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J. Paleont., 81(2), 2007, pp.

Copyright 䉷 2007, The Paleontological Society


Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle 98195;
mailing address: Box 13061, Burton, Washington 98013 USA

ABSTRACT—Cenozoic marine deposits of forearc basins in southern Peru contain a molluscan fauna that includes 15 species of turri-
telline gastropods. Twelve species were previously known; ten from northern Peru or Chile and two species solely from southern Peru.
Three new fossil species are described: Turritella riverae, Turritella cruzadoi, and Turritella salasi. Six species of turritellines with
crenulated primary spirals, a distinctive spiral ontogeny, and which are mostly endemic to Peru and Chile, are assigned to Incatella n.
gen., including I. cingulata (Sowerby, 1825), I. cingulatiformis (Möricke, 1896), I. chilensis (Sowerby, 1846), I. leptogramma (Philippi,
1887), I. hupei Nielsen, new name (⫽Turritella affinis Hupé, 1854), and I. trilirata (Philippi, 1887). Most Paleogene taxa range from
northern to southern Peru, while most Neogene taxa, including all species of Incatella, range from Peru to Chile. This biogeographic
asymmetry is attributed to a series of biotic events (e.g., extinctions, immigrations) impelled by global oceanographic changes acting
locally in a regime of coastal upwelling.

INTRODUCTION To the south of the Pisco Basin are Miocene and Pliocene ma-
rine sandstones of nearshore to shoreface origin around Sacaco
T HE MODERN Peruvian Faunal Province contains just one spe-
cies of turritelline gastropod, Turritella cingulata Sowerby,
1825. The adjacent southern end of the Panamic Faunal Province,
(Muizon and DeVries, 1985). A larger Cenozoic sedimentary ba-
sin surrounding the city of Camaná and a smaller area of outcrop
which includes northernmost Peru, has five Recent species (Ala- south of Caravelı́ have been discussed by DeVries (1998, 2001a),
mo and Valdivieso, 1997; DeVries, 2003a) and was just as rich Vega and Marocco (2004), and Sempere et al. (2004).
in Turritella taxa throughout the Cenozoic (see Olsson, 1928,
1930, 1931, 1932). Studies by Sowerby (1846), Philippi (1887), METHODS AND MATERIALS
Tavera (1947, 1979), Herm (1969), and Nielsen (2003) have pro- Most Peruvian fossils in this study were found by the author.
duced a list of about 10 Cenozoic species from Chile. Some were collected by J. Macharé (INGEMMET, Lima, Peru).
Fossils of Cenozoic Turritella Lamarck, 1799 from southern Comparative material was provided by the Paleontological Re-
Peru are less well known than those from northern Peru or Chile. search Institution (Ithaca, New York), the California Academy of
Only two paleontologists have contributed to the taxonomy of Sciences (San Francisco), S. Nielsen (Freie Universität Berlin,
turritellines from the Pisco, Sacaco, and Camaná basins (Fig. 1). Germany), and W. J. Zinsmeister (Purdue University, West La-
Lisson (1925) described two new species from Caravelı́, T. wood- fayette, Indiana). Fossil turritellines from Chile were examined in
si Lisson, 1925 and T. portaroi Lisson, 1925, to which he as- 1993 at the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural and the Univ-
signed an Eocene age. Rivera (1957) described two new Eocene ersidad de Chile, both in Santiago, Chile. The latter site housed
turritellines from the Paracas area, T. paracasensis and T. lagun- the collections of J. Tavera, some of which are now stored at the
illasensis. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural. Radiometric and biochron-
In this paper, I report several species of Cenozoic turritellines ostratigraphic ages are reported by Muizon and DeVries (1985),
from southern Peru formerly known only from more than 1,000 Dunbar et al. (1990), and DeVries (1998).
km away in Chile or northern Peru. Three new species are de- Abbreviations for repositories of fossil specimens and localities
scribed: Turritella riverae and Turritella cruzadoi, both from Up- are as follows: CAS—California Academy of Sciences; F&C—
per Oligocene to Lower Miocene strata, and T. salasi, from Mid- Collections of D. Frassinetti and V. Covacevich, Museo Nacional
dle Miocene beds. Neotypes are designated for T. paracasensis de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile; JM—José Macharé; MNHN-
and T. lagunillasensis. Turritella woodsi is recognized as the se- LG—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Géo-
nior synonym for T. conquistadorana Hanna and Israelsky, 1925. logie, Paris; MUSM INV—Departamento de Paleontologı́a de
Incatella n. gen. is created for a largely endemic group of turri- Vertebrados, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional
tellines present off Peru or Chile since the Late Oligocene. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru; OSU—Orton Museum, Ohio
State University, Columbus, USA; PRI—Paleontological Re-
search Institution; SGO.PI.—Departamento de Paleontologı́a de
Invertebrados, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago,
The stratigraphy of the Pisco Basin has been described by Dun- Chile; USNM—United States National Museum of Natural His-
bar et al. (1990) and DeVries (1998) (Fig. 1). Within this forearc tory, Washington, DC, USA; UWBM—Burke Museum of Natural
basin, the Middle to Upper Eocene Paracas Formation overlies History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, USA; and
crystalline bedrock. Unconformably overlying the Paracas se- WJZ—W. J. Zinsmeister.
quence is the uppermost Eocene/Lower Oligocene Otuma For- Museum numbers are followed by locality-sample numbers that
mation, which in turn is overlain by the uppermost Oligocene to are listed in the Appendix. Measurements of length (L) and width
Middle Miocene Chilcatay Formation and Middle Miocene to Pli- (W), in millimeters, were made with a digital caliper. Numbers
ocene Pisco Formation. Each Cenozoic formation is characterized enclosed by parentheses indicate sizes for broken or deformed
by a transgressive sandstone member representing nearshore pa- specimens. Specimens were coated with ammonium chloride prior
leoenvironments and a finer-grained, tuffaceous, and diatoma- to photography with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera. Images
ceous silty sandstone member representing outershelf paleoenvi- were prepared using Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
ronments. Every formation can be found locally in contact with Morphological terminology follows that of Allmon (1996),
crystalline basement rocks with associated deposits of bioclastic which is partly summative of earlier nomenclature (Merriam,
gravel characteristic of intertidal and rocky shoreface paleoenvi- 1941; Marwick, 1957a, 1957b, 1971). An ‘Allmon formula’ con-
ronments. sists of a string of hyphenated codes that refer to the trace of the

FIGURE 1—Location of the Pisco Basin in southern Peru and cities mentioned in the text. Sacaco and Camaná are centered in smaller sedimentary
basins. Stratigraphy is from DeVries (1998).

basal growth line (1 ⫽ convex, 2 ⫽ radial, 3 ⫽ concave, 4 ⫽ Turritella nelsoni var. truillissatia SPIEKER, 1922, p. 78, pl. 3, fig. 8.
deeply concave, 5 ⫽ symmetrically sinuous, 6 ⫽ asymmetrically
sinuous), patterns of inflection on the lateral sinus of the growth Diagnosis.—Shell frustate, with evenly spaced spirals of equal
line (1 ⫽ anterior inflection, 2 ⫽ anterior and posterior inflections, strength. Primary spirals situated anteriorly. Lateral growth line
3 ⫽ posterior inflection, 4 ⫽ no inflections), depth of the lateral strongly prosocline.
sinus (S ⫽ shallow, M ⫽ moderate, D ⫽ deep), location of the Description.—Shell length to 110 mm, elongate, pleural angle
lateral sinus apex (A ⫽ posterior, B ⫽ medial, C ⫽ anterior), and 10⬚–11⬚. Whorls frustate. Sutures moderately impressed. Proto-
angle of the growth line (P ⫽ prosocline, OR ⫽ orthocline, OP conch two to three whorls, turbinate. Early teleoconch whorls
⫽ opisthocline) (Allmon, 1996). A ‘spacing formula’ consists of with equally spaced spirals, situated anteriorly, spiral formula
a primary spiral’s designation (e.g., ‘C’) followed by a super- c3B1s4a2. Later whorls with addition of secondary spirals posterior
scripted number. The number is the axial distance, in percent, to spiral ‘A.’ Adult whorls with seven strong spirals, formula
from the middle of anterior spiral ‘d,’ which separates the base dC3B1S4A2R5R5R5, with additional secondary spirals often present.
from the side of the whorl, to the posterior suture. A compilation Spacing formula C15B33A56 (n ⫽ 9). Lateral growth line strongly
of spacing formulae for southern Peruvian turritellines is given in prosocline with no points of inflection. Apex of shallow lateral
Table 1. sinus situated medially or anteriorly. Basal growth line radial.
Allmon formula 2-4-S-B/C-P.
SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Material examined.—UWBM 97759, DV 571-5, L (38.2), W
13.0; UWBM 97760, DV 420-1, L (41.9), W 14.6; UWBM
Family TURRITELLIDAE Lovén, 1847 97761, DV 579-2, L (47.8), W (19.1); UWBM 97762, DV
Genus TURRITELLA Lamarck, 1799 1653-1, L (26.5), W 8.0; UWBM 97763, DV 420-1, L (13.8), W
Type species (original designation).—Turbo terebra Linnaeus, (4.5); MUSM INV 96, DV 420-1, L (44.8), W 12.6; MUSM INV
1758. Recent, Indo-Pacific. 97, DV 1021-4, L (104.9), W (25.5). DeVries collection: DV
420-1, lot of 35; DV 419-4, lot of 69. CAS 328.01, CAS 329.02,
TURRITELLA (TURRITELLA) INFRACARINATA Gryzbowski, 1899 CAS 337.01, CAS 61706.01, northern Peru. Type locality is Zor-
Figure 2 ritos, Peru.
Turritella suturalis NELSON, 1870, v. 2, p. 188 (not SOWERBY, 1846). Occurrence.—Middle to lower Upper Miocene, northern and
Turritella infracarinata GRYZBOWSKI, 1899, p. 643, pl. 20, fig. 5; SPIEK- southern Peru.
ER, 1922, p. 79, pl. 3, figs. 9, 10; WOODS, 1922, p. 109, pl. 18, figs. Discussion.—Turritella infracarinata is assigned to Turritella
2, 3; STEINMANN, 1929, p. 200, fig. 247; OLSSON, 1932, p. 196–197, (Turritella) Lamarck, 1799, based on its spiral ontogeny and
pl. 22, fig. 8. strongly prosocline growth-line pattern. Olsson’s (1932) obser-
Turritella infracarinata var. zorritensis SPIEKER, 1922, p. 80, pl. 3, fig.
vations on the variability of this species in northern Peru apply
Turritella inca GRYZBOWSKI, 1899, p. 24, pl. 20, fig. 1. equally to populations in southern Peru.
Turritella inca var. trita NELSON. SPIEKER, 1922, p. 73, pl. 3, fig. 4. Specimens of Turritella infracarinata are common in Middle
Turritella rotundata GRYZBOWSKI, 1899, p. 643, pl. 20, fig. 6. to lower Upper Miocene sandstones of the Zorritos and Montera
Turritella nelsoni SPIEKER, 1922, p. 74, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6. formations of the Talara and Sechura basins, respectively (Olsson,

TABLE 1—Sculptural formulae for species of southern Peruvian turritellines. Allmon formulae are defined in text. Letters for early spiral formulae and spacing
formulae refer to spirals from anterior to posterior. Lowercase letters indicate weak spirals; upper case letters indicate strong spirals. Subscripted numbers
describe the order of appearance of spirals. Spirals share the same subscripted number when the order of appearance cannot be determined. Superscripted
numbers refer to axial distance of primary spiral, in percent, from middle of anterior spiral ‘d’ to posterior suture of whorl. ‘Sample size’ refers to data
used to calculate an average spacing formula.

Early Spiral
Turritelline Species Allmon Formula Formula Spacing Formula Sample Size (n)
infracarinata 2-4-S-B/C-P C3B1s4a2 C15B33A56 9
cingulata 1/2-1/2-M-A-OR/OP C2B1a3 C24B47A80 8
cingulatiformis 1/2-1-M-A-OR/OP c2B1a3 C25B47C76 12
chilensis 2-1-M-A-OR/OP c1B1a1 C25B46C76 1
leptogramma 2-1-M-A-OP C1B1A1 C22B48C76 3
hupei new name 2-1/2-M/D-A-OR/OP c2B1a3 C20B49A87 23
trilirata 2-1-M-A-OR/OP c2B1a3 C23B47A78 10
paracasensis 3/2-1-M-A-P/OR dC2B1a3 C35B58A78 8
cochleiformis 3-1-M-A-P/OR dC1B1 C35B61 4
cruzadoi n. sp. 3-2-D-A/B-OR/OP c2B1a3 C19B44A77 9
lagunillasensis 3/4-1-M/D-A-OR C1B2A1 C17B37A73 17
woodsi 5/4-1/2-D-B-P/OR C1B1A1r1 C19B37A68 29, 9, 15 for C, B, A
conquistadorana1 5/4-1/2-D-B-P/OR ? C17B42A74 6
‘trongolensis’ 5/4-4-D-B-P/OR C1B1s1A1r1 C18B38A74 4
salasi n. sp. ?-4-D-A-P C1B1A1 C13B45A69 1
chira (s. Peru) 2-1-M-A-P/OR c2B1a3 C28B57A71 6
chira (n. Peru) 2-1-M-A-OR — C29B58A70 1
riverae n. sp. 2-1/2-S-B-P/OR C1B1a2 C29B57A73 10
PRI and CAS samples from northern Peru (⫽Turritella woodsi).

