Starkville Dispatch Eedition 9-11-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | September 11, 2019

SPD: 31 auto burglary reports since Sept. 2 Second suspect

arrested from
Cotton District
23-year-old faces
misdemeanor simple
assault charge
By Tess Vrbin

Police have ar-

rested a second man
involved in the brawl
outside St. Joseph
Catholic Church ear-
ly Sunday morning
on University Drive.
Dakota Husser, Husser
23, of Biloxi, was ar-
rested Tuesday on a misdemeanor
simple assault warrant. He was one
of dozens of college-age individuals
in a Cotton District fistfight that
was caught on video and has re-
ceived thousands of views on social
The first person apprehended for
the brawl was Nathan Cvitanovich,
a 22-year-old Mississippi State
University junior from D’Iberville.
Data source: Starkville Police Department Cvitanovich was arrested Monday,
There have been 31 auto burglaries reported in Starkville since Sept. 2. Locator marks indicate where one or more vehicles also on a simple assault charge.
were burglarized. The stars indicate locations where a total of seven vehicles were forcibly entered. See Husser, 3A

Nine incidents were reported on Monday alone Pierre Beard wins

BY TESS VRBIN through a parking lot testing the Oktibbeha County Sher- car door handles, looking for
anything unlocked, and most
iff’s Office.
One break-in at the High-
Ward 4 council runoff
Starkville experienced By Isabelle Altman
of the first 22 burgled cars way 182 medical complex
31 reported auto burglar-
were, Lovelady said. happened just before noon,
ies, six of which occurred
To have multiple “smash- but the other six forced en-
within an 90 minutes, in the COLUMBUS —
and-grab” thefts in one day is tries all occurred between 3 Pierre Beard will be
week starting with Labor
Day, according to data from “out of the ordinary,” he said. p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Lovelady the new Ward 4 coun-
the Starkville Police Depart- Lovelady Watson Three of the seven forced said. cilman in Columbus.
ment. caused vehicle damage, SPD entries happened in a park- It is “not uncommon” for Beard defeated
There were 22 auto bur- Public Information Officer ing lot on Hospital Road, and auto burglaries to occur in Kegdra Gibbs-Gray
glaries between 8 a.m. Sept. Brandon Lovelady said. three more outside a com- clusters, and there are often by a 356-251 margin
2 and 8 a.m. Monday, 12 of So far there have been no plex of medical clinics at the fewer perpetrators than inci- Tuesday in the runoff
which occurred after 8 a.m. arrests for any of the 31 inci- intersection of Highway 182 dents, Watson said. election for the seat. Beard
Friday, SPD tweeted Mon- dents. and Stark Road. The sev- “Generally, when we’re He will fill the vacancy left by
day. Nine more occurred Auto burglary is always enth was in the parking lot able to solve them, we solve Fred Jackson, who resigned from
during the day on Monday, a felony in Mississippi. The at Walmart, an “extremely them in batches,” he said. the council July 3. The unexpired
and seven of those were vast majority of instances odd” place for it to happen, “If we make an arrest, it’s term runs through June 2021.
forced-entry break-ins that happen when someone walks said Capt. Brett Watson of See AUTO BURGLARIES, 8A See Beard, 8A

Starkville native recounts her father’s service, time as POW in WWII

Hartman spends three years researching sippi graduate and a public
relations professional living
Death March across Europe in Atlanta. She has spent
three years researching her
By Tess Vrbin they had marched past their father, Joseph D. Weaver’s, comrade, unless someone service in WWII. Weaver

picked him up first, Hartman died in 1996.
llen Weaver Hartman
told the American Legion Weaver was an airman in
wouldn’t exist today if
Post 13, the local chapter of the 554th Bomb Squadron,
a man from Louisiana
hadn’t picked up and carried the nation’s largest veterans 386th Bomb Group, 8th Air
her father, whose ankle was service organization, at its Force and 9th Air Force,
broken, during their forced monthly meeting Tuesday. and he was shot down and
600-mile march across “They barely could take captured on Aug. 6, 1944 in
Europe as Allied prisoners of 20-pound American Red Normandy, France. He was
war during World War II. Cross packets,” she said. one of thousands of POWs
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
If a POW could not keep “Think about carrying a kept in a camp in Poland and Ellen Weaver Hartman, left, and Jim Hemphill get to know each other af-
up, the others would hear 90-pound man.” forced to march to Germany ter Tuesday’s American Legion Post 13 meeting in Starkville. Hartman’s
a single gunshot from a Hartman is a Starkville for 86 days in the little-known and Hemphill’s fathers were in the same prisoner of war camp in Poland
German soldier soon after native, a University of Missis- See Hartman, 8A during World War II.

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 Which European country hosts the Friday meetings
world’s largest food fight, involving more Sept. 12:
■ Citywide Tailgate: More than 20 Starkville Housing
than 100 metric tons of tomatoes, each
year? tailgate tents throughout Starkville Authority Board
2 In what Civil War-set Charles Frazier will serve food between 11 a.m.-1:30 of Commission-
novel does W.P. Inman try to get home to p.m. to benefit United Way of North ers, noon, Hilton
reunite with Ada, the woman he loves? Central Mississippi. A $5 wristband Garden Inn
Erin Haley 3 People with what hair color may need includes entry to any tent, plus 10
extra anesthetic at the dentist’s office? Sept. 13:
Third grade, New Hope percent discount at participating Starkville Board
4 What university’s mascot is the razor- shops. Visit or

94 Low 71
back? of Aldermen work
5 What design element is common to call 662-323-3830.
High the flags of Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
session, 1:15
Mostly sunny p.m., City Hall
Full forecast on
Norway and Sweden?
Answers, 8B
Friday and Saturday Sept. 17:
page 2A. ■ Habitat anniversary celebration: Starkville Board
Stop by for refreshments as Colum- of Aldermen, 5:30
bus-Lowndes Habitat for Humanity p.m., City Hall
Inside celebrates 30 years of building homes Nikki Holliday does ultrasounds Sept. 27:
Classifieds 7B Food 5B and the fourth anniversary of the Hab- at Premier Imaging and sells Starkville Board
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A itat ReSale Store, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. Color Street nail strips. Her dog, of Aldermen work
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A 13, and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 14, 1110 Talon, enjoys riding in the car and session, 1:15
Dear Abby 4B NATS 5A Gardner Boulevard, Columbus. hanging his head out the window. p.m., City Hall


2A Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?
Lawyer: John Hinckley
interested in music industry job
Prosecutor: Allowing man who tried
to assassinate President Reagan
to relocate to California would give
US to commemorate 9/11 as its
the government ‘great pause’
By JESSICA GRESKO ly allowed him more time
aftermath extends and evolves
The Associated Press away from the hospital and “People say, ‘Why do
man who tried to assassi-
more freedom.
Since 2016, Hinckley
has lived at his mother’s
you stand here, year HBO produces documentary
nate President Ronald Rea-
gan is interested in getting
a job in the music indus-
home in Williamsburg, Vir-
ginia. Hinckley lives under
a set of 30 conditions Fried-
after year?’ Because
soldiers are still dying
to help kids understand 9/11
try, possibly in California, man imposed including By DAVID BAUDER
his lawyer said at a court regular visits with mental for our freedom. First AP Media Writer
hearing in Washington on health professionals. Fried-
Tuesday. man gets reports on how responders are still NEW YORK — For students from elementary to high school, the
John Hinckley Jr., 64, he’s doing and, on Tues- Sept. 11 terrorist attack isn’t a memory. It’s history. A new HBO docu-
lives in Virginia and was day, said he believes some dying and being ill. We mentary that debuts on the event’s 18th anniversary treats it that way.
not present at the hearing. The necessity of her project, “What Happened on September 11,”
A prosecutor said allowing
conditions can be loosened.
“Some conditions that
can’t forget. Life won’t struck filmmaker Amy Schatz when a third grade girl told her about a
Hinckley to relocate to Cal- playdate where she and a friend Googled “Sept. 11 attacks.”
ifornia for a music industry
are now in place don’t need
to be in place,” the judge
let us forget.” “When a child does that, what he or she finds are some pretty horrif-
job would give the govern- said, though he didn’t spec- Chundera Epps, a sister of Sept. ic images that are not necessarily appropriate for kids,” Schatz said on
ment “great pause.” ify which ones. 11 victim Christopher Epps Tuesday. “So I felt a responsibility to try to fill that void and try to give
Hinckley spent decades Hinckley’s conditions kids something that isn’t horrifying and kind of fills in the gap.”
By JENNIFER PELTZ The half-hour film debuts Wednesday at 6 p.m. A companion piece,
living at a psychiatric hos- include living within a 75- The Associated Press
pital in Washington after mile radius of Williams- focusing on the memories of former students at a high school near
being found not guilty by burg, attending group Ground Zero, premieres three hours later.
NEW YORK — Americans are Schatz has made a specialty of creating films that seek to explain the
reason of insanity in the and individual therapy commemorating 9/11 with mourn-
1981 shooting that injured inexplicable, with “The Number on Great-Grandpa’s Arm” tackling the
sessions, volunteering or ful ceremonies, volunteering, ap-
Reagan and three others. Holocaust and another on the Parkland shooting.
working at least three days peals to “never forget” and rising
But health professionals In this case, she worked with the Sept. 11 remembrance museum on
a week and not speaking attention to the terror attacks’ ex-
have said that the mental the story, filming two men who work there giving presentations to third
with the media. tended toll on responders.
illness that the 25-year-old graders. Stephen Kern, who worked on the 62nd floor of the World
Hinckley’s lawyer Bar- A crowd of victims’ relatives is
Hinckley was suffering Trade Center’s North Tower, talks about being evacuated. Matthew
ry Levine said during expected at ground zero Wednes-
from when he shot Reagan Crawford, whose father was a firefighter who died that day, discuss-
Tuesday’s approximately day, while President Donald Trump
has been in full and stable es his experience. She also found a middle school in Secaucus, New
40-minute hearing that he is scheduled to join an observance
remission for decades. Jersey, that teaches history through art and poetry, helping students
would file a motion seek- at the Pentagon. Vice President process the emotions of what they learned.
U.S. District Judge Paul L. ing reduced conditions, Mike Pence is to speak at the third
Friedman has said he is no though he didn’t say when attack site, near Shanksville, Penn-
longer a danger to himself or what precisely he’d ask sylvania. ter. “Because soldiers are still dying the toxins unleashed in it.
or others and has gradual- for. Former President George W. for our freedom. First responders While research continues into
Bush, the commander-in-chief at are still dying and being ill.” whether those illnesses are tied to
the time of the 2001 attacks, is due “We can’t forget. Life won’t let us 9/11 toxins, a victims compensa-
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH at an afternoon wreath-laying at the forget,” she added. tion fund for people with potentially
Pentagon. The anniversary ceremonies Sept. 11-related health problems
Office hours: Main line: center on remembering the nearly has awarded more than $5.5 billion
Eighteen years after the dead-
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 3,000 people killed when hijacked so far. Over 51,000 people have ap-
liest terrorist attack on American
Email a letter to the editor? soil, the nation is still grappling planes rammed into the trade cen- plied.
HOW DO I ... n with the aftermath at ground zero, ter, the Pentagon and a field near After years of legislative grid-
Report a missing paper? in Congress and beyond. The at- Shanksville on Sept. 11, 2001. All lock, dwindling money in the fund
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? tacks’ aftermath is visible from those victims’ names are read and fervent activism by ailing first
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 airport security checkpoints to Af- aloud at the ground zero ceremony, responders and their advocates,
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? ghanistan. A rocket exploded at the where moments of silence and toll- Congress this summer made sure
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to U.S. embassy as the anniversary ing bells mark the moments when the fund won’t run dry. Trump, a
community began in Afghanistan, where a post- the aircraft crashed and the trade Republican and a New Yorker who
Buy an ad?
9/11 invasion has become Ameri- center’s twin towers fell. was in the city on 9/11, signed the
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding ca’s longest war. But there has been growing measure in July.
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- “People say, ‘Why do you stand awareness in recent years of the The sick gained new recognition
n 662-328-2471 ment? here, year after year?’” Chunde- suffering of another group of peo- this year at the memorial plaza at
n n Download forms at www. ra Epps, a sister of Sept. 11 victim ple tied to the tragedy: firefighters, ground zero, where the new 9/11 Christopher Epps, said at last year’s police and others who died or fell ill Memorial Glade was dedicated this
ceremony at the World Trade Cen- after exposure to the wreckage and spring.
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759

SUBSCRIPTIONS Trump ousts hawkish Bolton, dissenter on foreign policy

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE By ZEKE MILLER cepting of over influence in the pres- global aggressions, and
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 and DEB RIECHMANN advice con- ident’s orbit and how to last year he mastermind-
Online.......................................... The Associated Press trary to his manage his desire to ne- ed a quiet campaign in-
instincts. It gotiate with some of the side the administration
RATES WASHINGTON — also comes world’s most unsavory ac- and with allies abroad to
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. President Donald Trump at a trying tors. Since joining the ad-
on Tuesday abruptly persuade Trump to keep
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. moment ministration in the spring U.S. forces in Syria to
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. forced out John Bolton, for Trump of last year, Bolton has es-
his hawkish national se- counter the remnants of
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. on the Bolton poused skepticism about
curity adviser with whom the Islamic State and Ira-
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 world stage, weeks ahead the president’s whirlwind
he had strong disagree- nian influence in the re-
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 of the United Nations rapprochement with
ments on Iran, Afghani- General Assembly and as gion. Bolton’s maneuver-
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. North Korea, and recent-
stan and a cascade of oth- the president faces press- ly has become a vocal in- ing at the time contrasted
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card.
er global challenges. ing decisions on difficult ternal critic of potential with former Defense
The sudden shake-up foreign policy issues. talks between Trump and Secretary Jim Mattis’ de-
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) marked the latest depar- Tensions between leaders of Iran and Af- cision to instead resign
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. over Trump’s December
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS ture of a prominent voice Bolton, Trump’s third ghanistan’s Taliban.
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: of dissent from the pres- national security adviser, Bolton also broke with withdrawal announce-
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
ident’s inner circle, as and other officials have Trump with his vocal ment, which has been ef-
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Trump has grown less ac- flared in recent months condemnation of Russia’s fectively reversed.

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
Major 10:57p —
Minor 6:43a 7:17p
Major 11:20a 12:04p
Minor 4:49a 5:44a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 3A


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Columbus police assist individual Driver dies and 8

threatening to jump off bridge children are injured
Shelton said no charges will be
filed and that police are assisting
as school bus crashes
Three Columbus police officers the individual in seeking treat-
spent several minutes Tuesday night
■ National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) ment. He also thanked the anon- Officials: Bus driver likely
working with an individual threaten- ■ Contact Helpline Crisis Interven-
ing to jump off the Luxapalila bridge. tion 662-328-0200
ymous caller who alerted first re-
suffered a medical emergency
First responders received a call “I can’t say enough about our of-
about the individual just after 6 The Associated Press
ficers,” he said in the press release.
p.m., according to a Columbus Po- to start a dialogue. Shelton said they
physically lifted the victim from the “We never know what these fine WALNUT — A school bus driver is dead and
lice Department press release. The
subject was standing on the top rail top railing. After 10 more minutes of men and women will be called on eight children have injuries after a school bus
of the bridge’s north side where it the officers and other first respond- to do when they report for duty and rolled over in northern Mississippi.
crosses the river on Highway 182. ers talking with the subject, an am- this is a case of compassion and ac- The Mississippi Highway Patrol tells news
Police Chief Fred Shelton said offi- bulance took the subject to Baptist tion, saving someone from injury outlets that the bus driver died in the Tuesday
cers were on the bridge two minutes Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle or death. ... It is easy to forget these morning incident, with the bus ending up on its
later. for medical care. officers are called on daily to put side in a ditch.
Police and Columbus Fire and He added if the subject had themselves in harm’s way and they Officials tell WMC-TV that the 63-year-old
Rescue officials immediately closed jumped while the officers had hold did that tonight without hesitation. driver, Chester Cole, likely suffered a medical
the bridge, and the three officers of the person, they could have fallen This shows the true spirit of these
emergency. Benton County Coroner Larry Hob-
got close enough to the individual as well. law enforcement officers.”
son said Cole appeared to clutch his chest and
slumped over in his seat before the crash.
Eight injured children were taken to Le Bon-
heur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennes-
see. The hospital said four are in serious con-

Second suspect arrested from Cotton District brawl

dition and four others were released Tuesday.
Troopers say no other vehicles were involved
in the wreck on U.S. Highway 72 west of Walnut.
23-year-old faces misdemeanor simple assault charge lying on the ground in
the churchyard, and first
By Tess Vrbin day on a misdemeanor Monday, also on a simple responder vehicles can be simple assault warrant. assault charge. seen in the background.
He was one of dozens of Husser is not a student The incident is still
S TA R K- under investigation and
college-age individuals in at MSU, officials con-
VILLE — more arrests are ex-
a Cotton District fistfight firmed Tuesday.
Police have
that was caught on video In the video of the pected, according to a
arrested a
and has received thou- fight, a man can be seen Starkville Police Depart-
second man
involved in sands of views on social yelling, taking his shirt ment Facebook post.
the brawl media. off, throwing multiple SPD has not provid-
out side The first person ap- people to the ground and ed the call and response
St. Joseph Husser prehended for the brawl punching some of them times for Sunday’s inci-
Catholic Church early was Nathan Cvitanovich, repeatedly. dent, and The Dispatch
Sunday morning on Uni- a 22-year-old Mississippi Others in the video are has submitted public re-
versity Drive. State University junior seen throwing punches, cords requests for the in-
Dakota Husser, 23, of from D’Iberville. Cvi- pushing and shoving. Sev- cident report and arrest
Biloxi, was arrested Tues- tanovich was arrested eral people can be seen affidavits.

Continued from Page 1A
event called The Death American Legion post
March, The Black March after he returned home to
or The Forgotten March. Ackerman.
WWII veterans often Hartman said her on-
did not tell their children going research is a “great
about their wartime expe- hobby” that has created
riences. Weaver revealed a network of other WWII
a few things, such as researchers and children
the scar on his back, his of POWs, she said.
frostbitten feet and stories Starkville resident Jim
about one of the POW Hemphill knew Weaver
camp’s guards, “a giant several decades ago but
of a man” who tormented did not know Hartman,
the prisoners, Hartman and he found out Sunday
said. upon learning about the
She began her re- presentation that their
search when she came fathers were in the same
across a book about The POW camp and both part
Death March by Laura of The Death March, he
Edge, a Michigan resident said.
and fellow daughter of a Hemphill’s father,
WWII POW. A 2017 At- James Hemphill Jr., was
lanta Journal-Constitution shot down and captured
article profiled Hartman in Austria and spent 15
and Edge’s travels to months as a POW. Even
Europe to research their so, he later served two
fathers’ imprisonment years in the Korean War.
and retrace their steps on Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff James Hemphill Jr., a
the march. Pam Hemphill displays a photo of an airplane that her Jackson native, was diag-
Hartman emphasized father-in-law, James Hemphill Jr., embroidered on a nosed with post-traumatic
the British and American piece of his parachute during his 15 months as a pris- stress disorder when he
airmen imprisoned in oner of war in World War II. was in his 50s and the
the Stalag Luft IV camp many, that was liberated According to the Atlan- illness was just starting to
were practically children, become known. Only then
by British forces on May ta Journal-Constitution,
mostly between the ages did he start talking about
2, 1945. After his return the Amoco gas station
of 18 and 20, and the “old his experiences as a POW,
home, Weaver attended was bombed, most likely
men” of the group were including being crowded
Mississippi State Uni- by the Ku Klux Klan,
24. They did not have into the hull of a ship in
versity and later owned after Weaver allowed a
sufficient clothing for the Baltic Sea for three
an Amoco gas station on group of Freedom Riders
the Death March when it days, Jim Hemphill said.
Highway 12. to use a white restroom in
began in February 1945 “It’s a wonder any of
He struggled for a the 1950s.
in subzero temperatures. them ever lived through
They also did not have ac- while with nightmares it, but I’m glad they did
cess to fresh water or reli- of the war and even put More family discoveries because I wouldn’t be
able food sources, so they his fist through a wall Hartman has previous- here,” he said.
hunted small animals and one night, but he hated ly shared her research at Hartman brought four
scrounged for vegetables conflict and lived by a the posts in Ackerman family members to her
in farmers’ fields. “kill them with kindness” and Savannah, Georgia. presentation, and she said
“Cigarettes, although mentality, Hartman said. She learned at her presen- her goal is to inspire oth-
they probably killed “Sometimes service tation in Ackerman that ers to pursue the stories
them in their 70s, kept people come back and her grandfather, Joseph in their families, she said.
them alive on this march they’re still ready to fight, F. Weaver, a World War I “All of you need to go
because they traded them but for my dad, it was the veteran, co-founded and talk to your elders, talk to
for the farmers’ food,” opposite effect,” Hartman attended the first meeting your fathers and find out
Hartman said. said. “He had no patience of the American Legion in these stories before these
The prisoners marched for the mistreatment of Paris in 1919. He found- stories are lost,” Hartman
to a camp in Gudow, Ger- any living being.” ed Choctaw County’s said.

■The calendar in the last several editions of The Dispatch misreported the meeting date for the Lowndes
County School District Board. The board will meet at 12:30 p.m. Friday at the Central Office, as today’s calen-
dar indicates. We regret the error.

The Commercial Dispatch strives to report the news accurately. When we print an error, we will correct it. To
report an error, call the newsroom at 662-328-2424, or email
4A Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Dispatch •

Share of uninsured Americans Draft Pelosi plan would

rises for first time in a decade overhaul how Medicare
One bright spot in the Census Bureau’s annual Though income inequality nar-
pays for drugs
rowed last year, it remains near
report was that the poverty rate fell for a fourth record levels reached in 2017. Last California Democrat has been
year, the richest 5 percent of the
straight year to 11.8 percent, it’s lowest since 2001 U.S. population captured 23 percent in discussions with the White
of household income.
By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER comes over the past four years have Still, steady hiring and an unem- House for months about potential
The Associated Press
returned the median only to where
it was two decades ago. And despite
ployment rate at 3.7 percent, near a
five-decade low, have helped raise
actions to curb drug costs
strong growth last year in the num- earnings for lower-paid workers em- By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR
WASHINGTON — The propor- ber of Americans working full time ployed by restaurants, warehouses, The Associated Press
tion of Americans without health and year-round, the number of peo- shipping firms and other sectors of
insurance edged up in 2018 — the ple with private health insurance the economy. This trend has con- WASHINGTON — A draft plan from House
first evidence from the government remained flat. tributed to a decline in poverty. Speaker Nancy Pelosi leaked Tuesday would over-
that coverage gains under Presi- The Census report found that On health insurance, more peo- haul how Medicare pays for prescription drugs,
dent Barack Obama’s health care 27.5 million people, 8.5 percent of ple were covered by Medicare, re- by negotiating prices for costly medications, curb-
law might be eroding under Presi- the population, lacked health insur- flecting the aging of baby boomers. ing annual price hikes, and limiting what seniors
dent Donald Trump. ance coverage in 2018. That was an But Medicaid coverage declined. pay out of their own pockets.
The Census Bureau also said increase of 1.9 million uninsured, The number of uninsured children With President Donald Trump highly interest-
in an annual report Tuesday that or 0.5 percentage point. also rose. And there were more un-
household income rose last year at ed in a deal on prescription drugs, the ambitious
One bright spot in the report was insured adults ages 35-64. plan appeared to be Pelosi laying down a mark-
its slowest pace in four years and fi- that the poverty rate fell for a fourth Though the increase in the
nally matched its previous peak set er that represents what House Democrats would
straight year to 11.8 percent, its low- number of uninsured Americans
in 1999. Median household income want to see happen.
est point since 2001. The proportion was modest, it could be a turning
increased 0.9 percent in 2018 to Pelosi’s office wasn’t commenting directly on
of households led by women that point, the first real sign that cover-
an inflation-adjusted $63,179, from the leaked proposal, but spokesman Henry Con-
were poor reached a record low. age gains under Obama could be
$62,626 in 2017. nelly said she’s working with leading Democrats
“While any reduction in poverty at least partly reversed. This year,
The data suggest that the cur- or increase in income is a step in the the number of uninsured could rise “to develop the boldest, toughest possible bill to
rent economic expansion, now the right direction, most families have again. That’s because a previous lower prescription drug prices for all Americans.”
longest on record at more than 10 just barely made up the ground lost Republican-led Congress repealed The plan would also make Medicare’s negotiated
years, is still struggling to provide over the past decade,” said Elise fines under the Affordable Care Act prices available to people with private insurance.
widespread benefits to the U.S. pop- Gould, senior economist at the lib- that had been intended to prod peo- The California Democrat has been in discus-
ulation. Solid gains in household in- eral Economic Policy Institute. ple to sign up for coverage. sions with the White House for months about po-
tential actions to curb drug costs, but the outlook
remains uncertain.

