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Azonosító jel:

0 2005. november 4., 8:00
● I. Olvasott szöveg értése
I Időtartam: 70 perc
G Pótlapok száma
É Tisztázati
Angol nyelv emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 0521
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
Fontos tudnivalók

 Az utasításokat pontosan kell követni. Csak az utasításban megadott helyre beírt

megoldás fogadható el.

 A megadott szószámot nem szabad túllépni. Az összevont alakok egy szónak

számítanak (pl. “it’s” egy szó, “it is” két szó).

 Mindig csak egyféle megoldást szabad beírni.

 A betűjelek legyenek jól olvashatóak, az esetleges javítások pedig egyértelműek.

Task 1
Read this passage on water traffic in Venice. In the statements that follow the text
some words have been left out. Your task is to fill in the gaps with maximum two
words according to the information in the text. Write the words on the dotted lines.
An example has been given for you.

Gondoliers cut up rough on regatta

Gondoliers have threatened to block Venice’s most popular pageant, the regatta parade down
the Grand Canal, in protest at powerful waves from motorised boats that they claim the local
authorities are doing nothing to stop.
The gondoliers complain that their frail vessels cannot stand the buffeting from an
increase in traffic ranging from the vaporetti water buses to taxis, tour boats and private
Roberto Luppi, president of the main gondoliers’ association, is canvassing his
colleagues on a plan to halt the regatta, which is held every year on the first Sunday in
September and is broadcast live on Italian television. It begins with a procession of richly
decorated historic boats and is followed by two-oar “gondolini” craft rowed by expert
“All it would take is 300 or 400 gondolas and the whole regatta would be forced to a
stop. We have to make ourselves heard, not just as gondoliers but as Venetians who defend
their city,” Luppi said.
The debate has been going on for decades. The number of taxis has soared since the
1960s and more recently larger boats – in addition to the regular water buses – have been
allowed to carry up to 100 day-trippers from hotels and camp sites on the mainland into the
heart of Venice.
As they disgorge their passengers they have to keep their engines revving at higher
speeds than regulations permit or be pushed away from the landing stage, and this creates
more turbulence.
Some gondoliers have developed hernias straining to keep their craft upright or to
keep them from crashing into a quay. The gondolas, which used to last up to 25 years, now
have a lifespan nearer 15 years.
The gondoliers want traffic police drafted in to impose speed limits and to catch
boatmen ignoring one-way signs. But Paolo Costa, the mayor, argues that he is already
cracking down on reckless navigation by putting up new signs, deploying more speed traps
and impounding more boats.

0) The regatta in Venice is in danger of being stopped

by…...…..gondoliers……..… .

1) The gondoliers think that the......................................................should do 1

more to protect them from motorised traffic.

2) Roberto Luppi claims their plan to stop the regatta would not just be for 2

themselves but also for …………………………………. .

3) There are many more.............................................and large boats than 3

some forty or fifty years ago.

4) Larger boats must keep revving their engines while waiting at

……………………………. .

5) There is a danger of gondolas being knocked over by the 5

…………………………. caused by these boats. 6

6) The police should stop reckless driving and ensure that drivers follow the

………………………………….. .

6 pont
Task 2
Read these passages from a daily paper and then read the statements following them.
Your task is to decide which passages the statements refer to. Write the appropriate
letters in the white boxes as in the example. Remember that some letters may be needed

Do you believe in alternative medicine?

As a physicist I accept the For more than four years I have suffered from
importance of finding out how a chronic catarrh and sinus problem. My doctor
things work. As a patient, my prescribed several rounds of antibiotics, which
perspective is different. Some had no effect. I grew increasingly intolerant of
years ago, suffering from the after- foods containing dairy and wheat products. I
effects of shingles, I went back to then had two rounds of surgery, neither of
my GP for stronger painkillers; he which made the slightest difference.
offered me acupuncture and this In April I booked a session in a natural
improved my condition about 50 therapy spa, described my symptoms and had a
per cent. Further treatments diagnosis with a candida infection. I was put
completed the cure. on a strict anti-fungal diet, supported by
homeopathic treatments. In less than three
months my catarrh massively reduced and I
have been able to reintroduce wheat into my
C holistic therapist and feel insulted by the term “alternative medicine”. I consider alternative medicine to refer to C
I am a fully qualified

