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AT 3.00 P.M.
His Excellency the Hon. Daniel T. arap Moi, C.G.H., M.P.,
Chancellor of the University of Nairobi and
President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief
of the Armed Forces.



Chairman of Council

L. G. SAGINI, B.A., (Hon.) LL.D. All. Col'ege

V ice-Chancellor

J. M. MUNGAI, M.B., Ch.B. (E.A.) Ph.D. (LONDON).

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration and Finance)


(NAIROBI), R.Eng., F.I.E.K.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)

F. A. MUTERE, B.Sc. Hons. (DUNELM), Ph.D. (E.A.), Dip. Ed. (B.A.)





Programme "" " .

College of Adult and Distance Education . " "... ""."................ 3

School of Journalism "" " "..",,"" "... 4

Faculty of Agriculture " " "............................. 5

Faculty of Architecture, Design and Development 9

Faculty of Arts " "............... 13

Faculty of Commerce 21

Faculty of Education (KUC) ' 25

Faculty of Engineering 42

Institute of Computer Science.............................. ..... 46

Faculty of Law................. 47

Faculty of Medicine "........................ . 49

Faculty of Science 54

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine .....".... 59

Population Studies and Research Institute 61

Honorary Degrees "........................................... 61

Summary of 1984 Graduands ".... 62

National Anthem.................................. . 64

1. 2.00 p.m. Graduates take their seats.

2. 2.15 p.m. Guests arrive.
3. 2.30 p.m. All guests to be seated.
4. 2.45 p.m. Academic Procession starts.
Two Student Representatives.
Members of Academic Staff.
Members of the University Council.
Representatives of other Universities.
5. 3.00 p.m. All standing, the Chancellor's Procession will enter the Great Court
and move to the dais in the following order:-
Mace Bearer.
Co'lege Principals.
Principal, Kenyatta University College.
Chairman, Kenyatta University College Council.
Deputy Vice-Chancel'or (Academic Affairs).
Depuy Vice-Chancellor (Administration and Finance).
Minister for Education, Science and Technology.
Chairman of Council.
His Excellency the President.
6. National Anthem.
When His Excellency the President has taken his Seat all will sit.
7. The Vice-Chancellor will constitute the Assembly a Congregation
of the University of Nairobi.
8. The Chairman will address the Congregation.
9. The Vice-Chancellor will address the Congregation and call upon
the Deans of Faculties). Directors of Instkutes and Ag. Principal of
College of Adult and Distance Education to present their candidates
for the award of diplomas and conferment of degrees of the Univer-
sity of Nairobi.
10. Conferment of degrees and award of diplomas.
11. Conferment of Honorary Degrees.
12. The Vice-Chancellor will invite the Minister for Education,
Science and Technology to invite the Chancellor to address the
13. The Chancellor will deliver his address <tothe Congregation.
14. The Vice-Chancellor will announce the ending of the ceremony and
dissolve the Congregation.
15. National Anthem
16. The Congregation is requested to kindly remain standing until the
Chancellor's and the Academic Processions have left the Great

17. The Chancellor's procession leaves rhe dais in the following order.-
Mace Bearer.
Chairman of Council.
Minister for Education, Science and Technology.
Depuy Vice-Chancellor (Administration and Finance).
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Aoademic Affairs).
College Principals.
Chairman, Kenyatta University College Council.
Principal, Kenyatta University College.
Representatives from other Universities.
Members of the University Council.
Members of the Academic Staff.
Two Student Representatives.



The Ag, Pr.ncipaf /Direotor of the College of Adult and Distance Education will rise
and present the following for the award of the Diploma in Adult Education of
the University of Nairobi. As the Ag. Principal reads out the names, the candi-
dates will stand and remain standing until the last name is read, and then they
will altogether bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

Diploma in Adult Education

1. AONGO, John 13. MAIN A, Kariithi Kinuthia

2. ARUNGA, Mark Branden 14. MBUI, Diphatha Maina
Nyandiero 15. MURIIITHI, David Gachina
3. CHESANG, Anne Jebaskwony 16. NDIKULI, Joe Maurice Mbovi
(Miss) 17. NGANGULA, Peter E.C.
4. GACHERU, Stanley N. 18. NGUGI, N. Joseph
5. GAKURE, Catherine Kanario 19. ODHIAMBO, Kennedy Obel
(Mrs.) 20. ODHIAMBO, Samuel Were
6. GICHUKI, Abraham Ndumia 21. OMENDA, O.A. Fredrick
7. KAHIRO, Lawrence Munene 22. NJAAGA, Prexedes Martina
8. KAROBIA, Jacinta Njeri Peter Wambui
(Miss) (Miss)
9. KIANGONYO, Muthengia 23. NJENGA, Hannah Wanjiru
Boniface (Miss)
10. KIARIE, Anthony Wambaa 24. RA WO-ABONYA, Sylvester
1l. KIDZUGA, Margaret Pola Bruno
(Mrs.) 25. W ANYUGI, Raymond Gitau
12. LIGUNYA, Alice Akinyi (Mrs.) 26. YARROW, Hajir Haji

The Ag. Prine.pal will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume her sear,



The Director of the joumalism will rise and present the following for the award
of tho Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication of the University of
Nairobi. As the Direc.or reads out the names, the candidates will stand and
remain standing until the last name is read and then they will altogether bow-
curtsey and resume their seats.

Pass with Distinction

1. GIT AU, Michie C.

Pass with Credit

2. BARASA, Paul 11. MOMBESHORA, Alben

3. CHEGE, Peter Waithaka Chitombo
4. GACHIE, Wariara Ruth (Miss) 12. MULAA, John Khasenye
5. HAONGA, Michael Yalinda 13. NJERU, Mike Edwards
6. J MAMAl, Vincent 14. NJUGUNA, John Mugo
7. KASU, Zarina Ebrahim (Miss) 15.NYANHETE, Vincent
8. KIRIMANIA, Florence (Miss) 16. J\l'UNDO, Habib Juma
9. MAYANI, Morgan Eastwood 17. ODWESSO, Chris Okello
10. MBUGGUSS, Martha Nduta 18. PHOLOSI, Khoeli

Ordinary Pass

19. ODWORI, Stephen Yide 20. OTIENO, Albert Leny

The Director will then acknowledge the Chan~Qr and resume his seat.




The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture will rise and present the following for the
award of Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture', Bachelor of Science ill
Food Science and Technology, Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Bachelor of
Science in Range Management of the Univers.ty of Nairobi. As the Dean reads
out the names, the candidates will stand and remain standing until the last name
is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degrees by saying:-

"I Admit the persons named to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture,
Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology, Bachelor of Science
in Forestry and Bachelor of Science in Range Management and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that appertains
to these degrees".

Then all the Graduate will bow/Cl1rtseyand resume their seats.


Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1. ABUYU, Donald 9. NJOGAH, John Njihia

2. DUGGAL, Art: (Miss) 10. OBARE, Gideon Billy Aiko
3, KAGUMA, Ayub Muraya 11. WAITHAKA, Michael Miano
4. KEYA, Azenga George 12. MUTINDA, Charles John
5. KIM ANI, K. Stephen Masaku
6. MISWA, Josephine P. (Miss) 13. NGOKO, Josephine Moraa
7. MWANGI, Wanjohi Peter (Miss)
8. MWANGOMA, Davis Mwashao

Second Class Honours (Louie: Division)

14. ADWERA, Phanuel Migoya 19. GACHERU, Evah Njeri (Miss)

15. AMOLO, Alex Joseph 20. GATONYE, Nelson Njung'e
16. CHEMWENO, John K'plagat 21. INDETIE, Dougas
17. CHERUIYOT, William Kirwa 22. KAMAU, Anne Wanjiru (Miss)
18. CHOGE, Jcmutai Salome 23. KAMAU, Felix Kinyanjui
(Miss) 24. KETERE Ann Naanyu (Miss)

25. KIARIE, Margaret Waturi 45. MW ANGI, Patrick Kibuchi
(Miss) 46. MW AURA, Patrick Njoroge
26. KIHUMBA, Peter Njuguna 47. MZAE, Patience Mkandoe
27. KIM ANI, Peter Njuguna (M:ss)
28. KIOGORA, Miriam Gaceri 48. NDAMBUKI, Alexander
(Mis5) Mwaka
29. MACHOKAH, John Miroro 49. NDEITHI, Francis Mwai
30. MAINA, Richard Lenard 50. NDUNGU, Julia Njeri (Miss)
31. MAITHA, Simon 51. NDURU, Mary Nyambura
32. MAKHETI, Philip M. Tembu (Miss)
33. MALINGA, James Kamneria 52. NDURUNGO, Kagunya Murimi
34. MANYEKI, Ruth N. (Miss) 53. NJOROGE, Peter Ngure
35. MELI, Noadiah (M'ss) 54. NJURU, David Mwangi
36, MUGENI, Henry Odhiambo 55. ODUOR, James Okoth
37. MUHATI, Ludorvicus 56. OJW ANG', Phoebe Akumu
Posimani (Miss)
38. MUNGAI, Anthony Wamai 57. OKORE, Cleopas
39. MUNGAI, Samuel Kang'ethe 58. ONDANJE, Geoffrey Bernard
40. CHEMWENO, Anthony 59. ORLOOH, Joseph H.K.
41. MURAGE, Josephine Njeri 60. TOYW A, Priver Wekesa
(Miss) 61. WAIN AIN A, james Kariuki
42. MURAGE, Hamuel Gichohi 62. W AITUEKA, Joel Duncan
43. MUSYOKA, John Augustine M. 63. WANJ ALA, David Wesonga
44. MUTUOT A, Stanley Maina


64. CHEBOSS, Wi'son Kiptoo 71. .\1W ANGI, Stephen Gatheru

65. IMBIRA, Johnson 72. OMUSHIENI, Arlington
66. KANGETHE Anne Wainbui Shikuku
(Miss) 73. OWIRO, Ja:h Otieno
67. MBOY A, Charles Ondiawo 74. VADERA, Rndu
68. MUNYASIA, P. Kapnkha 75. W ARUNGU, Pity Wachuka
69. MUNY ASY A, Agnes Mueni (Miss)
70. MUYESU, Clement Caxton


Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1. KINYING I, Daniel Mwaria 5. NDETO, Joseph Musau

2. MBUKI, Peter Kogi 6. N]'OROGE, Joseph Ngure
3. MILGO, Sammy Koskei 7. SlTUMA, Siruchu F. Gabriel
, 4. MUGAMBI.· Patrick Maina

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

8. GAKINGO, Stephen Mwangi 13. MW AURA, Edwin Munyori

9. KIHARA, Julius Kimani 14. NDIVU. Harrison Mutisya
10. KIOGORA, John Rintaugu 15. THUO, J.B. Mwangi
11. MUCHABA, Mary (Miss) 16. WANYANGA, S. Pennie (Miss)
12. MURIITHI, Peter Waweru


Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1. KANYI, Benson Joseph Njogu 5. NGUSYA, Musyoka Wa

2. KIMWE, Simon Kagondu 6. NYONG'O, Risper Nyagoy
3. MBITA, Gregory Muthini (Miss)
Kaindi 7. OGWENO, Donald C.
4. MUNGERE, Fred Waweru Oyugi

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

8. NANDILI, Nelson Wasike 9. NDEGWA, Peter Maingi


10. KUBO, Benjamin 11. GITONGA, Mathenge

Mwakichako 12. WACHIRA, Anne Njoki (Miss)


Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1. SHARTh1F, Ahmed Rashid

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

2. MARANGU, Eliphas Dishon 4. MWANGI, Geoffrey Kimani

3. MEll, Gerald Thigunku 5. SHAMBARO, Molu

6. MUTUTHO, John Michael 7. OLENDI, Alfred Oluoch



The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture will present the following for the award of
the Post-graduate Diploma in Soil Conservation of the University of Nairobi.
As the Dean reads out the name, the candidate will stand bow jcurtsey and
resume his seat.

KlNUTHIA, Joseph Njogu


The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture will presenr the following for the award of
the Degree of Master of Science of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing urxil the last
name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Master of Science and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all thae
appertains to this degree".

Then all the Graduates will bow-curtsey and resume their seats.
1. CHAHIRA, Paul Woto 11. NGIGE, Rahab Wambui (Miss)
2. ESILABA, Anthony Obutiatia 12. NUW AGABA, Hocbert M.
3. GATAHI, Milton Mwago 13. NYANGERI, Johnson
4. KABIRA, Jackson Ntongai Bwomwenga
5. KERMALI, Iqbal Ramzanali 14. NYOMBI, Gregory Bernard
Gulamhusein Rutakererelwa
6. KINYILI, Jacinta M. (Mrs.) 15. ODUOR, Paul Onginjo
7. MAKOKHA, Josephine Juma 16. OKOTH, Michael Wandayi
(Mrs.) 17. ORYEM, Raphael
8. MUGERW A, Honorat Ssali 18. SESSANGA, Sam Muwanguzi
9. MUROTHO, Silas Mosez 19. WAMICHA, Wellington N.
10. MW ANGI, Andrew Chomba

The Dean will '[hen acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.


The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Development will rise and
present the following for the award of degree'S of Bachelor of Architecture,
Bachelor of Arts in Building Economics, Bachelor of Aflts in Land Economics,
Bachelor of Arts in Design and Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art of the University
of Nairobi. As the Dean reads 011t the names, the candidates will stand and
remain standing until the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred
the degrees by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the degrrees of Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of
Arts in Building Economics, Bachelor of Arts in Land Economics, Bachelor of
Arts in Design and Bachelor of Arts in Fine Allt and by my authority and
that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that appertains
to these degrees".

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.


First Class Honours

1. AKA TSA, Anzaya David 3. MUNGAI, Francis Gitau

2. MAGUTU, Gerald Jerry

Second Class Honours (Upper Dioision)

4. MAHAJAN, Rajinder Kaur 8. W ASIKE, Patrick Simiyu

5. MONIZ, Antony Mervin 9. KIGUANGU, Gitari Abednego
6. MULANGA, Simon Fidelis i O. MARUTI, Eugene Kuchio
7. OLE KETERE, William

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

11. BABU, James Kangara 14. KARUMl, Peterson Kimaru

12. BORUBA, Samson Nyabati 15. KIM ANI, David Nganga
Akara 16. KORIR, Christopher A.K.M
13. KANAN!, John Gathogo 17. KUREBA, Nathaa

18. MBURUGU, Reuben M. 23. NJUGUNA, Francis Kariuki
19. MUTWIRI, Rimberia Rbui 24. ODWORI, George Alfred
20. MW ACHARO, Libin Goodrick 25. SARNA, Yashwin
21. NGETHO, Muchiri Patrick 26. WMOSI, Ot.eno Nelson
22. NJERU, Mwaniki Athanas


27. ABWOV A, Solomon 30. MAKANGA, Evans J. Ndambiri

28. AMGAHIA, George Burns 31. MWANZIA, Makau Peter
29. MAGOMERE, David Wechesa 32. SHAKO, Brian


First Class Honours

1. MW ANGANGI, Julius Mutemi

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

2. KAMARA, Nelson 8. NGUYO, David Maina

3. KIMORO, Daniel 9. NZYUKO, Sammy Joseph
4. MOHAMED, Mohamed Osman 10. OBONYO, James
5. MUNENE, Paul Muthoka 11. ODHIAMBO, Joseph Otieno
6. MUSOMBA, Maurice Kivuva 12. ORUKO, Moses W.
7. NDIBUI, Stephen 13. T ALUKHABA, Alfred

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

14. CHERUIYOT, Micah Kipkorir 22. MWANGI, Alice Wanjiru

15. GATHIGIRA, Mutei.hia Gathu Menye (Miss)
16. GITHAIGA, Joseph Nguru 23. MW ANGI, David
17. KIHAGI, Boniface 24. NDUNG'U, Peter P. Thirima
18. KIRUJA, Salesius Inyasiu 25. NGUGI, Thuo Peter
19. MAINA, Elizabeth Wangechi 26. OLBARA, Pauline Jemutai
(Miss) (Mrs.)
20. MUIRURI, Anthony Mahyra 27. RONO, Robert Kimixai
21. MURAA, }tason Nthamburi 28. WAMBUA, Aloys Nzalu


Second Class Honours (Upper Dioision)

1. KAHUGU, Sarah Wairimu 7. NNAMMDI, Ken Maende

(Miss) 8. OGEDA, Rodgers Jangoro
2. KIONI, Rahab Muthoni (Miss) 9. OLIMA, Washington H.
3. MUDAVADI, Musalia Asembo
4. MUGO, Consolata Wanjiru 10. OSORO, Edwina Nyanchama
(Miss) 11. RUITHA, James W.
5. NGAYAI, Joseph Mutua 12. SW AZURI, Mohammad
6. NGOTHO, Paul Garhu

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

t3. CHEGE, Charles Nyota 20. MAINA, Wilson Njire

14. EBOYIE, Florence Mwaniga 21. MUTESHI, Catherine (Miss)
(Miss) 22. OKETCH, Francis Ochieng
15. EM ALl, Dorcas (Miss) 23. OGURI, Leonard Nyariki
16. KAZUNGU, Maurice Mashah 24. SIGANGA, Edith (Miss)
17. KHADAMBI, Edward A. 25. W AKABA, Grace Karen Kagure
IR. KIALA, Simon Nthiwa (Miss)
19. KIRON YO, Wainaina


26. MUTE, Methusela Masesi


Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1. GlTURA, Mary Wamucii (Miss) 4. NYENZE, Francis Mwanzia

2. KIGONDU, Lawrence Mungai 5. RUNO, Godffrey A. Macharia
3. MWANGANGI, Frederick 6. W AGEREKA, Moses Mbugua


7. GACOKA, Jane (Miss) 11. WANDERA, Caroline Akuku

8. IMBAYA, George (Miss)
9. MUTERO, Richard Mwangi 12. WANG'OMBE, Grace Wangui
10. RANJI, Wanjiku Grace (Miss) (Mrs.)





The Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Development will present the
following for the award of Masters Degrees of the University of Nairobi. As
the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and rema.n standing until
the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the Degrees by saying:-

"1 admit the persons named to the Degrees of Masten-of Architecture, Master of Arts
in Design, Master of Arts in Fine Art, Master of AI1~sin Land Economies and
Master of Arts (Planning) and by my authority and that of the entire Univer-
sity, give powell"to read and to do all that appertains to these degrees".

