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Software Requirements


Online Food Delivery system

SoftwareRequirements Specification for Online food ordering system Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ ii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Document Conventions .................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 1
1.4 Product Scope .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.5 References ........................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................1
2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Operating Environment .................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints .......................................................................................... 3
2.6 User Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ...................................................................................................... 3
3. External Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................4
3.1 User Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Hardware Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Software Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 4
4. System Features .......................................................................................................................5
4.1 System Feature 1 .............................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 System Feature 2 .............................................................................................................................. 5
4.3 System Feature 3 .............................................................................................................................. 5
4.4 System Feature 4 ............................................................................................................................. 6

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .......................................................................................6

5.1 Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Safety Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Security Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ............................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Business Rules ................................................................................................................................. 7
6. Other Requirements ................................................................................................................7
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................8
Appendix B: Analysis Models .......................................................................................................8
Appendix C: To Be Determined List ............................................................................................8

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The online food ordering system provides convenience for the
customers. It overcomes the disadvantages of the traditional queuing system. This system increases
the takeaway of foods than visitors. Therefore, this system enhances the speed and standardization
of taking the order from the customer. It provides a better communication platform. The user’s
details are noted electronically.

The online food ordering system set up menu online and the customers easily places the
order with a simple mouse click. Also with a food menu online you can easily track the orders,
maintain customer's database and improve your food delivery service. The user orders the food
items. The payment can be made online or pay-on-delivery system. The user’s details are
maintained confidential because it maintains a separate account for each user. An id and password
is provided for each user. Therefore it provides a more secured ordering.

1.2 Document Conventions

The SRS contains well prioritized subjects; ones with higher priority are further divided and
explained into characters, whereas ones with lower priority are briefly explained for the reader
beneficial purpose.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The SRS document contains various segments describing the characteristics of the application from
user guidance to Administrator and programmer interface.
This contains detailed overview of application working and scope of the project layering out each
interface and giving detailed information to the viewer and developer.

1.4 Product Scope

A client ought to have the capacity to:

 Create login account

 Browse the site and view the nearby restaurants
 Select items from the menu
 Select payment option
 Track the order

1.5 References
1. Wiegers, Karl. Cafeteria Ordering System Vision and Scope Document,
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 2

2. Wiegers, Karl. Process Impact Intranet Development Standard, Version 1.3,

2. Overall Description
View Request delivery

Meal deliverer
2.1 Product Perspective

Create User/
Delete/Edit Confirm delivery

Onine Ordering System

Create food Categories


New Customer Place Order Accept Payment and

Order process Order
Make Payment Restaurant

View Products

In existing system for giving any orders users should visit hotels or restaurants to know about food
items and them give order and pay advance. In this method time and manual work is required. This
online application enables the end users to register online, select the food from the e-menu card,
read the E-menu card and order food online. By just selecting the food that the user want to have.
The results after selecting the food from the E-menu card will directly appear in the screen near the
Chef who is going to cook the food for you. By using this application the work of the Waiter is
reduced and we can also say that the work is nullified.

2.2 Product Functions

Administrator module
This module is used to create usernames and passwords by admin. Admin can view all the
information about the user or delete or edit the all details about the manager and customer.

Customer Module
The Functionalities provided:
 View product’s list
 Register
 Place orders
Manager Module
The Functionalities provided:
 Create product categories and functionalities,
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 3

 Edit / delete product categories and descriptions,

 View and manage orders and sales report,

Meal deliver module

 Functionalities provided:
 View pending orders and delivery details
 Confirm order delivery

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

 The user ought to have the fundamental PC utilizing capacity
 He ought to be subjective of terms, for example menu, restaurants, payment, and so
 Operating Environment
The product operates on webpages which can be easily accessed from any device capable of
accessing internet. Hardware limitations are mobile platforms.

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints

The system is not compatible with IOS/Android mobile devices as the application is developed in
Web environment. Therefore, for IOS/Android mobile phone users may not able to install the
application in their mobile phone and experience the system.

There is no practicality of go down so accessibility will get influenced.

• Limited to HTTP/HTTPS.

• No multilingual support.

2.5 User Documentation

 Short videos
 Usage description

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

This product is dependent on client data base, any failure of updating by the restaurant will cause to
delay of delivery or failure to delivery.

o The client must be able to utilize web.

o The client more likely than not associated with the web to utilize the framework.
o The client's PC must be Windows 7 or later form stages.
o The precision of data of clients is their sole obligation.
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 4

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

The Food delivery might be online that has a primary UI. Organization of fundamental screen is
standard and adaptable. The framework should be composed in an easy to understand way. Pages
might be associated with each other reliably. Operations finished with the framework might be
repeatable. The outline of the pages should enable client.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

There is no need of hardware interface

3.3 Software Interfaces

Software Used Description

Operating System We have chosen Windows operating system for its best support and


Database To save the customer records and their order details, we used
HTML5 and CSS3 These languages are used to construct the front end of the system.
PHP PHP is a scripting language that can be used to access data from the
Wamp Server To test the web pages in a web browser we use the Apache server.
(Apache HTTP Server) Wamp includes PHP and MySql.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

The system shall send an e-mail message to the Patron to confirm acceptance of an order,
price, and delivery instructions.

