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❖ Alcohol is a stimulant.

❖ A person will get drunk quicker with liquor than with a beer or wine.

❖ Everybody reacts the same to alcohol.

❖ A cold shower or a cup of coffee will increase sobriety.

❖ Beer and wine are not addictive substances.

❖ It’s none of my business if a friend is drinking too much.

❖ The worst thing that happens when drinking is a bad hangover.

❖ Teenagers can be affected by alcohol much quicker than adults.

❖ In some states, if someone is intoxicated and causes a death in a car accident, they can be sentenced to life in prison.

❖ A person can be arrested and convicted of “Driving While Impaired” for driving while using other drugs. (Example:

❖ Drinking and driving is the #1 cause of death for American teenagers.

❖ Alcoholics live on average 10-12 years less than people not addicted to alcohol.

❖ Alcohol use is involved in about half of all the homicides (murders) and suicides in the U.S.

❖ Drinking alcohol will affect someone’s ability to make decisions.

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