Aral ^. epciyr^/jLara Luc. KovaptjSov, Adv. wzY/z a noise, clash, din,
KojifiX, rtJ, ^ww, Lat. gummi, Hdt.
(A foreigii word.) Kova^ttw^KioyajSea?, II.
KojAfxos, ov, a striking: esp. like Lat.
d, (/C^TTTCO)
KO'NABOI, 6, a ringing, clashing, din, Od., Hes.
planctus (from plango), a beating of the breast in KO'NAT'AOI, 5, a knuckle, KovSvAois irara|at, opp. to
7ri K^ppvjs (a slap in the face), Dem. : proverb., noXXvpas/
lamentation, /co^by ^Apiov I lamented with
Median lamentation, Aesch. 2. in Att. Drama, a Kol K6v$v\ov fityov K ourp a roll and knuckle-s3M<x to
it, i. e. a good thrashing,
'wild lament; sung- alternately by an actor and the
chorus, such as Aesch. Ag-. 1072-1185. Kov&>, f . "fja"ti3, (jK6yt.s?) to raise dust : to hasten ,
o,to beautify, Arist. (Deriv. uncertain.) Hence Kovta, Ion. and Ep. -t|, ^, (K&VIS) 1* : ^^, tf c/owrf
also in pL,
rqs, ov, <5, a beautifier, embellisher,
Luc. of dust, stirred up by men's feet, It;
^, oV, o/ or /or embellishment : n like Lat. arenas, Horn., etc. 2. Sand or (v%
^r^ of embellishment, Plat* II. 3. ashes, in pL like Lat. cineres.
(sc, T^XIOJ), #Ae
Od, II. a fine powder, sprinkled over wrestlers' iov, wyos, a place for dung, privy, Dem.
o, (ic^Trpos)
bodies after being oiled, to make them more easily KOTTTOS, chopped small: ROTTT^ TJ, a cake of
77, <^y,

grasped by the opponent this powder was also used :

pounded sesame, Anth. From
in the bath, Ar. \l in Koviyanv, in other cases I usually.] JCOTTTW (from Root KOFI); f. K<tyw : aon i e/co^a: pf.
Koviaross "hy ov, plastered or pitched, Xen. KtKQtpa, Ep. part. /CCKOTCOS : Pass., f. KKQ$O/J.OI aor. 2 :

Koviafc), \KQVLQ, ii, to plaster or whiten over, Lat. deal- eKOTtTjy pf /ceKO/x/itti
; . zto strike, smite, knock :
bare, Dem. Pass, to be whitened, N. T.
: Od. ; K^T|/ piv vcapT}iQv smote him ow the cheek, II. 2.
Kov.-opTOs> o, (KJvts, 8pwfj.t) dust stirred up 9 a cloud to cut ojf) chop off, Horn., etc. , K.
5ev5pa to fell trees,
of dust, such as is made by troops, Hdt., Ar., etc. ; Thuc., etc. ; K. T^V x^P aJ/ t cu ^ down the trees in it,
K. TTjj- ti\irjs veaxrrl /ce/caujueVTjs, i. e. a cloud of wood- to lay it waste, Xen. Pass,, of ships, to be shattered

ashes, Thuc. II. metaph. a dirty fellows, Dem. or disabled by the enemy, Thuc. metaph., ^>pej/wy :

KO"Ni2, toy, Att. ccos or eos, ^, Ep. dat. K6vi for KOVU: KKOfj.jLivos stricken in mind, Aesch. 3. to hammer,
Lat. cinis, dust, II. , etc.; of the grave, Find., forge, Horn. : to stamp metal, coin money, Hdt. :
Soph. 2. ashes, Horn. II. = Koyia n, Luc.: Med. to coin oneself money, order to be coined, Id. :

metaph. of toil, Id. [i in Horn., I Att.] Pass., of the money, to be stamped or coined, Ar. 4.
KovLoraXos [r], \x6visj a cloud of dust, II. to knock at the door, Lat. pulsare, Id., etc. 5. to
Kovtcu [t], f . K.ov(<T(a [i], aor. i K6vtffa :
Pass,, pf . /ce;o- cut small, chop up or pound in a mortar, Hdt. 6.
vipcu, 3 sing, plqpf. KKOVITO: to make dusty y cover of a horse, to jolt or shake his rider, Xen. 7. me-
with clouds of dust, II. Pass., fysvyov KSKovi^voi :
taph. to tire out, -weary, Dem. II. Med. KOTT-
all dusty fled they, Virgil's pidverulenta fuga, dant TOJJLCU, to deaf one's breast through grief, ~L.z,t.plangere,
terga, !b. ; hence, to be in great haste, Ar., etc. 2. II. , Hdt., Plat. 2. KOTtTGcrdcd TLVOL to mourn for
Pass, to be sprinkled as with dust, Theocr. II. any one, "Lut* plangere aliquem, Eur., etc.
intr., KQVLOVTSS ir&ioio galloping o'er the dusty plain, Koptt, 7), V. /CO/37J
Horn. KopaKivos, &, (/c^pa|) a young raven, Ar.
Kovvas or Kovvas, o, a drunken flute-player 5 K<Wov KO'PAE, a/cos^ 5, Lat. corpus, a raven or carrion-crow,
$ri<pQS, proverb, of a worthless opinion, Ar, Aesch., etc. ; in imprecations, es
KOpaxas pasce corves,'
KONTOT, a pole, punting-pole boat-hook, Lat.
ov, 6, , 'go to the dog's,' 'go and be hanged,* Ar. ; aAA

cotitus, Od., Hdt., Att. the shaft of a pike, Luc* : ey Kopojtas Id. ; QVK s K6pouKas a7ra^>0pe?; Id. j es Kopa-
tcovTo-<j>opos, ov, (<ep<y) carrying a pole or pike, Luc. KOS oix^crercti Id, U. anything like a raven's
KO'NYZA, T?S, 7j, a strong-smelling plant, fieabane, pitli-

beak,an engine for grappling ships, Polyb. 2. a

caria, poet. KVV&, Theocr. hooked handle of a door, Anth. 3. an instrument
Koirdu>, f d(T<a, to grow weary : of the wind, to abate,
of torture, Luc.
Hdt., N. T. Kopacriov, TO, Dim. of K^pfj,a girl, maiden, Anth., N. T.
Ko-n-fTOS, o,
= KOfj.jjias, Plut., Anth. tcopawa, a barbarism for /cJp??, Ar.

ecus, 6, ((farT) a chisel, Luc. scoppav i^indecl.) Hebrew word, a gift or votive offering
, TJ, (joforrcu) a cutting- in pieces, slaughter, N.T, for the service of God, N.T. hence Koppavas, o, :

KOiriaca, f . daw [a] : aor. i 07r(d<ra, pf . KeKOiricuta : the treasury of the temple at Jerusalem, Ib.
to be tired, gro'W
weary, Ar., N. T.
(KOTTOS) : II. KopSaKi<t>, f (fa, to dance the :Jp5a|.

to work hard, toil, N. T. ^

ov, like the dance /co'p5a
KopSaKtKos, hence, trip- :

KOTTLS, ews, o y KOTtTQ)) a prater, liar, wrangler, Eur. ping, running, $v6}ibs K., of trochaic metres, Arist.
jcoirCs, j'Sos, 17, ^Koirrca) a chopper, cleaver, a broad KopSdKto-pLos, 6, the dancing of the o'p2>a, Dem.
curved knife, somewhat like our bill, Eur., Xen. Kop8a|, OKOS, 6, the cordax, a dance of the old Comedy,
KOTTOS, ov, 6, ./COTTTOJ) a striking, beating, Aesch,, KopSoKa e\KVffcu to dance the /cop5o^, prob. from its
Eur, II. toll, trouble, suffering, Aesch., Soph. 2. slow, trailing" movement, Ar.
weariness, fatigue} Eur., Ar. KOPE'NNY'Ml, f. /copeVw, Ep. 2 and 3 sing. Kopeas,
jcoTfira, r<, a letter of the ancient Greek alphabet (<J)) Kopeei : aor. i
Kopffa, poet. Kopeffffa :
Med., aor. i
retained as a numeral =
90, between T (So), and p (100) ; Kopffd/j,7}v, Ep. Pass., f.
GKopecro--,, Kopearo--; /cope-
and this shews that it was the same as the Hebr, p crQ'flo' ; aor. i
eKopecrdijv ; pf. Kfc6p<=ff] Ion. -

Kopti) and Lat. Q

; cf . <rraG, ffd^iru
KopTjfMcu: Ep.part. pf. act. -.with pass, sense) K.Kopr)6s,
Koir-jraTtas, d, branded with the letter Koppa (Q) as a 6ros to sate, satiate, satisfy, nva.
Theogn., Aesch. :

mark, ITTTTOS /c, Ar. cf , <rctyt<opa$. to fillone TBitk a also c. gen. rei, to
s tiling, c. dat., II. ;

Mo-rr-rra-^opos, oj^,
(^p w) /coTnrarfas, Luc. \
fill full of, Soph. : Med. to satisfy oneself, have one's
icoirpcios, a, ov, (Koirpoi) full of dung, filthy, Ar. fill) c. l/cope<r<raTo ^opj3i)s II., etc. ; c. part.,
a dunghill gen.^
icoirpia, -^, : N. T.
also==/c<^n-pos, Khcdovcra Kopeffcraro she had her fill of weeping, Od. :
Koirpi^iu, f. iate, Ep, dungy manure, Od.
cf<r, ^<? Pass, to be satiated, Hes. ; rarely c. dat. rei, -TTAOVT^
icoirpo~A<ryos;, 3, (Aeyw) a dung-gatherer > a dirty /ceopi]/teyos- Theogn. ; #j8pt Hdt.
fellow, Ar. jcopcvp.a, rof =KQp*la, maidenhood, Eur., in pi. From
KOT1POJ, r},dung, ordure, manure, Horn., Hdt., tcoptvojjLCLJ., f. Kopev&fiffofuu, Pass. (K6prf) to be a maid,
etc. II. a farm-yard, home-stead, Horn, to
grow up maidenhood, Eur.
KOTrpo<j>opw, f. TJO-W, &/ cc^^r wzYA A/w^ or dirt, Ar. KOPE1&, f. 4j(Ta>, to sweep, sweep out, Od. ; K. rfyv
ov, (<j>pco) carrying dung ; K6$nvo$ K. a 'EM.oSa to sweep Greece clean, depopulate her, Ar.
tcopcc*, Ion. fut. of
opwftou. 445
icopT], rarely Kopa, even In Att.
7], Ion. Kovp-rj, Dor.
frensy, Plat. in Ar., comically, of a
drowsy person
K(opa : fern, of /co'oor, tcovpos, 1. a maiden., maid, suddenly starting tip ; and
damsel, Lat. puella, IL, Soph., etc. 2. a bride,, Kop$pa.vTi|<>, f. Att. t>, to purify or consecrate ly
young- 'wife, Horn., Eur. 3. a daughter, Kovpai Corybantic rites, Ar. From
Aids II. ; K. Ai<fo, of Athene, Aesch. in voc., Koifpa:
Kopvpas [v], ayros, 6, a Corybant, priest of Cybele in
my daughter, Id., Soph. II. the pupil of the Phrygia ; in pi. Kopu&avres, Eur., etc. 2X en-
eye, Lat. pupula, because a little image appears thusiasm, Luc.
therein, Eur., Ar. III. a long sleeve reaching over KopiSSaAXis, iSos, TI, and Kop-uSaXXos, = sq., Theocr. <$

the hand, Xen. Kop-vSos, \K6pvsj the crested lark, Ar.


IB. Kopirj, Dor. Kopa, Ion. Kovpi), f), Cora, the Kopi^a, vjs, 7), a running at the nose, Lsit.pituifa, Luc. :

Daughter (of Demeter), name under which Perse- metaph. drivelling', stupidity, Id. Hence
phone' (Proserpine) was worshipped in Attica, TTJ M^rpl Kop*uaG>, f. -i\ff(a, to run at the nose. Plat.
Kal TT? Kovprj Hdt., etc. 5 AT^TT?/) KO! K6py Xen., etc. Kopu0a, -0as, ace. sing, and pi. of /co'pusr.
Kop7|fia, a-ros, TO", (/co/>e<w) a besom, broom, Ar. Kopi)0-dii [dT|, I/cos, 5, ''ffiffffw) helmet-shakixg, i. r.

icop0-uvti> and (ttop&v^ to lift up, raise, Zebs

Kop0-u&> [if], 7iz7/z waving plume, II.

KopBvvsv kbv }ivos raised high his wrath, Hes. Pass., :

Kopi50-aioXos, oy, tt'zY/z
glancing helm, IL
Kv[ia. KopBvcrai waxes high, rean> its crest, II.
Kop0vs, DOS, 7], lengthd. form of icdpvs : in Theocr., 2^ uppermost point, head, end, vr\uv &Kpa KopvpjZa.
KOpBvos a rofj.d the swathe of mown corn. high-pointed sterns of ships, IL; in pL of a single
KOp01ja), V. KOpQfoaj. ship,Aesch. 2. f&?A# of a hill, Hdt., Aesch. II.
Koptawov, r<, coriander, Ar. (Deriv. unknown.^
= /cpojjSvXos-, Anth. III. & cluster of frit it or
Kopitopai, (WpT?) Dep. to fondle, caress, coax, Ar. flowers, Mosch., Anth.
Kopiv0ios, a, ov, Corinthian,, Hdt., etc. : also Koptv- jcopwrj, f), CK^PVS) a club, mace, IL, Hdt. : a shepherd* $
0iaKo$, 77, oV, Xen. ; Kopiv9iKos, Anth. staff, Theocr. [y in Horn. ; v in Eur.] Hence
KopivOos, ^, Corinth, the city and country, IL, Hdt., KopiSvirj'nfjSj ov, 6, a club-bearer, mace-bearert IL
Att. j famed for its luxury, whence the proverb ov KapvV7]-4>opO5, oy, [tpepaij club-bearing: Kopvytxpopot,
iravrbs avSpbs eh K6pLv6ov foff & TAoz/s- ; with a masc. at, club-bearers, the body-guard of Peisistratus, Hdt.

Adj., o<ppvdevTa K. Orac. ap. Hdt. proverb., Aibs :

KopvtrTtXos p], o, one that bit tts'mith tkekead,ThQocr.
KopLvBos, used of persons who are always repeating the

;|w, /o ^
wiY/z zf/i^ head, Theocr. From
same old story> Ar., etc. II. Adv. Kopiv0o0i at Kopvs, v6o$, K&pv8a and
7j : ace. :
poet. dat. Wpw
Corinth, II. pi. KopvQetfcn: 'wrapa; a helmet, helm, casque,

jcopiov, r6, Dim. of x6pr}, Theocr. : Dor. Kcopiov, Ar. Horn. II. //2f head, Eur. Hence
KLO'PU, ios, Att. (as, 6, pi. ic6pis, a bii%, Lat. cimex, Kopvcrcrw, poet. inf. -/iev: Ep. impf. Kopva"ffov Med. t :

Ar. aor. i ercopvcrcra/iTjv Pass., pf. Kopu6 /tai : (jcopvs^


KopKopiJyij, y, the rumbling of the empty bowels : fo furnish with a helmet, and, generally, &? _/?f (?zir T
generally, any hollow noise, a din, tumtdt, Aesch.,, equip, marshal, IL, Hes. Pass, and Med. fo equip :

Ar. (Formed from the sound/' or oneself, IL

fl-7-w. ?#(? crested, fcSpvffife O. ^
jcopjios, <5, (Keiptti) the trunk of a tree (with the boughs he reared his crested wave, Ib. Pass, ft? r<? r

lopped off), Od., Eur. ; Kopfiol j*v\cav logs of timber, its head, of a wave, Ib. ; of Rumour, Ib. ; of clouds,
Hdt. ; K. vavTtKot, i. e. oars, Eur. Theocr. Hence
KO'POZ (A), ov, 6, one's Jill, satiety, surfeit, Horn., Kopvorriis, ov, 6, a. helmed man, an armed warrior, II.
etc. ; irdvTuv ficv fcdpos ffri, Kal %TTVOV one may have Kop"u<$>aia, TI, (icopu^j the kead~stall of a bridle, Xen.
one's Jill of all things, even of sleep, etc., II. ; K. %& Kopvcfxatov, TO, the upper fiwi of a hunting-net 9 Xen.
nvos to have one's fill of a thing, Eur. 2. the con- From
sequence of satiety, insolence, Pind. ; -rrpjjs K^pov Kopx<|)alos, d, (fcopv<fdj the head man? chief man,
insolently , Aesch. leader, Hdt., etc. : in the Att. Drama, the leader of
icopos (B), ov, 6, Ion. xotipos. Dor. Kwpos : a boy, lad, the chorus, Dem. ; K. ecrr^K^s standing at ike head of
stripling, Horn., etc. : tcovpoi young men., warriors, II. ; the ro'm, Ar. U. as Adj. at the top, & K. v'lX.os the
also servants, like Lat. pueri, Horn. 2. with gen. apex, of the Roman flamen, Plut.
of prop, names, a son, Od. 7?<re'<u$ K. Soph., etc.
tcopv<)nf , TJ, Qc6pvs} the head, fop, highest point :
(Prob. from Kelpco, one 'mho has cut his hair short on bence, 1. the crown or top of the head, II. , Hdt.

emerging from boyhood*} Att. 2. the top or peak of a mountain, IL, Hdt.
Kopos (c), 6, the Hebrew cor, a dry measure containing Aesch. H. metaph. the highest point, Lat. sttmma^
10 Att. medimni, about 120 gallons, N. T. %! Kopv^dv is the best of all, Pind. ; Jc0pu$.
icoppT], new Att. for /expert?. irporpa)v the sum and substance of ancient
icopcnj, *), in new Att. scop pi}, Dor. tcoppa (fcdpa; : :
legends, Id. 2. the height or excellence of&. thing,
one of the temples, the side of the forehead, II. ; so i. e. the choicest, noblest^ best, Id.
in Att., &rl Kopp^s irardurcreLv to box on the ear, Dem. ; :opv4>oo>j f . f60"6>, (Kapv<p f]i) to bring to n head : Pass.*

cf. KV$V\OS. 2. the hair on the temples, which is [/oJ/os] Kopvtyovrcu rises mith arching crest, IL ; <rbi&-
the first to turn gray, Aesch. "Xjafrov Kopv^&vrat kings &r& on the highest

