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13. The new swhich were broadcasted on TV last night was shocking.


14. The builder hasn't finishing his work yet even though the time limit is over.

15. Doctors should treat them patients politely and carefully.


16. If Tyson prepared for the fight more intensively, he would have won it.

17. The man said that his brothers was busy with his work.

18. The weather was terrible cold so that the climbers could not reach the peak of

Nomor 1.
Rekha:Is your sister in college?
Jay :No,she work in the hospital.
Rekha:And your little brother?
Jay :He studies in a Senior High School.

Nomor 2.
The laundress unintentionally tore a silk-blouse while she washed it this morning.

Nomor 3.
Journalist:Ummh.Were you there when the bomb blast happened?
Woman :Yes,I am having dinner with my family when it happened.I ran to the beach
after the first explosion.

Nomor 4.
Mrs.Smith lives in Paris for ten years,but now he is living in Rome.

Nomor 5.
My cousins have visited the museum a few days ago and they will see the temples next

Nomor 6.
In a world whee antibioticst don't work,the simplest infection are capable of escalating
into fatal illness.

Nomor 7.
Good morning everybody! According to the weather forecast,it was cloudy from morning
till afternoon and a heavy rain in the evening.So don't forget to bring your raincoat.

There are two big black Japanese motorcycles in the parking area.Mine is the one
whose has a Spiderman sticker on the tank.It's easy to identify.

Nomor 2.
T.V. today is an indispensable technology in every household.A T.V. set what is usually
put in the livingroom has become an apparatus that can unite a family as well as
separate them.

Nomor 3.
If you like reading a newspaper you had better choose the one who can provide you with
many kinds of information".Harian Caraka" can satisfy your daily need of complete
information.Do subscribe now!

Nomor 4.
Children should be accompanied by their parents when watching television.Some
programs often broadcast whose may case bad effects for children's personality.

Nomor 6.That's my secretary,Rani whose hair is long and wears a beautiful dress.She is
slim and high.

Nomor 7.
M.Bloomfield's I.D. card,whom you found yesterday,is in the filing cabinet.

Nomor 8.
Scholarships are provided for students which get the first and second rank.


Questions 31 to 36, choose the inappropriate in the sentences below and choose the best
word or phrase to substitute it.

Number 31.

Syuli : What do you think of the speech delivered by Mr.Smith?

Salwa : I think it's motivated. We can take lessons of it. we can take lessons of it.
A. thought of
B. delivering
C. motivsting
D. took

Number 32.

Guest : Good morning, we're from Lion Motor Club.

Manager : Welcome to the villager's production of helmet. We give you better products
and as good quality
than others .We guarantee your money back.

A. they're
B. gave
C. as.
D. guaranted

Number 33.

Customer : What does this diamond ring cost?

Clerk : Oh, that's Rp 1,750,000.00

Customer : That's quite expensive. May you give it for Rp 1,250,000.00


Customer : That's too low. I'll let you have it for Rp 1,500,000.00.
A. do
B. expense
C. can
D. them

Number 34.

News articles try to present only facts. The editorial page is the section of the newspaper
who news

are given the opportunity to express their opinions about recent events policies and
A. which
B. were
C. them
D. activity

Number 35.

Teacher : Who is that boy? He have kinky short black hair.

Amir : He is my friend from Papua.

A. which
B. has
C. she

Number 36.

Andrew : I found my journey to Bali exciting.

Mario : If you had got bad travel agent like I had, you won't say that.


Number 31.
Fina : I heard that you will go camping after the final test. Will I go with you?
Andy : Yes, but you should get permission from your parents.
Number 32.
A survey indicates that reality shows have attracted the higher proportion of T.V.
viewers since the end of
the last quarter of 2008.

Number 33.

The giant panda whose is also known as the panda bear or the bamboo pand is almost
extinct because the
bambu forests where it lives are destroyed.

Cusomer : How much this diamond ring cost?

Number 34.
We are a leasing company. As many as 65% of our employees are posted in the
marketing division.Most of
them are smart,talented,good look young men,who do not mind working ten hours a
day, six days a week.
Number 35.

Customer: How much this diamond ring cost?

Clerk : Oh, that's Rp. 1.750.000,00.

Customer: That is quite expensive. May you give it for Rp. 1.250.000,00./
Clerck : That's too low.I'll let you have it for Rp 1.500.000,00.

Part VI.

Part VI. Directions: In items 31-35, each item has four underlined words or phrases,
marked (A),(B),(C),(D).
You are to identify the bold word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten, and
mark your answer.

Number 31.
Director : How's the invitation for our next annual meeting?
Secretary : It's done, sir. I send it to all department heads last week.
(B) (C) (D)

Number 32.

The two brothers whom were both suspected terrorist were shot dead by the police
yesterday afternoon.
(A) (B)
The operation was successfully held based on the information from the community.
(C) (D)

Number 33.
Larry : Why do people like to shop at Bob's Department Store?
(A) (B)
Nancy : It's the cheaper store in town but the products are quite good.
(C) (D)

Number 34.
Mary : I'm at the second grade of vocational high school. Will I join this study club,
(A) (B)
Mrs.Bush : Sorry, but it is only open for junior high school students.
(C) (D)

Number 35.
Linda : Next, let me ask you about your hobby. What do you like to do on Sundays?
(A) (B)
Bella : I think I'd rather going fishing with my friends.
(C) (D)

Nomor 1.
Yanti:How does the government solve the problem of the city traffic?
Andi :The new city highway will be build next year.And it will take two years to
complete the construction.