I read with interest the article by Professor
Raymond Tallis, in which he said that
concoctions. alternative therapiestherapies
Complementary have no basis in science.
– Does
which this mean
includethat unless science,
reflexology, massage and meditation as we know it today, is unable to qualify the
– are becoming more accepted by the medical profession. These treatments can nowinbeanfound
reasons for a turnaround individual’s
in hospices and doctors’ su
symptoms then, scientifically, no
improvement occurred? I would agree that
conventional medicine cannot be
disregarded. But I suffered from a serious
disease for 34 years, and it was alternative
medicine that caused it to regress. Now I
There is no such thing as alternative
medicine. There are alternative F
treatments, but these are not medicine,
which is based on empirical knowledge. I know many homeopaths, herbalists
Alternative medicines do not pass and acupuncturists who are minting
scrutiny, and it is therefore unhelpful money from this unregulated
even to use this term. Of course, it suits profession and causing unnecessary
the practitioner to be called alternative harm to the public. It is time the
consultants, because that gives them a Government regulated alternative
false legitimacy and equivalence with medicine.
medical practitioners.
0) This letter was written by a scientist but gives a patient’s viewpoint. 0 A
7) This person objects to the term ‘alternative’ which has negative
connotations and suggests that another name should be used.
8) In this particular case the family doctor used an alternative therapy
when conventional therapy wasn’t effective enough.
9) This person respects conventional medicine but questions the view that
alternative medicine should be rejected on scientific grounds.
10) Physicians and surgeons were unable to cure this person. 10
11) Stricter laws would be needed to protect people from bogus
12) The writer of this letter says ‘alternative medicine’ doesn’t deserve
the name ‘medicine’.
13) Many alternative practitioners are interested only in financial gain. 13
14) Conventional medicine does not reject all forms of holistic medicine. 14

8 pont

Task 3
Read this passage about a new type of charity work, and then read the statements
following it. Your task is to decide if the statements correspond to what the article says.
 If they say the same as the article, mark them A.
 If they say something different, mark them B.
 If what they say is not mentioned in the article, mark them C.
Write the letters in the white boxes. There is an example for you.
Executives volunteer their hard-nosed business skills

Entrepreneurs, top executives and City professionals are paying £1,000 a year for the
privilege of being a member of the Pilotlight Club, a charity that matches talented
businesspeople with small charities that need their particular skills and expertise.
The club, which has 100 members, was started on 16 June 2003 by Jane Tewson, one
of the co-founders of Comic Relief, to harness the business skills of volunteers to help 12
promising charities, both new and established.
The minimum effort required from members is just two hours’ voluntary work a
month, which appeals to busy executives who want to give more than money but cannot make
an open-ended commitment.
This was ideal for Garret Turley, a 36-year-old vet who bought his first surgery with a
friend in 1998. Now their Pet Doctors chain comprises 23 surgeries around the South East,
and turned over £9 million last year.
“I wanted to help people who hadn’t had the same good fortune as myself, but I didn’t
want to spend Saturday afternoons shaking a box collecting money outside Sainsbury’s,” he
says. “This is flexible, you can be upfront about what you can and can’t do, and it’s focused.
You’re going in, doing a job and getting out.“
Sam Berwick, 43, who is a managing director of Mizuho International, the investment
banking arm of Japan’s biggest bank, agrees: “Pilotlight gave me an opportunity to make
more than a financial difference.”
Pilotlight’s charities are as varied as the executives working for them. For example,
Headway helps young men with acquired brain injuries to readjust to family and working life,
while the TreeHouse Trust educates children with autism. Praxis works with refugees, asylum
seekers and migrants.
Pilotlight carefully matches its volunteers to the charity they can best assist after a
thorough assessment of the charity’s needs. Fiona Halton, the managing director of Pilotlight,
estimates that the volunteers have given more than £100,000 in professional advice over the
past year.

0) In return for an annual fee, Pilotlight Club finds its members some
unpaid work. 0 A

15) Pilotlight wants members to work for two hours or more every
month. 15

16) Being a busy man, Garret Turley finds the terms of the club suit
him. 16

17) His friend and Pet Doctors partner is more interested in money
than he is. 17

18) Being a banker, Sam Berwick wants to help people by giving

them money. 18

19) Praxis helps people, often from developing countries, who want
to live and work in Britain. 19

20) Over the past year Pilotlight volunteers have donated a huge sum 20
of money (over £100,000) to various charities.

6 pont

Task 4
In this passage on budget flights some words have been left out. Your task is to fill in the
gaps from the list below the text. Write the letters in the white boxes as in the example.
Remember that there are two extra letters that you do not need.