(Kopv&ai) Corybantian, Anth. pinnacle, Pind. II. to bring to an <mJjrVf T

Kopi3pdvTLos, a, ov,
), f afftoj to be filled imth Corybantic Plut. : Pass., Kopv<fwuiu.v$ being" summed up, Anth.
KOp<ov-Ka|37) [a], old as a crow or Hecuba, Anth.
7], jufojy, regularly, decently, Ar., etc. ; Kocrpicas %ii/ to
Kopt&V<i>$ of raven-gray colour, Ar, From
<rvK7J, f}, a fig be orderly, Plat. Hence
KopwvTj, T), Lat. cornix, the chough or sea-crow, a small KotrjJuoTrjs, TJTOS, T}, propriety, decorum, orderly be-
kind with red legs and bill, Od. 2, = K(pa, the haviour, Ar., Plat.
carrion-crow, Hes., Ar. II. anything hooked or KOcr}xo-}co|jnr]S, ov, o, (/C^JUTJ) dressing the hair, Anth.
curved, like a crow's bill, 1. A<? handle on a KOo-p.o-Kpa.Tcop, opos, o, (fcpareV) lord of the 'world, N. T.
door, Od. 2. /?<? 2z
of a bow, on which the bow- KOcrjjLo-TrXoKos, Qv, holding the world together, Anth.
string was hooked, Horn. metaph., : *<
Kop&vriv CTTI- KO'JMOX, ou, o, order, K6ap.(f and Kara K6cruoy in order,
Qsiv&L to put a finish to life, Luc. duly, II.,etc. ; /ta^ drap ou Kara K^CT/JLOV Ib. ; oito'wl
Kopwvicui), f. aor, (itopuj/dY) &rcA Atf , Anth. K6fffj.(f in no sort of order, Hdt., Att. 2. good
jcopwvLS, i6*os, 7], ace. ~vfv, (Kopcavoi) crook-beaked, order, good behaviour, decency, Aesch., Dem. 3.
curved, of ships, from the outline of the prow and the form, fashion of a thing, Od., Hdt. 4. of
stern, Horn. 2. of kine, with crumpled horns, states, order, government, Hdt., Thuc. II. an
Theocr. II. as Subst. a curved line, a flourish ornament, decoration, embellishment, dress, II., etc.;
with the pen at the end of a book, Anth. : metaph. an esp. of women, Lat. mundus muliebris, Ib., Hes.,
end, finish, Kopwvfea rivl Luc.
fariOcivcu etc. :in pi. ornaments, Aesch., etc. 2. metaph.
Kopa>yo-j3oXos, ov, (jS^AAa?) shooting crows : KOptavo- honour, credit, Hdt., Soph., etc. III. a regulator,
&Q\QV, ro, a sling or bow for crow-shooting, etc., Anth. title of the chief magistrate in Crete, Arist. TV.
KOPilNO'J, 4), 6v, curved, crooked : with crumpled the world or universe, from its perfect order, Lat.
horns, Archil. mundtts, Plat., etc. 2. mankind, as we use the
jcocrjctv7]8ov, Adv. like, as in a sieve, Luc. world,' N.T.
KocTKtv6-|ji,avTts, (as, 6, and TJ, a diviner by a sieve, Kocru,o-<f>0opo$, ov, (Qdelpca) destroying the world, Anth.
Theocr. From , 77, ov, Ion. and AeoL for TTOCTOS.
sieve, Ar., Plat.
r6, pos, o, Ion. and old Att. for fc6rrafto$.
KOCTKvXjjLaTta, rd, shreds of leather ; in Ar., of the
cav, w, = fcoTou, Aesch.
scraps of flattery offered by the tanner Cleon to his KOT, KOT, Ion. for Tr6re, irore.
patron ATJJAQS. icdrepov, KOTpa, Ion. for vdrepov, irarepa.
KooWco, f.
TjcrcD, (tfoo'jud's-) to
order, arrange, Horn., KOTCW, pf. part. Ke/omjcfo: Med. KOTCOUCU :
Ep. fut.
etc. esp. to set an army in array, -marshal it, II.
: :
Koreffcro/jicLi) 3 sing. aor. i /corecnraTO :
(/C^TOS) : zfi?

Med., Ko<Tfjiyo'dfjiVQ$ woAi^ras having arranged his 5?ar a grudge against, c. gen., cbrarTjs Korean angry
men, Ib. 2. generally, to arrange, prepare, Sopirov at the trick, II. absol. fo & angry, Horn.

Od. ; epya Hes., etc. II. to dispose, order, rule, KOTTJCIS, <r<ra, v, wrathful, jealous, II.

govern, Hdt., Soph., etc. ; ra KOff^o^^va orderly KOTiv7)-4>opos, ov, (^>ep w) producing 'mild olive-trees,
institutions, set order. Soph. 2. in Crete, to be Mosch. From
Cosmos (ftofffjios m), rule as stick, Arist. III. KOTI NOI, d and 77, zfA^ aw7^ olive-tree, Lat. oleaster,
to deck, adorn, equip, fzirnish, dress, esp. of women, Ar. Hence
h. Horn., Hes., etc. : Med., Koarfjt.ff6aL rcfcs KftyaX&s to
KorXvo-rpayos [a], oy, (rpayetv) eating wild olive-
adorn their heads, Hdt., etc. 2. metaph. to adorn, berries, Ar.
embellish, Eur., Thuc., etc. 3. to honour, pay KOTO1, ou, 5, a grudge, rancour, wrath, Horn., Aesch.
honour to, Soph., Eur., etc. IV. in Pass, to be KOTTcLfJitw, f . Att. i<, to play at the cottabus, Ar.
assigned or ascribed to, Is rby Alyvirnov v6}nov avrai KOTrafkov, r6, the prize of the game K,6rra,$os, Arist.
[cu WAeis] fKCKoffuearo Hdt. KOTTapos, 6, the cottabus, a Sicilian game, much in
tcoerp,irj0v, Ep. for -r}<rav3 3 pi. aor. i pass, of Kocrfj.u>. vogue at Athens. Each person threw the wine left in

Kocrfjn]p.a, To , (/coo*juecy) an ornament, decoration, Xen. his cup, so as to fall in a metal basin ; if the whole fell

jcotrfxtjv, Dor. for KOff^lv, inf. of Kocrueo), with a clear sound, it was a good sign. But the game
KOcrfiYjcris, ecys-, y, an ordering, disposition, arrange- was played in various ways. (Deriv. unknown.)
ment, adornment, Plat. KOTY'AH [5], rj, a cup, Horn. 2. the cup or socket
K0o-p.i)rnp, Tipos, d,~sq., Epigr. ap. Aeschin., Plut. of a joint, esp. of the hip-joint, II. 3. a liquid
KocrjA'qTT]Sj ov, o, (ocr/iaj) an orderer, director, Epigr. measure, containing 6 K^aBoi, i. e. nearly half a pint,
ap. Aeschin. II. an adorner, Xen. Hence Ar., Thuc. Hence
Koor|XT|TLK<Js, rj, 6v, skilled in arranging: f) -K^ (sc. KoruX-qSwv, 6vos, fj, any cup-shaped hollow : 1. in
rex??}), the art of dress and ornament, Plat. pi. the suckers on the arms (irXcKrdvai) of the polypus,
KO<T|ii]Tos, 4, &v, ( well-ordered, trim, Od. Od., in Ep. dat. pi. KorvXifiovafyiv. ^.=Kor-6\i\
Kocrp.TJTct>p, opos, 6, poet, for icotr/tijr^s:, )M^ OT^<? war- 2, the socket of the hip-joint, Ar.
shals an army, a commander, Horn. KOTvX-i]pt5Tos, ov, (aptiai) that can be drawn in cups,
jco<rp,iicos, 'fj, 6v, (/co'cr/ios' iv) of the world or universe, i. e.
flowing copiously, streaming, II.
Luc. II. ^ 2fAzs world, earthly, N. T. KoruXwv, cayos, o, (Korvfaf) nickname of a toper, Plut.
x6o-p.Los, a, ov, and oy, or, (/c^o-juos) well-ordered, re- KOV, KOV, Ion. for TTOV, irov.
gular, moderate, Sairavri Plat. K6ffp.t6v eV-n, c. inf., :
KovXeoV, Ion. for /eoAcoV.
tis regular practice, Ar. 2. of persons, orderly, jcoxipd, as, Ion. Kovpi], ^, (icelpai) a shearing or crop-
well-behaved, regular, discreet, quiet, Id., Plat., etc. :
ping of the hair, tonsure, Hdt., Eur. II. a lock
ri K. decorum, decency, order, Soph. Adv. /coo** : cut off, Aesch.
Kovpciov, r6, .Kovpefe) a barber's shop, Ar. . .
Od. ; KOV$M$ <ppW to bear lightly 9

KO-upc-us, cW, 6, Keipca) a
barber., hair-cutter, Lat. Eur. ; &s KovQorara Qepeiv Hdt. 3. lightly, -cdtk
tonsor, Plat., Anth., etc. ease, Aesch.
fern, of Kovpcvs, Plut.
tcovpevrpia, 7}, KQ'<l>rNOI, 6, a basket, Ar., Xen. 5 in later times used
Ion. for K6py. II. scovpij, Ion. for Kovpd.
KO-upTj, specially by Jews, N.T. ; being apparently smaller
jcovp-sjios, 77, ov, Ion. for KOpeios, youthful, h. Horn. than the ewpis.
xovpTjTcs, &3^ ot, (KOOQS, Kovpos) young men., esp. young KoxXtas, ov, 6 3 (K^X^-OS) a snail with a spiral shell,
warriors, II. II. KoupTjres, of, the Curetes, oldest Lat. cochlea, Theocr.
inhabitants of Pleuron in Aetolia, II.
KoxXtov, TO, Dim. of KOX^OS, a small snail, Batr.
Ko-upCas, ov, 6) (Kovpa) one with short hair, Luc. KoxXos, ov, o, a shell-fish with a spiral shell, used for
Kovpiac*, f. dff(a, (Kovpa) of hair, to need clipping, Luc. dying purple, Lat. murex, Arist., Anth.; used as a
KOupiSios, a, ov, (/couposr, /coup?]) 'wedded, of the husband trumpet, like Lat. concha, Eur., Theocr., etc.
[fcovpiSios Trdcris) or the wife (VcoupiSiTj &A.OXOSJ, Horn. :
Kox-uSew, Ion. impf. KoxuSerKov, to stream forth copi-
esp. a lawful, wedded wife, as opp. to a concubine, ously, Theocr. (Reduplicated from x&a, %u5i7j>.)
Id., Hdt. : hence, Ae%os Kovpifitav our lawful -mar- KQX&'NH, T], the posteriors, dual TCL KO-^VO. Ar.
riage bed, II. ; /c. 5o5/ia # husband's house. II. Ko\|/aTO, 3 sing. Ep. aor. i med. of K^TCC.
later, nuptial, bridal, Ar., Anth. ico^X 05 ' & a blackbird, Ar.
Ko-upi<i>, (icdpos, Kovpos) intr. ft? *? a youth, Od. II. K6<ovo, v. sub K<us.
trans, zto
boyhood, Hes.
up from
bring- KpE, shortened for Kpdvos (as 83 for Soyta), Anth.
jeovpiji.os, 77, oi/, (wovpa) of, for cutting hair, Eur. II. Kpaaros, Kpaan, jcpaara, lengtfcd. forms of Kparos,
pass. sA#m 0jf, Aesch.,, Eur. 2. shorn, Kpara Eur. Kpan, Kpara : v. fcpas-.
jcovptf , Adv. (tcovp) by the hair, Od. KpcL{3j3aro9 or tcpaparos, 6, a cmtch, bed, Lat. graba-
Kovpo-poposjoy, (i-j8peJcjrKw) devouring- children, Aesch. tus, N. T. (A Macedonian word-)
Ion. for KJpos, a boy, youth, Horn.
KoGpos,^, icpa*y<>v, aor. 2 part. neut. of Kpci^ca.
KO-upocrvvTj, Dor. Ko>p~, 7), (/covpoy) youth, youthful KpaSciLVco, (KpaSdca) to swing; *wcuue, 'brandish, Eur.,
prime, Anth. : mirthfulness, Theocr. Ar. : to shake, agitate, Aesch. : Pass., tdxph KpaSat-
ico-uprfcrvvos, ??, oz>, (Kovpos) youthful, Anth. vopivi] KaTct, yaiijs quivering in the ground, II. 2.
tcovpoTCpos, a, ovy Comp. of Kovpos, younger, more metaph. to agitate, Pint.
youthful, Horn. ; used much like a positive. KpoLSaa, to shake, brandish, only in part., Jcpa$aF
ico-upo-TOKOS, ovy (T(KTCO) bearing boy -children, Eur. SoXi.' offKLOV *7X OS Horn. From
Ko-upo-Tpo<j>os, ov, (rpg^cw) rearing boys ; aya^Tj /c. good
KPA'AH [a], 7j, the quivering spray at the end of a
nursing-mother, of Ithaca, Od. ; so, . EAAas Eur. branch, Hes., Ar. : generally, a jig-tree, Ar.
Ko-uorrcoSta, ^, the Lat. custodia, N. T. KpaSCa, 7], Dor. for KpaBif], which is Ep. for jeapSta.
Ko-uf>itw,f Alt. iw : (/coSc^os)
. I. intr. to be light, Hes.,
Att. f . rce/cpc^io/uu, later Kpct|w ; aor. i
KpoL5<**j l/cpa|a :
Eur. : of pain, to be alleviated, assuaged, Soph. II. aor. 2 GKp&yov :
pf . with pres. sense, Kekpctyo, irnper.
trans, to make light : hence to lift up, raise, Id. ;
KtKpaxBt, pi. KKpdjr plqpf. eKSKpd-yew : (the Root

S.\jjt,a Kovtyietv to make a light leap, Id. ; K. Tr^Sij/ia is KPAr, as in aor. 2) to croak, of frogs, Ar. :

Eur. .Pass, to be lifted up, soar, Plat. 2. c. gen., generally, to scream, shriek, cry aloud, Aesch., Ar. ;
ox\ov K. X0<W to lighten earth of a multitude, Eur. : KeKpaxQi Ar. ; Kpayby Kefepa&raL mill bawl aloud, Id.
absol. to lighten ships of their Thuc. : to cargo, (Kp&yov being aor. 2 part, used adverbially). 2. c.
relieve persons from burthens, Xen. : Pass, to be re ace. rei, to clamour for a thing, Id,
Hewed, v6<rovfrom disease, Eur. ; Kovtyurfrfiff-ojuLat ifoxfa Kpadcis, aor. i pass. part, of xepaj/yv/ju.
Id.; metaph. to feel one's burthens lightened, KPAI'Nili, f. Kp&vto: aor. i l/epdya, Ep. tEKpyva.: Med.,
Thuc. 3. c. ace. rei, to lighten,
assuage, ffv/jupopds fut. inf. in pass, sense KpaveetrQai Pass., fut. :
Dem. Ipwra Theocr. Hence aor.
%Kpdjr8rjv: KeKpayrta 3 pf, pass, both
; i
>cov<f>tcris, etas, fj, a lightening, alleviation, relief, Thuc. sing, and Horn, mostly uses Ep. pres. icpatav<a,
KOVffx.crp.a, ceroS) ro^Ko^ufis, Eur. impf. KpaiaivV, aor. i imperat. Kpffflv&v, icpTj^i/arc,
iCov<j>oXoYCa, ^, light talking, Thuc. From inf. Kpyijvai ; 3 pf. pass.
K/cp{a*Tai and plqpf. K-
jcov<j>o-\<ryos ov, (Aeyw) lightly talking. Kpdayro ; so tKpadvBriv Theocr. : to accomplish, fulfil,
Kov<j<5-voos, ov, contr. -vo-us, ovy, light-minded, tko^lght- bring to pass, Horn., Trag. Pass., -with fut. med,,

less, Aesch., Soph. to be accomplished or brought to pass, II., Eur. j v.

KOY"4>OI, 7), ov, light, nimble, Trag. ; used by Horn, ZiriKpalva. 2. to finish the tale of , c. ace., h.
. .

only in neut. pi. as Adv., Kov$a irpofrifrats stepping- lightly Horn. II. absol. to exercise sway, to
reign, c. ace.
on, II. :
rnetaph., Kov<j>6repa.i <f>pves too buoyant, cogn., Kp. ffKTJirrpa to sway the staff of rule, Soph. 2.
Pind. 2. metaph. also light, easy, Aesch., Xen. 3. c. gen. to reign over, govern, T&V
GTparov, -nyy x*~~~
empty, unsubstantial, vain, Soph., Thuc. 4. light Id. HI. intr. to fulfil one's course, Aesch.
in point of weight, opp. to
&api>$, Plat., etc. Ko6<pa ',
tcpaiTraXac*, only in pres., to have a sick
ffoi x$&v eirdvcaee ireffot
may earth He lightly on thee, consequent upon a debauch, Ar., Plat. From
sit tibi terra levis, Eur. ; of soldiers, KPAinA'AH [ofj>?k a drunken head-ache, Lat, cr&pul&t
&ir\Lffjj.vai KOV-
tyorepais far\ots Xen. II. Adv. -(peas, lightly, IK /cpaiiraA-jjj after a drunken bout, Ar.
nimbly, Aesch.; K. of soldiers, Thuc.,
Icr/cevatr/t^ot, KpaL-rro.Xo-ictup.o5, ov, rambling in drunken revelry, Ar.
Xen. 2. metaph. lightly, with light heart, Kov<p6- K.PAIHNO'J, 77, 6v, 'rapid, rushing, ol strong- winds,
Horn. ; of svnft feet, Id. : metaph. hasty, rash, \
;, oy, (WSop) anVA hard groitnd or soil,Od.
II. II. Adv., quickly, hastily, Horn. also neut. ,- KpaTai-Trovs> <5 5 ^? vow, TO, stout-footed, Ep. : /cax>-
as Adv., Id. TCUTTOW is used absol. for ravpos in Find.
Kpcu-Trvo-oSuTOS, ov, (creuo/Aai) swift-rushing,
Aesch. Kparat-plvos, oy, hard-shelled, Orac. ap. Hdt.
Kpanrvo-<j>opos, ov, (ipepu' swift-bearing, apai
Aesch. KpaTp-atxjA^9, ou, (atXM^) mighty with the spear,
KPA'MBH, 77, cabbage, kail, EupoL, etc. poet. Kapr, Find.
<5, ^, strong-necked,
KPA'MBOI, 77, ov, of the voice, like Kairvpds, loud, KpaTcp-avx^v,
ringing, Ar. Kparepos, a, ^y, Ep. form of Kaprepos, strong, stmit,
mighty, Horn. 2. of things, conditions, etc., strong,
Kpap,po-4>ayos, ov, Cabbage-eater, Batr.
Kpdva, Dor. for Kprjvy. mighty, cruel, Id., Hes. 3. of passions, strong,

icpavcb]-'ire8os> ov, (irefiov) with hard rocky soil,

h. Horn. vehement, mighty, Horn. ; *:/>. /uJ0os a harsh, rough
speech, Id. II. Adv. strongly, stoutly,
Kpavai, aor. i inf. of Kpaivca. -pu>s,
oV, rocky, rugged, of Ithaca, Horn. ; of roughly, Id.
Athens, Pind. ; hence Athens was called Kpavaa iroXis KpaTpo-<j>p(DV5 ov, gen. ovo$ 3 ('ppfy} stout-hearted,
or cu Kpavaod Id. ; Kpavaoi the people of Attica, Hdt. ; dauntless, Horn., Hes.
and Kpavaos a mythical king of Athens, Aesch. j stout of hand, Anth.
o, 7),

KpaV<r0ai.5 v. sub Kpaiv<a. 6, %, (8wQ strong-hoofed, solid-


KpaVeia [a], 7% (tcpdvov) the cornel-tree, dog-wood, Lat. hoofed, Horn. strong-clawed, of wolves, Od.

cornus, its wood was used for shafts and bows, Horn. [a], Ep. dat. pi. of Kpds.
>v, ot f the forked stand or frame on 'which
Kpavctvos, 7], oy, (Kpdvov) made of cornel-wood, Lat. i,

cornetis, ro|a Hdt., Xen. a spit turns, II. (Deriv. uncertain.)

