Important Information To The Students Who Are Taking Finals

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Important information to the students who are taking finals.

 In Schoology you can find a PDF document which has a scanning

book that you have to read to take the final test. It’s COMPULSORY,
If you do not do it, you cannot take the final exam.
o Read the book and do a report per each 2 units using the
following format (5 of these reports in total).
Student’s name:
At the moment, I’m reading ___________________________________, written
by _____________________________________. It’s a _____________________

I’ve just read the part where

I liked / quite liked / didn’t really enjoy (cross two options out) this part,

These chapters are about…

Tell what the chapters are about…

The main characters in these chapters are...

Describe the main characters….
The summary of these chapters is….

Describe what happened in these chapters

o When you finish reading all the chapters you must do the
Final Reading Report which is the following:
Student’s name:
Genre / Type of book:
Describe each character:
Summarize: Plot/ Climax
What happened in the book?
Write a short paragraph about what you believe is the overall theme or
purpose of the book including the main idea and moral that the author
has put forth through the events.

Your opinion of the book
o Do all the reports in one Word document and send it to the
teacher a day before your Final Exam.
o Email:
 If you have any questions, send me an e-mail.

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