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Owner’s Manual

The Most Advanced Yet Friendly

Professional Insteon-Enabled Controller

South Coast Logic Offices:

Corporate Headquarters, Showroom, Shipments, Legal

Notices, Executive Offices

South Coast Logic

3486 E. Orangethorpe Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92806

Manual Version 021008

© Copyright 2007, South Coast Logic

Artemis Owners Manual i

Table of Contents

Section TOPIC Page

1 Artemis Introduction 1
1.1 Organization and Contents 1

1.2 Conventions 2

1.2.1 Helpful Tips 2

1.2.2 Lighting Commands 2

1.2.3 Computer or Programming Commands 2

1.2.4 Pictures, Screen Shots and Diagrams 2

2 INSTEON Introduction - Devices & Selection Guidelines 3

2.1 Guidelines in Selecting Dimmers/Switches 3

2.1.1 Form Factors 3

2.1.2 Load Type 4

2.2 Current INSTEON Switches/Dimmers 4

2.2.1 SwitchLinc 4

2.2.2 KeypadLinc 5

2.2.3 InLineLinc 6

2.2.4 LampLinc & ApplianceLinc 6

2.3 Current INSTEON Remotes 7

2.3.1 ControLinc 7

2.3.2 RemoteLinc 7

2.4 Current INSTEON Infrastructure 8

2.4.1 Serial PLM – PowerLinc Modem (#2412S) 8

2.4.2 Access Point & Phase Coupler (#2443) 8

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ii Artemis Owners Manual

Table of Contents
Section TOPIC Page

3 How to Set Up Artemis Including Networking Tips 9

3.1 Basic Connections 9

3.1.1 Included Parts 9

3.1.2 Required Connections 10

3.1.3 Operational Connections – IR Eye (Sensor) 11

3.2 Setting the IP Address 11

3.2.1 Resetting to Known IP 11

3.2.2 Ensure Your Computer is on the Same Subnet 12

3.2.3 Changing the NI700’s IP Configuration, Date and Time 14

4 Artemis Login Fundamentals 15

4.1 Log In 15

4.1.1 Logging in with Internet Explorer 6.0 or better 15

4.2 Navigation and Browser Elements 17

4.2.1 Navigating the System 17

4.2.2 Text Fields and the On-Screen Keyboard 18

5 How to Link Devices into Artemis – by Device Type 19

5.1 Slots and Addresses 19

5.1.1 INSTEON Dimmer Slots 19

5.1.2 Entering INSTEON Addresses (LampLinc, ApplianceLinc, Socketlinc) 20

5.2 Linking Devices to the PLM 20

5.2.1 Linking INSTEON Devices SwitchLinc, KeypadLinc, RemoteLinc, etc.) 20

5.2.2 INSTEON Device Behaviors (Mirror Links, KeypadLinc and Remotes) 25

5.2.3 Local Memory 28

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Artemis Owners Manual iii

Table of Contents
Section TOPIC Page

5.2.4 Link Quality 30

6.1 Scene Setup Basics – Naming and Assigning 32

6.1.1 Scene List Page – Naming and Selecting Scenes 32

6.1.2 How to Assign Dimmers to a Scene 33

6.1.3 Set Scene Levels and Ramp Rate 33

6.2 Configuring INSTEON Devices 35

6.2.1 Configuring INSTEON Remotes 35

7 How X10 legacy devices can be integrated into Artemis 37

7.1 X10 Test Commands Page 37

7.2 X10 Valid Commands Page 38

7.3 X10 Status Quality Page 38

8 The powerful utilities designed into Artemis 40

8.1 Triggers and Automation 40

8.1.1 Automation Trigger Overview 41

8.1.2 Triggers (Left Column) 42

8.1.3 Conditions and Events Overview 43

8.1.4 Adding Conditional Evaluations 43

8.1.5 Adding Events 47

8.2 System Configuration Screen 50

8.2.1 System Configuration Screen, Left Column Readouts 50

8.2.2 System Configuration, Calculating Sunrise and Sunset 51

8.2.3 System Configuration, Support Log In 53

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iv Artemis Owners Manual

Table of Contents
Section TOPIC Page

8.3 Scene Link Management 54

8.3.1 Rescan Dimmers (One or All) 55

8.3.2 Purge All Scenes 55

8.3.3 Write All Scenes 55

8.3.4 Clear Buffers 55

8.3.5 Clear Dimmer Set 55

8.3.6 Load File (Revert) 56

8.3.7 Memory Examiner 56

8.4 Very Advanced 57

8.4.1 Debug PLM 57

8.4.2 Debug Buffer and Debug Parse Str 58

8.4.3 Show Raw Tx/Rx 58

8.4.4 Debug Routines 58

8.4.5 Debug Msg Delete 58

9 External Control 59
9.1 Linking Other Control Systems 59

9.1.1 IR Control 60

9.1.2 Serial (RS232) Interface 60

9.1.3 Telnet Interface 61

9.1.4 AMX Master To Master 61

9.2 ASCI Commands 62

9.2.1 Serial Interface, Standard Commands 62

9.2.2 Serial Interface, Standard Replies and Status Reports 69

9.2.3 Serial Interface, Standard Queries 73

9.3 Sample AMX Programming 74

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Table of Contents
Section TOPIC Page

10 Troubleshooting Guide. 78
10.1 Known Issues and Workarounds 78

10.1.1 Known Issues: On-Screen Keyboard 78

10.1.2 Known Issues: Keypad Buttons 2-8 Won’t Trigger Its Own Dimmer 78

10.1.3 Known Issues: KeypadLinc Discrete Codes Keep Changing 79

10.1.4 Known Issues: KeypadLinc Button Feedback Isn’t Right 79

10.2 Methods for Tracking Common Problems 80

10.2.1 An INSTEON Light Is Turning On/Off When It Should Not 80

10.2.2 An INSTEON Light Is Not Turning On/Off When It Should 81

10.2.3 Artemis Is Not Sending INSTEON/X10 Commands 81

10.2.4 Set-Up Web Page Won’t Load 82

10.2.5 Set-Up Web Page Fails Sporadically (Duet Firmware) 83

10.2.6 Ny Windows Vista Computer Does Not Have a Telnet Client 84

11 Requirements for Computer Integration 85

11.1 Computer to Access Set-Up Utility 85

11.1.1 Windows PC Requirements 85

11.1.2 Using an Intel Macintosh 85

11.2 AMX Processor Minimums & Set-Up 86

A Advanced Codes. 86
A.1 Advanced Commands to Artemis 86

A.1.1 Serial Interface, Advanced Debug Commands 86

A.1.2 Serial Interface, Advanced Debug Replies and Status Reports 90

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Artemis Owners Manual 1

1) Artemis Introduction
Congratulations! You own the most advanced yet friendly INSTEON lighting controller.
Artemis provides all the advantages of a sophisticated central control system, while
maintaining and extending the decentralized INSTEON mesh network. No PC is
required for normal operation.

With tools to accelerate installation, simplify scene creation and streamline

troubleshooting, Artemis reduces your on-site time and wows your clients. You’ll be
able to create pleasing and classy lighting solutions that were previously the exclusive
domain of much more expensive systems.

For the green at heart, Artemis can keep a lid on power consumption.

1.1 – Manual Organization (By Functional Topics)

• Section 1: This section, an Artemis Introduction.

• Section 2: An introduction to INSTEON containing device descriptions and

INSTEON device selection guidelines.

• Section 3: How to set up Artemis including networking tips.

• Section 4 Artemis login fundamentals.

• Section 5: How to get your devices linked and into Artemis – by device type.

• Section 6: Focuses on scenes.

• Section 7: How X10 legacy devices can be integrated into Artemis.

• Section 8: The powerful utilities designed into Artemis.

• Section 9: How to link Artemis into other control systems such as AMX, Crestron
and RTI and contains the Artemis language instruction set.

• Section 10: Troubleshooting guide.

• Section 11: Requirements for computer integration.

• Section A: Advanced users information including advanced codes.

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2 Artemis Owners Manual

1.2 – Conventions
1.2.1 – Helpful Tips

Helpful tips will be provided (such as the

one in figure 1-1). These are things we HELPFUL TIP:
have discovered that simplify the Strategic List Order
process. Or explain a concept or action
using a different approach. When the tip When placing your dimmers in the
provides a further explanation, we will list, try to group together the
list it in italics in a separate paragraph dimmers for the same room, or
and will not use a box. from the same location on the wall.

Figure 1-1

1.2.2 – Lighting Commands

Whenever the words are in bold italics, such as Scene 1 On, we are describing an
instruction that INSTEON or Artemis or both are issuing to achieve a change the
desired lighting state.

1.2.3 – Computer or Programming Commands

Words in this font such as DebugBuffer=<0|1> are reserved for programming

instructions for the advanced users.

1.2.4 – Pictures, Screen Shots and Diagrams

To provide a practical working manual, we have included many pictures, screen shots
and diagrams. These images are intended to provide a visual reference.

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Artemis Owners Manual 3

2) INSTEON Introduction
2.1 – Guidelines in Selecting Dimmers/Switches
When selecting devices to control lights, there are two main deciding factors: the form
factor and the switch load type (dimmer or simple on/off).

2.1.1 – Form Factors

SwitchLinc - Figure 2-1(a) - is a traditional lighting switch. KeypadLinc - Figure 2-1(b) -

is a traditional switch with additional buttons to control other dimmers or scenes.

Both the SwitchLinc and KeypadLinc operate their attached lighting loads without any
INSTEON set-up. This is very helpful - lights can be operated after the electrician
installs it. Once the lighting designer establishes scenes, INSTEON capabilities become

Both the SwitchLinc and KeypadLinc can be programmed to trigger other lighting loads
when you press their button. You can set a SwitchLinc to turn a ceiling light and a
table lamp on or off. The KeypadLinc takes it further by providing several lighting
scenes in the same single Décor space. These buttons can be used for multiple scenes
in the same room or lighting scenes elsewhere around the house.

(a) SwitchLinc (b) KeypadLinc (c) InLineLinc (d) LampLinc

Figure 2-1

The InLineLinc - Figure 2-1 (c) - is designed to be in a covered junction box, when local
access to the light switch is not desired or impractical. The LampLinc - Figure 2-1 (d) -
controls anything that terminates in a traditional electrical cord plug such as a table
lamp. Both the InLineLinc and LampLinc can be controlled by your Artemis control
system, or any number of SwitchLincs, KeypadLincs, or dedicated INSTEON remotes.

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4 Artemis Owners Manual

2.1.2 –Load Type

A switch handles the load in one of two ways – dimming (providing variable light level)
or relay (full on/full off only). Relay switches are generally more robust, offering
higher power capacities. However, the dimmers offer more dramatic lighting
functionality. Here are some general guidelines for beginners:

INSTEON dimmer load capacity varies by model. Some have 300W maximum, others
can handle up to 1000W. Add up the load wattage of every light on any one switch and
ensure you remain within the specified limits of the device.

Some newer CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) bulbs are dimmable. If you don’t see a
note on the box or product that says “dimmable”, then it’s probably not. The CFL bulb
manufacturers proudly promote that capability when they have it.

Traditional fluorescent tubes and ballasts cannot be dimmed – use a relay type switch.

Ceiling fans often use a dimmer to control fan speed. Consult the fan’s operating
manual or the original manufacturer to be certain. See the appendix for wiring

Control pool pumps, motors, or appliances with relays. These devices can be damaged
if a dimmer is used, even if the minimum ramp time is used on the dimmer.

2.2 – Current INSTEON Switches/Dimmers

2.2.1 – SwitchLinc

Model Description
#2476D SwitchLinc 600W Dimmer
#2476DH SwitchLinc 1000W Dimmer
#2476S SwitchLinc Relay 480W/13A
#2476ST SwitchLinc Relay 480W/13A Countdown Timer

SmartHome offers color kits and engraving as options. When

Figure 2-2
you design your system, keep in mind that the paddle can
control a group of lights for a scene. It is not limited to the local load.

The paddle is a rocker – tap up or down to turn on or off using local ramp rate and on
levels. Double tap to turn the dimmer full on or off instantly. Hold the rocker
depressed to ramp the dimmer up and down.

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Artemis Owners Manual 5

2.2.2 – KeypadLinc

Model Description
#2486D KeypadLinc 600W Dimmer
#2486DC6 KeypadLinc 600W Dimmer w/ 6 Engraved Buttons
#2486DC8 KeypadLinc 600W Dimmer w/ 8 Engraved Buttons

The same core keypad is easily configured in the field as a 6-

button or 8-button layout. The two configurations in figure 2-3
are the only allowed button layouts. Single and double width
buttons are not allowed.

The KeypadLinc comes with clear buttons. You can slip labels
underneath the buttons. The images in figure 2-3 show the
keypads with optional engraved buttons. Color kits are
optional, as well.
Figure 2-3
The KeypadLinc is a 600W dimmer. In the 6-button configuration mode, the top and
bottom buttons are locked to behave like a SwitchLinc paddle. In the 8-button
configuration mode, the top left button is locked to the local dimmer in a toggle mode.

On a 6-button keypad, On an 8-button keypad,

the top and bottom the top left button is
buttons are locked to locked to the internal
the internal dimmer, dimmer. The default
and act like the up and behavior is toggle, but it
down paddles on the can be set up as a
SwitchLinc product. discrete on or off button.

Figure 2-4 The KeypadLinc Internal Dimmer

With the exception of the top and bottom buttons on the 6-button configuration, each
button can either (1) toggle between sending scene on and scene off, or (2) always send
scene on, or (3) always send scene off. When using these options with Artemis, we
recommend using discrete on/off commands for clarity in operation.

Note: The upper left button is locked to the local dimmer on the 8-button
configuration if a load is connected and must reflect the state of the load. You could
use the two top horizontal buttons or the top two vertical on the left for discrete on
and off of a group with the internal dimmer. Or, if you have several scenes in the
room, the left 4 buttons could be room on, soft light, movie, and off.

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6 Artemis Owners Manual

2.2.3 – InLineLinc

Model Description
#2475D InLineLinc 300W Dimmer
#2475S InLineLinc 400W/10A Relay

The InLineLinc seen in figure 2-5 has no switch on the front so it

can be covered in an electrical box. Here are a few examples why
you would use such a device: Figure 2-5

Interior Design – When there are several lighting loads in a room, a KeypadLinc or
other remote could control several InLineLincs. This retains the power of multiple
dimmers and scenes, while minimizing the visual intrusiveness of a row of
dimmers on the wall.

Safety and Security – If the light is for a walkway that you always want lit at night,
your Artemis control system could turn the light on/off automatically. Removing
access to the switch prevents people from accidentally turning the light off.

