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FURWN® SERVICE MANUAL NAVIGATIONAL ECHOSOUNDER mover FE-880 | FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. NISHINOMIYA, JAPAN @FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. [Your tocar aeent7beater 9-52, Ash Nishinom Telephone: 0798-65-21! Telefax: 0798-65-4200 Ali rights reserved. printed in Japan PUB. No, SME-22811-A YOHAD FE-880 — FURUNO CONTENTS ee esas SPECIFICATIONS BLOCK DIAGRAM CHAPTER 1. 1-1 1-2 1-3. 1-4 1-5, 1-6. CHAPTER 2. CHAPTER 5. CHAPTER 6. CHAPTER 7. CHAPTER 8. CHAPTER 9, CHAPTER 10. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Transmitter TR Circuit Receiver CPU Board Switch Board and Display Board Power Supply Circuit ADJUSTMENT Necessary Test Equipment TX Oscillator Adjustment and TX Output Check Receiver Adjustment CPU Board Adjustment Power Supply Circuit Adjustment TX Frequency Alteration MAINTENANCE Cleaning Lubrication . CPU Board Replacement Recording Belt Replacement Belt Drive Motor Replacement Transducer Check TROUBLESHOOTING Sel f-check LED Indicators How to operate Power Supply Circuit independently Troubleshoot ing PARTS LOCATION TECHNICAL DATA ELECTRIC PARTS LIST MECHANICAL PARTS LIST MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST CABLING DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 1-1 to 1-13 2-1 to 2-7 4-1 to 4-9 1. RANGE SCALES SPECIFICATION OF FE-880 BASIC. PHASED RANGE SCALE DISPLAY 0-5 |1-6, 2-7, --1594-1599, 1595-1600} 36 mm/m 0-10 [t-11, 2-12, ==1589-1599, 1590-1600) 18 O- 20 |1-21, 2-22, ~-1579-1599, 1580-1600] 9 0 - 50 |1-51, 2-52, 3-53,--------1549-1599, 1550-1600] 3.6 0 - 100|1-101, 2-102, 3-103, 1499-1599, 1500-1600] 1.8 0 - 200|1-201, 2-202, 3-203, 1399-1599, 1400-1600] 0.9 0 - 500|1-501, 2-502, 3-503, ~-1099-1599, 1100-1600} 0.36 Choice of meters, fathoms or feet by internal switch. Maximum scale is 1600m, 900fathoms or 5400feet. . ACCURACY OF MEASUREMENT 50m scale: 500m scale: +m or 5% of the indicated depth, whichever is the greater 5m or 5% of the indicated depth, whichever is the greater (Based on a sound speed of 1500m/sec) . RECORDING PAPER Dry electrosensitive, PD-2020NW (204mm x 20m; 8" x 61') . OUTPUT POWER 500W . PULSE LENGTH, REPETITION RATE BASIC RANGE |P.L.(ms)| PRR(*) 5 - 20m 0.3 394-27 50 0.3 244-27 100 0.6 (139-27 200 1.2 | 74-26 500 1.8 _ | 74-26 * Pulse repetition rate per minute changes with the end of a selected depth range. 6. PAPER SPEED BASIC RANGE END OF RANGE 50m 300m 500m 5 -50m | 12/6/3 [6/3/1.5] 3/1.5 |1.5/0.75 100 6/3/1.5}6/3/1.5] 3/1.5 |1.5/0.75} 200 -[3/4.5 | 3/1.5 |1.5/0.75 500 = - = __|1.5/0.75| 7. FREQUENCY AND TRANSDUCER FREQ XOR BEAM WIDTH 28 kHz = -28F-18 22 50 KHz 508-68 (STD) 28 50 KHz 508-98 14x 28 200 KHz 2008-88 5.4 8. POWER SUPPLY AC100 - 115/200 - 230V + 10%, 50 - 60Hz + 6%, 1g, 9OVA 9, EQUIPMENT LIST STANDARD SUPPLY 1) Recorder Unit 2) Transducer with 15m cable 3) Transducer Tank (20mm thick) 4) Installation Material 5) Spare Parts and Accessories OPTIONAL SUPPLY J} Yatching Box 2) Transduder Switch Box 3) Digital Depth Indicator £D-202 4) Echowatch EW-100 FURUNO "1 sauno wae. wend $000020 j HRL29Y = — none /vee/o22/s! u — sive sath YOLVINO3Y ONIHDLIMS i) ¥3MOd, 1004426 = i as+<———] waonasmvus Tsay ViNG Linowia To¥LNoD Lead Laeo Peon ‘ANo2 vai er) (ovewnoy + 00-2) wa4nawo ~0W2In 30 ous a 280) ons [pe 2 UR Vat em axe evs want aoa wy we fe [eataza WOLIMS, WVYOVIG 40018 ose-a34 FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. — FURUNGE te romdcer te 3 CHAPTER 1. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The FE-880 navigational echosounder consists of the CPU board, transceiver block, switch board, display board, paper advance motor, recording belt drive motor and associated circuits. See the block diagram on page 1-0. The CPU board controls operation of whole circuits as described on para 1-' 1-1. Transmitter (Transceiver Board 02P7002) The transmitter circuit is made up of oscillator, driver and power amplifier. sO ape] BE, ee onto 5) eee eee eee are Fig.1-1 The transmitter circuit is kicked by a keying pulse generated in the CPU board and produces a transmit pulse. Its pulselength and recurrence rate are determined by the BASIC RANGE and PHASED RANGE ~ switches on the front panel. The oscillator Q103/Q104 oscillates at a resonance frequency determined by C101/C102/T101 for presence of the keying pulse. Q102 is employed to prevent continuous operation of the oscillator which occurs when the keying pulse line is held at +12V by CPU failure. C108 and R107 dif- ferentiates the keying pulse and limit its length within 3.5ms. The output of the oscillator is amplified by the driver Q105/Q106 and power amplifier Q107 thru Q112 to a required level and fed to the trans- ducer thru T103. S101 is the POWER REDUCTION switch where the output power is reduced from C (max.) to A at 10dB steps. 1-2, T/R Circuit (Transceiver Board 027002) The T/R circuit is a directional network for transmitter and receiver. It isolates the receiver during transmission and the transmitter during reception so that the receiver is protected from strong transmission signals and weak received signals are delivered to the receiver with a minimum loss. 1-1 ener 102 Transducer X : ‘Transmitter a oo Fig.1-2 Transmission: R103 thru CR106 and RV1 conduct by transmission signals. C106/C107/C1/C2/L101 form a parallel reso- nance circuit to make the receiver input impedance high. The transmission signals are therefore delivered to the transducer with a minimum loss. Signals entering to the receiver is only a small leakage of the transmission signals which provides a transmission line mark (zero line) on the paper. Reception: CR103 thru CR106 and RVI are cut off since the received signals are weak. Thus the received signals are effec- tively led to the receiver. 