1932). Specimens from the Pisco Basin include those from shore- Early to Late Miocene; I. hupei, Early to Middle Miocene; and I.
face and inner shelf sandstones of the lower part (Middle Mio- trilirata, latest Oligocene to Early Miocene. All six species are
cene) of the Pisco Formation (DeVries, 1998). Specimens were found in Chile (Philippi, 1887; Tavera, 1979). These few species
also found farther south in a lower Upper Miocene shoreface bio- and perhaps others from Argentina (e.g., Turritella patagonica
clastic sandstone at Alto Grande (DV 571-5), several meters Sowerby, 1846; see Ortmann, 1902; Ihering, 1907; del Rı́o, 2004)
above an ash bed dated radiometrically at about 9 Ma (Muizon are distinguished from other turritellines in the Americas and else-
and DeVries, 1985). where by a combination of their early spiral sculptural formula;
strong ropelike primary spiral cords, usually three in number;
Genus INCATELLA new genus spacing formula; and Allmon formula.
Type species.—Incatella cingulata (Sowerby, 1825). Recent, The combination of spiral ontogeny, growth-line form, and
Ecuador to southern Chile. whorl profile exhibited by species assigned to Incatella is shared
Other species.—I. cingulatiformis (Möricke, 1896), I. chilensis in part by Colpospira (Platycolpus) Donald, 1900, a genus of very
(Sowerby, 1846), I. leptogramma (Philippi, 1887), I. hupei Niel- small- to medium-sized modern turritellines from Australia (Don-
sen, new name (⫽Turritella affinis Hupé, 1854), I. trilirata (Phi- ald, 1900; Allmon, 1996), but the genera differ consistently in the
lippi, 1887). position of the apex of the lateral sinus and to a lesser extent in
Diagnosis.—Spiral formula c2B1a3 on early whorls. Adult pri- the inclination of the growth lines.
mary spirals thick, ropelike, crenulated or beaded. Posterior and There are no Eocene species in northern Peru figured by Olsson
anterior inflections on latter only; apex of lateral sinus in growth (1928, 1930, 1931) that are plausible ancestors to the Incatella
line posteriorly situated. Basal growth line radial to slightly con- clade of turritellines, nor have any been identified in Eocene de-
vex. posits of Chile. The existence of crenulated tricordate turritellines
Description.—Shell small- to medium-sized. Pleural angle 12⬚– in Oligocene deposits of Argentina (Ortmann, 1902; Ihering,
24⬚. Whorl profile flat-sided, subquadrate or convex. Primary spi- 1907; del Rı́o, 2004) suggests a South Atlantic origin for Inca-
rals thick, ropelike, strongly crenulated or beaded by intersections tella.
with growth lines. Earliest spiral formula c2B1a3, becoming
dC2B1A3 on succeeding whorls. Spacing of spirals variable; in- INCATELLA CINGULATA (Sowerby, 1825)
terspace C/B narrower than B/A in Peruvian populations, formula Figure 3.1–3.3
about C23B47A78; interspace C/B wider than B/A in some Chilean Turritella cingulata SOWERBY, 1825, p. 56, appendix p. xiii; REEVE,
populations. Adult whorls with variable addition of secondary spi- 1849, v. 5, pl. 6, fig. 23; MÖRICKE, 1896, p. 556, pl. 11, fig. 5; DALL,
rals and tertiary threads. Lateral growth lines orthocline to op- 1909, p. 231; CARCELLES AND WILLIAMSON, 1951, p. 273; HERM,
isthocline, inflected anteriorly and sometimes posteriorly. Lateral 1969, p. 132–133, pl. 14, figs. 14, 15, not figs. 12, 13; KEEN, 1971, p.
sinus moderately deep, apex situated posteriorly, just posterior to 392, fig. 436; MARINCOVICH, 1973, p. 30, fig. 61; DEVRIES, 1986, p.
spiral ‘B.’ Base convex, with five to seven spirals anterior to 521, pl. 28, fig. 7; ALAMO AND VALDIVIESO, 1997, p. 20, fig. 50;
FORCELLI, 2000, p. 72, fig. 150.
spiral ‘d.’ Basal growth line radial to slightly convex adapertur-
ally. Allmon formula 1/2-1/2-M/D-A-OR/OP. Diagnosis.—Shell stout, pleural angle 18⬚–24⬚. Sculpture of
Etymology.—Prefix ‘Inca,’ a ruler of the pre-Columbian Inca three equally strong primary spirals. Secondary spirals variably
Empire. developed; tertiary spirals poorly developed or absent.
Occurrence.—Uppermost Oligocene (Peru), Miocene (Peru, Description.—Shell length 40–50 mm, stout, pleural angle 18⬚–
Chile, Argentina), Pliocene to Recent, Peru and Chile. 24⬚. Whorls usually flat-sided, sometimes weakly subquadrate or
Discussion.—Incatella includes six species from Peru: I. cin- slightly convex. Sutures shallow, slightly impressed to appressed.
gulata, Pleistocene to Recent; I. cingulatiformis, Late Miocene to Protoconch unknown. Early whorls with three equally spaced spi-
Pliocene; I. chilensis, Late Miocene to Pliocene; I. leptogramma, rals, spiral formula C2B1a3; interspaces as wide as spirals. Later

of 9; DV 465a-1, lot of 1; WJZ 346, Chile, lot of 2; WJZ 343,

Chile, lot of 5. Type locality is Valparaiso, Chile.
Occurrence.—Lower Pleistocene, northern Peru. Middle Pleis-
tocene, northern Peru to central Chile. Upper Pleistocene to Re-
cent, Ecuador to Chiloé, southern Chile.
Discussion.—Specimens of Incatella cingulata from Peru are
distinguished by a wide pleural spiral angle, shallow sutures, and
whorls that are flat-sided. These features are always present in
specimens from Lower and Middle Pleistocene deposits of north-
ern Peru (DeVries, 1986), Middle and Upper Pleistocene marine
terraces of southern Peru, and modern Peruvian beaches, and are
usually present in specimens from Chile. Some modern Chilean
specimens, however, differ by having narrow pleural angles (10⬚–
15⬚) and deeper sutures (see Herm, 1969, pl. 14, figs. 14, 15).
Specimens of Incatella cingulatiformis are longer and propor-
tionally narrower than those of I. cingulata and have deeper su-
tures with steeply inclined sutural platforms.


Figure 3.4–3.7, 3.20

Turritella cingulatiformis MÖRICKE, 1896, p. 556, pl. 11, fig. 4; HERM

AND PASKOFF, 1967, p. 23; HERM, 1969, p. 132, pl. 14, figs. 10, 11.
Turritella cingulata SOWERBY. HERM, 1969, pl. 14, figs. 12, 13.

Diagnosis.—Shell length to 70 mm. Whorls strongly subquad-

rate; sutures deep. Secondary spirals and tertiary threads often
well developed.
Description.—Shell length to 70 mm, pleural angle 15⬚–17⬚.
Whorls strongly subquadrate. Sutures deeply impressed; sutural
platform steeply inclined. Protoconch unknown. Whorls with
three primary spirals, strongly crenulated or beaded. Spiral for-
mula on early whorls c2B1a3, followed by C2B1A3 and, with ad-
dition of secondary spirals on adult whorls, C2t5B1s4A3 or
C2t5B1s4s5A3. Tertiary threads often present. Spacing formula
C25B47C76 (n ⫽ 12). Lateral growth line orthocline to opisthocline
with anterior and posterior inflections or latter only. Lateral sinus
with apex situated posteriorly. Convex base with five to seven
spirals; basal growth line radial. Spirals brown. Allmon formula
Material examined.—UWBM 97706, DV 381-1, L 30.0, W
10.5; UWBM 97707, DV 571-1, L (42.4), W 17.4; UWBM
97708, DV 523-2, L (44.0), W (16.8); UWBM 97709, DV
1453-1, L (44.5), W 17.0; MUSM INV 77, DV 523-2, L (43.6),
W 12.0; MUSM INV 78, DV 381-1, L (32.4), W 9.9; MUSM
INV 79, DV 1235-4, L (22.9), W 13.0; MUSM INV 80, DV
1235-4, L (32.1), W (16.1); SGO.PI.1083, Quebrada Blanca, Cal-
FIGURE 2—Turritella infracarinata Gryzbowski, 1899. All from the Mid- dera, L (41.4); SGO.PI.1084, Quebrada Blanca, Caldera. DeVries
dle Miocene portion of the Pisco Formation. 1, MUSM INV 96, ⫻1.9; collection: DV 381-1, lot of 1; DV 1235-4, lot of 1; DV 523-2,
2, UWBM 97762, ⫻2.8; 3, UWBM 97761, ⫻1.8; 4, UWBM 97760, lot of 10; WJZ 343, Chile, lot of 6. Type locality is Coquimbo,
⫻1.8; 5, UWBM 97760, basal view, ⫻2.0; 6, UWBM 97763, ⫻5.3.
Occurrence.—Upper Miocene, southern Peru. Pliocene to Mid-
whorls with primary spirals equally strong (formula C2B1A3), dle Pleistocene, southern Peru to central Chile.
spacing formula C24B47A80 (n ⫽ 8). Primary spirals strongly cren- Discussion.—Incatella cingulatiformis was first described from
ulated or beaded. Secondary spirals inserted on later whorls, spiral Pliocene strata in Chile (Möricke, 1896), where its elongate, sub-
formulae include C2B1s4A3r5 and C2t4B1s4A3. Tertiary threads ab- quadrate form persisted into the Pleistocene (Herm, 1969). In
sent or weakly developed. Lateral growth line orthocline to op- northern Peru, the species is unknown, and in southern Peru, spec-
isthocline with posterior and anterior inflections or latter only; imens are found in beds no younger than the Middle Pleistocene,
apex of lateral sinus situated posteriorly. Convex base with five at which time they were replaced by those of the stouter I. cin-
to seven spirals; basal growth line radial to convex. Spirals brown; gulata. Teusch et al. (2002) cite specimens from upper Pleistocene
background cream-colored. Allmon formula 1/2-1/2-M-A-OR/OP. terraces in southern Chile, but did not describe criteria for distin-
Material examined.—OSU 37542, DV 333-21, L 34.5, W 16.4; guishing specimens of I. cingulatiformis from I. cingulata. The
UWBM 97710, DV 769-1, L (40.0), W 15.8; UWBM 97711, species is longer-lived than indicated by its record in Chile, with
82JM 017, L 39.3, W 14.8; MUSM INV 76, DV 769-1, L 29.4, large specimens found in lower Upper Miocene beds in both the
W 12.6. DeVries collection, DV 769-1, lot of 8; DV 381-5, lot Pisco and Sacaco basins of southern Peru.

