Proposal English Study Camp: II. AIM

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A. Background
English has become one of the important languages in our lives today. However, with
that, the current educational system with the methods of teaching and learning activities
in the classroom is not enough to build the English skills of the learners and even make
this lesson a scourge. For that, so many people can build their skills by studying in
places where English is. But, learning the learning process requires a long process and
time, to stimulate the students to build British culture.
Based on the realistic conditions in society that have undergone English education
through the general education path, as well as the courses that apply the brief classroom
method of meeting, we are trying to develop a more innovative method of teaching
English that is English camper. An English camper is able to accelerate and stimulate
students not only to speak but love and enjoy communicating in English, by giving
environment atmosphere and more applicative and implementative learning
environment, and communicative programs so that participants can implement English
that is studied directly without neglecting the spiritual side as the basic value standard in
creating a plenary community. In the end, "English with Fun" is not only a mere slogan,
but actually becomes a whole culture building in the English township.
This “ENGLISH CAMP” activity aims to: Our programs have at least general and
specific goals.
1. General Goals
To improve the competence and capability of human resources as a future asset to the
global stage
2. Special Purpose.
To Prepare professional and competent human resources as one of the prerequisites and
basic capital to perform and advance the forefront.

1. Time and Place.
This activity is held for ± 1 - 3 days by overseeing participants in the English speaking
2. Participants. Participants Super English camp, Development, Development and Training
English comes from students, and some Lecturers Pembina.

Becoming a Facilitator in English Camp, Development, Development and Training
(English Training) Tentor / Freelance instructor experienced in camping English
recruited from campus / student affairs. The usual company is recruited by the board of
Advent International Management.
The structure of English Camp Program is: Development, Development and Training of
English, this training is adapted to the ability of the participants by focusing on speaking
skills and grammar as a basic benchmark.


Description the Program offered during the training consists of general materials and
materials plus mixed in various activities as follows:
Is a classroom learning activity by presenting grammar materials, or improving the
structure of English Grammar. The purpose of the presentation of this material is so that
learners know about the basic forms of tenses for those whose English language skills
are still weak and consolidation for those who already have the ability to speak English
well. Teaching materials delivered by Instructor and accompanied by program
coordinator. The time duration for this activity is 2 x 45 minutes.
Is a religious lecture, held every morning after performing the morning prayers in
congregation. This lecture was delivered by participants of the township by using
English. This program is accompanied by Program / instructor coordinator. The time
duration given for the program is 1 x 45 minutes.
Is a discussion program that presents themes so close to the phenomenon of everyday
life, so that learners can understand the topic of conversation, and also easily digest the
discussions presented so that the participants can be actively involved in the discussion.
The discussion is guided by a modified instructor in several methods such as in
talkshow, or talklive. The time duration for this activity is 2 x 45 minutes.
Is the introduction of the type of formal meetings, by practicing formal meetings and
also involves participants directly, for example by becoming a Master Of Ceremony
(MC), Speakers for opening ceremony, and also a speaker for closing ceremony. The
duration for this activity is 2 x 45 minutes
This activity is a communication activity among fellow participants in pairs, with a
topic that has been determined by the instructor, the participants are free to talk with
their spouses, using English. The instructor has a role to monitor the conversation
between the participants, and to assist the participants if there are participants who have
difficulty vocabulary. The time duration is 1 x 45 minutes.
This program is aimed at improving the ability of previously designated participants as
speakers in presenting an interesting topic to be discussed by the participants as a
whole. This program is not much different from the discussion program. Participants
appointed as speakers are required to make writing in English which is guided by their
respective tutors. All the participants got their turn as speakers. The point is to provoke
the participants to express their opinions and opinions in English. The time duration is 2
x 45 minutes (divided into two sessions).
It is the activity of building and maintaining arguments, on the statement given to the
topic given by the instructor. Introducing international methods of debate. Duration 2 x
45 minutes.
Is a speech program delivered by each participant. Which serve as a benchmark for the
improvement of vocabulary (vocabulary). Instructors spur the ability of participants to
use pre-memorized vocabulary by providing a standard time for participants to make
speeches. Participants are divided into small groups (maximum 5 people), then each
group is guided by the instructor.
Is the activity of building and self-development in everyday entities, for the role given
to the topic given by the instructor in the form of individual or group intreaction.
Introduce the role and function of a community. Duration 1 x 45 minutes
10. ENGLISH SKILL (Listening, Reading, Writing).
Is an english proficiency deepening activity directed to the pattern and setting of speech
in the latest fomat as a measurable stimulus and exeleration tool, to introduce basic skill
method and learning media of english language up to date. Duration 1 x 45 minutes.
It is a sports activity conducted in the morning, using English instruction, so that
participants can recognize and know the variety of instruction in sports and marching
activities. This activity is guided by the instructor, the duration is 1 x 45 minutes
Is an entertaining game pattern with educative content, which involves participants.
Games that are held related to reasoning power, and mastery of vocabulary, thus helping
participants build memory and also serves as a refresher for participants. Games guided
by instructors with a duration of 2 x 45 minutes (conditioned).
It is the password mentioned as a keyword (vocabulary) before breakfast, lunch, dinner,
and before bed. The goal is for participants to add to their vocabulary of English.
Instructors and committees play a role in providing oversight. Duration of 1 x 15
Is the activity of participants in building the ability to speak and tell about the
experience by using English. The method used is to create small groups and held
outdoors (outdoor). This activity is guided by the tutors of each group. 1 x 45 minute.
It is an interview test for participants at the beginning of the meeting, aimed at
classifying which participants are very poor in English, and which have better English
skills, in order to deliver the materials and approaches used by the instructors
appropriately. 1 x 45 minutes.
It is part of the test in communicating directly to foreign nationals, as well as English
teachers working with Ketapang International Management to be interviewed by the
participants. The instructors help to provide direction on who and where the object of
the interview. Duration 2 x 60 minutes.
Is a daily evaluation related to the implementation of programs that take place in every
day. This evaluation is related to the progress and progress of each participant. This
activity is carried out in the form of small groups directly guided by their respective
tutors. Duration 1 x 45 minutes.
This program accommodates all forms of criticism and suggestions from each
participant as well as instructor corrections to participants who make the violations
followed by the imposition of sanctions. This activity is guided by the program
coordinator. Duration of 15 minutes.
This program is intended as one form of art actualization in order to explore each talent
of participants who must be staged in the form of English drama at the end of the
activities directly guided by the instructor by raising the social themes of the actual and
entertainment and guidance with a duration of 2 x 15 minutes .
An Activity Form that leads to the development and speaking skills that are more
focused on the central material and themes surrounding the participants' personal stories
and experiences and the monumental historical stories they master as one form of
actualization of tension and listening comprehension. Guided by the instructor with a
duration of 2 x 15 minutes.
A Form of Group Activity that leads to the development and writing and translation
skills that are more focused on the central material and themes which are general
articles and readings as one form of actualization of grammar learning and teamwork.
Guided by the instructor with a duration of 2 x 15 minutes.

The budget estimates for each training exercise are based on the number of participants
and funds obtained from non-binding donors, participant donations, alumni donations
and proposals, with recapitulation of funds for each participant / per head multiplied by
the number of days of training. COVER The Guidance Manual This activity is a
reference and a brief overview of the Implementation of the English Funtastic english
camp, Development, Development & Training, which is expected to provide an
overview of the technical guidance and systematics of this activity to all competent
parties so that it is expected to contribute and contribute development in order to smooth
and achieve the target of the program. So this Guide of Kaiai, Hope Can be a reference
in the organization of ENGLISH CAMP, Development, Development & Training of

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