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20 Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol. 18, Nos.

1/2, 2019

Efficient multimedia content storage and allocation in

multidimensional cloud computing resources

E. Sivaraman* and R. Manickachezian

Department of Computer Science,
NGM College,
Pollachi – 642 001, Coimbatore, India
*Corresponding author

Abstract: Optimal management of the cloud resources for multimedia contents

is the important aim of this research. In our previous work, multiple kernel
learning with support vector machine (MKL-SVM) is introduced, which can
achieve a balanced resource usage with multimedia user request. However,
existing work do not concentrate on caching mechanism which might lead to
more computational overhead. To solve this problem, new method is proposed
namely improved storage and scheduling of multimedia contents in cloud
storage (ISS-MCCS). In this work, fuzzy neural network classification is
utilised for handling the server clusters with unevenness. Then task scheduling
is done using hybrid genetic-cuckoo search algorithm where hybrid
fuzzy weighting scheme is used for the fitness evaluation. Finally, adaptive
replacement cache (ARC) is integrated to optimise memory. The overall
assessment of the research work is done in cloudsim environment which proves
it can manage the multimedia contents with efficiently.

Keywords: multimedia contents; multiple quality of service (QoS); optimised

scheduling; efficient load balancing; adaptive replacement.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Sivaraman, E. and

Manickachezian, R. (2019) ‘Efficient multimedia content storage and allocation
in multidimensional cloud computing resources’, Int. J. Intelligent Systems
Technologies and Applications, Vol. 18, Nos. 1/2, pp.20–33.

Biographical notes: E. Sivaraman is a PhD candidate at the Department

of Computer Science, NGM College affiliated to Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Computer
Science and Engineering at Dr. NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
His research interests include cloud computing and big data analytics. He is a
life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education and Computer
Science of India.

R. Manickachezian received his MSc Applied Science from PSG College of

Technology, Coimbatore, India in 1987. He has completed his MS in Software
Systems from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan,
India and PhD in Computer Science from School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He served as a Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Applications at PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore from 1987 to 1989. Presently, he is working as an Associate
Professor of Computer Science in NGM College (Autonomous), Pollachi.

Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Efficient multimedia content storage 21

He has published 150 papers in various international journals and conferences.

He is a recipient of many awards such as Desha Mithra Award, GRABS Best
Researcher Award and several other best paper awards. His research focuses
on network databases, data mining, network security, bioinformatics and
distributed computing.

1 Introduction

Cloud computing had achieved various growth in the past years. In cloud data centres,
shared pools of servers are handled in order to yield on-demand computation,
communication and storage resources in the form of accessible services. Owing to the
elastic and on-demand characteristics of provisioning of resources, cloud computing
has been employed in multimedia applications increasingly in order to resourcefully
deal with the critical demands of resource. In cloud-based multimedia applications,
application providers rent a particular number of virtual machines (VMs) for delivering
multimedia services to users. For application providers, one important concern is about
the optimal deployment of multimedia tasks to different VMs for the purpose of
distributed processing. In order to deal with this issue, efficient scheduling schemes are
Usually, cloud computing adapts two-level scheduling procedure. The first level
corresponds to the user-level scheduling, where the requests of users for one application
are distributed to various VMs based on the present workload. By means of balancing the
workload among VMs, the user-level scheduling can prevent the congestions in cloud.
The task-level scheduling is carried out in a finer granularity than user level scheduling.
Generally, a multimedia application can be divided into a group of tasks. Few tasks can
be executed in parallel, whereas few tasks have to be processed serially. The aim of
task-level scheduling is the assignment of tasks to VMs such that the whole execution
time can be reduced. The two-level scheduling is carried out in a hierarchical manner in
cloud. The optimal user-level scheduling has been explored in the earlier research work
(Nan et al., 2013). In this research work, the optimisation of task-level scheduling is
focused for cloud-based multimedia applications.
In cloud, efficient task-level scheduling can make the optimal match of the demands
of tasks with the resource provisioning of VMs and enhance the quality of service (QoS).
Nonetheless, it is a challenge to attain the optimal task-level scheduling. At first, there are
different precedence constraints that are the precedence relations among tasks. While
allocating the tasks to VMs, it is hard to obey all these precedence constraints. Secondly,
multimedia applications have diverse operation structures. Usually, there are three
fundamental structures: sequential, parallel and mixed structures.
In the sequential structure, tasks are run serially, with one task beginning just after
one earlier task has finished. In the parallel structure, tasks can be carried out in a
concurrent manner. Mixed structure integrates both sequential and parallel structures. It is
a challenging task to get an efficient scheduling scheme for various structures. Thirdly,
VMs have diverse resource capabilities. It is again a challenge to allocate a task to the
VM that suits the best. At last, application providers need an effective scheduling scheme
22 E. Sivaraman and R. Manickachezian

