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This chapter presents the data gathered from randomly selected students of the

grade 9 and grade 10 students and also from selected personnel’s of La Consolacion

College-Daet. The study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effectiveness

of the Anti-bullying policy in preventing bullying cases in LCCD.

Students receive the Anti-bullying Policies implemented

“Bullying is the most common form of violence in our society. Studies have

found that approximately 30 percent of students in grades 6-10 are involved in bullying,

as a perpetrator, victim, or both (Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2003)” an excerpt of one of

the related studies from the study of Srisiva, Thirumoorthi and Sujatha. From that being

said the researchers obtained the accuracy that the students are receiving or aware of the

Anti-bullying policies being implemented. From the data gathered, most of the

respondents answered that they do not know the policies being implemented however,

based from their observations some said that it is being received enough that they do not

see or hear any cases of bullying being reported and that bullying lessened but there are

also respondents who do not see its effectiveness because in their perspective bullying is

still prevalent in the school. On the other hand, there are students who have experienced

bullying but did not report it, what they did is they just ignored and let it pass even

though they are aware of the policies while others have no idea about the policies so they
do not know that they are policies that can help them on their underlying issues

furthermore, a few of the respondents claimed that even if they know about these policies

students will just refuse to take it seriously.

Selected personnel were interviewed, they have told the researchers that

orientations on the start of the school year are being done to introduce students to the

different policies being implemented and this includes policies regarding bullying. From

an answer from a personnel, he stated that it is alarming that students do not know the

policies being implemented but they are certain that the students are receiving or will

receive the benefits of these policies if only they will do their role in this institution.

Readiness of La Consolacion College-Daet in Responding to Bullying Incidents

Identifying the readiness of an institution in solving cases regarding bullying is an

important factor to determine the effectiveness of the policies being implemented since

according to one in the related literature which is from Romeo Vitelli he stated that, “One

recent meta-analysis suggests that anti-bullying programs work best for younger students

but, for students in Grade Eight or above, may actually be counterproductive.” From the

interview of the personnel’s they have told the researchers that the institution are very

ready in handling bullying incidents. Firstly, because there are committees and policies

made and prepared to take an act if there are reports given, also every personnel of the

school are well oriented and are knowledgeable on how or what to do regarding bullying

cases. In addition to this, proper and justified sanctions are ready in case it is needed after

discussing the issue being held.

The researchers verified the readiness of the school from the answers given by the

respondents. Most of the respondents are aware that preventive measures are being done

and for them it is effective enough to lessen the bullying moreover, some of the

respondents that have experienced bullying saw an immediate action from the institution.

Procedures of La Consolacion College-Daet in Handling Bullying Cases

To further understand and know the effectiveness of bullying, procedures are

given to the researchers by the interviewed personnel’s. In handling bullying cases the

first thing is of course to make a formal report of the incident both sides of the victim and

the bully are being taken and assessed by the prefect of discipline but if the case is still

not resolve and other variables are being involved such as the parents or complains from

others the P.O.D will refer the case to the discipline committee which includes the

president, the guidance councilor, the president of the student coordinating body, the

coordinator of student academic discipline and coordinator of studies to further

investigate and eradicate the situation. After investigations a final report will be

submitted as well as recommendations and if there are disciplinary acts or sanctions to be

done it will also be discussed and given.

Students must be aware about these procedures being done for them to know unto

what exactly they are relying to. From some of the answers of the respondents the

researchers found out that these procedures are being utilized since some of the

respondents who have been bullied said that the policies have helped them overcome

Preventive Measures Implemented to Ensure the Effectiveness of the Anti-Bullying


Policies or actions are done depending on the situation especially that there are

different kinds of bullying and sometimes it is unpredictable that is why policies may

vary or may be revised depending to what is needed thus, preventive measures are done

to keep the effectiveness of the anti-bullying policies being implemented. From the

answers of the personnel’s the researchers have known preventive measures done by

LCCD. Constant orientations are done for the students, teachers and other support

personnel since everyone is involved in every policy that is implemented. From the study

of Ancho and park they stated, “ Conducting lectures on nonviolence and human rights

education as a compulsory part of the curriculum serves as a strategic move in instilling

values among students. It also works for teachers and school personnel since it would

help them work with the theories and principles of peace and interpersonal relationship.”

this explains that the participation of everyone and their knowledge about the issue is one

tactical way to ensure the value of these policies are being effective. In addition, a

committee is always on hand and alert for variations, this committee is the Children

Protection Committee (CPC), which is headed by the principal.

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