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Faculty of Architecture Chair of Structural Design


Contact: Dr. Bakeer Dr.-Ing.

Telephone/Fax: +49 (0) 351 463-33441/-37713 Tammam Bakeer
Email: Tammam.Bakeer@TU-Dresden.de http://tu-dresden.de/arch/twp

Dresden, 05 July 2012

Shear failure of Masonry

Theory of Mann-Müller

1. Introduction
A shear panel, Figure 1 is subjected to vertical and horizontal forces. Loads acting
perpendicularly of the wall are not considered. If an element is cut out of the panel, then the
stress in a vertical direction is σ at all four boundaries the shear stresses are τ . Horizontal
compressive stress is negligibly low. The failure theory predicts at which stress couple
values of σ and τ at which the failure can be expected.

V σ


Figure 1 Shear stressed masonry wall

The known failure hypotheses for homogenous materials attempt to attribute the material
failure to a single specific condition, for example, exceeding the acceptable principal tensile
stress or the shear stress. The failure hypotheses cannot be unrestrictedly applied to
masonry. Firstly, masonry is not homogeneous, but is affected by the joints. Secondly, it is

Faculty of Architecture
Chair for Structural Design
Memo dated 05 July 2012

made up of numerous elements, namely the bricks and bed and vertical joints, all of which
can fail individually, and each for different reasons.
It is not therefore possible to attribute shear failure to a single cause, for example friction
failure of the bed joint; on the contrary, many types of failure are possible. They must be
deduced from a small section of the masonry and the most unfavorable type of failure is
decisive. As well as friction in the bed joint, the tensile and compression strength of the
bricks and their format of importance.

2. Assumptions σ

The bonded brickwork of a cut-out

specimen as shown in Figure 1 is σ1 ∆σ/2
considered. The theory is based on the ∆σ/2
finding that no shear stresses can be
transferred in the vertical joints between
the bricks. That is to say, there is no load τ b

present in these vertical joints which could τ

produce friction. Furthermore, these joints h

are often not properly filled with mortar, or

the mortar cracks due to shrinkage. This
finding is confirmed by the observation
that shear cracks nearly always originate
at the vertical joints.
On the other hand, shear stresses τ act in τ
∆ σ/2
horizontal joints. They produce torque in σ2
the individual brick, Figure 2. Equilibrium ∆σ/2
can only be attained via a vertical force
couple, this couple influence the vertical σ
stresses σ in such manner that the one
brick half is subjected to larger
stresses, σ 1 and the other brick half is
Figure 2 Calculation diagram
subjected to smaller stresses σ 2 , from
equilibrium it follows that
∆σ 2h
= ⋅τ (1)
2 l
σ1 + σ 2 ∆σ ∆σ
∆σ = σ 1 − σ 2 and σ = σ1 = σ + and σ 2 = σ − (2)
2 2 2

3. Failure criteria
Failure can occur in various ways, depending on the relationship of σ via τ .

3.1. Failure due to the bed joint cracking open

For every small vertical stresses σ , the lower stress σ 2 , according to Eq.(1) becomes tensile
stress. If the tensile strength of the mortar is thus exceeded, failure occurs.

Faculty of Architecture
Chair for Structural Design
Memo dated 05 July 2012

σ 2 ≥ −ft (3)

(ft + σ ) (4)

3.2. Friction failure of the bed joint

According to the friction law, the brick half subjected to the lesser stress σ 2 will fail earlier
than the brick half subjected to σ 1
τ M ≤ fvk 0 + µ ⋅ σ 2 (5)
From Eq.(1) & Eq.(2)
σ2 = σ − ⋅τ (6)
If one inserts σ 2 from Eq.(6) and solves for τ , then the failure criteria can be formulated as
fvk 0 µ
τ≤ + ⋅σ
2h 2h (7)
1+ µ ⋅ 1+ µ ⋅
l l
Or with reduced cohesion fvk′ 0 and reduced friction coefficient µ ′ .
τ ≤ fvk′ 0 + µ ′ ⋅ σ (8)
fvk 0
fvk′ 0 =
2h (9)
1+ µ ⋅
µ′ =
2h (10)
1+ µ ⋅
Thus the actual coefficient fvk 0 and µ which represent the reduction of σ to σ 2 are not the
determinative factors for the friction failure but the reduced coefficients fvk′ 0 and µ ′ . This is
unmistakably confirmed by numerous tests. Figure 3 shows the reduction. The observed
development of cracks in stepped form as shown in Figure 5 is explained by the fact that the
brick halves with the smaller stress, σ 2 are each positioned diagonally opposite one another.