The end of the 99p come-on?

Ryanair has been warned that it could face court action if it persists in
misleading customers with promotions such as its current one, which claims
to have flights for 99p although the actual return fair, (0) can be 0 G
as much as £63.85.
Last week, the Trading Standards Institute
( pledged that, in future, it would (21)
all mandatory fees in the headline website prices. If any carrier 21
fails to do so, it could (22) , face unlimited fines and be forced to 22
Usually, the TSI acts only on customer complaint but, in this case, it
intends to (23) itself because it believes this is such a serious 23
national problem. It has said that no-frills carriers such as Ryanair and
EasyJet will (24) . “This practice has got to stop. Customers want
transparency and they are not (25) . It is time they stopped 25
misleading the public,” said the TSI. It is also (26) who feel they 26
have been duped on pricing to contact their local trading standards office.
Although it does not name Ryanair, the TSI cited as an example of
(27) a recent offer of “one million seats from 99p”. It claims that,
in one instance, by the time compulsory charges were added, the fare ended 27
up costing £63.85.
Ryanair countered: “They are obviously (28) our
promotion. There is no way prices were up to £63.85 – the maximum we
could find was £16.74. We don’t believe we are misleading anyone and are
not going to (29) that puts us at a competitive disadvantage.” 29
What Ryanair fails to mention is that the 99p deals may only (30)
one way. To get back home might cost you considerably more.

A be available
B be taken to court
C come under particular scrutiny
D do anything
E force airlines to include
F getting it from airlines
G including taxes and charges
H leaving passengers to
I misleading advertising
K monitor websites
L referring to
M say they would
N urging travellers
This is the end of this part of the exam. 10 pont

Maximális Elért
pontszám pontszám
Task 1 6
Task 2 8
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
Task 3 6
Task 4 10

javító tanár

Pontszáma beírt
I. Olvasott szöveg értése

javító tanár jegyző

1. Ha a vizsgázó a II. írásbeli vizsgarész megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész
üresen marad!
2. Ha a vizsga az I. vizsgarész teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a II. vizsga-
résszel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!
Azonosító jel:

0 2005. november 4., 8:00
● II. Nyelvhelyesség
I Időtartam: 50 perc
G Pótlapok száma
É Tisztázati
Angol nyelv emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 0521
II. Nyelvhelyesség
Fontos tudnivalók

 Minden kérdéshez csak egy megoldás írható. Több beírt megoldás esetén a válasz nem
fogadható el, akkor sem, ha köztük van a jó megoldás is.

 Csak az utasításban megadott helyre írt megoldás értékelhető.

 Javítani lehet, de az legyen egyértelmű.

 Amikor a feladat megoldásaként önálló betűt kell beírni, az legyen egyértelműen


Task 1
 You are going to read an article about laziness. Some words are missing from the
 Choose the most appropriate option (A-D) for each gap (1-11) in the text.
 Write the letter of your choice in the white box.
 There is an example (0) at the beginning.


I sure could have used a study like this when I was a kid. A new report in the Journal of
Neuroscience (0) that adolescent laziness may be determined by human biology.
Researchers found that the section of the brain associated with drive and motivation is
(1) developed in teens than in adults. Ah, so this explains the blank stares I get
(2) I ask my 13-year-old to throw out the garbage, (3) when I nag my 11-
year-old to finish her book report. It (4) even explain why my 16-year-old, if he has
the opportunity, will sleep past noon every day of the week. On a more serious note, the new
(5) also shed light on why teens are prone to risky behavior. The adolescent brain, it
turns out, requires a lot more stimulation (6) anything registers.

Think of the (7) . If adolescent laziness is rooted in body chemistry, then all of our
well-intentioned parental prodding is just whistling in the wind. Sure, kids need to learn how
to act (8) and to develop personal motivation; they have a lifetime of duty and hard
work ahead of them. But for a few precious years (9) ambition may literally be
unnatural – and maybe everyone would be better off if we simply (10) that. So if your
house is on fire and your kid still struggles to get his butt off the couch, remember, it’s not his
(11) . It’s just biology.