Necessity, Preservation and Practicality – Adding a switch in the wall could mean
drilling through stone, marble, artistic tile, fireblocks, or any number of undesirable
or impractical processes. An InLineLinc and remote solves the problem by allowing
the dimmer to be hidden with a simple remote added somewhere else.

2.2.4 – LampLinc & ApplianceLinc

Model Description
#2456D2 LampLinc 300W Dimmer (2-pin)
#2456D3 LampLinc 300W Dimmer (3-pin)
#2456S3 ApplianceLinc 480W/15A Relay (3-pin)

The LampLinc and ApplianceLinc – see figure 2-6 - offer a simple Figure 2-6
interface for adding control to devices with a standard electrical plug.
The LampLinc is available in 2-pin and 3-pin configurations, depending on the outlet.

The controlled outlet is on the bottom of this chassis; the outlet on the front face is
always on so the interface doesn’t reduce the number of outlets. In fact, it adds one
controlled outlet.

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Artemis Owners Manual 7

2.3 – Current INSTEON Remotes

This section focuses on devices that are purely for remote control – they can contact
other INSTEON devices that have loads. Refer to the previous section for information
on SwitchLinc and KeypadLinc, which are remotes as well as lighting load controllers.

In the INSTEON domain, All On and All Off scenes will affect all dimmers involved in a
scene on that controller. So, if the scenes on a controller only affect the dimmers in
one room, All On and All Off will only affect the lights in the room.

Your Artemis control system can write dummy records to add more dimmers to the All
On/All Off scene without adding them to any of the other five scenes. Or, perhaps in
the Master Bedroom, it may be helpful to use the All Off scene initiate a “Good Night”
scene that triggers additional dimmers.

2.3.1 – ControLinc

#2430 - ControLinc
• (5) Scene ON and OFF Buttons act like SwitchLinc Paddles
• 2-Prong Electrical Plug

The ControLinc is an affordable tabletop remote. It is a wired

remote, so it is not very portable and is usually fixed in one
location. There is a similar control that is larger (ControLinc Figure 2-7
Maxi), but it is not an INSTEON remote. The ControLinc Maxi only uses X10

2.3.2 – RemoteLinc

#2440 - ControLinc
• (6) Scene ON and OFF Buttons act like SwitchLinc Paddles
• Available in Silver (2440) or Black (2440BK)
• Runs on (4) AAA Batteries

The RemoteLinc in figure 2-8 is a wireless remote, providing

an easy path to lighting control that can be brought onto a
couch, in bed or even on the patio. Figure 2-8

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8 Artemis Owners Manual

2.4 – Current INSTEON Infrastructure

You will need at least one Serial PLM and two Access Points/Phase Couplers.

2.4.1 – Serial PLM - PowerLinc Modem (#2412S)

The 2412S Serial PLM in figure 2-9 is the bridge between the
AMX controller and the INSTEON network. It is housed in a
package like the LampLinc, and comes with a serial cable
properly pinned out for any of the AMX NI- series integrated

Generally, the Artemis system and PLM can be placed anywhere

Figure 2-9
in the home. However, there are a few guidelines:

1) DO NOT plug the PLM into power conditioners, UPS, or other power-line altering
devices. These devices can filter the INSTEON signal.

2) It may be helpful to place the PLM closer to the main electrical box (as the power
cables run). This will shorten the distance between the PLM and devices on
other power runs in the home. This will be more important on larger homes
than smaller homes.

2.4.2 – Access Point & Phase Coupler (#2443)

The #2443 Access Point & Phase Couplers seen in figure 2-10
serve two main purposes:

As an access point, the 2443 links RF-only devices to the

INSTEON power-line network. For example, an access point is
needed to make a RemoteLinc (which is RF) talk to any dimmer
(which is on the power line). Conceptually, this is similar to an
802.11 base station allowing a wireless laptop to join an Ethernet
network. Figure 2-10

As a repeater, two (or more) 2443 units can be used to repeat messages around the
house to areas where the network is weak. This is also the easiest way to get INSTEON
messages onto both phases of the power line in the house.

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Artemis Owners Manual 9

3) How to Set Up Artemis

3.1 – Basic Connections

3.1.1 – Included Parts

The Artemis kit comes with all the pieces to control an INSTEON network with your
computer. The main pieces include:

- AMX NI700 NetLinx Processor

The NI700 (figure 3-1) is the central controller that

will run your Artemis lighting system. The AMX
platform is designed for high-end home and
commercial automation, bringing tremendous
power and upgradability for future Figure 3-1


- AMX PSN2.8

The PSN2.8 power supply (figure 3-2) is specifically

designed for AMX equipment. Always use AMX
power supplies with AMX equipment – using other
brands may void your warranty. Figure 3-2

- SmartHome 2412S Serial Power Line Modem (PLM)

The 2412S PLM (figure 3-3) offers a dramatic

improvement over the older 2414S Power Linc
Controller (PLC). The PLM offers a streamlined
command set for better performance, support
for both standard-length and extended-length
INSTEON messages.

The extra cable that comes with the PLM is not

Figure 3-3
an Ethernet cable. It is a serial cable for other
control systems, and is not used with the
Artemis package.

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10 Artemis Owners Manual

3.1.2 – Required Connections

To connect your system:

- Plug the serial cable from the PLM to Port 1 on on the back of the NI700.

- The NI700 will default to an IP address of If this causes a

conflict on your network, use a crossover cable or separate hub to connect to
the NI700 for now. If this address is not in use, you can plug the NI700 into
your Ethernet network now.

- Plug the PSN2.8 to the 12VDC terminals on the back of the NI700.

Figure 3-4 Connecting your system

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Artemis Owners Manual 11

3.1.3 - Optional Connections – IR Eye (Sensor)

To use IR remotes to control

Artemis, connect an IR Sensor (often
called an “eye”) to the NI700’s IR-RX
port. In the figure 3-5, the AUX
terminal on this port is not used.

The IR eye is an optional accessory, Figure 3-5

allowing you to choose an eye that
will best match your décor. We recommend the AMX IRX-PP38 sensor which can run
distances up to 200’, and can accept multiple sensors on the same line.

Other models of IR eyes should work, as long as they support 38kHz and
455kHz IR frequencies. If the eyes come with mini-phono jacks on the end (very
common), cut the wires and connect them to the NI700’s terminals. Verify the
pin-out with the manufacturer to ensure the eye is correctly connected.

3.2 – Setting the IP Address

3.2.1 – Resetting to Known IP

If you forget your network configuration,

Artemis is programmed to bring your DEFAULT IP SETTINGS:
NI700 back to a known known IP
configuration as shown in figure 3-6. HOSTNAME: SCL_Artemis
To reset your IP address, unplug and SUBNET MASK:
reconnect the “IOs” connector on the rear GATEWAY:
of the NI700. You must disconnect and
reconnect the connector twice within a Figure 3-6
period of ten seconds.

Within a few seconds of pulling the connector in and out, the NI700 will reset the IP
settings to the default, then reboot. You will see the lights blink in order on the NI700
front panel to indicate it has rebooted.

Wait about 30-45 seconds before trying to access the NI700 again through the web
browser, so it can fully reboot.

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12 Artemis Owners Manual

3.2.2 – Ensure Your Computer is on the Same Subnet

IP addresses are composed of 4

numbers separated by periods. In
most home networks, the first three
numbers of the IP addresses for
your computer and the NI700 will
need to match to make a
connection. So, if the NI700 is at its
default address of,
your computer must be at
192.168.1.XXX where XXX is any
number from 2 to 254 (except 199,

since that is the NI700’s address). Figure 3-7

To find the IP address of a Windows XP machine, you

can usually find it at CONTROL PANEL > NETWORK
CONNECTIONS (see figure 3-7). Click on the
connection you are using, and the current settings
should appear in the window on the lower left.

Figure 3-8
For older systems, to find the IP settings of your Windows
computer, go to the START menu, and select RUN.

Type cmd and click OK

(figure 3-8). This should
launch the Windows
command prompt.

Type ipconfig and press

ENTER (figure 3-9). The
computer displays your
current IP configuration.
Given the settings shown
in figure 3-9, this would
not be able to connect to Figure 3-9
Artemis at

For instructions on how to change your computer’s IP address, see the next page.

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Artemis Owners Manual 13

Changing your computer’s IP address (if needed):

Figure 3-10 Figure 3-11

Go to Control Panels on your PC, and select Network Connections. Double-Click on the
Network Connection you are currently using. (It is probably labelled Local Network
Connection or Wireless Network Connection.)

Click on Properties in the lower left of the

screen (figure 3-10).

Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and click

Properties (figure 3-11).

To set a specific IP address that can link to

the NI700 and Artemis (figure 3-12), click
the radio button that says “Use the
following IP address”. Type in an address
that will be able to access the NI700, and
click OK.

Your computer will probably need a few

moments before the new settings have
taken effect.
Figure 3-12

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14 Artemis Owners Manual

3.2.3 – Changing the NI700’s IP Configuration, Date and Time

The easiest way to make new IP settings for

your master is to use a Telnet application.
This is built-in to Windows computers. We HOSTNAME: SCL_Artemis
are starting at the settings in figure 3-13. STATIC IP:
Go to the START menu, and select RUN.
Type telnet, a space, and the IP address
of your NI700 (figure 3-14). Click OK. This Figure 3-13
should launch the Telnet application on your

Type set ip (see figure 3-15) and press ENTER.

The NI700 will preset each of its network settings,
one at a time. If the existing values in these
settings are OK, just press enter to move to the
Figure 3-14
next setting. Otherwise, type the setting you want.

At the end, the NI700

will present your new
settings, and ask you
to verify them. Type Y
or N and ENTER as
seen in figure 3-15.
Note that the new
settings will not take
effect until the NI700

Telnet is also the place

to set the date and
time by typing set
Figure 3-15
time and set date. Be
sure to enter the values in the format shown using 24-hour time and filling all digits.
When you’re done, type reboot and press ENTER to reset the master. It will take about
30 seconds for the master to be accessible again at its new IP address.

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Artemis Owners Manual 15

4) Login Fundamentals
4.1 – Log In

4.1.1 – Logging in with Internet Explorer 6.0 or better

On a Windows PC (Windows 2000 or better), open Internet Explorer (v6.0 or later). Log
on to the NI700 by typing the address of your machine. If the NI700 is set to the
default address, you would type:

Click on the link for SCL Artemis in figure 4-1. We recommend saving this address in
your Favorites list.

Figure 4-1

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16 Artemis Owners Manual

The Artemis set-up page will appear in a pop-up window, so allow pop-up pages from
the NI700. We recommend selecting “Always allow pop-ups from this address”, so you
won’t have to go to this menu frequently.

A blue window with the AMX logo will appear, then another Window will appear. It
takes about 20 seconds to launch this completely. Once you see the screen in figure
4-2 below, you can close the other browser windows if you prefer a less cluttered look.

Figure 4-2

At the bottom of the page are two choices for the color schemes. They offer the same
features. You can choose either one.

In our experience, the black color scheme is better when working on dim lighting, such
as outdoor path lights or home theater viewing levels. The screen will emit less light, so
your eyes will not dialate as much – you will be better adjusted to ambient lighting level.
The gray color scheme is brighter and offers higher contrast for bright rooms or use in

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Artemis Owners Manual 17

4.2 – Navigation and Browser Elements

4.2.1 – Navigating the System

The two rows of options at the top of the page are like menu tabs in Windows set-up
pages. The top row chooses a category of tabs to appear on the bottom row. The
current selected category is highlighted (see figure 4-3).

Figure 4-3

The SAVE button will save all of your settings. Artemis also has an auto-save that
waits for 5-minutes of non-activity from the set-up web pages. Auto-save will only save
when the buffers are empty since the routine requires a few seconds to process.

ABOUT ARTEMIS returns you to the main screen, where you can change color schemes.

Figure 4-4

Try navigating the screens. Some screens take a while to load – usually the first time
you view that page. Your browser likely caches the display data, and it will switch faster
next time you come back to it.

The two numbers on the far right in figure 4-4 display how many commands are cued
up to be sent to the INSTEON network. Artemis has two priority levels – commands in
buffer 2 will only be sent when buffer 1 is empty. Buffer 2 is used for automated
routines and failed messaged awaiting another attempt, so as not to slow down other
traffic. Each buffer can hold 200 messages.

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18 Artemis Owners Manual

4.2.2 – Text Fields and the On-Screen Keyboard

The on-screen keyboard (see figure 4-5) is a commonly used tool with Artemis to fill in
text fields. Just click on the text field you want to edit and the keyboard will pop up.

This keyboard is part of the AMX G3 Web Control technology. The keyboard is handy
because it allows you to type on your computer keyboard, rather than clicking on all
the on-screen keys. However, there are several unusual behaviors of this technology
that can cause problems. Here are some notes to keep the G3 Web Control Keybaord
operating smoothly:

- Do not click in the text

window with your mouse.
Just type the text you want
using your computer
keyboard. To change existing
data you have already typed,
use the Del key.

- When you’re done, click OK or

CANCEL at the bottom.
ENTER will type a carriage
return, it won’t close the

- After you click OK, the

keyboard sometimes remains Figure 4-5
on the screen. Click CANCEL to
close the “extra” keyboard.

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Artemis Owners Manual 19

5) Link INSTEON Devices

5.1 Slots and Addresses:
5.1.1 – INSTEON Dimmer Slots

Artemis stores all INSTEON dimmers in a database. Whenever you are working with
INSTEON dimmers, the same 6 button group will appear on the left side of the screen.

Elements of the INSTEON Device Record:

Figure 5-1 Example Of Screen With Dimmer Data

The Device Model Number is automatically scanned when you assign an address to a
dimmer slot. The Tx and Rx buttons indicate messages are being transmitted (Tx) or
received (Rx) to or from the device – these are helpful when troubleshooting.

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20 Artemis Owners Manual

The Friendly Name field allows you to assign a name (up to 32 characters) that is more
meaningful than “slot 1” or “0A.50.04”. On any text field, you can use any standard
keyboard characters except TAB and ENTER (Carriage Return/Line Feed).

When multiple rooms are involved, we recommend using short room names like
“FamRm: Track Lights”. Also, you can leave blank records between rooms. For
instance, use 1-6 for the family room, leave 7-8 blank, and start again at slot 9 with the

5.1.2 – Entering INSTEON Addresses (LampLinc, ApplianceLinc, SocketLinc)

For devices that have no local buttons to adjust lights, the best approach is to
manually type in/enter the address. Click on an INSTEON ADDRESS field. In our
example in figure 5-1, we assigned the LampLinc controlling “Table Lamp” to slot 2.
Capitalization and leading zeros don’t matter, but you need to enter the periods
between the bytes. So, “0A.50.04” can also be entered as “a.50.4”.

