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 First, there must be a constructed thought

“No man ate raw meat.”

“Man only ate cooked meat.”

 Cooking- we already have the concept of fire

 Concept of animals that can be consumed

Premise I: Pottery came from the Chinese.

Premise II: Bagoong is fermented via clay plots.

 Bagoong is a product of Chinese influence.

Aircraft warfare: “Walang sense na makita mo ung baba kung wala ka namang ibabagsak.”


- subjects everything to scrutiny

- has the power to make the world a more reasonable place

1. Formulate your question- know what you are looking for, goals, aim
a. Formulate your intentions: what do you want to communicate in the first place
b. You need to know what you don’t understand
c. The wisest man knows everything that he doesn’t know.
d. There is a tendency for you to be guided by your own biases and prejudice.
2. Gather your information- options
a. Does it support the path?
3. Apply information- objectiveness of the information
4. Consider the implications- sustainability, long-term consequences
a. Sequential thinking
5. Explore other points of view- explore why some policies that don’t appeal to you appeal to
a. To strengthen or sharpen the structure
b. Create alternatives


- There is always a catch somewhere

- There is always a lack of information
- Expect the unexpected
- You need a certain amount of pessimism in your life in order to be real

“How are you going to package yourself in the next four years into something unique and not just a by-
product of mass production?”

Chef boy next door :>

Are you really ready for college?

 Skill-based?
 Intellect-based?
 Academically?

Max Planck and Chaeuffeur

Planck’s constant

1. The world is overflowing with information.

a. You cannot master everything; “Master of none, but still better than a master of one.”
b. Even in a shallow level, you cannot discriminate information.
c. Best not to act on information we haven’t reviewed ourselves; this generation does not
have a habit on reflection on actions--- consumerist generation, we consume things to
the point where they’re exhausted
2. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you’re the easiest person to fool.

–Richard Feynman

“You need to know it enough in order to explain it to a five-year old.”

1. Explain
2. Identify any gaps in your understanding.
3. Go back to the source material
4. Repeat the three steps above until you have mastered the topic

Original analogy

Any intelligent fool chuchu

What is one thing that you can contribute to other people’s body of knowledge? How can you make it
exciting? Do you know anything that is exciting that other people don’t know?

Anything can be thought.

Because we ae selfish beings, one thing cannot destroy the other.

You cannot love in the absence of hate.

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