0) A refers B recovers C reveals D reflects

0) C
1) A just better B far less C quite well D far more 1)

2) A let B though C so D when 2)

3) A or B but C also D except 3)
4) A does not B tries C could D needs 4)

5) A funds B founds C founders D findings 5)

6) A before B after C rather D without 6)

7) A implications B applications C indications D imitations7)

8) A roughly B randomly C ruthlessly D responsibly


9) A this kind B such C some D sort of 9)

10) A would D had
acknowledge B acknowledge C acknowledged 10)
11) A fault B error C sin D lack 11)

11 pont
Task 2
 You are going to read an article about reading. Some words are missing from the
 Your task is to write the missing words – one word for each gap - on the dotted lines
(12-21) after the text.
 There is an example (0) at the beginning.


My father called me recently to tell me about two books he’d stayed up all night to finish. I
responded apathetically, busy with the Internet search I (0) conducting. “Oh, I
forgot,” he said sharply. “You don’t read books anymore.” Those are fighting words. I have
always thought of myself (12) a reader. Being an arts editor, I spend every day
absorbed in newspapers, magazines and Web sites. But after sandwiching in gym time, an
hour for e-mails, and the occasional conversation, (13) has time to read novels?
Apparently (14) many of us. A new survey (15) found that fiction reading is
declining dramatically among my age group, 25 to 34.

I think my dad (16) a point. Novels have a rare capacity to immerse you in other
people’s stories; characters entirely unlike yourself (17) comprehensible. In years to
come, (18) is not hard to imagine a nation of us sitting in our homes alone,
compulsively Googling lost acquaintances and bargain-hunting on Ebay. If I’m ever to get to
the books on my summer reading list, drastic measures may (19) required: I may have
to turn (20) the cell phone, skip the gym, ignore the e-mails, and (21) the
magazines pile up. I may even have to stay up late into the night, reading.

Carly Berwick
Senior Editor 13)













10 pont

 You are going to read an article about The Rolling Stones. Some words are missing
from the text. 0) A
 Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-N) for each gap
(22-31) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the white box.
 There are two extra words that you do not need to use.
 There is an example (0) at the beginning.
The “most wrinkled rockers” in music are back. The Rolling Stones
last week (0) that they were going on the road yet again. It’s 26)
amazing to think that (22) fans, young and old, will be lining up 27)
to see a band of senior citizens thrusting their hips and shaking their
skinny little bums.
The Stones are the living (23) that “you don’t have to spend 29)
your geezer years being, well, a geezer.” Still, there’s (24)
unsettling about sexagenarians who (25) on going this way. One
wonders why these guys, millionaires many (26) over, with
enough grandchildren to (27) a nursery, find it necessary to
remain active in a field that devours most men by age 30.
There’s not (28) mystery about it. Retirement and inactivity are
out. Grandparents must now (29) second or third careers, or hike
the Himalayas or jump out of aeroplanes. As people live longer and
longer, society is demanding that the old remain physically and mentally
fit, to (30) burdening the young. In the case of Sir Mick, the
“busy ethic” means prancing around in front of 75,000 people, singing
“Jumpin’ Jack Flash” one (31) time. But must it be this way?
There’s something to be said for rocking away the afternoon in lazy
contemplation of “a life well lived.”

A announced D keep G nothing K screaming

B avoid E more H proof L something

C fill F much I put up M take up

N times

10 pont

Task 4

 You are going to read an article about special driving courses. In most lines there is
one word that should not be there. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit
in with the sense of the text.
 Read the text and then copy the extra word in the space provided after each line.
 Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ().
 The task begins with two examples (0). 0) for

0) 

0) Speeding motorists are to be sent back to driving school as for an
0) alternative to gaining points on their license.
32) A national team is used to be set up within weeks following the
33) success of six pilot courses were run by the police.
34) Its aim is how to improve the driving of those caught fractionally
35) over the speed limit who have relatively clean licenses.
36) They will have to pay a £60 fine and at the cost of the

37) specially-tailored speed awareness course.

38) Lessons will include the using driving simulators to improve

39) drivers’ ability to spot hazards and judge speed. Drivers will also be

40) forced not to confront the potentially fatal consequences of

going too fast.

9 pont

This is the end of this part of the exam.

Maximális Elért
pontszám pontszám
Task 1 11
Task 2 10
II. Nyelvhelyesség
Task 3 10
Task 4 9

javító tanár
Pontszáma beírt
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
II. Nyelvhelyesség

javító tanár jegyző

1. Ha a vizsgázó a III. írásbeli vizsgarész megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész
üresen marad!
2. Ha a vizsga a II. vizsgarész teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a III. vizsga-
résszel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!
Azonosító jel:

0 2005. november 4., 8:00
● III. Hallott szöveg értése
I Időtartam: 30 perc
G Pótlapok száma
É Tisztázati
Angol nyelv emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 0521
III. Hallott szöveg értése
Fontos tudnivalók

 Csak az olvasható írás értékelhető.

