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Caving Geomechanics Short Course Program

Thursday, 30th October 2003

08:00 Registration

08:30 Introduction Richard Butcher

- History of caving mining (Dempers & Seymour)
- Cave mining in Australia

08:50 Mining-Engineering Aspects of Cave Mining Richard Butcher

Section 1 (Dempers & Seymour)
- Geotechnical overview
- Mining engineering overview
- Financial issues
- Mine design aspects
- Project timing
- Workshop preparation

10:30 Morning Break

11:00 Geomechanical Data collection Richard Butcher & Clive

Section 2 Seymour
- Site investigations (Dempers & Seymour)
- Geotechnical domain models

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Cave Mining Geotechnical Issues Richard Butcher

Section 3A (Dempers & Seymour)
Cave Mechanics
- Cavability assessment
- Caving stresses/rock bursting

15:30 Afternoon Break

16:00 Cave Mining Geotechnical Issues (cont.) Richard Butcher

Section 3B (Dempers & Seymour)
- Caving subsidence
Section 3C
- Cave/pit transition interaction

17:00 Close of Day One

18:30 Course Dinner

The Olive Tree, 20 Emerald Tce, West Perth

Friday, 31st October 2003

08:30 Sublevel Caving Richard Butcher

Section 4 (Dempers & Seymour)
- Draw theory
- The interactive draw debate
- Layout design
- Support design

10:00 Morning Break

10:30 Block Caving Design Richard Butcher

Section 5A (Dempers & Seymour)
- Aspects to be determined

Section 5B
- Fragmentation determination
- Draw rate determination

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Block Caving (continued) Richard Butcher

- Undercutting design (Dempers & Seymour)
- Extraction level design
- Support level design

15:00 Afternoon Break

15:30 Block Caving (cont.) Richard Butcher

Section 5C (Dempers & Seymour)
- Cave risk
- General risks attributed to cave project failure
- Geotechnical caving risks
- Black hat action strategies

17:00 General Discussion Session

17:30 Close of Day Two & Course Finish

Drinks & Nibbles


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