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​Where I'm From

I am from Perfume
From Fancy Love and Cherry Blossom
I am from the warm, inviting, peaceful home
Cozy, Comfortable
It smelled like Vanilla Candles
I am from the Bright Lemon Tree
The Beautiful Roses
Bright and Fragrant
I’m from the Family BBQ’s and the Hardworking life
From Shannon and Raffi
And Shant
I’m from the Generosity and Humbleness

From “Always Try Your Best” and “Never Give Up”

I’m from Christian Faith
Lighting candles in Churches
I’m from American and Armenian descent
Strong Armenian Coffee and Pastries
From the Antique jewelry box my great grandma gave me
And the boat my grandpa takes my family and I fishing on
Picture perfect memories that lie in an album are the warm memories that linger in my mind
I am from Great Family Values and a Loving Environment

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