Relatives of passengers killed in Boeing crash protest in DC

By DAVID KOENIG who took part in the two- said the department and FAA’s process of certify-
AP Airlines Writer hour meeting in Washing- the Federal Aviation Ad- ing planes.
ton said Chao promised ministration have taken After the meeting,
Families of the pas-
that the government will unprecedented steps to several dozen relatives
sengers who died in one
of the Boeing 737 Max take as long as necessary understand the accidents held a vigil on the steps
crashes lobbied Transpor- to ensure that the plane and the FAA’s certifica- of the Transportation De-
tation Secretary Elaine is safe but stopped short tion of the plane in 2017. partment headquarters to
Chao on Tuesday to slow of agreeing to an entire- One of those steps, he mark the six-month an-
what they consider a rush ly new, top-to-bottom re- said, included Chao’s ap- niversary of the crash of
to let the plane fly again. view. pointment of a special Ethiopian Airlines flight
Two of the relatives A spokesman for Chao committee to review the 302.

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mississippi Medical Pumphrey; daughter, morial Funeral Home.
OBITUARY POLICY Center in West Point. Mamie Lou Huffman; West Memorial Funeral
Obituaries with basic informa-
Services will be at son, James Lee Owens; Home of Starkville is
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
2 p.m. Thursday at brother, Herbert Crid- in charge of arrange-
free of charge. Extended Pleasant Grove Church dle; and one grand- ments.
obituaries with a photograph, in Una, with the Rev. child. She is survived by
detailed biographical informa- Steve Lampkin offi- She is survived her children, Autry
tion and other details families ciating. Burial will by her son, Richard Taylor and Alexander
may wish to include, are avail- follow at the church Owens of Saltillo; six Taylor; and siblings,
able for a fee. Obituaries must cemetery. Visitation is
be submitted through funeral
grandchildren; 16 Robert Taylor, Beverly

John D. Sanders
homes unless the deceased’s
from 5-8 p.m. today at great-grandchildren; 18 Frost, Nadine Taylor
body has been donated to Calvert Funeral Home great-great-grandchil- and Eric D. Taylor.
science. If the deceased’s and one hour prior dren; and one great-
to the services at the John Daniel Sanders, age 78, died Monday,
body was donated to science,
the family must provide official church. Calvert Funeral
great-great-grandchild. Minnie Phillips September 09, 2019, at his residence in Colum-
Pallbearers will be COLUMBUS —
proof of death. Please submit Home of West Point is Lee Huffman, Drew bus, surrounded by his family and caregivers.
all obituaries on the form pro- in charge of arrange- Minnie Phillips, 70,
White, Austin White, died Sept. 10, 2019, at Services will be held Thursday, September 12,
vided by The Commercial Dis-
ments. Chris Posey, Cayse Co- 2019, at 2:00 PM at Memorial Gunter Peel, 716
patch. Free notices must be
Mrs. Pumphrey was Baptist Memorial Hos-
peland, Austin Warren, 2nd Ave. North Chapel, with Rev. Steve Blalock
submitted to the newspaper
born Sept. 27, 1925, in pital-Golden Triangle.
no later than 3 p.m. the day Zach Phillips and Cody officiating. Burial will follow at Haughton Memo-
Chickasaw County, to Arrangements are
prior for publication Tuesday Jinkins. rial Park in Amory. Visitation will be held one
the late Henry Lee and incomplete and will be
through Friday; no later than 4
Memorials may be hour prior to service at the funeral home. Memo-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Ethel O’Barr Criddle. announced by Bench- rial Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Crematory, 2nd
made to Palmer Home mark Memorial Life
edition; and no later than 7:30 She was formerly Ave. North location, has been entrusted with the
a.m. for the Monday edition. for Children, P.O. Box Center of Columbus.
employed as a machine arrangements.
Incomplete notices must be re- 746, Columbus, MS
operator with Knicker- Mr. Sanders was born on Thursday, February
39701 or to Pleasant
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
for the Monday through Friday bocker in West Point,
Grove Cemetery Fund,
Buddy Gardner 06, 1941, in Walker County, AL, to the late Oscar
editions. Paid notices must be a seamstress with CALEDONIA — C. and Agnes Hyder Sanders. He was a member
Burris Manufacturing c/o Brenda Henley,
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Buddy Gardner, 68, of First United Pentecostal Church. John lived in
in Prairie, and a Pink 4420 Baker Road, Prai-
the next day Monday through died Sept. 10, 2019, at Fayette, AL for 25 years, before moving to Bir-
Lady at Trace Hospital rie, MS 39756.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 his residence. mingham for a short time, before moving back to
p.m. for Sunday and Monday in Houston. She was Arrangements are Fayette, where he met and married his 1st wife,
publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.
a member of Pleasant Andrea Taylor incomplete and will be the late Paulette Parrish. John and Paulette lat-
Grove Church. STARKVILLE — announced by Lown- er moved to Columbus where he began a 31-year
In addition to her Andrea Taylor, 65, died des Funeral Home of career with General Tire & Rubber Company.
Mary Pumphrey parents, she was pre- Sept. 4, 2019, in Mead- Columbus. Due to failing health, he moved his parents to
WEST POINT — ceded in death by her ville. Columbus. After his father died, and while tak-
Mary Frances Owens first husband, Walter A memorial service ing care of his mother, Paulette became ill and
Pumphrey, 93, died E. Owens; second will be held at 11 a.m. passed away in 1996. While continuing to care
Sept. 9, 2019, at North husband, James M. Thursday at West Me- for his mother, John would later meet and marry
one of his mother’s caregivers, Faye Edwards.
John and Faye lived a very happy and active live
together until she became ill and passed away in
2015. Although John never had children of his
own, Faye’s sons and their families, along with
Groundbreaking photographer Robert Frank dies at 94 a host of caregivers and friends, cared for him
after her death.
By HILLEL ITALIE influenced countless On Thursday, the band Survivors include his stepsons, David Ed-
The Associated Press photographers and was tweeted a tribute to Frank, wards and his wife, Brenda, of Corinth, MS, Joel
likened to Alexis de Toc- calling him an “incredible Edwards of Columbus, and Nathan Edwards and
NEW YORK — Robert queville for so vividly cap- artist whose unique style
Frank, a giant of 20th-cen- his wife, Lana, of Brooksville, MS.
turing the United States broke the mold.” Serving as pallbearers will be Morgan Ed-
tury photography whose
through the eyes of a for- But he was best known John D. Sanders
seminal book “The Amer- Visitation: wards, Larry Johnson, Billy Gore, Cary Richard-
eigner. Besides his still for “The Americans,” a Thursday, Sept. 12 • 1-2 PM son, Raymond McCool and Tommy Lindsey
icans” captured singular,
photography, Frank was montage that countered 2nd Ave. North Location
John’s family would like to thank all of his
candid moments of the Services:
1950s and helped free a prolific filmmaker, cre- the 1950s myth of bland friends, caregivers, and Mrs. Johnnie Rixie for
Thursday, Sept. 12 • 2 PM
picture-taking from the ating more than 30 mov- prosperity and opened 2nd Ave. North Chapel their visits and support during his illness.
ies and videos, including vast new possibilities for Burial
boundaries of clean light- Haughton Memorial Park Memorials may be made to: First United Pen-
ing and linear composi- a cult favorite about the photography, shifting the Amory, MS tecostal Church, P.O. Box 2391, Columbus, MS
tion, has died. He was 94. Beats and a graphic, cen- paradigm from the por-
Frank died Monday in sored documentary of the trait to the snapshot. As es-
Inverness, on Cape Bret- Rolling Stones’ 1972 tour. sential to post-war culture
on Island in Nova Scotia, Black-and-white Super 8 as a Chuck Berry song
according to his second pictures by Frank were or a Beat poem, Frank’s
wife, June Leaf. The cou- featured on the cover of shots featured jukeboxes,
ple divided their time be- the Stones’ “Exile On luncheonettes, cigars, big Sign the online guest book at
tween Nova Scotia and Main Street,” one of rock cars and endless high-
New York. ‘n’ roll’s most acclaimed ways, with an American
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
The Swiss-born Frank albums. flag often in the picture.
The Dispatch • Wednesday, September 11, 2019 5A

News About Town

North Mississippi Medical Center-West
ventions. For free screenings or referrals,
call 1-800-431-1754.
n EAST LIONS CLUB Point Wellness Center hosts a balance n GOLDEN TRIANGLE AA
The Columbus East Lions Club meets every class 1-2 p.m. Sept. 23-25. Members Golden Triangle AA meets daily for
second and fourth Monday of the month at free. $20 nonmembers. To register by support. If you want to drink, that is your
65 Airline Road. For more information, call Sept. 20 or for more information, call the business. If you want to stop drinking,
662-251-1415 or 662-574-7552. Wellness Center, 662-495-9355. that is our business. For information, call
The Columbus Host Lions Club meets Baptist Cancer Center offers free pros- n AL-ANON MEETING
every Friday at noon at EMCC Lion Hills tate PSA screenings for men over 40. The Columbus Al-Anon Family Groups
Center for a buffet lunch and business Next screenings are 8-11:45 a.m. and meet Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30
gathering. For more information, call John 1-2 p.m. Sept. 27. Walk-ins accepted. For p.m. When you don’t know where to turn
Michael, 601-955-2176. appointments, call 662-244-4673. because someone drinks too much, we
n AARP COLUMBUS n CPR CLASSES can help. For information, call 888-425-
AARP meets the first Wednesday of each Baptist Golden Triangle offers CPR 2666 or go to
month at 10 a.m. in the Community Room classes for the community at 6 p.m. in
of Regions Bank, Main Street, Columbus.
Programs are geared to the needs and
the Patient Tower. Next class is Sept. 9
and 23. Pre-registration required. Call the
interests of seniors 50 and up. For more Education Department, 662-244-2498. Registration is open for EMCC’s commu-
information, call 662-889-9496. n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES nity Learning in Our Neighborhood (LION)
n AARP STARKVILLE Baptist Golden Triangle offers Childbirth program. Deadline is Sept. 27. For more
AARP Starkville meets the first Thursday classes and Breastfeeding classes each information, call 662-243-1900 or email,
of each month at 10 a.m. in the Commu- month, 6 p.m., in room 6, near the Gift
nity Room of Cadence Bank, West Main Shop, $20. For information or to register, or Marilyn Ford,
Street, Starkville. Speaker will be Kristen call 662-244-2498. n OKTIBBEHA AUDUBON SOCIETY
Campanella, director of Oktibbeha County n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES Oktibbeha Audubon Society meets at 7
EMA/E911. Emerson Family Center in Starkville offers p.m. Sept. 12 in MSU’s Clay Lyle Entomol-
n OKTIBBEHA MASTER Childbirth classes from 5:30-7:30 p.m. ogy Building. Rebecca Bracken, a Ph.D.
GARDENERS every Tuesday. For more information, call student at MSU, discusses her experi-
The Oktibbeha County Master Gardeners 662-320-4907. ences as a birder and researcher working
will meet at 10 a.m. Sept. 12 at the Oktib- with unique bird species. The public is
n LUPUS SUPPORT invited.
beha County Extension Service. Represen-
A lupus support group meets at 10 a.m.
tatives of the statewide Master Gardeners n GOLF TOURNAMENT
the first Saturday of every month in room
will report on activities and new gardening Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church
6 of the Baptist Golden Triangle Patient
developments underway across the state. of West Point hosts its first golf tourna-
Tower. Open to anyone with lupus or
n POSSUM TOWN TOASTMASTERS any family member or friend. For more ment at 9 a.m. Sept. 24 at the Mossy
Possum Town Toastmasters meet every information, call Rashell Hopkins, 662- Oak Golf Course. Cash prizes, trips and
Friday at 7 a.m. at the Church of Christ, 570-8342. clothing for winners. If interested in being
Columbus. To become a better communi- a player, volunteer or sponsor, call Bob
n CANCER SUPPORT Ford, 662-295-4201.
cator and leader, call 662-549-3483.
Baptist Cancer Center hosts a support
n POSSUM TOWN QUILTERS group for cancer survivors and their n ENRICHMENT PROGRAM
Possum Town Quilters meet at 9:30 a.m. families, noon-1 p.m. the third Friday of The Columbus/Lowndes County Historical
the second and fourth Saturdays of each every month in Classroom 5 of the Patient Society hosts MSU Assistant Professor
month at the Rosenzweig Arts Center (low- Towers. Next meeting is Sept. 20. Lunch of History Joseph Thompson at its noon-1
er level), 501 Main St., Columbus. Check provided. For information and location, p.m. annual meeting Sept. 25 at the Ste-
us out at possumtownquilters.blogspot. call 662-244-2923. phen D. Lee Home, 316 Seventh St. N.
com. Thompson’s topic is “Seems Like I Have
n HYPERTENSION SUPPORT Been Here Before: Historical Connections
n LOWNDES REPUBLICAN WOMEN A pulmonary hypertension support group
Between the 1960s and the Present.”
Lowndes County Republican Women meets meets at 2 p.m. the second Saturday of
For information, contact Eulalie H. Davis,
the second Tuesday of each month at every month at North Mississippi Medical
the Lion Hills Center, 2331 Military Road. Center-West Point Education Center, 385
Buffet line opens at 11:15 a.m., with call Medical Center Drive. For information, call n BOOK SALE
to order at noon. Dana Albert, 662-295-3642. The Friends of the Starkville Library Book
Sale is the first Monday of each month at
n GT QUILTERS GUILD ■ DIABETES SUPPORT the Starkville Public Library, 326 Univer-
The Golden Triangle Quilters Guild meets Baptist Golden Triangle hosts day classes
sity Drive.
at 5:30 p.m. every third Thursday at the for Diabetes Support on third Wednes-
Starkville Sportsplex Activities Building.
days of each month, 10-11 a.m. in Patient Memphis Town Community Action Group
■ BREAKFAST WITH THE BULLDOGS Tower room 6. For information, call Lacy meets fourth Tuesdays at 6 p.m. to
MSU alumni, friends are invited to Break- Smith, 662-244-1392. discuss issues related to the Kerr-McGee
fast with the Bulldogs on second Thurs- n DIALYSIS SUPPORT site. For information, contact Leon Hines,
days each month at Starkville Café. Dutch A dialysis support group meets at 6 p.m. 662-574-6109.
treat breakfast 7:30 a.m. Contact Carol the second Thursday of each month at n 50 DRESSES MINISTRY
Moss Read at or Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT, room 6. Reach1 Teach1 Ministries’ 50 Dresses
662-312-0637. Open to patients diagnosed with End Ministry Program to the Golden Triangle
■ DULCIMER PLAYERS Stage Renal Disease. For more informa- area helps those in need of a dress or
Friendly City Strummers meet twice month- tion, call 662-328-4440. suit for a job search. Donations accepted.
ly to practice and teach others to play n CAREGIVER SUPPORT Call Regional Coordinator Cequeila Big-
dulcimers. Join for $10/year for the whole A caregiver support group meets at 6 bee, 870-627-2859 or e-mail, 1delivere-
family. Dulcimers available to borrow. p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month
Contact David Saum, 662-386-6836 or at Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT, room n ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES, or the Switzers, 4. Open to adult family or other informal Emerson Family Center, 1504 Louisville
662-312-6025. caregivers age 18 or older providing care St., Starkville, offers Adult Education
n TOPS to individuals with a disability, chronic classes from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on Mondays &
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 288 meets illness or dementia diagnosis. For more Wednesdays; 8 a.m.-7 p.m. on Tuesdays
Tuesdays at Community Baptist Church, information, call 662-328-4440. & Wednesdays; 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on Fridays.
Yorkville Road East, Columbus. Weigh-in n CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER For more information, call 662-320-4607.
begins at 5:30 p.m. Contact Pat Harris, This group meets at 11:30 a.m. the last n WALKING GROUP
662-386-0249. Thursday of each month at First United J.L. King Center’s Families First of
n TOPS Methodist Church, 602 Main St., Colum- Oktibbeha County invites the community
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 270 meets bus. A study on the book “No Act of Love to join its Walking Group at 6:30 a.m.
Thursdays at 4370 Cal-Kolola Road, is Ever Wasted: The Spirituality of Caring Monday-Friday at Westside Park, 700 N.
Caledonia. Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30 p.m. for Persons with Dementia” is underway. Long St., Starkville.
Contact Michelle Holliman, 662-386-3650. n ABUSE RECOVERY GROUP n EFFECTIVE PARENTING
n SENIOR CRAFTS A Domestic Abuse Recovery Group meets Family Resource Center, Columbus
Senior Crafts meets at the Starkville Thursdays at 6 p.m. through Safe Haven campus, 1575 Second Ave. N., offers free
Sportsplex Tuesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. Inc. Group counseling for rape recovery is effective parenting classes, with insight
Crafts provided by the parks department. available. For information, call 662-327- on child safety, appropriate discipline,
For information, call Lisa Cox, 662-323- 6118 or 662-889-2067. effective communication and more. For
2294. n SAFE SLEEP FOR INFANTS information, call 662-368-3603.
n QUILTING CLUB Emerson Family Center, Starkville, offers n ACTIVE PARENTING
Quilting Club meets in the activities room Safe Sleep for Infants classes 11 a.m.- Emerson Family Center, Starkville, offers
adjacent to the multi-purpose facility at noon Wednesdays. For more information, Active Parenting classes 10-11 a.m.
the Starkville Sportsplex Thursdays 10 call 662-320-4607. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Free diapers
a.m.-noon. Bring your own project to work n BAPTIST VOLUNTEERS for those who complete the four class
on. For information, call Lisa Cox, 662- Baptist Golden Triangle seeks caring, series. Free child care provided. Call 662-
323-2294. compassionate volunteers to help in a va- 320-4607.
riety of hospital settings. For information, n FREE COMPUTER CLASSES
Health Notes call Lisa Bowers,662-244-1165. Emerson Family Center, Starkville, offers
n STOP THE BLEED n BAPTIST HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS free computer classes 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays.
Baptist Golden Triangle hosts a community Baptist Hospice-Golden Triangle seeks Call 662-320-4607.
event 6-7 p.m. Sept. 17 at the Outpatient volunteers to assist in the office and with n FREE TUTORING
Pavilion Conference Center. Dr. Brad Hospice families at 2309 Bluecutt Road, Family Resource Center, 1575 Second
Beckham presents “Stop the Bleed.” Re- Suite B. For more information, call Katie Ave. N., Columbus, offers free tutoring,
fresments served. Limited enrollment. For Bostwick, 662-243-1173. computer use and printing services for
more information or to reserve space, call n DRUG/ALCOHOL INTERVENTION pre-K-eighth grade. Limited slots. Call
662-244-1132. Narconon offers drug and alcohol inter- 662-368-3603.

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© The Dispatch

Providing Our Clients Expertise With

Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
6A Wednesday, September 11, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Are we safer now than before 9-11?
Every generation it was obvious this car back window or bumper were when we didn’t have to the daily carnage — there
has that seminal was live television. and flags were displayed on take our shoes off to get on an have been more mass shoot-
moment, an event My second thought the windows of homes an airplane. ings (four victims or more) —
that stops us in our was that it was a businesses. Terrorism is no longer im- than there have been days in
tracks and is indeli- terrible accident, There was a fervor of unity ported: We grow our own. 2019 — 313 such shootings in
bly written into our perhaps the pilots and patriotism and rage and, This year alone, an estimat- 254 calendar days.
memory. had been disabled still, disbelief. ed 313 people have died from In 2001, the overwhelm-
For my parents, somehow and It was our generation’s mass shooting incidents, the ing sentiment was we must
both born in 1919, that the plane had Pearl Harbor. overwhelming majority com- do something — anything,
that event was Pearl veered off course. Now, 18 years later, what mitted by U.S. citizens, not really — to stop international
Harbor. For my old- Many people as- most people believed to be a Muslims or “illegal aliens.” We terrorism.
er siblings, it was sumed that. turning point seems to be rath- are slaughtering each other. Our response to what can
the assassination of Slim Smith Then, the er, a beginning of a new violent After 9-11, our response only be considered as domes-
John F. Kennedy. next plane. Later, America. was both immediate and tic terrorism? Nothing.
For me, it was September reports of planes crashing In the months after 9-11, we strategic. Congress passed the I’m from a generation when
11, 2001. into the Pentagon, then a field were told that the event would Patriot Act to allow our intelli- an single act of terrorism was
I was 42 years old, living in in Pennsylvania. The Twin transcend partisan politics gence agencies more freedom a stunning event, something
Mesa, Arizona, with my wife, Towers collapsed and a tide and, for a time at least, that in identifying and tracking seared into our collective
Susan, and two children, ages of smoke cascaded through seemed true. terrorism suspects. We even conscience.
9 and 13. Manhattan like some great But it didn’t last. created a national department, Now?
On that September morn- rolling tide. Our reaction to 9-11 proved the Department of Homeland Domestic terrorism is just
ing, around 8:30, I wandered It didn’t seem real. to be an over-reaction, I be- Security, equipped with broad another Tuesday or Wednes-
into my bedroom where Susan In the span of an hour, lieve. Our rage obscured our powers. We implemented day.
had stopped dressing and sat America was left numb, disbe- reason. We’ve have two wars security measures in airports Today, on the 18th anniver-
at the foot of the bed, staring lieving, disoriented. and a Middle East still con- and other public spaces that sary of 9-11, the only conclu-
at the TV, which was usually I don’t know when it was vulsed in bloodshed to show would have been inconceivable sion that can reasonably be
little more than background that things “got back to nor- for it. before 2001. We went to war. drawn is that human life mat-
noise as we got ready for work. mal.” I do know that for two We are more politically Twice. tered much more then than it
I turned my attention to the weeks, there were no planes divided than at any point since For all of those efforts, are does today.
TV to see a plane fly directly flying in or out of the busy Sky the Civil War and for all our ef- we safer? It’s a tough argu- Slim Smith is a columnist
into a tall building. At that Harbor Airport. I do know that forts to “do something” about ment to support. and feature writer for The
instant, I thought it was some American flags were plastered terrorism, we find that we are Consider that we have done Dispatch. His email address is
sort of movie trailer, but soon on what seemed to be every probably less safe now than we virtually nothing to prevent

State of the nation

Another mass shooting,

a nation on tenterhooks
In 1879, on the road leading into Dodge City, there stood
a sign. “The Carrying of Fire Arms Strictly Prohibited,” it
As recounted in the book “Gun-
fight: The Battle Over the Right to
Bear Arms in America” by Adam
Winkler, the gun control ordinance
was the first law passed when the
city was organized in 1873. Nor was
Dodge unique. Many other western
towns, Wichita and Tombstone
among them, had similar laws.
The statutes don’t seem to have
been particularly controversial.
Though Dodge City was, by reputa-
tion if not always in actual fact, one Leonard Pitts
of the toughest and most lawless
places on the frontier, cowboys had
no problem walking unarmed into its brothels and saloons.
Yet in 2019, many of us feel the need to take guns into
Worse, they’re allowed to do so under permissive “open
carry” laws which, in most states, give people the right
to bear handguns and even long guns in public. But now
Jeffrey Epstein