INCATELLA CHILENSIS (SOWERBY, 1846) Diagnosis.—Whorls flat-sided to slightly convex, suture weakly
Figure 3.8 impressed to appressed. Sculpture of three weak primary spirals
and numerous secondary spirals and tertiary threads.
Turritella chilensis SOWERBY, 1846, p. 257, pl. 4, fig. 51; D’ORBIGNY, Description.—Length to 50 mm, elongate, pleural angle 9⬚–12⬚.
1852, p. 33; PHILIPPI, 1887, p. 72, pl. 9, fig. 6; TAVERA ET AL., 1985, Whorls flat-sided to slightly convex, sutures weakly impressed
pl. 2, figs. 8, 9; FRASSINETTI, 2000, p. 134, pl. 1, figs. 1–3.
to appressed. Protoconch and earliest teleoconch whorls
Diagnosis.—Whorls keeled, medial primary spiral ‘B’ stron- unknown. Three equally strong primary spirals on earlier whorls,
gest. Secondary spirals absent; tertiary threads numerous. spiral formula C1B1A1. Additional secondary spirals on adult
Description.—Shell length to 60 mm, elongate, pleural angle whorls, typical formulae include C1t4t4B1s3s2A1 (Chile) or
12⬚–14⬚. Whorls keeled. Sutures weakly to moderately impressed. duC1t4t4B1s2s2A1r3r3r3r3 (Peru). Additional tertiary threads some-
Protoconch unknown. Earliest preserved teleoconch whorls with times present. Spacing formula C22B48C76 (n ⫽ 3). Lateral growth
spiral formula c1B1a1; adult whorl formula d2c1B1a1. Medial pri- line opisthocline, inflected anteriorly, apex of lateral sinus situated
mary spiral thick, sometimes forming keel; all primary spirals posteriorly. Base with several primary spirals; basal growth line
strongly beaded. Secondary spirals absent; tertiary threads nu- radial. Allmon formula 2-1-M-A-OP.
merous. Spacing formula C25B46C76 (n ⫽ 1). Lateral growth line Material examined.—UWBM 97699, DV 523-2, L 40.0, W
orthocline to opisthocline, weakly inflected anteriorly. Lateral si- 12.0; UWBM 97700, DV 532a-3, L (17), W (10); UWBM 97701,
nus moderately deep, apex situated posteriorly. Base with three DV 523-4, L (24.7), W 10.8; UWBM 97702, Lo Abarca, L (8.5),
to five primary spirals; basal growth line radial. Allmon formula W 3.8; MUSM INV 73, DV 1653-1, L (19.4), W 9.9; F&C
2-1-M-A-OR/OP. 150693.1, F&C 150693.2, F&C 150693.3, F&C 150693.5, F&C
Material examined.—The type locality of Incatella chilensis is 170693.1, F&C 170693.2, F&C 170693.5, F&C 170693.8, Isla de
Isla de la Mocha, south-central Chile. P. Jeffery (Natural History la Mocha; F&C 271080-1, Cerro Los Pololos; SGO.PI. 600, Al-
Museum, London, personal commun., 1995) noted that labels garrobo?; SGO.PI. 618, Navidad. Tavera collection: Punta Perro,
with both Isla Guafo and Isla de la Mocha are attached to a block lot of 35; Algarrobo, lot of 1 (T. leptogramma).
with syntypes. The block also bears a number associated with a Occurrence.—Lower Miocene, central Chile, Argentina. Middle
larger block of sedimentary rock that comes from Mocha, leading to Upper Miocene, southern Peru to central Chile.
Jeffery to conclude that the syntypes are from Isla de la Mocha. Discussion.—Turritellines from Chile with poorly differentiated,
UWBM 97703, DV 599-2, L 48.2, L 13.5; UWBM 97704, DV ropelike, primary and secondary spirals have long been classified
599-2, L (36.6), W 13.5; UWBM 97705, DV 599-2, L (31.1), W as ‘Turritella breantiana d’Orbigny’ (Philippi, 1887; Tavera,
10.5; F&C 280884.1-1, Isla Guafo, L (45.7), W 12.2; F&C 1979). This name, however, was intended for a Cretaceous species
280884.1-2, Guafo, L (26.6), W 8.4; F&C 259, Guafo, L (38.2), from India, Turritella monilifera Forbes, 1846, whose name was
W (13.4); F&C 170693-8-1, Isla de la Mocha, L (32.0), W (11.8); preoccupied by T. monilifera Deshayes, 1824, an Eocene species
F&C 170693-8-2, Mocha, L (25.5), W (8.1); SGO.PI. 610. from the Paris Basin (d’Orbigny, 1850; Stoliczka, 1868). (The
Occurrence.—Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene, southern Peru Recent Chinese turritelline, T. monilifera Adams and Reeve,
to southern Chile. 1850, has never figured in the synonymy of the Chilean ‘T. brean-
Discussion.—Specimens of Incatella chilensis differ from those tiana.’)
of I. cingulata, I. cingulatiformis, and I. leptogramma most no- Confusion over the provenance of ‘Turritella breantiana’ spec-
tably in the persistent prominence of primary spiral ‘B’ and less imens stems from d’Orbigny’s (1847) inclusion of a figure of
consistently in the absence of secondary spirals. ‘Turritella breantiana,’ without text, on plate 5, ‘Coquilles fos-
Sowerby was of two minds whether to refer specimens with a siles des terrains crétacés,’ a plate that elsewhere (Grange, 1848,
pronounced medial primary spiral to Turritella cingulata or a new p. 217–218) is entitled ‘Coquilles fossiles des terrains crétacés du
species, but was swayed by d’Orbigny to the latter course (Sow- Chili.’ Not all of the figured specimens on plate 5, however, are
erby, 1846). Oddly, T. chilensis is not mentioned by Hupé (1854) from Chile. Grange’s (1848) misleading plate caption and a su-
or Möricke (1896). References to Paleogene occurrences of I. perficial similarity between the strongly tricordate Indian and Chi-
chilensis in Argentina (e.g., Stilwell, 2003) are mistaken (Stilwell, lean turritellines probably led Philippi (1887) to accept Grange’s
personal commun., 2005). (1848) geographic attribution of ‘T. breantiana’ to Chile. Philippi
Mollusks on Isla de la Mocha, south-central Chile, found by (1887) did doubt d’Orbigny’s (1847) assignment of the species to
Frassinetti and Covacevich (personal commun., 1993) with In- the Cretaceous, however, concluding instead that ‘T. breantiana’
catella chilensis suggest a Late Miocene age, whereas species was a Tertiary species.
associated with I. chilensis from Isla Guafo, southern Chile, sug- The Indian taxon differs in significant respects from the Chilean
gest a Pliocene age (Frassinetti, 1997). The few poorly preserved species, having a smooth, strongly convex base with sinuous basal
specimens of I. chilensis from southern Peru come from the Mon- growth lines, a weakly developed ‘d’ spiral, a tendency towards
temar area of the Sacaco Basin (DV 599-2), where other mollusks obsolescence of spiral sculpture on the ultimate and even penul-
and radiometrically dated strata suggest an age of Late Miocene timate whorl, and a very thin outer lip (Stoliczka, 1868).
to Early Pliocene (Muizon and DeVries, 1985). The next available name for ‘Turritella breantiana’ of Chile is
T. leptogramma Philippi, 1887. One syntype, SGO.PI 610, said
INCATELLA LEPTOGRAMMA (Philippi, 1887) by Philippi (1887) to be from Navidad, is best referred to Inca-
Figure 3.9–3.11 tella chilensis (DeVries, 1993, personal data; Nielsen, 2003). An-
other syntype, SGO.PI 600, purportedly from Algarrobo, is com-
Turritella leptogramma PHILIPPI, 1887, p. 70, pl. 9, fig. 30. parable to Chilean material assigned by Chilean paleontologists
‘Turritella leptogramma’ PHILIPPI, 1887. NIELSEN, 2003, p. 47, pl. 7, figs. to ‘T. breantiana’ (DeVries, 1993, personal data; Nielsen, 2003).
1, 2. Nielsen (2003) did note that the turritellines and rock matrix of
Turritella breantiana D’ORBIGNY. PHILIPPI, 1887, p. 73, pl. 9, fig. 1b.
Not Turritella breantiana D’ORBIGNY, 1847, part 4 (Géologie), pl. 5, figs. SGO.PI 600 were unlike samples he had collected from Algar-
37, 38 (replacement name for Turritella monilifera FORBES, 1846 [not robo, leaving the type locality and Philippi’s (1887) Cretaceous
DESHAYES, 1825]); D’ORBIGNY, 1850, p. 218. Late Cretaceous, India. to Tertiary range of I. leptogramma in doubt.
Turritella breantiana var. nana TAVERA, 1979, p. 93, pl. 18, fig. 61a, The primary spirals of Incatella leptogramma are weaker than
61b. in any other Incatella species. Specimens of I. leptogramma have

weakly impressed sutures like those of I. cingulata, but are nar- all syntypes present in the collection of the MNHN-LG come
rower and have a greater number of secondary and tertiary spirals. from Chiloé, the type locality is here restricted to the cliffs south
Specimens of Incatella leptogramma are found in Middle and of Cucao, Chiloé Island, southern Chile. Both the Lacui Forma-
Upper Miocene strata in southern Peru. Specimens from Chile tion (Chiloé Island) and Navidad Formation (Navidad area) have
intermediate between I. chilensis and I. leptogramma are found been dated as Late Miocene (Nielsen et al., 2003), but may range
on Isla de la Mocha in Upper Miocene deposits with specimens into the Early Pliocene (Finger et al., 2003). However, as has been
of I. chilensis. A Late Miocene age is indicated for a mainland noted by Nielsen et al. (2003), many of the mollusks may be
occurrence of I. leptogramma at Lo Abarca, Chile (Fig. 3.11; reworked from older units and the age of individual species re-
Covacevich and Frassinetti, 1990; DeVries, 2003b). mains unresolved.
Small specimens of Incatella leptogramma are reported from Material examined.—UWBM 97684, DV 937-1, L (15.1), W
the Navidad Formation of central Chile (Philippi, 1887; Tavera, (7.2); UWBM 97685, DV 542-1, L (23.0), W (9.8); UWBM
1979, as T. breantiana var. nana). Tavera (1979) remarked upon 97686, DV 1428-1, mold, L (39.4), W 12.0; UWBM 97687, DV
the size difference between specimens in the Navidad Formation 1428-1, L 30.5, W 8.6; UWBM 97688, DV 1428-1, L (22.1), W
and on Isla de la Mocha. Current difficulties assessing the age of 9.6; UWBM 97689, DV 590-1, L (21.3), W 10.7; UWBM 97690,
transported molluscan material in the Navidad Formation (Nielsen DV 590-1, L (35.7), W 10.2; UWBM 97691, DV 1647-1, L
et al., 2003) make the phylogenetic significance of small Navidad (24.0), W 9.7; UWBM 97692, DV 590-1, L (31.8), W12.1;
specimens of I. leptogramma uncertain. MUSM INV 68, DV 590-1, L (30.1), W (11.0); MUSM INV 69,
Further comparative study is needed of Argentinian material to DV 590-1, lot of 6; MUSM INV 70, DV 590-1, L (24.0), W 11.1;
determine the relationships of South Atlantic species assigned to MUSM INV 71, DV 590-1, L (22.2), W 9.3; MUSM INV 72,
specimens of ‘Turritella breantiana’ figured by Ortmann (1902) DV 1647-1, L (22.56), W 9.8. DeVries collection: DV 590-1, lot
and Ihering (1907). of 37; DV 1428-1, lot of 19; DV 1310-1, lot of 4 and block with
multiple molds. Type locality is Isla Chiloé, southern Chile.
INCATELLA HUPEI Nielsen, new name Occurrence.—Lower to lower Middle Miocene, southern Peru
Figure 3.12–3.17 to southern Chile.
Turritella affinis HUPÉ, 1854, v. 8, p. 155; Conq., pl. 2, fig. 7, 7a; PHI- Discussion.—The coarsely beaded sculpture of Incatella hupei
LIPPI, 1887, p. 72, pl. 9, fig. 31; MÖRICKE, 1896, p. 555, pl. 11, fig. 3; resembles that of I. cingulata, a fact noted by Hupé (1854) and
PHILIPPI, 1897, pl. 10, fig. 2. Herm (1969), and I. trilirata. Individuals of I. hupei from south-
Not Turritella affinis MÜLLER, 1849, p. 240 (nomen nudum); 1851, p. ern Peru vary widely in their spiral patterns: some exhibit five
31, pl. 3, fig. 11. strong beaded spirals (Fig. 3.13), while others have three, as seen
Not Turritella affinis ARCHIAC AND HAIME, 1853, p. 295, pl. 27, figs. on specimens of I. cingulata and I. trilirata. Some specimens of
16–19. I. hupei have secondary spirals and tertiary threads characteristic
Diagnosis.—Whorls strongly subquadrate, suture canaliculate. of I. leptogramma (Fig. 3.12). The primary spirals on specimens
Spiral sculpture of three to five strong beaded primary spirals. of I. hupei, however, are not as broad as those of I. cingulata,
Description.—Shell length to 40 mm, pleural angle 15⬚–16⬚. and tertiary threads are fewer than seen on specimens of I. lep-
Whorls strongly subquadrate. Sutures deeply impressed, canalic- togramma. Most specimens of I. trilirata lack the subquadrate
ulate, sutural platform horizontal to concave. Protoconch turbi- whorl profile and canaliculate sutures of I. hupei.
nate. Early teleoconch with equally spaced spirals, spiral formula Peruvian specimens of Incatella hupei were found in coarse-
c2B1a3. Adult spiral ‘A’ very strong, beaded, bordering suture; grained sandstone west of the Rı́o Ica (DV 590-1) in a channel
spiral ‘C’ near base of whorl. Interspaces C/B and B/A each with of coarse-grained sandstone cutting siltstones with a diatom flora
one secondary spiral, sometimes equal in size to primary spirals; assigned to the C. elegans Zone (19.9–18.7 Ma) (H. Schrader,
sometimes with tertiary threads; formula u7C2T5B1S4s6A3. Spacing University of Bergen, Norway, personal commun., 1989). A spec-
formula C20B49A87 (n ⫽ 23). Growth line orthocline; lateral sinus imen of I. hupei was also found beneath an angular unconformity
inflected anteriorly, apex situated posteriorly. Base with five to at Cerro Yesera de Amara (DV 542-1), where the oldest deposits
seven primary spirals and intervening secondary spirals; basal above the unconformity are estimated to be 16–13 Ma, based on
growth line radial. Allmon formula 2-1/2-M/D-A-OR/OP. diatoms (Rønning, 1990). A specimen from the Filudo Depression
Etymology.—Named after H. Hupé, who first described this spe- (DV 937-1), recovered from a horizon intercalated with sand-
cies. stones bearing specimens of Turritella infracarinata, has an age
Types.—According to Nielsen (personal commun., 2005), there of about 14 Ma (DeVries, 1998).
are 10 syntypes present in the MNHN-LG under number Gg2002/
49. Hupé (1854) gave Chiloé and Cahuil as localities of his ma-
Figure 3.18, 3.19
terial, but according to Nielsen (personal commun., 2005), there
are no Cenozoic sediments near Cahuil and this locality name Turritella trilirata PHILIPPI, 1887, p. 71, pl. 9, fig. 8.
usually refers to the Navidad Formation farther to the north. Since Turritella parvula PHILIPPI, 1887, p. 73, pl. 57, fig. 4.

FIGURE 3—1–3, Incatella cingulata (Sowerby, 1825). 1, OSU 37542, Early Pleistocene, Mancora Tablazo, ⫻1.9; 2, UWBM 97710, Middle Pleis-
tocene, ⫻1.5; 3, UWBM 97711, Middle Pleistocene, ⫻1.9. 4–7, 20, Incatella cingulatiformis (Möricke, 1896). All from the Pisco Formation. 4,
UWBM 97708, Upper Miocene, ⫻1.5; 5, MUSM INV 79, Upper Miocene, basal view, ⫻2.6; 6, MUSM INV 78, Pliocene, ⫻2.1; 7, MUSM INV
79, ⫻2.3; 20, UWBM 97706, Pliocene, ⫻2.5. 8, Incatella chilensis (Sowerby, 1846). UWBM 97704, Upper Miocene, Pisco Formation, ⫻2.1. 9–
11, Incatella leptogramma (Philippi, 1887). 9, MUSM INV 73, Middle Miocene, Pisco Formation, ⫻3.0; 10, UWBM 97699, Upper Miocene,
Pisco Formation, ⫻2.0; 11, UWBM 97702, Upper Miocene, Lo Abarca, Chile, ⫻5.0. 12–17, Incatella hupei Nielsen, new name. 12, MUSM INV
70, Lower Miocene, Chilcatay Formation, ⫻2.1; 13, UWBM 97692, Lower Miocene, Chilcatay Formation, ⫻2.2; 14, UWBM 97688, Middle
Miocene, Pisco Formation, basal view, ⫻3.1; 15, UWBM 97687, Middle Miocene, Pisco Formation, spire only, ⫻4.9; 16, UWBM 97691, Middle
Miocene, Pisco Formation, ⫻2.7; 17, UWBM 97687, entire shell, ⫻2.8. 18, 19, Incatella trilirata (Philippi, 1887). 18, UWBM 97758, Lower
Miocene, Chilcatay Formation, ⫻2.9; 19, UWBM 97696, Upper Oligocene, Camaná Formation, ⫻2.7.