1-3. Receiver The receiver consists of RF amplifier, mixer, IF amplifier, local oscillator, TVG, STC and bottom signal detector circuits. RF Amplifier, Mixer, Local Oscillator and IF Amplifier we epifer BF hepier eel Onitator Fig.1-3 1-2 The received signal coming from the T/R circuit is amplified by the RF amplifier consisting of Q1/Q2/T1/T2/T3. The voltage gain of each stage is 7dB for Tl, 33d8 for Q1/T2 and 30dB for Q2/T3, provided that the GAIN control is set at position "11". The signal from the RF amplifier is mixed with the output signal from the local oscillator at the mixer U1, where 21kHz IF signal is produced. The local oscillator circuit, consisting of Q5, C27, C28, C29 and 16, is set to oscillate at Ft + 2lkHz (Ft: transmitting frequency). Signal level at TP1 is 100mV thru 300mVp-p. The IF signal is amplified by Q3. R20 is a preset IF gain control and adjusted for the total gain of 100dB. The output of the IF amplifier is sent to the CPU board where it is converted into digital value and stored in the memory. Q4 is an emitter follower. TVG (Time Varied Gain) and STC (Sensitivity Time Control) Circuits A near target from the transducer returns comparatively strong echoes. However in a long range, ultrasonic wave attenuates and a target is recorded weaker as it lies in a deeper water. TVG is a means to com- pensate for this inconvenience. It suppresses the gain of the amplifier for the echoes coming back earlier and gradually increases with time for those coming back later. Function of STC is similar to that of TVG. Difference is the coverage; STC is effective mainly for shallow water while the TVG, for shallow to deep. 5 oS 5 Baga ile hl m He 3 i ia ig oe dbs I a Fi TVG _& STC Circuit The positive going TVG trigger pulse coming from the CPU board makes Q9 turn on. With Q9 on, QO and Q13 also turn on to discharge C40 and C41. With the TVG trigger pulse terminated, C40 and C41 are charged thru R52, Q12 and R55 to form a TVG voltage at the CR5 cathode which rises gradually as the capacitors are charged. Qll and associated components form a regulator to keep Q12 collector at approximately =2V. C40 and C41 are initially charged toward -2V ("X" period in Fig.1-5) exponentially and then toward OV linearly ("Y" in Fig.1-5). 1-3 (R3 and CR4 are provided for temperature compensation. This TVG voltage curve controls the differential amplifier U2 together with the gain control voltage set by $3 (GAIN). Output of the amplifier is given by the difference voltage (TVG voltage - Gain control voltage) and changes as in Fig.1-6. It is voltage divided by R63/R65/RT1/R66 and then fed to the RF amplifier to control its gain as time (depth) elapses (goes greater). The zener diode VR2 goes into a breakdown state when the TVG voltage exceeds 3.9V and changes the TVG curve to rise at a slower rate in the deeper range. This circuit provides linear increase of the gain in the RF amplifier (Qi, Q2). See Fig.1-7. R66 and C43 form a STC circuit. C43 discharges thru CR2 and Q9 when the TVG trigger is applied, and then is charged. Therefore, the TVG curve or gain control voltage at TP6 varies in close range as in Fig. 1-8 as C40 is charged. Sterne rae breve Puse GAIN: max, lov We: MAX, Shifted downward 125 the GAIN ie reduced, ote Fige1-6 U2-#6 LS y F U2-#6 Fig.1-5 Q13 Collector oa ssy Gain: wax Swe! ax aavben Ste: wax, ( ~asv Vottage Fig.1-7 RF Amp V-G Character — FURUNO Bottom Signal Detector This circuit detects seabed echo, and sends the depth information to the CPU board. It consists of Q6, Q7, Q8 and associated circuits. = conte? mao 22 ite FE thane 3 nu 10 3 = eg on Fig.1-9 Bottom Signal Detector IF signal is led to the gate 1 of FET Q6.. Q6 and associated components form an amplifier whose gain is set to approximately 25dB. (Amp. gain is adjusted by a preset potentiometer R21 located on the Switch board.) Q7 is a detector and demodulates the echo signal. When the signal exceeds the base threshold level of Q7, C39 discharges thru Q7, and Q8 turns on. To the contrary, while Q7 is off, C39 is charged by the current coming from +12V Tine. The period of 98 output signal ("H" level), therefore, depends on the strength of IF signal, and the bottom signal pulse is fed to the suc- ceeding CPU board for further processing. 1-5 1-4, CPU Board Echo Data Entry The AC mode echo signal derived from the TX/RX board is rectified by CR2/C14 and fed to the comparator of 7 stages to convert the echo signal into digital value for processing. The "+" input terminal of each stage has a reference voltage with increments of 3d8. Thus the comparator converts the echo signal into 7-bit digital data (each comparator goes “L" when the echo signal is higher than the reference voltage). The 7-bit digital data is converted to 3-bit data by the priority encoder and sampled at the intervals of one 544th of the Basic range, and then stored in the input buffer memory (BASIC) together with the bottom signal pulse. The input buffer memory has a capacity to store 544 data which is used just for one sweep line of recording, and when the memory is full, the Memory contents are read out and transferred to the RAM under control of the CPU. +5" RAM > f| (GEE hy T | snr + (INPUT BUFFER MENORY Fig.1-10 ae alt ieee Note that start timing of the data ne memony storage is controlled by the CPU in = accordance with the PHASED RANGE switch setting. For example, if the PHASED RANGE switch is at 20m, the data is accepted from the point 20m later than the keying pulse. 1-6 — FURUNO 1-5, Readout of Echo Data The trigger pulse to initiate the data readout is given by the Hall element in the recorder block. When the recording stylus comes to the top of the recording paper, the Hall element is actuated by the magnet on the recording belt and produces a trigger pulse. Then contents of RAM is read out and converted into analogue value to drive the power amplifier. Its output is plotted via the collector rail and the recording stylus. Switch Board and Display Board Fig. 1-13 shows the block diagram, ram by bya POWER conv AMP. cpu Halt Clement | co agi ts | Laren /DECODER /ORIVER ug surren | sooness a sea aoonese jz ee | [7] Decooer: Fl T 75 A m oH YH ‘Die cux-teo Fig.1-13 1-7 Switch Status Sensing This SWITCH board is provided to sense the status of control switches for data processing in the CPU board. Every switch has its own address. To read the status of a switch, the CPU sends the address to the switch and acquire the status as follows: 1, The switch address is latched into U2 by the "L" pulse. The latch output is fed to the address decoder U1 which feeds the low signal to the COM terminal of the switch in accordance with the address data. 2. The low signal is sensed by the encoder as a 6-bit switch data. The 6-bit switch data is converted to 3-bit binary code by encoder U4 and fed to buffer U3. 