Kpaviov, TO, (Kapa) M* tipper part of the head, the Kparecu, f. ^crw : Pass., f. fcpaTTjftfjo'o/icu ; (Kpdros^ :
to be strong, mighty, powerful : hence, I. absoL
skull, II., Find., Eur.
SCPA'NON [a], ro,
Kpdvia, Lat. cornus, Theophr. to rule, hold sway, be sovereign, Horn,, Trag. 5 y

tcpavo-iroieco, to make helmets : in Ar. of one

who talks Kpasrovfra the lady of the house, Aesch. 2. c. dat.
and 'warlike. to rule among, Kpareets vKVcr<riv Od. 3. c. gen.
to be lord or master of, ruler over, irdvTwv Horn. ;
jepavo-iroios, <5, (?roie&>) <2 helmet-maker, Ar.
xpavos [a], cos, rJ ? (:apa) <2 helmet, Hdt., Aesch. Scapdrcw Aesch., etc. H. to conquer, prevail, get
(Kpatvco) one that accomplishes:
a the upper hand, Hdt., Att. j tcp. yvtifjcr] to prevail in
Kpav-nrjp, Tjpos, <5,

ruler, sovereign, fern. Kpdvretpa, Anth. opinion, Hdt. ; rf fidxy Eur., etc. ; also c. ace. cogn.,
KpdvTwp, opos, 6, Kpa.VT'fjp, Eur., Anth. Kp. rbv ay>va Dem. of Kparovvres the conquerors,

KPA'I, poet, form of Kapa, found in gen. TT> Kpdros, Xen. : of reports, etc., to prevail, become current,
dat. Kpdri, ace. Kpara : pi., gen. Kpdrav, dat. Kpdffiv, Soph., Thuc. 2. impers., KarrQavetv Kpare? 'tis
better to die, Aesch.; Kparel a.Tro\eff9ai Eur. 3. c.
Ep. Kpdr<T$iy ace. Kparas : also Kpara, TO, as nom.
and ace., Sk)ph. In Horn, also we have a lengthd. gen. to prevail over, Aesch. ; o Xoyos rov epyov Kpdri
gen. and dat., Kpdaros, Kpdan, pi, nom. Kpdara : /2 surpassed, went beyond it, Thuc. 4. c. ace. to
S^ad^, Horn., Trag. ; ^TT! /cparJ>s Xip&os at & Af^ or conquer, master, outdo, surpass, Find., Att. : Pass.
H. an old gen. KpTjflej' is to be conquered, Hdt., Att. III. to become master
/ar end of the bay, Od.
used in the phrase Kara /ep7]0>', down from the head, of, get possession of, TTJS px^ s Hdt. ; rys yris
from the top, Ib., Hes. : hence, like penitus, from Thuc. IV. to lay hold of, TTJS %tpos N. T. 2.
c. ace. rei, to seise, holdfast, Qpovovs Soph., Xen. V.
head Tpuas Kara KpTJQev \dftz iriv&osll.
to foot, entirely,
a mixing, blending* co-m- to control, command, Aesch.
tcpaois, cas, 7}, (Kepdvvv/jLi)
pounding, Aesch., Plat. 2. the temperature of the jcpanjp. Ion. and Ep. icpi]Ti]p, Tjpos, 6 : (fcepdvyvfjii) :
air, Lat. temperies, Plat. 3. metaph. combination, a mixing vessel, esp. a large bowl, in which the mine
union, Id. 4. in Gramm. crasis, i. e the combination was mixed 'mith water, and from which the cups were
of two syllables into one long vowel or diphthong, e. g. filled, Horn., etc. j olvov 8* l/c KpyTypos atyva'o'diJ.cvot.

rotfvopa for T& oVojua, aj/7jp for 6 avTjp. Sevdeffffiv Ifcxeoy II. ; Trivovres /cp^r^pas drinking bowls

Kp-acnreSov, r6, the edge, border, skirt or hem of a of 'mine, Ib. ; KpTjr^pa o-T^crcwr0ai eXevQepov to give a
thing, esp. of cloth, Theocr. ; mostly in pi., Eur., Ar. :
bowl of wine to be drunk in honour of the deliverance,
2. metaph.,
metaph., also in pi., the skirts of a mountain, Xen. ; Ib. ; ^TTLcrr^ao'BaL xoroTo, v.eiricrretyti).
KOLKWV having filled a bowl full of woes,
wpbs Kpacrrre'Sotcn (rrparoTr&ov on the skirts of the KparTjpa -jrATjcros

army, Eur. Hence Aesch. H. any cup-shaped hollow, a basin in a

xpacrrrcSoou-aL, Pass, to be bordered or edged, Eur. rock, Soph., Plat.
Kpara, r&, the head : v. Kpay. KpoTT]pCfc>, f . icrtity to drink from a bowl of wine, Dem.
xpaTai-poXos, OF, (jSaXXtw) hurled witk violence? Eur. KpaTTjcrC-ixaxoSyOJ'j (jM'X.'n) conquering in thefight,Pind.
KpaTai-"yuaXos, of, (yuaXov} wfA strong plates, II.
Kparnoa-irovs, oy TJ, victorious in fhe foot-race, Find.
xparaus, 77, (/cpcCros) mighty force, Od. '-Mnros, ov, victorious in the race, Pind.
KpaTai-Xecds, a?y, gen. , (XSsj=Xas) o/^ hard stones, dat.
rocky, Aesch., Eur. Jw, f . tree, to be mightiest, best, most excellent,, Pass.,
= Kparfoaiuu, N. T. Soph. 2. to gain the upper hand, nvi or ev nvi in

Kparaios, a, oV, poet, form of Kparepos, strong, mighty, a thing, Xen.

resistI essy Horn., Trag. [a], y ov, Ep. icapr-, a Superl. formed from
Kparvs :
(ppdros) strongest, mightiest, IL, etc.;
: one's betters, Pind. ; so, ra Kpeiffw Eur. : ra /cpelo--
Ayfjivicov rj> Kp. the best of their men, Thuc. : of things, ffova one's advantages, Thuc. 3. c. inf., ofo-is
Kapr terry /MX*! the fiercest fig-ht, II. 2. generally, Kpeio-a-vv d6/j,vcu no one has # ^//^r right to give,
best, most excellent} as Sup. of ayaBos, Find., Soph., Od. Kpetacrov e<rri, c. inf., 'tis better to .
, Kpetcrcroy ,

etc. 3. ot Kpdricrroiy like ol fisXria-roi, of the aristo- tern 6a,viv ^ Trocr^ei^ Kcuctas Aesch. : also Kpeiffffcav el^t,
cracy, Xen. 4. Kpdnara, as Adv., best. Id. s
c. part., Kpsicrcrctiv ^crQa /47?rer &v $ 5sv rv<p\6$ thou
The Comp. in use is Kpeio-ffcov, q. v. wert better not alive, than living blind, II.
KPA'TOi [d], Ion. and Ep. KoLpros, eos, TO strength,
: too great for, tyos Kpelffffov fKirrjSrjfiaTos too
great for
might, Horn., Att. ; Kara, Kpdros 'with all one's might leaping out of, Aesch.; Kpeiffurov a.y%6vris too bad for
or strength, by open force, by storm, Thuc., Xen.,
hanging, Soph. ; eA.7r&os- Kp. worse than one expected,
etc. 2. personified, Strength, Might, Aesch. II. Thuc. III. having power over, master
generally, might, power, Horn. rule, sway, sove-
: Xen. ; /cp. yjpriyArtov superior to bribes, Thuc. IV".
reignty, Hdt., Att. 2. c. gen. power over, Hdt., in Att. Prose in moral sense,
better, more excellent,
Att. ; in pi., aarrpairav KpdrTj vefjitav Soph. 3. Ar.
of persons, a power, an authority., Aesch. III. KPEI'ilN, ovros, 6, a rulery lord, master, Horn. ; {fora-re
mastery, victory, Horn., Att. ; Kp. apurreias the -meed Kptiovroov, of Zeus, IL ;" as a general title of honour,
of highest valour, Soph. Od. : fern. Kpeto-ucra, lady, mistress, IL, Hes. : after
KpaTos, gen. of Kpds. Horn, in the form KpeW, Pind.
Kparvvw [u], Ep. KapT-, f. i5y<, (Kpdros) t strengthen, ; K pei cuv, Ep., gen. pi. of Kpeas,
Hdt., Thuc. :
Med., eKa.prvva.vro <pd\aryyas they Kpicd8ia, cay, TO, (/cpe/ca?) a kind of tapestry, Ar.
strengthened their ranks, II., so in Thuc. Pass. :
KpeKTds> ^, ov, struck so as to sound,, of stringed in-
to wax strong, Hdt. 2. to harden, rovs ir6Sas struments : generally, played, sung, Aesch. From
Xen. II. *= Kpareo), to rule, govern, c. gen., Soph., KPE'KIi, f. a> aor. i l/cpe^a : to strike the web with

Eur. ; also c. ace., Aesch. ; absol., Id., Soph., etc. 2. the KepKis, to weave, Eur. 2. to strike the lyre with the
to become master, get possession of, c. gen.,
Soph. :
plectron, Anth. : generally, to play on an instrument,
c ace. , fia.(ri\7j iSa npav Kp to hold, exercise, Eur.
. . . HI Ar. 3. of any sharp noise, jSoV irrepoLS icp. Id.
Koprvveiv jSeXca to ply or throw them stoutly, Find. Kpjid8pa, T), (Kpe/Jidvyvfjii) a net or basket to hang things
Kpaxus [v], o, like Kparep6s, strong, mighty, Horn. up in, Ar.
tcpavydtto, f. <r<a, (Kpairrf) to bay, of dogs, Poeta ap. Kpfj.awiJ}JU, f KpefjAcro) [a] ; Att. Kpepw, %$, 9, Ep. Kp-

Plat.; of men, to cry aloud, scream, Dem., N. T. fj.6Go : aor. i ^Kpefj-affa, Ep. Kpejjiaera; Pass., in shortened
Kpau^avojicu, Dep. = foreg., Hdt. form subj. jcpe^uw/tai, opt. Kp^^ai^v : impf.
KpaaryacruStjs, ov, o, (Kpavyd(a>) as a Patronym. son of Kpe{j.djjiT]v, a?, : I. aro
Kpe/t-jjcrojuai : aor. i Kpe/j.d(r87]v.
a Croaker, Batr. (From Root KPEM) : I. /o hang, hang up,
Kpcuryq, %, (/cpafw) a crying, screaming, shrieking, IL ; Kpjj.6(*> irorl va6v will bring them to the temple
shouting, Lat. clamor, Eur., Xen. and hang- them up there, II. ; /cp. nvd nvos to
Kpc-d-ypa, T), (/cpeas, dypea?) a flesh-hook, to take meat hang one up by a thing, Ar. ; Kpepdcras ret,
out of the pot, Ar. in allusion to Socrates in his basket, Id.; K
KpcaypLS, Idas, 7}, Kpdypa3 Anth. rfy ao"jri5a to hang %ip one's shield, i. e. have done
KpcdSiov [a], r6, Dim. of Kpeas, a -morsel of -meat, slice with war, Id. : so in Med., V7}dd\iov Kpfj,d(raff0ai to
of 'meat, Ar., Xen. hangup one's rudder, i. e. give up the sea, Hes. II.
Kpea.vojJi.C6>, f . 'fjcru
pf . KKpavdju.i}Ka : to distribute Pass, to be hung up, suspended, %re r' sKpefiw (2 impf.)
flesh, to divide the flesh of a victim among the guests, when thou wert hanging, II. : to be hung -up as a
Luc. : Med. to divide among themselves, Theocr. votive offering, Pind., Hdt. ; eivep etc 7ro$&v tcpe/touro
Kpeavofxia, a distribution offleshy Luc., etc.
rj, Ar. :
nietaph., ft&fios Kpeftarcd rtvt censure hangs over
Kpea-vj>p.os, o, (W/*c>) one who distributes the flesh of him, Pind.; <5 c/c rov ar&jjuzTos KpepafjuEvos depending
victims, a carver,, Eur. on the body, Xen. 2. to be hung, of persons,
KPE'A2, ro, Dor. KpTjs Att. gen. Kpccas : pi. Kp4a,
: Eur. 3. metaph. to be in suspense, Arist. Hence
gen. Kp^wv, Ep. Kpsi&v and Kpedwv; dat. Kpcacrt, Ep. Kpcftacras, icpcjJtao-Octs, aor. i part. act. and pass.
also : flesh, meat, a piece of meat, Od., etc. ; rpta. Kpef&curnfe, TJ> ^> (;/)/iaj/yv/ii) hung, hung up, hang-
tcpea fy real ir\ea Xen. ; also in collective sense, dressed ing, Kp. avxevQs hung by the neck, Soph.; c. gen.,
meat, meat, flesh, Horn., etc. 2. a body, person, also, hung from or on a thing, Eur, : Kp*iMffr% op-
& Sej-Lt&rarov Kpeas Ar. rdvT], i. e. a halter, Soph. ; so, j3p^%ot Kp. Eur.
Kpii-8oKos and Kpeio-Soxos, ov, (5exo^at) containing Kpjj,fSaXa, rd, rattling- instruments, like our castanets.
flesh, Anth. Kp)i.f3aXXacrrvs, vos, TJ, a rattling" as with castanets,
icpetov, r6, (Kpas] a meat-tray, dresser, II. h. Horn.
Kpeuwcra, TJ, v. Kpeicav. xpejioe, Ep. fut. of KpefjLdvvvfja ; Att. Kpejioi.
Kpio*or<J-Ticvos, ov, (rcKvov) dearer than children, Kpc|, 7), gen. Kpic6s, (KpeKca) Lat. crex, the corn-crake,
Aesch. land-rail, Ar.
Kpur(ra>y, later Att. KpeCrTwv, ov, gen. ovos, later Ion. Kpeo-SaiTTQS, ou, 6, (Sa'uo) a distributor offlesh, carver
acpeVcrwv, DOT, Kappwv :Comp. of Kpar&y (v. Kpdncr- at a public meal, Lat. dispensator, Phit.
roi), stronger, mightier, more powerful , IL, etc. 2f KpeoKOTrew, f . ^ercy, /^ cut in pieces, Aesch., Eur. From
in sense often as Comp. of aya6fo, better, 01 Kpe<r<rov*s Kpeo-K&rros, ov, (jK&jr-roar} a cutter up offlesh.
evpfid&v Od. /r<?m Cr^^, II. ;
faa, cut up meat like a butcher *>peoup-
eo), f .
Hence Crete, Od.
76$), to butcher, Luc.

Hdt. Ion. and Ep. for

ov, Adv. like a butcher, in pieces, ^poy, 5,
, ^, cutting up, butchering. From -q, CM?) 2fo^/y 2fAe Cr^tew, N.T., Plut.
the island of Crete, Cretan,
s, oV, (**P7) working, i.
e. cutting up meat, Kpt]TiKos, T?, (iy, q^ or from
Aesch. Aesch., Thuc. II. KpTjTtK<Sv (sc. tpuiriov}, TO,
Kpeovpjbv ?jp.ap a day of feasting,
garment, used at sacred rites, Ar.
2. Kpi]-
Kpo-<j>aYos, ov, ($ayiV) eating flesh, carnivorous,

-TTOUS), ^, ^r Cretic,
a metrical foot [--], e. g.
Hdt. (sc.

Kpewv, oz/Tos ,
= the Homeric KpeiW. S>v, called also amphimacer (afL<pip.aKpos).

Kp-nrio-pLos, ^,
Cr^an behaviour, i. e. Zyfw^, Plut.
pwv, gen. pi. of Kpeas icpecas, gen. sing. :

Kpifovos, o^, W<, agreeable,

II. of persons, "'r- : W^ Kpt, Ep. shortd.form for Kpifrf), barley, only
in nom.

viceable, Plat. H. fr*, mz/, e^rore /wn r*> /cpT]- and ace., Horn.
Anth. KplpavvT-qs [i], ou, <5, baked
in a pan (Kptfiavos , o /cp.
yuoy, Theocr. : Adv. in good earnest, \Deriv.
(sc. ^pTos), a loaf so baked,
Ar. ; hence, comically, ftovs
KpTJ-Scjxvov, Dor. Kpa-, r6, (*apa, $V)
a veil or wfl?z- Kp. Id.
z?z7/a wz#A lappets, passing over the head and hanging KpCpavos [l], Ion. icXCpavos, o,
an earthen vessel, a pan,
down on each side, Horn. II. metaph. in pi. the wider at bottom than at top, wherein bread was baked
battlements which crown a city's walls, Id., Eur. 2. by putting hot embers round it, Hdt.,
the cover of a wine-jar, Od. Kplpavwros, 4), 6y,=Kpi^ayi-nis,
aor. 3 eKpiKov, Ep. KP'LKQV : pf Ke/cprya v from . :

Kpr]Tivat, Ep. aor. i inf. of Kpcdvv ; -tcpifavoy, imper. tcpica,

II. of
Root KPIP; : to creak, Lat. stridere, II.
KpTJ0V, old gen. of Kpds, v. /cpas

= Kpc/iLaiwv/jt.t, Find. :Pass. Kp^va^ai, to persons, &? screech, Ar.
to float in air, Aesch. KpiOaw, of a horse, to be barley -fed,
to wax wanton,
hang, be suspended, Eur. :

Anth. Aesch. From

KptjfAVo-paTis [a], ov, o, a haunter of steeps,
i part. pass, of Kpiva.
Kp-rjfivo-iroios, oV, (Trote'a? speaking crags, i.e. wsiH^f tcpt0e(s, aor.
aor. i pass, of /cpiVw.
dz^", rugged -words,
Ar. Kptdev, poet, for J/cpi^cray, 3 pi.
KpTijivos, 6, (Kpfuwafjuu)
an overhanging bank, as //^ KPr0H', 7}, mostly in pi., barley-corns, barley (cf icpi), .

bank ofedge of a trench, II. later, a

a river, : the meal being &X<pira, Horn., Ar., etc.; olvos K wpi-
down Beav ireirot7)fj.vos a kind of beer (cf. KpiQwos}, Hdt.
beetling cliff, crag, Hdt., Ar. ; /cara rav Kp^vSiv
6035, ^, a disease of horses, a
kind ?/ surfeit
from the cliffs of Epipolae, Thuc. KpI0eurj,s,
Thuc. caused by over-feeding with barley, Xen.
KptjjJLV-ttStis, S, (eTSos) precipitous, = KpiQdfa, Babr.
Kpvjvat, Ion. for Kpcwai,
aor. i inf. of Kpaivca. KpI0ta<a, f. &ff<a, (wrp^T?)
Kptjvaios, a, ov, (Kp-f)VQ) of, from
a spring or fountain, KpI0|w, f. ierw, to feed with barley, Babr.
Nu/^at Kprivcuai
- KpTjj/ic&ey, Od. ; Kp, ffiap spring KpC0Ivos, ?r, oi/, wwz^^ of or from barley, Xen.,
water, Hdt.; Kp. irorov Soph., etc. KpI0o-Tp<ryos, ov, (rporyeiv) barley-eating,
JCPH'NH, Dor. Kpava, TI, a well, spring, fountain, Lat. sing. Ep. aor. 2
KpiK, 3
Thuc. KPl'KOS [i], 5, Homeric
form of Kipicos, a ring on a
fons, Horn., etc. ; opp. to <pop (a tank), Hdt.,