Nomor 2.
A week ago Martha was knocking down by a car.Then she was taken to
hospital.Fortunately,she wasn't badly injured.

nomor 3.
Tika : How often are paychecks issued?
Lia :Paychecks will give every two weeks.
Tika :Good,I think that's better than once a month.

Nomor 4.
Eventhough the construction cost is very high,the new dormitory will build next year.

Nomor 5.
Every customer served very well in the shop,that is why,it is always full.

Nomor 1.
Assistant:Here's the report you asked for.Is there anything else I should do.
Accountant:Yes,could you please to help me put this file back before leaving.
Nomor 2.
The owner :May you write down how many gas stoves there are?
The shop-assistant:Sure.I've counted that there is only one gas stove,but there are still
twenty electric stoves.

Nomor 3.
patient:I have trouble with my skin.It's very sensitive and irritable.
Doctor :Should you please take this medicine twice a day?But you avoid eating fish.

Nomor 4.
Guest ;Excuse me.Please you show me where the bank is?
Security:Surre.It's on the third floor.You can use the elevator over there.The bank
is next to the Star Office on your right.

Nomor 1.
Tya :Do you plan to go to your home town in the next vacation?
Kiki:Well,I don't know.Tickets fares are very expensive today.
Tya :I will drive if I were you.

Nomor 2.
Doctor:You must learn to relax.Taking vacation and playing some golf will be good for
Patient:I'd like to take your advice doctor,but I have to go to work.
Doctor :If you kept this up,you may never work again.

Nomor 3.
Tony:What's up with you,Jane?You look awful.
Jane:I don't know what to are many victims of dengue fever.
Tony:if I was you,I would clean my environment to avoid the increase of the victims
of dengue fever.

Nomor 4.
Nunu :Why don't you take the chance?You can go around the world.
Ali :If I were you,I would have taken it.

Nomor 5.
If she lived near the office,she will walk to work.

Nomor 6.
Miss.Lani will call you if the package arrive today.

Nomor 7.
He would fixed your pipeline if he had a screwdriver of the proper size.
Nomor 8.
Romi :Herman,can you pick her up.
Herman:Sorry.If I knew her address,I will pick her up.

Nomor 9.
If the hotel service is good,the visitor would not complain.

Nomor 10.
Mr.tanaka would be fired if he had not finished his project before the due date

Number 26.
Mulai dari number 26 sampai dengan number 35 ,kita disuruh memilih kata atau frase
mana yang salah.Jadi sekali lagi kitu disuruh memilih kata atau frase yang salah. Disoal
dibera tanda huruf yang bercetak tdebal sebagai pilihan yang harus anda tentukan.

Patient: I have trouble with my skin.It is very sensitive and irritable.

Doctor:Take this medicine twice a day! But you avoid to eat fish.


Number 27.
Rekha:Is your sister in college?

Jay :No,she work in the hospital.

Rekha:And your little brother?

Jay :He studies in a Senior High School

Number 28.
If you like reading a newspaper, you had better choose the one who can provide you
with many kinds of

information .'Harian Caraka' can satisfy your daily need of complete information .Do
subscribe now!

Number 30.
Good morning everybody! According with the weather forecast,it will be cloudy from
morning till afternoon

and a heavy rain in the evening.So don't forget to bring your raincoat.

Number 31
Guest :Excuse me.Please you show me where the bank is?

Security:Sure. It's on the third floor.You can use the elevator over there.The bank is next
to the Star Office

on your right.

Number 34.
Yanti:How does the governmentsolve the problem of the city traffic?

Andi:The new city highway will be build next year. And it will take two years to
complete the construction .


Number 35.
Nunu:Why don't you take the chance?You can go around the world.

Ali :If I were you ,I would have taken it.

Number 28.
Terry:Going home,Candy?Should you go home with me?

Candy:Thank you very much.That's very kind of you.

Terry:Never mind.I will pass your apartment anyway.

Number 29.
Anita:I'm calling about tomorrow meeting.

Ressa:Yes.What's up?

Anita:Will we postpone it?The manager won't be here until next week

Number 30.
A week ago Martha was knocking down by a car.Then she was taken to
hospital.Fortunately she wasn't badly injured.
Number 31.
Applicant:Are there any other requirements for this position?
Staff:Yes,you have to be bilingual.
Applicant:Well,I may speak English and a little German.

Number 32.
Dora;Should I work overtime to meet the deadline,sir?
Mr.Surya:No,you not have to,unless you can finish it on time

Number 34.
Mr.Black:So,how was the seminar?

Cole;Not good.Some of the speaker's remarks were really annoyed.

Number 35.
The owner:Could you write down how many gas stoves there are?

The shop-assistant:Sure.I've counted that there are only one gas stove,but there are still
twenty electric stoves.

Number 31.
A:Look at these shirts which one do you think is the best for me?

B:It's the red one.It looks small than the others and will fit you.

Number 32.
There are two big black Japanese motorcycles in the parking area.Mine is the one whose
has a Spiderman sticker on the tank.It's easy to identify.

Number 33.
Sawung:Should you like to have some candies?
Didi:That's very kind of you.Thank you.

Number 34
That's my brother,Rudi who has darkened hair and fair complexion.

Number 35.
Salesgirl:That blouse is in season nowdays.That's the last we have in our stock.
Costumer:Should I try it on?I hope it fits me well.

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