Propitiating The Ancestors

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Propitiating The Ancestors

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Pitra Santushti Sadhana

Of all civilisations, the Indian is the oldest and it has survived numerous onslaughts
both from outside as well as inside. So awesome is its culture and so deep is the sense
of identity that people experience with it that even after thousands of years, even after
the advent of the so-called called age of reasoning and logic it remains unshaken.

It is a fact which cannot be denied that anything which is based on mere fantasy or
mere superstition cannot survive forever and yet Indian culture and its various rituals
have continued to thrive even when they were most harshly attacked by the ‘men of
science’. This sure enough raises a doubt whether these rituals are mere superstitions.
Or is there some profound scientific basis to them?

As science progresses it finds that most of its discoveries have been there in the
ancient Indian texts for ages and what till now it was considering ‘rubbish’ are turning
out to be real facts. So it has proved with paranormal abilities like telepathy and
clairvoyance and so it is now proving with the basic building block of matter - it is
nothing, Soonya!

One ritual that has always been a part of Indian life is Shraaddh or the propitiation of
the dead ancestors and offering of food and comestibles to them, In fact the text
Brahma Puraan states -

Yasyei Taani Na Deeyant Pret Shraddhaani Shodashah,

Pishaachatvam Dhruvam Tasya Datteih Shraddh Shateirapi.

ie. a departed soul if not propitiated on the day of Shraadh wanders forever as a ghost.

What’s the logic behind this?

Well, wishes form the basis of human life and when they remain unfulfilled the soul
returns again to human form to fulfil them. This keeps it bound to the death-birth
Even after being reborn, in the subconscious mind the human remains linked to the
past life and his acquaintances. Unable to interact with them he feels perturbed,
although he knows not why this is happening as the longing is at the subconscious

Shraadh is a way of interacting with the departed soul and obtaining its best wishes
and thus freeing it of all obligations it might feel towards its past progeny. Among the
blessings that can be obtained from departed souls are children, education, wealth,
prosperity and enlightenment - this according to the Brahma Puran.

Another Puran explains that the Samskars or genetic tendencies, which might include
habits, traits and inclinations, are passed on from one generation to another. Although
several of these might be latent they might suddenly become active in some condition
or generation. Of course good ones are welcome but bad ones are better if somehow
avoided. One potent method of avoiding the evil tendencies of the ancestors and
activating the good ones is performance of the Shraadh ritual using Vedic Mantras
which resonate vehemently to purge a human of all evils.

In the present times of course very few truly learned Pandits and Gurus are left who
could assume this formidable task of satiating the departed souls through Shraadh.
The best way hence is to use Sadhana as a mode of supplicating one’s departed
ancestors and obtaining their blessings.

The following Sadhana proves wonderfully efficacius for this purpose and it is
performed during the dark fortnight of the Indian month of Ashvin. For benefit of the
readers particular dates are being given on anyone of which this Sadhana could be
accomplished. The dates are - 7th, 10th. 14th, 17th and 20th of September 1998.

Obtain a Pitra Santushti Yantra and Hakeek Mala. Early in the morning take a bath,
get into white clothes and sit on a white worship-mat. On a wooden plank spread a
white cloth and on it draw a eight-petalled lotus with rice grains dyed red with
vermilion. On it shower some rose petals and then on them place the Yantra.
Remembering the names of your ancestors (or just meditating about them) offer some
flowers on the Yantra.

Next chant 31 rounds of the following Mantra with a Hakeek rosary.


Om Ayeim Sarvapitrabhyo Svadhaa

Next day throw the Yantra and rosary in a river or pond. If you have some special
wish you can speak it out while dispersing the Sadhana articles in the river. Sure
enough through this Sadhana you can gain the blessings of your departed ancestors
and lead a happy, contented and prosperous family life!

'Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan July 1998 '73'

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