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Romanian Journal of Cardiology | Vol. 27, No.

3, 2017


Biomarkers in emergency cardiology:

cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, acute coronary
syndromes, pulmonary thromboembolism, acute aortic
syndrome and acute heart failure
Antoniu Octavian Petris1, Gabriel Tatu-Chitoiu2, Ioan Mircea Coman3, Diana Tint4, Ruxandra Christodorescu5,
Valentin Chioncel6, Dan Darabantiu7, Diana Cimpoesu1, Laura Antohi8, Laurentiu Sorodoc1, Lucian Petrescu5,
Calin Pop9, Alexandre Mebazaa10, Ovidiu Chioncel3

Abstract: Biomarkers have been accepted into daily clinical practice for several decades and are now widely used in the
field of emergency cardiology, as a tool for quick diagnosis of some acute critical conditions requiring an early and adequate
therapeutic approach. At first, they were frowned upon (“guessing in the blood sample”) and then they were used indiscrimi-
nately (creating a new so-called disease - “troponinitis” etc). Utilization for diagnosis, risk stratification or treatment strategy
purposes requires an appropriate selection of the biomarkers, assuming specific variations in different clinical conditions.The
development of these biomarkers have often caused another problem concerning the need for a more cautious interpreta-
tion, adapted to the type of patient with single-organ vs multi-organ failure who will require a quantitative multimarker high
sensitivity approach: in this case point-of-care assessment is not enough. Reviewing the latest European Society of Cardiology
(ESC) and European Resuscitation Council (ERC) Guidelines on acute cardio-vascular conditions (ESC Guidelines for STEMI–
2012, ESC Guidelines for acute pulmonary thromboembolism and Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of aortic
diseases date from 2014, ESC Guidelines for NSTEMI and cardiac arrest from 2015 and ESC/HFA Guidelines for acute heart
failure from 2016) we noticed the considerable proportion achieved by biomarkers as components of decision making in
diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic approaches. Some biomarkers are mentioned in almost all of these Guidelines (natri-
uretic proteins and cardiac troponins), while copeptin, H-FABP and GFD-15 are more and more frequently referenced in di-
fferent acute critical conditions and, obviously, a number of particular biomarkers are specific only to certain acute situations
(e.g. NSE, S100B in resuscitation, ST2, adrenomedullin and galactin-3 in heart failure). Clearly, it has lately become difficult to
contest the role of biomarkers as biological signals that have to be taken into account in daily practice.
Keywords: biomarkers, emergency cardiology, resuscitation, acute coronary syndromes, pulmonary thromboembolism, acu-
te heart failure, acute aortic syndromes

Rezumat: Biomarkerii au fost acceptaţi în activitatea clinică zilnică de mai multe decenii şi sunt acum utilizaţi pe scară
largă în domeniul cardiologiei de urgenţă, ca instrument de diagnosticare rapidă a unor condiţii critice acute care necesită o
abordare terapeutică precoce şi adecvată. Primiţi la început cu circumspecţie (un soi de “ghicit în proba de sânge”) au fost
folosiţi ulterior nediscriminatoriu (punând bazele unei pseudo-afecţiuni noi, aşa-numită “troponinită” etc). Utilizarea în scop

“Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “St. Spiridon” Contact address:
Emergency Clinical County Hospital, Iasi, Romania Antoniu Octavian Petris, MD, Phd, “Grigore T. Popa” University of
Clinic of Cardiology, Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania Medicine and Pharmacy, “St. Spiridon” County Emergency Hospital, Clinic
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, “C.C. Iliescu” of Cardiology, Indepedentei Boulevard, no. 1, 700111 Iasi, Romania.
Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: antoniu.petris@yahoo.ro
“Transilvania” University, Faculty of Medicine, ICCO Clinics, Brasov,
“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Institute of
Cardiovascular Medicine Timisoara, Romania
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, „Bagdasar Arseni”
Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
“Vasile Goldis” University, Emergency County Hospital, Arad, Romania
“C.C. Iliescu” Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases,
Bucharest, Romania
“Vasile Goldis” University, “Dr. Constantin Opris” Emergency County
Hospital, Baia Mare, Romania
University Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, U942 Inserm, Hôpitaux
Lariboisière „Saint Louis” University Hospitals, Paris, France

Antoniu Octavian Petris et al. Romanian Journal of Cardiology
Biomarkers in emergency cardiology Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

diagnostic, de stratificare a riscului sau de stabilire a strategiei terapeutice necesită o selecţie adecvată a acestor biomarkeri
care prezintă, de altfel, variaţii specifice în diverse situaţii clinice. Extinderea utilizării acestor biomarkeri a generat şi o serie
de dileme referitoare la necesitatea interpretării mai prudente, adaptată tipului de insuficienţă unică de organ versus afectarea
multi-organ, ceea ce ar impune o abordare cantitativă de înaltă sensibilitate tip multimarker: în aceste cazuri determinările
doar point-of-care nu sunt suficiente. Trecerea în revistă a ultimelor ghiduri de practică medicală elaborate de către Societatea
Europenă de Cardiologie (ESC) şi Consiliul European de Resuscitare (ERC) privind afecţiunile cardiovasculare acute (Ghidul ESC
pentru STEMI-2012, Ghidul ESC pentru tromboembolismul pulmonar acut şi Ghidul pentru diagnosticul şi tratamentul afecţi-
unilor aortice din 2014, Ghidul ESC pentru NSTEMI şi stopul cardiac din 2015 şi ghidul ESC/HFA pentru insuficienţa cardiacă
acută din 2016) permite a se observa ponderea tot mai importantă ocupată de către biomarkeri ca şi componente ale pro-
cesului de luare a deciziilor în cursul abordărilor diagnostice, prognostice sau terapeutice. Unii biomarkeri sunt menţionaţi
în aproape toate aceste ghiduri (proteinele natriuretice şi troponinele cardiace), în timp ce copeptina, H-FABP şi GFD-15
sunt din ce în ce mai frecvent menţionaţi în variate situaţii critice acute iar un număr de biomarkeri particulari sunt specifici
numai unor anumite situaţii acute (de exemplu NSE, S100B în resuscitare, ST2, adrenomedulina şi galactina-3 în insuficienţa
cardiacă). Evident, în ultimul timp a devenit dificil de contestat rolul biomarkerilor ca semnale biologice care trebuiesc luate
în considerare în practica clinică zilnică.
Cuvinte cheie: biomarkeri, cardiologie de urgenţă, resuscitare, sindroame coronariene acute, tromobembolism pulmonar,
insuficienţă cardiacă acută, sindroame aortice acute