Taking good money from bad people

Walmart is fighting back. Sort of.
Last week, the giant retailer announced that it was
“respectfully requesting” that people not bring guns into its
stores. This, on the heels of last month’s racist mass shoot-
ing — 22 people died — at a Walmart in El Paso. Other The now-former Until recently, few funded a massive disinfor-
companies, including Kroger, CVS and Walgreens, quickly head of the Massa- knew of Epstein’s mation campaign to deny the
followed suit. The New York Times notes that still more chusetts Institute of alleged subsequent existence of human-caused
companies — Starbucks, Target and Chipotle among them Technology Media abuse of underage climate change. The Kochs are
— already had such policies in place. Most used the same Lab went from hero girls on an industrial also unapologetic polluters of
word Walmart did to couch their requests: “respectfully.” to zero in a couple of scale. That would the American heartland.
To say “it’s about time” is to understate. Years of living in news cycles. Once presumably include Theirs is bad money from
the shadow of massacres has left us a nation on tenterhooks, heralded for over- Ito. bad people. Upon David Koch’s
330 million people all sharing the same case of PTSD. One seeing projects that “I told Joi to take recent death, much has been
recalls the panicked stampede in Times Square last month use technology for the money,” Nich- written about the $1.3 billion
when motorcycles backfired. One observes that children social good, Joichi olas Negroponte, the billionaire gave to good
are being sent back to school this year with bulletproof Ito resigned after a famous architect causes. Do I begrudge New
backpacks. And one is glad businesses are willing to “re- revelations that he Froma Harrop and one of the lab’s York’s Metropolitan Museum,
spectfully request.” had tried to hide the founders, said. American Museum of Natural
But they must do more. source of donations from sexual Based on what was known at History, Lincoln Center and
The idea of a cowboy walking without his revolver down predator Jeffrey Epstein. the time, he added, “I would do Hospital for Special Surgery
the wooden sidewalks of Tombstone stands in rather point- It was the cover-up that it again.” for cashing Koch’s checks? I do
ed contrast to that of some accountant waiting in line at a ultimately did him in. Before Harvard University, by the not.
suburban Starbucks with an AR-15 slung across his back. that, there was some back and way, had accepted $6.5 million But this sum doesn’t come
One can imagine no more vivid illustration of the absurdist forth on the morality of taking from Epstein and rightly says near compensating for the
dystopia this country has become as a result of the NRA, its good money from bad people it has no intention of giving harm he and his brothers have
GOPtoadies and their conviction that all people must have — a subject on which hypocrisy it back. If it did, the money done to our natural world.
access to all guns in all places at all times. often takes center stage. Few wouldn’t disappear. It would Nor does pasting his name on
If you’re sitting in a movie theater or standing in a check- of the fortunes that shower col- go somewhere else, perhaps a revered institutions clean his
out line and some stranger walks by carrying a military leges, medical facilities and the less-worthy destination. Also reputation, at least not in the
grade rifle, do you feel safer or do you start looking for arts with millions were made in relevant is that Epstein’s for- history books.
the exit? The answer is obvious: this is not a scenario that a totally squeaky-clean fashion. tune came out of his financial Take his money, sure, but
instills a sense of security. One would have to be drunk, Hedge funders, for example, wheeling and dealing and not institutions should exert more
stupid or Republican to think otherwise. collect billions pillaging Amer- his alleged sex trafficking of judgment on naming rights.
So it’s good to see American business taking a stand ican companies, destroying minors. The David H. Koch Plaza at the
American lawmakers won’t, the marketplace of commerce thousands of jobs. Which brings us to another Metropolitan Museum is one
reaching a consensus the marketplace of ideas can’t. If some corporate creep controversial source of charity: thing. The David H. Koch Di-
That said, this polite pleading is not enough. Asked about offers $100 million to find a the Koch brothers. Koch Indus- nosaur Wing at the Museum of
Walmart’s policy, even David Amad, a gun rights activist in cure for Alzheimer’s, should a tries’ immense wealth originat- Natural History is quite anoth-
Texas, told the Times, “They are ducking the issue.” medical research center take ed in the fossil fuels business. er. There’s something unseem-
Which they are. Walmart and other retailers seek a path the money? In almost all cases, There’s nothing inherently evil ly about naming an exhibition
of least resistance that will relieve them of the responsibil- yes. about oil money or even coal dedicated to science after an
ity of taking a stand. But no such path exists: sides must When Ito sought Epstein’s money. Early in the last centu- enemy of scientific scholarship.
be chosen and lines must be drawn, because this is, quite contributions, all that was ry, coal powered the country. It I don’t anticipate there will
literally, a matter of life and death. And death and death and widely known of the financier’s is on its way out, being rapidly be any “Jeffery Epstein School
death. As a private entity, Walmart, like CVS, Starbucks and dark past was his having pled replaced by cleaner natural of” anything in the conceivable
Kroger, can simply say, Do not bring guns into our stores. guilty to soliciting a minor for gas and very clean renewable future. But if good institutions
They have that power and they must use it. The majority of prostitution. Going to a prosti- energy. can use his money to advance
us who want gun sanity in this land must require them to. tute, as the young woman was The scientific consensus good missions, go ahead.
They’ve made their “respectful request.” then labeled, did not seem a says global warming is a threat Froma Harrop, a syndicated
We must answer with an impatient demand. heinous crime. Epstein said he to our civilization and fossil columnist, writes for the Provi-
Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for was chastened and had taken fuel use is much the cause. dence (Rhode Island) Journal.
commentary, is a columnist for the Miami Herald. Email him steps to ensure that would not But in their lust to amass still Her e-mail address is fharrop@
at happen again. more wealth, the Koch brothers
The Dispatch • Wednesday, September 11, 2019 7A

US expands hunting and fishing

at national wildlife refuges
‘It’s going to encourage new hunters and anglers federal ownership, it basically evis-
cerates federal management,” said
to enter the sport and fall in love with the Jeff Ruch of Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility.
outdoors and become lifelong conservationists’ “The states end up managing fed-
Ducks Unlimited CEO Adam Putnam eral land with federal dollars but
following state laws. That’s a sea
By KEITH RIDLER It’s the latest effort by the Trump change from federal management
The Associated Press administration to open public lands for conservation and biodiversity
to recreation and industry, includ- rather than promoting hunting.”
BOISE, Idaho — The Trump ad- ing oil and gas drilling, which crit- One of the big concerns is that
ministration said Tuesday that it is ics say comes at the expense of the state and federal officials don’t ap-
expanding hunting and fishing in 77 environment and wildlife. pear to have a monitoring system to
national wildlife refuges in a move President Donald Trump also see what effect the changes might
that critics contend is deferring has scaled back two sprawling na- have, not only on game species but
management to states and could tional monuments in Utah, a move
harm wildlife. those that aren’t hunted, Ruch said.
that opened the lands that were cut Hunting groups generally sup-
The Interior Department’s U.S. to potential drilling and mining.
Fish and Wildlife Service said hunt- ported the changes.
New plans for the monuments allow
ers and anglers can shoot and cast Chief Executive Officer Adam
more grazing and recreation.
their rods on 2,200 square miles of Putnam of Ducks Unlimited, a
Hunting and fishing will be al-
federally protected land in 37 states, lowed at seven national wildlife ref- group that works to conserve wa-
much of which is considered critical uges for the first time and expand- terfowl habitat, said the changes
habitat for waterfowl and other birds ed at 70 others. The agency, which wouldn’t harm wildlife populations.
to rest and refuel during their mi- also now permits it at 15 national He said simplifying regulations by
gration. fish hatcheries, said some 5,000 adopting state rules would draw
“This is the largest single effort to regulations have been eliminated more people outdoors.
expand hunting and fishing access or simplified to match state rules. “It’s going to encourage new
in recent history,” Interior Secretary Conservationists said the chang- hunters and anglers to enter the
David Bernhardt said last month be- es went into effect without adequate sport and fall in love with the out-
fore the changes were posted Tues- environmental review. doors and become lifelong conser-
day in the Federal Register. “While the Trump policy retains vationists,” he said.

Weather chief thanks Alabama employees for Dorian forecast

By JAY REEVES port the good intent of He later added: said the agency likely vi-
The Associated Press the Birmingham weather “Weather should not be a olated its scientific integ-
forecast office, which was partisan issue. I’ve known rity rules when it publicly
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. to calm fears in support some of you for 25 years. chastised the office in the
— Struggling to keep of public safety,” Jacobs I haven’t changed. I’m unsigned statement, and
his emotions in check, said. the same Neil I was last Democratic Sen. Jeanne
the head of the National Jacobs, a career mete- Thursday,” referring to Shaheen of New Hamp-
Oceanic and Atmospheric orologist, appeared near the day before the NOAA shire asked the inspector
Administration both de- tears at times. “This is statement was issued. general to investigate.
fended President Donald hard for me,” he said, his Jacobs specifically Past NOAA adminis-
Trump’s administration voice choking as he ad- thanked Kevin Laws, trators, a former Nation-
on Tuesday and thanked dressed a hushed crowd science and operations al Weather Service chief
forecasters who contra- of several hundred. officer with the weather and a former National
dicted the president’s Hurricane Center direc-
Jacobs said there was service office in Birming-
claims about Hurricane tor — among others —
no pressure from the ham. Laws said he appre-
Dorian threatening Ala- have blasted the NOAA
Trump administration or ciated the remarks by Ja-
bama. statement as inappropri-
NOAA to change the way cobs, whom he has known
Speaking to a meteorol- ate, saying they support-
branch offices communi- for 20 years.
ogy group, acting admin- ed the chastised Alabama
cate forecasts to the pub- “Absolutely no hard
istrator Neil Jacobs said a weather office.
lic. “No one’s job is under feelings,” Laws said.
NOAA statement issued
threat — not mine, not The acting chief scien-
Friday that criticized the
yours,” he said. tist at NOAA previously
Birmingham-area Nation-
al Weather Service office
after it disagreed with
Trump was meant to clar-
ify “technical aspects”
about Dorian’s potential
“What it did not say,
however, was that we un-
derstood and fully sup-

Police: Mississippi
men used racial
slurs in parking
garage attack
The Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. —
Police say three Missis-
sippi men used racial slurs
as they attacked a man in
a parking garage in Mem-
phis, Tennessee.
Court documents
show Christopher Elder,
Joshua Matheny and Mi-
chael Matheny have been
charged with civil rights
intimidation and attempt-
ed robbery.
An affidavit says a
man was walking into a
parking garage Sept. 2 in
downtown Memphis when
three men used a racial
slur when they said they
were going to take his
Police said the three
Horn Lake men demand-
ed the man’s shoes. Po-
lice said a fight began and
the three men used racial
slurs during the attack.
The affidavit says the man
received 10 stitches on his
Booking photos show
Elder, and Joshua and Mi-
chael Matheny, are white.
Their lawyers didn’t im-
mediately return messag-
es left after hours Tues-
8A Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Dispatch •

Auto burglaries
Continued from Page 1A
usually not for one auto of Aug. 19 to Aug. 26, the side Oktibbeha County, The week immediately lumbus. However, only SPD encourages the
burglary. It’s usually for first week of classes at Watson said. following Labor Day in three of the 31 recent public to report suspi-
multiple auto burglaries.” MSU. He and Lovelady both 2018 saw only eight auto burglaries resulted in a cious behavior, Lovela-
Property crime is the The department did emphasized locking car burglaries, according to report of firearm theft, dy said. Watson added
most common type of not tweet crime report doors and taking valu- a tweet from SPD at the and none of them were people should take pic-
crime in Oktibbeha Coun- data from the week of ables inside as the best time, but the number of the seven forced entries,
tures of their valuables,
ty, and the academic year Aug. 26 to Sept. 2. ways to prevent auto bur- auto burglaries between Lovelady said Tuesday.
has higher theft numbers glaries. August 1 and Sept 10 Watson estimated that because authorities are
because of the Mississip- “Twenty years ago, went down from 63 last much more likely to re-
pi State University stu-
Unlocked doors when I first started in law year to 55 this year, Love-
gun theft made up about
one-third of the 112 auto cover stolen personal
dent population, Watson and broken windows enforcement, (they were) lady said. Similarly, the burglaries outside the items if there are photos
said. As of Tuesday, there all broken windows,” number of auto burglar- city. to use for reference.
According to the SPD have been 112 reported Watson said. “That’s ies from June 1 to Sept. 10
Twitter account, there auto burglaries in Oktib- how we found them. We decreased from 139 last
were three reported auto beha County outside the drove around looking for year to 94 this year, he
burglaries during the Starkville city limits so the glass on the ground. said.
week of Aug. 5 to Aug. far this year. In the ex- Nowadays it’s just open Lovelady told The Dis-
12 and three during the tremely rare instance that doors. I don’t know what patch in August that auto
week of Aug. 12 to Aug. a burglar breaks the car changed, but it’s virtual- burglaries are “a major
19. The number went up windows, that person is ly all people not locking contributor” to firearm
to nine during the week almost always from out- their cars.” theft, also an issue in Co-

Continued from Page 1A
event called The Death going research is a “great
March, The Black March hobby” that has created
or The Forgotten March. a network of other WWII
WWII veterans often researchers and children
did not tell their children of POWs, she said.
about their wartime expe- Starkville resident Jim
riences. Weaver revealed Hemphill knew Weaver
a few things, such as several decades ago but
the scar on his back, his did not know Hartman,
frostbitten feet and stories and he found out Sunday
about one of the POW upon learning about the
camp’s guards, “a giant presentation that their
of a man” who tormented fathers were in the same
the prisoners, Hartman POW camp and both part
said. of The Death March, he
She began her re- said.
search when she came Hemphill’s father,
across a book about The James Hemphill Jr., was
Death March by Laura shot down and captured
Edge, a Michigan resident in Austria and spent 15
and fellow daughter of a months as a POW. Even
WWII POW. A 2017 At- so, he later served two
lanta Journal-Constitution years in the Korean War.
article profiled Hartman James Hemphill Jr., a
and Edge’s travels to Jackson native, was diag-
Europe to research their nosed with post-traumatic
fathers’ imprisonment stress disorder when he
and retrace their steps on was in his 50s and the
the march. illness was just starting to
Hartman emphasized become known. Only then
the British and American Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
did he start talking about
airmen imprisoned in Pam Hemphill displays a photo of an airplane that her
his experiences as a POW,
the Stalag Luft IV camp father-in-law, James Hemphill Jr., embroidered on a
piece of his parachute during his 15 months as a pris- including being crowded
were practically children, oner of war in World War II. into the hull of a ship in
mostly between the ages the Baltic Sea for three
of 18 and 20, and the “old home, Weaver attended by the Ku Klux Klan, days, Jim Hemphill said.
men” of the group were Mississippi State Uni- after Weaver allowed a “It’s a wonder any of
24. They did not have versity and later owned group of Freedom Riders them ever lived through
sufficient clothing for an Amoco gas station on to use a white restroom in it, but I’m glad they did
the Death March when it Highway 12. the 1950s. because I wouldn’t be
began in February 1945 He struggled for a here,” he said.
in subzero temperatures. while with nightmares Hartman brought four
They also did not have ac- of the war and even put
More family discoveries family members to her
cess to fresh water or reli- Hartman has previous-
his fist through a wall presentation, and she said
able food sources, so they ly shared her research at
one night, but he hated her goal is to inspire oth-
hunted small animals and conflict and lived by a the posts in Ackerman
ers to pursue the stories
scrounged for vegetables “kill them with kindness” and Savannah, Georgia.
in their families, she said.
in farmers’ fields. mentality, Hartman said. She learned at her presen-
“All of you need to go
“Cigarettes, although “Sometimes service tation in Ackerman that
talk to your elders, talk to
they probably killed people come back and her grandfather, Joseph
your fathers and find out
them in their 70s, kept they’re still ready to fight, F. Weaver, a World War I
these stories before these
them alive on this march but for my dad, it was the veteran, co-founded and stories are lost,” Hartman
because they traded them opposite effect,” Hartman attended the first meeting said.
for the farmers’ food,” said. “He had no patience of the American Legion in
Hartman said. for the mistreatment of Paris in 1919. He found-
The prisoners marched any living being.” ed Choctaw County’s
to a camp in Gudow, Ger- According to the Atlan- American Legion post
many, that was liberated ta Journal-Constitution, after he returned home to
by British forces on May the Amoco gas station Ackerman.
2, 1945. After his return was bombed, most likely Hartman said her on-

Continued from Page 1A
“I’m feeling good,”
Beard said Tuesday night
after the results had been
counted. “... I’m ready to
work for all of Ward 4. I’m
ready to do the job that
the people of Ward 4 gave
Beard, 31, who previ-
ously ran unsuccessfully
for the same council spot
in 2017, owns dance or-
ganization Golden Trian-
gle Elite and is currently
studying education at
East Mississippi Commu- Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
nity College. He finished Pierre Beard holds his son, Pierre Beard Jr., 4, while
second to Gibbs-Gray in waiting for the final two ballot boxes from the Hunt
the six-candidate race precinct to be counted Tuesday night at the Columbus
Aug. 20 to qualify for the Municipal Complex. Beard was already ahead 149-68.
“I want to congratulate to Gibbs-Gray’s house
Gibbs-Gray, 43, has
Beard.” following the announce-
owned K-Gray Financial After the Aug. 20 elec- ment of a Ward 4 election
Services for more than tion, when Gibbs-Gray in July.
10 years and has worked outpaced Beard 195- A Secretary of State’s
with the Mississippi Dem- 114, District 5 Lowndes representative confirmed
ocratic Party and served County Supervisor Leroy the office received the
on the Lowndes County Brooks filed a complaint complaint and forwarded
Democratic Executive against Gibbs-Gray with it to the Attorney Gen-
Committee. She current- the Mississippi Secre- eral’s office. A represen-
ly is an officer with the tary of State’s Office ask- tative for the AG said
Mississippi Federation of ing for an investigation office policy prohibited
Democratic Women. into possible voter fraud. commenting on investiga-
She did not respond to Gibbs-Gray received 74 tions.
calls from The Dispatch absentee votes, compared In Tuesday’s runoff,
by press time but shared to 15 for the rest of the 107 of Gibbs-Gray’s votes
her feelings on Facebook field, in the first round. (42.6 percent) were ab-
Tuesday night. Six of her absentees were sentee. Beard collected
“I want to thank every- from individuals who had 84 absentee votes. There
body that came out and changed their address- are five affidavit ballots to
voted for me,” she posted. es from outside Ward 4 be processed today.
THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finally healthy, Hill anchoring MSU offensive explosion

Matt Bush/USA Today Sports

Mississippi State Bulldogs running back Kylin Hill (8) runs the ball while defended by Southern Miss Golden Eagles defensive back D.Q. Thomas (12) during the first
quarter Saturday at Davis Wade Stadium.

By Ben Portnoy MSU training staff. A chorus of cowbells year’s Bulldog team through two games ries or more per game. rang out in appreciation of his service. cannot be overstated. “He is one of the best backs in the con-
Hill was listed as questionable to Entering this week’s contest against ference, and one of the best backs in the
STARKVILLE — As Mississippi
return at half time. He quickly quelled Kansas State, MSU is 8-1 when Hill rush- country,” coach Joe Moorhead said.
State junior running back Kylin Hill
those doubts as he took a handoff on the es for 50 or more yards in a game and a Schematically, Hill’s dynamism has
rolled around the turf, wincing in pain
first play of the third quarter five yards perfect 5-0 when he eclipses 100 yards. also aided in MSU’s improved passing
during last week’s 38-15 win over South-
to the MSU 25. Conversely, the Bulldogs are 9-8 when the game. A big play threat each time he
ern Mississippi, the crowd at Davis Wade
Stadium held fast with bated breath. In all, Hill finished the day with 127 Columbus native does neither. touches the ball, both Louisiana and
Just minutes earlier, starting quarter- yards and a touchdown on 14 carries. Now two games into his junior year, Southern Miss stacked the box at times to
back Tommy Stevens was pulled from “It happens, it’s football — it’s a con- Hill has totaled 320 yards and two touch- combat his home run-hitting ability.
the game with an injury. Now it was Hill tact sport,” he said postgame. “I went in downs on 41 carries. His 320 yards this With both teams selling out to contain
lying on the ground, audibly grimacing there, got it looked and I was fine and I season lead all Power Five conference Hill, Stevens and freshman quarterback
as he grasped his right ankle. ran for more.” running backs and rank No. 2 nationally Garrett Shrader were able to find clear
After a short reprieve, he was helped Though injuries are always a linger- while his 7.8 yards per carry sit No. 2 in passing lanes to receivers Osirus Mitch-
to his feet and into the locker room the ing concern, Hill’s importance to this the SEC among players averaging 10 car- See HILL, 3B


Starkville Academy scores early, blanks Heritage Aca. schedule released
By Theo DeRosa By Garrick Hodge

Starkville Academy soccer coach John Morgan STARKVILLE — The Mississippi State men’s bas-
gathered his players around him right before Tues- ketball team learned its 2019-2020 Southeastern Con-
day’s match against Heritage Academy and made ference schedule Tuesday afternoon.
one thing clear. MSU’s 18-game conference grind features at least
“You wanted to get a crowd,” Morgan said. “You one matchup against the league’s other 13 teams. The
Bulldogs have home-and-home dates with five oppo-
got one.”
nents, including in-state rival Ole Miss, Alabama, Ar-
Well before the match started, Patriots fans and
kansas, Missouri and South Carolina.
Volunteers fans alike filled a whole sideline at the
MSU opens its SEC slate by hosting Final Four
Columbus Soccer Complex for the rivalry match-
participant Auburn Jan. 4, then goes on the road to
up, bringing chairs and pennants and cooking hot
face Alabama (Jan. 8) and LSU (Jan. 11). The Bull-
dogs on the grill. They comprised an audience the dogs then have three straight home contests against
visiting Vols were happy to see, Morgan said — it Missouri (Jan. 14), Georgia (Jan. 19) and Arkansas
showed they’d earned the respect they wanted. (Jan. 22).
The Vols lived up to Morgan’s challenge, refus- After taking a break from conference play to face
ing to let the packed house faze them. Instead, they Oklahoma Jan. 25 in the Big 12/SEC Challenge, MSU
went on the offensive by outworking, outstripping takes on Florida in Gainesville Jan. 28 then returns
and outscoring the Patriots. Kaitlyn and Lauren home to clash with Tennessee on Feb. 1. A trip to Ken-
Bock each scored in the first half for Starkville tucky’s acclaimed Rupp Arena awaits the Bulldogs
Academy (5-4, 4-1 district), and that was more than on Feb. 4, then MSU will host a Vanderbilt team that
enough in a 2-0 win in which the Patriots (5-4, 1-2) went winless in SEC play last year on Feb. 11.
never really threatened offensively. Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff The first of two contests with rival Ole Miss is on
“We knew we had to come out early and attack Heritage Academy’s Caroline Peal, left, kicks the on Feb. 11 in Oxford, then MSU stays on the road by
them early to try and silence that crowd,” Morgan ball past Starkville Academy’s Anna Card, right, facing the new-look Arkansas Razorbacks on Feb. 15.
said. “The girls did a good job of that. They an- during a game Tuesday night at the Columbus After a brief stay in Starkville to play South Caroli-
swered the call, the challenge we had set for us.” Soccer Complex. The game resulted in Starkville’s na Feb. 19, the Bulldogs travel to College Station and
Starkville Academy was nearly always the ag- second victory over Heritage this season. play Texas A&M Feb. 22.
gressor Tuesday, spending a ton of time around Her twin Lauren upstaged her in the 35th min- MSU closes with two road contests against Mis-
the Patriots’ goal, and it paid off twice in critical ute, unleashing a shot from what she and Morgan souri (Feb. 29) and South Carolina (March 3) before
moments. estimated was a distance of 22 yards away. The hosting Ole Miss on March 7 in the regular season
In the sixth minute, Kaitlyn Bock cut back and ball knuckled over the head of goalkeeper Haven finale.
curled a shot from the right side into the lower Tuggle and landed behind her in the right side of The Bulldogs are hoping for their second straight
left corner of the goal to put the Vols on the score- NCAA tournament appearance after a 23-11 (10-8 SEC)
board first. See soccer, 3B season a year ago.
2B Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Dispatch •

Baseball High School Football

Albers p 0 0 0 0 Kinley p 0 0 0 0 Umpires_Home, Alfonso Marquez; First, Dan Bell- Michigan 24, Army 21, 2OT
Claudio p 0 0 0 0 h -Prado ph 1 0 1 0 ino; Second, Jeremie Rehak; Third, Dave Rackley. Iowa 30, Rutgers 0

