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Troubleshooting Windows 7 on VirtualBox

1. Configure a change in IP address/Subnet Mask to solve a connection issue
2. Update windows.


For this lab I am using the same virtual machine of Skill part 2, so I start to start the Virtual
machine. For the first case of problem solving I have created two cases:

1. Simulate failures of physical connection of the cable.

2. I have changed from ip in the virtual machine to a different network.

1. Start the Virtual machine.

2. As you can see in the capture we see that our machine is not connected to the
network, and it comes out with a red X, this usually happens when it is a physical fault,
the cable may not be connected properly, or the network port is damaging or the
same cable is not well connected, among others.
For that we are going to make some discards, well as mine is a virtual machine, first I will start
reviewing the if my machine has an ip. For them we will use the following keyboard

Windows + R (It will open a windows execution window).

After them use the cmd command that is the Windows command interpreter and Enter.

3. A new window will open and we will use the following command to see if we have ip
configured. ipconfig.

4. By giving enter after the command ipconfig will show as a result details of the
interfaces that we have in our machine, such as ip address, subnet mask, gateway,
physical address of each interface, as well as the dns, among other details. In my case
as you can see in the capture I do not have assigned ip, and as I know that when the
network symbol shows me X in red is usually physical failure, I will simulate that I have
reviewed the wiring and I entered a cable problem so I'll have to change or connect
another cable. In virtualBox there is an option that must be connected when we use
bridge mode. I have disabled it before the lab for our test.
5. In configuration of the team in virtualBox we click a window opens where we go to the
network option, as you can see in the capture is not connected.

6. So what we must do is connect and apply the changes so that it refreshes in our virtual
7. Then as you can see in the capture now our network symbol has changed now has a
yellow triangle, Like the red X of the symbol this yellow color can also help us identify
the possible cause, in many cases it is no longer A physical problem is rather a logical
problem and also compatibility.
8. Again we will use the ipconfig command in the cmd to verify that if we have assigned
ip. Now if we have an ip so we must validate if that is the correct ip our lan network or
network assigned.

9. In my case I have a router that provides ip address by dhcp so I will make a comparison
and see if it is the correct network that my virtual machine has, As seen in the capture
my network is different so I will have to change to see if I can solve the problem.

10. In Network we can configure the network system of our virtual machine. At the
moment leave "NAT", which is very basic but will allow us to connect to the Internet
(browse, read mail, etc.) once we are inside the virtual machine.
11. For them we will go to the resource of windows networking center.

12. Open change network adapter settings. Select the network adapter and right click
choose the property option.
13. Locate the IPv4 version internet protocol option, and click twice.

As you can see there is a static IP assigned to our network card, as we said we have to put
in dhcp since our router provides dynamic ips.

14. Click on get ip address automatically, same in dns.

15. Then click on accept, instantly our pc will get an ip and then ask us what kind of
connect, if it is public or home or work networok. In case I will choose home network.

16. And also how can be the network icon now comes out without alerts, now is the time
to conduct connectivity tests.
17. Now we have an ip assigned from our lan network, we can also validate that we do
google dns and we can also resolve names.

18. We test connectivity from a browser and test connectivity, and we see that we already
have access to the internet.
1. To configure windows update schedule, we first look for the windows update option.

2. Click on the windows button, and then type the word update (there are actually
several options to open it) then you will see options related to windows updates.
3. At the moment we choose the option of windows update that appears in the first one
of the search.

4. When entering the option we can notice that we have several options such as:
a. Search for updates (option that helps us perform an update search).
b. Change configuration (serve to make configuration changes of the update).
c. Update history (used to view the history of updates made).
d. Restore updates (Used to perform an update subtraction that may be due to a
failure that has occurred).
e. As well as the option of help frequent questions that we can consult to solve
any doubt we have, this option is basic.
5. In windows update there is a configuration option that allows us to schedule
automatic updates. For them we click on back. There we go in the Windows update
option. And we click the first option.

6. In this option we are going to schedule the automatic update every day at 12:00 pm
since at that time in my case I usually like to update it.
7. In important updates we have several options that we can choose, by sliding you can
find them, in our case we will choose the one option that is recommended.

8. Then we choose the days that we want to update, in my case I chose the option every
9. We also choose the time it is updated in my case as I said before I will choose at 12:00

10. Then we accept.

11. Then we go back to the option to check for updates, if it finds a new update it will let
us know what we have but this will be executed at the scheduled time.

12. In case I have updates and it also came out in a message where it says that it will run at
12:00 pm.

In conclusion you can say, As you already know, Windows is an operating system that always
has a large number of vulnerabilities. Constantly, new viruses, spyware, bugs (software errors)
that need the revision and update of the software are emerging. The moment you buy a
computer with a Windows operating system, you are not buying a perfect computer, without
any type of error. To solve these problems, there are Windows updates, which we can see
through Windows Update.
We always say that one of the important things in computer security is having the OS updated.
Is it important then to install Windows updates? Do not slow down the computer a lot? How
can we see what updates have been installed? Are they installed automatically, or do I have to
do it manually? We are going to help you solve these doubts.

Windows updates can be published at any time. Since they are available for download,
Windows Update (which comes by default in any Microsoft computer) proceeds to install them
when you turn off your computer, or, depending on how you have the configuration, it warns
you that there are new updates available.

Windows Update detects which Microsoft programs you have installed and which ones need
updating, your hardware components or system information. You can also check if your drivers
are up to date, and try to cover all the bugs and errors that you have had news about and for
which there is an update.

Why is it important to install the updates? Because Windows is a highly vulnerable operating
system; It is not like iOS or Ubuntu at all. Therefore, if you update your computer you will be
more protected. Does that mean you will not have a virus of any kind? Neither.

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