Once you have entered the device, Artemis attempts to communicate with the device
and scan its Device Type. The information populates into the screen as it is received.

5.2 Linking Devices to the PLM (Power Line Modem)

5.2.1 – Linking INSTEON Devices (SwitchLinc, KeypadLinc, RemoteLinc, etc)

When INSTEON devices have buttons that can trigger scenes, each unique group code
needs to be linked to the PLM (Power Line Modem). This will instruct the PLM to notify
Artemis whenever the button was pressed. It is necessary for Artemis to keep track of
the status of lights and to assign scenes to these buttons.

You will want to check the manual that came with your device for instructions on how
to make the link from your device to the PLM, but this section explains the link
menthod for the most common devices.

Note: if you have devices in several rooms, you can take the PLM into the rooms that
have the dimmers. The PLM does not have to be plugged into the Artemis system during
the linking process. We recommend bringing a 25’ or more extension cord, so you can
plug into a socket in the room. This will save a lot of running around, especially when
this is being programmed by one person.

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Artemis Owners Manual 21 - Linking a SwitchLinc to the PLM:

Press and hold the SwitchLinc paddle up until the light blinks (approximately 10
seconds). The light attached to the load of the dimmer will flash as well as the dimmer
LEDs. Then, press and hold the SET button on the side of the PLM for approximately 3
seconds - the SwitchLinc lights should flash again indicating the link was created.

It is not necessary to link the down direction of the paddle – it transmits the same
code as the up button. Up sends group 1 on, down sends group 1 off.

Tip: If you have a small tabbed tool, you can press the tab at the bottom of the
SwitchLinc instead of the paddle. That small button only needs to be held down for 3
seconds, saving quite a bit of time as you work with a list of dimmers. - Linking a KeypadLinc to the PLM:

Before you link buttons on the KeypadLinc, decide whether this will be a 6-button or 8-
button keypad and set the hardware up in that configuration.

On a 6-button KeypadLinc, link the top large button, and each of the 4 smaller buttons.
The top and bottom buttons act like the up and down paddles on a SwitchLinc – they
send the same group code with on and off. The 4 buttons in the middle send groups
3-6, so they need to be linked separately.

On an 8-button KeypadLinc, link all 8 buttons, since all buttons send unique group

To create a link from the KeypadLinc button to the PLM, press and hold the button
until it begins to flash (approximately 10 seconds). Then, press and hold the SET
button on the side of the PLM for approximately 3 seconds – KeypadLinc buttons will
stop flashing, indicating the link was made.

Tip: You can use the small tab at the bottom of the KeypadLinc just as the SwitchLinc.
Since you have several buttons to work with, the bottom tab will apply to the last button
pressed. - Linking a ControLinc or RemoteLinc to the PLM:

Most INSTEON remote controls offer on and off buttons for each scene, plus All On,
All Off, All Bright and All Dim buttons. You only need to link the on button for each
scene. Do not link the off buttons or any of the All On/Off/Bright/Dim buttons.

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22 Artemis Owners Manual

The ControLinc requires 5 links to the PLM and the RemoteLinc requires 6 links.

To create a link from a remote to the PLM, press and hold the scene button for
approximately 10 seconds. The remote will beep and the LED will flash to indicate it is
in linking mode. Then, press and hold the SET button on the side of the PLM for about
3 seconds – the remote will beep again to indicate the link has been made. - Linking the PLM to an ApplianceLinc, LampLinc, SocketLinc, etc:

It may be easier to type in the addresses of these devices. However, if the address is
unknown (for example, the sticker was removed or is unreadable), you can link the PLM
to these devices. Be aware that the direction is the reverse of other devices in this
section. On a SwitchLinc, you start with the remote device (the SwitchLinc) and link it
to the PLM. Here, start with the PLM and link to the device (LampLinc).

To make a link from the PLM, press and hold the PLM button for approximately 3
seconds. When you release the button, the LED should flash to indicate it is in linking
mode. Then, press and hold the button on the side of the LampLinc (or other end
device) for approximately 3 seconds. This the light will stop flashing on the PLM. - Scanning For Links on the PLM:

Make sure the PLM is connected to the AMX NI700, and navigate the Web User Interface
to INSTEON DIMMERS > DETECT DEVICES. Towards the bottom of the screen, click the
SCAN DATABASE button (see figure 5-2).

Artemis will scan all the links on the PLM. The number to the left of the button (a “9”
in figure 5-2) is a progress indicator, displaying how many links have been scanned so
far. When all links have been read, Artemis will populate the NEW DEVICES DETECTED
list (right of screen) with the first 8 devices that have not been assigned in the system.
In the list, Artemis will show the device INSTEON address, the model number, and the
status of the link. See figure 5-3.

“DEVICE TALKS” indicates the device will transmit commands to Artemis. Anything
with a button that controls lighting levels should show this state.

“DEVICE LISTENS” indicates the PLM can talk to the device 2-way, but the device will
not be using any buttons locally to affect the system. This is the normal status for a
device like a LampLinc or InLineLinc. If you are getting this for a SwitchLinc or
KeypadLinc, that means you linked the PLM to the switch, rather than the switch to the

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Artemis Owners Manual 23

Figure 5-2

Note that not all devices will transmit device IDs all the time. For instance, the
RemoteLinc extends battery life by turning off when not transmitting codes. It only
listens for commands during linking mode, or for a period of approximately 5-10
seconds after any button push.

If you have a lot of same-model devices in your NEW DEVICES DETECTED list, you can
use the ON and OFF buttons on the right of the NEW DEVICES DETECTED list to turn
the light on and off to determine which new device you are dealing with.

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24 Artemis Owners Manual

Figure 5-3

To assign a device from the NEW DEVICES DETECTED list to your local database, click
on the device in the list. Then click on ASSIGN for the slot on the left column in which
you want the data transferred. The device will be assigned, and Artemis will refresh
the NEW DEVICES DETECTED list. While the list is repopulating, you may wish to give
the newly assigned dimmer a name.

In the event you want to delete a record from the PLM, click on DELETE RECORD at the
bottom right, and then click on the item in the NEW DEVICES DETECTED list.

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Artemis Owners Manual 25

5.2.2 – INSTEON Device Behaviors (Mirror Links, KeypadLinc and Remotes) - MIRROR LINKS

The MIRROR LINKS feature is used when a SwitchLinc is acting as a remote over
another dimmer. This is commonly done to simulate 3-way switches in a hallway
without the need for the more complex 3-way wiring, or when a SwitchLinc will need to
control a LampLinc in a room. Figure 5-4 is an example of the wiring diagram.

Figure 5-4
By using MIRROR LINKS, the electrical wiring is greatly simplified for complex multi-
way circuits. Artemis can grow the number of remote dimmers as needed, allowing
dimmers to act like 4-way, 5-way, 6-way circuits – however many you want. An
application for these larger groupings arise when different sliding doors lead to the
same patio. All doors can have a light switch for the patio that looks like a regular wall
switch. Artemis ensures that all switches mirrored show the same light level,
regardless of which switch was used or which switch has the load.

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26 Artemis Owners Manual

To set up a MIRROR LINK between dimmers (see figure 5-5), click on the MIRROR LINK
box of the REMOTE dimmer. When the keypad appears, enter the number of the
dimmer that will be the LOAD dimmer.

Figure 5-5

To remove a dimmer from a mirror link group, click on the MIRROR LINK box and
enter “0” (zero). Doing this on the load dimmer disbands the entire mirror link group.

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Artemis Owners Manual 27 - CONTROL ONLY and LIGHT REM BTN

Remotes and KeypadLincs buttons need a bit of configuration in Artemis for optimal
performance. To adjust these, go to INSTEON DIMMERS > BEHAVIORS (see figure 5-6).

Figure 5-6

The CONTROL ONLY button indicates the INSTEON Device does not have an internal
dimmer. When the device is in this CONTROL ONLY state, Artemis will not try to scan
the dimmer intensity for this device. Turn on CONTROL ONLY for any remote (such as
RemoteLinc or ControLinc). Also turn this on for a KeypadLinc if nothing is attached
to its internal dimmer – this will enable all buttons to act like a true remote.

The LIGHT REM BTN column is only for KeypadLinc. This indicates whether or not the
status of the backlit-buttons will be maintained by Artemis. To have Artemis maintain
the backlights, enter the number of buttons on the KeypadLinc (6 or 8). To ignore the
button state, enter 0 (zero) and no number will show in the box.

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28 Artemis Owners Manual

The table in Figure 5-7 shows several common CONTROL LIGHT

LIGHT REM BTN setting for each device type. SwitchLinc OFF OFF
InLine Linc OFF OFF
KeypadLinc NOTE A NOTE B
NOTE A: If the KeypadLinc internal dimmer is
LampLinc OFF OFF
attached to a light, CONTROL ONLY should be OFF. ApplianceLinc OFF OFF
If the KeypadLinc is not connected to a light (so SocketLinc OFF OFF
the dimmer buttons are merely controlling other ControlLinc ON OFF
devices), CONTROL ONLY should be ON. RemoteLinc ON OFF

Figure 5-7
NOTE B: To have Artemis maintain the button
backlighting to reflect the status of scenes or lights,
enter the number of buttons on the KeypadLinc (6 or 8). If you don’t want Artemis to
maintain the backlight states, leave this off (or enter 0 to turn it off).

5.2.3 – Local Memory

Each dimmer has local memory that holds the on-level, ramp rate and X10 address.
These can be viewed and adjusted through Artemis.

Figure 5-8

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Artemis Owners Manual 29

The SCAN button in figure 5-8 rescans all basic device data for the dimmer. Artemis
rechecks the device ID, ON LEVEL, RAMP RATE and X10 address. Advanced: the text in
the lower right displays the device ID bytes, firmware version and EEPROM size.

The ON LVL bar represents the level to which the dimmer will go to when you tap the
dimmer ON. The ON LVL range is 0 to 255. RAMP bar (RAMP RATE) can range from a
slow 0 (9.0 minutes) to a fast 31 (0.1 seconds). A chart of valid ramp rate numbers and
meanings will pop up when you attempt to enter the data.

The RAMP RATE represents the speed of the dimmer to go from OFF (0) to 255 (100%).
RAMP RATE defines a speed of ramping, not the time to the destination level. So, a
ramp rate of 27 (2 sec) will go from an ON LEVEL of 0 to 128 (50%) in 1 second, ½ the
time because it goes to ½ the maximum ON LEVEL.

To configure these features:

- WRITE will remotely program the values directly to the dimmer. Since all current
INSTEON devices only read this data on boot-up, you will need to cut the power to
the dimmer before it takes effect. SwitchLinc and KeypadLinc devices can be
“rebooted” by pulling out the tab at the bottom for a few seconds.

- SEND will set the light at a level that will translate to the desired value when you
press the SET button on the dimmer. On most INSTEON devices, pressing the device
SET button once will assign the value to the ON LEVEL, twice will assign it to the
RAMP RATE. The dimmer will act on the set value immediately - you do NOT need to
cut power to the dimmer. It should be noted that SEND can only access ramp values
from 24 (8.5 sec) to 31 (0.1 sec). Longer ramp times require use of the WRITE
function, above.

In either case, you will need to scan the dimmer’s local settings for Artemis to reflect
the new values.

Use caution when setting longer ramp rates. Pressing a button and waiting 8.5
seconds until full ON level is achieved can seem like an eternity. Longer ramp times
are usually used with time-of-day or sunrise/sunset scenes, intended to make gradual
changes so people don’t notice the light level shift.

To change or erase an X10 address, click on the X10 Address field. You must reboot
the dimmer for the new X10 address to take effect.

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30 Artemis Owners Manual

5.2.4 – Link Quality

Artemis tracks all communication with each device and displays the results in the Link
Quality screen (figure 5-9). The Link Quality statistic tracks all commands to a device
that should receive a response. This helps to determine which devices communicate
well and which ones may need help with Access Points or phase couplers.

Figure 5-9

The AUTO and MAN buttons indicate if a device has been taken offline for automated
routines (like scene writing or scanning dimmers).

AUTO means the device did not respond after 9 sequential attemps, and Artemis has
flagged it as out of communication. If you tell Artemis to send commands to that
device, Artemis will attempt it. However, it will not rejoin the automated routines until
you bring it back online, or data was received from that end device.

MAN is a manual offline flag. This is similar to AUTO, except the dimmer will not
rejoin the automated routines until you say so. This is helpful when a scene designer
and installer are working together – the programmer can continue to set up scenes,
while the installer works to improve communication to a particular dimmer.

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Artemis Owners Manual 31

The HOP limit refers to how many times a command should be repeated on the
network. You can make Artemis and the INSTEON network operate more efficiently by
reducing the number of hops per-device. See About INSTEON Hops, below.

About INSTEON Hops:

When an INSTEON command is sent, all INSTEON devices that hear it will repeat
the message. The more devices that respond at the same time, the stronger the
signal becomes. The message itself contains a counter of how many times the
message has been repeated thus far, and how many repeats are desired all
together. The counter ensures the message will eventually terminate.

While hops make the system more robust, the extra hops require more
communication timing slots. Any responses to a command must wait for all the
repeats to finish before the reply can be transmitted back. The reply will follow
the same number of hops as the original command… again occupying more slots
if the message gets to the destination earlier.

To optimize your network, you might try starting at 0 hops, and only increasing
the number of hops when communication is unreliable. You can use the LINK
QUALITY tracking to determine when you have achieved the right balance. The
fewer the hops, the faster your system operates.

Keep in mind that any jump on an RF SignaLinc or RF AccessPoint count as a

hop. So, devices on the other side of an RF device will require at least 2 hops.
Devices that are entirely wireless (like a RemoteLinc) would require at least one
hop to reach.

AUTO-POLL INTERVAL sets Artemis to routinely scan the light level for any switch.
Use this feature if there is a device that is used a lot, especially if the dimmer is on the
edge of communication range. Click on the desired interval in the right column, and
then click on the interval display field next to it.

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32 Artemis Owners Manual

6) INSTEON Scenes
6.1 Scene Setup Basics – Naming and Assigning
The Artemis controller provides 231 user-definable scenes that can send any number
of dimmers to unique levels at unique ramp rates. Scene commands will adjust
multiple dimmers at the same time.

6.1.1 – Scene List Page – Naming and Selecting Scenes

Figure 6-1
Each scene can be given a name.

ON and OFF buttons trigger a programmed scene, or turn all lights in the scene off.

ERASE will delete the scene settings. You must click and hold this button for at least
one second to activate it. The computer beep indicates the scene was erased.