Diagnosis.—Shell elongate. Three primary spirals prominent; CRISTISPIRA PARACASENSIS (Rivera, 1957)
secondary spirals weak. Figure 4.1–4.9
Description.—Length to 50 mm, pleural angle 12⬚–14⬚. Whorls
subquadrate to straight-sided. Sutures weakly to deeply im- Turritella paracasensis RIVERA, 1957, p. 174, pl. 1, fig. 2; pl. 2, fig. 11.
Turritella chira OLSSON, 1928. OLSSON, 1930, p. 67, pl. 12, figs. 1–4.
pressed, rarely canaliculate, sometimes with steeply inclined su- Not Turritella chira OLSSON, 1928, p. 66, pl. 14, fig. 5.
tural platforms. Protoconch turbinate. Early whorls with formula
c2B1a3; later whorls with formula C2B1A3, followed by adult for- Diagnosis.—Shell small- to medium-sized, hypercampanulate,
mula dC2B1s4A3 and, rarely, dC2t5B1s4A3. Primary spirals promi- with three keeled spirals clustered near periphery and few sec-
nent, subequal in strength; crenulated or beaded. Secondary spi- ondary spirals.
rals weak, tertiary threads variably developed. Spacing formula Description.—Shell length to 35 mm, whorls hypercampanu-
C23B47A78 (n ⫽ 10). Lateral sinus of growth line inflected ante- late, pleural angle 12⬚–13⬚. Sutural area deeply concave. Proto-
riorly and posteriorly, apex situated posteriorly between spirals conch unknown. Early teleoconch whorls with spiral formula
‘s’ and ‘B.’ Base with five to seven spirals; basal growth line dC2B1a3. Later whorls with appearance of secondary spirals, for-
radial. Allmon formula 2-1-M-A-OR/OP. mula dC2B1A3r4 followed by du5C2t5B1s5A3r4. Primary spirals
Material examined.—UWBM 97758, DV 1320-1, L (21.1), W strongly keeled. Spacing formula C35B58A78 (n ⫽ 8), but quite
7.1; UWBM 97693, DV 1320-1, mold, (34.0), W (13.7); UWBM variable. Interspaces with tertiary threads. Lateral growth line pro-
97694, DV 1320-1, L (14.5), W 9.9; UWBM 97695, DV socline to orthocline, inflected anteriorly. Lateral sinus moderately
1320-1, L (13.8), W 9.3; UWBM 97696, DV 1258-1, L 25.7, W deep, apex situated posteriorly between spirals ‘B’ and ‘A.’ Inner
(8.0); UWBM 97697, DV 1258-1, L (11.5), W (5.6); UWBM lip with broad parietal callus. Base flattened, with five rectangular
97698, DV 1648-1, L (11.3), W 6.0; MUSM INV 103, DV primary spirals; bound by sharp spiral ‘d.’ Basal growth line ra-
1320-1, L (15.0), W 8.5; MUSM INV 104, DV 1320-1, L (11.3), dial to slightly concave. Allmon formula 3/2-1-M-A-P/OR.
W 4.8; MUSM INV 105, DV 1648-1, L (15.5), W 6.7. DeVries Types.—R. Rivera (personal commun., 1986) confirmed that the
collection: DV 1320-1, lot of 9 and molds; DV 1316-1, numerous type specimen of Turritella paracasensis has been lost. The type
molds; DV 1648-1, lot of 7. Type locality is Navidad, Chile. locality was the Paracas Peninsula. The neotypic locality is DV
Occurrence.—Uppermost Oligocene, southern Peru. Lower 634-1, 0.3 km north of La Mina, also on the Paracas Peninsula.
Miocene, southern Peru to central Chile. Paracas Formation, Upper Eocene. Specimen UWBM 97719 is
Discussion.—Specimens of Incatella trilirata from the Navidad designated the neotype of Cristispira paracasensis (⫽Turritella
paracasensis). UWBM 97719, neotype, L 24.1, W 5.9.
Formation of central Chile provided by S. Nielsen have growth
Other material examined.—The following are from the neotypic
lines that vary from uninflected to inflected anteriorly and have a
locality, DV 634-1: UWBM 97720, L (14.1), W 9.5; UWBM
narrower B/A interspace, rather than C/B. Specimens of I. trilirata 97721, L (12.3), W (6.7); MUSM INV 75, L (10.7), W 7.2;
from Peru differ from those of I. hupei by being narrower and MUSM INV 98, L (7.5), W (21.1); MUSM INV 99, L (14.8), W
consistently having only three strongly developed spirals, rather 7.3. Additional specimens: UWBM 97746, DV 501-2, L (11.6),
than five or three strong primary spirals and two strong secondary W 8.1; DeVries collection: DV 1174-1, lot of 1; from northern
spirals (‘s,’ ‘t’). More variability in the differentiation of spirals Peru: PRI 27284, L (34.5), W 9.9; PRI 2485, L (28.7), W 10.3;
is seen in Chilean specimens provided by Nielsen. Specimens of PRI 27786, L (27.3), W 8.7; PRI 24287, L (22.1), W 6.2.
I. cingulatiformis and I. leptogramma have wider pleural angles Occurrence.—Middle Eocene, northern to southern Peru.
and a greater number of secondary spirals and tertiary threads. Discussion.—Specimens of Cristispira paracasensis superfi-
Specimens of I. trilirata with secondary spirals, however, are very cially resemble the holotype of ‘Turritella chiraensis’ [sic]
difficult to distinguish from juvenile specimens of I. cingulatifor- [⫽‘‘Turritella chira’’ Olsson (1928) of Rivera (1957)], but they
mis (Fig. 3.20), except in the aggregate of a population/assem- lack the biangulate frustate profile of the Saman holotype. They
blage. do closely resemble specimens of T. chira figured by Olsson
Syntypes of Turritella parvula Philippi, 1887, examined in (1930) from the Talara Formation at Yasila, which are herein re-
1993 by the author, appear to be juvenile specimens of I. trilirata. assigned to C. paracasensis. The Yasila specimens do have more
Incatella trilirata includes the oldest known examples of In- strongly developed secondary spirals near the posterior suture
catella n. gen. from Peru, found in a marine intercalation (DV (formula duC2B1sA3r4r4) than do southern Peruvian specimens.
1258-1) within a continental volcanoclastic sequence near Car-
avelı́ (DeVries, 2003a), a few meters below beds dated at about CRISTISPIRA COCHLEIFORMIS (Gabb, 1869)
25 Ma (Noble et al., 1985). Other examples of I. trilirata were Figure 4.10–4.12
found in beds of the Lower Miocene Chilcatay Formation in the
Turritella cochleiformis GABB, 1869, p. 29; 1878, p. 264, pl. 35, fig. 7,
Pisco Basin (DeVries, 1998). The relationship of Chilean and Pe- 7a; HANNA AND ISRAELSKY, 1925, p. 41, pl. 7, figs. 6, 7.
ruvian material with Argentinian specimens of Turritella iheringi
Cossmann, 1898 is unknown. Diagnosis.—Shell small, hypercampanulate, with two keeled
primary spirals close to midpoint of whorls.
Genus CRISTISPIRA Allison, 1965 Description.—Length to 35 mm; pleural angle 10⬚–12⬚. Proto-
conch unknown. Earliest teleoconch whorls present with spirals
Type species (by original designation).—Cristispira pugetensis ‘B’ and ‘C,’ spiral formula dC1B1. Later whorls with weak sec-
Allison, 1965. Eocene, Washington State, USA. ondary spirals, formula du3C1B1r2. Primary spiral ‘A’ absent; spi-
Discussion.—The assignment of Turritella paracasensis Rivera, rals ‘B’ and ‘C’ strongly keeled, close to midpoint of whorl. Spac-
1957 and T. cochleiformis Gabb, 1869 to Cristispira is based on ing formula C35B61 (n ⫽ 4). Interspaces with tertiary threads.
a shared ontogeny of spiral sculpture and growth-line pattern. Lateral growth line prosocline to orthocline, inflected anteriorly;
Differences in secondary spiral sculpture between northern and lateral sinus moderately deep, apex situated posteriorly. Parietal
southern Peruvian populations of C. paracasensis imply a broader area without callus. Base flattened with three to four primary spi-
definition is needed for Cristispira, as do differences in the rals; basal growth line slightly concave. Allmon formula 3-1-M-
strength and number of primary spirals between Peruvian taxa A-P/OR.
and the western North American C. pugetensis. Material examined.—UWBM 97722, DV 1442-2, L (16.6), W

9.7; UWBM 97723, DV 1442-1, L 25.3, W 7.8; UWBM 97724, 8.7; UWBM 97734, DV 841-1, L 23.2, W 7.1; UWBM 97735,
DV 1439-1, L (27.3), W 10.5; UWBM 97725, DV 1154-1, L DV 841-1, L 10.7, W 3.7; MUSM INV 84, DV 841-1, L (23.0),
(8.3), W 4.0; MUSM INV 81, DV 1439-1, L (22.0), W 7.9; W 7.9; MUSM INV 85, DV 1131-1, L (20.1), W 6.8; MUSM
MUSM INV 82, DV 1439-1, L 30.2, W 10.0; MUSM INV 83, INV 86, DV 1131-1, L 18.6, W 5.7; MUSM INV 87, DV
DV 1439-1, L (13.7), W 5.8. Type locality is Paita, Peru. 1131-1, L (6.5), W 3.2; MUSM INV 88, DV 841-1, L (24.9), W
Occurrence.—Upper Eocene to Lower Oligocene, northern and 8.4; MUSM INV 89, DV 841-1, L (27.0), W 7.4.
southern Peru. Other material examined.—UWBM 97727, DV 631-12, L
Discussion.—Specimens of Cristispira cochleiformis differ (25.5), W (10.1); UWBM 97728, 80JM 016, block with numerous
from those of C. paracasensis by lacking primary spiral ‘A’ and specimens. DeVries collection: DV 631-12, block with numerous
having fewer secondary spirals on adult whorls. Specimens of C. specimens; DV 841-1, lot of 17; DV 775-1, lot of 7; DV
pugetensis have a single, strongly keeled primary spiral (‘B’), 1131-1, lot of 9; DV 1403-1, lot of 2; DV 1611-1, lot of 6.
rather than the two of C. cochleiformis. Occurrence.—Uppermost Oligocene to Lower Miocene, south-
Cristispira cochleiformis is the younger species of Cristispira ern Peru.
in southern Peru. Specimens occur abundantly at Bajada del Dia- Discussion.—Specimens of Turritella cruzadoi are unlike any
blo (DV 1442-1) and east of that valley (DV 1323-1) in near- other specimens of Turritella from Cenozoic deposits of northern
basal sandstones of the Otuma Formation. Some mollusks found Peru or Chile. They do share several attributes with specimens of
with C. cochleiformis suggest a Late Eocene age based on their the austral Eocene to Oligocene genus, Spirocolpus Finlay, 1927,
occurrence in the Chira-Verdun sequence of northern Peru including a multispiral protoconch, concave basal growth line,
(DeVries, 2004). A single specimen of C. cochleiformis from Otu- orthocline to opisthocline lateral growth line with a deep lateral
ma outcrops at Cerro Santa Cruz, near Paracas (DV 1154-1), pro- sinus, reduced spiral ‘B’ on adult whorls, and anterior and pos-
vides a means of correlating outcrops from the northern Pisco terior inflections on the lateral growth line. Spirocolpus specimens
Basin with the Bajada del Diablo outcrop (DeVries, 2004). differ, however, from those of T. cruzadoi in their spiral ontogeny
(C1B2A3) and spacing of primary spirals (C15B52A73, n ⫽ 1).
Genus TURRITELLA sensu lato Specimens of Turritella cruzadoi most resemble those of Early
Discussion.—Several species of Turritella from Peru are re- Miocene Indonesian turritellines assigned to T. herberti Archiac
ferred to Turritella s. l. for lack of compelling morphological or and Haime, 1853 by Beets (1986), most notably in the extreme
biogeographical reasons to assign them to turritelline genera from reversal of spiral dominance from dcBa to dCbA or dCA, and
elsewhere in the world. Turritella chira and T. riverae are similar also in the shape of the lateral growth line, which is orthocline
to each other in many regards; so, too, are T. lagunillasensis and to opisthocline with a deep sinus; the spiral ontogeny (dc2B1a3);
T. woodsi, but the two pairs differ greatly from each other and the concave adult whorl profile; and the presence of numerous
none are like specimens of T. salasi n. sp. and T. cruzadoi n. sp. tertiary spirals in all the interspaces. The two species differ prin-
While new genera could be created for some of these species, no cipally in the spacing formula, which for Indonesian T. heberti is
biogeographical or evolutionary insight would result from a mul- C25B53A81 (n ⫽ 4). A poorly preserved, Early Miocene specimen
tiplication of monospecific or nearly monospecific genera. of Turritella from Fiji (Ladd, 1972, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 16) might
bridge the geographic gap between T. cruzadoi and populations
of T. heberti from Indonesia (Beets, 1986) and India (Archiac and
Figure 4.13–4.18
Haime, 1853; Vredenburg, 1928).
Diagnosis.—Shell small, early whorls with keeled medial spiral Turritella cruzadoi specimens from the type locality at Cerros
‘B.’ Adult whorls concave to flat-sided with primary spirals ‘A’ Las Salinas occur below a horizon dated with foraminifera at
and ‘C’ close to sutures; spiral ‘B’ usually reduced. about 18 Ma and above an uppermost Oligocene/Lower Miocene
Description.—Shell length to 40 mm, pleural angle 12⬚. Early angular unconformity marking the base of the Chilcatay Forma-
whorls keeled, adult whorls slightly concave to flat-sided. Sutures tion (DeVries, 1998). Specimens are found farther south in basal
weakly impressed or appressed. Protoconch conic with three to sandstones of the Chilcatay Formation between Salinas de Otuma
four whorls. First teleoconch whorl with medial keel, additional and the Rı́o Ica.
primary triangular spirals appearing on second teleoconch whorl;
spiral formula dc2B1a3. Adult whorls with diminished spiral ‘B’ TURRITELLA LAGUNILLASENSIS Rivera, 1957
shifted anteriorly and situated medially or slightly anteriorly be- Figure 6.1–6.7
tween strong, lightly beaded spirals ‘A’ and ‘C;’ spiral formula
dC2B1A3, dC2b1A3 or, rarely, dC2b1A3r4. Spacing formula Turritella lagunillasensis RIVERA, 1957, p. 174–176, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4; pl.
C19B44A77 (n ⫽ 9). Interspaces with numerous tertiary threads; 2, fig. 11.
secondary spirals usually absent. Lateral growth line orthocline
to moderately opisthocline, inflected posteriorly and anteriorly; Diagnosis.—Whorls weakly concave medially. Two primary
lateral sinus deep, apex situated medially or slightly posteriorly spirals near anterior suture; one primary spiral towards posterior.
between spirals ‘A’ and ‘B.’ Base flattened, with four to six ter- Numerous secondary spirals and tertiary threads.
tiary threads; basal growth line concave. Allmon formula 3-2-D- Description.—Shell length to 90 mm, elongate, pleural angle
A/B-OR/OP. variable, 6⬚–15⬚. Protoconch unknown. Earliest preserved whorls
Etymology.—Named in honor of Ing. José Cruzado, formerly straight-sided or slightly convex to imbricate, with spiral ‘C’ bor-
head of the paleontology laboratory at PetroPeru. dering anterior suture and primary spiral ‘A’ bordering posterior
Types.—Type locality is Cerro Las Salinas (Fig. 5), east of Sa- suture; spiral formula C1A1. Later whorls with addition of spiral
linas de Otuma (including collecting localities DV 775, DV 841, ‘B’ and secondary spirals; formula C1B2s3s4A1r4. Adult whorls im-
and DV 1131). Chilcatay Formation, uppermost Oligocene to bricate to concave; formula d5C1T5B2S3S4A1R4r5; order of inser-
Lower Miocene. The following specimens are syntypes: UWBM tion of numerous secondary spirals and tertiary threads varies.
97726, DV 775-1, L (18.6), W 8.3; UWBM 97729, DV 841-1, L Spirals ‘C’ and ‘A’ slightly more prominent than all other spirals.
(26.5), W 7.3; UWBM 97730, DV 841-1, L (19.5), W 7.5; Spacing formula C17B37A73 (n ⫽ 17). Lateral growth line usually
UWBM 97731, DV 1131-1, L (23.4), W 6.8; UWBM 97732, DV orthocline, inflected anteriorly and, rarely, posteriorly. Lateral si-
1131-1, L (8.6), W 3.4; UWBM 97733, DV 775-1, L (25.0), W nus moderately deep, apex situated posteriorly at posteriormost