Poets use it in pi. for 'mater, Soph. Hence horse's breast-band, to fasten it to the peg (!ITT/>) at
the end of the carriage-pole, II. 2. an eyelet-hole in
KpijvrjOcv, A.dv.from
a well or spring, Anth. ; and
Od. sails, through which the reefmg-ropes
were drawn, Hdt.
KpiivrivSe, Adv. to a well or spring,
Dor. Kpd- Kpijjta, arosy TO, (/cpij/w)
a decision, judgment, N. T. :
Kp7}VL<s, a5os, 17, fern, of Kprjjfouos, Aesch.; 2. a matter for
vidfics spring-nymphs, Theocr. j so Kpavities Mosch. sentence, condemnation, Ib.
Kp7]vi!s, i8os, ?j, Dim.
of K.p4\vT\, Eur. judgment, law-suit,
Kpivto) coarse
meal or a coarse loaf, Anth.
KPHm%TSos-, ^, a half-loot, :
KpyTr'iSes soldiers' icpiftvov, TO,
boots, i. e. soldiers themselves, Theocr. II. gene- Kptvas [l], part, of Kpfrca.
aor. I

a temple KPi'NON [i], TO', heterocl. pi. Kplvea, dat. Kpiv<rt j

a grotmd'mork, foundation, basement
or altar, Hdt., Soph., etc. metaph., Kpyvls ffofy&v : lily, Hdt., Ar., etc.
eiretov Pind. ; ovtieira Kpyirls KOK&V uVeorrt we have not KPl'NQ [i], Ep. 3 subj. Kpu^tn : f. /cp?yw, Ep. /cptWw : aor.
Med., f. #p/ov/u (in pass.
yet got to the bottom of misery, Aesch. ; ^ e'y/cpareta
i Kpiva: pf. /cpi:a:
of virtue, aor. i eKpivafj^v : Pass., f . KplBJiffopai : aor. i
apery? Kprjiris self-control is the foundation sense) :

Xen. 2. the walled edge of a river, a quay, Lat. eKpifhjv [I], Ep. eKpivdyv
pf KKpifiai9 inf. KeKptffQfU :

Lat. cerno, to separate, part, put asunder, distinguish,

crepido, Hdt.
w^ a Cretan, Horn., II., Xen.
II. ta ^iofe ^z^, choose, Horn., Hdt.,
ICpife, 5, gen. Kprrr<fe, pi. K^TJTCS,
etc. fern. TJS, Aesch. II. as Adj. Att.: Med. #o pick out for oneself, choose, Horn., etc.:
; Kpfjo-o-o,
Cretan, Soph. ; also KpTjo-tos, a, oy, Id., Eur. Pass, to be chosen, II. ; pf and aor. i part. KCKpLfjievos,

out, chosen, Horn. III. to decide

KpTlS, Dor. for Kpeas. KpLvdeis picked
tfKoXias Kpivew Q^iffras to
icpTjo-ot, Ep. for Kepdurai, aor. l inf.
of wrcpcWu/a. disputes, Id., Hdt., etc.;
Kp7]crtos, a, oi/, Kpifjorcra,
v. Kp^s. judge crooked judgments, i.e. to judge unjustly, II. ;
tcpij<r-4>v-yTov [CJ, TO, (</>iryTy) ^/a ^/ refuge, re- Kpivovffi (% Ktti ov ty-hfyv they decide the question by
for a
treat, resort, Hdt. (The first part of the word, /c shouting, not by voting, Thuc. ; to decide a contest
is -prize, Soph,, etc* ; Kp. r&s
Ocas to decide their contest ,
i. e. judge them, Eur. : Pass, and Med., of persons, to
rj, ?j, Cr^^, now Candia 9 Hom.; Ep. gen. pi.
KpOTt]cr^o^. 45i
have a contest decided, come to issue, Horn., etc. 3. [
r .-. ov? with, yellow veil, II., Hes.
3. to judge of, esti- KPO'KOX, ov, 6, the crocus, 11.^ Soph. 2. saffron
to adjudge, xparos Tivi Soph.
wflte, wpHs epavrbv Kpivosy [auroV] judging of him by

'which is made from its stigmas), Aesch. 3 etc.

myself, Dem. Pass., fow Trap' >ol KeKpirai Hdt.

4. KpoKow, f. ijoffti), \Kp6KOs) to crown 'with yellow ivy, Anth.
to* expound, interpret dreams, Id., Aesch., etc.: so jcpoicvs [v], v$os, T), (KPOKT?) the flock or nap on woollen
in Med,, II. 5. c. ace. et inf. to decide QT judge that, doth, Hdt., Luc., etc.
Hdt., Att. 6. c. inf. only, to determine to do a Kpojwros,^, &v,\KpQK&&} saffron-dyed, saffron-coloured,
N.T. IV. to question, Soph. Z. to Pind. 2. as Subst., KpoKwds (sc. XLT&V;, o9 t*
hnng to trial, accuse, Xen., etc. : Pass, to &? brought saffron-coloured frock, worn by Bacchus, Ar.
to trial) Thuc., etc. 3. to pass sentence upon, \

to condemn, Soph., Dem. ,

a belch of onions and vinegar,
Anth. Ar.
*cpZo-poXos, ov, Q8oAA) ram-slaying,
Hdt. Kpojvuov, TO,an onion, Horn. : later Kpopfivov, Hdt., Ar.
Kplo-Trpdorwiros, ov, (irpfouneov) rani-faced,
KPIO1 [r], ^ a rfl;;z, Lat. aries,^ Horn., Hdt., etc. 2. Kpovia, (av, TO, v. KpoVios.
<r battering-ram, Lat. aries, Xen. Kpoytdsj dSoS) T), v. ~K.p6vios.
Kpicra 'not Kpto-cra), TJS, ^, Cm,
a city in Phocis, near KpoviSjjs [t] 3 ov, &, patronyra., so/i of Cronus, i.e.
Delphi, 11. : Crisaean, Ib., Hdt.
Adj. Kpurcuos, a, ov, Zeus, Horn.
Anth. KpoviKos, 6v9 = sq^ Kp. acTTTip the planet Saturn,
KpicrijJ'OS [i], ov, (Kpltfts) decisive? critical,

a separating, power of dis- Anth. II. in contemptuous sense, old-fashioned,

tcpuris [i], ea>$, 17, (Kptvto)
II. ottt of date, Ar.
tinguishing, Arist. : choice, selection, Id, __

Kpovios, a, oy, (Kpovoi' Saturnian, of

Cronus or
decision, judgment, Hdt., Aesch.; #p. <w/c a.Xy(M)s no
Saturn, Aesch., etc. 2. KpJwa (sc, &/<}, TO, />
certain means of judging, Soph. 2. in legal sense,
twelfth of Hecatombaeon,
d zfr/^, An, Thuc., etc. ithe remit of a trial, con- festival celebrated on the
demnation, Xen. 3. a trial of skill, r6ov in archery, D enl%: later, ra Kpovia were the Roman Saturnalia ;
4. a dispute, Trepi rtvoy Hdt. HI. A&# hence, ol -^/tepat the
Kpovid$s time of the Saturnalia,
event or z'^sz;? of a thing-, ttpiffiv %eiy to be decided, of Plut. 3. Kpdviov (sc. #p0f)j 7"^a ^f Cronus ^ ^^
a war, Thuc. or Saturn, Pind. H.
like I^OWKO'S, in contemp-

KpiTeos, ov, verb. Adj. of Kpivus, to be decided

or tuous sensej Kpov'uav Ufeijf to smell /ar& ^"^j Ar. ^ #^
old dotard, Ar.
Kptreov one must decide QT judge,
Plat. Kpov-tTTiros? oy, (Kpfoos)
judged :
KpiTFjpLoVj r6, (tfpiTTjs) a means for judging
ex trying, Kpovtwv [r], 6, g-en. Kpoytwyos [I] or Kpoviovos [l],o, pa-
i. e. Zeus, Horn.
a criterion, standard, test, Plat. 2. a court of tronyrn., son of Cromis>
Kpovos, Cronus, Identified with the Lat.
o, 'Kpaivta)
Judgment^ tribunal^ Id.
SaturnitS) son of Uranos and Gaia, husband
of Rhea,
Kpfcnfe, ov, d, (xplvto) a decider, judge, umpire^ Hdt.,
Thuc. : at Athens, of the jiidges in the poetic con- father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and
Hestia, Hes. : he reig-ned in heaven until his sons
tests,^. 2. Kp. fvvtrviwv an interpreter of dreams,
Aesch. Hence ished him to Tartarus, II., Aesch. ; his time was the
Arist. 2. golden age, Hes. H. a name at Athens, a
Kpt-rticos, 7), 6v, able to discern, critical,
of or for judging, Id. superannuated old dotard, old fool,
KPO'SIAI, &y, of, battlements on walls, II.; of
Kptros, 77, 6v, verb. Adj. of Kptvto, picked out, chosen, rose to a point, Hdt.
Horn. 2. choice, excellent, Pind., Soph. steps by which the Pyramids
rattles or casta-
of a horse, to stamp, strike jcpoTaXtijto, f. o*&>, '/cpoVaAov) to use
jcpocuvci), only in part, pres., (Z Kp&raXifov were
with the koof, II. nets, Hdt. :
generally, i-mroi &X

KpdKo, heterocl. ace. of /cp<fo:7?.

rattling them along, II.
a rattle, castanei, used in the
scpOKoXtj \\ 9 ii,a pebbleiShingfyhstik* (Deriv. unknown.; icpOTaXov, W, (/cpor/aO
Eur. II.
oy, (KpOKOs) saffron-coloured, Pind.,
Eur. worship of CybeM, or Dionysus, Hdt.,
ij : also (as if from a nom. *icpo|) heterocl. ace. metaph. a rattling fellow, a rattle, Ar.
tcpoKtj, side of the forehead ;,v.
nom. pi. Kpttces Anth. (fcpe)e) J$<? : : Kpo-ra^os, 6, (Kpor4j the
Kpfaa, zfAr^ in pi. ike temples, Lat. tempora, II, etc. H,
wAzVA /5 passed between the threads of the warp (crrii- ndpffy},
Lat. sttbtemen, Hes., of a mountain, its slde^ Aesch., Anth.
tela), the woof or weft,
f. ^7<r, (icp&ros^ to make to rattle,
/jLojv, of horses,
Hdt., etc. 2. Kpo/ctiy, the flock or a# of woollen KpoT<t>,
$X & KpoTOi/rS rattling them along,
cloth, cloth with curly nap,
Ar. : in pi., ^oXcwcaTs
smite, Hdt., Eur. ras
Pind. ; Kponaiffi with to knock, strike, ;
KptKcus with cloths of soft wool,
flocks of 'wool, Soph. 2. of a smith,
Horn. absol. to clap, applaud, Xen., etc.
KposcVfios, TJ, oy, Ep. for KpAfteos, h. to 6r
to hammer or weld together, Plat. :~-Pass.
F, (KpJ/cos) of saffron* Anth. axaror KCX^
saffron-dyed, Aesch. wrought by the hammer / metaph., l|
s, ov,
Ta.u,4yQS one mass of trickery, Theocr.
HI- intr.
,-foreg.: metaph., eVi 5e p5tcw
the sallow * sickly to make a rattling noise, Arist., Luc.
65f>aju ffray&v to my heart ran
p. the kammffr
TeJ, work wrought by

Aesch. cpoTTjjJrOu, CKTQS,

blood-drop (that precedes death), Enr.
a lizard, properly an Ion. word, metaph. of Ulysses, a hardened knme,
icpoicoSctXos, 0%
Hdt. 2. the Nile-lisard, crocodile, Id. "^ a clapping^ rtyl x* /
1 *^r a^- 5 |&I1^ J ^
etc. r, Aesch.
s, <r<ra, tv, (icp<Joy) saffron-coloured, Eur.,
sound- 7?, 6v, verb. Adj.
of Kpinrroo, hidden, secret, IL,
KpoTTjTos, 77, 0V, verb. Adj. of KpoTeca, stricken, jcp-uirros,

ing with blows, Aesch. rattling, Soph. : Hdt., etc.; Kpinrrt) rdtypos a trench covered and con-
cealed by planks and earth, Hdt. ; T& Kp. TTJS- iroXireias
KPO'TOI, ov, 6, a striking, the sound made by ^

of the feet in dancing, the secret character of [the Spartan] institutions, Thuc.
striking, Kp. troduy the beat
KPY'OTil, Ion. impf. KpinrracrKe: f.Kpv^co: aor. i
Eur. ; Kp. XGLP&V a clapping of hands, applause, Ar., Kpm|/a,
Ep. Kpvfya later aor. 2 %Kpvftov, pf. KKpv<pa :
Xen. :

a stroke : a sound made by f. Kpird/ofACii ~. aor. i Kpvfya.]j.7)v

Pass., f.
icpovjia, aros, TO, (Kpovca)
a and KKpfyo}j,aL aor. Ep. Kp- aor. 2 part.
striking stringed instruments with the plectron,
: i sKp-utyQiiv, :

note, Plat. Kpv(pis : pf . KKpvjjL(j,aL, Ion. 3 pi. KKpv<f>arai : to

jcpovu.aTi.KOS, 4\, ov, of or for playing on a stringed hide, cover, cloak, Horn., Att. Med., Kapa Kpw^a- :

jj.evo$ having cloaked

his head, Soph., etc. Pass, to :
instrument, Anth.
(xpovvos; to send forth a stream.
Hence hide oneself, lie hidden, of setting stars, Hes.,
Kpowa>, f .
Eur. 2. to cover in the earth, bury, Hes., Hdt.,
Kpowi<rp,a, aros, TO, a gush or stream, Anth.
3. to hide, conceal, keep secret, Od., Soph. :
KPOYNOTE, ov, o, a spring, 'well-head, whence the Att.
streams (mryof) issue, IL, Soph. ; so, Kpovvol "RQaiffrov -.
Pass., pf. part. KeKpvjj.}jiVos secret, Od., Soph. 4.
streams of lava from Etna, Pind. metaph. a torrent : c. dupl. ace. to conceal something from one, /ITJ jue
TOVTO Aesch., etc. H- intr. (sub. avr6v
of words, Ar. KpvfyrjS
;, <5, (Kpovvtf, Yurpa, ATjpew) a to hide oneself, lie hidden, Soph.
f. era, to be clear as crystal, N. T.
pourer forth of washy twaddle, Ar. Kpu<rraXXi|;
Kpova-is, ecus, 7], (KOOVW] a striking, smiting,
Piut. Kp-uo-TaXXtvos, 77, ov, of crystal, crystalline,

a tapping of earthen vessels, to see whether they ring icpiKTraXXo-irtjicTos, oy, congealed to ice, frozen, Eur.
sound : metaph. deception, cheatery, Ar. 3. a KpiNTTctXXoTnisj 77'y ^ &> ?7; foreg., Aesch.
playing on a stringed instrument, Plut. Kp-uorraXXos, <5, (Kpvos} clear ice, ice, Lat. glades,
= Kpovca, Anth. Horn., Hdt., Att. U. T\, crystal, rock-crystal, Anth.
KpovcrjJta, euros, r6,
77, ov, fit for striking the ears, impressive, :<pxJ4>a.j Adv.
= Kpvfifia, without the knowledge of, c.
gen., Thuc. absol. secretly, Id.
metaph. of a speaker, Ar. From
Arist. :

KPOY'jQ, f. o~(a: pf. KeKpovKa: Med.., aor. i sKpovcra^v :

scpiJ^d, Adv. Dor. for Kpu$>7?, Pind.
Kpv<j>aEos, a, ov, and os, ov, hidden, Pind., Trag.
to strike, smite 2.
Pass., pf. or -overeat : :

to strike one against another, Kp. x e~P as t c^ aP hands, secret, clandestine, Aesch. Adv. -us, Id. :

Eur. ; /cp. TO. forAa irpos &\\7j\a Thuc., etc. Kp, TOV : Kpv4'i), Adv. ^Kpv7c-T(ii)=Kpvfio'7)i', Soph.,
iroSa in dancing, Eur. 2. =
Kpv^^Sov, Adv., foreg,, opp. to afjL^aSov, Od.
Kp. rfyv y^v T<p iro5t)

(i. e.

Kpafj.ov Kpoveiv to tap an earthen vessel,

to try whether Kpt5<{)07]V, Ep. aor. pass, of Kpinrrca.

Kp"U(f>ios [v~], a, ov, and os, ov, (KPUTT-TW) hidden,

it rings sound : hence to examine, prove, Plat. 3. con-
a 4. Kpoveiv cealed, Soph., etc. 2. secret, clandestine, Hes.,
to strike lyre with the plectron, Id.
rty Bvpav knock at the door on the outside, Xen.,
to Soph., etc.
etc. 5. as a nautical term, in Med., KpovecrQat Kp<f>os, d, (Kpuir-TO?) Kpvtybv Befiev to throw # cloud
Trpv/woj', like cwaKpovecrQat, to
back a ship, Thuc. over, Pind.
Kp-uf<> [v], late form of KPVTTTW,
Kpvj3Sa, Adv. (jcpux-TCtf) 'without the knowledge of,
Kpv&o'a Aids, Lat. clam Jove, II. 2. absol., like Kpu- Kpinj/cu, aor. I inf. of /cpvTrraj.
fidnjv, secretly, Pind. xpv\|/i-voos, oy, contn -vots, ovv, hiding one's thoughts,
KpvpStjv, Dor. -Sav, Adv. (Kpvir-T<w) secretly, Od., dissembling, Xen.
Ar. 2. c. gen., like KpvfiSa, Kpvj&av Trarpos Pind. KpTJil/ts, ecas,
TI, (Kpinr-rcu)
a hiding, concealment, Eur. :
the art of concealing, Arist.
Kpv{37]vai, aor. 2 pass. inf. of KpvTrria.
Kpa>j3vXos [u], d, a roll or knot of
hair on the crown of
jcpuepos, i, 6y, and 6s 9 6v, (Kpvos) icy, chilling,
so the head, Thuc., Anth. also a tuft of hair on a
only metaph. , Kpvepo?o yooio, KpvepoTo <j>6ftoio ;
7ra0ea Ar. 2. icy-cold, Id. helmet, Xen. 2, a nickname of the orator Hege-

Kpvp,os, 6, (Kpvos} icy cold, frost, Hdt., Eur. sippus, Aeschin. (Deriv. unknown.)
Anth. Kporyu.0?, 6, the cawing of
a crow, Anth.
Kpi>|A-to8tis, S, (elSos) icy-cold, frozen, icy,
tcpvocis, <rara, v,=*Kpvpds, chilling, II., Hes. 2. KPi Z12, f. Kp^^w, to cry like a, crow, caw, Lat. crod~
tare, Hes., Ar. ; also of other birds, as cranes, Ar. ;
icy-cold, Anth.
of young halcyons, Luc. : of a wagon, to creak, groan,
K.PY'02, To , icy cold, chill, frost, Hes. :
metaph., Kap- v

JJtav ireptirlTvci Kpvos Aesch. Babr. (Formed from the sound. -

ov, and ov, secret, Kpuorcrioy, r6, Dim. of sq., Anth.

