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A Study of Digital Marketing at Red Horn Media.
Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of MMS - 2018-2020
Anjuman-I-Islam Allana College of Management Studies, CST,
University of Mumbai

Submitted by -

Er. Donald Rodrigues

MMS, SEMESTER-III, 2018-2020

Roll no.: 14


I, undersigned, I am Er. Donald Philip Rodrigues, student of Anjuman-I-Islam Allana Institute
of Management Studies, CST,Mumbai hereby declare that the project entitled “A STUDY OF
DIGITAL MARKETING AT RED HORN MEDIA” Is partial fulfilment for the requirement of
the degree of Master of Management Studies(MMS).This is to state that the project submitted is
original and is carried out by me at the mentioned organization. It has not been submitted to any
other university/Institute for award of any degree/diploma.


Course: MMS (2018-20)

Date: ROLL NO: 41

Place: Mumbai


This internship report is an accumulation of many people’s endeavour. In the beginning I would
like to convey my sincere appreciation to the Almighty for giving me the strength and ability to
finish the task within the planned time. Then I would like to express my sincere gratitude to
everyone who contributed towards preparing and making this study successfully. Major
contribution was received from the RED HORN MEDIA as from the marketing department. To
prepare this internship report considerable thinking and information inputs from various sources
were involved.

First, I would like to express my sincere and immense gratitude to my internship supervisor prof.
Awesh , faculty member of operations department, Allana institute of management studies. I am
deeply indebted to his whole-hearted supervision to me during the internship period. His
valuable suggestion and guidance helped me a lot to prepare the report in a well-organized

I would also like to thank the authority of red horn media For giving me the opportunity to do
my internship in their well renowned company. The experience and knowledge gained in red
horn media helped me to understand different elements related to my study. I would like thanks
Allwyn khristi(CEO of Red Horn Media)

I am also grateful to my friends who helped me while preparing the study by giving their
suggestions, assistance and supply of information, which were valuable to me. Their helping
hand supported me to complete my report successfully.


This is to certify that the summer internship report entitled “A STUDY OF DIGITAL
partial fulfilment for the requirement of MMS COURSE at Anjuman-I-islam Allana institute of
management studies, cst mumbai is carried out under my supervision and guidance. The fact and
figures are true to the best of my knowledge.






RED HORN MEDIA, Is a start-up based company entering into the world of digital marketing,
The add-on to the company is that it also provides outdoor marketing like hoardings, billboard,
transit advertising and guerilla advertising. And it also cover all the aspects related to digital

Red horn media is putting a good effort to give its client a standard service that remains unmatched by
other players in the market.

This report is based on practical working experience at red horn media as a part of internship
program. The related work activities which had been undertaken during the internship period is
described which includes ‘Dealing with (social media marketing and e-mail marketing) and
explaining them the service and understanding their need and accordingly providing them the
best quality of service to fulfill their requirement’ and also handling company social media pages
like Facebook and Instagram.




1. Introduction 7

2. Industry Profile 8

3. Company Profile 13

4. Project Details 19

5. Learning 25

6. Conclusion and suggestions 26

7. References 27



With the advent of several monumental events during the past half-a-decade(as mentioned
earlier), digital marketing has really kicked off in India.

WARC Survey suggests that 35% of sponsors build their advertising spend by half or more by
2020 in India! Web-based sites give everyone an online entrance. This explains the expanding
number of internet business sites. The money spent by Indian youth on mobile is the highest
among any medium. This number keeps mounting each day. In 2014, 58% of the populace had
smart phones. This leads to an increase in rapid consumption of digital information. Hence the
scope and opportunities are tremendous.

A typical example that illustrates this rapid increase shows that “More money shall be invested
in digital advertising than even in TV ads by 2020!”. And 22% of all media spending shall be via
digital means.

The content needs to be outlined correctly to hit your marketing goals. This is tied around the
targeted title, format, promotion channels and priority levels.

Studies have proved that better content can drive up to 2000% traffic!

Industrial Marketing Budget Trends gaining a Breakthrough

In 2018, social media usage showed a 58% increase as compared to 2016. SEO with an increase
of about 55%, Email marketing using in-house lists with about a 50% increase, webinars with
43%, Internet banner advertising networks with a 35% rise, company websites and content
creation with about 58% increase individually.


