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Understanding by Design

Title of Lesson European Handball Year 8

Curriculum Area Physical Education Time Frame 11:25-12:55 (90 minutes)
Developed By Miss Hannah Setter

Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)

Content Descriptions
Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills in a variety of
situations (ACPMP080)

Practice, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies with and without equipment (ACPMP082)

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance movement
sequences (ACPMP084)

Evaluate and justify reasons for decisions and choices of action when solving movement challenges (ACPMP087)

Understandings Essential Questions

Overarching Understanding Topical

Understand similarities of Handball to other invasion games • Where is the best place to move to? Why? How can this
including basketball. benefit your next move?
• How can I move effectively and efficiently in order to
improve my skill levels?
Related Misconceptions

Knowledge Skills
Students will know… Students will be able to…

 Team Handballs specific skills: o Passing, Dribbling, Implement a variety of invasion game strategies/ concepts
Shooting, Rule of 3’s to handball.

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Other Evidence/ Resources
Soccer Goals
Score Board

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Students to meet in the gym, role call to be complete and students
Possible Behavioral Strategies Introduction (5-7 minutes) to be chosen to help carry soccer goals and handballs outside to
the courts. Remind students that we will be on the courts for the
next two weeks.

Line chasing to get warmed up

Students to partner up and line up along the white lines on the


In pairs: Passing and Catching (chest pass, bounce pass, overhead

Ball Handling Activities (10 pass, shoulder pass) (Short & Long)
*Verbal Positive minutes)
Reinforcement to students How many passes can you and your partner make in 30 seconds?
doing the right thing and who
are completing the task to a Pass and Cut (to emphasise running into space)
good standard
Dribbling around the court
1. Touch the ball with your fingertips, not your palm
2. Bend your knees and get in a low stance
Differentiation: 3. Keep head up
Students choose speed of
dribbling In pairs: Defend your ball while dribbling. One person dribbles
while the other acts as a semi-active defender (may move and
deflect ball, but may not steal it). Dribble for 30 seconds, trying to
maintain possession. Switch roles.

Overall Tactical Focus of Activity: Moving into open space to

Student Jack S: Jack may show receive a pass or make a pass.
signs of boredom and
disinterest if the task at hand Game 1: (Gradual release of European Handball (Possession Ball) 4v4 full court games.
becomes too easy for him. If I handball rules) (10 minutes)
see this happening I will - 8 consecutive passes= 1 point.
attempt to change/ add Possible Questioning: - Students to use the chest pass, side pass, shoulder pass,
constraints to the task. bounce pass (long and short)
(DIFFERENTIATE) This may be What direction should you - Reduce playing area for students who need a challenge
reducing the size of the playing be moving with the (when necessary)
area to make it more ball? Elaborate. - 3 step rule
challenging. This will aid in - 3 second rule
supporting Jack’s participation When you don't have the - No contact or kicking
and learning of students with ball (playing defence), what
disability and address relevant can you do to increase your Pre made groups (reducing behavioral issues)
policy and legislative chances of getting it? 1. Jayden, Braiden, Zac, Jack L
requirements. 2. Lucas, Oliver, Max, Korbyn
What would you do to
If behaviour is an issue during support the player in your 3. Jack S, Ben, Kyan, Kieran
this lesson I will first have a team who has the ball? 4. Kyle, Tyler, Tobias, Wade
private verbal discussion
outside of the game. If this * These groups can be mixed and matched when
behaviour continues in his necessary*
team I will remind him again of
his actions to the whole group.
Redirecting the students who
seem bored/uninterested or Progression 2: End Zone (15 minutes)
even disruptive may be a Possible Questioning for End Teams will now receive points for passing the ball to a player in a
solution to these behaviour Zone: scoring zone. 5 consecutive passes then a pass in the end zone= 1
issues. point. This will give each team a direction in which they should be
-What are some advantages moving the ball towards.
Depending on behaviour issues of using short passes to
during the lesson, students will advance the ball to your
sit out for 5-10 minutes for scoring end zone? Why?
disruptive and disrespectful
behaviour. -What are some
disadvantages? Elaborate.