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Artemis Owners Manual 33

EDIT selects a scene for editing in the other screens.

6.1.2 – How to Assign Dimmers To Scene

The ASSIGN DIMMERS screen (figure 6-2) is used to select the dimmers to be included
in a scene. You can choose one, several, or all dimmers to be included in the scene.

Figure 6-2

6.1.3 – Set Scene Levels and Ramp Rate

The SET LEVELS screen (figure 6-3) only shows the dimmers that are participating in
the scene. Adjust the lights with the provided controls in the middle.

The bargraphs on the right indicate the levels that will be written for the scene. You
can adjust the lights with the controls in the middle column. When you are satisfied
with the levels you see, click on COPY CURRENT LIGHT LEVELS. This will assign the
current light levels to the scene memory.

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34 Artemis Owners Manual

Figure 6-3

ASSIGN SCENE RAMP RATE allows you to assign a ramp rate to all dimmers in the
scene at the same time.

To type in a value for the light level or adjust the ramp rate for a particular dimmer,
you can click on the scene selection bargraphs on the right. The on-screen keyboard
will be provided.

When you are done setting the levels and ramp rates, have Artemis write the scene to
the dimmers by clicking on WRITE SCENE TO DIMMERS. Artemis will scan the dimmer
memory and write the needed records. You can also use the WRITE ALL SCENES

The writing process may take a while if this is the first scene you are writing, or if the
system lost power since you last wrote. Artemis scans the memory of all devices before
writing anything out. Artemis will remember the data it scanned in the dimmers, so
subsequent writing passes will not take as long.

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6.2 Configuring INSTEON Devices

6.2.1 – Configuring INSTEON Remotes

Once a scene has been set-up, Artemis can assign the scene to a dimmer or remote in
two possible ways. This section covers the direct approach, where each dimmer will be
programmed to respond directly to the remote. This allows the scene to work, even if
Artemis falls offline. An alternative is to set Artemis to react to a scene broadcast,
which would then send the Scene command. See Triggers & Automation for

Figure 6-4
The CONFIG button (see figure 6-4) allows you to assign a scene to an INSTEON device.
The list at the right shows all scene records tied to the device (as detected from the
PLM link database). In the case of the RemoteLinc, we are offered scenes 1-6.

Click on the AMX SCENE # box and assign the AMX scene number. Figure 6-4 shows
scene 1 (soft light). To program this scene to the dimmers, click on WRITE.

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36 Artemis Owners Manual

Figure 6-5
If you want the KeypadLinc to light remote buttons, the screen in figure 6-6 is where
you determine what conditions light up the button. When you assign a scene to the
button, Artemis automatically sets the button to light up when the scene is selected.

Click on the BUTTON FEEDBACK (figure 6-5) and a menu

pops-up (figure 6-6) to set different feedback behaviors.
You can have Artemis use a different scene for feedback,
a single dimmer, or invert the state of the backlight.
(The inverted state is helpful for positive feedback that a
light is off.)

If you are using an external control system, you can also

set these to channels that the programmer can control.
This allows you to relay messages and show the states
of other systems, such as basic AV controls.

Click CLOSE (lower right in figure 6-6) to exit the pop-up


Figure 6-6

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Artemis Owners Manual 37

7) X10 Control
Artemis capitalizes on X10 compatibility in the SmartLabs PLM providing baseline
support for legacy products. Since X10 is slower and not as reliable, we only
recommend X10 when no INSTEON equivalent is available, or X10 devices are pre-
existing in the home and replacement is too prohibitive.

7.1 – X10 Test Commands Page

This first page in figure 7-1 displays the X10 lighting and status commands to access
and test your X10 devices. Each X10 address and house code can be given a name for
easy reference in later use.

Figure 7-1
You can configure Arteimis to track status for your X10 devices. The accuracy may be
surprisingly good, but X10 is limited. Figure 7-1 is the page to test X10 commands
(TEST CMDS). You can send X10 commands to your devices.

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38 Artemis Owners Manual

7.2 – X10 Valid Commands Page

The Valid Commands page (VALID CMDS) lists the commands to which the X10 device
will respond (see figure 7-2). This is fundamental in tracking states for devices. If you
aren’t sure which commands are valid, test them in the previous page (Test Commands
is also in figure 7-1).

Figure 7-2

7.3 – X10 Status Quality Page

The Status Quality page in figure 7-3 is used to refine the quality of the feedback for
the X10 device. The various Status Confidence settings determine what is considered
“good enough” for devices.

- IGNORE means no status is desired for this device.

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Artemis Owners Manual 39

- TX CMD is the most basic tracking status. This means “trust any command that has
been transmitted or received for this address”. Artemis will never query the light or
device for status.

- RX CMD means Artemis must validate light status for any command it sends, but it
accepts commands seen on the network as executed. (It is guaranteed not to have
collided with another message.) Requires light status requests to be set as valid.

- RX REPLY means Artemis must validate light status for any command it sends, or any
command it sees on the network from another device. Requires light status requests
to be set as valid.

Figure 7-3

On the right is the Auto Poll Interval. Here, you can set Artemis to automatically poll
the dimmer if it hasn’t heard from the dimmer in the time listed. To assign the time
interval, click on the interval you would like in the right column. Then choose a time
display box to assign the interval to an address (A3, for example).

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40 Artemis Owners Manual

8) Utilities
8.1 – Triggers & Automation
The Triggers & Automation provides unprecendented power in a simplified user
interface. These can be used to create actions at certain times of day, enhance or
create logical decision from sensors or user-triggered enents, or create editable events
for IR remotes and external control systems. Figure 8-1 below shows the main
groupings in this page.

Figure 8-1

In the upper right, the system displays the sunrise and sunset times for the current
day, as well as the shortest (Dec 21) and longest (Jul 21) days of the year so you can
know the range of time for sunrise and sunset for your location. The current time is
also shown at the top of the stack for reference. This information is helpful during the
design and testing phase of programming your system.

The WEB GUIDE button in the upper left generates a web page that can be viewed in a
separate window. Just open a new window in your web browser and go to the address
listed on the screen. This reference sheet contains all the dimmers and devices, scene
names and their associated slot numbers - handy when programming scenes.

The WEB GUIDE also prints a list of all programming in Artemis that will trigger a
dimmer. If a dimmer appears to be turning on or off at seemlingly random times, you
can look in that guide for an errant dimmer association or X10 address assignment.

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Artemis Owners Manual 41

8.1.1 –Automation Trigger Overview

There are three main elements to each trigger:

- Trigger Type, such as Sunset or Button Press.

- Conditional evaluations (“Conditions and Events” in figure 8-2) that can filter
the event. For example, we can trigger button events only on a double tap, or
only during certain times of day.

- The Event that is triggered, such as turn a scene on.

Figure 8-2

To help organize these elements, the left column shows the Trigger Type. Clicking on
the trigger type will populate the list at right with all of the Conditional Evaluations
and Events that are associated with that Trigger (see figure 8-3). Note: you can create
two Triggers for the same thing – and their lists will remain separate.

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42 Artemis Owners Manual

Figure 8-3

8.1.2 – Triggers (Left Column)

To create a Trigger, click on a slot in the Trigger column to highlight the slot you wish
to edit. Next, click on one of the triggers in the lower left of the screen (“Select
Triggers”) to assign the trigger. The options are:

- SUNRISE or SUNSET: Occurs at the calculated Sunrise or Sunset time, every day.

- TIME OF DAY: Occurs at a fixed time of day, every day.

- GEN MACRO: Triggers can feed other triggers. This allows complex setups to
be set-up once, then reassigned to multiple locations. For example, exit timers
for a “GoodBye” lighting sequence can be designed in a General Macro. Then,
that one can be assigned to several buttons, or even triggered from external
control systems. If a change is requested to the sequence, you only need to
change the general macro to which everything points. This is a tremendous
time saver.

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Artemis Owners Manual 43

- INSTEON BTN: Occurs anytime a button is pressed from a particular INSTEON

device. Artemis will prompt you to enter the slot number. You must have an
INSTEON link from the dimmer to the PLM for this to work.

- Rx X10 ADDR: Occurs any time a particular X10 address is received. Artemis
will prompt you to enter the X10 address.

- Rx IR CODE: Occurs any time a known IR code is received. Your remote must
support AMX IR codes for this to work – a list of remotes known to support
AMX IR codes can be found at

- CLEAR: Erases all programming from the trigger in the selected slot.

If you want to test a trigger, you can click on the number key. You will notice the
button will light up to indicate the trigger has been sensed, and the evaluations are
taking place. Keep in mind the evaluations may prevent the trigger from occurring.

8.1.3 –Conditions and Events Overview

The list of conditions and events (the column on the right side of the screen in figure
8-2) will run when a Trigger is fired. Each event has its own unique evaluation set, and
is normally evaluated independently of other events in the list.

To add or remote conditions and events, select a valid Trigger in the left column and
select the slot from which you wish to work. In the bottom-center of the screen, click

8.1.4 – Adding Conditional Evaluations – Editing Conditional Evaluations

In the bottom of the screen, there are three buttons for establishing Conditional

- EDIT: Pops up the editing window with all the conditional options, you pick and
choose which options apply.

- FOLLOW PREV: This is a flag for the system to make the same evaluation as the
previous condition. When several events need to trigger from the same
condition, this saves a lot of time in the editing screen.

- ALWAYS: This is a flag for the system to always evaluate true – very helpful for
Sunset or time-of-day.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

44 Artemis Owners Manual

In the EDIT screen (pops up when you click EDIT in the CONDITIONS stack at the
bottom of the page), Artemis presents every evaluation that can possibly occur,
regardless of whether it is possible to evaluate true or not. For instance, a Sunset
trigger will still show filters for buttons and IR codes even though they cannot possibly
evaluate true. Be careful to only select the things you wish to choose.

There are five main evaluations: (1) IR code, (2) Button Number, (3) State, (4) Day of the
Week and (5) Time of Day. If nothing has been selected in the group list, then the
evaluation is bypassed and continues to evaluate true. If something in a group is
selected, then the evaluations are applied, and the incoming trigger data must match
the evaluation criteria.

Figure 8-4

In figure 8-4, this will only evaluate true if button 4 is double-tapped on this device.
No days of the week or time bands have been selected, so those evaluations are
bypassed. – Conditional Evaluations, IR Codes

Be sure your remote is capable of sending AMX IR codes. The processor on which
Artemis runs cannot learn new codes, so your remote must be able to adapt. There are
255 available codes in the AMX realm.

The conditional allows you to choose one IR code number for the event, from 1- 255.
If no IR code is evaluated, the field will be filled with a dash.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 45 – Conditional Evaluations, INSTEON Buttons

Conditional evaluations on button actions require group links from the remote or
dimmer to the PLM. If the Trigger Number does not blink when you press your button,
then the configuration is probably not correct, or there is interference on the power line.

When remotes and dimmers are pressed, they will transmit a group message to the
PLM. Artemis reads the group message and looks for automation messages. The
group command will contain three key pieces of information:

Trigger Data:

- Dimmer Address - Artemis reports this as a Dimmer Slot number, which is

evaluated in the Trigger.

Conditional Data:

- Group Number – This can be thought of as the button number or scene number.
Each group represents a pair of discrete buttons or a single toggle button. Most
devices have separate buttons for ON and OFF, like a SwitcLinc, RemoteLinc or
ControlLinc – each set will transmit the same group number. The KeypadLinc
only has discrete buttons for the internal dimmer in the 6-button configuration.
All other buttons (including the internal dimmer in 8-button configuration) are
toggles, where each button transmits a unique group number.

- State – Artemis will read the type of button press (tap, double-tap, hold or
release) and the value (on/off). Note that INSTEON treats button tap and double
tap as momentary events – the release is implied, and therefore not reported.
Release events only follow a hold. Also, while the hold contains on or off status,
release commands will not.

Artemis allows you create actions in multiple buttons and multiple states for both
INSTEON and X10. For example, suppose KeypadLinc buttons 3-8 trigger scenes in a
room, with some buttons triggering event sequences. Since pressing a new button
should probably cancel any existing event sequences, you can set any button 3-8 to
cancel delays for the room on a tap, double-tap, or hold. – Conditional Evaluations, X10 Buttons

The only button evaluations on an X10 address are the ON or OFF state. The buttons
are labelled TAP ON and TAP OFF. Filtering based on the state would allow a 4-

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

46 Artemis Owners Manual

address X10 remote to trigger 8 scenes, by separately reading on and off for each
button. You can choose both states, triggering the event on either transmission. – Days of the Week

Multiple days of the week can be selected, making blocks of days easier. Dedicated
events can be set for weekday, weekend, M-W-F, or any combination you wish. – Time Bands

Artemis allows up to 8 preset time bands for evaluation. These presets are system-
wide, so changing time band 1 in one conditional will change the time band in all

The time bands will evaluate true starting with the listed time, and ending just before
the end time. So, a time band from 02:00:00 to 09:00:00 evaluates true from 02:00:00
to 08:59:59.

In any evaluation, only one time band can be selected. Usually, time bands are used
for a sunset to bedtime timeframe, or to determine whether it there is light outside
(sunrise-sunset). Also, time bands cannot cross the midnight threshhold. They must
run from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. This might seem like a problem, since the dark hours
(when lights would be used) will cross the midnight threshhold frequently, but it is

- The VALID IN button indicates the time band will evaluate true between the
times listed in the timeband. So, 05:00:00 to 19:00:00 would evaluate true from
05:00:00AM until 18:59:59PM.

- The VALID OUT button indicates the time band will evaluate true outside of the
time band. So, 05:00:00 to 19:00:00 would evaluate true from 00:00 until
04:59:59, and 19:00 until 23:59:59.

Here are some examples of how to use this:

- Is it dark outside? Use a time band from sunrise to sunset, and click VALID

- Is it between sunset and 2 AM? Use a time band from 02:00:00 to Sunset, and
click VALID OUT.

- A true evaluation from sunset to 11 PM: Make a time band from sunset to
23:00:00 and click VALID IN.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 47

To create a time band, click on EDIT BANDS in the lower right of the TIME OF DAY
column (see figure 8-4). In the pop-up window (see figure 8-5), highlight the time band
you would like to edit. The two right columns adjust times for the start and end times.
SUNRISE and SUNSET buttons will insert the variable times, and OTHER will pop a
keyboard for entering a specific hour/minute time. Click CLOSE when done
configuring the time bands.

Figure 8-5 – The Conditional Summary

In the main TRIGGERS &

AUTOMATION screen, the
conditionals for each line are
summarized in the top line. The
Figure 8-6
system attempts to show you the
evaluations that are requested in
text form, allowing you to scan your list quickly (figure 8-6).