INTRODUCTION an indication of normal biologic processes, pathogenic

Emergency medicine is an officially recognized medi- processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeu-
cal specialty in many countries and is already pivotal tic intervention”5 with the aim to improve prevention,
in pre-hospital and Emergency Department settings. prediction, diagnosis, and prognosis of cardiovascular
Chest pain, dyspnea, syncope and cardiac arrest are disease and, last but not least, to decrease the related
often reasons for hospitalization in the Cardiology costs.
Department or may occur during hospitalization. A Interest in using an improved diagnostic test in the
emergency department and in the intensive cardiac
significant and delicate part of our daily activity in an
care unit implies the need to reduce the use of hos-
ordinary cardiology clinic is dedicated to managing
pital resources and associated costs using three main
cardiovascular emergencies. Nowadays, biomarkers
approaches: by providing arguments for early initiation
complement clinical assessment, 12-lead ECG and
of a highly effective therapy, thereby reducing the ten-
emergency imaging in the diagnosis, risk stratification
dency of worsening patient clinical status and the deve-
and treatment of patients with acute cardiac syndro-
lopment of complications, by eliminating the need for
mes1. Acute coronary syndromes (ACS), acute heart
other, more expensive explorations, or by providing an
failure (AHF), acute pulmonary thromboembolism alternative diagnosis allowing patient treatment in the
(PTE) and cardiac arrest are diagnoses that cause the Emergency Department or as an outpatient6.
most common challenges for any contact points with For instance, the use of a 3-in-1 point-of-care tes-
medical emergencies: pre-hospital, Emergency Depart- ting (POCT) for cardiac troponin T (cTnT), N-termi-
ment, Intensive Cardiac Care Units or cardiac wards. nal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and D-
Of course, numerous cardiovascular biomarkers are dimer in cardiovascular risk stratification at primary
now available even in primary care medicine. By ad- care level for diagnosing acute coronary syndromes
opting easy to use Point-of-Care (POC)-instruments, (ACS), heart failure (HF) and thromboembolic events
numerous false-positive ACS, AHF, and PTE diagnoses (TE) highlights the potential for substantial health-eco-
were avoided, offering more appropriate ruling in/out nomic savings7.
arguments2. In a more strict sense, but adapted to current main
Moreover, biomarkers are mainly involved in cardiac research directions using improved automated analy-
arrests, alongside clinical examination, electrophysio- tical methodologies, “biomarkers” are those markers
logy, and imaging, in a multimodal approach3 within the which are measured in biological specimens, such as
“fine art of prognostication”4. cells or serum (e.g. microparticles, circulating micro-
The notion of “biomarker”, already introduced in RNAs, blood transcriptomes, proteomics, metabo-
1980, is considered to be, in the broad sense,“a charac- lomics, lipidomics etc.)8, pieces of information “written
teristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as in blood”9.
Romanian Journal of Cardiology Antoniu Octavian Petris et al.
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017 Biomarkers in emergency cardiology

A current selection of the most reliable biomarkers - “Troponinister (tro’-po-nin-is’’-ter) n. a staunch

requires completion of 9-step criteria for their evalu- (n.n. Wilcox use the term “rabid”), misguided
ation: 1. proof of concept, 2. prospective validation, 3. advocate of the importance of troponins”.
establishing their incremental value, 4. clinical usage, 5. Far from being seen at present as “icing on the
clinical outcomes, 6. cost-effectiveness data, 7. ease of cake”, increased biomarker levels must be interpreted
use, 8. methodological consensus and establishment of only in a clinical context, otherwise, as it was bluntly
reference values (or, at least, cut-off values)10 (Table 1). put by DB Mark, “looking at biomarkers (A/N) in iso-
Biomarkers are used as a diagnostic tool according lation may thus be akin to seeing smoke trailing out
to specific rule-in/rule-out protocols that have been of the window of a house without having any notion
validated in clinical studies. On the one hand, the trans- of what is on fire, where that fire is, or how it can be
fer of a potential reproducible, specific and sensitive extinguished”6.
biomarker from discovery to clinical practice (bench- The progression of all of these biomarkers has of-
to-bedside) is not a simple process, mostly filled with ten caused considerable difficulties to the critical care
pitfalls and limitations, which can be removed through physician who deals with multiorgan failure14. Some
a suite of strategies: improve the assay, combine se- concentrations frequently lead to a more cautious in-
veral markers, check for subpopulations and stratify terpretation and subsequent changes in therapeutic
population11. decisions rather than to the emergency physician who
On the other hand, in 2001, at a meeting of the Ame- usually deals with patients presenting with chest pain,
rican College of Cardiology, Robert Wilcox (quoted by breathlessness or other single-organ pathology (Table
Marc S. Sabatine)12 introduced (obvious ironically) new 2). Depending on whether biomarkers are organ spe-
medical terms to which he added explanations: cific vs. unspecific and disease specific vs. unspecific,
- “Troponinite (tro’-po-nin-ite)13 n. a patient with their incremental clinical value (whether it is diagnos-
low clinical probability of ischemia who is victimi- tic, prognostic or serves to guide therapy) increases.
zed by reflex responses to inconsequential bor- Since these are components of patient management
derline elevation of the cardiac troponins”. more and more frequently mentioned in daily practice,
it would be useful to review the place of biomarkers
Table 1. Biomarkers evaluated for CPR / ACS / PTE/ in the current Guidelines on acute cardiac conditi-
AHF/AAS ons (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, acute coronary
Troponin (cTn)
syndromes, pulmonary thromboembolism, and acute
Natriuretic peptides (NPs - B-type natriuretic peptide, N-terminal
heart failure).
pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and midregional pro-A-type natriuretic
Heart Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (H-FABP)
Serum neuron specific enolase (NSE)
Astroglial protein S100B AND CARDIO-PULMONARY
Growth Differentiation Factor 15 (GDF-15) RESUSCITATION
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein
Biomarkers (cardiac, neurological and inflammatory)
Midregional pro-adrenomedullin
Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) represent a growing area of interest in the heteroge-
Ischaemia-modified albumin nous field of cardiac arrest, as they may provide the
Procalcitonine – PCT rescuers with early and valuable information on the
Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB) severity of organ dysfunction in order for them to
Unesterified free fatty acids
make a decision on clinical strategies and prognostica-
Soluble CD40 ligand
te outcomes17, even a decision on withdrawal of care,
Placental growth factor if this is admissible from a legal point of view.
Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) The most commonly used biomarkers to assess the
Choline degree of organ damage after cardiac arrest explore17:
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (fms-like tyrosine kinase,
- the brain status (e.g. a neuronal isoform of the
Prothrombin fragment 1 and 2 (f1.2) glycolytic enzyme enolase - NSE that is involved
Thrombus precursor protein (TpP) in glucose metabolism, an intracellular calcium-
P-selectin binding dimer implicated in neuronal differenti-
Circulating microRNAs ation and proliferation - protein S100B, the Glial
Antoniu Octavian Petris et al. Romanian Journal of Cardiology
Biomarkers in emergency cardiology Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