Reduced friction line

Figure 3 Reduced friction line

Faculty of Architecture
Chair for Structural Design
Memo dated 05 July 2012

Figure 4 (a) shear failure of the bed joints, (b) Failure due to
cracking of the bricks

3.3. Failure due to cracking of the bricks

When larger imposed load σ is applied, the friction failure in the horizontal joint does not
occur because the brick cracks first. Since it is assumed that no shear stresses can be
transferred in the vertical joints, the bricks must transfer the double shear force in every
second course.
Thus cracking of the bricks can occur. More precise testing of an individual brick with regard
to the elasticity theory has shown that the stresses, σ xst = σ , σ yst = 0 and τ st = 2.3τ occur at
the centre of the brick. The brick cracks as soon as this inclined principal tensile stress σ I in
the brick exceeds its strength fbz .
σ σ
σI = − + ( )2 + (2.3τ )2 ≥ fbz (11)
2 2
σ σ
( + fbz )2 ≥ ( )2 + (2.3τ )2 (12)
2 2
fbz ⋅ σ + fbz ≥ (2.3τ )2

fbz σ
τ≤ 1+ (14)
2 .3 fbz
This criterion is given in figure 6 by parabola. Figure 4b shows such a failure. The cracks
always originate at the vertical joints and are slightly inclined according to the direction of the
inclined principal stresses within the brick.
It should be particularly noted that the principle inclined tensile stresses in a homogeneous
wall so reflect exactly the failure condition which occurs in masonry wall. Whereas in a
homogeneous wallτ xy = τ yx = τ , the shear stress in bricks max τ st = 2.3τ produces in the
masonry wall, as shown, increased principal stresses and therefore failure occurs sooner.

Faculty of Architecture
Chair for Structural Design
Memo dated 05 July 2012

(a) (b)
Figure 5 (a) FE Mesh and Loads on Brick, (b) Results from ANSYS

3.4. Compression failure of the masonry wall

Compression failure occurs with very high stresses σ , namely when the brick half subjected
to the larger stress σ 1 , according to Eq.(2) attains the compressive strength of the
masonry fk that is when σ 1 = fk .
σ 1 ≤ fk (15)

(fk − σ ) (16)

4. Enveloping curve
In figure 6 the acceptable shear stresses τ according to the failure criteria are given related
to σ . All values of τ there under are acceptable, all higher values cause failure. With a low
σ value friction failure occurs, which is limited by the parabola for cracking of the brick. In
the extreme case, the parabola (c) can lie completely under line (b), namely for bricks with
very low tensile strength, for example. Lightweight hollow blocks combined with mortar
with very good cohesion.
It should be particularly noted that all these failure loads can occur on walls with rectangular
cross-sections as well as composite cross-sections. The fundamental principle that shear
stresses are always equal in couples, that is τ xy = τ yx = τ , is also valid for rectangular cross-
section, so that there also cracking may occur, as proved in numerous tests. The difference
is only the distribution of the stresses.

Faculty of Architecture
Chair for Structural Design
Memo dated 05 July 2012

τ (b) Friction failure (c) Cracking of the bricks

of the bed joint

(a) Bed joint (d) Compression failure

arctan( µ′)
cracking open
t βfM
fβbzzst k

No Failure

Figure 6 Failure envelop curves

5. References

1. Mann, W. & Müller, H.: Schubftragfähigkeit von Mauerwerk. Mauerwerk-Kalender, 3

(1978) 1, pp. 35-65

2. Mann, W. & Müller, H.: Failure of Shear-Stressed Masonry- an Enlarged Theory,

Tests and Application to Shear Walls. Proceedings of the British Ceramic Society, 30
(1982) 1, pp. 223-235

3. Mistler, M.: Verformungsbasiertes seismisches Bemessungskozept für

Mauerwerksbauten. PhD-Thesis, Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 2006.
Technischen Hochschule Aachen: Aechen, Deutschland 2006

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