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'&apter 9 Public 'ontracting

'&apter "0 n-estment

'&apter "" 'ross(border %rade in *er-ices
'&apter " @inancial *er-ices
'&apter "# 'ompetition Polic,
'&apter "4 %elecommunications
'&apter " lectronic 'ommerce
'&apter "6 ntellectual Propert, ?ig&ts
'&apter "7 +abor ssues
'&apter "8 n-ironment
'&apter "9 %ransparenc,
'&apter 0 Administration o. t&e Agreement and *trengt&ening o. 'ommercial
'&apter " Dispute ?esolution
'&apter  >eneral ceptions
'&apter # @inal Pro-isions

%&ese international trade agreements bring to 'olombia/ t&e ad-antage t&at t&eir 
emplo,ers can sell t&eir products and ser-ices abroad under better conditions/
it&out pa,ing taes !tari..s$ it&out being subBect to ot&er barriers/ &ic& do &a-e
to pa, in case o. not &a-ing t&ese treaties2 "

%&is &elps t&e national econom, o. a countr, to gro as it &as a muc& ider 
consumer mar5et
mar5et t&an &en it is limited to its entrepreneurs
entrepreneurs to sell in t&e domestic

%&ere.ore/ .ree trade is considered positi-e/ because t&e lac5 o. trade barriers
ma5es eporting eas, and relati-el, c&eap2 n t&is a,/ a countr, can .ocus its
resources more e..icientl, and ac&ie-e a &ig&er real income2 Despite t&e global
its o. .ree
.ree trade
trade .or
.or a count
s econ
om,// t&ere
t&ere ma, be some
some import
drabac5s to t&e establis&ment o. .ree trade agreements2

'olombia is not a t&reat to t&e )* in political and economic matters/ since t&e total
production o. t&e countr, is onl,  o. t&eir production2 'olombia e are small in
t&e impact t&at it can generate in t&e Nort& American production t&ere.ore t&e
economists consider t&at t&e %+' ill be generous2

1 htps://lc-en-colombia-un-analisis-a-las-venajas-y-desvenajas-de-nuevos-
'olombia is still at a disad-antage because t&e )* is in a greater capacit, to
generate competition and production in sectors &ere 'olombia is more d,namic2
n turn/
turn/ 'olom
bia &as
&as sector
s in &ic&
&ic& it can
can compe
te in .ruits
.ruits// -egeta
.ootear/ tetiles/ etc2 Eit&out ignoring t&e great disad-antage o. t&e gap beteen
a de-eloped countr, suc& as t&e )* and a de-eloping countr, li5e 'olombia

n general/ t&e main disad-antages o. t&e %+' are:

F %&e, are not e1uitable as multilaterial agreements

F merging economies lose

F 'omplicated competition to sustain .or national industries

F mbalance o. t&e internal econom, and lac5 o. protection o. producti-e sectors

little bene.ited it& t&e negotiation o. t&e %reat,2

F ismatc& in terms o. ta re-enues/ since b, eliminating tari..s entr, o. .oreign

products ould be lea-ing to recei-e ta concept/ &ic& could deepen t&e national
.iscal de.icit3 oe-er/ anal,sts epect t&is mone, to be reco-ered as a result o. 
GA and ncome %a deri-ed .rom t&e greater mo-ement o. t&e econom,2

F +ittle capacit, o. adaptation

adaptation o. t&e national
national companies in .ront o. t&e international
production standards/ generating monopolies and capture o. t&e mar5et b, t&e
Nort& American t&at enters t&e countr, 

 htps://colombiadi!i/acualidad/ar"culos-in#orma"vos/iem/0$%-&ue-es-el-lc-colombia-esados-

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