BRIEFLY American League

East Division
Black p
Gamel lf
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
32 4 6 4 Totals 34 3 8 3
T_3:02. A_15,196 (40,615).
Mississippi prep poll
Purdue 42, Vanderbilt 24
Maryland 63, Syracuse 20
Ohio St. 42, Cincinnati 0
Milwaukee 021 000 001 — 4 A’s 21, Astros 7 Indiana 52, E. Illinois 0
EMCC drops a spot to sixth in
New York
Tampa Bay
W L Pct GB
95 51 .651 _
87 59 .596 8
Miami 010 100 010 — 3
E_Alfaro (10). DP_Milwaukee 1, Miami 0. LOB_
ab r h bi
ab r h bi

2. Pearl
W-L Pts Prv
1. Madison Central (13) (3-0) 130 1
(3-0) 117 2
Colorado 34, Nebraska 31, OT
Illinois 31, UConn 23
NJCAA football poll Boston
76 69 .524 18½
56 89 .386 38½
Milwaukee 4, Miami 8. 2B_Anderson (1), Grandal
(23), Grisham (5), Alfaro (13), Díaz (3), Dean (8).
Semien ss 5 2 3 3 Springer cf 2 2 2 2
Barreto ss 2 0 1 1 Tucker 1b-lf 3 0 1 0
3. Brandon
4. Lafayette
(2-1) 89 3
(3-0) 84 5
Wisconsin 61, Cent. Michigan 0
Penn St. 45, Buffalo 13
East Mississippi Community College was ranked Baltimore 46 98 .319 48 HR_Pérez (7), Castro (19). SF_Austin (1). Chapman 3b 4 2 2 1 A ltuve 2b 2 0 0 0 5. West Point (2-1) 71 6 Michigan St. 51, W. Michigan 17
Central Division Neuse 3b 2 0 0 0 Marisnick cf 3 0 1 1 6. South Panola (3-0) 61 7 Minnesota 38, Fresno St. 35, 2OT
sixth in Monday’s National Junior College Athletic W L Pct GB IP H R ER BB SO Olson 1b 4 3 2 4 Brantley lf 2 0 1 0 7. Petal (3-0) 39 9
Association football poll. Minnesota 89 55 .618 _ Milwaukee Brown 1b 1 0 0 0 Stubbs lf-c 3 1 1 0 8. Louisville (2-1) 33 8 Saturday, Sept. 14
Cleveland 85 61 .582 5 Anderson 4 3 2 2 2 2 Canha cf 6 3 3 1 Bregman ss 2 0 0 0 9. Starkville (1-2) 30 4 Ohio St. at Indiana, 11 a.m.
It’s a drop of one spot for the Lions (1-1), but every Chicago 64 80 .444 25 Albers 1 1-3 1 0 0 1 1 Pinder rf 6 1 3 1 Straw ss 1 1 1 1 10. Oxford (2-1) 15 10 Maryland at Temple, 11 a.m.
team ranked above EMCC is undefeated this season. Kansas City 53 92 .366 36½ Claudio, H, 22 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Davis dh 6 2 3 3 A lvarez dh 2 0 0 0 Others receiving votes: Picayune 11, Columbia E. Michigan at Illinois, 11 a.m.
Detroit 43 100 .301 45½ Black, H, 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Profar 2b 3 3 2 1 Díaz 1b-2b 4 0 0 0 10, Oak Grove 9, South Pike 7, West Jones 5, Pittsburgh at Penn St., 11 a.m.
Hutchinson (Kansas), 3-0 on the year, held onto the West Division Guerra, W, 9-5 2 1 1 1 1 4 Murphy c 5 3 3 4 Toro 3b 4 0 1 1 Taylorsville 2, Greenwood 1, Madison-Ridgeland UNLV at Northwestern, 2:30 p.m.
top spot and earned 11 first-place votes. Butler (Kansas) W L Pct GB Pomeranz, S, 1-1 1 2 0 0 0 2 Taylor c 1 0 0 0 Chirinos c 1 0 0 0 Aca. 1. Georgia Southern at Minnesota, 2:30 p.m.
Houston 95 51 .651 _ Miami Grossman lf 6 2 3 2 a-Maldonado ph-1b 3 2 2 Class 1A Iowa at Iowa St., 3 p.m.
got the remaining five first-place votes and moved up Oakland 85 60 .586 9½ Hernandez 5 4 3 3 0 5 2 School W-L Pts Prv Arizona St. at Michigan St., 3 p.m.
from third place to tie Kilgore (Texas) for second. Texas 72 74 .493 23 García 2 0 0 0 0 1 Reddick rf 4 1 2 0 1. Smithville (13) (3-0) 130 1 TCU at Purdue, 6:30 p.m.
Los Angeles 67 79 .459 28 Conley, L, 2-9 1 2-3 2 1 1 1 2 Totals 51 21 25 21 Totals 36 7 12 7 2. Noxapater (2-1) 93 2 N. Illinois at Nebraska, 7 p.m.
A pair of Mississippi teams slot in just above Seattle 59 86 .407 35½ Kinley 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 Oakland 722 621 001 — 21 3. Nanih Waiya (1-2) 89 4
EMCC, as Northwest Mississippi (2-0) is fourth, and Monday’s Games Houston 101 012 002 — 7 4. Simmons (1-2) 82 5
Mississippi Gulf Coast (2-0) is fifth. N.Y. Yankees 5, Boston 0
Umpires_Home, Kerwin Danley; First, Tripp Gib-
son; Second, Shane Livensparger; Third, Mark DP_Oakland 2, Houston 0. LOB_Oakland 8, Hous- 5. Lumberton (1-2) 67 3 Pac 12 Glance
Houston 15, Oakland 0 ton 5. 2B_Profar (22), Grossman (20), Semien Others receiving votes: TCPS 38, West Lown- North
Carlson. W L PF PA W L PF PA
Rounding out the Mississippi teams in the poll, Cleveland 6, L.A. Angels 2 T_3:20. A_7,215 (36,742). (38), Stubbs (3), Reddick (17). HR_Davis (20), des 13, West Bolivar 8.
Olson 2 (31), Murphy 2 (3), Semien (27), Springer Class 2A California 1 0 20 19 2 0 47 32
Copiah-Lincoln (2-0) and Hinds (2-0) are 11th and 12th Tuesday’s Games
School W-L Pts Prv Washington St. 0 0 0 0 2 0 117 24
L.A. Dodgers 7, Baltimore 3 2 (33), Maldonado 2 (5). SF_Profar (3).
in the rankings, and Jones (1-1) is 18th Seattle 4, Cincinnati 3 Rockies 2, Cardinals 1 1. Taylorsville (13) (3-0) 130 1
2. Philadelphia (2-1) 114 3
Oregon 0 0 0 0 1 1 98 33
Oregon St. 0 0 0 0 0 2 64 83
The Lions will face unranked Itawamba Community Minnesota 5, Washington 0 St. Louis Colorado IP H R ER BB SO
3. Bay Springs (3-0) 96 4 Stanford 0 1 20 45 1 1 37 52
Detroit 12, N.Y. Yankees 11 ab r h bi ab r h bi Oakland
College at 7 p.m. Thursday in Scooba. Fowler rf 4 1 1 0 Story ss 4 0 1 0 Roark, W, 4-1 5 2-3 8 5 5 1 3 4. Charleston (2-1) 79 2 Washington 0 1 19 20 1 1 66 34
Toronto 4, Boston 3 5. Scott Central (2-1) 73 5 South
Chicago White Sox 7, Kansas City 3 Wong 2b 4 0 0 0 Blackmon rf 4 1 2 0 Buchter 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 W L PF PA W L PF PA
Goldschmidt 1b 4 0 1 1 Arenado 3b 4 1 2 2 Mengden, S, 1-1 3 4 2 2 2 1 Others receiving votes: East Webster 12, North
EMCC quarterback Connor Oakland 21, Houston 7
Tampa Bay 5, Texas 3, 11 innings
Ozuna lf 4 0 1 0 Murphy 1b 4 0 1 0
DeJong ss 3 0 0 0 McMahon 2b 3 0 0 0
Miley, L, 13-5 1-3 7 7 7 1 0
Side 9, Calhoun City 7.
Class 3A
Southern Cal 1 0 45 20 2 0 76 43
Ariz. St. 0 0 0 0 2 0 49 14

Neville named MACJC offensive Cleveland 8, L.A. Angels 0 Sneed 2 2-3 6 4 4 1 3 School W-L Pts Prv Colorado 0 0 0 0 2 0 86 62
Molina c 3 0 1 0 Tapia lf 3 0 1 0 Utah 0 0 0 0 2 0 65 29
Wednesday’s Games Arozarena pr 0 0 0 0 Hilliard cf 3 0 0 0 Biagini 0 5 6 6 1 0 1. Columbia (11) (3-0) 124 1
2. Seminary (3-0) 110 2 Arizona 0 0 0 0 1 1 103 86
player of the week
N.Y. Yankees (Germán 17-4) at Detroit (Boyd Edman 3b 4 0 1 0 Estévez p 0 0 0 0 Devenski 2 3 2 2 0 1
8-10), 5:40 p.m. Valdez 4 4 2 2 1 3 3. Noxubee County (3-0) 97 3 UCLA 0 0 0 0 0 2 28 47
Bader cf 3 0 1 0 Hampson cf 0 0 0 0
L.A. Dodgers (Stripling 4-4) at Baltimore (Means Wacha p 1 0 0 0 Wolters c 2 0 0 0 4. Houston (1) (3-0) 83 5
Biagini pitched to 6 batters in the 4th.
East Mississippi Community College quarterback 10-10), 6:05 p.m. Carpenter ph 1 0 0 0 González p 2 0 0 0 Umpires_Home, Chris Conroy; First, Pat Hoberg;
(tie) Water Valley (1) (2-0) 83 4 Friday’s Games
Others receiving votes: Winona 16, Booneville 7. Arizona St. 19, Sacramento St. 7
Connor Neville was named the Mississippi Association Boston (TBD) at Toronto (Thornton 4-9), 7:07 p.m. Helsley p 0 0 0 0 Shaw p 0 0 0 0 Second, Gerry Davis; Third, Greg Gibson. Class 4A Saturday’s Games
Washington (Strasburg 16-6) at Minnesota (Pérez J.Martínez ph 1 0 0 0 Daza cf 1 0 0 0 T_3:20. A_32,100 (41,168).
of Community & Junior Colleges’ offensive player of 10-6), 6:40 p.m. Gallegos p 0 0 0 0 Diaz p 0 0 0 0 School W-L Pts Prv Utah 35, N. Illinois 17
1. Louisville (11) (2-1) 119 1 Colorado 34, Nebraska 31, OT
the week on Tuesday for his performance against Pearl Tampa Bay (TBD) at Texas (Jurado 7-10), 7:05 Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 30 2 7 2
2. South Pike (1) (3-0) 114 3 San Diego St. 23, UCLA 14
River. p.m. St. Louis
000 100 000 — 1
200 000 00x — 2
Rays 5, Rangers 3 3. Greenwood (3-0) 100 5 Washington St. 59, N. Colorado 17
Cleveland (Plutko 6-4) at L.A. Angels (Peters 3-2), Tampa Bay Texas 4. Corinth (1-1) 90 4 Oregon 77, Nevada 6
Neville, a transfer from Washington State, threw 7:07 p.m. E_Murphy (9). DP_St. Louis 1, Colorado 1. LOB_ ab r h bi ab r h bi 5. Poplarville (1-2) 50 2 Southern Cal 45, Stanford 20
St. Louis 6, Colorado 5. 2B_Fowler (22). HR_Are- Wendle 3b-2b 5 1 2 1 Choo rf 4 1 0 0
four touchdown passes against just one interception in Kansas City (Sparkman 3-11) at Chicago White
nado (38). SB_Ozuna (12). Meadows lf 3 1 1 2 Andrus ss 5 0 1 0
Others receiving votes: Itawamba AHS 18, California 20, Washington 19
Sox (López 9-12), 8:10 p.m. Leake Central 10, Clarksdale 7, West Lauderdale Arizona 65, N. Arizona 41
Thursday’s game, a 49-15 win for the Lions. Oakland (Anderson 11-9) at Houston (Valdez 4-7),
García rf 3 0 0 0 Calhoun lf 5 1 2 1 6, McComb 6. Hawaii 31, Oregon St. 28
Neville ranks fourth in the country with an average IP H R ER BB SO Duffy 3b 1 0 1 0 Solak 3b 5 1 2 2 Class 5A Friday, Sept. 13
7:10 p.m. St. Louis Lowe dh 5 1 1 0 Santana 1b 4 0 0 0 School W-L Pts Prv Houston at Washington St., 8:15 p.m.
of 316.5 passing yards per game, and his six touchdown Cincinnati (Gray 10-6) at Seattle (Gonzales 14-11), Wacha L,6-7 4 5 2 2 1 3 Choi 1b 5 0 1 0 Odor 2b 2 0 0 0 1. Lafayette (10) (3-0) 126 1 Saturday, Sept. 14
9:10 p.m. Helsley 2 2 0 0 0 1 Adames ss 5 1 1 0 Kiner-Falefa dh 4 0 0 0
passes have him tied for eighth nationally. Thursday’s Games Gallegos 2 0 0 0 0 1 Wong 2b-rf 5 0 1 0 DeShields cf 4 0 0 0
2. West Point (3) (2-1) 117 2 Air Force at Colorado, Noon.
3. Picayune (3-0) 105 3 Southern Cal at BYU, 2:30 p.m.
With the distinction, Neville will be nominated for N.Y. Yankees at Detroit, 12:10 p.m. Colorado Heredia cf 5 1 2 1 Mathis c 4 0 0 0 4. West Jones (3-0) 94 4 Stanford at UCF, 2:30 p.m.
National Junior College Athletic Association player of Kansas City at Chicago White Sox, 1:10 p.m. González W,1-6 6 4 1 1 0 4 Perez c 3 0 0 0 5. Laurel (2-1) 36 5 Arizona St. at Michigan St., 3 p.m.
L.A. Dodgers at Baltimore, 6:05 p.m. Shaw H,10 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 Sogard ph 1 0 0 0 Others receiving votes: Wayne County 24, Can- Idaho St. at Utah, 3:15 p.m.
the week honors. Boston at Toronto, 6:07 p.m. Estévez H,8 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 Zunino c 1 0 0 0 ton 6, Natchez 6, Provine 6. Cal Poly at Oregon St., 3:15 p.m.
Neville and the Lions host Itawamba Community Washington at Minnesota, 6:40 p.m. Diaz S,2-4 2 2 0 0 0 2 Totals 42 5 10 4 Totals 37 3 5 3 Class 6A North Texas at California, 3:15 p.m.
Tampa Bay at Texas, 7:05 p.m. HBP_Shaw (Molina). Tampa Bay 000 010 020 02 — 5 School W-L Pts Prv Hawaii at Washington, 6:30 p.m.
College at 7 p.m. Thursday. Oakland at Houston, 7:10 p.m. Umpires_Home, Brian Knight; First, Pat Hoberg; Texas 000 300 000 00 — 3 1. Madison Central (13) (3-0) 130 1 Oklahoma at UCLA, 7 p.m.
SOURCE: From Special Reports Cincinnati at Seattle, 9:10 p.m. Second, Gerry Davis; Third, Greg Gibson. E_Perez (1), Clase (2), Odor (12). DP_Tampa Bay 2. Pearl (3-0) 116 2 Texas Tech at Arizona, 9:30 p.m.
T_2:36. A_31,514 (50,398). 1, Texas 1. LOB_Tampa Bay 7, Texas 5. 2B_Here- 3. Brandon (2-1) 104 3 Montana at Oregon, 9:45 p.m.
dia (12), Calhoun (12). 3B_Wendle (2). HR_Mead- 4. South Panola (3-0) 76 5
National League ows (29), Solak (3). SB_Santana 2 (15), Odor (10). 5. Starkville (1-2) 32 4
Giants 5, Pirates 4

East Division
W L Pct GB Pittsburgh San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO
Others receiving votes: Petal 31, Oak Grove 13,
Oxford 6, Gulfport 6, Tupelo 6. Pro Football
Atlanta 90 56 .616 _ ab r h bi ab r h bi Tampa Bay Class Private Schools
Washington 79 64 .552 9½ Newman ss 2 1 1 0 Dubon 2b 4 1 2 0 Yarbrough 7 3 3 3 1 7 School W-L Pts Prv NFL Glance
Philadelphia 75 69 .521 14 Reynolds cf 4 1 2 0 Belt 1b 4 1 1 0 Anderson 1 0 0 0 0 3 1. Madison-Ridgeland Aca. (11) (4-0) 128 1 AMERICAN CONFERENCE
New York 74 70 .514 15 Moran 3b 3 0 0 0 Longoria 3b 4 1 1 0 Poche 1 0 0 0 2 1 2. Heritage Aca. (2) (4-0) 117 2 East
Wednesday Miami 51 93 .354 38
Central Division
d-Cabrera ph-rf 1 1 1 2 Vogt c
Bell 1b 4 1 1 2 Posey c
4 2 2 4
0 0 0 0
Pagán W,4-2 1 0 0 0 0 2
Fairbanks S,0-0 1 2 0 0 0 0
3. Jackson Prep (2-1) 100 3
4. St. Joseph, Greenville (3-0) 87 4

1 0 0 1.000 17 16
New England 1 0 0 1.000 33 3
Women’s College Soccer
St. Louis
W L Pct GB
81 63 .563 _
Osuna rf
Liriano p
4 0 0 0 Pillar cf 4 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 Crawford ss 4 0 1 1
Lynn 7 4 1 1 3 7
5. Pillow Aca. (3-0) 50 NR
Others receiving votes: Presbyterian Christian N.Y. Jets 0 1 0 .000 16 17
Mississippi University for Women at Chicago 77 66 .538 3½ Frazier 2b 4 0 0 0 Davis rf 3 0 0 0 Montero BS,0-1 1 3 2 2 0 1 18, Adams Christian 8, Washington School 6,
Parklane Aca. 6.
Miami 0 1 0 .000 10 59
Milwaukee 76 68 .528 5 Stallings c 3 0 0 0 Slater lf 3 0 0 0 Leclerc 1 0 0 0 0 2
Millsaps College, 5 p.m. Cincinnati 67 78 .462 14½ 1-Marte pr 0 0 0 0 Cueto p 2 0 0 0 Clase L,2-3 1 2-3 3 2 0 0 3 W L T Pct PF PA
Pittsburgh 63 82 .434 18½ Kramer lf 4 0 1 0 Barraclough p 0 0 0 0 Kelley 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 All Associated Press members in Mississippi are Tennessee 1 0 0 1.000 43 13
Men’s College Soccer West Division Keller p 0 0 0 0 Suarez p 0 0 0 0 HBP_Yarbrough (Choo). eligible to participate in the high school football Indianapolis 0 1 0 .000 24 30
W L Pct GB a-Tucker ph 1 0 1 0 b -Joseph ph 1 0 0 0 poll. Those who voted for this week’s poll are: Jacksonville 0 1 0 .000 26 40
Mississippi University for Women at x-Los Angeles 94 52 .644 _ Holmes p 0 0 0 0 Coonrod p 0 0 0 0
Umpires_Home, Tim Timmons; First, Tony Randa-
zzo; Second, Mike Muchlinski; Third, Rob Drake. Boswell Media, Kosciusko; The Commercial Dis- Houston 0 1 0 .000 28 30
Arizona 75 70 .517 18½ c-Reyes ph-3b 2 0 0 0 Peralta p 0 0 0 0 North
Millsaps College, 7 p.m. San Francisco 70 75 .483 23½ Anderson p 0 0 0 0
T_3:45. A_18,467 (49,115). patch, Columbus; Bolivar Commercial, Cleveland;
The Daily Corinthian, Corinth; Greene County
Thursday San Diego
66 77 .462 26½
61 84 .421 32½
32 4 7 4 Totals
000 000 040 — 4
San Francisco 300 020 00x — 5
33 5 9 5
Indians 8, Angels 0
Herald, Leakesville; Delta Democrat-Times,
Greenville; Hattiesburg Impact, Hattiesburg;
1 0 0 1.000 59 10
0 1 0 .000 20 21
0 1 0 .000 13 43
x-clinched division
College Football E_Newman (10). DP_Pittsburgh 1, San Francisco