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.


THA ITHI. Parmjeat Singh


COlvillE, Catherine Katonoko Nankya (Mrs.)


KITUUKA, Stephen Enoch


1. KACHECHE, Bester Gaynor 3. OMONDI, Paul

Wilson 4. OTIM, Constantine Okisi
2. MUCHIRI, David Thiong'o 5. YASINI, Patrick Adam

The Dean will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his S~"3t.



The Dean of the Faculty of Arts will rise and present the following for the award
of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until the last
name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree saying:-

"1 adrnsr the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that apper-
tains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bowI curtsey and resume their seats.

First Class Honours.

1 CHEMAS, Iames A. Kimeto 4. MURIUKI, Pauline Muthoni

2. GICHOHI, Nancy Ruguru (Mrs.)
(Miss) 5. NYAMU, Joy Wangari (Miss)
3. MULINGE, Munyae Masai 6. OGUTU, Benson Henry Ouma

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

7. ABUNGU, George H.O. 22. KALENDA, Patrick Kooko

8. AKARANGA, Stephen Ifedha 23. KAMAU, Irungu Bernard
9. AKEDI, Peter Olima 24. KANGOGO, Job Kigen arap
10. ASIKOY A, Vincenrt:Abwalaba 25. KATHAT A, Gideon Tharianga
11. CHESONI, Lemmy Soita 26. KHAEMBA, Patrick Sirengo
12. EL-MAAWY, Fatma 27. KIAI, Gachanja
Abubakar (Miss) 28. KJETI, Eunice Mwikali (Miss)
13. ESIABA, Naomy Ruth (Miss) 29. KILULI, Jonathan M.
14. GALLO, Evans Obondo 30. KIMATHI, Charles
15. GATHURI, Patricia 31. KINYUA, Everet Gitonga
Nyarnbura (Miss) 32. KIOGORA, Lawrence
16. GICHOHI, Michae:llNdirangu 33. KIRIAMA, Herman Ogoti
17. GIKUNDA, Mugambi John 34. KIROGO, Stephen Kinyanjui
18. GULAMHUSSEIN, 35. KITHYAKA, Isaac Dennis
Mohamedhussein 36. KOSKEY, Philips Kipsans
19. HUSSEIN, Bishar 37. KUSIMBA, Barasa Parer
Abdirahman 38. LIVONDO, John Muchera
20. ISMAIL, Ali Noor 39. MACHA RIA, Kenneth Mbara
21 KABANDO, Raphael Muthee 40. MAINA, Charles Kuria

41. MAINA Francis Kamau 72. NJUGUNA, Patrick Muhia
42. MASESE, Samson 73. NKANATHA, John Kimathi
43. MASINDE, Jamin Rays 74. NY AGODE, Mary Amolo
Masasabi (Mrs.)
44. MBIY A, Benson Makotsi 75. NY AMWEY A, Manson Oyongo
45. MBOGO, Muthui Jackson 76. NYING'URO, Phillip 0.
46. MBUGUA, Peter Njoroge 77. OBUNGU, Walter
47. MEBO, Petronila (Miss) 78. ODHIAMBO, George Ochieng'
48. MISIGO, K.M. Gordon 79. ODHIAMBO, George Omondi
49. MMAITSI, Jane Violet Aridi
Shimuli (Miss) 80. ODHIAMBO, Margaret Mary
50. MOGA, Elijah (Miss)
51. MUlA, Daniel Munyzala 81. OKEYO, Martin Koyiro
52. MURUNGI, Janis (Miss) 82. OLONYI, Martha Sherry (Miss)
53. MUSEE, Mwalimu Francis 83. OL TETIA, Ole Sapai
54. MUSUNGU, Titus Anunda 84. OMBESE, Nora Moraa (Miss)
55. MUTISO, Margaret Mueni 85. ONGERI, Benedicto Onkoba
(Miss) 86. ONSARIGO, Richard Bichanga
56. MUTISY A, Charles Munyao 87. ONY ANGO, Barrack
57. MUTONGA, Joan Wairimu 88. ONY ANGO, Benjamin
(Miss) Morang'a
5R. MUTONGA, Mathews 89. ONY ANGO, Zachary Bwana
59. MUTONYI, Humphrey Njeege 90. OPIYO, Obiero Johnson Anji
60. MUTUGU, Dominic Mwangi 91. OSOK, Zephania
K. 92. OTENYO, Eric Edwin
61. MUTUNGI, Francis Wainaina 93. OWINO, James Amuga
62. MUYA, Lily Wacheke (Miss) 94. RUKW ARU, Mutea
63. MW AKIO, Phillipina Dali 95. SINDIGA, Richard Osoro
(Miss) 96. SINDIGA, Daniel
64. MW ANDA WIRO, Mghanga 97. SW ARA, Godfrey Mainye
Julius D. 98. THANDI, Cecilia Gathoni
65. MWANGI, Kennedy Mbati.a (Miss)
66. MWANGI, Njoroge James 99. THEURI, Chris Wach:ra
67. NALO, S.O. David 100. WAKAJUMMAH, John Obwa
68. NDEI, Wangeci (Miss) 10l. W AMBUGU, Philip Wanjohi
69. NDUNG'U, Njuguna Sospeter 102. W ANDETO, Jason Wagura
70. NGAIRA, Joseph Kapten 103. ZAJ A, James Omboga
71. NJENGA, Geoffrey

Second Class H onours (Lower Division)

Carren Owino 105. ACHOCH, Elijah Ochieng .
106. ADALLA, Cecilia Awuor (Miss)

107. AD ERA, James Ong'ele 140. KABIRO, John Bapdst Njure
lOS. AGONGAz Barbara HI. KAHUTHIA, George Mwangi
Tabulaye (Miss) 142. KAIRU, Daniel Mwangi
109. AHMED, Salma Abdillahi 143. KAIRU, F. Muhoro
110. AMAKOYE, Shadrack Jackson 144. KALUI, Julius Kilonzo Mbiti
111. AMBETSA, Godfrey Edwin 145. KAMAlT, Veronica Wanjiru
Osundwa (Miss)
112. ASHIOYA, Omusula 146. KAMAU, Serah W. (Miss)
113. AYIEKO, Benson Otieno 147. KAMONI, Lucy Njeri (Miss)
114. BOSIRE, Sarah Mogati (Miss) 148. KANDAGOR, Tom Kiptoon
115. CHELAN GAT, Alice 149. KANIMBA, Dontilla
Koskey (Miss) Mukandera (Miss)
116. CHUMBA, Robert Kipsang 150. KARICHO, Samuel Gathii
117. CHUMO, Ben 151. KARIUKI, Anastasia Wahu
118. CHWEY A, Shem M. Onsare (Miss)
119. DONDE, David Frederick 152. KARIUKI, Julius Kinyanjui
120. EGADW A, Richard Kenneth 153. KARlUK I, Lucy N. (Miss)
121 ESSENDI, Florence (Miss) 154. KARlUK I, P. Kaindo
122. GAKERI, Phares Maina 155. KARONJO, Charles
123. GAKONYA, Mary Wothaya 156. KA TTRI, Irinder Hardev
(Miss) (Miss)
124. GAKURE, Lydia Nyambura 157. KANYONGA, Musoke Aloysius
(Miss) 158. KERUBO, Jemima Omboga
125. GATERE, Naomi Sally (Miss)
Wanjiru (Miss) 159. KHAOYA, Mulunda C.W.
]26. GICInJKI, Margaret (Miss) 160. KHASABULI, Edward W.
127. GICHURE, Nduati Peter 161. KIARIE, Daniel Gitaka
12S. GICHURU, Henry Njoroge 162. KIBE, Christine Wanjiru
129. GITHIRW A, Martin S. (Miss)
Muhoro 163. KIBE, Esther Wairimu (Miss)
130. GITONGA, Festus Kaburu 164. KIBUTHU, Mary Wanjiru
131. GUYO, Ado (Miss) (Miss)
132. HADAO, Rogers Abok 165. KIHARA, Kennedy M.
133. HAKIMU, Hakimu Kasukari Waituika
134. HASSAN, Hassan Noor 166. KIMANA, Lucy Wambui
135. IRAUKA, Caroline Mugere (Miss)
(Miss) 167. KIMANI, Michael Mwaura
136. IRONGI, Evaline Cheptoo 168. KIMANI, Michael Mwaura
(Miss) 169. KINYU A, Haziel Kanyiaru N.
137. ISANDA, Cecilia Kemunto 170. KISAKA, Margaret
(Miss) Khalibwa (Miss)
138. J AKOREYO, Arieya Charles 171. KIT AVI, Patrick J.K.
Paul 172. KOPULO, TGbu
139. KABI, Richard Mansure 173. KUGUMA, Joseph Kimani

174. KUIRA, Stanley Mwai 205. MUINDI, John Paul
175. KUNG'U, Dorcas Wambui 206. MUKOMA, Timothy Muinde
(Miss) 207. MULE, Pius Mwilu
176. KUNG'U, Wangui Wa (Miss) 208. MULINGE, Stella Nduku
177. LABAN, Samwe1 Mbaabu (Mrs.)
178. LIVINGSTONE, Faith 209. MUNDARA, Joyce Nyambum
Mu.honi (Miss) (Miss)
179. LOGO, Leonard Mulkwat 210. MUNDIA, Oscar
180. MACHARIA, Jane W. (Miss) 21t. MUNGAI, Maureen Nyacuru
18!. MADZUNGU, Dosho Anthony (Miss)
182. MAGUTU, Justine Mokeira 212. MUNGAI, Susan Wairimu
(Mrs.) (Miss)
183. MAINGI, Geraldin Mwongdi 213. MUNYORO, John S.M.
(Miss) 214. MURAGE, Florence Nyaguthii
184. MAKANYAORO, jackson (Miss)
Nyaoro Odera 215. MURA YA, Jane Wanjiru
185. MANANI, Edward Franz (Miss)
186. MARANGA, Charles Onami 216. MUREITHI, Jane Wambui
187. MASAFU, Francis Milimo (Miss)
S.W. 217. MUREITHI, Josiah Kariuki
188. MASINDE, Florence 218. MURERW A, Bernard Kirimi
Nadumbe (Miss) 219. MURSI, Grace (Miss)
189. MATHARU, Manjit Kaur 220. MURWITHANIA, Mugambi
(Miss) 221. MUSAU, Christine Mutheu
190. MA THENGE, Lydia (Miss) (Miss;
191. MA TURI, Grace Kemunto 222. MUSAU, Lucy Ndinda (Miss)
(Miss) 223. MUSYOKI, Francis S.
192. MBANI, Chiama Monicah 224. MUT AHI, Joseph Njusuna
(Mrs.) 225. MUTHUMAH, Carherine
193. MBONDO, Stephen Mwallyo Wambui (Miss)
194. MBOTELA, Emmanuel David 226. MWAI, Joan N. Mwori
195. M'IKUNYUA, Flora Gatwiri (Miss)
(Miss) 227 MW ANGALA, Nedhya
196. MINDO, J. Njoroge Zedekia Sakwa
197. MOSE,Orare 228. MW ANGI, Anne Njeri (Miss)
198. MSUYA, Mohamed Kome:ja 229. MWANGI, Duncan Kahara
199. MUCHINA, Mary Wanjiku 230. MW ANGI, Julius M.
(Miss) 231. MW ANIKI, Duncan Gichane
200. MUCHIRI, Douglas Mathenge 232. MW ANIKI, JaciDta Wanjiru
201. MlJCHIRI, Mwangi Fredrick (Miss)
202. MUCHOKI, Gilbert K. Lewis 233. MW AURA, Ma·rgaret Wanja
203. MUGIR.I\, Dinah Kagendo (Miss)
(Miss) 234. MWAURA, Sami K.
204 MUHIA, Charles K.iiru 235. MW AY AYI, Daniel Ya

236. MWERA, Joseph Marwa 273. NY AGA, Vicki (Miss)
237. MWITARI, Emily Kithira 274. NY AMON GO, Kepha Nyariki
(Miss) 275. NYANGENA, Jeridah
238. MWOVA, Bosco Mutuku Bosibori (Mrs.)
239. NAMARU, Isaiah S. Wilson 276. NYUMU, Agnes Nzilani (Miss)
240. NANGENDO, Stevie M.K. 277. OBAM, Judith E. 0100 (Miss)
241. NDAMBUKI, Muatha 278. OCHOLLA, Octophianus
242. NDEGW A, Frederick, Q.N. Arogo (Miss)
243. NDEGW A, Kamanda Charles 279. ODHIAMllO, Anastasis C.M.
(Miss) (Mrs.)
244. NDEGWA, Patricia Wambui 280. ODHIMviBO, Habbyll N.
245. NDENl)EROH, Kariuki Peter Ochieng
246. NDERITU, Lucy Njeri (Miss) 281. ODONGO, Albert John
247. NDIRANGU, Patricia 282. OGEGE, Lawrence Kakelio
Wambui (Miss) 283. OGONDA, W.1son Alex Mauti
248. NDUGO, Vincent Kagondu 2R4. OK AKA, Abel Ong'ai
249. NDUNDA, Janel (Miss) 285. OKALLO, Lucy Antonina
250. NDUNG'U David Njuguna eM ss)
Mutonya 286. OMHNYA, (Miss)
251. NDUNG'U, Kenneth Kinuthia 287. OMONDI, Geoffrey Apolo O.
252. NDUTU, Benjamin Mutuku 288. ONERI, Zakayo Nyambane
253. NG'ANG'A, Johnson Kamau 289. ONY ANGO, Norbert Oha.o ,
254. NGARARI, El.ezar Njue 290. OPIYO, Joseph Oyusi
255. NGIGI, Teresa Njeri (Miss) 291. OSUNDWA, Lynette S. (Miss)
256. NGITO, Francis Ma.thya 292. OTIENO, Samuel Joseph
257. NGOCHOCH, Danicl 293. OTIYO, John
Kipkemboi 294. OWUORI, Elizabeth (Miss)
258. NGUGI, Jacinta W.C. (Miss) 295. OYOO, David Okute
259. NGUGI, Joseph Mwangi 296. PATEL, Manish M.
260. NGULI, Margaret Kithei (Miss) 297. RINT ARI, Jane Muthoni (Miss)
261. NJAAGA, Njambi Helen 293. RUIT AH, Muturi
(Miss) 299. RUTERE, Ndegwa Peter
262. NJAGI, Patrick Kinyua 30(1. SAIDI, Alfred Nathan
263. NJENGA, Humphreys Karanja 301. SALIMA Salim M.
264. NJERU, Justa Muthoni (Miss) 302. SALIM, Fairouz A.
265. NJOGA, Crispo N. 303. SIGEY, Kipngetich Wilfred
266. NJOGU, Edwin Erastus Njeru 304. SIMIYU, Coronel Makokha
2(j7. NJOMO, Simon Njenga 305. SIMIYU, Zablon Peter Nelson
268. NJOROGE, Nelson Ngaruiya 306. T AKONA, Sereti Ruth (Miss)
269. NJUKI, Jackson Kagendo 307. THAGANA, John Murage
270. NO BALLA, Benjamin A. 308. ULZEN, Mary Nana Amakumah
271. NYABERA, Hellen M. (Miss) (Miss)
272. NYAGA, Jennifer Wangui 309. VARMA, Sadhana (Miss)
(Miss) 310. VIRDI, Jaspal (Miss)

311. WABENDE, C.W. Pater 321. WANJAU, Riungu
312. WABUGE, Mary Nabukwele 322. WANJOHI, Peter K.
(Miss) 323. WANJUKI, Rosemary Wanjiru
313. WAFULA, Patrick W. (Miss)
314. WAHEIRE, Bernard Wachira 324. WARSAMA, Abdillahi
315. WAHOME, Mukundi Mohammed
316. WAINAINA, Loise W. (Miss) 325. WASUNNA, Moses Amos O.
317. WAITHERA, Lucy (Miss) 326. WATIBINI, John P. Wamalwa
318. WAKIBIA, Rose Wanjiru (Miss) 327. WAWERU, Mary Njeri (Miss)
319. WANDERE, Donald 328. ZULL YA, Rashid Shimokah
320. WANJAU, Godwin Kiama


329. ASIR, Jenipher Rehema (Miss) 343. MUNENE, Flora Gakii (Miss)
330. ATANDI, Rebecca Bonareri 344. MURIITHI, Caleb Kahuthia
(Miss) 345. MUTEITHIA, Joseph Mwithalie
331. CHUNGE, Silas A. 346. MW AIRO, David Chome
332. KABlI, Josephine Muchiri (Miss) 347. NGIBUINI, Christine Wangari
333. KARIUKI, Mary Wairimu (Miss) (Miss)
334. KAULA, Simon Kingwatho 348. NJARAMBA, Annah Wanjiru
Mutua (Miss)
335 .• KIARIE, Michael K. Kago 349. NZIOKA, Mary Ndunge (Miss)
336. KIBE, Wairimu Helen (lVLss) 350. OBARA, Dorothy Nyvah (Miss)
337. KINGI, Francis Musa 351. OBONYO, Nixon L. Ouma
338. KINYUA, Kirugumi Julius 352. ODDOTTE, Caleb S.O.
Antony 353. ONG'AU, Jonathan Nyaanga
339. MAHINGOH, Samuel Njihia 354. ORORA, Peter Onkoba
340. MARENYE, Fredrick Mwaura 355. OTIENO, Rose A. (Miss)
341. MUDAKA, Gibson Miroyo 356. SURI, Kirpal Singh
342. MUEMA, Daniel Kiio 357. KIPRONO, Isaac arap Ruto


Second Class (Upper Division)

1. GITHAIGA, Agnes Mumbi (Miss) 5. NZIOKA, Charles B.K.

2. MUNGATHIA, Keach Natale 6. WAIRAGU, Eunice (Miss)
3. MUTETI, Jennifer Karunge 7. WAMBAYI, Rosemary (Miss)
(Miss) 8. WANDATI, Samuel Sululu
4. MW ANTHI, Morris M.