Table 2. Causes of elevated concentrations of cardiac troponin and natriuretic peptides (other than acute coronary
Causes of elevated concentrations of cardiac troponin Causes of elevated concentrations of natriuretic peptides

Cardiac Cardiac
• Coronary spasm • Heart failure (acute or chronic)
• Tachy- and bradyarrhythmia • Atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias
• Heart failure (acute or chronic) • Pulmonary embolism
• Pulmonary embolism • Severe pulmonary hypertension
• Severe pulmonary hypertension • Myocarditis
• Myocarditis • Left ventricular hypertrophy
• Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy (stress-induced cardiomyopathy) • Hypertrophic or restrictive cardiomyopathy
• Aortic dissection, aortic valve disease, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy • Valvular heart disease
• Hypertensive emergencies • Congenital heart disease
• Cardiac contusion • Cardiac contusion
• Cardiac procedures (CABG, PCI, ablation, pacing, cardioversion, • Cardioversion, ICD shock
endomyocardial biopsy) • Cardiac surgical procedures involving the heart
• Infiltrative diseases (e.q. amyloidosis, haemochromatosis, sarcoidosis,
• Myocardial drug toxicity and poisoning (e.q. doxorubicin,
5-flourouracil, snake venoms)

Non-cardiac Non-cardiac
• Acute neurological event (e.g. ischaemic stroke or subarachnoid • Advanced age
haemorrhage) • Acute neurological event (e.g. ischaemic stroke or subarachnoid
• Renal dysfunction haemorrhage)
• Hypo- and hyperthyroidism • Renal dysfunction
• Extreme endurance efforts • Liver dysfunction (mainly liver cirrhosis with ascites)
• Rhabdomyolysis • Severe metabolic and hormone abnormalities (e.g. thyrotoxicosis,
• Critical illness (e.g. shock/ sepsis/ burns if affecting >30% of body diabetic ketosis)
surface area) • Paraneoplastic syndrome
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Anaemia
• Critical illness (e.g. shock/ sepsis/ burns if affecting >30% of body
surface area)

Fibrillary Acidic Protein – GFAP, a monomeric in- resuscitation from cardiac arrest that relates inversely
termediate-filament component of the astrocytic with survival outcomes19, but this has not been proven
cytoskeleton, the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic in studies on human subjects20.
Factor – BDNF, a brain glutamic oxalic transami- European Resuscitation Council and European So-
nase, lactate dehydrogenase and lactate in the ce- ciety of Intensive Care Medicine Guidelines for Post-
rebrospinal fluid, Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule resuscitation Care (2015)21 stated that after cardio-
- N-CAM, also called CD56 and selectins). pulmonary resuscitation a multimodal approach to
- the heart status (cardiac troponin - cTnI, cTnT prognostication is essential and includes: clinical exa-
and brain natriuretic peptide – BNP, creatine ki- mination, electrophysiology, biomarkers and imaging.
nase – CK). Cardiac biomarker testing (troponine and CK-MB)
- the inflammation status that contributes to the should quickly be evaluated in all patients who arrived/
development of exaggerate Systemic Inflammato- developed a cardiac arrest in the Emergency Depart-
ry Response Syndrome - SIRS after cardiac arrest, ment associated with chest pain22.
so-called “sepsis-like syndrome”18, indirectly re- Cautionary, in case of cardiopulmonary resuscitati-
flecting the peripheral circulation status as early on (CPR) two elements must be well-known23:
as 3 hours after cardiac arrest (C-Reactive Prote- - the delay in release of biomarkers from dama-
in - hsCRP,Tumor Necrosis Factor - TNF-, Inter- ged myocardium makes the certification of acute
leukin IL-1, -6, -8, procalcitonine – PCT, soluble myocardial infarction diagnosis difficult in the first
Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid cells 1 hours after the onset of symptoms;
-sTREAM-1). - the sensitivity and specificity of the link betwe-
Plasma cytochrome c may have been studied in rats en biomarkers and the acute coronary artery
as a novel in vivo marker of mitochondrial injury after occlusion as the cause of cardiac arrest are low,
Romanian Journal of Cardiology Antoniu Octavian Petris et al.
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017 Biomarkers in emergency cardiology

