Rumors and Blasphemies

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d40 Rumor
1 The stars above are just like our sun, each with a world around it. Upon those worlds are
the devils of hell, surrounding us in a sea of space.
2 Jesus was not the Son of God, but a traveler from a distant sun.
3 Catholic and Lutheran leaders battle each other as a ruse, letting a more powerful
enemies think they are at each other’s throats to throw these enemies off guard.
4 This world is hell, and we are the demons.
5 Heaven is not in the afterlife, but a world we can escape to now.
6 I have seen silver coins bearing the strange markings of lost Atlantis!
7 A man living on northern face of the Alps once adventured to other worlds and has gone
8 A man living on the norther face of the Alps hires adventurers to explore new worlds with
him across a sea of time.
9 A man living on the norther face of the Alps has been possessed by one of Lucifer’s
10 A man living on the norther face of the Alps as opened a gate to Hell.
11 The people of Pembrooktonshire know the whereabouts of a home used by a base of
operations of an adventurer who travels to strange lands and returned with great treasure.
12 Pagan Gods established temples atop the Alps before the time of the Roman Empire.
13 Holy men and women of Catholic, Lutheran, Catholic, and Moslem faiths worked
together three generations ago to stop a Pagan God from rising.
14 In the distant reaches of the Alps, the Pagan Gods are still worshipped.
15 The Roman Catholic Church destroyed all records of Gods worshipped before the time
of Greece and Rome.
16 The Roman Catholic Church has extensive and hidden records of the unknown Gods
worshipped before the time of Greece and Rome.
17 There is a terrible weapon hidden in ruins high in the Alps.
18 The dead sometimes walk amongst us, disguised as the living.
19 Hidden in a Pagan temple is a Cure for the World’s Pain.
20 Priests of a Pagan God found the Holy Grail years ago and hid it away.
21 The Tsar has sent agents into the Holy Roman Empire looking for the Seventh Seal of
the Apocalypse.
22 The villagers of Dunnsmouth know rumors of a ruin in the mountains above them.
23 The Tsar has hired out his troops as mercenaries to one faction of a terrible war raging
in the Far East.
24 The people of the north are turning from God to strange rituals to save themselves from
the Holy War.
25 If you stare into mirror and say the Hail Mary three times, you can sometimes see a
strange creature in the reflection looking at you.
26 Witches speak not to Devils but to Creatures that in the stars.
27 Witches speak to God’s Avenging Angels.
28 God’s Angels are terrifying and drive men to madness upon being seen.
29 People living outside the town of Karlstadt have turned from God and worship ants and
30 People living in Karlstadt are being promised heaven on earth by witches living among
31 Spies from the worlds around the stars are sent to our world.
32 Our Maker does not live in Heaven, but in one of the stars above.
33 People around Karlstadt have been vanishing. Some say it is because they are fleeing
the battles raging nearby. But others say these people disappear without a trace, leaving
without their objects or a goodbye.
34 A man traveled with another man, who owned a sphere of gold that could transport you
to another world.
35 There is something wrong with the people of Dunnsmouth.
36 The people of Dunnsmouth are warm and inviting.
37 Creatures walk the earth as men, using magic to disguise their true nature.
38 There is another world beyond mirrors. It is where vampires live.
39 The Catholic King of France is backing the Protestant King of Sweden in an attack on
the Holy Roman Empire.
40 Men with blue skin have been seen in the highlands to the west, reportedly killing
horses, where lighting and thunder rumble for days..
Also, there is a “Local Rumor” table as they head into A Stranger Storm at the start of the
Each PC rolls a d8 and receives one of the following rumors from someone heading the
opposite direction the group travels:

Rumors for A Stranger Storm

d8 Rumor
1-4. Meteors fell into the area you are traveling the night before
5-6. Strange meteors, burning with a fire that looked like scarlet rubies, appeared suddenly
in the sky last night, before falling to earth
7. A group of men went to investigate several strange meteors that fell to earth in the
direction you are traveling. They found cracked stones with hollow centers, too hot to touch.
8. Several men went to examine some strange meteorites that fell last night. They found the
shattered remains of the meteors, but nothing else of interest. But two of the men were later
found dead the next morning.

General Synopsis:

The characters are travelling from Middenheim to Altdorf when they run afoul of bad weather.

isolated in a remote inn and nearby village due to torrential downpours that are miring travel on the dirt
roads; while isolated in this remote community, foul murders are happening, and it becomes readily
apparent, when identical doubles of some of the characters begin to appear, that there are supernatural
shenanigans afoot. The scenes tend to move between the inn, the village, the roads, and ultimately the
nearby orphanage. The players have quite a bit of agency on how they react to the discovery that not
everyone around is how they appear.

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