Second Class (Lower Division)

9. MBUGUA, Jane Wambui (Miss) 11. NDUHIO, Mary Wam6ul (Miss)

10. MURAGURI, Rosa Wanjiru (Miss)


The Dean of the Facul!ty of Arts will present the following for the 3JWIardof the
Potssraduare Diploma in Internatiorual Relations of the University of Nairobi.
As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain s.anding
until the last name is read. Then they altogether will bow/curtsey and resume
their sears,

1. ABDUL-KAREEM, Mahmoud 12. NABUTOLA, Rebecoa MwikaJi

Soliman Ali (Mrs.)
2. ABOAGYE, Ezoa Dominic 13. NGAITHE, Leonard Njogu
3. ATANDI, Salome Francisca (Miss) 14. NJERU, Francis
4. BESHIR, Abdalla Orner 15. NYIRE~rnA, Brian Ulonyeni
5. CHINDEBVU, Charles Stainer 16. RAGEN, Henry Onyango
6. GBARWOU, Quiah Gowon 17. SAMPA, Davies
7. ISMAIL, M. Isa 18. SIPANGULE, Muyambo
8. LITHEBE, Molchali Alfred 19. TENKORANG, Kwame
9. MASESA, Denis Ng'wananjamba Asamoah
10. MASIBO, Christopher Kitui 20. THABANE, Keledi (Miss)
11. MBA TIA, William Msafiri Charles


The Dean of the Faculty of Arts will present the following for the award of the
Bachelor of Philosophy in Economics of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads ou; the names, the candidates s.and and remain standing until the last
name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in Economics
and by my authority and that of me entire University, give power to read and
ro do all that appertains to this degree."

Then a'I Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

1. ADEM, Jorim G.O. Onyango 9. ODHIAMBO, Oduory Wycliff

2. ANYANGU, John Waka ·O.E.
3. AOKO, Monica Imelda (Miss) 10. ODIKO, Omolo Gervase
4. ASENA, SEm M. Lavaza 11. OKONJI, Grace Achieng (Mrs.)
5. MULAMA, Geoffrey W. Tembu 12. ORWA, Jared Omondi
6. MULUSA, Mary Tsindoli 13. ONYIEGO, Darlington
7. MURATHA, James K. Zaphaniah Kemoni
8. GARUIY A, Michael Ngige 14. W ARUHIU, Esther Nyawira (Miss)


The Dean of the Faculty of Arts will present the following for the award of the
Degree of Master of Arts of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean reads out
the names, the candidates stand and rema.n standing until the last name is read
and the Chancellor hats conferred we degree by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Master of Arts and by my authority
and that of the entire!University, give power to read and to do all that apper-
tains to this degree."

Then all Graduates will bowJcurtsey and resume their seats.

]. ABALA, Daniel Okado 13. MURANGO, Joyce Njoki (Miss)

2. ARAP KOECH, Joseph Kiplagat 14. MW ANGI, Herman Karanja
3. CHACHA, Nyaigorti Chacha 15. MW ANZI, Helen O.A. (Mrs.)
4. HOEANE, Masitha 16. MW AU, Geoffrey Ngungi
5. KAMUNDE, Eliphas Mugambi 17. NGABO.LUTAAYA, Leonard
6. KIPKEMOI, Mark Arap Bor 18. ODHIAMBO, Mbai Crispine
7. KOORI, Charles G'tari 19. OGUDE, James Adora
8. MAKAU, Boniface Francis 20. OKENY, Kenneth
9. MAKANDA, David Wafula 21. OPW APO, Mildred Adh'ambo
10. MBABU, Adiel Nkonge (Miss)
11. MOKITIMI, Makali Isabella 22. OTUNDO, Bosibori Sabina (Miss)
P. (Mrs.) 23. WAHOME, James Gituro
12. MURAGE, Zacharia Ng'ang'a 24. WERE, Jane Akelo (Mrs.)


The Dean of the Faculty of Arts will present the following for the award of the
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Nairobi.

1. KINOTI, Hannah Wangeci (Mrs.) 3. NSIBAMBT, Apolo R.

2. MOJOLA, Aloo Osorsi 4. ONYANGO, Philista P.M. (Mrs.)

The Dean will then acknowledge 'the Chancellor ~ resume his seat.



The Dean of the Faculty of Commerce will rise and present the following for the
award of the Degreo of Bachelor of Commerce of the University of Nairobi As
the Dean reads out rhe names, the candidates stand and remain standing until
the last name ;5 read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce and by my
authority and that of the en.ire University, give power to read and to do all
that appertains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

First Class Honours

1. AGER, Maurice Ochieng' 5. MUTILANGI, Kirk Vincent

2. GA1"1IARA, James Ngari 6. ONSONGO, James Kibagendi
3. KIMAMI, Jacob Mugambi Kirema 7. SH.'\H, Divya R. (Miss)
4. LELEI, Joel Kiplangat

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

8. ABWOGA, Samuel Oundo 24. KARIUKI, Jackson Mwai

9. ADOGO, Rosemary (Mrs.) 25. KARIUKI, Samuel Maina
10. AFUBWA, Joel Dilton 26. KHAEMBA, Joseph Wanyonyi
11. ATIlMAN, Athman A. 27. KIBAT A, Patricia Nyambura
12. BETT, Kipngetich Arapkorir (Miss)
13. GATHIGI, Anthony Karanja 28. KIMINA, Daniel Philip
14. GATHIGI, Anthony Mureithi 29. KINY ANJUI, James Njoroge
15. GICHIGO, Peter K. 30. KINYANJUI, Titus Mungai
16. IBEERE, Stanley Rombora 31. KIRURI, Johnson Kabre
17. IRUNGU, Luckrezial Waw:ra 32. KITHURUNGA, Charles Ndegwa
(Miss) 33. KITONYI, Pius Musila
18. KAWANJA, Felicita D.M. 34. KOBUTHI, Car herine (Miss)
(Miss) 35. KOMBO, Beth (Miss)
19. KAILEMIA, Zaverio 3l'i. KORIR, Joshua Kipkoech
20. KAMAU, Theresia Wairimu (Miss) 37. KOSKE, Moses Kipkoech
21. KANAKE, Joseph Njagi 38. LUCHERA, Fanis Luchera Aseka
22. KARANJA, Sophia W. (Miss) (Miss)
2~. KARIITHI, Francis Njogu 39. MAGOTSI, Mathew Ndusi
40. MAINA, Beatrice Wacera (Miss) 68. NJERU, Mary Mercy Wanja (1'\I11ss)
41. l\lAINA, EUy Omolo 69. NJERU, Zephaniah Kariuki
42. MAINA, Komu David Richard 70. NJIHIA, Nancy Njambi (Miss)
43. MATHENGE, Priscilla Wambui 71. NJOROGE, Christine Wakanyi
(Miss) (Miss)
44. MATIIIU, Paul Mwiti 72. NJUE, Jane Susy (Miss)
45. MBENGEI, James Se'eke 73. NYAGA, Basil Ntwiga Junias
46. MBORI, Beatrice (Miss) 74. NYAGA, John Kangi
47. MEMO, Beatrice Mirehane (Miss) 75. ODHIAMBO, Jane Pamela (Miss)
48. MUlA, Johnston Mutisya 76. 0JERA, Patrick Boniface
49. MUIRURI, Gabriel Kimuhu 77. OKOTO, Joe Ajwang
50. MURAGURI, Julius Gitau 78. ONGW AE, Charles Ogega
51. MURITHI, John K. Mbae 79. ONY AIT, Mactilda Anne (Mrs.)
52. MURlTU, Marsaret W. (Miss) 80. ORINGO, John Otieno
53. MUTAY, Pius Peter 81. ORIOKI, Jacob Momanyi M.
54. MUTHUTHI, Charles Kariuki 82. OTIENO, Dorcas A. (Miss)
55. MUTONYI, Bernard M.B. 83. OWINO, Alexander George
56. MW AMBA, Kenneth K.R. 84. OYUGI, Michael Oimo
57. MW ANGI, Anne (Miss) 85. RINT AUGU, Eras'us Mbaabu
58. NDALA, Starin Mutinda 86. RINTAUGU, Gatobu
59. NDIRANGU, Francis Mwaniki 87. RUGERA, Alex
60. NDUNDA, Daniel N. 88. SEMBEI, Joseph Mutua
61. NGAMATE, Beatrice Murugi 89. SHIROKO, Joseph M.
(Miss) 90. TIIINW A, Eunah Wacuka (Miss;
62. NGATA, Jayne Nyandia (Miss) 91. WA-OLUNGA, Mathews Lev.e
63. NGOTHE, Kathryn N. (Miss) 92. W AITHANJI, Karanja
64. NGUGI, Edgar Moses N. 93. WAMATHAI, Tabitha Nyawira
65. NJAGI, Leonard Wachira (Miss)
66. NJATHI, Njoroge Waweru 94. WAWERU, Joseph Ndiritu
67. NJERU, Florence Runji Alvan 95. WAWERU, Hannington Maina
(Miss) 96, WERU, Munyoro Wilfred

Second Class Honours {Lotoer Division)

97. ADONGO, Justice Morris Ogony 105. GITlERA, Evans Ototo

98. ANY ANGO, Sospeter Nyambok 106. GITONGA, Jedidah Mumbi
99. BEYO, Bernard T. (Miss)
100. BOSIRE, Charles Onyieso 107. HARANGA, Rose Margaret
101. BWISA, Emily Nafuna (M:ss) (Miss)
102. GACHAI, Gemma W. (Miss) 108. HUSEIN, Mohamed Hashim
103. GA THURI, Wawira Sophia 109. KIMANI, Milkah Kabura (Miss)
(Miss) 110. KINDIGA, Alice Nungari (Miss)
104. GICHUHI, Rhoda Wangeci 111. KING'ORI, Catherine Kuraihu
(Miss) (Miss)

112. KOSKE!, Kimwei Andrew 129. MURIITHI, Ndebu Gachanja
113. KURUGA, Peter Mugi 130. MURIUKI, Stephen Waweru
114. KWENDO, Evans Silver 131. MWANGOME, Mwasambo N.
115. MAKDW ALLO, D. Ochieng' 132. MWAWUGANGA, Holiness
116. MANYEKI, Anne Wairimt! (Miss)
117. MARU, Benjamin Kimutai 133. NDILE, Stephen Mbevo
118. MASUMBVKO, Reuben 134. NDORO, Roben Katana
119. MBALU, Paul Mwangangi 135. NGIGI, P.K. Mukono
120. MBOTELA, Doris (Miss) 136. NGURE, George Njoroge
121. MBUGUAH, Josephine Wanjiru 137. NJOROGE, Rwamba (Miss)
(Miss) 138. NYAGA, Mary Murangi (Miss)
122. MIROGA, Morris Maraga 139. NYAMBU, Grace Kulola (Miss)
123. MOMANYI, Hamson Morogoro 110. OMWEGA, Kephar
124. MUCHUNU, Nancy Mugure 141. ONG'ONGE, Lenard Menya
(Miss) 142. ONG'UTI, Nemuel Ong'era
125. MUGANDA, Margaret Indakuli 143. ONYANGO, Angeline Awino
126. MUNGANIA, Joyce K. (Miss) (Miss)
(Miss) 144. OPANGA, Vincent H. Lawrence
127. MUNG'URE, Gladys Kagure 145. OSMAN, Hussein Musa
(Miss) 146. SIMIYU, Kayo Wakhanu
128. MURIITHI, Moses Thuo 147. THUIT A, M. John


148. GEDAH, Titus Opon 154. MURAGE, Eunice Muthoni

149. KIMANI, Seline Lamar (Miss)
(Miss) 155. MUZUNGU, Benjamin Kavure
150. KIMILU, Lawrence Masaku 156. OMIDO, Henry Kwendo
1.51. KINYANJUI, Chege Lawrence 157. PATTNI, Rohilt M.
152. KINYUMU, Benjamin Mbithi 158. SITOKI, Wyclifie Mbina
153. KOROS, Philip K.A. 159. WANYONYI, Lazaro M.W.


The Dean of the Faculty of Commeroe will present the fo' for the award of the
Degree of Master of Business and Administration of the University of Nairobi.
As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing
until the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by

-r admit the persons named to the Degree of Master of Business and Administration
and by my authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and
to do all that appertains to this degree."

Then all tho Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

1. ADEWA, Jane Mildred Akoth 12. MZENGE, Godwin Zephaniah

(Mrs.) 13. NAMUSONGE, Gregory Simiyu
2. CHEBRECHRISTOS, Asghedet 14. NGUGI, George M.
(Mrs.) 15. NJIRAINt, John K.B.
3. KUSERO, Naomi 16. OGUTU, Martin
KY AMANYW A, Joseph R. '7
i r,
4. ONGOLO, John Harry Och.eng'
5. MBUVI, Anthony Kisima Ngwe 18. OPANDE, Peter
6. MBOGO, Pamela Awiti (Miss) 19. OPONDO, Dorothy Nereah Aoko
7. MUDUDA, Eliud Omondi (Mrs.)
8. MUlA, Julius Monzi 20. SALIH, Muhammed Abdi
9. MWANGI, John Peter Mbue 21. SHUMBUSHO, Vianney
10. MW ARANIA, Kirimi Mugambi Rurangirwa
11. MWIRICHIA, Peter Mbugua 22. TESF AMICAEL, Ghebrehiwet

The Dean will then acknowledge ihe Chancellor and resume hi'Sseat.



The Dean of uhe Faculty of Education will rise and present the fo'Jowing fOO"the
award of the Diploma in Education of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads Out the names, the candidates will stand and remain standing until the
las; name is read, and then they will altogether bow/curtsey and resume their

Pass With Credit

1. LISANGARI, Mary Makoya 2. NJAU, David Gatheca

Ordinary Pass

ODHIAMBO, Enoch Ayot


Pass With Credit

1. CHEMISTO, David Dison Cassim 2. MARETE, Julius Lenisson Riungu


The Dean of the Faculty of Education will present the following for the
award of 'the Degree of Bachelor of Education of the University of Nairobi. As
the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until
the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying r-s-

"~I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Education and by my
authority and that of entire University, give power to road and to do all that
appertains to this degree."

Then all rhe Graduates will bow! curtsey and resume their seats.


Fint Class Honours

1. KIUNGUA, Simon Peter 2. SAMBILI, Edward Cherurich

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

3. ABED, Jackson Mugambi 37. KAMAU, Susan Nyaguthii (Miss)

4. ABUNGU, Florence Akinyi 38. KANGANGI, Ephraim Muriithi
(Miss) 39. KANYI, Stephen N.gugi
5. AGOT, Evelynnes Kawango 40. KANYOTU, Faith Wanja (Miss)
(Miss) 4l. KARANJ A, Grace Wambui
6. AGOY A, Catherine (Miss) (Miss)
7. AKAMA, John Sorana 42. KARIUKI, David Gichovi
8. AKICH, Issa W. (Miss) 43. KARlUKI, Edward Kabogo
9. ALUBISY A, Adelheid (Miss) 44. KARlUKI, Obadiah Gacharnba
10. ANANDA, Damary Anyona 45. KARIUKI, Simon Evans M.
(Miss) 46. KARURI, Anne Wanjim (Miss)
II. ANY ANGO, Loice Ayodo (Miss) 47. KELION, Johnstone Odhiambo
12. AWUOR, Lydia 48. KHISA, Beatrice Nanyok.a
(M 5S) (Miss)
13. BICHANG' A, Orpha Kemunto 49. KIHIA, Grace Nyaguthii (Mrs.)
(Miss) 50. KIBETHI, Philip Nyamu Gilbert
14 BOIDHIE, Susan Wangochi 5l. KlGANJO, George Milton
(Miss) 52. KIHARA, Duncan Ndung'u
15. BUT AM A, Tobias Alern 53 KILONZO, Agnes Kavene (Miss)
16. BWONYA, Jane Uside (Miss) 54. KIMANI, Jane Dorcas Wangari
17. CHEGE, Mary Wanjiru (Miss) 55. KIMARI, William
18. CHEGE, Mwangi (Miss) .56. KIMARU, Mary Anna Wangui
]9. CHIKAMAI, Fred Saidi (Mss)
20. GACHAGUA, Teresa Marigu 57. KIMONGO, David Mwangi
(Miss) 58. KIMWELI, Lucia Mu.ethya
2l. GATAMA, Gachjra Peter (Miss)
az. GICHIMU, Alice W. (Miss) 59. KINGARA, Mary Eunice
23. GITHIRE, Ruth Wanja (Miss) Wanjira (Miss)
24. GITHUNGO, Peterson 60. KINY ANJUI, Mail}' Njeri (Miss)
25. GWACHI, James Mayaka 0. 61. KINYUA, John Faustin
26. HAJI, Umi (Miss) 62. KIRITI, Tabitha Wagithi (Miss)
27. BINGA, Nancy N.K. (Miss) 63. KIRONGO, Thomas Kibiego
28 INDIRE, Joseph N.O. Oburah 64. KIRUTHU, Evan Kimotho
29. INGOSI, Reuben S. Shibere 65. KISHARA, Alexander Kiprono
30. 1TIBI, Njoroge Kariuki 66. KISIANG'ANI, Edward
31 KABURIA, Rehcma Yusuf Namisiko
(Miss) 67. KITEMA, Lucy Kasyoka (Miss)
32. KAKAI, Pius Wanyonyi 68. KOECH, Noah Kiprop S.A.
33. KALENDA, Wycliff Simiyu 69. KOECH, Esther Chepngeno
34. KAMANDA, Patrick N. (Miss)
35. KAMAU, Chari y W. (Miss) 70. KOIMET, K'ptum Eddy Wesley
36. KAMAU, Michael Kimorho 7l. KW ASI, Fred Owino