Kpinrrowkos [a}, a, osr, (KpinrrQ)")
clandestine, II., Aesch. : neut. pi. as Adv., II. KPIHIO'Z, ov, 6, a water-pail, pitcher, jar, Eur. 2.

KpvirTa<nc, 3 sing. Ion. impf. of Kpfarea.

a cinerary urn, Mosch., Anth.
T^, (KpvTrrV(&) a secret commission
on which KTi, for eKTCt, 3 sing. Ep. aor. 2 of /creij/ca KTaiijv, Ep. :

young Spartans were obliged to serve, watching the aor. 2 opt. :

Ep. inf. iCTaji-ev, -evat ; part. KTS ;
country and enduring hardships, Plat. xrajj-evos, Ep. aor. 2 med. part, (in pass, sense).
KpvTTTOV, verb. Adj. of /cpvVrew, Soph., Anth. KTaveoiv, Ep. f ut. part, of Krelvca.
Kp-uTTTCvw, f . ffa>, (KpvV-ra>) to conceal, hide, Eur.
II. KTavov, Ep. for eicrayov, aor. 2 of Jcreivw.
intrans. to hide oneself, lie concealed, Xen. HI. jcTavTT]s, o, (Krelyco) a murderer, Anth.
Pass, to be ensnared, Eur. KTA'OMAI, Ion. KTeojxat: f. icTTja'o/tat and *
-aor. i
c/cT^cfa/iTjj', Ep. pf Keterripai and
anything gotten, a piece of
: .
aros, TO, (Kraopai;
eKTTjjLLcu, Ion. 3 pi. eKrearat, opt. KKTTj/j.r}v or KeKrtfi/j.'rjv : property, a possession, Od., Att. of a slave, vaAaiav ;

plqpf. KtKT'f}/j.7]y and /ec/cr^/iTjj/, Ion. 3 pi. HKTIEOTO : oiiKay KT. Eur. 2. in pi. possessions, property,
Dep. : I. in pres., impf., rut. and aor. i, 1. wealth, Horn. ; epus, $s y KT-^/JLCUFI trafreis who fallest
to procure for oneself, to get, gain, acquire, Horn. ; on wealth, i. e. on the wealthy, Soph.
KT7jffao~8ai fiiov a.ir6 TWOS to get one's living from a ~ov 9 Adv. (KT^VOS) like beasts, Hdt.
thing, Hdt. ; K. xdpiy to win favour, Soph. ; K. <f>i\ovs, so*, T6, (KTaofiai) mostly in pi. KT^VGCL, contr.
eratpovs Id. b. of evils, to bring upon oneself, 5 flocks and herds, which in ancient times con-
incur, Id., Eur., etc. : ic. TWO, iroXefjuov to make stituted wealth, h. Horn., Hdt. 2. in sing, a single
him so, Xen. 2. to procure or get for another, e/iol beast, as an ox or sheep, Hdt., Xen.: a beast for
e/cTTjo-aTO Kewos Od. II. in pf. and plqpf. with N.T.
riding, Lai. jumentum,
f. /ce/CT^eroftcu, to have acqiiired, i. e. to
possess, have, From
cnrivoTpo<j>Ca, r\, cattle-keeping, Plut.
hold, IL, Hdt., etc. ; KCKT. TWO. crvfi/jLa^ov Eur. ; of
KT^vo-Tpo^os, ov, (Tp<) keeping cattle, pastoral.
evils, KCKT. /ca/ca Soph., Eur. ; 6 KKTT)JJ.VO$ an owner, aor. i of /CTOO/ICU.
master, as a Subst., 6 fyov K. Soph. ; of a woman's lord K-njoT-oSj a, ov, (fcrdofj-at) belonging to property, XFTh
and master, Eur. III. aor. i pass. Krr,6r)v in fj.ara KT. property, Aesch. ; KT. &or6v a sheep of one's
pass, sense, to be gotten, Id., Thuc. own flock, Soph. 3d. belonging to one's house,
KTeavov, r6, (ttTdopai) = /cTTj/ia, Pind. 2. mostly in Zeitf KT'fiffios the protector
ofproperty, Aesch. ; KT. $-
pL KTcava, possessions, property, Hes., Aesch., etc. l*.6s the altar of Zevs KTfatos, Id.
creep, T<^, foreg., in Ep. dat. pi. Kredrfcrcn Horn. KT^O-IS, ecas, (Krdoucu) acquisition, Thuc., Plat.;
KTCarcipa, 7], (as if from /creaTTjp), K.&<fp.<av KT. thou that KO.T epyov according to success in the work,
hast put us in possession of honours, Aesch. Soph. II. (from pf.) possession, Id., Thuc.,
KT6aTC<, f . i<ra> : Ep. aor. i KTdrtcr<ra : (/rrao/uu) : etc. 2, as collective, = Kr^juuxra, possessions,,
to get, gain, win, Horn. Med., with pf, pass., to
perty, Horn. ; in pL, Hdt., Plat., etc.
h. Horn., Theocr.
get^for oneself, acquire, KTTJTCOS, a, ov, verb. Adj. of Krdop.cuf to be gotten,
KTeaTicrros, TJ, ov, gotten, acquired, Anth. Plat. II. neut. one must get, Id.
screivw (Root KTEN or
KTAN) Ion. impf. JcreiW/ce : :
KTtjTinos, T}, 6v, (/croo/tfu) acqiiisitwe : TJ -K7f fsc.
f. KTGV&, Ion. Krcvew: aor. i KTe/a: aor, 2 faravov T the art of getting property , Plat.
X V7?)
pf. KTOV<Z, later ^KrajKa : Pass., Ep. 3 pi. aor. i iCT7jT3is, ^, ov, verb. Adj. of Krdo/, that may begotten,
e/eTafley; later ttcrdrdyv Anth. : Ep. forms (as if from IL, Eur. 2. -worth getting, desirable, Plat. II.
*KT77;iu) 3 sing, and pL aor. 2 syncop. e/cra, Kray ; i pi. acquired : Kryrfi a female slave, Hes.
subj. Krecajmey, inf. Krdpsv, Krajuevai [a], part, /eras ;

KTiJTwp, opos, d, a possessor, owner, N. T., Anth.

also aor. 2 med. (in pass, sense) eKrd/MTjv, inf. Kracr&at, jcriSfos p], a, ov, for iKriSeos (from bcrts^, of a -marten-
part. Krdfjifvos : ^ lf/4 slay, Horn., etc. j of animals, cat, KriSffi Kvv7} a marten-skin helmet, IL
to slaughter, Id. ; Ofrris- /ie /creiVei 5^A^ jr^^ jfo y&z'//
KTI'Zlij f. /<T&J: aor. i e/crt^ra, Ep. also f/cTicrcra, KTto"<ra :
me ;the force of the pres. tense), Od. ; 6 Krav<av the Med., poet. 3 pi. aor. i ^KTicrcravro :
Pass., aor. i

slayer, murderer, Aesch. ; ol KravAvres Id. : to put ^KTiorBtiv :

pf .
^KTitTfLai to people a country,
: build
to death by law, Thuc., Plat. In Att. Qvr\< or OTTO- houses and cities in 2. of
it, colonise, IL, Hdt., etc.
QyJl(TK(t> isused for the Pass. a city, to found, plant, build, Od., Hdt., etc. : Pass.
KTClVttfJLl, Ep. Subj. Of /CT6iJ/0>. to be founded, ^fivpvTjy ri]v airb KoX.o<f>eavo$ KTt<r$eI<ray
KTEIT, /creWs, o, a comb, Lat. pecten : esp., 1. founded by emigrants from Colophon, Hdt. 3, KT.
^^ <:<?m5 in the loom, which separates the threads of &\<ros to plant a grove, Pind. ; KT. jSoo/wV to set up an
the warp, Anth. 2. a rake, Id. 3. in pi. the altar, Id. ; TOV K^pyov Kriffcit to establish his worship,
fingers, which branch like the teeth of a comb, Aesch. Hdt. 4k to create, bring into being, bring about,
KTViv, fut. inf. of KTeivto. Aesch,; T&J> x a^ty^ y Kriffas having invented it,
KTvia>, (Tif)
f. <rw, comb, curry horses, Eur.
to :
Soph. 5, to make so and -so, IXet^cpoy KT, TITO
Med., KTevt&ffOai ras Kdpas to comb one's hair, Hdt. Aesch., etc. 6. to perpetrate a deed, Soph.
v, r6, Dim. of KTGIS, a small comb, Luc, IOTAO! p], oy, ifam>, gentle, Pind. Jo>, II.
5s 6, a combing, Eur. as Subst., KT(XOS, #, a r<2m, IL Hence
Ion. for /crciojuat. KTiXow, f. ^o"cu, 2^0 tame: Med., tKriXdoffcatTa ras
KTepas, r6, = Kreavov, a possession, II. XoiircLS rS>v 'AfLaffvaivgot them tamed, Hdt,
KTcpca, r<, (no sing. Krepos in use) funeral gifts, burnt ier<rts [i], eojy, ^, (jor-ifou) a founding, foundation,
with the dead, funeral honours, Horn. Hence airoLKiQv Isocr., etc. 2. loosely, vpa^is, a doing, =
KTcpt<, f. fw : aor.
Krepeftu, c. ace. pers.
i inf. an act, Pind. 3. a creating, the creation o the
bury with due honours, II. 2. c. ace. cogn., KTpa universe, N. T. H.
that ^hich 'was created, the
jcrepelfeu 2Jo j^oy funeral honours, Od. creation, Ib. 2. an authority created or 0r-
crep{a>, f. /crepiw : aor. i &cTpra: foreg-. I, II., dained, Ib.
Soph. 2. c. ace. cogn., Krepca KT., like Krpei(to 2, Horn. created, a creature, N.T.
KTiorjAa, T<$, (Krffcu)
, ra,=Tpa
> only used in pi., Soph., Eur. KTCaTTjs, ov, 5, (/cr{fou a founder, Lat. comdit&r, Lac, :

V. /CTpa. # restorer, Plut.

, i sing, and pi. Ep. aor. 2 subj. of /crefo/w. iCTwrrusj vos, 5, Ion. for Jrrt<m, Hdt,
, aor. i
pass. part, of KTiorrwp^ opos, 6, = KrlffnjSj Eur.
Eur. a horse, dark-maned, IK, Hes. : Ep. nom. K'jay^x^j
i,3=jm<mjy: generally, an inhabitant,
(like iVTroVa for f7nran/s
so in voc., h. Horn. [>,
> f, 7)<TOC ; aor. I KTU7T7J<7a, pOet. KTVJT7]<Ta :
rip. ,
^K ;
and KTVTTOV to crash, of metri grat.]
aor. 2 iKTUTroy :
trees falling, II. ; of thunder, Horn., Soph. 2. to icuavo-xpoos, ov, 'jcpo&s dark-coloured, dark-looking,
etc. II. Causal, to Eur. ; so K-uavo-xP^Sj wros, <5, ^, Id.
ring, resound, echo, IK, fern. -wtrtSi iSos,
make to ring or resound, x^ova ; c. dupK ace., KTvinjore K-uav-wtr-qs, ou, 3, (&(0 dark-eyed,
the head n*7Z- with a blow, Eur. Od. : generally, dark-looking, vyes Kuav&nriSes Aech.
tepSra TrXaydv made

jc-oav-WTTOs, <J^, (&B dark-looking;

hence again
in Pass, to ring,
<J resound, Ar.
^, (KU^V) dice-playing, dicing, Xen., etc.
/ :

[0], aTOS, T<f,=KTU1TOS, X 1
P S tcvpeva,
N. T.
KTY'flOI [u], ov, 6, any loud noise, a crash of thunder, metaph. sleight of hand, trickery')
IK, Aesch.; of the trampling of feet, Horn.;
of a Kvpiov, r<J, (icujBe^w a gaming-house,
, a Phrygian goddess,
Eur., Ar. ; c f.
storm, Aesch.; battle-^m, clash of arms, Id.
KuaOos, 6, (KV<O) a ctip, for drawing wine out of etc.
II. a cupping-glass, Ar. , f. ^<roj, Lat. gubernare, to steer, Od., :

Kp&T-hpor bowl, Xen., etc.

absol. to act as pilot or helmsman, Ar. 2. metaph.
i. e. by lot, Xen.
KUOIICVTOS, $\, 6v, chosen by beans, ^ J
fo choose by lot (not &y ballot} : f# guide, govern, Pind., Soph.
Kt>ol|Xva>, f . era, (K^aftos) j

Pass. #o 65- so elected, Dam. ! vppvq<rta wv, rd, a festival at Athens in

(sc. tepa),
II. #w lot memory of the steersman of Theseus, Plut. ; and
JCY'A^MOI, i, Lat./<zfo, IK $z,
rus, Dor. -eons, ews, ^, steering, pilotage,
by which public officers were elected at Athens (because j

2. metaph. government, Pind.

those who drew -white beans were chosen), b r^/cua^

fern, of sq., Anth.

Ax^ an officer chosen by lot, Hdt. &ov\)j % a-rrk rov

Od. metaph., Pind.


Ka&tffTavat Xen.
a, Kvfcpvriri]*,
Ki/a/iou Thuc. ; &pxov"ra$
airb KVOL/JLOV ,

a, ov,
= Kvpepv7irtKo's, Orac. ap. Plut.
Kvo|jio-Tp<ii*i s fay os, d, (rpcuyo?) bean-eater, Ar. ,

bean- oy, o, (Kv$epva.caj a steersman, helmsman,

K"vajj.o-><kavia, ^, (^ayeTv) ^Ae eating of beans,
diet, Luc. gubernator, Horn., etc. : Ion. ace. Kvfcpiri\-
pilot, Lat.
rea Hdt. 2. metaph. a guide, governor, Eur.,
q^ ^ff dark Aegis, Pind.
yis, iSoy, ^, 5/2^
zzVA ?ar^ ^^?, Theocr.
Plat. Hence
if, iJ/cos", <5,

i$o$, pecul. fern, of sq., Orph.

KvpepVTjTttcos, *l, ov, good at steering, Plat.: Comp.
Ar. -ecrepos, Id. ; Sup. -(araros,
Xen. ^ -<n} (sc. TC^M/):

--,-,., is, dark-gleaming, Eur.,

ICvavcat or Trcrpat), Kvavew: X>a/-^- the pilot's art, Plat.
(v7?<r0i ", gen.
Xen. Hence
rocks,two islands at the entrance of the Euxine, Hdt. 3 Kvpe-vrns, oiJ, o, (KV&V<O) a dicer, gambler,
Aeschin II.
Kupc-uriKos, ^, oV, <?/ or/?r dice-playing,

mythically supposed to close and crush passing ships,

hence called ^vfj.v\iryd3es ; the sea near being Kvdvea skilled in dice-playing, Plat.

ir\d.yrj, Soph. \v metri grat. in Soph.] idjpe-ut^ f. <ro s (KiJjSoy)

^/>' at dice, An, etc. 2.
etc. ; c. ace.
icuS.v-eu.BoXos, ov, (IjujSoAov) KUfxyoirpcppoS} Eur.,
=s Ar. metaph. to run a risk or hazard, Xen.,
ow to hazard, venture OH,.Eur. Pass, to be set upon a

KvcLyeos, a, oy, contr. icuavovs> ^, :

(^cvaKoy} :
dark-blue, of a serpent's iridesc-
glossy-blue, stake, Anth.
ent hues, IK, Hes. ; of the swallow, Simon. ; of the K-Sp-qpf}, TJ^KujSeATj, q.
2. of the Ktjpurrdw, f. ^(Tw, (feinrrta] to tumble
head foremost,
deep sea, Eur. generally, dark, black,
mourning veil of Thetis, IK ; of clouds, Horn. ;
of hair, tumble, IK, Xen., etc. Hence
summerset, Luc. and
II. ; Kvaveij Kaireros a deep dark trench, Ib. ; Kvayeat KvpCo^njjJLtt, CM-OS, TO,
fl ;

a summerset, Luc. and

(paXtxyyes dark masses of warriors, Ib., etc. KvpCcrT7|O"is> ews, ^, ;,

a tumbler, Horn.
4 2. a drirr,
icuavo-pXexbiipoSj ov, (j8A.ed>apo^; dark-eyed,
Anth. Kvpto-TTi-njp, Tjpos,
Eur. IK 3. one -soko pitches headlong, Eur.
Kvavo-ctSTJs, es, (c&os) dark-blue, deep-blue,
dark-haired, Anth. ICY'BOI [u], &, Lat. cubits, a cube: a cubical die,
jcvayo-dpi|, 6, TJ,

1 1\, 'with feet of K\)Q.VOS> IK [0, metri grat.] marked on all 6 sides (whereas the a.ffrpdya\os was
marked only on four sides), in pi., dice, Hdt., etc. ; the
.os, ov, dark-veiled, h. Horn, [v, metri grat.]
Greeks threw with three dice, so that rpls three
rTrieios <w,=sq., Od.
^~~ r
Plat. ; mpivtiv TL
dark- sixes, was the highest throw, Aesch.,
Kvav6--rrpwpos, ax, (npeppa) with dark-blue grow, 2.
of ships, Horn. lv KV&OIS to decide it by the dice, by chance, Aesch.
proved, >

also of the single pips on the dice, ftefrKu* Ax*AA&s

scvavd-irrepos, ov,mth blue-blackfeathers, dark-winged,
5vo KV&W /car he has thrown two aces and a
Hes., Eur.
four, Aesch. ap. Ar. H. a cubic number, i. e. a
KY'ANCXE, o% cyanus, a dark-blue substance, used
in the Heroic Age to adorn works in metal, perh. blue number multiplied twice into itself, as 27 is the cube of
steel, Horn. 2. as fern, the blue corn-flower, 3, Plat.
Anth. II. as Adj.=icuc(veos, with Comp. and idiSafX (ja/Sos, 0} to revile .-Pass, to be reviled, Soph.
Sup. Kvca><&rpos3 c&raros, Anacreont.
KvSotv* : f. Ku8wf Ep. aor. i M^va, Dor. exvtiava

to give or do honour to, glorify, Horn. II.

Kuavo-cn-oXos, ov, (ffroXfy dark-robed, Bion. (jicSSos) :
Plat. to gladden by marks of honour, Id. IH. in bad
tcuavovs, TI, ovv, contr. for Kua^eas,

Kuav-.o4>p^5, v, gen. uos, dark-browed, Theocr. sense, to flatter, fawn upon, Hes.
Kvo-vo-xa-fr"*!^ vt <*> lX a*T7?) dark-haired,
of Poseidon, icuSaXijios [a], ov, (icvSo? glorious, renowned, famous,
the sea, Horn, ; Horn.
perh. in reference to the dark blue of
= KvSaivo}, hold KVKeita mixed drink, a potion, tan-
only in pres. and impf., to Ep. : :
K-uSavw [a], (^KvKcitO;

In honour, II. II. to vaunt* boast, Ib. kard s made of barley-meal, grated cheese and wine,
Horn. II. metaph. of any mixture, medley, Luc.
KvSrjeis, (nra, v, (/evSos) glorious, Anth.
of /ci/Safw. Ep. aor. i of KVKOW.
KvS^vn, Ep. aor. I KVKi]0Tr|Vj, T\, (KV$O$, arftp^ glorifying or ennobling ieuja)0poy [if], r6, a ladle for stirring ;
metaph. an
men, bringing them glory or renown, IL H. agitator, Ar.
a stirring up, mixing up, Plat.
pass, famous for -men, Anth. [ij], <ws, T\,

Eri-T<f>pos, ov, (re^pa) mixed with ashes,

KiiSiao, Ep. 3 pi. /cuZutfcocnv, part. Kv$i6<0v, (/euSos) only
in pres. and imp! ., to bear oneself proudly, go proudly as, d5os, ri, (jc&cAos, round, circular j and of Time,
revolving, Eur. cu Ku/cXaScs (sc. v^ffoij , the Cyclades,
along, exult, II. -,

jcuSifjuos {v~}, ov,

= Kv$d\ifj.QS, h. Horn., Hes., Find. islands in the Aegaean sea, which encircle Delos, Att.
joJSurros [u], T?, o^, Sup. of KILO'S formed from /cvSos, ' tewXctt \j& by nature], f -^<r, KVK\OS fin.) to move round

as cdf(rx*<rT0s, posit, of alcrxpw, from al<rxos), wztfsz

and round, wheel along, c. ace., IL 2, to move

glorious, most honoured, noblest, Horn.