Los Angeles
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Enterprise-Journal, McComb; The Natchez Dem- Pittsburgh 0 1 0 .000 3 33
Monday’s Games ocrat, Natchez; Starkville Daily News, Starkville; West
Itawamba Community College at East Atlanta 7, Philadelphia 2
1. LOB_Pittsburgh 5, San Francisco 4. 2B_Cabre-
ra (21), Belt (27), Dubon (3). HR_Bell (37), Vogt
Lindor ss 5 2 2 1 Goodwin cf 4 0 0 0 The Vicksburg Post, Vicksburg; WTVA-TV, Tupe- W L T Pct PF PA
Flaherty pr-3b 0 0 0 0 Fletcher 3b-ss 4 0 2 0
Mississippi Community College, 7 p.m. N.Y. Mets 3, Arizona 1 (9). S_Keller (1). Mercado cf 5 1 2 0 Ohtani dh 2 0 0 0 lo; WCBI, Columbus. Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 40 26
Milwaukee 8, Miami 3 Santana 1b 2 1 1 0 Bour 1b 1 0 0 0 L.A. Chargers 1 0 0 1.000 30 24
Prep Soccer Pittsburgh 6, San Francisco 4 Oakland 1 0 0 1.000 24 16
College Football
IP H R ER BB SO Bauers 1b 0 0 0 0 Upton lf 2 0 0 0
Chicago Cubs 10, San Diego 2 Pittsburgh Puig rf 1 2 0 0 Ward lf 1 0 1 0 Denver 0 1 0 .000 16 24
Hartfield at Starkville Academy, 5 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Keller, L, 1-4 5 9 5 5 0 7 Allen pr-lf 1 0 0 0 Calhoun rf 3 0 1 0 NATIONAL CONFERENCE
Heritage Academy at Mag Heights, 3
L.A. Dodgers 7, Baltimore 3
Seattle 4, Cincinnati 3
Holmes 2 0 0 0 0 1 Luplow lf-rf 2 2 1 3 Thaiss 3b 1 0 0 0
Reyes dh 2 0 1 4 Simmons ss 3 0 0 0
SEC Glance
Liriano 1 0 0 0 0 1 East
Philadelphia 6, Atlanta 5 Dallas 1 0 0 1.000 35 17
p.m. Minnesota 5, Washington 0
San Francisco
Cueto, W, 1-0 5 1 0 0 1 4
Haase ph-dh 1 0 0 0 Hermosillo rf 0 0 0 0
Kipnis 2b 4 0 0 0 Walsh 1b-p 3 0 0 0
W L PF PA W L PF PA Philadelphia 1 0 0 1.000 32 27
N.Y. Mets 3, Arizona 2 Georgia 1 0 30 6 2 0 93 23 Washington 0 1 0 .000 27 32
Columbus Christian Academy at Kirk Milwaukee 4, Miami 3
Barraclough 0 1 0 0 1 0 Freeman 2b 1 0 0 0 Rengifo 2b 3 0 0 0 Florida 0 0 0 0 2 0 69 20 N.Y. Giants 0 1 0 .000 17 35
Suarez 2 1 0 0 0 1 R.Pérez c 4 0 0 0 Bemboom c 3 0 0 0 Kentucky 0 0 0 0 2 0 76 41
Academy, 4 p.m. Colorado 2, St. Louis 1
San Francisco 5, Pittsburgh 4
Coonrod 2-3 2 2 2 0 0 Chang 3b-ss 4 0 1 0 Missouri 0 0 0 0 1 1 69 44
Peralta 0 2 2 2 0 0 Totals 32 8 8 8 Totals 30 0 4 0 South Carolina 0 0 0 0 1 1 92 34
Prep Volleyball Chicago Cubs at San Diego, late Anderson, S, 1-1 1 1-3 0 0 0 1 2 Cleveland 024 000 200 — 8 Tennessee 0 0 0 0 0 2 56 67
New Orleans 1 0 0 1.000 30 28
Wednesday’s Games Barraclough pitched to 2 batters in the 6th, Peralta Los Angeles 000 000 000 — 0 Carolina 0 1 0 .000 27 30
Kosciusko at Columbus, 5:30 p.m. Atlanta (Keuchel 7-5) at Philadelphia (Eflin 8-11),
pitched to 2 batters in the 8th. DP_Cleveland 1, Los Angeles 1. LOB_Cleveland
Vanderbilt 0 1 6 30 0 2 30 72
West Atlanta 0 1 0 .000 12 28
6:05 p.m. Tampa Bay 0 1 0 .000 17 31
West Lowndes at Noxapater, 6 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Stripling 4-4) at Baltimore (Means WP_Barraclough. 8, Los Angeles 5. 2B_Reyes (8), Lindor (37), Cal- W L PF PA W L PF PA
Mississippi 1 0 31 17 1 1 41 32 North
10-10), 6:05 p.m. Umpires_Home, Paul Emmel; First, Ryan Blakney; houn (28), Ward (2). HR_Luplow (12), Lindor (30). W L T Pct PF PA
New Hope at South Lamar, 6:30 p.m. Arizona (Ray 12-7) at N.Y. Mets (Matz 9-8), 6:10 Second, Mike Estabrook; Third, Chad Fairchild. SF_Reyes (3). Alabama 0 0 0 0 2 0 104 13
Green Bay 1 0 0 1.000 10 3
p.m. T_2:57. A_26,877 (41,915). Auburn 0 0 0 0 2 0 51 27
Grace Christian at Starkville High, 7:30 Milwaukee (Davies 9-7) at Miami (Lopez 5-8), IP H R ER BB SO LSU 0 0 0 0 2 0 100 41 Minnesota
1 0 0 1.000 28 12
0 0 1 .500 27 27
Cleveland Mississippi St 0 0 0 0 2 0 76 43
p.m. 6:10 p.m.
Washington (Strasburg 16-6) at Minnesota (Pérez Tigers 12, Yankees 11 Plesac W,8-6 9 4 0 0 2 5 Texas A&M 0 0 0 0 1 1 51 31 Chicago 0 1 0 .000 3 10
Arkansas 0 1 17 31 1 1 37 44 West
Heritage Academy at Caledonia, 6:30 10-6), 6:40 p.m. New York
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
Los Angeles
Suarez L,2-6 3 4 6 6 2 1 Saturday’s Games W L T Pct PF PA
St. Louis (Hudson 15-6) at Colorado (Senzatela San Francisco 1 0 0 1.000 31 17
p.m. 8-10), 7:40 p.m. Torres 2b 5 1 1 1 Reyes cf 5 2 1 0 Walsh 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 Missouri 38, West Virginia 7
Purdue 42, Vanderbilt 24 L.A. Rams 1 0 0 1.000 30 27
Pittsburgh (Musgrove 9-12) at San Francisco Gardner cf 5 2 2 3 H.Castro 2b 5 2 3 1 Jo.Rodriguez 3 0 0 0 2 2 Seattle 1 0 0 1.000 21 20
Prep Softball (Webb 1-1), 8:45 p.m. Sánchez c 4 1 1 0 Cabrera dh 3 1 1 2 Cahill 2 1-3 4 2 2 1 2 South Carolina 72, Charleston Southern 10
Clemson 24, Texas A&M 10 Arizona 0 0 1 .500 27 27
Chicago Cubs (Hamels 7-6) at San Diego (Padd- Encarnación dh 5 1 1 2 Candelario 1b 5 1 3 3 HBP_Suarez 3 (Puig,Santana,Puig), Cahill Thursday’s Games
Starkville at Columbus, 5/6:30 p.m. ack 8-7), 9:10 p.m. Gregorius ss 4 2 2 2 Lugo 3b 4 1 0 0 (Luplow). Mississippi St. 38, Southern Miss. 15
Green Bay 10, Chicago 3
Cincinnati (Gray 10-6) at Seattle (Gonzales 14-11), Urshela 3b 4 1 1 0 Stewart lf 3 1 2 2 Georgia 63, Murray St. 17
Heritage Academy at Kemper Academy, 9:10 p.m. Ford 1b 3 1 1 1 Demeritte rf 5 1 1 1
Umpires_Home, Bill Welke; First, Tom Woodring;
Second, Lance Barrett; Third, Chris Guccione.
Alabama 62, New Mexico St. 10 Sunday’s Games
Baltimore 59, Miami 10
Estrada pr 0 0 0 0 Greiner c 5 1 3 2 BYU 29, Tennessee 26
5:30 p.m. Thursday’s Games
Arizona at N.Y. Mets, 12:10 p.m. Maybin rf 0 0 0 0 W.Castro pr 0 1 0 0
T_2:46. A_35,508 (45,050). LSU 45, Texas 38 Kansas City 40, Jacksonville 26
Florida 45, UT Martin 0 Minnesota 28, Atlanta 12
New Hope at Louisville, 5/6:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Miami, 12:10 p.m. Frazier lf 4 1 1 0 Mercer ss 4 1 2 1 Tennessee 43, Cleveland 13
St. Louis at Colorado, 2:10 p.m. Wade rf 3 1 1 2 Dodgers 7, Orioles 3 Auburn 24, Tulane 6
Buffalo 17, N.Y. Jets 16
Women’s College Soccer Chicago Cubs at San Diego, 2:40 p.m. Voit ph-1b 1 0 0 0 Los Angeles Baltimore
Kentucky 38, E. Michigan 17
Mississippi 31, Arkansas 17 L.A. Rams 30, Carolina 27
Pittsburgh at San Francisco, 2:45 p.m. Totals 38 11 11 11 Totals 39 12 16 12 ab r h bi ab r h bi Philadelphia 32, Washington 27
South Alabama at Mississippi State, L.A. Dodgers at Baltimore, 6:05 p.m. New York 150 110 300 — 11 Pollock lf 4 0 0 0 Villar ss 4 0 1 0
Saturday, Sept. 14
Arkansas St. at Georgia, 11 a.m. L.A. Chargers 30, Indianapolis 24, OT
Atlanta at Philadelphia, 6:15 p.m. Detroit 006 013 101 — 12 Freese 1b 3 1 2 0 Mancini 1b 4 1 1 0
7 p.m. Washington at Minnesota, 6:40 p.m. E_Torres (16). DP_New York 1, Detroit 0. LOB_ a-Beaty ph-1b 2 0 0 0 Santander lf 4 0 0 0
Chattanooga at Tennessee, 11 a.m. Seattle 21, Cincinnati 20
Dallas 35, N.Y. Giants 17
Kansas St. at Mississippi St., 11 a.m.
Friday Cincinnati at Seattle, 9:10 p.m. New York 2, Detroit 8. 2B_Urshela (34), Greiner
(4). 3B_Wade (1). HR_Gardner 2 (23), Torres (36),
Gregorius 2 (16), Encarnación (12), Stewart (10).
Taylor 3b 3 1 1 0 Núñez dh 4 0 1 1
Bellinger cf 4 1 1 1 Ruiz 3b 4 0 0 0
Alabama at South Carolina, 2:30 p.m.
SE Louisiana at Mississippi, 3 p.m.
San Francisco 31, Tampa Bay 17
Arizona 27, Detroit 27, OT
Hernández rf 4 1 1 0 A lberto 2b 4 0 1 0
Prep Football Phillies 6, Braves 5 SB_Estrada (4). SF_Stewart (6), Cabrera (5). Seager ss 5 2 2 5 Williams cf 3 0 2 0
Colorado St. at Arkansas, 3 p.m.
Florida at Kentucky, 6 p.m.
New England 33, Pittsburgh 3
Monday’s Games
Atlanta Philadelphia Smith c 4 0 1 0 d-Hays ph 1 0 0 0
Mag Heights at Starkville Academy, 7 ab r h bi ab r h bi IP H R ER BB SO Pederson dh 3 0 2 0 Stewart rf 3 1 1 1
Lamar at Texas A&M, 6 p.m. New Orleans 30, Houston 28
Oakland 24, Denver 16
Acuña Jr. cf 5 1 3 0 Segura ss 4 0 0 0 Kent St. at Auburn, 6 p.m.
p.m. Albies 2b 5 0 1 0 Realmuto c 3 1 1 1
New York b-Gyorko ph-dh 1 0 0 0 e -Trumbo ph 1 0 0 0
c-Ríos ph-dh 1 0 0 0 Sisco c 2 1 0 0
Northwestern St. at LSU, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12
Cortes Jr. 2 1-3 6 4 2 1 2 SE Missouri at Missouri, 6:30 p.m. Tampa Bay at Carolina, 7:20 p.m.
Caledonia at Heritage Academy, 7 p.m. Freeman 1b 4 1 3 1 Harper rf 4 1 2 1
Donaldson 3b 3 1 0 0 Hoskins 1b 4 1 1 0
Cessa 2 2-3 3 3 1 0 0 Lux 2b 4 1 3 1 Sunday, Sept. 15
Gearrin H,2 1-3 2 2 2 0 0 Totals 38 7 13 7 Totals 34 3 7 2 Seattle at Pittsburgh, Noon
Marvell (Ark.) at Columbus Christian Camargo rf 3 2 2 1 Kingery cf 3 1 1 1
Swanson ss 4 0 1 1 Dickerson lf 4 2 2 3
Loaisiga BS,0-1 1-3 2 1 1 2 0 Los Angeles 402 010 000 — 7 ACC Glance Indianapolis at Tennessee, Noon
Dull 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore 000 000 030 — 3 Atlantic Division Arizona at Baltimore, Noon
Academy, 7 p.m. Cervelli c 4 0 0 0 Hernández 2b 2 0 0 0 Ottavino BS,2-8 1 1 1 0 1 3 E_Pollock (2). DP_Los Angeles 0, Baltimore 2. W L PF PA W L PF PA New England at Miami, Noon
Riley lf 2 0 0 1 Rodríguez 3b 3 0 0 0 Britton 1 0 0 0 0 1
Tunica Academy at Oak Hill Academy, Fried p 2 0 0 0 Hughes p 0 0 0 0 Adams L,1-1 1-3 2 1 1 0 1
LOB_Los Angeles 10, Baltimore 5. 2B_Pederson
(15), Taylor (25), Lux (2). HR_Seager 2 (16), Lux
Boston College 1 0 35 28 2 0 80 41
Clemson 1 0 52 14 2 0 76 24
L.A. Chargers at Detroit, Noon
Dallas at Washington, Noon
Ortega ph 1 0 0 0 Bruce ph 1 0 0 0
7 p.m. O’Day p 0 0 0 0 Neris p 0 0 0 0
Jackson 2 6 6 6 1 2
(1), Stewart (1). NC State 0 0 0 0 2 0 75 6
Wake Forest 0 0 0 0 2 0 79 56
Jacksonville at Houston, Noon
Minter p 0 0 0 0 Vargas p 1 0 0 0 San Francisco at Cincinnati, Noon
Philadelphia at Noxubee County, 7 p.m. Swarzak p 0 0 0 0 Vincent p 0 0 0 0
Alexander 4 2 2 2 0 4 IP H R ER BB SO Florida St. 0 0 0 0 1 1 76 80 Buffalo at N.Y. Giants, Noon
Schreiber BS,0-1 2-3 2 2 2 0 1 Los Angeles Louisville 0 0 0 0 1 1 59 35 Minnesota at Green Bay, Noon
Tupelo at West Point, 7 p.m. Blevins p 0 0 0 0 Pirela ph
Sobotka p 0 0 0 0 Parker p
1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
Stumpf 0 1 1 1 0 0 Buehler, W, 13-3 7 4 0 0 0 11 Syracuse 0 0 0 0 1 1 44 63 Kansas City at Oakland, 3:05 p.m.
Cisnero 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Sadler 1 3 3 2 1 1 Coastal Division Chicago at Denver, 3:25 p.m.
Delta Academy at Hebron Christian, 7 Joyce ph 1 0 0 0 Suárez p
Franco 3b 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Farmer 1 0 0 0 1 0 Ferguson 1 0 0 0 0 1 W L PF PA W L PF PA New Orleans at L.A. Rams, 3:25 p.m.
Jiménez W,4-7 1 0 0 0 0 2 North Carolina 1 0 28 25 2 0 52 45 Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.
p.m. Totals 34 5 10 4 Totals 31 6 8 6
Stumpf pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.
Blach, L, 1-3 2 1-3 9 6 6 1 3 Virginia 1 0 30 14 2 0 82 31 Monday, Sept. 16
Atlanta 004 0 00 010 — 5
Victory Christian at Tabernacle (Ala.), Philadelphia 401 0 01 0 0x — 6 Umpires_Home, Vic Carapazza; First, Dan Phillips 1 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 Duke 0 0 0 0 1 1 48 55
Georgia Tech 0 1 14 52 1 1 28 62
Cleveland at N.Y. Jets, 7:15 p.m.
E_Vargas (1). DP_Atlanta 1, Philadelphia 1. Iassogna; Second, Nick Mahrley; Third, Hunter Scott 1 1 1 1 0 1
7 p.m. Wendelstedt. Kline 1 1 0 0 1 0 Pittsburgh 0 1 14 30 1 1 34 40

Louisville at Starkville, 7 p.m.

LOB_Atlanta 6, Philadelphia 5. 2B_Camargo (12),
Hoskins (31), Pirela (1). HR_Camargo (7), Real-
muto (24), Harper (31), Dickerson 2 (8), Kingery
T_3:33. A_16,733 (41,297). Bleier
1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
Virginia Tech 0 1 28 35 1 1 59 52
Miami 0 1 25 28 0 2 45 52
Friday’s Games
Transactions Tuesday’s moves
Hamilton at West Lowndes, 7 p.m. (19). SF_Riley (2). Blue Jays 4, Red Sox 3 HBP_Phillips (Taylor), Tate (Pollock). Wake Forest 41, Rice 21 BASEBALL
Boston Toronto Virginia 52, William & Mary 17 American League
New Hope at IAHS, 7 p.m. IP H R ER BB SO ab r h bi ab r h bi
Umpires_Home, Ryan Additon; First, Manny Gon-
Saturday’s Games KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Reinstated RHP Jake
Atlanta zalez; Second, Sam Holbrook; Third, Jim Wolf. Pittsburgh 20, Ohio 10 Newberry from the 10-day IL.
Betts rf 3 1 1 1 Bichette ss 5 0 1 0 T_2:46. A_12,356 (45,971). MINNESOTA TWINS — Placed OF Byron Buxton
Fried L,16-5 5 7 5 5 1 5 Devers 3b 5 1 2 0 Biggio 2b 3 2 1 1 Maryland 63, Syracuse 20
O’Day 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Virginia Tech 31, Old Dominion 17 on the 60-day IL. Reinstated RHP Kyle Gibson
Martinez dh 4 1 1 1 Guerrero Jr. 3b 4 0 0 0 from the 10-day IL. Selected the contract lof INF
2-3 1 1 1 0 1
2-3 0 0 0 1 0
Moreland 1b 4 0 1 0 Tellez 1b 4 1 2 2
Benintendi lf 3 0 1 1 Grichuk rf 4 0 1 0
Twins 5, Nationals 0 NC State 41, W. Carolina 0
Georgia Tech 14, South Florida 10
Ronald Torreyes from Rochester (IL).
Washington Minnesota
on the air Blevins
1-3 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 2 3
Vázquez c 4 0 0 0 Smoak dh 4 0 1 0
Bradley Jr. cf 3 0 0 0 McGuire c 3 1 2 1
Owings ss 3 0 1 0 Davis cf 3 0 1 0

Turner ss
Eaton rf
ab r h bi
4 0 1 0 Arraez lf
4 0 0 0 Miller cf
ab r h bi
4 1 2 0
0 0 0 0
Clemson 24, Texas A&M 10
Boston College 45, Richmond 13
Florida St. 45, Louisiana-Monroe 44, OT
Adonis Rosa for assignment. Placed OF Mike
Tauchman on the 60-day IL. Reinstated RHP Ben
Heller from the 60-day IL.
OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Designated C Chris
Vargas 3 6 4 2 3 3 Holt ph 1 0 1 0 Fisher lf 1 0 0 0 Duke 45, NC A&T 13
Vincent 1 1 0 0 0 2 Rendon 3b 2 0 0 0 Polanco ss 4 1 1 2 Louisville 42, E. Kentucky 0 Herrmann for assignment. Claimed C Beau Taylor
G.Hernández pr 0 0 0 0 T.Hrnández ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Soto lf 3 0 0 0 Cruz dh 4 0 0 0 off waivers from Toronto.
Parker W,2-0 2 1 0 0 0 4 M.Hernández 2b 4 0 0 0 North Carolina 28, Miami 25 SEATTLE MARINERS — Selected the contract
COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL (WOMEN’S) Suárez H,5 1-3 1 0 0 0 0
Kendrick dh 3 0 1 0 Rosario rf 3 1 1 0
Cabrera 2b 3 0 0 0 Garver c 3 1 1 2
Friday, Sept. 13 of RHP Justin Dunn, OF Kyle Lewis, INF Donnie
Hughes H,2 1 2-3 1 1 1 0 2 Totals 34 3 8 3 Totals 32 4 9 4 North Carolina at Wake Forest, 6 p.m. Walton and RHP Art Warren from Arkansas (SL).
7 p.m. — Oregon at Pittsburgh, ESPNU Neris S,25-31 1 0 0 0 0 1 Boston 100 020 000 — 3
Zimmerman 1b 3 0 0 0 Adrianza 3b 3 0 0 1
Gomes c 3 0 0 0 Astudillo 1b 3 0 1 0
Kansas at Boston College, 7:30 p.m. Designated OF Ryan Court for assignment.
Umpires_Home, Lance Barksdale; First, Ted Bar- Saturday, Sept. 14 National League
CYCLING rett; Second, Roberto Ortiz; Third, John Tumpane.
Toronto 001 120 00x — 4
LOB_Boston 8, Toronto 10. 2B_Devers (50), Mar-
Robles cf 3 0 0 0 Cron 1b 1 0 0 0 Furman at Virginia Tech, 11 a.m. LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Recalled INF Ed-
Wade Jr cf-lf 3 0 0 0 NC State at West Virginia, 11 a.m. win Ríos from Oklahoma City (PCL).
11 a.m. — Vuelta A España: Stage T_3:06. A_24,220 (43,647). tinez (32), Grichuk (25). HR_Betts (28), Biggio Schoop 2b 1 1 0 0 Pittsburgh at Penn St., 11 a.m. MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Recalled RHP Devin
(13), McGuire (5), Tellez (18). SB_Bichette (4), Totals 28 0 2 0 Totals 29 5 6 5 Williams from Biloxi (SL).
17, 124 miles, Aranda de Duero to The Citadel at Georgia Tech, 11:30 a.m.
Mets 3, Diamondbacks 2 Benintendi (10), G.Hernández (1). S_Davis (1). Washington
000 000 000 — 0
000 000 23x — 5
Bethune-Cookman at Miami, 3 p.m.
NEW YORK METS — Recalled RHP Chris Mazza
from Syracuse (IL).
Guadalajara, Spain (taped), NBCSN Arizona New York
IP H R ER BB SO E_Berríos (1). DP_Washington 0, Minnesota 1.
Louisville at W. Kentucky, 3 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Reinstated RHP
ab r h bi ab r h bi Duke at Middle Tennessee, 6 p.m. Johnny Cueto from the 60-day IL, Designated LHP
GOLF Marte cf 4 1 2 0 McNeil lf 4 0 0 0 Boston
Eovaldi 4 1-3 6 3 3 2 6
LOB_Washington 2, Minnesota 5. 2B_Arraez Clemson at Syracuse, 6:30 p.m. Williams Jerez for assignment.
Flores 2b 5 0 0 0 A lonso 1b 4 0 0 0 (16), Rosario (21), Polanco (35). HR_Garver (30). Florida St. at Virginia, 6:30 p.m. FOOTBALL
4:30 a.m. (Thursday) — European Escobar 3b 4 1 2 2 Conforto rf 4 0 1 0 Taylor L,1-2 2-3 1 1 1 0 1 SF_Adrianza (4). National Football League
Walker 1b 4 0 1 0 Ramos c 4 0 0 0 Johnson 1-3 1 0 0 1 0 NFL — Suspended N.Y. Jets DL Nathan Shepherd
Tour Golf: The KLM Open, first round, Rojas lf 2 0 0 0 Canó 2b 3 2 2 0 Brasier 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 IP H R ER BB SO Big 12 Glance six games for violating the league’s policy on per-
Cashner 1 1 0 0 1 1 Washington
Amsterdam, Netherlands, GOLF Jones rf 4 0 1 0 Rosario ss 2 1 0 0
Ahmed ss 4 0 2 0 Nimmo cf 2 0 0 0 Barnes 1 0 0 0 0 1 Sánchez, L, 8-8 7 4 2 2 1 5 W L PF PA W L PF PA ARIZONA CARDINALS — Placed OL Marcus Gil-
Toronto bert on IR. Released LB Dante Booker from the
HORSE RACING Avila c 3 0 0 0 Lagares cf 0 0 0 0 Rainey 1-3 2 3 3 2 1 Baylor 0 0 0 0 2 0 119 31 practice squad. Signed OL Jordan Mills.
C.Kelly ph 1 0 0 0 Frazier 3b 3 0 2 3 Zeuch 4 1-3 6 3 3 3 1 Guerra 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Kansas St. 0 0 0 0 2 0 101 14 CINCINNATI BENGALS — Waived DE Jordan
2 p.m. — Saratoga Live: From Saratoga Gallen p 2 0 0 0 Wheeler p 2 0 0 0 Boshers
Shafer W,2-1 1
1-3 1 0 0 0 0
1-3 0 0 0 0 3
Minnesota Oklahoma St.
0 0 0 0 2 0 108
0 0 0 0 2 0 119
Willis. Signed LB LaRoy Reynolds.
Lamb ph 1 0 1 0 Guillorme ph 1 0 0 0 Berríos, W, 12-8 7 2 0 0 1 4
Springs, N.Y., FS2 Sherfy p 0 0 0 0 Brach p 0 0 0 0 Law H,5
Mayza H,18
1 0 0 0 0 0
2-3 0 0 0 0 0
Romo, H, 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 Texas Tech 0 0 0 0 2 0 83 13 Gathers.
DETROIT LIONS — Waived/injured LB Tre Lamar.
McFarland p 0 0 0 0 Wilson p 0 0 0 0 May 1 0 0 0 0 1 Iowa St. 0 0 0 0 1 0 29 26
MLB BASEBALL Crichton p 0 0 0 0 Romano H,4 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 HBP_Rainey (Schoop). WP_Rainey. TCU 0 0 0 0 1 0 39 7 HOUSTON TEXANS — Signed C Nick Martin to
a contract extension. Signed QB Alex McGough
Cron ph 1 0 1 0 Giles S,19-20 1 1 0 0 1 2 Umpires_Home, Todd Tichenor; First, Phil Cuzzi; Kansas 0 0 0 0 1 1 31 29
6 p.m. — Atlanta at Philadelphia, ESPN Locastro pr 0 0 0 0 Umpires_Home, Stu Scheuwater; First, Alan Por- Second, Adam Hamari; Third, Tom Hallion. Texas 0 0 0 0 1 1 83 59
from the practice squad. Waived CB Cornell
ter; Second, Chris Segal; Third, Jeff Nelson. West Virginia 0 0 0 0 1 1 27 51
9 p.m. — Chicago Cubs at San Diego, Totals
35 2 10 2 Totals
100 000 010 — 2
29 3 5 3
T_3:37. A_17,819 (53,506).
T_2:32. A_24,813 (38,649). INDIANAPOLIS COLTS — Waived/injured WR
Marcus Johnson.
ESPN New York 020 100 00x — 3 Saturday’s Games JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Signed WR Terry
DP_Arizona 0, New York 2. LOB_Arizona 9, New
White Sox 7, Royals 3 Mariners 4, Reds 3 Missouri 38, West Virginia 7 Godwin to the practice squad.
KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Waived/injured WR
SOCCER (WOMEN’S) York 4. 2B_Marte (32), Conforto (26), Frazier 2
Kansas City Chicago
Cincinnati Seattle Kansas St. 52, Bowling Green 0
Baylor 63, UTSA 14 Gehrig Dieter. Waived WR Byron Pringle. Re-
(17), Canó (24). HR_Escobar (34). SB_Marte (10), ab r h bi ab r h bi turned WR De’Anthony Thomas to the active
6 p.m. — Orlando at Chicago, Rojas (2).
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Blandino dh 2 0 0 0 Gordon 2b 4 0 0 0
Oklahoma 70, South Dakota 14
Merrifield rf 4 0 2 0 García rf 5 1 1 0 Oklahoma St. 56, McNeese St. 14 MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Waived TE Brandon Dil-
Mondesi ss 4 1 1 1 Anderson ss 4 1 0 0 O’Grady ph-dh 1 1 1 2 Nola 1b 2 1 0 0 Coastal Carolina 12, Kansas 7 lon. Released PK Chase McLaughlin from practice
Soler dh 4 0 0 0 Abreu 1b 4 1 1 0 Votto 1b 3 0 0 0 Seager 3b 3 1 1 2 LSU 45, Texas 38 squad. Signed C Brett Jones.
TENNIS Arizona Dozier 3b 4 0 1 0 Moncada 3b 4 2 3 2 Suárez 3b 2 0 0 0 Murphy c 4 0 1 0 Texas Tech 38, UTEP 3 NEW YORK GIANTS — Claimed LB Tuzar Skipper
Gallen L,2-2 6 5 3 3 2 9 Gordon lf 4 1 2 1 Jiménez lf 4 1 1 4 Friday’s Games off waivers from Pittsburgh.
2 a.m. — WTA: The Hana-cupid, Sherfy 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 O’Hearn 1b 2 1 1 1 McCann c 4 0 1 0
Aquino rf 4 0 2 0 Vogelbach dh 3 0 0 0
Kansas at Boston College, 6:30 p.m. NEW YORK JETS — Signed K Sam Ficken.
McFarland 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 J.Iglesias ss 4 0 0 0 Lewis rf 3 1 1 1 Waived K Kaare Vedvik.
Zhengzhou & Jiangxi Opens, Early b-Cuthbert ph-1b 1 0 0 0 C o l l i n s Saturday, Sept. 14
Crichton 1 0 0 0 0 2 dh 2 0 0 0 Ervin cf 4 1 2 0 Lopes lf 2 0 0 0 Kansas St. at Mississippi St., 11 a.m. PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Agreed to terms
New York Galvis 2b 4 0 1 1 Long ph-lf 0 0 0 0 with LB Jayrone Elliott. Signed QB Devlin Hodges
Rounds, TENNIS Wheeler W,11-7 7 7 1 1 2 7
Viloria c 2 0 0 0 Sánchez 2b 2 0 0 0
Peraza lf 2 0 2 0 Walton ss 0 0 0 0
NC State at West Virginia, 11 a.m.
Oklahoma St. at Tulsa, 2:30 p.m.
to the practice squad.
a-McBroom ph 1 0 0 0 Engel cf 4 1 2 1 SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — Re-signed CB Jamar
3 a.m. — WTA: The Zhengzhou Open, Brach H,1
Wilson S,2-2 1
2-3 1 1 1 0 0
1-3 2 0 0 1 1
Dini c 1 0 1 0 VanMeter ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Smith cf-lf 3 0 0 0 Iowa at Iowa St., 3 p.m. Taylor. Released CB Parry Nickerson.
Phillips cf 3 0 0 0 Barnhart c 3 1 0 0 Moore ss 2 1 1 1 TCU at Purdue, 6:30 p.m. TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Waived OL Caleb
Early Rounds, Zhengzhou, China, Umpires_Home, Doug Eddings; First, Jerry Meals; Lopez 2b 4 0 0 0 Narváez ph 1 0 0 0 Rice at Texas, 7 p.m. Benenoch. Placed S Justin Evans on IR. Signed S
Second, Ron Kulpa; Third, Gabe Morales. Totals 34 3 8 3 Totals 33 7 9 7 Oklahoma at UCLA, 7 p.m. Andrew Adams and OT Josh Wells.
TENNIS T_3:02. A_20,843 (41,922). Kansas City 120 000 000 — 3 Bishop cf 0 0 0 0 Texas Tech at Arizona, 9:30 p.m. TENNESSEE TITANS — Waived RB Dalyn Daw-
Chicago 410 000 20x — 7 Totals 31 3 8 3 Totals 27 4 4 4 kins. Agreed to terms with C Hronnis Grasu.
7 a.m. — ATP: Pro Circuit Cary, Early E_O’Hearn (3), Dini (1). DP_Kansas City 0, Chi- Cincinnati 010 000 200 — 3 WASHINGTON REDSKINS — Signed WR Robert
Rounds, Cary, N.C., TENNIS Brewers 4, Marlins 3 cago 1. LOB_Kansas City 6, Chicago 7. 2B_Mer- Seattle 000 011 02x — 4 Big Ten Glance Davis to the practice squad. Placed CB Greg Stro-
man on the IR.ins Waived TE J.P. Holtz. Released
Milwaukee Miami DP_Cincinnati 1, Seattle 4. LOB_Cincinnati East LB Darrell Williams. Signed DL T.Y. McGill and CB
ab r h bi ab r h bi rifield (36), McCann (24), Abreu (34). HR_Mondesi W L PF PA W L PF PA
6:30 p.m. — WTA: The Hana-cupid, Cain cf 4 0 0 0 Rojas ss 4 0 0 0 (8), Gordon (13), O’Hearn (12), Jiménez (25), En- 6, Seattle 3. 2B_Peraza 2 (14). 3B_Ervin (7).
Indiana 0 0 0 0 2 0 86 24
Simeon Thomas.
Canadian Football League
gel (3), Moncada (23). HR_O’Grady (1), Lewis (1), Moore (8), Seager
Zhengzhou & Jiangxi Opens, Early Grandal c 4 1 2 1 Brinson cf 5 0 1 0
Yelich rf 1 0 0 0 Cooper 1b 3 0 0 0 (22). SB_Nola (1).
Michigan St.
0 0 0 0 2 0 142
0 0 0 0 2 0 79 24
20 EDMONTON ESKIMOS — Released DB Bryce
Bartlett and WR Josh Stangby from the practice
Rounds, TENNIS a-Grisham ph-rf 3 0 1 0 Castro 3b 4 2 1 1
Kansas City
Michigan 0 0 0 0 2 0 64 42 roster.
Thames 1b 3 0 0 0 A lfaro c 2 1 1 0 Ohio St. 0 0 0 0 2 0 87 21
2 a.m. (Thursday) — WTA: The Hana- f-Austin ph-1b 0 0 0 1 Díaz 2b 4 0 2 2 Junis, L, 9-13 5 6 5 5 3 7 Cincinnati
Bauer 6 1-3 3 2 2 3 8
Penn St. 0 0 0 0 2 0 124 20 National Hockey League
Braun lf 3 0 0 0 Dean lf 4 0 2 0 Hill 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Rutgers 0 1 0 30 1 1 48 51 NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Re-signed C Pavel
cupid, Zhengzhou & Jiangxi Opens, Guerra p 0 0 0 0 1-Berti pr 0 0 0 0 McCarthy 1 1-3 2 2 2 0 3 Lorenzen H,19 1 1-3 0 1 1 1 1 West Zacha to a three-year contract.
g-Moustakas ph-3b 0 0 0 0 Sierra Speier 1 1 0 0 1 0 Garrett L,4-3 BS,0-3 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 W L PF PA W L PF PA COLLEGE
Early Rounds, TENNIS rf 2 0 0 0 Chicago Seattle Iowa 1 0 30 0 2 0 68 14 CONNECTICUT COLLEGE — Named Maureen
Spangenberg 2b 4 1 1 0 Nova, W, 10-12 5 2-3 6 3 3 0 5 Sheffield 6 7 1 1 3 4 Illinois 0 0 0 0 2 0 73 26 White director of athletics.
3 a.m. (Thursday) — WTA: The d-Ramirez ph-rf 2 0 0 0 Fry 0 0 0 0 1 0 Adams BS,0-2 2-3 1 2 2 1 1 Minnesota 0 0 0 0 2 0 66 56 CLAYTON STATE — Named Mason Grounds
Marshall, H, 13 1 0 0 0 1 0 Guilbeau 1-3 0 0 0 0 0
Zhengzhou Open, Early Rounds, Pérez ss
Shaw 3b
3 1 1 2 Hernandez p 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 c -Granderson ph 1 0 0 Bummer, H, 21 1 1 0 0 0 2 Altavilla W,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 2 0 110
0 0 0 0 1 1 66 55
0 strength and conditioning coach.
NEW MEXICO — Named Gustavo Morantes
Zhengzhou, China, TENNIS 0 Cordero 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 0
Junis pitched to 2 batters in the 6th, Fry pitched
Bass S,3-8 1 0 0 0 0 0
Umpires_Home, Paul Nauert; First, John Libka;
Purdue 0 0 0 0 1 1 73 58 men’s assistant golf coach.
Pomeranz p 0 0 0 0 García p 0 0 0 0 Northwestern 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 17 OKLAHOMA STATE — Named Payton Phillips
Anderson p 1 1 1 0 e -Walker ph 1 0 0 0 to 1 batter in the 6th, Marshall pitched to 3 batters Second, Ed Hickox; Third, Carlos Torres. associate athletic director for strategic marketing
b-Freitas ph 1 0 0 0 Conley p 0 0 0 0 in the 7th, Bummer pitched to 3 batters in the 8th. T_2:49. A_12,230 (47,943). Saturday’s Games and ticket sales.
The Dispatch • Wednesday, September 11, 2019 3B