72. KWEN A, Mechtilde Monica 109. MUTUA, Jesinta Gathoni (Miss)
(Miss) 110. MWADIME, Monica M. Marachi
73. KY ALLO, Peter Sammy (SR)
74. LABOSO, Joyce Cherono (Miss) 111. MWAI, Francis G. Mutae
75. LIHUNGU, Charles Barasa 112. MW ASAME, Rebecca (Miss)
76. LUMIRE, Ebby K. (Miss) 113. MW ATURO, Nicholas
77. M'MELI, Ritah Ahenda (Miss) Kisiang' ani
78. MACHARIA, Joyce W. (Miss) 114. MWAURA, Hellen Njeri (Miss)
79. MADARA, Mary Amollo (Miss) 115. MWAURA, Peter Alex M.
80. MAINA, Maryanne Wair:mu 116. MWENDA, Mucheru Kariuki
. (Mrs.) 117 . MWETHY A, Beaerice (Miss)
8l. MAINGI, Anne Nkirote (Miss) 118. MWORIA, Rose Nduru (Mrs.)
82. MAKOKHA, John Magero 119. NAFULA, Florence Mocho
83. MAKOTSI, Joseph Makarios (Miss)
84. MAKUMI, Sally W. (Miss) 120. NDEGW A, Rose Gachori (Miss)
85. MARUNDU, Richard Muturi 12l. NDEKE, Makhoha Ben
86. MASINDE, Edwin 122. NDENGERA, Jennifer Hiuko
87. MATHENGE, Joan Wanjiku (Miss)
(Miss) 123. NDIIRI, Washington Stan
88. MAUTA, Mukirindi 124. NDUMA, Jayne R.F. (Miss)
89. MAUTI, Naphital A.O. 125. NDUNG'U, Philomena (Miss)
90. MBAABU, Elizabeth Kanario 126 NGABA, Dominic Kinya
(Miss) 127. NG'ENOH, Pauline Chesang
9l. MBAABU, Speranza M. (Miss) (Mrs.)
92. MBERIA, Anne M. (Mrs.) 128. NGOTW A, Grace Chepwogen
93. MINAYO, Susan (Miss) (Mrs.)
94. MIR ITI, James Gichovi 129. NGUGI, David Zakara Mugori
95. MONARI, Bosire 130. NHEMI, Maryann W. (Mrs.)
96. MORRIS, Joel M. 13l. NjAGAH, Charles W.K.
97. MRAMBA, David Karisa 132. NJAGE, Agnes G. (Miss)
98. MUASYA, Issac Wambua 133. NJERU, Mary Munangi
99. MUCHOKI, Francis M. (Miss)
10-). MUGAMBI, Justus G. Maingi 134. NJOROGE, Anne Njeri (Miss)
10 I. MUGECI, Gatern. Nancy (Miss) 135. NJUE, Sophia Muthoni (M:ss)
102. MUINDI, Florence Kagondo 136. NJUI, Harriet W. (Mrs.)
(Miss) 137. NYABOGA, Josephine Mwango
103. MUOKI, Mathews (Miss)
104. MURUNGI, Patrick 138. NYAGA, Mercy Muthoni (M'ss)
105. MURUNGI, Stel'a G. (Miss) 139. NY AKIAN A, Jane Zakary
106. MURWITHANIA, Charity (Miss)
(Miss) 140. NYAMBOK, Jane (Miss)
107. MUTISO, Bernade toe (Miss) 141. NY AMW AY A, Yabesh Orucho
108. MUTISYA, Jessee James 142. NY AMWEY A, :Noah George
Munywoki Ogendi

143. NY AN KURU, David Nyaanga 167. RUKAHU, Wilson D M.
144. OBUNGU, John Juma 168. SA WE, Rael (Miss)
145. ODAK-ONYANGO, Peter 169. SOGOMO, Laban Kibarar
146. ODDENYO, Tom William 170. THUKU, Nyambura Florence
Ochieng (Miss)
147. ODONGO, Joseph Paul Yugi 17l. THUKU, Stephen K.
148. ODWAR, Walter O.K. Agalo 172. W ACEKE, Ndungu'u Salome
149. OGALLO, Eunita Doreen (Miss) (Miss)
150. OGENCHE, Aaron Ombaso 173. WAFULA, Richard M.
15!. OGVTU, Emily Atieno (Mrs.) 174. WAIGWA, John Karugu
152. OGW ANGI, Manufa L'vingstone 175. W AINAINA, Sarah W. (Miss)
153. O]WANDO, Josiah Owiti 176. 'IX' AKOLT, Caroline (Mrs.)
154. OKVMU, Deogratius 177. WALlAULAH, Patrick Wetosi
155. OKWANYO, Zachary 178. WAMOCHO, Joseph Khamala
156. ONDITI, Tom L.S. 179. WAMUE, Grace Nyatugah
157. ONDURU, Timo.hy Ayieko (Miss)
158. ONGOR, Apollo Onyango 180. W ANDU, Teresia Njer: (Miss)
159. ONUONGA, Joshua B.M. 18l. WANJAU, Kenneth Kamau
160. ORIEDO, Hannington EI1tys 182. WANJOHI, Millicent N. (Miss)
161. OUKO, Nancy G. (Miss) 183. W ARUTERE, Peter Thinwa
162. RAGUTU, Maurice R. Juma 134. WEKESA, M. Thomas
163. RANGINY A, Charles Tago 185. WEREH, Emily Mil (Miss)
164. RIECHI, Andrew Rasugu Otachi 1R6. WERU, Tabitha Wanjugu (Miss)
165. RIND1, Irene Mu.honi (Miss) 187. ZUZARTE, Dorothy (Miss)
166. RINGERA, David Kaliku

Second Class Honours (L()1J)('.r Dnnsion]

188. ABUTA, Mauti Isaac 202. AUD1, Eunice A. (Miss)

189. ACHOLA, Arthur Odhiambo 203. BARASA, Samuel R.S.
190. AFW ANDE, Patrick Ktalory 204. BARAZA, Simiyu Evans
Bwire 205. BICHANGE, Frederick A.
191. AKUNO, Dinah (Miss) 206. BITT A, J. Odhiambo
192. ALl, Halim? Omar 207. BOEN, Francesca
193. ALOO, Yuanita Akala (Miss) (Miss)
194. ALUMASA, Joshua Omonde 208. RUL IND A, D .smus Milimu
195. ALUSHULA, David Hanning.on 209. CHAHALE, Fridah Gibendi
196. AMAYU, Nashon Alfred (Mrs.)
197. ARARA, Lucy Achieng (Miss) 210. CHERUIYOT, Eric Kipkemoi A.
198. ASEKA, Sophie Anyangu (Miss) 211. CHERUIYOT, Zipporah Jemeli
199. ASENA, James Muganda (Mrs.)
200. ATIENO, Jennifer (Miss) 212. CHIMUNGE1, Lillian Bertha
201. ATSANGO, Kezzie Nightil (Miss)
(Miss) 213. GACHAU, Rose (Miss)

214. GACHIRA, Mary Muthoni (M'ss) 253. KARANI, Lydia Muthoni (Miss)
215. GACHUI, Anne (Miss) 254. KARANJA, Mary Nyambura
216. GAKUO, Joyce Waithira (Mrs.) (Miss)
217. GATHEE, Salome Gathoni (Miss) 255. KARIUKI, Gitau
218. GATHIGI, Hortense Wanjiru 256. KARIUKI, Margaret Wanjiru
(Miss) (Miss)
219. GATHU, Elizabeth (Miss) 257. KARIUKI, Nyambura (Mrs.)
220. GA THURA, Catherine (Miss) 258. KARIUKI, Paul Kihumba
221. GATIMU, Veronica Muthoni 259. KATANA, K. Stephen
(Miss) 260. KEBENEI, Kenneth Misoi
222. . GEKE, Fired Nyambuti 267. KHISA, Maurice Nalyakho
223. GESORA, Andrew- Nyakundi 262. KIBERASS, Benson Chepps
224. GICHUHI, Mary Wanjiru (Mrs.) 263. KIMANI, BJhah Wanjeri (Miss)
225. GICHUKI, Marrin Mwangi E. 264. KIM ANI, Janet Njeri (Miss)
226. GIKONYO, Peter Wachira 265. KIMARU, Florence Wacera
227. GITAU, Eunice Mwaromo (Miss) (Miss)
228. . GITHUKA, Ignatia Wambui 266. KING' AU, Geoffrey Kaman
(l\1rs.) 267. KING'ORI, Andrew Njake
229. GITONGA, Alice (Miss) Philip
230. HARRE, Peter Tsuma 268. KING'ORI, Esther Wambui
231. HUMA, James Juma (l\iiss)
212. ILAKO, Lydia (Miss) 269. KlNUTHIA, Jacinta W. (Miss)
233. IRANGI, B I. Rose (Miss) 270. KINYUA; Pauline W. (Miss)
234. ISABW A, Gladys Imali (Miss) 271. KIPCHOGE, Joseph K C.
235. ISIKA, Regina Syombua (Miss) _.
,. KIPLAGAT, Esther Jepkosgei
236. ISINT A, Lawrence Mathews (Miss)
237. lTUMANGE, Annah K. (Miss) 273. KIRAGU, Anna Mary Wambui
238. JAGERO, Gregory (l'"lrs.)
239. KABBIS, John 274. KIRERA, Julius Mwiti
240. KAGEMA, David Ngaria Nderitu 275. KIRlTU, Joel Gachuki
241. KAGUME, Peter Njogu 276. KIRUI, Kipngetich James
242. KAMANDE, Margaret Wangarr~ 277. KISAKA, Edward Kasaya
(M:ss) 278. KISlVULI, Margaret Wanjiru
243. KAMANU, Jacinta Njeri (Miss) (Miss)
244: KAMATAH, Robert Mambo 279. KITHUKA, Josephine Nzilani
245. KAMAU, Robert Gitau (Miss)
246. KAMAU, Joyce K. Muthoni 280. KIW ARA, Stephen Kimani
(Miss) 28l. KOIMUR, Rae! jopkorir (Miss)
247. KAMAU, Lucy Wairimu (Miss) 282. KOIMUR, Rael Jepkorir (Miss)
248. KAMAU, Lucy Wanjiku (Miss) 282. KOKELLO, Paul Odhiambo
249. KAMAU, M. Gabrriel 283. KOMBW A, Rachel Khandasi
2SIl KAMAU, Virgnia (Miss) (Miss)
251. KAMONYE, Leah M (Mrs). 284. KUBASU,. Elsie (Miss)
252 .: KAN AMPIU, Charles Mu:egi 285. KURIA, Angeline W. (Mrs.)

286. KURIA, Mercy Wanjiru (Mrs). 325. MUMMA, Wilhelmina A. (Miss)
287. LISECHE, Nicho'as Mitalo 326. MUNENE, Cecilia Muchoni
288. LUKALO, Beatrice (Miss) (Miss)
21l9. M'RABU, Rachad (Miss) 327. MUNGAI, Annie Wambui
290_ MACHARIA, Pe·.er Toto Mbiyu (Miss)
291. MACHOKA, Sophie 32&. MUNGAI, Julius Njenga
Namuyonga (Mrs.) 329. MUNGANIA, Stephen Bundi
292. MAINA, Beatrice Njoki (Miss) 330. MUNYAO, John W.
293. MAINGI, Christine (Miss) 331. MURAGE, Julieta Wanjiku
294. MAKALl, Maurice Kh:sa (Miss)
295. MAKHANU, Juliana 332. MUREITHI, Queenie Wanjiru
Namalwa (Mrs.) (Miss)
296. MAKUKWI, Martin 333. MURIUKI, Martha Mweru
297. MALEMA, Martha Amis (Miss)
298. MALOBA, John Patrick 334. MURUNGA, Jacin::a Wangari
299. MARETE, Jacob Bundi (Miss)
300. MARETE, Njeri Anngreat (Miss) 335. MURWITHANIA, Florence K.
30l. MARIGU, Melroy A. (Miss) (Miss)
302. MARUGU, Joseph Mwangi 336. MUSILA, Betsy MUTio (Miss)
303. MASIBO, Beatrice M. (Miss) D7. MUSYOKI, Sammy Agustus
304. MASYONGO, Benayo Amogola 338. MUTHAMI, Joseph Nge.wa
Scout 339. MUTI-IEE, George Muiruri
305. MATANDA, Geoffrey N. 340. MUTHEMBA, Evans Mburu
306. MATETA!, Enock Kibichii Chege
307. MATINDI, Margaret N. (Miss) 34l. MUTHUI, Francis D.K.
308. MBINDA, Richard Kimeu 342. MUTONGA, Adams Waworu
309. MEUTIllA, Ioyse (Miss) 343. MUTT AI, Mark Kipkemboi
310. MEENI, Jennifer Nthanga (Miss) 344. MUTUNGA,':e Kwiini
31l. MIRERI, John Matunga M. (Miss)
312. MKOK, Beata Kuchio (Miss) 345. MUTURA, James Kuna
313. MMBUKA, Stanley Anyira 346. MUTURI, Lucy Nyambura
314. MNGODA, Dishon Mwanzighe (Mrs.)
315. MOLE, Stephen 347. MWAKELEMU, jemimah W.
316. MUCHIRI, Lucy (Miss)' (Miss)
317. '. MUDEHERI, Dickson 348. MW AMBU A, Christine Muthoni
318. MUGAMBI, Joseph Itharie (Miss)
319. MUGWE, Eunice Muthoni 349. MWANGANGI, Loioe Nje1l"i
(Miss) (Miss)
320. MUHINDI, Esther Njeri (Miss) 350. MW ANGEKA, Caroline
321. MUHINGIRA, Maroa Wakirh-o (Miss)
322. MUIRURI, Monicah Wanjiru 351. MW ANGI, Charity M. (Miss)
(Miss) 352. MWANGI, Faith Wambui (M:ss)
323. MULl, Paschal Makite 353. MWANGI, Felister W. (Miss)
324. MUMANKA, Gideon T. 354. MW ANGI, Grace W<lnjiru (Mrs';) .

355. MWANGI, Joseph Kori 387. NY AKOKO, Agnes Sophia (Miss)
356. MWANGI, Margaret Wambui 388. NYAMU, Alice Wanja (Mrs.)
(Miss) 389. NY ANGERI, Ezekiel Osoro
357. MWANGI, Nancy Wanjiru 390. NY ASANI, Simion
(M:ss) 391. NZAU, Mary Mbinya (Miss)
358. MWANGI, Purity N. (Mrs.) 392. NZILI, Penninah Mueni (Miss)
359. MW ANGI, Rose Wangari (Miss) 393. OBADHA, Boaz Diang'a
360. MW ANIKI, P. Njeru 39'4. OBARA, Rebecca Atieno (Miss)
361. MWIIRI, Peris Wlllnjiku (M~ss) 395. OBUDHO, Mechack J.M.
362. MWITHIMBU, Rose Karoki 396. ODEK, Joel Odundo
(Miss) 397. ODENY, Consolata Akumu
363. NABHAN, Abduswamad M. (Miss)
364. NASILA, Alice (Miss) 398. OGALO, Peter Ochoro
365. NDAMBIRI, Josephine Muringo 399. OGENDO, Eunice Janet Atieno
(Miss) (Miss)
366. NDEGW A, Charles Mwanyoha 400. 0JOO, Lucie Anyango (Miss)
367. NDICHU, Jennifer Wangui 401. OKENGO, Apensina Nyaboke
(Miss) (Miss)
368. NDIGIRIGI, Rachel Njeri 402. OKERO, Kemunto Everiyne
(Miss) (Mrs.)
369. NDITI, Njoroge Elizabeth 403. OKW ACHA, Alfred Meshak
(Miss) Wandae
370. NDUNG'U, Fakh Njeri (Miss) 404. OLANDO, Eva Margaret (Miss)
371. NDWIGA, Esther Perminas 405. OLE KISIRKOI, Samson 0.
(Miss) 406. OLOO, Anthony Odhiambo
372. NGETICH, Salinah 407. OMOGJ, Jane Atieno (Miss)
(Miss) 408. ONACHA, Solomon
373. NGILU, Josiah Kimuli 409. ONDARI, Wahu Grace (Mrs..)
374. NGOLO, Benard Okongo (M;ss) 410. ONTIRI, Bathsheba Mokeira
375. NGONDO, Peter Mareka (Miss)
376. NGUGI, George Chege 411. ONY ANGO, Sebastian
377. NGUI, Benedict Kamuna 412. OPIO, Elizabeth Ak'nyi (Miss)
Njoki (Miss) 413. ODARY, Anne Ayuma (Mrs.)
378. NGUNJIRI, Scholasticah 414. OPIYO, John 0.
Jacob 415. ORURE, Rae! Adhiambo (Miss)
379. NGWELE, Titus Musili 416. OSODO, Lucia Judith (Miss)
380. NJERU, Pauline (Miss) ·n7. OTIENO, Mary (Miss)
381. NJOGU, Lucy Nyawira (Miss) 418. OTIENO, Michael David
3R2. NJONJO, Gachango Khenji 419. OWINO, Jane Atieno (Miss)
3g3. NJOROGE, Samson 420. OWUOR, George J.O.
384. NJUE, Evalynne Wanja (Miss) 421. OYUGA, Cyrillus Owiso
(Miss) 422. PA TROBAS, Bether Juma
385. NJUGUNA, Pen.nnah Wambui 423. PEPELA, S'mon T.
386. NJUGUNA, Aline Muthoni 424. RONO, Lily C. (Miss)


425. RONO, Moses 441. TUNOl, Francis Kipruco

426. RUKW ARO, Ferdinanda (Miss) 442. W ALUTSACHI, Noel S.
427. RUTO, Joseph R. 443. WAMBIYA, Paschal Kizi;o
42lL SERETI, Monicah T. (Miss) 444. W ANDERE, George Stephen
429. SHAVASINYA, A. John 445. WANJALA, Edith Nasiebanda
430. SHIBADU, Jane Mudeizi (Miss) 447. WANJARA, Purity Simon (M'ss)
431. SHIRAKU, Hil'da Joyce (Miss) (Miss)
432. SIMIYU, Margaret Nakhumicha 448. W ANJIRU, Bibiana (Miss)
(Miss) 449. WANJOHI, Naomi Wambui
433. SOY, Raphael Kipronoh 450. WANYAMA, W. Samson
434. SUDIH, Anne (M'ss) (Miss)
435. SUTER, jemutai Veronica 451. WARIGI, Gitau Githendu
.(Miss) 452. WAYODI, Gershom George
436. TENAI, John Kiprop 453. WEKESA, Vincent
437. THIONG'O, Margaret (Mrs.) Ebole
438. THUGI, Joseph Chege 454. WEREMA~ Mary (Miss)
439. THUITA, Isaac Gitahi 455. OKONGO, Ouma Lucas
440. THUKU, Stanley