3. The data in the buffer is read out onto the data bus by the “RD” pulse and taken into the CPU. Data Display 1. The numerical data to be displayed on an LCD device is sent out on the data bus and is latched in U2 by the “L” pulse coming from the address decoder in the CPU board. 2. On the other hand, the address to select one of twelve LCD devices are sent out on the data bus and fed to address decoder U9. 3. The address decoder U9 latches the address data by the "DIS" signal coming from the CPU board and selects an LCD device for data display. 1-8 — FURCING 1-6. Power Supply Circuit The power supply circuit is made up of 17.5kHz PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) inverter employing switching regulation technique, protec- tor and rectifier. It operates on ship's mains of 110/220VAC, which is rectified to 24VDC in the rectifier module, i.e. 110/220VAC is applied to the first winding of the step-down transformer B8T1, and 21VAC comes out at the secondary winding. This AC voltage is rectified by the stack diode CR1, and 24VDC is produced. Against the variation of the mains voltage, it regulates the output DC line voltages by’ changing width of its switching pulse. The block diagram is shown in Fig.1-14 and the schematic diagram in Fig.1-15. 07 ie wire + sie seawsisrors| [! seanetsrons| as, 04 wren, . Thanaeroe| oe Jee [swrrenno. TRANSISTORS) FIER free He 056 | 4+{commansron || ESE "REGULATOR een Jover cur. SWITCHING REO, CONTROL x - ee Gees oerecran| g., rare bs g.1-14 Power Supply Circuit Block Diagram 1-9 — FURUNO Finsayy Aids TaMOg St-1 bia waren SHE'S Mans AC 100/10/15/220/0r0/e4ev, S4/koHte, 16 1-10 +9V Regulator The regulated +9V used in the PHM inverter is provided by the circuit shown in Fig.1-16. CR1O is for temperature compensation. It has a temperature coefficient of about ~4mV/°C against 4.6mV/°C of zener diode VR3. Fig.1-16 +9V Regulator PHM Inverter The PHM inverter consists of switching regulator control IC U3, pulse width control circuit U2/Q3, driver Q8/Q9 and switching transistors Q4/5/6/7. Fig.1-17 shows the block diagram of switching regulator control IC U3 and Fig.1-18, its operating waveform, ourPuT conTROL 1% eles a z peao TE (Gyn Beheat"® @—t ERROR AMP 1 eee G4 wn. INPUT NON INV. INPUT inv. INPUT ‘PWM COMPARATOR JREFERENCEL (14) veer leecucaroe L__@ evo Fig.1-17 Block Diagram of Switching Regulator Control IC U3 output 2 oN oN oF Ve: Output of Error Amplifier Voltage on Dead Time Control Pin Fig.1-18 Operating Waveform of Switching Regulator Control IC 1 The reference oscillator in U3 is a sawtooth wave oscillator. Its Frequency is set by external resistor Ry and capacitor Cy and given by f = 1,2/CyRy. In this navigational echosounder, it is set to exactly 35kHz by Reb: The dead time control pin #4 determines a maximum duty ratio of the inverter output square wave. In the switching regulator circuit, the dc output line voltages are maintained. constant against fluctuation of supply voltage by varying width of output waveform. However, in case the output stage is in push-pull connection, it is necessary to limit the maximum width of the output waveform so that the width may not become so wide as to drive two output transistors into conduction simultaneously. In the circuit shown in Fig.1-15, the maximum duty ratio is set to 45% by pin #4 grounded thru rl5. C6 and r15 in US are for starting the PHM inverter softly. The dead time control pin #4 of U4 is fed with time varying positive voltage until C6 is fully charged after initial power-on. If the soft start circuit is not provided, since rush current flows into the electrolytic capacitors in the + rectifier, the rush current increases and the output dc lines cause hunting. See Fig.1-19. Of the two error amplifiers Al and A2 in U3, Al is used to control pulse width and AZ asa comparator. The pulse width control circuit shown in Fig.1-20 stabilizes dc output line voltages by moving up and down the slice level for the reference oscillator output sawtooth wave, that is, by converting mains voltage and load variations into the variation of pulse width. The voltage variation on +12V line is detected and fed back to the error amplifier Al in U3 via a photo coupler. The error amplifier Al has a gain of about 40dB as given by the ratio of 13 to rl2/ri4 and it is provided with a reference voltage of 2.5V at its inverting input pin. The +12V line has been set to 12V with R28 and light emitting diode in U2 is drawing current of about 20mA. If the voltage on +12V line changes by some reason, the current in the light emitting diode and then the voltage on non-inverting input pin of error amplifier change accordingly. The difference of voltage on ‘inverting and non-inverting pins of Al is amplified 100 times (40dB) and the resultant de output is fed to the PWM comparator in U3 to move the slice level of sawtooth wave as in Fig. 1-21. Slice Level Oscillator Output PM + Smrseor, (LL LT LE output Lows ko vee VFige1-20 Pulse Width Control Circuit Fig.1-21 1-12 — FURUNO Protector The protector circuit shown in Fig.1-22 operates to disable the inverter operation when the following states occur. (1) When the rectified 24VDC Tine voltage exceeds about 42V (mains over-voltage protection). (2) When +12V line is grounded (output shortcircuit protection). (3) When excessive current flows in +60V line (60V line overcurrent protection). | reams ‘teoviene) "7 Fig.1-22 The rectified 24VDC is divided by r3 and r2, and fed to the error amplifier AZ in U3. Value of r2 and r3 is determined so that the voltage at non-inverting pin of AZ does not exceed 2.5V. Thus, the output of A2 usually remains negative and exerts no effect on the PHM comparator in U3. If the rectified 24VDC rises to 40V, the voltage at the non-inverting pin becomes higher than 2.5V and the output of AZ goes positive to block the sawtooth wave and suspend operation of the inverter. The protection against shortcircuit of +12V output line is performed by Q3 and U2. If +12V line is grounded, the line voltage drops and the current flowing thru the light emitting diode of U2 decreases. This causes the collector voltage of the photo-transistor to rise over 2.5V, resulting that the inverter operation stops. Qll and R34 are for limiting the current of 60V line within 500mA. If the current in 60V line exceeds 500mA by failure of a transistor in the transmitter circuit, Qll is forward-biased by the voltage developed across R34 and the current flowing thru the light emitting diode in U2 ‘increases. This increase causes to lower the dc line voltages by the PWM comparator and therefore the current in 60V is maintained within 500mA, 1-13 CHAPTER 2. ADJUSTMENT Check and adjustments of the equipment are performed in the following manner, referring to “SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS" on pages S-1 to S-5, and “PARTS LOCATION" on pages 5-1 to 5-4. 