8.1.5 – Adding Events

If a conditional evaluates true, the command associated with it will be executed.

Clicking on the EVENT EDIT button will pop up an editor for the selected event in the
right column, providing the tools to create a command. Once the command is created,
the command is displayed in the bottom line of the event. For third party
programmers, this is a great way to learn the syntax of the system.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

48 Artemis Owners Manual – Delay Groups

If no delay is desired, leave this blank.
If one has been entered, you can clear it When delays are being used at
by entering a value of 0 (zero) in the various points in the system, it may
delay fields. be easiest to assign a delay group
number per room. CancelDelay
Artemis provides a delay buffer, which commands can then be sent any time
can be used for timers or event a new command is issued in that
sequences. Artemis can hold a room.
command for a given number of
seconds. Delayed commands can be assigned to a delay group, making it easy to
cancel the delayed commands later on.

For example, assume the front yard can have a timer set for guests to exit when you
double-tap a light button (figure 8-7 and 8-8). The system could be set up to cancel the
delay when the light is manually turned off. This way, the first exit timer doesn’t keep
ticking away, and shortening the light for the next guest to leave.

Figure 8-7

The DELAY TIME and DELAY GROUP fields are only for creating delays. Cancelling
delays are done in the next section. – Configuring the Command

The TARGET, NUMBER and STATE sections (figure 8-7) all work together to form a
command. Simply select what type of command you want to issue (such as an
INSTEON SCENE), a number (the SCENE number), and the STATE (like ON, RAISE ONLY

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 49

or TOGGLE). Artemis will blank out the buttons that are not valid in the command

Figure 8-8

Most combinations in the list are self-exlanatory (figure 8-8), but here are some
examples of commands that are not obvious:

- DELAY CANCEL will stop any commands in Artemis’s delay buffer. Enter the
delay group number in the NUMBER column (towards the center of the page),
not the DELAY GROUP (towards the left of the page).

(or all lights in the scene) to full level instantly. The ramp rates and on-levels
are ignored. This is usually used for emergency or panic scenes, perhaps when
the security alarm goes off.

- INSTEON SCENE RAISE ONLY and LOWER ONLY look at the current level of each
light in the scene before adjusting them. RAISE ONLY means the system will
only adjust the lights up to the scene level – it will not lower them. LOWER

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

50 Artemis Owners Manual

ONLY is the opposite, only lowering the lights to a certain level, but not raising

RAISE ONLY is helpful for scenes at sunset, ensuring a minimal light level is
maintained when it gets dark out.

LOWER ONLY is helpful in the “Good Night” scene. All rooms could go to off,
but the bedrooms could be lowered to nightlight level. If the bedrooms were
off, the lights would not be raised to nightlight.

- INSTEON LIGHT offers FLASH, which will blink the light once. This is helpful as
visual feedback that the system has received a command. For instance, if an
exit timer is only set for the front yard on a button double-tap, the system
might blink the light to confirm the timer was set.

- MACRO tells the system to fire another TRIGGER. When the same event
sequence will be used in multiple locations (such as a “GoodBye” sequence
trigged from a keypad by the front door and garage), the actions can be placed
in a General Macro which can be fired from both locations. Then, any changes
made in the General Macro will apply to all buttons that feed it.

8.2 – System Configuration Screen

The entire left side of this screen is filled with status information about your system.
This information is designed for programmers of third party systems and technical

8.2.1 – System Configuration, Left Column Readouts

Much of the information in this screen is intended for documentation. Simply take a
screen shot of this page when you’re done with the system, and you will have
documented many of the critical settings.

An easy way to take a screenshot in Windows is to press CTRL-PRINT SCREEN. That

places a picture of your desktop on the clipboard. Then, go to the picture editing
program of your choice, paste the data to a picture and save it. If you don’t have a
graphic editor, you can use Microsoft Paint (built-in to Windows) which can be found at

The top section lists the last IP settings that were made to the system. This
information will update the moment any changes are made to the set-up in the Telnet
window, but the processor will not act on this information until it has rebooted.

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Artemis Owners Manual 51

The middle section lists information about your processor, including the serial
number, the software revision, and all the programming addresses.

The PROC CYCLE stat (middle of the column) is a helpful gauge if Artemis is being
added to an existing AMX processor. This indicates how much of a load your
processor is experiencing. The number on the right indicates the “fastest” it has gone,
and the left number indicates the stat for the last second. For Artemis running by
itself on an NI700, the number usually hovers around 12-14. If this number drops
below 8 or 10 when the system is relatively idle, you might want to consider leaving
Artemis on a dedicated processor.

The bottom group shows the model, address and firmware of the SmartLabs PLM. We
recommend firmware version 52 or better.

8.2.2 – System Configuration, Calculating Sunrise and Sunset

Figure 8-9

Artemis can calculate sunrise and sunset events, simply by knowing your location on
the planet and your time zone. This is really easy to find with the Internet.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

52 Artemis Owners Manual

Enter your longitude (don’t forget the minus sign) and latitude in the fields provided
(see figure 8-9), your Time Zone data and your sunrise and sunset calculations will be
made. If you are in a valley, it may get darker sooner. If you are on a hill, it may get
darker later. If you have lots of trees, it may get darker sooner. The “shift” field
allows you to adjust the actual time used for sunset by offsetting the time for these
local situations.

For the Time Zone, just click on the zone that applies (figure 8-9). Presets have been
provided for all zones in the USA, and for Daylight Savings Time Setting. Choose +1
hour for DST in the summer and +0 for Standard Time in the winter. Artemis does not
currently adjust the clock by itself, which means sunrise and sunset events will remain
correct. Time-Of-Day events will slide 1 hour until you adjust the clock and daylight
savings setting. Finding your Longitude and Latitude Using

Using (figure 8-10), look up the address of the home. If it isn’t
found, pick a neighboring street, or even just the city/state. Being off a few miles
won’t affect the Sunrise/Sunset more than a minute.

Figure 8-10

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Artemis Owners Manual 53

In the example in figure 8-10, I searched for our hometown of Fullerton, CA.


Once you get the map, type the above line into the URL line of your web browser (that’s
where you’ll usually type the web site you want to go to). You’ll probably want to save
this in a text file, so you don’t have to type the whole thing every time. A pop-up
window will appear with the longitude and latitude of the map’s center. Finding your Longitude and Latitude Using

Using, the longitude and latitude appear in the URL itself. Again
searching for my hometown of Fullerton, CA I got a location of:,%20ca&trf=0

The longitude and latitude are listed towards the end of the URL, as

lon=-117.929134 indicates the Longitude

lat=33.870558 indicates the Latitude

8.2.3 – System Configuration, Support Log In

South Coast Logic has developed a Remote Support Server that allows dealers to
control Artemis remotely without altering the client’s network. This maintains the
security of the client network.

The contact data for the dealer’s Remote Support Server will need to be provided by
the dealer doing support. Once this link is made, the remote technicians can use this
for making changes of any kind, from clock changes, modifying scenes, or updating
the code as new features come along.

For dealers looking for information on obtaining a Remote Support Server, please
contact South Coast Logic directly at

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54 Artemis Owners Manual

8.3 –Scene Link Management

Figure 8-11

The Scene Link Management screen (figure 8-11) offers access to several routines that
can automate scene writing and data management.

Whenever scenes are written to dimmers, Artemis needs to scan the dimmers. In order
to speed the process, Artemis remembers all the links it saw in the dimmers in the
past. So, the first time it writes a scene, it may take a while to scan the dimmers. After
that, Artemis use what it learned in previous scans, and updates are quick. This
memory will be lost when Artemis is rebooted, or when power is lost.

If you have an Artemis Remote Support Server, you might use that to trigger a scan
before you leave for the client’s residence, so the system is up-to-date when you arrive.

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Artemis Owners Manual 55

8.3.1 - Rescan Dimmers (One or All)

Rescan commands tell Artemis to forget what it knows about a particular dimmer, and
rescan it. This is useful when a dimmer has been swapped out, or programmed with a
separate device. (Artemis is designed to reject programming from other systems.)

Commands are available to rescan all dimmers, or just a single one for handling spot-

8.3.2 – Purge All Scenes

This will make sure all dimmers appear to be scanned, then eliminate group links in all
dimmers that are not part of the Artemis programming.

8.3.3 – Write All Scenes

WRITE ALL SCENES will scan all dimmers, purge the links that do not belong, and write
out all the links that should be present. This is referred to as the MAGIC “FIX-IT”
BUTTON, because it does resolve the vast majority of dimmer programming issues.

For a total flush of the system, we recommend RESCAN ALL DIMMERS, then WRITE ALL
SCENES. You don’t have to wait for RESCAN ALL DIMMERS to finish before clicking on
WRITE ALL SCENES. When that is done, the only problems you’ll need to look for are
INSTEON devices with X10 Addresses and reboot the dimmers (using the pull tabs at
the bottom, unplugging LampLincs, or simply cutting the breakers).

8.3.4 – Clear Buffers

CLEAR BUFFERS will clear all commands and routines from the buffers. Usually, this
will be used if you want to stop an automated routine (like WRITE ALL SCENES) before
it finishes.

8.3.5 – Clear Dimmer Slot

CLEAR DIMMER SLOT is a shortcut for eliminating a dimmer from the system. This
should not be used to swap a dimmer – this eliminates it all together. It will clear
the information for the dimmer slot, remove it from Mirror Links, and remove it from
any Scenes in which it is participating. Press PURGE ALL SCENES to remove the
programming from the dimmers themselves.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

56 Artemis Owners Manual

8.3.6 – Load File (Revert)

LOAD FILE will re-read the Artemis set-up information from the non-volatile memory.
If you make a few changes and want to eliminate them, this is the best way to do it.
This will take you all the way back to your last save, or the last Auto-Save.

8.3.7 – Memory Examiner

MEMORY EXAMINER (figure 8-12) is a debugging tool for advanced technicians. It

shows the scanned link information for each dimmer byte-by-byte. It offers some
fields with descriptions that help make sense of what is there, if it can determine the
scene and the source trigger.

Figure 8-12

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Artemis Owners Manual 57

8.4 – Very Advanced

By the name of the page, these features are not for the faint of heart. These tools
(figure 8-13) are for third party programmers and advanced support personnel. It will
help examine the data that comes in and out of the system.

Figure 8-13

To view these messages, you need to Telnet into the Artemis processor. Once inside,
type msg on and press ENTER.

8.4.1 – Debug PLM

DEBUG PLM shows all commands that are sent from Artemis to a third party control
system, whether connected to the serial port, telnet port, or AMX virtual PLM. This is a
great way for programmers to see what strings are coming out of Artemis without
having to build their own debug window.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

58 Artemis Owners Manual

Programmers need to keep in mind we are not showing the carriage return and line
feed (0x0D 0x0A) that are appended to the end of each string sent to the telnet
interface and serial port. AMX programmers using the virtual PLM will not receive the
delimiter, since the internal event handlers automatically separate individual strings
into events for you.

8.4.2 – Debug Buffer and Debug Parse Str (South Coast Logic Programmers Only)

DEBUG BUFFER shows all data as it comes in from the PLM. This will show the string in
two lines, with ASCI representation on top, and the hex representation below. This
should be left for South Coast Logic programmers, only.

DEBUG PARSE STR is a similar command, showing the buffer in processed chunks,
rather than random data chunks.

8.4.3 – Show Raw TX/Rx

SHOW RAW TX/RX is helpful if you want to use Artemis as a bridge to the INSTEON
network for other devices, as well. It will use the Artemis handlers to identify and
report raw INSTEON strings, saving the third party programmer from having to
recreate it all. This will pick the data after Artemis has identified the strings are
Insteon or X10 strings, saving you the work.

For programmers doing this, we recommend using the complementing InsteonSend1=

and InsteonSend2= commands to transmit raw data through the system. These allow
you to add raw INSTEON commands to the primary or secondary buffers. See the
Advanced codes appendix at the end of this manual.

8.4.4 – Debug Routines (South Coast Logic Programmers Only)

This is used for debugging automated routines. It will dump a lot of data into the
telnet window, so you should leave this off unless you are looking for a problem.

8.4.5 – Debug Msg Delete

Artemis optimizes the system by eliminating duplicated or conflicting commands. For

example, if someone presses the ON button for the same dimmer three times before
the command gets out, Artemis will skip the oldest ones. If DEBUG MSG DELETE is on,
a message will be sent indicating an extra message has been eliminated for efficiency.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 59

9) External Control
9.1 – Linking Other Control Systems
External control is available for systems integrators who want to connect Artemis to
separate control systems such as AMX, Crestron, RTI, Universal Remote, and other
systems. This feature requires extensive knowledge of set-up and programming on
those external control systems, and as such, technical support on this is limited to
professional installers/programmers in the AV and lighting industry.

The system can be controlled in four ways:

- An IR Sensor can be connected to the IR-RX port, offering up to 255 unique

codes that can be assigned in the web utility screen. Call the manufacturer of
your IR remote to see if they can learn and transmit AMX IR codes, or contact
AMX or an AMX dealer to obtain an IR remote such as the TXC-24IR.

- An RS232 connection can be made from the external controller to Artemis,

allowing bi-directional control using standard ASCI text with carriage return –
line feed as a delimiter. Feedback strings are sent when changes occur – there is
no need to poll the controller repeatedly.

- A Telnet connection can be made from the external controller to Artemis, using
the same ASCI text protocol on the RS232 connection. If you ever need to
switch formats to free up a port, you can do it. Feedback strings are sent when
changes occur – there is no need to poll the controller repeatedly.

- For linking to AMX control systems, control can be accessed Master-to-Master

since Artemis runs on a small AMX controller. In this case, the entire ASCI text
protocol provided in RS232 and Telnet is still available, and you can take
advantage of channels and levels for direct feedback on many functions.

In this section, you will find details for making the connection using each method.
Next, the ASCI Text strings for RS232, Telnet and Master-to-Master connections are
detailed… as well as the internal channel commands for Master-to-Master.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

60 Artemis Owners Manual

9.1.1 – IR Control

The AMX NI700 can receive any of AMX’s 255 IR codes. Connect an IR eye to the IR-RX
port on the back of the NI700, as shown in Section 3.1.3. Then, set up macro events in

The Trigger should be set to “Rx IR CODE”. The conditions can include the IR codes, so
you can put everything in one trigger, if you like.

If you aren’t sure which IR code is being sent from your remote, you can turn on the
debugger. Artemis reports the IR codes in the serial interface, which can be displayed
in the telnet window. To do this:

1) Telnet in to your master, and type msg on.

- On a Windows machine, go to the START menu and select RUN.

- Type telnet, a space, and the ip address of your NI700.
- When the telnet window opens, type msg on and press ENTER.