456. KARIUKI, Mary E. (Miss) 457. MSANGO, Olonde


First Class Honours

1, LAICHENA, Justus K 2. OKONYA, John Francis

Second Class Honours (Upper Dioision)

3. ABUYA, O. George 16. GITONGA, Mburugu Nkanata

4. ADAMS, H Sheikh 17. GWIYO, Komora
5. ADIENGE, Emmanuel Sigar 18. IGOGO, Mathu J.
6. ADUDA, Bernard C. 19. IKIUGU, Johnson KJ.
Odhiambo 20. ISALAMBAH, Mary Ingado
7. AGUNDA, Lwande (Mrs.)
8. AMOLO, Nereah (M1"5.) 21. KA G IKA, John Waikwa
9. AYEKH A, Zacchs 22. KAMAU, Joseph Ngugi
10. BARASA, Beatrice Uside (Mrs.) 23. KAMIDI, Anne Banda (M1"5.)
11. CHANGEYWO, Johnson Masai 24. KAPUKHA, Margaret
12. GACHIE, Veronica W. (Mrs.) Nakhumicha (Mrs.)
13. G ATHERU, Gera'd K 25. KARANI, joshua B.O.
14. GIKARU, Lawrence Kinyua 26. KERARO, Fred Nyabu.i
15. GITAU, James Waweru 27. KHAGAI, Humphrey Aludah
28. KIAGE, Ondabu Ezekiel 66. MWAYULI, Genevieve Atamba
29. KIBET, Chemunyan Joseph 67. MWITHI, Srephen Muriuki
30. KIBIAS, Mike K.A. 68. NDEDA, Sylvester Opil
31. KING'ORI, Mumbi Elizabeth 69. NDWIGA, Margaret Wawira
(Mrs.) (Miss)
32. KIPLANGAT, Grace 70. NGAE, Peter Njuguna
jepchumba (Miss) 7l. NJAGI, Eustace R.
33. KIPYEGON, Ruto Benjamin 72. NJ ATHI, Simon K.
34. KlTUR, Meli J oseah 73. NJENGA, Evanson Njomo
35. KIVILU, Joseph Mbithi 74. NJERU, John K.
36. KOJWANG, David 75. NJOGU, Leonard Gachoki
37. KUCHIO, Glady Giovani 76. NJOROGE, Stephen Mwaura
Wekesa (Miss) 77. NYAGOSIA, Patrick O.
38. LAURI, David Birithia 78. NY AKARU, David N.
39. LUKIBISI, Clyburn J.A.M. 79. ODUOR, Janet Adongo (Miss)
40. LUSAMBILI, Stanslaus M.C. 80. OGOLLA, Ambrose Osutu
4I. MAHINDA, George Kinyanjui 8l. oGONY, Dorothy A. (Miss)
42. MAILU, Malinga William 82. OGUOK, Jacob A. Joshua
43. MAINA, Wilson Macharia R3. OIGARA, Kemunto Grace (Miss)
44. MAKOBE, Martha Namayi 84. OKOTH, Charles Opondo
(Mrs.) 85. OKUMU, Jaok Amimo
1-5. MANYONGE, Paul N. 86. OLUTA, Lawrence Justinian
46 MASILA, Peter Kilaka 87. OMBONYO, Mathias Areka
47. MATHAI, Judith Njoki (Miss) 88. OMORI, Elija Obwocha
48. MBUGUA, Joyce Muthoni (Miss) 89. OMURUNDO, John Kwendo
49. MBUGUA, Paul K. 90. ONGIDI, Margaret (Miss)
50. MICHENI, Adiel E. 9l. ONGUBO, Samwel Kebaya
5l. MINY ACHA, Shadrack Ondiek 92. ORIGA, japheth G.O.
52. MOMANYI, Lazarus Okioma 93. ORW A, Martin J. Ondego
53. MUCHIRI, Lawrence Muriuki 94. OSIEMO, Alfred J.O.
54. MUGW ANJA, Patrick Githu 95. OTIENO, Alfred T. Agwanda
55. MUINDE, Peter Mwau 96. OTIENO, Eba Akinyi (Miss)
56. MUKIRI, Peter Njuguna 97. OWUOR, Kepher Onditi
57. MUNIAFU, Maina Mwenya 98. RUTTO, Sammy Kipkemboi
58. MUNY ALO, Fredrick Wambua 99. SALAT, Joseph Hiribae
59. MURAGE, Sheikh Daniel 100. SHAH, Khusmita B. (Miss)
60. MUSOMBI, K.B.S. Jackmore lOI. SHIVOGA, Wilhm A.
6l. MUSYIMI, Alice Kavithwa 102. SIMON Rachael Nyakundi
(Miss) (Mrs.)
62. MUTHEE, Lucy Wanjiru (Miss) 103. THARAO, Esther Wangare
63. MUTIGA, Justus Mur:abari (Miss)
64. MANGI, Wilitam Macharia 104. THEURI, Mwangi Anthony
65. MW ANYUMBA, Dorothy ]05. THIONG'O, Gathara Nathan
Zighe (Miss) 106. THORUW A,. Thomas F. Nyaki

107. THURANIRA, Hellen Kathure 113. WARUI, Hellen Wanjiru (M:ss)
(Miss) 114. WASILWAH, John Makokha
108. WAITITU, Michael 115. WAWERU, Patricia Wanjiku
109. WALIAULA, Beatrice K. (Mrs.) (M:ss)
110. WAMBUGU, Richard Maina 116. WEKESA, John Mafumbo
111. WAMBUGU, Samuel Wachanga 117. WERE, David Aoko
112. WANYONYI, Juliet (Miss) l l S. WETUNGU, Martin Sipekei

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

119. ABDI, Adan 150. KARIUKI, Henry Ndungu

120. AKURA, Gabriel. Okong'o 151. KATHURIMA, Moses Ma.giri
121. AMUKONYI, Stephen Ayiesa 152. KElT ANY, Jeptum M. (Mrs.)
122. ASAVA, Margaret T. (Miss) 153. KIAI, Ga h.gira Isaac
123. BITOK, Vincent 154. K1AMATI, Tennyson J.N.
124. BWAMPOK, Joel Kimaru 155. KIBICHO, Cyrus N.
125. CHACHA, E.N. Kiharah 156. KIHARA, Stephen
126. CHEMTINGEN, David Masai 157. KIMANI, Moses Karania
K. 158. KINOTI, japhet Muuna
127. CHENGO, John Antony 159. KINYILI, Patrick Wambua
128. CHEPTIONY, Bernard K. 160. KIPKOECH, John Ru 0
129. CHIRCHIR, Edwin W.K. 161. KIPKORIO, William Chirchir
130. DALIZU, Mark Mangayilu 162. KIPLAGAT, Reuben Bartocho
131. DOL, David Otieno 163. KIVAI, Daniel M.
132. EMBEYWA, Samuel Maduguda 164. KOSKEY, Wilson Kipsang
133. GAT AMBIAH, Daniel Mugo 165. KUNGU, Peter Ndcgwa
134. GATIMU, Duncan H.M. 166. KUNUSIA, Julius Siruma
135. GEDI, Asuza John 167. KYONGO, John Mutua
136. GICHIA, Kimani 168. LANG AT, johana Kipkoech
137. GITAU, George 169. LIGONDO, Peter Nyangor
138. GITONGA, Margaret Njeri 170. LOLO, Kaskon Masayi
(Miss) 171. LUKAMO, Peter
139. HINGA Anthony Laurence 172. LUMBASYO, Rose Aliv~tsa
140.KABIRU, Zachariah Mwangi (Miss)
141. KADZO, Joyce (Miss) 173. LUSENO, Steven
142. KAGIRI, Sammy N. 174. MACHARA, Bernard Gachomo
143. KAGONDU, Anne Nyambura 175. MACHARIA, James Nguru
(Miss) 176. MACHARIA, Paul
144. KAGWI, Anderson Mwai 177. MADERA, Samson Nashon
145. KAILARIA, Gerald K. Ngaruthi 178. MAIGUA, Stephen Wachira
146. KAMONDE, Ngugi 179. MAINA, Elias Muturi
147. KAMUYE, George Temesi 180. MAINDI, Hellen
148. KARANJA, Elias Kaboi 181. MAKOKHA, Leonard Simiyu
149.. KARANJA, Titus Kinyua 182. MASEA, Onsarigo Charles

183. MBAI, James Mutua 223. NGOKA, Maurice A.
184. MBAKAYA, Julius Shikuku 226. NGURE, Njoroge Waweru
185. MBITH, Ade'aide Mbaika (Mrs.) 227. NJENGA, Kinyanjui Edwin
186. MBOGa, Samuel Muigai 228. NJIRU, Dickson Nthiga
187. MBUGUA, Henry 229. NJaGU, Robert Kibandi
188. MBURU, Joseph Njo;IU 230. NJaKA, Jamleck M..
189. MENGE, Dickson Nyamoro 231. NJaRaGE, Peter Munderu
190. MIANO., Robert 232.. NJUE, Gatena Benson
191. MIaRU, Peter Mwaniki N. 233. NJUGUNA, Danson E.G.
192. MaHAMED, Abdi Gello 234. NJUGUNAH, Francis N.
193. MaKAH, M lton Mwanyumba 235. NYAGA, Margaret Njeri (Miss)
194. MTENGa, Stanley D. Migitsa 236. NYANGWACHI, George PhiILps
195. MUCHENA, Stephen Kirigia 237. NYARERA, Timothy Ongubo
196. MUCHaKI, Julius Kahindo 238. NYARIBa, Jackson Mosioma
197. MUIAH, Gregory S. Ngalatu 239. NYAUNCHa, Scephen F.
198. MUIT A, Patrick K. Miyogo
199. MULaNGA, Jeremiah Stephen 240. NyaNGESA, Crispinus
200. MUMERa, Lonah Mutoro Lusakiah
(Mrs.) 241. NZIOKA, Joseph Muli
201. MUNGAH, George Evans 242. aDaNGa, John Bosco Okubi
Gitonga 243. aGINGA, Francis Saulo
202. MUNGAI, Patrick Mwangi 244. aGaLA, Dennis Stephen
203. MUNGAI, Mary Wanjira (Mrs.) 245. OKELLa, Anne Akinyi (M'ss)
204. MURAA, Henry Ajathi 246. aKIYA, John D.O..
205. MURATAI, Lemijio Njeru 247. aMaGI, Michael
206. MURIITHI, Hoss Kamonyi 243. oxior.r.o, Pius Andrew
207. MURIITHI, Stephen Kimenyi 249. aNDERE, Nixon Jeremiah
208. MURIITHI, Lawrence Marangu 250. ONDULA, Edward Omondi
209. MUSASULA, Patrick Kimunguyi 251. OPEM, Gideon P. Odhone
210. MUITHI, Boniface Musyoka 252. aSELU, Raphael Jom M.
211. MUTHaNJIA Kamau L. 253. aTIENa, Apo'Io Kelly's
212. MUTISa, Benson Muindi 254. aWINa, -Maurice Otunga
213. MUTUKU, David 255. PEPELA, Wekesa Christopher
214. MUYA, George Wachira Runyora 256. RADING', Wilfred Shem
215. MWAI, Anthony James Sawanda
216. MWANGI, Erastus 257. RaNa, Benjamin Kiptanui
217. MWANGI, Gilbert Mwai 258. RaTICH, Paul Kibett A.
218. MWaNGA, Michael Ndengele 260. RUGaNA, Gilbert T.M.
219. NCACU, Munene Mugo 261. SADALLA, Lilian Jepchumba
220. NDETa, Fidelis Edward (Miss) (Mrs.)
221. NDaLa, George Er:ck Otieno 262. SALONIK, John N. Surum
222. NDORa, Fredrick Njuguna 263 SIBUCHI, Nafula (Miss)
223. NG'aKU, Stephen Somba 264. SICHANGI, Christopher
224. NGARUIYA, Stephen 265. SUNGA, Fred Leo

266. TAITHO, Wainaina 271. W ADONGO, Moses Kutondo
267. THEOFILO, Nelson Murithi 272. W AFULA Charles Odera
268. TURUCHIU, Julius Karangania 273. W AMBIYA, Tulula Katoi
269. UMIJA, Michael Otieno Agala 274. WAMBUA, Dominic Ngiki
270. W ACHIRA, Ruth Njeri (Miss) 275. WAND AKA, John Kamau M.

Ordinary Pass

276. KAHIGA, james Kibanga 279. MUY A, Muturi Wachira

277. KARIUKI, Joseph M. Nemesio 280. MWAITA, Charles Joseph
278. KIMANI, James Chege 281. WANZETSE, Sylvester Otipah


Pint Class Honours

1. BURUGU, Rachel W. (Mrs.) 8. MAKOKHA, Mary Nanjekho

2. JUMA, Magdallen Nafula (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
3. KAVILU, Josephine MwikaIi 9. MEME, Joyce B.K. (Mrs.)
(Mrs.) 10. MUNGAI, Margaret Wangui
4. KIBUGA, Jane Mumbi (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
5. KINAI, Theresia K. (Mrs.) 11. NYANGI, Martha (Mrs.)
6. KIRIGIA, Alice 1\1. (Mrs.) 12. ONYANGO, Anyango Joyce
7. KURIA, Elizabeth Nafula (Mrs.) (Miss)

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

13. AMENY A, Wilfred 27. KAMAU, Rahab N. (Mrs.)

14. ATALITSA, Mary Awinja (Mrs.) 28. KANIARU, Jennifer J. (Miss)
15. CHILUMO, Sara Zindori (Mrs.) 29. KARANI, Elizabeth Njuugu
16. GATERE, Eva W. (Miss) (Mrs.)
17. GATIMU, Alice Wanjiru (Mrs.) 30. KARINGITHI, Grace Gathoni
18. GIMOI, Florence N. (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
19. GIT AHI, Irene W. (Miss) 31. KARUMBA, A.","11es Wanjiru
20. GITHIRU, Pauline M. M. (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
21. IRERI, Gertrude M. (Mrs.) 32. KIBIEGO, Leah Jelimo (Mrs.)
22. JONDIKO, Rachel Anyango 33. KIBUGU, Fraciah Nyambura
(Mrs.) (Miss)
23. KABUGU, Zipporah Wathoni 34. KIMEU Adela Muekc (Miss)
(Mrs.) 35. KlNUTHIA, Dorcas Woanjiru
24. KAGWE, Elizabeth N. (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
25. KAMAMI, Mary G. (Mrs.) 36. KIRIMI, Eunice K. (Mrs.)
26. KAMAU, Nellie M.W. (Mrs.) 37. KIROREI, Sophy Sang (Mrs.)

38. KIWINGA, Rozinah Wawanda 64. MUTUA, Veronica Mbeneka
(Miss) (Mrs.)
39. KOECH, Alice (Miss) 65. MW ANGI, Charity (Miss)
40. KOGI, Grace Wambui (Miss) 66. MW ANGI, Pauline Wamuyu
41. KURIA, Elizabeth Wanjku (Mrs.) (Miss)
42. KURIA, Jane W.M. (Mrs.) 67. MWATHA, Josephine Nyambura
43. MAINA, Annie W. (Mrs) (Mrs.)
44. MAINA, Beatrice Mu:honi (Mrs.) 6S. NDEGW A, Mary Njoki (Mrs.)
45. MAINA, Margaret Wangari 69. NDERITU, Cecilia Mweru
(Mrs.) (Miss)
46. MAKOKHA, Dinah (Miss) 70. NGAU, Margaret M. (Mrs.)
47. MALE, Dorcas WlllnjJm (Mrs.) 71. NGOCI, Janet Kendi (Mrs.)
48. MALEBE, Edith Pam (Mrs.) 72. NJIRU, Charity Wanjiru (Miss)
49. MASENGE, Anne F. Kerubo 73. ODIPO, Jane (Mrs.)
(Mrs.) 74. OLUBA YO, Janet Mig.nde
50. MASIKA, Agnes Naliaka M. (Miss)
(Mrs.) 75. ONYANGO, Maria Adhiambo
51. MBAE, Mary (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
52. MBARIA, Forah Njeri (Miss) ?t.. ONYANGO, Veronica (Miss)
53. MUGALAV AI, Violet Kadenyeka 77. OPONDO, Lynnette Awuor
(Miss) (Miss)
54. MUGO, Julia Mwihaki (Mrs.) 78. OSUNGU, Rose Adhiambo
55. MUKIRIA, Purity Muringi (M:ss) (Miss)
56 MUNENE, Evangeline Karimi 79. OTIENO, Damar Akoth (Mrs.)
(Mrs.) so. OUMA, Dolorosa Anyango
57. MUNGAI, Nancy Wanjiku (Miss)
(Miss) 81. RACHO, Margaret Agola (Mrs.)
5S. MUNORU, Lois Gathoni (Mrs.) 82. REBMAN, Marie Nyadzuwa
59. MUNYOLE, Mary (Miss) (Miss)
60. MURERIA, Anne Njeri (Miss) 83. SEI, Miriam jemat.a (Mrs.)
61. MURUGU, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 84. TATUA, Ann Njeri (Miss)
62. MUTHUURI, Lillillln Gakiiru 85. WAFULA, Alice (Mrs.)
(Mrs.) 86. W ANDERA, Helen Ajiambo
63. MUTIA, Rosina K. (M:ss) (Mrs.)