2-1. Necessary Test Instrument The list of test instrument below undertakes al] the performance checks detailed in the following paragraphs. 1. Dual Trace Oscilloscope (MHz or higher, 10:1 Probe) 2. AF Signal Generator (Output Impedance: 50 or 75 ohms) 3. Frequency Counter (IMHz or higher) 4, Multimeter (20k ohm/V or higher) 2-1 2-2, TX Oscillator Adjustment and TX Output Check Rating Table 2-1 Frequency Power Reduction Switch (Transducer) “ce "3" “Ke 28kH2(28F-18) | 750-1000Vpp|460- 600Vpp|180-240Vpp te 50K2(508-68) | 1050-1350Vpp |920-1150Vpp |540-700Vpp| 50kHz (508-98) | 810- 960Vpp|700- 800Vpp |200-500Vpp Fig.2-1 1X Waveform 200kH2(2008-88)| 740- 950Vpp|250- 390Vpp| 60-180Vpp (Transducer Cable: 15m) Procedure 1. Arrange the measuring instruments as shown in Fig.2-2. 2. Set the signal generator output level a to 100-120d8 and frequency to the TX poate frequency shown in Table 2-2. cyreen recat rea: 3. Turn on the navigational echosounder. 4, Adjust the TX oscillator frequency by turning the core of T101 (See Fig. 28kHz 28.840. 2kHz S0kHz | _50.0x 200kHz 200. 0+0. 5kHz 3kHz 2-3) so that Lissajous figure as in Fig.2-2 ‘is obtained. 5. Disconnect the signal generator and measure the TX output voltage with the POWER REDUCTION switch at "A", "B" and "C" respectively. Check that the voltage level is within the rating of Table 2-1. Lissajous Figure OO/ v [| | ay Os Fig.2-2 2-2 cilloscope Signal Generator 2-3. Receiver Adjustment Rating Local Oscillator Freq.: | System Freq. | Local Osc. Freq. 28kHz 49,840. LkHz S0kHz 71,0+0.3kHz | Table 2-3 200kH2 221.040. 3kHz Total Gain: 100d8 Procedure Undo four screws S-010 (See Fig.2-3), and the transceiver module comes free. Use extreme caution because HIGH VOLTAGE exists inside the module. 1, Arrangement of the test instruments is shown in Fig.2-3. 2. Temporarily connect a jumper wire between TP9 and ground to disable transmitter circuit during adjustment of the receiver, otherwise the signal generator may be damaged. Note: The jumper wire should be soldered at both ends to prevent coming off. 3. Disconnect the transducer. 4. Adjust 16 for the frequency shown in Table 2-3. Note: When the signal level at TP1 is insufficient for the fre- quency counter, connect it to the junction of R13 and R29. 5. Set the signal generator output level to 20dB, mode to CW and fre- quency to the TX frequency listed in Table 2-2. 6. Set the GAIN control to position "11", STC and TVG controls fully CCH for maximum sensitivity. 7. Adjust the core of transformers TOl thru TO5 for a maximum ampli- tude on the oscilloscope or meter indication on the valve voltmeter. 8. Adjust IF gain preset potentiometer R20 so that the total gain comes to 10048 (2.8Vpp on oscilloscope, 1Vrms on valve voltmeter). 9. Then, connect the oscilloscope or valve voltmeter to TP3 and adjust 107 for a maximum amplitude or meter indication. — FURUNO cable. Signal Generator (26850 or 750) Disconnect transducer Value of Resistor "R” Frequency | For Zo=50 ohms | For Zo=75 ohms 28kH2 100_ohms ‘82 ohms > 508-68 | _300_ohms 270_ohms S0kHz /508-98] 130 ohms _ 400 ohms 200kH2 180_ohms 150 ohms Frequency Counter | TR2 F Pho No.1, rlol 16 9617 19 Fig.2-3 2-4 <4 ‘Transceiver Board R20 '1P3 (for B/S DET out) 1G ae EON vv 2-4. CPU Board Adjustment Procedure 1, Set the operating controls as below and remove the recording stylus. - 5m PAPER SPEED -. Tae BASIC RANGE Sw POWER REDUCTION - =" 2. Connect the oscilloscope to the collector rail (Pin #1 of J03) for checking of pen signal output. 3. Turn on the switch no.8 of the DIP switch $1 for self-checking. 4, Adjust 12 for a maximum amplitude ‘on the oscilloscope. Mata 5. Adjust R15 so that "V" of Fig.2-4 becomes 400+10V. 8 ® 6. Turn off the no.8 of the DIP Fig.2-4 Waveform on Pin switch Sl for normal use. #1 of J03 a or aa # Photo Ne 1209 2-5 = = 2-5. Power Supply Circuit Adjustment Rating Regulated Voltage: | Line +5V -12V Table 2-4 +12 +60V Inverter Frequency: 17.5+0.1kHz Procedure Undo four screws S$-010 (See Fig.2-6), and the power supply module comes free. 1. Connect the frequency counter between TP2 (+) and TP1 (-) and adjust R20 so that the counter indicates 17.50. 1kHz. Frequency Adjustment 2. Connect the dc voltmeter between pin #2 (+) and #1 (-) of J1 and adjust R28 for the meter reading of 5.2+0.05V. +5V Line Voltage Adjustment 3. Connect the dc voltmeter between pin #6 (+) and #4 (-) of Jl and adjust R27 for the meter reading of 12.0+0.05V. -12V Line Voltage Adjustment 4. Check +12V line voltage between pin #8 (+) and #6 (-) of Jl and also +60V line between pin #8 (+) and #7 (-) of u2. +12V, +60V Line Voltage Check TPL R27 R2B F Photo No.0) 2-6, TK Frequency Alteration When it is necessary to change the system frequency of the recorder, take the following procedure. 1, Change the transceiver module, referring to Table 2-5, Table 2-5 Frequency | Module | Code No. 28kHz 001-332-250 5OkHz o2p7002 | 001-332-260 200kHz 001-332-290 2. Change the jumper wire connections on the transceiver module only for 50kHz as in Table 2-6 according to the transducer to be con- nected. Ox 02P 7002 Table 2-6 Freq. | Transducer | Jumper Mire 508-9! : : — a ; - i ; - : * Standard. Therefore, the Fig.2-7 2-7 jumper wire of the module delivered from the factory is connected like this. — FURUNO CHAPTER 3, MAINTENANCE 3-1, Cleaning A certain amount of carbon powder will pile up inside the recorder after lengthy use. If not cleaned up at regular intervals, it may cause trouble. To clean up carbon powder accumulated on the pc board or around the recording belt, open the cabinet door and swing forward the recording plate assembly. Do not forget to lock the stopper of the cabinet door for safety. Sweep away carbon powder with the brush placed at the rear of the cabinet door. See Fig.3-1. Lubrication In order to ensure trouble-free operation for a considerably long period, some of the moving mechanical parts should be lubricated at least once every six months. Fig.3-1 shows the parts to be lubricated. Use high quality grease specified for use in precision machinery. (Recommend "LIMAX #1", Furuno Code: 000-824-056.) Lubricate here. 3-1 3-3. Replacement of Major Parts 1, CPU Board Loosen the six screws and unplug the six connectors shown in Fig.3-2. Unplug six connectors. Loosen six screws. Fig.3-2 To transport the CPU Board, use a conductive carrying bag. See Fig. 3- Conductive ae Bag — FuRUNI —__—_—__________ 3-4. Recording Belt Replacement 1. Fold the recorder plate and turn up the paper roll brake as shown in Fig.3-4. 