Scopes and limitations

 Digital Marketing as people allegedly say does not happen to be of free of cost, there are a lot
of things that adds to the cost of internet marketing and they are not at all cheap. Some of the
major expenses are the cost of hardware, software, wed site designing, online content and
product distribution costs, maintenance of the site as well as server, web hosting of the
website and the costliest thing is time, all of these must be considered while planning for
Internet Marketing budget and strategies.

 Where conventional marketing helps in spreading awareness as well as selling, the internet is
considered as a medium to gain information to most of the customers. There are still many
industry and areas where internet marketing is incapable of generating a trust and sale of the
product or the service. There are still lots of fields where people prefer the live interaction
when they buy.

 Still, 50% of the world does not have access to the internet and there are many such areas
where people are not even literate enough to access the internet. This is a major limitation for
internet marketing in the current scenario.

 Cyber Crimes are increasing day by day as well as the scams. The rules if cyber security are
still not that secure and that leaves a fear in the mind of the people and leaves internet
marketing vulnerable.

 Internet marketing faces a major current as well as the future issue of “infollution” – the issue
of distracting and old data on the internet. There are lots of websites that are decades old and
no information is updated on it from a long time. If a customer relies on it and makes a
decision, there is a high chance that it can lead to some trouble. This thing is not an issue in
conventional marketing as people timely update things in the real world. Whereas there is no
such filter available in the virtual world.


Company profile

Red horn media is a brand strategy and engagement agency, empowering businesses with online
reputation building and management, social and search demographic targeting, and conversion

integrated social media, pr, search, display advertising, mobile and online marketing and
provide end to end digital marketing solutions that range from consulting and strategy solutions
to managing your entire digital brand presence.

A team of highly imaginative and deeply inspired people with contagious passion and endless
brand strategists creative energy. Founded by a bunch of friends who are creative, enthusiastic
and passionate young brand consultants who live, eat and sleep brand strategy. TECH-JUNKIES
, combine talent and technology to build connected brands and turn customers into evangelists.

Red horn media provide highly sophisticated suite of Our digital brand management services
interactive digital solutions to meet your enable you to manage, monitor and build business and
brand objectives. your brand equity in the digital world. TECHNICAL & INNOVATION
TRAINING and also design and develop feature.

Digital Brand Online Lead Generate Campaign & Reputation Generation & brand Strategy
Building & Conversion conversations Management across Social Media. Make Develop highly
Design and brand sophisticated develop searchable design and feature rich across the web
content websites, and solutions apps Create result-oriented strategies Build Brand Excitement
and reputation Develop engaging Brand Conversations Generate leads and impact.

Company ensure that our client’s brand engages with their customers, and builds sustainable
meaningful relationship to guarantee ROI and leverage the digital marketing reach advantage.

Digital brand strategy and engagement infuses everything we do. Our Solution Delivery Model
enables brands to listen to their customers, talk to potential clients, engage with relevant
audiences and increase revenue opportunities at every stage. INVESTIGATE UNDERSTAND
deliver digital marketing solutions, that are driven by a combination of consultative strategy,
data-driven tactics, exceptionally creative ideas and innovative technology solutions to deliver
measurable results for all our clients.




Business Process




 Exhausted With Not Much to Do

It is a simple one. Approach your chief for extra work to do. On the off chance that he/she
doesn't have any work for you, inquire as to whether you can contact different divisions to check
whether they have work that you can help with. On the off chance that these strategies come up
short, utilize your time astutely by perusing diaries in the field, booking instructive meetings
with associates, and offering your insight and abilities to devise new and better approaches to get
things done inside the office .

• Office Politics Are Difficult to Handle

As an assistant or new representative, it is suggested that you avoid office legislative issues
however much as could reasonably be expected. You need to advance yourself as an expert and
taking part in double- crossing, and pessimistic correspondence won't work well for you in
meeting your own and expert objectives.