H- round or in a circle, Soph. ; pci<riv tcuKAew, metaph.
from dogs guesting about for the scent, Id. ; K. irpocr-
Comp. KvSiwv [r], nobler: rt poi (fiv BTJTCI Ku5(o^; II.
what <?0te it me to live ? Eur. tDitQv to turn the face round, look round, Eur.

,^Kv$pds) Hes.
Med. and Pass, to form a circle round, io surround,
2. to go round
to make a hubbub, Ar. (Formed from encompass, encircle, Hdt., Soph.
the sound.) and round, revolve, Plat.
Kv8oijm.w, f. ^/o"oj, to make an uproar, spread alarm, KvtcXias, o, 7), (KVK\OS) round, Anth.
IL II. trans, to drive in confusion, Ib. From tcmXiKos, 4j, ov, (KVK\OS) circular ol tcvKAitcol, Epic :

KvSotjx^s, 6, the din of battle, uproar, hubbub, IL,

Ar. poets whose writings formed a cycle or series of legends
(Formed from the sound.)
down to the death of Ulysses, Anth.
KVAOX, cos, r6, glory, renown, esp. in war, II. : of a jcuicXio-SiSdcncaXos, &3 a teacher of the dithyrambic
chorus (v. KvtcXtos II). Ar.
single person, /cu<5os *A%cuj' glory of the Achaians,
Lat. decus, Horn. tcuxXios, a, ov, also os, ov, Eur. : (jc&cXos) : round *
tcvSpos, d, 0V, (Kvdoi)
- Kv$d\i/J.os, glorious, illustrious, circular, vS&p KVK\LOU, of the Delian lake (cf. rpoxo-
*i8-fi$; 3 Eur.
II. KVK\LOS xopos, 6, a chorus danced
noble, Horn., Hes.; of a horse, proud, stately, Xen.
For the irreg. Comp. and Sup., v. /ctJSicrros.l in a ring round an altar, a dithyrambic chorus,
KVK\in ft\i? dithyrambic songs, Ar.
KiiSoivios, ov, (RvSav) Cydonian : w\ov K. a quince,
Ar., etc. :
Stesich., etc. II. metaph. swelling like a quince, KvicXopopew, f. yjffo), to brawl like the torrent Cydo-
round and plump, Ar. borus, Ar. From
KYE'fl : impf . eKvovy : f Kirf)(T(a aor. I /cwj<Ta
. like : : KvicXo-Sopos, ov, Q f (ftt-fip&crKa), Cyclobonts, a torrent
in Attica, Ar.
Kt5a, &> bear in the -womb, to be pregnant with a child,
Lat. gestare, IL, Plat. 2. absol. fo be pregnant, icuicXo-8CKTo$, ov, (ft&K&j drfofti in a circle, Anth.
v, poet, for KvK\iK6s, Soph.,
be with child, Hdt. , (rcrce,

KVLKOS, ^, an island and town on the coast of Mysia, Pi.6v.from all around, Is. T.

KVKXo-jioXtpSos, o, a round lead-pencil,

Hdt. : hence Kvf;ija)vos, TJ, Av, of or from Cyzicus ;
6 KvCiKyvts (with or without a gold coin, Xen. KY'KAOI [v by nature], ov, o, also with heterog^ pL
that 'which is conceived, an K.VK.XGL a ring", circle, round, Horn. ; acrirtfios KvKXos
K-u^fia, aros, r6, (wruew)
the round shield, Aesch. 2. Adverbial usages,
embryo, foetus. Plat.
/cii/cAy in a circle
or ring", round about, Od., Hdt.,
Kvqpos, d, ov, pregnant, Hesych. H.
Att. ; c. gen., K. rov crrparoTreSoy Xen., etc.
Kv-qort-s, ecos, T\, conception, Plat.
1. a wheel, II. 2. a place
KtJ0, 3 sing-. Ep. aor. 2 of KctOoa. any circular body :
like Lat;.
Cythereia, surname of Aphrodite, Od. of assembly, the ajopd, Ib., Att.

KvOepeic^ T),
corona, a ring or circle of people, Sopfi., Xen.
also K-u0ept| and KvOtipias, &5os, Anth. From
the 'vault of the sky, Hdt., Soph., etc. 4. the orb
Kv0Tjpa [v], ra, an island, now Cerigo, to the south of 5. the
or disk of the sun and moon, Hdt., Trag.
Laconia, Horn. : Kv0ijpo6ev, Adv. from Cythera,
Cytherean, Ib., etc. ^ wall round a city, esp. round Athens, Hdt., Thuc,,
II. : Adj. fC-uOijpios, a, ov, j
etc. 0. a round shield, \. supr. i. i. 7. in
Ku9i7/na (sc. 7^) Xen. the eye,
Kv0i|p<>-Siictjs, ov, i, Spartan magistrate sent an- pL the eye-balls, eyes, Soph. : rarely in sing.,
III. anv circular motion, an orbit of the
nually to govern the island of Cythera, Thuc.
heavenly bodies,' revolution of the seasons, cycle
*cv0po, KV0pos, Ion. for "xyrpa., -xfrrpos.^
to conceive, become preg- events, Hdt., Eur. 2. a circular dance, Ar. Hence
Kvto-KojjLai, Pass., only in pres.,
KvicXoo-c, Adv. in or into a circle
or round, II.
nant, Hdt., Plat.
f. Tjcrw, to drive round in a circle* whirl
KVKA'flt, f. ijo'ft), #o stir up and wzV, 5ea^ up, Horn., xi>cXo-cropto,
Ar. Med. in Act. sense, Ar.
: II. like rap<iff<rt*> to round, Ar.
stir up3 to throw into confusion or disorder, confound, KVJcXo-TCp^s, cs, (refp&>) made round fy turning (as
lathe), Hdt. : then, generally, rewwl,
Pass, to be in a circular,
Aesch., Ar., Plat., etc.: Confounded, info
Horn., etc. j KVK\orep^s r<$ov eremer stretched
panic-stricken, IL ; of waves, Horn. ;
VK ctvSpos TO$&TQV
vos hustled by him, Ar. Hence a circle, IL
ace. KvKecava, Ep. shortd. KVK& and f. <cr3 ;
pf. K$KUK\KQ, : Med.,
&vo$, b :
77, Cyllene, a mountain in Arcadia,
aor. i KVK\(ao-dfj.T]v: Pass., aor. i KVKKca8f]v: (ic&cAos) : , 11. 3

to encircle, surround,Eui.: soinMed., Hdt., Aesch., whence Hermes was called KvXXiJvios, Horn.
etc. : Pass, to be surrounded, Aesch., Thuc. II. KuXXo-iroSiov [z], ovos, o, (vovs) crook-footed, halting,
to move in a circle, whirl round, Pind., Eur. Pass. : of Vulcan, II. ; voc. KvAAo7rJ5loy Ib.
or Med. to go in a circle, go round, Xen. ; metaph., KYAAO'2, T^, 6v, crooked, crippled, properly of legs
Aesch. III. to form into a circle, r6a. Anth. : bent outwards by disease, Ar. :
eju/3aA icuAA?? ^sc.
Pass., of a bow, to form a circle, Eur.; cf. KVK\orep7)s. X^ipt) put into a crooked hand, i. e. with the
K-uKXc)|i,a, aros, r6, that
which is rounded into a circle, crooked like a beggar's, Id.
a wheel, Eur. ; fivpcrorovov /cv/cA<w/ta a hide-stretched K-uX-oiSiaoj, (/cvAo, olddcaj to ha<ve a swelling below the
circle, i. e. a drum. Id. eye, from a blow or from sleepless nights, Ar., Theocr.
icvjia, arcs, r6, (tcirsa) anything swoln (as
KtrnXto-imos, a, ov, (KtJ/cAajiJ/) Cyclopean, commonly pregnant] :

used of the architecture attributed to the Cyclopes, hence, I. the swell of the sea, a wave, billow,

(also called TleAatrytKcfe), Eur. Horn., etc. ; collectively, &>s rb Kvpa ecrrpcaro when the
KuKXwTTLKws, Adv. like the Cyclopes, K. rjv to live a swell abated, Hdt. b. metaph. of a flood of men,
sain age unsocial life, Arist. Aesch. : metaph., K. ZITTJS, KcutQv, ffvptyopas Id.,
SCuicXwmov, r6. Dim. of KvKXcaty, little Cyclops, Eur. Eur. II. thefoetus in the womb, embryo, Aesch. j
K-utcXwmoSj a, ov, = KujcAt&jreios, Eur.: 77 K. ^77, i.e. of the earth, Id.
KVJJLCUVW, f. &v$s, (Kvpa) to rise in waves
fern. KuxXwirCs, Itios, Id. or billows, to
Mycenae, Id. :

s, 77, (wv/cAJw) a surrounding, in a battle,

icuicAaxris, swell, Horn., Plat. 2. metaph. of passion, to swell,
Xen. ; rrjv irXeova KvKXwffLv crfytov the larger body that seethe, Pind., Aesch. 3. trans, to agitate, Luc.,
was endeavouring to surround them, Thuc. Anth. : Pass., Plut.
K-uicXcaTOSj $, 6v, (KVK\6o>) rounded, round, Aesch. KiJjAaTa<s, Ion. -ITJS, ov, 6, (/a/fta) s^{,rging, billowy, K.
KvicX-totj; [u by nature],a Cyclops, properly
<i)iros, 6, 6 vora/abs syevGro Hdt. 2. act. causing waves,

Round-eye. The Cyclopes appear in Od. as savage stormy, &vejj.os Id.

giants, dwelling in Sicily ; in sing, of Polyphemus :

jcujtaTo-ayj^s, es, (&yyu/u) breaking like waves, Soph.
they were builders of the walls of Mycenae, etc., ra K-ujxaTo-Xjjyiri, 77, {X^yoi) Wave-stiller, a Nereid, Hes.
yavKX&Trwv fiddpa, i.e. Mycenae, Eur. KVfiaTo-irXtil, 77-70^, o, 77, (TrAT^crcrftj) wave-beaten. Soph.
ICUKVCIOS) a, ov, of a, swan, Anth. Kvp.aToa),f . doffea, (KV/JLO) to cover with waves, Plut. II.
scuKvo-}JiDp4>os, ov, (jju)p<f>'fi) swan-shaped, Aesch. Pass, to be raised or to rise in waves, of the sea,
Kvicvo-TTTepos, ov, (iTTp6v) swan-plumed, Eur. Thuc.
KY/ K^40I, 6, a swan, II., etc.: metaph., from the Kvy.a.r-oiy'^y 77, (&yvvfju.} a place where the waves break,
legends of the swan's dying song (Aesch., Plat.), a the beach, Hdt.
minstrel, Anth. KaJjAaT-wSt]?, cs, (eTSos ) on which the

waves break, Plut.

tojxiv-o^/is, ecos, d, 77, swan-like, Anth. KY'MBAVAON, rt, a cymbal, Xen.
K-uXivSeo), f . 'fjffca,
= KvXtvSca, Plat., Xen. KiJjJLJBaxos, (KVTfTta) head-foremost, Lat. promts,
KvXivSH)0pa, 77,
= aXtv^6pa, q. v. II. H.
as Subst. the crown of a helmet, Ib.
levXCvStjorts, s-, 77, a rolling, wallowing, Plut. K-ujjuvSis [C], -Sos, 6, a bird, perh. the night-jar, II.
K-uXivSpos [i;], 6, a
roller, cylinder, Plut. From Kvptvevw, f . ffta, (K-fifjuvov) to strew with cummin, Luc.
KY^ArNAQl: (tenses formed from Kv\la>), aor. i e/cuAfcra: jcufuvov, r6, cummin, Att., N.T. (Deriv. uncertain.)
Pass., f. KvAicrfltVo/toi aor.
: i Ep. KV\-
l/cvA/cr^y, :
KVjJtlvo-irpticrTtjs, ov, 6, (vpifa) a cummin-splitter, i. e.

pf, KKd\Lffuat: to roll, roll along or down, Od., a skinflint, niggard, Arist.
Soph., metaph., Tr^/ia 0e2>y Aavaoiffi Kv\ivdet.
etc. :
KtJp.Ivo-irpL<rTO-Kap8afi.o-YXT5<|>os [i/], ov, (yA^w) a
rolls downcalamity upon one, II. 2. to roll cit-mmin-splitting-cress-scraper, Ar.
away, Anth. II. Pass, to be rolled, roll along, K-ujio-Se-YH-wv, ov, (Sex^ai) meeting the waves, Eur.
roll, Horn. : to toss abmtt like a ship at sea, Pind. :
ICvfio-SoKTj, 77, (Sexo^ai) Wave-receiver, a NereYd, II.
to be whirled round on a wheel, of Ixion, Id. 2. KV|jio-06ir], 77, (Bo6s) Wave-swift, a NereYd, II., Hes.
of persons, Kv\tv$<r6ai Karcc, it6irpov to roll or wallow K-DfjLo-iroXeia, f) y (-jroAew) Wave-walker, Hes.
in the dirt (in sign of grief), Horn. : to roam to and KiSjJtw, oJ/^p, 77, (/cu/ta) H^z-yy, a Nereid, Hes.
fro, wander about, Xen. 3. of Time, to roll by, KVVOL, ace. of Kvcav.
Pind. 4. of words, to be tost from man to man, Kvva.yza'ioVy KwaycTaSj -crts, jcuvdyta, v. sub Kvvijy-,
i.e. be much talked of, Lat. jactari, Ar. K.vva,yK.i\y 7), ^yx 03) a dog's collar, Anth.
xvXii [v], 7/eos, 77, (/o5&>) a cup, drinking-citp, wine- icw-a-ycs, o, 77, Dor. and Att. for Kvvrjyds, (&y<a) a :

cup, Lat. calix, Hdt., Pind., etc. ; irepifXativtiv rks K. hound-leader, i. e. a huntsman, Aesch., Soph.
to push round the cup, Xen. a leader
K-uv-ayoryos, d, (%co) of hounds, huntsman,
icvXi<r0T]v, Ep. aor. i pass, of Kv\lvl><0. Xen,
KuXurfta, aros, ro, a rolling, wallowing, or a. wallowing Kvv-oXw^nji, c/cos, 77, a fox-dog, mongrel between dog
place, N. T. and fox, nickname of Cleon, Ar.
icvXioTpa, 77, a place for horses to roll in, Xen. Kwa-prvut [va], T}, dog-fly, i. e. shameless fly, abusive
idiXitt, later form of Kv\tv$<o, to roll along, Theocr., epithet of impudent women, II.
Luc. KwaptoVjT^, Dim. of KTJCOV, a little dog, whelp,Xen., etc,
icuXXairns, Ion. -IJO-TIS, tos, 6, Aegyptian bread, Hdt. iciJvds, d$o$, fern. Adj. of a dog; as Subst. (sub.
KvXXlj, 77, Cf. KV\\6$. dog's hair, of a bad fleece, Theocr.
= Kvvifa, to play the Cynic, Luc. jcvvo-irpocrwiTOSj ov, (vpoffcaiTQv) dog-faced, Luc.
Kuver), Att. contr. (properly fern, of Kvveos, sub.
Kwq, K-uvocrap-ycs, eos, r6, Cynosarges, a gymnasium outside
Sopajy 7) : :a dog's skin
then, a. leathern cap, not Athens, for the use of those who were not pure Athenians,
necessarily of dog's skin, for we find K. ravpfiTj, KT&GTJ, Hdt., Dem., etc. (Deriv. unknown.)
etc., Horn. Kvvocr-paTos, % and 6, dog-thorn or dog-rose, Theocr.
KWCIOS [y], a, ov, and os, ov, of, belonging to a dog, cwo<r-ovpa, ft, dog's-tail, the Cynosure, a aame for
Ar. #. Qdvaros a dog*s death., Id. ; TO, nvveia (sub.
j the constellation Ursa Minor, Arat.
/cpea) dog's flesh, Id. Kvvo-tnrapaKTOs, ov, (a-Trapdfffrw) torn by dogs, Soph.
ewos [$], a, ov, (/cuwv)
= foreg., Anth. :
metaph. shame- KUV-OVXOS, 6, (e^w) a dog-holder, dog-leash, Anth. II.
itnabashed, H., Hes.
less, a dog-skin sack, used in hunting, Xen.
KWo> [ft], Ep. impf. KVVCOV : f .
Kvvfj<rojJLaL } later, KIHTU Ki5vo-<|>po>v, ov, (<ppJiv) dog-minded, shameless, Aesch.
[C], poet. Kvtftrco : aor. i Kvv7)<ra, also e/cutfa, Ep. /ctJtra
Kvvrcpos, a, ov, Comp. Adj. formed from KrzW, more
[tfi, eKvcrcra, Kv<r&a: to kiss, Horn., Eur., etc. 2. dog-like, i. e. more shameless, more audacious, Horn.;
= 7rpo(TKvv4ct},
Eur. more horrible, Kvvrepov &\Ao TTOT" er\.r}s Od. II.
tahaj-yecrta, Dor. icwa-Y- T\, later form for sq. (signf. Sup. icuvTaTos, TJ, ov, most audacious, IL, h. Horn.
n), Plut.; and KWW, oDs, 17, a she-dog : as prop. n. Kvvca, Hdt.
KvnfYcorioy, r6, a hunting-establishment, huntsmen Kvv-wiTT|s, ouj ^, (&;|/) zf/f<? dog-eyed, i.e. shameless one,
and hounds, a pack of hounds, Hdt., Xen. II. II. so fern. K^VWITIS, tSos, ^, Horn.

a hunt, chase, pursuit, Xen. ; so in pi., Eur. III. Kvo-<j>op&>, (/cticw, <pepta) to be pregnant , Luc.
that 'which is taken in hunting, the game, Xen. From KvirapCcro tvos> Att. -tT

77, OF, cypress-wood,

KvyriYCTew, Dor. Kwa-y-, f. TJOT&J, (Kvn^enjs) to Od., Thuc.From
hunt, Ar,, Xen., etc. : metaph. to persecute, harass, KY^OA'PIIIOI, Att.-iTTos,^, a cypress, Od.,Hdt, etc.
Aesch. II. to quest about, like a hound, Soph. KvirewrcrCs, f5os, or Ki$iracr<Ji.s ^os, cl and 17, ^ ^A^rjJ
Kw-T|-ycTr|S, ov, 6, Dor. Kwiiy-, a. hunter, huntsman, frock, Anth. (Deriv. uncertain.)
Od., Eur., etc. Kvvaryeras ajii$l TraXa one 'who seeks
-, KY'HEIPON [v], r6, a sweet-smelling- marsh-plant, perh.
the prise in wrestling . Find. : fern. KVVTJYCTIS, Dor,1

galingale, used to feed horses, Horn.

