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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH – September 15, 2019

Wedding Banns
II Justin Powell & Maria Ciccolini

Readings for the Week of September 16

Monday 1 Tm 2:1-8, Ps 28:2,7,8-9, Lk 7:1-10
Tuesday 1 Tm 3:1-13, Ps 101:1-2,2-3,5,6, Lk 7:11-17
Wednesday 1 Tm 3:14-16, Ps 111:1-2,3-4,5-6, Lk 7:31-35
Thursday 1 Tm 4:12-16, Ps 111:7-8,9,10, Lk 7:36-50
Friday 1 Tm 6:2c-12, Ps 49:6-7,8-10,17-18,19-20, Lk 8:1-3
Saturday Eph 4:1-7,11-13, Ps 19:2-3,4-5, Mt 9:9-13
Sunday Am 8:4-7, Ps 113:1-2,4-6,7-8, 1 Tm 2:1-8, Lk 16:1-13

400 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week.
Today during your hour with the Eucharistic Lord, tell Jesus all that you are
sorry for, then ask who is in need of your prayers? Then, pray to Jesus for
them. Ask Jesus what He wants you to do for Him in the days to come, then
ask Him for the help you will need to do His will. Thank Him for being here
and to stay with you always. We have a new adorer, Amy McPeck. May our Lord bless
you and keep you close. We now have two hour in need of YOU, Friday 10-11am and
Tuesday 9-10pm. Call John Kulig at 330-848-4663 or Joie at 330-745-6852.

A reminder: It is that time of the year again when the hour for locking the church
doors change. From Labor Day through Memorial Day the doors are locked at
6:00pm. Therefore the doors are now locked at 6:00pm.

A Barberton Area Community Ministry item for the month of September is Peanut Butter &
Jelly. All donations can be placed in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule of the
church. Donations are picked up on Monday mornings. Thank you again for all your support
in helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in need.

Time, Talent & Treasure

September 1 September 8
Sunday Offering $ 7,013 $ 7,517
Faith Direct Offering $ 1,625 $ 1,625
Total Offering $ 8,638 $ 9,142

Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost $ 11,800 $ 11,800

(Shortfall) Overage $ $ (3,162) $ ( 2,658)

School Support $ 82 $ 27
Capital Support $ 290 $ 235
Endowment $ 210 $ 22
St. Vincent de Paul $ 280 $ 68
Organ Campaign $ 30 $ 143
Organ Campaign – Goal $660,000 Total to date $ 628,169

September 16-22

Monday, September 16 – St. Cornelius, Pope, & Cyprian, Bishop

12:05 Stanley & Pauline Meyers
6:00 Confessions

Tuesday, September 17 – Weekday

8:30 Saint Augustine Students & Faculty
5:15 Special Intentions of Bernard Gnap

Wednesday, September 18 – Weekday

12:05 Mathias & Anne Stock

Thursday, September 19 – Weekday

12:05 Kristine Hornacek

Friday, September 20 – Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, & Paul Chong Ha-sang,
and Companions, Martyrs
12:05 Ivan Morber

Saturday, September 21 – St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist

8:30 Virginia Morris
3:00 Confessions
4:00 Elio Ciccolini (Fr. Bill Browne)

Sunday, September 22 – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 Joseph Deibel, C.R. Reiter & Patricia Meredith (Fr. Majikas)
10:30 Robert J. Luxeder (Fr. Browne)
5:15 The People of St. Augustine Church (Fr. Majikas)

Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson, William Bedford, Carol Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat
Shemuga, Helene Van Oss, Paula Collins, Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed, Barb Shehan,
Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb Helms, Nicole
Hahn, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty Moses, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver, Dick Buehrle,
Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman, Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie Marino, Cheryl
Jackson, Roy Smith, Tara Ferguson, C.J., Bob Eckert, Paul Moon, James Chalfant,
Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan, Carole Ezell-Bell, Julian Gonzalez, Honey Ann Zagar,
Paulette Holland, Carol Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Nick Shirey, Mary Zinkovitch, Ed
Brogan, Angela Rollins, John Anzaldi, Gary Morgan, Pam Schlernitzauer, Frank
Wrobel, Tom Rasicci, Sarah Brown, Laurie Shantz, Susan Cutshall, Margaret Genet,
Phil & Alyce Sherman, Kathy Steinwand, Virginia Dellapa, Leslie Coffey, Brian
Gortney, Megan Anson, Alice Rhoades, Margo Trenta, Andy Drobnak, David Lukezic,
Therese Fay, Stephen Trenta, Michael Yurich, Ed Vesa, Tod Copaci, Di Vickers, Betty
Gombaski, Kirk Shemuga & Tom McCourt

The priests of St. Augustine are on the emergency call list to Barberton Hospital, they
are only called in cases of emergency. If you are in or have entered the hospital and
would like to be visited by one of our priest’s, please call the rectory at 330-745-0011.
If you have a surgery planned and would like to be anointed, please call prior to
hospitalization as to make sure you receive the sacrament. If there is someone you
know who has been returned to health and can be removed from the sick list, please
contact the rectory.

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The older brother in today’s Gospel parable resented the second chance his prodigal brother received
from their father and missed out on the party. Is your heart held captive by resentment toward any
family member and preventing you from receiving God’s blessings? If so, pray for the grace to forgive
and become merciful like the Father.

Pastor’s Formed Pick of the Week: “St. John Bosco: Mission to Love”

"Flavio Insinna gives a winning performance as John (Don) Bosco, the great priest
and educator of youth from the tough streets of Turin, Italy. Beautifully filmed in Italy, this
epic movie dramatizes the many challenges that Don Bosco had to overcome from his
childhood all the way to founding his religious order, the Salesians, for helping educate
boys. Growing up without a father gave him compassion for the many orphans that he
cared for, while he faced persecution from both secular society and the Church as he fought
to build a place to house and educate the homeless, outcast youth of Turin. His deep faith,
creative imagination, and profound charity shine in this wonderful film. Also stars Charles
Dance (Gosford Park) and popular Italian singer and actress Lina Sastri. This movie is not
rated, but was created with an adult audience in mind. It may contain violence indicative of
the life and times of the saint or character portrayed. We would recommend Parental
Guidance and that parents preview it before watching with children."

Christ’s Peace!

Fr. David Majikas

Food, Fellowship and Faith for Adults - Join us on Monday, September 16 at 7:30pm, as
we welcome our Guest speaker Fr. Jacob Bearer - Parochial Vicar at St. Francis de Sales
Parish, who will present a talk entitled “Why & How to Pray for Healing Today” at The
Tangier Bistro Bar, located at 532 West Market Street, Akron. Doors open at 7:00pm. $10
admission fee includes appetizers – cash bar available. This event is sponsored by St.
Sebastian Parish, Akron.

Mark the date: Tuesday, September 17 at 7:00pm, Fr. David will lead a discussion
about the books that were handed out to parishioners in August “Letter to a Suffering
Church: A Bishop speaks about the Sexual Abuse Crisis. Please make sure to read
the book before the meeting. Additional books can be found on the tables in the back
of the church for those who did not get a copy.

Grief & Loss Share Group -The September monthly share meeting will be held at St. Francis
de Sales in the Upper Room on September 19 from 7-8:30pm. The meeting is a free event open
to all who are grieving a loss of any kind, and will include a brief presentation, time for
discussion/sharing and light refreshments. Our topic will be 'Grief after the death of a
spouse.' The monthly share meetings are being offered by the St. Francis de Sales Consolation
Ministry & Queen of Heaven’s Bereavement Ministry. For more information or questions,
call/text Ellen at 330-801-0463 or Ann at 330-612-5234.