spiral ‘S.’ Base flattened on juveniles, convex on adults. Basal

growth line concave. Allmon formula 3/4-1-M/D-A-OR.
Types.—R. Rivera (personal commun., 1986) confirmed that the
type specimen of Turritella lagunillasensis has been lost. The type
locality was the Paracas Peninsula. The neotypic locality is DV
501, Punta Arquillo, Paracas Peninsula. Paracas Formation, Upper
Eocene. Specimen MUSM INV 94 is designated the neotype of
Turritella lagunillasensis. MUSM INV 94, DV 501-2, L (37.9),
W 12.5.
Other material examined.—MUSM INV 95, DV 501-2, L
(27.4), W 10.6; UWBM 97747, DV 585-1, L (32.3), W 13.7;
UWBM 97748, RICE QH-A1, L (48.6), W (16.0); UWBM
97749, DV 544-1, L (14.3), W 8.8; UWBM 97750, DV 637-7, L
(19.3), W (7.0); UWBM 97751, DV 501-2, L (21.5), W 8.4;
UWBM 97752, DV 394-2, L (22.1), W (10.6); UWBM 97753,
DV 501-2, L (9.9). W 4.0; UWBM 97754, RICE QH 87A-1-53m,
L (41.2), W 12.7; UWBM 97755, DV 501-2, L (22.4), W 11.6;
UWBM 97756, DV 501-2, L (26.3), W 15.0; MUSM INV 90,
DV 501-2, L (14.9), W 12.7; MUSM INV 91, DV 394-2, L
(24.0), W (10.8); MUSM INV 92, RICE QH-A1, L (42.0), W
13.3; MUSM INV 93, DV 394-2, L (26.7), W 7.5. DeVries col-
lection: DV 501-2, lot of 14; DV 394-2, lot of 8; DV 585-1, lot
of 1; QH87A-1, lot of 15.
Occurrence.—Middle to Upper Eocene, southern Peru.
Discussion.—Turritella lagunillasensis was thought to be syn-
onymous with T. gilbertharrisi Hodson, 1926 (or T. olssoni Clark
in Clark and Durham, 1946) by DeVries (2001a), but closer in-
spection of Olsson’s (1931) specimens from the Eocene Chira
shales of northern Peru shows otherwise. Both species have sim-
ilar basal growth-line patterns but the lateral growth-line sinus in
T. olssoni is medial, not posterior. The spiral formula for T. ols-
soni is DCbA or even DCA, with spiral ‘b’ being situated me-
dially on the whorl and spiral ‘D’ being entirely exposed and
robust. For T. lagunillasensis, the spiral formula is dCBA or
FIGURE 5—Type locality (DV 775) for Turritella cruzadoi n. sp. Other
dCbA, with spiral ‘B’ located at the anterior third or quarter of locality-samples are mentioned in the text. The neotypic locality for
the whorl. Cristispira paracasensis is north of La Mina in basal orange sandstones
The only turritelline taxa noted by Allmon (1996) to have spiral that include locality-sample DV 634-1.
‘B’ appear last among the three primary spirals are Colpospira
Donald, 1900 and Colpospira (Acutospira) Kotaka, 1959, both
with ranges from the Eocene to present. Enough dissimilarities of whorl and secondary spiral adjacent to posterior suture (spiral
exist to question whether the Australasian and Peruvian taxa are formula C1B1A1r1). Later whorls keeled, telescoped, or concave,
closely related. with spiral ‘A’ as a strong posterior keel. Spiral ‘d’ exposed, ad-
ditional secondary spirals present; formula d2C1t2B1s2A1r1r2; or
with reduction in spirals: formulae d2C1b1A1 or d2c1A1. Strength
Figure 6.8–6.14
of keel ‘A’ and slope of sutural platform vary greatly. Interspaces
Turritella woodsi LISSON, 1925, p. 29–30, pl. 3, fig. 9; RIVERA, 1957, p. with tertiary threads or smooth. Spacing formula C19B37A68 (n ⫽
176–177, pl. 1, fig. 5; pl. 6, fig. 43. 29, 9, 15 for ‘C,’ ‘B,’ and ‘A,’ respectively). Lateral growth line
Turritella portaroi LISSON, 1925, p. 30, pl. 3, fig. 10. prosocline to orthocline, inflected anteriorly and sometimes pos-
Turritella conquistadorana HANNA AND ISRAELSKY, 1925, p. 41, pl. 7, teriorly. Lateral sinus deep, apex situated medially just posterior
fig. 5; OLSSON, 1931, p. 74–75, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7; MARKS, 1951, to spiral ‘B.’ Base strongly convex with five broad but weak
p. 99, pl. 6, fig. 13.
spirals; spiral ‘d’ keeled in juveniles, subdued or obsolete in
Diagnosis.—Strong posterior keel. Anterior portion of whorl adults. Basal growth line concave to sinuous. Allmon formula
straight-sided, usually with reduced spiral sculpture. 5/4-1/2-D-B-P/OR.
Description.—Shell length 60–110 mm, pleural angle 14⬚–18⬚. Material examined.—UWBM 97736, DV 638-1, L (62.8), W
Protoconch unknown. Early teleoconch whorls straight-sided with (24.3); UWBM 97737, DV 621-1, L (41.0), W (16.3); UWBM
three strong spirals evenly spaced across anterior three-quarters 97738, DV 621-1, L (37.2), W (13.0); UWBM 97739, DV

FIGURE 4—1–9, Cristispira paracasensis (Rivera, 1957). All specimens from Upper Eocene. All from the Paracas Formation except PRI specimens
from northern Peru. 1, MUSM INV 99, ⫻4.1; 2, MUSM INV 99, basal view, ⫻4.3; 3, UWBM 97746, ⫻3.0; 4, PRI 27786, ⫻3.4; 5, MUSM INV
75, ⫻3.1; 6, PRI 24287, ⫻3.6; 7, PRI 27284, ⫻3.1; 8, UWBM 97719, neotype, ⫻4.1; 9, UWBM 97720, ⫻2.6. 10–12, Cristispira cochleiformis
(Gabb, 1869). All specimens from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, Otuma Formation. 10, UWBM 97722, ⫻2.8; 11, UWBM 97723, ⫻2.9; 12,
MUSM INV 83, ⫻4.4. 13–18, Turritella cruzadoi n. sp. All specimens are syntypes from uppermost Oligocene to Lower Miocene, Chilcatay
Formation. 13, UWBM 97726, ⫻3.8; 14, UWBM 97733, ⫻5.7; 15, UWBM 97734, ⫻3.9; 16, MUSM INV 89, ⫻3.6; 17, UWBM 97735, ⫻5.7;
18, UWBM 97733, ⫻3.4.