Student Kieran: -What are some advantages

Handballs will be left in the of using long passes to
sports bag until the warm up is advance the ball to your
introduced. This will minimize scoring end zone?
the distraction prior to the
lesson starting. (REDUCING What are some
DISTRACTION) disadvantages?

Jack and Kieran to be put in When playing defence, is

different groups if possible. ‘zone’ coverage or a 'man-
on' coverage more effective?
 Using positive What would you recommend
language to reinforce after playing that game?
those positive
relationships with the

Using soccer goals-

* Reinforce on task behaviour Introduction to Shooting in Shooting is performed similarly to passing, but with a stronger
goals (10 minutes) action of the trunk and upper limbs. The shot power is conditioned
by the distance and hand action time on a ball.

1. Drive Shot to be introduced

(Depending on student readiness introduce the jump shot)

2. Students will have time to break into smaller groups and

practice a three-step run up and attempt at goals.

Stand back and watch progression of the students.

*For students who need a challenge add in a goalie for the practice

8v8 full 3-court game.

Put skills learnt from todays • 1 Goal Keeper in each goal.
lesson into a game (15 • 3 step rule
minutes) • 3 second rule
• No contact Rule
Possible Questioning:
Pre made groups:
Where should I go to receive 1. Lucas, Oliver, Max, Korbyn , Jack S, Ben, Braiden, Kieran
a pass? Based on your
knowledge from that game, 2. Kyle, Tyler, Tobias, Wade, Jayden, Kyan, Zac, Jack L
after receiving a pass with
interceptors between you,
what could the passer do to
support you with the ball?

In that game, what were you

doing as a team to defend
the ball from going in the

Conclude/ check for understanding.

Conclusion (5 minutes)
Pick on students to summarise the game to the class.
Refer to essential questioning.

Students to help put away equipment

Students not in uniform to be packing away equipment and picking

up rubbish.

Tactical Problems Off-the-ball movements On-the-ball skills


Maintaining possession of the ball Open support position Accurate overarm and chest passing and

Creating space in attack Quick pass

Attacking the goal Shoot downwards

Fake shot


Defending space Maintaining goal-side position while Closing down the space in front of the ball
guarding carrier
Staggered stance
Post Lesson Reflection

Good Bad

• Possession Ball- students were • Passing in pairs on the line ‘drill’.

engaged Students were unengaged and
• Reduce playing area for the more disruptive.
advanced group • Pass and cut activity (needed
• Pre-planned groups (Worked well improvement/ removed all together.
for the most part) • Shooting Activity (Lost engagement
• Intentional Ignoring of Wade when & not explained well) = Students not
he shared his thoughts on the game sure of the task and expectations.
at hand. • Kyan behind the goals (behaviour
• Half court game- students were management slip ups)
engaged and active • Kyan sat out because he didn’t want
• Full court game- students were to do it. Need to think of how to get
engaged and active him engaged

• Pass and cut could be made into a

Improvements 3v2 activity.
• 3v2 small sided game- Could ask
Get the year 8’s into lots of game play= students who got more touches –
best engagement the group with 3 or 2? Why etc.
• Behaviour Management could have
been improved. (Jack & Korbyn) at
the start of the lesson with a near
fight). Perhaps I should have
followed up with that?
• Need to incorporate more teachable
moments throughout the lesson i.e.
(blue and yellow bibs were very
huddled around the ball where as
the red and non bibs team were
really spread out). This could have
been a moment to stop them and
get them to watch the other team
and ask questions regarding what
they are doing effectively.
• Shooting activity could have been
made into a game or competition of
some sort: Blocking team and
attacking team?
• Questioning: I needed to have more
of a focus/ direction to what
specifically I wanted the students to
know. I jumped around from finding
space to defending.
• 3 Man Weave
• Give Jack a challenge and an aim
• Give reason to the bigger picture of
the game
• Rotational system

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