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Task A – Individual presentation

Given the situation, you now have:

· 2 minutes to prepare your responses
· 2 minutes to present

· Study the scenario or topic given carefully
· Double check which candidate you are (A, B, C, D) to make sure you don’t prepare another
candidate’s speech
· Make sure you don’t run out of topics
· Prepare 2 to 3 points to present on
· You MUST agree with the point that is given to you (you can disagree or favour another point in
Task B)
· Make full use of the 2 minutes that you have. Don’t go less than 1 minute 45 seconds / more than
2 minutes.
· If you don’t have as many points to speak about, talk slower.
· Don’t relax after your turn! Keep an attentive ear to what the other candidates are talking about.
· Write down the other students’ answers as they present their 2-minute speech (to prepare
yourself for Task B)

Sample answer: Candidate A

Hi, a very good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. As we are talking about how a
person’s character can be influenced by another person, the persons whom I think have the most
influence in a person’s life are – parents. There are three reasons why I think so.

Firstly, parents are the people whom know us since birth. We become like the person whom we
spend the most time with. Parents are the people whom we see every day from the moment we
are born, till the day we are adults. Hence, very naturally, they become the people whom we look
up to and start imitating the way they talk, act, and even think.

My second reason is because parents are the first educators to their child before anybody else.
Table manners and basic etiquettes are taught at home, by the parents. This gives an influence
so vast that we ourselves fail to recognize it sometimes.

Thirdly, parents are the ones who impart values into our lives. Values are assets which we hold on
to for the rest of our lives – and this is the greatest influence of all. Values are what we make our
decisions upon, and it is what shapes our character.
In conclusion, I think that though there may be many others who can influence a person’s character
– ultimately, parents are the greatest influencers of all. With that, I conclude my speech. Thank
you very much.

Task B – Group discussion

You are given:
· 2 minutes to prepare your points to either support or oppose the other candidates’ views
· Decide on which of the 4 points you think is the best (Note: it is perfectly fine to agree with another
candidate’s points just as long as you explain “why” and “how it is the best point”)
Example: “I think that parents play a big part in influencing their child’s character, but after listening
to Candidate D I would have to agree that famous personalities have more influence in a person’s
character. The reason is because (add on one point to Candidate D’s answers).”
· The entire group is given 10 minutes for this discussion

· NEVER keep silent
· It is a plus point when you initiate the discussion. (Example: “To kick start the discussion, after
listening to all of the other candidates’ answers I still stand by my own point that parents can
influence a person’s character the most.”)
· Ask other candidates questions to keep the discussion alive (Example: “How about you,
Candidate B? What do you think?” “What do you mean by that, Candidate C? Could you elaborate
more on that point?”)
· If you want to interrupt when someone is speaking, do it politely. (Example: “I’m sorry, may I

Overall tips:
· Speak loudly and clearly so that the examiners can hear you.
· Don’t be so nervous that you can’t speak properly. Take a deep breath, and speak slowly and
· Make eye contact with the examiners and the other candidates – especially during Task B as it
is a group discussion.
· Use good language. Good choice of words and sentence structure are plus points.
· Don’t be rude. Always say “excuse me” when you wish to interrupt, and “thank you” after giving
your speech in Task A.
Firstly, Teachers follow students through each pivotal stage of development. At six to eight
hours a day, five days a week, you as a teacher are poised to become one of the most
influential people in your students’ life. After their parents, children will first learn from you,
their elementary school teacher.
Then, as a middle school teacher, you will guide students through yet another important
transition: adolescence. As children become young adults, learning throughout middle
school and into high school, you will answer their questions, listen to their problems and
teach them about this new phase of their lives. You not only watch your students grow you
help them grow.
Teachers are founts of experience. They have already been where their students are going,
undergone what they will go through and are in a position to pass along lessons, not only
regarding subject matter, but lessons on life.

In conclusion, I think that though there may be many others who can influence a person’s character
– ultimately, teacher are the greatest influencers of all. With that, I conclude my speech. Thank
you very much.

One of the people that are responsible to motivate a person to study are
the person's parents. Parents should keep a relationship with your kids that
is open, respectful and positive. Be kind but firm. This will allow parents to
be most influential with their kids, which is your most important parenting
tool. Furthermore, parents can motivate their kids to study by sending them
to tuition classes. Once children are studying parents should provide their
necessities for studying. For example, parents should get some reference
books for their kids to study and revise. This is one way of motivating their
children to have interest to study.

Teachers are also responsible to motivate a person to study. Teachers

are educators and as educators, they should always do their best to motivate
a person to learn. A teachers' role is an important role for a student to
progress in his or her study. For example, teachers should give ideas and
motivation to the students which can bring a lot of improvement in their
study. In addition, teachers must also be lazy. It is vital for a teacher to be
hardworking, teachers should always give it their all when attempting to help
or educate a person to study.
Teachers' role is an important role for a student to progress in his or
her study.Teachers are responsible for motivating students to learn.
However,students themselves also need to be interested in
learning. Students should truly love to learn from their hearts, instead of
having motivated or being pushed by their teachers. Students should and are
advised to always finish their homework on time and revise on what they
have learned when they have any free time.
In conclusion, it is not only the parents' and teachers' responsibilities to
motivate person to learn, but also that person himself. Learning is a task of
the students. Real loving of learning and consistent of learning can create a
life time success and happiness for that person.

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