631-8, L (42.9), W (19.5); UWBM 97740, DV 509-2, L (36.9), a subquadrate posteriorly carinate turritelline (Turritella ‘trongo-
W (17.5); UWBM 97741, DV 638-1, L (47.2), W (25.1); UWBM lensis’) from Upper Eocene to Oligocene strata of Arauco (Fig.
97742, DV 638-1, L (57.2), W 21.8; UWBM 97743, DV 638-1, 6.15, 6.16). The spiral formula of early whorls (C1B1s1A1r1) and
L (32.6), W 11.9; UWBM 97744, DV 502-1, L (12.3), W 6.4; spacing formula (C18B38A74, n ⫽ 4) are consistent with formulae
UWBM 97745, DV 621-1, L (25.7), W (17.7); MUSM INV 106, of T. woodsi. In older juveniles of T. ‘trongolensis,’ the spiral
DV 638-1, L (42.8), W 22.6; MUSM INV 107, DV 638-1, L sculpture becomes more complex (spiral formula dC1t2B1s1A1r2)
(49.4), W (18.1); MUSM INV 108, DV 638-1, L (28.0), W 12.9; and interspaces are filled with tertiary threads. Adult specimens
MUSM INV 109, DV 621-1, L (23.9), W (15.8); MUSM INV have a reduced sculpture (dc1b1s1A1r2). The lateral sinus is in-
110, DV 621-1, L (38.4), W 16.8; MUSM INV 111, DV 502-1, flected anteriorly and situated posteriorly with the apex centered
L (11.1), W 4.7; MUSM INV 112, DV 1272-1, L (24.8), W 23.7; just posterior to spiral ‘s.’ The base is convex and spiral ‘d’ ob-
PRI 2036, Caleta Mero, L (34.9), W 13.0; PRI 2037, Caleta Mero, solete on the ultimate whorl of adult specimens. The many char-
L (31.1), W 13.6; PRI 2038, Caleta Mero, L (23.1), W 12.3; PRI acter states shared with specimens of T. woodsi suggest some
2040, Caleta Mero, L (30.4), W 13.5. DeVries collection: DV degree of affinity, but the absence of a second spiral ‘r’ and pres-
638-1, lot of 9; JM 314, lot of 32; DV 621-1, lot of 28; DV ence of numerous tertiary threads on Chilean specimens suggest
502-1, lot of 4; DV 627-1, lot of 6; DV 1442-1, lot of 6. Type T. ‘trongolensis’ is a separate taxon.
locality is Caravelı́, Peru. The heavy posterior keel on specimens of Turritella woodsi
Occurrence.—Uppermost Eocene: southern Peru. Oligocene to invites comparison with two similarly keeled fossil Turritella
Lower Miocene: southwestern Ecuador to southern Peru. from California. Specimens of the Eocene T. meganosensis pro-
Discussion.—Lisson (1925) recognized two species from Car- tumescens Merriam and Turner, 1937 have a posterior spiral that
avelı́, one smaller with a pronounced keel (Turritella woodsi), the becomes pronounced much later in their ontogeny and have bet-
other larger with a less pronounced posterior spiral (T. portaroi). ter-developed secondary spirals. Specimens of T. carrisaensis An-
Later in the same year (July), Hanna and Israelsky (1925) briefly derson and Martin, 1914, from Middle to Upper Miocene strata
described a strongly keeled turritelline, T. conquistadorana, from of California (Merriam, 1941), have a lateral growth-line pattern
northern Peru. New material from the Heath and Mancora For- and adult spiral sculpture like that of T. woodsi, including a ten-
mations permitted Olsson (1931) to better characterize T. con- dency towards gerontism and an obsolete spiral sculpture. Spec-
quistadorana, but he overlooked similarities with Lisson’s T. imens of T. carrisaensis differ in exhibiting greater variability in
woodsi. Marks (1951) extended the geographic range of T. con- the development of spirals ‘B’ and ‘C’ and secondary spirals.
quistadorana into Oligocene and Lower Miocene beds in south-
western Ecuador. Rivera (1957) placed T. portaroi in synonymy TURRITELLA SALASI new species
with T. woodsi, but with little explanation rejected a relationship Figure 6.17
between T. woodsi and T. conquistadorana. Specimens of the Diagnosis.—Shell elongate, flat-sided. One primary spiral bor-
latter, however, are indistinguishable from many smaller speci- dering anterior suture, another forming weak posterior carina.
mens of T. woodsi. Description.—Shell size indeterminate, at least 20 mm long,
Specimens of Turritella woodsi are encountered from the Par- elongate, pleural angle 14⬚. Whorl flat-sided; sutures impressed,
acas Peninsula to Bajada del Diablo in basal sandstones of the exceedingly shallow. Protoconch and earliest whorls unknown.
uppermost Eocene to Lower Oligocene Otuma Formation (De- Early whorls with spiral formula C1B1A1 and hints of secondary
Vries, 1998, 2004). Specimens from the Poroma hills, southwest spiral ‘r;’ later whorls with reduction in spiral sculpture, formula
of Nazca (DV 638-1), and from the type locality at Caravelı́ (DV C1A1. Spiral ‘C’ at anterior suture; spiral ‘A’ carinate; both prom-
1256-1) are associated with gastropods signifying a latest Oligo- inent on all whorls; spacing formula C13B45A69 (n ⫽ 1). Lateral
cene to early Middle Miocene age (DeVries, 2001a; DeVries and growth line poorly preserved; probably prosocline, uninflected,
Frassinetti, 2003), consistent with a superjacent ash bed at Car- with lateral sinus deep, posteriorly situated, apex on spiral ‘A.’
avelı́ dated radiometrically at 25 Ma (Noble et al., 1985). The Base flattened, mostly missing. Allmon formula ?-4-D-A-P.
youngest known specimen of T. woodsi, with an estimated age of Etymology.—Named in honor of Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi, a Pe-
22 Ma, was found east of Yesera de Amara, several tens of meters ruvian vertebrate paleontologist with the Museo de Historia Nat-
above the base of the Chilcatay Formation. ural, Universidad de San Marcos, Lima.
A poorly preserved specimen of Turritella (Fig. 6.8) from the Type.—Type locality is a bioclastic sandstone horizon above an
Eocene Paracas Formation, east of Bahı́a de la Independencia angular unconformity at the foot of Cerros Tinajones, west of
(DV 631-8), has a smaller pleural angle and a less pronounced Ullajalla (locality DV 1608; Fig. 7). UWBM 97757, holotype,
posterior spiral keel than younger specimens of T. woodsi, and DV 1608-1, L (19.7), W 7.2.
lacks inflections on the lateral growth line. Its spiral sculpture Occurrence.—Lower Middle Miocene, southern Peru.
(spiral formula dCtBsArr; spacing formula C18B36A66) and medial Discussion.—Among the few species from Peru with a well-
lateral sinus centered on spiral ‘s,’ however, are nearly identical developed primary spiral at the anterior suture is Turritella bifas-
with those of T. woodsi from the Otuma Formation. The Paracas tigata Nelson, 1870, which has a growth-line pattern similar to
specimen may represent a new species, closely related but older. that of T. salasi but also a spiral adjacent to the posterior suture
In his masters thesis, Tavera (1947, p. 7, pl. 2, fig. 1) described and an intervening, finely threaded concave whorl. Specimens of

FIGURE 6—1–7, Turritella lagunillasensis Rivera, 1957. All specimens from Upper Eocene, Paracas Formation. 1, MUSM INV 91, ⫻2.4; 2, MUSM
INV 93, ⫻3.2; 3, MUSM INV 90, basal view, ⫻2.1; 4, UWBM 97753, ⫻6.0; 5, UWBM 97752, ⫻3.3; 6, MUSM INV 92, ⫻2.3; 7, UWBM
97748, ⫻1.5. 8–14, Turritella woodsi Lisson, 1925. 8, UWBM 97739, Upper Eocene, Paracas Formation, ⫻1.3; 9, UWBM 97740, Upper Eocene
or Lower Miocene, ⫻1.7; 10, MUSM INV 107, Uppermost Oligocene, Chilcatay Formation, ⫻1.8; 11, MUSM INV 110, Eocene/Oligocene, Otuma
Formation, basal view, ⫻1.9; 12, PRI 2036, Oligocene, Caleta Mero, ⫻1.8; 13, UWBM 97737, Eocene/Oligocene, Otuma Formation, ⫻2.4; 14,
UWBM 97738, Eocene/Oligocene, Otuma Formation, ⫻2.0. 15, 16, Turritella ‘trongolensis’ Tavera, 1947. Tavera collection, Arauco, Eocene. 15,
⫻3.5; 16, ⫻1.5. 17, Turritella salasi n. sp. UWBM 97757, holotype, Lower Middle Miocene, Pisco Formation, ⫻3.7.

and tertiary threads; spiral formula C2t6B1s5A3r4r4 and finally

u7C2T6B1S5A3r4r4. Spacing formula C28B57A71 (n ⫽ 6). Lateral
growth line orthocline to slightly prosocline with anterior inflec-
tion. Lateral sinus moderately deep, apex slightly posterior, be-
tween spirals ‘B’ and ‘s.’ Base with about six primary and ad-
ditional secondary spirals; basal growth line radial. Allmon
formula 2-1-M-A-P/OR.
Material examined.—PRI 3633, holotype, Casa Saman, north-
ern Peru, L (33.7), W 13.0; UWBM 97716, DV 1442-1, L (25.1),
W 8.6; UWBM 97717, DV 1174-1, L (14.7), W 9.0; UWBM
97718, DV 1442-2, L (21.1), W 12.3; MUSM INV 74, DV
1442-1, L (25.3), W 12.0. DeVries collection: DV 1442-1, lot of
8; DV 1442-1, lot of 6.
Occurrence.—Upper Eocene to Lower Oligocene, southern
Discussion.—Four specimens of ‘Turritella chira’ from Yasila
have been reassigned to Cristispira paracasensis, leaving only the
holotype from Casa Saman, northern Peru, and material from the
Eocene of Colombia (Clark and Durham, 1946). Specimens of T.
chira from the Paracas Formation east of Cerros Canastones (DV
1174-1) and Otuma Formation at Bajada del Diablo (DV
1442-1) always have a spiral ‘t,’ which is missing in the holotype,
and have more strongly developed spirals ‘s,’ ‘A,’ and ‘r.’ Spec-
imens of T. chira are smaller than those of T. riverae n. sp., (40
mm vs. 100 mm long) and have the apex of the lateral sinus
situated posteriorly between spirals ‘B’ and ‘s,’ not medially be-
tween spirals ‘t’ and ‘B.’


Figure 8.6–8.11
Diagnosis.—Shell large, frustate, biangulate. Lateral sinus of
growth line with medial apex.
Description.—Shell length to 100 mm, pleural angle 16⬚.
Whorls frustate; sutures moderately impressed. Protoconch and
earliest whorls of teleoconch unknown. Early whorls with spiral
FIGURE 7—Type locality (DV 1608) for Turritella salasi n. sp. Other formula C1B1, becoming d6u5C1t3B1a2r4r4. Spirals ‘C’ and ‘B’
locality-samples are mentioned in the text, including those with the prominent, rounded, producing biangulate anterior profile; spiral
youngest-known (DV 1611-1) and possibly oldest-known (DV 509-2) ‘B’ at periphery of whorl. Interspace C/B wider than B/A; spacing
specimens of Turritella woodsi. formula C30B55A71 (n ⫽ 10). Lateral growth line orthocline to
prosocline, with anterior inflection and, rarely, posterior inflection.
Lateral sinus shallow, with medial apex between spirals ‘B’ and
T. filicincta Gryzbowski, 1899 and T. varicosta Olsson, 1932 have
‘t.’ Base convex, with six strong spirals, sometimes with inter-
an anterior sutural keel but several additional spirals posteriorly.
Specimens of T. woodsi have a similar posterior carina or keel, calated threads. Basal growth line radial. Allmon formula 2-1/2-
but their spirals ‘A’ and ‘B’ are located closer to the anterior S-B-P/OR.
suture and they have three early primary spirals, not two. Etymology.—Named in honor of Dr. Rosalvina Rivera, a Pe-
ruvian paleontologist active for many decades.
TURRITELLA CHIRA Olsson, 1928 Types.—The type locality is a bioclastic cross-bedded sandstone
Figure 8.1–8.5 on Pampa Alto Gramadal, south of Caravelı́ (locality DV 1256;
Fig. 9). Camaná Formation, uppermost Oligocene. UWBM
Turritella chira OLSSON, 1928, p. 66, pl. 14, fig. 5; CLARK AND DURHAM,
1946, p. 24, pl. 23, fig. 24. 97712, holotype, L (47.4), W 18.6. All other specimens are para-
Not Turritella chira OLSSON, 1928. OLSSON, 1930, p. 67, pl. 12, figs. 1–4 types from DV 1256-1. UWBM 97713, L (7.7), W 4.8; UWBM
(referred herein to Turritella paracasensis RIVERA, 1957). 97714, L (31.2), W 16.5; UWBM 97715, L (43.8), W (25.0);
Turritella prenuncia cruziana OLSSON, 1932. DEVRIES, 1998, fig. 4d. MUSM INV 100, L (16.9), W 7.8; MUSM INV 101, L (52.0),
Turritella sp. DEVRIES, 2004, fig. 7. W 24.9; MUSM INV 102, L (27.5), W 11.5.
Diagnosis.—Shell small- to medium-sized, frustate, broadly Other material examined.—DeVries collection, DV 1256-1, lot
biangulate. Lateral growth line with anterior inflection, posterior of 6.
apex. Occurrence.—Uppermost Oligocene, southern Peru.
Description.—Shell length under 40 mm, pleural angle 13⬚–16⬚. Discussion.—Specimens of Turritella riverae are very similar
Whorls frustate to convex on latest whorls. Sutures moderately to those of T. chira from Bajada del Diablo in the Pisco Basin
impressed, deeply excavated posteriorly. Protoconch unknown. and the holotype of T. chira from the Talara Basin of northern
Early whorls with spiral formula c2B1a3, followed by C2B1a3 and Peru, differing principally by being much larger and having the
C2B1A3. Later whorls usually broadly biangulate anteriorly with apex of the lateral sinus situated medially. Several specimens of
strong spirals ‘C’ and ‘B’ and with additional secondary spirals T. riverae lack a spiral ‘t,’ as does the holotype of T. chira.

FIGURE 8—1–5, Turritella chira Olsson, 1928. 1, PRI 3633, Upper Eocene, Casa Saman, northern Peru, ⫻2.5; 2, MUSM INV 74, Eocene/Oligocene,
Otuma Formation, ⫻2.7; 3, UWBM 97718, Eocene/Oligocene, Otuma Formation, ⫻2.6; 4, UWBM 97716, Eocene/Oligocene, Otuma Formation,
⫻2.5; 5, UWBM 97717, Upper Eocene, Paracas Formation, ⫻3.4. 6–11, Turritella riverae n. sp. All from Upper Oligocene, Camaná Formation.
6, UWBM 97714, paratype, ⫻1.6; 7, MUSM INV 102, paratype, ⫻2.7; 8, UWBM 97712, holotype, ⫻1.8; 9, UMBM 97715, paratype, basal view,
⫻1.7; 10, UWBM 97713, paratype, ⫻4.9; 11, UWBM 97715, paratype, ⫻2.0.

