Disc Model Group Sugar

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1. Phan Thị Phương Thùy

2. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trâm
3. Lê Thị Tường Vi
4. Nguyễn Thị Thùy Trinh
5. Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Trân
6. Lê Quốc Trung
7. Phạm Mỹ Ngọc

1. Definition of DISC Model (My Ngoc)

DISC is a powerful and profoundly simple tool to understand people. The DISC model
divides people into four main behavioral styles:

- D-style (Dominance)
- I-style (Influence)
- S-style (Steadiness)
- C-style (Compliance)

2. Why we need DISC for our business (My Ngoc)

- Hiring & Talent Management
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
3. DISC Test (Ngoc Tram)
Strong Optimistic Adapt Analytical

Tough Enthusiasm Loyalty Meticulous

Straight Progressive Patient Obeyed

Confident Energy Sympathetic Exactly

Resolutely Convince Good at listening Detailed

Competitive Creative Curbed Perfectionism

Risky Talkative Consistency Thoughtful

Hasty Caring Forgiving Self- respect

Independence External Avoid argument Sensitive

Toward the goals Highlights Hate change Curious

Selfish Excited Careless Careful

Rampant Trustworthy Purposeful Causing troubles

4. General Characteristics of DISC Types (Quoc Trung & Phuong Thuy)

“If you want to go quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”
5. Application of DISC in specific fields
- Recruitment (Thuy Trinh)
- Human Resource Management (Thuy Trinh)
- Sales (My Tran)
6. Case study – Donald Trump (Tuong Vi)

Pioneer (n) /ˌpaɪəˈnɪər/ a person who is one of the She was a pioneer in the biotech
first people to do something industry's patent law.

Embody (v) /ɪmˈbɒd.i/ to include as part of Demons embody any evil in the
something world.

Feudal (adj) /ˈfjuː.dəl/ relating to the social system Tran Hung Dao lived in Tran
of western Asia in the Feudal system.
Middle Ages or any society
that is organized according
to rank

Scold (v) /skəʊld/ to speak to someone angrily His mother scolded him for
because you disapprove of breaking her favourite vase
their behaviour

Prudence /ˈpruːdəns/ the state of being careful in The challenge we are trying to
(n) the way you make meet is balancing financial
decisions or spend money prudence with the need for
so that you avoid success economic/fiscal
unnecessary risks prudence

Dutiful /ˈdʒuː.tɪ.fəl/ (of a person) obedient or a dutiful child

(adj) (of an action) done because
it is necessary or expected:

Alienate (v) /ˈeɪ.li.ə.neɪt/ to make someone feel that Disagreements can alienate
they are different and not teenagers from their families.
part of a group

Entitlement /ɪnˈtaɪ.təl.mənt/ something that you have a Managers have generous leave
(n) right to do or have, or the entitlement.
right to do or have
Criteria (n) /kraɪˈtɪr.i.ən/ the facts that determine a decision The Health Service should
not be judged by financial
criteria alone.

Harmonize /ˈhɑːr.mə.naɪz/ to be suitable together, or to make The garden has been

(v) different people, plans, situations, designed to harmonize with
etc. suitable for each other the natural landscape.

Set out (v) to start an activity with a He set out to become chief
particular aim executive.

1. Actioncoach, Làm chủ kĩ năng bán hàng nhờ ứng dụng DISC, 2017
2. DISC Profiles in Selling: Understanding DISC can close a deal, extendeddisc.org
3. DISC Theory, discinsights.com

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