that can adapt to time-dependent constraints. In order to deal with the challenges that
are mentioned above, an optimal task-level scheduling is proposed for cloud-based
multimedia applications in this research work.

2 Related works

Cloud-based multimedia applications have gained widespread attentions from the

research people. Zhu et al. (2011) introduced the concept of multimedia cloud computing
(MCC) and the media edge cloud structure is proposed in order to minimise the
transmission delays. Nan et al. (2011) presented the queuing model-based resource
allocation to reduce the service response time. Wu et al. (2011) integrated the cloud
servers with P2P streaming for providing support to video on demand applications.
This work is dissimilar to the topics in Nan et al. (2011) and rather focuses on the
task-level scheduling optimisation. Optimal scheduling in the distributed system has
always remained a research topic that is quite a challenge. Tai et al. (2011) explored a
burst workload balancer for predicting the variations in the user demands and based on
this shifted the schedule from greedy scheme to random scheme. Silberstein et al. (2006)
presented a schedule algorithm by following the multi-level queue approach in grid
computing. But Tai et al. (2011) and Silberstein et al. (2006) have only considered user-
level scheduling. Tan et al. (1997) studied the optimisation concerned with subtask
scheduling and communication traffic in a grid environment. Yu and Buyya (2005)
presented taxonomy for grid workflow system. But these works do not take the limitation
of resource expense into consideration that remains one important difference between
cloud and grid computing (Foster et al., 2008).
Fuzzy Q-learning algorithm has been introduced in Muñoz et al. (2013) for resolving
the load balancing problem. It is said that fuzzy logic concords in converting the operator
experience into set of fuzzy rules, in linguistic terms. In addition, fuzzy logic merged
with Q-learning enables the task of creating the fuzzy rules of the controller. After this,
fault tolerant-based load balancing scheme was created in Balasangameshwara and
Raju (2012), taking the grid architecture, entire heterogeneity, network bandwidth,
communication delay and job characteristics into consideration. The metrics considered
for the job allocation are optimal computing node usage and reduced response time.
The system model consists of grid scheduler to allocates the task over the grid nodes,
require for resources and also gets the jobs from client sites. Considerably, the research
work contributes over passive replication schema for adaptive load balancing,
identification of system imbalance and avoiding network congestion.
Replica-aided load balancing (RALB) has been introduced in Wang et al. (2013) for
deciding about the weakness of overlay networks in managing time changing workloads
with load fluctuations that occur frequently. This research work also is focused over the
design of a complex cost model for the estimation of the load balancing expense making
use of the factors such as load, message number and link latency.
Aljaber et al. (2007) discussed about various procedures that can be utilised for the
file storage handling particularly for the multimedia contents. Fusenig and Sharma (2012)
introduced novel method to handle the networking inter orientation present between the
different cloud entities. Lin and Qi (2010) developed a self-organising model to manage
Efficient multimedia content storage 23

cloud resources in the absence of centralised management control. Shi and Zhan (2009)
focus on the maximisation of the steady-state throughput by deploying resources for the
independent equalised tasks in the cloud. Teng and Magoules (2010) present a resource
pricing and equilibrium allocation policy based on the consideration of cloud users’
competition for limited resources.