as many other factors can be involved: myocardial for a poor outcome after cardiac arrest and induced
injury during resuscitation maneuvers and defi- hypothermia29.
brillation, the duration of resuscitation or of car- The combination of brain CT and serum NSE im-
diac arrest with diffuse myocardial hypoperfusion, proves the prognostic performance when compared
especially if a coronary artery disease is present to either alone in predicting poor neurologic outco-
in the patient’s history. me in cardiac arrest patients treated with therapeutic
The values of hs-TnT. even if they are elevated in hypothermia30.
patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest ventricular Increasing NSE levels are more suitable than its ab-
fibrillation or tachycardia, do not improve risk predic- solute serum levels for the prediction of poor neuro-
tion either, as showed by the data from the prospecti- logic outcomes31.
ve FINNRESUSCI study24. Biomarkers, Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
It was believed that percutaneous coronary inter- (SSEP) and imaging studies may play a prognostication
ventions (PCI), especially if performed early after hos- role in patients with prolonged sedation and/or pa-
pital admission, could influence troponin levels after a ralysis, since they are insensitive to drug interference22.
cardiac arrest/CPR, but in a small study PCI did not sig- Only procalcitonin (PCT) as biomarker of inflamma-
nificantly alter serum levels of cardiac markers (cTnI) tion seems to have some correlation with poor out-
in patients with AMI compared with those with non- comes, but, as with other inflammatory markers, sepsis
ST elevation CA25. acts as camouflage in the prognostication of patients
The predictive value of NT-pro-BNP/BNP in cardi- with hypoxic encephalopathy32.
ac arrest/CPR is altered by many factors (myocardi- Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs), non-protein co-
al stretching, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ding RNA molecules that are evolutionarily conserved
pulmonary thromboembolism, thyroid disease, sepsis, and ubiquitously expressed as regulators of gene ex-
renal failure), but high BNP levels have been associa- pression, are released very early after cardiac injury
ted to poor outcomes without knowing yet exactly and may be useful predictors of neurological outco-
if elevated levels reflect the presence of an significant mes and survival after cardiac arrest33.
cardiac overload after global ischemia or just quantify
the extent of brain damage26. BIOMARKERS IN EMERGENCY
NSE and S-100B are protein biomarkers released CARDIOLOGY: ACUTE CORONARY
following injury to neurons and glial cells, respectively, SYNDROMES
that are likely to correlate with the extent of anoxic–
Along with acute dyspnea and often associated to this,
ischaemic neurological injury and with the severity of
acute chest pain is one of the most common emer-
neurological outcomes, but hemolysis in blood sam-
gency complaints: around 10 million patients per year
ples may lead to a potential misclassification prognosis
in Europe and 8 million in the US34,35.Therefore, errors
for NSE levels and will not affect S100B values17,27.
can occur: on the one hand, only approximately one-
The advantages of the two already mentioned ne-
third of patients are diagnosed with an ACS, on the
urological biomarkers compared to both electroen-
other hand, among patients who are diagnosed with
cephalography and clinical examination are that they
non-cardiac chest pain, 1-4% actually have ACS, making
provide quantitative results and they are sedatives
these missed diagnoses a reason for increased morta-
effects free. It should be noted, however, that only the
combination of these biomarkers with other diagnos-
tic tools (e.g., SSEP, EEG, MRI and clinical examinati- ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
on) could significantly improve their sensitivity and Nowadays, biomarkers make the distinction between
specificity in predicting outcomes after cardiac arrest/ the occurrence of just ischemia or necrosis in acute
CPR and none of these biomarkers can predict a good coronary syndromes, and therefore the current in-
cerebral post CPR outcome17. In addition, it is diffi- ternational consensus definition (“universal definition
cult to find a cut-off value accurate enough to identify of myocardial infarction”) states that the term “acute
patients with a poor outcome with a high degree of myocardial infarction” should be used only when there
certainty and the NSE levels may be significantly re- is evidence of myocardial necrosis in a clinical setting
duced during therapeutic hypothermia28. Hence, NSE where myocardial ischaemia occurred37.
above 28 microg/l at 48 h and a rise in NSE of more As set forth by all current guidelines, a combination
than 2 microg/l between 24 and 48 h were markers of criteria is required to meet the diagnosis of acute
Antoniu Octavian Petris et al. Romanian Journal of Cardiology
Biomarkers in emergency cardiology Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

myocardial infarction”.The detection of rise and/or fall timing of myocardial injury and the detection of early
of cardiac biomarker values (preferably any member reinfarction14.
of the troponin familly: hs+/- T, I,) with at least one The assessment of copeptin, the C-terminal part of
value above the 99th percentile of the upper reference the vasopressin prohormone, may quantify the endo-
limit is essential, associated with at least one of the genous stress level in multiple medical conditions (e. g.
following38: cardiac ischemia). Copeptin may be used in addition to
• symptoms of ischaemia; high-sensitivity cardiac troponin for the early rule-out
• new or presumably new significant ST-T changes of MI42.
or new LBBB; Natriuretic peptides rise in response to increased
• development of pathological Q waves in the ECG; myocardial wall stress14.The precursor peptide of BNP
• imaging evidence (usual echocardiographic) of stored in granules of ventricular myocytes is cleaved
new loss of viable myocardium, or new regional in response to wall stress and myocyte stretch into its
wall motion abnormality; physiologically active hormone, B-type natriuretic pep-
• identification of an intracoronary thrombus via tide (BNP) and N-terminal pro-BNP – BNP, both being
angiography or autopsy. released simultaneously into the serum as result of in-
Cardiac biomarkers should be measured in all pa- creasing hemodynamic stress and cardiac ischemia43.
tients who present with chest discomfort consistent However, many studies have established the role of
with ACS (Level of Evidence: B)39. natriuretic peptides in diagnosing, staging, making ad-
Blood sampling for serum markers is routinely car- mission/discharge decisions and identifying patients at
ried out in the acute phase, but one should not wait risk for adverse clinical events in various acute critical
for the results before initiating reperfusion treatment. conditions. Normal levels have robust negative predic-
Troponin (T or I) is the biomarker of choice, with a tive value. There are certain limitations in using these
proven higher sensitivity and specificity for cardiomyo- biomarkers.
cyte injury than creatine kinase (CK), its MB isoenzy- Although studies did not meet sensitivity/specificity
me (CK-MB) and myoglobin8. criteria for the use of BNP or NT-proBNP in the dia-
The development of high-sensitivity (hs) assays for gnosis of ACS, they supported the addition of BNP as
troponin I and T has improved the diagnostic sensiti- part of a multimarker approach with TnI, CK-MB and
vity for acute myocardial infarction, decreased the time myoglobin to increase the sensitivity of diagnosing AMI
to diagnosis (cardiac troponins rise rapidly, usually wi- from 86% to 100% in chest pain patients presenting to
thin 1 h after symptom onset, but remain still elevated the emergency department without any clinical signs
for a variable period of time, usually several days) and of congestive heart failure43.
led to quicker rule-out of myocardial ischaemia8. Associated clinical conditions such as advanced age,
High-sensitivity assays allow overcoming the sensi- obesity, tachyarrhythmia, LV hypertrophy, renal dys-
tivity-deficit of the cTn assays available at that time function and some therapeutic resources may influ-
resulting in the “troponin-blind period” and are re- ence NPs levels. Even though for acute heart failure
commended over less sensitive ones. In a study that some limits are set, there are no definitive cut-off valu-
revealed correlation between the angiographic culprit es in patients with signs and symptoms of heart failure
lesions and cardiac biomarkers hs-TnT had the highest following acute myocardial infarction39.
sensitivity for prediction of lesions requiring emergen- Heart Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (H-FABPs) are
cy PCI and heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H- small cytosolic proteins that are important in the
FABP) displayed significant correlations with a number transport of long-chain fatty acids in cardiac myocytes.
of diseased vessels and the presence of a thrombotic After cardiac ischemia and subsequent cell membrane
lesion40. damage, H-FABP is released into the extracellular spa-
CK-MB shows a more rapid decline after acute ce within 1-3 hours, returning to normal within 12-24
myocardial infarction (CKMB is released within 2-4 h14,43. The diagnostic sensitivity of H-FABP for cardiac
hours, peaks at 24 hours following pressure overload injury is 93.1%, higher than CK-MB, cTn and myoglobin
or ischemia, and returns to normal by 36-72 hours) as for the early diagnosis of AMI within first 6 hours of
compared with cardiac troponin (an increase occur- chest pain44,45.
ring 2-4 hours after symptoms and remaining elevated H-FABP has shown no additional diagnostic value
for 7-14 days)41 and may provide added value for the in patients suspected of acute coronary syndrome
Romanian Journal of Cardiology Antoniu Octavian Petris et al.
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017 Biomarkers in emergency cardiology