DISCUSSION the Early to Middle Miocene (I. trilirata, I. hupei new name,
The Incatella clade.⎯Incatella turritellines, which are mostly possibly smaller I. leptogramma) to a succession of larger and
endemic to Peru and Chile, appear to have evolved prior to the thicker taxa during the Late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene
latest Oligocene on the southwestern or perhaps southeastern (larger I. leptogramma, I. chilensis, I. cingulatiformis, I. cingu-
coast of South America [I. trilirata; also Argentinian species doc- lata). This taxonomy gives greater weight to stratigraphic occur-
umented by Ortmann (1902), Ihering (1907), and del Rı́o (2004)]. rence as a criterion for recognizing different populations of a
Their evolutionary history in western South America can be in- gradually evolving lineage and incorporates an expectation of
terpreted in two ways, depending on the emphasis given to strati- modest temporal spans for individual species. Alternatively, one
graphic occurrences of different morphotypes, and the manner in can view all elongate tricordate specimens as a single species
which characters (pleural angle, depth of suture, and differentia- ranging from the latest Oligocene to earliest Pleistocene, subsum-
tion of primary, secondary, and tertiary spirals) and character var- ing all Incatella taxa except I. cingulata under the oldest available
iability within and between populations are defined. name, I. chilensis. Specimens assigned to I. leptogramma, a spe-
Employing existing taxonomy, the Incatella lineage may be cies that spans the Middle to Late Miocene, would be considered
seen as passing gradually from smaller and less massive taxa in only multicordate ecophenotypic variants of this hypothetically

most striking biogeographic feature of the western South Amer-

ican turritelline fauna is the contrast between Paleogene and Neo-
gene provincial affinities. During the Eocene and Oligocene, most
turritelline species from southern Peru (Turritella chira, T. wood-
si, Cristispira paracasensis, C. cochleiformis) were also present
in northern Peru, some even in southwestern Ecuador (Marks,
1951) and Colombia (Clark and Durham, 1946). The only mem-
ber of this group in central Chile may have been T. ‘trongolensis.’
The extinction of these species in southern Peru coincided with
a global decline in sea-surface temperatures at the end of the
Eocene and Early Oligocene (Miller et al., 1987), which may have
provoked an equatorward contraction of a paleo-Panamic-Peru-
vian Faunal Province.
Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene turritellines from southern
Peru belonging to Incatella n. gen. (I. trilirata, I. hupei, I. lep-
togramma, I. chilensis, I. cingulatiformis, I. cingulata) also occur
in deposits of comparable age in Chile but, except for I. cingulata,
not in northern Peru. Those Neogene species from southern Peru
not found in Chile (Turritella infracarinata, T. cruzadoi n. sp., T.
salasi n. sp.) are not part of the Incatella clade. Turritella cru-
zadoi is unique in western South America, but shares many char-
acters with the Early Miocene Indonesian T. heberti. Turritella
infracarinata is an early Middle Miocene addition to the southern
Peruvian fauna from northern Peru; its assignment to Turritella
(Turritella) also implies an Indo-Pacific affinity. Turritella salasi
FIGURE 9—Type locality (DV 1256) for Turritella riverae n. sp., south may have arrived from northern Peru, if it is related to the mor-
of Caravelı́, and locality-sample (DV 1258-1) with oldest Peruvian phologically similar T. filicincta. These turritellines not belonging
specimen of Turritella trilirata (Fig. 3.19). to Incatella were extinct by the end of the early Late Miocene.
The shift from equatorial to high-latitude provincial affinities
in the southern Peruvian fauna is evident for the entire molluscan
long-lived species. This alternative taxonomy incorporates a fauna from southern Peru. Most molluscan species from the Par-
greater degree of intraspecific variability and does not reject a acas and Otuma formations are also found in Eocene and Early
duration of 23 million years for an Incatella species. Oligocene deposits of northern Peru (Rivera, 1957; DeVries,
The first alternative is favored here, thereby giving emphasis 2004), whereas a majority of molluscan species in upper Miocene
to character differences typically observed between stratigraphi- and Pliocene deposits of southern Peru are also found in Chile
cally discrete assemblages. Within-assemblage character variation (DeVries and Frassinetti, 2003). Pleistocene and modern mollus-
for Incatella taxa is substantial, however, which does obscure tax- can faunas from southern Peru and Chile continue to be quite
onomic boundaries when too few individuals are examined. similar (DeVries, 2001b; DeVries and Frassinetti, 2003).
Other species groups.⎯Another species group consists of Cris-
The emergence of a late Neogene turritelline fauna in southern
tispira paracasensis and C. cochleiformis. With the discovery of
Peru with Chilean biogeographic affinities resulted from the ex-
the latter in southern Peru and the assignment of northern Peru-
tinction of equatorial turritellines in southern Peru throughout the
vian specimens once identified as Turritella chira to the former,
the genus can now be considered to have been present along the late Paleogene and early Neogene; the failure of species from a
entire coast of Peru from the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene. diverse Neogene turritelline fauna in northern Peru to establish
Both species of Cristispira are found in near-basal transgressive themselves in southern waters, except during the early Middle
sandstones from comparable inner shelf to foreshore paleoenvi- Miocene, when Turritella infracarinata and T. salasi appeared;
ronments. and the persistence until today of the Incatella clade in western
Two pairs of Turritella species from southern Peru exhibit sim- South America. From the late Late Miocene onward, the Peruvian
ilar patterns of taxon longevity and geriontic gigantism. Within Faunal Province has supported just one turritelline species, first
the first group, T. chira ranged from northern to southern Peru I. cingulatiformis (Late Miocene to Early Pleistocene) and later
during the Late Eocene and possibly earliest Oligocene. Individ- I. cingulata (Middle Pleistocene to Recent).
uals of T. riverae n. sp. from uppermost Oligocene beds near The biogeographic behavior of a few turritelline taxa during
Caravelı́ are nearly identical with those of T. chira except for the latest Oligocene to earliest Miocene is problematic. The last
their very large size and medial position of the lateral sinus apex. of the Paleogene species, the giants Turritella woodsi and T. riv-
Within the second group, smaller specimens of T. woodsi from erae, dominated high energy shoreface environments until 22 Ma,
Eocene/Oligocene Otuma beds of southern Peru are replaced by then disappeared, as did the small endemic T. cruzadoi, just as
unusually large (⬎100 mm) waveworn specimens of T. woodsi the first populations of the Incatella clade were appearing. Later,
from Upper Oligocene beds near Caravelı́. species with equatorial affinities, T. infracarinata and T. salasi,
Two specimens of T. woodsi in upper Eocene beds of the Par- moved poleward into southern Peru during the early Middle Mio-
acas Formation (Fig. 6.8, 6.9) exhibit features in common with cene. The former thrived despite contemporaneous global cooling,
younger specimens of T. woodsi and older specimens of T. la- but disappeared by 9 Ma.
gunillasensis, particularly with respect to the spacing of spirals Turritella diversity, upwelling, and productivity.⎯Allmon
and lateral and basal growth-line pattern, suggesting that T. wood- (1988, 1992) has proposed that turritellines thrive in the presence
si may have evolved during the Late Eocene from T. lagunilla- of nutrient-rich seasonally upwelled waters. Menge et al. (1997)
sensis. linked productivity in modern coastal upwelling zones to the
Biogeographic patterns, paleoceanographic explanations.⎯The abundance of invertebrate grazers, although others have been

TABLE 2—Temporal range of turritelline species from southern Peru and species richness by two-million-year increments. Question marks are assigned to
presumed occurrences that unite older and younger known occurrences of the same or related species.

Age (Ma) Species of Turritellines Sum of Species

0–2 cingulata 1
2–4 cingulatiformis 1
4–6 cingulatiformis chilensis 2
6–8 cingulatiformis chilensis 2
8–10 leptogramma 1
10–12 leptogramma infracarinata 2
12–14 leptogramma infracarinata 2
14–16 hupei new name leptogramma salasi n. sp. infracarinata 4
16–18 hupei new name leptogramma 2
18–20 hupei new name 1
20–22 trilirata 1
22–24 trilirata cruzadoi n. sp. woodsi 3
24–26 trilirata cruzadoi n. sp. riverae n. sp. woodsi 4
26–28 chira (?) woodsi (?) 2
28–30 chira (?) woodsi (?) 2
30–32 chira (?) woodsi (?) 2
32–34 cochleiformis chira woodsi 3
34–36 cochleiformis chira woodsi 3
36–38 cochleiformis chira woodsi 3
38–40 lagunillasensis paracasensis chira woodsi 4
40–42 lagunillasensis paracasensis chira 3

equivocal on this point (Wooten et al., 1996). The inferred con- 1993), and dominated today by high productivity associated with
nection between neritic primary productivity and both turritelline the Gulf of Guayaquil and Guayas Estuary (Twilley et al., 2001),
and molluscan diversity has been used to explain Pliocene ex- has supported an approximately equal or greater number of tur-
tinction patterns in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and western ritelline species throughout the Cenozoic (Table 3).
North Atlantic Ocean (Allmon, 1992, 1993) and the existence of
refugia for Pliocene species in the Caribbean (Vermeij and Petuch, CONCLUSIONS
1986). Data from western South America challenge the generality The Cenozoic turritelline fauna of southern Peru consists of 15
of these conclusions. species, six of which belong to an endemic South American Neo-
The Peruvian margin has supported exceptionally high levels gene clade (Incatella n. gen.) with a midlatitude austral origin.
of primary and secondary productivity since at least the Middle Most Paleogene turritellines, in contrast, range from southern Peru
Eocene. Key indices of productivity—diatomaceous sediments, towards the equator. Turritelline species richness is less than or
dolomite remineralization, phosphatic concretions, and fish scales
comparable to that of northern Peru and Ecuador, but higher than
of anchoveta and sardines (Suess et al., 1987; Dunbar et al., 1990;
that of Chile. Species richness was at a maximum during the Early
Rønning, 1990; DeVries, 1998)—are present in strata of all sub-
epochs in the Pisco Basin. At present, a strong seasonal cycle of Miocene, when some Paleogene holdover taxa coexisted with the
coastal upwelling and high primary productivity exists along the oldest species of Incatella and turritellines of possible Indo-Pa-
coast of southern Peru (Puillat et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the cific origin, and has held at a long-term minimum since the early
southern Peruvian margin has never been inhabited simultaneous- Late Miocene. Decreasing species richness coincides with a broad
ly by more than three or four turritelline species since the early decline in Paleogene sea-surface temperatures and later with a
Late Miocene and only one or two gradually evolving species thermal isolation of the Neogene Peruvian-Chilean coastline by
from the same clade have occupied the region since that time cold coastal upwelling and the northward flow of the cold water
(Table 2). The coast of northernmost Peru and southwestern Ec- in the Humboldt Current.
uador, characterized as much by siliciclastic shelf and deltaic de-
posits during the Cenozoic as by organic-rich sediments associ- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ated with upwelling (DeVries, 1986; Carrozi and Palomino, I wish to thank M. Urbina and R. Salas (Laboratorio de Pa-
leontologı́a de Vertebrados, Lima, Peru), V. Alleman (Universidad
Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru), the scientific custodians of the Re-
TABLE 3—Species richness of Cenozoic turritellines from northern and south- serva Nacional de Paracas (Peru), D. Frassinetti and H. Nuñez
ern Peru. Data from Olsson (1928, 1930, 1931, 1932), DeVries (1986,
2004), and Alamo and Valdivieso (1997). (Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile), the late
E. Valenzuela and R. Martinez-Pardo (both formerly of the De-
Species Numbers Peru partamento de Geologı́a, Universidad de Chile), the late V. Cov-
Time Interval North South acevich (Servicio Nacional de Geologı́a y Minerı́a), and S. N.
Nielsen (Freie Universität Berlin) for their hospitality, logistical
Quaternary 5 1 support, and scientific advice. Photographs of museum specimens
Pliocene 3 1
Late Miocene 2 4 were kindly provided by P. Jeffery (Natural History Museum,
Middle Miocene 3 4 London) and F. Wesselingh (National Museum of Natural History,
Early Miocene 5 5 Leiden, The Netherlands). Reproductions of Dumont d’Urville’s
Late Oligocene 4 5
Early Oligocene 3 2 account of his expedition to the Southern Hemisphere were pro-
Late Eocene 8 4 vided by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale
Middle Eocene 2 2 University. I would like to thank the Conchologists of America
Early Eocene 3 ? for a travel grant for work in Chile in 1993 and the Fulbright
Paleocene 2 ?
Commission for a research scholarship for study in Peru in 1999.