3 Load balanced scheduling and efficient provisioning of multimedia


Handling multimedia content is the more tedious task in cloud computing environment
in which multimedia resources consume more amounts of resources with diverse
characteristics. Getting and scheduling the resources matching the requirements of
multimedia contents would be a hard task. In the research work, a new framework is
built, referred to as improved storage and scheduling of multimedia contents in cloud
storage (ISS-MCCS) that tries to yield the services to the users with the concern of
reliable and efficient scheduling. Multimedia contents would take up more amount of
storage that would be changed dynamically during run time. These problems are solved
in this research work by balancing the load level of resources during run time. The steps,
which are adopted for handling the multimedia contents effectively, are given below:
1 Irregularity in the multidimensional resource usage of a server for fuzzy neural
network (FNN).
2 Hybrid genetic-cuckoo search algorithm (HGCSA) that optimises the CMSdynMLB.
3 Hybrid fuzzy weighting techniques for QoS.
4 A second vital factor is the determination of an efficient caching machine to increase
the lifetime of the cached resource which is done by using adaptive replacement
cache (ARC). The concept in ARC is the replacement of the least often and least
currently utilised cached data.
In Section 3.1, an elaborate discussion over the newly introduced research methodology
is provided with appropriate diagrams and examples.

3.1 System model

Load balancing concept of MCC can be resolved in two ways, one by making use of a
centralised approach, where every time the centralised RM gets the global multimedia
service task, it determines to allocate the load to be distributed resources equally in terms
of minimising the transmission cost between the server clusters and clients. The tasks
assignment is dependent on the characteristics of requested task services. On comparison,
a decentralised approach offers more scalability for overheads. However, the centralised
approach may present a possibility for failure of the resource manager.
In Figure 1, architecture of MCC is shown. This diagram depicts that MCC system
consists of varying type’s multimedia files such as videos, audios, images in different
format, contact details, documents of varying file formats and so on.
24 E. Sivaraman and R. Manickachezian

Figure 1 Illustration of multimedia cloud computing system (see online version for colours)

3.2 Unevenness handling in MCC using FNN

Cloud computing consists varying resources with different configuration parameters
values which is not suitable to store and handle the multimedia contents of different
properties. Scheduling and allocation of multimedia contents in these cloud resources
would reduce the performance of processing multimedia contents. Thus, it is required to
balance the load of resources while handling multimedia contents which is focused in this
research work during task scheduling.
In load balancing employing FNN algorithm where the resources are first classified
depending on the QoS parameters such as bandwidth, memory, CPU utilisation and size.
The classified resources are provided to fuzzier where the input values are transformed
into the range between 0 and 1. Neural network comprises of input layer, hidden layer
and output layer for adapting the weight of resource and then have it matched with server
clusters. The responsibility of de-fuzzier lies in the reversal of the operation carried out
by fuzzier.
Neural network consists of three layers which are, namely, input layer, hidden layer
and output layer. The term neural network defines the adjusting weights of the hidden
layer in order to have a match between the input and output. No mathematical model is
required for neural network. It is actually learning from examples. Initially, neural
network works as in block box behaviour. The hidden layer alone comprises of several
layers for adjusting the weight for mapping. Fuzzy logic usually comprises of a linguistic
variable such as high, medium and low (Muñoz et al., 2013). FNN comprises of
fuzzification that typically does the conversion of all the input values into the range
between 0 and 1. The de-fuzzification carries out the reverse function of fuzzification.
Figure 2 chiefly shows the ways in which the resources can be classified and then
mapped with server clusters.
Figure 3 illustrates how the resources are mapped with the server clusters.
The resources are classified on the basis of the parameters such as bandwidth, memory,
and expectant time and cluster capacity. Then, the classified inputs are provided to the
fuzzification where it is utilised for the purpose of conversion. The training data present
in centralised database is taken to be an input. After this, the input values that are
converted are passed onto the neural network. The neural network will decide about the
mapping the server clusters with the resources. With the aid of de-fuzzification, the fuzzy
Efficient multimedia content storage 25

range values are then converted into their actual values. In the neural network, in case the
resources do not get mapped with the server clusters, back propagation algorithm
is employed, and the resources get reclassified and similar operations are followed.
The centralised database is exploited for the maintenance and updating of the training
data needed for neural networks. The feedback or feed forward algorithm is utilised for
the reclassification of resources in case it is not matched with the server cluster.

