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Fabric Yarn Facts

Sponsored by Wear-Dated, Solutias brand name for tough, tested, reliable
upholstery fabric.
V~sit the Wear-Dated web site to learn more about Wear-Dated upholstery

Three Techniques of Three Major Methods Colors and

Yarn S}2inning of Fabric Constuction Finishing

• Warp Spinning 49 Weaving • Colors

•• Ring Spinning •• Tufting • Finishing
• QQen End Spinning • Knitting


Cotton, wool, and man-made staple products are converted to
yarn by a process called spinning. Upholstery fabric yarns are
,spun by three basic methods:

II!) Warp Spinning

@ Ring Spinning

t9 Open End Spinning

Warp Spinning

In wrap spinning? a bundle

of parallel fibers is
wrappedin a spiraling
- fashion with other fibers. A
bundle may contain 150-
?nn indh1i£111;:. .•1 f-ihprc: alrvno
yarn r acrs Dy vvear-i.zateu r'age La at'
strong: dense yarns.

In ring spinning a parallel bundle of fibers is tightly twisted for
cohesion and strength. No wrapper fiber is needed.

With open end
spinning the yarn has
individual fibers that
are not arranged as
uniformly as in wrap or
ring spun yarns. Most
of the fibers are generally parallel, but with lots of crisscrossing,
while some fiber irregularly wraps around the main bundle.

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Lesson 20
Smooth ..filament
Bulk Yarns
Flat fitarnent yarns
~L!Non-elasticpolyamide. Monofilament Guarantee transparency,
(~~ ""GoOdfor hosi~ry,. lingerie, s:vimwear.
~ Characteristics of fllament yarns
II Do not shed lint
Resist pilling
III Fabrics shed soil
• Pack into compact yarns that give little bulk, loft, or cover
(used in wind- and water-resistant fabrics)
&I Non-absorbent

Characteristics of bulk, stretch textured

II bulk
II stretch
• Absorbency

exturing Filament Yarn

1m False Twist
II Draw Texturing
IB. Stutter Box
Ii Air Jet
B Knit-de-knit
• Knife Edge
unzmo ••

~~'I, False Twist

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Auction Classification


Classification of yarn is based on the number of

strands it is composed of. The strength and texture of a
fabric too depends on the method by which the fiber is
kourses produced.
Publication Jobs SINGLE YARNS:
~~~~:~.;~ 5i,Rgle or oDe-pl~ Yarns r:e sinSlle strarrds compDsed
4~ Of fibers belLI togetner: By at l.east a smal amOtJAt
f twist 0
21 Sf filaments grooped togettrec ettber witb or
witboat wist
3) e:t: £i r:'I 9 ':::@::"g'i-I -@-,Fl~=--rn--a--El';"":e~:=:-i;--"I
e-m-e-r.:l-'t<-s-e-'-x-'~r-u-:r_'e'="_a ins ufri ci e nt
tbicKness for; use alor:J€ a5 ¥ar:n E~nQJ;)otiiarneAts). "FA€~e
!3E- nsen to !+1aK@ f:te §jt::@@t€st varietY ef. ffii3r:i(;$.
Exhibition L
E~sniQD_~tlowS PLVYARI\jS:

CusJomer~are Two or more single yarns twisted together comprise the

QthJ;~r_lin kJi P-Io/f plied or folded yarns. e,g. "1w.:O:=:r;>i:y: ¥an;'J-t;S
1Qgout ceB~-peJs@Gf twe sin§le strands,
Three-ply yarns compose of three single strands.

Ply ¥et-:1l5
- ... twisted tn 'CR€ ame dlrectton, the fiber is firmer,
produdng, harder texture and r.~dJJcjng flexJbility, TheM
provlde strengtl3 for eav; Industrtat fal3r'G£ ar-:ld also
sed for elicate-Iookin _ sheer fabr' cs,

;rwistjng ply ~ar:n5 egecFter I2roduces cora y-arns. The

final LWlst is usually applied in the opposite direction of
the Ply twist. G 15e cords may- follow an SZS fnrm witt! l

S-tmste~ -I g/es made tnto z-twisted plies that r

then com1Jined with arr S-·twist, or may follow a ZSZ
form. Hawser cord may follow an SZS or a ZZS pattern.
These ~ar./Js rnav bE used as a rOQe 6F t:wiAe i\Pa:'j:: be
-ati@ jj;ltg eav'! iAEil:Jst:rial f-a9J:iGS,Or a Be e6ffi~eseEl
<of extremely fine fiber that Fe made ttP iota sheer
dress a res.



T:extb!r.i!:lg r.OGesses exe otiqirratlv applied tEl man

ffi -ae fiber to redeee sueh ctraracteristlcs a
teansparencv, slipperiness. Texturing processes rnake
yarns more opaque, improve appearance and texture
and increase warmth and absorbency. Textured yarns
are man-made continuous filaments, modified to Impart
special texture and appearance. In the production of
abraded varns, the surfaces are roughened or cut at
various levels and given added twist, producing a hairy

Stretch Yarns are frequent continuous ftlarnents, man-

made yarns that are very tightly twisted, hand set, then
untwisted producing a spiral crimp giving a springy
character. Although bulk is imparted in the process, a
very high amount of twist is required to produce yarn
that has not only bulk, but also stretch.

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