Starkville falls to fifth in Class 6A in new Mississippi high school football poll
By Theo DeRosa finishing ninth. Petal fin- fourth with 94, and Lau- ond-ranked team among Academy will host Caledo- points, and TCPS (3-0) ished seventh in the over- rel was fifth with 36. The private schools and picked nia (2-1) on Friday. got 38. Smithville (3-0)
all poll. Green Wave finished fifth up two first-place votes. West Lowndes (4-0) is led the Class 1A rankings
Starkville High School Madison Central (3-0) in the overall poll and will Both the Patriots and still receiving votes in the with a unanimous first-
nearly fell out of the top was ranked first in Class host Class 6A Tupelo (2-1) top-ranked Madison-Rid- Class 1A poll after a come- place selection. The Pan-
five in Class 6A when the 6A and first overall in the on Friday. geland Academy (11 first- back win against Kemper thers will host Hamilton
new Associated Press state, earning all 13 first- Noxubee County (3-0) place votes) are 4-0. Jack- Academy. The Panthers (1-2) on Friday.
Mississippi high school place votes in both polls. remained in third place son Prep (2-1), Greenville got 13 points in the poll, To see the ballot Theo
football poll was released The Jaguars will host sec- in the Class 3A rankings. St. Joseph (3-0) and Pillow second among schools not DeRosa submitted for The
Tuesday. ond-place Pearl (3-0) on Columbia garnered 11 Academy (3-0) rounded in the top five. Fifth-place Dispatch, visit cdispatch.
Thirteen Mississippi Friday. first-place votes to hold out the top five. Heritage Lumberton (1-2) had 67 com.
media outlets, including In other polls the top spot, and Semi-
The Commercial Dispatch West Point (2-1) re- nary remained in second.
and WCBI, were polled on mained second behind La- Houston and Water Valley,
the top five teams in each fayette (3-0) in the Class who tied for fourth place,
class and the top 10 over- 5A rankings despite the each received one of the
all. win over Starkville. Lafay- two remaining first-place
The Yellow Jackets are ette received 10 first-place votes. Noxubee County
1-2 after Friday’s loss at votes and 126 points; West will host Philadelphia
West Point, and they fin- Point got the other three (2-1), the second-ranked
ished just one point ahead first-place votes and 117 team in Class 2A, on Fri-
of sixth-place Petal. points. Picayune (3-0) was day.
Starkville still cracked third in Class 5A with 105 Heritage Academy
the state overall top 10, points, West Jones was held its spot as the sec-

Continued from Page 1B
the goal. a 1-0 loss to the Volun- forcing the Patriots to
But even though Tug- teers in Starkville on the outside, where Velek
gle was beaten twice, Aug. 22. said his team was far too
Heritage Academy Meanwhile, the Vols content to stay.
coach Tom Velek said, were able to improve “A good defense will
she’s not to blame for the from a sloppy game of let you have the entire
tallies. their own, an 1-0 loss to edge,” Velek said. “Fine,
“What I always re- Washington on Thurs- run yourself into the
mind her is, ‘Every shot day. corner, what do I care? I
on you means 10 other “We were more fo- don’t want you in the cen-
people on the field didn’t cused this game than ter of the field.”
do their job,’” Velek said. we were last game,” Whenever the Patriots
On the Vols’ second Kaitlyn Bock said. “We did get to the center and
goal, the Patriots’ de- were more mentally pre- manage a rare shot on
fense gave Lauren Bock pared.” target, Starkville Acade-
all the time she needed Whatever mental my goalkeeper Meri Laci
to set up for the shot. preparation the Vol- Archer quickly snatched
“There was no pres- unteers had definitely it up and fired it back
sure on her,” Velek said. showed itself on the field: downfield for the attack
“When you give them The Vols simply looked to begin anew.
three, four, five, six, sev- much faster, running cir- It was the final piece
en seconds to tee up a cles around the Patriots of the complete team ef-
shot, it’s gonna probably all match long. fort from the Vols that
be a pretty good shot.” For Morgan, that goes led them to the domi-
Allowing uncontested back to the training pro- nant road win in a critical
shots was perhaps not gram the Vols started in district contest Morgan
even the biggest prob- early June. called “the one that real-
lem the Patriots faced “We ran ’em and ran ly matters.”
Tuesday. Their offensive ’em and ran ’em and It was a win that mer-
attack was nowhere to be ran ’em,” Morgan said. ited the respect the Vols
found — even Starkville “They had to understand wanted in front of a big
Academy’s players could that not only do we want crowd.
tell that. to dominate them by the “You want to have the
“I don’t think they re- way we play but even by people who care about
ally came out prepared,” the way we work.” you and want to come
said Lauren Bock. Dominate, the Volun- out and watch you and
She said she thought teers did. They rarely support,” Morgan said.
the Patriots came out let any balls through in “I think the girls have
looking to improve on the middle of the field, earned that.”

Continued from Page 1B
ell, Stephen Guidry, Austin not recommend that either averaging 20.5 carries per
Williams and Isaiah Zuber. because the problem with game — should expect an-
“Collectively as an going high is that he is built other heavy workload.
offense we’ve been able like a tank. If you decide The Wildcats enter the
to do some really good to tackle him above the game allowing just 105.5
things and obviously hav- waist, there is a pretty good rushing yards per game
ing Kylin back there real- chance you are going to get and just 208 yards overall.
ly helps,” Stevens said. trucked.” But having already
Moorhead furthered MSU running backs torched Kansas State in
Stevens’ notion. coach Terry Richardson last year’s meeting for 211
“The better you run
said Hill could see as many yards and three total touch-
the ball, the more if forces
as 230-250 carries this sea- downs, Hill maintains con-
people to support the run
by either numbers or pres- son. Hill is currently on fidence ahead of MSU’s
sure and when you do that target for more than 260 first game against a Pow-
you are able to create some should MSU make a bowl er Five opponent this sea-
one-on-one match-ups on game. son.
the back-end,” he said Mon- With Stevens’ availabil- “Everyone is feeling
day. “That allows you to get ity potentially in doubt for really confident,” he said.
some balls thrown and cre- Saturday’s meeting with “Offensively we’ve all got
ate some explosive plays. I Kansas State, Hill — who is that swagger.”
think that is what you are
Physically, it’s Hill’s ath-
leticism that makes him so
dangerous as a runner. At
5-foot-11 and 215 pounds,
he’s slight in stature but
massively muscular. Moor-
head characterizes him as
a big-back in a small-back’s
His athleticism was on
full display this past Satur-
day as he twice leapt over
USM defenders and seem-
ingly deflected off a new
Golden Eagle with each en-
suing carry.
Senior center Darryl
Williams quipped Hill had
insinuated he might have
to change his number to
No. 23 as an ode to Michael
Jordan and his famed hops.
“Maybe fake low and
go high,” Moorhead said
of how he’d tackle Hill. “I
don’t know, but I would

Visit us
on the web at
4B Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Dispatch •

Dickerson homers twice, leads Phils to 6-5 win over Braves

The Associated Press home runs overall in a plenty of boos when At- Rhys Hoskins came inch- to take the lead for good. Jason Vargas failed to
6-5 win over the Atlanta lanta’s Johan Camargo es from a third straight Kingery hit a deep shot hold the early cushion.
PHILADELPHIA — Braves on Tuesday night. hit a solo shot off Jared home run, but settled for that centerfielder Ronald Freddie Freeman and
Scott Kingery timed a The Phillies entered Hughes in the eighth to a double off the center Acuna Jr. brought back Dansby Swanson cut it
diving catch just right. three games behind the make it 6-5. field wall. from over the fence. But to 4-2 with RBI singles.
He hustled around the Cubs for the second wild- Blake Parker (3-2) Braves pitching coach the ball popped out of his With the bases loaded
bases for a thrilling in- card spot in the NL. pitched two scoreless Rick Kranitz came out to glove and Kingery scam- and one out, Francisco
side-the-park home run. Realmuto, Bryce innings of the relief for settle Fried, but it didn’t pered all the way around Cervelli hit a dribbler to-
Kingery was in the Harper and Dickerson the win. Hector Neris work. Dickerson lined a for a head-first slide and ward the mound that Var-
right place for the Phil- all homered in the first worked a scoreless ninth shot over the right field inside-the-park homer gas scooped with his mitt
lies — except in the club- inning, Kingery excited for his 25th save. wall for a 4-0 lead and and a 5-4 lead. and shoveled to Realmu-
house. fans with his race around The Phillies came Philadelphia homered “We weren’t sure if it
to. Vargas had time for a
“Go stand in your lock- the bases and Dickerson out swinging in the first three times in the first for was a home run,” Phillies
er. Have you ever done clean exchange but the
tacked an insurance run against starter Max the first time since 2009. manager Gabe Kapler
this before,” J.T. Realmu- with a solo shot late to Fried (16-5). Realmuto “It’s a good-hitting said. “Kingery wasn’t hustled toss turned into
to kidded his teammate help the Phillies win for opened the home run team over there and sure if it was a home run. an error and made it 4-3.
as a media scrum spilled the third time in four surge when he clanged when you leave some Acuna wasn’t sure if it Austin Riley’s deep drive
a few lockers down. games. his 24th of the season off pitches over the middle was a home run. King to center was snagged
Kingery hopes to keep The Phillies played the left field foul pole for of the plate that aren’t as never stopped running.” by Kingery on a diving
the Phillies moving in in front of an announced a 1-0 lead. Harper drilled sharp as they normally His head-first slide catch, but the sac fly was
their playoff push. crowd of just over 24,000, the next pitch into right are, they’re going to hit was an instant season enough to tie the game at
Corey Dickerson hom- and the seats were large- for his 31st home run to them,” Fried said. highlight. 4-all.
ered twice to help Phila- ly empty against the NL give the Phillies back- The Phillies went “One of the more ex- Dickerson added a
delphia’s wild-card chase East leaders in the late to-back homers for the deep off Fried one more citing plays we’ve seen solo shot in the sixth for
and the Phillies hit five innings. But there were eighth time this year. time in the third inning all year,” Kapler said. a 6-4 lead.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: RUNNER-UP IN to court, he received very little
I’m a CALIFORNIA jail time and was on probation
39-year-old DEAR RUN- for a short while after. After
gay male who was NER-UP: I know he went to court, I stopped all
in a relationship what you are contact with him.
with a very attrac- experiencing is He has tried a few times
tive 44-year-old painful, but if you in recent years to have a
teacher. He never have an ounce of relationship with me. He even
wanted to commit self-esteem left, went as far as contacting me
to a monogamous cut your losses when I was about to turn 15,
relationship. and stop being demanding that I spend time
After 10 this man’s “booty with him. We went to court
ZITS months of seeing
each other, he
call.” To say the
dynamics of this
again, and I was granted a
permanent restraining order
informed me relationship are against him.
that he is about unhealthy for Now for my question: He
to enter into a you would be an is very ill. I still want nothing
relationship with
Dear Abby understatement. to do with him, for obvious
a 22-year-old. He He thinks he reasons. I have an older broth-
said it was nothing I did, but will always be in your life be- er who sees him and takes
he is just attracted to younger cause you will tolerate this aw- responsibility for his needs.
guys when it comes to relation- ful status quo. The only thing Am I obligated to help with my
ships. He also informed me he is prepared to give you is father’s needs, and should I
that he will always be in my life more of what you have been have to pay for, plan and/or
and will never let me go. He getting — pain. Recognize that attend his funeral when the
said we could see each other things don’t always turn out as time comes? — OUT OF THE
secretly, but no more dates or we would wish, get emotional PICTURE
GARFIELD public outings. I can see him
only occasionally now, whenev-
support where you can find
it — from friends or a licensed
DEAR OUT: No! You are not
legally or morally obligated to
er the new boyfriend is working therapist, if necessary — and pay for your molester’s care,
or out of town. move on. PLEASE. and you do not have to attend
I’m afraid not to go over DEAR ABBY: I am an adult his funeral unless you are
when he calls because I’m in my mid-30s who has no doing it to get closure.
in love with him. I’m afraid if contact with my biological Dear Abby is written by
I don’t abide by the terms of father. My parents divorced Abigail Van Buren, also known
the relationship he has set, he shortly after I was born and as Jeanne Phillips, and was
will disappear out of my life. shared custody of me. When I founded by her mother, Pauline
It hurts to see him in a new was staying with my father, he Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
relationship, while I beg and began molesting me. I told my at or P.O.
wait for time with him. What mom because I knew some- Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
do I do in this situation? — thing was not right. We went 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. draw out a desired result. your team. Chances are, not
11). Balance requires imbal- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). very many will be needed. One
ance in order to find itself. You Hopefully, you’re working for the person, if it’s the right person,
will feel compelled to focus cause, not the credit. Because can do the work of many.
intently on one area through the cause will be served but LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
the next 10 weeks. Things will the credit may not ever come, Humility is a trait that carries a
get back in balance once this at least not in a formal fashion. person far. The humble avoid
mission is complete. Bonus: People see you though; you can dozens of mistakes that can
You’ll be richer! In 2020, you’ll count on that. only be made by the ambitious.
meet new people and know a GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Also, humility allows for seeing
wonderful match immediately. Your project may take a long and naming the mistakes before
Cancer and Sagittarius adore time realize. That’s fine for you, others even know that’s what
BABY BLUES you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, but what can you really expect they are.
20, 4, 44 and 32. from the spectators? People VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April 19). don’t necessarily have the Get focused and then start at
You are not a person who is bandwidth to pay attention and the very beginning, which is, as
stuck in any particular attitude. follow along. Know your bottom one Rodgers and Hammerstein
Many attitudes live inside you, line. Simplify and edit. song suggests, “a very good
each capable of eliciting a CANCER (June 22-July 22). place to start.” Know the essen-
particular response from others. You’ll get a feel for people and tials of the situation and you’ll
You’ll make adjustments to understand who should be on know the next right move.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
23). For better or worse, no
mood ever happens to just one
person. Hurt resonates with
hurt and joy resonates with joy.
These are tones that get played
BEETLE BAILEY and strike a tone in others.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Everyone has a tolerance
level for how long they are will-
ing to have attention flow else-
where. For some it can go on for
days, for others minutes. You’ll
be made aware of the attention
needs of you and yours.
21). If you hide your heart, you
might forget where it is, and
then where would you be? If you
deny your heart, then you might
minimize its voice. And no one
MALLARD FILLMORE benefits from a mute heart. The
best thing to do with a heart is
to listen to it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Who believes in you?
It should be you in the top
position of that list. If not, that’s
OK, but you’ll need to go to the
you-believer who has the most
points and learn a thing or two
about yourself.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Here’s something to
consider now, before the visiting
guest starts asking about how
FAMILY CIRCUS many days to stay: houseguests
and fish, after three days...
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You have no idea how
you’re coming across, nor
should you give much thought to
this. What if you’re irresistible
because you haven’t a clue how
irresistible you are?