• Struggle With Your Immediate Supervisor

Here again conveying your requirements and desires genuinely can frequently defuse an
upsetting circumstance. Chiefs by and large need their assistants to have a positive ordeal and
typically appreciate tutoring them all through the temporary job involvement. Contrasts of
assessment are an unavoidable truth and figuring out how to manage identity contrasts is an
incredible exercise that can be utilized all through your entry level position and your future
vocation. Again being aware of your director's objectives and desires, you will freq uently have
the capacity to work things out to improve things. On the off chance that you manage issues
productively and not overlook them, you will have a vastly improved shot of comprehending



I worked under the Digital marketing team. During this period, I had been given the opportunity
to handle the social media page of the company and to make a list of clients and to book an
appointment with them as schedule. I also looked into the outdoor marketing and helped the
company to keep a track of the report

Specific Responsibilities of the Job:

 Keep up an information base.

 Making cold pitch
 Fix an arrangement
 Social media page
 Go to group meeting.

I was assigned to a marketing team indoor as well as outdoor where I did a lot of activities.
Agency arranged an extensive training session. This was so helpful for me as I had very power
knowledge about the service its categories etc.

 Making cold call

From my potential client’s information base I do call at an ordinary premise. This method was
extremely powerful in light of the fact that at whatever point I make a call they are getting my
number so they can without much of a stretch speak with me for any illuminations. It is an
exceptionally decent method for making a solid system.

 Fix an appointment

In the wake of making a cold pitch I fixed a meeting with my separate client. Despite the fact
that occasionally it is hard to take an arrangement from the best dimension the board however
by one way or another I oversaw it. By the assistance of arrangement, I have opportunity to
portray my item and demonstrate to them the demo of our item. I constantly endeavoured to
make my getting powerful and meet up with the intrigued clients provisional date of

 Attend team meeting

As I was the best entertainer in our group for back to back two months so my boss instructed me
to manage the new comers. He appends somewhere around one new representative with me at
whatever point I visited any new places. He enabled me to administer the new worker and
furthermore exhorted me to instruct the new comers how to make the gathering successful just
as how to make a decent deal.


 Handling the Social media page

The start up had just begin with its social media media page and the starting platform was been
set on the facebook and instagram. My responsibility was to post on the page and give detailed
description about the company and create the memes using canva.


Outcome of the work refers to something done by employee. Outcomes differ from
individual to individual. Work assigned and performed is the ability of one’s personality. While
I was working in the company, I didn’t not have enough confidence and skills related to
perform the job appointed. In the initial stage I did not even have enough knowledge about
the company and also its products but working there with the other interns taught me
everything easily. I learned everything easily as the staff there was very polite, helpful in nature.
They created a very comfortable atmosphere for me. They taught me

 To develop a positive attitude towards my work

At the initial stage while working I couldn’t find any interest but working with them made me
realize that any work assigned can be interesting if we take it in a positive way. They made me
understand and because of which slowly and gradually I started gaining interest as well as ga
ining confidence for the work I was being appointed to perform. Day by day I started learning
and adapting new things and also gaining more and more confidence. I started enjoying my

 To develop communication, interpersonal skills

While doing internship I developed my communication skills while communicating with

customers and my trainers. Communication skills helped me in my personal as well as work
life. With communication skills I also learned a lot of many other interpersonal sk ills. Skills
like personal development and also learn presenting myself in front of the customers etc. One
of the most valuable skill I learnt was to talk to people with all of my confidence in front of
anyone without thinking myself a little less I also understood that one cannot learn by just
sitting in a classroom but needs to go out and explore things and understand everything by
practicing it practically and making this most important benefit of my whole internship . After
my internship I also learned to have a better idea of appropriate way to behave as a professional

 How to deal with client


when they are more than two member during meeting: In a situation when you have to
interact with two personnel’s ideally one should be the influencer and the other one
should be the decision maker. In such scenario maximum efforts should be taken to
convince influencer who will ultimately make way for decision maker.
 Understood how to deal with market competition


I can honestly say that my time spent working with RED HORN MEDIA was worth spending
for. Working here made me learn a lot of this which were not only practical but were also
theoretical which is equally important to learn about a company and its respective products and
overall company. The people there were always welcoming, helping, friendly and they made
me feel right like home. With them I also felt that I was a part of that company as no doubt they
helped me but, in some work, I could also help them, which made e feel good. No doubt my
overall internship at RED HORN MEDIA was a beautiful journey but was also with lots of
memories and ups and downs as well but in the end, it was a success for me.