S. N. Nielsen and W. D. Allmon provided helpful critiques of the of ‘Paracas’ beds in southern Peru. Boletı́n de la Sociedad Geológica
manuscript. del Perú, 92:57–65.
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SUESCUM, M. M. ARMIJOS, AND L. SOLÓRZANO. 2001. Ecology of the DV 502-1 Playa Talpo, north side of Paracas Peninsula, west side of
Gulf of Guayaquil and the Guayas River Estuary, p. 245–264. In U. valley. 13⬚48⬘02⬙S, 76⬚20⬘43⬙W (Pisco 1:100,000 quad-
Seeligrer and B. J. Kjerve (eds.), Estuaries of Latin America. Springer- rangle). Otuma Formation, Eocene/Oligocene.
Verlag, Berlin. DV 509-2 About 12 km south of Yesera de Amara, sandstones near
VEGA, M., AND R. MAROCCO. 2004. La sedimentación oligo-miocénica base of section, above bedrock. 14⬚39⬘45⬙S 75⬚37⬘44⬙W
en el antearco del sur del Perú: Estudio estratigráfico y sedimentológico (Lomitas 1:100,000 quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Up-
de la Formación Camaná. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, special pub- per Eocene? Lower Miocene?
lication, 5:125–141. DV 523-2 Cerro Terrestral, near red bed on southeastern flank of hill.
VERMEIJ, G. J., AND E. J. PETUCH. 1986. Differential extinction in trop- 14⬚48⬘02⬙S, 75⬚23⬘02⬙W (Palpa 1:100,000 quadrangle).
ical American molluscs: Endemism, architecture, and the Panama land Pisco Formation, Upper Miocene.
bridge. Malacologia, 27(1):29–41. DV 523-4 Cerro Terrestral, just below red bed on southeastern flank
VREDENBURG, E. 1928. Descriptions of Mollusca from the Post-Eocene of hill. 14⬚48⬘02⬙S, 75⬚23⬘02⬙W (Palpa 1:100,000 quad-
Tertiary Formation of North-Western India: Gastropoda (in part) and rangle). Pisco Formation, Upper Miocene.
Lamellibranchiata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, 50(2): DV 532a-3 Quebrada Huaricangana, east of Molde de Queso diato-
351–463. maceous siltstones. 14⬚55⬘06⬙S, 75⬚15⬘33⬙W (Palpa
WOODS, H. 1922. Mollusca from Eocene and Miocene deposits of Peru, 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Formation, Upper Miocene.
p. 51–113. In T. O. Bosworth (ed.), Geology of the Tertiary and Qua- DV 542-1 Yesera de Amara. Coarse-grained sandstone below an un-
ternary Periods in the Northern Part of Peru. Macmillan, London. conformity. 14⬚35⬘31⬙S, 75⬚40⬘15⬙W (Lomitas 1:100,000
WOOTEN, J. T., M. E. POWER, R. T. PAINE, AND C. A. PFISTER. 1996. quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene.
Effects of productivity, consumers, competitors, and El Niño events on DV 544-1 Nine to ten km south-southeast of Yesera de Amara. Basal
food chain patterns in a rocky intertidal community. Proceedings of sandstones. 14⬚39⬘44⬙S, 75⬚37⬘50⬙W (Lomitas 1:100,000
the National Academy of Sciences USA, 93:13855–13858. quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene.
DV 571-5 Alto Grande (⫽El Jahuay of Muizon publications), hillside
ACCEPTED 18 NOVEMBER 2005 west of Panamerican Highway, south of intersection with
road northwest to San Juan de Marcona. 15⬚26⬘57⬙S,
APPENDIX. LOCALITY—SAMPLES 74⬚52⬘06⬙W (Yauca 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Forma-
CAS 328.01 Near top of a small hill south of Corona Peak, northern tion, Upper Miocene.
Peru (G. C. Gester). DV 579-2 One km east of double-knobbed hill, south of mouth of
CAS 329.02 Ridgeline near Corona Peak, northern Peru (G. C. Gester). Quebrada Gramonal, east side of the Rı́o Ica. 14⬚46⬘30⬙S,
CAS 337.01 West of La Cuesta, near trail to Tumbes, northern Peru (G. 75⬚30⬘06⬙W (Lomitas 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco For-
C. Gester). mation, Middle Miocene.
RICE QH A1 Quebrada Huaricangana. 14⬚57⬘S, 75⬚16⬘W (Palpa DV 585-1 About 100–200 m south of the mouth of Quebrada Santa
1:100,000 quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, uppermost Cruz. 14⬚55⬘33⬙S, 75⬚28⬘53⬙W (Palpa 1:100,000 quadran-
Oligocene. gle). Paracas Formation, Upper Eocene.
80JM 016 ‘‘This locality is noted for Lower Pliocene diatomites and DV 590-1 Cerro Tiza, northernmost of two points, south face.
has not been associated with mollusks in other samples. 14⬚40⬘05⬙S 75⬚41⬘18⬙W (Lomitas 1:100,000 quadrangle).
The sandstone block attributed to this locality probably Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene.
was collected elsewhere’’ (J. Macharé). 13⬚42⬘S, 76⬚10⬘W DV 599-2 South side of Montemar hill, Sacaco Basin. Over Upper
(Pisco 1:100,000 quadrangle). Miocene sandstones overlain by Pleistocene marine terrac-
82JM 017 Cerro El Huevo, northwest of San Juan de Marcona. Pleis- es. 15⬚32⬘05⬙S, 74⬚47⬘39⬙W (Yauca 1:100,000 quadran-
tocene marine terraces. 15⬚18⬘S, 75⬚09⬘W (San Juan gle).
1:100,000 quadrangle). DV 621-1 Three to four km south along road from intersection of
84JM 314 15⬚01⬘S, 74⬚58⬘30⬙W (Acarı́ 1:100,000 quadrangle). Chil- roads to Salinas de Otuma and the Paracas Peninsula.
catay Formation, uppermost Oligocene. Coarse-grained sandstone unit near base of Otuma For-
DV 333-21 Cuesta del Alto, near El Alto, northern Peru; gravel road mation. 13⬚53⬘37⬙S, 76⬚15⬘45⬙W (Pisco 1:100,000 quad-
to wells on west side. Coquina of Early Pleistocene Man- rangle). Eocene/Oligocene.
cora Tablazo exposed on north side of road where it begins DV 627-1 0.5–1 km west of Necropolis, Paracas Peninsula. 13⬚52⬘S,
to descend western side of ridge. See DeVries (1986) for 76⬚17⬘W (Pisco 1:100,000 quadrangle). Otuma Formation,
map. Eocene/Oligocene.
DV 381-1 San Juan-Lomas road, km 47.5. Low on southwest flank DV 631-8 Thin-bedded sandstone at 120 m in section. Northwest of
of ridge protruding westward along road. 15⬚22⬘59⬙ S, Loma Cuesta Chilcatay, north of Ica-Comotrana road.
75⬚03⬘11⬙ W (San Juan 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pliocene. 14⬚11⬘S, 76⬚07⬘W (Punta Grande 1:100,000 quadrangle).
DV 381-5 San Juan-Lomas road, km 47.5. Uppermost coquina. Paracas Formation, Upper Eocene.
15⬚22⬘59⬙ S, 75⬚03⬘11⬙ W (San Juan 1:100,000 quadran- DV 631-12 Basal sandstone above angular unconformity, northwest of
gle). Middle Pleistocene. Loma Cuesta Chilcatay, north of Ica-Comotrana road.
DV 394-2 Bahia de la Independencia-Comotrana road, 2–3 km in- 14⬚11⬘S, 76⬚07⬘W (Punta Grande 1:100,000 quadrangle).
land, in valley about 200 m north of road. 14⬚11⬘54⬙S, Chilcatay Formation, Uppermost Oligocene.
76⬚08⬘41⬙W (Punta Grande 100,000 quadrangle). Paracas DV 634-1 Road to Las Minas, Paracas Peninsula. Sandstone outcrops
Formation, Upper Eocene. in parking lot at end of road and along low east-facing
DV 419-4 Filudo Depression, north of Pozo Santo-Laguna Grande cliff. 13⬚54⬘32⬙S, 76⬚18⬘58⬙W (Pisco 1:100,000 quadran-
road, low ridge at bottom of eastern side, midsection, silty gle). Paracas Formation, Upper Eocene.
sandstone. 13⬚52⬘52⬙S, 76⬚0721⬙W (Pisco 1:100,000 quad- DV 637-7 Rı́o Ica, 0.5 km north mouth of Quebrada Gramonal, east
rangle). Pisco Formation, Middle Miocene. side. 14⬚45⬘25⬙S, 75⬚01⬘03⬙W (Lomitas 1:100,000 quad-
DV 420-1 Filudo Depression, south end, gray sandstone beds. rangle). Paracas Formation, Upper Eocene.
13⬚53⬘12⬙S, 76⬚07⬘15⬙W (Pisco 100,000 quadrangle). Pis- DV 638-1 Southwest of Nazca, in third gully in from mouth on
co Formation, Middle Miocene. southwest corner of low ridge to south of Quebrada Los
DV 465a-1 Terrace outcrop at abandoned San Juan-San Nicholas Espinos. 15⬚01⬘53⬙S, 74⬚58⬘52⬙W (Acarı́ 1:100,000 quad-
bridge, northeast of San Juan de Marcona. 15⬚21⬘S, rangle). Chilcatay Formation, uppermost Oligocene.
75⬚08⬘W (San Juan de Marcona 1:100,000 quadrangle). DV 769-1 San Juan-Lomas road, km 47.5. Terrace capping ridge pro-
Late Pleistocene. truding westward along road. 15⬚22⬘59⬙S, 75⬚03⬘10⬙W
DV 501-2 West side of Punta Arquillo. 13⬚54⬘39⬙S, 76⬚21⬘29⬙W (Pis- (San Juan 1:100,000 quadrangle). Middle Pleistocene.
co 1:100,000 quadrangle). Paracas Formation, Upper Eo- DV 775-1 West side Cerro Las Salinas, eastern edge Salinas de Otu-
cene. ma. Sandstone bed about 100 m southeast of small knoll

at base of larger hill. 13⬚59⬘27⬙S, 76⬚13⬘33⬙W (Punta del Diablo. 14⬚25⬘59⬙S, 75⬚49⬘19⬙W (GPS; Ica 1:100,000
Grande 1:100,000 quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Low- quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene.
er Miocene. DV 1323-1 Road between Corre Viento and Bajada del Diablo, where
DV 841-1 Cerro Las Salinas, east of Salinas de Otuma, sandstone bluff overlooks plains leading to coastal mountains.
bed on western face of long outcrop of tilted strata, near 14⬚27⬘08⬙S, 75⬚52⬘19⬙W (GPS; Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle).
northern end. 13⬚59⬘48⬙S, 76⬚13⬘38⬙W (Pisco 1:100,000 Otuma Formation, Eocene/Oligocene.
quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene. DV 1403-1 East of Cerro Sombrero, near road between Laguna
DV 937-1 Filudo Depression, northwest to southwest side, below Grande and Pozo Santo. 14⬚05⬘49⬙S, 76⬚11⬘08⬙W (GPS;
sandstone horizon with Anadara and above unconformity Punta Grande 1:100,000 quadrangle). Chilcatay Forma-
with hackly siltstone. 13⬚53⬘12⬙S, 76⬚07⬘15⬙W (Pisco tion, uppermost Oligocene.
1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Formation, Middle Miocene. DV 1428-1 North end of Corre Viento depression, brown sandstone
DV 1021-4 East side of Quebrada Gramonal. 14⬚44⬘19⬙S, 75⬚31⬘02⬙W beds on northeast corner. 14⬚26⬘41⬙S, 75⬚45⬘34⬙W (GPS;
(GPS; Lomitas 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Formation, Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Formation, Middle Mio-
Middle Miocene. cene.
DV 1131-1 Western face of Cerro Las Salinas, sandstone bed. DV 1439-1 Bajada del Diablo, head of valley, on hillsides south of
13⬚59⬘48⬙S, 76⬚13⬘38⬙W (GPS; Pisco 1:100,000 quadran- road to beach, soft weathering sandstones. 14⬚28⬘02⬙S,
gle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene. 75⬚54⬘17⬙W (GPS; Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle). Otuma For-
DV 1154-1 Lower knoll, north side of Santa Cruz pass, northeast of mation, Eocene/Oligocene.
Salinas de Otuma. 13⬚59⬘39⬙S, 76⬚11⬘53⬙W (GPS; Pisco DV 1442-1 Bajada del Diablo, bluff overlooking ocean, lower part of
1:100,000 quadrangle). Otuma Formation, Eocene/Oligo- section with indurated sandstone beds. 14⬚28⬘59⬙S,
cene. 75⬚57⬘05⬙W (GPS; Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle). Otuma For-
DV 1174-1 Valley’s southeast flank, southeast of Cerro Canastones. mation, Eocene/Oligocene.
14⬚08⬘37⬙S, 76⬚10⬘16⬙W (GPS; Punta Grande 1:100,000 DV 1442-2 Bajada del Diablo, bluff overlooking ocean, upper part of
quadrangle). Paracas Formation, Upper Eocene. section with soft sandstone beds. 14⬚28⬘59⬙S, 75⬚57⬘05⬙W
DV 1235-4 Northeast side of Quebrada Usaca, northwest of Nazca. (GPS; Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle). Otuma Formation, Eo-
14⬚50⬘S, 75⬚12⬘W (Palpa 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco cene/Oligocene.
Formation, Upper Miocene. DV 1608-1 Cerros Tinajones, foot of steep hill, bioclastic coarse-
DV 1256-1 South flank of Quebrada del Carrizal. 15⬚56⬘27⬙S, grained sandstone bed. 14⬚35⬘24⬙S, 75⬚38⬘18⬙W (GPS;
73⬚19⬘40⬙W (GPS; Caravelı́ 1:100,000 quadrangle). Ca- Lomitas 1:100,000 quadrangle).
maná Formation, Upper Oligocene. DV 1611-1 Campsite, Ullujaya West, depression northeast of Cerros Ti-
DV 1258-1 Coquina block along route of INGEMMET section J, Alta najones. 14⬚34⬘52⬙S, 75⬚38⬘40⬙W (GPS; Lomitas 1:100,000
Gramadal, south of Caravelı́. 15⬚56⬘35⬙S, 73⬚19⬘19⬙W quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Miocene.
(GPS; Caravelı́ 1:100,000 quadrangle). Camaná Forma- DV 1647-1 Northeast corner of Cerros Colorado, tuffaceous siltstones.
tion, Upper Oligocene. About 14⬚21⬘S, 75⬚54⬘W (Punta Grande 1:100,000 quad-
DV 1272-1 Roadcut with basement section, road to Quilca. rangle). Pisco Formation, Middle Miocene.
16⬚42⬘09⬙S, 72⬚26⬘57⬙W (GPS; Camaná 1:100,000 quad- DV 1648-1 Valley southwest of Cerro Colorado; southwest-facing
rangle). Camaná Formation, Lower Miocene. flank. 14⬚22⬘25⬙S, 75⬚53⬘52⬙W (GPS; Punta Grande
DV 1310-1 Pampa Corre Viento. 14⬚27⬘56⬙S, 75⬚44⬘37⬙W (GPS; Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle). Chilcatay Formation, Lower Mio-
1:100,000 quadrangle). Chilcatay/Pisco Formation, Lower cene.
to Middle Miocene. DV 1653-1 ‘Sula’ site, between Cerro Terrestral and the Rı́o Ica, east
DV 1316-1 Southwest corner of Corre Viento Depression, base of hill, of the ‘labyrinth.’ 14⬚50⬘16⬙S, 75⬚27⬘29⬙W (GPS; Lomitas
on floor of quebrada. 14⬚29⬘03⬙S, 75⬚43⬘57⬙W (GPS; Ica 1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Formation, Middle Miocene.
1:100,000 quadrangle). Pisco Formation, Middle Miocene. WJZ 343 Coquimbo, Chile. Pleistocene.
DV 1320-1 Pampa Colorado, along road between Ocucaje and Bajada WJZ 346 Coquimbo, Chile. Pleistocene.

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