Heavens above!
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Church cookbooks
and comfort food
Read on for ways to add Mexican
flavoring to everything from loaded
avocados and sliders, to mac and

Add Mexican
flair to game
day favorites

ootball season, for many
people, is just as much about
the food as it is about the
action. No matter who’s playing
and whether you’re at a tailgate or
living room watch party, one thing
is for sure: football and flavor go
When you’re huddling up to
figure out how to score a touch-
down with your game day spread,
consider taking your snacks to the
next level by adding an authentic
Mexican flair. Opt for traditional
Mexican ingredients like chorizo,
queso fresco or cotija in meals and
snacks that are already football
mainstays, including nachos, tacos
and quesadillas, and consider all
the possibilities that incorporating
these flavorful ingredients can add
to other classic dishes like sliders
and potato skins.
Ideal for tailgate season,
Cacique, one of the country’s
top Mexican food brands, offers
Mexican-Style Queso Dips —
made with real queso fresco and
available in Queso Blanco, South-
Jan Swoope/Dispatch Staff western, Jalapeno and Chipotle
Church cookbooks are full of classic, often-simple recipes that have fed congregations and families for genera- flavors — and Fully Cooked Cho-
tions. A new cookbook by Parrish Ritchie compiles about 100 of them. rizos — made with authentically
seasoned premium pork shoulder
BY JAN SWOOPE and Flock,” by Parrish Ritchie, it caught my eye. and available in classic, Chorizo Ritchie, who lives in Norfolk, Virginia, describes with Bacon & Potato, Chorizo with
Eggs and Chorizo with Queso

herself as a “nap-deprived, taco-loving mom of two
ookbooks have a way of gravitating to my book- adorable boys, wife to the milkman and blogger at varieties — to help fans easily add
shelves here at work. At rough count, there are ‘Life with the Crust Cut Off’” on the book jacket. She Mexican flavor to indulgent game
15 right now, about is also filled with memories of church and food. See Gameday, 6B
half of them com- “In my family there is an old
piled by churches church cookbook,” she
in the area. I have a shares in the intro-
soft spot for those duction. “It was put
collections of rec- together by all the
ipes put together
by congregation
ladies in the congre-
gation including my 10 tips
to recognize
members, old and mom, my grandma,
young — recipes my great-grandma,
that, in some my great-great-
cases, have been
handed down
through genera-
grandma and
my aunt and my ripe fruits
great-aunt ...”
Since the
to mind suppers mid-1800s,

on the ground, Ritchie contin- eeping fresh fruit around the
Wednesday ues, church house provides a healthier
night fel- and community alternative when your sweet
lowships, cookbooks — tooth comes calling. Understand-
hard-working committees and good souls like my often done as fundraisers — were a way for women ing how and when to buy at the
late mother, who so often seemed to be taking a dish to share treasured recipes long before the age of the peak of ripeness (or just before,
to church. internet. Her compilation is replete with simple, clas- in some cases) can help you avoid
So, when a new cookbook arrived recently in the sic, potluck-suited dishes that are transportable and food waste while keeping your
mail from The Countryman Press titled “The Vin- can be scaled for the number of people to be fed. doctor happy.
tage Church Cookbook: Classic Recipes for Family See Church cookbooks, 6B Consider these simple tips for
recognizing ripe fruits:
n Strawberries: Check the area
See Tips, 6B

Butter Together

On food, family, and how to feed a crowd

’ll never forget anyone not paying Meal plans just weren’t in a “regular” 8-to-5, my time is any weekend with company in
the first time I attention: she had the cards for her. tighter, and I rely on tried- the house. In fact, I have a pan
saw a meal plan typed it. Today, between teaching and-true favorites that I’ve of it in my fridge right now;
for the week. This move was English and keeping up with adjusted for the slow cooker I will reheat squares of it for
A magnet held it unprecedented my own three daughters, or make ahead. I still enjoy a quick, filling breakfast this
to the front of the in all my 12 years meal plans help me make my cooking, but these days I have week before I shuttle the kids
refrigerator, and on earth. My own life work. Before I returned to enjoy it a bit more quickly. and myself off to school.
the refrigerator be- mother, an excel- to teaching, I spent a lot of This recipe for breakfast And, in case you’re won-
longed to my Aunt lent cook in her time on them in the evenings, casserole is one of my favor- dering, yes ... this one was on
Diane, Dad’s sister. own right, took to poring over cookbooks and ites. It’s make-ahead and I’ve Aunt Diane’s meal plan.
We were visiting, the kitchen like cooking blogs and lifestyles adjusted the ingredients to Amelia Plair is a mom
and she had typed her hair was on sections looking for recipes use foods I often keep on hand and high school teacher in
up all our meals for Amelia Plair fire, making use of that would work with my fami- — after all, I do still have a Starkville. Email reaches her
the week — break- every leftover dab ly’s food allergies and tastes. bit of my mother’s hair-on-fire at mamabadgerplair@gmail.
fast, lunch, and dinner — plus of mashed potato and unac- Now that I have a pre- approach in me. com.
snacks. Let me repeat that for counted-for soft tomato. schooler and no longer work It’s perfect for holidays or See Butter Together, 6B
6b Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 The Dispatch •

Get back into the swing of dinnertime

FAMILY FEATURES Cook time: 22 minutes stir in pork and bacon, mushrooms
Servings: 6-8 and Alfredo sauce. Stir over medium

fter juggling work, heat, about 4 minutes, until heated
1 Smithfield applewood smoked through. Season with salt and pep-
school, extracurricular bacon-topped pork loin filet per, to taste.
activities, homework and 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided n Sprinkle with green onions and
preparing dinner, getting back 1 pound dry penne pasta Parmesan cheese, if desired.
into a weeknight routine may 1 package (8 ounces) sliced fresh
feel impossible.
With Smithfield marinated
Salt, to taste, divided
2 jars (15 ounces each) Alfredo
fresh pork in your fridge, you sauce WITH STEAKHOUSE PORK
can cut down on meal prep and Pepper, to taste
add quality time back into your 1/4 cup finely chopped green onion TENDERLOIN
Grated Parmesan cheese (optional) Prep time: 15 minutes
day. Perfectly seasoned with Cook time: 6 minutes
ingredients like applewood n Cut pork loin filet into 1/2-inch Servings: 4
smoked bacon and steakhouse thick slices then into 1/4-inch wide
seasonings, just saute or roast strips. Bacon will fall off, but reserve 1 Smithfield Steakhouse Seasoned
for later. Pork Tenderloin, cut into 1/2-inch
and you can have a delicious n Working in two batches, in large slices
meal ready in 30 minutes or skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 1 sprig fresh rosemary, leaves re-
less any night of the week. tablespoon oil. Stir fry half the pork moved from stem and chopped
Consider these quick, and bacon pieces 7-8 minutes until 2 tablespoons olive oil
flavor-filled recipes for smoked well browned. Set aside on separate 6 cups arugula or fresh spinach,
plate; repeat with 1 tablespoon oil washed
bacon pork alfredo and arugula and remaining pork and bacon. 1 small sweet onion, thinly sliced Penne pasta and applewood smoked bacon-topped pork loin marry
salad with steakhouse pork ten- n Cook pasta according to package 1 Fuji or other sweet red apple, cored in this pork alfredo recipe.
derloin that everyone will enjoy. directions. and thinly sliced into half moons
n In skillet over medium-high heat, Salt (optional) medium heat, heat oil until hot. n In bowl, toss arugula, onion and
heat remaining oil; add mushrooms Pepper (optional) n In skillet, cook meat 3-4 minutes apples; season with salt and pepper,
SMOKED BACON and sprinkle lightly with salt, to taste.
Cook 3 minutes, or until tender,
Blue cheese salad dressing per side until medallions are browned
and internal temperature reaches
if desired. Divide salad into four
portions and arrange pork on top
PORK ALFREDO stirring occasionally. n Season pork medallions with 145 F. Remove pork from pan and let of greens. Serve with blue cheese
Prep time: 8 minutes n Drain pasta and return to pot; chopped rosemary. In skillet over stand 3 minutes. dressing.

Church cookbooks
Continued from Page 5B
Recipes are divid- floor, sprinkle it heavily CORN PUDDING prepared baking dish. Bake Grease a 9-by-13-inch baking 2 cups sugar
ed into sections: hors with salt and leave it for 1 hour. dish. 1/2 cup milk
Makes 8 servings (Source: “The Vintage Church n In a large bowl, mix the
d’oeuvres, side dishes alone for 5 to 10 minutes. Pinch of salt
Cookbook,” by Parrish Ritchie) cheese, sour cream,mayon- 3 cups quick cooking oats
and vegetables, main Sweep the dried egg into 5 eggs naise,pepper and cream of
8 tablespoons (1 stick) but- 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
dishes and casseroles, the dustpan.” Or, “For mushroom soup. Add the
desserts. Many of the improved texture and ter, melted
1/4 cup sugar
FRENCH ONION chicken and noodles; toss to
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
names conjure up happy flavor when using canned combine.
images of church suppers shrimp, soak shrimp for
1/2 cup milk
4 tablespoons cornstarch
CHICKEN CASSEROLE n Spoon into the dish. Bake n Mix the butter, cocoa,
sugar,milk and salt together
Makes 6 servings for 30 minutes. Sprinkle
in my youth, like corn one hour in ice water, 1 (15-ounce) can whole ker- the fried onions all over the in a large saucepan over
pudding, cranberry chick- then drain.” nel corn, drained 1 cup shredded cheddar top and cook for another 5 medium-high heat. Let boil for
en salad, frito pie bake, With color photos for 2 (14.75-ounce) cans 1/2 cup sour cream minutes. 1 minute.
creamed-style corn 1/2 cup mayonnaise (Source: “The Vintage Church n Remove pan from the
chicken and rice comfort each recipe, this 224-page
Pinch of black pepper Cookbook,” by Parrish Ritchie) stove and stir in oats, peanut
casserole, buttermilk pie, cookbook is a reminder of n Preheat oven to 400 F. 1 (10.5 ounce) can cream of
hummingbird cake and what comfort food — and butter and vanilla. (For extra
Great a 2-quart baking dish. mushroom soup
shoo fly pie. sharing it — is all about. n In a large bowl, lightly beat 3 cups diced cooked chicken PREACHER COOKIES texture, use crunchy peanut
Tidbits of advice from The book is available the eggs. Add the melted 16 ounces egg noodles Makes 18
butter, sugar and milk. Whisk (cooked according to pack- n Drop by tablespoonfuls
the Ritchie family’s own wherever books are onto waxed paper. Let cool
in the cornstarch. age) 8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter
church cookbook are sold, including indepen- n Stir in both the whole ker- 6 ounces french-fried onions or margarine until hardened and serve.
scattered throughout: “If dent sellers, Amazon or nel corn and creamed corn. 4 tablespoons unsweetened (Source: “The Vintage Church
you break an egg on the Barnes and Noble. Pour the mixtures into the n Preheat oven to 350 F. cocoa powder Cookbook,” by Parrish Ritchie)

Continued from Page 5B
day favorites. Both are chorizo brings to your Cooked Chorizo co, crumbled 2-3 minutes; stir. Pour over fresco and crushed tortilla
microwavable, so they favorite slider rolls then 1 cup Cacique Cotija, crum- 1/2 cup tortilla chips, crushed cooked macaroni and toss chips over macaroni before
bled until thoroughly coated. serving.
taste authentic and can top with your favorite 2 tablespoons chopped fresh n Microwave queso dip n Sprinkle crumbled queso (Source: Cacique)
be ready in minutes so cheese and salsa. cilantro
no one misses any of the n Mac and cheese:
big plays or touchdowns. For a new take on mac n Heat oven to 400 F and
Consider these twists lightly grease large, rimmed
and cheese, toss cooked baking sheet.
you can add to your fa- macaroni noodles with n In large bowl, toss sweet
vorite game time snacks: your favorite Cacique potato sticks with olive oil.
n Loaded avoca- Queso Dip and top with n Lay fries in single layer on
dos: Give avocados the prepared baking sheet and
crushed tortilla chips in sprinkle lightly with salt and
potato skin treatment a recipe like this South- pepper. Bake 15-18 minutes,
by loading them up with western mac and queso. shaking pan several times, un-
delicious toppings like Discover more ways til tender and lightly browned.
chorizo, queso fresco to incorporate Mexican n When fries are almost done
and crema; just don’t eat baking, microwave chorizo 3-4
flair into your game day minutes.
the skin. spread at n To serve, place golden
n Cheese fries: brown fries on serving platter
Drizzle queso dip over and spoon chorizo over top.
French fries or top with BAKED SWEET POTATO Sprinkle with cotija and fresh
crumbles of flavorful Ca- cilantro.
cique Chorizo and Cotija
in a recipe like these AND COTIJA SOUTHWESTERN MAC
Baked Sweet Potato
Fries with Chorizo and 4 large sweet potatoes, AND QUESO
Cotija. peeled and cut lengthwise into
n Robust sliders: Skip 1/2-inch wide sticks 1 package Cacique Queso Dip
3 tablespoons olive oil 1 box macaroni, cooked
regular beef patties and Salt according to package instruc-
spoon the rich seasoning Freshly ground black pepper tions
and punch of flavor that 1 package Cacique Fully 1/4 cup Cacique Queso Fres-

Continued from Page 5B
at the top of the berry may be visible in unripe scent shows it’s ready,
near the stem and leaves. berries. but a vinegary one likely
A ripe strawberry is fully n Blackberries: Look means it’s overripe.
red; green or white near for a smooth texture with- n Raspberries: Gener-
the top means the fruit is out any red appearance. ally follow the same rules
underripe. Because blackberries as blackberries. Best
n Watermelon: The don’t ripen after being eaten within a couple
“field spot,” or the area picked, they tend to spoil days of purchase, a bright
where the melon sat on quickly. red color represents ripe
the ground, should be n Cantaloupe: You berries.
yellow, and a tap on the should detect a sweet n Bananas: A ripe
rind should produce a smell, and the melon banana features a peel
hollow sound. should feel heavy upon lightly spotted without
n Cherries: Flesh lifting. significant bruising.
should appear dark with n Peaches: A sweet, Your best bet may be to
a crimson color and feel fragrant odor should be purchase bananas still
firm. apparent. Skin should slightly green and allow
n Blueberries: Similar feel tender but not soft. them to ripen at home.
to cherries, color should n Pineapple: Smell is Find more food tips,
deepen to dark blue. A again an important factor tricks, recipes and videos
reddish or pink color for pineapple — a sweet at

Butter Together
Continued from Page 5B

BREAKFAST CASSEROLE n Place torn bread into the bottom of the

casserole. Sprinkle sausage crumbles over the
top of the bread. Sprinkle cheese on top of the
6-8 slices white bread, torn into pieces sausage.
6 eggs n In a medium mixing bowl, whisk the egg
1 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt with the milk, salt, and mustard. Pour the egg
1 pound bulk sausage (bacon or ham works mixture over the top of the cheese. Cover the
well, too) casserole dish with aluminum foil or plastic
1 teaspoon mustard wrap and refrigerate overnight.
1-2 cups shredded cheddar n Bake uncovered at 350 F for 45 minutes
to an hour. If you want someone else to put
n Spray casserole dish with oil; I use a 9-by-13- it in the oven, write those directions on the
inch. Brown sausage, breaking it apart with the aluminum foil with a permanent marker before
back of the spoon into small crumbles. Drain. you put it in.
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Booze Legal Notices


We, Mei Lin Wang
and Hang Wang of
Call us: 662-328-2424 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
WHEREAS, on March 24,
2010, Kimberly A. Clements IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
UMI Cuisine, Inc., in- Ads starting at $25
and Michael D Clements Jr., TATE OF PAUL W. KANTACK tend to make applica-
Legal Notices WHEREAS, default has oc- WHEREAS, on the 17th day of Wife and Husband executed a a/k/a PAUL WAYNE KANTACK,
tion for a Restaurant Apts For Rent: North
curred in the performance of March, 2009, Kenny H Knight certain deed of trust to Denise DECEASED
BID NOTICE the covenants, terms and con- and Lena A Knight, executed McLaurin, Trustee for the bene- Retail permit. FOX RUN APARTMENTS
ditions of a Deed of Trust and delivered a certain Deed of fit of Mortgage Electronic Re- CAUSE NO. 44CH1:19-pr- 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
The Lowndes County Industrial dated May 28, 2004, ex- Trust unto Scott R. Valby, gistration Systems, Inc., as 00084-RPF
ecuted by JOHN W. HARRIS, Trustee for Mortgage Electron- nominee for Regions Bank As provided by the $595−$645 monthly.
Development Authority is seek-
ing and will receive bids for the VELICIA HARRIS, conveying cer- ic Registration Systems, Inc. d/b/a Regions Mortgage, its NOTICE TO CREDITORS Military discount, pet area,
agricultural lease of its desig- tain real property therein de- as nominee for Franklin Americ- successors and assigns which Local Option Alcohol- pet friendly, and furnished
nated properties located in scribed to JAMES HOUSE OR an Mortgage Company, Benefi- deed of trust is of record in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all ic Beverage Control corporate apts.
Lowndes County, Mississippi. BILL R. MCLAUGHLIN, as Trust- ciary, to secure an indebted- office of the Chancery Clerk of persons having claims against 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL
ee, for UNION PLANTERS ness therein described, which Lowndes County, State of Mis- the ESTATE OF PAUL W. Laws, Section 67-1-1, GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
Information for and on the BANK, NA, Original Beneficiary, Deed of Trust is recorded in sissippi in Book 2010 at Page KANTACK a/k/a PAUL WAYNE et seq. of the Missis- ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
properties to be leased, includ- to secure the indebtedness the office of the Chancery Clerk 5549; and KANTACK, DECEASED, that Let-
ing descriptions and approxim- therein described, as same ap- of Lowndes County, Missis- ters Testamentary were gran- sippi Code of 1972, ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
ate acreage of the available pears of record in the office of sippi in Mortgage Book 2009
the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes at Page 6226; and
WHEREAS, Regions Bank dba
Regions Mortgage has hereto-
ted to the undersigned, KEITH
C. KANTACK, Executor of said
Annotated. If granted SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
properties, is available and can
be obtained by contacting County, Mississippi filed and fore substituted Shapiro & estate by the Chancery Court of such permit, I or We Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Brenda Lathan, Administrative recorded June 2, 2004, in WHEREAS, Kenny H Knight and Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- said County on the 6th day of propose to operate
Assistant for the Lowndes Deed Book 2004, Page 16060 Lena A Knight is also known as strument dated August 16, May, 2019, and all persons
; and Lena Angell Knight per the land 2019 and recorded in the holding claims against that es- as a limited liability Apts For Rent: West
County Industrial Development
records of Lowndes County, aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- tate are hereby notified to have
Authority, 1102 Main Street, company under the
Columbus, Mississippi 39701, WHEREAS, the beneficial in- Mississippi; and fice in Book 2019 at Page same probated and registered
Telephone (662) 328-8369. terest of said Deed of Trust 16798; and according to law by the Chan- name of Umi Japan-