2) Go to UTILITIES > VERY ADVANCED and turn on DEBUG PLM. You will now see any
messages that come out of the AMX Master. When you transmit an AMX IR code, you
should see commands like IRRxPush=3 and IRRxRelease=3. The number after the
equal sign is the IR code number that you are transmitting.

If you don’t see these messages, then either the IR codes aren’t AMX codes, the IR eye
isn’t hooked up correctly, or there is something interfering with the IR codes.

9.1.2 – Serial (RS232) Interface

Capitalization does matter on the commands, so pay close attention to that. In the
ASCI Command descriptions that follow, the delimiter will be omitted for brevity.

The first serial port on the Artemis system is for the INSTEON PLM. The second one
can be used for optional external control. The default settings are:

Baud Rate: 9600 Pin 2: Data Rx

Parity: None Pin 3: Data Tx
Data Bits: 8 Pin 5: Ground
Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: None

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 61

The Commands use a delimiter of a Carriage Return and Line Feed (0x0D 0x0A in
hexadecimal, 13 10 in decimal) shown as <CR> <LF> below. So, a test command to
turn on the first INSTEON dimmer or the first X10 address on would be:


InsteonLightOn=1 <CR><LF>
X10LightOn=A1 <CR><LF>

Capitalization matters on the commands, so pay close attention to that. In the ASCI
Command descriptions that follow, the delimiter will be omitted for brevity.

9.1.3 – Telnet Interface

You can also connect to Artemis over Telnet. (Artemis will act as the Telnet server.)
The default port is 100, but you can adjust this in the Web Utility Screen.

For instructions on assigning an IP address to Artemis, refer to Section 3.2. Once you
have been able to log in to the master with a web browser, you can verify the web
server is running by using the telnet application on your computer to log in.

There is only one control telnet server running on the Artemis master at a time. If your
control system is logged in, your computer will not be able to make a connection.

Capitalization matters on the commands, so pay close attention to that. In the ASCI
Command descriptions that follow, the delimiter will be omitted for brevity.

9.1.4 – AMX Master-To-Master

Artemis is a NetLinx program running on an AMX master. All AMX functions (FTP
server, etc) are available – including master-to-master connections. As such, all
standard Master-to-Master concepts apply. Please contact an AMX ACE Certified
Installer or Programmer for assistance with Master-to-Master connections.

See Section 9.3 for sample AMX code.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

62 Artemis Owners Manual

9.2 – ASCI Commands

9.2.1 – Serial Interface, Standard Commands

Summary of commands in this section:


DelayCancel=<GROUP # TO CANCEL>
InsteonLightFastOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonLightFastOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonLightFlash=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonLightLevel=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<LIGHT LEVEL 0-255>
InsteonLightOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonLightOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonLightRamp=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<+|-|S>
InsteonLightToggle=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonSceneLowerOnly=<SCENE #>
InsteonSceneRaiseOnly=<SCENE #>
InsteonSceneOff=<SCENE #>
InsteonSceneOn=<SCENE #>
InsteonSceneRamp=<SCENE #>,<+|-|S>
InsteonSceneToggle=<SCENE #>
InsteonSceneFastOn=<SCENE #>
InsteonSceneFastOff=<SCENE #>
ProgrammerChannel=<STARTING CHANNEL 1-255>,<1|0|X FOR STATES>
TriggerEvent=<EVENT #>
X10AllLightsOff=<X10 HOUSE CODE>
X10AllLightsOn=<X10 HOUSE CODE>
X10AllUnitsOff=<X10 HOUSE CODE>
X10LightOff=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightOn=<X10 ADDRESS>

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Artemis Owners Manual 63

X10LightPresetHigh=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightPresetLow=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightRamp=<X10 ADDRESS>,<+|-|S>
X10LightToggle=<X10 ADDRESS>


Instructs lighting system to execute a command for a specific number of seconds.

This is used for basic sequencing of events or timer-related events. The group
number gives you a flag that you can use with the DelayCancel command later, if
you need to stop an action. The group number will likely be associated with a
lighting zone, allowing new commands to cancel aging sequences.

Example 1:


Supposed scene 37 turns on the lights in the front yard. The above sequence would
turn the front yard lights on, and automatically turn them off after 900 seconds (15

Example 2:


This creates an easy way to use two scenes to create intermediate lighting levels for
a lighting adjustment.

In a dedicated theater, you can create a “Take Your Seats” intermediate lighting
scene, wait 10 seconds, then lower the rest of the way to an optimum viewing level.

In larger rooms, sometimes short exit lighting level is helpful, allowing someone to
exit the room before turning the lights off completely. The intermediate lighting
scene acts as confirmation that the room off command is executing, and as a safety

Intermediate lighting scenes are often preferable to a long dim time, since it can be
difficult for the homeowner to discern when a slow dim has begun. Also, the useful
“exit time” on a long fade really depends on the starting position of the lights,

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

64 Artemis Owners Manual

whereas the intermediate lighting level can hold a safe lighting level for the
required time, every time.

DelayCancel=<GROUP # TO CANCEL>

Searches commands that are currently buffered by the Delay command. This
requires a group number from 1-255 to have been assigned in the Delay command.
(Delay group 0 cannot be terminated.)


If you sent the Delay command above, the DelayCancel command above would
cancel the command (if it were still in the buffer).

InsteonLightFastOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>

InsteonLightFastOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>

These turn the light instantly on to full intensity (255) or instantly off.


The above command instantly turns the dimmer in slot #25 to full intensity (255).

InsteonLightFlash=<LIGHT SLOT #>

This will blink the light one time. If the light is at 50% intensity or more, the light
will turn off instantly and return to its previous level. If the light was below 50%
intensity, it will flash on instantly and return to its previous level.

This command is useful during set-up, to identify lights quickly. It is also useful in
programming, as visual feedback that the system has received a command. For
instance, you could set the system up so that:

- Pushing the front porch light could turn the light on normally.


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Artemis Owners Manual 65

- Double-Tapping the front porch light ON button could turn the light on for 15
minutes. A flash command could be used on the light to indicate that a timer
has been set. Assuming the front porch is scene 37 and the front porch light is
in dimmer slot #5:

InsteonLightLevel=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<LIGHT LEVEL 0-255>

This sends a specific light to a specific light level. For instance:


The above command sends dimmer in slot #25 to full level.

NOTE: In most INSTEON dimmers, the dimmer will use the ramp rate of the last
scene… not the local ramp rate. As such, it is often easier to use scenes even for
basic light toggles.

InsteonLightOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>

InsteonLightOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>
InsteonLightToggle=<LIGHT SLOT #>

These turn the light on and off. The on level will be the dimmer’s local on level. If
this has not been scanned yet, this will default to the maximum level 255.

InsteonLightOn=25 Turn light 25 on to its on level

InsteonLightOff=25 Turn light 25 off
InsteonLightToggle=25 Toggle light 25

The toggle command turns OFF the dimmer in slot #25 if it is at any level except 0
(zero) and turns ON the dimmer in slot #25 to the local level and at the local ramp
rate if the dimmer is OFF.

NOTE A: In most INSTEON dimmers, the dimmer will use the ramp rate of the last
scene… not the local ramp rate. As such, it is often easier to use scenes even for
basic light toggles.

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66 Artemis Owners Manual

InsteonLightRamp=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<+|-|S>

This command instructs a specific dimmer to start ramping up, down, or stop
ramping. When the lighting finishes ramping, the controller will automatically poll
the level of the dimmer for you.

InsteonLightRamp=25,+ Starts raising dimmer 25

InsteonLightRamp=25,- Starts lowering dimmer 25
InsteonLightRamp=25,S Stops ramping dimmer 25

Be sure to stop ramping dimmers when you are done, or the ending light level will
not be scanned.

InsteonSceneLowerOnly=<Scene #>
InsteonSceneRaiseOnly=<Scene #>

These commands will individually analyze the light level of each dimmer involved
with a scene, and will only adjust the lights in one direction only. For example,
sending InsteonSceneRaiseOnly means the system will ensure all lights in that
scene are at least at the level of the specified scene. If the lights are at a higher
intensity, they are left alone. If the lights are lower, they will be raised.


Dimmer Starting Levels: 147 50 0 255

Specified Scene Levels: 60 60 60 140
Dimmer Ending Levels: 60 50 0 140

If the lighting design calls for lights to automatically turn lights off in several
rooms at night, you might use this to trigger as an intermediate scene to warn
anyone in the room that the lights will be going off in a few minutes. Example:


If this was to run at sundown, the above sequence would dim the lights in the room
to scene 54, and turn the lights off in that room 2 minutes later.

NOTE: If all dimmers in the scene need to be adjusted, the scene command will be
sent. If only some dimmers need to be adjusted, the dimmers will be adjusted

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Artemis Owners Manual 67

individually, which takes more time. You may need to consider that if you use this
command in tightly timed sequences.


Dimmer Starting Levels: 147 50 0 255

Specified Scene Levels: 60 60 60 140
Dimmer Ending Levels: 147 60 60 255

If the lighting design calls for minimal lights to turn on at sundown, this would be a
useful command. If someone is in a room with the lights on bright, using this
command would prevent the sundown event from dimming the lights in the room.
It would only raise them, if needed. Example:


NOTE: If all dimmers in the scene need to be adjusted, the scene command will be
sent. If only some dimmers need to be adjusted, the dimmers will be adjusted
individually, which takes more time. You may need to consider that if you use this
command in tightly timed sequences.

InsteonSceneOff=<Scene #>
InsteonSceneOn=<Scene #>
InsteonSceneToggle=<Scene #>

Sends a scene on or scene off command. The system will automatically send the
command, and INSTEON follow-up commands to each dimmer to ensure the scene
command was received.

InsteonSceneOn=54 Send scene 54 on

InsteonSceneOff=54 Send scene 54 off

The scene number always refers to the scene number when sent from the PLM, which
is the number you see in the web set-up utility.

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InsteonSceneFastOff=<Scene #>
InsteonSceneFastOn=<Scene #>

Turns all dimmers in the scene instantly on to full intensity (255) or instantly off.


The above command instantly turns all dimmers in scene 25 to full intensity (255).

ProgrammerChannel=<STARTING CHANNEL 1-255>,<1|0|X FOR STATES>

The buttons on SmartLab’s KeypadLinc can light up to show feedback. Artemis can
set each button to its own feedback assignment. One feedback option is externally
controlled feedback channels. If the programmer combines this feature with the
ability to trap messages InsteonButtonTapOn, the result is the ability to receive
button presses, and light up the buttons as desired.

For example, a keypad for a back patio might use 2 buttons for light scenes through
Artemis, and use the remaining 4 buttons for volume control and AV source
selection. Other ideas for buttons could be to control shades, spa controls, water
misters, or many other devices.

The ProgrammerChannel command allows you to change as many channels as you

wish with one command. You can start in the middle of the list, allowing the
commands to be minimal in length. For example, if you use channels 24-27 to
show the AV selection for the patio you could make sure only the third button
lights up by sending:


This indicates you wanted to start at 24, and set the channels off, off, on, off. You
can also skip channels with an X, if desired. For example:


This turns channel 81 and 85 on, 82 and 84 off, and leaves 83 unchanged.

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TriggerEvent=<EVENT #>

TriggerEvent allows external triggering of any macros set-up in Artemis. This

allows subtle changes to the macro events later on, without requiring the
programmer to be involved.

This command will be subject to the evaluations in the macro. As such, the
command may not yield any results. For instance, if this command is sent at 2 PM
and the macro only allows events between sunset and 2 AM, the conditional will
obliterate the command.

X10AllLightsOff=<X10 HOUSE CODE>

X10AllLightsOn=<X10 HOUSE CODE>
X10AllUnitsOff=<X10 HOUSE CODE>
X10LightOff=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightOn=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightPresetHigh=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightPresetLow=<X10 ADDRESS>
X10LightRamp=<X10 ADDRESS>,<+|-|S>
X10LightToggle=<X10 ADDRESS>

These commands instruct Artemis to send the associated X10 command. They use
the same syntax their INSTEON counterparts use.

9.2.2 – Serial Interface, Standard Replies and Status Reports

Summary of responses in this section:

InsteonButtonDoubleTapOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonTapOn==<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonTapOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

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70 Artemis Owners Manual

InsteonButtonHoldOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

InsteonButtonHoldOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonRelease=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonLightLevel=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<LIGHT LEVEL 0-255>
InsteonScenes=<231 bytes of 0|1|N|X for off,on,neither,not used>
TriggerEvent=<EVENT #>
X10Status=<ADDRESS INDEX: 17>,<ADDRESS TEXT: B1>,<On|Off>

InsteonButtonDoubleTapOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

InsteonButtonDoubleTapOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonTapOn==<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonTapOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

These reports are automatically generated on any INSTEON button that has been
linked to the PLM used by Artemis. This means the button has been linked to the
PLM – linking the PLM to the button (reverse direction) will not work.

These commands are not direct reports from the INSTEON network – they are the
result of logical filters built in to Artemis to maximize speed, reliability, and
prevent double reports of the same button. Here’s why:

The INSTEON devices transmit a group broadcast (unverified) and then follow up
with each individual dimmer (verified). The logical filters in Artemis will try to
match the follow-up with a group command. This gives you the speed of acting on
the group command, but the reliability of acting on the follow-up if the group
broadcast didn’t make it through the network.

NOTE: Tap and Double Tap status will not be followed with a Release status.

InsteonButtonHoldOn=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

InsteonButtonHoldOff=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonRelease=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

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Artemis Owners Manual 71

These reports are automatically generated on any INSTEON button that has been
linked to the PLM used by Artemis. This means the button has been linked to the
PLM – linking the PLM to the button (reverse direction) will not work.

These commands are direct reports from the INSTEON network. Since most
INSTEON devices only issue these commands as group broadcasts (and do follow-
up with clean-up commands), these are more susceptible to interference on the
network. Outside of lighting, we only recommend using hold as a target command,
not a ramping command.

NOTE: Tap and Double Tap status will not be followed with a Release status.

InsteonLightLevel=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<LIGHT LEVEL 0-255>

This report is automatically generated whenever the lighting level is adjusted or

polled. This includes commands that adjust the dimmer directly, through a scene,
or even when you press the dimmer or remote button (if the dimmer or remote is
linked to the PLM).

InsteonScenes=<231 bytes of 0|1|N|X for off,on,neither,not used>

This report is automatically generated whenever lighting levels change, or when

requested with InsteonScenes?. (See 9.2.3 Serial Interface, Standard Queries.)

The string will generate status for all scenes 1-231. (Scenes 232-255 are reserved
for the system.)