presenting to the emergency department when hs- biomarkers within 6 h of the onset of symptoms con-
cTnT measurements are also available46. The Matrix sistent with ACS should have biomarkers re-measured
MetalloProteinase (MMPs) family consists of enzymes in the time frame of 8 to 12 h after symptom onset51.
involved in extracellular matrix degradation47. In the NSTEMI can already be ruled-out upon presenta-
setting of myocardial infarction, coronary mast cells tion, if the hs-cTn concentration is very low. NSTEMI
accumulate at the site of an eroded or ruptured can also be ruled-out by the combination of low base-
plaque as part of an inflammatory response and re- line levels and the lack of a relevant increase within 1
lease proteases that degrade the extracellular matrix h / 3 h (“rule-in” and “rule-out’ algorithms). 0 h and 1
via activation of MMPs, particularly MMP-9. MMP-9 is h/3h refer to the time from the first blood test50.
considered a proximal biomarker (shows a close rela- “0 h/1 h algorithm” when high-sensitivity cardiac
tionship with its target disease) for cardiac remodeling troponin assays are available is based on two con-
and a distal biomarker (exhibits non-targeted disease cepts52:
modifying outcomes) for inflammation48. - hs-cTn is a continuous variable and the probabi-
Higher levels of Growth Differentiation Factor-15 lity of acute myocardial infarction increases with
(GDF-15) in patients with ACS are associated with rai- increasing hs-cTn values;
sed risks of all types of major non-CABG-related blee- - early absolute changes of the levels within 1 h can
ding, spontaneous MI and stroke, as well as CV disease be used as surrogates for absolute changes over
and total mortality beyond established risk factors, 1 3 h or 6 h.
SD increase in ln GDF-15 being associated with incre- Cut-off levels are assay-specific.
ased risk of major bleeding and with a similar increase Recently, C. Műller highlighted seven clinical rules
in risk across different bleeding locations49. that may help to ensure best-contemporary clinical
use of hs-cTn blood concentrations in the early dia-
Non-ST-Segment Elevation ACS gnosis of acute myocardial infarction39:
(Non-STE-ACS) 1. First, do not forget the patient! Early diagnosis is
Although the names of the two clinical Non-STE-ACS based on the careful integration of all information
entities include an ECG pattern, at the myocardial level derived from detailed clinical assessment, ECG pat-
cardiomyocyte necroses express themselves throu- terns and the blood concentration of cardiac troponin
gh biomarker release: NSTE-myocardial infarction (cTnT or cTnI).
(NSTEMI) and myocardial ischaemia without cell loss 2. Do not forget the ST-segment elevation! Both hs-
(unstable angina - UA)50. cTn 0 h/3 h or 0 h/1 h-algorithms are applied after
Biomarkers (mainly troponin) join clinical assess- the initial 12-lead ECG has ruled-out the presence of
ment and 12-lead ECG (the right and posterior lead significant ST-segment elevation, which should trigger
can also be helpful) in the diagnosis, risk stratification emergency myocardial revascularization.
and treatment of patients with suspected Non-STE- 3. Do not forget the pre-test-probability! Do not mea-
ACS38. sure cTn in critically ill patients in the intensive cardiac
In the last ACCF/AHA Guidelines for the manage- care unit, unless there is a high pre-test-probability for
ment of patients with unstable angina/non-ST-elevati- acute myocardial infarction, because many other cau-
on myocardial infarction51 once it has been established ses of cardiomyocyte damage can generate very low-
that no biomarker of myocardial necrosis has been re- positive predictive values of elevated hs-cTn blood
leased (based on 2 or more samples collected at least concentrations.
6 h apart, with a reference limit of the 99th percentile 4. Do not forget the staff training! The proper educati-
of the normal population), the patient with ACS may on and training of nurses and juniors doctors avoid di-
be considered to have experienced unstable angina fficulties in implementing the hs-cTn assay and/or the
(UA), whereas the diagnosis of NSTEMI is established hs-cTn 0 h/1 h-algorithm.
if a biomarker has been released. 5. Keep calm and carry on! hs-cTn assays allow for
The UA Guidelines affirm, with a Level of Evidence a shorter time interval to the second cTn measure-
B, that, taking into account the uncertainties often pre- ment after 1, 2, or 3 h reducing time to diagnosis and/
sent with the exact timing of onset of pain and the sen- or right management, stay and costs in the Emergency
sitivity, precision, and institutional norms of the assay Department.
being utilized, as well as the release kinetics of the bio-
marker being measured, patients with negative cardiac
Antoniu Octavian Petris et al. Romanian Journal of Cardiology
Biomarkers in emergency cardiology Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