was transferred and assigned WHEREAS, on the 30th day of cery Clerk within ninety (90)
All bids must be submitted on to REGIONS BANK DBA RE- July, 2014, the Holder of said WHEREAS, default having been days from the first date of pub- ese Steak House &
a per acre basis, and final GIONS MORTGAGE SUC- Deed of Trust filed a Loan made in the terms and condi- lication of this notice; other- Sushi Bar located at
acreage amounts will be de- CESSOR BY MERGER TO UNI- Modification Agreement of tions of said deed of trust and wise, such claim or claims not
termined by reference to “Pro- ON PLANTERS BANK N.A.; and Deed of Trust by instrument re- the entire debt secured thereby so probated will be forever 1721 Hwy. 45 N., #1, Apartments & Houses
ducer Farm Data Reports of the corded in the office of the having been declared to be due barred. The first date of public- Columbus, MS
United States Department of
Agriculture, Farm Service
WHEREAS, the undersigned, aforesaid Chancery Clerk of
Rubin Lublin, LLC has been ap- Court in Mort Book 2014 at
and payable in accordance with
the terms of said deed of trust,
ation of this Notice to Credit-
ors is August 21, 2019. 39705. 1 Bedrooms
Agency, Columbus, pointed as Substitute Trustee; Page 15618; and
Regions Bank dba Regions
Mortgage, the legal holder of
Dated this 12th day of August,
2 Bedroooms
3 Bedrooms
WHEREAS, on the 9th day of said indebtedness, having re- The names, titles,
The successful bidder will be NOW, THEREFORE, the holder January, 2014, Mortgage Elec- quested the undersigned Sub- KEITH C. KANTACK, Executor of and addresses of the
required to execute a Lease of said Deed of Trust, having tronic Registration Systems, stituted Trustee to execute the the Estate of PAUL W. Furnished & Unfurnished
Agreement with the Lowndes requested the undersigned so Inc. as nominee for Franklin trust and sell said land and KANTACK a/k/a owners of the above
County Industrial Development
Authority providing for payment
to do, as Substitute Trustee or American Mortgage Company,
his duly appointed agent, by vir- assigned said Deed of Trust
property in accordance with the
terms of said deed of trust and
named business are: 1, 2, & 3 Baths
of annual rentals in the amount tue of the power, duty and au- unto Wells Fargo Bank, NA, by for the purpose of raising the Lease, Deposit
of the accepted bid and for a
lease term of three (3) years
thority vested and imposed
upon said Substitute Trustee
instrument recorded in the of-
fice of the aforesaid Chancery
sums due thereunder, togeth-
er with attorney's fees,
Bar No. 100551 Mei Lin Wang & Credit Check
but subject to cancellation at shall, on September 18, 2019 Clerk in Mort Book 2014 at trustee's fees and expense of Kantack Law Firm, PLLC President
within the lawful hours of sale Page 892; and sale. Post Office Box 10
any time upon a sale of the 222 Tuscaloosa Rd.
property by the Lowndes between 11:00AM and 4:00PM Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
County Industrial Development at the southeast front door of WHEREAS, on the 15th day of NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & 359 North Broadway Street Columbus, MS
Authority. In the event of any Courthouse proceed to sell at November, 2018 the Holder of Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- (38804)
such early termination, the public outcry to the highest and said Deed of Trust substituted ee in said deed of trust, will on Ph: 662-841-2493 39702
farm lessee shall be reim- best bidder for cash or certi- and appointed Dean Morris, October 2, 2019 offer for sale Fax: 662-841-2494 Apts For Rent: Other
bursed for actual expenses in- fied funds ONLY, the following LLC as Substitute Trustee by at public outcry and sell within Email:
curred during the year of ter- described property situated in instrument recorded in the of- legal hours (being between the Hang Wang 1ST MONTH − Rent Free!
mination. Lowndes County, Mississippi,
to wit:
fice of the aforesaid Chancery
Clerk in Mort Book 2018 at
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
p.m.), at the Southeast Door of PUBLISH: 8/21, 8/28, 9/4 &
Vice-President 1BR Apt − $350−$385
2BR Apt − $395−$495
All bids should include evid- Page 24791; and the County Courthouse of 9/11/2019 222 Tuscaloosa Rd. 2BR TwnHome − $625
ence of liability insurance LOT NO. ONE HUNDRED Lowndes County, located at Columbus, MS
TWENTY-FOUR (124) OF AND IN WHEREAS, default having been 505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
Lease, Dep & Credit Check.
providing a minimum of $1 mil- BEFORE THE MISSISSIPPI PUB-
lion of insurance coverage to MASONIC HOME SUBDIVISION, made in the payments of the bus, MS 39701, to the highest LIC SERVICE COMMISSION 39702 Coleman Realty
the Authority for property dam- A SUBDIVISION OF LOWNDES indebtedness secured by the and best bidder for cash or cer- 662−329−2323.
age or personal injury dam- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, AC- said Deed of Trust, and the tified funds the following de- 2019-UA-134
ages resulting from the activit- CORDING TO A MAP OR PLAT holder of said Deed of Trust, scribed property situated in If any person wishes
ies of a successful bidder. In THEREOF OF RECORD IN SUB- having requested the under- Lowndes County, State of Mis-
the event such proof of insur- DIVISION PLAT BOOK NO. 2 AT signed so to do, on the 2nd sissippi, to-wit:
PRAIRIE LAND WATER ASSOCI- to request a hearing 2BR/2BA
ATION, INC. Located in Historical
ance is not included with a bid, PAGE 34 IN THE CHANCERY day of October, 2019, I will dur- SA003082801 to object to the issu- Downtown. All hardwood
the Authority reserves the right CLERK`S OFFICE OF LOWNDES ing the lawful hours of between Commencing at a number nine
to require such proof to be pro- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI. 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at rebar at the Northwest corner IN RE:
ance of this permit a floors, open floor plan, roof
duced prior to the execution of public outcry, offer for sale and of Section 22, Township 17 APPLICATION OF PRAIRIE LAND request for a hearing top deck, newly remodeled.
any contract with a successful PROPERTY ADDRESS: The will sell, at the south east front South, Range 18 West, WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR $1,300/mo. Dep. req. 662
bidder. street address of the property door of Lowndes County Court- Lowndes County, Mississippi; A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CON-
must be made in writ- −328−8655 or 662−574−
is believed to be 409 SYLVAN house, 505 2nd Ave. North at thence South 03 degrees 25 VENIENCE AND NECESSITY AU- ing and received by 7879.
All bidders must have their RD, COLUMBUS, MS 39702. In Columbus, Mississippi, for minutes East 2390.39 feet to THORIZING IT TO CONSTRUCT,
sealed bid delivered to the the event of any discrepancy cash to the highest bidder, the an existing rebar to the POINT OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A the Department of
Lowndes County Industrial De- between this street address following described land and
and the legal description of the property situated in Lowndes
OF BEGINNING of the property
herein to be described; thence
SEWER SYSTEM IN A SPE- Revenue within (15)
velopment Authority office no CIFIED AREA IN LOWNDES
later than 10:00 a.m. on property, the legal description County, Mississippi, to-wit: South 89 degrees 56 minutes COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI fifteen days from the
September 18, 2019, at which shall control. East 211.93 feet to an exist- first date this notice
time bids received will be A tract of land 105 feet by 210 ing pipe on a fence line; thence NOTICE
opened and considered by the Title to the above described feet located in the Southeast along a fence South 00 de- was published.
Lowndes County Industrial De- property is believed to be good, Quarter (SE 1/4) of the South- grees 33 minutes East 274.67 Notice is hereby given that on
velopment Authority. but I will convey only such title west Quarter (SW 1/4) of Sec- feet to a 1/2" rebar; thence the 28th day of August, 2019,
as is vested in me as Substi- tion 12, Township 18 South, North 76 degrees27 minutes Prairie Land Water Association, Requests shall be
The Lowndes County Industrial tute Trustee. Range 18 West, Lowndes West 85.24 feet to a 1/2" re-
Development Authority re- County, Mississippi, and being bar; thence South 00 degrees
Inc. filed with the Mississippi
Public Service Commission the
sent to:
serves the right to reject any THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- more particularly described as 07 minutes West 140.44 feet above referenced matter.
and all bids. ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY follows: to a 1/2" rebar on the North
INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL right-of-way of Perkins Road Any person desiring to particip-
Chief Council, Legal
Bid Date: September 18 @ BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Beginning at the Southeast (paved 60' right-of-way); thence ate in or receive further notice Division
10:00 a.m. corner of the Southeast along said right-of-way North 83 of these proceedings is re-
428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite Quarter (SE 1/4) of the South- degrees 32 minutes West 3.93 quired under RP 6.121 of the
Department of Reven-
Publish: 107
Oxford, MS 38655
west Quarter (SW 1/4) of said feet; thence continue along
Section 12, Township 18 said right-of-way a curve to the
Commission’s Public Utility ue
August 28, 2019 Rules of Practice and Proced-
September 4, 2019 South, Range 18 West and run left 123.55 (Radius 2893.12 ure to file a written petition to P.O. Box 2282
September 11,2019 Tel: (877) 813-0992 thence North along the Quarter feet, Chord North 85 degrees intervene on or before twenty Jackson, MS 39225
Fax: (404) 601-5846 section line for a distance of 01 minutes 09 seconds West (20) days from publication of
852 feet to the initial point of 123.55 feet) to a 1/2" rebar; this notice.
PUBLISH: 08/21/2019, the property herein described thence North 00 degrees 40
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- 08/28/2019, 09/04/2019, and conveyed; thence continu- minutes West 384.20 feet to
Published: 9/10/19
This cause is returnable to the
TICE OF SALE 09/11/2019 ing North along the quarter sec- the POINT OF BEGINNING, con- regular meeting of the Commis- & 9/11/19
tion line for a distance of 105 taining 1.65 acres, and being sion to be held at 10:00 A.M.,
WHEREAS, on March 19, feet; thence West parallel with in and a part of the Southwest Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at
2008, Roosevelt Latham, a the South boundary line of the Quarter of the Northwest the Mississippi Public Service DOWNTOWN 1BR
single man and Darcellia Wind- Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Quarter of Section 22, Town- Commission Hearing Room,
ham, a single woman ex- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DI- the Southwest Quarter (SW ship 17 South, Range 18 West, 1st Floor, Woolfolk State Of- This large 1 bedroom
ecuted a certain deed of trust VERT OR WITHDRAW FOR BE- 1/4) for a distance of 210 Lowndes County, Mississippi. fice Building, Jackson, Missis- apartment has been
to Jay Morris, Trustee for the NEFICIAL USE THE PUBLIC WA- feet; thence South parallel with sippi. If a hearing is required, recently renovated. It
benefit of JPMorgan Chase TERS OF THE STATE OF MIS- the quarter section line for a I WILL CONVEY only such title
Bank, N.A. which deed of trust SISSIPPI distance of 105 feet to a point; as vested in me as Substi-
the Commission, by sub- Call us: 662-328-2424 features great natural
sequent order, will set a time light, hardwood floors,
is of record in the office of the thence East parallel with the tuted Trustee. and place for said hearing. This
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Notice is hereby given that on South boundary line of the
tall ceilings and access
cause is subject to being set General Help Wanted to a shared laundry room.
County, State of Mississippi in the 13TH day of August 2019, Southeast Quarter of the WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on for disposition on a hearing
Book 2008 at Page 7635; and Jeffrey Unruh, 54110 MS Hwy. Southwest Quarter for a dis- this 27th day of August, 2019. $750 rent and $750
date not less than twenty (20) MACHINE OPERATORS
14 E., Macon, MS, 39341, tance of 210 feet to the initial days from the date of publica- deposit. Utilities included.
WHEREAS, Carrington Mort- filed applications for permits to Point of Beginning and contain- Shapiro & Brown, LLC needed. Must be willing to No pets please. Call Peter,
tion of this Notice. If protest, abide by all safety regula-
gage Services, LLC has hereto- continue to divert or withdraw ing 0.50 acre, more or less. SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE answer or other appropriate 662−574−1561.
fore substituted Shapiro & the public waters of the State pleading is on file in response tions, submit to & pass
Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- of Mississippi for beneficial I will only convey such title as Shapiro & Brown, LLC to this matter, the Commis- background check & drug
strument dated August 14, use from the Massive Aquifer, is vested in me as Substitute 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite sion will consider same on said screen, able to lift heavy
2019 and recorded in the in the county of Noxubee, sub- Trustee. B-202 hearing date. rolls of fabric up to 75 lbs, DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA
aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- ject to existing rights, the fol- Flowood, MS 39232 CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
fice in Book 2019 at Page lowing amounts of water at the WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this (601) 981-9299 work 2nd shift & possess historic district, 1 block
WITNESS MY HAND AND THE good reading & math com-
16794; and indicated locations: 19th day of August, 2019. OFFICIAL SEAL of the Missis- from downtown.
779 South Perkins Road sippi Public Service Commis-
prehension. AA/EOE. Call $575/mo. + $575 dep.
WHEREAS, default having been PERMIT # Dean Morris, LLC Columbus, MS 39705 sion, on this the 6th, day of 662-328-5670 for appt. NO PETS. 662−574−8789.
made in the terms and condi- MS-GW-16897 Substitute Trustee 19-024580 September, 2019.
tions of said deed of trust and 855 S Pear Orchard Rd., Ste.
Peaceful & Quiet area.
the entire debt secured thereby VOLUME 404, Bldg. 400 Publication Dates: Katherine Collier
having been declared to be due 240 AF/Y Ridgeland, MS 39157 September 4, 11, 18 and 25, Executive Secretary THE COMMERCIAL
and payable in accordance with (318) 330-9020 2019 (SEAL) Dispatch is seeking a
the terms of said deed of trust, RATE adp/F15-1079 mechanically-minded
Carrington Mortgage Services, 1,200 GPM PUBLISH: 9/11/2019 individual to work in its
LLC, the legal holder of said in- PUBLISH: 9/11/2019, pressroom. Applicants
debtedness, having requested PURPOSE 9/18/2019, 9/25/2019
the undersigned Substituted Irrigation must be comfortable work-
Trustee to execute the trust IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Let your ing around heavy ma-
and sell said land and property LOCATION chinery, adhering to tight
in accordance with the terms of NW, NW, S30, T16N, R18E
fingers do deadlines and must have
said deed of trust and for the
purpose of raising the sums PERMIT # IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
the walking. Sell idle items an eye for detail & quality.
Flexible hours are a must.
due thereunder, together with
attorney's fees, trustee's fees
TATE OF PERRY FENTON, DE- Find your with a quick action Must pass drug test. Email You’ll find the best deals
CEASED resume to
and expense of sale. VOLUME dream job in when you advertise
880 AF/Y CAUSE NO. 2019 – 0147-S
classified ad. or
and shop here!
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & the classifieds! drop resumes off at 516
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- RATE MONICA FENTON, EXECUTRIX Main St,
ee in said deed of trust, will on 1,200 GPM Columbus, MS 39701.
September 25, 2019 offer for NOTICE TO CREDITORS No phone calls please.
sale at public outcry and sell PURPOSE
within legal hours (being Irrigation, Fish Culture

Service Directory
Letters Testamentary have
between the hours of 11:00 been granted and issued to
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the LOCATION MONICA FENTON, Executrix of
Southeast Door of the County SE,SE, S10, T14N, R18E the Estate of Perry Fenton, de-
Courthouse of Lowndes ceased, by the Chancery Court
County, located at 505 2nd Av- Any person, firm, association, of Lowndes County, Missis-
enue North, Columbus, MS or corporation, deeming that sippi, on the 4th day of
39701, to the highest and best the granting of the above ap- September, 2019. This is to
bidder for cash or certified plications will be truly detri-
funds the following described mental to their rights to utilize
give notice to all persons hav-
ing claims against said estate Promote your small business starting at only $25
property situated in Lowndes the waters of said source, may to Probate and Register same
County, State of Mississippi, protest in writing to the Permit with the Chancery Clerk of Building & Remodeling Carpet & Flooring Excavating General Services
to-wit: Board of the State of Missis- Lowndes County, Mississippi,
sippi, ATTN: Chris Hawkins, within ninety (90) days from
Lot 72 of Chilcutt Subdivision, P.O. Box 2309, Jackson, Mis- SUGGS CONSTRUCTION WORK WANTED:
this date. A failure to so Pro- CLAY GRAVEL,
Columbus, Mississippi, as re- sissippi 39225, setting forth bate and Register said claim CO. Building, roofing, Licensed & Bonded−
corded in Plat Book 2 at Page all reasons why said applica- remodeling, & home repair. fill clay, & top soil carpentry, painting, &
will forever bar the same. for sale!
4 on file in the Chancery tions should not be approved. Licensed & Bonded. demolition. Landscaping,
Clerk's Office of Lowndes Letters of protest must be re- THIS the 5th day of September, 662−242−3471 Easy access off 82 East gutters cleaned, bush
County, Mississippi. ceived within ten (10) days of 2019. 662−574−8470. Can load & deliver. hogging, clean−up work,
this publication. If not pro- Stokes Excavation:
I WILL CONVEY only such title tested, permits will be issued pressure washing, moving
/s/ Monica Fenton Carpet & Flooring 662−689−0089. help & furniture repair.
as vested in me as Substi- on or after ten (10) days follow- MONICA FENTON, Executrix
tuted Trustee. ing publication date. 662−242−3608.
PUBLISH: 9/11, 9/18, & Plumbing
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on If protested, the applications 9/25/2019
If you have pet damage I DAVID’S CARPET & General Services
this 23rd day of August, 2019. will be taken for consideration can help! Small carpet or UPHOLSTERY
by the Permit Board of the tile installation jobs. I CLEANING ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
Shapiro & Brown, LLC State of Mississippi in its of- repair & stretch wrinkles 1 Room − $40 ACME, INC.
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE fices at 515 East Amite Street,
out of carpet. 2 Rooms − $70
Shapiro & Brown, LLC
Jackson, Mississippi, on or
after, Tuesday, the 8TH day of
It’s a classified Call Walt: (662)574−8134. 3+ Rooms − $30 EA
9−5: Tues−Fri &
9−12: Sat.
Licensed Plumber
"We fix leaks."
Rugs−Must Be Seen
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
October 2019, at which time
all interested persons may ap- rule-of-thumb: Car Upholstery
Over 50 years experience!
Repairs, cleaning,
Cleaning Available
Flowood, MS 39232
(601) 981-9299
pear and be heard by the Per-
mit Board. We tell readers 662−722−1758
refinishing, scopes
mounted & zeroed, Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
117 Beech St OFFICE OF LAND AND WATER what they need handmade knives.
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North RETIRED NURSE seeking
Columbus, MS 39702 RESOURCES
19-024579 Chris Hawkins, P.E.
Chief, Permitting, Certification,
to know to buy Got leaky pipes? Find a
of West Point, turn right on
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
sitter position in Columbus.
Available now, day evening,
Publication Dates: and Compliance Division what they need. plumber in the classifieds. left on Darracott Rd, see & some weekends. Depen−
August 28, September 4, 11
Grow your business.
sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on dable & trustworthy. Ref’s
and 18, 2019 PUBLISH: 9/11/2019 left. 662−494−6218. avail. 662−549−7748.
8B Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Autos For Sale Campers & RVs


1 BEDROOM Houses For Sale: East Purchased new April for a printable copy of
205−683−5663 2012, one owner, non−
2 BEDROOMS 495 EMERALD Dr. smoker. Large u−shaped these puzzles.
3 BEDROOMS Nice Brick Home in 2016 Toyota Camry wrap around kitchen
established neighborhood. 2011 Hyundai Veracruz counter. Dining table
LEASE, 2015 Honda Accord with 4 chairs. Couch been
© The Dispatch

Located on a large lot. The

home boasts 4BR/2.5BA 2012 Toyota Camry covered since purchase,
DEPOSIT w/ 2 car garage. Freshly 2014 Nissan Versa makes into full bed, air
AND painted interior and tile 2011 Buick Regal mattress and pump
2015 Kawasaki included. 2 euro−
CREDIT CHECK floors in the kitchen &
bathrooms. $125K OBO. KL650−E recliners less than 3
2016 Chevy Colorado years old. Walk thru bath
2013 Ford Fusion with neo−angle shower.
Lots & Acreage 2010 Toyota Tundra Queen size bed in
2411 HWY 45 N 20 ACRE
2013 Ford F−150
2008 Hummer H3
bedroom with a brand
new mattress.
COLUMBUS, MS UNRESTRICTED 2005 Chrysler 300 To view camper
HOMESITE. Exceptional 2014 Chrysler 300 call or text
Commercial Property For Rent location on Old West Point 2008 Ford Mustang 662−364−2226.
Road. Perfect house site, 2011 Mazda 6 Additional photos
OFFICE FOR RENT OR approved lake site, 2012 Chevy Traverse available at request.
STORAGE SPACE W/ utilities, great 2012 Kawasaki $10,000 negotiable.
CLIMATE CONTROL. neighborhood and all within VN900−B
30x15. Separate air 15 minutes of downtown 2013 Dodge Charger
and mega site. 2005 Honda Odyssey Motorcycles & ATVs
conditioner & bathroom.
$400/mo. Located in Call Long & Long @ 2017 Chevy Impala
Caledonia. Call 662−574− 662−328−0770. 2008 GMC Yukon 1993 KAWASAKI
0082. Broker/Owner. 2008 Chevy HHR VOYAGER XII
2006 Dodge Ram 3500 Only 25,500 miles. Runs &
356.7 ACRES ON HWY. 2015 Jeep Wrangler looks good. No problems.
69 S. 5 mi. from 2010 Mercedes Benz
Columbus. 30−year old M−Class 501−545−7750. YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
3,000 sq. ft. truck
terminal, 9,500 sq. ft. mature pines, green fields, 2013 Chevy Equinox

Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
shop & 3,200 sq. ft. good hunting.
$3000/ac. Bud Phillips, 1999 ROADSTAR 1600
GULF STATES AUTO placing puzzle based on
Buildings can be rented Automotive Sales Only 45k miles. Hard bags,
rider & passenger back Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 4 2 8 6 5 3 1 9 7
together or separately. 2601 Buttermilk Rd
rests w/ luggage rack, has ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 5 6 7 2 9 1 8 3 4

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

All w/ excellent access & LOWNDES CO: Cottondale, AL 35453
Hwy. 82 visibility. 153 ACRES on Hwy 50 E at windshield. Ready to ride! based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 9 1 3 4 8 7 2 5 6
662−327−9559. end of Brewer Rd. 4 green 205−562−2188 $3500 OBO.
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 3 4 6 8 2 5 7 1 9
fields, exc hunting, sand,
gravel & clay deposits.
New inventory arriving daily! given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 8 9 1 7 4 6 5 2 3
$1,250 per acre. object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
LEASE. 1112 Main St., Sedans:
numbers 2 7 5 3 1 9 4 6 8
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty For more info call 2015 Honda Accord LX; 2004 KAWASAKI Drifter. contains the1sameto 9 number
7 5 9 1 6 8 3 4 2
of private parking. 662− 205−799−9846 or 4dr, Silver, 34K Miles, 1500cc, Vance & Hines the empty spaces so
205−695−2248. only once. The difficulty 1 3 4 9 7 2 6 8 5
327−9559. $11,900 loud muffler, 32,400mi. that each row, each
2017 Honda Accord Sport; Looks like an Indian M/C. level increases from
Houses For Rent: North SUMMER SPECIAL. column and each 6 8 2 5 3 4 9 7 1
1.75 acre lots.
4dr, White, 47K Miles, $4500. 662−352−4776. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 9/10
RENT. All brick, big yard,
Good/bad credit. 10% 2017 Honda Accord Black; the same number only once. The difficulty level
carport, W/D hookup.
down, as low as $299/mo.
Eaton Land.
4dr, Black, 29K Miles,
$16,900 ELECTRIC SCOOTER with increases from Monday to Sunday.
Nice neighborhood. 662−361−7711. 2018 Honda Accord car carrier. $800. 662−
$780/mo. 155 W Thomas Touring; 4dr, Red, 48 327−0284.
Dr. 3 min from CAFB. Miles, $24,900
2012 Honda Civic EX; 4dr,

Silver, 151K Miles, $7,900
3BR/2BA CH/A Hwy. 45 N. 2017 Honda Civic Sport
Caledonia Schools. No Hatchback; 4dr, Gray, 53K
pets. $1,000/mo. $1,000 Ads starting at $12 Miles, $16,900
dep. 1 yr. lease. Weathers 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5; Ads starting at $12
Rentals, 662−574−0345. White, 109K Miles, $8,900
Open Mon.−Fri. 8a−4p. Furniture 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5;
Black, 71K Miles, $9,900 Travel & Entertainment
Two Piece Living Room Set 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5;
COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. A loveseat and chaise for
2 & 3 bedroom w/ White, 70K Miles, $9,900
sale. Brown and blue. 2016 Nissan Altima SL
2−3 bath townhouses. New!!! Leave a message.
$600 to $750. 2.5; White, 62K Miles, Drummer, Experienced,
$300.00 662−242−2884 $13,900 New to Columbus
Ask for Glenn or text. General Merchandise Excellent drummer with
SUV’S: Roland V Pro level
Houses For Rent: South 2015 Acura MDX AWD; electronic equipment
GE WASHER, white, very
good condition. Stainless 4dr, Black, 42K Miles, just moving to
3BR/2BA HOUSE Open steel tub. $225. $19,900 Columbus, MS and
floor plan w/ concrete 662−425−2454. 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe LT; would like to join
floors, fireplace, large 4dr, Silver, 109K Miles, current group or form
fenced in backyard, Lawn & Garden $14,900 new and dynamic band
carport. $1,100/mo. with dedicated, quality
662−328−8655. 2016 HUSQVARNA R120S Vans: musicians. Over the
Riding Mower. 19.5 HP, 2010 Honda Odyssey EX; years I have played
Mobile Homes for Rent 4dr, 135K Miles, Silver, traditional soul, R&R,
Briggs & Stratton motor,
42" deck, $1,000 OBO. $7,900 rockabilly, C&W, some
123 BECK DR. 14x64. Only used 3 times this 2013 Honda Odyssey EX; blues and zydeco as
2BR/1BA. $450/mo. season. Leave msg. 4dr, 56K Miles, Gray, well as my current love
$450/dep. Includes 662−251−4136. $13,900 which is Southern
garbage. No pets. Gospel, traditional
No HUD. 662−574−7614. Trucks: Gospel, Country Gospel
2017 Freightliner and bluegrass. I guess
3BR/2BA Trailer, New
Hope school dist. $500/
mo & $500 dep. No pets,
Vehicles Cascadia; 155K Miles,
Red, $60,000
a "Dailey & Vincent"sort
of mix is what I like
most but definitely open
no drugs, no partying. Call
b/t 10a−7p. 662−386−
Ads starting at $12 Miscellaneous:
2016 JLG 4069LE 35
to any mix of the above
−listed genres. I am a
4292. NO TEXT MGS. Hours Man Lift; Green, solid Christian, fun and
Autos For Sale $25,000 easy to deal with and
NICE DW 3BR/2BA MH know how to blend in
In Columbus School Dist. 06 HYUNDAI ELANTRA, Upcoming Vehicles: with and act in a
$600/mo + 600 dep. stick shift, gold, 4 door, 2013 Acura RDX AWD; 4dr, professional band. Yes,
601−940−1397 or 4 cyl, 60k miles, cold AC. Gray, 46K Miles, $13,900 I am "retired"more or
662−549−8861. $2,500. 2018 Honda Civic Sport; less but still have it
662−549−5358. 4dr, Blue, 474 Miles, going on when it comes
$17,900 to the music. I have
2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix 2018 Nissan Maxima SL; recently been with The
126k + mi, low mileage 4dr, Black, 1362 Miles, Glorybound Gospel
tires, new power steering $21,900 Band out of Pensacola,
Have a rental property?
pump & water pump. 2013 Toyota Tacoma 4WD FL for the last five years
List it here for fast results. $3600 firm. 662−425− Double Cab; 102K Miles, and you can see me ACROSS 9509. $18,900 play on their Facebook 1 Staff symbol
page. Some travel or 6 Blinds piece
Houses For Sale: Other Campers & RVs touring would be ok for
the right situation if 10 From the
1998 WINNEBAGO. New necessary. I will be Arctic
tires. $17,000. 662−327− available in Columbus 11 Even though
0284. starting the first of
September. Send me a 12 Blow away
Want to get back to nature? text if interested, 13 Catcher
Need some R&R? Castro
14 Titled woman
Pets 15 Geisha garb
16 Freud topic
AKC GERMAN 17 Rent out
Shop here first. SHEPHERD PUPPIES.
18 Capitol Bldg.
Exc. ped. Blk, blk/silv &
blk/red. Vet checked, w/s. worker

Need a new 19 Chianti and

Taking deposits.
companion? 22 Pants line
23 Hawaiian
41 Soup buys
42 High homes
17 Five-line
Sale with papers, first instruments 20 Type of horse
shots & pad trained. $900. 26 Common
Call 662−425−2741. DOWN 21 Go downhill
evergreens 1 James of “The 24 Turns into a
29 Scoundrel Blacklist” cryptogram
Five Questions: 32 In medias —
33 Beanie or
2 Tributes 25 Leakage
3 Apple pie order preventer
beret 4 Destroy 27 Cubby hole?
34 Source
1 Spain
5 Opposite of 28 Newscast
36 Game for the post- segment
gentry 6 Counterfeit 29 Amusing
37 Army doc 7 Long cars 30 Game site
2 “Cold 38 Air traffic aid 8 Unescorted 31 Murdered
When looking Mountain”
39 Bold way to
solve cross-
9 Mortise’s mate 35 Seed-remov-
11 Newspaper ing machines
for a new pet, words
40 IRS worker
reports 36 Book unit
15 Writer Follett 38 Hightailed it
adoption is 3 Red

Need a
always a 4 University
new car? good option. of Arkansas

5 A cross
Need fast cash?

Start in the classifieds section for

your buying and selling needs!

Ads starting at $12 for one week! Sell your unwanted items in the classifieds today.

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