-aycTts, tSosr, a hztntress, Anth. Hence Kxhreipos [y~], 5,
= foreg., h. Horn.
KVVTJYCTIKOS, ^7, oV, <?/ or for hunting, fond of the Kv-ireXXo-jtaxos, ov, (/ia%0juai) f which they fight with
chase, Plat. 6 KvvTjyenK^s [\6yo$] name of Xeno-
cups (cf. Horace pugnare scyphis], Anth.
phon's work on Hunting. icvircXAov [u], r^, big-bellied drinking vessel, a
tcvrq-ycTis, itios, T}, fern, of /cvvTjyenjs. beaker, goblet, cup, Horn. (Deriv. uncertain.)
KWTJYCW, Dor. Kwcryew, f. faca, (KVVTJJ^S) to hunt, KihrX.Xo-4>opo$, ov, ($4pca) carrying cups, Anth.
chase, later form of Kwyyerca, Plut. KYTIEPOI, 6, prob. Ion. for /cuTretpos, Hdt.
or. jcwa-vta, rj, hunt, chase, hunting, Trag.
K-v7rp8i.os, a, ov, (Kirn-pis) like Cypris, i. e. lovely,
?6, = Kvvyy(nov, the hunt, chase, Plut. tender, Anth.
v. K.vva.y6s. II.
K/uirpios, a, ov, of Cyprtis, Cyprian, Hdt., etc.
cvvT|8ov, Adv. (KVWJ/) like a dog, Ar. Kinrpia, rd, an Epic poem introductory to the IL, Id.
KvvBos [y], 5, Cynthus, a mountain in Delos, birth-place IC-uirpis [y by nature], t5os, y, ace. Jtincpiv or K&rp&cc,
of Apollo and Artemis, h, Horn. : hence Apollo is Cypris, a name of Aphrodite, from the island of
called KvvOios and K-uv0o.-yvi]s, born on Cynthus, Cyprus, where she was most worshipped, II. , Trag.,
Ar., Anth. etc. II. as appellat. love, passion, Eur., etc.
idivlSevs, e&jy, 6, a puppy (cf. \ayi$evs 9 Xv/ci5e^),Theocr. K.vjrpo-'yeviQs, es, (y/yyo/tat) Cyprus-born, of Aphrodite,
icvvtSiov, T-6, Dim. of KVWV, a little dog, whelp, puppy, h. Horn., etc. : fern. Ktnrpo-ycvcwt, 17, Find.
Ar., Plat., etc. K.virpo0v9 Adv. /r^w Cyprus, Anth. ; and
KW|W, (tcvtay) the dog ; metaph. to live like a
play^ ICvirpovSe, Adv. to Cyprus, II. From
Cynic, belong to their sect, Luc. IGSirposj Ti, Cyprus, a Greek island on the S. coast of
icwiKOs> ii, ov, (/ct5toj/) dog-like, Lat. caninus, Xen. II. Asia Minor, Horn., etc. : the Romans got from it the
KvviK6s, 6, a Cynic9 as the followers of the philosopher best copper, Lat. cyprium,
Antisthenes were called, Plut. K.vjrro.l&f f. dtra>, Frequent, of KVTTTW, to keep stooping,
KWicno], 7), (fc*W) a bitch-puppy, Ar. to go poking about, potter about a thing, Ar., Plat.
ioivCaKos, o, (KWUV) a young dog9 puppy, Hdt. 2. KvnrTW (Root KYI"!), f. Kwfw; aor. i eKtn^a: pf. KKV<j>a^~~-
metaph. a little Cynic, Luc. to bend forward, stoop down, Horn., Hdt., etc. ; #eet
Ki5vi.cru.os, 6, Cynical philosophy or conduct, Luc. Kvtyas runs with the head down, i.e. at full speed, Ar. ;
KW-OOOVS, OVTOS, 6, a canine tooth, Xen., etc. itfyas 4<r0ti eats stooping, i. e. greedily, Id. ; icepea, /ce->>, f. ^crw, (SpcJ/tas ) to run with dogs,


Xen. Kv<p6ra h
T?> tprcpoffQev horns # forward, of certain
KTJVo-Oaparrjs, cy, (Odpcros) impudent as a dog, Theocr. African oxen, Hdt. 2. to hang the headfrom shami,
jdjvo-K<!>aXos, ov, (ic^>a\'ff) dog-headed; 01 Ki/yoK^>aXot, Ar. 3. to bom d<ywn under a burden y Dem.
Dog-heads, the name of a people, Hdt. 2. & dog- K-up&a&y avros, o, shortd, form of Ko/>iJj8a$v q v,
faced baboon, Plat., Luc. [KWO/C<{AA<JJ in Ar.] KvppL<rCa, ^, a Persian bonnet or A#, with a peakefl
cwvo-ieX<Swos, oy, (jcAcjrreo) dog-stealing, Ar. crown, prob. much Eke the rCp, Hdt. ; the King alone
, f . -^crw, (novroi) to beat like a, dog, Ar. wore it upright, Ar.
, 7],=Kvvdfjwia9 Anth., Luc. icup^ets, eeov, at, dat. xvpfaffiy; triangular tablets,
~ KUTO9.
fitted at the angles so as to form a pyramid of three opp. to crvyKA.T]TOs zKKXTjcria. (one specially summoned;,
sides, and having the earliest laws written on the sides, Ar. 4. legitimate, regular, proper, Aesch. 5.
Ar., Plat. II. in sing, metaph. of a pettifogging of words, authorised, vernacular, Lat. proprius, Arist.

lawyer, Ar. B. as Subst., Kvpios, 6, a lord, master, Lat. domi-

Kvpeios, a, QV, of Cyrus., Xen. nus, of gods, Pind., Soph., etc. : the head of a family,
KY"PE'& : impf ilKvpovv [t/] : f tcvp^crto aor. I /cv-
. . : master of a house, Aesch., etc. : later, KvpLe was a
pyffa pf KeKvpTjKa
: . also K.Y'P& [y]:
impf. Kvpov, : form of respectful address, like our sir, N.T. 2.
Ep. tcvpov f Kvpcrco : aor. i %Kvp<ra, part. Kvp<ra$ :
. :
Kvpia, i], mistress or /#a[v of the house, Lat. domina^
Med. Kvpopai [v] in act. sense I. followed by :
Menand., etc. II. 6 Kvpios, the LORD, = Hebr.
a case, fo kit, light tipon : 1. c. dat. to light JEHOVAH, LXX. ; in N. T. esp. of CHRIST. Hence
upon, meet with, fall -in -with; strike against, II., KvpiOTT}?, TITOS, 7}, dominion, N.T.
Hes. of things, Kvpetv TIVL to befall or be granted
ictipiowi)., Att. -TT&>, f. i<w, (ic6pv$) to butt 'with the
to him, Soph., Eur. 2, c. gen. to hit the mark, horns, Plat. : metaph. of floating corpses knocking
like rvy)(a.v(io, Aesch. to reach to or as far as, h.
against the shore, Aesch.
Horn. : to meet with, find, Aesch., Soph. b. to Kvpi<!>5> Adv. of K&ptos, like a lord or master, authori-
attain to, be master of, obtain, Lat. potiri, Hdt., tatively, Aesch. II. regularly, legitimately, pro-
Trag. 3. c. ace., like Lat. potiri, to obtain, reach, perly, K, ex^iy to be fixed, hold good, Id. ; K. alretcrBai,
find, Aesch., Eur. II, without a case, to happen, szto jure, Soph., etc. HI. of words, in their
come to pass, Trag. 2. to be right, hit the exact proper sense, Arist.
truth, Soph. 3. as auxil. Verb, like rvyxdi/ta with KTjpu-a, arcs, r6, (i5/W) that which one meets with or
partic., to turn out, prove to be so and so, creoraxr/uej'os finds, i. e. booty, prey, spoil, Horn. II. of a person,
KVpet Aesch. ; (Qv tcupei Soph. %0/>2>s &v /cwpe? Eur. ;
one who gets booty, a swindler, Ar.
with partic. omitted, it acts merely as the copula, to K-upvos, TJ, Cyrmts, old name of Corsica, Hdt. : oi
be, Trag. Kvpvwi Id.
KvpT]f3aca } with the horns: metaph., TO
f. dff<o, to butt Kvpos, o, Cyrus: 1. 6 Trporcpos, the elder Cyrus,
crweXos Kvpypafrei he shall come butt against my leg, Hdt. 2. & vecaTcpos, the brother of Artaxerxes, Xen.
or my leg shall butt him, kick Bim., Ar. Perh. akin <

KY^POZ, eos, r6, supreme power, authority, Hdt.,

tO KVplffffCt).} Thuc., etc. II. confirmation, 'validity, certainty,
KTjprjpia, <av, ret, hiisks, bran : a bran-shop, Ar. Soph. Hence
(Deriv. unknown.) Kvpou, f. (acre*, to make valid, confirm, ratify, deter-
i), Cyren$, a Greek colony in Africa, Hdt.
K-vptjvrj [y], :
mine, Lat. ratum facere, Hdt., Aesch., etc. Med. :

the people were called Kvpyvcuoi, and the country rj to accomplish one's end, Plat. Pass, to be ratified,:

Kvpyvata, Id. Hdt., Att. generally, Kc/cvp&mu r4\os the end hath

KtJpla, 17, fern, of Kvpios (slgnf. B. I.

2.) been fixed or determined, Aesch.; irplv KtKvp&crdat
cr<paryds before it has been accomplished, Eur.
K-upia^cjj Kvptevca, Hesych. impers. :

K$picuc<S, -ft, 6v, (Kvpios) of or for a lord or master : c. inf., KK^ptaro o u/i$<AAetj' it had been decided to

esp. belonging to the LORD

(CHRIST) ; K. Sel-wop fight, Hdt. ; l/cvpciJfbj vaup,axtv Id. 2. K. $fajv to
the LORD'S Supper, jj Kvpiatd] rjfifpa the LORD'S day, decide it, Aesch.
dies Dominica, N. T. (Assumed to be original of the KVpcrcu, aor. i inf. of Kvpw, (v. Kvpew) : Kt5por<>, f ut.
Teutonic kirk, kirche, church; but how this Greek qs> ov, 8, one that fishes 'with the Kvprt], Anth.
name came to be adopted by the Northern nations, a fishing-basket, Lat. nassa, Hdt.; and

rather than the Roman name ecclesia, has not been ?, 6, =foreg., Plat.
2. a bird-cage, Lat. ca-vea,
satisfactorily explained.) Anth. From
Kvpicvco, f. o"(if, to be lord or master of people or of a KYPTO'J, 77, oV, curved, arched, of a wave breaking,
country, c. gen., Xen. 2. tohave legal power to II. 5 ^jctw Kvpr<a round, humped, Ib. ; /c. Tpo%6s Eur.
do, c. inf.j ap. Aeschin. From KvpTow, f. 5(raj, /<? curve or fomf fwfo <z?z arch,
Kvpios and os, ov (tcvpoi) :
[v], a, ov, I. of persons, vtara, ofa bull preparing to charge, Eur.; K. \atyea
having power or authority over, lord or master of, Anth. Pass, to form a curve or arch, of a wave

c, gen., Pind., Att. : Ki>pt6$ eljua, c. inf., / have breaking, Od., Xen.
authority to do, am
entitled to do, Aesch., etc. ; KVpb), V. KVpCa.
Kvpi&repoi Soweu better able to give, Thuc. 2. absol. Krupocris [}, e&jy, ^, (/cu/x^w) a ratification, Thuc., Plat.
having authority, authoritative, supreme,, K. %vai to KVCTCU [iJ], Ep. K-uacrai, aor. i inf. of /cvj/eo> ; but II.
ha\re authority, Plat, ; rJ> Kvptov the ruling power in a *cu<rai of K^O?.
state, ret nvpia the authorities, Soph., Dem. II. KvcrajJtevi], aor. i med. part. fern, of KVU> n.
not of persons, authoritative, decisive, dominant, cucrcrcu, Ep. for Kv<rat [v~\, aor. i inf.of jcwea>.
supreme^ 5fo<u Eur.; fj.v6o$ Kvpi&repos of more au- KWTIS, ews and os, ^, (KUW) ifA^ bladder, II., Ar.
thority, Id., etc. 2. opp. to &Kvpo$, authorised, icvcro [iJ^, fut, of Kvveuf.
ratified, valid, ytfioi, ^oy^o.-ra. Dem.; /c. BlirOcu or icurtcros [i5], ^, cytisus, a kind of clover, Theocr.
irotiar6ai Tt to appoint by authority. Soph,, Dem. 3. a kind of plaster, Luc.
KVTJJLIS, i$o$, T},
of times, etc., fixed, ordained, appointed, Hdt., Eur., with capacious belly, Anth.
KvTo-Y<wrrp, opos, 6, fi,
etc. ; so, rJ> Kvpiov the
appointed time, Aesch. : at ICUTOS [0], eos, r<J, (nu>w) rte hollow of a shield or breast-
Athens, nvpia KK\ycria a resnilar or ordinary assembly, plate, Aesch., Ar. 2. ay vessel, a vase, jar,
iirn, Aesch., -KteKrbv K. a
Soph., etc. ; basket, K<oKtJTO$, &,a shrieking, mailing, I!., 1 rag II. 1

Eur. 3. anything that contains the body, Soph. KOJKUTOS, 6, CocytiiS) Riijer of Wailing (cf 'Axepwr, . .

Ku-nrapos, 6, (KVTO?) the cell of a comb of bees or one of the rivers of hell, Od-, etc. From
\vasps, An concave
2. metaph., rovpavov rov K. the KSlKY'ii, f . VCT&J [_ifj, : aor, I H-K^Kixra, Ep. fcw-

vault of heaven, Id. Ku<ra : fo shriek, cry, wait, mostly of women, Horn. 2.

Kv^-a-y&ryos, <5, -with neck arched and head low, of a c. acc. fo 'mail over one dead, Od., Aesch., Soph.

horse, Xen. JcX-a"YpTt]s or -aKpcTTjSj ov, $ y (/c\^, aype^ col-

lector of the pieces at a sacrifice, name of a magistrate
KiJ^aXcos, a, oj/, poet, for Kv<p6s s Anth.
^, ^K, ^>WJ? forwards, bent, stooping, at Athens, who liad charge of the public table in the
KTj<|>oS 5 (:v7rTct>)
hump-backed, Od., Ar. 'Fry taneion, and paid the dicasts, Ar. ; fcwXaypero v yd\a,
KV|>WV, wws, 5, (Kv$6s] the bent yoke of^ the plough , comically for the /ucrSbs StKcurrLKos, Id.
II. a sor/ of -pillory in which criminals KtoX-fj^ 7], (K&\OV) the thigh-bone inth
the flesh on it*
ivere fastened by the neck, Ar. 2. 0?z# 'mho has the ham, esp. of a swine, Ar., Xen. Hence
had his neck in the pillory, a knave, L&t.fzircifer, Luc. KKoXTj-d;, TJTTOS, T], the hollow of the knees, Lat. poples, II.

i}, 7j, any hollow vessel

a chest, box, Hdt., Ar. : KttXicts (sub. &cpa), dSos, TJ, Collets, a promontory of

, of, descendants of Cypselus^ Theogn. Attica, with a temple of Aphrodite there, HdL, Ar.
KLY'ii : I. in pres. and impf., of females, to conceive, KflfAON, ro, a limb, esp. the leg, Trag. 2. of plants,
Orac. ap. Hdt., Theogn., etc, 2. rarely c. acc. to be t
a. limb or rz, Anth. II. a member of anything*,
1. a member o,i a building, as the side orfront,
pregnant with a child, Xen. II. in aor. i 6Ccra, as,
Causal, of the male, to impregnate, and med. Kvffa{J.riv, Hdt. 2. <5?Z(? /m& or Aa/f of the race-course
of the female, to conceive, Hes. (/ai/Ao$; Aesch.
3. a member or clause of a sen-
KY'HN, 6 and T), gen. Kvv6$, dat. Kftvi, acc. KVVQ., voc. tence, Lat. membrum, Arist.
KIJQV : pL, nom. KVVGS, gen. KVVUV, dat. Kwi, Ep. K&v<r0i 3 K<Xi3fAa, aroy, r<, (:wXiW) a hindrance, impediment >,

acc. KVVOS; a dog or bitch, Horn., etc. i most com- Eur., Thuc. II. defence against a thing, jfo*p-
monly of hounds. Id., etc. ; the Laconian breed was caution, Thuc.
famous, Soph. ; j^ or pa rov KVVO, was the favourite KtoXvprj [>], 7), K(*>Xv]u.a, iirl KtaXv^y for the purpose of
oath of Socrates, Plat. cf. rpaire^s. : II. as a hindering, Thuc,
^ord of reproach, to denote shamelessness or audacity KaXiDreoK, verb. Adj. of :#Xvw, #w wws/ hinder, Xen.
in women, rashness, recklessness in men, Horn* 2. KwXiJTtjs, ov, d, (K&XV&J a hinderer, Thuc.
at Athens a nickname of the Cynics, Arist., Anth. III. KwXi3Ti.K(>s, 'fj, 6v, preventive, Xen. From
the Trag. apply the term to the ministers of the gods ,*
KcoXx'io [y], f. tier
: aor. I lca\uo-a :
pf. KKc&Xvtca, :

the eagle is Ai2>s irr'nvbs KV&V Aesch. ; the griffins Pass., f. Ku>\.v&fiffOfjuu and in med. form KwKixro^ai :
the Bacchantes AUCTCTTJS K. aor. i eKwXiQ'qv [v\ : pf . K6/cca\i/ftot : f^ lei, hinder *
Ztjvby OKpcryety Kvyes Id. ;

Eur., etc. IV. a sea-dog, mentioned as a fish in check, prevent : 1. c. acc. et inf. to hinder or />/-?-
Od. "V. the dog-star, i. e. the dog of Orion, placed 7;^^^one /row doing, Hdt., Soph., etc. ; with a nega-
among the stars with its master, II. tive added, fc. viva jjfi) Bavelv Eur., etc. : Pass, fa be
KM, Ion. for TTW. hindered, rov vtiaTos meiv from drinking of the water,
KW&S, r6, irreg. pi. tccbea, dat. Kdcffi, a fleece, used as Plat.; fca)Xv6fj.0-8a f*$j fj.ade'iv Eur.; rarely with part.,
bedding, Horn., Hdfc. (Deriv. uncertain.^ p.}) Kw\-i)<iiVTai Tcepa.tovfj.evoi Thuc. 2. c. gen. rei. /c.