2, Derail the recording belt while turning it slowly. Acoma T/RX Module 3-5. Belt Drive Motor Replacement 1. Remove the gear cover. 2. Unfasten the four screws, derail the notched synchronous belt, and the belt drive motor is readily removable. =—>_ @ Untasten 4 screws @putt out the motor, — FURUNI WA 3-6, Transducer Check The transducer unit mainly consists of the vibrating element and the cable. The 50 and 200kHz transducers are made of barium titanate (BaTi0,), whilst the 28kHz transducer is made of ferrite core. The former" is electrostriction type, and the latter is magnetostriction type. Judgement on whether the transducer is good to use or not can be accomplished by the following tests. Quick Check In the field, connect a new transducer instead of the existing one. If the picture is improved by this exchange, the transducer is considered to be faulty. On the contrary, if no difference is met, the other electronic circuit may be faulty. This way of checking is simple and useful. (A) 50B-68/9B and 2008-88 Transducer Check Iron disks | Se To conductors of the transducer cable Construction of Transducer Fig.3-6 1, Insulation Test The insulation resistance between the shield and each conductor is cardinal check to determine whether the transducer is defec- tive or not. A megger (500Vdc) is used for this check. Rated Value: 10 megohms or more Capacitance Test of Transducer Cable Even though the transducer itself is not faulty, there still remains an important matter to be checked; if the cable is cut off on the way or not. The transducer cable has two conductors and one ends of them are connected to the iron disks sand- witching the transducer element. It can be checked by measuring the capacitance whether the inner conductors are cut off at any portion or not. — FuRUunNtI OH ___—__ Prepare the capacitance meter and measure the capacitance of the transducer. Table 3-1 Transducer Normal Capacitance (between two conductors) 508-68 8750pF + 10% Including 15m cable (100pF/m). 50B-98 15500pF ¥ 10% Including 15m cable (100pF/m). 2008-88 5600pF ¥ 10% Including 15m cable (100pF/m). If no capacitance meter is available, use the popular multimeter as below. Prepare a multimeter and two kinds of capacitors which have the equivalent value to the above capacitance. Set the multimeter to resistance range of more than ‘x 1k’. Refer to the figure below. Read the multimeter deflection when the leads of multimeter touch across the prepared capacitor. Do the same for the transducer and compare the deflections. The normal transducer cable indicates nearly the same deflection as the capacitor. If water soaks into the transducer, the multimeter swings to zero or some value. If the cable is cut off on the way, the multimeter does not swing at all or swings little. MULTIMETER, The multimeter swings a little momentarily when the meter leads ) touch the capacitor leads or trans~ ducer cable. Then the pointer L quickly returns to the origin, Capacitance Test Fig.3-7 35 3. Impedance Test In order to check the transducer in the field without taking it out from ship's hull, the following method is also available. Refer to figure below. 10k ohms Voltmeter or Oscillosco; TES TRANSDUCER(in water) Impedance Test Fig.3-8 1) Set the switch to " 2) Set the output frequency of signal generator at a certain frequency (adjacent to resonant frequency), and measure the voltage across the transducer with a precision voltmeter or oscilloscope. 3) Turn the switch to "2" and adjust the potentiometer so that the voltmeter or oscilloscope indicates the same voltage as above, then measure the resistance of potentiometer. This resistance may be considered as the impedance of transducer at the above frequency. 4) Do the same at the other different frequencies, then plot the measured resistance. Thus the resistance curve is obtained and the typical one is shown in the figure below. Compare it with the other typical one for judgement. The important point is the ratio at A to B. Resistance (ot B A shows resonant point. (F kHz) The ratio of resistance at the A and B should be 1:3 to 1:4.* ‘Different due to the type of transducer. F — Frequency (Hz) Characteristic Curve Fig.3-9 3-6 (B) 28F-18 Transducer check 1 To conductor of the transducer cable Fig.3-10 Insulation Test Do the same test as mentioned above on 50 and 200kHz transducer check. Refer to page 3-4, Conduction Test The ferrite core type transducer is not regarded as capacitor because the ferrite core is wound by the lead wire. Conduction test, therefore, is carried out instead of capacitance test. Prepare a multimeter, and measure the resistance between con- ductors of transducer cable. The resistance should be approximately one ohm, 3-7 — FuRunq iA CHAPTER 4. TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides the troubleshooting methods for service personnels in the field. All circuits are operated from +12V, +5V and +60V produced in the power supply circuit. Therefore, it is recommended to check respective line voltages prior to the troubleshooting for individual circuits. See page 4-1, Self-check | The CPU board, LCD board and the stylus condition can be checked by| the self-test facility which is turned on by the switch #8 of DIP | switch Sl on the CPU board. | Slide to on. —| Fig.a-1 The test results are displayed as follows: 1. The TEST PATTERN is drawn with 8 steps (incl. white) of intensity gradation as in Fig.4-2. (Check of D/A converter and power amplifier on CPU board, pen guide board and stylus condition.) 