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NAME: _____________________________DATE: _______________________

CLASS: _______________________________________________


Assessment duration: 60 minutes

Difficulty: Medium
OVER: 10 Marks
Test type: Objective evaluation with structured basis
General Instructions:
 First write clearly your first and last names, class, parallel and date
 Read each question carefully and answer according to the achievement indicator.
 You must use a blue ink pen to write the answers.
 Avoid studs, smudges or embossing. The answers that are in these conditions will not be considered for the qualification.
 Don't cheat while taking the test, be honest
 While you are doing the test, check the spelling, calligraphy as well as the correct use of Grammar
 It is prohibited the use of any electronic device while doing the test
 Finally, make sure you have answered all of the questions, then hand the test to the teacher.
"If we did all we were capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves."
Thomas Edison
1. Write the infinitive in the following statements

I hope ____ (go) to England next year.

I asked ____ (see) the manager.

I would prefer ____ (eat) healthy.

Do you want ____ (study) with me tonight?

You forget______ (close) the car’s window.

2. Correct the mistakes in the use of the gerunds in the following words.

 Plaing ---------------------
 Startting ---------------------
 Fliing ----------------------
 Openning ----------------------
 Watchin
NAME: _____________________________DATE: _______________________
CLASS: _______________________________________________

3.- Read the following story and complete with gerunds or infinitives

I’m writing (1.) _______ (tell) that I’m going to visit you and your family next month. I know that (2.)
_______ (travel _gerund) by plane would be the best option. However, you know I’m afraid of (3.)
_______(fly _gerund), so I’ll take the train. It will be a 2-day ride, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it. It’ll be
amazing (4.) _______(see) you and Rachel after 7 years.

4.- Order the following sentences.

- / stopped / to / we / have / a softdrink /


- / tried / to lift / the box / we / but it was too heavy /


- /up at 6am / to get/ I / like /


- /need / harder / we / work/ to /


E 5.- Write the correct use to form imperatives.

1. ___________ __pictures with flash. don’t smoke

don’t take
2. ____________inside the museum, cigarettes are bad for your health. enjoy
3. Please_____________ or drink inside the museum. don’t eat
turn off
4. ____________ your visit as much as possible.

5. _____________ your mobile phone during your visit.

NAME: _____________________________DATE: _______________________
CLASS: _______________________________________________

6.- Write the past simple and past participle of the following verbs.

- Choose _______________ _________________

- Buy _______________ _________________
- Arrive _______________ _________________
- Make ________________ _________________
- Knock ________________ __________________
- Write ________________ _________________
- Dry _________________ __________________
- Wash _________________ _________________
- Send _________________ _________________
- Pick up __________________ __________________

Signatures of Responsibility:
TEACHER: Director: MSc. Cristina Velastegui
Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: :

Student’s signature: ____________________________

N° C.I: ________________________________________

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