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Mendoza, Ma. Christiana B.



Miracle from Heaven tells about how a family’s faith was tested. The disease of Anna
brought doubt on whether God was really existing, making Christy to ask God if he hears her for
she cannot hear Him. The movie also showed the Beam’s family struggles and on how they
became emotionally drained through Anna’s sickness. It is my first time to watched that movie
and I felt inspired and boost my motivation to continue life and cherish all the struggles that I
faced. In the movie, there are religious experiences that are impossible to attain in this society
but God makes it impossible. The movie is a good medium to help individuals to open their minds
that with having faith in God, all things are possible. Even though there are challenges that came
in our lives always trust and try to have a positive point of view in that. Times like these make us
question if God was really existing. We often ask if there’s really someone listening to us
whenever we pray and He seemed silent. Just like in the movie, we just have to hold on to our
faith because He always have His reasons why we are here, why we are facing this. God won’t
put you into a situation He doesn’t think you can surpass for God has His own ways.

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