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

37. GI1HINJI, Leah Wambui 92. MURI, Margaret Wambui (Miss)

(Miss) 93. MURUNGI, Sylvia K. (Mrs.)
88. MBITH!, Florine N. (Miss) 94. .MWANGI, Loxana Nyokabi
39. MITITI, Ruth (Mrs.) (Miss)
90. MUDEK, Pauline Akai (Miss) 95. OCHAKO, Bertha Deez (Miss)
91. MULIMBA, Esabel Bakhoya 96. OWITI, Pauline Achola (Mrs.)
(Mrs.) 97. SHIRAKO, Rita Musinzi (Miss).


I. AGALOMBA, Stanley Tsimbasi 34. MOGERE, Manwari Jane

2. AMBETSA, Gertrude L. (Mrs.) Florence (Miss)
3. AMENYA, Judith Ogo'a (M:ss) 35. MUGA, Margaret N. Nyagaya
4. AMUKOA, Elizabeth Florence (Mrs.)
(Mrs) 36. MUKIIRA, Isaiah Kimonye
5. AMUNGA, Ochieng B.A. George 37. MURIITHI, Ekrah Njura (Mrs.)
6. ANAMINYI, Margaret Achayo 38. MUTEKHELE, Joshua Sam
(Miss) Khalagai
7. CHEPKORIR, Elizabeth Talam 39. MW ANIKI, Sarah Nyamu (Mrs.)
(Miss) 40. MW ARANDANI, Bakari Tsani
8. CHIURI, John Wachira Chivuma
9. COCKER, Reba Sabiha (Mrs.) 41. NAKHABALA, Bwayo Chebkati
10. ESHIW ANI, Rebecca Emali Ben
(Mrs.) 42. NAKHULO, Fidelis Joseph
II. GATENJWA, Kuria Nihuru 43. NDERI, Siliano J.
12. GATHONGO, George Michael 44. NGUGI, Robins Ndagu
(Fr.) • 45. NY AMBARI, Sammy Thumbi
13. GATOBU, Rosalind Kinaitore 46. NY ANJUI, Raymond Philip
(Mrs.) 47. OBOCH, Caleb Agwa
14. GATUHU, Stephen N. Waweru 48. 0' BONYO, Anastasia Antonia
15. ILAI, Joseph Kilonzi (Mrs.)
16. IRUNGU, Samuel N.K. 49. OCHIENG, George Fred
17. KAGO, Nioroge Murizhi Olwande
18. KARAN G A, Jules Keymaney 50. ODERO, Pamela Merab (Mrs.)
19. KARIRI, Jackson Ngunjiri 5l. OGWAYO, Isaac Onyango
20. KARIUKI, Charles Mwaniki 52. OKW ARO, D'minah Nady (Mrs.)
2I. KASUKU, Susan Dora Kalolo 53. OMOLLO, John W. Owino
(Mrs.) 54. ONWONG'A, Edward Obiero
22. KHAKAYI, Scholastica (Miss) 55. ORWA, Margaret Josephine
23. KIMITI, Douglas Kanyi (Mrs.)
24. LUNG' AHO, Solomon 56. OY AO, Fmncisca Atogo (Mrs.)
25. LUTT A, Charles Hezron 57. PINYA, Wilfridah Akoth (Mrs.)
26. M'IKUNYUA, Joseph Mbaabu 5S. PATEL, Kokila Ashokkumar
27. MACARIA, Loise Anne Fox (Mrs.) (Mrs.)
28. MAGWANGA, John 59. RIMBERIA, Samuel K. Mboroki
29. MAINA, James Kinyua 60. RINGER A, Eunice Nkirote (Mrs.)
30. MA TOKE, Duke Kenguru 6l. ROGONCHO, David Miranyi
31. MBAE, Margaret Mukwtanjeru 62. SHAKE, Sospeter Mwak.o
(Mrs.) 63. SHIKANGA, Moses Muganda
32. MBENGEI, Scholastica Nthambi 64. SHIUNDU, Sylvester Ndeche
(Miss) 65. VAGHELA, Manjula Maganlal
33. MBOCHU, James P. Kariuki (Miss)

66. WANDERA, Philip Oguba 69. WANJAU, Chester Mugo
67. WANJALA, Timona Wangili 70. WEKESA, Frida Caroline (Mrs.)
68. WANJALA, WycIiffe Wabwile


Pass W:th Distinction

1. ABET I, Ledra Stephen 4. NXUMALO, Miriam V.F.

2. JEEROBUKHAN, Mohamed F. 5. OCHOLA, Joel O.A.
3. MUTSUNE, Myra Kannidza 6. WANDI, David Mnakande

Pass With Credit

7. ABDI, Mohamed Ali 23. MBIRIRU, Washington N.K.

8. BOMA, Nde S.c. 24. MBUNDA, Alois Marco
9. CHALI, Katongo 25. MICHIEKA, Esther Nyabonyi
10. CIANO, Jane 26. MORAGA, Gebro Yohannes
11. ESHUN, Sylvia 27. MSINDE, Victor
12. GICHERI, Kimaru 28. MUSOKO, Joyce N.
13. ISENGW A, Phabian Ibamaba 29. MWAt'ABA, Ignatius
14. KABIRA, Daniel Ndungu 30. NZIOKI, David Sila
15. KAHUKI, Isaiah Njau 31. OJUKA, Samson Ajwang'
16. KAUKUMBA, Ncmeta F.O. 32. ONYIEKAZI, D.O.
17. KANORE, Michael 33. OTIENO, Luckio
18. KARLUKI, Lucy W. 34. OUEDRAGO, R.
19. KIIGI, Evans Ndungu 35. RARIEYA, Jocyelyn M.
20. LUMALLAS, I.E. 36. SAL\M.BA, Grace Imelda
21. MALE, Lamine 37. SIDIBE, Moussa
22. MALO I, Charles Lebesa


38. AHMED, Mumina Mohamed 46. MOHAMED, Ibrahim Jeylani

39. ALUKO, Samuel Adedeji 47. MOMBOD, Rose IN.
40. BAFOUA, Justin 48. NALEIE, Zahra Siad
41. DOSI, Salma 49. N'GOMA, Jean [eanor
42. JAMA, Mohamed Ali Farah 50 NORTEY, L Hanson
43. LIBAN, Ahmed Farah Asker 51. OTEW A, John Odhiambo
44. NAMADOU, Konate Mana 52. WALUGERE, Richard
45. MASAGARA, Elizaphan Mokua 53. WAWERU, Kairo


The Dean of the Faculty of Eduoation will present the fo'lowing for the award of
the De.gree of Master of Education and Master of Arts (in Education) of the
University of Nairobi. As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand
and remain standing until Ithe Chancellor has conferred the degrees by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degrees of Master of Education and Master of
Arts (in Education) and by my authority and that of the entire University give
power to read and to do all moat appertains to these degrees."

Then all the Graduates will bowjcurtsey and resume their seats,


1. AKHUSAMA, Jackson Moses 11. MUHANDIK, Geoffrey M.

Chibole Libehe
2. AMUNGA, Beatrice Nyakoa 12. MUNGUTI, Benjamin Keli
(Mrs.) 13. MURUKA, Daniel Johnson
3. BOSIRE, Ombwachi 14. NDWIGAH, Obed Ger.shon
4. CHIRCHIR, Joseph Kipkoech 15. NGW ALA, Mueni (Miss)
5. GITONGA, Joseph Kirimi 16. OBONDO, Margaret Akinyi
Erastuson (Mrs.)
6. GOHIL, Mernuna Manohar 17. ODAL!, Enoch Nsaywa
(Mrs.) 18. OKERE, John
7. KABUl, Samuel Njuguna 19. OMW ANDHO, Luke B. Otieno
8. KYALO, Francis Kisinga 20. SANGURA, Joseph Walukuka
9. MAKHULO, Jackson 21. WAFULA"Alfred Juma KanuIi
Namukobero 22. WAINAINA, Peter Nioroge
10. MUCHIRI, Samuel Gabriel Njeru


23. ANYANGO, Rispa Auma (Miss) 25. KANGE, Mishek Karimi

24. ASUNDA, Ritah Johnstone 26. KIMOKOTI, Agnes Chebukwa
(Mrs.) (Mrs.)



27. KIMANI, Gerald Ngugi


28. CHIMERAH, Rocha Muzungu 30. RIMBUI, Thomas Mwikumi

29. l\lUTHUI, Teresa N. (M['S.) 31. WASANGA, Paul M.M.


32. MWANGI, Donald Thuo


33. KAPIYO, Raphael }.A. 34. NDUMBU, Abel D.


The Dean of the Facu'ty of Education will present the following for the aIW1aTd of the
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Universky of Nairobi.

KARAGU, Nelson Muchoki

The Dean will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.



The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering will rise and present the following for the
award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science of the University of Nairobi. As
the Dean reads out the names, the candidates s.aad and remain standing until
the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
and by my authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and
to do all that appertains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.


First Class Honours

1. INIMA, Alben: Kenyani 2. NYAN'G, Frederick O.

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

3. BOR, David Kiptoo 6. MWANIKI, F.N. Joseph

4. CHEPSOI, Kipngetich J. Tumek 7. NDERITU, Paul Githumbi
5. MASON, Philip K. 8. OTIENO, John Nyasuti

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

9. GITHAE, Anthony Mumbura 13. NGOTHO, Paul Karogo

10. KIBE, John Kimani 14. o SURE, George
11. KIPCHUMBA, Benjamin Bett 15. SAINA, Kipps Sam
12. MUTORO, Wafula M. 16. MWANDA, Charles Okelo


First Class Honours

1. ABUODHA, Silvester O. 4. LOVEDAY, Jude

2. JEEVRAJ, Anjumn Hussein 5. OGANGO, John
(Miss) 6. WANJALA, Ramadhan Salim
3. KAGUONGO, Stanley Maira

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

7. APIYO, Gilphas Otieno 29. WACHIRA, Jane Nyaguthii

8. DESUSS, John Nyandiko (Miss)
9. GUPTA, Pradeep Kumar 30. BURALE, W. Bikokwa
10. IKIGU, Clement Thuku 31. DULO, Simeon Otieno
11. IKIUGU, Timothy N. 32. IREA, Joshua Kinoti
12. KAGIRI, Monicah Gathoni (Miss) 33. ITHAU, Leonard
34. KAMAU, Joseph N.
13. KAMAU, Joseph M. 35. KARAN]A, Joseph Mbuthia
14. KIARIE, Ndekei J. 36. KARINGA, Wilson Nyaga
15. KIMANI, Njoroge 37. KHAINZA, Patrick Leo
16. MAINA, James Patrick 38. KINYUA, Joseph M.
17. MER lA, Francis Njuguna 39. MAINA, Wilson Kipkosgei
18. MENGICH, Maxwell K. 40. MBURU, Daniel Ndungu
19. MIL GO, Ma'aquen 41. MUNGAI, Joseph
20. MULl, Paul Mwalavu 42. NAIVASHA, Moses Mbae
21. MURAGE, JamesW.V. 43. NATO, Henry Charles
22. MUTHAURA, Julius M. 44. NDINIKA, John Karinge
23. MW AMBA, Silvester Kinyua 45. NGECHU, Peter
24. MWANGI, D. Waweru 46. NGUNYANGI, Timothy G.
25. NJAIBU, Wambura Margaret 47. NJERU, Peter N.J.
(Miss) 48. NJOGU, Gituiku
26. OGALO, Tom O. 49. NYANGANYA, Evans N.
27. PATEL, Atul P. 50. OSELU, Richard
28. SEHMI, Parmeet Singh 51. WAWERU, Erastus Wa:ya


52. ANDANJE, Amunga 54. LETING, Kib~tok arap

53. BUIGUT, Alex 55. MURGOR, Thomas Kipkurui


First Class Honours

1. ADUL, Vincent Otieno 3. RATTANSHI, Alnoor Fatehali

2. GIT AU, Michael Ken Njoroge

Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

4. ANYONA, Zachariah 6. KIPROTICH, Charles

5. KIBOI, Peter Ndungu 7. MBURU, Stephen G.

8. MOSONIK, John Kipnsetich 14. OCHIENG', Augustine
9. MUNGAI, Msrthew Kiboro 15. OKERI, Peter
10. NGARI, Kimotho 16. OMOSO, Lucas Okebe
II. NGUNJIRI, Dismus Wachiuri 17. ORERO, Shadrach Otieno
12. NJOROGE, Joseph Mwema 18. WAHOME, Samuel Muraguri
13. NJUGUNA, Benjamin Ng'erhe

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

19. AGOLLAH, Japhet Omolloh 25. M'MARETE, Celestino Kinyua

Juma 26. MUIT A, Sammy Billy Gathuuri
20. GITHINJI, Wilson Kariuki 27. MWANGOME, Jobs Pius
21. KAMAU, Joseph Kimata 28. NJENGA, Samuel G.
22. KARANJ A, Henry Njoroge 29. NYANG'ON, Timothy Ouma
23. KIVIHY A, Aligula 30. NJOROGE, Ephraim Kamau
24. MAGAMBO, Cyprian Kiremu 31. OUMA, Ouma Eric


32. ALOO, Taison 36. NYONGESA, Peter Namenge

33. KYARIE, James Kamau 37. ONDIGO, George Were
34. MINJO, Asi 38. MUCHAMA, John Omwenge
35. MWANGI, Joseph Kihiu


First Class Honours

1. D'SOUZA, Bernard Agnelo 3. MUHlJTHIA, Lawrence Njoroge

2. GWARA, Wilson Oginga 4. NDERITU, Gachiri D.

Second Class H onours (Upper Dioision)

5. GATIMU, Francis K. Ng'anz'a 14. MWANGI, John M. Warui

6. IMBAMBI, Richard Misigo 15. MWAURA, Peter Richards K.
7. KANGA, Erastus G. 16. NDWIGA, Joseph M. Miano
8. KARANJA, Peter M.G. 17. NJEE, James Mwangi
9. KURIA, Isaac M. 18. NJUNG'E, Peller Mburu
10. MACHARIA, Joseph M. 19. OKELO, G.S. On'gonge
11. MARWANGA, Reuben 20. ONYANGO, Quinto Okuku
12. MBOGHO, Donald Mjomba 21. WERE, Stanley Amwayi
13. MECHA,Peter Manono


Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

22. BEJA, Boniface Bajabaja 29. NDENDA, Joshua Ooro

23. KABUTU, John Muchori 30. NDUNGU, Charles Nyaga
24. KARIUKI, Benson K. 31. NGIGI, Johnson Gacheru
25. KASYOKA, Joshua Kioko 32. NGOTHI, David Ngari
26. MASINDE, Charles Simiyu 33. NGUGI, Joel Maina Kahiti
27. MWANGI, C. Wainaina Laban 34. RUGENDO, John Shadrack
28. NABANGI, Fredrick Khaemba


35. CHERUIYOT, Joseph K.A. 38. OKEYO, Innocent P. Makori

36. MWENDA, Salim 39. WANYOIKE, David Njuguna
37. NGUNJIRI, John Njue


Second Class Honours (Upper Division)

1. HALAKHE, Joseph Guyo 4. LUMUMBA, George Mukanzi

2. IMW ATI, Andrew Thiaine 5. MURUGU, Reuben Mwenda
3. KAMAU, Wilson Ndirangu

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

6. IMUGUO, Francis Murungi Pass

7. KANUNU, Zachary Thuku 12. KARANJA, Peter Mwaura
8. MAMO, Hussein Hapicha 13. KIBUCHI, Patrick Ruoya Simon
9. MOKI, Eliud 14. KIHINGO, Baptista Kaburi
10. MWATHANE, Ibrahim Njiru 15. MIATU, Patrick
11. NDIRANGU, James 16. ODONGO, George Eric
17. OJUNJU, Wilson F.A.


The Dean of the Facuxy of Engineering will present the following for the award of
the Degree of Master of Science in Engneering of the University of Na.robi,
As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing
until rhe last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by

"J admit the persons named to the Degree of Master of Science in Engneering and
by my authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and to
do at'l that appertains to this degree."

Then the Graduates will bow/Clirtsey and resume their seats.

1. FISSJHA, Tefera Wolde 4. RADING, George Odera

2. KULUBI, James Ambani 5. SHJTOTE, Stanley M.T.
3. ONUNGA, John R. Ogutu

The Dean will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.



The Director of the Institute of Computer Science will rise and present the following
for he award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science of the Univer-
sity of Nairobi. As the Director reads out the names, the candidates will stand
and remain standing until the last name is read and then they will altogether
bow/ curtsey and resume their seat.

Pass 'with Distinction

1. NJOE, Sammy Nyaga 2. OKECH, Sylvanus Juma

Pass with Credit

3. KAMITI, Samuel Gachie 5, OWINO, Job Martin Oduor

4. MWANGI, Wamoni

Ordinary Pass
6. MUTONYI, Wycliffe W. 8. WERE, jacinta (Mrs.)
7. OGUNDE, Zacharia Tonnie

The Director will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.



The Dean of the Faculty of Law will rise and present the following for the award
of the Degree of Bachelor of Laws of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until the last
name i!! read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:--

HI adrnt the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Laws and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that apper-
tains to this degree."