1: Indicates all dimmers in the scene are at the scene level.

0: Indicates all dimmers in the scene are fully off.
N: Indicates at least one dimmer in the scene is on, and not at the scene level.
X: Indicates the scene is not in use (no dimmers are assigned to this scene).

The resulting string can look something like this:

InsteonScenes=1NNNN0XX0000000XXXNNNN1XXXXX (to 231 scene digits)

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TriggerEvent=<EVENT #>

This report is automatically generated whenever a pre-programmed event is

triggered. These events are typically time-of-day, sunrise/sunset, or when external
buttons/addresses are fired.

NOTE: This report is issued before any conditionals in the event are evaluated. As
such, this report does not indicate any lighting events were sent – the conditions in
the event may result in no action. This merely indicates the evaluations are


Indicates an X10 command was received by Artemis. The first parameter is the
address index from 1-256. (A1=1, A16=16, B1=17, etc.) The next parameter is the
address in traditional X10 form like B6. The last part is the received command,
which can be any of the following:

On, Off, PresetBright, PresetDim, RampBright, RampDim, StatusOn, StatusOff,

HailAck, StatusRequest, HailRequest, AllLightsOn, AllLightsOff, AllUnitsOff

Example Syntax:

RxX10=17, B5, PresetDim


Reports the status of an X10 channel. Syntax is similar to RxX10 above, but only
returns ON or OFF. (The status follows the rules assigned in the web GUI.)

X10Status=<ADDRESS INDEX: 17>,<ADDRESS TEXT: B1>,<On|Off>

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9.2.3 – Serial Interface, Standard Queries

Summary of responses in this section:

InsteonLightLevel?<LIGHT SLOT #>,<Last|Query>

X10Status?<ADDRESS INDEX #>,<Last|Query>

InsteonLightLevel?<All|LIGHT SLOT #>,<Last|Query>

Returns the light intensity of the dimmer. If you flag the command as “Last”, you
will get the last known state of the dimmer – Artemis will not poll the dimmer
again. Otherwise, Artemis will go on the INSTEON network to poll the dimmer
again, and report the response. Examples:

InsteonLightLevel?All,Last Last known state of all dimmers

InsteonLightLevel?18,Query Polls dimmer 18
InsteonLightLevel?18 Polls dimmer 18 as well


Generates the InsteonScenes reply, as shown in Section 9.2.2.


Generates the InsteonScenes update, and follows with the status of every
INSTEON light and X10 address in use. This synchronizes the external control
system when it first boots up, assuming Artemis has not lost power.

Each status update will be spaced with approximately 20-200 msec between strings,
preventing the series of commands from overwhelming the control system buffers.

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74 Artemis Owners Manual

X10Status?<ADDRESS: 1-256 or B6 or All>,<Last|Query>

The X10 address can be issued as a number 1-256, or in traditional X10 form like
B6. As with the query for INSTEON lights, you can query the last known state or
force a query from the end device.

X10Status?All,Last Last known state of all devices

X10Status?A6,Query Queries A6
X10Status?27,Last Last known state of D3

It should be noted that query commands will only be sent if queries are marked as
a valid command in the web GUI.

9.3 – Sample AMX Programming

Assuming you ordered the hardware from South Coast Logic, the addresses below will
apply. vdvPLM is used as the interface for ASCI text commands:

vdvPLM = 33001: 1:100 // used for ASCI Text Interface

The group below will use channels to feed commands in, and offer feedback. The
dimmer number or scene number will represent the channel on that port. (We have an
example following these sections.)

vdvInsteonPort01 = 33002: 1:100 // Dimmer Toggle, Dimmer Levels

vdvInsteonPort02 = 33002: 2:100 // Dimmer Discrete On
vdvInsteonPort03 = 33002: 3:100 // Dimmer Discrete Off
vdvInsteonPort04 = 33002: 4:100 // Dimmer Fast On
vdvInsteonPort05 = 33002: 5:100 // Dimmer Fast Off
vdvInsteonPort06 = 33002: 6:100 // Dimmer Ramp Up
vdvInsteonPort07 = 33002: 7:100 // Dimmer Ramp Dn
vdvInsteonPort08 = 33002: 8:100 // Dimmer Poll Light Intensity
vdvInsteonPort09 = 33002: 9:100 // Dimmer Poll Device ID
vdvInsteonPort10 = 33002:10:100 // Status Report – Dimmer On
vdvInsteonPort11 = 33002:11:100 // Scene Toggle

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vdvInsteonPort12 = 33002:12:100 // Scene On

vdvInsteonPort13 = 33002:13:100 // Scene Off
vdvInsteonPort14 = 33002:14:100 // Scene Fast On
vdvInsteonPort15 = 33002:15:100 // Scene Fast Off
vdvInsteonPort16 = 33002:16:100 // Scene Ramp Bright
vdvInsteonPort17 = 33002:17:100 // Scene Ramp Dim
vdvInsteonPort18 = 33002:18:100 // Status Report – Scene On
vdvInsteonPort19 = 33002:19:100 // Status Report – Scene Off
vdvInsteonPort20 = 33002:20:100 // Status Report – Tx LED
vdvInsteonPort21 = 33002:21:100 // Status Report – Rx LED
vdvInsteonPort22 = 33002:22:100 // Feedback Channels for Keypads

vdvX10Port01 = 33003: 1:100 // Device Toggle

vdvX10Port02 = 33003: 2:100 // Device Discrete On
vdvX10Port03 = 33003: 3:100 // Device Discrete Off
vdvX10Port04 = 33003: 4:100 // Dimmer Preset High
vdvX10Port05 = 33003: 5:100 // Dimmer Preset Low
vdvX10Port06 = 33003: 6:100 // Dimmer Ramp Up
vdvX10Port07 = 33003: 7:100 // Dimmer Ramp Dn
vdvX10Port08 = 33003: 8:100 // Poll Device Status
vdvX10Port09 = 33003: 9:100 // Hail Device
vdvX10Port10 = 33003:10:100 // Status Report - Device On
vdvX10Port11 = 33003:11:100 // Status Report – Device Off
vdvX10Port12 = 33003:12:100 // Status Report – Preset High
vdvX10Port13 = 33003:13:100 // Status Report – Preset Low
vdvX10Port14 = 33003:14:100 // Status Report – Tx LED
vdvX10Port15 = 33003:15:100 // Status Report – Rx LED

Using Master-To-Master can simplify the command interface, allowing sections to be

written very quickly and reliably. You can use our UI module, which already provides
significant functionality. However, if you just want to add a few commands to your
existing program, here are a few simplified examples.

If you want to use button 23 on the touch panel to turn on scene 40:

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

76 Artemis Owners Manual

{ // port 12 issues scene on commands
// port 18 represents the status of scenes that are on.
[dvTP,23] = [vdvInsteonPort18,40]

If you want to use button 50 on the touch panel to toggle dimmer 87:
{ // port 1 toggles the dimmer
// port 10 represents the status of dimmers that are on.
[dvTP,50] = [vdvInsteonPort18,10]

If you want to use an active bargraph (level number 28 and button number 28) to
display levels and allow adjustments of dimmer 35, here’s a simple block to do it:
// levels on port 1 show the light intensity level of all dimmers
CREATE_LEVEL vdvInsteonPort01,35,nCurLevel
CREATE_LEVEL dvTP,28,nWantLevel


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Artemis Owners Manual 77

{ SEND_COMMAND vdvPLM,”’InsteonLightLevel=35,’,ITOA(nWantLvl)”
{ SEND_LEVEL dvTP,28,nCurLevel

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

78 Artemis Owners Manual

10) Troubleshooting Guide

10.1 – Known Issues and Workarounds:
Below are the known issues and the work-arounds for them. These were current at the
writing of this manual in October, 2007.

10.1.1 – Known Issue: On-Screen Keyboard

When you click OK or CANCEL to close the keyboard on the web GUI, the keyboard
often seems to remain on the screen. If you click CANCEL, the keyboard will go away.
(The second click is on an exact copy of the G3 keyboard that appeared underneath the
first one.) AMX has been notified of the issue.

To get past the second keyboard, it is recommended that you click CANCEL because
the second keyboard is returning a value to the program, and may alter your data.

10.1.2 – Known Issue: KeypadLinc Buttons 2-8 Won’t Trigger Its Own Dimmer

There is currently an issue where the KeypadLinc (firmware 27) cannot be remotely
programmed to trigger its internal dimmer from buttons 2-8. SmartLabs is aware of
this issue. Here are some work-arounds:

Option 1: You can make the link between the scene button and internal dimmer
manually. However, you cannot adjust the on-level and ramp rate per-button on
the KeypadLinc.

Option 2: Do not assign the scene to the KeypadLinc INSTEON SCENES > CONFIG
REMOTES. Go to UTILITIES > TRIGGERS & AUTOMATION. Here’s the difference:

- CONFIG REMOTES programs each dimmer on the INSTEON network to respond

to the button press in the KeypadLinc.

- TRIGGERS & AUTOMATION does not program each dimmer to respond to the
KeypadLinc button. Rather, the KeypadLinc button press is a trigger in
Artemis to retransmit the scene. (The dimmers are always programmed to
respond to Artemis’s PLM.)

The second approach may induce a slight delay (less than a second in most cases), but
it will result it all dimmers in the scene reacting at the same time.

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10.1.3 – Known Issue: KeypadLinc Discrete Codes Keep Changing

KeypadLinc has a feature that allows you to set the buttons to transmit discrete codes.
(Meaning the button can always send On, or always send Off commands for any scene.)

In the current KeypadLinc firmware (27), it appears that the KeypadLinc buttons
cannot retain their preprogrammed states. The KeypadLinc buttons always transmits
the last received state they receive. When Artemis turns the light for the button on or
off, it also effectively changes the command that KeypadLinc will send.

The options to deal with this are:

Option 1: Do not assign the scene to the KeypadLinc using the controls in INSTEON
This will allow Artemis to convert the button press to a discrete code.

Option 2: In INSTEON DIMMERS > BEHAVIORS, set “Light Remote Button” to 0. (The
box will not show a value at that point.) This will turn off feedback rountines to
the KeypadLinc, thereby stopping the commands that change the KeypadLinc
button state. However, this will stop feedback for all buttons on the

10.1.4 – Known Issue: KeypadLinc Button Feedback Isn’t Right

During testing, we did see a KeypadLinc occasionally show the wrong feedback. This
problem occurred less than 5% of the time. We logged all communication with the
KeypadLinc, and found that the KeypadLinc reponded as if it had executed the
command to light up buttons, even if it did not do it. This was more likely to happen
when the INSTEON network was flooded with traffic.

Since the keypad was falsely reporting its status, Artemis cannot detect the problem.
To help minimize the problem, Artemis will transmit all KeypadLinc feedback 2 times –
the second pass is delayed from the first. The issue seems to have gone away with this
modification. We haven’t seen the problem since, but statistically it should be correct
at least 99.75% of the time, now.

If you experience a problem, just press a button on the KeypadLinc. Any button press
on a KeypadLinc will force a refresh of all lights on that KeypadLinc.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

80 Artemis Owners Manual

10.2 – Methods for Tracking Common Problems:

10.2.1 – An INSTEON Light Is Turning On/Off When it Should Not

With so many features in Artemis and in the INSTEON protocol, it is easy to make an
incorrect setting. This list is arranged in the order of easiest thing to check to the
most difficult thing:

Verify there is no X10 address assigned to the dimmer:

The dimmer may be responding to an X10 address, even if you erased it through
Artemis. When programmed remotely, the Local On Level, Ramp Rate, and X10
Address in INSTEON Devices will not take effect until the dimmer is rebooted.

To reboot a dimmer, cut power for approximately 10 seconds. External dimmers like
LampLinc and ApplianceLinc can be unplugged. The SET tab at the bottom of wall
dimmers can be pulled out to cut power. For devices buried in a crawlspace, it may be
easier to throw a breaker than to get up to the device.

When the device comes back up, re-scan the local memory in INSTEON DIMMERS >
LOCAL MEM and pressing SCAN on the far right for that dimmer. Wait for the buffer
to empty. If the dimmer shows “—“, then the address is empty.

Check the List of Scenes Assigned to the Dimmer:

Go to the UTILITIES > TRIGGERS & AUTOMATION. In the upper left, there is a button
that says REGENERATE for the WEB GUIDE WITH FRIENDLY NAMES. This will generate
a report in a web page on your processor - the address for the page will be listed right
next to it. Launch a web browser and pull up that report.

Half-way down the report will be a list of all scenes associated with each dimmer. This
is an easy way to see if you accidentally assigned the dimmer to a scene.

Check the Dimmer or Scene for an Extremely Long Ramp Rate:

If the ramp rate for a dimmer or LampLinc is set very slow (such as 8 minutes) to come
to full brightness, it can appear as though the light is not reponding at all if you are
unaware of this long ramp rate. Conversely, it can appear the light suddenly turned on
if you are absent from the room and come back 10 minutes later. A button push and
the light bright enough to be seen as ON can be separated by too much time. To set or
change the ramp rate for a device, see Section 5.2.3 and for a scene, see section 6.1.3.

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Artemis Owners Manual 81

10.2.2 – An INSTEON Light Is Not Turning On/Off When it Should, or

If a device works sometimes but not others, this is probably a communication problem
in the INSTEON network. This can be caused by temporary interference or enabling
action on your network. The best bet is to call SmartHome for assistance in solving
these electrical anomalies. However, before you do that, we have a few tricks you can
use to track the problem.

1) Electric motors (like fans or vacuum cleaners), stereo equipment, or microwave

ovens are examples of items that can create noise on the electrical line. You
may try to determine some pattern with these devices in locating areas where
the INSTEON signal needs strengthening.

2) Devices that use both phases of power like air conditioners or electric dryers
can create shorter pathways for the INSTEON signal only when they are on. (We
had this happen in one of our test homes – the kitchen and bedrooms would
only respond when the air conditioner was on.) If you notice a pattern of a
signal enabler like this, consider a phase coupler for X10 or RF repeater for
INSTEON to bridge the phases. That solved our problem.

10.2.3 – Artemis Is Not Sending INSTEON/X10 Commands

If the Web user interface is working but Artemis doesn’t seem to be sending anything,
there are a few things to check:

Step 1: Is Artemis sending commands to the PLM?

Locate the Tx light for Serial Port 1 on

the AMX NI700 (shown in figure 10-1).
If this LED blinks when you send a
command, go on to step 2.

Next, Telnet into the NI700. Type the

command msg on and press ENTER.
If the module is not authorized, Figure 10-1
this message will appear:

The Artemis module is not licensed for this master.