Figure 2 System architecture

Figure 3 Time graph for all jobs (see online version for colours)
26 E. Sivaraman and R. Manickachezian

3.3 Fitness value calculation using fuzzy weighting scheme

Getting appropriate resources for storing the multimedia contents is a most important task
in this research for providing resourceful services to the users. QoS constraints have to be
met for the storage of the multimedia contents. In this research work, several QoS
parameters are taken into consideration for selecting the optimal resources. QoS factors,
which are considered, are bandwidth, memory and execution time. But again, the task of
getting the resources satisfying these diverse criteria would be more tedious. Also this
value would be a fitness value in the optimisation algorithm for leading in order to
choose the most optimal resource among the several server clusters. In this research
work, fuzzy multicriteria decision making system is presented so as to schedule the tasks
into the resources.
The real need of fuzzification on every QoS parameters of this research work is to
obtain the varying range of different ranges. Based on these varying ranges, weight
values for each QoS parameters can be assigned accurately which would leads to accurate
resource findings for the different parameters variations. The algorithm proposed is
dependent on the weighted-average technique. In order to exploit the technique to the
best possible, a conversion from the fuzzy linguistic rating into a fuzzy numeric rating is
required. There are many ways for transforming a fuzzy linguistic rating into a fuzzy
numeric rating. For example, the peak of the fuzzy linguistic rating or fuzzy number
might be utilised for the transformation. However, the transformations proposed, make
use of the centre of the area, which is covered by the fuzzy number for representing the
conversion from the fuzzy linguistic rating into the fuzzy numeric rating (Gitinavard
et al., 2016; Chen and Zhao, 2012). This kind of transformation was selected as it is
sensitive to and is capable of responding to changes in the fuzzy numbers for most cases.
This sensitivity that makes the discrimination of most fuzzy numbers easier is important
for transforming a fuzzy linguistic rating into a fuzzy numeric rating.
Let A = {Al, …, Ai, …, An} refer to a set of fuzzy linguistic ratings or fuzzy numbers
in the real line R. t ~ Ai(U) indicates the grade membership of u in Ar. Then, the
transformation u(Ai) of Ai from the fuzzy linguistic rating into the fuzzy numeric rating is
specified as below.

Model 1: u ( Ai ) =
∫u . μ ( u ) du

∫μ ( u ) du

Model 2: u ( Ai ) =
∫v ( A ) − u
i min

∫u − u
max min


v ( Ai ) =
∫u.μ ( u ) du

∫μ ( u ) du

Sup S
umax =
Inf S
umin =
Efficient multimedia content storage 27

S = ∪ Si
i =1

Si = u | µAi ( u ) > 0 }
Then, the grade of membership µAi of Ai for every model in the fuzzy numeric rating is
represented in equation (1).
μA = μA (u ) (1)
u i

Therefore, once the transformation is done, the fuzzy linguistic rating Ai would be a
fuzzy singleton having only one point in the fuzzy set. The fuzzy singleton of the
transformation of the fuzzy linguistic rating, Ai, can be defined in equation (2).
Ai = i
u ( Ai )

As the fuzzy linguistic ratings or the fuzzy numbers that are considered are supposed to
be convex and normal, Ai can be indicated as Ai = 1/u (Ai). Therefore, the weighted-
average operation in fuzzy multi criteria decision making can be specified as below.
Let B1, B2, …, Bm refers to the alternatives to be evaluated by the criteria
C1, C2, …, Cn. Then, for a particular alternative Bi, the relative merit of criterion Cj is
evaluated by a fuzzy linguistic rating rij. Moreover, the relative significance of every
criterion is evaluated by means of a weighting coefficient wj for criterion Cj. Then, the
alternative Bi will get the weighted-average rating ri, expressed in equation (3).

j =1
W j rij
r = (3)

i n
j =1 j

where wj and rij are denoted by fuzzy numbers, wj and rij can be converted into wj and rij.
By Definition 1, and the transformed weighted average ri is expressed in equation (4)

j =1
W j rij
r =

i n
j =1

The ranking of the alternatives B1, B2, …, Bm can be performed as below.