Then the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

Second Class H onours (Upper Division)

1. AMEKA, Margaret Olanga (Mrs.) 6. MUIGAl, Githu

2. BONDO, Philip Ambrose 7. MURUNGr, Roben Mwiti
3. KAlRU, Stephen G. Titus 8. NYAGAR, Lucy (Miss)
4. KARANJA, Kinyanjui J. 9. OSEKO, Matthew 0.
5. KIBE, Mureithi Michael 10. WANJALA, Smokin M. Charles

Second Class Honours (Lotoer Division)

11. ACHIENG', Joys (Miss) 26. KARlUKl, Gerald Rubia

12. CHARO, Samuel 27. KHASAKHALA, Betty Angaria
13. CHEGE, Grace N. (Miss) (Miss)
14. CHEROGONY, Jeruto Gladys 28. KIBAGENDl, Assa M. Nyakundi
(Miss) 29. KIBORO, Nancy Nioki (Miss)
15. GATHlGlRA, Warigia (Miss) 30. KlHARA, Charles Njuru
16. GlCHANGl, Jemimah Muthoni 31. KIIRU, Esther Njoki (Miss)
(Miss) 32. KIMANI, Muthoni (Miss)
17. GlMOSE, Charles Gumini 33. KIMOTHO, Johnson Irungu
18. GlTARl, Lucy Waruguru (Miss) 34. MACHARIA, Anastasia Njeri
19. GlTHlNJI, Jane (Miss) (Mrs.)
20. HUNJ A, Robert Rufus 35. MAGAMBO, John Kirimi
21. JUMA, Afwande Peter 36. MAHINDU, Johnson Matseshe
22. KADlMA, Francis M. Osundwa 37. MANY ASI, Joyce (Miss)
23. KALALI, Eddah Mawia (Miss) 38. MAOSA, Thomas Marranga
24. KAMANDE, Winny Wamaitha 39. MARANY A, Isabella (Miss)
(Mrs.) 40. MARETE, D.K. Njagi
25. KAMUGl, Patriciah Muthoni 41. MOHAMMED, Jairus Nyaoga
(Miss) 42. MOITUI, Charles Otuke

43. MUGO, Ireri Charles 60. MUSAU, Daniel Ivai
44. MUIBAI, Christine Wanjiku 6l. MVATI, Mvatie Mosko
(Miss) 62. MWANGI, Juliet (Miss)
45. MULAMA, Hedwig P. (Miss) 63. MWANGI, Samuel Gathiga
46. NYANCHOKA, Jane (Miss) 64. MW ANGIH, Catherine P. (Miss)
-t7. NYIMBAE, Theodosia (Miss) 65. MWANYUMBA, Duncan
48. ODUK, Ezekiel 66. NGECHU, Caroline Wanjiru
49. OKONG'O, Rebecca (Miss) (Miss)
50. OMAE, Samson Mirwoba 67. NGILU, Seth Mukulu (Miss)
51. OMOLO, Chrisphine Owino 6R. NY AGAR, Rachel M. (Miss)
52. ONDIEKI, Samuel Nyariki 69. SIMBIRI, Florence Akinyi
53. ONY ANCHA, David Nyakango (Miss)
54. OPUKO, Wilbrodah 70. THUITA, JennJer (Miss)
55. ORORA, Fred Ntabo 71. TUMBO, Ngali S. (Miss)
56. OTIENO, Patrick Lumumba 72. W ACHIRA, David Githanda
57. OTUNGA, Celestine Amelia 73. W ANJIKU, Felistas Fatuma
58. OWINO, Hellen (Miss) (Miss)
59. MURUNGI, Beatrice Kinanu 74. WANYAGA, jane Wanjiru (Mr~.)


75. CHELUGET, Nancy Chepkemoi 81. MANORE, Muthoni Alice (Miss)

(Miss) 82. MASARA, Naftal Okwanyo
76. GICHANA, Nyamamba Maosa 83. NDISY A, Silvanus Ndongoi
77. KANG'ETHE, Naomi Maundu
Wamaitha (Miss) 84. NJUGUNA, Gilbert M.
78. KUNYILI, Norah (Mrs.) 85. ODUMBA, Charles Sagasi
79. LUMATETE, Walubengo Muchai 86. OJW ANG' Ooko Kasedar
80. MACHARIA, Anastasia Njeri 87. WANYAPINDA, Horace O.

The Dean will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.



The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine will present the following for the award of the
Diploma in Advanced Nursing of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean reads
out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until the last name
is read.

Then the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

J. ARIMI, Tryphosa Kithiru (Miss) 12. NG'ENO, Borta Chebii (Mrs.;

2. ASEWE, Margaret Apiyo (Miss) 13. OBW ANGA, Lydia Nyoroka
3. BIKET, Mary (Miss) (Mrs.)
4. BUNY ALl, Samwcl Lawry 14. OGGOT, Agnes Atieno (Mrs.)
5. LISAKA, Hanrietta Maria 15. OGUDO, jendeka Salome
Khamati (Miss) (Miss)
6. MURIUKI, Margaret W'amuyu 16. OLUOCH, Rose Patricia Akoth
(Mrs.) (Mrs.)
7. MUTUA THUKU, Samuel 17. OPANDE, Benjamin Opande
Njoroge 18. OSAGO, Fransisca (Miss)
8. MWAMBURI, Rebecca 19. OYIEKE, jennefer RabJo (Mrs.)
Lushango (Mrs.) 20. TAULO, Olive Triza
9. MWAURA, Philisikah Wambui 21. WAINAINA, Hiram Musa
(Mrs.) Muthuu
10. NDEGW A, Agnes Njeri (Miss) 22. W AMBURA, Ruth Mbogo
11. NDIRITU, Anastasia Catherine (Miss)
Wanjiru (Miss) 23. WASWA, Jael Andenyi (Mrs.)


The Dean of the Facuky of Medicine will present the following for the award of
the Degree of Bachelor of Med.cine and Bachelor of Surgery of the University
of Narobi. As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain
standing until the last name is read and xhe Chancellor has conferred the degree
by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor
of Surgery and by my authority and that of the entire University, give power
to read and to do all that appertains to th.s degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow /curtse.y and resume their seats.

1. ACHOLA, Ominde J. 3. AMADALA, Stephen Ligenga

2. ALUV AAIA, Beatrice Asabo 4. AMBA YO, Gordon Edwin Otieno
(Mrs.) 5. AMIR, Faiza Saleh (Miss)

6. ANYONA, Angelina A. (Miss) 47. KAKATI, Eunice T. (Miss)
7. ASIMBA, Dorine A. (M:ss) 48. MACHARIA, Isaac Muthure
8. AWAN, Haroon Ur Rashid 49. MAILU, Cleopa Kilonzo
9. AWUOR, Christine Yuko (Miss) 50. MAINA, Elijah Ruga
10. AYAYA, Samuel O. 51. MAKORANI, Isaac E. Buya
11. AYISI, Robert 52. MBUTHIA, Leonard M.
12. AYUO, Paul Munan.a
13. BONYO, Beatrice Akinyi (Mrs.) 53. MONIZ, Gerald
14. CHEGE, David Njihia 54. MUGA, Florence (Miss)
15. CHEROGONY, Sammy C. 55. MUGO, Joseph Warurua
16. CHESANG, Oliver F. Kiptum 56. MUGO, Michael
17. EKES SA, Apollo M. 57. MUITE, Edith Ndeto (Mrs.)
18. ETIANG', Fabiano Hilary O. 58. MULLINGAH, Joseph Peter
19. GITAU, Peter M. 59. MUNGA, Steve Joseph Mutua
20. GITHAE, Bernard Munene 60. MUNGU, Simon Saundu
21. GITHANGA, David 61. MUREGA, Joseph Ng'ang'a
22. GWARO, Charles Onsinyo 62. MURIITHI, James Gaihwagi M.
23. ILAKO, F. Mwetu James 63. MURILA, Johnson Lisamula
24. ISMAIL, Osman S.M.
25. JUMA, Abed Kombo M. MURIU, Francis J.K.
26. KAALE, Ronald F. 65. MUS AU, Luka M. Musyimi
27. KAGICHA, Kiunga Richard 66. MUSEVE, George Khateih
28. KAIRU, Stephen M. 67. MUYODI, Cyprian Echessa
29. KAMAU, Gilbert Mungai 68. MUYOTI, Adolf
30. KANGETHE, Jane (Miss) 69. MWANGANGI, Joyce Syokau
31. KAREGA, Rajab Mohamed (Miss)
32. KARIMURIO, Jefiha W.M. 70. MWANGOME, Charles
33. KARIUKI, Peter Maina 71. MWANZIA, James N.
34. KARUU, Stanley Muthii 72. MW ASIAJI, David Omega
35. KEINGATTI, Anna Benedict 73. NGAMAU, Dorcas Waguthi
(Miss) (Miss)
36. KHAN, Tahira (Miss) 74. NGONE, Lawrence Ngoci
37. KIARA, Daniel M.P. 75. NGUGI, Njuguna Paul
38. KIBARU, Josephine Gichuku 76. NGVRUKA, Kanyanga James
(Miss) 77. NJAGI, Felix Kairaria
39. KIBOSIA, John Cheruiyot 78. NJOGU, S'ephen Ngatia
40. KINY ANJUI, Jessie Nyokabi 79. NJOROGE, Peter Kinge
(Miss) 80. NT ARANGWI, Florence N.
41. KIIRU, Symon O. Irungu (Miss)
42. KIOME, Silas Mw.ti 81. NTSEKHE, Pearl (Miss)
43. KIRETI, Victor Norman Mgendi 82. NYAKIBA, Emeo Mageto
44. KISYOKA, Philip Katunda 83. NYAMACHE, Thomas
45. KITONYI, Joseph Nzioki 84. NYAMOGO, Mary Atieno (Mrs.)
46. LABA 1"1', Eunice Jeptoo (Miss) 85. OCHIENG, Maurice Ben

86. ODHIAMBO, John Migunda 105. OWINGA, Okoth Samuel
Achola 106. OWINO, David Musa
87. ODONDI, John Ouma 107. PANDYA, Sudhir Prataprai
88. ODONGO, Margaret Atieno 108. RABURU, Dan Omondi
89. ODUOR, Margaret Osolo (Miss) 109. RUJRU, Joseph Mungai
90. OGARO, Francis Omari 110. RUKARIA, Rachel (Miss)
91. OGETO, JUIlius 111. SIMIYU, David Esdi Easel
92. OGOLO, Florence Awino (Miss) 112. SISENDA, Titus Matere
93. OGUTU, James Omondi 113. SULEH, Andrew Juma
94. OKEMA, Henry Justine 114. TENGEKYON, Kipkemoi
95. OKEYO, Stephen OIus Alfred Mollis
96. OLANG'O, Charles C. Onudi 115. WABWAYA, Joash Onyango
97. OLANG', Patrick Otieno 116. WANDIERI, JohnSl:one Aruuta
Ragot 117. WARIUA, Susan Wacaria (Miss)
98. OMONDI, Julius Oganda O. 118. W ARRAKAH, Chirau Mwamlole
99. ONCHW ARI, Peter 119. WASWA, Florence Naliaka
100. ONYANGO, Dunena R.R. (Miss) (Miss)
101. OPIYO, Peter Mc'Odero 120. W AWERU, Francis F.K.
102. OREGE, Anyango Isabella (Mrs.) 121. WERE, Frederick
103. OUKO, Aggney Otieno 122. KITILI, Peninah N.
104. OWILAH, Francis A.


The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine will present the following for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until the last
name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

.. I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery and by my
authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all
that appertains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow /cunsey and resume their seats.

1. AMULEGA, Charles Musitsa 8. KASOZI, Stuart

2. BOlT, Caroline Jelimo (Miss) 9. KIMEMIA, Jaine Waithcrero
3. GATERE, RosaJine Nyambura (Miss)
(l\liss) 10. MABUZA, Happiness Ncamisile
4. GESICHO, Gladys Kwamboka 11. MACHARIA, Lawrence M.
(Miss) 12. MAINA, Susan Wanjiku (Miss)
5. GIKONYO, Ndiuini 13. MUGO, Edith Muthoni (Miss)
6. GIT AU, Elizabeth (Miss) 14. MULATYA, Mwendwa Jonah
7. HOBONA, Tumelo 15. MURIITHI, Peterson J.

16. MUTUNE, Amelia Nduku (lvLss) n. ONYANGO, John Wycliffe
17. MWANGI, John Muchiri 24. PAREKH, Haren J.
18. NGURE, Maryanne N. (Miss) 25. RANGARIA, Florence A. (Miss'
19. NGURU, Ronald Gathara 26. RERIANI, Catherine Wachira
20. NJOROGE, Sylvia Njeri (Miss) (Miss)
21. NJUGUNA, Dorothy (Miss) 27. SHAH, Madhvi Shantilal (Miss'
22. ONYONGO, Ocholla Tom J.


The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine will present the following for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean reads
out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until the last. name is
read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"I adm.t the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy and by my
authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all
that appertains to this degree."
Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

1. ADUV AGAH, Isaac Alutah 15. MBATIA, jane Muthoni (Miss)

Muzozo 16. MIYAWA, Hyacinth John
2. AUMA, Joe P. Otieno 17. MUKOYA, Gbriel Wanyama
3. GANIW ALLA, Imtiaz Karim 18. MWAMUZI, Catherine Kijala
4. GIKORE, Solomon Karanja (Miss)
5. HEZEKIAH, Michael Thuo 19. MWAURA, Lawrence Kinuthia
6. IKIUGU, Simon K. 20. NJOKA, Nicholas J.
7. INY ANGALA, Peter 21. NYAGAH, Pattedy
8. KAMAU, Peter Wainaina 22. OWINO, James
9. KARURI, Gerald Maina 23. ROBERTS, Anna (Miss)
10. KANYOGO, J.K. Waweru 24. SAMA, Abduba Wako
11. KIARIE, William Njoroge 25. TSIKI, Maphomolo (Mrs.)
12. KINYANJUI, Mbugua James 26. TUM, Henry Kimutai Arap
13. LALJI, Asad S.E. 27. W ANY AGAH, James M.P.
14. MACHAYO, John Ojango


The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine will present-the following for the award of the
Degrees of Master of Medicine and Master of Science of the University of
Nairobi. As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates s.and and remain
standing until the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degrees
by saying:-

., I admit the persons named to the Degrees of Master of Medicine and Master of
Science and by my au.hority rand that of the entire Un.versity, give power to
read and to do all that appertains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their scats.


1. ACHAPA, Caleb Odhiambo 22. MUNORU, Wilfred Muigai

2. ACHIYA, Grace Adirah (Mrs.) 23. MW ATHE, Edward Githuri
3. ADWOK, John Adieng 24. NDAMBUKI, Frederick Mutua
4. BOWRY, Anoop Kumar 25. NJOROGE, Wilfred Ngugi
5. CHECK, Philip Kai 26. NYABUNDI, Jack Sijenyi
6. CHOMBA, Catherine Wangu: 27. NY ARANGO, Peter Mokua
(Miss) 28. NYIKAL, James Wambura
7. ESAMAI, Fabian 29. NYIRENDA, Cooper Munguyi
8. ESTHITERA, Michaal Oyando so. OCHIENG', Celestine Agutu
9. GACHARA, Margaret Wangui 31. OKOTH, Frederick
(Mr5.) 32. OMBOGA, Peter Nyagonchonga
10. HAKIM, James Gita 33. ORWENYO, Ezekiel Archimedes
11. HAYANGAH, George Thomas 34. PATEL, Atul Jerambhai
12. JANI, Pankaj Jigisha 35. PATEL, Madhusudan
13. KAGAME, Kenneth Girasi 36. ROGO, Odera Khama
14. KAGUTA, Kujoga Tiras 37. SAJABI, Michael Masinde
IS. KAHIU, Francisca Wanjiku 38. SANGHVI, Harshadkumar
(Mrs.) Chandulal
16. KASIRYE-BAINDA, Edward 39. SWAO, James Harrison
17. KING'UYU, N.dambuki John 40. W ACHIRA, Nelson Ngari
18. MBITHI, Daniel Lukas Kivuva 41. WANJOHI, Jane Kagure
19. MBOLOI, John King'uyu N. 42. W ANYOIKE, Charles Migwc
20. MPAATA, Patricia Joy 43. WASUNNA, Aggrey Omondi
21. MKASA, Frederick MukaJazi


1. KIARA, Job Kiruki 2. SHITAKHA, Venny Mary (Miss)


The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine will present the following for the award of the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Nairobi.
1. DALLAS, Arthur B.C. 2. W AN ENE, George Stephen

The: Dean will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.