2. Check results for ROM and RAM are displayed on the START OF RANGE indicator. ojo 0: Normal 1 Defective RAM ROM 3. The numbers from 0 thru 9 are sequentially displayed in ascending order at 4 seconds inter- val on all LCD indicators as below. Fig.4-2 4-1 — Fourvure A A ROM/RAM CHECK Fig.4-3 4-2, LED Indicators The CPU board is provided with the LED check indicators for functional check. The following table shows the condition of the indicators. Table 4-1 LED Condition CR3| Indicates the echo data read out from the RAM into the D/A converter. It flickers in the normal operating condition. If it lights up, the CPU board is out of order and if remains off, the trigger pulse to initiate the data readout is not fed from the pen guide PCB. CR4 | Indicates the echo signals fed from the transceiver board into the A/D converter. It flickers while the signals are coming in, CR6 | Flickers with indicating that the bottom signal is detected. R7 | Indicates the keying pulse. It flickers if the keying pulse is coming in. 4-2 —— EUsreCsiInic> cR3 cre cr? F Photo Ne 1208 Fig.4-4 4-3. How to operate Power Supply Circuit independently. To operate the power supply circuit independently for functional check, connect a 47 thru 100 ohm-resistor between +12V line and its ground line. See Fig.4-5. Photo Hen Battery (pc12/24v) Dummy Load 47 to 1002 (3W or more) Fig.4-5 4-3 4-4, Troubleshoot ing Turn on POWER Refer to page Not working at all] ---------- a6 Recording belt does not rotate but ao> 4-6 illumination and numerical display are normal. Paper not advanced. Adjust GAIN] Nothing plotted Weak recording No depth or false depth indication with normal recording. Adjust TVG & STC] No TVG and STC effect 44 — FuRUNG@ OWER turned on but not _working at all | Supply voltage is normal? (110/220VAC between #1 and #2}——°-——~ voltage at switch of the power supply terminal B8TB1) Yes Fus Fuse 2a 5A Yes c Fig.4-7 Rectified voltage is normal? (24VDC between #1 (+) and #2 -——“2——_- (-) of 81781) Yes Take out the power supply cir- cuit and operate it indepen- dently. See Fig.4-5 on page 4-3. Its operation is normal? Yes 45 Check ship's mains board. DANGER! ! Replace the fuse.] ' ' ' 1 1 |Blows again (DON'T REPLACE FUSE IWITH LARGER ONE Check rectifier circuit. [circuits _) |_No___fcheck power supply circuit. There is a shortcircuit in either of +12V or +5V line. Put back the power supply circuit and operate the set while removing pc boards and connectors one by one to locate the defec-| tive board or component. [Recording belt does not rotate but illumi-] nation and numerical displays are normal. Recording belt or recording stylus jammed? (Check the Re recording belt or recording Ye bevealy ae strange} stylus for strange materials ee which will overload motor.) No +12V and clock signal are pre- sent on pin #3 and #2 of J4 on|—No__f Replace CPU board. the CPU board respectively? Yes [Replace belt drive motor. [Paper not_advanced] 4-phase clock signals are pre- sent on pins #2, #3, #4 and #5 | No [Replace CPU board, of J5 on the CPU board? Yes q Replace paper feed motor] noard see Fae] Teamee : tater Fig.4-13 4-6 — FURUNG Perform self-check Not light [Replace pen referring to para. No |CR3 on CPU board guide pc _board.| 4-1. Test pattern is[—“| flickers? drawn on the Lights [Replace CPU recording paper? Yes board. See page 4-2. Yes Set the equipment for] normal operation. No Replace CPU CR7 on the CPU board boar flickers? See page 4-2. Yes CR4 on the CPU board Yes Replace CPU flickers? board. See page 4-2. No From |Waveform across the Check trans @—Jtransducer terminats | No Inter efrcuit is normal? (See Page ‘in transceiver on [2-2).. board. page 4-8. ve Transducer is normal?|__ No Replace trans- (Refer to page 3-3.) — : “|ducer. Yes [Check receiver] circuit in the| transceiver board. 4-7 — EUrUncd [Weak Recording Adjust the length of the stylus nib for| 8-10mm or replace whole stylus assy. Fig.4-15 Trouble is cleared? No Perform self-check referring to para. 4-1. Test pattern Proceed to page 4-7. is drawn on the recording | —Yes___ Paper with correct intensity gradation? No ‘Set the BASIC RANGE to "5", Start of Range indication to eae “O", PAPER SPEED to "M", and Ge adyied Tenave recording stylus. No 7's aadusre No {Replace CPU ‘onnect oscilloscope to the ce beet board. test point PEN SIG on the CPU board. Test signal of 400+10Vpp is obtained? Yes See Fig.4-16. Yes L___[check if the collec tor stylus is pro- perly running on the collector rail. ur 33 a1 LIF ourpuey q Trieger : Internal Xtseale 10m a/div le 5" w/diw — FuRUNGe No depth or false depth indication] with normal d Confirm that water depth is more than 2m. Heavy rolling and pitching due to rough Seabed echo is stable? }—————~ sea condition causes the depth indication Yes unstable. Seabed is plotted x with 5th intensity o iiicesssa nit gradation or stronger? ~Lincrease GAIN.) (Refer to Fig. 4-2) Yes Perform self-check 1, Replace CPU board,| referring to para | —No_______ 4-1, Results are OK? 2. Replace DISPLAY board. Yes Replace CPU board. Note: When the seabed echo is not obtained for 10 transmission cycles continuously due to aeration, the depth indication is freezed and decimal points flicker. When the seabed echo is received con- tinuously for succeeding 3 transmissions, the depth indication is restored. Check the waveform at TP8 on transceiver }———No____.[Replace CPU board. board. Yes Check TVG & STC circuit.