 Ha csak betűt kell beírni, érdemes nyomtatott nagybetűt használni.
 Csak egy megoldást érdemes beírni, mert ha valamelyik nem helyes, a jó sem fogadható
 Javítani lehet, de csak egyértelmű megoldások fogadhatók el.
 A feladatlapok nyomtatott szövege nem módosítható a célból, hogy a megoldás értelmes
 „Rövid válasz” alatt a lehető legrövidebb, de a kérdésre azért értelmes választ adó
megoldást értjük.
 A beírást igénylő megoldásoknál lehetőség szerint a szövegben elhangzott szavakat
 Szövegkiegészítésnél ügyeljünk arra, hogy a szavak illeszkedjenek a megadott szöveghez.

Welcome to the Listening component of the Matura Examination.

The listening material and the instructions are recorded on this cassette, and the tasks and
instructions are printed in this test booklet.

 There will be three tasks, and every recording will be played twice.

 The tasks will begin with some music, and then you will hear (and you can also read) the
instructions to the task.

 This will be followed by a silent period on the cassette in order to give you some time to
study the task in your test booklet before hearing the text.

 Then we will play the recording in one piece.

 After another short silent period we will play the recording for the second time, but now in
shorter sections and with breaks between the sections in order to give you enough time to
write down your answers.

 You will also have some time to check your work at the end of each task.

Please note that the first item in each task (marked with a check ) is always an example.

The whole test is about 30 minutes long.

Good luck!

 In this section you are going to hear the story of a man called John Joseph
 Your task will be to circle the letter or letters of the correct answer or answers in
the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct.
However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have
to circle one or two letters.
 First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole
recording in one piece.
 Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will
play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your
 At the end, you will have some more time to check your work.

 John Joseph Furcillo …

(A) was born in 1936.
(B) is an imaginary person.
1. June was a …
(A) well-known person.
(B) dancer. AB

2. Don was …
(A) born in Italy.
(B) a good-looking man.

3. Their love affair was problematic because …

(A) Don was married.
(B) June had a contract.

4. When they got married …

(A) June was only 17. AB
(B) Don was divorced.

5. Little John was eventually …

(A) put up for adoptation.
(B) raised by his grandmother.

6. Until the age of 37, John believed that his …

(A) mother was his older sister.
(B) grandmother was his mother.

7. John Joseph Furcillo is the …

(A) original name of the film star we now know as Jack Nicholson. AB
(B) hero of a new film starring Jack Nicholson.

7 pont
This is the end of Task 1.

 In this section you are going to hear an interview about fatness in the U.S.
 Your task is to complete the answers to the questions below.
 First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the
whole recording in one piece.
 Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time
we will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write
down your answers.
 At the end, you will have some more time to check your work.

 How has the number of overweight Americans changed in the past decade?
There are ……….….50% more......obese people today than there were a decade ago.
8. What is wrong with 44 million people in the U.S.?

They are.......................................................................over the healthy weight for their height.

9. What is the annual cost of all this?

It is more than...........................................................................................................every year.

10. Who is Dr Richard Carmona?

He is the................................................................................................................of the U.S.A.

11. What statistical figures does Dr Carmona provide to illustrate that American society has become
more sedentary?

The average child is watching TV or playing video games...............................................a day.

12. In what respect does he hold schools responsible for the present situation?

A lot of schools have eliminated..............................................................from their curriculum.

13. How many kids are considered to be overweight in the U.S. today?

…………………………………………………………………………………............ children.
14. Who does he say might be in a position to “break the cycle”? (Name any four of these circles.)

……………….….…, ………...………..……, …….…..………..……, ……..…..……….……

15. What kind of substances have been used by some food manufacturers “to give us a taste for
unhealthy diets” according to some critics?

They have added …………………, ………..….…..… their products.

16. What is the aim of the “goodwill campaign” initiated by Dr Carmona?

The main aim is to reduce foodstuffs.

17. In what areas have fast food companies shown signs of improvement recently?

They have revised their …………..……… and put healthier foods on their ……....………… .

10 pont
This is the end of Task 2.


 In this section you are going to hear three short news reports.

 Your task is to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one or two words.
 First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the
whole recording in one piece.
 Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we
will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down
your answers.
 At the end, you will have some more time to check your work.