6. Being troponin-positive is not enough! hs-cTn is a (different time frame strategy: 2 test at 1-3 hours vs. 3
quantitative marker of cardiomyocyte injury, the hi- tests at 6 hours).
gher its blood concentration, the higher the likelihood
for acute myocardial infarction and vice versa. Moreo- BIOMARKERS IN EMERGENCY
ver, very low hs-cTn concentrations at presentation CARDIOLOGY: BIOMARKERS IN ACUTE
have shown a very high negative predictive value for AORTIC SYNDROMES
acute myocardial infarction and were associated with
Aortic dissection also involves an inflammatory res-
extremely low mortality rates at 30 days.
ponse that precludes the dissection, but having a role
7. Nothing is 100%! Both the hs-cTn 0 h/3 h- and 0
in the destruction of the median tunic and which is
h/1 h-algorithms allow for a safe and early triage of
further increased after it occured59. Once aortic
patients, but do not allow for a 100% diagnosis label.
dissection has occured, there is injury and destructi-
Coronary angiography should be considered in pati-
on of the smooth muscle cells which release into the
ents for whom there is a high degree of clinical su-
blood flow preoteolysis products and, on the other
spicion of N-STE-ACS, while in patients with low to
hand, there are lytic processes of the thrombus in the
intermediate likelihood for this condition, computed
false lumen59.
tomography (CT) coronary angiography is a solution
The most important markers used in patients with
to keep in mind.
aortic syndromes are D-dimers. D-dimers (consist of
A useful piece of information is that high-sensitivity
two cross-linked D fragments from fibrinogen) are
cardiac troponin assays also maintain high diagnostic
produced as a consequence of the activation of coa-
accuracy in patients with renal dysfunction, but “assay-
specific” optimal cut-off levels, which are higher in pa- gulation when generation followed by degradation of
tients with renal dysfunction, should be used54. cross-linked fibrin take place60. But as there is a close
Multiple biomarkers have been associated with connection between inflammation and coagulation, D-
mortality in NSTE-ACS: the natriuretic peptides (i.e. dimers are not just markers of fibrinolysis60. Also the
B-type natriuretic peptide, N-terminal pro-B-type na- values are expected to be increased in the elderly and
triuretic peptide and midregional pro-A-type natriure- women61. Their levels increase rapidly, up to one hour,
tic peptide) provide prognostic information on top of adding great utility to fast diagnosis59,62. But negative
cardiac troponin, the high-sensitivity C-reactive pro- D-Dimers (using the same cut-off value as in pulmo-
tein and novel biomarkers such as midregional pro- nary embolism - 500 ug/l, while having higher negative
adrenomedullin (MPAM), growth differentiation factor predictive value for values <100 ug/l) should only rule
15 and copeptin55. out an aortic syndrome, in those patients with a low
However, because these biomarkers have not shown clinical probability; they have no incremental diagnostic
to improve patient management or to increase additi- value when high risk patients are evaluated62,63. Also
onally the short and mid-term prognostic, their routi- D-Dimers should not be used in pregnancy, malig-
ne use cannot be recommended by the Guidelines in nancy, infections, post-surgery, trauma (<4 weeks) or
the meantime. liver cirrhosis as they lack specificity60.There is data on
Large cohort studies have shown that, even in the the prognostic value in patients that have been trea-
range of “normal values”, detectable levels of hs- car- ted with endovascular aortic repair as high persistent
diac troponin I identify individuals with cardiac risk for values (more than 20 days) have been associated with
adverse cardiovascular events, even if not diagnosed increased mortality59. However, It should be noticed,
with acute myocardial infarction, as this may reflect that the different assays for the detection of D-Dimers
myocite stress56. Therefore, hs-cardiac troponins, may are not well standardized and they should be interpre-
lack specificity, but the sensibility is critical important, ted with caution, according to clinical practice guide-
when used for the diagnosis of acute myocardial in- lines59,60,64.
farction. At this point, the most accurate test that can Several other biomarkers have been investigated for
be used for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarc- making an early diagnosis, for the monitoring and esta-
tion remains the assessment of cardiac troponins57. blishing the prognosis:
Current guidelines make recommendations over the - markers of the destruction of smooth muscle
use and interpretation for each assay in particular58. cells (smooth muscle myosin) or the the vascular
At the same time, hs-troponins and troponins allow a interstitium (calponin, matrix metalloproteinase
good negative predictive value, when adequately used 8);
Romanian Journal of Cardiology Antoniu Octavian Petris et al.
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017 Biomarkers in emergency cardiology

- structural proteins of the aorta - soluble frag- ≥600 pg/mL was identified as the optimal cut-off value
ments of elastin (although its levels increase in for the identification of elevated risk70.
less than an hour, the abnormal values are close Elevated plasma troponin concentrations on admis-
to the normal interval); sion of patients with acute PTE have been reported in
- inflammation markers - C reactive protein (its connection with PE and were associated with worse
peak level correlates with a tendency to increa- prognosis. A meta-analysis covering a total of 1985 pa-
sed remodelling), tenascin-C; tients showed elevated cardiac troponin I or T con-
- circulation beta-TGF59,65. centrations in approximately 50% of the patients with
acute PTE, results consistent for troponin I or T and
BIOMARKERS IN EMERGENCY for prospective or retrospective studies71. Some stu-
CARDIOLOGY: PULMONARY dies have found that elevated troponin concentrations
THROMBOEMBOLISM (PTE) were associated with high mortality both in unselec-
Right ventricular pressure overload is associated with ted patients and in haemodynamically stable patients;
increased myocardial stretch, which leads to the rele- however, other systematic reviews and meta-analyses
ase of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal of troponin-based risk stratification of normotensive
patients with acute symptomatic PTE have suggested a
(NT)-proBNP - markers of right ventricular dysfuncti-
limited prognostic value of elevated troponins in nor-
on66. Markers of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and
motensive patients72.
the markers of myocardial injury are utilized in the
In a prospective, multicentre cohort of 526 normo-
classification of patients with acute PTE based on early
tensive patients with acute PTE, troponin T concentra-
mortality risk66:
tions <14 pg/mL, measured by a high-sensitivity assay,
- patients with RV dysfunction (on echocardiogra-
had a negative predictive value of 98% with regard to a
phy or CT angiography) and elevated cardiac bi-
complicated clinical course, which was similar to that
omarker levels (particularly a positive cTn test)
of the sPESI, combination of cTnI - sPESI being able to
should be classified into an intermediate-high-
identify possible candidates for out-of-hospital treat-
risk category;
ment73. Similarly, the value of NT-proBNP <500 pg/mL
- patients in whom the RV is normal (on echocar- as a laboratory biomarker for selecting candidates for
diography or CT angiography), and/or have nor- home treatment with clinically defined very low-risk
mal cardiac biomarker levels, belong to an inter- PTE revealed that approximately 45% of patients with
mediate-low-risk group. PTE can be treated in an outpatient setting. None of
In patients at intermediate risk, that is the risk cate- patients died or suffered recurrence of VTE or ma-
gory most difficult to characterize in terms of progno- jor bleeding complications during the three-month
sis, assessment of the right ventricle using echocardio- follow-up, and there was no increase in patient anxiety
graphy or CT and of myocardial injury using a labora- scores74.
tory biomarker, should be considered for further risk In a meta-analysis that has reviewed the role of bi-
stratification, finding quoted in the last Guidelines for omarkers such as B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP
diagnosis and treatment of PTE in the class of recom- and NT-proBNP) and troponins in risk stratification
mendation IIa, level of evidence B67. of acute PTE, BNP appeared to have better sensitivity
A meta-analysis found that 51% of 1132 unselec- and specificity than NT-proBNP in detecting right ven-
ted patients with acute PTE had elevated BNP or NT- tricular dysfunction. Raised levels of B-type natriuretic
proBNP concentrations on admission, which is associ- peptides at admission identified a subset of patients at
ated with a 10% risk of early death and a 23% risk of higher risk of adverse outcomes and among patients
an adverse clinical outcome68. However, in normoten- with raised natriuretic peptide levels, increased tro-
sive patients with PTE, the positive predictive value of ponins were found to be an independent prognostic
elevated BNP or NT-proBNP concentrations for early biomarker75.
mortality is low69, and suggesting that higher cut-off Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), an
values should be considered. In a prospective, multi- early marker of myocardial injury, was also found to sig-
centre cohort study that included 688 patients, using a nificantly predict mortality in patients with acute PTE
stepwise approach based on the simplified Pulmonary at intermediate risk. It is significantly associated with
Embolism Severity Index (PESI score), NT-proBNP impaired right ventricular function and shows better
Antoniu Octavian Petris et al. Romanian Journal of Cardiology
Biomarkers in emergency cardiology Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