| Be s/div wie Fig.4-18 Prot No.1) 4-9 CHAPTER 5. PARTS LOCATION Fig.5-1 "POWER" Board (02P7001) 5-1 ST 19 2P7002:Dainbinernar Fig.5-2 "TX/RX" Board (02P7002) 5-2 —— FUsrecuinice Fig.5-3 "CPU" Board (®)02P7003) *FURUNO MABE IN JAPAN Fig.5-4 "DISPLAY" Board (02P7011) oe ee 02PTOZ AO oe Fig.5-5 "ILLUMINATION" Board (02P7012) Fig.5-6 "+60V CAPACITOR" Board (02P7013) Fig.5-7 "SWITCH" Board (@)02P7014) 5-4 — FurRuUNGe on Ri EF sacmee| | | u 2] dey PE rail! Elia "ep ial ae : * sone sipanee (ee x} TEER TT eet — FurRuUNGe -aNs a Pg NC*WsHOYRUNLOVANNYH Divia372_Irndear4 “YoIHSOL*SOL “OANYSHOAS *21¥LD972 AIWAS*TLS *ANOSeHIOS +21u19373 NaDNaO eapulaaad NBINVSENYS “3119399 NIDTYO=DUO. *D1MIDITI. [¥0% 110 “OLQYY Nal ABNUEN +31L293 NO« AUWSLSMSLINCGIN “VIQUOLONCLON “VATHSMSLYRELYH. “CNVGYT).U31SELDIU TNOLLYNUBINT=P8L + TH *30VL-10 SSUSARUOUA “LNZUUND 3SUARUNL “ANBYAND YINITHTI “NOLLYAISSIO Y3AOd HNHIxYHed 1310H $01 Téyorrooo —yztezs0 $01 goseztooo ye"c7e20 3aN Geeyerooo —Te3r"6au BIN EvTeCTOOD —EWHGTH yw) Gio) ww ‘4 NoLL2ny NOILYD ‘usH ‘ON 3009 aaaL aan nasia> Ta ‘sev woul 34NLLASanS/310N 3NI7 2ino ~ 1A 49 =2~ (eee) na19149309 _3owvisisau ‘BEuaAaW HUME OTHYNAG XVM A 39¥LT0A waNaz tee 30010"WaNaT see — FuURUNG Integrated Circuit Type . Furuno Code No, = Manufacturer =: Function : OP Amp. LM74icp (OP Amp.) 000-167-102 Fairchild Type Furuno Code No. Manufacturer Function : Switching Regulator Control MB3759M es 000-157-500 Fujitsu sie Heeist gb —_ Type + DN6839N (Hall Element) Furuno Code No. : 000-164-401 Manufacturer: Matsushita Application : Non-contact Switch Regulator s D vec \i2 | oe tJ output @ GND TEN sive N sear Hall Schmitt Output 3: 0mm amp. (open Blement Trigger (0P% men Ti99eF collector) 6-4 Type 3 7HLS125A_ (TTL). i co Furuno Code + 000-168-062 Manufacturer: ‘Texas Instrument Function : Quad 3 State Bus Buffers Let Type THLS145 (TTL) we Furuno Code 000-168-080 SRIRAM Manufacturer: Texas Instrument t Function : BCD to Decimal Decoder Type : 7HLs148 (TTL) SR Ro Furuno Code No. : 000-168-083 relsLfw lo] palm] fal Manufacturer : Texas Instrument TILIIt Function : 8 to 3 Priority Encoder l A Cf a wale oewla ce 1" * Type TALS175_ (TTL) Furuno Code No. : 000-167-912 Manufacturer: Texas Instrument Function : Quad D-FFs 6-5 —— FFUsRSCINCD Type TC4S14BP_ (C-MOS) Furuno Code No. : 000-163-288 pacers | PUR | SeLESRED OoRPOT Manufacturer Toshiba s—H8fsfepep ae 2 felele[a a Function : 4-Bit Latch & fe lelelile 3 4-to-16 Line Decoder [—e—Jeyi fete = a a felalile i sol22aaca A 5 ote il: HH shes se wots 24 St puee ¢ |ilefite Bio eatin 32 3 ep bbe 2 Sines sae i : Ss: sttas cee siele|e( as é pe eo fa}afife ne . 3 : arene e buh 515 tbe Paes aa Oop ae stone 2" | fete eee tex, supoaee suiacaseo Hee atoed rwazorre22 Type ToususEP (c-MOS) Epes sees ree ssa Furuno Code No. : 000-163-903 Tfepopeeeairiite tle] efocsilorsecog Manufacturer Toshiba ila] gjecesloricecg Function: : BCD-to-Seven Segment [iJe;ejateaoiioerg Latch/Decoder/Driver |1]¢|9|/si¢2):eire1) ile eloiiinezesea Tpepepreeeiisiny tfe]olisedirasery ilo] s|isiolescccee ile|elisiilecsses Ke Tfepepiteseeooees f=10 : alo] eliieilosocce En ycp ilo] o|iiielococes 2 a aleleliiiiecece fa eke epee ss : [is Ps [ou ; + tor s+ Drpanas on the BCD spplied vhen EDe1 4 Mowe Conditio rBetateh Disable, BusBianking, PhsPhase Buinlenting Type : TA7320P (Linear) 0 Furuno Code No. :-000-162-900 Manufacturer: Toshiba : Function : Balanced Modulator : olk ey 4 Equivalent Circuit 6-6 — FurRuUnNnGa Liguid Crystal Display (LCD) Type : F2015-A-34P1 Furuno Code No. : 000-135-872 Nomenclature of Segment Pin # i [2 to 47ST 67 7 8 970i i 2713174 Tis [16 Digit 1D. 2D 3D egment |(cOM)| (NC) |e] d| <] p| e] d] c] pl e] d[ cl p Tris ligTzolei 2212324125 le6le7] 268 [29730131132 4D 3D 2 e[aTel eb] al fl el Sb] al FT] elicory eT al fT ag] 33 [34735]36[37] 38 | 39 T 40 1D, ney Tal fT a Tene) (Ncy i (comy Photo Coupler Type + PS2001B-MORL Furuno Code No. : 000-134-356 Manufacturer NEC Application Interface, Chopper Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Primary Max. Forward. Current Max. Reverse Voltage Power Dissipation Pd= 100m" Secondary Collector-Emitter Voltage Vceo=30V Collector Current Ic=50mA Power Dissipation Pc=150mW aoe — FURUNG Field Effect Transistor passin etki Type : 3SK59-GR r Furuno Code No. : 000-130-040 | Z Manufacturer —: Toshiba 3 ai Application : VHF, RF/MIX i 1 + Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) i g Drain-source Voltage Vds=20 V oe Gate-source Voltage Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C) Drain Current Idss=37mA min., 24 mA max. (Vds=15V, Vg2s=4V) Mutual Conductance gm=20 m0 typ. e 2. Drain Drain Current 2. Gate 2 Power Dissipation Pd=300 mW 3. Gate 1 Channel Temperature Tch=150 °C 4. Sourse (Case) Thermistor Type : D-33A Furuno Code No. : 000-180-625 Manufacturer Toshiba Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Max. Current 1215 mA Operating Current Iopr=2 mA Operating Voltage Vopr=5 V Operating Temperature Topr=-20 to +70 °C Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C) Resistance(Ta=25°C) R25=2500 + 250 ohm Temperature Coefficient &(=B/T? )=-3.0 to -3.9 %/0C Varistor Forward Current 20 uA max. (0.2 V) va-608 peer mente Bef Type : Furuno Code No. : 000-182-611 Manufacturer NEC Application : Receiver Click Absorber Pag $4 max. Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Current 1 Arms (for 3 minutes) Ambient Temperature =20°C to +60°C Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C) Forward Voltage 1.5 V max. (DC 1A, in 3 sec.) 6-8 sa yer as st Te SPECIFICATIONS me “8 ‘CODE NO ROARS ‘rrcineaTions 8 soe cert sone 3 FURUNO rea aco ns - “wraeo PE TPECINCATIONS CODE RO. RaMAnNs | SvnOL TYPE “RECIFEATIONS — COBE RO. REARS ee ome a8 oe @ lee oes _* sre 8 8 FURUNO po EEA TST ee ons a 8 sree @ alee ms . 8 Se es FUuRUN ee owas <8 sree @ ales me =e 8 (ei Pinar» cs FURUNO ewe cere rs ist ce wana Te GPECINGATIONS ODE WO. REMARKa | SYMBOL “SREGIFIGATIONS — GOBE RO. REMARKS ee ome a 48 sre @ ales a. % sree @ seb caerrot a as FURUNO FE-080_MECHANICAL PARTS LIST ay ‘SYMBOL PARTS NAME TYPE/DWG. NO. ‘CODE NO. REMARKS es wat nam ® a-*es a4 [FE-B80 NAVIGATIONAL EGHOSOUNOER (1/2) eter to OWS. No. C2281-010-A A901 CABINET o00R. oz-o15-1201-2 902-403-290 A002 HINGE o2-013-1102-0 2or-s1i-020 A003 LCD SPONGE cover 02-013-1203-8 201-312-030 2 004 RUBBER CUSHION 02-013-1252-9 2oi-si2-520 2095 RUBBER CusHION 92-015-1207-3 201-512-073 A006 DUST=GUARD SPONGE 02-013-1252-0 201-312-320 A bar LATCH BUTTON dz-oti-1213-1 201-112-131 A boe Entype cIRCLIP Sizes d00-aee-039 A o09LaTew B2-o11-1214.5-6 901-225-080, A oro SPRING oz-o1t-1226-0 2or-112-240 2 elt usw a3.5 da0z877=007 A ote NUT 82-015-1235-1, 201-512-351 A ois Stay oz-o11-1107-8 do1-225-050 2PCs. Rote Spacer 2. 5a=5015, 2oo-aas-015 APCS. A ais co ercecron 02-015-1251-0 201-312-310 2018 ConTAOL PANEL. 92-029-1201-0 202-912-010 A017 KNOB 03-006-1061.6 Doz-eas-300 Pcs. A otk RUBBER CAP azoiss. bo0-47i-205 A818 contRon cover: 02-050-1202-8 203-012-023, A020 UNDER-PLATE oz-os0-izti-t zoseorz-111 2 21 BRUSH 900-831-516 A022 PACKING 11-1225-2 poi-1i2-232 A025 WINooW cLass, reeset 2or-siz-111 A O2e GLASS FIXING PLATE (2) Saiz 2oL-si2-140 2Pcs. A 02 scaLe s0-1251-1 2os-o12-511 A026 GLASS FIXING PLATE ASSY.(1) X37 GLASS FIXING PLATE ASSY.