Men’s Fellowship will meet next Saturday, September 21 from 7-8:25am in the school cafeteria. We will
continue our study of Mark’s Gospel, and we will pray a rosary for Marriage, Family, and Respect for
Life, and world peace. Any questions, contact Gib Adolph at 330-634-3738 or email

For couples preparing for marriage, the Pre-Cana Day at Loyola Retreat House will be
September 22. Session is held from 11:00am to 7:00pm. The cost is $75.00 per couple
which includes mass, lunch & dinner. To download a registration form and/or
register, visit our website at or call the Retreat House at

Join the Cleveland Indians for Mass and a Ballgame for Catholic Family Day
at Progressive Field on September 22. Pre-Game Mass at begins at 10:15 in
the Ball Park/Tickets starting at $18.00. See the Catholic Day Flyer (on the
bulletin board) for more information. Any additional questions please call 216-420-
4162 or email

COMING SOON: October is Respect Life Month, the need for P-E-A-C-E, (through Prayer, Education and
Action we make Christ Effective) is URGENT. Recognizing this necessity, St. Augustine Culture of
Life offers many opportunities during the month for YOU to be an active participant in spreading this
P-E-A-C-E. We will once again, erect crosses in memorial of the millions of unborn babies who lost their
lives before they were begun. We will sponsor The Rosary Crusade for the 102 Anniversary of the
Miracle of the Sun, Saturday at the Gazebo at Lake Anne at noon. Our Pro-life table at the back of the
church offers many materials for prayer and information on the Life issues; much more is available upon
request. We will close the month by collecting signatures and donations for Northeast Ohio Right to
Life's Media campaign, which reaches out to vulnerable women with help and alternatives to abortion
as well as information on counseling and healing in the aftermath of abortion. For more information
contact Lynn Willig @ (330)472-9452. Meeting will be held in the rectory Tuesday, October 1, following
5:15 Mass and Benediction.

St. Augustine Soup Kitchen Crew ~ Halt deine Lederhosen fest! It’s time for
OKTOBERFEST! Our next dinner is on October 1 at the First Presbyterian Church
across from the library. And, oh…do we have a menu for YOU! Chef Gary is dreaming
up a couple of sausage dishes that are going to “knock your socks off”! In addition, we
are going to be making cabbage and dumplings along with pierogies and lots of sauerkraut. Some of our
volunteers will be bringing festive fall pies with cider being the beverage “on tap”. The festivities begin at
2:00 p.m. with the setting of the tables, preparation of the dishes and setting up of our FREE STORE.
Many hands needed to make this a successful event. Why not plan to attend? Never been to a Soup
Kitchen? What are you waiting for…it will change your life! Prayers will be said promptly at 4:30 p.m.
with dinner following. We will be cleaned up and out the door by six. Join us, won’t you? Questions call
Carolyn @ 330-234-7302.

Join us for the next Euchre, Friday, October 4 beginning with dinner at
6:30pm in the cafeteria. BBQ Sandwiches will be provided, bring a covered
dish to share; we will begin the evening with dinner. For questions, contact
Bernadette at 330-745-0011. Hope to see you there!

Embrace Clinic & Care Center presents “The Beat Goes On,” NIGHT FOR LIFE 2019. Join us for an evening
of dinner and dance featuring LaFlavour, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 at Guy’s Party Center, 500 E. Waterloo
Road in Akron. Doors open at 6pm and dinner is served at 7pm. Call 330-825-1900 for tickets or
purchase online at Simply search “Night for Life” in Akron. Hurry! Tickets will sell
out! This evening includes the opportunity to partner with Embrace Clinic & Care Center as we
continually strive to reinforce our clients’ decision to choose life for their unborn babies.

Loyola Retreat House Reverse Raffle and Auction will be held on Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m. at
Guy’s Party Center. This is a great opportunity to win $3,000 and support Loyola Retreat House. For
more information, or to register to attend, go to or call 330.896.2315.