correlation with mortality than troponin I76. H-FABP formation additive to that of the established biomar-
might be a useful biomarker for risk stratification of kers cTnT and NT-proBNP, and to echocardiographic
normotensive patients with acute PTE where circula- findings of right ventricular dysfunction82.
ting H-FABP levels ≥6 ng/mL had a positive predictive Biomarkers that usually grow in renal injuries were
value of 28% and a negative predictive value of 99% found related to 30-day all-cause mortality in acute
for an adverse 30-day outcome77. A simple score for PTE: elevated serum creatinine levels, a decreased (cal-
immediate risk stratification of non-high-risk patients, culated) glomerular filtration rate, elevated neutrophil
based on the presence of tachycardia, syncope, and a gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and cystatin C
positive bedside test for H-FABP (a positive result for (N-GAL >75 ng/ml and cystatin C >1900 ng/ml). On
plasma concentration >7 ng/ml), provided prognos- the other hand, impaired kidney function was found
tic information similar to that of RV dysfunction on present in 47% of acute PTE patients83,84.
echocardiography78. The FAST score prognostic score Multimarker models integrating information obtai-
(H-FABP, Syncope, and Tachycardia; FAST score) where ned from echocardiography (evidence or exclusion of
the determination of H-FABP by immunoturbidimetry RV dysfunction) in combination with some laborato-
provides prognostic information superior to that of ry biomarkers (mainly BNP/NT-proBNP, cTnT/hsTnT,
ELISA, appears more suitable to identify patients with GDF-15 or H-FABP) have been reported to improve
an adverse 30-day outcome compared to the ESC Gui- risk stratification of acute PTE, but require the pro-
delines model and sPESI79. spective confirmation of the large studies.
A meta-analysis of studies in patients with acute Biochemical markers (for vascular dysfunction, in-
PTE for the purpose of identifying the prognostic value flammation, myocardial stress, low cardiac output, or-
of elevated D-dimer levels for short-term (within 30 gan damage) have also been investigated for pulmo-
days) and 3-month mortality has shown that elevated nary hypertension (PHT), but without any significant
D-dimer concentrations were associated with increa- clinical value regarding specific diagnosis. The current
sed short-term mortality in some studies, while levels pulmonary hypertension guidelines only mention na-
<1500 ng/mL had a negative predictive value of 99% triuretic peptides for their use in the prognostic eva-
for excluding three-month all-cause mortality80. Sear- luation at the time of diagnosis and during follow-up
ching in 13 databases (n = 1585 patients), the Cochra- (and regarding response to therapy) in PHT patients.
ne Report emphasizes that the negative D-dimer test BNP values above 300 ng/l and Nt-proBNP values abo-
is valuable in ruling out PTE in patients who present in ve 1400 ng/l seem to identify a high risk population,
an emergency setting with a low pre-test probability of when integrated into an algorithm along with other
PTE determined according to a clinical prediction rule. clinical and echocardiographic parametres85.
This test may probably be less useful in older popula-
tions (high levels of false-positive results), but no em- BIOMARKERS IN EMERGENCY
pirical evidence was available to support an increase in CARDIOLOGY: ACUTE HEART FAILURE
the diagnostic threshold of interpretation of D-dimer (AHF)
results for patients over the age of 6581. In summary, Although the subject of great interest in recent years,
it is recommended to test D-dimers only in non-high the current Guidelines (2016) for diagnosis and treat-
risk suspected pulmonary embolism, when the clinical ment of heart failure has few references to the use
probability is low or intermediate, with the purpose to of biomarkers in acute heart failure: upon presentati-
exclude the disease in the emergency department and on to the ED or CCU/ICU, a plasma NPs level (BNP,
thus reduce the use of unnecessary irradiation ima- NT-proBNP or MR-proANP) should be measured in
ging; preferably a highly sensitive assay should be used. all patients with acute dyspnea and suspected AHF to
The use of the different commercial assays should take help in the differentiation of AHF from non-cardiac ca-
note that not all are clinically validated by studies60. uses of acute dyspnea86.
Growth differentiation factor (GDF)-15, a cytokine NPs have high sensitivity, and normal levels in pati-
induced in the heart after ischemia or pressure over- ents with suspected AHF make the diagnosis unlikely.
load has elevated levels on admission in patients with Elevated levels, as recommended by ESC/HFA guideli-
acute PTE and was strongly and independently related nes, in the non-acute setting are BNP >35 pg/ml and/
to an increased risk of death or major complications or NT-proBNP >125 pg/mL. In the acute setting, higher
during the first 30 days after diagnosis, prognostic in- values should be used: BNP >100 pg/mL, NT-proBNP
Romanian Journal of Cardiology Antoniu Octavian Petris et al.
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017 Biomarkers in emergency cardiology