Please purchase a license for following ID Info:

The module from South Coast Logic will only run on one master – you cannot move the
code from one system to another.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

82 Artemis Owners Manual

If you purchased a complete system (including the NI700 processor) from an approved
South Coast Logic distributor, please contact South Coast Logic directly at A representative from South Coast Logic that is
capable of resolving this will contact you.

Please include the following 5 pieces of information:

1. The serial number of the master (the sticker is on the bottom) of the NI700.
2. The two lines of ID info that follow the message in the telnet window.
3. The distributor from whom you purchased the system.
4. If you altered the machine in any way (eg - firmware upgrade or code change).
5. A phone number and the time you will be available with this processor.

If possible, set this NI700 on a network so it will have access to the internet. We may
be able to diagnose and restore your software remotely.

Step 2: Is the PLM connected to the correct port?

Make sure the PLM is connected to

PORT 1 on the rear of the NI700 (see
figure 10-2).

Step 3: Reboot the PLM.

If everything else checks out, try

cutting power - unplug and replug Figure 10-2
the PLM to force it to reboot (cold start).

10.2.4 – Set-Up Web Page Won’t Load

If the set-up web page will not run from your computer, check:

1) You must use Internet Explorer 6.0 or later from a Windows 2000 or XP. AMX
G3 Web Control will not run on any other browser, including FireFox. We did try
FireFox’s Internet Explorer Emulation – that doesn’t work, either.

2) G3 Web Control is also not useable on the Macintosh platform. (We were able to
make it work running Windows XP on a Macintosh using Boot Camp and
Parallels, but these are not officially supported.)

3) You need Sun Java installed and updated on your computer. See Section 11 for

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Artemis Owners Manual 83

10.2.5 – Set-Up Web Page Fails Sporadically (Duet Firmware)

This only applies to AMX NetLinx Programmers who have licensed the code for
Artemis and are integrating Artemis with other code on the same master.

A Word about Duet Memory:

Duet firmware separates memory between NetLinx applications, and Duet applications.
NetLinx is pretty reliable, because the memory required is fixed – it doesn’t change as
the program runs. Since Duet can add or release modules at runtime, Duet memory
usage varies. If the Duet memory requirements exceed the amount allocation, blocks
of Duet code will simply fail.

On AMX masters running Duet firmware, it appears that G3 Web Control uses memory
from the Duet partition. Since our web page is fairly large, you will want to increase
the memory allocation. In our tests, increasing it to 10M proved to be sufficient.
Artemis will only impact the Duet Memory when the G3 Web Page is running.

Things to Check:

Step 1: Verify Master Firmware v3.21.354

Early Duet firmware (v3 series) have IP communications problems solved in v3.21.354.

Step 2: Verify Duet Memory Allocation

Allocate at least 10M

to your Duet memory
partition plus the
memory you would
normally allocate to
your duet modules.

To set your Duet

memory partition, Figure 10-3
telnet into your
master and type set duet mem. The processor will show the current memory
allocation (see figure 10-3) and offer to let you change it. If you don’t want to change
the allocation, press ESC. Otherwise, enter the new partition size.

When you’re done, type reboot and press ENTER. The new memory partition will only
take effect on reboot.

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84 Artemis Owners Manual

10.2.6 – My Windows Vista Computer Does Not Have a Telnet Client

In our experience, Windows Vista computers ship with a Telnet client, but it is disabled
by default. You need to enable and/or install the feature to use it. This is a relatively
simple process:

1) Go to Control Panels, and select Programs and Features.

2) Select “Turn Windows Features On or Off”.

3) Select the Telnet Client option, and click OK.

Follow the instructions in any dialog boxes that pop-up. When you’re done, you should
be able to launch your Telnet client application as described throughout this manual.

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Artemis Owners Manual 85

11) Requirements for

Computer Integration
11.1 – Computer to Access Set-Up Utility:
11.1.1 – Windows PC Requirements

The Artemis set-up utility uses an AMX technology called “G3 Web Pages”. This is a
Java application that will run inside Internet Explorer on a Windows computer. It does
not work with any other web browser on any other platform.

For some set-up functions (such as system

time, IP address, etc), a Telnet application will COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS:
be required. (Windows machines usually have - Windows 2000, XP or Vista
a Telnet application installed by default.) - Internet Explorer 6.0
- Telnet Application
Lastly, we recommend obtaining the latest - Sun Java 6
version of Sun Java at:

11.1.2 – Using an Intel Macintosh

In our office, we have two separate Intel Macintosh computers that can run Windows.
One uses Parallels, and the other uses Boot Camp.) When using the set-up tools for
Artemis, both Windows environments worked as well as our native Windows XP
machines. While this is not enough of a sampling to make our approved list, it does
provide hope for those who only have an Intel Macintosh and would like to avoid
purchasing another machine.

We have not tested any other Windows emulators such as PowerPC Macintosh with

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86 Artemis Owners Manual

11.2 – AMX Processor Minimums & Set-Up

Due to the nature of the databases Artemis will maintain, it is recommended that the
system run on a dedicated master. However, if the demands of the rest of the code are
modest, it may be possible to run Artemis on the same processor as the rest of a

When a processor is dedicated to Artemis, we recommend an AMX NI700 or NI900

running v2.96.218 firmware. Since Artemis is written in NetLinx, Duet interpreters are
not needed. This saves us from allocating
memory for Duet. The web server seems to
run faster, as well.
- NI700 or NI900
For a processor running Artemis in addition - Firmware v2.96.218 (non-Duet)
to other code, we recommend an AMX SHARED AMX PROCESSOR:
NI2100 or better. It appears that Duet - NIx100 series
Firmware uses Duet memory for the web - Firmware v3.21.354 (Duet)
server, and for G3 web pages. We had good - At least 10MB of Duet Memory
results by setting this to 10MB.

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Artemis Owners Manual 87

A) Advanced Codes
A.1 – Advanced Commands to Artemis:
A.1.1 – Serial Interface, Advanced/Debug Commands

Summary of commands in this section:

InsteonKeypadFeedback=<KEYPAD SLOT #>,<0|1 FOR EACH BUTTON STATE>
InsteonSend1=<DATA TO SEND>
InsteonSend2=<DATA TO SEND>
WriteInsteonLink=<SLOT#>,<RECORD#>,<8 BYTES TO WRITE AA.BB.CC...>


Clears the INSTEON Outgoing Buffer of all INSTEON, X10 or Automated Routines.
You can apply it to either of the two priority buffers, or to both.


Prints out all data received from PLM to AMX Processor Telnet Window (port 23).
To see the messages, telnet in to the master on port 23, and type “msg on” to see
messages. Type “msg off” to stop printing messages.


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88 Artemis Owners Manual

This is similar to the DebugBuffer command, but this only prints data that was
accepted as a valid command for parsing, as opposed to everything that was


Reports automated decisions made in routines such as “Scan All Dimmers” or

“Write All Scenes”. Reports are sent to AMX Processor Telnet Window (port 23). To
see the messages, telnet in to the master on port 23, and type “msg on” to see
messages. Type “msg off” to stop printing messages.


Reports message deletion from a buffer, usually because a more recent command
was received that will conflict with an aging command in the buffer. For example,
if a command to turn ON a light is sent to Artemis, then an OFF command for the
same dimmer is sent to Artemis before the first command was sent, the “ON”
command will be deleted, and the OFF command will be added to the buffer.

Reports are sent to AMX Processor Telnet Window (port 23). To see the messages,
telnet in to the master on port 23, and type “msg on” to see messages. Type “msg
off” to stop printing messages.


Reports messages sent to external control systems. Reports are sent to AMX
Processor Telnet Window (port 23). To see the messages, telnet in to the master on
port 23, and type “msg on” to see messages. Type “msg off” to stop printing

InsteonKeypadFeedback=<KEYPAD SLOT #>,<0|1|x FOR EACH BUTTON STATE>

Sets the button lights on a KeypadLinc to the states you determine. This is mainly
for testing the feedback link on the keypad. This is tapping directly into the
program, so the button order is a bit odd: 3,4,5,6,2,7,8,1. For each space, you can

1: turns a button ON
0: turns a button OFF
X: leaves a button unaffected

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Artemis Owners Manual 89

The only override Artemis will impose is on button 1. If the KeypadLinc is not set
as “Control Only”, Artemis will assume the dimmer on the KeypadLinc is in use. In
the INSTEON firmware, button 1 must reflect the state of the dimmer in a
KeypadLinc, so we do not allow you to adjust the state of the button – you must
adjust the state of the light itself.



Uses program handlers to send an INSTEON command through the PLM in either
the first or second buffer. This looks for ASCI representations of hex separated by


Adds pure bytes to buffer 1, and does not add any formatting bytes before sending
to the PLM. This looks for ASCI representations of hex separated by periods.


Artemis always reports simplified interpretations of the INSTEON commands to the

serial and telnet interfaces. Turning on ShowTxRxReports will also offer the raw
data transmitted and received with the PLM, useful either for debug or direct
interaction with new devices on the INSTEON network.

Note that ShowTxRxReports sends the information to the control interfaces – serial
and telnet (port 100). If you want to see this in the normal debug telnet interface
(when turning msg on), you also need to have DebugPLM on.

WriteInsteonLink=<SLOT#>,<RECORD#>,<8 BYTES TO WRITE AA.BB.CC...>

Writes a group link record to a dimmer directly. The record number starts at
memory block 0x0FF8-0x0FFF, and counts backwards to 0x0C00-0x0C07 for a total
of 128 links accessible through this command.

Keep in mind that if this link does not match up with the scenes configured in
Artemis, this record will be erased when any scene write or purge routine is used.

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90 Artemis Owners Manual

A.1.2 – Serial Interface, Advanced/Debug Replies and Status Reports

Summary of responses in this section:

DetectedAllLinkComplete=<RAW COMMAND FROM PLM>
InsteonLightPeekPokeUnknown=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<MSB>,<LSB>

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 91

InsteonLightLinkRec==<LIGHT SLOT #>,<REC 1-128>,<REC AA.BB...>

InsteonLightDevID=<(u) LIGHT SLOT #>,<2 CATEGORY BYTES 00-FF>
InsteonLightEepromChipSize=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<SIZE 00-FF>
InsteonLightFirmware=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<FIRMWARE VERSION 00-FF>
InsteonLightLocalRampRate=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<RAMP RATE 00-1F>
InsteonLightLocalOnLevel=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<ON LEVEL 00-1F>
InsteonLightX10HouseCode=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<X10 ADDR A-P>
InsteonLightX10Addr=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<X10 ADDR A1-P16>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOnGroup=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOnCleanUp=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOffGroup=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOffCleanUp=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>


When debugging is turned ON or OFF, Artemis will reply with the status above.


If ShowTxRxReports is set to 1 (on), Artemis issues replies showing any INSTEON

or X10 commands sent or received. The data bytes will be listed as hex bytes with

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

92 Artemis Owners Manual

each byte separated by periods. Example:


For details of the INSTEON command structure, you will need to sign up as an
INSTEON Developer with SmartLabs. You can find information on this at


When the PLM data is scanned, Artemis will report the address, model and
firmware. The result is reported as hex bytes. Example:

ProfilePLM=A4.0B.34, 03.05, 52



When the PLM link database is scanned, Artemis will report an incremental number
(so you can place them in a database) as well as the link record itself in hex form.

ScanLinkRecordPLM=12, A2.01.0A.

When Artemis has reached the end of the list in the PLM, it will report it is done.

DetectedAllLinkComplete=<RAW COMMAND FROM PLM>

These messages are generated when the PLM is reset, or the SET button is used on
the PLM. These are primarily for debug purposes.

©2007 South Coast Logic. All Rights Reserved

Artemis Owners Manual 93


These messages are for debugging. If you have DebugPLM turned on, these
messages will appear in the telnet window to help track down problems.

Warnings indicate a state was detected that may cause a problem, but the system
will attempt to work. For example, if you downgrade your Artemis system, you may
get a warning when the system loads the configuration file noting the data was
written by a newer version of Artemis than what is running.

Fail indicates you asked the system to do something, but it could not do it. For
example, the initial version of this system has a limit of 50 delayed events tracking
simultaneously. If you try to load in a 51st delayed event, you will get a failure
message indicating there wasn’t enough memory to process it.

FailTx means the system issued a command, but didn’t get a reply after 3 separate
transmit attempts. The command that failed is reported in pure form in hex bytes.

RxNAK indicates we have transmitted a command to a device, but that device does
not understand (or cannot act on) the command. For example, if Artemis is
transmitting a scene follow-up command to a dimmer that is not part of the scene,
the dimmer will reply with a NAK.


InsteonLightPeekPokeUnknown=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<MSB>,<LSB>
InsteonLightLinkRec==<LIGHT SLOT #>,<REC 1-128>,<REC AA.BB...>

When debugging, these messages help detail the progress through the scene writing
process. All of these commands are based on responses, not transmitted values.

For using Peek/Poke, we’ve given the address a life of 10 seconds past the most
recent Peek/Poke command to any device.

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94 Artemis Owners Manual

InsteonLightDevID=<(u) LIGHT SLOT #>,<2 CATEGORY BYTES 00-FF>

InsteonLightEepromChipSize=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<SIZE 00-FF>
InsteonLightFirmware=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<FIRMWARE VERSION 00-FF>
InsteonLightLocalRampRate=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<RAMP RATE 00-1F>
InsteonLightLocalOnLevel=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<ON LEVEL 00-FF>
InsteonLightX10HouseCode=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<X10 ADDR A-P>
InsteonLightX10Addr=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<X10 ADDR A1-P16>

These commands report the local data for INSTEON Lights, when scanned. The not-
so-obvious things:

If there is a lower-case “u” in the InsteonLightDevID string, the address is for a

device that is not assigned to a slot in the main dimmer list. Rather, it is device
information for one of the 8 devices in the “New Devices Detected” list in the web
UI. Example:

InsteonLightDevID=37, 01.05 // slot 37 in assigned dimmer list

InsteonLightDevID=u2, 01.05 // slot 2 in New Devices List

Also, since the X10 address is stored in 2 bytes on INSTEON Devices, reports are
issued as each byte is received. The InsteonLightX10HouseCode byte is an
incomplete report, only reporting progress (unless the flag indicates there is no X10
address being used). The InsteonLightX10Addr byte will report the actual

InsteonButtonDoubleTapOnGroup=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

InsteonButtonDoubleTapOnCleanUp=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOffGroup=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>
InsteonButtonDoubleTapOffCleanUp=<LIGHT SLOT #>,<BUTTON #>

These replies are different from those in the standard command set because these
reflect the actual INSTEON traffic – it is not processed by logical filters. The status
names show whether it was part of the Group Broadcast or the Clean-Up

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