tccjpLos, <5, a fish of the gudgeon kind, Plat., etc. TWO, TWOS or hinder one from a thing, Xen. ; so,
to let

r4 Dim. of /cc^Sioi', Ar. K. TIVQ. aW rivos let. 3. c.acc,rei,;fa kinder, prevent\

iccoSdptov [a],
KuSeia, 17, ^A^ head,
(Deriv. uncertain.) impede, Eur., Thuc, ; Pass., j}54 ScortCrjj KK&X.Mta
KcoSiov, of icway, ^ sheepskin, fleece, used for
T<$, Dim. and let there be no hindrance by reason of expense,
bedding, Ar., Plat. Thuc. 4, absoi, o K&kfoatv one to kinder, Soph. ;
K&'AfiN, wvos, 6 and ^, a bell, Aesch., Eur. : for- m rb Kca\vov a kindrancey Xen* 5. often In 3 pers.
tified towns an. officer went round at night with a bell oi&w KwXtet there is nothing fa hinder, c. acc. et inf.,
to challenge the sentries, and see that they were awake, Hdt., Ar. : oySc*' JwXtfet, absol., as a form of assent,
Thuc. &$ KcaSuya e|aij'4aey05
e one with an alarm' ^ nothing hinders, be it so, Ar.
bell in his hand, Dem. Hence KwXwTrjs, ov, 6, prob. a<r/caXa^c&Ti7S, Babr.
>, f . Att. i<a, to prove by ringing, of money, Ar. Kwp.a, arcs-, rJ, (tcftfiat) deep sleep, shtmber, Lat. sopor,
KpoTos, ov, ringing, jingling, as with bells, Horn., Hes. Hence
Eur. tccDjid^coj-f
. aofw and ettroftat : aar. i eK^p-acfa, poet. r^/t~ :

sc<t>S<i}Vo><f>aXapo.ira>Xos, ov, with bells on his horses 3

pf. KK(ap.aKa: Dor. KW|JLdaSw, fut. a^o/xoi: aor. i
to go about 'with a party
trappings, Ar. imper. ica)jaa^aT6 : (KW/OIOSJ :
KwSwvo-4>opw, f . ^<r<w, to carry the bell round, to visit of revellers, to revel, make merry,^Lat. comissari t Hes.
the sentinels, Ar. : Pass., airavTa KwSwvo^opeTTot Theogn., Eur.,, etc. 2. fo ^o in festal procvssi&ii*
Find., Dem. II. to celebrate a Jcwjoos in honour
everywhere the bell goes round, i. e. the sentinels are
being visited, Id. of the victor at the games, to join in festivities, Find. ;
nom. and dat. pi. of K&C.S. c. acc. cogn., loproy K. Id. 2. c. cbt- pers. to
sy &, a Laconian drinking-vessel, Ar. approach with a K&fjuts, sing in his faimmir* Id.
a, ov, contr. K<o$. c. acc. pers. to honour or celebrate him in or vith ike

arojj r6, a shriek, wail, Aesch.. Soph. ; and K&IHOS, Id. III. fa break in upon in the manner
Kil'NOJ, the fruit of the irevKt], a pine-cone,
<jfrevellers, K. TTOTI TQ.V 'AjuapyAAtSa Theccr. :
gener- ov, o,
Theocr., etc. H. a cone, Lat. conus, in Mathe-
ally, to burst in, Anth.
cu,-ap)(T}S ov s <*> (/cittyiT?, &/>%) the head man of a matics, Arist. 2. the cone of a helmet, Anth.

village, Xen. Kc>vo-TOfX, f . ^<rou, to make a conic section, Anth.

Dor. for /cw/ia^- Ko)vo-4>6pos, ov, ((peptaj bearing a cone, Anth.
K&jjju&o-njs, ov,
<5, (Kooftdfoa)
a reveller, Plat., Xen. 2. KWVWTTCIOV, TO, (Kt6v6ffp) an Egyptian couch with mos-
epith. of Bacchus,
the jolly god, Ar. quito-curtains ; conopium in Horat.
KjQ/MH, 77, =Lat. vicus, a village or country town, opp. icwvwjrewv, favos, o,foreg., Anth.
to a fortified city 5 properly a Dor. word,
= Att. STJ^OS, Kil'NW>, WTTOS, o, a gnat, mosquito, Lat. culex, Hdt.,
Hes., Hdt. j /caTOi/njo-flcu KaTa K<*>(JMS to live 2 separate Aesch., etc.
villages (not in walled towns), of the Medes,
Hdt. , so, Kuos, a, (KeSs) of, from the island Cos, Coan,
of a country, KOTO; /ccfytos oiVc?o-0tu to have its people Hdt. II. as Subst., K^os >sc. 3^Aos', o, the high-
distributed into villages, Thuc. est thro-w with the aoTptryaAot, v. Xxby.

Kfc>ji,i]TTjs> ou, 6, (K^JULTJ) a villager, countryman, Plat., Kwirats, cuftos, contr. Kwiras, <f Sos-, f), of or near Copae
Xen. II. in a city, one of the same quarter, Lat. (in Boeotia), T) K. Xipvii
lake Copals, Strab. 2.

vicimis, Ar. ; more loosely, -xQovbs KUfj-iJTat dwellers JyX e/AiS Keo7raf5es eels from lake Copdis, Ar.
in a land, Eur. icwirevsj ws, o, only in pi. KcwWes, Att. /cajw^y, ^zVc^s o/
wood fit for making oars, oar-spars, Hdt., Ar., etc.
Kc^jio-iroXis, ws, o, (/c^/tTj) <rz village-town,
i. e. a place Kairc-ua, f. crw, ^K^TTTJ} f<5 propel with oars, Anth.
not entitled to be called a voXts, N. T. KWTTT] , ^, (from Root KA
fl , Lat . cap-io) any handle : 1,
a village festival : a the handle of an oar, and generally an oar, Qd.,
K<3|xos> ov, o, (K^fjaf) properly =
revel, carousal, merry-making, Lat. comissatw, h. Pind., Att. veprepa irpotr^evos K&in], flaAa/UTT/y,

Horn., Theogn., etc. t it ended in the party parading metaph. of a man of low rank, Aesch. ; vapaTT}jLTfLv
the streets crowned, bearing torches, singing, dancing, <$?
eV5e/ca KtoTrcus, a proverb of dub. origin, meaning
and playing frolics, Ar. H. a band of revellers, a to escort with all the honours,' Ar. : poet, to express
metaph. a rout, band, K. 'Eptvvav ffbv KcaTrcfr ^iKLova.vra, of Agamemnon's fleet,
jovial troop, Eur. :
Aesch. ; of an army, Eur., etc. III. the Ode Eur. 2. the handle of a sword, the haft, hilt, Lat.
3. the handle of a key,
sung at one of these festive processions, Pind. capulus, Horn., Soph.
a. bundle of hay, Lat. manipulus, Od. 4. the haft of a torch, Eur.
Kwp/us, vBos, T),
Theocr. <nra, v, hilted, II.
(Deriv. uncertain.) Kojnr7]ts,
K<ipu^$6>, f. ^cr&?, (Kcw/i$>&oY) to represent in a comedy, to KWJrt|XaTcw, f i\ff<a, to pull an oar : metaph. of any

satirise, lampoon, libel, Ar., Plat.: Pass, to be so similar motion forwards and backwards, as of a
satirised, Ar. 2. /wDfc<jp6*e?y TO 5f/caia=/c(WjU.^j5ouj^ra carpenter using- an auger, Eur. From
eiTTCiK TO 5., Id. II. to 'write comedies, Luc. Kwir-Y)Xa"nrjs [a], ov, 5, (eAaww) a rower, Polyb.
Kwp.-wSta, T) } a comedy, Ar., etc. : Two derivs. are icarrr-yjp-qs, s, (*^p) furnished with oars, Aesch.,

Eur., Thuc. II. holding the oar, %ef/> Eur.

suggested : one from K&pos, ^5^ 3 the revel-song ; the
other from KT^JUTJ, ^877, the village-song. There were , TO, Dim. of K&irt], Ar.

three periods of Attic Comedy, Old, Middle^ New, ^, Dor. for KOI//WJ.
TraXaid, juecrij, v<t. The Old Comedy was used to Kwptov, TO, Dor. Dim. of Kotipa, a little girl, Ar.
attack by name the most powerful persons of the day, K aip os, 6, Dor. for Kovpos.
ending B. c. 393 ; the Middle Comeidy lost the Chorus, tcwpocrwa, ^, Dor. for Kovpocrvyj}, Theocr.
but still attacked notabilities under assumed characters, KwpiJicios [y~], a, ov, Corycian (from the Corycian cave
ending B. c. 337 ; the New was our Comedy of Man- in Mt. Parnassus), Soph.; Kopvtyal K. the peaks of
ners, and may be best understood from Plautus and Parnassus, Eur. ; also Kwpvicls irerpa Aesch.
Terence. Hence Kh'PY'KOI, o, a leathern sack or wallet for pro-
s T\, ov, of comedy, comic, Ar. visions, Od. 2. in the gymnasium, a large leathern
WTOS, dy
, Kcafjifpfidf, Anth. sack hung up, filled 'with fig-grains (/eeyxpa/uSes),
[a], &,
= KtoiL(f$iQypa<pos, Anth. flour, or sand, for the athletes to strike, Arist.
77, the comic poet's art, Ar.
,Xia From K<iSpvKOS> o, a promontory of Cilicia, h. Horn., Thuc.
jcujxtiSo-SiSaarjcaXos, 6, a comic poet.> because he had Ko>$, Ep. Kows, T}, gen. K55, the island Cos, opposite
to train the actors and chorus, Ar. Caria, Horn. : KcW&e to Cos, II.
KwjitjSo-XcKx^, (Aix) to play the parasite and KWS, Ion. for 7T&S. II. enclit. Ion. for IMS. KS
buffoon, Ar. KwrCXXoicrcu, Dor. for -ovffcu, part. pi. fern, of sq.
tCCi{Jbtt>So*irOlt]T7JS a OV, 0,
= K(0fJLp$OirOl6s, Ar. KtoTtXXw, only in pres., to prattle, chatter, Lat. garrire,
jcu>jxa)8o-7roL(i?, 6, a, maker of comedies, comic poet, Plat. mostly with notion of 'wheedling, Hes., Theogn.,
c(op.-a>$<5s, o, (v. /cftrft^ia) : a. comedian, i. e., 1. a etc. U. trans, to talk over> attempt to wheedle,
comic actor, Xen., Aeschin. 2. a comic poet, Plat. Theogn., Soph. (Deriv. unknown.) Hence
KUVCIOV, TQ, hemlock, Lat. cicuta : hemlock-juice, by KurCXos, TJ, ov, of a swallow, twittering, Anacr., etc. :

which criminals were put to death at Athens, Ar., etc. of persons, chattering, prattling, babbling, Lat. gar-
Konaov, TO, Dim. of Ktavos, a- small cone, Anth. rulus, Theogn., Theocr. H. metaph. lively, ex
icwvtTiSj iSos, T), (K&VOS i) extracted from pine-cones, pressive, Theocr., Anth.
Anth. , 6v3 KOTf'T(a" radical sense, blunt, dull, obtuse,
Kwfybv /JeAos the blunt, dull shaft, opp. to o|u, II. II. AA'BPOX [d by nature], Horn, of \\ind, rain,
ov, I.

metaph. : 1. dumb, mute, Kvpam K<a<p< with dumb etc., furious, boisterous, Hdt.
A, irvp, Kv^ara, v6vros,

wave, before it breaks, Ib. ; KOJ<T> ycuav deiKifci etc., Eur. II. after Horn., of men, boisterous, tur-
dishonours the dumb, senseless earth, Ib. , ra fj.ev bulent, violent, Theogn., Soph., etc. 2. greedy.,
&XXa eovce Kt0<j>d the other parts of the ground sounded Pind., Eur. III. Adv. XdjSptas, violently , furiously ,

dull, opp. to the ringing of the hollow parts, Hdt. *,

Theogn. 2. greedily, Aesch.
6 /c. Ai/A77v, prob. the bay of Munychia, as opp. to the XappocruvTj, 77, (AajSposj violence, greed, Anth.
noisy Peirseus, Xen. 2. after Horn., of men, dumb, Xa|3po-onuTos, ov, (o"6u&?) rushing furiously Aesch. ',

Orac. ap. Hdt. deaf and dumb, Id.

: 3. deaf, Lat. \aj3ijpiv0os [i;], d, a labyrinth or 'maze, a building
surdus, h. Horn., Aesch., etc. 4. of the mind, dull, consisting of halls connected by tortuous passages,
stupid, Lak.fatuus, Soph.; also senseless, unmeani ng, Hdt. II. any spiral body, as a snail, Anth. ; e'/c
K. Kal TroAaf cirri Id. Hence (TXoiv^v Aa#. bow-net of rushes, Theocr. (Origin

jcw^OTirjs, TJTOS, y, deafness, Plat., Dem., uncertain.)
ICWYCTO, crasis for /cal cpx^TQ) 3 sing. impf. of otxo/^cu- Xapo, aor. 2 subj. of Xa^dvca Xap<uv, part. :

xwiov, crasis for /cal CHJ/OI/. Aa^api^ojAcu, Pass, to be slack or gaunt through
hunger, to starve, Ar. ; and
XcrycLpoofJica, Pass, to be or become slack : of frozen
water, be in the act of thawing, Anth.
zto From
d, QV, slack, hollow, sunken, of the
Xen. : Kara TO Xayapdararoy in the least
A Xdjj$8a or Xdp8a, r6, indecl., eleventh
X. letter of defensible part, Plut. 2. slack, loose, pliant,
the Gr. Alphabet: as a numeral A =30, but ,A =
30,000. 1. Att. A is sometimes represented by Xa-Yenjs, ov, Dor. Xcu-yeras, a, <5, Xads, aryeo/zcu]

r, as ftXlftca'os Kpifiavos, yXtiffffaXyos y\(&<rarapyo$, leader of the people, Pind.

vavicpapos yavKXrjpos, aXK-'f) apK-eTv so, <5Acis ewAos :
XctYivos [a], 77, ov, of the hare, Aesch.
fcoAa^ were lisping pronunc, for 6p%$ Beccpos Kopa, Xaviov, T6, Dim. of Xay&s, a leveret, Xen.
Ar. 2. Dor. A becomes v, as, fyQov <f>(vTaro$ for Xavvcia, 77, lasciviousness, lust, Xen. From
%\6ov tyiXraros ; whereas Att. A sometimes replaces v, AATN01, 77, QV, lascivious, lustful, Arist.
as, Xirpov TrAciJ/iwi' for virpov Trj/e^/xcov. 3. initial Xa-yo-SatT-ris, ov, 6, (5afw) hare-devourer, Aesch.
A is dropt, as e?j8<w for Ae^w, atyypbs a.Qvcra'ca &x v'r ) Xa-yo-Oiipas, ov, d, (Oypdoij a hare-hunter, Anth.
for Aat^pbs Xa.q>\>ff<r<a AaxvTj* ^- Ep. Poets double Xa-yo-KTOvew, f. ^ora>, (/creiVw) to kill hares, Anth.
A, metri grat., esp. after the augment, as, eAAajSe ^AAi- Xa-yos, ov, form of Xtxyds, q. v.
6, collat.
Ta*/i> ; and in compds., as in rpiXXiffTos and Homer : XayOvos, a flask, flagon, Lat. lagena, Anth., etc.

omits A, where two come together, metri grat., as Xayxavw (from Root AAX), f. At}|o/4at, Ion. Aa|ofccti :

'AxiXevs. 5. 5 sometimes becomes A, cf. A 5, aor. 2 X&xoy, Ep. lAAaxoy, Xdxov (for AeAaxo^ v.
n. 5. 6. 7 and A are interchanged in infr. iv) pf. 3fA7jx
plqpf- tXT]X LV i poet, and Ion. :

7. v before A becomes A, as in pf AeAo7X a 3 sing, plqpf. eAeAoyxet, Dor. AeAoyx 7?

. : :

Pass., aor. i
eX'fjx^'n^' P^- tfXTjyfJLcti : I. c. ace.

force, as in rei, to obtain by lot, by fate, by the 'mill of the gods,

Xa-, insep. Prefix with intensive
Horn. ; with inf. added, Xax ov iroXtfa ^A vaiepw I
very warlike, Xa-Kardparos much accursed.
AATAJ, o, ace. Aaov, gen. and dat. Actos, Aai,* dual Aae; had the sea, for my portion to dwell in, says Poseidon,
xdeffcn: in Att. also II. ; eAax" ^o^ SovATjy of ^X ijf E UI** : ^ the genius
pl., gen. Xacay, dat. Aei<n Ep.
contr. Xas, ace. : Av
a gen. Xdov in Soph, (as if Xaas presiding over one's life, !/t (Mev Kfyp Xdx^ H- ; esp.

pf. to be the tutelary deity of a place,

was of first decl.) : Lat. lapis, a stone, Horn., etc. protect it,
deoZtrtj/, ot Hepcrida yyv XeX6yx aa>L Hdt. absoL, wphs-
XdpSa, r6, indecl., -XappSa, Ar., etc.

0iJ/ij3ptjs IXax y AurJi

A<f their post assigned near
AajSeTv, aor. 2 inf. of XapfLdvot).
the part intended for grasping, a Thymbra, II. 2. of public officers, &? obtain an office
XapT], f), (Aa/SctV)
n) ; apX^*' Xax^v, opp. to x^P ^
handle, haft, Dem. ; Xaf$ai a.^lffTopoL of a cup, 5y /^72f, (v. wiJa/iOS
II. as a pugilistic term, a grip or hold, v^vat be elected), Ar. ; so, c. inf., d Xax&v TroAe-
ftapxeeiv he who had the lot to be polemarch,
Hdt, ;
So-Trep aQXyr^s Xaffiv &IT*'IV Plut. metaph. a handle, :

fiovXevral (sc. elvat), Oratt. ; and

occasion, opportunity, Xafifyv 5i5<Wi, Lat. ausam prae-
" '
01 Aax '^7 65 absol.*
01 Xaxovf^s those on 'whom the lot fell, Thuc. 3.
bere, Ar. ; so, A. 7rapa5t5^ai, Trapex^xv Id., Plat.
as Att. law-term, Xayx<^Viy Sdn?^ to obtain leave to
Xap-rjv, Dor. for Aa^e?v, aor. 2 inf. of Xapftdv^
Xdp-jio-i,Ep. for Aaj3y, 3 sing. aor. 2 subj. of Aajuj8c^&>, bring- on a suit, Plat., Oratt. ; and (without Siiajy)
Aaj3ot<ra, Dor. for -oi?o-o, aor. 2 part.
fern, of Aajuj8cij/aL Xaryx^fVl v riytr ^ bring' an action against one,

bold, rash talker. Oratt. II. c. gen. partit. to get one's share of,
Xa^p-aYOpY]S) ov, ^, (a"yopuajj III. absai to
II. become possessed of, Horn., Att.
braggart , IV.
(xd&pos) a ravenous sea-fish, perh.
draw (i. e. obtain) the lot, Od. : cast lots,*. T.
Xappa|, eucos, ,

^oss, Ar.
Causal Ep. redupl. aor. x4x&xoy, to put in possession
Xappevofiai, Dep. (AetjSpos) ^c? ^a/^ rashly, brag,
II. of a thing, m/pos AeAax rtya to grant one ike nght ^
Anth of funeral fire, H. V. intr. to fall to one's lot or
Xappo-TToSrjs, ou, 6, (TrotJy) rajHW offoot, rushing,
j f. t|(rw, (Wros) Zfo drink hard, Anth. share, Od., Eur.

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