In the entire, temporary position period was a helpful affair. I have increased new learning,
abilities and met numerous new individuals. I accomplished a few of learning objectives. I got
knowledge into expert practices at present upheld in the office. I took in the diverse feature of
working inside an entrenched organization. Identified with my investigation I became familiar
with the items, testing and primary showcasing of those items as I filled in as a business official.

Moreover, I likewise encountered that it is of significance that instruction is objective and that I
ought to know about the subjects I considered. This entry level position program was not
uneven, however it was a method for sharing learning, thoughts, sentiments, and so on

The entry level position was likewise great to discover what my qualities and shortcomings are.
This helped me to characterize what aptitudes and learning I needed to improve in the coming
time. I can unquestionably attest that the learning I increased through this temporary job is
adequate to contribute towards my future undertakings. Finally this entry level position has
given e new bits of knowledge and inspiration to seek after a profession in centre offices. This
entry level position likewise gave me a ton of certainty to handle and deal with things taking a


gander at which I constantly used to get apprehensive. Investing my energy in this likewise
encouraged me a ton of new characteristics and abilities required to be a decent deals official
and as a result of that I picked up a dimension of certainty which was required in me to deal wi
th and oversee things happening upon me


 Service development

Service development is the most crucial aspect as product it is the most important part for the
company to retain and gain its potential customers. And hence the product in the terms of
customer satisfaction should be improved at its best.

 Improve infrastructure

Infrastructure also leads to an improved impression on the minds of people looking forward
and through. Infrastructure also plays an important role in development and improvement of the
company and its overall terms.

 Give more attention towards the customers and their priorities

Attention and priority play an important play as they both in improving and developing the
overall company’s prospects. Attention and prioritizing can lead to company’s name aware in
the minds of people and can increase the company’s product development as well.

 Spreading awareness

The company should start spreading awareness about the products to the customers by using
direct marketing, sports event marketing etc.




– Easy to target and reach more audience at a cheaper price.

– Campaigns can be easily customized and made more targeted as per our business

– As the world is more dependent on the internet, it helps the business to reach out and
connect with the people on a larger scale.

– Saves a lot of money as compared to the traditional way of marketing as it is cheaper and

– Being recognized as a brand has become much easier.

– You do not require a large team to do digital marketing campaigns unlike the traditional
manner which in turn saves money, time and labour and also increases the ROI.


– A challenge to reach the population which is still not using the internet.

– High chances of failure of digital marketing campaigns because of confusion due to the
availability of many different marketing options.

– Keeping pace with new trends and technology.

– Damage control of bad reviews or complaints on social media or digital platform is a

huge task and can even lead to the closing of businesses.

– Data Analysis is still a very big concern and very few people are professional in it as not
many are able to understand what data actually says.


– More and More employment for the youth as this field is just growing and number of
professionals are less.

– Increase the reach of your brand, therefore, leading to direct profit.

– There are lot of ways through which owners earn money apart from their primary
business, eg- giving space for ads on website, affiliate marketing in e commerce etc.


– If the digital marketing comes everywhere in a full-fledged manner it will help the
country itself to become digital that means major chunk of our population will start leading a life
which will be smarter and faster.

– It will help our Indian Government Organizations to become digital.


– If it doesn’t work perfectly then chances of back fire is higher i.e. it might damage the
brand name.

– Due to ever changing trends of different marketing areas and ever changing rules of
search engine for optimizing the content, continuous awareness is required, which is very

– Storage of data with full security is still a big question mark.

– With the growth of this digital platforms, customers have become more vocal about their
feelings and opinions, and with the availability of this platform they have the power to damage
as well as advocate for any brand, which is a high risk for the marketers.

– Day by day it is engulfing all the traditional ways of marketing, which ultimately might
even lead to Television being left as the only source of traditional marketing


Overview of Indian Internet Users



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