New research suggests that penalty shoot-outs in crucial football matches can seriously
.................... () endanger ................... the health of fans. The study claims that the
number of (18) ............................... .......................... rose by 25% when England lost to
Argentina in a penalty competition in the World Cup of 1998. The findings back up the theory
that such fatalities can be triggered by (19)................................................................................................................................. The
authors believe that these exciting games generate considerable stress amongst fans, which
can make their blood thicken and become more sticky and their (20) ............................
........................ increase, which can be fatal in some cases. Researchers recommend that
people at risk should be told how to (21).......................................................................................................................... during
matches, and they even suggest that the ”lottery” of penalty shoot-out should perhaps be
(22)........................................................................................... on the grounds of public health.

The second report tells us that that mobile telephone companies have been deluged by
enquiries from the police about calls by (23) ..................................... ......................................... .
As many as half a million requests are made each year, because mobile phone
(24) ..................................... has played a key role in a number of recent (25)

...................................... ....................................., as it did in the case of a man who was

convicted of murder yesterday. Information on where and when a call is made by a suspect
can be used by police to link them to a crime scene or a (26).......................................................................................... The
number of enquiries has risen so sharply that mobile phone companies have begun charging a
(27)...................................................................................... for every request.

The third report is about a bitter (28)................................................................................................................................... over Sir Paul

McCartney’s latest (29) ................................................... . The singer is listing 19 old Lennon-
McCartney Beatles tracks as written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon, claiming that these
songs were, in effect, written by him. John Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono is furious and has
called in the (30) ................................................ .
13 pont
This is the end of Task 3 and also the end of the Listening Test.

Maximális Elért
pontszám pontszám
Task 1 7
III. Hallott szöveg értése Task 2 10
Task 3 13

javító tanár

Pontszáma beírt
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
II. Nyelvhelyesség
III. Hallott szöveg értése

javító tanár jegyző

1. Ha a vizsgázó a IV. írásbeli vizsgarész megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész
üresen marad!
2. Ha a vizsga a III. vizsgarész teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a IV. vizsga-
résszel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő!
Azonosító jel:

0 2005. november 4., 8:00

IV. Íráskészség
Időtartam: 90 perc
É Pótlapok száma
R Piszkozati

Angol nyelv emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 0521
IV. Íráskészség
Mindkét feladatot meg kell írni!
A pontozott sorokra kell írni!

Task A

You are staying in England taking part in a six-month language course. You would like to
take a job in order to earn some money and improve your English. You have found the
following advertisement on the Internet:

Find a Part Time Job at The Picture People

Do you love making a child smile? Are you passionate about achieving results?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then apply today at The Picture
People. We have over 300 portrait studios located throughout the country and
are seeking dedicated, motivated and enthusiastic individuals for part-
time opportunities!

No Photography experience?! No Problem! We offer excellent photography

training so that you can gain a skill that can be used for years to come.

Contact Lucy Wilson:

You are interested in the job so you write an email of 120 words to Ms Wilson in which you
include the following points:

 introduce yourself
 ask what exactly the job involves
 enquire about the training

Begin your email like this:

Dear Ms Wilson,

Task A
























Az A feladat értékelése:

A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése 3

Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás 2
Szövegalkotás 3
Szókincs, kifejezésmód 3
Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 3
Íráskép 1
Összesen 15

Your British friend, Sean, has always been very adventurous. Now he is considering taking
part in an expedition. He wants your opinion about it:


Tel: 020 7359 7551 Website:

Wind Sand & Stars are specialists in the Sinai Desert & Mountains and in tribal environments. We
run an annual Sinai summer Expedition open to students aged 16 – 24. Participants trek in the
central high mountain ranges travelling with the Bedu and sleeping out under the stars. They will also
work on community-based projects for the nomadic Bedouin tribes including medical work, garden
regeneration and irrigation.
Write a letter of 220 words to Sean in which you give your opinion. Include the following

 possible benefits of such an experience

 dangers of such a trip
 practical advice in case he decides to go

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sean,






































A B feladat értékelése:

A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése 3

Szövegalkotás 5
Szókincs, kifejezésmód 3
Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 3
Íráskép 1
Összesen 15

This is the end of this part of the exam.

Maximális Elért
pontszám pontszám
Task A 15
IV. Íráskészség
Task B 15

javító tanár

Pontszáma beírt
I. Olvasott szöveg értése
II. Nyelvhelyesség
III. Hallott szöveg értése
IV. Íráskészség

javító tanár jegyző

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