Let the transformed weighted averages r1, r2, …, rm of the alternatives B1, B2, …, Bm
be obtained from Definition 2. So the ordering of any two alternatives Bi and Bj is
decided by ri and rj. This means that, if ri is bigger than rj, then Bi is chosen over Bj.
The definitions above converge to the algorithm below.
The proposed weighted average method
1 Convert every fuzzy number of the fuzzy linguistic ratings into the numeric rating
(Model 1 or Model 2 of Definition 1).
2 Assess every alternative by the weighted-average equation (Definition 2).
3 Rank the alternatives (Definition 3).
28 E. Sivaraman and R. Manickachezian

3.4 Optimal multimedia content scheduling using HGCSA

Cloud computing makes use of computing resources (service nodes) in networks for
guaranteeing the execution of complex tasks that need massive-scale computation.
Therefore, the node selection for the execution of a task in cloud computing has to be
taken into consideration. Scheduling algorithms use better executing efficiency and
maintenance of system load balancing. The efficiency of the cloud is dependent on
algorithms utilised for task scheduling. The work proposed in this research will be
focused over the optimisation-based scheduling. Hybrid cuckoo algorithm is utilised in
this research work for carrying out the task scheduling. Hybrid cuckoo algorithm
combines the genetic algorithm and cuckoo algorithm. Moreover, the results obtained
from making use of the hybrid cuckoo algorithm are much better compared with that of
Genetic algorithm and cuckoo algorithm.
The available resource information is predicted when it is provided with the set of
jobs from the users. If the information is present then the system checks the workload
type of the jobs, then whether it is CPU intensive or memory intensive and what their
requirements are. Then, the jobs are grouped according to their workload type. Scheduler
checks at which time which job has to be executed with which resources and schedule the
jobs according to their priority. On the other end resources initialisation with its general
parameters means temperature value, input and virtual machine creation according to
temperature means the capacity of the machine. By using genetic algorithm (Xiu et al.,
2016), cuckoo (Kaveh and Bakhshpoori, 2016) and hybrid cuckoo algorithm sorting is
been done and saved in resource database. Scheduler maps these available resources to
jobs according to their requirements. Then checks any pending workload is present there
for execution or not if the workload is present then executes it and stops otherwise again
the whole loop is started.
Efficient multimedia content storage 29

Hybrid cuckoo algorithm has both the benefits of genetic algorithm and cuckoo search
algorithm. Cuckoo search is an optimisation algorithm (finding a value x so that f(x) is
much as small (or as large) as possible) depending on the cuckoo species that lays its
eggs in the nests of other host birds (of other species). A GA is a random methodology
that is dependent on the principles of natural evolution and genetics. GA integrates the
exploitation of the earlier results with finding new areas of the search space. For the
purpose of overcoming the demerits of both cuckoo algorithm and GA, the new algorithm
referred to as hybrid cuckoo algorithm is realised.

3.5 Better cache management with the concern of optimal storage and
computation overhead
ARC is a typical page replacement algorithm having a better performance compared with
least recently used (LRU) designed at the IBM Almaden Research Center.
This is achieved by keeping track of both of the pages that are frequently used
and recently used in addition to a current eviction history for both. In 2006, IBM was
provided with a patent for the ARC policy. ARC replacement policy was utilised
in this research work, so as to yield a direct sequential read for one-time-only. This is
inclusive of the processing of the stored images so that they might pass through the cache
without any impact from the external events over the temporal locality. The ARC
replacement algorithm was also supposed to deal with longer periods of VM low
temporal locality by maintaining the VMs in the cache simultaneously, which can more
possibly is requested by the server again. Keeping this in consideration, it can be
ascertained that ARC replacement functions as a filter, efficient in differentiating and
tracking the temporal locality of VMs. In the event during the imposition of a random
load in the network, ARC will decide its source and then have itself reconfigured for
exploiting the chance.
In this research work, it was supposed that the optimal conditions for the operation of
the node might be dependent on the received request vector r at the maximum average
request rate. In case FC(r) presents the function returning the greatest values from r, C,
the cache probability vector for node k, Ck, is as illustrated in equation (5).
CkLFU = 1i∈FC ( rk ) (5)

where 1 indicates the indicator function. In the condition of the average VMs’ request
rates being in line with the ARC static, the images with higher average request rates in
cache VMs are instead utilised.

