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​Alcantara,Adrian D

FEB. 23, 2019


There are plenty of risk factors that may affect the citizens.iIt can be
physical,psychological,sociocultural,economic,political,and biological risk factors that either affect or
not affect citizens.

For your information risk factor is an any attribute, characteristics

or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing an injury and this factors might
injured a person or give them some trauma.

Risk factors concerns citizens because it may kill them someday perhaps if we get ready on it the risk may
reduce and if we follow the instructions of the government official then your life wouldn’t be at risk.

So in order to survive this horrific events people should be ready before it come,they need to know and be
educated the basic of survival perhaps they need to listen to instruction.People also need to know as fast
as possible if a calamity will occur and if its to dangerous the authority should evacuate the citizens in a
safe place to avoid the tragedy.

If people do what the rescuers told them people will have a high chance to survive but if people stay to
protect their valuable items and house there is a high chance not to survive.

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