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CRITERIA Outstanding Quite Good Average Lacking Poor

(4) (3) (2) (1) (0)
Inappropriate use
Appropriate use of
of all or almost all
Appropriate use of Appropriate use barely enough of Appropriate use of
of the target
*Appropriate all or almost all of of many of the the target few of the target
language forms
use of the target language target language language forms language forms
needed for the
language forms necessary forms necessary necessary for the necessary for the
(articulate and for the task. for the task. task. task. Makes
accurate) Comprehensibility Comprehensibility Comprehensibility comprehensibility
is effortless. is not affected. is not significantly difficult.
is significantly

On task. Off task.

On task. On task.
On task, but
Very effective and Very ineffective.
Logical ineffective.
creative, logically Quite effective, Moderately Continuously
Organization Disorganized most
structured all or logically structured effective, logically unclear and
of the times.
almost all of the many of the times. structured at times disorganized all the
times. time.

All or almost all of

Content is
the content is Much of the Much of the content All content is
Adequate moderately
adequate and content is adequate is inadequate inadequate for the
Content adequate for the
pertinent for the for the task. content for the task. task.

Outstanding use of Moderately Inadequate or No use of

Quite adequate use
presentation support adequate use of insufficient use of presentation
Presentation of presentation
(intonation, presentation presentation support
Support support (intonation,
gestures, visuals, support (intonation, support (intonation, (intonation,
gestures, visuals,
videos, etc.) gestures, visuals, gestures, visuals, gestures, visuals,
(visual, auditory, videos, etc.)
paralinguistic) appropriate and videos, etc.) videos, etc.) videos, etc.)
appropriate for the
pertinent for the appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the
task. task. task. task.


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