4 Experimental results

It is apparent from the earlier section that multiple researchers have developed
multimedia computing load balancing methods in distributed networks for resolving
the load imbalance problem. In this research work, an ISS-MCCS is proposed for the
optimisation of load in the MCC to distribute over servers with reduced cost for the
transmission and also the maximum usage of resource. The important feature
30 E. Sivaraman and R. Manickachezian

from existing paper is the support provided to the load in the dynamic environment
of the MCC. Simulation result shows that the algorithm proposed performs better in
The parameters below are utilised for the evaluation and after the evaluation of these
parameters, it can be said that the proposed research work performs better compared with
the earlier modelling.
1 Time
2 Energy consumption
3 Resource utilisation.

4.1 Time comparison

Time consumption is the total time taken to perform the task execution from the start of
task submission to the end of task execution. In this research work, task execution time
is measured and analysed for the existing and proposed research methodologies in terms
of varying QoS parameter values. The comparison analysis is shown in the following
Figure 3.
As illustrated in Figure 3, the execution time of the jobs in ISS-MCCS is less in
comparison to the first in first out (FIFO), Genetic algorithm and Cuckoo algorithm and
so it can be stated that ISS-MCCS algorithm reduces the execution time of the jobs and
provides the optimised result. When 50 jobs are executed, ISS-MCCS takes up just
48.72 s for executing the jobs but cuckoo algorithm, GA and FIFO takes up 61.46, 101.8,
109.18 s, respectively. Therefore, the time taken up by ISS-MCCS is lesser in
comparison with other algorithm.

4.2 Energy consumption

Energy consumption is the measures the total energy consumed to complete the task
execution successfully without any interruption. Energy consumption of the proposed and
existing research methodologies are measured and compared in Figure 4 under different
QoS parameter values.
Energy consumption in ISS-MCCS is lesser in comparison with GA and cuckoo
algorithm. It is evident from the table that jobs, which are executed employing
ISS-MCCS take up very less amount of energy and enhances the performance of the
system. Values are illustrated graphically in Figure 6.

4.3 Resource utilisation

Resource utilisation is the measure of total resources consumed to complete the task
execution. Here, the comparison is made in terms of different utilisation level such as
proper utilisation, over utilisation and less utilisation in order to evaluate the system
performance. In the following graphs, comparison of resource utilisation is performed for
the existing and proposed research methodologies.
Efficient multimedia content storage 31

Three values [–1, 0, 1] are considered. In case the value is –1 then the resources are
utilised less, and if the value is 0 the resources are utilised properly and in case the value
is 1 then the resources are over utilised. Resources are correctly utilised in ISS-MCCS for
50 and 90 number of jobs correspondingly but in GA and cuckoo algorithm resources
are either less or over utilised. Therefore, it can be said that ISS-MCCS maximises the
resource utilisation as illustrated in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 4 Energy for all jobs (see online version for colours)

Figure 5 Resource utilisation for 50 jobs (see online version for colours)
32 E. Sivaraman and R. Manickachezian

Figure 6 Resource utilisation for 90 jobs (see online version for colours)

5 Conclusion

In the case of MCC, resource management and provisioning is a complicated task that
cannot be carried out with accuracy along with enhanced user satisfaction level. In this
research work, a new framework referred to as ISS-MCCS is deployed, focused on the
improvement of efficiency and accuracy in the handling and management of resources for
the multimedia contents. This is accomplished by the right amount of load balancing
making use of FNN that dynamically varies the resource placement depending on the
server cluster capacity degree. Also the incoming user requests are scheduled optimally
considering the different QoS parameter employing fuzzy weighted multi-criteria
decision making and hybrid genetic cuckoo search algorithm. And at last, the content
caching is optimised based on the LRU concept for the purpose of reducing the storage
and computational overhead employing ARC mechanism. The experimental tests
performed prove that the proposed research work yields better result in comparison with
the available research techniques.

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