The Dean of the Faculty of Science will rise and present the fo'lowing for the award
of the Degree of Bachelor of Science of the Universs.y of Nairobi. As the Dean
reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing unt.l the last
name is read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"1 admit nhe persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Science and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that apper-
tains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

First Class Honours

1. ADUL, Geoffrey 0. 8. OMINDE, Raphael N.K.

2. CHEGE, Gerald Wachira 9. SIRIMA, Kenneth Godfrey
3. CHOHAN, Tanuja Hirji (Miss) 10. SOARES, Sharon (Miss)
4. KAT AYI, Eliud Zakayo 11. VY AS, Chandresh H.
5. KHAN, Yasmin (Miss) 12. W ANJOHI, Eunice Wambui
6 NGARI, N. Ndirangu Duncan (Miss)
7. ODIPO, Rowland Witkin's

Second Class Honours (Upper Dioision)

13. ADATIA, Bhavna (Miss) 30. KIMANI, James Gitau

14. ASAMBA, Ayub. 31. KIMANI, Wilson Sospeter
15. BETT, Joseph Kimurai arap 32. KINY AGIA, James Kiarie
16. BHATIA, Panna Dolarsinh (Miss) 33. KIRUI, Joseph Kiprono
17. ANJILI, 0. Chris.opher 34. KORIR William P.
18. CHIANDA, Sammy N. 35. LUDENYO, Jerry Eliud Avina
19. D'MELLO, Noel Gerrard 36. MAENDE, Albert
20. GACHERU, Stephen Ngondi 37. MAINA, Benson Samson
21. GAKURU, Gabriel Muchoki 38. MANGURO, Lawrence Aror
22. GITAU, Simon Miiri 39. MARUVU, Abyud Kamau
23. KAHINDI, James H.P. 40. MASIBO, Peter L.
24. KAMAU Anthony, Mwangi 41. MA YIEKA, Vincent Agoti
25. KAMAU, Joe J.K. 42. MBUTHIA, Bernard
26. KARANJA, Jonathan Ndegwa 43. MIBEY, Simeon Kipkorir
27. KARATU, Peter F.N. 44. MUEMA, Bernard
28. KARIUKI, Charles Wachira 45. MUL W A, Michael Dominic S
29. KEIGE, Annah Wambui (Miss) 46. MWADALI, Ayub Shaka

47. NDUNG'U, Sammy Mbiriri 64. ORATA, Duke Omondi
48. NG'ANG'A, Wamaitha (Miss) 65. PATEL, Nilima
49. NGESU, Mwangangi 66. RALAK, Frederick 0.
50. NJAGU, Zipporah Waithira .67. ROTICH, John Kiprono
51. NTEERE, Henry K. 68. SHATIKHA, Christopher
52. NTIBA, Micheni J. Webuye
53. NYAKIAMO, Anthony Pius 69. SUM, Kefa 0. Stanley
54. OBANDA, Aston-Martin 70. THERANI, Shaheen Ha:derali
55. OBUYA, Were 71. THOOKO, Lawrence Warui
56. OCHUODHO, Shem Jeckie 72. TVEI, Mathew K.
57. ODERA, Frederick Willis 0. 73. WAIRIMU, Anastasia Ngure
58. OGAYE, Vincent Waka (Miss)
59. OHOW A, Boaz Ogola 74. WANDERA, Julius Mbeda
60. OLOO, Florence J Achieng (Miss) Anyango
61. OLUDHE, Christopher 75. WANJIE, Geoffrey Chege
62. ONYANGO, B.A. Hezbome 76. WANYORO, Joseph Murori
63. ONKEO, Oliver Moenga 77. WARUI, Godwin Kanae

Second Class Honours (Lower Division)

78. AGW ANDA, Philips J. 100. KAMAU, Henry Gitau

79. ARUSEI, Musa Kipchirchir 101. KAPKIRWOK, Jason 0.
80. ATHERU, Zachary K.K. Robinson
81. BORIGA, Charles 102. KARANJA, Francis Njau
82. CHEPKWONY, Philemon 103. KARONEY, Sammy Kibiwot
Kimuttai arap 104. KATEI, Dorcas Wavinya James
83. CHILLAMBO, William Amos (Miss)
84. DAHYA, Nevin Abdul 105. KIMANI, Wilson Kamau
85. GACHARA, James Miano 106. KIMONYE, James M.
86. GACHIGUA, Margaret Wanjugu 107. KIOGE, Maina Christopher
.(Miss) 108. KIRUI, Paul
87. GACHUI, Francis Mbnthia 109. KOECH, John Kipruto A.
88. GATIMU, Njagi Linus 110. KlECH, William K. Marutegek
89. GATHECA, Patrick Wamburu 111. KUBAI, Silas John
90. GATOGO, Henry Muthii 112. KULECHO, Florence Khayanga
91. GATVMU, James Gaching'a (Miss)
92. GITHINJI, Peter Ngubiru 113. KULULETERA, Venerabilis
93. GITHU, Stanley Wallace 114. LANGATI, John Kipkurui A.
94. HVNJA, Murage 115. LUMBASYO, Wydiffe Mudiali
95. I]EJI, Caleb Isadia 117. MAENDE, David Ochieng
96 ISIAHO, John Robert 116. MAGANJO, James Nyaga
97. JUMA, Joonnes Abraham 118. MAINA, Robert Kihara
98. KABUBI, Ju'ius Nioroge 119. MANEGENE, Stephen Mudthi
99. KAGAU, Ruguru Nancy (Miss) 120. MARIT A, Frank Ombarri A.

121. MATHIU, H. Mururu 160. NJOMO, AnnebeJ Wambui
122. MBAE, Oliver Peter Kamau (Miss)
123. MBOGORI, Nangithia 161. NJOROGE, Edward Peter
124. MBUGUA, Oarol Wambari Njuguna
(Miss) 162. NJUE, Francis Muri.thi
125. MCHOMBA, Henry Pantaleo 163. NJUGUNA, Kamau
Mtaita 164. NYAKANGO, Andrew Omwega
126. MIBEY, Luka Kipyego 165. NYAKONI, Ernest Nyambane
127. MIGULO, Daud Mwaruma 166. NYONGESA, Peter W.
128. MUCHURA, Maina Peter 167. NYONGESA, Richard Wasige
Kamonjo 168. NYUNDO, Edmond
129. MUGAI, Afred Kamau 169. OBIMO, Patrick Ochieng
130. MUGO, John Kiambati 170. OCHIENG' Charles Wany>ande
131. MUIKIA, Daniel Mbugua 171. OCHIENG', Dennis
132. MUKHWANA, John Situma 172. ODAMBO, Ligeyo Onyango
133. MULl, Cyrus Stansilaus Sam
134. MVNENE, Samwel 173. OGARE, Obiero J. Edward
135. MUNGAI, Joseph Munoru 174. OGEDAH, Kennedy
136. MUNGANIA, Johnson 175. OJENGE, Sammy J. Ouma
137. MVNYENDO, Beatrice Bternesi 176. OJUANGE, Maurice Ogalo
(Miss) 177. OJUANG, Fredriok Nyibule
138. MUOKA, Martin M.Kithinzi 178. OKONG'O, James David
139. MVRIU, Chege Francis 179. OMENDA, Polycarp Otieno
140. MUSILI, Joshua Nthenge 180. ORIGO, Martins Philip O.
141. MUSWII, David Mutua 181. TEMU, Joseline Justin (Miss)
142. MUTERO, Kagochi Wa 182. TIAMPATI, Joseph Kutiti
143. MUTHEE, G. G'cheru Njuguna 183 TILY A, Faustne Fidelis
144. MUTUKU, Alphonse Kilei 184. TVIMISING, Eric J. Ronoh
145. MWAGONGO, Francis 185. UKIRU, Joan Nyangasi (Miss)
Mwanyae 186. UTHI, Dickson Mwangi
146. MWANGI, A1ice W.anjiru (Miss) 187. WACHIRA, Josphat Kabinga
147. MWANGI, Francis Njuguna 188. WAICHINGA, Charles
148. MWANGI, James Ngunda Magondu
149. MWANGI, Viator Jacob Wanjau 189. WAKHUNGU, Protus Lukorito
150. MWAURA. David Njoroge 190. WAMUGU, James Macharia
151. MWEU, Peter Kimeu 191. WANG'OMBE, Simon Wachira
152. NASSIB, Ibrah.m Ramadhani 192. WANGONU, Paul Gachau
153. NDWIGA, Francis Ireri Wang'ombe
154. NGATIA, Job Mureiithi 193. WANYONYI, Enock Sabuni
155. NGONI, Lenard Khaoya 194. WAROTHE, Newton Ndirangu
156. NGUAT AH, Francis 195, WARUI, Ngundo P.M.
157. NJAU, Joseph Karie 196. WAWERU, Woangomi
158. NJIHIA, Peter Muchai Wakllll'anja
159,NJOGHOLO, Linus Lenio 197; YEGON, Frederick arap

198. ADERO, P. Nicholas 214. NYAMAI, Joseph King'oo
199. AUMA, Francis Otieno 215. OCHIENG, Christopher Agao
200. CHEGE, Robert Muturi 216. o GWAI, Walter Koduk
201. KABUl, Francis Mwangi 217. OLLINGA, Ominde Tom
202. KINOTI, Luke Mwiti Silunya
203. KUNG'U, Dickson jackson 218. OMANGA, Eunice Akinyi (Miss)
Ngama 219. OMWERI, Josephine Kerubo
204. LUMADEDE, Humphrey (Miss)
Mudoga 220. ONG'WEN, George Fanuol
205. MARUKO, Peter Moko Oduor
206. MBUGW A, Martin Njihia 221. RINTAUGU, Mwobobia
207. MOKAYA, Justus Masita Micheck
208. MUTHIANI, Paul Kilonzo 222 WAL]I, Munir A
209. NDOMASI, Joseph Mbede 223. WANG'OMBE, James Karimi
210. NGANGA, Robert Kasembeli 224 WARUTERE, Stephen Weru
211. NJIRAINI, P~ I. Njoroge 225. WARUTUMO, Eustace Mwangi
212. NJOROGE, Johnson Kariha 226. WERU, John Kamiri
213. NJUGUNA, Samuel Kimata


The Dean of the Faculty of Science will present the for the award of the
Degrees of Master of Science of the University of Nairobi. As the Dean reads
out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing until the last name is
read and the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying r-«

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Master of Science and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that apper-
tains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and- resume their seats.

1. ANYAMBA, Ebby Kamila (Miss) 11. KATO, Peter

2. ANYANGO, Beatrice 12. KIMANANI, Ebby Kalahi
3. ARAP KIRUI, Michael S.K. 13. LUGANIA, Charles Ngaira
4. GICHUKI, Cecilia Muringo lt1. LUKIBISI, Ferdinand Barasa
(Mrs.) 15. MABONGA, Florence R.A. (Mrs.)
5. GIT AU, Bernard Njoroge 16. MAINA, Ju\ia Wanj:ku (Mrs.)
6. HOEANE, Nthabiseng (Miss) 17. MAJUGU, Abusheni Wamubi
7. ICHANGI, Daniel Weru 18. MARANGALLA, Gell M.M.O.
8. KAlLA, Abbas Hassan 19. MASUMBA, Allen Barry Nzoli
9. KARUU, Simon P.K. 20. MOHAPELOA, Khomo Tsero
10. KAMUTI, Ireri Nthiga Shawane

21. MUGEDO, James Asenah Zacky 27. OLOO, Francis Pius
22. MUREGA, Thomas Ngigi 28. ONYEANUSI, Austin Egwu
23. MWANGI, Esther Njoki (Mrs.) 29. OYIEKE, Helida A. (Mrs.)
24. NDERlTU, John Huria 30. RUW A, Ren.son Kahindi
25. NGUGI, George Kar:mi 31. SOGOMO, Kennedy L.A. Bor
26. NJAU, Leonard Njogu 32. WISHITEMI, Bobby Ernest


The Dean of the Faculty of Science will present the following for the award cf the
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Nairobi,

1. GAKAHU, Christopher Gatama 4. OBARA, Dunstan Agatha

2. KHALAGAI, Jairus Murekhele 5. RODGERS, William Alan
3. NYAGAH, Christopher Gathu 6. VAITAPARAMBII, J.T.

The Dean <willthen acknowledge the Chancellor and resume 11:s soot.



The Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will rise and present (the following
for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine of the Univer-
sity of Nairobi. As the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and
remain standing until the last name is read and the Chancellor has conferred
the degree by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and
by my authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do
all that appertains to this degree".

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

1. AKUFANA, Absai Paul 26. MBAE, Joyce Njeri (Miss)

2. ANDERSON, Charlotte 27. MINYOI, Dominic Mutakela
3. BINEPAL, Yatinder Singh 28. MITHAMO, David G. Nderito
4. CHERONO, Philip Kipkulei 29. MOENGA, Bernard Omwoyo
5. CRIAJI, Priscah Akech (Miss) 30. MOSES, Isaac K. Muiruri
6. GACHOYA, Julius M. Gichichi 31. MUCHEMI, Kariuki
7. GACHUIRI, Charles Karuku
.. 32. MUKENDI, Fredrick Maindi
8. GICHIA, Daniel Kironji 33. MUKOLWE, StanJ~ Wanyangu
9. GITHINJI, Joseph Nduati 34. MUMO, Phyllis N. (Miss)
10. GITONGA, Jane M. (Miss) 35. MUNDERU, Stephen W. Chege
11. HASSAN, Mohammed Ahmed 36. MURITHI, Cyprian Kamundi
12. KABIRA, John Wanjohi 37. MWANGI, Duncan M. Hezron
13. KAHIRO, Francis Njoroge 38. MWANGI,Eric Karanja
Charles 39. MW ANGI, Francis Samson
14. KALOK.l, William Dickson 40. MW ANGI, James Ngetha
15. KAMAU, Peterson Muchiri 41. MWANGI, Peter Daniel
16. KAMVAZINA, Jackson Simon 42. MWONDELA, Jayne Mulemba
17. KARIANJAHI, Charity Njoki Edna (Miss)
(Miss) 43. NAKURRO, Joseph L.
18. KATHIMBU, Cosmas Munuve 44. NASONG'O, Maurice, M.J.
19. KIBE, Njoroge Njau 45. NDETI, Timothy Wambua
20. KIAMBI, S.M. Mikwa 46. NGATIA, Charles Gachagua
21. KlHURANI, David O. 47. NDICHO, E. Maingi
22. KISIA, Seth M. 48. NDIRANGU, Peter Karanja
23. KURIA, J. Kimani 49. NGANDU, James Peter Karitu
24. MACHARIA, Daniel Chegge 50. NG'ANG'A, Peter Kibue
25. MATHIU, Peter M. 51. NJENGA, Munene John

52. NJlRU, Peterson M.J. 60. ONCHOKE, Dane! Guto
53. NJUGUNA, James M. Wanyoike 61. ONGWENYI, Tom Omani
54. NYAGA, Alfred Njeru 62. OROT, Stephen Otieno
55. NY AGA, Zaverius Sebastian 63. OPERE, Risper Akumu (Miss)
56. NYAMASEGE, Ob:si Joseph 64. OYOKO, Gladys Adhiambo(Miss)
57. OCHANDA, Caleb Opondo 65. P ARKLEA, Michael P.
58. OCHIENG'MITULA, Pretio 66. PHAKKEY, Anurag
John 67. SHOMPOLE, Sankale Patrick
59. OKELLO, Alice Awuor (Miss) 68. W AHOME, Raphael


The Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will present the following for the
award of the Degree of Master of Science of the University of Nairobi. As
the Dean reads out the names, the candidates stand and remain standing unt.l
the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"I admit the persons named to the degree of Master of Science and by my authority
and that of the entire University, give power to read and to do all that
appertains to this degree."

Then all the Graduates will bow/curtsey and resume their seats.

1. AKOL, George William O. 6. KYULE, Moses Nzau

2. D'SOUZA, Colin F. 7. MALOO, Seiffuddin H.
3. GASANGW A, Donny Kayson 8. OWITI, George O.
4. GATHURA, Peter Baaro 9. RINKANYA, Fredrick G.R.
5. GO JE, Zakari


The Dean of the Faculty of Veter.nary Medicine will present the following for the
award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Nairobi.

KAGGW A, Elizabeth (Miss)

The Dean will then acknowledge the Chancellor and resume his seat.



The Director of the Populat.on Studies and Research Institute will present the follow-
ing for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Population Studies of the
University of Nairobi. As the Director reads out the name the candidate stands
and remains standing until the Chancellor has conferred the degree by saying:-

"1 admit <theperson named to the degree of Master of Arts (in Population Studies)
and by my authority and that of the entire University, give power to read and
to do all that appertains to this degree."

Then the Graduate will bow/curtsey and resume his seat.


The Director will then acknowledgethe Chancellor and resume his seat.








1. Diploma in Adult Education . 26&/
2. Diploma in Advanced Nursing . 2311
3. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture . 75~
4. Bachelor of Science in Food Science & Technology . 16/
5. Bachelor of Science in Forestry . . 12/
6. Bachelor of Science in Range Management . 7/
7. Bachelor of Architecture .. ~ 32
8. Bachelor of Arts in Building Economics . 28V
9. Bachelor of Arts in Land Economics . 26 v'
10. Bachelor of Arts in Design . 12'"
11. Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art . Iv'
12. Bachelor of Arts . 357 v/

13. Bachelor of Arts in Social Work : . 11

14. Bachelor of Commerce . 159V
3 .,;C
15. Diploma in Education (Arts) .
16. Diploma in Education (Science) . 2
17. Bachelor of Education (Arts) . 457 V'
18. Bachelor of Education (Science) . 280 V'
19. Bachelor of Education (Home Economics).............. . 97~
20. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering . 16/
21. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering . 55 V'
22. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering .. . 38V
23. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering . 39v
24. Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Photogrammetry . 17 V
25. Bachelor of Laws . . 87
26. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.............. .. . 122 V
27. Bachelor of Dental Surgery . 27V
/ "

28. Bachelor of Pharmacy . 27 ""/

29. Bachelor of Scierice . 2261/
30. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine . 68

. Total 2,346

I. Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science . 8 \I
2. Postgraduate: Diploma in International Relations . 20
3. Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication 20
4. Bachelor of Philosophy in Economics 14 v
5. Postgraduate Diploma in Education .... 70 'v

6. Postgraduate Diploma in Curriculum Development . 53 v'

7. Postgraduate Diploma in Soil Conservation )I

8. Master of Science in Agriculture. 19 ~

9. Master of Arts in Architecture . IV
10. Master of Arts in Design 1
11. Master of Arts in Fine Art . . Iv
12. Master of Arts in Land Economics . 1
13. Master of Arts (in Planning) .. . . 5""
14. Master of Arts . . . 24
15. Master of Business and Administration .. . 22 t,.
16. Master of Arts (in Education) . . 41/
17. Master of Education in Educational Administration,
Planning and Curriculum Development 1
18. Master of Education in Educational Communications and
Technology .... 4
19. Master of Education in Educational Foundations . 1
20. Master of Education in Educational Psychology. 2
21. Master of Education in Primary Teacher Education 22
22. Master of Science in Engineering . 51
23. Master of Medicine . 43 I,.-
24. Master of Science (in Biochemistry) 21.
25. Master of Science . 32v
26. Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine. 9V
27. Master of Arts (in Population Studies) 1v

Total 386


1. Faculty of Arts. . ". 4\.-
2. Faculty of Education 1
3. Faculty of Medicine . 2v ..,
4. Faculty of Science . • 7v
5. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine .....•. .. . 1/

Total 15


1. 1.

Ee Mungu nguvu yetu o God of all creation

Ilete baraka kwetu. Bless this our land and nat.on
Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi Justice be our shield and defender:
Natukae na undugu May we dwell in unity,
Amani na Uhuru Peace and liberty;
Raha tupate na ustawi. Plenty be found within our borders.

2. 2.

Amkeni ndugu zetu Let one and all arise

Tufanye sore bidii With hearts both strong and true.
Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu Service be our earnest endeavour,
Nchi yetu ya Kenya, and our Homeland of Kenya,
Tunayoipenda Heritage of splendour,
Tuwe tayari kuilinda. Firm may we stand to defend.

3. 3.

Natujenge taifa letu. Let all with one accord

Ee, ndio wajibu wetu In common bond united,
Kenya istahili heshima Build this our nation together
Tuungane mikana and the glory of Kenya
Pamoja kazini The fruit of our labour
Kila siku tuwe na shukrani. Fill every heart with thanksgiving.


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