(2) A 028 PLASTIC HEAD SCREW ws x 67 BLACK 000-862-531 2028 WINGE SHAFT O2-o15-1103-1 201-311-031 2PCS. A930 EnTYPE cIRCLIP um ota, 000-866-637 4PCS. Roos LABEL 027029-1901-0 202-919-010 A032 NOB “MITH POINT MARKING Ke2605 TYPE P WMITE A055 SPONGE O2-030-1111-0 A034 RECORDER CASE ASSY. A035 GROMMET 000-371-205 A 058 GROMMET Qoo-a7i-zii —2Pcs. A037 FIXING nussen 02-015-1126- 2oi-s1i-160 SCS. A038 GROMMET Scant 900-871-395 A039 LATCH suPPoRT crasresterers 901-225-100 A 040 RECORDER MECHANISM SUPPORT 02-011-1104-2 Zor-a11-042 20S. A 41 RUBBER CUSHION (2) 02-080-1282-0, 2oemoiz-s20 2°Cs. X42 RECORDER MECHANISM Swart 02-011-1105-2 2or-iti-os2 2PCs. A 04s PLUG. NO.20 do0-sis-a6i secs. A 06s NUT b2-o12-1117-0 201-111-117 A050 FIKING PLATE (FLUSH TYPED 02-030-2001-1 2os-o20-011 2ecs. A051 PLASTIC RIVETS miso doo-sis-sa1 Secs. N 001 WYLON nur Hs 00-s03-918 20C5. N 002 HERAGONAL NUT nS. doo-aes-208 2°CS- N 00S HEXAGONAL NUT me secs: N 004 HEKAGONAL NUT me sees 005 HEXAGONAL NUT «sus eres: S001 PAN MEAD SCREW nz x4 secs. S002 WASHER MEAD SCREV #80 mse secs. 3 005 VASMER HEAD SCREY sa mex Specs. 3 004 WASHER HEAD SCREW 280 BS x8 secs 3 005 WASHER HEAD SCREW Be mS x as apes: 3 006 SELF TAPPING SCREW (8) ms x8 2ecs. 3 007 SELF TAPPING SCREW (8) me x 10 Doo-ser-sea 159CS. Soon SELF TAPPING ScaEW (8) mex AS boo-se7-s89 9PCS. 3009 WASHER HEAD SCREW ou mens Qoorasi-lse «PCS ‘NOTE: as: FURUNO FE BO_HECHANICAL PARTS LIST___ 2 ‘SYMBOL PARTS NAME ‘TYPE DWG. NO. CODE NO. REMARKS Bs wae eam # a-Kes S010 ASHER HEAD SCREW 80 Mex ooo-sai-cas PCs. S O11 ASHER MEAD SCREV one me x 10 doo-sai-les S 012 WASHER HEAD SCREV 82 me x 10 Ooo-ssi-ces —7PCs. S013 WASHER HEAD SCREW oa ne x 12 900-s81-146 S014 WASHER HEAD SCREW 252 Hex 12 900-881-447 sPcs. S 015 BINDING HEAD. SCREW we x 12 D00-8e1-878 SPS. S016 PAN MEAD SCREW me x 20, 900-861-151, Solr FLAT EAD scRew me x 10 doo-sei-271 2ecs. S 018 FLAT HEAD ScaEW me x 1G 000-861-273, S019 CHEESE MEAD SCREW HS x20 doo-sea-025 S020 CHEESE MEAD scREY Hs x 25 000-861-299 S 021 CHEESE HEAD. SCREW Me x 20 do0-sei-263 «Pcs. S022 HEXAGONAL HEAD BOLT Me x 25 csusy 000-842-133, S025 HEX. WASHER MEAD BOLT (8) Me x 16 Sus S00-882-081 2PCs. 3024 PAN "MEAD. SCREW. me x 30 b00-aei-055 5S 025 HEX. SOCKET SET scREW mx e doo-sei-sa1 — aPcs. S 026 HEXAGONAL HEAD 6OLT HB x 20 Doo-sea-1e7 acs. 5S 027 GASHERMEAD SCREW (6) cars Doosai-cee SCS. 4001 SPRING WASHER we doo-aee-z01 ccs. V2 SPRING WASHER Me doo-Bee-206 2PCS. W003 SPRING WASHER M6 pecs. Y 00s SPRING WASHER mS aes ¥ 005 TOOTHED LOCK WASHER m3 000-Be4- 541 ¥ 00s FLAT wasneR me Doo-seen105 secs. Y= 007 TOOTHED LOCK wASHER He Doo-Bee-s42 1 7PCS. % 008 SPRING vasnER mB csusy doo-seenze2 Pcs. Y 00s FLAT wasHeR ma (Sus) Doo-Becm150 kecs NOTE: am: FURUNO £800 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST 33 ‘SYMBOL PARTS NAME TYPE/DWG. NO. ‘CODE NO. REMARKS ed Bat nem ® a-Kes FE-600 NAVIGATIONAL, ECHOSOUNDER (272) Refer to O46. No. €2281-011-8 4 201 —-RECORDING PLATE 02-015-1501-3 zor-sis-018 Ah 302 opiver cnassts. o2-o13-1501-2 borcsas-o12 205 RECORDING MECHANISM HANDLE 02-013~1502-1 bois sis-o21 A 205 “aeuT RAIL 02-011-2129-0 201-121-259 + 20s BELT cule o2-o1i-2 siz doi-adi-sie A 308 -BUST-GUARD SPONGE ¢2) o2-015-1512-0 2o1-s15-120, A 305 ORIVING PULLEY 901-225-860, A 210 conta og-oni-2181-2 2oa-azi-iie 2 SIT bust=cuaro sponse «1 o2ois-15it-1 dormsis-una A GLE NOTCHED s¥ucHRONOUS BELT 2hoonis-0307 d00-a4i-165 A HS bect' cover dgnoit-2136-2 2oimtei-sez A die Tove puttey 01-25-3870 AOS Fleer Liner Fo-2208-0 oui-722-080 A218 —-RECORDING BELT ASSEMBLY 902-400-060 A bi? RECORDING STYLUS 02-015-2190-1 2o1-sai-901 A Fie SPONGE HoLOER ograis-1615-1 2ei-sisnist 2 FHd—QuST=GuARD SPONGE C49 Oecois-asie-t 2oimsie-iat A220 coveR (2) 02-011-2389-3 2or-i25-893 A 1 Gust=cuaRo seonce «2s oecoli-asea-3 201-125-485 A 222 PAPER BRAKE o2-01-2357-2 a02-405-270 ABS ate oy ogmail-2337-2 Boimies-s72 Pcs. A 22 Sust=cuaRD sponse «39 ogcais-1ell-t 2oi-sienid 2 355 Reconoine pate srorPen ca» 02-011-2404-3, bol-ize-o43 308. A bee RUBBER CUSHION (1) 02-050-1261-2 doscon2-sia2PC8. A 22? PAPER SQUEEZER SPRING 02-011-2576-2 boizazs-7e2 A 328 -RUBBER CUSHION (2) d2-050-1262-0 2osmo12-620 Pcs. A 225 Geam aeaceer 02-015-2355-1 boiss2s-sst A as, GEAR SPRING CL) oz-015-2328-0 2or-s2s-280 he Eetvee cimcute Sie 6 Boo-8eo-639 PCS. A 23S HINGE SHAFT O2=015-1622-0 Boi-sis-220 2eC5. Azer COLLAR «2 og-015-2336-2 zor-s2s-se1 2°CS. A 3Cr RECORDING PLATE (a) o2-013-1g02-1 boi-sie-o2t reer) o2-oli-2sz9-1 dories-291 A 250 -STYLUS GUIDE ASSEMOLY 01-25-80 A 252 -ROLLER SPRING og-a1i-2331-2 2oi-i2s-s11 2 B33 -RECORDING PLATE WANOLE o2-015-1605-0 2oi-sie-050, A Be ant toazze rng Frew a> o2-o13-tee1-1 boi-sie-eit A 35e REEL RETAINER 02-015-2557-2 doisses-s72 2ecs. A257 REEL ASSEMBLY €07=20108 Bircaeicowo tees 2255 -REcoRDING PLATE «2 o2-015-1603-2 201-316-032 A202 SPRING o2-o11-2516-2 2or-2s-t62 {SL BaPER senotne gouLeR smart 92-015~1621-0 doi sis-2t0 A265 PAPER SENDING PULLEY CQ) 03-015-2539-0 201-525-390 A 286 —-PAPER SENDING ROLLER ogcoil-2312-3 Bormies-i28, Aber SpainG Bett ogr0i5-2519-2 2oi=ses-in Ah 26a REEL GEAR SHAFT O2ra15-25e2-1 boi-s2sq4a1 A am Reet F-50705 219-$01-030 2°C5. Ah 2r2anttoazzeing FILM «2 02-015-1662-0 Bormsis-420 AOS Fier Gy 93-030-0108-0 205-001-000, A275 PRESSURE ROLLER og-oit-2319-2 2oimi2s-192 A b7P PRESSURE ROLLER ARH o2-011-2309-2 bolsizs-o922ecs. ABs coutan es? o2-1015-2837=1 dolssas-s7i2PC3. A 280 -PAPER SENDING NOB o2-o11-2609-4 201-126-091 A 383 ROLLAR ARM COLLAR oo-oi-eeor-h boicize-ort2ecs. A285 ARW SPRING seroit-2385-3 Roi-ies-3552PCS. NOTE: a % FuUuRUNO FE-800 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST on SYMBOL PARTS NAME TYPE DW. NO. CODE NO. 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Vie FRSA Ceasar) ec “ah vis PROmAbeR) CaBSueRFO) a 2h ee oe es reese SR uy -reesaae wai ne Bao cnc ) ii Sw1T0H oaRO t OEP TON zr 7016 SS ee es ee wwe [wire on] Sucre. | etuants notin egg sno sree motron rt, eB” Re fE885, 5C OS Soi Tow s| Hew | | pecaaC eg DISPLAY Saw | 4} West on C2281-016-B FURUNO ELECTRIC CO. LTD. ——— ye Ue / / 4 iy \ WF he ECHO SOUNDER (1/2) aeaze NAVIGATIONAL 180 E-880-2/3 c2281-010-8 “Tove Fan | a Lf gy Gu Tm aaa | ewe | wavicnrionas re ECHO SOUNDER (2/2) ecm | | finda | f Tae 7 aL ‘Raw \ owe.nOC2281-011-B i prone |

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