12 December 2002

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NEUER SRY DIE can be cu red without drugs is got on the case of the sneaker neighbo ring tribes.

neaker neighbo ring tribes. This had

something doc tors never hear com pany that pUI mercury been going on for thou sands
ronlin uedJ rom page 4
about in (heir vears in mcdi- switches in their shoes 10 of generations. so it wasn't
show for 520 + 53 sIh by call- cal school. And since it would switch on li ghts in their shoes going to he easy 10 change.
ing 775-7 5 1-2379. Tell Kate pUI (hem ou t of business in when kids were running, The The whole co ncept of work
wayne sent you. short order, it' s something mercury in ibcrmometers has was totally alie n 10 th e men.
Oh. one more item, I un- (hey don 't wanI 10 hear about. been replaced with some son That was for women! And any
derstand that an astronomer. It's their worst nightmare. of less toxic red stu IT. man who worked wa... ridiculed
concerned enough over the There'.. j ust Dr. Lorraine Day and humiliated hy the ot hers
Planet X situation to lake the in San Francisco, Dr. Bruno Amer icans for bei ng woman-l ike, Sissies.
tro uble and expense, went to Comby in Paris. and Wayne Ed ucation'! The only pur-
Aust ralia so he could look Green up in New Hampshire A recent PB S scncs on pose of ed ucation was to lit a
through a telescope there for preaching to empty pew". Australia almost got me man to work. so just as many
the incoming brown d warf. Instead of people gri ping thin king, Close call. Arrcrican blacks humiliate oth-
He called home , saying he about the cost of prescription One of the big concerns in ers who try to learn to speak
had some spectac ular pic- drugs. I recommend their Australia has to do with rc- American as trying 10 become
lures. Then someone killed spending a tiny fraction of their cent im migrants. who arri ve while, the African black men
him and the pic tures have dis- drug. cost on educating them- complete with their homeland avoided education. And that
appeared. He's co ming hack selves so they won't need 10 languages, customs. religions. made them sitting d ucks for
in a box.. waste all that money, and ways of dressing, and the invad ing Europeans.
then lend 10 live in enclaves The slave trade developed
Tolja ~lort' Mercury to help perpetuate the ir heri- when the black men discov-
tages. The older Australians ered that there was money to
The August issue of the Eu- The medical industry i ~ be- view is tha t if they come 10 he made by ~e l ' i n g instead of
ropcan Journal of Can cer coming more and more aware Australia they bl ood y well ki lling the priso ners when
Preve ntion pu blished an ar- of the dangers mercury has should become Australians. they raided a neig hboring
ticl e on the Swedish researc h for us. When I was a kid it They should speak the Aus- village .
which showed thai ce ll phone wax something we played with. tralia n language, adopt the The Ind ians who were
users had a much higher rare We'd coal dimes wit h it 10 Australian customs, and intc- brought in 10 do the work
uf bruin tumors than average make them shine. :"0 big deal. grate with the Australians scnl cd into enclaves. where
,. . and the more they used Wrongu. Again . rather than livc in separate they avoided almost all co n-
them , the higher the rate. It turns out that one lousy ethnic groups. tact with either the whites or
A Finnish study showed gram of mercury can con- We have this same situation the blacks. They opened
thai one hour of cell phone tamin ate a :!O-acre lake for up here in America, and I've stores and. by cooperating
usc measurabl y affected brain to a year! So now there 's a seen it played out in one with each other. eas ily drove
cells. growin g co ncern about cap- country after another. any co mpeting black or
The American cell phone turing the mercury residue When the Europeans ar- white-owned stores out of
industry is. of course, disin- dental patients spit OUI when rived in Africa they found it business.
terested in any research, or in they 're told to rinse. Th is peopled w ith almost stone- I saw this same pattern in
read ing the published work of goes dow n the drain into the age-ignorant savages, so they Kenya. Uganda, and Tanza-
Ross Adcy K6UI. the world's sewage system. po llutin g the had no tro uble taking over the nia, when I !'irst visited the
leading researcher in this environment for years. whole co ntinent . The natives area 35 year" ago, This was
fi eld. Bur. if you watch what So what 's the hig deal'? were no problem. it was j ust sho rtly afte r co lonialism had
the se guys do. you' ll sec ' em 9RC"; of multiple-sclerosis pa- the other European co untries been replaced by blac k ru le.
using a headse t wire III their tient" have mercury poisoning. that they had to deal with. II didn' t take long for the
cell phones. Mercury is a deadly poison Germany grubbed big chunks, black haired of the Indians to
We may soon St.'C a head- which serious ly impairs bruin as did France. Belgium, Spain. result in their being forced by
line-making trial a... brain-can- function. Portugal. and the Dutch. the new blac k leaders In leave
cer stricken neurologist Chris- So. what abo ut all that mer- In East and South Africa. the East African ccur uries.
topher Newman sues the cell cury you arc nOI spitting out the British got busy expl oit- and tha t led to the di sintegra-
phone industry, He's rcprc- when the dentist asks you to ing their territories. In Sout h lion of the cities and towns as
scntcd by the Peter Angelo-, rinse? Tha t stays in your Africa. it was gold and dia- things went hack to the hush.
linn. which has gotten huge amalgnm fi lling - for a monds. In East Africa. it was The while fa rmers were also
fees from its actions against while. It graduall y is released growing crops such as coffee. forced to leave and their
asbestos and cigurcuc firm s. as mercury vapor and goes But all this busi ness activit y farms also wenI back to the
Wit h over a billion people into your body .. . and your required workers, and no way bush. With little 10 export.
now using cell phones world- brain . had been discovered to get thes e countries "kidded into
wide, this may be the biggest We ll. I' ve w ritte n about the native blacks 10 work , .. poverty.
biological experiment in history. that before. and it's covered so they brought in Indians to Here in America we've seen
It's something 10 think about in my Secret Guide to Health. build the roads and railroads. simi lar situations where immi-
the next time you pick up a cell If yo u still have amalgam till- and to work on the farms. grant groups who live in en-
phonc or an HT. And we hams mgs. get 'em replaced with with Africa being tropical. clavcs and avoid a'isi milation
are the oncs who developed plaslil'. the living was easy. The black arc haled.
cell phone Icchnology for (he Meanwhile. as lhe concern way of life wa~ to live in When I visited Fiji lhe is·
wllrld some thiny years ago. over mercury (XIUution grows, small mud-hut \'iII age~ , wilh land was on Ihe v'erge of a
they' re working lO remove all the " 'omen doi ng all the wurk revol ution. The Fijians were
The Secret of Ihe mercury switches from . .. growing the crops, hrin g ~ furious with the Indians, who
uld cars befo re they are ing up Ihe children ... and the
The faci Ihal any illness melied down, and Ihe EPA me n hunting and killing their Continued 011 page .19
8 73 Amateur Radio Today · December 2002

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