>300 pg/ mL and mid-regional pro A-type natriuretic American Heart Association/American College of Car-
peptide (MR-proANP) >120 pmol/L86. diology Foundation heart failure Guidelines consider
Although there is extensive research on biomarkers a class IIB indication for the use of a Gal-3 assay for
in HF (e.g. soluble ST2, galectin 3, copeptin), there is additive risk stratification in patients with established
no definite evidence to recommend them for clinical heart failure96.
practice87,88. A study (4964 patients) found elevations in Gal-3
One must always bear in mind that elevated levels correlated with an increased risk of heart failure and
of NPs do not automatically confirm the diagnosis of cardiovascular death in patients after ACS, indicates a
AHF, as they may also be associated with a wide variety potential role for Gal-3 in monitoring patients after
of cardiac and non-cardiac causes. ACS97.
On the other hand, low levels of NPs can be detec- Soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2),
ted in some patients with decompensated end-stage a member of the IL-1 receptor family, secreted into
HF, flash pulmonary edema or right sided AHF. the circulation by cardiomyocytes and pulmonary en-
Mid-regional proADM (adrenomedullin MR- dothelial cells, inhibits IL-33 and, through this, is down-
proADM) is released from a multitude of tissues, and regulating the inflammatory response98. High levels of
also has potent vasodilatory, hypotensive, and natriu- sST2 correlate with disease severity and increased
retic effects. A large (1.641 patients presenting to the morbidity in patients with ADHF and ACS, providing
emergency department with dyspnea), multicenter complementary prognostic information to hs-cTnT
prospective study demonstrated noninferiority of MR- and NT-proBNP99.
proANP to BNP for the diagnosis or exclusion of acu- ESC/HFA Guidelines 2016 indicates that the assess-
te HF in patients presenting to the Emergency Depart- ment of procalcitonin levels may be useful in patients
ment with dyspnea. Moreover, this study found that with AHF with suspected coexisting infection, particu-
MR-proADM was superior to BNP or NT-proBNP in larly for the differential diagnosis of pneumonia and to
identifying dyspneic patients with acute decompensa- guide antibiotic therapy. The results from the BACH
ted HF at high risk of 90-day mortality89. trial emphasize that patients with a diagnosis of AHF
Detection of ACS as the underlying cause of AHF and an elevated PCT concentration (>0.21 ng/mL) had
requires the quantification of cardiac troponins’ level; a worse outcome if not treated with antibiotics, whi-
this is particularly relevant, as large studies have shown le patients with low PCT values (<0.05 ng/mL) had a
that when an acute coronary syndrome is the precipi- better outcome if they did not receive antibiotic the-
tating factor in acute heart failure, the mortality rate rapy100.
is higher90. Elevated concentrations of circulating car- Multiple other biomarkers, including those reflec-
diac troponins are frequently detected in patients with ting inflammation, myocyte oxidative stress, neuro-
AHF, often without obvious myocardial ischaemia or hormonal disturbances, matrix remodelling, fibrosis,
an acute coronary event, or without coronary artery (most biomarkers integrate information from different
stenoses and are associated with worse outcomes90,91. disease pathways, e.g. Gal-3 is thought to represent a
Initial blood pressure and troponin I, can help identify “link” between inflammation and fibrosis), extracardi-
patients with congestive heart failure at low risk for ac dysfunction, such as acute kidney injury, have been
prolonged hospitalization and adverse events since the investigated for their diagnostic and prognostic value
Emergency Department92. in AHF and some are developed as “companion bio-
Mid-regional proANP (MR-proANP) is released markers” to identify patients with the greatest benefit
from the atria in response to increased atrial stretch, from a therapeutic intervention. Even though none of
and has diuretic, natriuretic, and vasodilatory effects93. them has reached the stage of being recommended
Galectin 3 (Gal-3), a member of the -galactoside- for routine clinical use, plasma biomarkers, along with
binding lectin family, is associated with adverse remo- imaging and genetic testing, might be used to define HF
deling via activated cardiac fibroblasts and macropha- subtypes responding differently to specific therapeutic
ges94. interventions101.
The prognostic value of Gal-3 is additive with NPs A differential predictive value in HF reduced ejec-
levels and Gal-3 are independently predictive of re- tion fraction vs. HF preserved ejection fraction was
current decompensations and death in patients with suggested for some biomarkers, as they assess diffe-
heart failure95. rent pathophysiological pathways102.
Antoniu Octavian Petris et al. Romanian Journal of Cardiology
Biomarkers in emergency cardiology Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

Table 3. Biomarkers in emergency cardiology: proved, potential or expected further clinical value
proved clinical value potential clinical value future value/research
Cardiac arrest and resuscitation cardiac troponins neuron-specific enolase circulating microRNAs
procalcitonin S-100B protein
Coronary artery disease hs troponin I, T copeptin Matrix MetalloProteinase (MMPs
family: MMP-9)
Heart-type fatty acid-binding Growth differentiation factor
protein (H-FABP) (GDF-15)
Heart Failure natriuretic peptides galectin 3 (Gal-3) Mid regional proADM (MR-
Soluble suppression of
tumorigenicity 2 (sST2)
Pulmonary embolism cardiac troponins Heart-type fatty acid-binding
protein (H-FABP)
natriuretic peptides Growth differentiation factor
Acute aortic syndromes D-Dimers C-reactive protein calponin
matrix metalloproteinases
soluble fragments of elastin

At this point, biomarkers are being studied not just

for their diagnostic value, but also for the prognostic
value at admission (with the aim to identify the pati-
ents in need of more intensive care), or at dischar-
ge (to identify patients at risk for early postdicharge
events) (Table 3). But the predictive value of different
biomarkers diminishes with time, and multimarker
strategy may be more useful102,103,104.
By extensively stretching the diagnosis palette, into
complex and high-risk patients with AHF, for instan-
ce, it is possible to use biologically “orthogonal” mar-
kers (a multimarker approach) such as NT-proBNP
(stress), sST2 (myocardial fibrosis/remodeling), highly Figure 1. Biomarkers in emergency cardiology: a synopsis from current
sensitive troponin (myocardial injury), MR-proADM ESC/ERC Guidelines.
(hemodynamic stress), copeptin (salt/water derange- ACS=acute coronary syndrome; AHF=acute heart failure; PT=pulmonary
Thromboembolism; CA=cardiac arrest; CPR=cardio-pulmonary resusci-
ment), and renal biomarkers105. tation. cTn=cardiac troponin; NPs=natriuretic peptides; NSE=neuronal
The “fine tunning” approach, in the use of these bi- enolase; PCT=procalcitonin; H-FABP=heart-type fatty acid-binding protein;
15 GFD=growth differentiation factor; MMP=matrix metalloproteinase; s-
omarkers for diagnosis, risk stratification or treatment elastin=soluble elastin fragments; B-TGF=transforming growth factor beta;
strategy purposes requires a good selection of them sST2=soluble suppresion of tumorigenicity 2; Gal-3=galactin 3.
and a check on their variations in various clinical con- *biomarkers tested but not yet used into clinical practice.

ditions of emergency cardiology (Figure 1)106.

Reviewing the latest Guidelines on acute clinical con- early triage and management strategies, but always in
ditions that can be encountered in the field of emer- conjunction to the well established clinical algorithms.
gency cardiology we noted the increasing importance Further research will be needed to validate biomar-
achieved by biomarkers as components of diagnostic kers as part of multimarker strategy in different clinical
approache, prognostic stratification and adequate ma- conditions.
nagement. However, biomarkers should not be used
as an alternative to clinical judgement or to other va- Author contributions: All authors contributed to
lidated imaging tools. During decision-making process this manuscript.
in different clinical settings, judicious use of biomar- Supported by: none.
kers may expedite early diagnosis and may improve Conflict-of-interest: none declared.
Romanian Journal of Cardiology Antoniu Octavian Petris et al.
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017 Biomarkers in emergency cardiology

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