Also, the system shall send an e-mail message to the Patron to report any problems with the
meal order or delivery after the order is accepted.
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 5

4. System Features

4.1 User Registration/Login

4.1.1 Description and Priority

 User can create their account and give their personal information, edit address, select
default payment methods.
 This is high priority as usage of the application cannot be done unless user has
enrolled their account.
4.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences
 Once the user has made his account according to his location, the application displays
the nearby restaurants and they can select their casein.
4.1.3 Functional Requirements

As can be seen in the system model diagramed above, each of the three system components
essentially provides a layer of isolation between the end user and the database. The
motivation behind this isolation is twofold.

Firstly, allowing the end user to interact with the system through a rich interface provide a
much more enjoyable user experience, particularly for the non-technical users which will
account for the majority of the system’s users.

In addition, this isolation layer also protects the integrity of the database by preventing users
from taking any action outside those which the system is designed to handle. Because of this
design pattern, it is essential to enumerate exactly which functions a user will be presented
and these functions are outlined below, grouped by component.

4.2 Menu Selection

User interaction with the menu management system is similar to that with the web ordering system.
Users navigate a tree structure to find the vendor, category, or specific food item that they would
like to modify and after making their selection they are presented with a form which displays all of
the current fields and values associated with that item, all of which can be modified or removed.
The form also presents buttons which allow the addition of new fields and values. Unlike the web
ordering system, however, most of the input here will be freeform, specifically in the form of text
boxes, since there is no finite set of fields which could be added. This does not raise a major
concern though, as input sanitation will be performed, and the user, who is assumed to be a
restaurant employee, is less likely to be malicious than a web user.

4.3 Ordering System

Users of the web ordering system, namely restaurant customers, must be provided the following
 Create an account.
 Manage their account.
 Log in to the system.
 Navigate the restaurant’s menu.
 Select an item from the menu.
 Customize options for a selected item.
 Add an item to their current order.
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 6

 Review their current order.

 Remove an item/remove all items from their current order.
 Provide delivery and payment details.
 Place an order.
 Receive confirmation in the form of an order number.

As the goal of the system is to make the process of placing an order as simple as possible for the
customer, the functionality provided through the web ordering system is restricted to that which
most pertinent to accomplish the desired task. All of the functions outlined above, with the
exceptions of account creation and management, will be used every time a customer places an
order. By not including extraneous functions, I am moving towards my goal of simplifying the
ordering process.

4.4 Order Retrieval System

User interaction with the order retrieval will be very simple. The application will
automatically fetch new orders from the database at regular intervals and display the order numbers,
along with delivery time, in a panel on the left hand side of the application. To view the details of
an order, the user must simply click on that order number, which will populate the right-hand panel
with the details, displayed in an easy to read and navigate tree structure. This structure can
intuitively be expanded and collapsed to display only the desired information. Finally, once and
order is processed, the user clicks a single button, labeled “Processed”, to remove it from the list of
active orders

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

Web Ordering Restaurant

Customer Database Order Retrieval
System Employee


5.1 Performance Requirements Employee

The server hardware can be any computer capable of running both the web and database servers and
handling the expected traffic. For a restaurant that is not expecting to see much web traffic, or
possibly doing only a limited test run, an average personal computer may be appropriate. Once the
site starts generating more hits, though, it will likely be necessary to upgrade to a dedicated host to
ensure proper performance. The exact cutoffs will need to be determined through a more thorough
stress testing of the system.
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 7

5.2 Safety Requirements

The system shall be able to display a menu at all times to facilitate manual order taking should the
need arise.

5.3 Security Requirements

The user accounts must be encrypted not letting any other user or administrator to monitor or
modify their account.The payment must be well monitored through online transactions or cash on

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

All of the application data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, and therefore a PostgreSQL server
must also be installed on the host computer. As with Apache2, this software is freely available and
can be installed and run under most operating systems.

5.5 Business Rules

The Administrator must manage the user accounts and client accounts and make sure the client have
his menu updated frequently

The delivery boy must keep the track of deliveries made and payment collection and make sure the
delivery is reached on time

Payment made must be distributed among the client and the administrator after the delivery through
Software Requirements Specification for Online food Ordering System Page 8

Other Requirements

Appendix A: Glossary
Web application – an application, often comparable in functionality to a desktop application,
which is accessed over a network, often via a web browser, rather than hosted on the user’s machine

Apache2 – a very common, freely available HTTP server

XAMPP – a free and open source server package which contains, among other things, the Apache
HTTP Server, MySQL, MercuryMail, and a PHP interpreter

Freeform input – input fields in which the user is not presented with a finite set of choices, but
rather allowed to supply their own input (ex. textbox)

Input sanitization- pre-processing of user input to prevent malicious side-effects

Appendix B: Analysis Models

The structure of the system can be divided into three main logical components. The first component
must provide some form of menu management, allowing the restaurant to control what can be
ordered by customers. The second component is the web ordering system and provides the
functionality for customers to place their order and supply all necessary details. The third and final
logical component is the order retrieval system. Used by the restaurant to keep track of all orders
which have been placed, this component takes care of retrieving and displaying order information,
as well as updating orders which have already been processed.

The structure of the system can be divided into 3 main logical components:

• Web Ordering System- provides the functionality for customers to place their order and supply
necessary details.

• Menu Management-allows the restaurant to control what can be ordered by the customers

• Order Retrieval System-This is a final logical component. It allows restaurant to keep track of
all orders placed. This component takes care of order retrieving and displaying order information.

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