JOYFUL HEARTS MINISTRY UPDATE ~ The ladies of JHM are starting a *new* tradition at our beloved
parish. Every second Saturday of the month beginning on October 12, before the 8:30am Mass, we will
pray for, and with, the ladies of our parish and community. The rosary will begin promptly at 8:05am
and will conclude with mass at 8:30am. It is our intent to build community ~ one sweet prayer warrior at
a time. Have a heavy heart, things on your mind, just want to see a familiar face…join us. Afterwards, we
will get together for fellowship. No strings…just pure love for one another. For questions contact
Carolyn 330-234-7302, Chris 330-472-1557 or Linda 330-618-0575.

For those preparing to have a child baptized, one requirement is that the parents attend a Pre-Baptism
Class (one class per family). The next class will be held on Tuesday, October 15 at Immaculate
Conception in Hitch Hall, Kenmore beginning at 7:00pm. Please make reservations by calling 330-753-

Save the date for Merciful Love of the Father, St. Augustine's Adult Retreat on Saturday, October 19
from 11:00-5:00. Our special guest speakers will be the Franciscan Sisters T.O.R. of Penance of the
Sorrowful Mother from Steubenville, OH. All adults are welcome and free babysitting is provided if
registered before October 11. Registrations coming soon!

The next Cleveland Retrouvaille Weekend is scheduled for September 27-29, 2019 -
This is a Lifeline for Troubled Marriages . Has your marriage become unloving or
uncaring – your relationship cold, distant – thinking about a separation or
divorce? Are you already separated/divorced but both of you want to try again? Then
the Retrouvaille program may help. RETROUVAILLE, which means rediscovery, is
supported by the Catholic diocese of Cleveland, but it is open to couples of all faiths. This program
consists of a weekend experience for couples and six follow up sessions. A registration fee of $150 is
required to confirm your reservation. For more information concerning the program, or to register, please
call Marce or Liz Gliha at 440.357.6580 or 1.800.470.2230, or go online to
St. Augustine Preschool and Child Care Center is now enrolling for the 2019-2020 School Year Latchkey
Program. St. Augustine Preschool provides a quality Latchkey program for St. Augustine Grade School
which provided before and after care, full days during select holidays and snow days, hours of 6:30am –
6:00pm, afternoon snack, many activities, along with quiet time for homework. Latchkey is also offered
during the summer months. For more information, please contact Kathy Bogdan at 330-745-5735.

Now that school is back in session, please consider joining us on Tuesday mornings to
say the rosary for the Students at St. Augustine. The rosary is said at 8:05am before
the 8:30am School Mass. All are welcome to participate.

The parishioners of St. Augustine donated $1675 to help victims of flooding in Barberton. The
SVDP Society was asked to find those affected by the flood and distribute these funds. In
addition, SVDP was able to match these funds. To date, relief in the amount $3012 has been
provided for seven families. Two cases are still pending which could amount to approximately
$625. Thank you to all who contributed money and prayers.

As principals of our community’s Catholic high schools, we have the distinct pleasure of
watching your children grow in a multitude of ways. Within the classroom, students are
challenged and supported to stretch themselves. Through extracurricular and athletic
programming, they learn teamwork and leadership. Students are immersed in their faith and the
values that guide them to be thoughtful, compassionate citizens of the world. Graduates of our
four Catholic schools collectively earn more than $80 million every year in college scholarships.
We encourage you to consider a Catholic high school education for your child.

– Dr. Emily Ramos, Sr. Maura Bartel, Ms. Kimberlee Gorr, and Fr. Mark Carr, S.J.

Catholic Answers on AM 1260 The Rock

You’re never too old to learn something new, especially about your faith! Tune in to Catholic
Answers Sunday-Friday at 6 PM on AM 1260 The Rock to gain greater insights into Catholicism, and get
answers to your questions about the Catholic faith. For more information, visit

The Funeral Servers Ministry is desperate for additional members. If you have even one day off
during the week that you would be available to serve for a funeral, please call Tom Logsdon (330)

Does anyone happen to have any like new costume jewelry (for adults) that you are looking
to get rid of? We are collecting jewelry for the elderly. There is a box in the vestibule
where you can drop it off. On behalf of all of our friends, thank you!

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